腾讯云点播 播放器 SDK 手册 产品文档说明书
![腾讯云点播 播放器 SDK 手册 产品文档说明书](
【版权声明】©2013-2017 腾讯云版权所有本文档著作权归腾讯云单独所有,未经腾讯云事先书面许可,任何主体不得以任何形式复制、修改、抄袭、传播全部或部分本文档内容。
文档目录文档声明 (2)播放器 SDK 手册 (4)点播播放综述 (4)超级播放器 Android (5)超级播放器 iOS (10)超级播放器 Web (14)Web 视频播放器综述 (14)使用文档 (16)开发文档 (31)播放器 SDK 下载 (37)播放器 SDK 手册点播播放综述概述腾讯云点播提供了移动端和 Web 端播放器。
特点仅需要视频在点播中的 fileId 即可播放,简单快速。
如果视频开启了视频播放控制(视频加密、Referer 防盗链和 Key 防盗链),播放器可以正常支持。
移动端播放器提供 Android 和 iOS 平台的 SDK,适合在移动端 APP 中集成点播视频的播放功能。
Web 端播放器集成在 Web 服务器,用于客户端(PC 和移动端)通过浏览器观看点播视频。
(Web播放器尚未发布,敬请期待)超级播放器 Android功能介绍超级播放器是基于TXVodPlayer实现的集视频信息拉取、横竖屏切换、清晰度选择、弹幕等功能于一体的解决方案,且完全开源。
ESP8266 ⺟母板上跳线设置为 MTDO:0,GPIO0:0,GPIO2:1,进入入下载模式。
• 如下绿色色显示示区域,选择要烧录的 bin 文文件 ➝ 填写烧录地址 ➝ 勾选待烧录的选项。
Espressif Systems Confidential
Friday, April 17, 2015
Table of Contents
1. 前言言...............................................................................................................4
Espressif Systems Confidential
Friday, April 17, 2015
• 设置 COM 口口和波特率。
• 点击 "START" 开始下载。 • 下载完成后,将⺟母板断电,修改跳线为运行行模式,上电正常运行行。
更多ESP8266的信息,请访问:/ 新手手指南位于BBS /viewforum.php?f=21
2. 开发工工具
以下列出建议使用用的串口口工工具和烧录工工具,客户也可以选择使用用其他同样功能的工工具。串口口工工具, 用用于打印信息,进行行调试;烧录工工具,用用于下载软件到 flash 中。
![MODBUS SDK用户手册](
ZModbusSdk配置函数库使用手册V1.001 函数库说明............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.1简介:........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2提供的函数接口........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2.1以太网链路连接............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2.2串口链路连接................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2.3以太网与串口链路断开连接........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2.4以太网与串口链路的数据采集(读写)....................... 错误!未定义书签。
2错误代码................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1函数库说明1.1 简介:ZModbusSdk函数库为标准的MODBUS(主机)协议提供函数接口。
图2(d) 点Finish按钮后就把工程引进来了,如下图:
图2(e) 右键点击该工程,选择Properties进入界面后选择Android并将Is Library 打勾,如下图:
9 / 21
5.2、引用 SDK_LibProject
导入SDK_LibProject工程后就可以引用该工程了,步骤如下图(以 DianJinDemo工程为例):
6.1.1、初始化(initialize) ................................................................................... 14 6.1.2、推广墙显示(showOfferWall)................................................................. 15 6.2、显示 Banner ........................................................................................................... 15 6.2.1、xml 形式 ..................................................................................................... 15 6.2.2、代码形式 ..................................................................................................... 16 七、查询余额及消费接口 ..................................................................................................... 17 7.1、查询余额(getBalance) ...................................................................................... 17 7.2、消费(consume) ................................................................................................. 18 九、常量 ................................................................................................................................. 19 八、FAQ .................................................................................................................................. 20 8.1、项目编译时无法找到 DianJinPlatform 类,如何处理? .................................... 20 8.2、应用运行时抛出安全权限异常,如何处理? ...................................................... 20 8.3、访问我们提供的库资源出现错误,如何处理? ................................................ 20
java sdk使用手册
![java sdk使用手册](
java sdk使用手册Java SDK(Software Development Kit)是用于开发Java应用程序的软件包,它包含了一系列工具、库和文档,帮助开发人员更轻松地创建和部署Java应用程序。
下面我将从多个角度介绍Java SDK的使用手册。
1. 安装和配置,首先,你需要下载并安装Java SDK。
你可以从Oracle官方网站或者其他可信赖的来源下载最新的Java SDK版本。
安装完成后,你需要配置环境变量,以便系统能够找到Java SDK的安装目录。
2. 编程基础,Java SDK包含了Java编程语言的基础库和工具。
你可以使用Java SDK中的编译器(javac)来编译Java源代码文件,然后使用Java虚拟机(java)来运行生成的字节码文件。
Java SDK还包含了丰富的类库,包括用于处理输入输出、网络通信、图形界面等方面的类和方法。
3. 文档和示例,Java SDK提供了详细的文档和示例代码,帮助开发人员快速上手。
你可以在官方网站或者安装目录中找到Java API文档,其中包含了所有Java标准库的详细说明。
4. 调试和性能优化,Java SDK提供了丰富的调试和性能优化工具,帮助开发人员诊断和解决程序中的问题。
5. 发布和部署,最后,Java SDK还包含了用于打包和部署Java应用程序的工具。
你可以使用Java打包工具(jar)将你的程序打包成一个可执行的JAR文件,也可以使用Java Web Start来将你的程序发布到互联网上,让用户可以通过浏览器直接启动你的应用。
总之,Java SDK是Java开发人员的利器,它提供了丰富的工具和文档,帮助开发人员快速高效地开发、调试和部署Java应用程序。
本文档可能涉及安徽科大讯飞信息科技股份有限公司的专利 (或正在申请的专利) 、 商 标、版权或其他知识产权,除非得到安徽科大讯飞信息科技股份有限公司的明确书面许可 协议,本文档不授予使用这些专利(或正在申请的专利) 、商标、版权或其他知识产权的任 何许可协议。
目 录
第1章 概述 ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 目的 .....................................................................................................................1 1.2 范围 .....................................................................................................................1
第4章 RECOGNIZER 开发接口说明 ....................................................................................................12
4.1 公共方法............................................................................................................12 4.2 事件 ...................................................................................................................12 4.3 构造函数详细信息 .............................................................................................12
阿里云移动推送 App SDK 手册说明书
![阿里云移动推送 App SDK 手册说明书](
--App SDK 手册Android SDK手册使用前必读:移动推送名词解释&约束1. 创建应用到阿里云移动推送控制台创建应用,应用创建完成以后,进入移动推送相关模块进行设置,具体操作请参见 创建APP 。
