5月5日SAT写作考试范文分享 附考试趋势解读
很明显,18年以来, CB选用的文章已经放弃了原来“浅显易懂”的分析要素—引用权威、数据以及明显的对比,过去三次考试,CB选择的文章更看重reasoning,所以多见的是cause-effect,root cause, clarify misconception等,这种趋势值得大家重视。
5月5日SAT写作分析此次SAT写作的文章Give the Data to the People选自2014年地New York Times,文章浅显易懂,歌颂地是当下的“分享经济”,鼓励更多的pharmaceutical companies分享临床试验数据,互通有无,分享相关地试验数据,提高研发新药的速度,减少药物的副作用,为社会做出更多的贡献。
这篇文章的evidence部分主要运用的是medical evidence 和典型案例分析(case study),并且用业内的leader做role model,增强persuasiveness;Reasoning的部分来说,主要的是contrast和cause-effect analysis,此外还有pre-emptivecounterargument; emotional appeals主要集中在文章的最后,用sense of duty/responsibility/ Samaritan spirit(好人精神)来uplift social morale.纵观全文,虽然没有同学们最钟爱的Statistics 证据,但是具有很多关键的factual evidence 。
这其中采用了concession and rebuttal的论证关系来阐明公开早就数据的可行性。
2016年新SAT Essay要点剖析
As you read the passage below, consider how Dana Gioia uses• evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims.• reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence.• stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion, to add power to the ideas expressed.Adapted from “Why Literature Matters”by Dana Gioia. ©2005 by The New York Times Company. Originally published April 10, 2005.[A] strange thing has happened in the American arts during the past quarter century. While income rose to unforeseen levels, college attendance ballooned, and access to information increased enormously, the interest young Americans showed in the arts—and especially literature —actually diminished.…(出于篇幅考虑,此处省略8个段落)Reading is not a timeless, universal capability. Advanced literacy is a specific intellectual skill and social habit that depends on a great many educational, cultural, and economic factors. As more Americans lose this capability, our nation becomes less informed, active, and independent-minded. These are not the qualities that a free, innovative, or productive society can afford to lose.Write an essay in which you explain how Dana Gioia builds an argument to persuade his audience that the decline of reading in America will have a negative effect on society. In your essay, analyze how Gioia uses one or more of the features listed in the box above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage.Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Gioia’s claims, but rather explain how Gioia builds an argument to persuade his audience.从上述样题的粗体字部分可以看出,这篇需要分析的样文最初发表于2005年4月,其标题为《文学为何重要》(“Why Literature Matters”)。
亚太5月新sat首考阅读:如何形成有效的做题策略备受关注的新SAT亚太首考5月7日完善落幕,为了让大家准时了解新SAT 的动态,新东方在线老师亲赴韩国、日本,为大家第一时间呈现新SAT亚太首考的考试状况。
第一篇: 现当代小说类(难度中等)选自Nawabdin Electrician by Daniya Mueenuddin,文章来自《纽约客》文章大意:一个仆人在农场工作,收入颇低。
语言风格不是太难, 用词用句难度比19世纪的小说选段略低, 但根据文章风格并非描写英美国家生活, 且情节不那么一目了然, 文章后半段难度较前半段低。
第二篇: 社科类(比常见社科类略难)Public Trust in the News by Stephen Coleman, Scott Anthony, and David E.Morrison文章大意:过去的news有authority的感觉,比如BBC随着媒体大众化,人们发现没有必要相信媒体导向的很多观点。
传统的新闻主要是加入了记者或专家的观点,而现代新闻更侧重还原所有信息,还原到raw material 本身,让读者自己下定论。
第三篇: 科学类(难度中等)文章大意:讲述针对某一植物进行的实验, 检测pollinator和bettles是否会由于植物特性(frangrance增加)改变而产生趋性的改变。
香港五年班英文作文Hong Kong F.5 English Essay。
