第五届英语活动周 三年级英语知识竞赛
12、Its_____ is white and its_____ are black. ( c )
a. tail, leg b. tails, legs c. tail, legs
13、读一读问题,选出正确的答句. ① Do you like tigers?( b ) a.No.It's not a tiger. b.No, I don't.
They are monkeys.
range o_____
b_____ all
19、你想问Peter喜欢什么东西,你应 该说: What do you like, Peter?
20、把下列字母排序,拼出正确的单词。 ① l o r c o u
② t a i r n train
It's a banana.
1.3、猜一猜,以下介绍的什么水 果:
It is orange and round. It is sweet and sour. What is it? It's an orange.
1.4、猜一猜,以下介绍的什么水 果:
It is yellow and round. It is sour. What is it?
I can hear a bus.
I can hear three_____. buses
10、“这个球是蓝色和黑色相间的”, 你应该说:
The ball is blue and black.
11、It is yellow. It is sour. What is it?
It is a lemon.
What can you hear? I can hear a ship.
兰州大学第二十四届信息科技活动月“挑战杯”IT知识竞赛题库兰州大学信息科学与工程学院青年志愿者协会信息科技活动月IT知识竞赛题库一、选择题1.世界上发明的第一台电子数字计算机是(A)A、 ENIACB、 EDVACC、 EDSACD、 UNIVAC2.“因特网”定义为若干网络间的一种联接,使用的是( A )协议。
A)大型网络 B)国际购物 C)电脑软件 D)网络的集合4. 在网络上只要有一个结点故障就可能会使整个网络瘫痪的网络结构是( C )。
A)星型 B)总线型 C)环型 D)分布式网络5. 由于IP地址难于记忆,人们采用域名来表示网上的主机,域名与IP地址的对应关系是用( A )协议进行转换。
A .ARP(地址解析协议)B .RARP(反向地址解析协议)C .DNS(域名字解析)D .WINS(Windows Internet 名字解析)6. 将两个不同类局域网互联,应使用的设备是( C )A.网卡B.网关C.网桥D.路由器7. 调制解调器的作用是什么?( A )A)把计算机信号和音频信号互相转换 B)把计算机信号转换为音频信号C)把音频信号转换成为计算机信号 D)防止外部病毒进入计算机中8. 指出以下统一资源定位器各部分的名称(从左到右):/main/index.html1 2 3 4A)1主机域名 2服务标志 3目录名 4文件名 B)1服务标志 2主机域名 3目录名 4文件名C)1服务标志 2目录名 3主机域名 4文件名 D)1目录名 2主机域名 3服务标志 4文件名以上哪个正确?( B )9. 在浏览WEB网的过程中,如果你发现自己喜欢的网页并希望以后多次访问,应当使用的方法是为这个页面( B )。
A)建立地址簿 B)建立浏览C)用笔抄写到笔记本上 D)放到收藏夹中10. 当在文档窗口进行剪切,下面关于“剪贴板”的说法,那是正确的( D )A)当关闭文档窗口时,“剪贴板”内容消失B)激活另一窗口,“剪贴板”内容就消失C)重新启动Windows时,剪贴板内容自动被输入硬盘,重新启动,“剪贴板”又恢复原内容。
选择题:1、一款AMD Athlon XP2200+CPU实际主频是_D_。
A.Slot架构B.Socket架构C.Slot架构D.Socket 7架构4、当前市场上,CPU的主流是___D____。
A.K6B.K6-2C.K6-IIID.K76、CPU的内部结构可以分为__A_ C __D__。
A.控制单元B.逻辑单元C.运算单元D.存储单元7、CPU的主频由 A 与 B 决定,在倍频一定的情况下,通过 D 提高CPU的运行速度,称之为超频。
A.外频B.倍频C.内频D.提高外频E.提高内频8、CPU的3大生产厂商是Intel,AMD和 B 。
A.华硕B.VIAC.联想D.Pentium9、在以下存储设备中, D 存取速度最快。
A.硬盘B.虚拟内存C.内存D.CPU缓存10、CPU的接口种类很多,现在大多数CPU的接口为 A 接口。
五、活动具体细节1、宣传及前期准备A、一张手绘海报,一张喷绘海报,两份活动通知(一区和二区各一份),条幅一条(主题为“爱在心上,有爱请大声说出来——启航考研 get up俱乐部”)。
ITIL实施步骤ITIL的实施步骤⽬录1.背景 (3)2.ITIL的简介 (3)3.ITIL实施步骤 (3)3.1争取领导层的同意 (4)3.2. 实施前充分铺垫 (4)3.3.递进式部署 (4)3.4.结合实际设计流程 (5)3.5.建⽴考核机制 (5)3.6. 持续改进 (6)3.7. 后期使⽤成熟的软件 (6)3.8. 总结 (6)4.常见问题 (6)4.1.系统建设耗费⼤量部门资源,⽆⼒进⾏运⾏保障⼯作 (7)4.2.部分员⼯“骄娇⼆⽓”,不愿接受ITIL带来的变化 (7)4.3.流程“⼀⼈多⾓”现象严重,执⾏层⾯阻⼒较⼤ (7)4.4.流程⼯具使⽤情况不理想,系统建设成效不够显著 (7)4.5.总结 (7)1.背景ITIL为企业的IT服务管理实践提供了⼀个客观、严谨、可量化的标准和规范,企业的IT部门和最终⽤户可以根据⾃⼰的能⼒和需求定义⾃⼰所要求的不同服务⽔平,参考ITIL来规划和制定其IT基础架构及服务管理,从⽽确保IT服务管理能为企业的业务运作提供更好的⽀持。
⽬前,ITIL已经在全球IT服务管理领域得到了⼴泛的认同和⽀持,四家最领先的IT管理解决⽅案提供商都宣布了相应的策略:IBM Tivoli推出了“业务影响管理”解决⽅案、HP公司倡导“IT服务管理”、CA公司强调“管理按需计算环境”、BMC公司则推出了“业务服务管理”理念。
为什么ITIL在最近⼏年得到了⼚商和客户的⼴泛认同和⼤⼒⽀持?“是因为我们已经进⼊了‘技术利润三⾓区’”,全球著名的ITIL 专家Malcolm Fry先⽣在接受记者采访时谈到:“现在很多业务都必须借助技术⼿段才能完成,⽐如占领新市场、远距离地开展⼯作、把产品推荐给世界各地的客户等。