2. SDK下载和集成2.1 SDK下载2.2 SDK目录结构OneSDK|-- AndroidManifest.xml|-- build.gradle|-- libs--2.3 SDK集成:请在工程中添加android-support-v4.jar支持包(v2.3.0以上),关于v4支持包的说明请参考:https:///topic/libraries/support-library/features.html#v4;手动拷贝下载SDK中的libs目录,手动拷贝后需要在APP工程的build.gradle中配置jniLibs的目录:3. 配置AndroidManifest.xml3.1 appkey和appsecret配置和为您App的对应信息,在推送控制台APP列表页的应用证书中获取。
| |-- armeabi| | |-- -网络连接库及幽灵进程的辅助lib| | |--| |-- armeabi-v7a| | |--| | |--| |-- arm64-v8a| | |--| | |--| |-- x86| | |--| | |--| |-- arm64| | |--| | |--| |-- alicloud-android-push-sdk.jar -移动推送主功能包| |-- alisdk-ut.jar -UT基础包| |-- utdid4all.jar -设备Id生成包|--|-- srcandroid {...sourceSets {main {jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs']}}}<meta-data android:name="" android:value="*****"/> <!-- 请填写你自己的- appKey --><meta-data android:name="" android:value="****"/> <!-- 请填写你自己的appSecret -->--3.2 Permission 的配置将以下uses-permission片段拷贝进你manifest中的Permission申明区域中:3.3 Service 的配置将以下service片段拷贝进你Manifest中的service申明区域中:<!--阿里移动推送相关权限--><!--Android 6.0版本可去除,用于选举信息(通道复用)的同步--><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS" /><!--进行网络访问和网络状态监控相关的权限声明--><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" /><!--允许对sd卡进行读写操作--><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /><!--网络库使用,当网络操作时需要确保事务完成不被杀掉--><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" /><!--用于读取手机硬件信息等,用于机型过滤--><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" /><!--选举使用,当应用有删除或者更新时需要重新选举,复用推送通道--><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BROADCAST_PACKAGE_CHANGED" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REPLACED" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RESTART_PACKAGES" /><!--补偿通道小米PUSH使用,不用可去除--><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" /><!--补偿通道GCM使用,不使用可去除--><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" /><!--允许监听启动完成事件--><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" /><!--允许访问震动器--><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" /><!-- 通道保持服务 --><service android:name=""android:exported="true" android:process=":channel"><intent-filter><action android:name=""/></intent-filter><intent-filter><action android:name="" /><category android:name="taobao" /></intent-filter></service><!-- 消息接收服务 --><service android:name=""android:exported="false"><intent-filter><action android:name="" /></intent-filter>3.4 Receiver 的配置将以下receiver片段拷贝进你manifest中的receiver申明区域中:4. Proguard配置 <intent-filter><action android:name="" /></intent-filter></service><!-- 连接心跳保持监听器 --><receiver android:name="$Receiver" ><intent-filter><action android:name="MAND" /></intent-filter></receiver><!--消息接收监听器--><receiver android:name=""><intent-filter><action android:name=""/></intent-filter><intent-filter><action android:name=""/></intent-filter><intent-filter><action android:name="MAND" /></intent-filter><intent-filter><action android:name="MAND" /></intent-filter><intent-filter><action android:name="" /></intent-filter><intent-filter><action android:name=".conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE" /></intent-filter><intent-filter><action android:name="ER_PRESENT" /></intent-filter><intent-filter><action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED"/></intent-filter><intent-filter><action android:name="android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED"/><data android:scheme="package"/></intent-filter></receiver>5. 在应用中注册和启动移动推送首先通过PushServiceFactory获取到CloudPushService,然后调用register()初始化并注册云推送通道,并确保Application上下文中进行初始化工作。
上图“ZIP”按钮,下载后解压缩可得到开发工具包。开发工具主要包含:封装 Weibo.api 接口)使用 sso 一个 Demo,包含调用 weibo.api 接口)基于 扩展的 sso 源码) 封装源码) Android 平台微博 SDK 说明文档(建议下载,方便开发)必须下载,该 jar 封装了 weibo.api 和 sso 相关方法) 开发工具下载地址: 3. 搭建开发环境 环境需求:JDK+SDK+IDE(Eclipse)+ 此处基于 为例。可以类比新建项目。 1) 在 Eclipse 中右键选择 Import,选择 Existing Projects into Workspace,从中 选 择 项 目 所 在 位 置 。 导 入 结 果 如 下 图 所 示 :
配置授权回调页 授权回调页是为 OAuth2.0 认证机制中的登陆认证地址,用户登录完成后最后悔跳 转此地址。 须在应用中配置次跳转地址才能使用 SDK 完成用户登录。 授权回调页查看及 设置地址: 第三方应用主页应用信息高级信息OAuth2.0 授权设置。 如下图所示: 2)
注:在使用 SDK 时,配置授权毁掉也是必不可少的,若没有配置,则登陆完成后无 法检测到授权地址,就无法获取授权的 Token 等信息。此地址并非必须配置成能访问地 址,保证格式正确即可。 2. 下载 Android 终端开发工具包 在 新 浪 微 博 开 放 平 台 文 档 一 页 有 SDK 下 载 一 项 , 找 到 IOS SDK 下 载 链 接 https:///mobileresearch/weibo_android_sdk/downloads ,打开后可打包 下载。
ZLG致远电子AW280 SDK 用户手册 V1.00
![ZLG致远电子AW280 SDK 用户手册 V1.00](
广州致远电子股份有限公司AWorksEasyARM_IMX28x SDK 用户手册修订历史目录1. 硬件平台简介 (1)1.1 硬件平台结构 (1)1.2 AW28核心板 (2)1.2.1 核心板简介 (2)1.2.2 产品特性 (3)2. aw_28a_sdk 软件包 (4)2.1 AWorks架构 (4)2.2 SDK目录结构 (4)2.2.1 apollo目录 (5)2.2.2 documents 目录 (6)2.2.3 examples_eclipse目录 (7)2.2.4 projects_eclipse目录 (8)2.2.5 tool目录 (9)2.3 工程结构 (9)2.3.1 interface (9)2.3.2 user_code (9)2.3.3 user_cpp_code (10)2.3.4 user_config (10)2.3.5 其他文件 (11)3. 工程资源配置 (12)3.1 设备配置 (12)3.1.1 GPIO、DMA、INT、CLK (13)3.1.2 WDT (13)3.1.3 Timer (14)3.1.4 UART (15)3.1.5 I2C (17)3.1.6 OCOTP (19)3.1.7 SPI (19)3.1.8 SDIO (21)3.1.9 SDCard (25)3.1.10 Nand Flash (26)3.1.11 DC Buzzer (27)3.1.12 GPIO LED (28)3.1.13 PWM (28)3.1.14 PWM Buzzer (30)3.1.15 ADC (30)3.1.16 Touch Screen (31)3.1.17 LCD (32)3.1.18 PHY (32)3.1.19 EMAC (33)3.1.20 SWITCH (34)3.1.21 GPIO KEY (34)3.1.22 CAN (36)3.1.23 SPI Flash (37)3.1.24 EEPROM (39)3.1.25 DS2460 (40)3.1.26 RTC (42)3.1.27 ZigBee (45)3.1.28 USB host (46)3.1.29 USB device (47)3.2 驱动配置 (48)3.2.1 USB Mass Storage (48)3.2.2 USB Pl2303 (49)3.3 组件配置 (49)3.3.1 Console (49)3.3.2 Shell (50)3.3.3 Event (50)3.3.4 Network (51)3.3.5 Ftp sever (51)3.3.6 File System (51)3.4 系统资源配置 (53)3.4.1 aw_main线程 (53)4. 免责声明 (53)1. 硬件平台简介EPC-AW287I是广州致远电子股份有限公司精心推出的一款工控开发主板,主板以Freescale基于ARM9内核的i.MX28x多媒体应用处理器为核心,处理器主频高达454MHz,支持64MB DDR2和8MB SPI FLASH,同时提供了众多的外设资源,可以满足消费电子和工业控制等应用,具体信息请参考:/IPC/AW287.php。