Hong Kong is a vibrant city with a unique blend of Eastern and Western cultures. As a student in Hong Kong, I have spent five years in secondary school, also known as Form 1 to Form 5. These five years have been a challenging yet rewarding experience that has helped me grow as a person and prepare for my future.In Hong Kong, secondary education is divided into two stages: junior secondary and senior secondary. Junior secondary consists of Form 1 to Form 3, while senior secondary consists of Form 4 to Form 6. During these five years, I have studied a wide range of subjects, including Chinese, English, mathematics, science, history, geography, and physical education.English is one of the most important subjects in Hong Kong secondary schools. It is not only a language but alsoa means of communication and a key to success in the global economy. In Form 1 and Form 2, we focused on building our foundation in grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. We also learned how to write different types of essays, such as descriptive, narrative, and argumentative essays.In Form 3, we started preparing for the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), which is a crucial exam that determines our eligibility for further education and employment opportunities. We learned how to analyze and interpret different types of texts, such as news articles, advertisements, and literary works. We also practiced our writing skills by writing essays on various topics and participating in debates and discussions.In Form 4 and Form 5, we continued to develop our language skills and prepare for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE), which is an even more challenging exam that requires higher-level thinking and critical analysis. We learned how to write different types of academic essays, such as research papers, literaryanalyses, and argumentative essays. We also practiced our oral communication skills by giving presentations and participating in group discussions.Apart from academic studies, we also participated in various extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, drama, and community service. These activities helped us develop our social skills, leadership skills, and teamwork skills. They also provided us with opportunities to explore our interests and passions and pursue our dreams.In conclusion, my five years in Hong Kong secondary school have been a valuable and unforgettable experience. I have learned not only academic knowledge but also life skills and values. I have made many friends and memories that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I am grateful for the opportunities and challenges that have helped me grow and prepare for my future.。
After reading the passage, choose the answer to the question that most effectively improves the quality of writing in the passage or that makes the passage conform to the conventions of standard written English. Sometimes the question will include a "NO CHANGE" option. Choose that option if you think the best choice is to leave the relevant portion of the passage as it is.A number of growing career fields are facing a crisis: a shortage of educators to train a future workforce. Specifically, postsecondary training programs in trade and industrial (T&I) occupations such as welding, manufacturing, and auto repair lack enough qualified instructors to prepare students to embark on these career paths. The problem is compounded by the fact that it is difficult to lure skilled workers away from