has its 28th day. 12个月。每个月都有28天。
2. When I come down from the sky, I make everything wet. What am I ?
The key : rain 雨
3. when can you get water with a net?
第一关:单词大比拼 第二关:必答选择题 第三关:风险提速
下面有五套选择题,每组选择任 意一套,派选一名代表回答,组 内亲友团可以给建议。
答对一题加10分,答错扣10分 每题限时30秒
12 3 45
1. What three letters turn a girl into a woman?
4. “ Woof! Woof! ” It’s a sound of() a) cow b) dog c) duck d) cat
5.We have _____ in Spring Festival.
a) Lantern Festival b) Children’s Day c) Dragon Boat Festival d) Summer Holidays
1.hell cat指的是()
A 好发脾气的猫 B 泼妇,巫婆 C 冷酷的人 D 阴险的人
2.What letter can fly? It’s the letter . a) A b) B c) T d) U
3. What is the apple
of one’s eye(指的是)?
反假货币知识竞赛活动方案Counterfeit currency is a serious issue that affects economies and individuals. It not only leads to monetary losses for businesses and individuals but also undermines confidence in the currency. To combat the spread of counterfeit currency, educational initiatives such as knowledge competitions can be an effective tool. By raising awareness of the risks associated with counterfeit currency and promoting a better understanding of security features on genuine banknotes, these competitions can empower people to protect themselves from falling victim to fraud.反假货币是一个严重的问题,它影响着经济和个人。
Educational initiatives such as knowledge competitions can target a wide audience, including students, businesses, and the general public. By engaging participants in a fun and interactive way, thesecompetitions can make learning about counterfeit currency more engaging and memorable. For students, participating in a knowledge competition on counterfeit currency can not only help them better understand the risks associated with handling cash but also raise awareness about the importance of verifying the authenticity of banknotes before accepting them as payment.诸如知识竞赛之类的教育倡议可以针对广泛的受众,包括学生、企业和普通公众。
二、目标设定1. 激励员工的积极性和创新能力,提高工作质量和效率。
2. 加强团队合作意识,促进员工之间的交流和合作。
3. 提高员工的专业技能和知识水平,促进个人成长和发展。
4. 实现企业战略目标,提高市场竞争力。
三、竞赛内容及规则1. 竞赛内容(1)项目创新:鼓励员工提出创新的项目点子,并给予相应的技术支持和资源保障。
2. 竞赛规则(1)项目创新:鼓励员工在日常工作中提出创新点子,并于每个季度进行评选,最佳创新者将获得奖金和荣誉证书。
四、奖励和激励机制1. 奖金制度:根据竞赛结果,设立相应的奖金激励机制,包括个人奖、团队奖和特别贡献奖。
2. 荣誉证书:对获得优秀成绩的员工和团队颁发荣誉证书,以表彰其在竞赛中的卓越表现。
3. 社会认可和升职机会:将竞赛成绩纳入绩效考核体系,获得优秀成绩的员工将享受社会认可,并有机会获得升职加薪的机会。
你校将举办人工智能知识竞赛活动英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1My School's Awesome AI Knowledge Competition!Wow, I'm super excited because my school is going to have a really cool competition all about artificial intelligence (AI)! AI is those really smart computer systems that can do amazing things like understand human language, see and identify objects, make decisions, and even create original content like art and writing. AI is seriously mind-blowing!Our principal, Mr. Roberts, announced the AI Knowledge Competition in assembly last week. He said the whole idea is for us students to learn more about this cutting-edge technology that is changing the world. By having a fun competition, we'll get motivated to explore AI in a hands-on way. How awesome is that?There will be different challenges and activities spread out over the next few months, all related to AI. The competition will cover all the most fascinating AI topics - machine learning, neural networks, natural language processing, computer vision,and more. We'll get to try out some actual AI software and even create simple AI programs ourselves. I can't wait!The first part of the competition will be an AI knowledge quiz. We'll have to study up on the basics of how AI works, the different types of AI, and the real-world applications of AI today.I bet there will be questions about famous AI like Siri, Alexa, self-driving cars, and game players like AlphaGo that beat the best human players. I've already started reading kids' books about AI from the library to prep for the quiz!After the quiz, things will get even more exciting. There's going to be an AI coding challenge where we work alone or in teams to build a basic AI program. I'm not a coding whiz yet, but I can't wait to take a crack at making a simple AI chat bot or game player. Just imagine - creating my own AI! How crazy is that?But the finale of the competition sounds most awesome of all - an AI showcase and competition. Every student or team will have to give a presentation about an AI project they worked on. It could be anything - a smart home system, a computer vision program to identify objects, an AI artist, you name it! Then a panel of judges (maybe even some real AI experts?) will pick out the top projects to compete head-to-head. I haven't decidedwhat my project will be yet, but I'm thinking maybe a fun AI game or an AI music composer. The possibilities are endless!The best projects will win cool prizes, but really, just being able to create an AI is the biggest prize. I feel like sort of a genius inventor working with this transformative technology that is shaping our future world. Hey, maybe I'll be an AI engineer when I grow up!My friends and I have been buzzing about the AI competition non-stop. We're all researching different AI companies, looking at crazy AI demos online, and trying to wrap our brains around the latest advancements in AI. Like did you know they are even working on AI that can smell and taste thing? Simply amazing.Some of my classmates don't seem