
2013年上海海事大学攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(重要提示:答案必须做在答题纸上,做在试题上不给分)答题要求:例如1---5:AAAAA 6---10:BBBBB考试科目:翻译硕士英语Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (30 points; 0.5 point for each item)Directions: There are 60 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letteron the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.You and I could hardly understand each other, _______ ?A. could IB. couldn’t youC. could weD. couldn’t we2.We often advise him not to drink more wine _______ is good for his health.A. asB. thanC. thatD. but3.I didn’t call the hotel to make a room reservation, but I _______ .A. may haveB. must haveC. should haveD. shall have4.It was not until midnight _______ the camping site.A. that they have reachedB. that they did not reachC. did they reachD. did they not reach5.Thomas Jefferson’s achievements as an architect rival his contributions _______ a politician.A. suchB. moreC. asD. than6._______ is generally accepted, economic growth is determined by the smooth development ofproduction.A. WhatB. ThatC. ItD. As7.Space exploration promises to open up many new territories for human settlement, as well as_____the harvest of mineral resources.A. leads toB. to lead toC. leading toD. lead to8.Someday, solar power collected by satellite s ______ the earth may give us all the energy we need for an expanding civilization.A. circledB. to circleC. circlingD. circles9.In this experiment, they are wakened several times during the night, and asked to report what they _______.A. had just been dreamingB. are just dreamingC. have just been dreamingD. had just dreamt10.Her terror was so great ______somewhere to escape; she would have run for her life.A. only ifB. that there had only beenC. that had there only beenD. if there were only11.Some women ________a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided notto work for the sake of the family.A. must makeB. should have madeC. would makeD. could have made12.A light with no more power than _______by an ordinary electric light bulb becomesintensely strong as it is concentrated to a pinpoint-sized beam.A. as is producedB. that producedC. that is producedD. produced13.For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental travelersor others who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it, let alone _______what lay beneath the surface.A. askingB. askC. to askD. be asked14.Even if they are on sale, these refrigerators are equal in price to, if not more expensive than,_____ at the other store.A. anyoneB. the othersC. thatD. the ones15.The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth as _____its soil and the water of its lakes,rivers and oceans.A. areB. isC. doD. has16.From now on, when anyone in our ranks who has done some useful work dies, ______soldieror cook, we should have a funeral ceremony and a memorial meeting in his honor.A. no matter he isB. whether he has beenC. be heD. whether be he17.In 1921 Einstein won the Nobel Prize, and was honored in Germany until the rise ofNazism_______he was driven from Germany because he was a Jew.A. thenB. andC. whenD. before18.Physics is the present-day equivalent of _____used to be called natural philosophy fromwhich most of present-day science arose.A. thatB. allC. whichD. what19._____ the population of working age increased by 1 million between 1981 and 1986, today itis barely growing.A. WhereasB. Even ifC. AfterD. Now that20.By the first decade of the 21st century, international commercial traffic _____vastly beyondtoday’s levels.A. will be expected to extendB. will have been expected to extendC. is expected to be extendedD. is expected to have extended21.His features were agreeable; his body, _____slight of build, had something of athleticoutline.A. somehowB. asC. thoughD. somewhat22.We advocate ______the economic, cultural and religious traditions of all national minorities.A. to respectB. to be respectedC. respectingD. having respected23.There are two horses at the ends of a rope ____with all their might in opposite directions.A. pullingB. pullC. pulledD. to pull24.Today the Tennessee Valley is one of the richest areas in the world. But if things _____asthey were it would now be a desert.A. had leftB. were leftC. had been leftD. had been leaving25.After twenty years abroad, William came back only ____ how his hometown was damagedin an earthquake.A. to find outB. finding outC. to have found outD. to be finding out26.Relaxation, ______ fresh air, pure water and clean food, is essential to a sound mind andhealthy body.A. much less thanB. no less thanC. no more thanD. any less than27.It is far better to do well a bit of work which is well ___a large fortune.A. worthy to be done than haveB. worth doing than to haveC. worthwhile to do than haveD. worthy of doing than have28.Understanding the cultural habit of another nation, especially _____containing as manydifferent subcultures as the United States, is a complex task.A. oneB. the oneC. thatD. such29.Whether or not the next plan will yield any positive results ____to be seen.A. remainB. remainsC. is remainedD. have remained30.If ever again ___happens an accident like this, we will have only ourselves to blame.A. itB. soC. thereD. that31.The younger person’s attraction to stereos cannot be explained only ________ familiaritywith technology.A. in quest ofB. by means ofC. in terms ofD. by virtue of32.Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were ________.A. in no wayB. on the contraryC. at a lossD. of no avail33.By signing the lease we made a ________ to pay a rent of $150 a week.A. conceptionB. commissionC. commitmentD. confinement34.To prevent flooding in winter, the water flowing from the dam is constantly ________ by acomputer.A. gradedB. managedC. conductedD. monitored35.Many people think of deserts as ________ regions, but numerous species of plants andanimals have adapted to live there.A. virginB. barrenC. voidD. wretched36.The original elections were declared ________ by the former military ruler.A. voidB. vulgarC. surplusD. extravagant37.They stood gazing at the happy ________ of children playing in the park.A. perspectiveB. viewC. landscapeD. scene38.An obvious change of attitude at the top towards women’s status in society will ________through the current law system in Japan.A. permeateB. probeC. violateD. grope39.When he realized he had been ________ to sign the contract by intrigue, he threatened tostart legal proceedings to cancel the agreement.A. elicitedB. excitedC. deducedD. induced40.These areas rely on agriculture almost ________, having few mineral resources and aminimum of industrial development.A. respectivelyB. extraordinarilyC. incrediblyD. exclusively41.When he finally emerged from the cave after thirty days, John was ________ pale.A. enormouslyB. startlinglyC. uniquelyD. dramatically42.Thank you for applying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at thistime, but we shall keep your application on ________ for two months.A. pileB. segmentC. sequenceD. file43.It will be safer to walk on the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts ofcash; virtually all financial ________ will be conducted by computer.A. transactionsB. transmissionsC. transitionsD. transformations44.The ________ of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physicalaspects in the life style of the people.A. implementationB. manifestationC. demonstrationD. expedition45.The new technological revolution in American newspapers has brought increased ________,a wider range of publications and an expansion of newspaper jobs.A. manipulationB. reproductionC. circulationD. penetration46.The directions were so ________ that it was impossible to complete the assignment.A. ingeniousB. ambitiousC. notoriousD. ambiguous47.Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of themost ________ areas in Japanese life.A. sophisticatedB. competitiveC. considerateD. superficial48.If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of________.A. persuasionB. remedyC. encouragementD. compromise49.Her interest in redecorating the big house kept her ________ for a whole week.A. constrainedB. dominatedC. restrictedD. occupied50.If we ________ our relations with that country, we’ll have to find another supplier of rawmaterials.A. diffuseB. diminishC. terminateD. preclude51.Movie directors use music to ________ the action on the screen.A. contaminateB. complimentC. contemplateD. complement52.His career was not noticeably ________ by the fact that he had never been to college.A. preventedB. restrainedC. hinderedD. refrained53.When trapped in drifting sands, do not struggle, or you will be ________ in deeper.A. absorbedB. pushedC. heavedD. sucked54.To ________ for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for him.A. commenceB. compromiseC. compensateD. compliment55.All visitors are requested to ________ with the regulations.A. complyB. agreeC. assistD. consent56.The captain ________ the horizon for approaching ships.A. scannedB. scrutinizedC. exploredD. swept57.The vast majority of people in any given culture will ________ to the established standardsof that culture.A. confineB. conformC. confrontD. confirm58.Under the guidance of their teacher, the pupils are building a model boat ________ by steam.A. towedB. tossedC. propelledD. pressed59.Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, ________themselves.A. stretchingB. extendingC. prolongingD. expanding60.The doctors don’t ________ that he will live much longer.A. manifestB. articulateC. anticipateD. monitorPart II. Reading Comprehension ( 40 points;1 point for each question in the first four passages, and 2 points for each question in the last twopassages)Directions: There are 6 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You shoulddecide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the center.Passage1Your first culture shock came after you left your home country and needed to adjust to the United States. It is now important to learn cultural information about your company, so that you will fit in and perform successfully. The people who make up this environment have their own customs, habits and expectations of each new employee. Gathering information that is formal (policy) and informal (traditions) will help you learn the professional norms and become fully accepted.Policies are corporate documents describing procedures, rules, and standards that guide decision making and conduct. They are similar to official laws that govern a country. Some sources of such written company information include the annual report, product or service brochures, technical and procedural manual, employee directory and the company newsletter. Organizational traditions are usually unwritten hut common practices that have evolved over time. They set the tone and philosophy of the particular corporation, just as the customs of a country do. The best way to learn such information is to observe and talk with others such as your supervisor and co-workers.You can supplement ideas from formal introductory materials given you earlier. Explore with fellow employees those behaviors that may be tolerated but frowned upon. Ask your supervisor for feedback to avoid typical traps that could cause your co-workers to reject you as a professional. Keep this guide nearby, and refer to it often in private. Reviewing formal company procedures, handouts, written notes, ideas, comments from bosses and colleagues, together with materials in this handbook, will help you make a more healthy cultural adjustment.61.What is the purpose to learn cultural information?A. To know the U.S. A. better.B. To work better in the new environment.C. To make more money.D. To improve one’s English.62.According to the passage, _______ is not the policy’s function.A. describing procedures, rules and standardsB. governing a countryC. helping to guide decision making and conductD. writing down the company’s information63._______ is the best way to learn the organizational traditions.A. To