
Unit 1Ghosts for Tea' Ten pence for a view over the bay' . said the old man with the telescope.'Lovely clear morning. Have a look at the old lighthouse and the remains of the great shipwreck of 1935.'Ten pence was sheer robbery, but the view was certainly magnificent.Cliffs stretched into the distance, sparkling waves whipped by the wind were unrolling on to the beach,and a few yachts,with creamy-white sails, were curving and dodging gracefully on the sea . Just below,a flock of seagulls were screaming at one another as they twisted and glided over the water. A mile out to sea, the old lighthouse stood on a stone platform on the rocks, which were being greedily licked by the waves. In no way indeed did I grudge my money. As I directed the telescope towards the lighthouse, the man beside me tapped my wrist.' Have you heard about the terrible tragedy that occurred there in that lighthouse?' he asked in a hushed whisper.'I imagine there may be plenty of legends attached to such a dramatic-looking place' , I suggested.'It's no legend' , declared the old man. 'My father knew the two men involved.lt all took place fifty years ago to-day. Let me tell you.His voice seemed to grow deeper and more dramatic.'For a whole week that lighthouse had been isolated by storms' , he began, 'with terrifying seas surging and crashing over the rocks. People on shore were anxious about the two men working there. They'd been on the best of terms until two or three weeks before, when they had quarrelled over cards in the village inn. Martin had accused Blake of cheating. Blake had vowed to avenge the insult to his honour. But thanks to the wise advice of a man they both respected, they apologised to each other, and soon seemed to have got over their disagreement. But some slight resentment and bitterness remained. and it was feared that the strain of continued isolation and rough weather might affect their nerves, though, needless to say, their friends had no idea how serious the consequences would be.'Fifty years ago to-night,no light appeared in the tower, and only at two o'clock in the morning did the beam suddenly start to flash out its warning again.'The next morning the light was still visible. The storm had almost blown itself out, so a relief boat set out to investigate. A grim discovery awaited the crew . The men's living-room was in a horrifying state. The table was over-turned: a pack of playing cards was scattered everywhere: bloodstains splashed the floor. The relief men climbed the winding stair to the lantern room and there discoveredMartin's body, crouched beside the burning lamp. He had been stabbed and was dead. Two days later, Blake's body was washed up. scratched, bruised, and terribly injured.' Only then could we really start guessing what had happened. This great tragedy could only have been due to a renewal of their quarrel. Bored and depressed as a result of their isolation, Martin and Blake must have started to play cards. Again suspecting cheating, Martin had accused his former friend of dishonesty; a fight had broken out and Blake had seized his knife. In a fit of madness he had attacked his companion, who had fallen mortally wounded. Then, appalled by what he had done, the loneliness, the battering of wind and waves, Blake had rushed to the parapet and flung himself on to the rocks below, where the sea had claimed him.'But Martin was still alive. Hours later, after darkness had fallen, he had recovered consciousness. He remembered his job of lighting the lamp; suffering intense pain, the poor wretch crawled slowly up the winding staircase, dragging himself from step to step till he got to the lantern. At his last ' gasp he managed to light this before finally collapsing.'For years afterwards it was said that the lighthouse was haunted, and, owing to these stories, they didn't have any applicants for the job of lighthouse-keeper from among the superstitious local inhabitants. And now they say that on every anniversary of that day, especially when the sea is rough, you can stand in the living-room, hear the cards failing and the sound of angry cries, see the flash of a blade,and then glimpse a figure rushing to the parapet. And then you hear the slow dragging of a body from step to step towards the room above.'The old man paused and I turned to go.'By the way' , he added, 'have you any free time this afternoon? If so, why don't you have teain the lighthouse? We are putting on a special boat trip to-day. We're charging a pound. And my brother, who bought the old lighthouse when they built the new one just on the point, can serve very good teas there - included in the price of the boat trip - a bargain, considering the problem of obtaining the food. And if you are at all sensitive to the supernatural, you're likely to have an unusual, perhaps an uncanny experience there.I eyed him appreciatively. 'You're wasting your talents' , I said. 'You should have been a fiction writer. ''You don't believe it? exclaimed the old man indignantly.'I'd find it a job,' I answered. ' My father, Henry Cox, started as keeper of that lighthouse fifty- two years ago, and he and Jim Dowley, now retired on a pension, were in charge for ten years. Come and see my dad one day with that tale; he'd enjoy it' .But the old man had already turned his attention to a more likely client.Google翻译:“10便士比湾景”。

Unit 10为何要争权夺利科学正在解释男人们永无休止地争强好胜的生物学根源乔弗雷·考利[1] 成吉思汗不是一个为性别角色而烦恼的人,他放纵性欲、追逐权力, 而且毫不讳言。
"人之快乐莫过于征服敌人,令其俯首称臣 ", 这位皇帝曾经叫嚣到,"夺其马匹,掠其财物。
"13 世纪早期,成吉思汗征服了当时已知世界的三分之二,建立了一个西起东欧、东至朝鲜的蒙古帝国。
他还可能创下了生物学家所称的生殖成功的最高历史纪录, 在他死后33年写成的一份材料认为,其子孙后代达20,000 人。
今天, 研究人员认为,8%生活在原蒙古帝国的人可能拥有这位伟人的基因。
[2] 自成吉思汗以来,男人们的行为举止已经有了显著的改进, 一夫多妻制在几百年前已不再流行,即使是暴君现在也否认掠夺和压迫是理想的手段。
然而在内心,我们和800年前没什么不同,也就是说, 我们是权位的追逐者。
我们可能会谈论平等与友爱, 我们可能会努力消除阶级差别。
我们是否可以摒弃这一趋势? 或许不能。
[3] 男性并不是唯一追逐权位的人,但在生命的每个阶段,我们对此都比女性更加执著。

