东 南 大 学 考 试 卷( A 卷)课程名称 现代光学基础 考试学期 12-13-2 得分 适用专业 考试形式 闭卷 考试时间长度 120分钟一.选择和填空题(共18题,共36分,每题二分) 1.一个用折射率n=1.75的玻璃做成的凸透镜放入以下哪种介质中时, 其焦距最长 ( ) A. n=1.的空气 B. n=1.33的水 C. n=1.58的苯胺 D. n=1.45的油 2.如果你有如下四种透镜,你会选用哪二种以组成放大倍数尽量大的伽利略望远镜,以便现场观看体育比赛.( )和( ) A. 像方焦距=5厘米的凸透镜 B. 像方焦距=10厘米的凸透镜 C. 像方焦距=1厘米的凸透镜 D. 像方焦距= -1厘米的凹透镜 3.做实验时,如果想用一单色自然光获得圆偏振光,应选用以下哪二种器件.( ) 和( ) A. 1/4波片 B. 偏振片 C. 1/8波片 D. 1/2波片 4.做夫琅和费圆孔衍射实验时,如果将圆孔的直径增加一倍,则爱里斑中心位置的光强将 ( ) A.为原来的二倍 B.为原来的四倍 C.为原来的八倍 D.为原来的十六倍 5.将波长为λ的单色光从空气垂直入射到折射率为n 的透明介质膜上,要使反射光得到加强,薄膜的厚度最少应为( ) A.λ/4n ; B.λ/2n ; C.λ/4; D.λ/2。
6. 一块衍射光栅总宽为3cm ,以波长为600nm 的光垂直照射,第二级主极大出现于衍射角为300处。
则光栅的总刻度线数为 ( )A. 1.25×104B. 2.5×104C. 6.25×103D. 9.48×1037.某种透明媒质对于空气的临界角(指全反射)等于45°,光从空气射向此媒质时的布儒斯特角是 ( )A. 35.3°;B. 40.9°;C. 45°;D. 54.7°8.在杨氏双缝干涉实验中,若单色光源S到双缝S1和S2的距离相等,则观察屏上中央明条纹位于图中O处,现将光源S向下移动到示意图中的S’位置,则( )A. 中央明纹向上移动,且条纹间距增大;B. 中央明纹向上移动,且条纹间距不变;C. 中央明纹向下移动,且条纹间距增大;D. 中央明纹向下移动,且条纹间距不变。
个人资料整理,仅供个人学习使用1 / 5东 南 大 学 考 试 卷(A 卷)课程名称 自动检测技术 考试学期 08-09--2得分 适用专业 自动化考试形式 闭卷 考试时间长度 100分钟个人资料整理,仅供个人学习使用一、填空题(共36分,每题6分)1、根据被测参量与时间的关系,测量误差可分为静态误差和动态误差两大类。
(10’)共3 页第 1 页2、我国国家标准规定的工业用标准热电偶有几种?其中测温上限最高的热电偶其分度号是什么?它额定测温上限温度值是多少?热电偶具有哪些特点,使它成为是工业和武备试验中温度测量应用最多的器件?答:2 / 5个人资料整理,仅供个人学习使用3 / 5我国工业用标准热电偶有8种,(2’)其中分度号为S 、R 、B 的三种热电偶均由铂、铂铑合金制成,属贵金属热电偶;分度号为K 、N 、T 、E 、J 五种热电偶,由镍、铬、硅、铜、锰、镁、钴等金属的合金制成,属贱金属热电偶。
东 南 大 学 考 试 卷( A 卷))一.填空题(本题共5小题,每小题4分,满分20分) 1.22lim sin1x xx x →∞=+ 2 ; 2.当0x →时,()x α=与2()x kx β=是等价无穷小,则k =34; 3.设()1sin xy x =+,则d x yπ== d x π- ;)4.函数()e xf x x =在1x =处带有Peano 余项的二阶Taylor 公式为()223ee 2e(1)(1)(1)2x x x ο+-+-+- ; 5.已知函数32e sin ,0()2(1)9arctan ,0xa x x f xb x x x ⎧+<⎪=⎨-+≥⎪⎩可导,则a =1 ,b = -1 。
二.单项选择题(本题共4小题,每小题4分,满分16分) 6.设函数11()1ex xf x -=-,则 [ C ](A )0,1x x ==都是()f x 的第一类间断点(B )0,1x x ==都是()f x 的第二类间断点(C )0x =是()f x 的第一类间断点,1x =是()f x 的第二类间断点、(D )0x =是()f x 的第二类间断点,1x =是()f x 的第一类间断点7.设函数()y y x =由参数方程22ln(1)x t ty t ⎧=+⎨=+⎩确定,则曲线()y y x =在3x =处的切线与x 轴交点的横坐标是 [ C ] (A )1ln 238+ (B )1ln 238-+ (C )8ln 23-+ (D )8ln 23+ 8.以下四个命题中,正确的是 [ C ](A )若()f x '在(0,1)内连续,则()f x 在(0,1)内有界@(B )若()f x 在(0,1)内连续,则()f x 在(0,1)内有界 (C )若()f x '在(0,1)内有界,则()f x 在(0,1)内有界 (D )若()f x 在(0,1)内有界,则()f x '在(0,1)内有界9.当a 取下列哪个数值时,函数32()2912f x x x x a =-+-恰有两个不同的零点[ B ](A )2 (B )4 (C )6 (D )8、三.计算题(本题共5小题,每小题7分,满分35分) 10.011lim 1e x x x x -→+⎛⎫-⎪-⎝⎭()222000111e e 1lim lim lim 1e 1e x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ----→→→++-++-+⎛⎫-== ⎪--⎝⎭ 20e 11lim xx x x -→-+=+22201()21lim x x x xο→+=+32= 11。
东 南 大 学 考 试 卷 ( A 卷)课 程 名 称 工程测量 考 试 学 期 1 3 - 1 4 - 3 得分适 用 专 业 交通、土木 考 试 形 式 闭 卷 考试时间长度 120 分钟一、 填空题(每空一分,共 30 分)1. 偶然误差具有 有界性 、密集性 、对称性 、抵偿性 。
2、直线定向中的三个基本方向线指 真子午线北方向 、 磁子午线北方向 、和 坐标轴北 方向 。
3、在钢尺精密量距要换算成水平距离,需要经过 尺长 、 温度 、和 高差 改正。
4、路线测量包括 ___初测___________和____定测____________两部分。
5. 用经纬仪进行竖直角测量时, 照准高处目标 A 点盘左的读数是 91°23 ˊ 24", 盘右的读 数是 268°36 ˊ06",则竖盘指标差是-15"______ ,竖直角 __-1°23ˊ39"_______ 。
6.地图图幅编号 J-50-19 的地图比例尺为 1:10 万 , 它采用的投影是 高斯投影 , 它采用地图分幅方法是 梯形分幅法 。
7.我国的准原点位于 青岛 ,其高程为 72.260 m 。
8. 变形观测的主要内容包括 _沉降观测__、_倾斜观测___、_位移观测__和裂缝观测。
9. 视距测量中,量得仪高 i = 1.50 m ,在某地形点上读得上、中、下丝读数分别为 1938、 1700、1462,竖盘读数 82o 53′.0,则该地形点相对测站的水平距离、 高差分别为 46.87 m 和 5.65 m 。
10.测量任务分__测定____和___测设_____两部分,测量工作遵循 先控制后碎部 和___逐项检查 两种原则,测量工作的基准线和基准面分别是 __铅垂线_、大地水准面 。
二、选择题(在每一个小题的备选答案中,请把你认为正确答案的 题号,填写入括号内。