read the policiesB. To study the philosophyC. To study a country’s customsD. To observe and communicate with the colleagues and boss.64.How to make a more healthy cultural adjustment?A. Read this passage often.B. Discuss the organizational culture with your colleagues.C. Gather and review the formal and informal information in the corporation.D. Ask your boss for help.65.The passage is written to _______.A. help readers to understand the organization’s cultureB. explain the culture shockC. analyze the policies and traditionsD. help readers to work better with their supervisor and co-workersPassage 2Scientists have known since 1952 that DNA is the basic stuff of heredity. They've known its chemical structure since 1953. They know that human DNA acts like a biological computer program some 3 billion bits long that spells out the instructions for making proteins, the basic building blocks of life.But everything the genetic engineers have accomplished during the past half-century is just a preamble to the work that Collins and Anderson and legions of colleagues are doing now. Collins leads the Human Genome Project, a 15-year effort to draw the first detailed map of every nook and cranny of gene in human DNA. Anderson, who pioneered the first successful human gene-therapy operations, is leading the campaign to put information about DNA to use as quickly as possible in the treatment and prevention of human diseases.What they and other researchers are plotting is nothing less than a biomedical revolution. Like Silicon Valley pirates reverse-engineering a computer chip to steal a competitor's secrets, genetic engineers are decoding life's molecular secrets and trying to use that knowledge to reverse the natural course of disease. DNA in their hands has become both a blueprint and a drug, a pharmacological substance of extraordinary potency that can treat not just symptoms or the diseases that cause them but also the imperfections in DNA that make people susceptible to a disease.And that's just the beginning. For all the fevered work being done, however, science is still far away from the Brave New World vision of engineering a perfect human— or even a perfect tomato. Much more research is needed before gene therapy becomes commonplace, and many diseases will take decades to conquer, if they can be conquered at all.In the short run, the most practical way to use the new technology will be in genetic screening. Doctors will be able to detect all sorts of flaws in DNA long before they can be fixed. In some cases the knowledge may lead to treatments that delay the onset of the disease or soften its effects. Someone with a genetic predisposition to heart disease, for example, could follow a low-fat diet. And if scientists determine that a vital protein is missing because the gene that was supposed to make it is defective, they might be able to give the patient an artificial version of the protein. But in other instances, almost nothing can be done to stop the ravages brought on by genetic mutations.66.It can be inferred from the text that Collins and Anderson and legions of colleagues _______.A. know that human DNA acts like a biological computer programB. have found the basic building blocks of lifeC. have accomplished some genetic discovery during the past half-centuryD. are making a breakthrough in DNA67.Collins and Anderson are cited in the text to indicate all the following EXCEPT that________.A. time-consuming effort is needed to accomplish the detailed map of gene in human DNAB. human gene-therapy operations may be applied to the patientsC. gene-therapy now is already generally used to the treatment and prevention of humandiseasesD. information about DNA may be used in the treatment and prevention of human diseases68.The word "pirate" (Line 2, Para. 3) means _______.A. one who robs at sea or plunders the land from the seaB. one who makes use of or reproduces the work of another without authorizationC. to plunderD. to make use of or reproduce ( another's work) without authorization69.We can draw a conclusion from the text that _______.A. engineering a perfect human is not feasible for the time beingB. it's impossible for scientists to engineer a perfect tomatoC. many diseases will never be conquered by human beingsD. doctors will be able to cure all sorts of flaws in DNA in the long run70.The best title for the text may be _______.A. The Basic Stuff of HeredityB. The Genetic RevolutionC. A Biomedical RevolutionD. How to Apply Genetic Technology Passage 3It was going to have roughly the effect of a neutron bomb attack on high streets and shopping malls. The buildings would be left standing but the people would vanish. Such was the superior efficiency of selling things via the Internet that brick-and-mortar stores would be unable to compete on price, choice or even service. Book and music sellers had already been “Amazoned”. Soon web-based “category-killers”, in everything from toys to pet supplies, would overwhelm their physical-world competitors. Shoppers would never be more than a mouse-click from the best deals. Traditional retailers, terrified of cannibalizing sales and destroying the value of their expensive properties, were already too late to meet the challenge. “In some categories,” said Mary Meeker, a seer of the Internet at Morgan Stanly, “it’s already game over.”These are convenient beliefs for anyone justifying some e-commerce share prices, but they are already mostly wrong. The reasons should surprise no one. The Internet is not a dominant technology but rather a network of people. It is a rich and highly flexible means of communicating that is rapidly achieving pervasiveness because more and more people find it eas y and convenient to use. But it is those people’s preferences that will count; and for most people, shopping is more than just a means to an end. Even if the Internet provided a perfectly efficient way to shop it would not provide a satisfactory alternative to the physical enjoyment of sniffing a ripe melon, say, or trying on a cashmere sweater.Of course, some products, such as music and banking, can be distributed electronically with success and cost saving. But most purchases cannot be reduced to digital code. And distributing physical goods is cumbersome and expensive. Behind even the most exciting user interface thereare old-fashioned warehouses and lorries, customers who decline to sit at home waiting for purchases to arrive, and goods that must be re-wrapped and expensively returned. No wonder that the cost of getting goods to customers’ homes so often soaks up the notional price advantages of e-commerce.What Internet shoppers have quickly realized is that the web is an addition to, and not a substitute for, their shopping habits. It is wonderful for gathering up-to-date information about products and prices. Cyber Dialogue, a research firm, estimates that in 1998 23m Americans sought information online, but then made their purchases offline, compared with only 17.7m who did the whole thing online.71.The author compares ________ of the online sale to the effect of neutron bomb attack.A. the efficiencyB. the choiceC. the priceD. the service72.According to Mary Meeker, ________.A. tradi tional retailers can’t compete with online ones on price, choice or serviceB. the battle between traditional retailers and online retailers is overC. online retailers have prevailed over traditional ones in the market of certain productsD. online ret ailers have destroyed the value of traditional retailers’ properties73.According to the passage, shopping for most people ________.A. is a flexible means of communicatingB. is not just a means to gaining an endC. does not provide an alternative to physical enjoymentD. provides a perfectly easy and efficient way of living74.The cost of goods delivery brings about the result that ________.A. distributing goods becomes troublesome and expensiveB. the notional price advantages of e-commerce are eliminatedC. old-fashioned warehouses and lorries have to be still in useD. goods must be wrapped again and expensively returned75.According to Cyber Dialogue, ________.A. online shopping will not replace the traditional shopping habitsB. customers seek information via the Internet more often than via any other meansC. Internet users prefer to seek information online without making real purchasesD. fewer and fewer people purchase what they want via the InternetPassage 4A friend who had lived in New York in the 1970s was recently here for a brief visit. I asked him what, in this ever-changing city, he found to be most startlingly changed. He thought for a minute before answering. “Probably the visible increase in prostitution,” he replies. M y astonishment at this comment was so palpable that he felt obliged to explain. “Haven’t you noticed,” he asked with surprise, “all these young women standing furtively in doorways? You never used to see that when I was here.”I couldn’t resist my laughter. “They’re not prostitutes, they’re smokers.” For indeed they are. More American office buildings no longer allow smoking on the premises, driving those who can’t resist the urge onto the streets. The sight of them, lounging on “coffee breaks” near the entrances to their workplace, puffing away has become ubiquitous. Since most new smokers apparently are women, my friend’s confusion was understandable. And there are more than eversince September II.Stress is probably better measured anecdotally than stati stically. I’m not aware of surveys on this matter, but anyone living in New York these days has stories of friends who, amid the scares of 9-11 and its aftermath, have sought solace in cigarettes. I used to go to a gym near Grand Central Terminal. Some days so many people stood outside, tensely smoking, that I assumed an evacuation had just been ordered. At least three friends who’d given up tobacco have lapsed back into the habit, claiming they couldn’t calm their nerves. Others have increased their previously reduced intakes. Some, in their quest for a crutch, have begun smoking for the first time. In Manhattan the frantic puff has become the preferred alternative to the silent scream.New Yorkers, of course, are coping in more imaginative ways, as well. A friend swears he knows someone who has stashed a canoe in his closet in case he needs to escape Manhattans by river. Another says he has moved a heavy object dart into his office so that he can smash the window if a firebomb makes the elevator or the stairs impassable. A woman working on one of the lower floors of her office building has acquired a rope long enough to lower herself to the ground; one who works at the top of a skyscraper tells me she’s looking into the purchase of a parachute. Still others have stocked up on such items of antiterrorist chic as flame-retardant ponchos, anthrax-antidote antibiotics and heavy-duty gas masks.Crackpot friends of friends, but surely not your own? Hardly. One close acquaintance, concerned about my welfare as an international civil servant, tells me I should not be going to work at the United Nations without ensuring that I have, in my desk drawer, a flashlight, spare batteries, a clean cloth and water to dampen it with, all to facilitate an efficient exit through smoke and darkness. Though touched by her solicitude, I have not yet taken her advice. But I believe her when she tells me that many others have, especially her female friends.Recent polls indicate that American women are, in fact, more stressed out than men. Over 50 percent in one national survey of 1,000 adults admitted to being “very” or “somewhat” worried in the wake of the terrorist assaults, according to the Pew Research Center. The anthrax scare may have receded. But recent incidents, from the airplane crash in the New York borough of Queens to the arrest of the London “shoe-bomber” to rumors of suitcase nukes, seem to have had permanently unsettling effects. Take food. A surprising number of people are apparently unable to touch their plates. (Some happily, discovering that fear is the best diet.) Others are eating too much, seeking reassurance in “comfort food.” Give the alternatives, smoking seems a reasonable refuge; after all, the long-term threat of cancer seems far more remote these days than the prospect of explosive incineration.And let us not forget other obsessive coping behaviors. A surge in compulsive shopping, drink and self medicating has been reported, along with exercising, buying music and movie-going. I haven’t checked the stock prices for Philip Morris recently, but I’m told it’s told it’s doing better than expected. As people deal with their fears, the newspapers tell us the economy is bouncing back. Could ordinary people’s coping mechanisms be helping spur a national recovery that, in the first weeks after September 11, had seemed a distant prospect? Few things could be more American than giving in to your weaknesses—and finding that makes the country stronger.76.The word “ubiquitous” in the sentence “The sight of them, lounging on coffee breaks’ nearthe entrances to their workplace puffing away, has become ubiquitous” (para.2) can best be replaced by _______.A. Noticeable all the timeB. present everywhereC. unique in natureD. unpleasant to all visitors77.In the sent ence “New Yorkers, of course, are coping in more imaginative ways, as well.”, theauthor mainly means _______.A. New Yorkers are full of imagination before terroristsB. New Yorkers are steadily confronting disastersC. New Yorkers are ready to combat all kinds of threatsD. New Yorkers are ingeniously prepared for possible threats78.