

中级宏观经济学曼昆英文版第七版第三章习题答案重点11Chapter 3 National Income: Where It Comes From and Where It Goes 21 If consumption depends on the interest rate, then these conclusions about fiscal policy are modified somewhat. If consumption depends on the interest rate, then so does saving. The higher the interest rate, the greater the return to saving. Hence, it seems reasonable to think that an increase in the interest rate might increase saving and reduce consumption.Figure 3–6 shows saving as an increasing function of the interest rate. r S(r Figure 3–6 Real interest rate S Saving Consider what happens when government purchases increase. At any given level of the interest rate, national saving falls by the change in government purchases, as shown in Figure 3–7. The figure shows that if the saving function slopes upward, investment falls by less than the amount that government purchases rises by; this happens because consumption falls and saving increases in response to the higher interest rate. Hence, the more responsive consumption is to the interest rate, the less government purchases crowd out investment. r S2(r S1(r Figure 3–7 Real interest rate r1 r ?G I(r I1 II, S Investment, Saving 13. a. Figure 3–8 shows the case where the demand for loanable funds is stable but the supply of funds (the saving schedule fluctuates perhaps reflecting temporary shocks to income, changes in government spending, or changes in consumer confidence. In this case, when interest rates fall, investment rises; when interest rates rise, investment falls. We would expect a negative correlation between investment and interest rates.22 Answers to Textbook Questions and Problems S1 (r r S2 (r Figure 3–8 Real interest rate I(r I, S Investment, Saving b. Figure 3-9 shows the case where the supply of loanable funds (saving does not respond to the interest rate. Also suppose that this curve is stable, whereas the demand for loanable funds varies, perhaps reflecting fluctuations in firms’ expectations about the marginal product of capital. We would now fin d a positive correlation between investment and the interest rate—when demand for funds rises, this pushes up the interest rate, so we see investment increase and the real interest rate increase at thesame time. r S(r Figure 3–9 Real interest rate I 2 (r I 1 (r I, S Investment, SavingChapter 3 National Income: Where It Comes From and Where It Goes 23 c. If both curves shift, we might generate a scatter plot as in Figure 3–10, where the economy fluctuates among points A, B, C, and D. Depending on how often the economy is at each of these points, we might find little clear relationship between investment and interest rates. r S1 (r S2 (r D Real interest rate C A Figure 3–10 B I 1 (r I 2 (r I, S Investment, Saving d. Situation (c seems fairly reasonable—both the supply of and demand for loanable funds fluctuate over time in response to changes in the economy.。

微观经济学从这两个基本假定出发对上述问题的解决就构成了它的主要内容,具体地,它包括:① 供求规律;② 消费者行为理论,它构成消费品价格决定的需求方面;③ 生产者行为理论或厂商理论,它构成消费品价格决定的供给方面;④ 生产要素的价格决定理论或分配理论;⑤ 一般均衡理论;⑥ 福利经济学;⑦ 市场失灵和微观经济政策。