too enthused about the competition though. They're like "AI is too hard!" or "That coding stuff is for nerds." I just roll my eyes at them. Don't they realize how important and powerful this technology is? AI is literally going to keep advancing until it massively impacts every aspect of our lives - transportation, healthcare, entertainment, you name it. Heck, we might even have human-level AIs running things in the future! So we should all pay attention.That's why I'm really grateful my school is exposing us to AI while we're still young. The teachers say getting educated about cutting-edge technologies like AI, data science, cloud computing and more will prepare us for the future workforce. By exploring AI through this fun competition, we'll get familiar with concepts we may need later on. Who knows, it could set some of us on the path to becoming AI pioneers!I'm feeling pretty confident about the competition because I'm a huge technology enthusiast already. I just love tinkering with apps, coding silly programs, or pulling apart old electronics to see how they work. The mechanics and algorithms behind AI intrigue me in a similar way. It's amazing how those neural networks can analyze massive datasets and continuously learn and improve themselves over time. I can't wait to get under the hood of AI, study how it reasons and makes decisions, and then construct my own AI models. I bet it will be challenging but crazy fun too!Of course, there's also the ethics and potential risks of AI that we need to be aware of. Like if we get too smart, will AI systems become uncontrollable and decide humans are inferior and disposable? Or what if AI is used to create autonomous killer drones or cyber attacks? Those are some scary scenarios we'llhave to grapple with as AI grows more advanced. But for now, I'm just psyched to learn all the fundamentals of this remarkable technology.No matter what though, AI is inevitable. It's here to stay and will only become smarter, faster, and more ubiquitous in our lives. So we need to be informed about it as the generation growing up surrounded by AI. That's why I'm so grateful my school sees the importance of teaching us about AI from an early age.I can't wait for the AI Knowledge Competition to begin! Studying up on neural nets, exploring open-source AI platforms, and tinkering with tools to build my own AI models? Sign me up! This will be an awesome way to spend my free time outside of class. I'm going to work super hard to make my AI project the best it can be. You better believe I'm aiming to win that grand prize! Look out AI world, here I come!篇2My School is Having an AI Competition!Hey guys! I'm super excited because my school is going to have a really cool competition all about artificial intelligence, or AI for short. AI is like really smart computer programs that can doamazing things like talk to you, drive cars, play games, and even create art and music! The competition is going to test how much we know about AI and let us show off our AI skills. I can't wait!First, let me tell you a little about what AI actually is. Basically, it's technology that can think and learn kind of like humans. Normal computer programs can only do exactly what they're programmed to do. But AI can figure things out on its own and get smarter over time, just by looking at data and examples. Crazy, right?There are lots of different types of AI that do all sorts of awesome stuff. Some AI can understand human languages and have conversations with you. They can answer your questions, tell jokes, and even write stories and poems! Other AI looks at pictures and videos to recognize objects, people, text, and more. Self-driving cars use AI to see the road and make decisions about steering, braking, and so on.AI can also play games at a super high level, way better than any human. There are AI that are amazing at chess, go, video games, and more. Some AI can even create new video games from scratch! AI are also great at math, coding, and scientific research. They help doctors diagnose diseases and scientistsmake new discoveries. Honestly, AI can do almost anything if you train them right.The possibilities with AI are just mind-blowing! Maybe one day we'll have robot assistants to help us with chores and homework. Or AI teachers that are way smarter than human ones. Some people think AI might eventuallybe able to think and learn exactly like humans, or maybe even better. Wouldn't that be wild?Okay, okay, I got a little carried away there. Let me tell you about the actual AI competition we're having at school! It's going to have different events to test our AI knowledge and let us build some AI projects of our own.First up is an AI quiz bowl, kind of like an academic competition but all about AI. There will be teams from each grade buzzing in to answer questions about how AI works, famous AI companies and projects, the history of AI, and more. I've been studying so hard because I really want my team to win!Next is the AI coding challenge, where we get to program our own basic AI using kid-friendly software. We'll train them to do tasks like image recognition, text generation, game-playing, and more. I'm working on an AI to play my favorite video game.My goal is to create an