



英语视听说法庭口译常用句子法庭口译常用句子1. 现在开庭。



The court is now in session. Today, the First Criminal Division of the Intermediate People’s Court of Guangzhou is to hear in public the drug-smuggling case filed by the People’s Procuratorate of Guangzhou against the defendant Haniff. Please bring the defendant to court.2. 被告人姓名、曾用名、化名、绰号、出生年月日、民族、籍贯、文化程度、工作单位、职务、户籍地、居住地?Please state to court your full name, former name, alias, street name, birthday info, nationality, educational background, institution/business address, professional title, and home address.3. 被告人因何事被拘留?何时被拘留?何时被逮捕?Why were you detained? When were you detained? When were you arrested?4. 根据广州市公安局逮捕证的记载,公安机关在2006年11月17向被告人宣布逮捕,被告人拒绝签名。

According to the record on the arrest warrant of the Guangzhou Police Bureau, the police announced the arrest to the defendant on November 11, 2006, but the defendant refused to sign the arrest warrant.5. 被告人有无收到广州市人民检察院的起诉书?有无收到起诉书的英文版?何时收到的?距今天是否有10天了?Did you receive the indictm ent filed by the People’s Procuratorate of Guangzhou? When did you receive it? Has it been ten days since you received it?6. 按照本院送达起诉书副本的记录,被告人收到起诉书副本的时间是4月5日。

1516 口译课视译材料

1516 口译课视译材料

2015-2016 口译课期末考试中译英视译材料1、Shanghai Disney Resort A很久以前,华特迪士尼公司创始人华特迪士尼先生梦想建造出比普通游乐园更激动人心的场所。




”Once upon a time, Walt Disney-the founder of the Walt Disney Company-dreamed about building something much more exciting than a standard amusement park、“At that time, my two daughters were very young and Saturday was always daddy's day、So I'd take them to the merry-go-round and different places to play、As I sit while they rode the merry-go-round, I suddenly had an idea and I felt that there should be something built where parents and children could have fun together、And eventually this idea contributed to the birth of the Disneyland、”2、Shanghai Disney Resort B如今,上海迪士尼度假区以新颖特别的方式延续着这种精神,打造了全新的主题园区以及众多独一无二的游乐项目与体验,包括全球迪士尼主题乐园中最大的城堡。



(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)教案系教研室翻译系课程名称口译理论与实践山东工商学院外国语学院【首页】课程类型必修课院级公共课();基础或专业基础课();专业课(√)选修课限选课();任选课()授课方式课堂讲授(√);实践课()考核方式考试(√);考查()课程教学总学时数32学时分配课堂讲授 32 学时;实践课学时教材名称《中级口译教程》第四版出版社及作者上海外语教育出版社梅德明编著指定参考书作者出版社出版时间1.《高级汉英口译教程》2.《实战口译》3. 《汉英口译入门》4. 《商务口译教材》5.《新编经贸口译教程》王逢鑫林超伦李长栓梅德明王学文外文出版社外语教学与研究外语教学与研究人民教育出版社中国对外经济贸易出版社2004版20042000版2004版2004版课程名称:口译理论与实践章节名称第一讲口译基础知识授课方式理论课(1);实践课(1);实习()教学时数2教学目的及要求1.掌握口译相关理论基础知识2.了解口译历史发展、定义、特点、标准、过程、类型、模式3.了解理论研究现状教学重点与难点口译的分类、标准和学习方法教学手段课堂讲授与学生实践相结合教学主要内容时间分配一.引言二.主要内容1、掌握口译相关理论基础知识口译历史发展、定义、特点、标准、过程、类型、模式、理论研究现状2、译员的素质和训练(思想品德、心理素质、语言、知识结构、健康体魄等)3、口译课程学习要求、自主学习方法讲解以及口译各类考试介绍4、口译技巧(一)听辨(范例分析与集体实练相结合)5、自主学习(一)口译小组安排、计划、听辨训练三.布置作业和思考问题课时分配:1、2 约为1.25 课时, 3、4 为0.75 课时,5 为课后1 小时复习思考题 1. 阅读课本第一部分口译概论2. 思考题:衡量口译的标准是什么?教学后记本章课堂教学讨论口译的基本概念和做好一名口译员的基本要求。












视译分视阅口译(sight interpreting with text)和视听口译(sight interpreting with text while listening )。




边读边译需要译者按照出现的先后把句子切成小段(断句),先阅读到的内容先译,同时迅速转向下一个视幅(eye span),所及的部分,在口译时还需注意目标语的联惯性(coherence)和可接受性(acceptability),也就是灵活整合。


