这部小说深受《圣经》的影响,充满了象征和寓意(symbol and moral)。
这部小说具有较高的文学艺术价值,但是在成书伊始并没有受到广大读者的热爱和追捧,直至上世纪20 年代才引起人们的重视,而这部作品因具有对人们破坏海洋生态的警示意义被人们赞为海洋生态的扛鼎之作。
在上世纪的60 年代,美国兴起了生态文学批评的潮流,这一潮流立足于文学,通过对自然的认知,来对人们的人类掌握世界的思想进行批评,直击工业社会对自然的破坏,强调保护自然、热爱自然的重要性,强调人与自然之间是一种和谐共处的关系,总而言之就是人类应当保护自然。
关键词:圣经元素,宗教主题,人物原型,自然意象IAbstractABSTRACTMoby-dick is a representative of the American romantic literature writer Melville's masterpiece, since 1919, the book has become recognized as a masterpiece. Moby-dick storyline is relatively simple, but the implicit meaning abstruse obscure, this is a work with rich symbolic meanings. Moby-dick in a large number of literature and myth implies elements, and many of those content are taken from the bible literature. This article naming, symbolism, literary works in the prototype three aspects to interpret the works contains the elements of the bible.Keywords: moby-dick ;biblical character ;prototype elements of symbolism and meaningII目录1. 引言----------------------------------------------------------42.《白鲸》中来源于《圣经》的人物-------------------------------------4 2.1 《白鲸》中源于《圣经》的主要人物--------------------------42.1.1 叙述者“以实玛利”在《圣经》中的人物原型------------------42.1.2小说中的船长亚哈在《圣经》中的人物原型---------------------52.2 《白鲸》中源于《圣经》的次要人物----------------------------------5 2.2.1 以利亚在《圣经》中的人物原型---------------------------------5 2.2.2 斯达巴克在《圣经》中的人物原型----------------------------6 2.2.3 船东比勒达在《圣经》中的人物原型--------------------------72.3 这些人物之间的关系------------------------------------------73 《白鲸》中来源于《圣经》中的自然意象------------------------83.1 《白鲸》中大海意象和《圣经》的关系-------------------------------83.2《白鲸》中鱼的意象和《圣经》的关系-----------------------------------84. 《白鲸》和《圣经》在宗教主题上的内在关系-------------------------105.结语---------------------------------------------------------10参考文献--------------------------------------------------------11致谢---------------------------------------------121 引言《圣经》是基督教的经典,又称《新旧约全书》。
( 二) 海洋生物白鲸所体现的麦尔维尔的自然观白鲸作为海洋中独特的生物,它是海洋不可分割的一部分,体现了大自然的神奇力量。
例如在小说的第87 章,以实玛利把白鲸人性化了,在以实玛利眼中他们是夫妻母子,而不是简单的动物,麦尔维尔给予他们人的美德。
On Symbolism of the White Whale in MobyDickZhao Cuiting赵萃婷AcknowledgementsI would like to take this chance to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Shu Jingwei, who is the lecturer in the Foreign Languages and Literature Department for her kindly assistance and valuable suggestions during the process of my thesis writing. His willingness to give his time so generously has been very much appreciated.My gratitude also extends to all the teachers who taught me during my undergraduate years for their kind encouragement and patient instructions.Last but not the least; I would like to offer my particular thanks to my friends and family, for their encouragement and support for the completion of this thesis.First and foremost, I appreciate my country who gives me a comfortable learning atmosphere. Second, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Shu Jingwei, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his illuminating instruction and patience, this thesis could not have reached its present form. I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to all my classmates, who are my proud of my life. Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.The white whale likes a symbol of the labyrinth. From the people, macro features, small stationary objects almost always have multiple layers of symbolism. This paper begins with a brief introduction to the life of Melville and his writing style and content of the white whale, pave the way for the in-depth analysis of the context. The second part, the writer focus on symbolism from a general angle and narrow angle analysis, and proposed a theory of symbolism, revealing the function of symbolism in literature. The next three parts the writer has an in-depth analysis of the symbolism of the white whale: Beluga incarnation of evil, all-powerful all-knowing God and not to resist nature. Finally, the article has once stressed the importance of the application of symbolismContentsAbstract (English) (i)Abstract (Chinese) ............................................................................... i i Introduction .. (1)A. Introduction to Herman Melville (1819-1891) (3)1. His great success as a writer can be attributed to many factors. (3)2. Nathaniel Hawthorne exerts a profound influence on him. (3)3. His writing is consciously literary. (4)4. His style is highly symbolic and metaphorical. (4)B. Introduction to Moby Dick (5)1. Symbolism makes Moby Dick a great success (5)2. Herman Melville was the celebrated author of several big 19th-century novelsabout the sea. (5)Ⅱ.Extended meaning of Moby Dick (6)A. Symbolism (6)1. Symbol (6)2. Symbolism (6)3. Functions of Symbolism (7)B. Symbolism of Evil (7)1. Transcendentalism and Anti-transcendentalism (7)2. The Nature of Evil (7)3. Symbols of Evil (8)II. Symbolism of God (8)A. View of God in Anti- transcendentalism (8)B. The Symbol of God (9)III. Symbolism of Nature (9)A. View of Nature (9)B. symbol of nature (9)Conclusion (10)Bibliography (11)AbstractHerman Melville has been considered as one of the greatest writers in American literature of the19th century. The success of this masterpiece is largely attributed to its adoption of symbolism. In light of this, it is both penetrating and comprehensive to study symbolism and to explore the symbolic elements in Moby Dick so as to bring about a deeper understanding of the author's penetration into humanity and liberalism.At the beginning of the thesis, a brief introduction to the author, Herman Melville and Moby Dick is presented so as to pave the way for further exploration. In the following part, the focus is put on the analysis of symbolism in both broad sense and narrow sense. It begins with the analysis of symbol, which is an important means of symbolism. Furthermore, theories concerning symbolism are put forward, and in the end, the functions of symbolism in literature are displayed to full. The next three parts bring the thesis to highlight by probing into the symbolism of Moby Dick, the white whale, who stands for evil, God and nature from different perspectives. The thesis ends with reiterating the significance of symbolism adopted in Moby Dick.The white whale likes a symbol of the labyrinth. From the people, macro features, small stationary objects almost always have multiple layers of symbolism. This paper begins with a brief introduction to the life of Melville and his writing style and content of the white whale, pave the way for the in-depth analysis of the context. The second part, the writer focus on symbolism from a general angle and narrow angle analysis, and proposed a theory of symbolism, revealing the function of symbolism in literature. The next three parts the writer has a in-depth analysis of the symbolism of the white whale: Beluga incarnation of evil, all-powerful all-knowing God and not to resist nature. Finally, the article has once stressed the importance of the application of symbolismKey words: Moby Dick symbolism evil God nature摘要《白鲸》作者赫尔曼·尔维麦尔被公认为19世纪美国最伟大的作家之一,《白鲸》这部杰作的成功在很大程度上归功于象征主义手法的应用。
正如美国著名后殖民主义批评家爱德华·赛义德(edward w. said)所说:“在库柏,马克·吐温,麦尔维尔及其他作者的作品中,一种可以与欧洲匹敌的帝国主义主题已在美国出现。
本文将对Moby Dick、Ahab、Ishmael and Pequod、Queequeq and the sea六个素材的象征意义进行探索分析。
关键词:莫比迪克;象征主义;自然ABSTRACTMoby Dick, published in 1851, is one masterpiece of Melville who is the noticeable symbolist master of American. But it failed to bring him the fame he had acquired in the 19th. There is no denying that Moby Dick attracted so seriously attention, not only lies in its vivid and detailed description of the spectacular process of whaling, as well as the deep excavation of the inner world of characters, to a great extent, it also depends on its symbolism which show unique reflection of human civilization and the fate. The course of whaling is the embodiment of the ceaseless conflicts between good and evil, of nature’s indifference to man.This thesis will explore the symbol of the various elements in the novel. A variety of elements in this novel appears to be made up by the author, in fact, they have a certain symbolic significance, which contains the unique insights into life and society. Melville makes this conflict live for the reader using symbols which invite various interpretations. The white whale, Moby Dick, some think it symbolizes good, the other regard it as embodiment of evil, while more insist it represents the nature, even the capitalism. “There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes”, in author’s pen, Moby Dick is quite mysterious. There is a plethora of symbolic using, for instance, Captain Ahab, the ship, Ishmael, and so on. This writing techniques lead to a far-reaching significance. So it is known as “a book which readers can understand arbitrarily”, praising by the readers and modern critics, I will analyze the symbolism of Moby Dick, Ahab, Ishmael and