共 6 页 第 1 页东 南 大 学 考 试 卷( A 卷)(共4页第1页)课程名称高等数学(B )期末考试学期 05-06-3得分适用专业 选学高数(B )的各专业 考试形式 闭卷考试时间长度 150分钟一、 填空题(本题共9小题,每小题4分,满分36分)1.设函数(,)z z x y =由方程e y zz x =确定,则d z = ;2.曲线23,,x t y t z t ===在对应于1t =-的点处的切线方程是 ;3.曲面e 3zz xy ++=在点(2,1,0)M 处的切平面方程为 ; 4.交换积分次序101d (,)d x x f x y y -=⎰ ;5.向量场22223342x yz xy z xyz =++A i j k 在点(2,1,1)处的散度div =A ;6.()221sin d d x y x x y x y +≤+=⎰⎰;7.空间区域Ω为2222x y z R ++≤,则V Ω的值为 ;8.已知曲线积分()()3ecos ()d e sin d xx Ly yf x x x y y ++-⎰与路径无关,则()f x = ; 9.已知()()222d 23d 3d z xy x x x y y =+++,则z = 。
二.计算下列各题(本题共4小题,每小题8分,满分32分) 10.设()20,e d x ytz f t t =⎰,其中f 具有一阶连续偏导数,求zx ∂∂及2z x y∂∂∂。
共 6 页 第 2 页第2页 11.计算二次积分:110d d x yx y ⎰12.问通过两直线223112x y z -+-==-和111121x y z -+-==-能否决定一平面?若能,则求此平面的方程。
13.设半球体:02z Ω≤-≤z μ=,试求半球体Ω的质量。
共 6 页 第 3 页三.(14)(本题满分10分)设三角形的三边长分别为a 、b 、c ,其面积记为S ,试求该三角形内一点到三边距离之乘积的最大值。
共19 页第1 页共 19 页 第 2 页4. 下列结论正确的是 [ ] (A) 若[][]b a d c ,,⊆,则必有()()⎰⎰≤bad cx x f x x f d d .(B) 若()x f 在区间[]b a ,上可积,则()x f 在区间[]b a ,上可积. (C) 若()x f 是周期为T 的连续函数,则对任意常数a 都有()()⎰⎰+=TTa ax x f x x f 0d d .(D) 若()x f 在区间[]b a ,上可积,则()x f 在[]b a ,内必有原函数. 三. (每小题7分,共35分)1. ()()3020d cos ln lim x tt t xx ⎰+→. 2. 判断级数∑∞=-1354n n n n的敛散性. 3. x x x x d cos cos 042⎰-π. 4. ⎰∞+13d arctan x xx . 5. 求初值问题 ()()⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-='=+=+''210,10sin y y xx y y 的解.四.(8分) 在区间[]e ,1上求一点ξ,使得图中所示阴影部分绕x 轴旋转所得旋转体的体积最小五.(7分) 设 b a <<0,求证 ()ba ab a b +->2ln. 六.(7分) 设当1->x 时,可微函数()x f 满足条件()()()0d 110=+-+'⎰xt t f x x f x f且()10=f ,试证:当0≥x 时,有 ()1e≤≤-x f x成立.七.(7分) 设()x f 在区间[]1,1-上连续,且()()0d tan d 1111==⎰⎰--x x x f x x f ,证明在区间()1,1-内至少存在互异的两点21,ξξ,使()()021==ξξf f .xln共 19 页 第 3 页04-05-2高等数学(非电)期末试卷答案及评分标准 05.1.14一. 填空题(每小题4分,共20分) 1. 0,一; 2.21x Cx +; 3. 1e 4-; 4. 1; 5. 343. 二. 单项选择题(每小题4分,共16分) 1. A; 2.B; 3. D; 4.C. 三. (每小题7分,共35分) 1. 原式=()分分分261)2(1cos lim 3131)3(3cos ln lim 20220 =-+=+→→x x x x x x x2. 分515453153154lim 354354lim lim11111 <=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⋅=--=+∞→+++∞→+∞→n nn nn n n n n n nn n a a由比值法知原级数收敛. 分23. 原式 =()()分分分222d cos sin 3d cos sin 220πππππ==⎰⎰x x x x x x4. 原式()分31d arctan 2112212⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+--=⎰∞+∞+x x x x x=()分分2212d 111218122 =⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+-+⎰∞+x x xπ5. 对应的齐次方程的通解为 分2sin cos 21 xC x C y +=非齐次方程x y y =+''的一个特解为()分11 x y =,非齐次方程x y y sin =+''的一个特解为()分1cos 22 x x y -=,原方程的通解为 x xx x C x C y cos 2sin cos 21-++=)1(分 ,利用初值条件可求得 1,121-==C C , 原问题的解为分2cos 2sin cos xxx x x y -+-=共 19 页 第 4 页四.(8分)()()()()()()()()()[]()()()()()0e),1(e2,01ln 223ln 4ln 2e 2ln 2ln 2ln 2ln 2)d ln 1(2d ln 212122e212e212>⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛''==-='-+-=-++--+-=-+=⎰⎰V t t t V t t t t t txx x x x x x x x x x x x x t V tttt 且分得分令分分 πππππ因此21e=t 是()t V 在[]e ,1上的唯一的极小值点,再由问题的实际意义知必存在最小体积,故21e=ξ是最小值点.分1五.(7分) 设t a b =,原不等式等价于()1,112ln >+->t t t t , 即等价于 ()()()分31,012ln 1 >>--+=t t t t t f()()()分101,11ln ,01 ='-+='=f tt t f f()1,0112≥≥-=''t t t t f ,且等号当且仅当1=t 时成立 分1因此()t f '单增,()()1,01>='>'t f t f 从而()t f 单增,()()1,01>=>t f t f ,原不等式得证.分2六.