
Intercultural Communication
Chapter 4
Culture Shock in Intercultural Communication
▪ “Culture Shock”, first identified in 1958 by anthropologist Kalvero Oberg, is a long term psychological stress that all human beings experience when they move to a
2. Symptoms of culture shock
▪ a. physical symptoms over-concerned about cleanliness of food, bedding, and dishes, extreme stress on health and safety; fear of physical contact with anyone in the new country; great concern over minor pains and skin
The first stage of initial contact, sometimes called the “honeymoon” stage or initial euphoria [ju:'fɔ:riə] (幸福 愉快感), is where everything is new and exciting. -- eager to please s and poverty-wealth extremes
Class distinctions do exist in many countries, but are so complicated and subtle that visitors from other countries often miss the nuances [nju:'ɑ:ns] (细微差别) and even the existence of a class structure.
Chapter 4
Culture Shock in Intercultural Communication
▪ “Culture Shock”, first identified in 1958 by anthropologist Kalvero Oberg, is a long term psychological stress that all human beings experience when they move to a
2. Symptoms of culture shock
▪ a. physical symptoms over-concerned about cleanliness of food, bedding, and dishes, extreme stress on health and safety; fear of physical contact with anyone in the new country; great concern over minor pains and skin
The first stage of initial contact, sometimes called the “honeymoon” stage or initial euphoria [ju:'fɔ:riə] (幸福 愉快感), is where everything is new and exciting. -- eager to please s and poverty-wealth extremes
Class distinctions do exist in many countries, but are so complicated and subtle that visitors from other countries often miss the nuances [nju:'ɑ:ns] (细微差别) and even the existence of a class structure.

• 适当的作笔记;
• 关注对方的肢体语言
– 面部表情 – 姿势 – 个人空间 – 语音语调
What is culture?
• The term “culture” was first used in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor (1832-1917)in his book,
听众数量 根源(1)观众的数量规模
做别人不敢做的事 做别人不愿做的事 做别人做不了的事
明确目标 以终为始 知彼知已
主题大纲 加味添料 注重细节
• 听到的_2_0_%__ • 看到的_3_0_%__ • 看到并听到的_5_0_%__ • 做过的_7_0_%__
❖ 多媒体 ❖ 适当的幽默 ❖ 人性故事 ❖ 针对性的问题 ❖ 比喻/证据/示范
❖ 实验 ❖ 案例 ❖ 游戏 ❖ 实践演练
呈现形式 用图表说话 PPT制作常识
预演彩排 开场白与结束
❖ 人生的意义 ❖ 成功的标准 ❖ 演讲是为听众,而不是为自己 ❖ 听众最关心什么

Susan: Thank you! The same to you.
Husband’s translation: 谢谢妈妈,我祝您身体健康。
Mother: 谢谢,谢谢。
Activity 1 Forms of address
Doctor, Professor, Judge, Preseident, Senator, Governer, Mayor, Colonel, Captain, etc.
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
1. have a better understanding of the conventions and expectations of different cultures in areas such as:
2. be more aware of your own behavior patterns and how they are shaped by Chinese culture.
3. know how to avoid or lessen misunderstanding in intercultural communication and be able to convey your ideas more successfully.
C. We Chinese routinely use many position-linked or
occupation-linked titles to address people, such as wang
jinling (王经理), ma juzhang (马局长), zhang zhuren (张主

Idioms which are culturally loaded include:
Belgian hare, Dutch barn, French letter, German measles, Greek gifts and Swedish drill.
French Leave and Dutch Courage (p265-267)
Dutch uncle. 3. I don’t understand this book at all, it’s all Greek to
me! 4. If you wanted me to go, why didn’t you say so in
plain English instead of making vague hints? 5. Scratch a Russian, and you’ll find a Tartar. Do you
French Leave and Dutch
Courage (p265-267)
➢ Do you know some terms and expressions in English that are formed with names of other nationalities?
Danish pastry, Flemish bond, Irish stew, Italic handwriting, Portuguese man-or-war, Russian roulette, Spanish fly, Scotch pine, Swiss roll, Turkish delight and Welsh rarebit;
“And how did you get the American to jump?”
Belgian hare, Dutch barn, French letter, German measles, Greek gifts and Swedish drill.
French Leave and Dutch Courage (p265-267)
Dutch uncle. 3. I don’t understand this book at all, it’s all Greek to
me! 4. If you wanted me to go, why didn’t you say so in
plain English instead of making vague hints? 5. Scratch a Russian, and you’ll find a Tartar. Do you
French Leave and Dutch
Courage (p265-267)
➢ Do you know some terms and expressions in English that are formed with names of other nationalities?
Danish pastry, Flemish bond, Irish stew, Italic handwriting, Portuguese man-or-war, Russian roulette, Spanish fly, Scotch pine, Swiss roll, Turkish delight and Welsh rarebit;
“And how did you get the American to jump?”