Pequod, Queequeq and the sea six material here.Key Words:Moby Dick,symbolism,natureTable of ContentsChapter One INTRODUCTION (1)1.1 Background of Herman Melville (1)1.2 The plot of Moby Dick (1)Chapter Two MOBY DICK AND AHAB (3)2.1The Symbolic meaning of Moby Dick (3)2.2Moby Dick’s whiteness (4)2.3The Symbolic meaning of Ahab (4)Chapter Three OTHER SYMBOLIC (7)3.1The Symbolic meaning of Ishmael and Queequeq (7)3.2 The Symbolic meaning of Pequod (8)3.3Symbolic meaning of the sea (9)CONCLUSION (11)REFERENCES (12)THE SYMBOLISM OF MOBY DICK Chapter One INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of Herman MelvilleHerman Melville was born in New York, and his childhood was happy to the age of eleven when his father died in debt. He had little education and began to work early. He had be a bank clerk, a salesman, and a school teacher, and when these all failed to offer him a decent livelihood, he went to sea at about twenty. He was a Whaler, about the lowest of sailors. In that capacity he saw life from the bottom as did Mark Twain. He went to Liverpool, England, and the South Pacific, spending most of his young manhood on the sea. From his experiences and adventures on the sea would come the material for his Moby Dick.1.2 The plot of Moby DickMoby Dick, from which we can get to know the nineteenth-century American mind and American itself, is first a Shakespearean tragedy of man fighting against overwhelming odds indifferent and even hostile universe. And it is a sprawling colossus into which the author kept dumping everything he saw as necessary to prove his point.The story goes roughly as follows. Ishmael, feeling depressed,seeks escape by going out to sea on the whaling ship, Pequod. The captain is Ahab, the man with one leg. Moby Dick, the white whale, had sheared off his leg on a previous voyage, and Ahab resolves to hunt him to the kill. He hangs a doubloon on the mast as a reward for anyone who sights the whale first. The Pequod makes a good catch of whales but Ahab refuses to turn back until he has killed his enemy. Eventually the white whale appears, and the Pequod begins its doomed fight with it. On the first day the whale overturns a boat; on the second it swamps another. When the third day comes, Ahab and his crew manage to plunge a harpoon into it, but the whale carries the Pequod along with it to its doom. All on board the whaler get drowned, except one, Ishmael, who survives to tell the tale.Moby Dick is a highly symbolic work .If we only come to see the story from thesurface, the novel is no genius, but if we can see the structure under the story deeply, we can recognize the meaning is significant.Chapter Two MOBY DICK AND AHAB2.1The Symbolic meaning of Moby DickMoby Dick is the White Whale; the world’s largest creature. Moby Dick possesses various symbolic meanings for various individuals.To character Ahab, however, the whale represents only evil. Indeed, in the novel the whale is described as a destructive, hostile and mysterious being which is difficult to conquer. But such evil is not just totally in form. So, to some degree, the white whale is metaphor for the industrialization of the capitalism. In the 19th century, whaling is a very dangerous vocation, which can “being one into the abyss of future and time”. Only those impoverished and desperate would risk their life in such dangerous. The author makes a mysterious atmosphere in the novel and express human’s incapability in face to the fate. On one hand, it shows the fear and panic of Melville to the newborn capitalism, and the strength of capitalist social productivity. On the other hand reflects his sympathy and concerns to the fate and situations of people at this time.It symbolizes nature to human beings, for it is powerful, complex, mysterious, and dangerous. It swims peacefully in the sea until disturbed by humans, then shows a terrible fury and anger. Melville tries to convey to us such a faith: man cannot triumph over nature. In order to live a better life, one must follow certain principles, rather than doing absurd things like Ahab, who is obsessed with revenge. Ahab has no chance of killing Moby Dick, yet he engaged in his suicide plan to kill the whale. In the end the ship sank with the flag enfolding a sky-hawk from its natural home among the stars, indicating that if American keeps revenging on and going against nature, it is ironically seeking its own destruction. So when Ahab desperate to kill the white whale, the white whale also strike the crew. Symbolically, this is punishment of the nature. Ahab’s plan make the tragic fate fo r himself and the crew of the Pequod. Facts speak louder than words. A series example proved that while we are disrupting the order of the nature world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seeking its revenge.2. 2Moby Dick’s W hitenessTo some degree it is also symbol of good and purity because of its whiteness. Its whiteness is a paradoxical color, too, signifying as it does death and corruption as well as purity, innocence, and youth. It represents the final mystery of the universe which man will do well to desist from pursuing, as Howard P.Vincent observes. The white whale has lived a happy life in the nature and never intentionally hurt man. But the sailors want to conquer and kill it while at last be killed by it. At the same time, white symbolizes the mystery of the universe. To human, the secret of universe is white; people could see nothing except the white. This is one of the author's permissive opinions: man is so little in front of the strong nature that he could never know about the secret of the nature. We must realize that we are not the master of the earth. Men and nature are supposed to coexist in great harmony. Just as Darwin said “only obey nature, can conquer nature”.2.3The Symbolic Meaning of AhabAhab, the captain of the ship Pequod, is the other central character and the primary focus of the novel. Ahab is a typical Melvillean “isolato”. He cuts himself off from his wife and kid to hunt Moby Dick which makes him loss his leg. He hates Moby Dick which is an embodiment of nature. After the wound of his pride in his encounter with the white whale, he seems to hold God responsible for the presence of evil in the universe.He is an opponent of the white whale. He is a Symbol of solipsism.In order to settle his personal avengement, Ahab alternated kindness with profit, ignoring the crew’s interests and life, persist the sailors to hunt the white whale. At last the staffs except Ishmael are all buried in the sea. Ahab became a devil who is more exposed than Moby Dick here. He is the embodiment of the evil and darkness of human’s consciousness. What he doing is not in a rational and moral principle but chain by instinct and impulse, this is bound to lead to tragedy.The name Ahab in Moby Dick is symbolic and taken from the Bible, in which Ahab is described as a king who turns vile, having had someone killed so he could beking. This suggests that the Ahab of this novel will be a similarly conflicted leader. Melville many times in Moby Dick makes Ahab’s association with evil forces in the world apparent. He was called the Anti-Christ by the church Fathers. Ahab sets sail on Christmas Day, leaving when Christ’s life begins, symbolizing Ahab’s opposition to Christ like values.Ahab, on behalf of the evil, attempts to destroy the beauty and goodness. And he considers that Moby Dick bite off his leg out off a sinister motivation, is deliberately against him. Therefore, he must fight a decisive battle with it to get the psychological balance. For the sake of revenge, he can go against the interests of the owner to kill whales; in order to revenge, he spared no expense to reward, using sweet words to confuse personnel. To revenge, he threats the whole seaman bowing to his will absolutely ; To revenge, he even putting all the crew's lives in danger , betting all on a single throw, refusing to mend his way . He and his sailors' crazy seek for the white whale just means people whose state is out of control. When man is in such state, he will be controlled by the vicious side and destroy others, even himself. He is like a crazy beast, meeting the tragic ending step by step.However, he is also a man dare to against the gods, against the old custom rules, a man fear nothing, never gives up, and he is an experienced sea captain. Having fight with the terrible sea for forty years, He has a" noble soul, great and simple heart ".He exercises fish gun agile and accurate, he was stabbed numerous large whales .He suffered a contusion setbacks, but he will never be defeated. At this time, he is a Promethean Man, just like Byron's Cain rebelled against god's will, risked danger in desperation.Like Gerd's Faust, never satisfied, and explore with no end; He also likes Hamilton's Samson, proceeding