jobs in these more loaded trades for jobs in the modestly paying field of education. To address the shortage, postsecondary training programs would do well to recruit skilled professionals from T&I fields to teach as adjunct faculty (part-time instructors). Teaching part-time would allow experienced professionals to help educate the future workforce while retaining their positions in the private sector.Select an answer(A) NO CHANGE(B) expensive(C) profiteering(D) lucrative答案:D解析:Choice D is the best answer because it offers the most contextually appropriate way to set up the contrast being drawn between higher-paying jobs in the trades and modestly paying jobs in the education field.为了让我们更好的适应sat考试,sat官网每天都会有sat官方每日一题,上面是小编为您整理的2016年5月sat官方每日一题,是关于写作的,让我们一起来看一看这道写作题吧。
新SAT考试词汇题真题解析 语境不可忽略
1、2016年5月亚洲卷阅读第2题As used in line 16, “kicks” most nearly meansA) thrills.B) complaints.C) jolts.D) interests.本题考查的单词“kick”很简单,但是选项里估计有很多同学不认识thrill(战栗,激动) 和jolt(颠簸,摇晃;震惊),这已经是做题的第一道障碍,答案选项有不认识的词;再看该词所在的完整的句子:He did not demur even when asked to fix watches, though that enterprise did spectacularly badly, and in fact earned him more kicks than kudos, for no watch he took apart ever kept time again.我们发现demur (反对;抗辩)是生词,kick 对应的后面的单词kudos(来自希腊语,赞扬,荣誉) 也不认识,这是第二道障碍。
2、2016年5月亚洲卷阅读第49题As used in line 69, “betting on” most nearly meansA) dabbling in.B) gambling with.C) switching from.D) optimistic about.单看这道题目,bet on 的本义是“以……打赌”;dabble in 本义是“玩水”,引申义是“涉足,涉猎”;gamble with 是“以……赌博”,引申义“以……冒险”;switch的本义是“开关” switch from引申为“从……转换”;optimistic about 的意思是“对……很乐观”。
新SAT5月首考阅读:新SAT阅读小说类文章如何准备新东方在线致赢新SAT 邓玥新SAT亚太地区首考已经结束,新东方在线SAT老师第一时间从韩国和日本考场发来了本次考试的最新资讯。
小说在新SAT 的考试中会出现,并且在OG的每套练习中都有一篇。
在这里,我们会觉得作者描写的情绪很低落,尤其是透过no cheering这个词来表示作者的心情。
>>>领取新SAT 样题书册,欢迎点进官网
在新SAT发布的这一套样题中,我们发现每个模块都对之前发布的样题做了进一步的内容性补充,整体上完善了新SA T考试的考试大纲和考试结构。
1) 写作:增加了完整的评分标准,从2-8分评分标准解读了新SAT写作部分的具体要求,其中包括对于阅读能力,分析能力,语言鉴定能力和写作能力的评分点,充分显示出新SAT读写结合的整体性、一致性、跨学科性。
2) 阅读:阅读的题材和文章类型全面覆盖,其中加入了比较阅读文章,文本的复杂性增加,针对循证阅读提供更多题目,更细致地体现了新SA T的循证阅读能力模块的特点。
3) 数学:释放了21道新题,对于新SAT考试的数学部分提供了全面的考试内容参考。
4) 文法:从文法部分释放的样题来看,文法部分的常规考点比较稳定,与《特别说明中》所列基本考点较一致,但与之前的样题相比,这套样题出现了更多的段落题,能够较为完整地看到新SAT改革以后强调的部分考点:标点,文章结构题,语境中用词等。
阅读部分第一篇:小说小说选自美国经典现实主义小说 Sister Carrie,XXX为 Theodore Dreiser,最早出版于1900年。
小说截取的部分在论述 Carrie 在看一出关于纽约奢华生活的舞台剧。
Carrie 不免生出羡慕向往之心。
舞台剧还体现了这些生活在理想状态人还收到感情爱情嫉妒的折磨,这更让Carrie 羡慕,谁不愿意坐在金椅子里发愁,谁会不愿意在洒了香水的挂毯、有坐垫的家具和穿着制服的仆人那样的条件下受些折磨呢?回到她小小的 flat(套间),Carrie 暗暗下决心,假如我不能过上那样的生活,我就等于没有活过,或者说自己活过。
然后利用 MRL 研究他们大脑不同区域的活跃度。
* Combined score of two raters, each scoring on a 1– 4 scale 1-4
SAT 1. Composite Score 2 2. SAT raw score 3 3. SAT Test Score Evidence-Based Reading and Writing raw score 4. SAT Studies OG 1—15 5. SAT Subscore 7 Cross-section Score 3 Section Score 400—1600
25+15min 49
:35min 44
2-12 25min
2-8 50min
History Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.
This passage is adapted from a speech delivered by Congresswoman Barbara Jordan of Texas on July 25, 1974, as a member of the Judiciary Committee of the United States House of Representatives. In the passage, Jordan discusses how and when a United States president may be impeached, or charged with serious offenses, while in office. Jordan’s speech was delivered in the context of impeachment hearings against then president Richard M. Nixon.