Problems and Applications1.In the text example of the farmer and the rancher, the farmer’s opportunity cost ofproducing one pound of meat is two pounds of potatoes because for every 20 hours of work, he can produce one pound of meat or two pounds of potatoes. Withlimited time at his disposal, producing a pound of meat means he gives up theopportunity to produce two pounds of potatoes. Similarly, the rancher’s opportunity cost of producing one pound of meat is 1/8 pound of potatoes because for everyhour of work, she can produce one pound of meat or 1/8 pound of potatoes. Withlimited time at her disposal, producing a pound of meat means she gives up theopportunity to produce 1/8 pound of potatoes.2. a.See Figure 3-2. If Maria spends all five hours studying economics, she canread 100 pages, so that is the vertical intercept of the production possibilitiesfrontier. If she spends all five hours studying sociology, she can read 250pages, so that is the horizontal intercept. The time costs are constant, sothe production possibilities frontier is a straight line.Figure 3-2b.It takes Maria two hours to read 100 pages of sociology. In that time, shecould read 40 pages of economics. So the opportunity cost of 100 pages ofsociology is 40 pages of economics.3. a.Workers needed to make:One Car One Ton of Grain U.S.1/41/10Japan1/41/5b.See Figure 3-3. With 100 million workers and four cars per worker, if eithereconomy were devoted completely to cars, it could make 400 million cars.Since a U.S. worker can produce 10 tons of grain, if the U.S. produced onlygrain it would produce 1,000 million tons. Since a Japanese worker canproduce 5 tons of grain, if Japan produced only grain it would produce 500million tons. These are the intercepts of the production possibilities frontiers shown in the figure. Note that since the tradeoff between cars and grain isconstant, the production possibilities frontier is a straight line.Figure 3-3c.Since a U.S. worker produces either 4 cars or 10 tons of grain, theopportunity cost of 1 car is 2½ tons of grain, which is 10 divided by 4.Since a Japanese worker produces either 4 cars or 5 tons of grain, theopportunity cost of 1 car is1 1/4 tons of grain, which is 5 divided by 4. Similarly, the U.S. opportunitycost of 1 ton of grain is 2/5 cars (4 divided by 10) and the Japaneseopportunity cost of 1 ton of grain is 4/5 cars (4 divided by 5). This gives the following table:Opportunity Cost of:1 Car (in terms of tons ofgrain given up)1 Ton of Grain (in termsof cars given up)U.S. 2 1/22/5Japan 1 1/44/5d.Neither country has an absolute advantage in producing cars, since they’reequally productive (the same output per worker); the U.S. has an absoluteadvantage in producing grain, since it’s more productive (greater output perworker).e.Japan has a comparative advantage in producing cars, since it has a loweropportunity cost in terms of grain given up. The U.S. has a comparativeadvantage in producing grain, since it has a lower opportunity cost in termsof cars given up.f.With half the workers in each country producing each of the goods, the U.S.would produce 200 million cars (that’s 50 million workers times 4 cars each)and 500 million tons of grain (50 million workers times 10 tons each).Japan would produce 200 million cars (50 million workers times 4 cars each)and 250 million tons of grain (50 million workers times 5 tons each).g.From any situation with no trade, in which each country is producing somecars and some grain, suppose the U.S. changed 1 worker from producingcars to producing grain. That worker would produce 4 fewer cars and 10additional tons of grain. Then suppose the U.S. offers to trade 7 tons ofgrain to Japan for 4 cars. The U.S. will do this because it values 4 cars at 10tons of grain, so it will be better off if the trade goes through. SupposeJapan changes 1 worker from producing grain to producing cars. Thatworker would produce 4 more cars and 5 fewer tons of grain. Japan willtake the trade because it values 4 cars at 5 tons of grain, so it will be betteroff. With the trade and the change of 1 worker in both the U.S. and Japan,each country gets the same amount of cars as before and both get additionaltons of grain (3 for the U.S. and 2 for Japan). Thus by trading and changingtheir production, both countries are better off.4. a.Pat’s opportunity cost of making a pizza is 1/2 gallon of root beer, since shecould brew 1/2 gallon in the time (2 hours) it takes her to make a pizza. Pathas an absolute advantage in making pizza since she can make one in twohours, while it takes Kris four hours. Kris’s opportunity cost of making apizza is 2/3 gallons of root beer, since she could brew 2/3 of a gallon in thetime (4 hours) it takes her to make a pizza. Since Pat’s opportunity cost ofmaking pizza is less than Kris’s, Pat has a comparative advantage in makingpizza.b.Since Pat has a comparative advantage in making pizza, she will make pizzaand exchange it for root beer that Kris makes.c.The highest price of pizza in terms of root beer that will make bothroommates better off is 2/3 gallons of root beer. If the price were higherthan that, then Kris would prefer making her own pizza (at an opportunitycost of 2/3 gallons of root beer) rather than trading for pizza that Pat makes.The lowest price of pizza in terms of root beer that will make bothroommates better off is 1/2 gallon of root beer. If the price were lower thanthat, then Pat would prefer making her own root beer (she can make 1/2gallon of root beer instead of making a pizza) rather than trading for rootbeer that Kris makes.5. a.Since a Canadian worker can make either two cars a year or 30 bushels ofwheat, the opportunity cost of a car is 15 bushels of wheat. Similarly, theopportunity cost of a bushel of wheat is 1/15 of a car. The opportunitycosts are the reciprocals of each other.b.See Figure 3-4. If all 10 million workers produce two cars each, theyproduce a total of 20 million cars, which is the vertical intercept of theproduction possibilities frontier. If all 10 million workers produce 30 bushelsof wheat each, they produce a total of 300 million bushels, which is thehorizontal intercept of the production possibilities frontier. Since thetradeoff between cars and wheat is always the same, the productionpossibilities frontier is a straight line.If Canada chooses to consume 10 million cars, it will need 5 million workersdevoted to car production. That leaves 5 million workers to produce wheat,who will produce a total of 150 million bushels (5 million workers times 30bushels per worker). This is shown as point A on Figure 3-4.c.If the United States buys 10 million cars from Canada and Canada continuesto consume 10 million cars, then Canada will need to produce a total of 20million cars. So Canada will be producing at the vertical intercept of theproduction possibilities frontier. But if Canada gets 20 bushels of wheat percar, it will be able to consume 200 million bushels of wheat, along with the10 million cars. This is shown as point B in the figure. Canada should acceptthe deal because it gets the same number of cars and 50 million morebushes of wheat.Figure 3-46.Though the professor could do both writing and data collection faster than thestudent (that is, he has an absolute advantage in both), his time is limited. If theprofessor’s comparative advantage is in writing, it makes sense for him to pay astudent to collect the data, since that’s the student’s comparative advantage.7. a.English workers have an absolute advantage over Scottish workers inproducing scones, since English workers produce more scones per hour (50vs. 40). Scottish workers have an absolute advantage over English workersin producing sweaters, since Scottish workers produce more sweaters perhour (2 vs. 1). Comparative advantage runs the same way. Englishworkers, who have an opportunity cost of 1/50 sweaters per scone (1sweater per hour divided by 50 scones per hour), have a comparativeadvantage in scone production over Scottish workers, who have anopportunity cost of 1/20 sweater per scone (2 sweaters per hour divided by40 scones per hour). Scottish workers, who have an opportunity cost of 20scones per sweater (40 scones per hour divided by 2 sweaters per hour),have a comparative advantage in sweater production over English workers,who have an opportunity cost of 50 scones per sweater (50 scones per hourdivided by 1 sweater per hour).b.If England and Scotland decide to trade, Scotland will produce sweaters andtrade them for scones produced in England. A trade with a price between20 and 50 scones per sweater will benefit both countries, as they’ll be gettingthe traded good at a lower price than their opportunity cost of producing thegood in their own country.c.Even if a Scottish worker produced just one sweater per hour, the countrieswould still gain from trade, because Scotland would still have a comparativeadvantage in producing sweaters. Its opportunity cost for sweaters wouldbe higher than before (40 scones per sweater, instead of 20 scones persweater before). But there are still gains from trade since England has ahigher opportunity cost (50 scones per sweater).8. a.Technological advance lowers the opportunity cost of producing meat for thefarmer. The opportunity cost of producing a point of meat was 2 pounds ofpotatoes; it’s now 1/5 pounds of potatoes. Thus the farmer’s opportunitycost of producing potatoes is now 5 pounds of meat. Since the rancher’sopportunity cost of producing potatoes is 8 pounds of meat, the farmer stillhas a comparative advantage in producing potatoes and the rancher still hasa comparative advantage in producing meat.b.Now the farmer won’t be willing to trade a pound of potatoes for 3 pounds ofmeat because if he produced one less pound of potatoes, he could produce 5more pounds of meat. So the trade would be bad for the farmer, as hewould then be consuming inside his production possibilities frontier.c.The farmer and rancher would now be willing to trade one pound of potatoesfor an amount between 5 and 8 pounds of meat, with the potatoes beingproduced by the farmer and the meat being produced by the rancher.9. a.With no trade, one pair of white socks trades for one pair of red socks inBoston, since productivity is the same for the two types of socks. The pricein Chicago is 2 pairs of red socks per pair of white socks.b.Boston has an absolute advantage in the production of both types of socks,since a worker in Boston produces more (3 pairs of socks per hour) than aworker in Chicago (2 pairs of red socks per hour or 1 pair of white socks perhour).Chicago has a comparative advantage in producing red socks, since theopportunity cost of producing a pair of red socks in Chicago is 1/2 pair ofwhite socks, while the opportunity cost of producing a pair of red socks inBoston is 1 pair of white socks. Boston has a comparative advantage inproducing white socks, since the opportunity cost of producing a pair ofwhite socks in Boston is 1 pair of red socks, while the opportunity cost ofproducing a pair of white socks in Chicago is 2 pairs of red socks.c.If they trade socks, Boston will produce white socks for export, since it hasthe comparative advantage in white socks, while Chicago produces red socksfor export, which is Chicago’s comparative advantage.d.Trade can occur at any price between 1 and 2 pairs of red socks per pair ofwhite socks. At a price lower than 1 pair of red socks per pair of whitesocks, Boston will choose to produce its own red socks (at a cost of 1 pair ofred socks per pair of white socks) instead of buying them from Chicago. Ata price higher than 2 pairs of red socks per pair of white socks, Chicago willchoose to produce its own white socks (at a cost of 2 pairs of red socks perpair of white socks) instead of buying them from Boston.10. a.The cost of all goods is lower in Germany than in France in the sense that allgoods can be produced with fewer worker hours.b.The cost of any good for which France has a comparative advantage is lowerin France than in Germany. Though Germany produces all goods with lesslabor, that labor is more valuable. So the cost of production, in terms ofopportunity cost, will be lower in France for some goods.c.Trade between Germany and France will benefit both countries. For eachgood in which it has a comparative advantage, each country should producemore goods than it consumes, trading the rest to the other country. Totalconsumption will be higher in both countries as a result.11. a.True; two countries can achieve gains from trade even if one of the countrieshas an absolute advantage in the production of all goods. All that’snecessary is that each country have a comparative advantage in some good.b.False; it is not true that some people have a comparative advantage ineverything they do. In fact, no one can have a comparative advantage ineverything. Comparative advantage reflects the opportunity cost of onegood or activity in terms of another. If you have a comparative advantagein one thing, you must have a comparative disadvantage in the other thing.c.False; it is not true that if a trade is good for one person, it can’t be good forthe other one. Trades can and do benefit both sides especially tradesbased on comparative advantage. If both sides didn’t benefit, trades wouldnever occur.。