(7分)由题设知()10-='f , 分1 所给方程可变形()()()()()⎰=-++'+xt t f x f x x f x 00d 11两端对x 求导并整理得 ()()()()分1021 ='++''+x f x x f x这是一个可降阶的二阶微分方程,可用分离变量法求得 ()分21e xC x f x+='-由于()10-='f ,得()()x f xx f C x,01e ,1<+-='-=-单减,而(),10=f 所以当0≥x 时,())1(1分 ≤x f ,对()01e <+-='-xx f x在[]x ,0上进行积分共 19 页 第 5 页()()分2e d e 1d 1e 00-0 xx t xtt t t f x f --=-≥+-=⎰⎰七.(7分) 记()()⎰-=xt t f x F 1d ,则()x F 在[]1,1-上可导,且()()分2011 ==-F F若()x F 在()1,1-内无零点,不妨设()()1,1,0-∈>x x F()()()()0d sec d sec tan )(d tan d tan 0112112111111<-=-===⎰⎰⎰⎰-----x x x F x x x F x x F x F x x x x f 此矛盾说明()x F 在()1,1-内至少存在一个零点分2,0 x对()x F 在[][]1,,,100x x -上分别使用Rolle 定理知存在()()1,,,10201x x ∈-∈ξξ,使得()(),021='='ξξF F 即 ()()分3021 ==ξξf f共 19 页 第 6 页东 南 大 学 考 试 卷(A 卷)课程名称 工科数学分析 考试学期 04-05-2(期末) 得分适用专业 上课各专业 考试形式闭 考试时间长度 150分钟4.下列结论正确的是 [ ]3.下列反常积分发散的是 [ ](A)⎰-11sin 1dx x (B)⎰--11211dx x(C)⎰∞+-02dx e x (D) ⎰∞+22ln 1dx x x共 19 页 第 7 页(A) 若],[],[d c b a ⊇,则必有⎰⎰≥badcdx x f dx x f )()((B) 若|)(|x f 在区间],[b a 上可积,则)(x f 在区间],[b a 上可积 (C)若)(x f 是周期为T 的连续函数,则对任意常数a 都有⎰⎰+=TTa adx x f dx x f 0)()((D)若)(x f 在区间],[b a 上可积,则)(x f 在),(b a 内必定有原函数. 三.(每小题7分,共35分) 1. 设)(x y y =满足222=-+xyye y x ,求曲线)(x y y =在点)2,0(处的切线方程.2. 计算积分⎰-⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-++116|)2ln(|1sin dx x x x 3.计算积分⎰-dx xx 222 4.计算反常积分⎰∞+13arctan dx x x5.设⎰-=221)(x t dt e x f ,求⎰10)(dx x xf .四.(7分) 求微分方程初值问题⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-='=+=+''21)0(,1)0(sin y y x x y y 的解.五.(8分)在区间],1[e 上求一点ξ,使得图中所示阴影部分 绕x 轴旋转所得旋转体的体积最小。
东南大学《工程地质》第一学期期末试卷【适用时间:20 -20 学年度第一学期试卷类型:[A]卷】5 坡积层物质主要是堆积处基岩风化的物质。
()得分评阅人四、分析题(10 分)1、将下列地质或剖面图中所有的地质构造和接触关系的全称在相应位置标注出来。
2、某区域承压水的等水压线图(如下图所示),试确定:( 1)本地区地下水的主要流向(以箭头表示);( 2)A 点承压水头; 37-20.5=16.5( 3)B 点含水层埋深; 66-23=43( 4)C 点的初见水位 19 和稳定(承压)水位 37(如果在 C 点凿井时)。
得分评阅人五、简答题 (每题 5 分,共 50 分)1 路基主要工程地质问题2 简述确定地基承载力的方法。
3 从地质、地貌等方面活动断层有哪些判别标志。
4 简述软土的工程性质。
5 简述岩溶作用的基本条件。
6 简述工程地质学的具体任务。
7 何为基坑突涌现象?产生基坑突涌的原因是什么?如何在工程建设中防止这类现象的发生?8 什么是工程地质条件,它具体包括哪些内容。
9 计划中的一条高速公路 , 将通过一个滑坡体(如下图) , 试论述该项目可能遇到的工程地质问题 , 并提出相应的防治措施 .参考答案一、单选题 (每题 1 分,共 10 分)1 下列哪项不属于内力地质作用 ( C )A.地壳运动 B.地震作用 C.搬运作用 D.变质作用答案要点:地质构造:逆断层,背斜接触关系:假整合接触(平行不整合接触)、侵入接触、断层接触、整合接触2、某区域承压水的等水压线图(如下图所示),试确定:( 1)本地区地下水的主要流向(以箭头表示);( 2)A 点承压水头; 37-20.5=16.5( 3)B 点含水层埋深; 66-23=43( 4)C 点的初见水位 19 和稳定(承压)水位 37(如果在 C 点凿井时)。
共 8 页 第 1 页东 南 大 学 考 试 卷( A 卷)(答案)课程名称 土木工程测量 考试学期 06-07-3得分适用专业05105考试形式开卷考试时间长度 120分钟一、判断题(下列各题,你认为正确的,请在题干的括号内打“√”,错的打“×”。
(✗)3. 6°带和3°带均从0°子午线起,自西向东分带。
(✗) 4.视准轴是目镜光心与物镜光心的连线。
(✗)6.水准测量一个测站的观测成果为:后视A 点读数a =1667mm ,前视B 点读数b =1232mm ,则B 点比A 点高0.435m 。
(✓) 7.任何纬度相同的点,其真北方向都是平行的。
(✗) 8.系统误差影响观测值的准确度,偶然误差影响观测值的精密度。
(✓) 9.用J 6经纬仪测回法观测某一水平角4个测回,观测中配置度盘的起始读数依次分别为0°,45°,90°,135°。
(✓) 10.地形图的比例尺精度指的是制作比例尺时的精确程度。
(✗) 11.经纬仪整平的目的是使视线水平。
(✗)13.在面积为10km 2的范围内,进行水平距离和水平角的测量,都可以不考虑 地球曲率的影响。
(✓) 14.偶然误差具有一定的统计规律性,当观测次数无限增多时,其算术平均值趋于0。
(✗) 15.水准测量中,一个测站的前后视水准尺不必与水准仪位于同一直线上。
(✗) 17.布设在两个高级控制点之间的导线,称为附合导线。
(✗) 18.竖盘指标差为负值,说明观测的是俯角;反之,则是仰角。
4.在重力模型中,两区之间的出行数随两区之间的行程时间的增加而__ _。
A. ρn(1-ρ)B. ρn-(1-ρ)C. ρn+(1-ρ)D. ρn/(1-ρ)2.在交通流的流体力学模型中,车辆停止后开始启动前行时产生的波。
A.向前 B. 向后 C. 1 D. 03.用于出行分布预测的平均系数法的公式为__ __。
A. 未来分布=现状分布+平均增长系数B. 未来分布=现状分布×平均增长系数C. 未来分布=现状分布÷平均增长系数D. 未来分布=现状分布-平均增长系数4.一公路速度-密度关系为V=36ln(180/k),其中V的单位为km/h,k的单位为veh/km,则该公路交通流阻塞密度为。
A. 36 v eh/kmB. 180veh/kmC. 90veh/kmD. 72veh/km5.设车流的流量为Q辆/小时,车头时距h服从负指数分布。