AI player that's so good, it can beat me every time! How cool would that be?But the main event I'm most excited about is the AI showcase. Every student gets to create an AI project on any topic they want, then show it off to the whole school! You can make AI art, write AI stories, code AI apps or games, or anything else you can dream up using AI. I'm working on an AI virtual assistant to help me with my homework. I'm teaching it all about the subjects I'm learning so it can explain things to me and answer my questions. Fingers crossed my little AI buddy works out!The best projects from the showcase will get awards and prizes. I'm determined to win because the grand prize is a brand new laptop and some AI coding lessons. Can you imagine having your own super computer to create AI projects on? It would be a dream come true!I've been learning everything I can about AI to prepare. I checked out a bunch of books from the library about AI concepts like machine learning, neural networks, computer vision, and natural language processing. I've also been watching videos and taking online courses about coding AI. It's pretty complex stuff, but also fascinating. Did you know modern AI is inspired by howthe human brain works, with artificial neurons that can change themselves to learn? So. Cool.My parents have been super supportive and encouraging me in my AI studies. My dad works with AI at his job, so he's been helping me understand the technical details. My mom says she's proud of me for being so passionate about technology and always eager to learn new things. I do love learning, especially about awesome cutting-edge fields like AI!AI is just the future, you know? It's going to transform pretty much every part of our lives and society in the coming years and decades. That's why it's so important for kids like me to start learning about it now. We'll need those AI skills for the careers and jobs of tomorrow.Can you imagine a world with self-driving cars, robot helpers, hyper-intelligent AIs assisting humans with everything from science to art? A world of incredibly realistic virtual reality, where you could explore simulated universes created by an AI based on anything you can dream up? A world where AI tutors could deliver a world-class education to every child, no matter where they live? Those possibilities aren't just science fiction anymore. AI is making them real.That future world is what has me so excited to compete in the AI competition and learn as much as I can. I want to be ahead of the curve and grow up to work on developing amazing AI technologies that will profoundly impact the world. Maybe I'll create a revolutionary new AI that advances science, helps solve global issues like climate change and disease, or furthers human knowledge and creativity in astounding ways. The potential is literally limitless with this technology.Or hey, maybe my future will be in an AI-related field that doesn't even exist yet! That's the thing about fields like AI - they're moving so rapidly that new applications and types of AI are invented all the time. I could grow up to have a job that doesn't even have a name right now. That's both exciting and a little scary to think about.But I'm not worried. I know that no matter what, mastering AI will give me incredibly valuable and future-proof skills and knowledge. And I have my whole life ahead of me to immerse myself in this world-changing technology as it continues to evolve at a mind-bending pace. The AI revolution is just getting started, and I can't wait to be a part of it.For now though, I'm staying focused on bringing myA-game to the AI competition coming up at school. I've beenpracticing my coding, studying all the major concepts, and working hard on my project entries. I'm going to show everyone what kid coders and AI enthusiasts are capable of! Who run the world? AI girls! Well, boys too, but you get what I mean.Mark your calendars for the competition date, because it's going to be an epic display of student-created AI awesomeness. I'll be the one accepting the grand prize, thanking my AI and the Academy. Just kidding! But seriously, get ready to be blown away by the AI abilities of me and my friends. The future is here, and it's being built by the next generation of AI masterminds. Let's go!篇3My Super Cool School is Having an AI Smarts Competition!Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 4th grader at Sunny Valley Elementary School. I have some really exciting news to share with you all today - our school is hosting its very first Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Competition! I can't wait to tell you all about it.First off, you might be wondering - what even is artificial intelligence? Well, it's kind of like super smart robot brains! Machines that can think, learn, and make decisions just likehumans can. Pretty crazy, right? My teacher Mrs. Martinez taught our class all about AI a few weeks ago and it completely blew my mind.She told us how AI is being used for all sorts of amazing things these days. Like voice assistants that can answer your questions and do tasks for you just by talking to them. Orself-driving cars that can get you safely to your destination without a human driver! There's even AI