without hesitation to perish together with the enemy. In the novel, the sailors spend nearly three years to complete the voyage, and during this period, they living in the shabby canvass in the ship, are merely on stocked food and seawater. They are exposed to the freezing storm from the polar areas, and their life is always on the verge of death. Even Ahab himself is ripped off one leg.With the above analysis, Ahab's character is multiple, contradictory. This image of the symbolic meanings is also complex, vague, difficult to grasp .To him, good, evil coexist, and beauty and ugly exist side by side.Chapter Three OTHER SYMBOLIC3.1The Symbolic Meaning of Ishmael and QueequeqIshmael is schoolteacher and part-time sailor; a Presbyterian, like Melville, he projects Calvinistic thinking tempered by his background in literature and philosophy. He discusses such issues as free will, predestination, necessity, and damnation. He is the sole survivor of the Pequod. He was controlled by a feeling of loneliness and estrangement, which is between man and man, nature and soul, which is one of the themes of the novel. The author thought that in 19th century, American was under the control of such loneliness. So He escaped from his living environment and got on the Pequod just want to find a new life that could make him feel happy and fulfilled. In this voyage, he gradually know the importance of love and friendship, which the author through is the guarantee of human life. This perspective we can see from the relationship between Ishmael and Queequeq.Queequeq was the first man that Ishmael met in his adventure. He was the son of a chief of a tribe. He represented the ancient society. He learned the knowledge of civilization from those passing ship then he began to imagine and yearn for the civilized world. To search for happiness and joy for his people, he landed on a ship whose purpose was to search for whale. When Ishmael first met Queequeq , he is afraid of that this black man must eat human. But with deep contracts with Queequeq, the first impression is quickly replaced by the impression of noble and trustworthy friend. What’s more, his behavior of saving a sailor established his heroic image in Ishmael’s heart. And he is the only man Ishmael want to sleep with. Their friendship proved that man can be happy and acceptable with his peers:It was a humorously perilous business for both of us. For, before we precede any further, it must be said that the monkey rope was fast at bothends; fast to Queequeg’s broad canvas belt, and fast to my [Ishmael’s]narrow leather one. So that for better or for worse, we two, for the time,were wedded; and should poor Queequeg sink to rise no more…whileearnestly watching his motion, I seemed distinctly toperceive that my own individuality was now merged in a joint stockcompany of two;….. But handle Queequeg’s monkey-rope heedfully as Iwould… Nor could I possibly forget that, do what I would, I only hadmanagement of one end of it. (玲玲.《白鲸》的象征意义.第16页)To Queequeq’s disappoint he has found the so-called civilized man is hypocrisy and insincerity until he is died. The contrast of the attitude of Queequeq towards the western world before and after he got on the ship was a bitter taunt from Melville. Melville used the form of words to criticize and reconsider the western civilization which centered on materialism. as novel went on, when the Pequod and the crew all died, Ishmael was saved by Queequeq’ coffin, which symbolized the remains of the ancient culture. On one aspect, Melville showed his wish to the development of western culture. On the other aspect, the passage proves that Ishmael and Queequeg are close enough that weare willing to die for each other. Melville emphasizes the importance of the friendship and the beauty of human’s soul, and also shows how the interdependency of mankind is unavoidable and how no person can control it. Melville asserts that life interwoven, whether it be one human connects to another human or one action connects to another action; everything it ultimately interdependent.3.2 The Symbolic Meaning of Pequod"Moby Dick" is a description about a whale catcher named Pequod led by the Capitan Ahab hunt the whale. On the surface, it seems that the whole book focus on the implacable hatred between Captain Ahab and Moby Dick, however in fact it is not only an odd adventure novel. The whole staff of Pequod approached to the whales step-by-step and their ultimate demise, which symbolized the fate of human beings in the society, nature and even the universe. And the author used symbolism to express his sense of concern for the fate of mankind.Obviously, the tragic fate of the Pequod and the crew was destined from the beginning. First of all, the ship's name itself is a symbol of death. Pequod is the name of a tribe in American Indian. After the white occupy American, many local Indian tribes and ethnic were killed by the white in their conflicts and Pequod was one of them. The author used it to name the ship just indicated the misery fate. Thus we can move naturally to the second aspect that, the narrator Ishmael of the whole story was the only survivor of this ship, he just retold the disaster. Just as Ishmael said: “The sailors have made great efforts to g o through the wide sea only to run to their death. They searched and pursued, only to look for the thing that finally destroyed them.”Melville used this kind of arrangement, only one survivor to tell the whole story, just imply the tragedy of the ship.Furthermore, the voyage of Pequod, in another word, represents the spirit of expansion of capitalism. Melville’s time is in the expansion oriented era, and whaling contributes to the affluence of people and the accumulation of capital. Even the development o f capitalism depends on the whaler’s toil and blood on the expansive sea. And at this time, the great Westward Expansion is so hot, especially the famous dictate “go west, young man” spreads all over the American nation. Industry gradually become the majority apart of American, and is the key to uplift the living standards and quality of life of the people.3.3Symbolic Meaning of the SeaThe author in the novel describes a fascinating and calm of the sea. It is quiet, magnificent and full of temptation. It is a stark contrast to the thick earth. It attracts people on this land with its extraordinary glamour. Just like a famous people says: Water is always linked with thought and the sea is the best place where Ishmael could think and explore life. It gives the tender call day and night with the crew back to its bosom.The sea has a charming and gorgeous scenery during the day and night. Its beautiful makes them feel amazing. The crew was deeply attracted by the unique charm of the sea. Of course, the sea is not always calm. It is also turbulent. Itsindignation makes the crew feel that death comes. The sea evokes the sadness of their lives and great hope for the future. In the description of the sea, the author not only points out that the unique charm of the sea, also showed the deep connotation of the sea represent. The sea is the call of the mother gives to her children far away, is the teacher to students carefully cultivated, and is the love of the land given by autumn leaves. It also like human's soul, have nothing to fear.The sea in the novel shows a mysterious force, that is the power of nature, powerful and irresistible. This power is endowed from the White Whale, but is presented by the unpredictable sea. It is sometimes calm dignity, sometimes sweet, sometimes gives a terrible storm. He let people like and unpredictable. No matter sunny day or night, under the calm seas are the unknown astonishing destructive power and deadly whale.At the end of the novel, the sea calm again, suggesting that it should be peaceful coexistence between human and other species. Human beings should live in harmony with nature, respect each other. At the same time, water represents the source of life, human cannot break away from water. So, the ocean is also a symbol of the unpredictable fate for the human. In our lives, we often have to face the challenge of life, the fate of the tease. Ocean represents the danger in our real life, ship is a symbol of our life protection. Sometimes people have to face life's challenges and unpredictable risk. We need to do is accept challenge bravely, take out your courage, struggle for ever.If we know these, we might have a better understanding of life. We should get rid of the old thought to learn to know the ocean again.CONCLOSIONMoby Dick is a comprehensive summary of the author’s understanding of society and life; it describes the whaling workers hard work and wisdom, revealed the cruelty Exploitation of capitalism. Since half a century of oblivion, Moby Dick Nowadays, becomes the first-class novel work in nineteen century around the world, and its influence is still far-reaching, even it has been adapted into movie and plays. The permanent charm and the transcend space’s value of it cannot be separated from the complex symbolism of the novel. And the symbolic meanings are still applicable in the modern society. In recent years, Moby Dick is so hot that many scholars committed to study it from every aspect. The symbolism of Moby Dick has been excavated multiple, however, it need to explore constantly. I believe more people can find illumination in it, and will attract by its charm.REFERENCES1.常耀信.《美国文学简史》[M].天津:南开大学,2008.92. Richard H. Brodhead..《白鲸新论》[M].:大学,20073.麦永雄.《美国现代史诗:〈白鲸〉四个世界的阐释》[J].《广西师大学学报.哲学社会科学版》.第33卷第3期,1997.94.金丽,亚青.《美国文学》[M].:外语教学与研究出版,19975.丞华.《文化与人格—对中西文化差异的一次比较》[M]. :中国科技法学.,19956.左金梅.《美国文学》[M].:中国海洋大学,2006, 67.朱立元.《当代西方文艺理论》[M].:华东师大学,2005urence Macphee.《赫尔曼麦尔维尔的<白鲸>》[M].王克非,等译.:外语教学与研究,19979.朱永涛.《英语国家社会与文化入门》[M].:高等教育,199810.洁.《美国文学选读》[M].:高等教育,2002.。