Unit 9 动物的情感劳拉·坦利非常的开心,浪漫的爱情,悲痛的哀悼,科学家说宠物和野生动物也有感情。

Unite 3 Doctor’s Dilemma: Treat or Let Die?Abigail Trafford1. Medical advances in wonder drugs, daring surgical procedures, radiation therapies, and intensive-care units have brought new life to thousands of people. Yet to many of them, modern medicine has become a double-edged sword.2. Doctor’s power to treat with an array of space-age techniques has outstripped the body’s capacity to heal. More medical problems can be treated, but for many patients, there is little hope of recovery. Even the fundamental distinction between life and death has been blurred.3. Many Americans are caught in medical limbo, as was the South Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim, who was kept alive by artificial means after he had been knocked unconscious in a fight and his brain ceased to function. With the permission of his family, doctors in Las Vegas disconnected the life-support machines and death quickly followed.4. In the wake of technology’s advances in medicine, a heated debate is taking place in hospitals and nursing homes across the country --- over whether survival or quality of life is the paramount goal of medicine.5. “It gets down to what medicine is all about, ” says Daniel Callahan, director of the Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. “Is it really to save a life? Or is the larger goal the welfare of the patient?”6. Doctors, patients, relatives, and often the courts are being forced to make hard choices in medicine. Most often it is at the two extremes of life that these difficultyethical questions arise --- at the beginning for the very sick newborn and at the end for the dying patient.7. The dilemma posed by modern medical technology has created the growing new discipline or bioethics. Many of the country’s 127 medical s chools now offer courses in medical ethics, a field virtually ignored only a decade ago. Many hospitals have chaplains, philosophers, psychiatrists, and social workers on the staff to help patients make crucial decisions, and one in twenty institutions has a special ethics committee to resolve difficult cases.Death and Dying8. Of all the patients in intensive-care units who are at risk of dying, some 20 percent present difficult ethical choices --- whether to keep trying to save the life or to pull back and let the patient die. In many units, decisions regarding life-sustaining care are made about three times a week.9. Even the definition of death has been changed. Now that the heart-lung machine can take over the functions of breathing and pumping blood, death no longer always comes with the patient’s “last gasp” or when the heart stops beating. Thirty-one states and the District of Columbia have passed brain-death statutes that identify death as when the whole brain ceases to function.10. More than a do zen states recognize “living wills” in which the patients leave instructions to doctors not to prolong life by feeding them intravenously or by other methods if their illness becomes hopeless. A survey of California doctors showed that 20 to 30 percent were following instructions of such wills. Meanwhile, the hospicemovement, which its emphasis on providing comfort --- not cure --- to the dying patient, has gained momentum in many areas.11. Despite progress in society’s understanding of death and dying, t heory issues remain. Example: A woman, 87, afflicted by the nervous-system disorder of Parkinson’s disease, has a massive stroke and is found unconscious by her family. Their choices are to put her in a nursing home until she dies or to send her to a medical center for diagnosis and possible treatment. The family opts for a teaching hospital in New York city. Tests show the woman’s stroke resulted from a blood clot that is curable with surgery. After the operation, she says to her family: “Why did you bring me back to this agony?” Her health continues to worsen, and two years later she dies.12. On the other hand, doctors say prognosis is often uncertain and that patients, just because they are old and disabled, should not be denied life-saving therapy. Ethicists also fear that under the guise of medical decision not to treat certain patients, death may become too easy, pushing the country toward the acceptance of euthanasia.13. For some people, the agony of watching high-technology dying is too great. Earlier this year, Woodrow Wilson Collums, a retired dairyman from Poteet, Texas, was put on probation for the mercy killing of his older brother Jim, who lay hopeless in his bed at a nursing home, a victim of severe senility resul ting from Alzheimer’s disease. After the killing, the victim’s widow said: “I think God, Jim’s out of his misery. I hate to think it had to be done the way it was done, but I understand it. ”Crisis in Newborn Care14. At the other end of the life span, technology has so revolutionized newborn carethat it is no longer clear when human life is viable outside the womb. Newborn care has got huge progress, so it is absolutely clear that human being can survive independently outside the womb. Twenty-five years ago, infants weighting less than three and one-half pounds rarely survived. The current survival rate is 70 percent, and doctors are “salvaging” some babies that weigh only one and one-half pounds. Tremendous progress has been made in treating birth deformities such as spina bifida. Just ten years ago, only 5 percent of infants with transposition of the great arteries --- the congenital heart defect most commonly found in newborns --- survived. Today, 50 percent live.15. Yet, for many infants who owe their lives to new medical advances, survival has come at a price. A significant number emerge with permanent physical and mental handicaps.16. “The question of treatment and nontreatment of seriously ill newborns is not a single one,”says Thomas Murray of the Hastings Center. “But I feel strongly that retardation or the fact that someone is going to be less than perfect is not good grounds for allowing an infant to die.”17. For many parents, however, the experience of having a sick newborn becomes a lingering nightmare. Two years ago, an Atlanta mother gave birth to a baby suffering from Down’s Syndrome, a form of mental retardation; the child also had blocked intestines. The doctors rejected the parents’ plea not to operate, and today the child, severely retarded, still suffers intestinal problems.18. “Every time Melanie has a bowel movement, she cries,” explains her mother.“She’s not able to take care of herself, and we won’t live forever. I wanted to save her from sorrow, pain, and suffering. I don’t understand the emphasis on life at all costs, and I’m very angry at the doctors and the hospital. Who will take care of Melanie after we’re gone? Where will you doctors be then?”Changing Standards19. The choices posed by modern technology have profoundly changed the practice of medicine. Until now, most doctors have been activists, trained to use all the tools in their medical arsenals to treat disease. The current trend is toward nontreatment as doctors grapple with questions not just of who should get care but when to take therapy away.20. Always in the background is the threat of legal action. In August, two California doctors were charged with murdering a comatose patient by allegedly disconnecting the respirator and cutting off food and water. In 1981, a Massachusetts nurse was charged with murdering a cancer patient with massive doses of morphine but was subsequently acquitted.21. Between lawsuits, government regulations, and patients’ rights, many doctors feel they are under siege. Modern technology actually has limited their ability to make choices. More recently, these actions are resolved by committees.Public Policy22. In recent years, the debate on medical ethics has moved to the level of national policy. “It’s just beginning to hit us that we don’t have unlimited resources,” says Washington Hospital Center’s Dr. Lynch. “You can’t talk about ethics without talkingethics without talking about money.”23. Since 1972. Americans have enjoyed unlimited access to a taxpayer-supported, kidney dialysis program that offers life-prolonging therapy to all patients with kidney failure. To a number of police analysts, the program has grown out of control --- to a $1.4billion operation supporting 61,000 patients. The majority are over 50, and about a quarter have other illness, such as cancer or heart disease, conditions that could exclude them from dialysis in other countries.24. Some hospitals are pulling back from certain lifesaving treatment. Massachusetts General Hospital, for example, has decided not perform heart transplants on the ground that the high costs of providing such surgery help too few patients. Burn units --- through extremely effective --- also provide very expensive therapy for very few patients.25. As medical scientists push back the frontiers of therapy, the moral dilemma will continue to grow for doctors and patients alike, making the choice of to treat the basic question in modern medicine.1. 在特效药、风险性手术进程、放疗法以及特护病房方面的医学进展已为数千人带来新生。