that can look at x-rays and diagnose diseases better than doctors sometimes. It's like the stuff of science fiction but it's very much real.When Mrs. Martinez asked who wanted to learn more about AI, I shot my hand up higher than anyone else. I'm just fascinated by these super smart machines and how they work. That's why I'm super pumped that our school has decided to host this AI competition coming up next month. It's going to be so cool!Here's how it's gonna work: First, there's going to be a few different events that test our knowledge of AI. One is going to be an AI quiz bowl where teams go head-to-head answering trivia questions about the history of AI, different types of AI, and famous AI systems. Another one will be an AI project showcase where kids get to build their own simple AI applications or machine learning models and present them.But here's the really awesome part - for the finale event, an actual AI is going to quiz us! Can you imagine? We'll be up on stage getting asked questions by a real live AI system. I have no idea what it will ask, but I'll do my best to impress the AI overlords with my smarts. Maybe if I do really well, the AI will make me its human sidekick or something!Just kidding...I think. Who even knows what goes on in those robot brains?!In all seriousness though, I've been studying my tail off to prepare for this competition. Every night I've been reading books about AI algorithms, watching videos about machine learning, and even trying to code up some basic AI programs myself. My brain feels like it's going to explode with all this AI knowledge!My big goal is to take home first prize. The grand champion of the AI competition gets a super cool trophy, but even better - they get to go on a field trip to visit an actual AI research lab! Can you imagine how awesome that would be? Getting to meet the human geniuses that create artificial intelligence and maybe even interact with some of their AI systems? I would be living the dream.Of course, there's going to be some tough competition. I know a bunch of other kids in my grade who are also obsessedwith AI and have been prepping hardcore. Like my friend Maria who always gets straight A's. And that stuck-up knowitall Aiden who thinks he's so smart. I just hope all my hard work pays off and I can show those bookworms what's what!Honestly though, I'll just be happy if I make it to the finals and get to quiz with the AI. Although I do really, really want to win that field trip grand prize. A kid can dream, right?Even if I don't win, I'm still super grateful that our school cares enough about forward-looking tech topics like AI to host an event like this. It's helping to prepare us kids for a future where artificial intelligence will be everywhere. Who knows, maybe one of the students competing will go on to create the next big AI breakthrough!Well, I should wrap this up so I can get back to studying AI decision trees or whatever. But I just want to say one more time how unbelievably hyped I am for my school's AI competition! It's gonna be the ultimate test of brains versus machine. Fingers crossed this human comes out on top! Wish me luck, everyone!篇4My School is Having an AI Competition!Hey everyone! I'm super duper excited to tell you about this really cool thing happening at my school. We're going to have an AI Knowledge Competition! I know, I know, you're probably wondering "What's AI?". Well, let me tell you!AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It's kind of like really smart computer programs that can think and learn just like humans! Isn't that so awesome? These AI programs are crazy smart and can do all sorts of amazing things like play chess, drive cars, recognize people's faces, and even write stories and poems. How cool is that?The competition at my school is going to test how much we know about AI. There's going to be a written test with multiple choice questions, a coding challenge where we program little AI robots, and even an AI art contest where we use AI to create epic pictures and designs. I can't wait!I've been studying really hard to prepare. My favorite subject is definitely the coding part. I love writing little programs to make the AI robots do fun things like dance around or draw smiley faces. My coding skills are on point! I've been practicing every day after school by making my robot do crazy stunts. Just you wait and see!My big brother has been helping me get ready for the AI art contest too. We used this cool AI program called DALL-E to make the craziest pictures. Like, you wouldn't believe the weird stuff it can create! We made one that was a cucumber riding a motorcycle while juggling pickles. So random but so awesome! I really hope I can come up with something that creative for the contest.The written test is probably going to be the hardest part for me. There's just so much to know about how AI actually works behind the scenes with all the math, coding, and crazy algorithms. I've been reading every book I can find about it and watching tons of videos, but it can get pretty confusing sometimes. Hopefully all that studying pays off!I'm a little nervous about the competition if I'm being honest. There are a lot of really smart kids at my school. Billy Jenkins