关键词:人性;自然;《白鲸》;人性与自然的关系Humanity and Nature—An Analysis of Moby-DickAbstract:Moby-Dick, as a predictive fiction with romantic color and modern spirit, becomes the center of the stage for Melville to show his care and express the relationship between humanity and nature. Some researchers at home and abroad have deeply studied the relationship between human beings and nature in the novel. However, few studies clarify the relationship between humanity and nature. In the novel, the inharmonious side of human and nature reflects the relationship between human’s evil and nature. In the fierce battle of them, human beings relying on the swelling self-awareness try to conquer nature. Howev er, nature doesn’t surrender to human beings but retaliates upon them. Meanwhile, the harmonious side reflects the relationship between human’s tolerance and nature. When human beings try to live in harmony with nature, they must be tolerant to nature. This thesis further analyzes the relationship between humanity and nature. In addition, this thesis also explores the factors influencing the relationship between humanity and nature.Key Words: Humanity; Nature; Moby-Dick; Relationship between humanity and natureContents1. Introduction (1)2. An Analysis of nature (1)2.1 The white whale —Moby Dick (1)2.2 The ocean (2)2.3 The Pequod (2)3. An analysis of humanity (3)3.1 Human beings’ evil (3)3.2 Human beings’ tolerance (4)4. An analysis of the relationship between humanity and nature (4)4.1 The relationship between humanity and nature in the 19th century (4)4.2 An analysis of the relationship between humanity and nature (5)4.2.1 Human beings’ evil and nature (5)4.2.2 Human beings’ tolerance and nature (6)4.2.3 Human beings’ suspicion and nature (7)4.3 Factors influencing the relationship (8)5. Conclusion (9)Bibliography (10)Acknowledgements (11)1. IntroductionHerman Melville is one of the greatest American literary naturalists, who was born in a rich family in New York in 1819. After his father died in debt, 11-year-old Melville had to begin to work early. He once worked as a bank clerk, a salesman, a schoolteacher, but all these failed to offer him a decent livelihood. Then he went to sea at twenty, which provided him rich experiences, especially his sailing experiences that furnished him with abundant material for fiction. For a period of some eight years after his return from the sea, he was at most prolific. Melville composes lots of works, such as Typee (1846), Omoo(1847), Mardi(1849), Redburn(1849), White Jacket(1850), Moby-Dick(1851) etc. Among his works, Moby-Dick is one of the greatest masterpieces of the world.Moby-Dick is a very famous novel showing that Ahab, the captain of the Pequod, leads the crew to pursue and kill the white whale. It is also the story of the struggle and harmony of nature and human beings, reflecting the complex relationship between humanity and nature. The others also have touched upon the relationship. For example, Tian Fang, the instructor of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, writes one paper –Melville’s opinion on the relationship between human beings and nature. Wang Yiqun also writes an article entitled On Humanistic Thinking In Moby-Dick.In the novel, the purpose of analyzing humanity and nature is to research the relationship between humanity and nature. The analysis of the relationship in the novel reflects human’s evil and tolerance in the realistic society. According to the analysis, we can find the positive side of humanity to harmoniously coexist with nature.2. An Analysis of natureNature means all the things in the universe that are not made by human beings, such as animals, plants, mountains, and rivers. The analysis of nature in the thesis mainly focuses on the white whale—Moby Dick, the ocean and the ship—the Pequod.2.1 The white whale—Moby DickMoby Dick is also called the white whale literally because it possesses a special white back and a huge white head. It is so noble and tranquil that it freely swims in the ocean and shares the sunshine. It has blended into nature admirably and becomes a typical representation of nature. However, Moby Dick is a dreadful whale. It is a white-headed whale with three holes punctured in its starboard fluke, which reminds people of fearsomeness and evil. It represents the devil of nature and receives God’s order to fight against those whalemen who desire to chase, even kill it. Thosewhalemen almost reach a co ncensus on Moby Dick’s destruction. They think that Moby Dick is more curious than other whales living in the ocean. They also believe that once they meet with Moby Dick and try to attack it, they will suffer from such harmful calamity in these assaults which may cause sprained wrists and ankles, broken limbs, or devouring amputations, even death. Moby Dick is also clever. It can estimate accurately what is the best time to assault human beings successfully. Therefore, Moby Dick is the scared, mysterious, invincible and intellectural embodiment of the ocean in nature.2.2 The oceanOur first impression of the ocean is that it is so vast and endless. When sailing in the sea, we feel that we are so tiny. We adore the broad attitude of the ocean with awe from the bottom of our hearts.But the cunning, fierce and unmerciful features of the ocean are substantial. It is cunning because it knows how its dreaded creatures glide under water, unapparent for the most part, and treacherously hide beneath the loveliest tints of azure. Indeed, in order to escape from the human’s chase and protect themselves, the marine creatures have to seek a shelter. The best shelter is beneath the ocean where they can hide. If human beings desire to gain the things they need, they must pay for these, such as hard work, much energy, etc. People should know that seeking the necessary things in the ocean is lengthy and hard work. Meanwhile, the scene of cannibalism and the rule that strong animals prey upon weaker ones hide subtly in the ocean. This kind of feint induces us to think that the ocean is so peaceful, quiet and divine. However, it is really fierce and unmerciful because it dashes the mightiest whales against the rocks, and leaves the whales’ corpses there side by side with the sp lit wrecks of ships. The power of the ocean shows that nature is inviolable and unconquered. But the power is at the cost of destroying the ships randomly and killing the marine animals. Therefore, in the novel, the author wants to show that the ocean is cunning, fierce and unmerciful.2.3 The PequodFrom the frame of the novel, the Pequod is a high generalization and an epitome of the human beings’ society. The firm body and the advanced equipments bestow this ship the strong power. The moment it sails in the ocean, it begins its provocation and invasion to the divine sea. In fact it is the delegate of destroying nature. The whalemen on the ship are connived to pursue and kill the whales. So the Pequod is a direct participator. On the other hand, in this small ship, there is a sharply divided hierarchy. Captain Ahab is the sovereign lord and the sailors are only the slaves in the lower end of the social ladder at the outset. When they set foot on this ship, they have lost their human rights. They have to obe y Ahab’s order so that they devote their ownlives to the whale fishery because their bodies and soul belong to the captain. An unlucky encounter of the Pequod actually reflects the tragic fate of the whalemen. 