I. Principles for singt interpretation1. Syntactic Linearity 顺句驱动为了避免语言结构重大调整对人脑认知负荷的影响,口译员常常是在总体上依照英文的行文次序,把整个句子切分成意群单位或信息单位,再使用连接词把这些单位连接起来,译出整体意思。

Sight Interpreting- Lecture 1

Sight Interpreting- Lecture 1

听译音流听辨 联想、听辨、口译 预测、推断与听译 听译中的心理表征 听译的言意分离 听译中的关键信息浓缩 听译中的记忆 听译中的笔记 听译中的释义操作:源语结构冗 余
听译中的释义操作:源语意义晦 涩
听译中的译述 听译的逻辑性重构
口译笔记原则 口译笔记内容
3. 就一般听力而言,信息接收是被动和跟随性的,对信息的反 映略显滞后。而译员的听辨过程是积极主动的。在听的过程中 伴有很大程度的预测和判断行为,常常需要调动非语言因素对 所听内容进行分析、整理、补充和联想。
4. 通常,用作听力训练的材料,信息比较清晰,杂音干扰较少。 而译员在口译工作中所处的信息环境是现场性的,不确定性因 素较多;信息干扰、信息缺失时有发生。而且,讲话者以交流 为唯一目的,在信息发布过程中并不照顾或考虑译员的状态。
1. 有声资料(最好是现场讲话),听过一段话后,在不记笔记 的情况下用源语(英文)进行复述。注意在听的过程中要把注 意力从词句表达上移开,而专注于整段话的逻辑意思。在复述 时不要拘泥于原文词句,更不要试图背原话。意思和逻辑关系 要尽量复述得准确完整。
2. 在听辨训练的初级阶段,如果还不能完全掌握边听、边分析、 边记忆的技能,可采取就所听内容进行提问的方式建立逻辑关 系。比如可以将注意力放在WHAT、 WHO、WHEN AND WHERE、 HOW AND WHY等几个要素上。通过这种方式增强逻辑分析意识, 努力跟上讲话人的思路,从而对所听语篇有一个正确的理解。
“听辨”(Listening and information receiving)顾名思义,不仅 要“听”还要“辨”,即思考、分析。“听辨”是口译过程中 的第一阶段。在这个过程中我们接收到源语信息,并通过种种 分析手段把接收到的信息纳入到我们的理解范畴,以便储存和 输出。毫无疑问,口译的成败在很大程度上取决于听辨过程。 所以大家首先要先对口译的听辨过程有一个透彻的认识,以便 有针对性地进行练习,提高自己的听辨能力。



D .符号
sad , female , disagree , little , few , -2=less , -3=least , lack of , short of…
• √同意,正确等,如: agree , correct , right…
• ×不同意,错误等,如: disagree , incorrect…
• ↑表示“上升、快速上升、快速发展、快速 上涨等”
• ↓表示“下降、减少、急剧下降、急速下跌 等”;
• ↗表示“缓慢上升,缓慢发展、缓慢上涨等 ”;

• ←表示“返回,倒退等”; • →表示“达到,至,导致,前进等”; • +表示“加,增加,此外,另外,又加
• —表示“减少,减”;
• : 主观想法和说辞,如: think , consider , speak , say , talk , mark , announce , declare , hope , 例: repeat 或 reaffirm 可以用 :2 来替 代,
• 声明பைடு நூலகம்持可以用 + :来替代,谴责用 - :
.表时间前后,如去年. y ,明年 y .,后 天 d ..,前天.. d ,两周后 w ..
• C .图象 • ⊙ 会议,如 conference , meeting ,
seminar , symposium… • □ 国家,地区,如:
中国:□ C , 俄国:□ R
D .符号
happy , male , agree , many, +2=more , +3=most , beneficial , good , beautiful , great , gorgeous…



09年3月高级口译听力各部分全文本及解析-口译笔译考试Spot Dictation 文本When Americans think about hunger, we usually think in terms of mass-starvation in far-away countries, but hunger too often lurks in our backyards. In 2006, 35.1million people, including 12.4million children in the United States did not have access to enough food for an active healthy life. Some of these individuals relied on emergency food sources and some experienced hunger. Although most people think of hungry people and homeless people as the same, the problem of hunger reaches far beyond homelessness. While the number of people being hungry or at the risk of hunger may be surprising, it is the faces of those hungry individuals that would probably most shock you. The face of hunger is the older couple who has worked hard for their entire lives, only to find their savings wiped out by unavoidable medical bills, or a single mother who has to choose whether the salary from her minimum wage job will go to buy food or pay rent, or a child who struggles to concentrate on his schoolwork because his family couldn’t afford dinner the night before. At December 2006 survey estimated that 48 percent of those requesting emergency food assistance, were either children or their parents. Children are twice as likely to live inhouseholds where someone experiences hunger and food insecurity than adults. One in ten adults compared to one in five children live in households where someone suffers from hunger and some food insecurity. Child poverty is more wide spread in the United States than in any other industrialized country. At the same time, the US government spends less than any industrialized country to pull its children out of poverty. We have long known that the minds and bodies of small children need adequate food to develop properly. But science is just beginning to understand the full extent of this relationship. As late as the 1980s, conventional wisdom held that only the most severe forms of malnutrition actually alter brain development. The latest empirical evidence however shows that even relatively mild under-nutrition produces cognitive imperiments in children which can last a life time. 解析此段高口的Spot Dictation 整体难度较低,主题较为浅显易懂。