DS_8000/7000/6000 系列网络硬盘录像机、IP 设备客户端软件开发包编程手册
版本 2.20(Build 080606)
非常感谢您使用我们公司的设备,我或印刷错误。本手册的内容将做定期的更 新,恕不另行通知;更新的内容将会在本手册的新版本中加入。我们随时会改进或 更新本手册中描述的产品或程序。
第二章 编程指南 .......................................................................................... 4
2.1 编程说明.................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 函数调用顺序.......................................................................................................... 5
AnyCAD .Net SDK 用户手册
![AnyCAD .Net SDK 用户手册](
1. 简介
AnyCAD .Net SDK 为.Net4.0 开发者提供简单易用的三维建模和三维可视化的 API。SDK 主要由三维建模的 API 和可视化管理 API 组成。
AnyCAD 三维建模有以下功能: 三维基本体,如点、线、多折线、Spline 曲线、圆、椭圆、圆弧、球、长方体(立
3. 三维可视化
代码详见 AnyCAD.Basic 示例。
3.1. 系统初始化
初始化 AnyCAD SDK 和三维可视化窗口。
3.1.1. AnyCAD.Platform.Application
Application 为系统初始化类,需要在程序启动的时候创建并初始化。
private void ShowTopoShape(TopoShape topoShape, int id) {
PrsNodeManager nodeManager = theView.GetNodeManager(); Entity entity = new Entity(); entity.SetTopoShape(topoShape); PrsNode node = nodeManager.CreateSceneNode(entity, id, false); if (node != null) {
3.2.2. 自动刷新视图
为窗体添加一个计时器对象,在 Tick 事件中出发绘制命令
private void timerDraw_Tick(object sender, EventArgs ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้) {
theView.RequestDraw(); theView.Redraw(); }
阿里云访问控制 STS SDK使用手册说明书
![阿里云访问控制 STS SDK使用手册说明书](
q q q q q q qSTS SDK使用手册Java SDK前言简介本文档主要介绍STS Java SDK的安装和使用。
本文档假设您已经开通了阿里云RAM服务,并为主账号或者RAM用户创建了Access Key ID 和Access Key Secret。
在使用STS Java SDK之前,建议认真阅读RAM用户指南, 理解主账号、RAM用户、联盟用户和短期访问凭证等概念,以及STS的应用场景。
版本更迭Java SDK开发包(2015-08-25) 版本号2.1.6发布AssumeRole接口安装在Eclipse中使用JAR包步骤如下:在阿里云官方网站下载STS Java SDK解压文件将解压后文件夹中的文件: aliyun-java-sdk-core-<versionId>.jar 以及 aliyun-java-sdk-sts-<versionId>.jar 拷贝到你的工程文件夹中在Eclipse右键工程 -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Add JARs 选择你拷贝的所有JAR文件经过上面几步之后,你就可以在工程中使用STS Java SDK了其他IDE与Eclipse配置方法类似。
以2.1.6版本为例,在 <dependencies> 标签内加入如下内容:使用入门 创建和管理角色STS的AssumeRole接口的使用,需要在RAM中创建和管理角色,请参考RAM角色管理使用maven创建项目修改生成的pom.xml, 添加aliyun-java-sdk的相关依赖。
以2.1.6版本为例,在<dependencies> 标签内加入如下内容:<dependency><groupId>com.aliyun</groupId><artifactId>aliyun-java-sdk-sts</artifactId><version>2.1.6</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>com.aliyun</groupId><artifactId>aliyun-java-sdk-core</artifactId><version>2.1.7</version></dependency>mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.aliyun.sts.sample \-DartifactId=sts-sdk-sample \-Dpackage=com.aliyun.sts.sample \-Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT<dependency><groupId>com.aliyun</groupId><artifactId>aliyun-java-sdk-sts</artifactId><version>2.1.6</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>com.aliyun</groupId><artifactId>aliyun-java-sdk-core</artifactId><version>2.1.7</version></dependency>qq aliyun-java-sdk已经加入到 https:///artifact/com.aliyun无需设置maven的settings.xml。
NetSDK 主动注册使用说明书V1.0.0前言概述本文档详细描述了NetSDK主动注册工具的使用。
目录前言 .................................................................................................................................................. I 1 简介 . (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2主界面 (1)2 基本配置 (3)2.1(可选)添加目录 (3)2.2添加设备 (4)2.2.1 通过IP地址添加 (4)2.2.2 通过主动注册添加 (5)3 日常操作 (9)3.1搜索设备 (9)3.2视频预览 (10)3.3云台控制 (11)3.3.1 调整监视区域 (12)3.3.2 调节镜头参数 (12)3.3.3 设定预置点 (12)3.3.4 三维定位 (13)3.4查看或修改设备属性 (13)1简介将NetSDK主动注册工具安装到PC,此时PC可以作为平台使用,用于连接有固定IP地址的设备,或者接收具有主动注册功能设备的注册,操作设备的云台功能。
腾讯视频 iOS 媒体播放器 SDK 参考手册说明书
![腾讯视频 iOS 媒体播放器 SDK 参考手册说明书](
2. 系统框架
2.1 系统框架图
2.2 系统框架图
3. 使用说明
3.1 开发环境配置
1. 需要准备iOS的运行环境(XCode6.0以上版本,iOS SDK8.0以上版本), 以及硬件CPU支持ARMv7、ARMv7s或ARM64的iOS设备。
2. 在阿里云官网上注册云帐号,并开通视频点播或视频直播服务。 视频点播服务开通 视频直播服务开通
3. 使用说明 ........................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 开发环境配置 ........................................................................................................................ 4 3.2 设置用户权限 ........................................................................................................................ 7 3.3 SDK 包添加 ............................................................................................................................ 8 3.4 开发步骤 ................................................................................................................................. 8 3.5 Demo 示例............................................................................................................................... 8
联盛德微电子 WM_W600_SDK 用户手册说明书
![联盛德微电子 WM_W600_SDK 用户手册说明书](
WM_W600_SDK用户手册V1.0北京联盛德微电子有限责任公司 (winner micro)地址:北京市海淀区阜成路67号银都大厦18层电话:+86-10-62161900公司网址:文档修改记录目录文档修改记录 (2)目录 (3)1引言 (5)1.1概述 (5)1.2芯片简介 (5)1.3SDK基本特征 (8)2SDK使用说明 (11)2.1软件架构 (11)2.2目录结构 (11)2.3编译连接 (12)2.3.1KEIL工程编译 (12)2.3.2GCC编译 (12)2.3.3编译结果 (12)2.4烧录固件 (13)2.4.1通过ROM烧录 (13)2.4.2通过SecBoot烧录 (13)2.5程序调试 (14)2.5.1固件调试信息 (14)2.5.2JTAG/SWD调试 (14)2.5.3AT指令调试 (14)3开发工具 (15)3.1编译工具 (15)3.1.1KEIL (15)3.1.2GCC (15)3.2IMG生成工具 (15)3.3下载工具 (16)3.4调试工具 (16)4开发指南 (17)4.1WM_SDK启动方式 (17)4.2用户程序入口 (17)4.3内存使用 (18)4.4FLASH布局 (18)4.5用户参数管理 (18)4.6系统参数管理 (19)1引言1.1概述本文主要描述W600软件开发包(SDK)的功能和使用方法,该SDK集成了600硬件驱动(BSP)、实时操作系统、TCP/IP协议栈、WiFi协议栈以及其它公共模块,能够满足大部分应用软件的需求。