曼昆经济学基础第七版课后题答案1. 超额利润是对企业家才能这种特殊生产要素所付的报酬。
() [判断题]对错(正确答案)2. 规模过大,也可能出现规模不经济,因此,企业应追求适度规模。
() [判断题] 对(正确答案)错3. 基尼系数越大表示收入分配越平均。
() [判断题]对错(正确答案)4. 在完全竞争市场上,只要存在超额利润,就会有竞争者进入这个市场。
()[判断题]对(正确答案)错5. 小明开了一家奶茶店里,雇了一个员工,那么支付给这个员工的工资属于隐成本。
() [判断题]对错(正确答案)6. 在长期中,随着企业扩大其生产设备,它通常先经历规模不经济,然后规模收益不变,最后是规模经济。
() [判断题]对错(正确答案)7. 完全竞争市场由于其产品无差别,竞争最终导致厂商的超额利润为零。
() [判断题]对(正确答案)错8. 管仲提出“仓廪实而知礼节,衣食足而知荣辱”,揭示了人在满足了低层次的生理需求后,才会追求高层次的精神层面的需求。
() [判断题]对(正确答案)错9. 边际效用开始递减,总效用也开始递减。
() [判断题]对错(正确答案)10. 在经营中,短期内如果收益小于总成本,但大于变动成本,可考虑继续经营。
() [判断题]对(正确答案)错11. 一个长期患病失去工作能力的人属于失业者。
() [判断题]对错(正确答案)12. 为保护农业生产者的基本利益,政府一般会有采用支持价格来解决由于供给增加导致市场价格过低的问题。
() [判断题]对(正确答案)错13. 一定程度的失业是不可避免的,因此,失业率不可能降为零。
() [判断题] 对(正确答案)错14. 当消费者的收入发生变化时,会引起需求曲线的移动。
() [判断题]对(正确答案)错15. 消费者剩余会随着消费量的增加而减少,主要原因是边际效用在递减。
() [判断题]对(正确答案)错16. 当你选择了上大学,那么上大学的机会成本就是学费以及如果不上大学用于工作的时间带来的价值。

National Income: Where It Comes From and Where It Goes
Questions for Review
1. The factors of production and the production technology determine the amount of output an economy can produce. The factors of production are the inputs used to produce goods and services: the most important factors are capital and labor. The production technology determines how much output can be produced from any given amounts of these inputs. An increase in one of the factors of production or an improvement in technology leads to an increase in the economy’s output. 2. When a firm decides how much of a factor of production to hire or demand, it considers how this decision affects profits. For example, hiring an extra unit of labor increases output and therefore increases revenue; the firm compares this additional revenue to the additional cost from the higher wage bill. The additional revenue the firm receives depends on the marginal product of labor (MPL) and the price of the good produced (P). An additional unit of labor produces MPL units of additional output, which sells for P dollars per unit. Therefore, the additional revenue to the firm is P × MPL. The cost of hiring the additional unit of labor is the wage W. Thus, this hiring decision has the following effect on profits: ∆Profit = ∆Revenue – ∆Cost = (P × MPL) – W. If the additional revenue, P × MPL, exceeds the cost (W) of hiring the additional unit of labor, then profit increases. The firm will hire labor until it is no longer profitable to do so—that is, until the MPL falls to the point where the change in profit is zero. In the equation above, the firm hires labor until ∆profit = 0, which is when (P × MPL) = W. This condition can be rewritten as: MPL = W/P. Therefore, a competitive profit-maximizing firm hires labor until the marginal product of labor equals the real wage. The same logic applies to the firm’s decision regarding how much capital to hire: the firm will hire capital until the marginal product of capital equals the real rental price. 3. A production function has constant returns to scale if an equal percentage increase in all factors of production causes an increase in output of the same percentage. For example, if a firm increases its use of capital and labor by 50 percent, and output increases by 50 percent, then the production function has constant returns to scale. If the production function has constant returns to scale, then total income (or equivalently, total output) in an economy of competitive profit-maximizing firms is divided between the return to labor, MPL × L, and the return to capital, MPK × K. That is, under constant returns to scale, economic profit is zero. 4. A Cobb-Douglas production function function has the form F(K,L) = AKαL1–α. The text showed that the parameter α gives capital’s share of income. (Since income equals output for the overall economy, it is also capital’s share of output.) So if capital earns onefourth of total income, then a = 0.25. Hence, F(K,L) = AK0.25L0.75. 5. Consumption depends positively on disposable income—the amount of income after all taxes have been paid. The higher disposable income is, the greater consumption is. The quantity of investment goods demanded depends negatively on the real interest rate. For an investment to be profitable, its return must be greater than its cost. Because the real interest rate measures the cost of funds, a higher real interest rate makes it more costly to invest, so the demand for investment goods falls. 11