新SAT阅读考点解析(2016年5月7日)SAT自改革后便受到各界的关注,下面文都国际小编给大家分析一下新SAT 阅读考点(2016年5月7日),帮助大家更好地掌握SAT阅读考试新动向。
1.词汇题 Words in context这个是老sat和新sat都在强调的内容,在新satz取消填空题的情况下,对于这种题目的考查有所增加,同时也更注重词汇的语境意思,本此5.7日的亚太考题中考查的词汇并非生僻的难词怪词,而是一些常用词汇在语境具体语境中的意思对应,比如文学文章中考查的“kicks”,原文给的是“although that enterprise did spectacularly badly,and earned him more kicks than kudos,for no watch he took apart ever kept time again.”根据原句意思在这里选择的是“complain”。
2.明确信息题Determine Explict Meanings这种类型的考点在新sat改革的官方指南中明确指出在information and idea中的明确了考点内容和信息,这个考点主要考查对文章具体信息和内容的理解,难度相对较小,但是新sat增加了一下难度,就是取消了其中的行号定位。
多数情况下,下一题会结合一个cite textual evidence的题目给出四个备选的行号定位,5.7日考试中也不例外,其中有细节题和循证题搭配出现的情况,也有只考查细节题,比如第一篇文学类文章中考查了一个细节题,问farm manager 对Nawab的态度,选项给了几个appreciation,envy,以及disgust等,而在原文倒数第二段中可以找到原词disgust,这个题目就没有行号定位,下一题也没有证据题提示行号,所以对原文细节处的理解要求更高。
3.循证题 Cite Textual Evidence比如第三篇科学类文章decoding a flower's message这篇文章中考到一题,题目问:researchers在在实验中采用的是什么方法?选择的direct observation.而第二题就给出行号定位,上一题得出的答案是在文章哪里找到的证据?对应到原文其中一段:“It was labor intensive,”这段中说到“as soon as they did,the team spent the next several hours walking from flower to flower,observing each for two-minute intervals”.4.图表题 Analyze Quantative Information这个考点在5.7日考试中的社科文章以及科学文章中都有涉及,这个部分的考题相对于OG中的图表题目相对较难一些,图表也比较复杂,在public trust in the news这篇文章中的表格给的是几个不同年份下的公众对于新闻的看法,其中对于news organization 的看法认为其是independent的有多少人,认为她们的信息受expert观点的影响有偏见的有多少,don't know的人有多少。
那么,小伙伴们如何在5月7日的考场上正确应对新SAT写作题目,从容做答呢?下面是搜集的最佳版本的写作答题步骤,推荐给大家,希望对大家有所帮助!1.审题拿到试卷,可以看到"Directions" 部分。
第一个方框里的内容可以不用阅读,它只是提醒同学在读英文文章时可以用那些分析手法,包括evidence(证据形式),reasoning(论证手法)和stylistic and persuasive elements(修辞元素)这三个方面,同样可以考前就熟悉了。
一般来说,中心思想都在persuade his/her audience that这个提示词组的后面。
第二次阅读,也可称之为细读,这时结合主旨和这三个分析方面(evidence,reasoning,stylistic and persuasive elements)来做批注(一般是:手法+内容),读完之后,把自己做的批注分类整理,相同的放在一起。
可参照(The author employs statistics to support his argument。
In paragraph 2,… In paragraph 6,…)3.写作第一段:作者的目的+作者的主题+所用的手法总括(如examples, statistics, comparison and contrast, parallel structure, rhetorical questions等),一般作者的目的可省,但后面的要包括。
但是这次考试的小说(选自于WilliamMaxwell的 TheFolded Leaf),却是相当简单。
College Board为什么会做这样的改变呢?首先,现行SAT的写作部分(Essay)主要依赖学生个人的自由表达,例证可以来自事实也可以来自学生个人经历。
由于不是每个人都有那么多素材可以挖掘,很多学生会瞎编乱造个人经历,严重违背了College Board一切以事实为准绳的严谨风格。
作为上游机构的大学提出异议,College Board自然也无法强行要求。
2016年5⽉SAT数学⼗道题30 Which of the following values is NOT equal to 34(58+9)?A. 34 x 67B. 58(34+9)C. 34 x 58 + 34 x 9D. 1,972 + 306E. (9 + 58) 3431 Two angles of a triangle measure 15° and 85 °. What is the measure for thethird angle?A. 50°B. 55°C. 60°D. 80°E. 90°32 If 5 ounces is equal to 140 grams, then 2 pounds of ground meat is equal tohow many grams?A. 863B. 878C. 896D. 915E. 93233 Which year did the most children take swimming lessons?A. 1990B. 1991C. 1992D. 1994E. 199534 Between which year did the largest decrease in children taking swimminglessons occur?A. 1990-1991B. 1991-1992C. 1992-1993D. 1993-1994E. 1994-199535 What was the average number of children taking swim lessons from 1990 to 1995?A. 250B. 308C. 385D. 450E. 1,85036 Which of the following is equal to 5.93 x 10-2?A. 0.0593B. 0.00593C. 593D. 5930E. 5930037 On a Map, 1 inch represents 20 miles. The distance between 2 towns is 6 1/5inches. How many miles are actually between the two towns?A. 65 milesB. 84 milesC. 124 milesD. 138 milesE. 145 miles38 How many cubed pieces of fudge that are 3 inches on an edge can be packed intoa Christmas tin that is 9 inches deep by 12 inches wide by 8 inches high withthe lid still being able to be closed? A. 18 B. 24 C. 32 D. 36 E. 43 39 Sarah is twice as old as her youngest brother. If the difference between theirages is 15 years. How old is her youngest brother? A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D.25 E. 3040 Which of the following fractions is equal to 5/6? A. 20/30 B. 15/24 C. 25/30 D. 40/54 E. 2/7托福⼀对⼀培训机构/content-104-2925-1.html。
10. I mailed the package two weeks ago.My cousin__________have received it by now.()
“Sorry, I wasn’t listening, ”said the girl"what are we(2)_______to be doing?