1.2芯片简介Figure 1 W600芯片架构●芯片外观QFN32封装●芯片集成度集成Cortex-M3处理器,80MHz频率集成288KB SRAM集成1MB FLASH集成8通道DMA控制器,支持任意通道分配给硬件使用或是软件使用,支持16个硬件申请,支持软件链表管理片上集成2.4G射频收发器,满足IEEE802.11规范集成PA/LNA/TR-Switch集成32.768KHz时钟振荡器集成电压检测电路集成LDO集成电源控制电路集成上电复位电路●芯片接口集成1个SDIO2.0 Device控制器,支持SDIO 1位/4位/SPI三种操作模式,工作时钟范围0~50MHz集成2个UART接口,支持RTS/CTS,波特率范围1200bps~2Mbps集成1个高速SPI从设备接口,工作时钟范围0~50MHz集成1个SPI主/从接口,主设备工作时钟最高为20MHz,从设备支持最高6Mbps数据传输速率集成一个I2C控制器,支持100/400Kbps速率集成GPIO控制器集成PWM控制器,支持5路PWM单独输出或者2路PWM输入。
Silicon Labs Bluetooth SDK 用户指南说明书
![Silicon Labs Bluetooth SDK 用户指南说明书](
Bluetooth ® SDK GA19Q2 Gecko SDK Suite July 19, 2019Silicon Labs is a leading vendor in Bluetooth hardware and software technologies, used in products such as sports and fitness, consumer electronics, beacons, and smart home applications. The core SDK is an advanced Bluetooth 5-compliant stack that provides all of the core functionality along with multiple API to simplify development. The core func-tionality offers both standalone mode allowing a developer to create and run their appli-cation directly on the SoC, or in NCP mode allowing for the use of an external host MCU. Extensions to the SDK include Bluetooth Mesh and Apple ® HomeKit ® for customers seek-ing the additional capabilities.These release notes cover SDK version(s): released on July 19, 2019 released on June 7, 2019Compatibility and Use NoticesIf you are new to the Silicon Labs Bluetooth SDK, see Using This Release . Compatible Compilers:IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (IAR-EWARM) version 8.30.1• Using w ine to build with the IarBuild.exe command line utility or IAR Embedded Workbench GUI on macOS or Linux could result inincorrect files being used due to collisions in wine’s hashing algorithm for generating short file names. • Customers on macOS or Linux are advised not to build with IAR outside of Simplicity Studio. Customers who do should carefullyverify that the correct files are being used. GCC (The GNU Compiler Collection) version 7.2.1, provided with Simplicity Studio.KEY FEATURESAdded support for new parts [B|M]GM210PContents Contents1New Items (3)1.1New Features (3)1.2New APIs (3)2Improvements (4)2.1Changed APIs (4)3Fixed Issues (5)4Known Issues in the Current Release (6)5Deprecated Items (7)6Removed Items (8)7Using This Release (9)7.1Installation and Use (9)7.2Support (9)8Legal (10)8.1Disclaimer (10)8.2Trademark Information (10)New Items 1 New ItemsGecko Platform release notes are now available through Simplicity Studio’s Launcher Perspective, under SDK Documentation > Blue-tooth SDK 2.12.n.n > Release Notes. The Gecko Platform code provides functionality that supports protocol plugins and APIs in the form of drivers and other lower layer features that interact directly with Silicon Labs chips and modules. Gecko Platform components include EMLIB, EMDRV, RAIL Library, NVM3, and mbedTLS.1.1 New FeaturesAdded in release packet chainingWith this feature, the total amount of advertising data in an advertising packet can be up to 1650 bytes in extended advertising.1.2 New APIsFor additional documentation and command descriptions please refer to the Bluetooth Software API Reference Manual.Added in release 2 Improvements2.1 Changed APIsChanged in release the 191 bytes advertising data limitation for extended advertising.cmd_le_gap_set_adv_dataRemoved the 191 bytes advertising data limitation for extended advertising.evt_le_gap_extended_scan_responseAdded new value in packet_type parameter for data incomplete status.evt_le_gap_scan_responseAdded new value in packet_type parameter for data incomplete status.evt_sync_dataAdded new value in data_status parameter for data incomplete status.Fixed Issues 3 Fixed IssuesFixed in release unstable connection issue while the master device has multiple simultaneous connections and is performing scanning. 5943 Fix an issue that the stack may return the link layer procedure response timeout error when closing a Bluetooth connec-tion.6136 After advertising is started the stack will send the first advertisement straight away. Previously it might send it after the first advertisement interval has elapsed.6349 Fix disconnection issue when performing connection update with slave latency and specific interval parameters.6375 Apploader can now write images right up to the NVM start address.6458 Fix missing ADI field in chained advertisement packets.6465 The stack can now handle 255 bytes data in cmd_system_data_buffer_write command.6475 Periodic advertising data can now be set in stack when the periodic advertising has not been started. Previously this command returns an error.6501 The stack now blocks the example LTK in Bluetooth specification if sent by the other device. This security improvement addresses vulnerability CVE-2019-2102.6502 Fix default RF antenna pin selection for EFR32xG21 parts, radio boards and xGM210 modules.6520 If advertising single event at a time, the stack does not check anymore if packet length would exceed advertising interval.Previously packet_too_long error would have been returned.6532 The stack ensures that the GATT database hash value is calculated when it