3. An analysis of humanityGenerally speaking, humanity involves two aspects: one negative side of humanity, such as human beings’ suspicion, cruel and evil, etc; one positive side, such as human beings’ tolerance, kindness, pity, etc. Humanity not only appears between human beings and nature, but al so in the human’s own society. In the novel, human beings’ evil is the typical negative side of humanity and human’s tolerance is the typical positive side.3.1 Human beings’ evilCaptain Ahab is the most typical representative of the wicked quality in this novel. His name, Ahab, has an obvious symbolism. In the Bible, Ahab is a wicked king from Israel. He introduces Paganism to his own country. So we can absolutely find that Ahab’s archetype in the Bible is so wicked. In Moby-Dick, Ahab’s wicked quality is also showed clearly. In the course of whaling, he encounters a cachalot called Moby Dick. When he chases the white whale with his sailors, he suffers a great blow. The white whale devours his leg cruelly. However he makes use of the sperm’s jawbone to burnish an artificial leg. Ahab is hostile to nature after he becomes handicapped from the action of burnishing the artificial leg. He concentrates hatred on Moby Dick. To achieve his purpose of finding and killing Moby Dick, he persists in setting sail with out considering the stockholders’ benefit of the Pequod. When he meets the captains of the other boats sailing on the sea, he refuses to accept their suggestions that he should turn back. He solely wants to chase and kill the white whale. At that time, Ahab has cherished a wild hatred against the whale. Actually the white whale not only brings him bodily woes, but also the intellectual and spiritual exasperations. Therefore the white whale becomes the monomaniac incarnation of all those malicious agencies. He crazily chases Moby Dick in order to comfort his injured heart and smooth his wounds. His ruinous deed has pushed him into the abyss of the wicked quality.Ahab doesn’t really care about his crew but ask them to work for him with the temptation of benefits. He prefers to take advantage of them to achieve his dream of chasing and killing Moby Dick. He equates crew’s lives with money in his hand. In his mind, he regards their lives as the slaves and the tools of revenging Moby Dick. This kind of internal s pirit of Ahab’s trampling their lives and controlling their soul shows obviously that his evil in his inner heart has absolutely exposed his real natural instincts.3.2 Human beings’ toleranceHuman beings’ tolerance is manifested in two aspects: human’s tolerance to nature and human’s tolerance to themselves. First, we need to simply know tolerance to nature. In chapter 100, the captain of the Samuel Enderby says that he will not struggle with Moby Dick any longer after his arm is bitten off by the white whale. He even warns Captain Ahab not to get a rise out of Moby Dick. His concession on escaping from the disaster shows human’s tolerant attitude to nature. Th is kind of attitude roots in the instinct of human’s self-protection. The captain of Samuel Enderby knows that if he doesn’t provoke nature, his life affirmatively will not be threatened. This is the most original way for human beings to deal with the relationship between human and nature.In terms of interpersonal tolerance, Melville adequately expresses his thought and opinion. In that period, the white men always discriminate the black men in the American society. But Melville shows the deep friendship between the white man—Ishmael and the cannibal—Queequeg. We may think that this kind of friendship shows that the interpersonal relationship is so equal. In the beginning, Ishmael considers that Queequeg is a cannibal, a devil of killing others. But after noticing Queequeg’s kind and polite action, he changes his opinion and starts to give a high praise for Queequeg. In fact, when Ishmael eliminates his prejudice, he admits that Queequeg has the equal right with him. In Ishmael’s mind, he has broken th e interpersonal discrimination. The interpersonal equal relationship is one kind of tolerance because once we treat anyone equally, we will remove interpersonal estrangement and we can also excuse them although they made the mistake before. 4. An analysis of the relationship between humanity and natureThe relationship between humanity and nature is quite complicated. When human beings invade nature with hatred, they will suffer from retaliation of nature. In the novel, Ahab’s hatred to the white whale brings its revenge. Moreover, when human suspect nature and begin to invade nature, they will be punished by nature. In the novel, when Ahab is still persisting in fighting against nature, he will suffer from punishment of nature. But human also know how to tolerant nature. When human’s tolerance begins to emerge, they will keep a harmonious relationship with nature.4.1 The relationship between humanity and nature in the 19th centuryIn the 19th century, American relying on the advanced equipments and ships became the overlord of the whale fishery. They captured various whales, extracted the sperm oil, cut off the whalemeat and fished out the costly ambergris. They desired toseek more benefits from nature and began to invade nature. Therefore human’s evil dominated in humanity in that period. However, some curious whales, rainstorm and tsunami forced human beings to pay a painful price. In that period, nature began to revenge human’s invasion. The phenomenon ulteriorly aggravated the dreadful relationship between human beings and nature. However, human’s tolerance, the most valuable quality in humanity, appeared in that period. Human realized gradually that if they continued to invade nature, they would be revenged by nature. Human began to seek the essential quality of humanity though human’s evil still played a dominated role.Therefore, in the 19th century, human kept an inharmonic relationship with nature. But a harmonious relationship began to appear.4.2 An analysis of the relationship between humanity and natureThe relationship between humanity and nature has two aspects: the inharmonic relationship and the harmonious one. In the novel, the inharmonic one embodies in human’s hatred to nature and nature’s revenge to human. The harmonious one embodies in human’s tolerance to nature. Therefore, human beings must show their tolerance if they want to keep the harmonious relationship with nature.4.2.1 Human beings’ evil and natureAhab is an opposite role to Moby Dick. In his instinct, his evil almost comes from his hostility to nature. The hostility focuses on his hatred to Moby Dick. He can bare the physical pain, but he cannot tolerant the failure and disgrace which originate from his broken leg. He loses sense absolutely because of the torment of the soul suffering from the bad setback, not the disabled body. In his opinion, human being is a master of the world. Consequently, he is so crazy to take the actions to chase and kill Moby Dick without considering any cost and consequence. In Moby-Dick,it is impossible for Ahab to love Moby Dick. The hatred has congested his whole mind. According to his actions, he has become a determined person not the hesitated one. Hatred inflames his boiling heart and releases his evil. Before he is inflamed by hatred, he only hunts the whales for his own benefit. But now his purpose is to chase and kill Moby Dick.After Ahab is injured physically and mentally by Moby Dick, his view of nature and life is that he will beat it up if the sun insults him. He has been so illiberal that he is hostile to all the things. When the sperm oil leaks into the ocean in the course of chasing the white whale, he is unwilling to undertake necessary remedial work because his brain fills with the hatred to the white whale. He damages his range quadrant deliberately in order to continue to go forward with the goal of chasing and killing the white whale. Hatred shows Ahab’s evil and forces him to depart the way ofhis normal life. Therefore, his extreme hatred and hostility to nature show the evil side of human beings’ losing sense and conscience.On the other hand, the sailors crazily cut down the head of the whale, dissect the abdomen of the whale and peel the whale and scoop the whale oil in the ocean. For their own benefits, they cruelly destroy and nibble nature. When they hunt the whales, they lose the good quality of humanity and show their evil. During three days of their receiving Ahab’s order to chase Moby Dick, their hatred to Moby Dick and atrocity to nature have not been controlled by themselves. When they find the white whale’s sign of floating on the surface of the sea again and again, they shout crazily in order to tell the other sailors that their evil actions of whaling will start. They rush the white whale with the spear gun without considering their safety. They give up their kindness and become the enemy of nature. Their bodies have been controlled by evil soul. In their mind, bloody slaughter and extreme destruction can force nature to succumb to their strong power.But nature doesn’t succumb to human beings. Human beings will suffer from retribution after they constantly conquer and destroy nature. Even