is like a total brainiac when it comes to AI. He's going to be tough to beat. And Samantha Liu is an absolute code ninja! But you know what? I'm going to give it my best shot and have fun no matter what. Win or lose, I just love learning about this AI stuff. It's so fascinating!Can you imagine what things will be like when we're all grown ups and AI is everywhere? Maybe robots will do all ourchores and we can just relax all day. Or we could have super smart AI assistants to help us with absolutely everything. Although, I guess AI could also go a little too far and the robots could take over like in the movies. EEK! Let's all just be really nice to the AI so it doesn't turn evil on us, OK?Haha, I'm just kidding around. The future with AI is going to be amazing, I just know it. New inventions, technology that solves huge problems, and artificial minds helping humans understand the world better. We're seriously so lucky to be living in this incredible time with all the advances in AI. That's why I'm so psyched about this AI competition at school!My brain is pretty much turning into an AI knowledge sponge with how much I've been learning. I can't wait to show off everything I know and put it all to the test. I'm going to walk into that competition, robots blazing, code flying, and AI facts spewing out of my mouth like a firehydrant! OK, maybe I need to spend a little less time studying and a little more time outside. A coder's gotta get some fresh air too, am I right?Anyways, I better get back to prepping. I have a whole AI ethics chapter to read tonight about how we need to make sure AI systems are good for humanity and don't cause any harm. That's definitely important stuff to know. Then hopefully I cansneak in a quick practice round of coding my robot after. Gotta stay sharp!I'll let you know how the big competition goes. I'm aiming for that first place trophy, but most importantly, I want to learn as much as I can. AI is just so unbelievably awesome and this is my chance to become an AI master! Wish me luck, everyone! The future is going to be mind-blowingly AI-mazing!篇5My School's Going to Have an AI Brain Games!Hi! My name is Jamie and I'm a 4th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. I've got some really exciting news to share with you! Our school is going to have a huge AI Knowledge Competition soon and I can't wait!What's AI you ask? Well, AI stands for "Artificial Intelligence". It's all about making super smart computers and robots that can think and learn just like humans can. AI is already being used in lots of cool ways - like the voice assistants in our phones and smart speakers, or the technology that powers self-driving cars! But AI can do way more than that too. With advanced AI, machines can analyze huge amounts of data, understand humanlanguages, recognize images and patterns, and even create things like artwork and music!At our AI Brain Games competition, there will be all sorts of fun challenges and activities that test our knowledge about artificial intelligence. I've been reading up on AI topics like machine learning, neural networks, natural language processing and more. It's pretty complex stuff but also fascinating!In the Knowledge Quiz portion, we'll have to answer tricky multiple choice and short answer questions about AI concepts and applications. Like, what is reinforcement learning? Or name three ways AI is used in healthcare. I may be just a kid but I'm determined to show off my AI smarts!There's also going to be a Code Challenge where we program simple AI models and applications. I'm brushing up on my coding with programming languages like Python so I can build my own basic AI systems. How cool is that?! Maybe I'll even create a little robot assistant to do my chores.But I'm most excited about the AI Innovation Challenge. For this part of the competition, we have to come up with creative new ways artificial intelligence could be used to solve real-world problems or make people's lives better. Then we'll pitch our AI ideas to a panel of judges - kind of like those inventor shows onTV! I've already got a few concepts I'm toying with, like an AI assistant to help kids with their homework or an AI system that can detect crop diseases to help farmers.Winning the AI Innovation Challenge would be amazing. But even if I don't come in first place, it will still be an awesome experience getting to learn so much about this cutting-edge technology that is shaping our future. With AI, there are endless possibilities!So many brilliant scientists and innovators have made groundbreaking advancements in AI. From the early pioneers like Alan Turing who first conceived the idea of intelligent machines, to the founders of important AI companies today like OpenAI, DeepMind and Anthropic. AI will only keep getting more and more advanced and integrated into our daily lives. Just think, maybe someday an advanced AI like ChatGPT could be helping kids like me with their homework!I'd love to work with AI when I'm older - perhaps as an AI researcher coming up with new theories and models, or an AI engineer actually building intelligent systems. Or maybe I'll become an AI entrepreneur and start a company that develops amazing AI products and services that help