
机器人工程学原理 和太阳能驱动的发 动机、X光设备、 电能仪表、汽车速 度仪表、冷光灯、 电子钟、电子治疗 仪……
特斯拉率先提出的概 念有电子显微镜、激 光、电视、移动电话 ,互联网和许多其他 与我们日常生活紧密 相关的事物
特斯拉还发明了特斯拉 变压器,交流电摩打, 现代电脑基础,无线通 信,太阳能系统,雷达 装置,机器人,死光, 测谎仪,提出电磁射频 武器概念...
他所从事的极高电压的研究充满生命危险,并且常常冒着生命 危险进行各种示范表演。他最拿手的好戏是让上百万伏的高频 电压通过自己的身体,展示出惊人的放电效应。
特斯拉最后10年一直住在豪华的 纽约人饭店的3327号总统套房, 也是特斯拉最后的实验室,费用 也均由美国政府买单。
去世时,身边堆积着成吨的资料 , 享年87岁。
特斯拉 能流利 的说多种语言。 除了克罗地亚语 外,他还会说7 种语言: 捷克语, 英语, 法语, 德语, 匈牙利语, 意大利语, 拉丁语。
他舍不得睡觉,每天只睡2个多小时, 终身不娶 独自获得1000多项发明专利
特斯拉把地球作为内导体,地球电离层 作为外导体, 通过他的放大发射机,使用这种放大发 射机特有的径向电磁波振荡模式, 在地球与电离层之间建立起大约8赫兹 的低频共振, 利用环绕地球的表面电磁波来传输能量 。
Generators and Motors
规定 画图
在国际单位制中,磁感应强度的单位是特斯拉 简称特,符号是T
特斯拉汽车公司(Tesla Motors)介绍及其成功要素梳理精品PPT课件

Fidelity® Contrafund®
T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
Baillie Gifford & Co Limited.
Fidelity Contrafund Columbia Management Investment Advisers, LLC
纯电动跑车 Roadster上市
6月纯电动车 Model S上 市
四、经营情况-分地区 特斯拉的主要销售区域为北美地区,其次是欧洲
2020/10 2020/10 2020/10
Tesla Motors)介绍及其成功要素梳 理
第一部分 特斯拉汽车公司介绍
一 公司简介 二 公司发展历史 三 股本结构 四 经营情况 五 创始人介绍
第二部分 特斯拉汽车公司市场表现及成功要素梳理
第三部分 特斯拉汽车公司战略规划
特斯拉汽车成立于2003年,总部在美国硅谷的帕罗奥图市,于纳斯达克上市,是一家专门研 发、生产、销售纯电动汽车和零部件的制造商
2012年6 月22日 Tesla Model S 正式在美 国地区发 售,售价 约 62400~8 7400美元
2013年一季 度实现盈利 ; 5月,特斯拉 提前9年还清 美国能源部 贷款; 11月月特斯 拉北京体验 店营业,特 斯拉业务正 式进入中国
从2014年开始, 特斯拉还将交付一 款名为Model X的 跨界SUV,该车结 合了SUV和MPV的 优点,价格和性能 与Model S基本相 当 特斯拉正在酝酿一 款更具备经济可承 受性的新紧凑电动 车,售价目标为 Model S的一半左 右,和聆风展开竞 争

1889年特斯拉在不断的研究中发现 了「共震现象」,利用所出现的 「磁力共震现象」制造出一个变压 器,名为「特斯拉线圈」,它能够 产生极高的「高压电流」。
特斯拉线圈的原理是使用变压器使 普通电压升压,然后经由两极线圈, 从放电终端放电的设备。通俗一点 说,它是一个人工闪电制造器。
1886年特斯拉成立了自己的公司,公司负责安装特斯拉设计 的弧光照明系统,并且设计了发电机的电力系统整流器。 1891年特斯拉取得了特斯拉线圈的专利。 1892年到1894年之间,特斯拉担任美国电力工程师协会 (IEEE的前身)的副主席。 1893年,西屋公司竞拍得在芝加哥举行的哥伦比亚博览会的 用交流电照明的工程,特斯拉希望借此机会向美国民众展示 交流电的可靠性和安全性。 在赢得著名的19世纪80年代的“电流之战”及在1894年成功 进行短波无线通信试验之后,特斯拉被认为是当时美国最伟 大的电气工程师之一。他的许多发现被认为是具有开创性的, 是电机工程学的先驱。1891年,特斯拉在成功试验了把电力 以无线能量传输的形式送到了目标用电器之后,致力于商业 化的洲际电力无线输送, 并且以此为设想建造了沃登克里弗 塔。
于自己在直流电方面的投资利益,不愿意承认交流电的使用价值,固执的站在交 流电的对立面,以自己的影响力大力宣传“交流电不如直流电”这一说法。
流电做了一系列的实验。为了让人们可以亲眼目睹特斯拉的交流电的致命效果。 而作为对爱迪生宣传攻势的反击,特斯拉也在舞台上进行了很多真正的"电魔术" 表演。除了使人们为之惊叹,特斯拉的另一个目的就是向世人传播的交流电理念: 当不被用在故意犯罪的目的时,交流电是非常安全的。
tesla's introduction 特斯拉英语介绍