东 南 大 学 考 试 卷 ( A 卷)课 程 名 称 高等数学 A 期末 考试学期 06 - 0 7 - 3 得分 适 用 专 业 选学 A 的各专业 考试形 式 闭卷 考试时间长度 150 分钟(10330)1.已知曲面z xy 上一点M0 ( x 0 , y 0 , z 0 ) 处的法线垂直于平面x 3y z 9 0 ,则x 0, y 0,z 0;22 交换积分次序 1d xf ( x , y ) d y ;3 设r x , y , z , r ,则 d i v ; r 2 2C5.设幂级数 a n x n 的收敛半径为3 ,则幂级数 na n (x 1) n 1 的收敛区间为 ;n 0 n 16 设 f ( x ) e x,则 f ( 2 n )( 0 ) ;7. 设 f ( x ) ,其以2 为周期的F o u rie r 级数的和函数记为S ( x ) , 则1 x , 0 xS ( 3 ) ;8.设正向圆周C : z 1 ,则 d z ;C9.函数 f ( z ) z c o s 的孤立奇点z 0 的类型是 (如为极点, 应指明是几级极z 点), R e s f ( z ) , 0 ; 10 使二重积分 4 4 x2y2d 的值达到最大的平面闭区域D 为 .D( 2 8 16)n4 22 2 2x y z 0 , x 0c o s z 1 1 xzr3132n 1判断级数 n n 的敛散性.4 设正向闭曲线C : x y 1 ,则曲线积分 x y d x xy d y ;.求幂级数 x n 1的收敛域与和函数.n 1将函数 f ( x ) x x 在( 1, 1] 上展开为以 2 为周期的F o u rie r 级数. 14 将函数 f ( z ) z 4 z 3在圆环域 1 3 内展开为L a u r e n t 级数.15(9)验证表达式 (c o s x 2 xy 1) d x ( x2y23) d y 为某一函数的全微分, 并求其原函数.16( 9 )利用留数计算反常积分0 4d x .17(10)已知流体的流速函数 v ( x , y , z ) y 3 z 3 , z 3 x 3 , 2 z 3 ,求该2 2 2 218( 8 ) 设函数 f C ( [ 0 , 1] ) ,且 0 f ( x ) 1 ,利用二重积分证明不等11f ( x ) 0f ( x ) d x1 f ( x ) 1 0f ( x ) d xz 式: d x 12 n n n 111 x12流体流过由上半球面z 1与锥面 z 所围立体表面的外侧的流量.06 - 07 - 3 AA(10330)1 、x 03 , y 01 , z 031 1 x 02 、 1 d xf ( x , y ) d y 1d y1f ( x , y ) d x 0d y1 y1 yf ( x , y ) d xr 2 2 ( 2 n )( 2 n ) !r n !7、S ( 3 ) 8、 d z 2 i 9、R e s f ( z ) , 0 10、 ( x , y ) x y 12 C z2 4 ( 2 8 16 )n na 3 n,b 4 2 4 n b n n 1 n 1 4 2n12 、记 a n, n 1lim n 1 2 ,R ,收敛区间为 , ,在收敛区间的 na n 2 2 2两端点处, 级数都发散, 故收敛域为 , 2 2(2)2 n n 1 1 2x 21 n1 n 1 n 12 n 1 n 1 1 2x 2P ( t )tn1 ,P (2 x ) ln (1 2 x ) 2 x ,S ( x )( 2 9 18 )ln (1 2 x ) (3 )1 2 x 213 、 a 0 2 0x d x 1 , a n 2 0x c o s n x d x 2 ( ( 1) n 1) ,(1+3)n 1b n2 0x s i n n x d x , n 1, 2 , (3 )2 2 c o s ( 2 n 1) x s in n x (2 )14 、2 z 63 1 1z 3C1 c o s z 12 121 4 12 ( 1)n 1f ( x ) , 1 x 1 2 n 1 ( 2 n 1) n 1 n 1 , x 1a 1 1 11 121 1 1 z n12 ( 1)n 11 t3 3 1 11 x 1( n )2 nn1 y222n 1nz24 z 3 2 z 3 z 1 2 z 1 6 zn 0 n 0 S ( x )x n 1 x ( 2 x ) n ( 2 x ) n 1P ( 2 x ) (3 )11、记 a n n n n n,则 li m n1 ,而 b n 收敛, 故 n n 收敛.(8 )3 、d i v 3 04 、 x y d x xy d y 05 、( 2 , 4 )6 、 f ( 0 )1 y92 22x ,所验证的表达式确是某一函数的全微分.x y(3采用凑微分法2 2 2 2= d ( s in x x x 2 y y 3 3 y ) d u ,故原函数为u s i n x x x 2 y y 3 3 y C .3 39110 1 x4d x211, e 4 R e s1 z4, e 4 (2+2)11i2 2 ( i 1) 2 2 (1 i ) 2 2 410V d S( y3 z3 ) d y d z( z3 x3 ) d z d x 2 z3 d x d y(2)S S6 z2 d v 6d4 c o s 2 s in d4 d 9 (3+3+2)8所证不等式等价于不等式:d x(1 f( x ) ) d xf( x ) d x,(2)而0 1 f( x ) 0 0 1 f( x ) 0d y (1 f( x ) ) d x d1(f(x)f(y))(1f(x)f(y))4f(x)f(y)2D(1 f( x) ) (1 f( y ) )12122dd(f(x)f(y))d f(x)d x其中D [ 0 , 1] [ 0 , 1] (4)1 f( x )1 f( x ) 1 1 f( x ) 11f(y)11f(x)f(x)f(y)f(y)f(x)f(y)D(1 f( x) ) (1 f( y ) ) 2D( f( x) f( y ) ) (1 f( x) ) (1 f( y ) ) 1 1(f(x)f(y))(1f(x)f(y))(f(x)f(y))D(1 f( x) ) (1 f( y ) )111 f( x ) 1 1i1i32 2 c o sd(2)0 1 f( y ) 0 2D1 f( x) 1 f( y )d x (1 f( x ) ) d x d x (1 f( y ) ) d yi i (2+2)+(1)(c o s x 2 xy 1) d x( x y3) d y (c o s x 1) d x( y3) d y 2 xy d x x d y( x y 3 ) (c o s x 2 xy1)。
课程名称 适用专业
高等数学 A(期中) 考 试 学 期 0 9 - 1 0 - 3 得分 选学高数 A 的各专业 考试形式 闭卷 考试时间长度 120 分钟
一.填空题(本题共 5 小题,每小题 4 分,满分 20 分)
1.由方程 xyz + sin(π z) = 0 确定的隐函数 z = z(x, y) 在点 (1, 0,1) 处的全微分 dz = ;
∫∫∫ 13. 求极限 lim 1
sin(x2 + y2 →0+
5 x2 + y2 +z2 ≤t2
∫∫ 14.计算 xdy ∧ dz + z2dx ∧ dy ,其中 S 为 z = x2 + y2 与 z = 1所围成的立体的表面, S
四(15)(本题满分 8 分)求密度为1,半径为 R 的上半球面对球心处单位质量质点的
(1, 1, 1)
4. I =
|y − x2| max{x, y}dxdy.
