2019-2020年八年级下英语组合训练(I)含答案【完型填空】Martin is quite 1 in traveling.He loves to travel to new places and meet new people.He does not like to travel on a package tour (跟团旅行). 2 ,he would like to buy a guidebook forthe place he is going to and search the Internet for information about the main places of interest.He certainly sees more benefits (益处) in traveling this way.Firstly,Martin doesn't have to pay 3 for his trip.Package tours usually 4 more because people have to pay for the costs of the travel agency (旅行社) and the tour guide.Secondly he likes the fact that he does not have to wait for the tour group to 5 their photos or buy their souvenirs (纪念品).If he has finished what he wants to do , he can leave and move on to the next place once.However, Martin has had some 6 traveling all by himself, Sometimes he feels 7 and wishes that he had other travelers with him.Also,going to a different country on his own can be difficult and even 8 at times.Once,Martin was in Africa and he could not speak the language.Someone took away his wallet on the train.Luckily, he wasn't hurt,but he did not gethis 9 back because the police could not understand him!Martin has had a few problems in the past, 10 he still likes to travel all by himself.1.A.tired B.sorry C.happy D.interested2.A.And B.Instead C.So D.But3.A.anything B.money C.much D.little.4.A.cost B.pay C.spend D.use5.A.take B.make C.do D。
⾼⼆数学排列组合专题训练(⼀)⾼⼆数学“排列组合”专题训练(⼀)班级姓名学号⼀.选择填空题1.从编号分别为1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11的11个球中,取出5个⼩球,使这5个⼩球的编号之和为奇数,其⽅法总数为( C )(A )200 (B )230 (C )236 (D )2062. 从{1、2、3、4、…、20}中任选3个不同的数,使这三个数成等差数列,这样的等差数列最多有( B )(A )90个(B )180个(C )200个(D )120个3兰州某车队有装有A ,B ,C ,D ,E ,F 六种货物的卡车各⼀辆,把这些货物运到西安,要求装A 种货物,B 种货物与E 种货物的车,到达西安的顺序必须是A ,B ,E (可以不相邻,且先发的车先到),则这六辆车发车的顺序有⼏种不同的⽅案( B )(A )80 (B )120 (C )240 (D )3604. ⽤0,1,2,3,4这五个数字组成⽆重复数字的五位数,其中恰有⼀个偶数夹在两个奇数之间的五位数的个数是( C )(A )48 (B )36 (C )28 (D )125. 某药品研究所研制了5种消炎药,,,,,54321a a a a a 4种退烧药,,,,4321b b b b 现从中取出两种消炎药和⼀种退烧药同时使⽤进⾏疗效实验,但⼜知,,21a a 两种药必须同时使⽤,且43,b a 两种药不能同时使⽤,则不同的实验⽅案有( D )(A )27种(B )26种(C )16种(D )14种6. 某池塘有A ,B ,C 三只⼩船,A 船可乘3⼈,B 船可乘2 ⼈,C 船可乘1 ⼈,今天3个成⼈和2 个⼉童分乘这些船只,为安全起见,⼉童必须由成⼈陪同⽅能乘船,他们分乘这些船只的⽅法共有( D )(A )120种(B )81种(C )72种(D )27种7. 将5枚相同的纪念邮票和8张相同的明信⽚作为礼品送给甲、⼄两名学⽣,全部分完且每⼈⾄少有⼀件礼品,不同的分法是( A )(A )52 (B )40 (C )38 (D )118. ⽤1、2、3、4、5、6六个数字组成没有重复数字的四位数中,是9的倍数的共有( D )A.360个B.180个C.120个D.24个解:因为3+4+5+6=18能被9整除,所以共有44A =24个.9. 4名男⽣3名⼥⽣排成⼀排,若3名⼥⽣中有2名站在⼀起,但3名⼥⽣不能全排在⼀起,则不同的排法种数有( A )(A )2880 (B )3080 (C )3200 (D )360010. 在5付不同⼿套中任取4只,4只⼿套中⾄少有2只⼿套原来是同⼀付的可能取法有( C )(A) 190 (B) 140 (C )130 (D )3011.将某城市分为四个区(如图),需要绘制⼀幅城市分区地图,现有5种不同颜⾊,图中①②③④,每区只涂⼀⾊,且相邻两区必涂不同的颜⾊(不相邻两区所涂颜⾊不限),则不同的涂⾊⽅式有( A )A.240种B.180种C.120种D.60种12.