Zheng seemed shocked but(3)_______repeated the instructions.However, in China, if she teaches the students and they don’t(4)_______it, that’s their problem Here if they don’t understand, she teaches it(5)_______.
C.taken in
D.kept away
7. In this EUCLID maths contest,Johnson finished first,closely_________by Stevens and Higgins.()
综合写作 关于Ophir这个古⽼城市是否是位于南亚Topic 议题whether Ophir was an old kingdom located on South Asia Reading Listening Thesis总论点The location was in South Asia Against Sub-point1分论点1The origin of products like rare woods found inOphir was only in South Asia.Maybe Ophir was a trade center, and products from South Asiawere transported to there, waiting to be sold.Sub-point2分论点2It took a year and half to travel from Ophir to theMediterranean area by ship, which is the same asthe time that it took from South Asia toMediterranean area.The navigation and shipment technologies 3000 years agowere primitive and ships often got lost, which made the voyageat that time much longer than now.Sub-point 3分论点3There were similar words that were both used inOphir and South Asia.The similarity of some words cannot prove the connection. Forexample, England and native Australia coincidently use thesame word “dog”, but they did not have any connection at thattime. Sample answer: The reading and listeningboth talk about the location of Ophir. However, the professor contradicts theidea raised in the reading that kingdom Ophir was located in the South Asia. Firstly, the reading saysthat the origin of products like rare woods found in Ophir was only in SouthAsia. Whereas, the professor argues that there were many trading centers at anancient time. Maybe Ophir was only one of them, and products from South Asiawere transported to there, waiting to be sold. The rare woods may come fromother places, in order to carry conveniences for merchants to bring them tosome other places. Moreover, the reading claims thattime spent on shipping from Ophir to the Mediterranean area can prove itslocation on South Asia. On the contrary, the lecture opposes that navigationand shipment technology 3000 years ago were primitive, and ships often gotlost, which made the voyage at that time much longer than now. Therefore, it isnormally for a city nearby to get to the Arabian Peninsula for such a longtime. Finally, the reading statesthat there were similar words that were both used in Ophir and South Asia.Contrarily, the listening argues that the similarity of some words cannot provethe connection. For example, England and native Australia coincidently use thesame word “dog”, but they did not have any connection at that time. 独⽴写作作⽂题⽬:Which do you prefer with the same rate of pay, an interesting and challenging job with less vacation or a job with more vacation time but less fun?题型类别:利弊类题材类别:⼆选⼀相关旧题:类似2009.02.27写作思路:有挑战性但假期少的⼯作,还是⽆趣但假期多的⼯作?这个题的难点是假定⼯资是⼀样的,所以不能像以前的⽼题那样,从⾼薪带来好的⽣活质量⽅⾯讨论。
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As you read the passage below, consider how Christopher Hithchens uses.evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims. .reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence. .stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion, to add power to the ideas expressed. Adapted from Christopher Hithchens, “The Lovely Stones.” ©2009 by Vanity Fair. Originally published June 16, 2009. 1.The great classicist A. W. Lawrence once remarked of the Parthenon that it is “the one building inthe world which may be assessed as absolutely right.” I was considering this thought the otherday as I stood on top of the temple with Maria Ioannidou, the dedicated director of the Acropolis Restoration Service, and watched the workshop that lay below and around me. Everywhere there were craftsmen and -women, toiling to get the Parthenon and its sister temples ready for viewing by the public this summer. There was the occasional whine of a drill and groan of a crane, butotherwise this was the quietest construction site I have ever seen—or, rather, heard. Putting therightest, or most right, building to rights means that the workers must use marble from a quarry in the same mountain as the original one, that they must employ old-fashioned chisels to carve,along with traditional brushes and twigs, and that they must study and replicate the ancient Lego-like marble joints with which the master builders of antiquity made it all fit miraculouslytogether.2.The damage done by the ages to the building, and by past empires and occupations, cannot all beput right. But there is one desecration and