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. American men are as stressed out as women before terrorist attacks.B. The stock prices for Philip Morris must be on the rise.C. The Coping behaviors under stress are widely varied and different.D. Smoking is considered a useful means to reduce stress.79.In writing the last sentence “Few things could be more American than giving in to yourweaknesses—and find ing that makes the country stronger.”, the author _______.A. reaches the conclusion of the passageB. tells her sincere and real thoughtC. adopts a satirical and paradoxical toneD. criticizes American weaknesses80.Which of the following best expresses the main point of the passage?A. Changing smoking habits over the past decadesB. Fight-flight mechanism in front of terrorismC. Compulsive response to long-term diseasesD. Distracted behaviors under stress from terrorismPassage 5More than just a revolutionary tool for indexing, analyzing, or transmitting content, digital technology is actually reshaping the creation of art and literature. “just as film emerged as the dominant artistic medium of the 20th century, the digital domain — whether it is used for visual art, music, literature or some other expressive genre —will be the primary medium of the 21st,”wrote New York Times columnist Matthew Mirapaul in early 1999. More and more writers, artists, and musicians are using computers and the Internet to enhance, animate, or completely remake their art, with unconventional and remarkable results.Publishing, a print-based business that to some people is beginning to represent the past, is attempting to adapt to the new digital world. Marc Aronson, a senior children’s book editor at the publishing house Henry Holt and a longtime student of the impact of changing technology on publishing, describes this impact as a kind of blurring or hybridization. “The keynote of the digital age is overlap, multiplic ity, synergy. The digital does not replace print, it subsumes it,”Aronson said. “Print becomes a form of the digital, just as the digital has a special place when it happens in print.” Especially in books for young people, he notes, more authors and artis ts are trying books with multiple story lines or told from various points of view.One strain of this new type of nonlinear writing is popularly known as hypertext fiction. At its simplest, hypertext fiction mimics the Choose Your Own Adventure books that became popular in the early 1980s. In these books, readers directed the story by choosing which page to。

2003年上海海事大学英汉互译考研真题Put the following passage into Chinese∶(本题满分75分)Violence in the School YardI still remember——-my hands and my finger-tips still remember!——-what usedto lie in store for us on our return to school from the holidays. The guava(番石榴)trees in the school yard would be in full leaf again, and the old leaves would be lying around in scattered heaps. In places there were even more than just heaps of them: it would be like a muddy sea of leaves."Get that all swept up!"the headmaster would tell us."I want the whole place cleaned up, at once!""At once!"There was enough work there, very hard work, too, to last for a week.Especially since the only tools with which we were provided were our hands, our fingers, our nails."Now see that it's done properly, and be quick about it,"the headmaster would say to the older pupils, "or you'll have to answer for it!"So at an order from the older boys we would all line up like peasants about to cut and gather in crops, and we would set to work like members of a chain-gang If the work was not going as quickly as the headmaster expected, the big boys, instead of giving us a helping hand, used to find it simpler to whip us with branchespulled from the trees.In order to avoid these blows, we used to bribe our tyrants with the juicy cakes of Indian corn and the steamed fish, which we used to bring for our midday meal. And if we happened to have any money on us the coins changed hands at once. If we did nofdo this, if we were afraid of going home with an empty stomach or empty purse, the blows were re-doubled. They hit us so violently and often, and with such devilishenjoyment, that even a deaf and dumb person would have realised that we were beingflogged(抽打)not so much to make us work harder,but rather to beat us into a state of obedience in which we would be only too glad to give up our food and money.Occasionally, one of us ,worn out by such calculated cruelty, would have the courage to complain to the headmaster. He would of course be very angry, but the punishment he inflicted on the older boys was always very small——nothin compared to what they had done to us. And the fact is that however much we complained,our situation did not improve in the slightest. Perhaps we should have let our parents know what was going on, but somehow we never dreamed of doing so;I don't know whether it was loyalty or pride that kept us silent, but I can see now thatwe were foolish to keep quiet about it, for such beatings were completely foreign to Oour nature _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________Put the following passage into English∶(本题满分75分)关于《红楼梦》的两个英译本中国著名古典小说《红楼梦》,是我们引以为骄傲的优秀民族文化遗产。

上海海事大学2013年翻译硕士(MTI)真题I.Set Phrase Translation(20 scores in total)穿越剧: time-travel TV drama; time-travel TV series春晚: Spring Festival gala计划生育: family planning; birth control; PlannedParenthood; One-Child Policy外来务工人员: Migrant Worker年夜饭: Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner, family reunion dinner on Chinese New Year’s Eve发展体育运动,增强人民体质: Promote physical culture and build up the people’s health;the development of sport to enhance people’s health消除皱纹: eliminate/get rid of/remove wrinkles回家养病:go home to recuperate;return home to recover from an illness培养道德意识: cultivate/foster/train moral consciousness发展是硬道理: Development is of overriding importance.; Development is the absolute principle.非居民用水: Non-Residential Water Usage; the water demand of non-residential users潜规则:casting couch ;hidden rules;unspoken rules;Unwritten rulesBetter Cities, Better Life. 城市, 让生活更美好吃团圆饭:have a family reunion dinner; have a…meal; family gatherings中国能源的困局:The dilemma of China’s energy特大地震:the great earthquake倡导学术诚信:advocate academic integrity三公经费:the three public expenses;the three public consumption 择校:School Choice; choosing school社会事业:social undertaking;social programs; social enterprise; Social BusinessII.Blank Filling(fill in each blank with English, 1 score for each blank, 20 scores in total)1. It is believed that the earliest translated Bible in translation history of the West is called ________.2. ______ is believed to be the first theorist in the West to discuss theoretical issues in translation.3. Prior to the Tang Dynasty, ______ was widely translated majorly from _____ into Chinese.4. The Latin Vulgate was translated by _______.5. The first English version of whole Bible was translated by a group of people led by _____.6. The most important and influential of English Bible is the______ version.7. The Reformation in the West is largely initiated by _____ who translated Bible from its original languages into ______.8. Nida believes that there are fundamentally two different types of equivalence, one which may be called ____, and another which is primarily _____.9. In his theoretical construction, Peter Newmark puts forward two diametrically different translation methods, one of which is______ translation and another ______ translation.10. Yan Fu, a famous modern Chinese thinker and reformer, was at the same time well-known for his proposal of tri-principles of translation, i.e. _____, ______ and _______.11. The seminal paper ____________ written by ______ was called the Independence Declaration of Translation Studies as a discipline.12. Literary translation in late-Qing China was started by ______, who translated a romance story originally written in _____ into Chinese in cooperation with his interpreter Wei Yi.III.Simple Sentence Translation (2 scores for each,20 scores in total)1. 像这种情况,医院就是没考虑到一些特殊病人的需要,没能为患者提供一种人性化的服务。

大学英语六级模拟试卷812(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Writing 2. Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 3. Listening Comprehension 4. Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) 5. Cloze 8. TranslationPart I Writing (30 minutes)1.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Be a Child’s Slave? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:1.养孩子的压力越来越大,很多人成为“孩奴”2.有些父母坚持为孩子投资一掷千金,也有很多人对此不以为然3.我的看法Be a Child’s Slave?正确答案:Be a Child’s Slave? Many parents say that a child is a blessing, but the cost of raising one can be a curse. They list the imported milk powder and diapers, luxurious private kindergartens, after-school courses such as piano and drawing, and even overseas further education. It is undeniable that the rising strain has made some parents become children’s slaves. These parents take it for granted that to bring up a child is to offer him the best environment for growth. They never hesitate to spend money on their children so that their offspring would not lose at the starting line. Not having enough time to accompany their children, they hope to compensate them with expensive commodities. However, many people argue that parents should not always consider the child as their first priority. What’s more, it is sensible to keep expenses within our financial capacity. In my opinion, parents who have become slaves to their children are harboring unrealistic expectations on their children and pursuing unreasonable consumption concepts. As a matter of fact, what a child needs most and what matters most to his growth are nothing but parents’love.Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark:Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN)if the information is not given in the passage.Intellectual Property The phrase intellectual property (IP)refers to the bundle of legal rights that arise from the creative genius of the human mind. IP rights play an important role in the economic prosperity of a country and serve as a motivating force for creative individuals to share their genius with society. Like real and personal property rights protect one’s ownership interest in tangible (有形的)objects, such as land and automobiles, IP rights protect one’s ownership interest in intangible objects, such as the idea behind an invention, the music score for aBroadway play and the name or logo used to brand a product. Without enforcement of these rights in the law, it would be difficult for society to prosper and grow. In this article, you will learn what intellectual property rights are and the differences between its various forms. General Introduction When most people think of intellectual property rights, patents, trademarks and copyrights come to mind. This core set of IP rights reward and protect the creative works of inventors, authors, owners and sellers of goods and services in the marketplace. While the legal principles that underlie each of these rights are distinct, they each share a common set of principles. An award of patent, trademark or copyright protection requires a delicate balance between the interests of the inventor or author and the interest of society as a whole. This balance is very much like the tradeoff required by zoning laws, which attempt to protect the ownership interest and exclusive right to use that a land owner has with society’s interest in the limited use of the owner’s land for society’s greater good. Public utility easements and right of ways are examples of this balance. The grant of a patent on an important invention of a lifesaving drug represents a similar set of tradeoffs. Is it fair to the inventor to allow society free access to the patented drug? Is it fair to society to be denied access for its greater good? It is the role of intellectual property law to harmonize these seemingly conflicting interests. Intellectual property rights also foster a competitive marketplace. They do so by encouraging disclosure of innovation through protecting the fruits of that innovation for a period of time. Disclosure allows others to build and improve upon prior innovation so that the state of the art continues to evolve and develop. Without the benefits provided by intellectual property protection, the marketplace would not operate effectively. Imagine what the world would be like if every competitor had to continuously “reinvent the wheel” rather than being able to refine and improve upon the works of others. Finally, intellectual property rights are regional in nature and the conditions of their grant and enforceability are governed by the laws of each jurisdiction (管辖区域). A US patent can be only granted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the United States. A trademark can only be registered and enforced in Canada in accordance with the laws of Canada, and a copyright can only be registered and enforced in Mexico in accordance with its laws. While there is a desire to be somewhat uniform and consistent, countries have different approaches to intellectual property rights protection. Variations in the procedure for obtaining IP rights account for a large percentage of these difference, rather than the differences in the substantive rights granted in each country. The words “patent”and “trademark”are often used interchangeably. Many times, we hear that a patent is used to protect a logo and that a trademark is used to protect an invention, and vice versa. While patents and trademarks may be associated with the same product, the two words have very different meanings and refer to very different forms of intellectual property rights. They can seldom be used interchangeably, as the underlying rights that each protects is quite different in nature. “What Is a Patent? In general, a patent is used to protect the intellectual property rights associated with the design of a product or process. US patents are issued by the United States Patent and ‘Trademark Office and are enforceable only within the US and its possession. A US patent has no effectoutside the US. A patent gives the patent owner the “exclusive right”to stop others from making, using, selling or offering for sale the product, or process of making the product, that is described by the. patent claims.; It is important to note that a patent does not give the patent owner the right to exploit the patented invention himself. The patent owner has only the “exclusive right” to stop others from doing so.. In other words, just because you obtain a patent on your product does not mean jthat you can actually use the product. You may be blocked by an earlier patent owner who exercises the “exclusive right” granted to, him under his patent. This is an important distinction and the following example will help to explain it. Suppose that the invention covered by your patent is a chair with four legs, a seat, a back and a pair, of rockers—a rocking chair. Under your patent, you have the exclusive right to, stop others from makings using, selling or offering for sale your patented rocking chair. Let’s assume, however, that the rockers on your rocking chair are unique and are covered by an earlier patent to someone else. The rocker patent,owner has the exclusive right under his patent to stop others (including you)from using his patented.rockers. Your use of the patented rockers on your rocking chair would constitute infringement (侵权)of the rocker patent. So while you received a patent for your rocking chair, you will not be able to actually make, use, sell or offer for sale the chair without first obtaining permission from the rocker patent owner. The rocker patent owner is not required to give you permission, however, and can keep your rocking chair off the market if he chooses to do so. It might make better sense, of course, for the rocker patent owner to participate in your success by giving his permission in exchange for a licensing fee. The term for a patent is 20 years from the filing date of the patent application from which leads to the patent. What Are Trademarks? Like patents, trademark registrations in the US are issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. While a patent protects a product from unauthorized copying through the patent owner’s exclusive right to stop others from making, using, selling or offering for sale the patented product, a trademark addresses the need for product identification, or branding, among consumers of the product. Thus, a trademark has nothing to do with preventing a product from being copied. That is the role of a patent. The United States Patent and Trademark Office defines a trademark as any word, name, symbol, or devipe, or any combination, used, or intended to be used, in commerce to identify and distinguish the goods of one manufacturer or seller from goods manufactured or sold by others, and to indicate the source of the goods. In short, a trademark is a brand name. What Is a Copyright?A copyright protects the expression of an idea. Unlike a patent which protects the idea itself, the copyright protects only the expression. The idea of the chair with four legs discussed above can be protected by a patent. The expression of that idea through drawings, pictures and words can be protected by a copyright. In order to qualify for copyright protection, a work must be original to the author. To be original, the work: (1)must have been independently created by the author rather than being copied from other work(s)and, (2)must have at least a minimal degree of creativity. If these two conditions are not met, the work will not qualify as being original and is not entitled to copyright protection. However, a work still qualifies for copyright protection evenif it includes non-original elements. For example, if an author rearranges non-original elements in an original way, the compilation will be considered to be original and qualified for copyright protection. Depending on when the work was created, the period of copyright protection begins when the work is created and terminates 70 years after the death of the author.2.Which of the following do IP rights protect?A.Land.B.Automobile.C.Broadway.D.Logo.正确答案:D解析:细节辨认题。

题目是Public Food Security。
357翻译基础一、短语翻译(30分,30个,英汉各15个)1、CAD,2、NASDAQ,3、POD,4、container terminal,5、abstract log,6、just-in-time logistics,7、compulsory salvage,8、flammable and combustible liquids( (24)小心轻放25、广东省广州市中山路125弄34号26、香港特别行政区行政长官27、粘满铜臭味28、铤而走险29、亚洲互联互通与贸易投资自由化30、积土成山,风雨兴焉英译汉部分:(60分)(原文没搜到,以下是主要意思)。

2017年上海海事大学攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(重要提示:答案必须做在答题纸上,做在试题上不给分)考试科目代码812 考试科目名称语法与翻译I.Choose from the following four choices marked A, B, C, and D in each sentence the one that best suits the sentence, and write the corresponding capital letters in the numbered group of five in the answer sheet (see the following model ).There are 50 sentences in all, each of which is worth one point. (50 points)Model: 1—5: ABCDA, 6—10: ABCDA11—15:ACBCA,16—20:BDBAC1. The early linear teaching ma chines could not judge the student’s response nor, indeed, even determine that the student responded.A.isB. wasC. haveD. had2. No one knows quite what it was, the first encyclopedia. Still less what was, or ought to have been, in .A.itB. thatC. suchD. all3. For instance, the sound p requires complete closure of the lips, that air coming from the lungs builds up pressure in the mouth, giving rise to the characteristic popping sound when the lip closure is released.A.suchB. nowC. soD. but4. chosen as the most outstanding student on her campus made her parents excited.A.Marta beingB. Marta had beenC. Marta has beenD. Marta’s being5. He has made another wonderful discovery, of great importance to science.A. which I think it isB. I think which isC. which I think isD. of which I think it is6. The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, all practical value by the timethey were finished.A. could loseB. would have lostC. might loseD. ought to have lose7. Most electronic devices of this kind, manufactured for such purpose, are tightly packed.A.that areB. it isC. which isD. as are8. The man had been drinking too much; , not age ,explained his unsteady walk.A.thatB. thisC. itD. which9. The widest benefits of the electronic revolution will accrue the young.A.toB. forC. withD./10. Have you ever been in a situation you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree withhim?A. by whichB. thatC. in thatD. where11. Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe it provides the building blocks from whichthe other elements are produced.A. so thatB. but thatC. in thatD. provided that12. was chosen made a tremendous stir in the town.A.It is she not heB. Being she not he第1页(共5页)。