圆周上有16个点,过任何两点连结⼀弦,这些弦在圆内的交点个数最多有( C )A.A 164B.A 162A 142C.C 164D.C 162C 14213.20个不同的⼩球平均分装到10个格⼦中,现从中拿出5个球,要求没有两个球取⾃同⼀格⼦中,则不同的取法⼀共有( B )A.C 510B.C 520 C.C 510C 12 D.A 210A 12 14.从6双不同的⼿套中任取4只,其中恰好有两只是⼀双的取法有( B )A.120种B.240种C.255种D.300种15.某⼈练习射击,射击8枪命中4枪,这4枪中恰好有3枪连在⼀起的不同种数为( D )A.72B.48C.24D.2016.某博物馆要在20天内接待8所学校的学⽣前去参观,其中⼀所学校因⼈数较多要连续参观3天,其余学校只需要1天,在这20天内不同的安排⽅法为( C )A.C 320A 717B.A 820C.C 118A 717D.A 1818种⼆.填空题17.商店⾥有15种上⾐,18种裤⼦,某⼈要买⼀件上⾐或⼀条裤⼦,共有__33_种不同的选法;要买上⾐、裤⼦各⼀件,共有_270_种不同的选法.18.将1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9这九个数排成三横三纵的⽅阵,要求每⼀竖列的三个数从前到后都是由从⼩到⼤排列,则不同的排法种数是_1680 _19.过正⽅体的每三个顶点都可确定⼀个平⾯,其中能与这个正⽅体的12条棱所成的⾓都相等的不同平⾯的个数为 8 个 20.3名⽼师带领6名学⽣平均分成三个⼩组到三个⼯⼚进⾏社会调查,每⼩组有1名⽼师和2名学⽣组成,不同的分配⽅法有 540 种。
八年级语文上册期末考试专项复习 语文积累与综合运用组合训练含参考答案
璀璨(càn) 心弦(xián) cháng(徜)徉(2)文中有两个错别字,请找出并改正。
组合训练1 古诗+文言文+散文+说明文+议论文
(答出一点即可,意思相近即可) 解析:本题考查对诗歌内容的理解。
一、答案 :1-5 GBADF二、1.have disappeared结合时间状语可以看出disappear这个动作已经完成,故使用现在完成时态。
2.The most famous 此处暗含最高级,意为“在这些动物之中最有名的是……”。
3.tens tens of millions同tens of thousands 都是固定用法。
4.before 此处是指恐龙比人类诞生早很久。
5.to find be surprised to do sth.意为“做某事感到吃惊”。
6.like 此处like为介词,表示“像……一样”。
7.were joined the way为先行词,省略了where或in which,此句话中主语为the bones,复数,与join的关系为被动。
8.out die out 为固定搭配,意为“灭绝”。
9.too 此处为too...to...结构,表示“太……而不能……”10.have died 从句中的recently可以看出此处用现在完成时。
三、One day last month,a group of Chinese arrived in Brisbane.I was one of them.After goodbye to my dear parents at Beijing Airport,I started my long journey.That was my first journey abroad!How I feltwhen I got on board.We left Shanghai Hong Kong to change to another plane to Melbourne, second largest city in Australia.From there we flew to Brisbane, is the capital city of Queensland,Australia.We were exchange students and to the country by government to learn English in Brisbane for twelve months. From the firstfew lessons, We found the teachers there really worked , and I am sure of everything will go well in the next months.一、答案 :1-5DGACF二、1.1960s 1960s是一种年代的表达方式,意为“20世纪60年代”。
和鲁恭告别说:“我之所以来,是想视察一下您的政绩。现 在蝗虫不侵犯中牢境内,这是第一个让人惊异的地方;爱护 鸟兽,这是第二个让人感到惊异的地方;小孩子都有仁慈的 心,这是第三个让人惊异的地方。我在这里停留久了,只会 打扰贤明的人罢了。我将赶紧回去,把实情报告给袁安。”
实用类文本阅读(10分) 止咳药,不可乱用
不过,药物的作用实在是复杂。这些“兴奋剂”对运动员来 说是违禁药物,但对于普通人来说,它们又是治病的良药, 不会对人体造成伤害,不会影响使用者的健康,反而能治疗 某些疾病或者缓解某些症状。
⑤可待因属于阿片类麻醉药,具有镇痛镇咳作用,可以 抑制呼吸及肠蠕动,多种止咳、止泻药物均含有它。而麻黄 碱则用途广泛,支气管哮喘、百日咳以及很多过敏性疾病的 治疗中,都有它的身影。它还是常用的术中升压药物,能扩 大瞳孔,治疗重症肌无力、痛经等。
(节选自《后汉书》) 【注释】①中牢:古地名。②袁安:河南郡太守,是鲁恭的 上司。③阴:暗中。
1.下列各组句子中,加点词语意思相同的一项是( C )(3分) A.不任.刑罚/故天将降大任.于斯人也 B.疑其不实./春华秋实. C.雉方.雏/方.欲行,转视积薪后 D.所.以.来者/所.以.动心忍性
①东莞桥头镇一男子喝止咳水成瘾,两年来,他不断在 外面借高利贷,还拿刀逼父母卖房换钱买药,亲属已经替他 还了10多万元。
②止咳药大多数都含有兴奋剂?止咳药里为什么要放兴 奋剂呢,难道是制药企业“不规矩”?喝了真的会上瘾吗?