dilapidation that can at least be partially undone. Early in the 19th century, Britain’s ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Lord Elgin, sent a wreckingcrew to the Turkish-occupied territory of Greece, where it sawed off approximately half of theadornment of the Parthenon and carried it away. As with all things Greek, there were threeelements to this, the most lavish and beautiful sculptural treasury in human history. Under thedirection of the artistic genius Phidias, the temple had two massive pediments decorated with the figures of Pallas Athena, Poseidon, and the gods of the sun and the moon. It then had a series of92 high-relief panels, or metopes, depicting a succession of mythical and historical battles. Themost intricate element was the frieze, carved in bas-relief, which showed the gods, humans, and animals that made up the annual Pan-Athens procession: there were 192 equestrian warriors and auxiliaries featured, which happens to be the exact number of the city’s heroes who fell at theBattle of Marathon. Experts differ on precisely what story is being told here, but the frieze wasquite clearly carved as a continuous narrative.3.Ever since Lord Byron wrote his excoriating attacks on Elgin’s colonial looting, first in ChildeHarold’s Pilgrimage (1812) and then in The Curse of Minerva (1815), there has been a bitterargument about the legitimacy of the British Museum’s deal. I’ve written a whole book about this controversy and won’t oppress you with all the details, but would just make this one point. If the Mona Lisa had been sawed in two during the Napoleonic Wars and the separated halves had been acquired by different museums in, say, St. Petersburg and Lisbon, would there not be a generalwish to see what they might look like if re-united? If you think my analogy is overdrawn,consider this: the body of the goddess Iris is at present in London, while her head is in Athens.The front part of the torso of Poseidon is in London, and the rear part is in Athens. And so on.This is grotesque.4.It is unfortunately true that the city allowed itself to become very dirty and polluted in the 20thcentury, and as a result the remaining sculptures and statues on the Parthenon were nastily eroded by “acid rain.” And it’s also true that the museum built on the Acropolis in the 19th century, atrifling place of a mere 1,450 square meters, was pathetically unsuited to the task of housing or displaying the work of Phidias. But gradually and now impressively, the Greeks have been living up to their responsibilities. Beginning in 1992, the endangered marbles were removed from the temple, given careful cleaning with ultraviolet and infra-red lasers, and placed in a climate-controlled interior. Alas, they can never all be repositioned on the Parthenon itself, because,though the atmospheric pollution is now better controlled, Lord Elgin’s goons succeeded insmashing many of the entablatures that held the sculptures in place. That leaves us with the next-best thing, which turns out to be rather better than one had hoped.5.About a thousand feet southeast of the temple, the astonishing new Acropolis Museum will openon June 20. With 10 times the space of the old repository, it will be able to display all the marvels that go with the temples on top of the hill. Most important, it will be able to show, for the firsttime in centuries, how the Parthenon sculptures looked to the citizens of old.6.The British may continue in their constipated fashion to cling to what they have so crudelyamputated; The Acropolis Museum has hit on the happy idea of exhibiting, for as long asfollowing that precedent is too much to hope for, its own original sculptures with the London-held pieces represented by beautifully copied casts. It creates a natural thirst to see the actual re-assembly completed. So, far from emptying or weakening a museum, this controversy has instead created another one, which is destined to be among Europe’s finest galleries. And one day, surely, there will be an agreement to do the right thing by the world’s most “right” structure.Write an essay in which you explain how Christopher Hithchens builds an argument to persuade his audience that British should return the original sculptures back to Greece. In your essay, analyze how Hithchens uses one or more of the features listed in the box above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage. Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Hithchens’s claims, but rather explain how Hithchens builds an argument to persuade his audience. 。