16.1复习笔记 16.2课后习题详解
第19章货币供给、 货币需求和银行体
第19章经济 周期理论的 进展(第6版
附录指定曼 昆《宏观经 济学》教材 为考研参考 书目的院校 列表
17.1复习笔记 17.2课后习题详解
18.1复习笔记 18.2课后习题详解
19.1复习笔记 19.2课后习题详解
7.1复习笔记 7.2课后习题详解
8.1复习笔记 8.2课后习题详解
第10章总需求Ⅰ:建 立IS-LM模型
第11章总需求Ⅱ:应 用IS-LM模型
第12章重访开放经济: 蒙代尔-弗莱明模型 与汇率制度
第13章总供 给与通货膨 胀和失业之 间的短期权
第14章一个 总供给和总 需求的动态 模型
第3章国民收 入:源自何 处,去向何 方
第4章货币与 通货膨胀
第5章开放的 经济
3.1复习笔记 3.2课后习题详解
4.1复习笔记 4.2课后习题详解
5.1复习笔记 5.2课后习题详解
6.1复习笔记 6.2课后习题详解
第7章经济增 长Ⅰ:资本 积累与人口
第8章经济增 长Ⅱ:技术、 经验和政策
曼昆《宏观经济学》(第6、7版) 笔记和课后习题详解
01 思维导图
03 读书笔记 05 作者介绍
02 内容摘要 04 目录分析 06 精彩摘录
习题 习题