Unit 1 Genetically modified foods -- Feed the World?If you want to spark a heated debate at a dinner party, bring up the topic of genetically modified foods. For many people, the concept of genetically altered, high-tech crop production raises all kinds of environmental, health, safety and ethical questions. Particularly in countries with long agrarian traditions -- and vocal green lobbies -- the idea seems against nature.如果你想在某次晚宴上挑起一场激烈的争论,那就提出转基因食品的话题吧。
In fact, genetically modified foods are already very much a part of our lives. A third of the corn and more than half the soybeans and cotton grown in the US last year were the product of biotechnology, according to the Department of Agriculture. More than 65 million acres of genetically modified crops will be planted in the US this year. The genetic is out of the bottle.事实上,转基因食品已经成为我们生活重要的一部分。

Scott Coltrane说道,父亲节半正式的礼物说明了我们对父亲情感的矛盾的文化。
Ralph LaRossa《现代父权》的作者,细致地将父权文化与父权行为进行了比较。
Frederic Brunel说:“性别角色与性别行为是随着时间的改变而改变的”。
Bella Sant减肥浴场,推出了一种无微不至的项目包括修指甲和美容;以及提供令人安神的喷泉疗养和欧洲香皂。

Starting out
Now watch a video about Princeton University. Listen carefully and complete the blank-filling exercise.
Starting out
1. 2. Princeton University is located in Princeton, New Jersey diverse surroundings in the suburban historic town of___________________ including farmlands and forests. One of the things that we’ve seen in the last years is __________________in the class. the gender balance Princeton offers one of the strongest financial aid programs in the country. That’s why 58% of undergraduates receive financial aid that’s not needed to be paid back ______________. Some of the most popular majors in Princeton are molecular biology and engineering politics, history, _______________________________. Our faculties are leaders in their fields and they’re intellectual limits in terms of their pushing back _________________ research.

研究生英语综合教程下unit10_原文+翻译Unit 10Almost all of us have heard about General Motors trying to sell their Nova model in Latin America and finding out that “no va” in Spanish literally means “it doesn’t go”. And of course, there was the famous first try of Coca Cola in China,when the translation of the soft drink’s name read “bite the wax tadpole”.1我们几乎都听说过这样一个销售案例:美国通用汽车公司试图在拉丁美洲销售他们的Nova车型,结果发现在西班牙语中,“no va”的字面意思是“它走不了”。
But cultural awareness in marketing is a lot more than careful translation. There are subtleties and nuances to every culture, and there are just plain tablls. Although most people wouldn’t be able to list the rules of their own culture, they certainly know when those rules are violated. Our own culture tendd to be “invisible” to us, while differences we run into when abroad strike as strange, funny or extrotic. So how much more difficult it to discern the unwritten rules of another country?2但是市场营销中的文化意识却远远不只是小心谨慎的翻译而已。

这位居住在內布拉斯加州的投资家被尊称为奥马哈的先知(Sage of Omaha)。
巴菲特只在自己拥有的珠宝公司买了个减价的戒指,带着新娘去海鲜连锁店Bonefish Grill 的一家分店吃了顿饭。