make the world a better place. The career possibilities in the field of AI are endless!But I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. For now, I need to focus on prepping as much as I can for our school's big AI Knowledge Competition. I'll be studying key AI topics and concepts every night, practicing my coding, and brainstorming innovative AI ideas to pitch. I certainly have my work cut out for me!On the big day of the competition, I know I'll be a bundle of nerves but also super excited. I can't wait to put my AI knowledge to the test, code up some cool AI applications, and share my vision for how artificial intelligence could change the world. I'll give it my best effort for sure.Maybe I'll even walk away as the AI Brain Games champion! How incredible would that be? A 4th grade AI prodigy. Well, a kid can dream, right? No matter what though, I already know the AI competition at my school is going to be a total blast.I hope you're just as eager as me to see how transformative and powerful AI will become. Those intelligent machines are going to shape our future in amazing ways. AI is the way of the future - and us kids need to get onboard and start learning about it now! We're the first generation of true AI natives.Alright, that's all for now. I've got to go study up on different AI learning techniques. Wish me luck as I prep for my school'sbig AI Knowledge Competition! I'll let you know how it all goes. AI, here I come!。
关于学校举行人工智能知识竞赛活动通知英语作文Notice of artificial intelligence knowledge contestAll colleges and universities and students:In today's rapidly changing artificial intelligence technology, artificial intelligence is changing the current world all the time, which is both an opportunity and a challenge for contemporary college students. Contemporary college students should adapt to the development of artificial intelligence and shoulder the responsibility of building a world science and technology power in the future.With the theme of "AI innovation, leading the new trend of science and technology", the competition will focus on the new generation of AI innovation concept, lead the future strategic technology, stimulate college students' innovation awareness, consolidate college students' basic knowledge and improve their innovation ability, and provide a talent base for the healthy and sustainable development of the AI field. After research, it is decided to hold the first "National College Students' Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Contest" in 2022 from June 20 to July 29, 2022.1、Competition theme"AI innovation, leading the new trend of science and technology"2、OrganizationSponsored by: Artificial Intelligence Society3、TimingRegistration time: June 20, 2022 - July 29, 2022Competition time: June 20, 2022 - July 29, 20224、ParticipantsThe competition is open to full-time college students (including postgraduates, undergraduates and junior college students).5、Competition formThis competition takes the form of online closed book answer, free of charge, and each person has three opportunities to answer questions. The content covers all aspects of AI knowledge, using objective single choice questions and judgment questions, randomly selecting questions. Each answer paper has 20 questions in total, with a full score of 100 points. It is completed in 30 minutes, and online automatic marking and scoring.6、Award setting(1)The first, second and third prizes and excellence prizes will be offered in this competition.A score of 100 points is the first prize;The second prize will be awarded if the answer score is more than 90 points;The third prize will be awarded if the answer score is more than 80 points; If the score of the answer is more than 60, it will be an excellent award; (2)Certificate collectionReceiving time: August 2022Method of receiving: The contestants who have won the first, second, third prizes and excellent prizes of the competition can obtain the electronic honor certificate issued by the competition organizer. After the activity, the winners will be notified by unified SMS.。
电信云业务知识竞赛复习材料云主机单选题天翼云主机业务是基于___中心基础设施及专业服务能力,向客户提供服务(C)A 云计算B 云存储C 云数据D 云备份物理机为用户提供 __的物理机服务。
(C)A 共享的B 共享兼独享C 独享的D 虚拟的弹性伸缩服务(Auto Scaling,CT-AS)是根据用户的业务需求,通过策略自动调整其__资源的管理服务(B)A 弹性存储B 弹性计算C 弹性存储和弹性计算D 非弹性存储和计算弹性伸缩服务将根据预设规则自动调整伸缩组内的___数量反复调整资源以应对业务变化和高峰压力(B)A 云硬盘B 云主机C 专用物理机D 虚拟机云主机可以用云硬盘作为:(C)A 只能作为数据盘B 只能作为系统盘C 数据盘和系统盘D 都不可以云硬盘备份可以备份云主机的哪个盘(C)A 只能备份系统盘B 只能备份数据盘C 数据盘和系统盘都可以D 两个盘都无法备份云监控服务能够实现哪些监控功能(D)A 指标监控B 历史信息查询C 自动警告D 以上都可以天翼云主机不包括以下哪种服务(D)A弹性存储服务B 专属云服务C 数据库服务D API服务云硬盘支持与云主机的绑定(挂载)与解绑(卸载)吗(C)A 只支持挂载B 只支持解绑C 两个都支持D 都不支持系统盘和数据盘哪一个支持从云主机上卸载(C)A 只有系统盘支持B 只有数据盘支持C 两个都支持D 都不支持用户可登录云主机的方式有哪些(D)A VNC方式B SSH方式C MSTSC方式D 以上都可以天翼云提供普通IO(SATA)、高IO(SAS)、超高IO(SSD)三种类型的块存储,每种类型具备不同的IOPS性能指标,哪一个性能最为优越(C)A普通IO(SATA)B高IO(SAS)C 超高IO(SSD)D 都一样弹性伸缩服务组件支持设置弹性伸缩组内的期望实例数、最小实例数和最大实例数中的哪一个(或者几个)(D)A期望实例数B 最小实例数C 最大实例数D 都支持弹性云主机可根据业务需求对云主机进行规格的升级和降级操作吗(D)A 仅支持升级操作B 仅支持降级操作C 都不支持D 都支持弹性伸缩服务在业务需求上升时自动__云主机实例,业务需求下降时自动__云主机实例(B)A 增加增加B 增加减少C 减少增加D 减少减少云硬盘备份可以在下面哪几种情况下恢复数据(D)A 磁盘故障B 用户误删C 黑客攻击D 以上情况都可以弹性伸缩服务支持动态伸缩策略,还是支持定时伸缩策略(D)A 仅支持动态伸缩策略B 仅支持定时伸缩策略C 都不支持D 都支持创建数据盘时,应该创建全新的数据盘,还是利用已有备份创建数据盘(C)A 只能创建新的数据盘B 利用已有备份创建C 两种方法都可以D 都不可以单台云主机最多挂载___块数据盘(A)A、10B、20C、50D、100在何种情况下,不会将访问流量分派到这些非健康云主机实例(B)A、云主机为非健康状态B、云主机为健康状态C、云主机正常运行D、云主机无工作任务客户使用天翼云主机能获得的固定资本变成可变费用优势是指(A)A、从固定IT设备投资变成云资源租赁使用费C、云资源随业务需要弹性伸缩,无需提前预留资源D、仅需为实际使用的资源付费,无需承担冗余资源费用客户使用天翼云主机能获得的资源快速部署和开通优势是指(B)A、从固定IT设备投资变成云资源租赁使用费B、云主机在分钟级实现资源开通,快速实现业务的支撑C、云资源随业务需要弹性伸缩,无需提前预留资源D、仅需为实际使用的资源付费,无需承担冗余资源费用客户使用天翼云主机能获得的资源弹性扩展,告别容量猜测优势是指(C)A、从固定IT设备投资变成云资源租赁使用费B、云主机在分钟级实现资源开通,快速实现业务的支撑C、云资源随业务需要弹性伸缩,无需提前预留资源D、仅需为实际使用的资源付费,无需承担冗余资源费用客户使用天翼云主机能获得的按量付费,更低的成本优势是指(D)A、从固定IT设备投资变成云资源租赁使用费C、云资源随业务需要弹性伸缩,无需提前预留资源D、仅需为实际使用的资源付费,无需承担冗余资源费用天翼云门户无法为用户提供哪项功能(D)A.