同声传译(simultaneous interpretation): 又称同步口译,是译员在不打断讲话者演讲 的情况下,不停顿地将其讲话内容传译给听 众的一种口译方式。因为译员的口译与讲话 者的发言几乎同步进行,所以这种口译也被 称之为同步口译。同声传译的最大优点在于 高效率,可以保证讲话者作连贯发言,不影 响或中断讲话者的思路,有利于听众对发言 全文的同篇理解。同时传译被认为是最有效 率的口译形式,是国际会议所采用的最基本 的口译手段。同声传译有时也用于学术报告, 授课讲座等场合。
第七讲 口译技能训练之六:旅游与观光(Week 7) Travel and Sightseeing 第八讲 口译技能训练之七: 经济与发展(Week 8) Economy and Development 第九讲 口译训练技能之八:娱乐与大众传媒 (Week 9) Entertainment and Mass Media 第十讲 口译训练技能之九:卫生与健康(Week 10) Sanitation and Health 第十一讲 对外关系(Week 11) Foreign Relations 第十二讲 科技与进步(Week 12) Science, Technology and Progress 第十三讲 交通与事故(Week 13) Traffic and Accidents
An interpreter, on the other hand, has to be able to translate in both directions, without the use of any dictionares of interpreting
口译是指“对口头表达的信息及文本进行的口 头翻译”(Shuttleworth & Cowie, 1997:82)

