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1 en__u___h(足够的) 2__ar__f__ ___ (小心的) 3. m__tt__ r(麻烦事) 4.

und__rst___nd(明白) 5. th__s__(那些) 6. h__ ___r(小时) 7. w__nd__rf__l (令人惊奇的) 8. f__n__sh (吃完) 9. w__ ___r(穿)10. cl__ ___n(干净的)


1. box______

2. class_______

3. watch_______

4. city______

5. child_______


1. I (名称性物主代词)______

2. we (宾格)_____

3. he (形容性物主代词)_____

4. we (名词性物主代词)_____5 they (形容性物主代词)_______


( )1. There____a teacher in the class A. are B. be C. is D.has

( )2. There___too much milk in the glass A. be B. are C. aren`t D. is

( )3. —Are there enough pencils ? —________

A. Yes , there aren`t B . No , there aren`t C. Yes ,there is D. No, there are

( )4. We`ve got enough ____everyone A. to B. for C. in D. of

( )5. Yesterday I____my ice cream . A. droped B. drops C. dropped D. drop ( )6. How many __do you want ? A. rice B. cheese C. mangoes D meat ( )7. ___did you do yesterday ? A. Where B. How C. What D. Whose

( )8 —Where is your T—shirt ? —Oh , It`s __the line . A. at B. in C. on D. for

( )9. This sweater is _______ A. my B. me C. mine D. I

( )10.—Whose book is this ? —It`s ___ A. Amy B. Amys` C. Amy`s D. Amys

( )11. —___they meet their friends ? —Yes , they did A. Did B. Do C. Will D. Are

( )12. The bus didn`t wait ____us . So we went home on foot A. to B. of C. for D. in

( )13. This bag isn`t _______. Maybe(可能)it`s________

A. your , her

B. yours , her

C. yours , hers

D. your , hers

( )14. How much ____do you want ? A. bread B. oranges C. bananas D. pears ( )15. —_____did you buy things ? —Yesterday.

A. What

B. When

C. Where

D. Whose

( )16. —_____sweater is this ? —It`s Lingling`s

A. What

B. Whose

C. When

D. Where

( )17. —Where did Lingling go ? —She____to the London Eye

A. goes

B. go

C. went

D. going

( )18. —____you like cheese ? —No , I don`t A. Are B. Did C. Do D. Does ( )19.They ___lots of places last Sunday. A. visited B. visit C. visiting D.


( )20. I go to school _____car . She goes to school ______foot

A. by ,. On

B. by , by

C. on , on

D. on , by


1. Hello, John, How are you ? ﹙﹚A. We visited lots of places.

2. How many bananas do you want ? ﹙﹚B. Yes , I do .

3. What did you doyesterday ? ﹙﹚C. I’m fine , thank you .

4. Is this Jimmy’s sweater ? ﹙﹚D. No’ it’s mine .

5. Do you want to be in our football team? ﹙﹚E. Six , please .

6. Can we have a dog , please , Mum ? ﹙﹚F. I get up at half past seven .

7. What time do you get up ? ﹙﹚G.. It’s Amy’s dress .

8. Are you feeling tired ? ﹙﹚H. Yes, Mum .

9. You should look , then cross the road . ﹙﹚I. Oh no ! Of course not .

10. Whose dress is this ? ﹙﹚J. No , we can’t .


1. This is my hat . That hat is_______________.

A. you

B. your

C. yours

2. This T-shirt is not his . ____________T-shirt is red .

A. My

B. His

C. Her

3. Look! Here’s a name: Sam . This red T-shirt is ________.

A. Sam

B. Sam

C. of Sam

4. Yesterday I ___________to the park with Sam and Amy .

A. went

B. go

C. goes

5. Sam__________my T-shirt just npw . He wants to wear it .

A. takes

B. take

C. took