Case Three: Cultural Misunderstandings in International Tourism
• Summary: Cultural Misunderstandings in International Tourism
Case Three: Cultural Misunderstandings in International Tourism
• Detailed description • Catering habits: ts from different cultural backgrounds may have
different dining habits and preferences. For example, some cultures may prefer spicy food, while others may place more emphasis on a light and healthy diet. • Etiquette and Customs: During the tourism process, tourists need to understand and abide by local etiquette and customs. For example, in some cultures, touching someone's head or using the left hand is considered impolite and disrespectful behavior. • Language expression: In cross-cultural communication, differences in language expression may lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. For example, some languages may have specific expressions or implicit meanings, which may lead to communication barriers if not understood.

Our goal in this class is to answer some of the following questions: • Why do we often uncomfortable when encountering people who are different from yourself? • Why do people from different cultures behave in ways that seem strange to you? • How do cultural differences influence communication? • Which cultural differences are important and which are inconsequential? • Why is it difficult to understand and appreciate cultural difference?
– This is called Globalization.
– Globalization has greatly increased the economic strength of many nations and bring people together from different cultures. However, it could resulting more competition for natural resources, international conflicts and security, environmental issues, and world health issues.
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
– This is called Globalization.
– Globalization has greatly increased the economic strength of many nations and bring people together from different cultures. However, it could resulting more competition for natural resources, international conflicts and security, environmental issues, and world health issues.
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future

the issues concerning intercultural communication .
III. Plan.
1.Required Textbook :Communication Between Cultures (Third Edition)By Larry A. Samovar Richard E. Porter Lisa A. Stefani 2000 2. Time schedule: 36 periods in one term. 1).Introduction to Intercultural Communication ;4periods 2).Part I Communication and Culture; 8 periods 3).Part II The Influence of Culture ; 8 periods 4).Part III From Theory of Practice; 8 periods 5).Part IV Knowledge into Action; 8 periods 3. Evaluation will be based on: 1)Attendance and participation. 2)Project presentation and handout (the required essay ). 3)Final examination.
The book is divided into four interrelated parts, including 10 chapters: (Look at P.F28)
Part I introduces the study of communication and culture(Chapter1-2);
III. Plan.
1.Required Textbook :Communication Between Cultures (Third Edition)By Larry A. Samovar Richard E. Porter Lisa A. Stefani 2000 2. Time schedule: 36 periods in one term. 1).Introduction to Intercultural Communication ;4periods 2).Part I Communication and Culture; 8 periods 3).Part II The Influence of Culture ; 8 periods 4).Part III From Theory of Practice; 8 periods 5).Part IV Knowledge into Action; 8 periods 3. Evaluation will be based on: 1)Attendance and participation. 2)Project presentation and handout (the required essay ). 3)Final examination.
The book is divided into four interrelated parts, including 10 chapters: (Look at P.F28)
Part I introduces the study of communication and culture(Chapter1-2);
跨文化交际Unit 4(大二英语)PPT课件

Title +Surname
Neutral Relationship Surname +Title
Title +Surname Given Name
Close Relationship /Informal Situation
Given Name
Given Name
III. Apologizing
• When to apologize • Who to apologize • How to apologize and how to respond
[Case 1] A calls B, but B doesn’t answer the Conversation 1 cal l A: Why didn’t you take upitmhe mphoenedjiuast tneowl?y. Compare the f o l l o w i n g t wo B: I just came in. I was in the office downstairs. c o n ve r s a ti ons . A: Sorr y, I should have phoned your office first.
I. Addressing
• A: Teacher Liu, could you come over to our par ty this Saturday? • A: Manager Smith, could I schedule your presentation on our new design for Friday
• Jennifer: I am really sorry for all this. • 此种情景若发生在一个中国家庭?……
Title +Surname
Neutral Relationship Surname +Title
Title +Surname Given Name
Close Relationship /Informal Situation
Given Name
Given Name
III. Apologizing
• When to apologize • Who to apologize • How to apologize and how to respond
[Case 1] A calls B, but B doesn’t answer the Conversation 1 cal l A: Why didn’t you take upitmhe mphoenedjiuast tneowl?y. Compare the f o l l o w i n g t wo B: I just came in. I was in the office downstairs. c o n ve r s a ti ons . A: Sorr y, I should have phoned your office first.
I. Addressing
• A: Teacher Liu, could you come over to our par ty this Saturday? • A: Manager Smith, could I schedule your presentation on our new design for Friday
• Jennifer: I am really sorry for all this. • 此种情景若发生在一个中国家庭?……