Unit 10 Student Motivation To Learn.学生学习动机Motivation is an internal state or condition (sometimes described as a need, desire, or want ) that serves to activate or energize behavior and give it direction . Student motivation has to do with students’ des ire to participate in the learning process. What factors influence the development of students’ motivation? How can motivation to learn be fostered? The article gives the explanations.动机是一种激励或者刺激人们行为并指引行为方向的内部状态或状况(有时也是一种需要,渴望,或者意愿)。
Infants and young children appear to be propelled by curiosity, driven by an intense need to explore, interact with, and make sense of their environment. As one author puts it, "Rarely does one hear parents complain that their pre-schooler is 'unmotivated' " (James Raffini 1993).不管是婴儿还是小孩,他们看起来都会受好奇心的推动,受探索自然,融入并探索自然的强烈需要的驱使。

Unit SevenON HUMAN NATURE Frank and Lydia Hammer我对人类的了解越多,对他们的期望就越低。
——塞缪尔·约翰逊博士论人性弗兰克,莉迪亚·汉默尔1 Human nature is the basis of character, the temperament and disposition; it is that indestructible matrix upon which the character is built, and whose shape it must take and keep throughout life. This we call a person's nature.1人性是性格、气质和性情的基础,性格正是基于这种牢不可破的基质之上的,它必须以这种基质的形式存在,并将它保留终生,这种基质,我们称之为一个人的本性。
2 The basic nature of human beings does not and cannot change. It is only the surface that is capable of alteration, improvement and refinement; we can alter only people's customs, manners, dress and habits. A study of history reveals that the people who walked thisearth in antiquity were moved by the same fundamental forces, were swayed by the same passions, and had the same aspirations as the men and women of today. The pursuit of happiness still engrosses mankind the world over.2人类的本性不会也不能改变,只有一些表面特征才会变化、改善和进一步提升;我们可以改变人们的风格、举止、衣着和习惯。

Lesson 11.For English is a killer. It is English that has killed off Cumbric,Cornish, Norn and Manx. There are still parts of these islands where sizeable communities speak languages that were there before English. Yet English is everywhere in everyday use and understood by all or virtually all, constituting such a threat to the three remaining Celtic languages, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Welsh... that their long-term future must be considered... very greatly at risk.因为英语是个杀手。
2.He also associated such policies with a prejudice which he calls linguicism (a condition parallelto racism and sexism). As Phillipson sees it, leading institutions and individuals within the predominantly “white”English-speaking world, have (by design or default) encouraged or at least tolerated—and certainly have not opposed—the hegemonic spread of English, a spread which began some three centuries ago as economic and colonial expansion.他认为这些政策和他称之为语言歧视(和种族歧视、性别歧视的情况类似)的偏见密切相关。

1 大学课堂:还有人在听吗?Toward the middle of the semester,Fowkes fell ill and missed a class. When he returned, the professor nodded vaguely and,to Fowkes’s astonishment,began to deliver not the next lecture in the sequence but the one after. Had he,in fact,lectured to an empty hall in the absence of his solitary student? Fowkes thought it perfectly possible.在学期中间,Fowkes因病缺了一次课。
Today American colleges and universities (originally modeled on German ones) are under strong attack from many quarters. Teachers,it is charged,are not doing a good job of teaching,and students are not doing a good job of learning. American businesses and industries suffer from unenterprising,uncreative executives educated not to think for themselves but to mouth outdated truisms the rest of the world has long discarded. College graduates lack both basic skills and general culture. Studies are conducted and reports are issued on the status of higher education,but any changes that result either are largely cosmetic or make a bad situation worse.今天美国的大学(原本是以德国的大学为模型的)受到了各方面的严厉指责。

第十单元语言习得Text A习得艺术的本能史蒂芬•平克当你在阅读这些文字时,便已经置身于自然界的一大奇观之中,因为你我都同属于这个拥有非凡能力的物种:我们能够精确无误地在彼此的大脑中塑造事件。
研究生英语阅读翻译上unit 10

第七段 My mailbox eventually had a rural address, and the job of handdelivering candy and cards was relegated to the U.S. Postal Service. 我终于有了一个乡下地址的邮 箱,原来亲手赠送贺卡和糖果的工 作都归美国邮局管。
• 这个盒子和里面的东西带来了一连串苦乐参半的 回忆:我进入了一个“人气竞赛”的世界,所收 卡片的多少,对于男朋友或女朋友的揶揄以及我 对那张来自班上最受欢迎的男孩的卡片的珍惜都 显示了比赛结果。
My Forever Valentine 4 刘金
That morning at the breakfast table I found a card and a gift-wrapped package at my chair.
• give way to : have its place taken by; allow oneself to show esp. a feeling
• In those years my “thank you” become more of a perfunctory response . • 在那些岁月里,我的感谢更多地成了一种 敷衍的反应。
My Forever Valentine
My father tried to make pleasant chitchat and eat as much as he could during halftime. 我父亲在中场休息时就会尽量聊些愉快 的事情并尽可能地多吃东西。
短语:as much as 和……一样多 chitchat:聊天, ≈ talk
在圣诞节他会找个时间为庆祝节日喝上一两杯,然 后戴上他那条冬青树叶状的领带。但父亲真正光彩 熠熠的时候是在情人节。