CHAPTER 23: MEASURING A NATION’S INCOMETrue/FalseIndicate whether the statement is true or false.1. T he circular flow diagram describes all transactions between households and firms in a simpleeconomy and shows the equality of expenditures and income.ANSWER: TPOINTS: 0 / 12. G ross domestic product includes most items produced and sold illicitly.ANSWER: FPOINTS: 0 / 13. N et national product is the total in come of a nation’s residents minus losses from depreciation.ANSWER: TPOINTS: 0 / 14. D isposable personal income is the income that households and unincorporated business haveleft after satisfying all their obligations to the government. It equals personal income minuspersonal taxes and certain non-tax payments to government.ANSWER: TPOINTS: 0 / 15. T he purchase of new houses by households is included in the calculation of personalconsumption expenditures of GDP.ANSWER: FPOINTS: 0 / 1Multiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.1. W hen GDP falls,a. income and expenditure must both fall.b. income and expenditure can both rise.c. income must fall, but expenditure may rise or fall.d. expenditure must fall, but income may rise or fall.ANSWER: APOINTS: 0 / 12. I ncome equals expenditure becausea. firms always pay out all their revenue as income to someone.b. each time a sale is made, there is a buyer and a seller.c. households own the factors of production used to generate incomes.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 13. I f a province makes the production and sale of illicit drugs legal, then GDPa. must increase.b. must decrease.c. wouldn't change.d. may increase or decrease.ANSWER: APOINTS: 0 / 14. W hen a government provides subsidies to encourage growth of small businesses, the subsidieswoulda. be included in GDP because they are invested by businesses.b. be included in GDP because they are a form of government spending.c. not be included in GDP because they are transfer payments.d. may or may not be included in GDP, depending on how the funds are used.ANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 15. D iesel fuel isa. always considered a final good.b. counted as an intermediate good if a company uses it to provide transportation services.c. counted as a final good if a farmer uses it to run a tractor to grow crops.d. Both b and c are correct.ANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 16. G ross domestic producta. is the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a givenperiod (usually a year)b. is the income in the hands of individuals after deducting income taxes; income availableto households to spend and savec. is the value of goods and services purchased by all levels of government— federal,provincial, and local—in a given periodd. is the market value of all final goods and services produced by permanent residents of anation in a given time periodANSWER: APOINTS: 0 / 17. M acroeconomics is that branch of economics that studiesa. the conditions of individual marketsb. the influence of governments on individual marketsc. economy-wide phenomenad. only the private sector of the economyANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 18. S uppose that nominal GDP is $6,000 billion and real GDP is $3,000. What is the GDP pricedeflator?a. 125b. 150c. 200d. 250ANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 19. T he purchase of final goods and services by households is calleda. investmentb. public sector expenditurec. consumptiond. net exportsANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 110. I nvestment is the purchase of capital equipment, inventories, anda. structuresb. non-durable goodsc. depreciationd. import investmentANSWER: APOINTS: 0 / 111. T ransfer paymentsa. are included in GDP because they are forms of incomeb. are included in GDP because goods and services have been produced in the transferc. are NOT included in the GDP because goods and services have not been produced inthe transferd. are included in GDP because they represent the production of transfers of goods andservices to foreign countriesANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 112. W hich of the following would be considered consumption expenditure?a. The Smiths buy a home built in 1990.b. The federal government pays the salary of a captain in the Armed Forces.c. The Hostlers buy a new car that was manufactured in Germany.d. The government buys food for its armed forces.ANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 113. T he method that measures GDP in relationship to the size of the population is calleda. GNPb. worker GDPc. GDP per persond. capital GDPANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 114. T he components of GDP area. C + I + Gb. NX + G + Cc. C + G + NXd. C + I + G + NXANSWER: DPOINTS: 0 / 115. S uppose nominal GDP is $7700 and the GDP deflator is 110. Real GDP isa. $7700b. $7000c. $847,000d. $8470ANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 1Short Answer1. W hat are the components of gross domestic product (GDP)?RESPONSE:ANSWER: The components of GDP are: (1) consumption spending by households on goods and services, with the exception of purchases of new housing; (2) Investmentspending on capital equipment, inventories, and structures, including householdpurchases of new housing; (3) government purchases or spending on goods andservices by the local, provincial, and federal levels governments; and (4) netexports which is spending on domestically produced goods and services byforeigners (exports) minus spending on foreign goods and services by domesticresident (imports).POINTS: -- / 12. D ifferentiate between gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP).RESPONSE:ANSWER: GDP is the value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given year; while GNP is the total income earned by a nation’s permanent residents ornationals (that is, Canadians). GNP differs from GDP by including income thatcitizens of the nation (Canada) earned aboard, and excluding income thatforeigners earn in the particular country (E.g. in Canada).POINTS: -- / 13. D ifferentiate between real GDP and nominal GDP.RESPONSE:ANSWER: Nominal GDP is the value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a year and valued at current prices; and real GDP is the GDP valued at constantbase year prices. Real GDP is not affected by changes in the level of prices, so itreflects only changes in the amounts being produced.POINTS: -- / 14. E xplain why GDP is not considered a perfect measure of well- being?RESPONSE:ANSWER: GDP is not considered a perfect measure of well-being because some of thefactors that contribute to a good life are omitted. These would include: leisure time,the quality of the environment, the distribution of income, and the production ofgoods and services that did not pas through the market (for example, houseworkdone by the homemaker, and volunteer work)POINTS: -- / 15. H ow do economists measure economic growth?RESPONSE:ANSWER: Economists measure economic growth as the percentage change in real GDP from one period to another. This is because changes in real GDP reflect only changes inthe amounts being produced.POINTS: -- / 1CHAPTER 24: MEASURING THE COST OF LIVINGTrue/FalseIndicate whether the statement is true or false.1. T he GDP deflator reflects the prices of goods and services bought by consumers, and the consumerprice index reflects the price of all final goods and services produced domestically.ANSWER: FPOINTS: 0 / 12. T he consumer price index compares the price of a fixed basket of goods and services to the price ofthe basket in the base year. On the other hand, the GDP deflator compares the price of currently produced goods and services to the price of the same goods and services in the base years.ANSWER: TPOINTS: 0 / 13. I ndexation refers to the automatic correction of a dollar amount for the effects of inflation by law orcontract.ANSWER: TPOINTS: 0 / 14. L ong term contracts between firms and unions will sometimes include partial or complete indexationof the wage to the consumer price index. This is called a cost-of-living allowance clause.ANSWER: TPOINTS: 0 / 15. T he core inflation rate is the consumer price index with the exclusion of the most volatilecomponents such as energy and food.ANSWER: TPOINTS: 0 / 1Multiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.1. I n the CPI, goods and services are weighted according toa. how much a typical consumer buys of each item.b. whether the items are necessities or luxuries.c. how much of each item is produced in the domestic economy.d. how much is spent on them in the national income accounts.ANSWER: APOINTS: 0 / 12. B y not taking into account the possibility of consumer substitution, the CPIa. understates the standard of living.b. overstates the cost of living.c. neither overstates nor understates the cost of living.d. doesn't accurately reflect the cost of living, but it is unclear if it overstates or understates thecost of living.ANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 13. I f the prices of Brazilian-made shoes imported into Canada increases, thena. both Canada’s GDP deflator and it’s consumer price index will increase.b. neither Canada’s GDP deflator nor it’s consumer pri ce index will increase.c. Canada’s GDP deflator will increase but its CPI will not increase.d. Canada’s consumer price index will increase, but its GDP deflator won’t change.ANSWER: DPOINTS: 0 / 14. I f increases in the prices of Canadian car insurance causes the CPI to increase by 3 percent, theGDP deflator will likely increase bya. more than 3 percent.b. 3 percent.c. less than 3 percent.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 15. T he real interest rate tells youa. how quickly your savings account will grow.b. how quickly the purchasing power of your savings account will grow.c. the size of your savings account.d. the purchasing power of your savings account.ANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 16. I nflation refers toa. a temporary increase in the price level due to higher tax ratesb. a large increase in food and gasoline pricesc. a situation in which the economy's overall price level is risingd. an increase in the purchasing power of the dollarANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 17. I f nominal interest rates increase from 8 percent to 10 percent while inflation increases from 3percent to 12 percenta. the real interest rate falls from 5 percent to –2 percentb. the real interest rate rises from –2 percent to 5 percentc. the real interest rate falls from 8 percent to 12 percentd. the real interest rate rises from 8 percent to 12 percentANSWER: APOINTS: 0 / 18. I f the nominal rate of interest is 10 percent and the rate of inflation is 3 percent, what is the real rateof interest?a. 13 percentb. 7 percentc. 3 percentd. –7 percentANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 19. T he consumer price index:a. measures price changes of raw materialsb. adjusts all prices of goods and services for five-year periodsc. measures the cost of goods and services bought by a typical consumerd. cannot measure price changes of intangible production such as servicesANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 110. I f the consumer price index (CPI) at the end of 1996 was 125 and the CPI at the end of 1997 was131, then the rate of inflation during 1997 wasa. zero – prices were stable during 1997b. 4.8 percentc. 6.0 percentd. 