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Unit 1 1. 和…合作/ 和…一起工作work with 2. 制作单词卡make word cards 3. 读教科书read the textbook 4. 听磁带listen to the tape 5. 向…寻求/要…ask sb for…6. 为考试做准备/备考study for a test 7. 看录像watch the videos 8. 和…谈话have conversations with sb 9. 大声朗读read aloud 10. 练习发音practice pronunciation 11. 学到很多learn a lot 12. 口语表达能力speaking skills 13. 英语口语spoken English 14. 有点儿紧张 a little nervous 15. 作报告give a report 16. 听报告have a report 17. 知道大意get the main ideas 18. 首先at first 19. 使用字典use a dictionary 20. 读句子read the sentences 21. 要耐心be patient 22. 越多…越快The more…the faster…23. 发现学英语难find it difficult to learn 24. 在英语课上in English class 25. 学习语言的秘密the secret to language learning 26. 如此…以至于so ... that 27. 大部分时间most of time 28. 害怕…be afraid of sth 29. 害怕做…be afraid to do sth=be afraid doing sth 30. 由于/因为because of 31. 我糟糕的发音my poor pronunciation 32. 埋头在教科hide behind the textbook 33. 令人兴奋和有趣的电exciting and funny movies 34. 爱上…fall in love with 35. 肢体语言body language 36. 脸上的表情expressions on their faces 37. 得到/知道意思get the meaning 38. 有用的句子the useful sentences 39. 小菜一碟 a piece of cake 40. 你活该It serves you right 41. 查阅…(字典) look up…42. 以便于so that 43. 更好地理解英语电影have a better understanding of English movies 44. 改善我的发音improve my pronunciation 45. 词组word groups 46. 练习讲英语practice speaking English 47. 提高…写作improve one’s writing 48. 练习听力practice listening 49. 学习语法learn grammar 50. 看英语节目watch English programs 51. 大声重复repeat out loud 52. 记/做笔记take notes 53. 做练习do exercises 54. 大量阅读read a lot 55. 给笔友写点子邮件write e-mails to sb 56. 和…讲英语speak English with sb 57. 记忆句型memory sentences patterns 58. 用英语记笔记take notes in English 59. 用英语记日记keep a diary English 60. 使用英语字典use an English dictionary Unit2 1. 给出个人反应give a personal reaction 2. 泼水节the Water Festival 3. 龙舟节the Dragon Boat Festival 4. 春节the Spring Festival 5. 灯笼节the Lantern Festival 6. 多么美好的一天! What a great day! 7. 一点 a little/ a bit/ a little bit 8. 看望亲戚visit relatives 9. 出去吃饭eat out/ go out for dinner 10. 增加(体重)/发胖/穿上put on 11. 在两周以后in /after two weeks 12. 听起来像…sound like+n 13. 一年最热的月the hottest month of the year 14. 从…到…from …to…15. 和…相似be similar to/ be the same as 16. …的时间the time of 17. 在街道上in /on the street 18. 朝…扔…throw sth to sb / sp 19. 洗剂掉…wash away 20. 好运good luck 21. 满月 a full moon 22. 把…带给…carry sth to sb 23. 传统的民间故事traditional folk storis 24. …的故事the story of…25. 射掉shoot down 26. 计划做…plan to do sth 27. 设法偷try to steal 28. 拒绝做…refuse to do sth 29. 飘向…fly up to 30. 对…喊出call out one’s name to…31. 摆开/布置lay out sth in /on /at 32. 回来come back/ be back/ get back 33. 五月第二个星期the second Sunday of May 34. 六月第三个星期天the third Sunday of June 35. 给…礼物give gifts to sb 36. 带…出去吃饭ake sb out for dinner/lunch 37. 越来越受欢迎more and more popular 38. 展示/表达我们的爱show our love 39. 花很多的钱spend a