American Values at the Crossroads[1] Faced with the rapid change and the fear and uncertainty that go with it, individuals (citizens) as well as (and) nation sometimes seek to return to the ways of the past as a solution. In the early 1980s the idea of returning to the ways of the past had a strong appeal to (attraction) many Americans who increasingly viewed their past as being better than their future. It has been observed that until the 1970s Americans generally believed that the present was a better time for their country than the past and that the future would better than the present; by 1978, however, public opinion polls showed that many Americans had come to believe that just the opposite was true: the past had been better for the country than the present, and the present was better than the future would be.[2] The popular (present) appeal (desire) of returning to the ways (styles) of the past as a solution (solve->solution) to the problems of the 1980s was demonstrated (shown) when Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States in 1980. Time magazine chose President Reagan as its "man of the year' and said of (commented) him: "intellectually, emotionally, Reagan lives in the past."[3] One of President Reagan's basic beliefs is that the United States should return as much as possible to its pre-1930 ways. In those times business institutions (organization) were strong and government institutions were weak. Reagan believed that American values of individual freedom and competition are strengthened by business and weakened by government. Therefore, his programs (goal/ objectives) as President have been designed to greatly strengthen business and reduce the size and power of the national government. By moving in this way toward the practices of the past, President Reagan believed that the standard of living of Americans would begin to improve once more (again) in the 1980s as it had done throughout most of the nation's history.[4] A number of leaders in politics, education, and the professions take a different approach (method) than does President Reagan. They believe that the nation must adopt (use/ make use of) new values to go along with (together with) the old values and that it must be prepared to make some changes in the old values when (it is) necessary.[5] What new values should be adopted? This is a very difficult question to answer. However, it became clear in the 1970s that there was no longer an abundance of cheap energy and that shortages of other essential (basic/most important) resources such as water were becoming more serious. These facts suggested (show) to many Americans that a greater value (should) be placed on the conservation of national resources, that is (namely/ i.e.), that Americans should save more of these resources by learning to use less and waste less.[6] Conservation has never been a strong American value. Because of the vast resources and space of North America, Americans came to believe that abundance was endless (unlimited). In such an environment, there seemed to be little need for conservation of resources. After World War II Americans believed that their modern technology could work (create) wonders and provide a never-ending increase in their standard of living. It is not surprising, therefore, that in the United States before the 1980s, conservation had little importance (when it is) compared with such other values as freedom, equality of opportunity, hard work, and the accumulation of material wealth.[7] There is some evidence that the experience of greater shortages of energy during the 1970s caused Americans to place more emphasis on conservation. For example, a poll (survey) taken at the end of the decade showed that 66% of Americans agreed with the statement: "I'm not unhappy about the possibility of shortages because I know it will encourage (urge) me to use everything efficiently and not wastefully."[8] Some people, however, believe that poll results like these reveal only part of the truth. Although Americans may agree with statements supporting the value of conservation, most of them are not yet applying these beliefs in their day-to-day (daily) actions (life).[9] Belief in conservation, therefore, is still weak (when it is) compared with other American beliefs. It can become stronger only as (when) Americans see the need for it more and more clearly. Conservation may well be (become) a new value which needs to be added to the old basic values in order to help the United States deal with its future problems.[10] A second belief which has never been strong among the American people is the belief that the value of cooperation on a national scale to achieve some important national (goal) objectives. The American idea of the national good (n./ benefit/ interest) has never been based on national cooperation but rather on the freedom of the individual. Americans, therefore, tend to think of the national good in terms of maintaining (keeping) those conditions that provide the greatest freedom for the individual. They believe that a nation of free individuals will be naturally strong and prosperous. Planned efforts at national cooperation, therefore, are not needed. More important, planned efforts at national cooperation would mean increasing the powers of the national government, which would endanger the freedom of the individual.[11] The American value of competition also hinders the development of a spirit of national cooperation. Even though competitive activity is supposed to (=should) be conducted (directed/ done) according to fair rules (fair play), it does not encourage a spirit of cooperation. Rather (instead/ On the contrary), it sometimes encourages a spirit of mutual suspicion (suspect) of the motives (purpose/ desire) of the others. A certain degree of trust in the motives of others is necessary for the success of efforts in national cooperation.[12] In time of war Americans have temporarily put aside their dislike of planned national cooperation. They have been willing to cooperate and make personal sacrifices under the direction (=leadership) of the national government to bring the war to satisfactory conclusion (=end). In peacetime, however, planned national cooperation is strongly resisted as a threat to individual freedom.