上外中级口译第三版听力教程原文及讲解--Unit 6

上外中级口译第三版听力教程原文及讲解--Unit 6

中级口译听力教程第三版3AAn intermediate course of English listening. Third edition.Unit six. Part one. A news summary.3. Exercises. 1. Listen to the broadcast news summary, and then briefly answer the following questions.This is 4 o’clock. Here is the news summary. There has been a serious accident on the M6 motor way in Lancashire, in which as least 6 people have lost their lives. It happened early this morning near Preston, when a coach carrying 45 passengers collided with a heavy lorry. Rescue operations had been going on throughout the day and the section of the motor way has been closed to traffic. Important talks had been taking place at 10 Downing Street today between the prime minister and trade union leaders. They have agreed to work together to find ways of combating inflation and reducing the president level of unemployment in British industry. Meanwhile the government has failed to avert a national a bus strike. And the bus drivers’ union has announced that no buses will run for next Monday. The decision to go ahead of the strike was announced by a union spokesman at the end of a meeting earlier this afternoon, during which government representatives failed to persuade the union and the employers to agree on a new wage plan. The forest fire in southern France. Firemen from 6 different towns had been fighting all day to prevent the fire from spreading further. Latest reports say that the blaze had still not been brought under control. And an estimated 3 million pounds worth of damage has already been caused. Four people have died in the fire so far, and 20 more have been taken to hospital with burns and other injuries. The French government has asked all tourists to avoid the area. Police in Manchester had been continuing their search for the murder of 71 year old Mrs. Jane Symptoms, who was found beaten to death in the kitchen of her home 2 days ago. Articles found at the murder scene had been taken away for examination by police experts. And the detective superintendent in charge of the case has appealed for information from members of the public. This morning detectives began making house to house inquires in the immediate neighborhood.2. Listen again and then supply the missing information in the following passage.Part two. Statements. 2. Exercises. Listen and then choose the answer which is closed in meaning to each statement you hear.1) I haven’t had a ch ance to wear my new shirt yet. I have been meaning to exchange it for a larger size.2) I have tried several times to tell Kao that the concert begins at 8, but the line has been busy. Will you be seeing him anyway?3) At our first meeting I got the impression that Susan was really curious about me. She asked me repeatedly how I earned my living.4) Arther has 3 brothers living on 3 different continents. He gets incredible phone bills every month. They haven’t been able to see each other for years.5) Robert was away from campus the whole week, and thus missed his chance to meet the well-known actress, who gave a speech to the students.6) Apart from meeting her colleagues in the office Jennifer has no one to talk to, she has felt lonely since her son left for the United States.7) Finding employment is not easy these days in this part of the country. If I were you I would be delighted with such a job offer.8) There is a bus that can get you to the airport, but you can’t rely on it. I can give you a r ide if you can wait while I put these things away.9) It seems that we shall have to go without Louise. She was supposed to arrive by 10 o’clock to join us, but it’s already 11:30.10) Since none of us knew that Virginia had gone steady with any young man, the news of her marriage caused us no little surprise.11) Linda was called into the manager’s office this morning, she was told that unless she came to work regularly she will lose her job.12) The due day for our final paper is still 4 weeks away. But the professor said not to wait until the last minute to hand it in.13) I’ve been living off campus this year, and I am going to next year too. It’s so much nicer than living in the dormitory sharing the bathroom and the kitchen.14) It looks that I have to pay a fine for this book, the library book must be returned within one week according the regulations.15) They have announced that the flight has been delayed until 4 o’clock. I am just wondering how we are going to kill these 2 hours.16) Fashio ns will always change with time. At first many people didn’t like that kind of music, but after a while it caught on.17) After preparing for such a long time, Barbra finally discovered she was illegible for the song contest to be held in February next year.18) Obviously Carol has been unhappy with her own job. She works as a nurse but she would rather teach at a primary or secondary school.19) Sera used to teach psychology at a good university in Glasgow. But now she is a corporate statistician based in London. She earns much more than before.20) They are going to change the meeting from Wednesday to Friday, but it’s all the same to me. My schedule this week is not tight at all.Part 3. 3. Exercises.1. The introduction of radio. Listen to a short talk about the introduction of radio broadcasting. Choose the best answer to each question you hear.With the introduction of radio newspaper publishers wondered how broadcasting would affect them. Many fear that radio as a quick and easy means of keeping people informed would displace the newspaper industry all together. Others hope that the brief news cast heard on the air would stimulate listeners’ interest in the story so they buy the newspaper to get more information. The second idea turned out to be closer to the truth. Radio and print were not substitutes for each other, but actually support each other. You see the relationship between different media is not always one of displacement but can be one of reinforcement. However this is not always the case. Take television and motion pictures for example, with the popularization of TV, the motion picture industry suffered greatly. Movie attendants dropped when audience members chose to stay at home and being entertained. Likewise when a football game was shown on the air, the stands were often empty, because fans chose to watch the game at home.Questions:1) What is the main topic of this talk?2) According to the speaker what is the relationship between the radio and the newspaper industry?3) According to the speaker how did the introduction of television affect motion pictures?4) Why does the speaker mention a football game?2. Weather forecast. Listen to the following weather report and