0≤x≤1 0≤y≤1
(x2 + y)dS,
x2 + y2 ≤ z ≤ 1
f (z) = u+iv
f (0) = −3i , f (z) . (
u(x, y) = x2−y2+4x,
z = 2(x2 + y2) z = 3 − x2 − y2
fx, fy, z = f (x, y)
I..广播式网络一般只包含3层,即物理层、数据链路层和网络层II.Intermet的核心协议是TCP/IPIII.在lnternet中,网络层的服务访问点是端口号A. I、II、IIIB. IIIC. I、ⅢD. I、II3、如果IPv4的分组太大,则会在传输中被分片,那么在()地方将对分片后的数据报重组。
东南大学考试卷(A卷)一、单项选择题(15题,每题2分)1. 桥梁总长是指: AA.桥梁两桥台台背前缘间的距离B.桥梁结构两支点间的距离C.桥梁两个桥台侧墙尾端间的距离D.各孔净跨径的总和2. 桥梁的建筑高度是指: AA.桥面与桥跨结构最低边缘的高差B.桥面与墩底之间的高差C.桥面与地面线之间的高差D.桥面与基础底面之间的高差3. 单向桥面板是指长宽比的周边支承桥面板: bA.大于1 B.等于或大于2 C.等于或小于2 D.小于24. 人群荷载属于: BA.永久作用B.可变作用C.其它可变荷载D.偶然作用5. 主梁配置预应力束筋、主筋、斜筋以及作各种验算时,需要主梁的:DA.弯矩图B.剪力图C.影响线图D.内力包络图6. 桥梁按体系划分可分为:AA.梁桥、拱桥、刚架桥、缆索承重桥以及组合体系桥B.简支梁桥、悬臂梁桥、连续梁桥和连续刚构桥C.木桥、钢桥、圬工桥、钢筋砼桥和预应力砼桥D.公路桥、铁路桥、人行桥和农用桥7. 刚性横梁法的基本假定为:c 240A.横梁的刚度与主梁相同B.横梁的刚度为无穷小C.横梁的刚度为无穷大D.横梁的刚度小于主梁刚度8. 均匀温度场中连续梁桥将: B 295A.产生结构自应力和次应力B.只产生结构自应力C.只产生结构次应力D.既不产生结构自应力也不产生结构次应力9. 我国现行规范中,桥梁设计采用的作用分为:A 见目录A.永久作用、可变作用、偶然作用B.永久作用、基本可变作用、其它可变作用C.恒载、可变作用、地震力D.结构自重、车辆作用、偶然作用10. 在桥梁施工中,预拱度的大小通常取: C 213A.全部恒载所产生的竖向挠度B.全部恒载和全部活载所产生的竖向挠度C.全部恒载和一半活载所产生的竖向挠度D.全部活载所产生的竖向挠度11. 用刚性横梁法计算出的某梁荷载横向分布影响线的形状是: AA.直线B.折线C.曲线D.拋物线12. 顶推法施工适合的桥梁结构形式为:D 184A.钢筋混凝土连续梁B.变截面预应力混凝土连续梁C.跨度较少的连续梁D.多跨等截面预应力混凝土连续梁13. 预应力能够增加混凝土梁跨度的主要原因是:CA.钢筋数量增加B.混凝土强度提高C.预应力使混凝土全截面参与工作D.桥梁截面构造合理14. 在以下关于先张梁和后张梁的表述中,正确的是:BA.预应力筋张拉时混凝土的龄期不同B.各束预应力筋张拉次序不同C.一个是有粘结,一个是无粘结D.一个有锚具,一个没有锚具15. 均布荷载下,上承式拱桥的合理拱轴线是: b 下83A.圆弧B.二次拋物线C.对数曲线D.悬链线二、判断题(5题,每题2分)1.在同一座连续梁桥中,主梁自重内力与采用的施工方法无关,因为主梁自重内力只与它的计算跨径和自重的分布情况有关。
东南大学 信息学院 电磁场试卷
μ JC
∂2 A ∂t 2
∂ϕ ∂t
∇2A −
∂2 A ∂t 2
⎛ ⎜⎝
∂ϕ ∂t
⎞ ⎟⎠
μ JC
(5) 2 分
( ) 由 ∇ ⋅ E = ρ = −∇ ⋅ ∂A − ∇2ϕ ⇒ ∇2ϕ − ∂ ∇ ⋅ A = − ρ
利用洛仑兹条件: ∇ ⋅ A + με ∂ϕ = 0 ,即 ∇ ⋅ A = −με ∂ϕ
( ) = kE0
0.5ax − jay
sin kz
( ) H (t ) = kE0
0.5ax cosωt + ay sin ωt
sin kz
2.由于场为纯驻波,所以平均坡印亭矢量 Sav = 0 ;
共 11 页
( ) ( ) E =
ax − j0.5ay
2πσ ln R2
3.设内导体中电流为 I,外导体中电流为-I
由于认为外导体厚度为 0,所以只求 R1≤r≤R2 区域的电感:
μ0 8π
Iπ r2 π R12
1 2π r
共 4 页第 1 页东南大学考试卷(A 卷)课程名称 线性代数 考试学期 09-10-3 得 分 适用专业 非电类专业 考试形式闭 卷 考试时间长度 120分钟 题号一 二 三 四 五 六 七 得分一. (30%)填空题(表示阶单位矩阵,表示阶零矩阵):E n O n 1. 若对任意维列向量,矩阵满足,则3(,,)Tx y z η=A 23x y A x z η+⎛⎫= ⎪-⎝⎭A =。
2. 假设,,且是对称矩阵,则满足条1002A ⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭34x B x ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭AB x 件 。
3. 若, 则的伴随矩阵的逆矩阵 。
1324A ⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭A *A 1(*)A -=4. 如果向量组线性相关,则参数 。
1212,1,333k αβγ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪=== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭k =5. 假设阶方阵满足,则 。
n A 232A A E O +-=1A-=6. 向量空间的一组基是 。
{}(,,)|0V x y z x y z =--=7. 若矩阵的特征值是,则行列式 。
33⨯A 1,1,2-22A A E --=8. 如果矩阵的特征值都大于零,则参数的取值范围是 。
1a a A a ⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭a 9. 若矩阵与合同,则参数的取值范围是 。
1221A ⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭133B k ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭k 10. 已知矩阵满足。
若,则22⨯,A P 11002P AP -⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭()(),,,P Q αβαβα==-共 4 页第 2 页。
1Q AQ -=二. (12%)已知,,求矩阵使得。
123012001A ⎛⎫⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭101210B ⎛⎫= ⎪-⎝⎭X 2XA B X -=三. (12%)根据参数的值,讨论矩阵的秩。
a 23123123a A a a ⎛⎫ ⎪=- ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭共 4 页第 3 页四. (14%)若方程组的每个解都满足方程。
1231231():234x x x I x x ax +-=⎧⎨++=⎩12():2II x x b +=求参数的值,并求线性方程组的通解. ,a b ()I五. (14%)设在正交变换下,二次型变成标x Qy =22212312313(,,)2f x x x x ax x x x =+++准形, 求参数的值,并求一个正交矩阵。
共 45 页 第 1 页东 南 大 学 考 试 卷(A 卷)课程名称电工学 考试学期 11-12-2得分适用专业 机械工程及自动化 考试形式 闭卷 考试时间长度120分钟1)Birds routinely land and relax on power lines whichcarry tens of thousands of volts of electricity. Explain why these birds do not get electrocuted. (6 pts)The resistance of the air is too large for current to flow from the line to the bird to the ground.Alternately, the resistance is too large for current to divert from the wire, into the bird, and then back into the wire. It is not because of wire insulation. Birds could land on uninsulated wires just fine.6 pts for right answer. 1 pt for something vaguely correct.2) Suppose your car battery is dead, and you need to charge it using another car’s battery. You have a pair of cables 电缆which you can use to connect the terminals终端of the batteries. In order to charge your car battery, should you connect the same terminals (positive of one battery to the positive of the other, and the same with the negative) or the opposite terminals (positive of one battery to the negative of the other battery)? Why did you choose this configuration配置;结构? (6 pts)First note that real batteries have internal内部的resistance, so the universe领域will not explode爆炸if you directly connect two car batteries.Next, if the opposite terminals are connected, then P=VI and common sense tells us that both batteries will be supplying power, and the internal resistances will be consuming消耗power, so clearly no power is being delivered 递送by either battery. If the same terminals are connected,共45 页第 2 页then we can see that if one battery is of a higher voltage than the other, it will provide power to theother battery. Key to this realization实现is to know that battery voltages drop下降;终止as the battery is depleted耗尽的.6 pts for right answer. 2 pts if you try to say there is no current if two batteries are connected + to+ because voltage sources are perfectly balanced.3) A standard procedure for testing the internal resistance of a battery is the “dual双重的pulse脉冲” test. We first attach an ideal 5 mA current source between the terminals of the battery, so that current flows in the usual direction (positive to negative), and measure the voltage across the battery terminals. We then remove the 5 mA source, and attach an ideal 505 mA current source instead,and again measure the battery terminals. (6 pts)共45 页第 3 页i.Suppose that we find a 1.485V voltage with the 5 mA source, and a 1.385 with the 505 mA source, what is the internal resistance?Easy way to solve these is to subtract减去;扣掉 2nd from first, giving, or .3 pts for right answer. 