[13] The almost (nearly) unique American historical experience gives us a deeper understanding of this attitude. Almost every nation in the world has had, or still has, the experience of being ruled by kings, emperors, dictators, or a hereditary class of aristocrats. Such rulers are not elected by the free votes of the people and they have the power to say what the national good is and to force their people to cooperate if they cannot persuade them to do so. Out of (among) these experiences there have developed traditions and habits of cooperation, sometimes for good purposes and sometimes for evil (bad/ wrong) purposes.[14] Americans have never had the experience of being forced to cooperate on a national scale by nonelected rulers. For a time, they were the colonists of Great Britain and were legally (bind) bound to obey rulers in England whom they did not elect, but the British government allowed the colonists a great deal of freedom and self-government by the standards of the day. Still (Furthermore) the American colonists were not long (soon) in demanding (requiring) more freedom and self-government, and finally declaring their independence in 1776. From the time of their independence, Americans have freely elected their rulers. The experience of being compelled to cooperate by unelected national leaders is completely foreign (strange) to their experience. They are fearful (=fear) that any scheme (plan) of national cooperation in peacetime will weaken or destroy their freedoms.[15] Americans have always viewed (considered/ regarded) cooperation as important in small groups such as the family, the neighborhood, or the church. But on the large national scale where government becomes involved, it is seen (considered/ regarded) as coercive and destructive rather than voluntary and constructive. American tend to associate the greatness of their nation far more with such values as individual freedom, equality of opportunity, hard work, and competition than with national cooperation.[16] Yet the demands (=needs) of the 1980s may compel (force) Americans to place (emphasize)a greater value on national cooperation. It may well be that some of the problems facing them, such as scarcity of resources and the dangers of air and water pollution, cannot be solved without a greaterdegree of national cooperation.[17] If Americans choose (=decide) to give more emphasis to national cooperation, they will probably be very cautious about it. In order to protect their freedoms, they will move slowly in a step-by-step, problem-by-problem fashion (way), rather than accept a sweeping new plan involving dramatic change. Because of their tradition of self-government, they will probably insist on (persist in doing sth.) a good deal of public discussion before any step toward national cooperation is taken.[18] Some observers believe that this slow, cautious approach may be too weak and too timid to meet the challenges of the future. Americans, however, believe that sudden revolutionary changes made in the name of (in the honor) the national good usually result in (lead to) dictatorships in which freedom is lost and problems remain unsolved.[19] In the 1980s Americans may have arrived at a critical point in their nation's history, where major dangers must be faced and major choices must be made. On the one hand, they will wish to avoid the risk of making too many changes in the basic values which have inspired (encouraged) them in the past. On the other hand, they must avoid what may be the greater risk of refusing to change their values at all even though conditions are changing rapidly all around them. The events of the past two decades have brought the American people and their basic values to a crossroads in their history. The last two decades of the twentieth century will determine where they will go from there. (1, 530 words) ABOUT THE AUTHOREdward N. Kearny is an instructor from Western Kentucky University and one of the authors of the book The American Way: An Introduction to American Culture, from which this essay is taken. EXERCISESI. Reading ComprehensionAnswer the following questions or complete the following Moments.1. The ways of the past had a strong appeal to many Americans because _____.A. Americans were fearful of the rapid changes around themB. Americans were uncertain about the future of their nationC. their past experiences can serve as a solution to their current problemsD. they believed their past had been better for the country than the present2. Time magazine those President Reagan as its 'man of the year" because _____.A. he was elected President of the United States in 1980B. intellectually and emotionally he lived in the pastC. he strongly supported individual freedom and competitionD. he promised to improve the standard of living of Americans3. By "take a different approach" in Paragraph 4, the author means " _____.A. refuse to follow President Regan's policiesB. believe Americans should abandon their traditional valuesC. believe that traditional values should be further preservedD. advocate new national values to go along with the old ones4. More emphasis was placed on conservation among Americans because of _____.A. the abundance of cheap energyB. the shortage of essential resourcesC. their difficulty in adopting new valuesD. their willful waste of energy in the past5. Conservation had never been a strong American value before the 1980s becauseA. Americans used to believe in the abundance of their vast resourcesB. Americans believed in the magical power of their modern technologyC. they attached more importance to other national valuesD. all of the above6. By "the poll results reveal only part of the truth', the author means _____.A. Americans pretend to agree with the statements but actually they don'tB. few Americans support the value of conservationC. Americans have not told the truth when they claim support for conservationD. Americans have not put into practice what they have believed in7. It is stated in the passage that Americans believe important national objectives should he based on _____.A. cooperation on a national scaleB. freedom of the individualC. planned efforts at national cooperationD. the powers of the national government8. According to the author, the American value of competition _____.A. works against the spirit of national cooperationB. defies any so-called fair rules of the societyC. encourages a spirit of mutual trust of the motives of the othersD. poses a threat to individual freedom9. 