if Ahab orders his crew to chase Moby Dick again and again, the white whale doesn’t surrender but appeal to counterattack. It attacks the boats, wrecks the whaling ship and brings much pain to human beings. It is the symbol of the God’s power and the embodiment of justice. It is so great that it announces to human beings that if they still destroy nature unshakably, they will be buried by divine nature finally. The author wants to tell us that it is difficult for human beings relying on our own stuffless power to win the battle between nature and them.4.2.2 Human beings’ tolerance and natureAs a narrator of the whole story and Melville’s prolocutor, Ishmael appears as a wise man. He figures out the best way to seek the harmonious relationship between human beings and nature. By researching the whales, Ishmael observes that the animals possess special strong vitality and human beings should learn from the whales. In Ishmael’s mind, the whale should be respected and praised by human. Therefore, human should not cruelly kill them. In chapter 65, Ishmael shows that he loathes people who eat the whalemeat. He criticizes that it will be more tolerable for the cannibals than for the civilized and enlightened gourmands who crazily chew the whalemeat. He not only expresses his resentful attitude to the action of eating the whalemeat, but also shows his pity to nature. As far as he concerns, all the creatures are so divine and inviolable. On his travel, he fully appreciates the charm of nature and regards the ocean as a remote and quiet hope. He holds that he possesses a kind of incomparable appetency to nature, which is the most inornate affection for human beings.Not only does Ishmael show his tolerance, but the captain of the Rachel manifests his special tolerance. In the beginning, the captain like Ahab is so crazy to chase Moby Dick. But after his son is missing chasing the white whale, he begins to repent what he has done. He should not show off human beings’ power to nature and he has realized that human beings have no ability to defeat nature. Invading and conquering nature is a mistake from the very beginning. Therefore, he begs Ahab to stop his crazy chase and asks Ahab to help seek his son. This kind of realization comes from the instinct of self-protection. When human beings give up fighting against nature, they show their tolerance and they hope to live in harmony with nature.Starbuck, the chief mate, is also tolerable because he is the first person bravely opposing Ahab’s vengean ce project and showing a pity for the whales. He utmostly takes exception to Ahab because he thinks that Ahab shouldn’t hate Moby Dick. In his mind, attacking the animals that lack of spiritualism is not allowed by the God. It hurts Ahab out of its natural instinct. It is very precious for Starbuck to keep the tolerant attitude in the self-centered human civilization. On the third day of chasing, Starbuck finds that crazy Ahab takes the ultra actions to kill Moby Dick without concerning any consequences. In the end, he is so intolerable that he shouts,“Ahab, stop and turn back. This is the third day, to desist. Moby Dick doesn’t seek you. It’s you to seek the white whale madly.”(Melville 2002: 465). At that time, he has clearly realized that he himself makes an unforgiven mistake to nature and he is the tool of Ahab’s invading nature. Although he does lots of wrong things before, now he knows that he should not destroy the balance between human beings and nature. His confession to nature adequately proves that his hu manity’s tolerance has persuaded him to give up his whaling actions.In the novel, Melville mainly wants to show the opinion: human beings can get along well with nature and they can keep a harmonious relationship with nature. But keeping the harmo nious relationship must be based on human beings’ tolerance to nature.4.2.3 Human beings’ suspicion and natureAttitude of human beings’ suspecting nature focuses on the human beings’ excessive confidence. They believe that the purpose of God’s creating h uman beings as the sapiential and creative creature is to permit them to dominate the whole world. Therefore when Ahab gets a chance to stop his plan on the way of chasing Moby Dick and go back, he gives up the chance and believes that he can defeat the white whale on the basis of his excessive confidence.When the Pequod chases the white whale, it meets with many whale catchers, who definitely warn and persuade the crew to cease their actions for Moby Dick thathas a preternatural power and will punish those people fighting against it. But Ahab still suspects the power of nature. To make his attitude clear, he relies on the radical utterance to beat the drum for human’s invincibility. He also takes full advantage of lure of the benefits to make the crew believe that nature is bound to be defeated. The suspecting attitude is based on the human beings’ self-centered thought.On the other hand, they suspect nature because they think that nature is savage, uncivilized and ignorant. With the development of science and technology, human beings’ civilization also develops endlessly. Therefore human’s mind changes frequently. In the beginning, human beings adore nature with awe. They believe that nature creates all the creatures and controls the whole world. However, nowadays, human’s mind has swelled crazily. They believe that nature may be defeated and conquered. Meanwhile, human beings not only get access to nature but also can change it. The crankiness departs from the original orbit and shows one side of lacking of sense and conscience.After human beings’ suspicion to nature appears, they have a strong desire to conquer nature. When human begin to take the destructive actions to nature, nature also resists human’s invasion. To defeat the white whale, Ahab insist s on making his evil plan. In the end, nature becomes angry so that the ship sinks and all the crew are killed except for Ishmael. In fact, nature’s power is so great that human cannot manage to defeat it. Human’s attitude to nature determines nature’s att itude to human beings. So human will be punished by nature if they make suspicion to nature and start conquering nature.4.3 Factors influencing the relationshipThere are three factors influencing the relationship: first, to get economic benefits, human beings hold out their evil hands to raven nature, which is reflected in the selfish desire of human beings. Therefore, in the whale fishery, human beings have the same idea: in order to cut down the whale’s head, dissect the whale’s abdomen, peel the whale and scoop the whale oil, they are willing to spend much money and time in preparing the ships, purchasing the equipment and employing the crew without complaining. But human beings’ rapacity is endless. Nature begins to counterattack. For instance, the inv aders’ ships are broken. The invaders themselves are also punished by nature.Second, when human beings are punished by nature, disequilibrium of their inner mind will cause them to assault nature again and again. Therefore the inconsistent relationship between nature and human beings will last forever.Third, human beings have realized that the harmonious relationship between human and nature comes from human’s tolerance. If human really stop to invadenature, they will not be revenged by nature and get along well with nature.5. ConclusionMoby-Dick, as a predictive fiction with romantic color and modern spirit, becomes a terrace of Melville’s caring and expressing the relationsh ip between human beings and nature. Facing the fierce battle between them, nobody can get benefits. People want to conquer nature relying on the swelling self-awareness. Nature doesn’t surrender to human beings but retaliates upon them for justice. Therefore, human beings must control their desire sanely and make the self-reflection. So long as keeping a tolerant mind, human beings will live in harmony with nature.Bibliography[1] Brodhead, Richard H. New essays on Moby-Dick [M]. Beijing: Peking University Press,2007.[2] Levine, Robert. Herman Melville [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language EducationPress, 2005.[3] Melville, Herman. Moby-Dick [M]. London: Wordsworth Editions Limited Corporation,2002.[4] Roberts, James L. Notes On Moby –Dick [M]. Washington D. C.: Lincoln Nebraska Press,1966.[5] Wang Ling, Tian Li. Selected Readings In American Literature[M]. 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I’d like to thank those leaders, teachers and working staff in my University and especially those in the School of Foreign Languages. Without their help, it would be much harder for me to finish my study and this paper.。
美国浪漫主义作家霍桑曾盛赞《白鲸》是“一部何等伟大的作 品”。美国作家海明威和法国作家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者加缪都 十分推崇此书。下面是我为大家整理的六年级《白鲸》体会例文 六篇,希望能帮助到大家!