③兴奋剂的英文为Dope,医学上,兴奋剂指能刺激人体 神经系统,使人产生兴奋从而提高机能状态的药物。后来在 体育界,被泛指作用于人体,有助于运动员提高成绩的药 物。一些运动员为了谋求更好的运动成绩,就有可能寻求这 些药物的帮助。比如促红细胞生成素(EPO),通过抑制红细 胞生成组织中的红系祖细胞凋亡,促进红细胞的产生。
2019-2020年七年级上英语组合训练(1)含答案【完型填空】Hello! Everyone! Nice to meet you! My 1 is AlphaGo.I am a computer program(电脑程序).“Go”means“weiqi”in 2 .I am from the US·Google developed(开发)me 3 Go games(围棋比赛).Look! What,s this? It’s a photo of 4 .I am playing Go with Lee Sedol(李世石)in the photo.People 5 it The Man VS Machine Battle(人机大战).Lee Sedol 6 from South Korea(韩国).He is one of the best Go 7 in the world.But I win the game with 4:1 at last this time.So I am very 8 .After the game,many people say I am 9 at thinking.But I think I am the fruit of human wisdom(人类智慧).Do you know 10 I can win the game? It’s a secret.( )1.A.plane B.friend C.name D.family( )2.A.English B.Chinese C.US D.BBC( )3.A.for B.at C.on D.in( )4.A.hers B.mine C.his D.yours( )5.A.see B.say C.have D.call( )6.A.am B.is C.are D.be( )7.A.singers B.readers C.dancers D.players( )8.A.boring B.relaxing C.welcome D.happy( )9.A.fine B.nice C.good D.great( )10.A.why B.when C.what D.where【阅读理解】1.What’s Tom’s 1ast name?A.Smith.B.Hanks.C.Green.D.Miller.2.Whose QQ number is 2235674667A.Jim’s.B.Tom’s.C.Ann’s.D.Judy’s.3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the form?A.Jim’s last name is Smith.B.Tom’s hobby is swimming.C.Ann’s telephone number is 523 8741.D.Judy’s last name is Miller.4.We can’t know about__________from the form.A.their names B.their hobbiesC.their telephone numbers D.their schools5.The form is about __________.A.students B.classes C.schools D.subjects【阅读表达】(一)The girl is Linda Black.She is twelve years old.She is a student at No.6 Middle School.Bill Smith is her friend.He is nice.Look! What’s this? It is Linda’s family photo.It is black and white,So it is very old.Her parents, her grandparents,her aunt and uncle are in the photo.Who is the baby in it? Guess! Oh,it is Linda!根据短文内容,回答下列问题。
中考英语人教版 题型组合训练题型组合训练一 (2)
C.men C.pushing C.suppose C.avoid C.coins
D.sails D.carrying D.believe
D.allow D.cows
( C )11.A.when B.how C.why ( A )12.A.forget B.regret C.force ( B )13.A.in danger B.in luck C.in fear ( A )14.A.picked up B.gave up C.set up ( B )15.A.awards B.presents C.victims
( C )1.A.life B.time ( C )2.A.against B.beyond ( A )3.A.between B.among ( A )4.A.long B.far ( D )5.A.taking B.falling
C.money D.energy
Wu has a bigger plan for his future. He wants to be a chip engineer. “China is still behind the West in computer chips. And chips matter for almost all devices that smart cities need.”
D.whether D.obey D.in peace D.dressed up D.rewards
二、▲阅读理解(10 分)(难易度:★ ★ ) 热点素材:小小发明家——吴宇航
Our cities are busy and full of people. They are not smart enough. As a teenager living in a city, Wu Yuhang, 13, from Dongguan, Guangdong, thinks this is a problem.