'The experience of being compelled to cooperate by unelected national leaders is completely foreign to their experience." Here "foreign" means _____.A. internationalB. unfamiliarC. unexpectedD. diplomatic10. The author suggests that _____.A. Americans tend to give more emphasis to national cooperationB. Americans are cautious about national cooperationC. bigger steps have been taken toward national cooperationD. dramatic measures have been taken to meet the challenges of the futureB. Complete the outline of this selection.1. Introduction (Paragraphs l--3): People seek to return to the ways of the past as a solution to the problems at present.Ronald Reagan's beliefs: US should return to the past when business institutions were strong and government institutions were weak.2. Body (Paragraphs 4-18): Americans should adopt new values.(1) Conservation:The conservation of national resources should be valued due to the shortage of essential resources.(2) Cooperation on a nation scale:The spirit of freedom of the individual and the spirit of competition hinders the spirit of cooperation. Yet, national cooperation is needed in order to meet the challenges of the future and the change may be slow.3. Conclusion: (last paragraph):Americans don’t like drastic change in their basic values, but they should not refuse to change. II. VocabularyA. Complete each the following sentences with the appropriate forms of the words given.1. He hoped to strengthen (strength) the position of the sciences in the leading universities.2. We took an abundant (abundance) supply of food with us when we went hiking in the mountains.3. Conservation (conserve) is the protection of plants and animals, natural areas, and interesting and important structures and buildings, especially from the damaging effect of human activity.4. And if you're emotionally connected to it, you also get intellectually (intellect) connected to it; you want to learn more about it.5. Relief (rescue/ relieve) workers are concerned over (=worried about) the shortage (short) of food and shelter in the refugee camps. (shelter sb. from sth./ seek refuge)6. It is proposed (=suggested) at this conference that the law should impose penalties on companies that use energy wastefully (waste). [suggest sb. (doing) sth./ that sb do sth.]= [sb. (should) do sth.]7. It is hard (difficult) to believe that in this prosperous (prosper) country, hunger could be a serious problem.9. This disease is hereditary (heredity), so chances are (possibly/ likely) that her daughter may suffer from it too.10. The president relied on (=depend on) the coercive (coerce) powers of the military and the police to enforce law and order.B. Choose the best ward or expression from the list given for each blank. use each word or expression only once and make proper changes where necessary.bound to compel dictator constructive suspiciongo along with appeal accumulation endanger mutual1. The main appeal (attraction) these bonds hold for (is meaningful) individual investors is the safety and peace of mind they offer (give). (sth. appeals to sb.)2. He argues that Americans have been too compliant (=obedient), too willing (ready) to go along with politicians who would reduce their liberties (=freedom), not expand them. (statute of liberty)3. Despite (=in spite of) these improvements the scientists say that the Baltic Sea continues to be "imperiled (endangered) by the long-term accumulation of toxic (poisonous) chemicals".4. Toxic (poisonous) waste could endanger lives and poison fish.5. The East and the West can work together for their mutual benefit and progress.6. The authorities will be legally bound (bind) to arrest any suspects.7. In the United States cyclists are compelled to wear a helmet for the sake of safety. circle->cycle-bicycle8. Following the fall of the military dictator in March, the country has had a civilian (<->military) government.9. After their meeting, both men described the talks as frank, friendly and constructive(<->destructive; positive<->negative).10. He was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving. (suspect)III. ClozeThere are ten blanks in the following passage. Read the passage carefully and choose the right word or phrase from the list given below for each of. the blanks. Change the form necessary.over time value adequate both extremelyas well as inexhaustible sustainable deposit group intotake sth. seriouslyThe activities of conservation were taken seriously in the 1970s when the United States faced with the problem of energy shortage. The conservationists called for (=needed)_1 sustainable use and protection of natural resources including plants, animals, mineral deposits, soils, clean water, clean air, and fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Natural resources are _2 grouped (classified/ categorized) into two categories, renewable and nonrenewable. A renewable resource is one that may be replaced _3 over time (in the long run) by natural processes, such as fish populations or natural vegetation, or is _4 inexhaustible, such as solar (lunar) energy. The goal of renewable resource conservation is to ensure that such resources are not consumed faster than they are replaced. Nonrenewable resources are those in limited supply that cannot be replaced or can be replaced only over _5 extremely long periods of time. Nonrenewable resources include fossil fuels and mineral _6 deposit, such as iron ore and gold ore. Conservation activities for nonrenewable(=emphasize) maintaining (keeping) an _7 adequate (enough) supply of these resources well into the future.Natural resources are conserved for their biological, economic, and recreational values, _8 as well as (and) their natural beauty and importance to local cultures. For example, tropical rain forests are protected for their important role in 9 both global ecology and the economic livelihood of the local culture, a coral reef (珊瑚礁) may be protected for its recreational 10 value for divers and a scenic river may be protected for its natural beauty.a resourceful personscene (n.)->scenery (n.)->scenic (a.)IV. TranslationPut the following parts into Chinese.1. The popular appeal of returning to the ways of the past as a solution to the problems of the 1980s was demonstrated when Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States in 1980. Time magazine chose President Reagan as its "man of the year' and said of him: "intellectually, emotionally, Reagan lives in the past."民众普遍希望昔日美好生活能够重现,以寻求解决80年代遇到的种种问题。