六年级《白鲸》体会例文 1 最近,我有幸在图书馆借到了一本文学巨著——《白鲸》。 听别人说这本书是梅尔维尔写的,十分感人。我不知怎么感 人,可当我读完这本书后竟已泪流满面。 这本书叙述了一个捕鲸故事。故事的主人公以实玛利准备搭 船到南塔开特,再选一艘吉利些的捕鲸船出海远航。可是当以实 玛利来到港口时,船已经走了,他不得不再回客栈,在客栈里, 他认识了科科伏柯岛王子魁魁格。于是两人商量好结伴而行。他 们挑了一艘名叫裴廓号捕鲸船。这艘船的船长亚哈在上一个航程 中被白鲸莫比·迪克咬掉了一只腿,因此和莫比·迪克结下了深 仇大恨。水手们总是乘着风浪,一心一意地追踪浪头中忽隐忽现 的白鲸,果然碰到了莫比·迪克,经过三次搏斗后,大家还是失 败了,所有的船都沉没了。 这本书是一曲反复触动人类心灵的歌谣,暗喻了人类盲目地 坚持目标却迷失在自己不断膨胀的固执念头里。我要有亚哈船长
它属于文化研究范畴是谌 蛭; 涨餮现氐那榭鱿虏 摹I 难 勒庖桓拍钍怯?972年约瑟夫米克在《生存的喜剧文学生态研究》所提出的。
学科分类号0502本科学生毕业论文(设计)题目(中文):自尊与抗争—论《白鲸》主人公亚哈的英雄悲剧性(英文):Self-esteem And Struggle –Appreciating theTragic Hero Ahab in Moby-Dick二、湖南科技学院本科毕业论文(设计)评审表优秀,80—89分记为良好,70—79分记为中等,60—69分记为及格,60分以下记为不及格。
Contents摘要 (Ⅰ)Abstract (Ⅱ)1. Introduction (1)2. Melville and His Moby-Dick (5)2.1 Brief Introduction of the Author (5)2.2 Main Content of Moby-Dick (6)3. The Personality of Ahab (8)3.1 A Lonely and Crazy Hero–Ahab (8)3.2A Brave and Resolute Hero –Ahab (11)3.3 Regarding the Self-esteem as Life (14)4.The Performances of Struggle (17)4.1 Th e Performances of Struggle on Psychological Activity (17)4.2 The Performances of Struggling with the Society........ . (19)5.The End of the Unsuccessful Hero (23)5.1 The Occupational Tragedy (23)5.2The Tragedy of Struggle with Fate (25)6. Conclusion (29)Notes (31)Bibliography (32)Acknowledgements摘要《白鲸》是19世纪美国著名浪漫主义作家麦尔维尔的代表作,它讲述了亚哈船长为追杀白鲸而导致船毁人亡的悲剧故事。
AbstractMoby-Dick is regarded as the masterpiece of Herman Melville. It contains plenty of symbolism. Understanding the symbolic meanings of the characters and subjects in the novel is important. This paper analyses the symbolic meanings of different individuals in order to make a better understanding of the novel. Moby Dick represents God owing to his godlike characters and his awfully severe beauty. Ahab symbolizes the league human with evil. In the whaling trip, we can see his bravery and patience, as well as his madness and stubbornness. The third symbolic element is the idea of the “counterpane” that is woven throughout the story as a symbol of the world’s multiculturalism. Melville develops the symbol proving that the world is indeed a counterpane of diverse cultures, races, and environment, in which we are always connected by our humanity.Key words:symbolism; Moby Dick; Arab; counterpane摘要《白鲸》被看作是赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的杰作。
关键词:善与恶;挫折攻击理论;《白鲸》目录1.介绍 (2)1.1关于作者的背景资料 (2)1.2 《白鲸记》的主旨 (2)1.3挫折攻击理论概述 (3)2.文献综述 (4)2.1研究成果 (4)2.2研究述评 (5)3.挫折攻击理论在主人公性格变化中的体现 (5)3.1在巨大的挫折之前 (5)3.2在巨大挫折之后 (7)3.3挫折攻击理论对主人公的影响差异分析 (9)4 结论 (10)1.介绍《白鲸》作为一部十九世纪美国文学史上具有重要意义的作品,塑造出了几个鲜明的海员与船长的形象,展示了美国社会的时代特色。
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AbstractMoby-Dick is regarded as the masterpiece of Herman Melville. It contains plenty of symbolism. Understanding the symbolic meanings of the characters and subjects in the novel is important. This paper analyses the symbolic meanings of different individuals in order to make a better understanding of the novel. Moby Dick represents God owing to his godlike characters and his awfully severe beauty. Ahab symbolizes the league human with evil. In the whaling trip, we can see his bravery and patience, as well as his madness and stubbornness. The third symbolic element is the idea of the “counterpane” that is woven throughout the story as a symbol of the world’s multiculturalism. Melville develops the symbol proving that the world is indeed a counterpane of diverse cultures, races, and environment, in which we are always connected by our humanity.Key words:symbolism; Moby Dick; Arab; counterpane摘要《白鲸》被看作是赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的杰作。
关键词:象征主义;白鲸;埃哈布; 床单Introduction1851, Herman Melville had his novel Moby Dick published, which was not a stir at that time. However, a half century later, in 1920s, this book has been recognized as one of the most significant works in American literature.Moby-Dick is regarded as the first American prose epic. It is a naturalistic story of whale-hunting. The story tells that a captain named Ahab led his crews to hunt a white whale who sheared off his leg on a previous voyage. Finally all people on board drown, except Ishmael, who survives to tell the story. Moby-dick is so popular not only because of the exciting whale-hunting scenes and the exploration of the internal world of human beings, but also the skillful use of symbolism. What does make him become a master of symbolism? It relates to his life experience and culture background.Herman Melville began working on his epic novel Moby Dick in 1850, writing it primarily as a report on the whaling voyages he undertook in the 1830s and early 1840s. Many critics think that his initial book didn’t contain characters such as Ahab, Starbuck, or even Moby Dick, but the summer of 1850 c hanged Melville’s wri ting and his masterpiece. He became friend, with author Nathaniel Hawthorne and was greatly influenced by him. He also read Shakespeare and Mil ton’s Paradise Lost. Their influences lead to the novel Moby Dick completed and published in 1851. Although ignored by critics after its release, Moby Dick took an important place in the world literature.In Moby Dick, Melville’s imagination has achieved its great peak through employing every means and technique he can reach, among which symbolism is the most thought-provoking and well-studied one. The symbolism of the white whale can be interpreted in many ways. The paper concerns that Moby Dick is the symbol of God. Ahab, the captain of the ship, represents the league human with evil. He questions the fate that God sends upon him and wants to challenge him. The idea of “counterpane” is the third symbolic element, which is woven throughout the story as a symbol of the world’s multiculturalism.I. The Symbolic Meanings of Moby DickThe white whale is one of the best known symbols in the novel. What it represents depends entirely on who is noticing. To Starbuck, it is just another whale while is more dangerous. To Ishmael, it suggests the demonism in the world. To others, the white whale symbolizes mysterious and powerful nature. But one significant question is what the white whale to Ahab is? According to the captain Ahab’s comments in Chapter 36, there, he says he sees Moby Dick as a “mask”, behind which lies a great power. It can be concluded, to Ahab, the white whale represents that power which limits and controls man. Ahab sees it as evil. Melville uses many other symbols to make the white whale a symbol of divine power. Moby Dick is thought to be immortal. He is the collective whale soul, the essential, eternal whale of which all other whales are only ephemeral manifestations. The sacred, special character of Moby Dick is indicated by his whiteness. His awfully severe beauty is godlike, as is his titanic power and his pyramid-like white hump. His color, white, has signified a special sanctify: Melville portrays Moby Dick in nearly human terms, endowing the great whale a sense of intelligence, strategy and grandeur. The whale is more than a match for Ahab, despite his dogged persistence, and in fact appears altogether unconquerable. From the beginning of the novel, we are confronted with the image of the whale as the personification of power and strength.II. The Symbolic Meanings of Captain AhabAhab is the central character and the primary focus of the novel, despite his mysterious and long-delayed appearance. Long before Ahab actually interacts with Ishmael and the other characters, Melville establishes him as an impressive and tragic