then choose the best answer to each question you hear.M: Now the weather forecast.W: Well, southern Europe will once again get the best of the weekend weather. And if your holiday starts this weekend then southern Spain is the place to be, with temperatures of 34 degrees along the Mediterranean coast. At the eastern end of the Med too, you can expect uninterrupted sunshine, and temperatures of up to 32 degrees Celsius in Greece, and southeast Italy. But further north the weather is not so settled. Much of France, Belgium and the Netherlands will be cloudy with occasional rain and maximum degrees will be around 22 degrees. Very disappointing for this time of the year. Scotland and Northern Ireland will have heavy rain for much of the weekend and temperatures will drop to a cool 17 degrees. Across most of England the weather will be cloudy but mainly dry with sunny periods. And when the sun does come out temperatures could rise to a maximum of 23 degrees. Questions:1) What temperature will be reached in Southern Spain at the weekend?2) What’s the weather going to be in Greece this weekend?3) What will the weather be in many parts of France, Belgium and the Netherlands?4) What about the weather in Scotland and Northern Ireland from much of the weekend?5) What will the weather be across most of England this weekend?3. Dream dates. Listen to an advertisement and choose the best answer to each question you hear.M: I don’t enjoy dating anymore. I can’t seem to find anyone I have anything in common with. W: I am tired of being alone.M: I have tried everything.W: I want to meet Mr. Right.M(host): Can’t meet your perfect match? Well, don’t give up. Get serious. Try our reliable internet match making service. Dream dates has matched up thousands of singles the world over. Whether you are marriage minded or just trying to spice up your life, dream dates has the answer. To begin you will submit a photo and answer some questions as to the type of person you are and the type of person who is your personal dream date. Your information and specifications will be entered into our large computer data base. Note that all of our applicants are screened I saw our background check. Dream dates provide expert dating advice and a place for singles to meet. Let us introduce you to the person uniquely qualify to be your pa rtner. So don’t be alone any longer. Visit our website today and have a look at our personals. You won’t regret it. Enroll in free trial membership. Join dream dates, and make your dreams come true.Questions:1) What kind of service is being advertised?2) Which of the following is not what the dating service can offer?3) If you want to become a member you must do several things. Which of the following is not what you have to do?4) Which of the following statements is not true according to the advertisement?Part four. Listening and translation. 3. Exercises.1. Sentence translation. Listen and translate each sentence you have heard into Chinese. Then write it in the space given below.1) Our firm is a joint stock enterprise based in San Francisco, and we employ about 200,000 people around the world.2) This company has a registered capital of 20 million US dollars, and specializes in importing and exporting a great variety of agricultural products.3) A car that was stolen from the supermarket parking lot was found near an old house by the rail road tracks. No one has been arrested yet in connection with the crime.4) Positioned as an ideal platform for light industrial products Hongkong spring fare continued to attract buyers from all over the world. A total of 4,800 buyers attended the four day event.5) The second Asia EXPO was held from 6th to 8th of June 2007 in Warsaw Poland. This year’s show housed the total of 483 boos presented by 436 Asian suppliers. And attracted a total of 40,000 buyers.2. Passage translation. Listen and translate each passage you have heard into Chinese. Then write it in the space given below. You may take notes while you are listening.1) We have chosen this wooden construction exhibition since, to our point of view, the exhibition is well positioned and aimed at target customers. Those who would like to buy or build a wooden house instinction from other construction exhibitions which are mainly meant for construction market experts. However, we think it’s importa nt that in the future the exhibition date should include the weekend. This would undoubted attract many visitors and would consequently be appreciated by exhibitors.2) The problem of waste disposal is not going to disappear anytime. In fact it is growing by the minute. In Japan alone consumers throw away some 20 million TVs, washing machines, refrigerators and air conditioners each year. In Europe 6 million tons of electrical and electronic equipment were produced in 2004 alone. And that volume is expected to increase 3 to 5 percent per year, which means by 2015 it could nearly double. What’s to be done with all these tech trash?Unit sixPart One a News SummaryCoach长途公共汽车(通常指单层的,教练To collide ~ (with sb/sth) (指运动中的物体或人)猛撞某物或互撞To avert from 将(某事物)移开avert one's eyes/gaze/glance from the terrible sight转移目光, 不看那可怕的情景. /防止(某事物); 避免avert an accident, a crisis, a disaster, etc by prompt action 迅速采取行动以避免事故﹑危险﹑灾祸等* He managed to avert suspicion. 他设法避嫌.Superintendent a senior police officer In Britain/ the head of a police departmentTo appeal 委托求助吸引Lancashire兰开夏英格兰西北部城市纺织业煤炭工业Preston Lancashire的政府所在地Downing Street 唐宁街(伦敦街道名, 英国首相官邸所在地Manchester 木头,棉花,文化,金融中心Part twoIncredibleTo catch on理解, 了解, 懂(某事物)、受欢迎; 变得流行If you catch on to something, you understand it, or realize that it is happeningIf something catches on, it becomes popularIneligible ~ (for sth/to do sth) 不合格的; 无资格的CorporateStatisticianPart threeThe Med =Mediterranean / medɪtəˈreɪnɪən/地中海Uninterrupted continuous:MaximumMatchmaking is the activity of encouraging people you know to form relationships or get married.To spice up加入(幽默成分等)以增添趣味﹑新鲜感等Database数据库To screen(用隔板﹑屏﹑幕等)隐藏﹑掩护或遮蔽某物[某人/包庇; 袒护/ 检查或测试某人[某事物](有无疾病﹑缺陷等)(the) Netherlands尼德兰正式名称荷兰王国Holland是其中一部分capital:Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹Government: Hague海牙Part fourTo wear off disappears slowlyTo adjustTo figure outWarsaw华沙1.7m/popu the capital of Poland 38m/popu* sentence1.Firm a joint-stock enterprise 合资企业employ2. registered capital 注册资金Specialize in 专营3. a supermarket parking lotRailroad tracks 火车轨道No one has been arrested yet in connection with the crime. 至今尚未逮到涉案人员4. Positioned as an ideal platform for light industry products, Hong Kong Spring Fair continued to attract buyers from all over the world. A total of 4,800 buyers attended the four-day event. 作为轻工业交流的理想平台,香港春交会。