2013年上海海事大学攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(重要提示:答案必须做在答题纸上,做在试题上不给分)考试科目:英语语法与翻译I. Choose from the following four choices marked A, B, C and D in each sentence the one that best suits the sentence, and write the corresponding capital letter in the bracket at the beginning of each sentence. There are 70 sentences in all, each of which is worth one point.(70 points)1. On Thursday, President Bush and a bevy of government officials — including the secretaries of state, education and defense —announced a wide ranging plan to enhance the foreign language skills of American students. Here the word “bevy” means _____A. flockB. herdC. swarmD. group2. Since many styles of luggage are quite similar, we recommend that you _____ your luggage closely to make sure you claim your own items.A. to inspectB. inspectedC. inspectD. would inspect3. We’d better give ______ to what he wishes to say.A. a earB. earC. your earsD. ears4. The flowers withered, we ______ them yesterday.A. should have wateredB. must have wateredC. must waterD. should water5. He took away the oxygen tank for fear that it ______.A. will explodeB. should explodeC. would explodeD. exploded6. Our failure to speak the same language on human rights endangers our national security by potentially weakening our ability to fight together against a common threat. We hope that the planned restoration of our human rights dialogue this spring will provide an opportunity to narrow our differences on this score. The underlined phrase means ______.A. in this caseB. in the wayC. in that respectD. in the sun7. He must have lived a happy life a few years ago, ___ he?A. can'tB. hasn'tC. mustn'tD. didn't8. She certainly knows better than ______ it herself.A. to doB. doingC. to have doneD. to doing9. The primary purpose of Australia’s language policy is to make the nation’s choices about language issues _____ as rational, comprehensive, just and balanced a way as possible.A. inB. ofC. forD. at10. Mothers flying without children now are allowed to bring breast milk through the checkpoint, _____ it is declared prior to screening.A. providedB. supposedC. provedD. suggested11. We came to Sichuang Province with a eye to visiting the _______ area.A. poverty-strickenB. poverty-strikingC. poor-strikingD. poor-stricken12. Brute facts are opposed to institutional facts, in that they do not require the context of an institution to occur. The term was coined by G. E. M. Anscombe and then popularized by John Searle. “In that” can best be replaced by ______.A. thoughB. soC. whereasD. because13. As long as there is a ______ of hope for the success, we will make 100% efforts to prepare.A. fitB. flightC. flowD. flash14. We ______recommend the book as a reference book for the freshmen.A. prettyB. prettilyC. highD. highly15. It is increasingly ______ that America be better versed in the languages and cultures of other world regions, particularly the Middle East, so we can present our nation more clearly to the world.A. immortalB. implausibleC. impossibleD. important16. Sooner than ______ by airbus, I’d prefer a week on a big liner.A. travellingB. travelC. to travelD. travelled17. Mini fridges and microwaves are available in some rooms, and cots or extra beds can be provided _____ request.A. withinB. onC. overD. off18. Being lost in the woods, Thomson was at his ______.A. wits’ endsB. wits’ endC. wit’s endD. wit’s ends19. In vain ____ to get in touch with the VIP who would give a final assessment of their performance.A. they triedB. did they tryC. tried theyD. they have tried20. The criminal even threatened ______ the president.A. murderingB. to murderC. to murderingD. murder21. He was unsuccessful, ______?A. wasn’t heB. was heC. was he notD. he was not22. A snack food (commonly called a snack) is seen in Western culture as a type of food not _____ to be eaten as a main meal of the day,to assuage a person's hunger between these meals, providing a brief supply of energy for the body.A. meansB. meantC. meanD. meaning23. The pitcher hit the man ______ on the nose.A. fairB. firmC. fairlyD. firmly24. John isn’t so foolish _____ the importance of the test.A. enough to realizeB. to realizeC. as not realizingD. as not to realize25. Children love to watch the whirling motion of the windmills, so much so ____ they have recreated a small version in the Pinwheel that you see in this photograph.A. goodB. farC. whichD. that26. Many a worker says the lady is a little of ______.A. a coquetteB. the coquetteC. coquetteD. coquettes27. This is especially true in the social sciences, ______ major developments have often been motivated in large measure by the desire to change the social system, to validate existing social policies and practices, or to counteract hegemonic beliefs about human nature.A. in whichB. whichC. by whichD. to which28. Sue Wright has also made a significant contribution to the field, especially with regard ______ Europe.A. aboutB. toC. forD. of29. Dog ______ are large, fenced-in areas for dogs to exercise unleashed. Created with the expertise of a Parks Department landscape architect and volunteers, the runs encourage play while supplying good drainage, safe lighting, and healthy plantings.A. runningB. runC. runsD. to run30. There is no man ______ errs.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. but31. The United States has no official policy. Responsibility for schooling rests _____ states and not the national government.A. withB. offC. beyondD. up32. The book aims to be accessible to non-specialists from a variety of fields in the social sciences, and to ______ language policy as an area of research within sociolinguistics and, more broadly, within the social sciences and humanities.A. be positionB. positionC. positioningD. to position33. I would ______ Vicky wait for us at the university gate at 3 pm tomorrow.A. askB. haveC. getD. inform34. After my speech, I heard a ______ of cough from the corner of the auditorium.A. displayB. pealC. fitD. slice35. The U.N. Security Council authorized the operation to protect Libyan civilians after Gadhafi launched attacks against anti-government protesters who demanded that he ______ down after42 years in power.A. has steppedB. stepsC. steppedD. step36. In recent years research in language policy has been motivated, at least ______ part, by concerns about the accelerating loss of languages worldwide.A. beyondB. inC. toD. on37. He is about to take the floor ______ linguistics.A. esteemingB. evadingC. retardingD. respecting38. The children are making ______ that they are princes and princesses.A. believingB. believeC. to believeD. believed39. Whom would you rather ______ with you, George or me?A. to goB. have goneC. goingD. have go40. Protesters hold a banner and posters behind a canister(圆筒) _______ the radiation symbol during a rally demanding the immediate closure of the Garona Nuclear Power Plant, outside the plant in the province of Burgos March 27, 2011.A. bearB. to bearC. has borneD. bearing41. The thing for Elvis to do now is ______ a suitable case to investigate.A. seekB. soughtC. seekedD. seeking42. Both the U.S. and Israel have not ruled out military option against Iran's controversial nuclear program, which the West suspects is aimed at making atomic weapons. Iran denies the charge, saying its nuclear activities are geared toward peaceful purposes like power generation. The verbal phrase “rule out” means _____.A. call offB. call onC. call forD. call back43. The sooner ______, the more likely ______ him at the crisscrosses.A. do you start…will you meetB. will you start…will you meetC. you start… you will meetD. you will start…you will meet44. There are ______ armchairs in the living room.A. dark three very comfortable blueB. three very dark comfortable blueC. three very comfortable dark blueD. dark blue three very comfortable45. A second grouping is the Romance one, a list on which Spain would also appear alongside France, Portugal and Romania ______ it not for its post-Franco recognition of selected minority languages in autonomous regions.A. would beB. isC. wereD. was46. The enemy had no way out but _______.A. to surrenderB. surrenderingC. surrenderD. having to surrender47. Professor Flower from the University of Maryland is about to take the floor ______ linguistics.A. esteemingB. evadingC. retardingD. respecting48. She must have worked all night, for, you see, she is with ______ eyes.A. sunkenB. sinkingC. sunkD. sink49. Forces may be ______ word, with its implication of causality.A. a strong suchB. too a strongC. a such strongD. too strong a50. While language management was generally left to the states, whose policies reflected national beliefs, starting in 1962, the widespread implementation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, providing access to federally provided and funded services for persons with limited English proficiency, bolstered for a while by the Bilingual Education Act and theoretically continued in the English Language Learner programs of recent educational law, ______ to defend the language rights of those in the United States who do not speak English.A. had been workingB. have been workingC. are workingD. has been working51. I’d rather you ______ to the library for the collection of the data now.A. goB. wentC. had goneD. have gone52. I wouldn’t trust _______ judgment.A. anyone’s elseB. anyone else’sC. an yone’s else’sD. anyone else53. I really cannot understand ______ refusing to call her mom even in private.A. heB. himC. hisD. himself54. I ______ to call on you, but was prevented from doing so.A. had meantB. have meantC. meanD. meant55. The factory normally makes clocks and watches, but during the war it produced precision instruments for aeroplanes. The underlined word can be replaced by ______ without changing the meaning.A. turned outB. turned upC. turned downD. turned on56. ______ care would have prevented the road accident.A. MuchB. A littleC. LittleD. Less57. He operates the new machine as if he _____ special training in it.A. has receivedB. had receivedC. would receiveD. received58. Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, _____ to find it locked.A. justB. onlyC. henceD. thus59. ______ rain, the football match will be postponed.A. In the consequence ofB. In defiance ofC. In danger ofD. In the event of60. Concerns about the falling standard of English (and the resultant lack of competitiveness), the unemployment rate of the ethnic Malays who are largely monolingual and the continued segregation of the races prompted the then Minister of Education, Musa Mohamed, ______ that beginning from January 2003 a Malay-English mixed-medium education would be implemented in national schools.A. declaringB. having declaredC. declareD. to declare61. Sophie tricked her boyfriend ______ she had forgotten his birthday.A. believeB. to believeC. believingD. into believing62. People hate ______ queues everywhere.A. there beingB. there to beC. there beD. there is63. This year's GCSE results reflected a fall in the number of teenagers choosing to study a modern language. The number of candidates studying French fell _____ 13.2% compared with last year.A. ofB. byC. atD. in64. On the way back to the campus, we came across a ______ coupleA. newly-weddingB. newly-weddedC. new-weddingD. new-wedded65. The teacher is always dealing ______ and square with all the students irrespective of sex and test scores.A. fairlyB. fairB. firm D. firmly66. Mr. Wells, together with all the members of his family, _____ for Europe this afternoon.A. are to leaveB. are leavingC. is leavingD. leave67. The teaching of English often became the major priority, and there was no serious attention to maintaining the other language once this had been achieved. The underlined pronoun “this” refers to _____.A. the teaching of EnglishB. attentionC. the major priorityD. the other language68. He operates the new machine as if he _____ special training in it.A. has receivedB. had receivedC. would receiveD. received69. The report claims that Congo's war--which lasted from 1998 to 2003--and its aftermath ______ caused more deaths than any other global conflict since WWII.A. haveB. hadC. hasD. having70. There’s now some hope of ______ a settlement of the dispute.A. there beingB. there to beC. there beD. there areII.Point out the sentence types of the following, and then Enlarge and complicate these sentences without changing their sentence types, and finally underline the original sentence elements. (20 points)Eg. The governments shall take measures. →SVO: For the sake of popularizing Putonghua and the standardized Chinese characters, the governments at various levels and the relevant departments under them shall take measures.1. The turbulent “cultural revolution” occurred.2. The deed tarnished his reputation.3. The authorities offered the company a chance to raise the threshold.4. The world sees US credit rating teetering on edge.5. There are vogue wordsIII. Translate from Chinese to English. (30 points)陈士成看过县考的榜,回到家里的时候,已经是下午。