• In order to study cross-cultural communication, we must pay attention to the following:
a) Each individual are unique. b) Stereotyping. c) Objectivity. d) Communication is not a Cure-all.
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
• Culture is – Transmitted from generation to generation – Learned – Shared – Based on symbols – Dynamic – An intergrated system
Cross-CulturalCommunicationUnit1-4跨文化 交际
Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
– increased the probability of survival
– satisfaction for the participants in an ecological niche
– share with those who could communicate with each other and lived in the same tCommunication:
a) Each individual are unique. b) Stereotyping. c) Objectivity. d) Communication is not a Cure-all.
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
• Culture is – Transmitted from generation to generation – Learned – Shared – Based on symbols – Dynamic – An intergrated system
Cross-CulturalCommunicationUnit1-4跨文化 交际
Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
– increased the probability of survival
– satisfaction for the participants in an ecological niche
– share with those who could communicate with each other and lived in the same tCommunication:

Intercultural communicative competence
• The ability to communicate effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds.
• Page 3(举例说明)
Studying international communication
• International communication
Communication between people from different nations.
• Interethnic communication Communication between members of the same race but different ethnic backgrounds.
• Interracial communication
• Even the young and the old , the female and the male .
• What does marriage mean to you ?
1.Verbal communication
• Communication that takes place between people of different cultural backgrounds.
How do you understand the concept of different cultural
chapter1-1 Culture 大学英语跨文化交际 教学课件

History, norms, values, beliefs about space, nature, time ‥‥
Culture is Our Software
Software + hardware = computers culture + body = humans Culture is the basic operating system that
Grammar is made up of basic patterns, so is culture.
According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, culture is "the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively".
grammar (rules) + words = language
culture + individuals = society
People use grammar even without awareness, people use cultural rules to behave properly also even without awareness.
Body (40min-50min)
Text A: The Nature of Culture
Culture Is Like an Iceberg
You see the portion above water, but perhaps not the important parts.
Culture is Our Software
Software + hardware = computers culture + body = humans Culture is the basic operating system that
Grammar is made up of basic patterns, so is culture.
According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, culture is "the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively".
grammar (rules) + words = language
culture + individuals = society
People use grammar even without awareness, people use cultural rules to behave properly also even without awareness.
Body (40min-50min)
Text A: The Nature of Culture
Culture Is Like an Iceberg
You see the portion above water, but perhaps not the important parts.

A_____ P_____
Can you tell which of the following are above the water and which are below?
What and how people eat How to keep healthy How to raise children How to do business How to use time How to introduce people How to participate in ceremonies Rules for gestures Rules for facial expressions and eye contact Etiquette Work speed What is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, clean or dirty, good or
3. Defining Culture from the Sociological Perspective
According to the social scientists: “Culture is defined as a pattern of learned, group-related perception—including both verbal and nonverbal language attitudes, values, belief system, disbelief systems, and behavior”.
1. Defining Culture from the Anthropological Perspective
A_____ P_____
Can you tell which of the following are above the water and which are below?
What and how people eat How to keep healthy How to raise children How to do business How to use time How to introduce people How to participate in ceremonies Rules for gestures Rules for facial expressions and eye contact Etiquette Work speed What is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, clean or dirty, good or
3. Defining Culture from the Sociological Perspective
According to the social scientists: “Culture is defined as a pattern of learned, group-related perception—including both verbal and nonverbal language attitudes, values, belief system, disbelief systems, and behavior”.
1. Defining Culture from the Anthropological Perspective
大学英语跨文化交际chapter5 Intercultural Communicationppt课件