2、下列加点字注音全对的一项是()(3分)A.祈祷(táo) 孤孀(shuāng) 门槛(kǎn) 气冲斗牛(dóu)B.校补(jiào) 抚育(bǔ) 修葺(qì) 心有灵犀(xī)C.殷红(yān) 诘问(jié) 愧怍(zuò) 颠沛流离(fèi)D.纠纷(jiū) 赘(zhuì) 赤裸(kē) 深恶痛绝(è)3、下列词语的书写没有错误的一项是()(3分)A.选聘滞笨渺小鞠躬尽瘁 B.婉转烦琐笼罩目不窥园C.深宵狂澜陡峭仙露琼浆 D.斑斓取缔稠密忧心忡忡4、下列句子中加点成语使用有误的一项是()(3分)A.听了郎朗精彩的钢琴独奏曲《黄河》后,大家都叹为观止。
(含答案解析)【期中限时题型组合训练】词汇+句型+写作 人教PEP 六年级下册(答案版)
人教PEP 六年级下册期中限时题型组合训练词汇+句型+写作(45分钟)题型一:词汇(建议总用时:10分钟)A. 词形转换。
1. see (过去式)_______________2. thin (比较级)______________3. smaller(反义词)____________4. come(反义词)_____________5. drank (原形)_______________Key: 1. saw 2. thinner 3. bigger 4. go 5. drinkB. 找出不同类的词。
( ) 1. A. taller B. stronger C. funny D. thinner( ) 2. A. went B. worried C. stayed D. watched ( ) 3. A. holiday B. winter C. summer D. spring ( ) 4. A. longer B. taller C. tired D. stronger ( ) 5. A. what B. do C. when D. how Key: CBACB题型二:句型(建议总用时:15分钟)A. 连词成句。
1. do, anything, brother, else, your, did (?)2. are, you, than, me, shorter (.)3. you, heavy, are, how (?)4 had, cold, a, I, yesterday. (.)5. did, football, play, you, with, friends, your, yesterday (?)Key: 1. Did your brother do anything else? 2. You are shorter than me.3. How heavy are you?4. I had a cold yesterday.5. Did you play football with your friends yesterday?B. 根据中文提示,把句子补充完整。
2021年高考数学一轮复习 排列组合限时训练
2021年高考数学一轮复习 排列组合限时训练一、选择题(共19小题)1、有四个不同的球全部放入4个不同的盒子内,恰有两个盒子不放球的不同放法是( )A 、60B 、72C 、120D 、842、A ,B ,C ,D ,E 五人并排站成一排,如果B 必须站在A 的右边(A ,B 可以不相邻),那么不同的排法共有( )A 、24种B 、60种C 、90种D 、120种3、从10种不同的作物种子中选出6种放入6个不同的瓶子中展出,如果甲、乙两种种子不能放入第1号瓶内,那么不同的放法共有( )A 、C 102A 84种B 、C 91A 95种 C 、C 81A 95种D 、C 81A 85种4、从﹣3,﹣2,﹣1,0,1,2,3,4这8个数中任选3个不同的数组成二次函数y=ax 2+bx+c 的系数a ,b ,c ,则可确定坐标原点在抛物线内部的抛物线有( )A 、72条B 、96条C 、128条D 、144条5、某高三学生希望报名参加某6所高校中的3所学校的自主招生考试,由于其中两所学校的考试时间相同,因此该学生不能同时报考这两所学校,则该学生不同的报考方法种数是( )A 、16B 、24C 、36D 、486、5个人站成一排,若甲乙两人之间恰有1人,则不同站法有( )A 、18种B 、24种C 、36种D 、48种7、5个人排成一排,其中甲、乙两人至少有一人在两端的排法种数有()A、A33B、4A33 C、A55﹣A32A33D、A22A33+A21A31A338、从4位男教师和3位女教师中选出3位教师,派往郊区3所学校支教,每校1人.要求这3位教师中男、女教师都要有,则不同的选派方案共有()A、210种B、186种C、180种D、90种9、A,B,C,D,E五人并排站成一排,如果A,B必须相邻且B在A的右边,那么不同的排法共有()A、60种B、48种C、36种D、24种10、某会议室第一排共有8个座位,现有3人就座,若要求每人左右均有空位,那么不同的坐法种数为()A、12B、16C、24D、3211、毕业之际,2名教师与4名学生站成一排合影留念,则2名教师之间恰好站有2名学生的不同站法种数为()A、48B、72C、144D、28812、某班班会准备从甲、乙等7名学生中选派4名学生发言,要求甲、乙两名同学至少有一人参加,且若甲乙同时参加,则他们发言时不能相邻.那么不同的发言顺序种数为()A、360B、520C、600D、72013、甲、乙、丙3人承担6项新产品的设计任务,甲承担其中1项,乙承担其中2项,丙承担其中3项.则不同的承担方式的种数共有()A、C61C52C33B、C61+C52+C33 C、A61A52A33D、A61+A52+A3314、某人上10级台阶.他一步可能跨1级台阶,称为一阶步;也可能跨2级台阶,称为二阶步;最多能跨3级台阶,称为三阶步.若他总共跨了6步,而且任何相邻两步均不同阶,则此人所有可能的不同过程的种数为()A、6B、8C、10D、1215、用4种不同的颜色为一个固定位置的正方体的六个面着色,要求相邻两个面颜色不相同,则不同的着色方法数是()A、24B、48C、72D、9616、将4个不同的小球放入编号为1,2,3,4的四个盒子中,恰好有一个空盒的方法数为()A、96B、144C、244D、57617、某校有6间不同的电脑室,每天晚上至少开放2间,欲求不同安排方案的种数,现有四位同学分别给出下列四个结果:①C62;②C63+2C64+C65+C66;③26﹣7;④A62.其中正确的结论是()A、仅有①B、仅有②C、②和③D、仅有③18、A,B,C,D,E五人并排站成一排,A,B两人都不能站在两端的排法有()A、6种B、24种C、36种D、120种19、从编号为,1,2,3,4,5,6,的六的小球中任取4个,放在标号为A,B,C,D的四个盒子里,每盒一球,且2号球不能放在B盒中,4号球不能放在D号盒中,则不同的放法种()A、96B、180C、252D、280二、填空题(共11小题)20、将5位志愿者分成3组,其中两组各2人,另一组1人,分赴世博会的三个不同场馆服务,不同的分配方案有_________ 种(用数字作答).21、用数字0,1,2,3,4,5,6组成没有重复数字的四位数,其中个位、十位和百位上的数字之和为偶数的四位数共有_________ 个(用数字作答)22、有4张分别标有数字1,2,3,4的红色卡片和4张分别标有数字1,2,3,4的蓝色卡片,从这8张卡片中取出4张卡片排成一行.如果取出的4张卡片所标数字之和等于10,则不同的排法共有_________ 种(用数字作答).23、某地奥运火炬接力传递路线共分6段,传递活动分别由6名火炬手完成.如果第一棒火炬手只能从甲、乙、丙三人中产生,最后一棒火炬手只能从甲、乙两人中产生,则不同的传递方案共有_________ 种.(用数字作答).24、10个相同的小球分给3个人,每人至少2个,有_________ 种分法.25、要排出某班一天中语文、数学、政治、英语、体育、艺术6门课各一节的课程表,要求数学课排在前3节,英语课不排在第6节,则不同的排法种数为_________ .(以数字作答)26、某校安排6个班到3个工厂进行社会实践,每个班去一个工厂,每个工厂至少安排一个班,不同的安排方法共有_________ 种.27、某校从8名教师中选派4名教师同时去4个边远地区支教(每地1人),其中甲和乙不同去,则不同的选派方案共有_________ 种.28、5名乒乓球队员中,有2名老队员和3名新队员.现从中选出3名队员排成1,2,3号参加团体比赛,则入选的3名队员中至少有1名老队员,且1,2号中至少有1名新队员的排法有_________ 种.(以数作答)29、从6名男生和4名女生中,选出3名代表,要求至少包含1名女生,则不同的选法共有_________ 种.30、xx年上海世博会某国将展出5件艺术作品,其中不同书法作品2件、不同绘画作品2件、标志性建筑设计1件,在展台上将这5件作品排成一排,要求2件书法作品必须相邻,2件绘画作品不能相邻,则该国展出这5件作品不同的方案有_________ 种.(用数字作答)答案:DBCDA CCCDC CCAAD BCCC90;324;432;96;15;288;540;1320;48;100;2431551 7B3F 笿38249 9569 镩20473 4FF9 俹 ?29319 7287 犇 S23 )F26809 68B9 梹28872 70C8 烈。
【现代文阅读】完成时间:20 分钟搭桥刘正权①市里举办幼儿搭积木比赛,市电视台正在现场直播。
如果说两座桥的话,她还可以理解,那个第三座能算桥吗?有那么微型的桥吗?它还没有小男孩的两根手指长呢!⑩“能告诉阿姨为什么要搭三座桥吗? ”她忍不住问。
人教PEP 五年级下册英语期中词汇+短语+句型
人教PEP 五年级下册期中限时题型组合训练词汇+短语+句型(45分钟)题型一:词汇(建议总用时:15分钟)A. 找出不同类的词。
(10分)( ) 1. A. November B. party C. July( ) 2. A. when B. which C. watch ( ) 3. A. birthday B. Children's Day C. National Day ( ) 4. A. summer B. winter C. season ( ) 5. A. pick B. take C. late( ) 6. A. windy B. spring C. winter ( ) 7. A. breakfast B. dinner C. have( ) 8. A. pick B. cook C. weekend ( ) 9. A take B usually C have( ) 10. A. usually B. always C. takeB. 填入合适的月份。