is first read by commandgecko_cmd_gatt_server_read_attribute_value. Previously an incorrect value might be returned in this case. Additionallythe fix also prevents from overwriting the hash value with gecko_cmd_gatt_server_write_attribute_value.6542 A change was introduced in version 2.12.0 which caused compatibility issues with TB Sense mobile app. This change was reversed to fix those issues and it will be reintroduced when board detection gets improved on the TB Sense mobile appside.Fixed in release In Bluetooth SDK 2.11.4 and 2.11.5, occasionally the stack is unable to receive all GATT write without response or charac-teristic value notification PDUs.4559 Deleting the bonding of a device while the device is still connected causes the stack using outdated bonding data on the connection. This has been fixed so that the connection is also closed after the bonding has been deleted.5940 The application cannot configure the maximum ATT MTU if GATT client is excluded. This has been fixed by adding a new equivalent API in GATT server class.6051 When Bluetooth runs in RTOS, the stack initialization may cause assertions.6135 Advertising could not be restarted if a timeout has been set previously.6189 Increasing security on a connection with previously bonded devices may fail.6279 The stack does not correctly inform the application about ATT MTU size change if the remote device first denies the stack’s ATT MTU exchange request and then initiates another ATT MTU exchange request.Known Issues in the Current Release 4 Known Issues in the Current ReleaseIssues in bold were added since the previous release.1835 With certain events, GCC breakpoints cannot be set. Change optimization level to none in projectsettings4521 Command gecko_cmd_gatt_discover_primary_services_by_uuidNonereturns success in case of incomplete parameters.5390 The sync_data event does not report TX power. NoneDeprecated Items 5 Deprecated ItemsDeprecated in release item: EFR32BG14 Part SupportReason: The EFR32BG14 is EOL.End-of-Service (EoS) Date: June 30, 2020. As of this EoS date, EFR32BG14 part support will no longer be available in the then current and future GSDK releases, and EFR32BG14 parts will no longer be supported in any GSDK releases.Maintenance Period: From now until the EoS date, only critical bug fixes and security patches may be made available on currently supported GSDK releases.Replacement: EFR32BG13.Deprecated in release of June 2019 Simplicity Studio 3.0 is being deprecated. All access will be removed from Silicon Labs' website at the end of 2019. Deprecated APIscmd_le_gap_set_conn_parametersThe replacement is cmd_le_gap_set_conn_timing_parameters.cmd_le_connection_set_parametersThe replacement is cmd_le_connection_set_timing_parameters.Removed Items 6 Removed ItemsNoneUsing This Release 7 Using This ReleaseThis release contains the following•Silicon Labs Bluetooth stack library•Bluetooth sample applicationsFor more information about the Bluetooth SDK see QSG139: Getting Started with Bluetooth® Software Development. If you are new to Bluetooth see UG103.14: Bluetooth LE Fundamentals.7.1 Installation and UseA registered account at Silicon Labs is required in order to download the Silicon Labs Bluetooth SDK. You can register at https:///apex/SL_CommunitiesSelfReg?form=short.Stack installation instruction are covered in QSG139: Getting Started with Bluetooth® Software Development.Use the Bluetooth SDK with the Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio V4 development platform. Simplicity Studio ensures that most software and tool compatibilities are managed correctly. Install software and board firmware updates promptly when you are notified. Documentation specific to the SDK version is installed with the SDK. Additional information can often be found in the knowledge base articles (KBAs). API references and other information about this and earlier releases is available on https:///.7.2 SupportDevelopment Kit customers are eligible for training and technical support. You can use the Silicon Labs Bluetooth LE web page to obtain information about all Silicon Labs Bluetooth products and services, and to sign up for product support.You can contact Silicon Laboratories support at /support.Legal 8 Legal8.1 DisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications.Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only.Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descrip-tions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any Life Support System. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.8.2 Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, ISOmodem®, Micrium, Preci-sion32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress®, Zentri, Z-Wave and others are trade-marks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs.ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings.Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited.Apple and HomeKit are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。
ND 统计SDK使用手册for AndroidV2.1目的本文档旨在帮助开发者了解统计的基本功能,以及Android 客户端ND 统计SDK 的接入方法和约束。
接入流程ND 统计支持Android 与IOS 的客户端接入,开发者通过以下流程来接入SDK:创建应用:创建的应用都会分配AppId 与AppKey,其中AppId 是中对应用的唯一标识,ND统计SDK 通过AppId 来鉴别应用的身份,同时AppKey 是为应用分配的密钥,用于保证应用来源的可靠性。
在下面一节将会详细介绍Android 客户端的SDK 接入方法。