What is Tesla?
American company that designs, manufactures, and sells electric cars Headquarters of Tesla Motors In Palo Alto,California
Tesla Motors
Car models
• Tesla Roadster -Tesla Motors' first production vehicle Time magazines “Best Inventions 2006— Transportation Invention” -Price 84,000€
0 - 60mph: 3.9 seconds • Driving Range: 244 miles • Base Price: $109,000
Supercharger network
• • • • • Started in 2012 Fast-charging station For longer journeys Supplied by solar power FREE
Supercharger network
Supercharging Growth
June 2013
-Elon Musk | CEO and Chief Architect
Tesla Strategy
1. Develop a high-end, high performance sports car to prove that electric vehicles are both stylish and efficient. Use the sports car to develop core intellectual property and patents. 2. Introduce a premium sedan that competes with brands like BMW, Mercedes and Audi 3. Produce hundreds of thousands of low cost premium electric vehicles for mass adoption

• Tesla was obsessed with frequency,the notion of resonance.The story where he takes the device and puts it on the girder in his office,and,gets the frequency of the building. • It gets right an the core -------
Nikola Tesla (Serbian: Никола Тесла), a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist
Early Life
• His father,Mllutin,was an Orthdox prlest who expected his son to follow him in the clergy. • His mother descended from one of the oldest Serblan families in the country.She invended and constructed all kinds of tools and devices. • Early on,Tesla began to demonstrate an extraordinary imagination. • “In my boyhood I suffered from a pecullar affllction due to the appearance of images often accompanied by strong flashes of light.I was quiet unable to distinguish whether what I saw was tanglble or not.To give an example,I was fascinated by a description of Niagara and I pictured in my imagination a big wheel run by the falls.”

The foundation of Tesla.
• Additionally, Tesla has created a thriving charging infrastructure with its Supercharger network, providing convenient charging options for electric vehicle owners.
The foundation of Tesla.
• Tesla's journey has been marked by many achievements, ilectric vehicles with long ranges, fast charging capabilities, and autonomous driving features.
The foundation of Tesla.
• Tesla's original goal was to develop and produce high-performance electric sports cars that could compete with gasoline-powered vehicles. The company's first vehicle, the Roadster, was launched in 2008 and quickly gained recognition for its sleek design, powerful performance, and impressive range.
The foundation of Tesla.
• The company's impact extends beyond transportation, as its energy storage products and solar technologies contribute to a more sustainable energy future.

Citizenship Austrian Empire Austria-Hungary United States
Nikola Tesla (Serbian: Никола Тесла), a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist
War of the Currents
• During the late 1880s Edison began a negative media campaign to discredit the alternating current system of electricity being developed by Westinghouse and Tesla.
• Early on,Tesla began to demonstrate an extraordinary imagination.
• “In my boyhood I suffered from a pecullar affllction due to the appearance of images often accompanied by strong flashes of light.I was quiet unable to distinguish whether what I saw was tanglble or not.To give an example,I was fascinated by a description of Niagara and I pictured in my imagination a big wheel run by the falls.”
《电子 英文版 特斯拉介绍》