2017年上海海事大学攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(重要提示:答案必须做在答题纸上,做在试题上不给分)考试科目代码812 考试科目名称语法与翻译I.Choose from the following four choices marked A, B, C, and D in each sentence the one that best suits the sentence, and write the corresponding capital letters in the numbered group of five in the answer sheet (see the following model ).There are 50 sentences in all, each of which is worth one point. (50 points)Model: 1—5: ABCDA, 6—10: ABCDA11—15:ACBCA,16—20:BDBAC1. The early linear teaching ma chines could not judge the student’s response nor, indeed, even determine that the student responded.A.isB. wasC. haveD. had2. No one knows quite what it was, the first encyclopedia. Still less what was, or ought to have been, in .A.itB. thatC. suchD. all3. For instance, the sound p requires complete closure of the lips, that air coming from the lungs builds up pressure in the mouth, giving rise to the characteristic popping sound when the lip closure is released.A.suchB. nowC. soD. but4. chosen as the most outstanding student on her campus made her parents excited.A.Marta beingB. Marta had beenC. Marta has beenD. Marta’s being5. He has made another wonderful discovery, of great importance to science.A. which I think it isB. I think which isC. which I think isD. of which I think it is6. The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, all practical value by the timethey were finished.A. could loseB. would have lostC. might loseD. ought to have lose7. Most electronic devices of this kind, manufactured for such purpose, are tightly packed.A.that areB. it isC. which isD. as are8. The man had been drinking too much; , not age ,explained his unsteady walk.A.thatB. thisC. itD. which9. The widest benefits of the electronic revolution will accrue the young.A.toB. forC. withD./10. Have you ever been in a situation you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree withhim?A. by whichB. thatC. in thatD. where11. Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe it provides the building blocks from whichthe other elements are produced.A. so thatB. but thatC. in thatD. provided that12. was chosen made a tremendous stir in the town.A.It is she not heB. Being she not he第1页(共5页)。

译文HangzhouHangzhou is a historically and culturally famous Chinese city (a famous historical and cultural city in China)1, reputed as one of seven major capitals from China’s ancient past (in the Chinese history).During the [period of] Yuan Dynasty2, Hangzhou was established as a town of strategic importance in southeast China, with a flourishing economy and beautiful scenery, being3, in the words of the Italian traveler Marco Polo, the “most beautiful and luxurious city in the world.” During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Hangzhou was still leading the way in economic, social and cultural development in China.After the founding4 (creation/birth) of the People’s Republic of China, Hangzhou became the capital of Zhejiang Province, functioning as the political, economic and cultural center as well as5 a transportation hub of [in]6the province. With the sightseeing area (sites/spot) of West Lake [being] renovated on an unprecedented scale, Hangzhou has become a city famous world wide for its scenic views7.Last year 510,000 overseas tourists visited Hangzhou, bringing in US$ 210 million, along with 21.21 million domestic tourists, earning the city 14.6 billion RMB (Hangzhou received 510 thousand overseas tourists, earning $ 210 million, along with 21.21 million domestic tourists, earning 14.6 billion RMB) 8. Hangzhou was selected (appraised as) one of the first group of “Top Tourist Cities of China,” and the West Lake Scenic Site (Spot) became one of the ten model civilized scenic sites in China.旅游的意义旅游是一种1集观光、娱乐、健身为一体的愉快而美好的活动。

上海海事大学英语笔译历年复试真题1、—John, How is it going? —______.()[单选题] *A. It’s sunnyB. Thank youC. Well doneD. Not bad(正确答案)2、The man lost his camera and he ______ it now.()[单选题] *A. foundB. is findingC. is looking forD. looks for(正确答案)3、When you are tired, listen to music and try to _______ yourself. [单选题] *A. supportB. showC. playD. relax(正确答案)4、—What can I do to help at the old people’s home?—You ______ read stories to the old people. ()[单选题] *A. could(正确答案)B. mustC. shouldD. would5、_____ whether robots will one day have vision as good as human vision. [单选题] *A. What is not yet knownB. It is not yet known(正确答案)C. As is not yet knownD. This is not yet known6、Tom and Mary's house bought last year is()Lucy, s. [单选题] *A. the three size ofB. three times the size of(正确答案)C. as three times large asD. three times as larger as7、97.Go ______ the square and you will find the theatre. [单选题] *A.aboveB.atC.across(正确答案)D.on8、—I can’t always get good grades. What should I do?—The more ______ you are under, the worse grades you may get. So take it easy!()[单选题] *A. wasteB. interestC. stress(正确答案)D. fairness9、—______ pencils are these?—They are Tony’s.()[单选题] *A. WhatB. WhereC WhoD. Whose(正确答案)10、It’s reported that there are more than 300?_______ smokers in China. [单选题] *A. million(正确答案)B. millionsC. million ofD. millions of11、I think you should buy this novel. It is really worth _____. [单选题] *A. reading(正确答案)B. being readC. readD. to read12、They all choose me ______ our class monitor.()[单选题] *A. as(正确答案)B. inC. withD. on13、They returned successfully from ______ moon to _____ earth. [单选题] *A. /; /B. /; theC. the; the(正确答案)D. the; /14、He always found it hard to satisfy himself. [单选题] *A. 控制B. 满足(正确答案)C. 了解D. 批评15、I hope to see you again _______. [单选题] *A. long long agoB. long beforeC. before long(正确答案)D. long16、Study hard, ______ you won’t pass the exam. [单选题] *A. or(正确答案)B. andC. butD. if17、21.Design a travel guide for Shanghai! ________ the competition and be the winner! [单选题] *A.JoinB.AttendC.EnterD.Take part in (正确答案)18、The hall in our school is _____ to hold 500 people. [单选题] *A. big enough(正确答案)B. enough bigC. very smallD. very big19、This is _________ my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best. [单选题] *A. howB. whichC. that(正确答案)D. what20、He went to America last Friday. Alice came to the airport to _______ him _______. [单选题] *A. take; offB. see; off(正确答案)C. send; upD. put; away21、Before leaving the village, he visited the old house _____ he spent his childhood. [单选题] *A in which(正确答案)B. whichC. to whichD at which22、My brother is too shy. He _______ speaks in front of lots of people. [单选题] *A. alwaysB. usuallyC. seldom(正确答案)D. sometimes23、53.On your way home, you can buy some fruit, meat, vegetables and ________. [单选题] * A.something else(正确答案)B.else somethingC.everything elseD.else everything24、22.Will there ________ any schools in the future? [单选题] *A.isB.areC.amD.be(正确答案)25、( ) _____ New York _____ London have traffic problems. [单选题] *A. All…andB. Neither….norC. Both…and(正确答案)D. Either…or26、You should _______ fighting with your parents although you may have different ideas from time to time. [单选题] *A. suggestB. enjoyC. avoid(正确答案)D. practice27、32.There are about __________ women doctors in this hospital. [单选题] *A.two hundred ofB.two hundreds ofC.two hundredsD.two hundred (正确答案)28、They took _____ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. [单选题] *A.efficientB.beneficialC.validD.effective(正确答案)29、We _______ swim every day in summer when we were young. [单选题] *A. use toB. are used toC. were used toD. used to(正确答案)30、Experts are making an investigation on the spot. They want to find a way to()the tower. [单选题] *A. Restore(正确答案)B. resumeC. recoverD. reunite。

2013年上海海事大学攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(重要提示:答案必须做在答题纸上,做在试题上不给分)答题要求:例如1---5:AAAAA 6---10:BBBBB考试科目:翻译硕士英语Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (30 points; 0.5 point for each item)Directions: There are 60 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letteron the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. You and I could hardly understand each other, _______ ?A. could IB. couldn’t youC. could weD. couldn’t we2. We often advise him not to drink more wine _______ is good for his health.A. asB. thanC. thatD. but3. I didn’t call the hotel to make a room reservation, but I _______ .A. may haveB. must haveC. should haveD. shall have4. It was not until midnight _______ the camping site.A. that they have reachedB. that they did not reachC. did they reachD. did they not reach5. Thomas Jefferson’s achievements as an architect rival his contributions _______ a politician.A. suchB. moreC. asD. than6. _______ is generally accepted, economic growth is determined by the smooth development ofproduction.A. WhatB. ThatC. ItD. As7. Space exploration promises to open up many new territories for human settlement, as well as_____the harvest of mineral resources.A. leads toB. to lead toC. leading toD. lead to8. Someday, solar power collected by satellite s ______ the earth may give us all the energy we need for an expanding civilization.A. circledB. to circleC. circlingD. circles9. In this experiment, they are wakened several times during the night, and asked to report what they _______.A. had just been dreamingB. are just dreamingC. have just been dreamingD. had just dreamt10. Her terror was so great ______somewhere to escape; she would have run for her life.A. only ifB. that there had only beenC. that had there only beenD. if there were only11. Some women ________a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided notto work for the sake of the family.A. must makeB. should have madeC. would makeD. could have made12. A light with no more power than _______by an ordinary electric light bulb becomesintensely strong as it is concentrated to a pinpoint-sized beam.A. as is producedB. that producedC. that is producedD. produced13. For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental travelersor others who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it, let alone _______what lay beneath the surface.A. askingB. askC. to askD. be asked14. Even if they are on sale, these refrigerators are equal in price to, if not more expensive than,_____ at the other store.A. anyoneB. the othersC. thatD. the ones15. The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth as _____its soil and the water of its lakes,rivers and oceans.A. areB. isC. doD. has16. From now on, when anyone in our ranks who has done some useful work dies, ______soldieror cook, we should have a funeral ceremony and a memorial meeting in his honor.A. no matter he isB. whether he has beenC. be heD. whether be he17. In 1921 Einstein won the Nobel Prize, and was honored in Germany until the rise ofNazism_______he was driven from Germany because he was a Jew.A. thenB. andC. whenD. before18. Physics is the present-day equivalent of _____used to be called natural philosophy fromwhich most of present-day science arose.A. thatB. allC. whichD. what19. _____ the population of working age increased by 1 million between 1981 and 1986, today itis barely growing.A. WhereasB. Even ifC. AfterD. Now that20. By the first decade of the 21st century, international commercial traffic _____vastly beyondtoday’s levels.A. will be expected to extendB. will have been expected to extendC. is expected to be extendedD. is expected to have extended21. His features were agreeable; his body, _____slight of build, had something of athleticoutline.A. somehowB. asC. thoughD. somewhat22. We advocate ______the economic, cultural and religious traditions of all national minorities.A. to respectB. to be respectedC. respectingD. having respected23. There are two horses at the ends of a rope ____with all their might in opposite directions.A. pullingB. pullC. pulledD. to pull24. Today the Tennessee Valley is one of the richest areas in the world. But if things _____asthey were it would now be a desert.A. had leftB. were leftC. had been leftD. had been leaving25. After twenty years abroad, William came back only ____ how his hometown was damagedin an earthquake.A. to find outB. finding outC. to have found outD. to be finding out26. Relaxation, ______ fresh air, pure water and clean food, is essential to a sound mind andhealthy body.A. much less thanB. no less thanC. no more thanD. any less than27. It is far better to do well a bit of work which is well ___a large fortune.A. worthy to be done than haveB. worth doing than to haveC. worthwhile to do than haveD. worthy of doing than have28. Understanding the cultural habit of another nation, especially _____containing as manydifferent subcultures as the United States, is a complex task.A. oneB. the oneC. thatD. such29. Whether or not the next plan will yield any positive results ____to be seen.A. remainB. remainsC. is remainedD. have remained30. If ever again ___happens an accident like this, we will have only ourselves to blame.A. itB. soC. thereD. that31. The younger person’s attraction to stereos cannot be explained only ________ familiaritywith technology.A. in quest ofB. by means ofC. in terms ofD. by virtue of32. Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were ________.A. in no wayB. on the contraryC. at a lossD. of no avail33. By signing the lease we made a ________ to pay a rent of $150 a week.A. conceptionB. commissionC. commitmentD. confinement34. To prevent flooding in winter, the water flowing from the dam is constantly ________ by acomputer.A. gradedB. managedC. conductedD. monitored35. Many people think of deserts as ________ regions, but numerous species of plants andanimals have adapted to live there.A. virginB. barrenC. voidD. wretched36. The original elections were declared ________ by the former military ruler.A. voidB. vulgarC. surplusD. extravagant37. They stood gazing at the happy ________ of children playing in the park.A. perspectiveB. viewC. landscapeD. scene38. An obvious change of attitude at the top towards women’s status in society will ________through the current law system in Japan.A. permeateB. probeC. violateD. grope39. When he realized he had been ________ to sign the contract by intrigue, he threatened tostart legal proceedings to cancel the agreement.A. elicitedB. excitedC. deducedD. induced40. These areas rely on agriculture almost ________, having few mineral resources and aminimum of industrial development.A. respectivelyB. extraordinarilyC. incrediblyD. exclusively41. When he finally emerged from the cave after thirty days, John was ________ pale.A. enormouslyB. startlinglyC. uniquelyD. dramatically42. Thank you for applying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at thistime, but we shall keep your application on ________ for two months.A. pileB. segmentC. sequenceD. file43. It will be safer to walk on the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts ofcash; virtually all financial ________ will be conducted by computer.A. transactionsB. transmissionsC. transitionsD. transformations44. The ________ of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physicalaspects in the life style of the people.A. implementationB. manifestationC. demonstrationD. expedition45. The new technological revolution in American newspapers has brought increased ________,a wider range of publications and an expansion of newspaper jobs.A. manipulationB. reproductionC. circulationD. penetration46. The directions were so ________ that it was impossible to complete the assignment.A. ingeniousB. ambitiousC. notoriousD. ambiguous47. Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of themost ________ areas in Japanese life.A. sophisticatedB. competitiveC. considerateD. superficial48. If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of________.A. persuasionB. remedyC. encouragementD. compromise49. Her interest in redecorating the big house kept her ________ for a whole week.A. constrainedB. dominatedC. restrictedD. occupied50. If we ________ our relations with that country, we’ll have to find another supplier of rawmaterials.A. diffuseB. diminishC. terminateD. preclude51. Movie directors use music to ________ the action on the screen.A. contaminateB. complimentC. contemplateD. complement52. His career was not noticeably ________ by the fact that he had never been to college.A. preventedB. restrainedC. hinderedD. refrained53. When trapped in drifting sands, do not struggle, or you will be ________ in deeper.A. absorbedB. pushedC. heavedD. sucked54. To ________ for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for him.A. commenceB. compromiseC. compensateD. compliment55. All visitors are requested to ________ with the regulations.A. complyB. agreeC. assistD. consent56. The captain ________ the horizon for approaching ships.A. scannedB. scrutinizedC. exploredD. swept57. The vast majority of people in any given culture will ________ to the established standardsof that culture.A. confineB. conformC. confrontD. confirm58. Under the guidance of their teacher, the pupils are building a model boat ________ by steam.A. towedB. tossedC. propelledD. pressed59. Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, ________themselves.A. stretchingB. extendingC. prolongingD. expanding60. The doctors don’t ________ that he will live much longer.A. manifestB. articulateC. anticipateD. monitorPart II. Reading Comprehension ( 40 points;1 point for each question in the first four passages, and 2 points for each question in the last twopassages)Directions: There are 6 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You shoulddecide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the center.Passage1Your first culture shock came after you left your home country and needed to adjust to the United States. It is now important to learn cultural information about your company, so that you will fit in and perform successfully. The people who make up this environment have their own customs, habits and expectations of each new employee. Gathering information that is formal (policy) and informal (traditions) will help you learn the professional norms and become fully accepted.Policies are corporate documents describing procedures, rules, and standards that guide decision making and conduct. They are similar to official laws that govern a country. Some sources of such written company information include the annual report, product or service brochures, technical and procedural manual, employee directory and the company newsletter. Organizational traditions are usually unwritten hut common practices that have evolved over time. They set the tone and philosophy of the particular corporation, just as the customs of a country do. The best way to learn such information is to observe and talk with others such as your supervisor and co-workers.You can supplement ideas from formal introductory materials given you earlier. Explore with fellow employees those behaviors that may be tolerated but frowned upon. Ask your supervisor for feedback to avoid typical traps that could cause your co-workers to reject you as a professional. Keep this guide nearby, and refer to it often in private. Reviewing formal company procedures, handouts, written notes, ideas, comments from bosses and colleagues, together with materials in this handbook, will help you make a more healthy cultural adjustment.61. What is the purpose to learn cultural information?A. To know the U.S. A. better.B. To work better in the new environment.C. To make more money.D. To improve one’s English.62. According to the passage, _______ is not the policy’s function.A. describing procedures, rules and standardsB. governing a countryC. helping to guide decision making and conductD. writing down the company’s information63. _______ is the best way to learn the organizational traditions.A. To read the policiesB. To study the philosophyC. To study a country’s customsD. To observe and communicate with the colleagues and boss.64. How to make a more healthy cultural adjustment?A. Read this passage often.B. Discuss the organizational culture with your colleagues.C. Gather and review the formal and informal information in the corporation.D. Ask your boss for help.65. The passage is written to _______.A. help readers to understand the organization’s cultureB. explain the culture shockC. analyze the policies and traditionsD. help readers to work better with their supervisor and co-workersPassage 2Scientists have known since 1952 that DNA is the basic stuff of heredity. They've known its chemical structure since 1953. They know that human DNA acts like a biological computer program some 3 billion bits long that spells out the instructions for making proteins, the basic building blocks of life.But everything the genetic engineers have accomplished during the past half-century is just a preamble to the work that Collins and Anderson and legions of colleagues are doing now. Collins leads the Human Genome Project, a 15-year effort to draw the first detailed map of every nook and cranny of gene in human DNA. Anderson, who pioneered the first successful human gene-therapy operations, is leading the campaign to put information about DNA to use as quickly as possible in the treatment and prevention of human diseases.What they and other researchers are plotting is nothing less than a biomedical revolution. Like Silicon Valley pirates reverse-engineering a computer chip to steal a competitor's secrets, genetic engineers are decoding life's molecular secrets and trying to use that knowledge to reverse the natural course of disease. DNA in their hands has become both a blueprint and a drug, a pharmacological substance of extraordinary potency that can treat not just symptoms or the diseases that cause them but also the imperfections in DNA that make people susceptible to a disease.And that's just the beginning. For all the fevered work being done, however, science is still far away from the Brave New World vision of engineering a perfect human— or even a perfect tomato. Much more research is needed before gene therapy becomes commonplace, and many diseases will take decades to conquer, if they can be conquered at all.In the short run, the most practical way to use the new technology will be in genetic screening. Doctors will be able to detect all sorts of flaws in DNA long before they can be fixed. In some cases the knowledge may lead to treatments that delay the onset of the disease or soften its effects. Someone with a genetic predisposition to heart disease, for example, could follow a low-fat diet. And if scientists determine that a vital protein is missing because the gene that was supposed to make it is defective, they might be able to give the patient an artificial version of the protein. But in other instances, almost nothing can be done to stop the ravages brought on by genetic mutations.66. It can be inferred from the text that Collins and Anderson and legions of colleagues _______.A. know that human DNA acts like a biological computer programB. have found the basic building blocks of lifeC. have accomplished some genetic discovery during the past half-centuryD. are making a breakthrough in DNA67. Collins and Anderson are cited in the text to indicate all the following EXCEPT that________.A. time-consuming effort is needed to accomplish the detailed map of gene in human DNAB. human gene-therapy operations may be applied to the patientsC. gene-therapy now is already generally used to the treatment and prevention of humandiseasesD. information about DNA may be used in the treatment and prevention of human diseases68. The word "pirate" (Line 2, Para. 3) means _______.A. one who robs at sea or plunders the land from the seaB. one who makes use of or reproduces the work of another without authorizationC. to plunderD. to make use of or reproduce ( another's work) without authorization69. We can draw a conclusion from the text that _______.A. engineering a perfect human is not feasible for the time beingB. it's impossible for scientists to engineer a perfect tomatoC. many diseases will never be conquered by human beingsD. doctors will be able to cure all sorts of flaws in DNA in the long run70. The best title for the text may be _______.A. The Basic Stuff of HeredityB. The Genetic RevolutionC. A Biomedical RevolutionD. How to Apply Genetic Technology Passage 3It was going to have roughly the effect of a neutron bomb attack on high streets and shopping malls. The buildings would be left standing but the people would vanish. Such was the superior efficiency of selling things via the Internet that brick-and-mortar stores would be unable to compete on price, choice or even service. Book and music sellers had already been “Amazoned”. Soon web-based “category-killers”, in everything from toys to pet supplies, would overwhelm their physical-world competitors. Shoppers would never be