2 pts if sign error or algebra 代数学mistake.ii. Assuming the battery is perfectly linear 线型的(i.e. accurately modeled 模式化;被效仿by a Thevenin 戴维宁equivalent), is it possible to find the voltage provided by the battery with no load attachedusing the data above? If so, what is it? If not, why not?共45 页第 4 页Plug塞住;用插头将与电源接通 in to one of our equations above, e.g., giving , or finally. If you did it with the current source the other way, you should still have gotten 1.486V.3 pts for right answer.Find the Thevenin or Norton equivalent circuit model.(12 pts ).共45 页第 5 页(6 pts )(6 pts )Find the Voltage v and the currents i1 and i2 for the circuit shown below. (10 pts )共45 页第 6 页SolutionLabel标注 the meshes;网状物:Since i3=2 it is not a variable.Writing KVL around the first mesh:24*(i2-i3) + 12*i1 = 0Writing KVL around the second mesh:12*i2 + 6*(i2 –i3) = 0Substituting代替,取代 for i3 and rearranging 36*i1 = 4818*i2 = 12共45 页第7 页Namelyi1 = 4/3 Ai2 = 2/3A7. Find the current i for the circuit shown below (10 pts )SolutionZeroing the 1A source gives共45 页第8 页By the current division principle, the contribution of the 2A source to i1 is2*(-1/30) / (1/30+1/5) = -2/7A.Zeroing the 2A source givesBy the current division principle, the contribution of the 1A source to i1 is1*(1/15)/(1/15+1/20) = 4/7A.Hence i1 = 4/7-2/7 = 2/7A.共45 页第9 页Find the Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits across terminals a and b for the following circuitWith an open circuit across terminals a and b the current through the 20 resistor must be 0.5ix and the voltage across it is then 10ix. ByKVL we also get30V = 5ix + 10ixSo ix = 2A and we calculateVTH = 10ix = 20VTo find RTH we zero the independent独立的 source to get the circuit in Figure 4.We wish to determine what resistance this circuit isequivalent 等价的to across共45 页第10 页the terminals a and b. One way to do this is to imagine connecting anindependent voltage source of voltage VS across the terminals and findingthe current drawn from this voltage source. We therefore consider thecircuit in Figure 5.KVL gives−5Ωix = VS → ix = −VS/5Ω A (1)KVL also gives20Ωi1 = VS → i1 =VS/20 Ω (2)KCL givesi = i1 + 0.5ix − ix = i1 − 0.5ix (3)共45 页第11 页Plugging (1) and (2) into (3) yieldsi =VS/20Ω+VS/10Ω=3VS/20ΩEventually,RTH =VS/i=20/3 ΩThe Thevenin equivalent circuit is depicted描述; in Figure 6.From this we get the Norton equivalent circuit in Figure 7 where we usedWe could have also determined IN by applying a short circuit across theterminals a and b and computing 计算;处理the current through the short circuit短路.This involves analyzing the circuit in Figure 8. Here wehave by KVL共45 页第12 页5ix = 30V → ix = 6AThis gives, by KCLi = ix − 0.5ix = 0.5ix = 3Awhich matches the earlier calculation计算;估计.Suppose that v1(t) = 80 cos (ωt) and v2(t) = 60 sin (ωt). Use phasors相量 to reduce the sum vs(t) =v1(t) + v2(t) to a single 单一的term of the form Vm cos (ωt +θ). Draw a phasor diagram, showing V1, V2, and Vs. State the phase relationships between each pair of these phasors. (16共45 页第13 页pts )The phasor corresponding tov1(t) = 80 cos (ωt)isV1 = 80∠0 = 80Equivalently, we get forv2(t) = 60 sin (ωt) + 60 cos (ωt −π/2)the phasorV2 = 60∠−π/2 = −j60To find the sum using phasors we add the complex numbers which yieldsV = V1 + V2 = 80 − j60 = 100e−j arctan 3/4This corresponds符合,一致 to the time signalvs(t) = 100 cos (ωt − jarctan3/4)The phasor diagram is depicted描述 in Figure 2.Note that V1 leads V2 by π/2 and leads Vs by arctan反正切 ( 4/3 ).共45 页第14 页Find an expression 表达式for v(t) of the form Vm cos (ωt +θ) when v(t) = v1(t) + v2(t) + v3(t) + v4(t) withv1(t) = 20 sin (ωt)v2(t) = 20 cos (ωt +π/6)v3(t) = 20 sin (ωt +π/3)v4(t) = −10 cos (ωt)Use phasors. (6 pts )Solution:The phasors corresponding 相应的to each component 成分;组件;[电子] 元件signal are given in Table表格 1. The complex number equivalent复数等效to each phasor is given as well.共45 页第15 页Adding all complex numbers giveswhich corresponds to the phasorwhich can be transformed变形 into the time signalFind the complex impedance阻抗 in polar form 点斜式极坐标形式极形式of the network shown below for ω = 10001/s , ω= 20001/s ,and ω = 40001/s . (6 pts )共45 页第16 页(5 pts)Both capacitors电容器 and inductors电感器 can be used to store energy for use later. Capacitors, though, are far more popular for energy storage than inductors, because they are easier to keep charged带电荷的带电的. In lab, for example, you can easily connect up a capacitor to a battery, disconnect it from the source, carry it around in your pocket to grab lunch午餐, go back to lab, and then find that it's still holding a charge even after a long time. Explain why this is relatively difficult with inductors.共45 页第17 页(5 pts) If you've ever had the batteries on a flash li ght闪光灯;手电筒 run out,you know that as soon as the ligh t starts dimming调光;变暗,your battery will very soon be dead.This is because a battery supplies its maximum vo ltage峰点电压 until right before it is depleted耗尽的.On t he axis 坐标轴on the left,I have plotted标绘的 the brightn ess亮度辉度 of a battery powered flashlight over the lif e of the battery.We can also power a flashlight using共45 页第18 页a capacitor.Assuming the brightness of a bulb 电灯泡is p roportional比例的 to the voltage across it,on the right axis,draw (qualitatively定性地) the brightness vs. Time for a capacitor powered flashlight.Draw so that bright ness is 1 at time=0,and has dropped to at least 0.1 by time=1.We just want the shape形状,not necessarily the exact values.c) (5 pts) A student is not satisfied with the amount of共45 页第19 页energy stored in his one-capacitor circuit. He wants to store more energy, so puts 10 capacitors in series串联 and charges them with a single voltage source. Is this a good idea? Why or why not?Find the Thevenin equivalent 戴维南定理of the circuit电路below at the two terminals on the far right:共45 页第20 页e) Find the Thevenin equivalent of the circuit below between terminals and [Think about the various algorithms算法 we’ve used to find Thevenin equivalents.If you get stuck被困住了,complete the rest of these tricky 棘手的复杂的problem and come back to this one and maybe some inspiration will reach you]:共45 页第21 页共45 页第22 页For the circuits below, please find expressions for the specified voltage表达式指定的电压over the indicated time 表示时间ranges in terms of the circuit parameters电路参数. Plot 绘图 the waveform 波形图on the provided axes轴线, and clearly identify. 