We use words to communicate with the outside world. share the past. exercise some control over the present. form images of the future.
Text A Significance of Verbal Communication
Personal / Contextual
Instrumental / Affective
Dialect and Sociolect
Pidgin and Lingua Franca
Taboo and Euphemism
Direct Plan
Indirect Plan
Chapter 5 Verbal Intercultural Communication
Eg. In the Amazon area snow is not a part of the environment; therefore, people in that region do not have a word for snow.
Most Americans use terms such as snow, powder snow, sleet, slush, blizzard, and ice.
Navajo do not have the differentiated vocabulary connected with time and clocks.
One of the problems in dealing with people from other cultures is that we translate concepts from a foreign language and culture with words that fit our expectations. Eg. For Americans “tomorrow” means midnight to
Text A Significance of Verbal Communication
Personal / Contextual
Instrumental / Affective
Dialect and Sociolect
Pidgin and Lingua Franca
Taboo and Euphemism
Direct Plan
Indirect Plan
Chapter 5 Verbal Intercultural Communication
Eg. In the Amazon area snow is not a part of the environment; therefore, people in that region do not have a word for snow.
Most Americans use terms such as snow, powder snow, sleet, slush, blizzard, and ice.
Navajo do not have the differentiated vocabulary connected with time and clocks.
One of the problems in dealing with people from other cultures is that we translate concepts from a foreign language and culture with words that fit our expectations. Eg. For Americans “tomorrow” means midnight to

Components of Communication
◦ The source is the person with an idea he or she desires to communicate.
◦ Encoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol.
Components of Communication
◦ The term message identifies the encoded thought. Encoding is the process, the verb; the message is the resulting object.
◦ The term channel is used technically to refer to the means by which the encoded message is transmitted. The channel or medium, then, may be print, electronic, or the light and sound waves of the face-to-face communication.
views…) (what they think)
4பைடு நூலகம்
How to understand Cultural Iceberg
The aspects of culture that are explicit, visible, taught.

Traditional creeds and modern approaches
Today,modern approaches and traditional beliefs come paradoxically hand in hand in Chinese culture
Traditional creeds and modern approaches
team member :
曹佳鑫 王佳均
何津娜 徐超
• Guanxi and professionalism
• Importance of face and self-expression
• contradictory family education concept
• Traditional creeds and modern approaches
Many problems can be solved easily rely on relationship
Guanxi and professionalism
Today,guanxi and proessionalism seem to be intertwined with each other and both remain important and meaningful in revealing the dynamics of business and social life in China
Importance of face and self-expression
• Be a person to stay a line, in the future to meet(做人留一线,日后好相见)

In Japan, individual person must obey collectivity, When they go to a party, they tend to go to the part together and leave the party together. This is so different from American, in American, people like to act freely. Therefore, it’s easy to understand the reason why Jane got happy.
Question :
Group Discussion:
Fan Yanming: From the case I think Japanese is always on punctual, and when they think it’s time for the host to rest, they will leave together. This is common in Asian countries.
He Lixia: I agree. And in my view, the Japanese students may think it’s impolite to stay so late that they would disturb their teacher.
Li Xuesong: Yes, all of these cultural differences finally led to Jane’s misunderstanding.
Li Na: Yes, and Japanese people think people go and leave the host family on time shows the respect for the host family.
Question :
Group Discussion:
Fan Yanming: From the case I think Japanese is always on punctual, and when they think it’s time for the host to rest, they will leave together. This is common in Asian countries.
He Lixia: I agree. And in my view, the Japanese students may think it’s impolite to stay so late that they would disturb their teacher.
Li Xuesong: Yes, all of these cultural differences finally led to Jane’s misunderstanding.
Li Na: Yes, and Japanese people think people go and leave the host family on time shows the respect for the host family.
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contradictory family education concept
Chinese children are going through a disturbing course. His roots are in the traditional hope and reality requirements. Parents want children healthy and happy growth, on the other hand do not want to let children at a disadvantage in educational achievements
team member :
曹佳鑫 王佳均
何津娜 徐超
• Guanxi and portance of face and self-expression
• contradictory family education concept
• Traditional creeds and modern approaches
Importance of face and self-expression
• Be a person to stay a line, in the future to meet(做人留一线,日后好相见)
Importance of face and self-expression
The self-restraint attitude has receded to certain extent,especially in large metropolis Selfeffacement is no longer a quality but to a certain extent a social handicap .One tends to manifest his or her singularity and opinions
Many problems can be solved easily rely on relationship
Guanxi and professionalism
Today,guanxi and proessionalism seem to be intertwined with each other and both remain important and meaningful in revealing the dynamics of business and social life in China
Importance of face and self-expression
Face is a universal concern but seems to be particularly salient in Chinese culture.Face also serves as an “invisible knife” to kill genuine feelings
Traditional creeds and modern approaches
Today,modern approaches and traditional beliefs come paradoxically hand in hand in Chinese culture
Traditional creeds and modern approaches
Traditional creeds and modern approaches
what are you thinking?
Guanxi and professionalism
Guanxi,which means personal connections and contacts ,is a means for getting support in an uncertain,unsecured and turbulent society.