
State-of-the-art report of bridge health monitoring AbstractThe damage diagnosis and healthmonitoring of bridge structures are active areas of research in recent years. Comparing with the aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering, civil engineering has the specialities of its own in practice. For example, because bridges, as well as most civil engineering structures, are large in size, and have quite lownatural frequencies and vibration levels, at low amplitudes, the dynamic responses of bridge structure are substantially affected by the nonstructural components, unforeseen environmental conditions, and changes in these components can easily to be confused with structural damage.All these give the damage assessment of complex structures such as bridges a still challenging task for bridge engineers. This paper firstly presents the definition of structural healthmonitoring system and its components. Then, the focus of the discussion is placed on the following sections:①the laboratory and field testing research on the damage assessment;②analytical developments of damage detectionmethods, including (a) signature analysis and pattern recognition approaches, (b) model updating and system identification approaches, (c) neural networks approaches; and③sensors and their optimum placements. The predominance and shortcomings of each method are compared and analyzed. Recent examples of implementation of structural health monitoring and damage identification are summarized in this paper. The key problem of bridge healthmonitoring is damage automatic detection and diagnosis, and it is the most difficult problem. Lastly, research and development needs are addressed.1 IntroductionDue to a wide variety of unforeseen conditions and circumstance, it will never be possible or practical to design and build a structure that has a zero percent probability of failure. Structural aging, environmental conditions, and reuse are examples of circumstances that could affect the reliability and thelife of a structure. There are needs of periodic inspections to detect deterioration resulting from normal operation and environmental attack or inspections following extreme events, such as strong-motion earthquakes or hurricanes. To quantify these system performance measures requires some means to monitor and evaluate the integrity of civil structureswhile in service. Since the Aloha Boeing 737 accident that occurred on April 28, 1988, such interest has fostered research in the areas of structural health monitoring and non-destructive damage detection in recent years.According to Housner, et al. (1997), structural healthmonitoring is defined as“the use ofin-situ,non-destructive sensing and analysis of structural characteristics, including the structural response, for detecting changes that may indicate damage or degradation”[1]. This definition also identifies the weakness. While researchers have attempted the integration of NDEwith healthmonitoring, the focus has been on data collection, not evaluation. What is needed is an efficient method to collect data from a structure in-service and process the data to evaluate key performance measures, such as serviceability, reliability, and durability. So, the definition byHousner, et al.(1997)should be modified and the structural health monitoring may be defined as“the use ofin-situ,nondestructive sensing and analysis of structural characteristics, including the structural response, for the purpose of identifying if damage has occurred, determining the location of damage, estimatingthe severityof damage and evaluatingthe consequences of damage on the structures”(Fig.1). In general, a structural health monitoring system has the potential to provide both damage detection and condition assessment of a structure.Assessing the structural conditionwithout removingthe individual structural components is known as nondestructive evaluation (NDE) or nondestructive inspection. NDE techniques include those involving acoustics, dye penetrating,eddy current, emission spectroscopy, fiber-optic sensors, fiber-scope, hardness testing, isotope, leak testing, optics, magnetic particles, magnetic perturbation, X-ray, noise measurements, pattern recognition, pulse-echo, ra-diography, and visual inspection, etc. Mostof thesetechniques have been used successfullyto detect location of certain elements, cracks orweld defects, corrosion/erosion, and so on. The FederalHighwayAdministration(FHWA, USA)was sponsoring a large program of research and development in new technologies for the nondestructive evaluation of highway bridges. One of the two main objectives of the program is to develop newtools and techniques to solve specific problems. The other is to develop technologies for the quantitative assessment of the condition of bridges in support of bridge management and to investigate howbest to incorporate quantitative condition information into bridge management systems. They hoped to develop technologies to quickly, efficiently, and quantitatively measure global bridge parameters, such as flexibility and load-carrying capacity. Obviously, a combination of several NDE techniques may be used to help assess the condition of the system. They are very important to obtain the data-base for the bridge evaluation.But it is beyond the scope of this review report to get into details of local NDE.Health monitoring techniques may be classified as global and local. Global attempts to simultaneously assess the condition of the whole structure whereas local methods focus NDE tools on specific structural components. Clearly, two approaches are complementaryto eachother. All such available informationmaybe combined and analyzed by experts to assess the damage or safety state of the structure.Structural health monitoring research can be categorized into the following four levels: (I) detecting the existence of damage, (II) findingthe location of damage, (III) estimatingthe extentof damage, and (IV) predictingthe remaining fatigue life. The performance of tasks of Level (III) requires refined structural models and analyses, local physical examination, and/or traditional NDE techniques. To performtasks ofLevel (IV) requires material constitutive information on a local level, materials aging studies, damage mechanics, and high-performance computing. With improved instrumentation and understanding of dynamics of complex structures, health monitoring and damage assessment of civil engineering structures has become more practical in systematic inspection andevaluation of these structures during the past two decades.Most structural health monitoringmethods under current investigation focus on using dynamic responses to detect and locate damage because they are global methods that can provide rapid inspection of large structural systems.These dynamics-based methods can be divided into fourgroups:①spatial-domain methods,②modal-domain methods,③time-domain methods, and④frequency- domain methods. Spatial-domain methods use changes of mass, damping, and stiffness matrices to detect and locate damage. Modal-domain methods use changes of natural frequencies, modal damping ratios, andmode shapesto detect damage. In the frequency domain method, modal quantities such as natural frequencies, damping ratio, and model shapes are identified.The reverse dynamic systemof spectral analysis and the generalized frequency response function estimated fromthe nonlinear auto-regressive moving average (NARMA) model were applied in nonlinear system identification. In time domainmethod, systemparameterswere determined fromthe observational data sampled in time. It is necessaryto identifythe time variation of systemdynamic characteristics fromtime domain approach if the properties of structural system changewith time under the external loading condition. Moreover, one can use model-independent