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0前言(或引言) (1)

1矿震 (2)

1.1矿山微震 (2)

1.1.1矿山微震的定义 (2)

1.1.2矿山微震的特点 (2)

1.2矿震的分类 (2)

2矿山微震信号及干扰因素 (3)

2.1微震信号 (3)

2.1.1矿山微震信号的形成...................................................3...6结论 (5)

致谢 (6)

参考文献 (7)

附录A 译文........................................................................45附录B 外文文献 (64)





Wi th th e deep ex pl oi tati on of m ost mines in our coun try, mining trem or becom es v ery seri ou s. Thu s th e predi cti on of mining trem or m u st be stu di ed fu rth er.

Hi story an d cu rrent si tu ati on of mining trem or was descri bed .Th e predi cti on of mining trem or an d prev enti on techn ol ogy was f ormul ated. Th e occu rren ce an d f orm ati on m ech anism of mining trem or was stu di ed an d cl assifi ed. Th e f ormul ati on of P wav e an d S wave、v el ocity an d m oti on statu s were sim ply dem on strated. Sev eral kin ds of in terf eren ce f actors were in trodu ced. On th e basi s of operati on prin ci pl e abou t th e l ev el pu tting、v erti cal pu tting an d oth er pu tting, th e si gn al pi ck-u p was in trodu ced an d th e sign al pi ck-u p sy stem was design ed. Com bin ati on with th e g eol ogi cal f eatures of terrain of th e ravin e mining area of wooden city in Beijin g, a set of sligh t sh ock au tom ati c recogniti on sy stem was design ed. Th e com posi ti on of m oni toring decorating an d pl atf orm of th e n etwork was an alyz ed. In th e en d th e desi gn ed sy stem was debugg ed.

Th e mi crosei sm sign al au tom ati c recogni tion sy stem can pi ck u p an d an aly si s P wav e 、S wav e an d th e in terf ering si gn al in th e mi crosei sm si gn al cau sed by th e mining trem or, determin e th e tim e of sign al arriv al an d am plitu de, en erg y etc. An d thi s will off er th e essen ti al param eter f or predi cting an d prev en ting th e cal ami ty of mining trem or.

Key w ords: m ining tr em or; m icr osei sm signal; sei sm ic w ave; signal pick-up; autom atic

r ecognition