more than a mouse-click from the best deals. Traditional retailers, terrified of cannibalizing sales and destroying the value of their expensive properties, were already too late to meet the challenge. “In some categories,” said Mary Meeker, a seer of the Internet at Morgan Stanly, “it’s already game over.”These are convenient beliefs for anyone justifying some e-commerce share prices, but they are already mostly wrong. The reasons should surprise no one. The Internet is not a dominant technology but rather a network of people. It is a rich and highly flexible means of communicating that is rapidly achieving pervasiveness because more and more people find it eas y and convenient to use. But it is those people’s preferences that will count; and for most people, shopping is more than just a means to an end. Even if the Internet provided a perfectly efficient way to shop it would not provide a satisfactory alternative to the physical enjoyment of sniffing a ripe melon, say, or trying on a cashmere sweater.Of course, some products, such as music and banking, can be distributed electronically with success and cost saving. But most purchases cannot be reduced to digital code. And distributing physical goods is cumbersome and expensive. Behind even the most exciting user interface thereare old-fashioned warehouses and lorries, customers who decline to sit at home waiting for purchases to arrive, and goods that must be re-wrapped and expensively returned. No wonder that the cost of getting goods to customers’ homes so often soaks up the notional price advantages of e-commerce.What Internet shoppers have quickly realized is that the web is an addition to, and not a substitute for, their shopping habits. It is wonderful for gathering up-to-date information about products and prices. Cyber Dialogue, a research firm, estimates that in 1998 23m Americans sought information online, but then made their purchases offline, compared with only 17.7m who did the whole thing online.71. The author compares ________ of the online sale to the effect of neutron bomb attack.A. the efficiencyB. the choiceC. the priceD. the service72. According to Mary Meeker, ________.A. tradi tional retailers can’t compete with online ones on price, choice or serviceB. the battle between traditional retailers and online retailers is overC. online retailers have prevailed over traditional ones in the market of certain productsD. online ret ailers have destroyed the value of traditional retailers’ properties73. According to the passage, shopping for most people ________.A. is a flexible means of communicatingB. is not just a means to gaining an endC. does not provide an alternative to physical enjoymentD. provides a perfectly easy and efficient way of living74. The cost of goods delivery brings about the result that ________.A. distributing goods becomes troublesome and expensiveB. the notional price advantages of e-commerce are eliminatedC. old-fashioned warehouses and lorries have to be still in useD. goods must be wrapped again and expensively returned75. According to Cyber Dialogue, ________.A. online shopping will not replace the traditional shopping habitsB. customers seek information via the Internet more often than via any other meansC. Internet users prefer to seek information online without making real purchasesD. fewer and fewer people purchase what they want via the InternetPassage 4A friend who had lived in New York in the 1970s was recently here for a brief visit. I asked him what, in this ever-changing city, he found to be most startlingly changed. He thought for a minute before answering. “Probably the visible increase in prostitution,” he replies. M y astonishment at this comment was so palpable that he felt obliged to explain. “Haven’t you noticed,” he asked with surprise, “all these young women standing furtively in doorways? You never used to see that when I was here.”I couldn’t resist my laughter. “They’re not prostitutes, they’re smokers.” For indeed they are. More American office buildings no longer allow smoking on the premises, driving those who can’t resist the urge onto the streets. The sight of them, lounging on “coffee breaks” near the entrances to their workplace, puffing away has become ubiquitous. Since most new smokers apparently are women, my friend’s confusion was understandable. And there are more than eversince September II.Stress is probably better measured anecdotally than stati stically. I’m not aware of surveys on this matter, but anyone living in New York these days has stories of friends who, amid the scares of 9-11 and its aftermath, have sought solace in cigarettes. I used to go to a gym near Grand Central Terminal. Some days so many people stood outside, tensely smoking, that I assumed an evacuation had just been ordered. At least three friends who’d given up tobacco have lapsed back into the habit, claiming they couldn’t calm their nerves. Others have increased their previously reduced intakes. Some, in their quest for a crutch, have begun smoking for the first time. In Manhattan the frantic puff has become the preferred alternative to the silent scream.New Yorkers, of course, are coping in more imaginative ways, as well. A friend swears he knows someone who has stashed a canoe in his closet in case he needs to escape Manhattans by river. Another says he has moved a heavy object dart into his office so that he can smash the window if a firebomb makes the elevator or the stairs impassable. A woman working on one of the lower floors of her office building has acquired a rope long enough to lower herself to the ground; one who works at the top of a skyscraper tells me she’s looking into the purchase of a parachute. Still others have stocked up on such items of antiterrorist chic as flame-retardant ponchos, anthrax-antidote antibiotics and heavy-duty gas masks.Crackpot friends of friends, but surely not your own? Hardly. One close acquaintance, concerned about my welfare as an international civil servant, tells me I should not be going to work at the United Nations without ensuring that I have, in my desk drawer, a flashlight, spare batteries, a clean cloth and water to dampen it with, all to facilitate an efficient exit through smoke and darkness. Though touched by her solicitude, I have not yet taken her advice. But I believe her when she tells me that many others have, especially her female friends.Recent polls indicate that American women are, in fact, more stressed out than men. Over 50 percent in one national survey of 1,000 adults admitted to being “very” or “somewhat” worried in the wake of the terrorist assaults, according to the Pew Research Center. The anthrax scare may have receded. But recent incidents, from the airplane crash in the New York borough of Queens to the arrest of the London “shoe-bomber” to rumors of suitcase nukes, seem to have had permanently unsettling effects. Take food. A surprising number of people are apparently unable to touch their plates. (Some happily, discovering that fear is the best diet.) Others are eating too much, seeking reassurance in “comfort food.” Give the alternatives, smoking seems a reasonable refuge; after all, the long-term threat of cancer seems far more remote these days than the prospect of explosive incineration.And let us not forget other obsessive coping behaviors. A surge in compulsive shopping, drink and self medicating has been reported, along with exercising, buying music and movie-going. I haven’t checked the stock prices for Philip Morris recently, but I’m told it’s told it’s doing better than expected. As people deal with their fears, the newspapers tell us the economy is bouncing back. Could ordinary people’s coping mechanisms be helping spur a national recovery that, in the first weeks after September 11, had seemed a distant prospect? Few things could be more American than giving in to your weaknesses—and finding that makes the country stronger.76. The word “ubiquitous” in the sentence “The sight of them, lounging on coffee breaks’ nearthe entrances to their workplace puffing away, has become ubiquitous” (para.2) can best be replaced by _______.A. Noticeable all the timeB. present everywhereC. unique in natureD. unpleasant to all visitors77. In the sent ence “New Yorkers, of course, are coping in more imaginative ways, as well.”, theauthor mainly means _______.A. New Yorkers are full of imagination before terroristsB. New Yorkers are steadily confronting disastersC. New Yorkers are ready to combat all kinds of threatsD. New Yorkers are ingeniously prepared for possible threats78. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. American men are as stressed out as women before terrorist attacks.B. The stock prices for Philip Morris must be on the rise.C. The Coping behaviors under stress are widely varied and different.D. Smoking is considered a useful means to reduce stress.79. In writing the last sentence “Few things could be more American than giving in to yourweaknesses—and find ing that makes the country stronger.”, the author _______.A. reaches the conclusion of the passageB. tells her sincere and real thoughtC. adopts a satirical and paradoxical toneD. criticizes American weaknesses80. Which of the following best expresses the main point of the passage?A. Changing smoking habits over the past decadesB. Fight-flight mechanism in front of terrorismC. Compulsive response to long-term diseasesD. Distracted behaviors under stress from terrorismPassage 5More than just a revolutionary tool for indexing, analyzing, or transmitting content, digital technology is actually reshaping the creation of art and literature. “just as film emerged as the dominant artistic medium of the 20th century, the digital domain — whether it is used for visual art, music, literature or some other expressive genre —will be the primary medium of the 21st,”wrote New York Times columnist Matthew Mirapaul in early 1999. More and more writers, artists, and musicians are using computers and the Internet to enhance, animate, or completely remake their art, with unconventional and remarkable results.Publishing, a print-based business that to some people is beginning to represent the past, is attempting to adapt to the new digital world. Marc Aronson, a senior children’s book editor at the publishing house Henry Holt and a longtime student of the impact of changing technology on publishing, describes this impact as a kind of blurring or hybridization. “The keynote of the digital age is overlap, multiplic ity, synergy. The digital does not replace print, it subsumes it,”Aronson said. “Print becomes a form of the digital, just as the digital has a special place when it happens in print.” Especially in books for young people, he notes, more authors and artis ts are trying books with multiple story lines or told from various points of view.One strain of this new type of nonlinear writing is popularly known as hypertext fiction. At its simplest, hypertext fiction mimics the Choose Your Own Adventure books that became popular in the early 1980s. In these books, readers directed the story by choosing which page to。

2014年上海海事大学攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(重要提示:答案必须做在答题纸上,做在试题上不给分)考试科目代码830 考试科目名称日语语法与翻译一、次の問題から正しい答えを一つ選んでください。

Source Text 2:
询 咨 导
辅 人,活在这个世界上,到底是快乐的时候多呢,还是不那么快活的时候多呢?没人做过这方面的统 士 计。但是我想,“人生识字忧患始”,如果不是那么十分浑浑噩噩的话,稍稍有一点头脑,“不如意事常 译硕 八九”,大概是一种比较准确的状态描写。快活并不是每个人都有幸碰上的,不快活则是随时随地在等
II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120 points)
Source Text 1:
Give Part of Yourself Away
We are living in one of those periods in human history which are marked by revolutionary changes
879 There are as many roads to the attainment of wisdom and goodness as there are people who 07 undertake to walk them. There are as many solid truths on which we can stand as there are people who 15 can search them out and who will stand on them. There are as many ideas and ideals as there are men QQ of good will who will hold them in their minds and act them in their lives.