methods or model-referenced methods to perform damage detection using dynamic responses presented in any of the four domains. Literature shows that model independent methods can detect the existence of damage without much computational efforts, butthey are not accurate in locating damage. On the otherhand, model-referencedmethods are generally more accurate in locating damage and require fewer sensors than model-independent techniques, but they require appropriate structural models and significant computational efforts. Although time-domain methods use original time-domain datameasured using conventional vibrationmeasurement equipment, theyrequire certain structural information and massive computation and are case sensitive. Furthermore, frequency- and modal-domain methods use transformed data,which contain errors and noise due totransformation.Moreover, themodeling and updatingofmass and stiffnessmatrices in spatial-domain methods are problematic and difficult to be accurate. There are strong developmenttrends that two or three methods are combined together to detect and assess structural damages.For example, several researchers combined data of static and modal tests to assess damages. The combination could remove the weakness of each method and check each other. It suits the complexity of damage detection.Structural health monitoring is also an active area of research in aerospace engineering, but there are significant differences among the aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, and civil engineering in practice. For example,because bridges, as well as most civil engineering structures, are large in size, and have quite lownatural frequencies and vibration levels, at lowamplitudes, the dynamic responses of bridge structure are substantially affected by the non-structural components, and changes in these components can easily to be confused with structural damage. Moreover,the level of modeling uncertainties in reinforced concrete bridges can be much greater than the single beam or a space truss. All these give the damage assessment of complex structures such as bridges a still challenging task for bridge engineers. Recent examples of research and implementation of structural health monitoring and damage assessment are summarized in the following sections.2 Laboratory and field testing researchIn general, there are two kinds of bridge testing methods, static testing and dynamic testing. The dynamic testing includes ambient vibration testing and forced vibration testing. In ambient vibration testing, the input excitation is not under the control. The loading could be either micro-tremors, wind, waves, vehicle or pedestrian traffic or any other service loading. The increasing popularity of this method is probably due to the convenience of measuring the vibrationresponse while the bridge is under in-service and also due to the increasing availability of robust data acquisition and storage systems. Since the input is unknown, certain assumptions have to be made. Forced vibration testing involves application of input excitation of known force level at known frequencies. The excitation manners include electro-hydraulic vibrators, forcehammers, vehicle impact, etc. The static testing in the laboratory may be conducted by actuators, and by standard vehicles in the field-testing.we can distinguish that①the models in the laboratory are mainly beams, columns, truss and/or frame structures, and the location and severity of damage in the models are determined in advance;②the testing has demonstrated lots of performances of damage structures;③the field-testing and damage assessmentof real bridges are more complicated than the models in the laboratory;④the correlation between the damage indicator and damage type,location, and extentwill still be improved.3 Analytical developmentThe bridge damage diagnosis and health monitoring are both concerned with two fundamental criteria of the bridges, namely, the physical condition and the structural function. In terms of mechanics or dynamics, these fundamental criteria can be treated as mathematical models, such as response models, modal models and physical models.Instead of taking measurements directly to assess bridge condition, the bridge damage diagnosis and monitoring systemevaluate these conditions indirectly by using mathematical models. The damage diagnosis and health monitoring are active areas of research in recentyears. For example, numerous papers on these topics appear in the proceedings of Inter-national Modal Analysis Conferences (IMAC) each year, in the proceedings of International Workshop on Structural HealthMonitoring (once of two year, at Standford University), in the proceedings of European Conference on Smart materials and Structures and European Conference on Structural Damage AssessmentUsing Advanced Signal Processing Procedures, in the proceedings ofWorld Conferences of Earthquake Engineering, and in the proceedings of International Workshop on Structural Control, etc.. There are several review papers to be referenced, for examples,Housner, et al. (1997)provided an extensive summary of the state of the art in control and health monitoring of civil engineering structures[1].Salawu (1997)discussed and reviewed the use of natural frequency as a diagnostic parameter in structural assessment procedures using vibrationmonitoring.Doebling, Farrar, et al. (1998)presented a through review of the damage detection methods by examining changes in dynamic properties.Zou, TongandSteven (2000)summarized the methods of vibration-based damage and health monitoring for composite structures, especially in delamination modeling techniques and delamination detection.4 Sensors and optimum placementOne of the problems facing structural health monitoring is that very little is known about the actual stress and strains in a structure under external excitations. For example, the standard earthquake recordings are made ofmotions of the floors of the structure and no recordings are made of the actual stresses and strains in structural members. There is a need for special sensors to determine the actual performance of structural members. Structural health monitoring requires integrated sensor functionality to measure changes in external environmental conditions, signal processing functionality to acquire, process, and combine multi-sensor and multi-measured information. Individual sensors and instrumented sensor systems are then required to provide such multiplexed information.FuandMoosa (2000)proposed probabilistic advancing cross-diagnosis method to diagnosis-decision making for structural health monitoring. It was experimented in the laboratory respectively using a coherent laser radar system and a CCD high-resolution camera. Results showed that this method was promising for field application. Another new idea is thatneural networktechniques are used to place sensors. For example,WordenandBurrows (2001)used the neural network and methods of combinatorial optimization to locate and classify faults.The static and dynamic data are collected from all kinds of sensorswhich are installed on the measured structures.And these datawill be processed and usable informationwill be extracted. So the sensitivity, accuracy, and locations,etc. of sensors are very important for the damage detections. The more information are obtained, the damage identification will be conducted more easily, but the price should be considered. That’s why the sensors are determinedin an optimal ornearoptimal distribution. In aword, the theory and validation ofoptimumsensor locationswill still being developed.5 Examples of health monitoring implementationIn order for the technology to advance sufficiently to become an operational system for the maintenance and safety of civil structures, it is of paramount importance that new analytical