研究生英语翻译unit10~151、SAS has just been chosen by Fortune magazine as one of the best companies to work for in the US. Like the other 99 companies singled out, SAS is not content to reward employees with a mere pay cheque.美国赛仕软件研究所刚刚在《财富》杂志上入选全美最适合工作的公司之一。
2、Reinforcing the belief that the difference are culture, he said, when Asians raised in North America were studied, they were intermediate between native Asians and European-Americans, and sometimes closer to Americans in the way the viewed scenes.加强了差异在于文化这个信念,他说,在调查了北美长大的亚洲人后,(发现)那些亚洲人介于土生土长的亚洲人和欧美人之间,有时候他们观察世界的方式更接近美国人。
3、Asians live in a more socially complicated world than we do. They have to pay more attention to others than we do. We are individualists. We can be bulls in a china shop, they can’t afford to be.亚洲人生活的世界社会关系比我们要复杂。

学生学习动力发展的影响因素有哪些?Jere Brophy在1987年提出,学习动力是一种能力,它能够“通过一般经验来获得,但大部分直接通过那些对孩子来说重要的其它人(特别是他们的父母和老师)为孩子作出的榜样,和孩子进行预期交流,以及通过对孩子的指导教育或者是社会化教育来刺激获得”。
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10.科 学 危 险 吗?
1.知识是危险的这一观念在我们的文化中根深蒂固。圣经中的亚当和夏娃 被禁食“智慧之树”上的果实,而弥尔顿《失乐园》中的蛇将此树称为“科学之母”。 当亚当试图向天使长拉斐尔询问有关宇宙本质的问题时,拉斐尔建议他最好“知 之甚少”。事实上,西方文献中有大量关于科学家扰乱自然界,而后导致灾难后 果的记载。科学家被描绘成一群冷酷和无视伦理道德的人。
6.如果客观冷静地审视以往的事实,我们很难发现科学家在有关研究中表 现出有悖伦理的行为。例如最近在英国和其它地方出现的疯牛病现象,以及在法 国引起轩然大波的由输血导致的艾滋病丑闻中,我们发现与某些人所宣称的现象 完全不同,科学家在这些事件中并未表现出任何违反公共伦理道德的行为。
7.科学研究中最明显的不道德行为是优生运动。这一运动的科学理据至为 关键:人类绝大多数的特征(好的或不好的)均为遗传。进行此项研究的科学家 未能全面评价这一观点的可靠性,对这一观点的后果也是考虑不周。更有甚者, 也是更应受到谴责的是,这批科学家似乎在一种他们认为是有益于社会的观念的 驱使之下,得出有关的结论。与此相反,那些共同研究原子弹的科学家的行为表 现得十分合乎伦理。他们承担各自的社会责任,知会政府有关原子理论可能会产 生的社会影响。是否制造原子弹的决策权在于政治家,而不是科学家。那么应不 应该赋予科学家同样的决策权呢?对那些进行优生研究的德国科学家而言,他们 本应该感到作为科学家和公民之间的义务冲突。
10.将基因工程运用于实际中需要有渊博的学识,另外,更为重要的是需要 资金。而资金对大多数科学家而言一般很难获得。事实上,在政府资助的研究中, 如果将基因研究和分子生物学研究成果应用于临床实践,会出现难以抉择的局面:
新的医学治疗手段由于需要通过繁杂的技术程序,不可能提供给所有需要治疗的 病人。这需要一定的配给政策来权衡。而这一点恰恰向人们提出了更为严峻的伦 理道德难题,这一难题远比基因工程以及类似研究提出的伦理道德问题更值得人 们去深思熟虑。基因研究的危险所在
5.无论发明什么样的这方面没有任何特殊的权利或能力。如果要求科学家 承担更多的社会义务,并赋予他们特权进行相关的决策,那么将会出现严重的危 机。科学家所承担的社会责任有别于他们与其他公民共同分担的社会义务(例如 支持民主社会或尊重他人权益),这种责任源于他们具备专业的知识去了解世界 的本质,而普通人未能拥有这些知识。科学家的义务是公开他们的研究成果以及 有关的技术应用对社会可能产生的影响,同时还需对研究的可靠性加以评价。在 大多数的科学研究领域,就公众而言,某一理论的对错无关紧要,然而在某些领 域,如有关人类和植物基因的研究,理论的是非会变得至关重要。
11.基因研究会对社会产生什么样的危害呢?“生物伦理学”是一门旨在解答 此类问题的新兴行业。但是人们应该审慎看待这一领域,因为生物伦理学家们只 热衷于发掘一些棘手的难题。不过,这一领域也的确有所贡献,例如,在英国人 类胚胎实验研究方面和胎儿权利等方面所提出的建议。但是,基因研究所取得的 进步并未带来什么新的伦理问题——例如目前人人都在争论的克隆技术就未涉 及任何新的伦理道德问题。
8.那么,当作为研究者的义务和作为受雇者的义务之间发生冲突时,科学 家应该如何行事呢?受雇于政府部门的科学家是否应该默许上司向公众隐瞒某 类食品有害的真情呢?同样,在化学制品公司工作的科学家如果知道某一产品有 危害,但其工作合同却注明他必须严守研究机密时,他又将站在哪一方的伦理道 德立场上呢?在上述两种情形下,科学家均不应该低估这样的事实:他们需要权 衡的利弊本身就是一件十分棘手的难题。此类难题与其他行业人员所遇到的问题 一样。例如,一位会计发现公司财务上出现贪污现象,如果他向上司汇报了有关 情况,但上司却未采取任何行动,那么该会计就面临难以抉择的处境。科学家同 其他任何人一样,应该尽量不要成为任由雇主支配的无声工具。 泛滥的基因宣 传
2.那么科学真地是危险的吗?科学家需要肩负起特定的社会责任吗?我们 必须认识到,可靠的科学知识并不负载道德或伦理的价值。科学只告诉我们世界 为何等模样:我们人类不处于宇宙的中心这一事实本身无好坏之分;基因会影响 我们的智力和行为这一可能性亦无优劣之别。道德义务
3.当科学研究在现实生活中进行时,就会带来危害性及有关的伦理问题, 例如涉及人或其它动物的实验;或是将研究成果用于技术实施;又或是相关的研 究涉及到人们的安全问题。由此可见,科学和技术之间有一重要区别:科学知识 旨在了解自然,而技术却是运用这一知识制造产品或将这一知识运用于实际目的。
4.科学研究推导有关世界本质的观念,而技术观念则旨在制造可使用的产 品。技术远比科学源远流长。而且没有科学的指引,单凭技术也发展了诸如农业 和金属制造业之类的行业。我认为 19 世纪之前,科学实际上未对技术做出太多 的贡献——即使是那些辉煌的技术成果,如蒸汽机和文艺复兴时期的大教堂,也 是在没有任何科学观念的影响下,通过当时人们富于想象的反复试验完成的。
9.“基因工程”一词本身让人联想起弗兰肯斯坦和他的怪物——玛丽·雪莱无 意间成为基因科学的始作俑者——这一传统在文学作品中来源已久(例如先前的 《勇敢新世界》、《蒙罗博士岛》等作品),还有最近的《侏罗纪公园》和《哥拉 斯》等电影。媒体十分清楚这一现象,而且频繁地进行我称之为泛滥成灾的基因 宣传报道——通常是故意制造耸人听闻的报道。一个令人作呕的例子就是四处张 贴的一幅图片,一只老鼠背上生出一只“人耳”——其实根本不是人耳,而是一片 类似软骨的东西。报纸上大肆刊登过分夸张并且无法证实的头条消息,例如“弗 兰肯斯坦食品”之类的极端愚蠢的话语充斥英国有关基因改造有机体的报道之中。