账号注册B.产品购买C.产品监控D.监控其他用户的产品客户第一服务界面电话为(D)A.10000+6B.10000+7C.10000+8D.10000+9客户二线客服界面呼叫热线为(A)A.400-810-9889B.400-110-9889C.400-119-9889D.400-120-9889天翼云是否提供在线客服(A)A.提供B.不提供C.不知道D.以上都不对关于天翼云包年包月计费模式,以下正确的是(D)A.用户选择云主机配置后,按月订购时无需一次性付清费用B.用户选择云主机配置后,按年订购时无需一次性付清费用C.用户选择云主机配置后,包月包年都无需一次性付清费用D.用户选择云主机配置后,包月包年都需要一次性付清费用关于天翼云按量计费情况,以下说法正确的是(C)A.按分钟为单位B.按秒为单位C.按小时为单位D.按天为单位关于产品资费情况,以下说法正确的是(B)A.非蒙贵地区比蒙贵地区便宜B.非蒙贵地区比蒙贵地区贵C.非蒙贵地区和蒙贵地区一样贵D.以上都不对关于公网带宽情况,以下说法正确的是(C)A.不售卖B.采用普通价格售卖C.采用阶梯价格售卖D.以上都不对37、关于云主机的说法,以下错误的是(C)A.基于中国电信云资源池B.为客户提供的一种按需租用计算、存储、网络等能力的服务C.不能理解为一台看不见、但可以使用的服务器D.可以在云主机上实现多种功能以下说法正确的是(A)A.镜像是天翼云主机可选择的运行环境模板B.该模板不包括预装软件C.通过镜像应用于天翼云主机,不可以轻松快捷的实现环境的搭建D.以上说法均不正确以下说法不正确的是(C)A.中国整体云计算市场仅有美国市场的十分之一B.中国云计算市场未来有很大的潜力C.云计算在中国整体IT投入规模中的占比正在不断减小D.云计算的应用将会越来越普及1、天翼云主机业务服务的特点有哪些(ABCD)[多选题]A 快速部署B 按需租用C 自助服务D 安全可靠2、云主机适用于:(ABCD)[多选题]A 社区网站B 企业官网C 门户网站D 电子商务网站3、客户可以通过自服务门户实现那些功能(ABCD)[多选题]A 资源申请B 资源管理C 资源监控D 快速部署4、弹性云主机的组成有:(ABCD)[多选题]A 内存C云硬盘D CPU5、弹性计算服务包括:(ABCD)[多选题]A 弹性云主机B 专属物理机C 云镜像服务D弹性伸缩服务6、弹性网络服务有什么产品(ABC)[多选题]A 虚拟私有云B 云专线C 弹性负载均衡D 云监控7、云监控服务支持对哪些天翼云产品的监控(ABCD)[多选题]A、弹性云主机C、弹性负载均衡D、弹性伸缩和RDS8、支持哪几种存储类型,满足不同业务部署需求(ABC)[多选题]A、SATAB、SASC、SSDD、NAS9、弹性云主机的CPU与内存的资源配比包括(BCD)[多选题]A、1:10B、1:2C、1:4D、1:810、支持用户通过什么方式登录云主机执行操作(ABC)[多选题]A、VNC方式B、、SSH方式(Linux云主机)C、MSTSC方式(Windows)D、NAS方式11、天翼云提供哪三种类型的云硬盘(ABC)[多选题]A、普通IO(SATA)B、高IO(SAS)C、超高IO(SSD)D、低IO12、天翼云主机的目标客户包括(ABCD)[多选题]A、政府类客户B、金融类客户C、中小企业类客户D、互联网经营类客户13、客户使用天翼云主机能获得什么优势(ABCDE)[多选题]A、将固定资本变成可变费用B、资源快速部署和开通C、资源弹性扩展,告别容量猜测D、按量付费,更低的成本E、摆脱无差别的繁重工作14、天翼云RDS支持对实例执行____操作(ABCD)[多选题]A、增B、删C、读D、写15、云主机所需的_____需要购买和计费(ABD)[多选题]A、数据盘B、带宽(和弹性IP)C、所有在专属云中的云主机(仅限CPU、内存、40G SATA格式的系统盘)D、专属云提供的物理服务器16、可将负载均衡与弹性伸缩服务结合使用,实现云主机实例的(AB)[多选题]A、自动增加B、自动减少C、负载负担D、使用难度17、客户业务受理单中,必须登记以下那些信息(ABC)[多选题]A. 客户名称B. 客户联系人方式C. 客户联系人名称D. 客户身份证号18、客户业务受理单中,必须登记的客户经理信息是哪些(ABC)[多选题]A. 姓名B. 电话C. 邮箱D. 身份证号19、天翼云门户为用户提供的多种功能,以下属于这些功能的有(ABC)[多选题]A. 账号注册B. 产品购买C. 产品监控D. 监控其他用户的产品20、天翼云有包月包年的付费模式,以下说法不正确的是什么(ABC)[多选题]A. 用户选择云主机配置后,按月订购时无需一次性付清费用B. 用户选择云主机配置后,按年订购时无需一次性付清费用C. 用户选择云主机配置后,包月包年都无需一次性付清费用D. 用户选择云主机配置后,包月包年都需要一次性付清费用21、天翼云有按量计费的模式,以下说法不正确的是(ABD)[多选题]A. 按分钟为单位B. 按秒为单位C. 按小时为单位D. 按天为单位24、有关云主机的以下说法,正确的是(ABD)[多选题]A. 基于中国电信云资源池B. 为客户提供的一种按需租用计算、存储、网络等能力的服务C. 不能理解为一台看不见、但可以使用的服务器D. 可以在云主机上实现多种功能25、以下说法不正确的是(BCD)[多选题]A. 镜像是天翼云主机可选择的运行环境模板B. 该模板不包括预装软件C. 通过镜像应用于天翼云主机,不可以轻松快捷的实现环境的搭建D. 以上说法均不正确26、以下说法正确的是(ABD)[多选题]A. 用户不可以自己安装镜像B. 用户在订购主机时,应该选择需要的镜像C. 用户不可以更改镜像D. 用户可以在云主机的管理控制台中更换镜像27、国内有许多厂商提供云服务,包括以下哪些(ABCD)[多选题]A. 阿里云B. 腾讯云C. 华为云D. 京东云28、以下说法正确的是(ABD)[多选题]A. 中国整体云计算市场仅有美国市场的十分之一B. 中国云计算市场未来有很大的潜力C. 云计算在中国整体IT投入规模中的占比正在不断减小D. 云计算的应用将会越来越普及29、营销推广步骤包括以下哪些(ABC)[多选题]A. 发现客户B. 初次拜访C. 方案提交D. 欺骗客户天翼云主机业务只提供独享的IT基础资源租用服务。
大学组织比赛提案英语作文英文:As a college student, I believe that organizing competitions is a great way to bring students together and create a sense of community on campus. Competitions can range from sports events to academic challenges, and they provide opportunities for students to showcase theirtalents and skills.One type of competition that I would propose is atalent show. This could include performances such as singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments. A talent show would not only allow students to display their abilities, but it would also be a fun and entertaining event for the entire campus community to enjoy. This type of competition could be a great way to bring people together and create a lively and engaging atmosphere on campus.Another competition idea could be a sports tournament. This could involve various sports such as basketball, soccer, and volleyball. Organizing a sports tournamentwould encourage students to stay active and healthy, while also promoting teamwork and friendly competition. It would be a great way for students to bond and form new friendships, as well as for the campus to come together to support their fellow classmates.In addition to these ideas, I believe that academic competitions could also be beneficial. For example, organizing a debate competition or a quiz bowl could stimulate intellectual discussions and promote critical thinking among students. These types of competitions could help students develop their communication and analytical skills, while also fostering a sense of academic achievement and pride.Overall, organizing competitions on campus can have a positive impact on the college community. It can bring students together, promote teamwork and healthy competition, and provide opportunities for personal and academic growth.I believe that by organizing a variety of competitions, we can create a vibrant and dynamic campus environment that fosters a sense of unity and camaraderie among students.中文:作为一名大学生,我相信组织比赛是将学生聚集在一起,营造校园社区感的好方法。
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