1. Teacher’s Day is in ___________.2. China’s National Day is in___________.3. American Thanksgiving Day is in____________.4. Christmas is in____________.5. Children’s Day is in_____________.题型二:短语(建议总用时:10分钟)请将单词或词组前的序号填在相应图片下方的括号里。
①make a snowman ②October ③have music class ④February⑤pick apples ⑥go swimming ⑦do morning exercises ⑧go on a picnic⑨fall ⑩the Great Wall( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )题型三:句型(建议总用时:20分钟)A. 连词成句。
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中考冲刺完形阅读组合训练Group 1一、完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握大意,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own 11 .I learned this lesson from an experience many years ago. I took the head 12 job at aschool in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small schoolwith a weak football program.It was a tradition for the school’s old team to play against the 13 team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no coach, and they didn’t even practice to 14 the game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, 15 to my disappointment we were beaten. I couldn’t believe I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to realize that my team 16 not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were depending on me. I had to change my 17 about their ability and potential *.I started doing anything I could to help them build a little pride. Most important, I began to treat them like winners. That summer, When the other teams enjoyed 18 holidays, we met every day and practised passing and kicking the football.Six months 19 suffering our defeat*on the spring practice field, we won our first game and our second, and continued to improve. Finally, we faced the number 20 team in the state. I felt that it would be a victory* for us 21 we lost the game. But that wasn’t what happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest thrills*of my life!From the experience I learnt a lot about 22 the attitude of the leader can affect the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and encouraged them. I helped them to see themselves 23 , and they built themselves into 24 .Winners are made, not 25 .11.A. luck B. tests C. efforts D. nature12.A. cooking B. reporting C. coaching D. playing13.A. successful B. excellent C. strong D. new14. A. cheer for B. prepare for C. help with D. finish with15. A. and B. but C. yet D. or16. A. might B. must C should D. need17. A. choice B. decision C. attitude D. attention18. A. our B. his C. her D. their19. A. before B. after C. during D. from20. A.one B. two C. three D. four21. A. even if B. because of C. so that D. as if22. A. what B. how C. when D. where23. A. honestly B. difficultly C. calmly D. differently24. A. leaders B. partners C. winners D. learners25. A. creative B. natural C. willing D. born一、阅读理解Passage 1While many young people were enjoying the summer vacation, Zach Bonner was working his hardest. Zach started walking from Valrico, Florida, his hometown, on Christmas, 2009. He reached Los Angeles nine months later in September, 2010. He covered a total of 2,478 miles and raised $120,000 for kids in need. Along the way, Zach attended school online. His mother, brother and sister took turns to walk or drive together with him.Although he is very young, Zach has a long history of helping others. When a terrible storm hit town in 2004, Zach, when six, pulled a wagon(小推车)through his community and collected food for people in need.He has raised $400,000 for his Little Red Wagon Foundation since then. It gives money to projects which help homeless children. In 2007, Zach began walking to support a children's charity(慈善组织)in Tampa, Florida. He finished his journey 23 days later, 280 miles away in Tallahassee. Then in the summer of 2009, he trekked about 670 miles from Atlanta to Washington, D.C., in just two months.“As long as there are homeless kids, I will never stop walking for them.” Zach says.( )1. What did Zach do during the summer vacation in 2010?A. He stayed at home to look after his family.B. He travelled to his hometown with his family.C. He joined in a school activity with other kids.D. He walked to collect money for kids in need.( )2. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that Zach________.A. began to help people at a very early ageB. made money to pay for his educationC. enjoyed playing around in his communityD. worked very hard for his family( )3. At what age did Zach start walking to support a Tampa children's charity?A. At six.B. At nine.C. At eleven.D. At twelve.( )4. The underlined word “trekked” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.A. 延伸B. 挖掘C. 跋涉D. 