确定 the key parameters参数 in your graph图表. (3A) Consider the circuit of Fig. 4. The switch is open for t <0, closed for 0≤t < t1, and open for t ≥t1, where t1 = 3RC. Find and plot the voltage v C (t).共45 页第23 页(3B) Consider the circuit of Figure 5, in which > -1.共45 页第24 页The switch is open for t <0, and closed for t 0. vC(0-) = V0. Find and plot the voltage v1(t).共45 页第25 页The circuit shown in Figure 4 has been at rest with theswitch open for a long time. At t = O the switch is closed.共45 页第26 页Sketch 素描;略图;梗概the current ic集成电路 through the capacitor for t > O on the axes below. Using the circuit parameters R1, R2, C, and Vo,indicate on your sketch (i) the initial value初始值 ic(Ot), (ii) the final value ic(oo), and (iii) the time constant时间常数.共45 页第27 页Problem 1F: 5 pointsThe capacitor in the circuit in Figure 6 has an initial初始最初的voltage V O on its terminals at t =0−when a step of voltage Vu(t) is applied at t = 0. Find an expression for the voltage across the capacitor v C for t> 0.共45 页第28 页Consider the current divider circuit分流电路 shown below:共45 页第29 页1a. How many branches分支 are there in the circuit?1b. How many nodes节点 are there in the circuit?2. Derive an expression派生一个表达式 for the output current 输出电流(Iout, shown above) as a function of theinput current (Iin) and the two resistors (R1 and R2). Use any technique you’d like.3. How should the resistors be chosen such that twice as much current flows throughR1 compared to R2?4. Using the equation 方程等式you obtained in #2, show what happens to Iout输出电流 if R2 is replacedwith a short circuit (i.e. R2 = 0). Repeat if R2 is replaced with an open circuit.(think about what R2 should be replaced with here) Now suppose the following values are used: Iin = 3 A, R1= 5 , R2 = 20 , and we wish to find the Thevenin共45 页第30 页equivalent circuit across the two indicated terminals below:5. Find Voc and Isc across the two terminals indicated on the circuit.6. Draw the Thevenin equivalent circuit for the two terminals indicated above.7. Suppose a load is now attached across the two terminals of the Theveninequivalent circuit:a. Write an equation for I in terms of V.b. Sketch the IV characterstics伏安特性. Use I as the“y-axis Y轴” and V as the“x-axis”. Label标注all relevant points相关点.共45 页第31 页8. Suppose the load has an IV characteristic given as follows:a. What are the values of I and V if the load is attached to the Thevenin equivalent circuit ] 等效电路?b. Looking at the IV characteristic, what is the load? (describe the load as much as you can)For problems 9 through 12, consider the following circuit:9. Using KVL and mesh analysis, write down the equations needed to solve the circuit. Convert转变the resistor voltages into currents.10. The dependent source requires one additional equat共45 页第32 页ion附加方程to be generated产生. Write down that equation by looking at the 3 resistor.11. Solve the equations simultaneously同时地to determine the two mesh currents网孔电流.12. To check your answer, confirm确认that power is conserved 守恒in the circuit. Find the power dissipated浪费的in each resistor. Find the power generated生成的(or dissipated in each source). Be clear in your answers whether power is being generated or dissipated in each circuit element. For problems 1–7, consider the following circuit:1. Find the transfer转移function, i.e. Vout输出电压()/Vin(), in terms of R, L, and .2. What is the magnitude大小of the transfer function传递函数, i.e. | H() |, in dB?3a. What is | H() | equal to (in dB) for very low共45 页第33 页frequencies频率?3b. What happens to | H() | at high frequencies? What kind of a filter滤波器do we have here?4. Derive the equation for the break frequency推导出方程为截止频率. The break frequency is definedas the frequency where | H() | = –3.0103 dB.5. Sketch the magnitude Bode波特图plot for this filter滤波器. Label标注all critical points andslopes. Show how you obtained the value for any non-zero slopes零斜坡.6. Suppose R = 1 , L = 2 H, and Vin = 3 cos(5t + 30o). Find Vout(t).7. Draw a phasor diagram, indicating the voltage and current phasors of all thecircuit elements电路参量.For problems 8–12, consider the following circuit:共45 页第34 页8a. Find the current that appears on the output side ofthe transformer变压器.8b. What is the voltage that appears across the capacitor. (phasor form is acceptable,assume an angular frequency角频率of 1 rad/s)9. Find the voltage that appears on each side of the transformer.10. Find the voltage that appears across the current source.11. Replace the transformer and input circuitry with an equivalent current sourceand inductor. In other words, draw a circuit which will have a current source,an inductor, and a 3 F capacitor all in series. Label the values for the current source and the inductor.Check your answer to #11 by comparing the amount of power共45 页第35 页generated by the currentsource in each circuit.12. Find the amount of power generated by the current source in the new circuit.Compare this with the amount of power generated by the current source in theoriginal circuit原电路 (they should be the same)For problems 4–7, consider the following circuit:4. Find the transfer function, i.e. Vout ()/Vin (), in terms of R, L, and (or f).5. What is the magnitude of the transfer function, i.e. | H() |?共45 页第36 页6. What is | H() | equal to for very low frequencies? For very high frequencies?What happens at resonance谐振? (i.e. = o =LC1) What kind of a filter滤波器do we have here?7. Sketch the magnitude Bode plot for this filter. Label all critical points andslopes斜率. Use R = 2 , L =41H, and C =81F. Show how you obtained the valuefor any non-zero slopes.In order to measure the voltage across a resistor in a circuit, a voltmeter电压表is used.Although we assume an ideal voltmeter in most cases, a real voltmeter has a finite有限的resistance (R3) which can have an effect on your circuit. Consider the followingmeasurement on a voltage divider分配共45 页第37 页Vin, R1, and R2 are just the standard elements of a voltage divider.1a. How many nodes are there in the circuit?1b. How many meshes are there in the circuit?2. Write a KCL equation at node A. Convert the currents into voltages.3. Solve the equation for Vout, so that you have an equation for Vout based onVin, R1, R2, and R3.4. Show that as R3 approaches infinity无限大(i.e. R3 ), you get the standardequation for a voltage divider.For problems 5 through 11, consider the following circuit:共45 页第38 页Find the Norton equivalent circuit, as follows:5. Short circuit the two terminals and redraw the circuit without the 2 resistor.Explain why the 2 resistor can be dropped from the circuit.