125 percentANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 111. F rank's nominal income in 1998 is $45,000. Suppose the CPI in 1998 is 150. What is Frank's realincome?a. $51,750b. $45,000c. $38,250d. $30,000ANSWER: DPOINTS: 0 / 112. A change in the price of imports bought by consumers will bea. reflected in the GDP deflatorb. reflected in GDPc. reflected in the CPId. reflected in net national incomeANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 113. A ll of the following but one are problems associated with the CPIa. substitution biasb. the introduction of new goods and servicesc. unmeasured quality changesd. The CPI is not based on a fixed basket of goods and servicesANSWER: DPOINTS: 0 / 114. W hich of the following is correct?a. The CPI is not based on a fixed basket of goods and services.b. The GDP deflator reflects the prices of all domestically produced goods and services.c. The GDP deflator is based on a fixed basket of goods and services.d. The GDP deflator is subject to substitution bias.ANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 115. T he inflation ratea. is a measure of the cost of a basket of goods and services bought by firmsb. is the absolute change in prices between yearsc. is the percentage change in the price index from the preceding periodd. measures changes in incomes from one year to the nextANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 1Short Answer1. W hat is the consumer price index (CPI)? What are the three major items included in the CPI?RESPONSE:ANSWER: The CPI is a measure of the overall cost of the goods and services bought by a typical consumer. The three major items included in the CPI are shelter, transportation andfood.POINTS: -- / 12. H ow is the CPI computed?RESPONSE:ANSWER: First the basket of goods and services must be determined and also the relative importance of the various items to be included in the basket. Then the prices of thevarious items in the basket are determined. The cost of the basket is then determinedusing the data on prices and quantity. The base year is chosen, and the index for thebase year is computed using the quantities in the basket and the base year prices.The index is calculated by taking the price of the basket in the each year and dividingthis by the price of the basket in the base year. This ratio is then multiplied by 100. POINTS: -- / 13. D ifferentiate between the nominal rate of interest and the real rate of interest.RESPONSE:ANSWER: The nominal interest rate is the interest rate as usually reported without a correction for the effects of inflation. The real interest rate is the interest rate corrected for theeffects of inflation. The real interest rate = nominal interest rate minus the inflationrate.POINTS: -- / 14. W hat is meant by the inflation rate? If the CPI in 1996 was 107.6 and in 1995 was 105.9, calculatethe inflation rate for 1996.RESPONSE:ANSWER: The inflation rate is the percentage change in the price index from the preceding period. The inflation rate for 1996 would be:POINTS: -- / 15. W hat are the problems associated with using the consumer price index to measure the cost ofliving?RESPONSE:ANSWER: The problems are: (1) Prices do not change proportionately. Consumers respond by buying less of the goods whose prices have risen by large amounts and by buyingmore of the goods whose price have risen by less, or even fallen. The index iscomputed using a fixed basket of items, so theses changes in quantity would not bereflected in the basket. This is referred to as the substitution bias. (2) The CPI isdeveloped using a fixed basket of goods and services, when new products areintroduced during the time period that a particular fixed basket is being used, thesenew products will not be included in calculation of the index. (3) The CPI does notmeasure quality changes. If the quality of a good deteriorates from one year to thenext, the value of the dollar falls, even if the price of the good stays the same.Likewise, if the quality of the good increases from one year to the next, the value of adollar also rises. Statistics Canada will try to adjust the price of the good to account forthe quality change, but it is very difficult to measure quality.POINTS: -- / 1CHAPTER 25: PRODUCTION AND GROWTHTrue/FalseIndicate whether the statement is true or false.1. O ne way to raise future productivity is to invest less current resources in the production of capital.ANSWER: FPOINTS: 0 / 12. D iminishing returns occur when the benefits from an extra unit of output declines as the quantityof output declines.ANSWER: FPOINTS: 0 / 13. M althusian theory states that an ever-increasing population would continually strain society’sability to provide for itself. This doomed human beings to forever live in poverty.ANSWER: TPOINTS: 0 / 14. P roductivity growth is measured by real output per worker.ANSWER: TPOINTS: 0 / 15. T he primary reason that living standards are higher today than they were a century ago is thattechnological knowledge has advanced.ANSWER: TPOINTS: 0 / 1Multiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.1. O f the following countries, which grew the slowest over the last 100 years?a. Brazil.b. Mexico.c. Singapore.d. United States.ANSWER: DPOINTS: 0 / 12. O n average, each year of schooling raises a person's wage in Canada by abouta. 3 percent.b. 10 percent.c. 15 percent.d. 25 percent.ANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 13. T he primary reason that Canadian living standards are higher today than they were a century agois thata. more productive natural resources have been discovered.b. physical capital per worker has increased.c. technological knowledge has increased.d. human capital has increased.ANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 14. M any countries in Africa have low growth rates. This is partly due toa. few natural resourcesb. high trade barriers.c. low incomes, making it very difficult for them to grow.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 15. A government can encourage growth and, in the long run, raise the economy’s standard of livingby encouraginga. population growth.b. consumption spending.c. saving and investment.d. trade restrictions.ANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 16. D iminishing returns is the notion thata. as the stock of capital ages, the extra output produced decreasesb. as the stock of capital is increased, the extra output produced from an additional unit ofcapital fallsc. as resources are used to produce capital goods, fewer additional capital goods can beproducedd. you always get what you pay forANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 17. C ompared with richer countries, poorer countries are generally characterized bya. high real GDP per personb. political stabilityc. rapid population growthd. strongly enforced property rightsANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 18. W hich one of the following countries would most likely be considered a poorer nation, using realGDP/person?a. Canadab. Germanyc. Japand. IndiaANSWER: DPOINTS: 0 / 19. W hich of the following factors would be most likely to encourage capital formation in a poorernation?a. the expectation of sustained high rates of inflation in the futureb. the expectation that property rights will remain securec. the expectation that a struggle between capitalist and socialist forces will lead to majorstructural change in the economyd. an increase in corporate taxes in order to finance an expanded government welfareprogramANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 110. W hich of the following is most likely to cause the productivity of labour to increase?a. higher money wage ratesb. a higher rate of investment in human and physical capitalc. more flexible working hours and improved retirement plansd. none of the aboveANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 111. S uppose that factory output rose from 50,000 units to 55,000 units while labour hours rose from1100 to 1200. Which of the following is true?a. Labour productivity remained unchanged.b. Labour productivity increased slightly.c. Labour productivity decreased slightly.d. Labour productivity increased sharply.ANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 112. W hich of the following would be most likely to cause the real income per person of poorercountries to rise?a. a more rapid population growthb. a rapid rate of inflationc. an international minimum-wage lawd. an increase in foreign investment that enhanced the productivity of the labour forceANSWER: DPOINTS: 0 / 113. I f a production function has constant returns to scale, then:a. doubling inputs will double output.b. doubling inputs will triple output.c. doubling inputs will cause output to increase, but the increase in output will be less thanthe increase in inputs.d. doubling inputs will decrease output.ANSWER: APOINTS: 0 / 114. T he most important source of rising living standards over time is:a. the increase in the size of the labour force.b. the increase in the labour force participation rate.c. the increase in productivity.d. the increase in human capital—the skills embodied in the work force.ANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 1Short Answer1. W hat is productivity and why is it important?RESPONSE:ANSWER: Productivity is the amount of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker’s time. It is the major determinant of the standard of livi ng of a country.POINTS: -- / 12. H ow is productivity determined?RESPONSE:ANSWER: Productivity is determined by a country’s physical capital, human capital, natural resources and technological knowledge.POINTS: -- / 13. W hat is the World Bank and what are its functions?RESPONSE:ANSWER: The World Bank is an international organization that among other thingsencourages the flow of capital to poor countries. It obtains funds from the world’sadvance counties and loans them to less developed countries so that they caninvest in capital infrastructure. The World Bank offers advice to developingcountries on how the funds might best be used.POINTS: -- / 14. W hat are property rights? What role does property rights play in economic growth?RESPONSE:ANSWER: Property rights refer to the ability of people to exercise authority over the resources they own. There must be an economy-wide respect for property rights for the pricesystem or the free market to work. Lack of respect for property rights or theenforcement of property rights would not only cause political instability but wouldalso discourage savings and investment. These are necessary for economicgrowth.POINTS: -- / 15. D ifferentiate between inward-oriented policies and outward-oriented policies.RESPONSE:ANSWER: Inward-oriented policies are aimed at raising productivity and living standards withina county by avoiding interaction with the rest of the world. This approach involvesthe protection of domestic industries to allow them to develop and grow withoutcompetition from foreign firms. Outward-oriented policies are designed to integratecountries into the world economy as international trade is considered to be a factorin generating economic growth.POINTS: -- / 1CHAPTER 26: SAVING, INVESTMENT, AND THE FINANCIAL SYSTEMTrue/FalseIndicate whether the statement is true or false.1. P rivate savings are the tax revenue that the government has left after paying for its spending; andpublic savings is the income that households have left after paying for taxes and consumption.ANSWER: FPOINTS: 0 / 12. A budget deficit is an excess of tax revenue over government spending; and a budget surplus is ashortfall of tax revenue from government spending.ANSWER: FPOINTS: 0 / 13. A budget surplus decreases the supply of loanable funds, increases the interest rate, andstimulates investment.ANSWER: FPOINTS: 0 / 14. T he financial system is the group of institutions in the economy that help to match one person’ssavings with another person’s investment.ANSWER: TPOINTS: 0 / 15. A mutual fund is an institution that sells shares to the public and uses the proceeds to buy aselection, or portfolio, of various types of stocks, bonds, or both stocks and bonds.ANSWER: TPOINTS: 0 / 1Multiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.1. W hich of the following is correct?a. Lenders buy bonds and borrowers sell them.b. Long-term bonds usually pay a lower interest rate than do short-term bonds becauselong-term bonds are riskier.c. Junk bonds refer to bonds that have been resold many times.d. None of the above are correct.ANSWER: APOINTS: 0 / 12. I n a closed economy, national saving equalsa. investment.b. income minus the sum of consumption and government expenditures.c. private saving plus public saving.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: DPOINTS: 0 / 13. I f the current market interest rate for loanable funds is below the equilibrium level, then there is aa. shortage of loanable funds and the interest rate will rise.b. surplus of loanable funds and the interest rate will rise.c. shortage of loanable funds and the interest rate will fall.d. surplus of loanable funds and the interest rate will fall.ANSWER: APOINTS: 0 / 14. S uppose that Parliament were to introduce a new investment tax credit. What would happen in themarket for loanable funds?a. The demand for loanable funds would shift left and interest rates fall.b. The demand for loanable funds would shift right and interest rates rise.c. The supply of loanable funds would shift left and interest rates rise.d. The supply of loanable funds would shift right and interest rates fall.ANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 15. I f Canada increases its budget deficit, it will reducea. private saving and so shift the supply of loanable funds left.b. investment and so shift the demand for loanable funds left.c. public saving and so shift the supply of loanable funds left.d. None of the above are correct.ANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 16. C rowding out refers toa. the increase in national saving that occurs when government runs a deficitb. the decrease in the real interest rates due to government borrowingc. a reduction in investment spending resulting from government borrowingd. a decrease in consumption spending resulting from government borrowingANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 17. F or a bank to be profitable, the loans it makes must _____ than the _____ obtaining funds.a. cost more; price ofb. pay less interest; total revenue fromc. make more interest; total cost ofd. be less profitable; total revenue fromANSWER: CPOINTS: 0 / 18. L arge budget deficits will likelya. increase the nation's pool of savingb. decrease the nation's pool of savingc. have no impact on the nation's pool of savingd. improve the nation's trade balanceANSWER: BPOINTS: 0 / 19. T he supply curve of loanable funds isa. upward-sloping, reflecting the fact that savers need a higher rate of interest to coax theminto lending moreb. downward-sloping, reflecting the fact that savers will increase their supply for loanablefunds at lower rates of interestc. upward-sloping, reflecting the fact that savers will increase their saving at lower rates ofinterestd. None of the aboveANSWER: APOINTS: 0 / 1。