SDK 集成环境配置1) Eclipse 环境配置下载最新版sdk 的rar 包,解压将其中的NdAnalyticsSDK_Android_V2.0.jar 释放到本地目录,Eclipse 用户右键您的工程根目录,选择Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries, 然后点击Add External JARs... 选择指向NdAnalyticsSDK_Android_V2.0.jar 的路径,点击OK,即导入成功。
注意,你的应用api-level 必须是>= 4。
2) AndroidManifest.xml 权限配置请在AndroidManifest.xml 加入以下权限:<uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"></uses-per mission><uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"></uses-permiss ion><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/><uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permis sion>接口功能功能接口定义在 类中,都是静态方法,下面介绍它的功能:1) 初始化统计功能使用前必须先调用初始化方法,它代表你的程序的一次启动过程。
NVIDIA vGPU软件管理SDK用户指南.pdf_1701845661.594438说明书
![NVIDIA vGPU软件管理SDK用户指南.pdf_1701845661.594438说明书](
DU-08141-001 _v7.0 through 7.5 Revision 02 | May 2020 User GuideTABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Introduction to the NVIDIA vGPU Software Management SDK (1)1.1. NVIDIA vGPU Software Management Interfaces (1)1.2. Introduction to NVML (3)1.3. NVIDIA vGPU Software Management SDK contents (3)Chapter 2. Managing vGPUs from a hypervisor by using NVML (5)2.1. Determining whether a GPU supports hosting of vGPUs (5)2.2. Discovering the vGPU capabilities of a physical GPU (6)2.3. Getting the properties of a vGPU type (6)2.4. Getting the properties of a vGPU instance (7)2.5. Building an NVML-enabled application for a vGPU host (10)Chapter 3. Managing vGPUs from a guest VM (11)3.1. NVIDIA vGPU Software Server Interfaces for GPU Management from a Guest VM (11)3.2. How GPU engine usage is reported (11)3.3. Using NVML to manage vGPUs (12)3.3.1. Determining whether a GPU is a vGPU or pass-through GPU (12)3.3.2. Physical GPU properties that do not apply to a vGPU (12) GPU identification properties that do not apply to a vGPU (13) InfoROM properties that do not apply to a vGPU (13) GPU operation mode properties that do not apply to a vGPU (13) PCI Express properties that do not apply to a vGPU (14) Environmental properties that do not apply to a vGPU (14) Power consumption properties that do not apply to a vGPU (14) ECC properties that do not apply to a vGPU (15) Clocks properties that do not apply to a vGPU (15)3.3.3. Building an NVML-enabled application for a guest VM (15)3.4. Using Windows Performance Counters to monitor GPU performance (15)3.5. Using NVWMI to monitor GPU performance (16)Figure 1 NVIDIA vGPU Software server interfaces for GPU management (2)T able 1 Summary of NVIDIA vGPU Software server interfaces for GPU management (2)The NVIDIA vGPU software Management SDK enables third party applications to monitor and control NVIDIA physical GPUs and virtual GPUs that are running on virtualization hosts. The NVIDIA vGPU software Management SDK supports control and monitoring of GPUs from both the hypervisor host system and from within guest VMs.NVIDIA vGPU software enables multiple virtual machines (VMs) to have simultaneous, direct access to a single physical GPU, using the same NVIDIA graphics drivers that are deployed on non-virtualized operating systems. For an introduction to NVIDIA vGPU software, see Virtual GPU Software User Guide.1.1. NVIDIA vGPU Software Management InterfacesThe local management interfaces that are supported within an NVIDIA vGPU software server are shown in Figure 1.Figure 1 NVIDIA vGPU Software server interfaces for GPU management For a summary of the NVIDIA vGPU software server interfaces for GPU management, including the hypervisors and guest operating systems that support each interface, and notes about how each interface can be used, see Table 1.T able 1 Summary of NVIDIA vGPU Software server interfaces for GPUmanagement1.2. Introduction to NVMLNVIDIA Management Library (NVML) is a C-based API for monitoring and managing various states of NVIDIA GPU devices. NVML is delivered in the NVIDIA vGPU software Management SDK and as a runtime version:‣The NVIDIA vGPU software Management SDK is distributed as separate archives for Windows and Linux.The SDK provides the NVML headers and stub libraries that are required to build third-party NVML applications. It also includes a sample application.‣The runtime version of NVML is distributed with the NVIDIA vGPU software host driver.Each new version of NVML is backwards compatible, so that applications written to a version of the NVML can expect to run unchanged on future releases of the NVIDIA vGPU software drivers and NVML library.For details about the NVML API, see:‣NVML API Reference Manual‣NVML man pages1.3. NVIDIA vGPU Software Management SDK contentsThe SDK consists of the NVML developer package and is distributed as separate archives for Windows and Linux:‣Windows: ZIP archive‣Linux: grid_nvml_sdk_410.141.tgz GZIP-compressed tar archiveThe contents of these archives are summarized in the following table.NVIDIA vGPU software supports monitoring and control of physical GPUs and virtual GPUs that are running on virtualization hosts. NVML includes functions that are specific to managing vGPUs on NVIDIA vGPU software virtualization hosts. These functions are defined in the nvml_grid.h header file.NVIDIA vGPU software does not support the management of pass-through GPUs from ahypervisor. NVIDIA vGPU software supports