developments are ultimately verified with appropriate data obtained frommonitoring systems, which have been implemented on civil structures, such as bridges.Mufti (2001)summarized the applications of SHM of Canadian bridge engineering, including fibre-reinforced polymers sensors, remote monitoring, intelligent processing, practical applications in bridge engineering, and technology utilization. Further study and applications are still being conducted now.FujinoandAbe(2001)introduced the research and development of SHMsystems at the Bridge and Structural Lab of the University of Tokyo. They also presented the ambient vibration based approaches forLaser DopplerVibrometer (LDV) and the applications in the long-span suspension bridges.The extraction of the measured data is very hard work because it is hard to separate changes in vibration signature duo to damage form changes, normal usage, changes in boundary conditions, or the release of the connection joints.Newbridges offer opportunities for developing complete structural health monitoring systems for bridge inspection and condition evaluation from“cradle to grave”of the bridges. Existing bridges provide challenges for applying state-of-the-art in structural health monitoring technologies to determine the current conditions of the structural element,connections and systems, to formulate model for estimating the rate of degradation, and to predict the existing and the future capacities of the structural components and systems. Advanced health monitoring systems may lead to better understanding of structural behavior and significant improvements of design, as well as the reduction of the structural inspection requirements. Great benefits due to the introduction of SHM are being accepted by owners, managers, bridge engineers,etc..6 Research and development needsMost damage detection theories and practices are formulated based on the following assumption: that failure or deterioration would primarily affect the stiffness and therefore affect the modal characteristics of the dynamic response of the structure. This is seldom true in practice, because①Traditional modal parameters (natural frequency, damping ratio and mode shapes, etc.) are not sensitive enough to identify and locate damage. The estimation methods usually assume that structures are linear and proportional damping systems.②Most currently used damage indices depend on the severity of the damage, which is impractical in the field. Most civil engineering structures, such as highway bridges, have redundancy in design and large in size with low natural frequencies. Any damage index should consider these factors.③Scaledmodelingtechniques are used in currentbridge damage detection. Asingle beam/girder models cannot simulate the true behavior of a real bridge. Similitude laws for dynamic simulation and testing should be considered.④Manymethods usually use the undamaged structural modal parameters as the baseline comparedwith the damaged information. This will result in the need of a large data storage capacity for complex structures. But in practice,there are majority of existing structures for which baseline modal responses are not available. Only one developed method(StubbsandKim (1996)), which tried to quantify damagewithout using a baseline, may be a solution to this difficulty. There is a lot of researchwork to do in this direction.⑤Seldommethods have the ability to distinguish the type of damages on bridge structures. To establish the direct relationship between the various damage patterns and the changes of vibrational signatures is not a simple work.Health monitoring requires clearly defined performance criteria, a set of corresponding condition indicators and global and local damage and deterioration indices, which should help diagnose reasons for changes in condition indicators. It is implausible to expect that damage can be reliably detected or tracked byusing a single damage index. We note that many additional localized damage indiceswhich relate to highly localized properties ofmaterials or the circumstances may indicate a susceptibility of deterioration such as the presence of corrosive environments around reinforcing steel in concrete, should be also integrated into the health monitoring systems.There is now a considerable research and development effort in academia, industry, and management department regarding global healthmonitoring for civil engineering structures. Several commercial structural monitoring systems currently exist, but further development is needed in commercialization of the technology. We must realize that damage detection and health monitoring for bridge structures by means of vibration signature analysis is a very difficult task. Itcontains several necessary steps, including defining indicators on variations of structural physical condition, dynamic testing to extract such indication parameters, defining the type of damages and remaining capacity or life of the structure, relating the parameters to the defined damage/aging. Unfortunately, to date, no one has accomplished the above steps. There is a lot of work to do in future.桥梁健康监测应用与研究现状摘要桥梁损伤诊断与健康监测是近年来国际上的研究热点,在实践方面,土木工程和航空航天工程、机械工程有明显的差别,比如桥梁结构以及其他大多数土木结构,尺寸大、质量重,具有较低的自然频率和振动水平,桥梁结构的动力响应极容易受到不可预见的环境状态、非结构构件等的影响,这些变化往往被误解为结构的损伤,这使得桥梁这类复杂结构的损伤评估具有极大的挑战性.本文首先给出了结构健康监测系统的定义和基本构成,然后集中回顾和分析了如下几个方面的问题:①损伤评估的室内实验和现场测试;②损伤检测方法的发展,包括:(a)动力指纹分析和模式识别方法, (b)模型修正和系统识别方法, (c)神经网络方法;③传感器及其优化布置等,并比较和分析了各自方法的优点和不足.文中还总结了健康监测和损伤识别在桥梁工程中的应用,指出桥梁健康监测的关键问题在于损伤的自动检测和诊断,这也是困难的问题;最后展望了桥梁健康监测系统的研究和发展方向.关键词:健康监测系统;损伤检测;状态评估;模型修正;系统识别;传感器优化布置;神经网络方法;桥梁结构1概述由于不可预见的各种条件和情况下,设计和建造一个结构将永远不可能或无实践操作性,它有一个失败的概率百分之零。


(完整版)土木工程专业英语翻译(1)Concrete and reinforced concrete are used as building materials in every country. In many, including Canada and the United States, reinforced concrete is a dominant structural material in engineered construction.(1)混凝土和钢筋混凝土在每个国家都被用作建筑材料。
(2)The universal nature of reinforced concrete construction stems from the wide availability of reinforcing bars and the constituents of concrete, gravel, sand, and cement, the relatively simple skills required in concrete construction.(2) 钢筋混凝土建筑的广泛存在是由于钢筋和制造混凝土的材料,包括石子,沙,水泥等,可以通过多种途径方便的得到,同时兴建混凝土建筑时所需要的技术也相对简单。
(3)Concrete and reinforced concrete are used in bridges, building of all sorts, underground structures, water tanks, television towers, offshore oil exploration and production structures, dams, and even in ships.(3)混凝土和钢筋混凝土被应用于桥梁,各种形式的建筑,地下结构,蓄水池,电视塔,海上石油平台,以及工业建筑,大坝,甚至船舶等。

FoundationsAll structures designed to be supported by the earth, including buindings, bridges, earth fills, earth and rock and concrete dams,consist of two parts. These are the superstructure, or upper part, and the substructure element which interfaces the superstructure and supporting ground. In the case of earth fills and dams, there is often not a clear line of demarcation between the superstructure and substructure. The foundation can be defined as the substructure and that adjacent zone of soil and rock which will be affected by both the substructure element and its loads.The foundation engineer is that person who by reason of experience and training can be produce solutions for design problems involving this part of the engineered system. In this context,foundation engineering can be defined as the science and art of applying the principles of soil and structural mechanics together with engineering judgement to solve the interfacing problem.The foundation engineer is concerned directly with the structural members which affect the transfer of load from the superstructure to the soil such that the resulting soil stability and estimated deformations are tolerable.Since the design geometry and location of the substructure element often have an effect on how the soil responds,the foundation engineer must be reasonably versed in structural