Excerpt from Popular Mechanics 1968Electrical fantasies with a Tesla coilBy HAROLD P. STRANDIT JUST SITS there spitting fire, like a fugitive from a mad scientist's laboratory. The current it's discharging-in a wicked, noisy 2-in. brush is of such a high frequency you can't measure it, but maybe it runs up to 40,000 volts! Feeling just a bit suicidal, you move a coin toward this geyser of fire. The greedy tentacles snatch toward it, but there's no shock. Even if you poked a finger into the brush, the current would just splash over your skin.Ever since Nikola Tesla invented a high-voltage, high frequency coil, science experimenters have been intrigued with their own variations on his coil. In Tesla's time, high-frequency current was obtained with an induction coil as a primary source of power. Leyden jars served as capacitors, with a spark gap and the inductance of a second coil combining to form an oscillatory discharge of high frequency. With today's vacuum tubes and mica capacitors, we can make a much more efficient and safer coil. Tesla coilSpectacular fireworks include a ring of fire scribed by a wire pivoting on a phonograph needle attached to a terminal. A finer wire, attached directly to a coil, produces trumpet pinwheels, shown in the smaller photo. This article tells how you can create these fireworksMATERIALS LIST1811-A tube1Ceramic 4-pin socket with oval mounting flange1 9/16 ceramic plate cap1 2500 or 3000 ohm, 25 watt Ohmite power rheostat with knob1 3000 ohm, 20 or 25 watt fixed resistor1 6.3 v. 6 amp. filament transformer. Thordarson 21F11 or equivalent.1 1000 v., 150 ma. plate transformer. With enlarged enclosure, stand and Stancor PC8414 power transformer (1200 v., 200 ma.), can be substituted, using primary and these taps only2 S.P.S.T. bat handle toggle switches with solder lugs, 6 amp. 125 v.1 Finger knob panel type fuse mount for 3AG fuses1 Box (5) 3AG fuses, slow-blow type, 2-4 amp.1 5-way binding post1 Line cord with plug attached1 Johnson 135-45 insulator. Use top half only with 2½” 8-32 machine screw1 Mica transmitting capacitor .0005 mfd. 3000 v. Type CM652 Mica capacitors .004 mfd. 2500 v. Type CM60.Note: Values can be from .0002 to .001 mfd. for the CM65 and .002 to .005 for the two CM60s1 Cinch-Jones barrier terminal strip Type 5-1401 Cinch-Jones barrier terminal strip Type 2-140About 1/4 lb. #32 Formvar magnet wireAbout 1/4 lb. #18 Formvar magnet wireAbout 1/8lb. #26 Formvar magnet wire1 1/8" Lucite tubing 4 1/2” O.D., 3 1/2" long1 Plastic conical vase (Carlisle Mfg. Co.) or equivalent.10 ft. #33 or 34 Nichrome wire10 ft. #18 or 20 plastic insulated stranded hook-up wire45/8" rubber knob feetNote: All above materials can be bought as a kit from Linwood Products Company, Box 186, Wollaston, Mass., for $39.50 (postpaid in U.S.) ADDITIONAL NON-ELECTRICAL PARTS13/4" plywood 12" X 13 3/4"2½”plywood 5” X 7 ½”13/8” plywood 4” X 4” (cone disk)1Pine or other stock 1" X 6” X 6” (tubing disk)1Aluminum or other sheet metal 1/16” X 5/8” X 2 ½” (rheostat bracket)2Aluminum or other sheet metal .025" X ½” X 1” (tubing brackets)1Aluminum or other sheet metal .025” X ¾” X 4 ½” (capacitor clamp)1 Perforated aluminum or sheet metal 13 5/8” X 19 ¾” (enclosure)Neat housing presents a coil on a platform with all the wiring running underneath to the transformer section behind the perforated metal cover. Note the switches on the right side of the housingOur small model operates at a resonant frequency of about 850 kilocycles, depending somewhat on the tap selected on the lower outer coil, and the value of the capacitance used across it.The coin stunt isn't the only fun you can have with a Tesla coil. There are other spectaculars. Wrap the center of a length of Nichrome wire around the terminal with the ends formed out straight, like feelers. The ends become red-hot and bright lavender sparks quiver along the wire as each half begins to rotate. Two fiery trumpets blaze forth in the darkened room. Just why the wire ends rotate is not known.Another bit of fireworks results when you balance a wire rotor (detailed in the bottom panel on page 5) on the point of a phonograph needle erected on the terminal. Jet propulsion from the corona discharges at each end sets the rotor spinning. The result is a startling ring of fire.No less intriguing are three other demonstrations. Holding a fluorescent tube near the coil activates the phosphors on the inside,causing a mysterious glow. Various types of neon lamps will also light when introduced into the coil's field. Since this field isstrongest near the coil, as you draw the lamp away it dims, then goes out.Sample experiments include (left) lighting a fluorescent tube by simply moving it into the high-frequency current field surrounding the coil; (center) lighting a 115-volt light bulb without plugging it into a power line-by means of energy radiated to a sheet-metal plate; (right) passing the current from the coil's own brush discharge through a metal rod taped on a plastic strip to form a duplicate brush at the other end.Illustrating Tesla's dreamOne experiment graphically illustrates Tesla's dream of lighting entire buildings from a distance without wires. As shown, you erect a sheet of aluminurn on an insulating stand, to serve as a collector for currents radiating from the coil. Attach one clip lead to the plate and to one side of a small 11 5-volt lamp; another clip lead connects the other side of the lamp to ground. When the coil is switched on, the plate picks up energy and lights the lamp. The closer the plate is moved to the coil, the brighter the lamp glows. If you disconnect the lamp, you can draw sparks from the plate to your fingers, indicating that the plate is charged by radiation from the coil.Another experiment (not shown) demonstrates that this peculiar form of current seems to pass through material that's considered a good insulator. A piece of 1/4-in. plastic, held in a spark gap connected from the top terminal and the ground post, seems to offer no resistance-you can watch the discharge continue to jump the gap. You can also conduct this experiment with other insulation materials of various thicknesses.Start construction with the tall, tapered core coil. The winding form is a plastic flower vase with a stake base. Be sure it's plastic. Remove the spike by pulling it out of its socket and drill a center hole through the socket bottom for a machine screw long enough to pass through the top insulator. At the large end make up a plywood disk with tapering edges, to exactly fit the opening. Drill 3 equally spaced holes through the edge of the vase for small nails, driven into the plywood edge. Fastening is temporary; the disk must be removed for interior connections.Bore a center hole in the disk to pass whatever spindle you've devised for the winding process. This type of jig is pictured (lefthand photo on page 4) in operation. A simpler setup would be to pass plain rod through the form, cradling each end on a notched upright. Bend the spindle's projecting end to form a crank.Apply a thin, even coat of varnish to the vase and let it dry enough to get tacky. Coil up about 2 in. of wire and tape it out of the way at the upper end of the vase-form. Wind the turns on in a single even layer with no overlap or space between. The tacky varnish prevents the turns from slipping out of place on the smooth plastic. When you're within 5 1/8-in. of the edge, anchor the end of the wire with tape. The height of the winding should be about 5 ½-in.; that's roughly 550 turns-but it's not critical enough to warrant an actual count. At the top of the coil, bore a small hole just beyond the point where the turns end, to pass a piece of small-diameter spaghetti tubing. Slip this over the hole to the inside. Clean the end of the wire by holding it over a match a moment, then burnish with sandpaper before clamping it under the head of the insulator screw. Coat the head with quick-dry varnish or shellac to eliminate possible corona discharges here. Apply two or more even coats of varnish to the winding, letting each dry thoroughly.The two outer coils are wound on the Lucite tubing without any sort of jig. The start of the lower coil has a permanent terminal; a second terminal provides a short lead that can connect to any of the taps. Two terminals are also provided for the ends of the upper coil, at the opposite side of the tube. For connections to these terminals, slip on pieces of spaghetti tubing where the wires cross the lower coil, and make sure the leads don't contact it, as shorting might result.This disk is cut to 5 3/4-in. dia. as shown in the exploded view, then positioned temporarily on the platform so you can drill holes (to pass the 5 leads) through both thicknesses at once. Center the core coil on the base disk and drive two flathead screws up through it, countersinking them flush. Now drop the outer coil unit down over the core coil (after cutting a notch in the tubing to clear the inner terminal).In the photo, page 2, the 1000-v. transformer is at the left and the filament transformer is at the right. The tube socket has been mounted with spacers so it will clear the bottom connections. The rheostat for the grid control is bracketed to the side. Use plastic insulated stranded wire with clamp-on terminal lugs at all screw terminals.The milliammeter you use to adjust the plate current (right hand photo, page 4) should have a scale of 0-300 or more. To hook it into the circuit, remove the center tap of the filament transformer from the ground and connect it to one side of the meter with a clip lead; another lead connects the other side of the meter to the ground terminal. If, when you turn on the power, the meter reads down scale, reverse the leads. To avoid shock, be sure all power is off before you touch any wires or connections around the coil.The strong brush discharge shown in several photos indicates a good combination of capacitor value and the best tap on the low outer coil. You can experiment with various capacitor values and taps while adjusting the grid resistance to keep it within the 150-ma. limit for the plate current. When the best combination has been found, solder the lead to the tap selected. You'll have to scrape the varnish off each tap with a sharp knife and sandpaper before making any connection.A simple hand jig speeds winding of the core coil on a plastic-vase form. The crank is a threaded rod secured. through the base disk with nuts on each side, bent twice to form a handle. The crank is suspended between two brackets.After you finish the assembly, read the plate current by connecting a D.C. milliammeter between the center tap of the filament transformer and ground. Adjust the rheostat to 150 ma. maximum for any combination of capacitors and tapsWhen operating the coil, be sure to turn on the filament switch first and let the tube warm up 15-20 seconds before you flip the plate switch.Note that a ground post has been provided at the opposite side from the switches. You can ground the coil with a clip lead to a water pipe or radiator. This post may also be required in some experiments requiring both the ground and high-voltage sides of the circuit.。
特斯拉Model S产品介绍PPT模板

