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订单编号 Order No.
试验数量 QTY 3PCS
测试日期 Testing Date 2012-6-14
检验項目Item 测试点编号 Sample No. Pretest NO.1 Sithtest Pretest NO.2 Sithtest Pretest NO.3 Sithtest Pretest NO.4 Sithtest Pretest NO.5 Sithtest 备 注 結论: 测试员: ■ Accept 欧阳琳
功能 function
外观 surface
□ Reject 日期:2012-6-4
合 力 泰 微 电 子 有 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 公 司
Quality Microelectronics Co., Ltd
环 境 试 验 报 告
Environmentai Test Report 机种编号 Model No. OCA 测试目的:验证LGH 0.125mm厚度的OCA
测试条件: Testing Condition 一、判定标准: 1、信号值在规格范围内。 2.测试后应保证产品表面未凝结水珠,并无明显外观不良现象(如:拱起或裂开)Make sure there are no failures caused by clotted beads or other obvious surface prblems(such as ripple or split,after testing 二、测试方法及注意事项:Test Methods and Notices 1.确保送测前产品是良品: Make sure the products for testing are good ones 2.测试时产品尽量立放于料架盒内:Try to make sure the testing products are upright in the box when testing. -30℃ 30min—80℃ 30min/circle,50circle