design.Foundations for structures such as buildings, from the smallest residential to the tallest high-rise, and bridges are for the purpose of transmitting the superstructure load. These loads come from column-type members with stress intensities rangeing from perhaps 140MPa for steel to 10MPa for concrete to the supporting capacity of the soil, which is seldom over 500kPa but more often on the order of 200 to 250kPa.Almost any reasonable structure can be built and safely supported if there is unlimited financing.Unfortunately, in the real situation this is seldom, if ever, the case, and the foundation engineer has the dilemma of making a decision under much less than the ideal condition, Also, even though the mistake may be buried, the results from the error are not and can show up relatively soon-and probably before any statute of limitations expires. These are reported cases where the foundation defects have shown up either during construction of superstructure or immediately thereafter.Since the superstructure is buried, or is beneath the superstructure, in such a configuration that access will be difficult, should foundation inadequacies develop after the superstructure is in place; it is common practice to be conservative. A one or two percent over design, in these areas produces a larger potential investment return than in the superstructure.The designer is always faced with the question of what constitutes asafe , economical design while simultaneously contending with the inevitable natural soil heterogeneity at a site. Nowadays that problem may be compounded by land scarcity requiring reclamation of areas which have been used as sanitary landfills, garbage dumps, or even hazardous waste disposal areas. Still another complicating factor is that the act of construction can alter the soil properties considerably from those used in the initial analyse of the foundation.These factors result in foundation design becoming so subjective and difficult to quantify that two design firms might come up with completely different designs which would perform equally satisfactory. Cost would likely be the distinguishable feature for the preferred design.This problem and the widely differing solutions would depend, for example, on the folling.1)What constitutes satisfactory and tolerable settlement ; how much extra could, or should , be spent to reduce estimated settlements from say 30 to 15mm?2)Has the client been willing to authorize an adequate soil exploration program?what kind of soil variability did the soil borings indicate?Would additional borings actually improve the foundation recommendations?3)Can the buildings be supported by the soil using?4)What are the consequences of a foundation failure in term of public safety? What is the likelihood of a lawsuit if the foundation does notperform adequately?5)Is sufficient money available for the foundation? It is not unheard of that the foundation alone would cost so much that the project is not economically feasible. It may be necessary to abandon the site in favor of one where foundation costs are affordable?6)What is the ability of the local construction force ? It is hardly sensible to design an elaborate foundation if no one can built it, or if it is so different in design that the contractor includes a large "uncertainty" factor in the bid.7)What is the engineering ability of the foundation engineer? While this factor is listed last,this is not of least importance in economical design. Obviously engineers have different levels of capability just as in other professions and in the trades such as carpenters, electricians ,and painters.If the foundation fails because of any cost shaving, the client tends to be quickly lose appreciation for the temporary financial benefit which accrued. At this point , facing heavy damages and a lawsuit, the client is probably in the poorest mental state of all the involved parties. Thus, one should always bear in mind that absolute dollar economics may not produce good foundation engineering.The foundation engineer must look at the entire system,the building purpose, probable service-life loading, type of framing, soil profile,construction methods, and construction costs to arrive at a design that is consistent with the client needs and does not excessively degrade the environment . This must be done with a safety factor which produces a tolerable risk to both the public and the owner.Considering these several areas of uncertainty, it follows that risk and liability insurance for persons engaged in foundation engineering is very costly. In attempts to reduce these costs as well as produces a design , which could be obtained from several engineering firms there is active discussion of having the foundation engineer submit the proposed design to a broad of qualified engineers for a "peer review".中文翻译:地基基础所有由土基础的结构,包括建筑物,桥梁,土堤,土石坝和混凝土坝,都由两部分组成,它们是上部结构或者上面的部分和下部结构单元,下部结构介于上部结构和支撑地层之间。

(2) Cement gel 水泥凝胶体(4) The stability of the structure 结构稳定 (6) Moisture content 含水量LESSON 4 2、 Translate the following phrases into Chinese /English ・(1) Sustained lotid 长期荷载 (3) Water-cement ratio 水灰比(5) The expansion joint 伸缩缝(7) Cement paste 水泥浆 (8) The coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete 混凝土热膨胀系(9) Pernkinent plastic strain 永久塑性应变(10) The fatigue strength of concrete 混凝土疲劳强度3、Translate the fol lowing sentenee into Chinese ・(l) The cause of the volume changes in concrete can be attributed to changes in moisture content, chemicalretiction of the cement with water, variation in temperature, and applied loads ・ 混凝土的体积变化的原因可以归结为水分含最,水泥和水的化学反应,温度以及施加荷载的变化。
(2) High 一early 一strength and low-heat cement show more shrinkage than nonnal Portland cement. 高早强和低热水泥显示超过普通硅酸盐水泥收缩。
(3) The greater the aggregate content, the snitiller is the shrinkage ・ 骨料含量越大,收缩越小。

Reading Material(1)地铁工程是一个涉及规划、总图布置、详细设计、建造和地铁操作的交通运输系统的一个分支学科。

【例1.1】Civil engineering offers a particular challenge , because almost every structure orsystem that is designed and built by civil engineers is unique.One structure rarely duplicatesanother exactly.译文:土木工程提出了特殊的挑战,因为由土木工程师设计建造的每个结构或系统几乎都是唯一的。
一个结构几乎不能完全复制另一个【例1.5】If the structure is saved or returned to its original state , additional foundationsupport must be provided.译文:假如建筑物要加以补救或恢复原貌,对基础做支护加固则是非常必要的。
【例1.6】The total weight being less , it is possible to build much taller buildings.译文:由于总重量减轻,就有可能建造更高的楼房。
【例1.7】All the material forming the crust of the earth likely to be affected by the pressureof structures is divided by engineers into two major groups : rocks and soils.译文:受建筑物压力作用的地壳材料被工程人员分成两组,即岩石和土。
【例1.8】Compared with structural materials , such as steel and timber , soil is difficult to investigate scientifically.译文:与钢材、木材等建筑材料相比较,土研究起来颇为困难。
土木工程专业外语 课文翻译及课后练习答案

专业英语课文翻译Lesson 4Phrases and Expressions1.moisture content 含水量,含湿度; water content 2.cement paste 水泥浆 mortar 3.capillary tension 毛细管张力,微张力 4.gradation of aggregate 骨料级配 coarse fine (crushed stone, gravel) 5.The British Code PC100 英国混凝土规范PC100; nowaday BS8110 6. coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete 混凝土热膨胀系数 7. The B.S Code 英国标准规范 8. sustained load 永久荷载,长期荷载 9. permanent plastic strain 永久的塑性应变 stress 10. crystal lattice 晶格, 晶格 11. cement gel 水泥凝胶体 12. water-cement ratio 水灰比 13. expansion joint 伸缩缝 14. stability of the structure 结构的稳定性 structural stability15. fatigue strength of concrete 混凝土的疲劳强度Volume Changes of ConcreteConcrete undergoes volume changes during hardening. 混凝土在硬结过程中会经历体积变化。
If it loses moisture by evaporation, it shrinks, but if the concrete hardens in water, it expands. 如果蒸发失去水分,混凝土会收缩;但如果在水中硬结,它便膨胀。