想想GDP 的定义,解释为什么转移支付不包括在政府购买内?答:因为转移支付并不就是要交换现在生产的物品或劳务,从宏观经济的角度瞧,转移支付就像税收与回扣一样。

宏观经济学练习题答案(曼昆)宏观经济学课后习题作业 11.经济学的创始人是,现代宏观经济学是建立的。
作业 21.名词解释:国内生产总值(GDP)、GDP平减指数、中间产品2.GDP与GNP的差别?P1092.生产一辆经济型轿车或生产一辆豪华型轿车,哪一个对GDP的贡献更大?为什么?答:生产一辆豪华型轿车对GDP的贡献大。

曼昆经济学原理答案英文版一、选择题1、在经济学中,什么是GDP?A.国内生产总值B.国民生产总值C.国内总收入D.国民总收入答案:A.国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product,GDP)是指一个国家在一定时期内所有常住单位的生产活动的最终成果。
曼昆《宏观经济学》(第6、7版)课后习题详解(第3章 国民收入:源自何处,去向何方)

一、概念题1.生产要素(factors of production)答:生产要素指为进行生产和服务活动而投入的各种经济资源。
2.生产函数(production function)答:生产函数是指在一定时期内,在技术水平不变的条件下,生产中所使用的各种生产要素的数量与所能生产的最大产量之间的关系。

22.2 19.3 16.7
b. U.S. real GDP per capita grew the fastest from 1978 to 1988; it grew the slowest from 1998 to 2008.
4. a. and c.
Table 2–10
(1) Year
Answers to Selected Student Guide Problems*
*Note to instructors: The answers to most of the data questions were taken from the 2009 Economic Report of the President.Some data for 2008 were taken from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and Department of Labor websites. The data may be revised in later publications
13,808 3.3
b. 3.3
4 C H A P T E R
Money and Inflation
10. a.
c. d. e.
The costs of expected inflation are the shoeleather costs of inflation, the menu costs of changing prices, the cost of unindexed taxes, the cost of greater variability in prices, and the costs to people who receive incomes fixed in nominal terms (such as private pensions) that were contracted before the inflation was expected.