飞行( )5. Which of the following best describes Zach?A. Friendly and shy.B. Silly but lovely.C. Kind and helpful.D. Clever but lazy.Passage 2 From Nobody to SomebodyBrian was a funny student. He loved watching comedies(喜剧)best and hoped to become a comedy actor one day.When he heard about the talent show to be held at his school, Brian decided to take part in. He had never acted on stage(舞台)before, and he was very excited. But some students laughed at him. “You are not funny but silly,” Ken, one of his classmates, said to his face. “No one will like what you do,” another boy also said to him, loudly.Brian couldn't understand why they were so unkind to him. For a moment, he thought about giving up the show. But he remembered how much his friends liked his jokes, and also his teachers said he was very funny. So he decided to prepare for the show.Brian did a great job at the talent show. Everyone loved his performance, and he won the first prize! His teachers and friends were proud of him. Even so, Ken told Brian that he was not funny, and that he would never be successful. Brian didn't understand why Ken said so, but he realized that it had nothing to do with him. He confidently continued to work towards his goal.As the years went on, Brian met more people like Ken. “You'll do a terrible job,” they said to him. Luckily, most people encouraged him and some helped him to become even funnier. He got a lot of opportunities to perform in movies. He was even invited to appear on television. His fans thanked him because his comedies made them feel good when they were unhappy.Now Brian is a big comedy star! He is doing what he loves best. He never feels stressed like those unkind people, and he laughs all day long!( )1. What did Brian love best when he was a student?A. Going to school.B. Helping classmates.C. Watching comedies.D. Meeting new friends.( )2. Brian decided to prepare for the show because ________.A. his friends liked his jokesB. he was invited by a TV stationC. he wasn't busy acting in moviesD. Ken was expecting his performance( )3. After winning the first prize, Brian ________.A. began to understand KenB. became a teacher of actingC. encouraged others to join himD. continued to work towards his goal( )4. Brian's fans thanked him because his comedies brought them ________.A. successB. happinessC. luckD. pridePassage 3We have heard about people who have special memories. Recently there has been a report about a woman from Australia who can remember almost every detail(细节) of all the events in her daily life.Rebecca Sharrock, 25, is one of just 80 people worldwide who have been indentified(确定) as having Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM,超级自传体记忆症). It means she can remember every small event—which most people would forget within(在……以内) days—as if it had happened just minutes ago.“I remember my mum putting me in the driver's seat of a car and taking a picture of me when I was 12days old,”she said. “That's my earliest memory. I remember every day since then. I can't tell all the dates exactly because I was too young to understand calendars, but I remember what I did that very day, what the weather was like and so on.”Rebecca can also reexperience taste. If she's eating something that she doesn't like, she thinks about Black Forest cake, her favorite food, and the memory will be so strong that she can nearly “taste” it.However, sometimes her memories prove(证明) to be painful. Because they're not just events that she remembers. “When I relive(再体验) memories, the feelings return, too,” Rebecca said.“For example, I remember falling over when I was three at my grandparents' house and hurting my left knee. Talking about it now, I feel painful in my left knee.”“At night, I have to sleep with the radio/recorder and a soft light on,”she added. “If it's too dark or quiet, my mind would be filled with all these memories and I can't sleep.”( )1. Which is NOT TRUE about Rebecca?A. She has special memories.B. She is from Australia.C. She is 25 years old.D. She can remember every detail of all the events.( )2. What happened to Rebecca on the day when she was 3 years old?A. She was identified as having HSAM.B. Her mother put her in a car and took a picture of her.C. She started to understand calendars.D. She hurt her left knee at her grandparents'.( )3. Whenever she is reliving her memories, ________.A. she is happyB. she experiences the feelings againC. she feels pain in her kneesD. she can taste her favorite food( )4. What is the result of having HSAM?A. She can remember every event in her daily life.B. She can reexperience taste.C. She can relive feelings.D. All the above.