连续拨动两次巡航控制手柄即可让 Model S 在车道线内自动行驶
Model S 自诞生之日起就是为了成为最安全、最令人兴奋的轿车而设计。得益于特斯拉独特的 纯电动动力总成,Model S 的性能表现十分出色,0-100公里/小时加速最快仅需 3.0 秒。通过 Autopilot 自动驾驶功能(选装),Model S 还可以使高速公路驾驶更为安全且轻松,让你更好 的享受驾驶乐趣。
Model S 现已新增全 LED 自适应前照灯系统(选装)。新车灯的外形更为优雅,安全性也进一 步提升:14个动态 LED 转向灯可显著改善夜间驾驶,尤其是夜间弯道行驶时的可见度。
HEPA 空气过滤系统
Model S 现已新增医疗级别的 HEPA 空气过滤系统,能够过滤掉 99.97% 以上的尾气污染物微粒, 并有效滤除车内空气中的一切过敏原、细菌及其他杂质。
结合了 GPS 的主动传感器配合高清数字地图,共同组成了智能巡航控制系统,使 Model S 在高速公路上可以实现自动驾驶,即使在需要频 繁停车起步的情况下,也能始终保持车道线内行驶。通过收集和处理车辆自身的实时反馈数据,控制系统能够不断学习和完善。
连续拨动两次巡航控制手柄即可让 Model S 在车道线内自动行驶
Autopilot 自动驾驶