A增加; B 减少;C不变; D 难以确定。
A 增加和利率的提高;B 减少和利率的提高;C 增加利率的降低;D 减少和利率的降低。
A 提高贴现率;B 增加货币供给;C 降低法定准备金率;D 中央银行买入政府债券。
A 将增加银行的贷款意愿;B 将制约经济活动;C 与提高法定准备金率的作用相同;D 通常导致债券价格下降。
A 减少货币供给量,降低利率;B 增加货币供给量,提高利率;C 减少货币供给量。
提高利率;D 增加货币供给量,提高利率。
A 银行越愿意贷款;B 货币供给量越大;C 越可能引发通货膨胀;D 商业银行存款创造越困难。
8、在下列哪种情况下,紧缩货币政策的有效性将减弱?()A 实际利率很低;B 名义利率很低;C 实际利率很高;D 名义利率很高。
A 增加较多;B 增加较少;C 减少较多;D 减少较少。
A 提高;B 下降;C 不变;D不确定。
A 提高很多;B 提高很少;C 下降很多;D 下降很少。
A 增加;B 减少;C 不变;D不确定。

3.2 国民收入如何分配给生产要素
国民收入的分配由要素价格决定,而要素价格 取决于要素的边际产出。 注:企业为了获得生产要素必须支付租金,而 家庭通过出让生产要素获得报酬。因此,拥有的生 产要素数量和生产要素的价格决定了家庭的收入水 平。本小结只分析产出在要素之间的分配,但我们 知道背后是产出在一个个家庭中的分配。
在劳动投入不变的情况下,增加一单位资本所得 到的额外产量。
企业增加一单位资本的收益 P × MPK 企业增加一单位资本的成本 R 在最优状态时,增加一单位资本的收益应 该等于成本: P × MPK = R
消费(C) 投资(I) 政府购买(G)
Y = C + I + G
注:为了简化分析,我们暂时不考虑净出口。 因此,我们说本章分析的是封闭经济。
一般认为私人消费取决于税后收入,即可支配收 入。可用下式表达
为简化分析过程,本章将投资收益率视为外生 给定,假设投资需求只取决于利率。
I = I (r )
其中,I是投资,I( )是一个减函数,r是实际利 率,即名义利率经通货膨胀调整后的利率。
实际工资:W/P 资本的实际租赁价格:R/P 根据上文分析,有:

(5) % Change in Real GDP per Capita from Preceding Decade
1978 1988 1998 2008
5,015 6,743 9,067 11,652
222.6 245.0 276.1 304.1
$22,530 $27,522 $32,840 $38,316
π = % Change in M – 34% per decade.
If we use M1 as our measure of the money supply, the simple quantity theory predicts 10-year inflation rates of 86.4 percent from 1978 to 1988; 5.3 percent from 1988 to 1998, and 11.6 percent from 1998 to 2008.
C h a p t e r 4 Money and Inflation
Data Questions
1. a. Table 4–9
CPI All Items
1978 65.2
1988 118.3
1998 163.0
2008 215.3
Consumer Price Indices
(5) % Change in GDP Deflator from Preceding Year
119.82 2.2
b. Imported oil is not part of U.S. GDP. Therefore, it is not included in the calculation of the GDP deflator, although it is included in the calculation of the CPI when it is purchased by consumers. Because the United States imports, rather than produces, a large portion of the oil households consume, the oil price increase had a greater effect on the CPI than on the GDP deflator from 2007 to 2008.
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National Income: Where It Comes From and Where It view
1. The factors of production and the production technology determine the amount of output an economy can produce. The factors of production are the inputs used to produce goods and services: the most important factors are capital and labor. The production technology determines how much output can be produced from any given amounts of these inputs. An increase in one of the factors of production or an improvement in technology leads to an increase in the economy’s output. 2. When a firm decides how much of a factor of production to hire or demand, it considers how this decision affects profits. For example, hiring an extra unit of labor increases output and therefore increases revenue; the firm compares this additional revenue to the additional cost from the higher wage bill. The additional revenue the firm receives depends on the marginal product of labor (MPL) and the price of the good produced (P). An additional unit of labor produces MPL units of additional output, which sells for P dollars per unit. Therefore, the additional revenue to the firm is P × MPL. The cost of hiring the additional unit of labor is the wage W. Thus, this hiring decision has the following effect on profits: ∆Profit = ∆Revenue – ∆Cost = (P × MPL) – W. If the additional revenue, P × MPL, exceeds the cost (W) of hiring the additional unit of labor, then profit increases. The firm will hire labor until it is no longer profitable to do so—that is, until the MPL falls to the point where the change in profit is zero. In the equation above, the firm hires labor until ∆profit = 0, which is when (P × MPL) = W. This condition can be rewritten as: MPL = W/P. Therefore, a competitive profit-maximizing firm hires labor until the marginal product of labor equals the real wage. The same logic applies to the firm’s decision regarding how much capital to hire: the firm will hire capital until the marginal product of capital equals the real rental price. 3. A production function has constant returns to scale if an equal percentage increase in all factors of production causes an increase in output of the same percentage. For example, if a firm increases its use of capital and labor by 50 percent, and output increases by 50 percent, then the production function has constant returns to scale. If the production function has constant returns to scale, then total income (or equivalently, total output) in an economy of competitive profit-maximizing firms is divided between the return to labor, MPL × L, and the return to capital, MPK × K. That is, under constant returns to scale, economic profit is zero. 4. A Cobb-Douglas production function function has the form F(K,L) = AKαL1–α. The text showed that the parameter α gives capital’s share of income. (Since income equals output for the overall economy, it is also capital’s share of output.) So if capital earns onefourth of total income, then a = 0.25. Hence, F(K,L) = AK0.25L0.75. 5. Consumption depends positively on disposable income—the amount of income after all taxes have been paid. The higher disposable income is, the greater consumption is. The quantity of investment goods demanded depends negatively on the real interest rate. For an investment to be profitable, its return must be greater than its cost. Because the real interest rate measures the cost of funds, a higher real interest rate makes it more costly to invest, so the demand for investment goods falls. 11