( )5. From the passage, we can infer(推断)that________.A. HSAM can do her good, but it also brings her painB. she feels painful if she recalls her experiencesC. she can fall asleep while she is reexperiencing memoriesD. HSAM can greatly improve her living conditionsPassage 4This year the US will honour(纪念) one of the country's most famous writers—Mark Twain(18351910). Most readers know that his real name was Samuel Longhorne Clemens, but how many know where the pen name “Mark Twain” came from?The answer shows Clemens' colourful early life before he became a writer. “Mark Twain” was the cry shouted on a ship when the ship entered a part of a river that was two fathoms(6 feet)deep. “Twain”is an oldfashioned way of saying “two”. Twain trained as a ship pilot on the Mississippi river for two years, a time that he wrote about in the humorous Life on the Mississippi(1883).The famous river would become an important theme in many of his works—who could forget the journey of Huck and Jim along it in his most famous book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(1884)?With little education, he had to teach himself how to write stories. Whenever possible, he would go to public libraries. There he spent much time reading and thinking, which greatly helped him with his writing.On the other hand, his life experiences gave him wonderful material to write about and attract readers. Twain wrote in a style that has been called “local colour” because it shows great knowledge of local people and their customs.This gift is very clear in the two books for which Twain is still celebrated today:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(1876) and its followup The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which many people call “The Great American Novel”.The most amazing invention in the book is the voice of Huck himself. Huck did not enjoy schooling. It shows in the way he uses language, in a spoken style. Only a master like Twain could copy the way a young southern boy talked so well.( )1. What does the underlined word “gift” mean in the passage?A. Twain's talent for selfteaching.B. Twain's “local colour” writing style.C. Twain's good sense of humour.D. Twain's experiences as a ship pilot.( )2. According to the passage, what is the best part of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?A. The deep social meaning.B. The exciting life experiences.C. The special way that Huck talks.D. The nice view of the Mississippi.( )3. Which is the most suitable place in the passage for the sentence, “Twain did not come from the writer's background you might expect.”?A. At the beginning of Paragraph 2.B. At the beginning of Paragraph 3.C. At the beginning of Paragraph 4.D. At the beginning of Paragraph 5.( )4. What is the passage mainly about?A. Mark Twain's career as a great writer.B. Mark Twain's interest in describing local life.C. Mark Twain's achievements in American literature field.D. Mark Twain's life experiences which influenced his writing.Group 1参考答案完型填空:11-15 CCDBB 16-20 ACDBA 21-25 ABDCD阅读理解:Passage 1 DABCC Passage 2 CADB Passage 3 DDBDA Passage 4 BCCD。
七年级英语下册组合训练(1)【完型填空】People always wanted to catch Turtle because they wanted to 1 it.They thought Turtle was delicious.Their king,Old King Cole also wanted to catch Turtle.He tried many ways to catch Turtle 2 he failed.One day,Old King Cole saw Turtle 3 in the sea.He went up to Turtle and said,“Oh,Turtle,I will not catch you again.Will you be my friend and come to my castle for dinner tonight?”“No。
thanks,”replied Turtle.“I don’t trust 4 .”Then Old King Cole spoke to Turtle for a long time.Finally,Turtle 5 .When Turtle entered the 6 ,it saw a plate on the table.But the plate was 7 .There was no food on the 8 .“Where is the food?”asked Turtle.Suddenly,Old King Cole 9 Turtle and put it onto the plate.Turtle rolled over the plate and ran away 10 .Finally,the plate on its back became its shell.1.A.drink B.eat C.fight D.play2.A.and B.but C.or D.so3.A.cleaning B.1eaving C.jumping D.swimming4.A.him B.her C.you D.it5.A.disagreed B.agreed C.refused D.received6.A.bed B.bedroom C.kitchen D.bathroom7.A.full B.empty C.big D.small8.A.bowl B.plate C.spoon D.cup9.A.caught B.invited C.sent D.1aughed10.A.quick B.quickly C.quiet D.quietly【阅读理解】The Dragon Boat Festival is very popular in China,it usually comes in May or June.It is known for dragon-boat racing.Dragon-boat racing is the most popular activity during the festival,especially(尤其)in South China.A dragon boat 100ks like a dragon,and is painted in red,white,yellow or black.usually,a dragon boat is 20 to 40 metres long,and needs 20 people to row.Boatmen row the boat in cadence(节奏)with the drumbeats(鼓点),as the captain(船长)in the front of the boat waves a small flag to help coordinate(使动作协调)the rowing.Dragon-boat racing is quite a spectacle(奇观).Now it becomes a popular activity in southChina.International(国际的)dragon-boat racing is held in Guangzhou and Hong Kong every year.