放弃了电路6. Use node analysis to find Isc. (You will need to come up with one additionalequation to eliminate消除ix and get a numerical数字的answer) 7. Now consider the circuit when the two terminals are open circuited. Using meshanalysis, find ix under these conditions.8. Using your results from #7 (or using node analysis, which will take more time),find Voc, the voltage across the two terminals in an open circuit condition.共45 页第39 页9. Confirm that power is conserved in the circuit under open-circuit conditions.Find the power dissipated in each resistor. Find the power generated (ordissipated in each source). Be clear in your answers whether power is beinggenerated or dissipated in each circuit element.10a. Draw the Norton equivalent circuit. Label values for all circuit elements.10b. Draw the Thevenin equivalent circuit. (Note: you already have everything youneed)11a. Assume that a circuit element (that draws some current I and has somevoltage drop V) is attached to the terminals of the Norton equivalent circuit.Using KCL, write an equation for I in terms of V.11b. Graph the IV relationship (i.e. the load line). Use I as the “y-axis” and V as the共45 页第40 页“x-axis”. Label all relevant points.For problems 1–5, consider the following circuit:Use Vin = 100 v, R1 = 1000 , R2 = 250 , R3 = 1000 , and C = 1 F. At t = 0, theswitch is moved down, disconnecting R1 and connecting R2 to the circuit. We want to find the voltage v(t), and current i(t), across the capacitor as a function of time. 1a. Redraw the circuit, showing how the circuit looks just before the switch ismoved. Assume a long time has already elapsed before the switch is moved.1b. What is the continuity连续性condition for this circuit共45 页第41 页at t = 0?2. Using the circuit generated in #1a, find v(0–) and i(0–)3a. Find v(). Explain how you get this result.3b. Write a KCL equation for the circuit after the switch as been moved at t = 0.Convert the currents into voltages. (you should end up with a first-orderdifferential equation for v(t))4a. What form should the solution for v(t) take?4b. Substitute替代this solution into the differential equation generated in #3b. Use theresults of the substitution, along with the results for #1b and #2 to find all theconstants defined for v(t). (Clearly show your work) 5. Sketch curves of i(t) and v(t) as a function of time (t ). Indicate allcritical and asymptotic values.For problems 6–10, consider the following second-order共45 页第42 页circuit:The switch is opened at t = 0. The goal is to find the current through the inductor, i(t).6a. Assume that the switch has been closed for a long period of time. Find i(0–).6b. What should i(0+) be? Explain.7a. Find i(). Explain how you get this result. Draw the corresponding相应的circuitat this steady state condition.7b. Since this is a second-order circuit, another initial 初始/boundary condition is needed.Find that other value. Show your work.8. Derive导出the second-order differential equation for this circuit. Start by writing aKVL equation for the circuit after the switch has been opened. Then convert共45 页第43 页voltages in each passive element into currents.9a. What form does the solution for i(t) take?9b. Substitute your solution into the differential equation. Solve the correspondingcharacteristic equation.相应的特征方程10. Finish determining i(t) by using the results in #6b and #7b to find any constantsyou have defined in your solution for i(t).For problems 1–5, consider the following circuit:Use Vs = 5 v, R1 = 5 , R2 = 10 , and L = 1 H. After a long time has elapsed, theswitch is opened at t = 0. We want to find the voltage v(t), and current i(t), across共45 页第44 页R2 as a function of time.1a. Redraw the circuit, showing how the circuit looks just before the switch isopened.1b. Using this result, find v(0-).2a. What is the continuity/boundary condition for this circuit at t = 0?2b. Find the numerical value of the boundary condition.3. Write a KVL equation for the circuit after the switch as been opened at t = 0.(note: do not use the circuit you drew in #1a). Convert the voltages into currents.4. Solve the differential equation generated in #3 for i(t). Clearly show how youobtained all of the numerical values in i(t).5. Sketch curves of i(t) and v(t) as a function of time (t ). Indicate allcritical and asymptotic渐近的values.共45 页第45 页。
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东 南 大 学 考 试 卷(A 卷)
高等数学B 期末
考试学期 09-10-3
适用专业 选修高数B 的各专业 考试形式 闭卷 考试时间长度 150分钟
1. 幂级数1(1)2
x n ∞
=-⋅∑的收敛域为 ; 2. 球面222
30x y z x ++-=在点(1,1,1)处的切平面方程为 ; 3. 已知两条直线121
12x y z m
与3x y
z ==相交,m = ; 4. 交换积分次序
d (,)d x x f x y y -=⎰ ; 5. 将
d ()d x y f x y z z -++⎰
(其中()f t 为连续函数)写成球面坐标
6设L 为由点(2,1,2)A 到原点(0,0,0)O 的直线段,则曲线积分2
()d L
x y z s
7. 已知3222
(cos )d (1sin 3)d axy y x x by x x y y -+++为某个二元函数(,)f x y 的全微分,则____,____a b ==; 8. 设{,,},x y z r ===r r div(e )r =r ;
9.设∑是锥面1)z z =
3d d 2d d (1)d d x y z y z x z x y ∑
∧+∧+-∧=⎰⎰ .
二. 计算下列各题(本题共4小题,每小题7分,满分28分) 10.设 (,)z z x y =是由方程e e e z
z x y =+所确定的隐函数,求,z z x y
11.计算二重积分d d D
y x y ⎰⎰
222(,)2,2D x y x
y x y y =+≥+≤.
12.计算 2
d e
d d d y
y x y x y x y x ----+⎰
13. 计算三重积分e d d d y
x y z Ω
,其中Ω由曲面2221,0,2x y z y y -+===所围成.
2x y z +=与平面1,2z z ==所围成的密度均匀(密度1μ=)的立体对z 轴的转动惯量.
d d d d d d S
x y z y z x z x y ∧+∧+∧⎰⎰,其中S 为球面2
1x y z ++=在第二卦限部分的外侧.
五(16)(本题满分7分)计算22()d ()d C
x y x x y y x y -+++⎰,其中C 为2223
1x y π⎛⎫
+= ⎪⎝⎭,方向为逆时针.
f x x x =+-展开为2x -的幂级数,并指明收敛域.
2x y x +=、锥面2z =及xOy 平面所