1Careers in Civil Engineering土木工程专业Engineering is a profession, which means that an engineer must have a specialized university education. (工程是一个专业,这就是说一个工程师必须受过专业的大学教育) Many government jurisdictions also have licensing procedures which require engineering graduates to pass an examination, similar to the bar examination for a lawyer, before they can actively start on their careers. (许多政府行政区还有签发资格认可的程序,要求工科毕业生在充满自信地开始他们的职业生涯以前要通过一次考试,就象律师必须通过律师资格考试一样)In the university, mathematics, physics, and chemistry are heavily emphasized throughout the engineering curriculum, but particularly in the first two or three years. (在大学里,特别是头二、三年,数学、物理、化学时被重点强调的工科课程) Mathematics is very important in all branches of engineering, so it is greatly stressed. (在所有工程分支中数学都非常重要,所以一向特别强调它) Today, mathematics includes courses in statistics, which deals with gathering, classifying, and using numerical data, or pieces of information. (现在数学课程包括统计学,它是一门研究数据、一些信息的收集、分类和使用的课程) An important aspect of statistical mathematics is probability, which deals with what may happen when there are different factors, or variables, that can change the results of a problem. (统计数学的一个重要部分是概率论,他是研究不同因子或变量对问题所产生的各种结果发生的可能性大小的学科) Before the construction of a bridge is undertaken for example,a statistical study is made of the amount of traffic the bridge will be expected to handle. (例如,在建设一座桥梁前,要对它可能承担的交通量进行一次统计研究) In the design of the bridge, variables such as water pressure on the foundation, impact, the effects of different wind forces, and many other factors must be considered. (在设计这座桥梁时,必须考虑到各个变量,如作用于基础上的水压、冲力、不同风力的影响以及许多其它因素)Because a great deal of calculation is involved in solving these problems, computer programming is now included in almost all engineering curricula. (因为解决这些问题需要进行大量的计算,所以目前计算机程序编制已列入几乎所有工科的课程中) Computers, of course, can solve many problems involving calculations with greater speed and accuracy than a human being can. (诚然计算机能比人更快、更精确地解决许多需要计算的问题) But computers are useless they are given clear and accurate instructions and information-in other words, a good program. (但是除非给他们清楚而准确的指令和信息——换而言之,就是编制良好的程序,否则计算机就毫无用处) In spite of the heavy emphasis on technical subjects in the engineering curriculum, a current trend is to require students to take courses in the social science and the language arts. (尽管在工科的课程设置中重点应放在技术科目上,但是当前的一个趋势还是要求学生学习一些社会科学和语言艺术方面的课程) The relationship between engineering and society is getting closer; it is sufficient, therefore, to say again that the work performed by an engineer affects society in many different and important ways that he or she should be aware of. (工程和社会之间的关系越来越密切,因此有充分理由再次提出,一个工程师的工作在所通晓的许多不同而且重要的方面影响着社会) An engineer also needs a sufficient command of language to be able to prepare reports that are clear and, in many cases, persuasive. (一个工程师还需要能自如地运用语言,能写出条理清楚并在许多情况下具有说服力的报告) An engineer engaged in research will need to able to write up his or her findings for scientific publications. (从事科学研究的工程师要能将他(她)的科研成果写成文章提供给科学刊物)The last two years of an engineering program include subjects within the student’s field of specialization. (最后两年的工科教学计划包括学生所学专业领域内的课程) For the student who is preparing to become a civil engineer, these specialized courses may deal with such subjects as geodetic surveying, soil mechanics, or hydraulics. (对将要成为土木工程师的大学生来说,这些专业课程可能涉及到大地测量、土力学或水力学)Active recruiting for engineers often begins before the student’s last year in the university. (现行的工程师招聘往往在大学生最后一年前就开始进行) Many different corporation and government agencies have competed for the services of engineers in recent years. (近年来,许多不同公司和政府机构竞相争取录用工程师) In the science-oriented society of today, people who have technical training are, of course, in demand. (在当今这个重视科学的社会,当然需要受过技术培训的人才) Young engineers may choose to go into environmental or sanitary engineering, for example, where environmental concerns have created many openings; or they may prefer choose construction firms that specialize in highway work,or they may to work with one of the government agencies that deal with water resource. (年轻的工程师可能选择从事环境或卫生工程,例如环境工程专业为他们提供了许多就业机会;他们也可能选择专门从事高速公路工程施工的工程公司,他们可能更愿意到与水资源有关的政府机构工作) Indeed, the choice is large and varied. (事实上,可供选择的机会是广泛的、多样的)When the young engineer has finally started actual practice, the theoretical knowledge acquired in the university must be applied. (当年轻的工程师最终开始实际的业务工作时,肯定要用到大学里学到的理论知识) He or she will probably be assigned at the beginning to work with a team of engineers. (他(她)在开始时可能被派去和一个工程师小组一起工作) Thus, on-the-job training can be acquired that will demonstrate his or her ability to translate theory into practice to the supervisors. (这样,就能获得实际工作的锻炼,使主管人了解他(她)将理论应用于实践的能力)The civil engineer may work in research, design, construction supervision, maintenance, or even in sales or management. (土木工程师可从事研究、设计、施工管理、维修甚至销售或经营工作) Each of these areas involves different duties, different emphases, and different uses of engineer’s knowledge and experience. (这些领域的每一种工作都有不同的职责、不同的重点和工程师的知识和经验的不同应用)Research is one of the most important aspects of scientific and engineering practice. (科学研究是科学和实践最重要的一个方面) A researcher usually works as a member of a team with other scientists and engineers. (一个科研工作者通常是和其它科学家和工程师一道工作,是小组的成员) He or she is often employed in a laboratory that is financed by government or industry. (他(她)往往在一个由政府或工业企业资助的实验室里工作) Areas of research connected with civil engineering include soil mechanics and soil stabilization techniques, and also the development and testing of new structural materials.( 与土木工程有关的研究领域包括土力学、土加固技术,以及新型结构材料的研制和试验)Civil engineering projects are almost always unique; that is, each has own problems and design features. (土木工程设计几乎都具有独特性,那就是各有其特有的问题和设计特点) Therefore, careful study is given to each project even before design work begins. (因此,甚至设计工作还没有开始之前就要对每项工程进行仔细的研究) The study includes a survey both of topography and subsoil features of the proposed site. (这些研究包括对拟建项目场址地形和地基土特征进行勘测) It also includes a consideration of possible alternatives, such as a concrete gravity dam or an earth-fill embankment dam. (研究还包括要考虑各种可供选择的方案,例如是选用混凝土重力坝还是填土堤坝) The economic factors involved in each of the possible alternatives must also be weighed. (对每种可能方案的经济因素也必须权衡) Today, a study usually includes a consideration of the environmental impact of the project. (现在,一项研究工作通常还包括要考虑这个项目对环境的影响) Many engineers, usually working as a team that includes surveyors, specialists in soil mechanics, and experts in design and construction, are involved in making these feasibility studies. (在进行这些可行性研究时要由许多工程师来完成。

1.1 许多天然物质,如粘土、砂子和岩石,甚至树枝和树叶都已经被用作建筑材料。
Many naturally occurring substances, such as clay, sand, wood and rocks, even twigs and leaves have been used to construct buildings.1.2 砖块是由窑中烧制材料作成的块体,通常由粘土或页岩制成,但也可由炉渣制成。
A brick is a block made of kiln-fired material, usually clay or shale, but also maybe of lower quality mud.1.3 与水混合后,水泥便发生水化反应,并最终形成像石头一样的材料。
After mixing, the cement hydrates and eventually hardens into a stone-like material.1.4 金属可用作大型结构的框架,也可用来装饰建筑物外表。
Metal is used as structural framework for larger buildings such as skyscrapers, or as an external surface covering.1.5 明亮的窗户不但能使光线进入建筑物,而且也能将恶劣气候隔绝于建筑物之外。
Clear windows provided humans with the ability to both let light into rooms while at the same time keeping inclement weather outside.2.1 材料的抗拉强度是一种广延性质,因此它并不因试件尺寸的不同而改变。
Tensile strength is an intensive property and, consequently, does not depend on the side of the test specimen.2.2 屈服强度是材料从弹性变形到塑性变形转化时的应力。