( )1.The Dragon Boat Festival is on according to Chinese calendar(农历) .A.1st day of January B.15th day of JanuaryC.5th day of April D.5th day of May( )2.Which is the most popular activity during the Dragon Boat Festival?A.Dragon-boat racing.B.Trick or treat.C.Pumpkin lantern.D.Eat rice dumplings.( )3.A Dragon boat is to metres long and needs people to row.A.20;30;20 B.20;40;20 C.10;40;20 D.20;40;10( )4.If you want to watch international dragon-boat racing,you can go to .A.Guangxi and Guangzhou B.Guangzhou and FujianC.Guangzhou and Hong Kong D.Hong Kong and Guangxi( )5.This passage is aboutA.the Dragon Boat Festival B.Dragon-boat racingD.how to row the boat D.South China.【阅读表达】Today,there are more than 1,400 kinds of dogs in the world.Many people like to have dogs as their pets.Dogs are friends of man because they are lovely and they are faithful(忠诚的)to their masters.Dogs can do a lot of work for man.They play with us.They hunt with us.They also keep doors for us.But long ago,dogs a11 over the world were wild.All dogs have the same ancestor(祖先).People believe that a dog’s ancestor may be a wolf.Other animals,such as the foxes,come from this ancestor too.Millions of years ago,man began to feed and train wild dogs.The strong dogs became working animals.Working dogs had many kinds of jobs.They could help people to pull heavy things.They learned to keep an eye on the sheep and other small animals.They could help people in the war(战争).Some dogs were not strong.But they could help man hunt for food.Other dogs were the best as pets.1.How many kinds of dogs are there in the world?2.Why do people like dogs?3.Whose ancestor may be a wolf according to the passage?4.When did man begin to feed and train dogs?5.What kind of dogs can be working dogs?【书面表达】My Favourite Pet-Rabbit_______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________【参考答案】【完型填空】BBDCB CBBAB【阅读理解】1.D 根据文章第一段第一行“it usually comes in May or June.”龙舟节,又称端午节,在每年农历的五月初五。
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Module 6 阅读专练
[适配范围:Unit 1满分:15分限时:20分钟]Ⅰ.完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分)
“Problems and worries are normal in life,”says Laura. “But I think talking to someone helps a lot. If we don't talk to someone, we'll certainly feel __1__.”
Laura once lost her__2__,and worried for days. She was afraid to tell her parents about it. She even walked three miles to school each day because she didn't have any money. She just kept__3__of the problem again and again in her mind. “If I tell my parents, they'll be angry!” But in the end, she talked to her parents and they were really __4__. Her dad said that he __5__ made careless mistakes himself. They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful. “I will always remember to __6__ my problems in the future!” Laura says.
Robert Hunt advises students about common __7__. He feels the same way as Laura. “It is best not to avoid our problems. We should always try to solve them.” He thinks that you can first find someone to talk to. This person doesn't need to be an expert (专家) like himself. Students often forget that their parents have more __8__than them, and are always there to __9__them.
In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. So you're halfway to solving a problem if you talk to __10__ about it.
()1. A. better B. happier
C. worse
D. cleverer
()2. A. wallet B. bike
C. money
D. phone
()3. A. hoping B. thinking
C. wishing
D. expecting
()4. A. seeing B. knowing
C. learning
D. understanding
()5. A. sometimes B. always
C. never
D. seldom
()6. A. cover B. share
C. guess
D. stop
()7. A. questions B. answers
C. ideas
D. problems
()8. A. friendship B. love
C. truth
D. experience
()9. A. help B. beat
C. hurt
D. fail
()10. A. none B. someone
C. each
D. no one
Problems and Advice
Boys and girls, welcome to Teen Talk. Do you often make friends on the Internet? Do you have difficulties when you are chatting with your net friends? What problems make you puzzled? Today, Professor David Smith will give us some advice.
()1. The kids know what to do when their net friends ask them to do
()2. Professor David Smith advises not to tell much about yourself to strangers on the Internet.
()3. It's OK to tell strangers your phone number.
()4. Never invite your net friends to your house.
()5. You can visit your net friends' homes with at least one of your parents along with you.
Module 6 阅读专练
Ⅰ.1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B7.D8.D
Ⅱ.1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T