the management of pass-through GPUs only from within the guest VM that is using them.2.1. Determining whether a GPU supports hosting of vGPUsIf called on platforms or GPUs that do not support NVIDIA vGPU, functions that are specific to managing vGPUs return one of the following errors:‣NVML_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED‣NVML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTTo determine whether a GPU supports hosting of vGPUs, call the nvmlDeviceGetVirtualizationMode() function.A vGPU-capable device reports its virtualization mode asNVML_GPU_VIRTUALIZATION_MODE_HOST_VGPU.Managing vGPUs from a hypervisor by using NVML2.2. Discovering the vGPU capabilities of a physical GPUTo discover the vGPU capabilities of a physical GPU, call the functions in the following table.2.3. Getting the properties of a vGPU typeTo get the properties of a vGPU type, call the functions in the following table.2.4. Getting the properties of a vGPU instance To get the properties of a vGPU instance, call the functions in the following table.2.5. Building an NVML-enabled application for a vGPU hostFuctions that are specific to vGPUs are defined in the header file nvml_grid.h. To build an NVML-enabled application for a vGPU host, ensure that you include nvml_grid.h in addition to nvml.h:#include <nvml.h>#include <nvml_grid.h>For more information, refer to the sample code that is included in the SDK.NVIDIA vGPU software supports monitoring and control within a guest VM of vGPUs or pass-through GPUs that are assigned to the VM. The scope of management interfaces and tools used within a guest VM is limited to the guest VM within which they are used. They cannot monitor any other GPUs in the virtualization platform.For monitoring from a guest VM, certain properties do not apply to vGPUs. The values that the NVIDIA vGPU software management interfaces report for these properties indicate that the properties do not apply to a vGPU.3.1. NVIDIA vGPU Software Server Interfaces for GPU Management from a Guest VMThe NVIDIA vGPU software server interfaces that are available for GPU management from a guest VM depend on the guest operating system that is running in the VM.3.2. How GPU engine usage is reportedUsage of GPU engines is reported for vGPUs as a percentage of the vGPU’s maximum possible capacity on each engine. The GPU engines are as follows:‣Graphics/SM‣Memory controller‣Video encoder‣Video decoderThe amount of a physical engine's capacity that a vGPU is permitted to occupy depends on the scheduler under which the GPU is operating:‣NVIDIA vGPUs operating under the Best Effort Scheduler and the Equal Share Scheduler are permitted to occupy the full capacity of each physical engine if no other vGPUs are contending for the same engine. Therefore, if a vGPU occupies 20% of the entire graphics engine in a particular sampling period, its graphics usage as reported inside the VM is 20%.‣NVIDIA vGPUs operating under the Equal Share Scheduler can occupy no more than their allocated share of the graphics engine. Therefore, if a vGPU has a fixed allocation of 25% of the graphics engine, and it occupies 25% of the engine in aparticular sampling period, its graphics usage as reported inside the VM is 100%. 3.3. Using NVML to manage vGPUsNVIDIA vGPU software supports monitoring and control within a guest VM by using NVML.3.3.1. Determining whether a GPU is a vGPU or pass-through GPUNVIDIA vGPUs are presented in guest VM management interfaces in the same fashion as pass-through GPUs.To determine whether a GPU device in a guest VM is a vGPU or a pass-through GPU, call the NVML function nvmlDeviceGetVirtualizationMode().A GPU reports its virtualization mode as follows:‣ A GPU operating in pass-through mode reports its virtualization mode as NVML_GPU_VIRTUALIZATION_MODE_PASSTHROUGH.‣ A vGPU reports its virtualization mode asNVML_GPU_VIRTUALIZATION_MODE_VGPU.3.3.2. Physical GPU properties that do not apply to a vGPUProperties and metrics other than GPU engine usage are reported for a vGPU in a similar way to how the same properties and metrics are reported for a physical GPU. However, some properties do not apply to vGPUs. The NVML device query functions for getting these properties return a value that indicates that the properties do not applyto a vGPU. For details of NVML device query functions, see Device Queries in NVML API Reference Manual . GPU identification properties that do not apply to a vGPU3.3.2.2. InfoROM properties that do not apply to a vGPUThe InfoROM object is not exposed on vGPUs. All the functions in the following table return NOT_SUPPORTED . GPU operation mode properties that do not apply to a vGPU3.3.2.4. PCI Express properties that do not apply to a vGPUPCI Express characteristics are not exposed on vGPUs. All the functions in the following table return NOT_SUPPORTED. Environmental properties that do not apply to a vGPUAll the functions in the following table return NOT_SUPPORTED. Power consumption properties that do not apply to a vGPU vGPUs do not expose physical power consumption of the underlying GPU. All the functions in the following table return NOT_SUPPORTED. ECC properties that do not apply to a vGPUError-correcting code (ECC) is not supported on vGPUs. All the functions