口译UNIT 6 第六单元教案

口译UNIT 6 第六单元教案

UNIT 6 第六单元STENOGRAPHY (III)口译笔记技巧(三)Unit Objective (单元目标)After reading this unit you should☆ understand the characteristics of stenography for interpretation.☆ find the difference between stenography and classroom noting or dictation☆ master the principles of stenographyWarm-up (准备)1. Two students are ordered to sit at the Interpreting Desk or Booth, acting as interpreters of the class. Their performance is evaluated and graded by instructor.2.One or Two students are asked to present a piece of news or a weather forecast of the week.Theory of Interpretation (口译理论)口译笔记的要义:分析内容、暗记要点;注意框架、理解细节;把握深层结构、做到“准、顺、快”。

Memoria Technica (记忆法)Listen to the following passage, and try to catch the key words and details, then retell them in your own words:丽水学院院标创意源于丽水的青山绿水,这里山水秀丽、人杰地灵。

// 水,孕育滋养万物,象征学院博大的胸襟、宏伟的气度,体现“有容乃大”的概念,寓意丽水学院是一所学科全面、设置合理的求学育人殿堂。


audience’s reactions; allow space for applause, laughter, or interruptions.
Prepare a speech for 2’, based on one of the following topics: 1. The way(s) to convey our patriotism 2. To be single, or to find a lover on campus? 3. My career planning 4. Tomorrow is another day
The nature of “being on the spot” can add to the pressure of the interpreter.
Good interpreters MUST at the same time be good public speakers.
Public Speaking
Logic in expressing coherence, logic
Structure of An Informative Speech
Beginning – What you’re going to say Middle – Say it!
End – What you have said
Example Analysis
An art or a skill? Example analysis
Elements in PS
Voice control: volume, rate, pause, articulation, pitch, variance
Control of manners : posture, gesture, eye contact, appearance and behaviour


为了克服文化差异带来的障碍,译员需要了解不同文化背景下的语言表达方式和习惯,熟悉不同文化的价值观和 思维方式,以便更好地理解和传达原文的含义。同时,译员还需要具备跨文化交际能力,能够妥善处理文化冲突 和误解。
在完成口译后,自我评估自己的译文是否准确传达了原文的意思, 是否出现了错译、漏译或歧义的情况。
通过训练译员掌握多种语言,提高其在多语种环境下的听辨 能力。
提供多种语言的口译材料,包括但不限于英语、中文、法语、 德语等,让译员熟悉不同语言的语音、语调和表达方式,提 高其在多语种环境下的听辨准确性和反应速度。
根据问题的原因,制定具体的 改进计划,包括加强语言学习、 提高理解能力、增加口译实践等。
按照改进计划进行针对性的训 练和实践,不断提高自己的口
政治类口译涉及国际关系、政策宣示、 外交谈判等领域,要求译员具备高度 的政治敏感性和严谨的语言表达能力。
根据讲话的逻辑和重要性, 优先处理关键信息和转折 点,确保口译的准确性和 流畅性。
在听辨过程中,注意分析讲话的 逻辑结构,把握讲话的要点和层 次,有助于口译时更好地组织语
在听辨过程中,对讲话内容进行 归纳总结,提取关键信息和核心 观点,有助于口译时更好地传达
• 口译听辨中的挑战与对策 • 口译听辨评估与反馈 • 口译听辨案例分析



英语口译二级精讲班第6讲课件讲义(环球职业教育在线)英语口译二级精讲班第6讲讲义篇章练习三、篇章练习There is no consensus among Asian intellectuals and scholars onwhether there is such a thing as “Asian values”. Some Asians believethat there are good values and bad values but no such thing as Asianvalues. Those who hold this view therefore believe that values areuniversal in character. //Some other Asians believe that because Asia is so big andheterogeneous there is no set of values which are shared by allAsians. Those who hold this view may, however, contend that somecountries in Asia, for example, the Confucianist societies, do sharea common set of values. //I belong to the third school. I believe that in spite of itsheterogeneity, Asians who live in Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia,do share certain personal and societal values. I believe there issuch a thing as Asian values just as there are American values andideals and European values and ideals. //I have been puzzled by the fact that many American and Europeanintellectuals have reacted so negatively to Asian values. Forexample, the former Governor of Hong Kong, Chris Patten, devoted achapter in his book, “East and West”, to debunking Asian values. //Asians do not react negatively when Americans talk about their belief in American values and ideals and Europeans in theirs. Whydoes the West react in such a negative way when Asians profess theirbelief in Asian values? I think there are three possible reasons. //First, I believe that the West has not yet come to accept Asia as an equal. The West has dominated Asia for the major part of thepast two hundred years. Most people in the West, including itsintellectuals, still regard Asia and Asians as inferior. One Westernintellectual contended, in an op-ed essay in the InternationalHerald Tribune, that East Asia did not represent any positivevalues. This old mindset has not changed. //Second, I suspect that the West cannot accept the concept of Asian values because the latter could pose a challenge to Westernintellectual hegemony. The truth is that we still live in a worldwhich is economically, culturally, intellectually and morallydominated by the West. Of all the regions of the non-Western world,only East Asia has the potential to achieve parity with the West. //By 1995, the ten major economies of East Asia were, collectively, aslarge as the United States (25% of the world economy) and onlyslightly smaller than the European Union (29%). East Asia is alsothe home of some of the world’s oldest and richest civilizations.Therefore, East Asia has the potential to challenge Westerndomination in the economic, cultural, intellectual and moralspheres, in the 21st Century. //另一些亚洲人认为亚洲非常大,而且具有多元化的特征,所有亚洲人都具有的价值观是不存在的。