Nikola Tesla (Serbian: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was an inventor, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. He was an important contributor to the birth of commercial electricity, and is best known for his many revolutionary developments in the field of electromagnetism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Tesla's patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current (AC) electric power systems, including the polyphase system of electrical distribution and the AC motor. This work helped usher in the Second Industrial Revolution.Born an ethnic Serb in the village of Smiljan (now part of Gospić), in the Croatian Military Frontier[1] of the Austrian Empire (modern-day Croatia), Tesla was a subject of the Austrian Empire by birth and later became an American citizen.[2] Because of his 1894 demonstration of wireless communication through radio and as the eventual victor in the "War of Currents", he was widely respected as one of the greatest electrical engineers who worked in America.[3] He pioneered modern electrical engineering and many of his discoveries were of groundbreaking importance. In the United States during this time, Tesla's fame rivaled that of any other inventor or scientist in history or popular culture.[4] Tesla demonstrated wireless energy transfer to power electronic devices as early as 1893, and aspired to intercontinental wireless transmission of industrial power in his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project.Because of his eccentric personality and his seemingly unbelievable and sometimes bizarre claims about possible scientific and technological developments, Tesla was ultimately ostracized and regarded as a mad scientist by many late in his life.[5] Tesla died with little money at the age of 86 in a hotel suite in New York City.[6]。
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Edison created the GE 美国通用电气公司
Tesla has buildBiblioteka d the Westinghouse
Tunguska event
There is evidence that the Tunguska
event was a Tesla’s AC operation test
We all agree that Marconi invented the radio, but in fact it is Tesla.
He rejected 11 times Nobel Award He has more than 1000 inventions ,
He gaveup his AC patents, free for every one to use it,whether he is the richest man in the world. He is a Superman of science has made gr eat contributions to mankind, we should remember it forever.
Nikola Tesla(尼古拉· 特斯拉 ) ——The forgotten genius
There are so many great scientists in the human history and two of them are considered as Masterpieces Wizards. One is Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci, another
Ball lightning
Even Star Wars
War of Currents
Tesla invented the AC, but the AC has seriously affected the DC career of Edison. So Edison started using foul means to discredit the Tesla's AC. But Tesla eventually won the victory of the current war.
is Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla's Achievement
As we know, No AC,
no modern life
Radio and Wireless energy
Wardenclyffe Tower
Niagara hydropower station