FoundationsAll structures designed to be supported by the earth, including buindings, bridges, earth fills, earth and rock and concrete dams,consist of two parts. These are the superstructure, or upper part, and the substructure element which interfaces the superstructure and supporting ground. In the case of earth fills and dams, there is often not a clear line of demarcation between the superstructure and substructure. The foundation can be defined as the substructure and that adjacent zone of soil and rock which will be affected by both the substructure element and its loads.The foundation engineer is that person who by reason of experience and training can be produce solutions for design problems involving this part of the engineered system. In this context,foundation engineering can be defined as the science and art of applying the principles of soil and structural mechanics together with engineering judgement to solve the interfacing problem.The foundation engineer is concerned directly with the structural members which affect the transfer of load from the superstructure to the soil such that the resulting soil stability and estimated deformations are tolerable.Since the design geometry and location of the substructure element often have an effect on how the soil responds,the foundation engineer must be reasonably versed in structural design.Foundations for structures such as buildings, from the smallest residential to the tallest high-rise, and bridges are for the purpose of transmitting the superstructure load. These loads come from column-type members with stress intensities rangeing from perhaps 140MPa for steel to 10MPa for concrete to the supporting capacity of the soil, which is seldom over 500kPa but more often on the order of 200 to 250kPa.Almost any reasonable structure can be built and safely supported if there is unlimited financing.Unfortunately, in the real situation this is seldom, if ever, the case, and the foundation engineer has the dilemma of making a decision under much less than the ideal condition, Also, even though the mistake may be buried, the results from the error are not and can show up relatively soon-and probably before any statute of limitations expires. These are reported cases where the foundation defects have shown up either during construction of superstructure or immediately thereafter.Since the superstructure is buried, or is beneath the superstructure, in such a configuration that access will be difficult, should foundation inadequacies develop after the superstructure is in place; it is common practice to be conservative. A one or two percent over design, in these areas produces a larger potential investment return than in the superstructure.The designer is always faced with the question of what constitutes asafe , economical design while simultaneously contending with the inevitable natural soil heterogeneity at a site. Nowadays that problem may be compounded by land scarcity requiring reclamation of areas which have been used as sanitary landfills, garbage dumps, or even hazardous waste disposal areas. Still another complicating factor is that the act of construction can alter the soil properties considerably from those used in the initial analyse of the foundation.These factors result in foundation design becoming so subjective and difficult to quantify that two design firms might come up with completely different designs which would perform equally satisfactory. Cost would likely be the distinguishable feature for the preferred design.This problem and the widely differing solutions would depend, for example, on the folling.1)What constitutes satisfactory and tolerable settlement ; how much extra could, or should , be spent to reduce estimated settlements from say 30 to 15mm?2)Has the client been willing to authorize an adequate soil exploration program?what kind of soil variability did the soil borings indicate?Would additional borings actually improve the foundation recommendations?3)Can the buildings be supported by the soil using?4)What are the consequences of a foundation failure in term of public safety? What is the likelihood of a lawsuit if the foundation does notperform adequately?5)Is sufficient money available for the foundation? It is not unheard of that the foundation alone would cost so much that the project is not economically feasible. It may be necessary to abandon the site in favor of one where foundation costs are affordable?6)What is the ability of the local construction force ? It is hardly sensible to design an elaborate foundation if no one can built it, or if it is so different in design that the contractor includes a large "uncertainty" factor in the bid.7)What is the engineering ability of the foundation engineer? While this factor is listed last,this is not of least importance in economical design. Obviously engineers have different levels of capability just as in other professions and in the trades such as carpenters, electricians ,and painters.If the foundation fails because of any cost shaving, the client tends to be quickly lose appreciation for the temporary financial benefit which accrued. At this point , facing heavy damages and a lawsuit, the client is probably in the poorest mental state of all the involved parties. Thus, one should always bear in mind that absolute dollar economics may not produce good foundation engineering.The foundation engineer must look at the entire system,the building purpose, probable service-life loading, type of framing, soil profile,construction methods, and construction costs to arrive at a design that is consistent with the client needs and does not excessively degrade the environment . This must be done with a safety factor which produces a tolerable risk to both the public and the owner.Considering these several areas of uncertainty, it follows that risk and liability insurance for persons engaged in foundation engineering is very costly. In attempts to reduce these costs as well as produces a design , which could be obtained from several engineering firms there is active discussion of having the foundation engineer submit the proposed design to a broad of qualified engineers for a "peer review".中文翻译:地基基础所有由土基础的结构,包括建筑物,桥梁,土堤,土石坝和混凝土坝,都由两部分组成,它们是上部结构或者上面的部分和下部结构单元,下部结构介于上部结构和支撑地层之间。

LESSON 4 2、Translate the following phrases into Chinese /English .(1)Sustained load 长期荷载(2)Cement gel 水泥凝胶体(3)Water-cement ratio 水灰比(4)The stability of the structure结构稳定(5)The expansion joint 伸缩缝(6)Moisture content 含水量(7)Cement paste 水泥浆(8)The coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete 混凝土热膨胀系(9)Permanent plastic strain 永久塑性应变(10)The fatigue strength of concrete 混凝土疲劳强度3、Translate the following sentence into Chinese.(1)The cause of the volume changes in concrete can be attributed to changes in moisture content, chemical reaction of the cement with water, variation in temperature, and applied loads.混凝土的体积变化的原因可以归结为水分含量,水泥和水的化学反应,温度以及施加荷载的变化。
(2)High-early-strength and low-heat cement show more shrinkage than normal Portland cement. 高早强和低热水泥显示超过普通硅酸盐水泥收缩。
(3)The greater the aggregate content, the smaller is the shrinkage.骨料含量越大,收缩越小。

桂林理工大学土木与建筑工程学院土木工程专业英语外文翻译,中文翻译姓名:马凤志专业:土木应用班级:10级9班学号:3100510939原文中文翻译The Influence of Concrete Compaction on the Strength of Concrete Filled Steel Tubes压实混凝土对混凝土强度的影响Lin-Hai HanSchool of Civil Engineering, Harbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Haihe Road 202, PO Box 689, Harbin 150090, P.R. China韩林海,哈尔滨建筑大学,土木与建筑工程学院,海河路202号,邮政信箱,689,哈尔滨,150090 中国ABSTRACT: Tests on twenty-one concrete filled steel tubes to investigate the influence of compaction methods on the strength of concrete filled steel tubular members are reported.摘要:测试二十一钢管混凝土试验,研究了钢管对混凝土构件强度压实方法的影响报告。
Two parameters were investigated, including slenderness ratio and load eccentricity.对两个参数进行研究,包括长细比和荷载偏心。
It was found that better compaction of concrete resulted in higher values of the ultimate strength of concrete filled steeltubular members结果发现更好的压实混凝土,能够使钢管混凝土有更高的极限强度值。

The applicability of the analytical solutions proposed in this paper has been evaluated with reference to five case studies. The equivalent ground loss values predicted using the new method are in good agreement with reported empirical ground loss values for tunnels in stiff clay but are overestimated for the case of a tunnel in soft clay. The settlement troughs predicted are slightly wider than those observed or estimated using empirical methods. Good agreement has been observed for subsurface settlements and horizontal movements for uniform clay profiles.