• 另外,细细咀嚼之下,“弘扬”与“促进”,完全可用promote一 言以译之。
• 改译;Promote sportsmanship and international exchanges.
• 好的标语,总是很简洁凝练的。动手翻译之前,必须以 逻辑思维为基础,即对原文的表象、概念进行分析、综
• 原译:Dragon boat delivering friendship / X X City facing the outside world.
• 改译:Friendship through dragon boats, / X X City towards the world.
• 在一场中外交流音乐会上,外宾给音乐会命名为 Friendship through Music,上例可以以此为鉴,再以 近韵处理。
• 改译:First class service to all guests.
• 例2:北岭旅游度假区是您的投资宝地。
• 原泽:Beiling Tourist & Holiday Spending Area…
• 上译以“电报译码”,逐字注音的方式来译“度假区”, 因而拖泥带水,令人听了不舒服,看了很刺目,实在离 谱。
• 其时,美国出兵伊拉克,国内征兵起高潮,大街上的海 报中,征兵官员伸出的手指着观者的鼻子似的,产生迎 头一喝的效果:我要你去当兵!适龄应征者见了,怎么 也忘不people than heroin & cocaine.
• 美国三藩市要求大麻合法化的人抛出上述的口号标语,说明那个 社会无奇不有。但标语本身,委实引人注目。
• 例17:安全环境齐手创,各行各业乐安康。 • 原译:work for a safer,,healthier work place. • 改译:Work for a safer place for work. • 例18:立足中华,面向世界,走向未来。 • 原文是排比句,译文也排比译来: • Base on China, orient to the world and aim at the future.


Learning Objects
What is Sight Interpreting? The Types of Sight Interpreting How to Prepare for Sight Interpreting ? Tips for Sight Interpreting Principles in Sight Interpreting
My visit to China comes on an important anniversary, as the Vice President mentioned. 我访华恰逢一个重要的周年纪念,副 主席刚才谈到了这一点。
2. Anticipation 适度超前
The speed of integration in international trade of LDCs (less developed countries) has been slow. 国际贸易的一体化速度(融入国际贸易的速 度),就最不发达国家而言,一直是缓慢的 。
They will get the preparation done before considering other proposals.
We would like to accommodate you at the Haiyun Hotel. It’s a 20-minute drive from the hotel to get to the downtown area of Shanghai and a 5minute walk to the Teaching Building of the university. We believe that you will enjoy your stay here. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do for you. My telephone number is 58855200, extension 2700.







(参考答案)Firstly, the three major projects target rural areas by solving the problem of the access to radio, television and film for the public in rural areas. The first project is the cun-cun-tong project, namely bringing access to radio and television for every village, with a goal of bringing 8 channels of television and 4 channels of radio to all villages of more than 20 households that have already obtained power of electricity. The second project is the western project, which aims to improve the radio and television infrastructure and basic condition and improve coverage in the western area and border areas with ethnic minority people. The third project is the projection of films in rural areas, with a goal of projecting one film in every village every month by the year 20xx.第二,是大力繁荣广播影视创作和生产。





关键词:视阅口译;断句;技能;特点;训练方法Abstract: A major skill for interpreters, sight translation integrates reading comprehension, segmenting sentences and reformulation. It is also an effective tool for assessing competency levels of applicants, by providing an opportunity to observe them in a high-pressure situation, their attention divided, as they manage reading and simultaneous translation. Aiming to improve training performances, this article focuses first on the distinguishing characteristics of sight translation; next, on its basic working principles; and finally, on its pragmatic training procedures.Key words: sight translation, segmenting, skill, characteristics, training经济的健康快速发展使中国日益成为全球最佳的投资地之一,以中国北京、上海和广州为主会场的国际会展业的蓬勃发展也使中国日益成为一个翻译的大用户。