figure, deserving of sympathy. Ahab is a very complicated man with heroic and evil qualities at the same time. What does he stand for? A hero fights against evil? Or an evil himself takes revenge on the nature or god? He starts with a noble intention to crush malignance of the universe. But he is out of control as he rants about attacking the force behind the mask of the white whale. He wants to kill the whale in order toreach that force. He seems to want to be God. He is, unfortunately, consumed by his consuming desire to destroy evil and finally turned evil himself.Unlike the heroes of older tragic works, however, Ahab suffers from a fatal flaw that is not necessarily inborn but instead stems from damage, in his case psychological and physical, inflicted by life in a harsh world. He is as much a victim as he is an aggressor, and the symbolic opposition that he constructs between himself and Moby Dick propels him toward what he considers a destined end.III. The Symbolic Meanings of CounterpaneIn Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, a symbolic element that makes the novel clearer a nd more real to his reader is the idea of the “counterpane”, or tapestry, of humanity which is woven through out the story as the symbol of the world’s multiculturalism. Melville develops the symbolism on at least three levels, proving that the world is indeed a counterpane of diverse cultures, races and environment.On a great scale, Melville uses the sea as a metaphor for the world and mankind. There are many creatures that depend on the water and others who depend on the creatures that depend on the water. In order for everything to be balanced, people must learn to coexist peacefully when they try to meet all of the different needs they may have. The multiple ships that the Pequod meets at the travel represent different cultures of people. For instance, the Jungfrau [or virgin] is a ship from Germany, while the Rosebud is from France, and the Town Ho comes from Nantucket. Not only are the different ships different in style and accent, but also their views on whaling and life are all greatly varied as well. There is also a great irony in the meetings of the Pequod with other ships. “Another homeward bound whale man, the Town Ho, was encountered. She was manned almost wholly by Polynesians.’ Whales are not running the ship that comes from one of the most “white” places in the whaling world! The multiculturalism of all the different ships proves that we as humans are all connected by the idea that sometimes we will have to rely on people we would never expect.IV. Analyzed from the Relationship between Human and NatureCaptain Ahab, is the emblem and embodiment of the pioneers engaging in the exploration of the great nature. He represents those challenging the mysterious nature fearlessly despite all the obstacles and hardship. Though confronted with many unforeseeable difficulties, Ahab never drawn back or ceased his expedition. Asdescribed in chapter 120, Pequod is caught in a terrible storm. Starbuck wants permission to furl a sail. But Ahab refuses, saying only cowards take down sails or back down on the purpose in bad weather. Ahab steadfastly continues to battle nature. He even mocks it, suggesting that the fury of the storm is nothing majestic, but a kind of gassy stomachache.Moby Dick, however, is a complicated symbol. It is depicted as an unexplainable and powerful force of nature. It is the combination of wisdom, beauty, strength, cruelty, malignity and annihilation. It is the awful mystery of the universe. Melville tries to convey to us such a faith: in the battle between man and nature we are inevitably confronted with such obstacles as Moby Dick, but in the long run, man will be the final winner. At the same time, man must follow certain principle, rather than doing irrational things like Ahab, who is obsessed with revenge. Ahab has no chance of killing Moby Dick, yet he engaged in his suicide plan to stab at the whale. His plan to kill Moby Dick seals the tragic fate for himself and the crew of the Pequod. He is responsible for the death of the crew.On the other hand, Moby Dick represents the artistic beauty man’s tragic struggle against nature. The adventure reveals the tragic spirit of the ancient epics in western literature. Ahab, the veteran captain who has been whaling for more than 40 years, is assaulted by a white whale and left one-legged. Confronted with such a fearful monster, Ahab acts like an epic hero in the Greek mythology. Yet, as in the epics, there is always a pervasive influence of fate in life.Moby Dick in particular suggests hidden terrors and incomprehensible tragedy and fatalism in life. Symbolically, the actions are important on a national level, for the story can be read as an allegory of the risks involved in trying to subjugate nature to the will of man—a danger quite obvious to American in a century in which the annihilation of humanity has become a possibility.ConclusionThe paper has discussed Melville’s symbolism in Moby Dick. As a master of allegory and symbolism, Melville develops a great deal of symbols to add beauty to his novel, and makes it become a timeless masterpiece. What remain to be pointed out are the symbolic meanings of Ahab, Moby Dick and counterpane. Ahab is viewed as the human with evil, Moby Dick as God, counterpane as the world’s multiculturalism.However, what the paper has discussed about symbolism in the novel is just a little part of the whole. There are many other symbols in the novel. For instance, the voyage itself is a metaphor for “search and discovery, the search for the ultimate truth of experience.” The Pequod is the ship of the American soul, and the endeavor of its crew represents “the maniacal fanaticism of our white mental consciousness”. By far the most conspicuous symbol in the book is, of course Moby Dick, the white whale is capable of many interpretatio ns. It’s viewed as God, an unstoppable force of nature and as simply a whale. It is apparent that he represents more. It symbolizes nature for Melville, for it is complex, unfathomable, malignant and beautiful as well. For the author, as well as for the reader and Ishmael, the narrator, Moby Dick is still a mystery; an ultimate mystery of the universe, inscrutable and ambivalent, and the voyage of the mind will forever remain a search, not a discovery, of the truth.Thus, people should not be satisfied with learning from the ancient only. A more important thing for them to do is to develop more scientific and reasonable point of view about Melville’s symbolism in Moby Dick. The use of symbolic art in Moby Dick makes its theme raise a higher level, the figures more distinctive and vivid, the character disposition more projecting, and this novel far-reaching significance. It is referred to as a “readers will understand arbitrary collection”.B i b l i o g r a p h y1.Bloom, Harold, ed. Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. New York: Chelsea House,1996.2. Harriet , Todd A. The Quest in the Works of Herman Melville. Amherst: Universityof Massachusetts Press, 1996.3. Heimert, Alan. Moby Dick and American Political Symbolism. Cambridge,Massachusetts: The Eliot House Edition, 1991.4. Slade, Leonard A. Symbolism in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick: From the Satanicto the Divine. Leviston, New York: E. Mellen Press, 1998.5. Herman, Melville. Moby-Dick. 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