1 Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering

土木工程专业英语作业翻译1、Civil engineering, the oldest of the engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment. This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities.1.土木工程作为最老的工程技术学科,是指对建筑环境的规划、设计、建设及管理。
2、Civil engineers build roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, harbors, power plants, water and sewage systems, hospitals, schools, mass大宗, 大量transit运行, 运输, and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations. They also build privately owned facilities such as airports, railroads, pipelines, skyscrapers , and other large structures designed for industrial, commercial, or residential use. In addition, civil engineers plan , design ,and build complete cities and towns , and more recently have been planning and designing space platform to house self-contained communities.2.self-contained a. 沉默寡言的, 自足的, 完备的adj. 设施齐全的,独立自足的土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他公共设施,这些构筑物对现代社会和大量人口聚集区是非常有必要的。

Review of Research on and Implementation of Recycled Concrete Aggregate in the GCCAkmal S. Abdelfatah and Sami W. TabshDepartment of Civil Engineering, American University of Sharjah, P.O. Box 26666, Sharjah, UAEReceived 28 February 2011; Revised 11 September 2011; Accepted 21 September 2011Academic Editor: Paulo MonteiroAbstractThe goal of sustainable construction is to reduce the environmental impact of a constructed facility over its lifetime. Concrete is the main material used in construction in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Therefore, it makes economic and environmental sense to use recycled materials in the making of new concrete for different applications. The objectives of this study are to summarize published research on the use of recycled concrete aggregates in new concrete mixes and examine its implementation in construction and industry in the GCC region. The study showed that while there is reasonable research on recycled concrete, the practical implementation in the region greatly lacks behind, especially due to the lack of economic viability and awareness of such applications at the current time.1. IntroductionMembers of the GCC in the Middle-East include the Persian Gulf states of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The GCC countries occupy the area within the Arabian Peninsula, which is located inthe southwestern region of the Asian continent. The strength of GCC countries lies in having 24–40% of World’s conventional oil reserves and about 23% of world’s conventional natural gas reserves. The weakness is related to having an arid weather, shortage of fresh water, and limited farming areas [1]. The Arabian Peninsula is a harsh environment with temperatures ranging between 7° and 47°C, and an average annual rainfall being between 70 and 140 mm [2].Apart from the oil and gas sector, economy of most of the GCC countries depends to a large extent on the construction industry and infrastructure activities. This is due to recent initiatives undertaken by the local governments to diversify from an oil- and gas- dependent economy. Published statistics in the Arab Construction World magazine [3] indicate that the total value of real estate projects currently under construction in the GCC stands over US$2.39 trillion. However, the limited natural resources in the GCC have a great impact on this industry. Key aspects of the construction industry in the Gulf which have considerable effect on the environment are limited useable natural aggregates for making concrete, scarcity of fresh water sources, and lack of iron ore for producing steel.The Gulf is often seen as a region that lacks many of the natural resources required for concrete production. Concrete consists of 4 main ingredients: water, cement, sand, and aggregate. Water is locally available but is, for the most part, desalinated. While in some countries concrete batching plants recycle the water they use for cleaning, in the Gulf it is very limited. Although cement is produced locally, the raw materials are often imported from other countries. At peak market levels, demand had exceeded supply so some quantities of cement had to be imported to supplement local need. With the exception of Bahrain, sand is sourced from within the GCC countries, whereas most of the coarse aggregate is sourced from the mountains located in limited areas within the Arabian Peninsula.2. Sustainable Construction in the GCCSustainability can be defined as providing today’s need without compromising the capability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable construction aspires to apply this concept to the construction industry. This is accomplished by using less natural materials, consuming less energy, causing lower levels of pollution, and reducing waste while gaining the same benefits that can be achieved through the use of tradition construction methods and materials.The issue of sustainable buildings in the GCC has become an important topic in recent years, with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) being the leader in this track following the announcement of the green building initiative in January 2008 by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai. This was shortly followed by the launching of the Estidama initiative in May 2008 by Abu Dhabi’s Urban Planning Council, the agency which is responsible for the future of Abu Dhabi’s urban environment.Regional studies estimate that the GCC countries collectively produce more than 120 million tons of waste every year, of which 18.5 percent is related to solid construction waste [4]. For example, recent statistics from Dubai Municipality show that construction and demolition waste accounts for 75% of the 10,000 tons of general waste produced daily in the city, of which concrete demolition rubbles represent 70% of this quantity. Rapid urbanization, growth in the construction sector, high population increase rates, diversified cultures, and floating populations are believed to be the main reasons for such high waste production in the country.Based on the above, recycling solid waste materials for construction purposes becomes an increasingly important waste management option, as it can lead to environmental and economic benefits. Conservation of natural resources,saving of energy in production and transportation, and reduction of pollution are also the advantages of recycling. In particular, concrete is a perfect construction material candidate for recycling. Some materials, such as plastic, can be recycled once or twice, and glass can only be done if it is properly sorted. However, concrete can be recycled continuously as long as the specification is right.However, sustainability requires commitment and investment by all parties involved in the construction industry, both governmental and private. Lack of proper planning can lead to delays in implementation, as has happened in February 2011, when Abu Dhabi Municipality suspended the Estidama (meaning ―sustainability‖ in Arabic) building requirements related to energy, but kept the other mandates, which represent 10% of all the requirements. The cited reason for the suspension was due to contractors’ lack of preparation for meeting the strict requirements in their projects [5].3. Objectives and ScopeThe objectives of this paper are to review the published research and development studies on recycled concrete aggregate in the GCC region, examine the current use of such material in construction, and recommend suitable strategies for wider applications.Several GCC researchers have addressed the use of recycled waste material in concrete and disseminated their work through publications. In addition, there have been some efforts to implement the results of research into practice. This paper provides a collective summary of the published technical studies by universities, research institutions, private entities, and governmental agencies that deal with recycled concrete aggregate. It also includes the current state of practice and implementation in the area of recycled concrete in the region.4. Published ResearchThis section presents a review of published research on the utilization of recycled concrete aggregate in producing new concrete in the GCC countries.4.1. Sustainability Issues in the GCCKartam et al. [6] discussed the current status of construction and demolition waste disposal system in Kuwait and identified the potential problems to the environment, people, and economy. They investigated alternative solutions to manage and control this waste in an economical, efficient, and safe way. They also described the feasibility and challenges of establishing a construction and demolition waste recycling facility in Kuwait.The need for green buildings in Bahrain was investigated by Alnaser and Flanagan [7]. According to the authors, sustainable construction implementation is limited in the country due to the lack of awareness of the public in sustainable technology, lack of markets importing sustainable technologies, and client concerns about the profitability and pay-back period. The study revealed that local contractors were the most enthusiastic about implementing green building projects. As a followup to the previous study, Alnaser [8] discussed some of the current sustainable buildings in Bahrain, United Arab Emirate, and Kuwait. To encourage sustainable buildings projects in these countries, the author felt that it is necessary to create the conditions and incentives that would encourage stakeholders in the sector to actively pursue such projects, through governmental policies, economic incentives, rating systems, and coordination with key partners, such as the financing sector.Kayali et al. [9] reviewed the available industrial waste products that can be used in making sustainable concrete and their relevance to the Middle East, with particular attention to the GCC. The feasibility of using various waste materials,including recycled concrete, is judged with reference to the relevant environment. The authors believe that the inclusion of recycled waste in the production of high-performance concrete can be a significant contribution to a sustainable industry. They concluded that it is the duty of the engineer to judge whether one or more of available waste materials should be used in the production of new concrete on a particular project.In a paper by Galbraith [10] on structural sustainability, the author outlined the role of structural design in sustainable buildings and its implication within the Gulf region. He identified the available