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• Congress made public a survey of human rights in 105 countries that receive US aid. • 笔译: 国会公布了接受美国援助的105个国 家的人权情况调查报告。 • 视译:国会公布了105个国家的人权状况, 这些国家接受美国的援助。
• Thousands of red, beautiful roses that blossom almost at the same time make the park the great resort of people in spring. • 笔译:差不多同时开放的几千朵美丽红玫 瑰,在春季里吸引了许多常到公园里来。
• Despite the opposition of those who feared the railroads, construction went on. In sections of the country where canals could not be built, the railroad offered a means of cheap transportation for all kinds of commodities. In contrast to the municipality that wished to exclude the railroad, many cities and towns, as well as their state governments, did much to encourage railroad construction. And the federal government provided tariff exemptions on railroad iron.7
• As you may well know, Mr. President, 'railroad' carriages are pulled at the enormous speed of 15 miles per hour by 'engines' which, in addition to endangering life and limb of passengers, roar and snort their way through the countryside, setting fire to crops, scaring the livestock and frightening women and children. The Almighty6 certainly never intended that people should travel at such breakneck speed.
• 视译:几千朵美丽的红玫瑰,差不多同时 开放,使公园成为春季吸引游人的好地方。
The Iron Horse
• Despite the clear-cut technological advantages, the railroad didn‘t become the primary means of transportation for nearly 20 years after the first pioneering American railroads were introduced in the early 1830s. Besides the stiff competition of water transport1, an important hindrance to railroad development was public antipathy, which had its roots in ignorance, conservatism, and vested interest2(既得利益). People thought that speeds of 20 to 30 miles per hour would be physically harmful to passengers. Many honestly believed that the railroad would prove to be impractical and uneconomical and would not provide service as dependable as that of the waterways.
• 笔译:我姐夫富有感染力的笑声打破了沉 默。 • 视译:我姐夫的笑声富有感染力,它打破cussion springs up between a young girl who insists that women have outgrown the jumpingon-the-chair at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era, and a colonel who says that they haven’t. • 笔译:一位年轻女士和一位上校展开了一场热烈的 争论。女士坚持妇女已经不再看到老鼠就吓得跳上 椅子,那种时代早就过去了;上校则认为没有过去。 (陈文伯译) • 视译:一场热烈的争论开始了。一方是一位年轻的 女士,她坚持认为妇女已经不再一见到老鼠就跳到 椅子上,那个时代已经过去了;另一方是一位上校, 他认为那种时代没有过去。
• “英语的定语既可以前置,也可以后置,但汉 语的定语只能前置。”(华先发,2004) • 定语从句是英语定语的常用形式,其位置是在 中心词的后面,英语的定语从句有限制性和非 限制性。汉语没有类似的定语从句成分,只有 前置性限定性定语。 • 笔译的时候,限制性定语从句往往需要大幅度 调整位置。 • 视译的时候,无论是限制性定语从句还是非限 制性定语从句都要单独译出。
• That those who had learnt from us now excelled us was a real challenge.
• 笔译:向我们学习的人反倒超过了我们, 这的确对我们是个挑战。 • 视译:那些曾经向我们学习的人,却超过 了我们,这的确是个挑战。
• My brother –in-law ‘s laugh, which was very infectious, broke the silence.
• These sentiments, however amusing today, were seriously espoused by national leaders, as seen in this 1829 letter from Martin Van Buren5, then governor of New York, to President Andrew Jackson: • To: President Jackson • The canal system of this country is being threatened by the spread of a new form of transportation known as 'railroads.' The federal government must preserve the canals for the following reasons:
• One. If canal boats are supplanted by 'railroads,' serious unemployment will result. Captains, cooks, drivers, hostlers, repairmen and lock tenders will be left without means of livelihood, not to mention the numerous farmers now employed in growing hay for horses. • Two. Boat builders would suffer and towline, whip and harness makers would be left destitute. • Three. Canal boats are absolutely essential to the defense of the United States. In the event of the expected trouble with England, the Erie Canal would be the only means by which we could ever move the supplies so vital to waging modern war.
• Unsurprisingly, the most vigorous opposition to railroads came from groups whose economic interests suffered from the competition of the new industry. Millions of dollars had been spent on canals, rivers, highways, and plank roads, and thousands of people depended on these transportation enterprises for their livelihood. Tavern keepers feared their businesses would be ruined, and farmers envisioned the market for hay and grain disappearing as the "iron horse" replaced the flesh-and-blood animal that drew canal boats and pulled wagons.3 Competitive interests joined to embarrass and hinder the railroads, causing several states to limit traffic on them to passengers and their baggage or to freight hauled only during the months when canal operations ceased.4 One railroad company in Ohio was required to pay for any loss in canal traffic attributed to railroad competition. Other railroads were ordered to pay a tonnage tax to support the operation of canals.