in the following table return NOT_SUPPORTED. Clocks properties that do not apply to a vGPUAll the functions in the following table return NOT_SUPPORTED.3.3.3. Building an NVML-enabled application for a guest VMTo build an NVML-enabled application, refer to the sample code included in the SDK.3.4. Using Windows Performance Counters to monitor GPU performanceIn Windows VMs, GPU metrics are available as Windows Performance Counters through the NVIDIA GPU object.For access to Windows Performance Counters through programming interfaces,refer to the performance counter sample code included with the NVIDIA Windows Management Instrumentation SDK.On vGPUs, the following GPU performance counters read as 0 because they are not applicable to vGPUs:‣% Bus Usage‣% Cooler rate‣Core Clock MHz‣Fan Speed‣Memory Clock MHz‣PCI-E current speed to GPU Mbps‣PCI-E current width to GPU‣PCI-E downstream width to GPU‣Power Consumption mW‣Temperature C3.5. Using NVWMI to monitor GPU performanceIn Windows VMs, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) exposes GPU metrics in the ROOT\CIMV2\NV namespace through NVWMI. NVWMI is included with the NVIDIA driver package. After the driver is installed, NVWMI help information in Windows Help format is available as follows:C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA WMI Provider>nvwmi.chmFor access to NVWMI through programming interfaces, use the NVWMI SDK. The NVWMI SDK, with white papers and sample programs, is included in the NVIDIA Windows Management Instrumentation SDK.On vGPUs, some instance properties of the following classes do not apply to vGPUs:‣Ecc‣Gpu‣PcieLinkManaging vGPUs from a guest VMVirtual GPU Software Management SDK DU-08141-001 _v7.0 through 7.5 Revision 02 | 17PcieLink instance properties that do not apply to vGPUs No instances of PcieLink are reported for vGPU.NoticeALL NVIDIA DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, REFERENCE BOARDS, FILES, DRAWINGS, DIAGNOSTICS, LISTS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS (TOGETHER AND SEPARATEL Y, "MATERIALS") ARE BEING PROVIDED "AS IS." NVIDIA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE MATERIALS, AND EXPRESSL Y DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NVIDIA Corporation assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication of otherwise under any patent rights of NVIDIA Corporation. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all other information previously supplied. NVIDIA Corporation products are not authorized as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of NVIDIA Corporation.HDMIHDMI, the HDMI logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.OpenCLOpenCL is a trademark of Apple Inc. used under license to the Khronos Group Inc.TrademarksNVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, NVIDIA GRID, vGPU, Pascal, Quadro, and T esla are trademarks or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.Copyright© 2013-2020 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.。
彩虹SDK-小智IM版本PC端用户使用手册(V1.0.1版)北京领通科技有限公司所属不得翻印目录第一部分介绍与说明................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第一章用户资料使用说明............................. 错误!未定义书签。
1 操作手册使用说明............................. 错误!未定义书签。
2 PC端要求: ................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3 软件背景..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第二章用户许可协议................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第二部分新手备查................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第一章彩虹SDK-小智IM版本概述..................... 错误!未定义书签。
1 彩虹SDK-小智IM版本整体介绍 ................. 错误!未定义书签。
2彩虹SDK-小智IM版本操作思路.................. 错误!未定义书签。
第二章软件功能说明................................ 错误!未定义书签。
1 安装及初始化................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2 启动......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3 PC端登录(客服用户) .......................... 错误!未定义书签。
4 连接客服..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
5 IM实时聊天 .................................. 错误!未定义书签。
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目录. (2)
1.引言 (4)
1.1.编写目的 (4)
1.2适用范围 (4)
2. 接口分类 (4)
3. 接口详细说明 (4)
3.1数据库服务连接、状态查询接口 (4)
3.1.1 数据库服务(HSServer类) (4)
3.1.2 名字服务集合(HSNameServers类) (5)
3.1.3 名字服务对象(HSNameServer类) (6)
3.2数据库测点提交、查询接口 (6)
3.2.1测点集合(HSPoints类) (6)
3.2.2测点对象(HSPoint类) (7)
3.2.3测点组集合(HSGroups类) (8)
3.2.4测点组对象(HSGroup类) (8)
3.2.5批量测点集合(HSPointList类) (8)
3.2.6 数据名称-值集合(HSNameValues类) (9)
3.2.7数据名称-值对象(HSNameValue类) (9)
3.3数据提交、查询接口 (9)
3.3.1数据值集合(HSData类) (9)
3.3.2测点数据值集合(HSValues类) (10)
3.3.3测点数据值对象(HSValue类) (11)
3.3.4批量测点数据值集合(HSListData类) (11)
3.3.5测点-值集合(HSPointValues类) (12)
3.3.6测点-值对象(HSPointValue类) (12)
3.4数据库用户、权限管理接口 (12)
3.4.1用户集合(HSUsers类) (12)
3.4.3角色集合(HSRoles类) (13)
3.4.4角色对象(HSRole类) (13)
3.5测点模糊查询对话框 (14)
3.5.1测点模糊查询窗体(HSDlgTestShow类) (14)
3.6枚举集接口 (18)
3.6.1枚举集集合(HSEnumrations类) (18)
3.6.2枚举集对象(HSEnumration类) (18)
2. 接口分类
3. 接口详细说明
3.1 数据库服务连接、状态查询接口
3.1.1 数据库服务(HSServer类)
3.1.2 名字服务集合(HSNameServers类)
3.1.3 名字服务对象(HSNameServer类)
该类代表HighSoon的测点对象,有一个属性返回HSData对象,另有属性返回HSPointAtrriubtes 集合对象。
3.2.6 数据名称-值集合(HSNameValues类)
3.3 数据提交、查询接口
3.5.1测点模糊查询窗体(HSDlgTestShow 类)
其中,HS 命名服务器列表是通过读取“C:\Windows ”路径下的文件“HSSDK.ini ”获取,数据库实例项跟随命名服务的变化动态响应,其下拉列表内容为命名服务器中所包含的数据库实例。