sustainable design techniques in the construction industry and categorized them according to their cost impact.Lately, Bahrain took the initiative to hold a Green Building Forum in 2010 in Manama [11]. T he forum’s objective was to discuss the challenges facing the construction industry, with consideration of the environmental concerns, including sustainable building materials, smart buildings, and other topics related to sustainable construction. Another conference on concrete sustainability was recently held in Dubai, covering solutions for sustainable concrete manufacturing and construction [12]. During the conference, various experts addressed sustainable development initiatives, recycled materials, Carbon footprint and embodied energy, and performance-based concrete.4.2. Recycled Concrete AggregatesThe literature search showed extensive research in the area of recycled concrete aggregates in many GCC countries. One of the earliest research on recycling concrete rubble as aggregate material for construction was carried out by Khan and Rasheeduzzafar in Saudi Arabia [13]. They utilized laboratory tests to investigate the strength, failure mechanism, and durability characteristics of the recycled aggregate concrete. Their study showed that for low W/C ratios the recycled aggregate concrete has 30% lower strength than conventionalconcrete with natural aggregate. Also, the recycled aggregate concrete showed lower modulus of elasticity and durability characteristics.Al-Mutairi and Haque [14] used old demolished concrete in Kuwait to replace 50 and 100% of the coarse aggregate and seawater to replace 25, 50, and 100% of the tap water in a standard concrete mix having moderate target strength. The recycled concrete was cured in seawater for a period of 28 days. The results indicated that even with 100% usage of recycled concrete aggregate, design strength of 35 MPa was attainable. Highest concrete strength was obtained when the mixing water consisted of a blend of 25% seawater and 75% tap water.Rahal [15, 16] tested the mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete with a compressive strength 20–50 MPa and compared the results to those of concrete made with natural aggregate. The results showed that the compressive strength, indirect shear strength, and modulus of elasticity of recycled aggregate concrete were all within 10% of those of natural aggregate concrete having the same mix proportions.AlMutairi and AlKhaleefi [17] investigated the flexural behavior of plain concrete containing crushed old concrete as replacement for natural coarse aggregate. Plain concrete beams made with 0%, 50%, and 100% recycled coarse aggregate were tested as simple beams with third-point loading. When compared with the ACI standard, the obtained modul of rupture values were within the acceptable levels. Furthermore, statistical analyses of permeability tests indicated that the concrete was not greatly affected by the use of the recycled aggregates in the mix.Al-Harthy et al. [18] conducted laboratory tests to examine the strength and durability of recycled aggregate concrete. The results showed that concrete strength is enhanced with the replacement of normal aggregates by recycledaggregate content of up to 30%, thereafter the strength decreases with further increase in recycled aggregate. However, replacement of natural aggregate by recycled aggregate was found to decrease the workability of the concrete due to the high absorption characteristics of the recycled aggregate.Tabsh and Abdelfatah [19] studied the strength of concrete made with recycled concrete coarse aggregate. The toughness and soundness laboratory tests on the recycled coarse aggregate showed higher percentage loss than natural aggregate, but remained within acceptable limits. The compressive and splitting tensile strengths of concrete made with recycled coarse aggregate depend on the mix proportions. In general, the strength of recycled concrete was 10–25% lower than that of conventional concrete made with natural aggregate due to increase in water demand to maintain the specified slump. In a follow-up study, Abdelfatah et al. [20] utilized admixtures in concrete mixes containing demolished concrete as replacement for natural coarse aggregates to compensate for the need of additional water required to increase the workability. The results showed that the use of superplasticizers, instead of additional water, was able to increase the compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete to a level around the same as that of the control mix containing natural aggregate. This finding is not in agreement with the results obtained by Gull [21] when testing low strength concrete utilizing recycled concrete aggregate.Mirza and Saif [22] studied the effect of silica fume on recycled aggregate concrete characteristics. The percentages of recycled aggregate replacements of natural aggregate used by weight were 0, 50, and 100%, whereas the percentages of silica fume replacements of cement used by weight were 5, 10, and 15%. The results showed that the compressive and tensile strengths values of the recycled concrete aggregate increased as the recycled aggregate and the silica fume contents increased. The study also indicated that in order toaccommodate 50% of recycled aggregate in structural concrete, the mix needs to incorporate 5% of silica fume.Recently, Elchalakani [23] investigated the strength and durability of recycled concrete made from recycled aggregate and wastewater in the UAE. Experimental tests employing standard cubes and cylinders to assess the compressive strength and small beams to evaluate the flexural strength were utilized. The study showed that the effect of recycled aggregate and recycled water on axial and bending strength was found moderate but had a significant effect on durability. To enhance the durability of recycled concrete, the author recommended using ground granulated blast furnace slag and fly ash for any future building construction in the Gulf.There have been some studies that considered the utilization of recycled concrete aggregate in different construction applications than in production of new concrete. For example, Al-Ali et al. [24, 25] investigated the suitability of using recycled concrete aggregates as subbase for pavement construction. A test model was built in the laboratory to assess the recycled material pavement performance under various loads and to comparatively measure its behavior against the natural aggregate layers. The experimental program considered ranges of pavement loads, material gradations, compositions, and layer thicknesses. The results showed that the deflection of the pavement under load is generally less with the recycled concrete aggregate than that with the natural aggregate. Therefore, there is a good potential for using recycled concrete aggregate as a subbase layer in roadway pavement construction.Another application of the use of recycled concrete aggregate is in the production of sand lime brick in Kuwait, which was considered by Al-Otaibi and El-Hawary [26] and Al-Otaibi [27]. The study evaluated the specific gravity, compressive strength, and absorption characteristics of the brick. It showedthat the brick that is made from recycled concrete aggregate has properties that are within the specifications requirements.5. Industry and Governmental InitiativesEven though there is a considerable body of research related to using recycled concrete aggregate in the production of concrete mixes, the industrial implementation in the GCC countries of these technologies is still in its infancy. Some of the implementations are initiated by governmental agencies, and some other implementations are carried out by the industry.The government of Kuwait has recognized the problems caused by the construction demolition waste. In order to reduce the area needed for landfills, the government of Kuwait approved the Environment Protection Industrial Co (EPIC) to start a construction waste recycling plant, with a daily capacity of about 7–20 thousand tones of construction waste [28]. Furthermore, the Arab International Industrial Projects company was established in 2005 with the objective of improving the environmental conditions in Kuwait. One of the projects for this company is concerned with cutting the production costs of new concrete and reducing the need for land fill space. For this purpose, concrete rubbles and old asphalt concrete are crushed to different sizes to be used as aggregate for some projects. The produced aggregate can be used in many projects, such as drainage and rain pipes packaging, base and subbase layers for road construction, asphalt concrete mixes for road paving, and ordinary nonreinforced concrete mixes [29].In the process of producing sustainable concrete in Qatar, efforts towards using recycled aggregate and waste concrete are underway. In a report sponsored by Mobile-Baustoffe GmbH company, Blanco-Carrasco et al. [30] studied the benefits and potential implementation of using waste concrete and recycled aggregate. Among the cited applications by the authors is the use ofcrushed recycled concrete in nonstructural applications such as road base or subbase construction, core filling, embankments, backfills, and blinding slabs. Another effort to help Qatar in adopting green building design and construction is the establishment of the Qatar Green Building Council (QGBC), which is a private institution concerned with the promotion of environmentally sustainable practices [31]. One of the members of QGBC is the Khalid Cement Industries Company (KCIC), which is implementing an environment management system that allows the company to recycle water and concrete and apply a waste management plan [32]. A Domestic Solid Waste Management Center, which was initiated by Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture in Qatar, is under construction and will be opened in March 2011. The center is capable of recycling a total of 2,300 tons of mixed domestic waste and a total of5,000 tons of construction waste per day [33].In order to help the companies to interact and promote waste recycling, the Riyadh Exhibitions Co. Ltd has been organizing the International Recycling and Waste Management Exhibition, with the 3rd exhibition being organized in 2011 [34]. A recycling plant has been constructed in Jeddah, which has a sorting capacity of up to 1,200 tons/day; however, the plant does not recycle any construction material [35]. The limited implementation of recycled concrete in construction in Saudi Arabia has prompted some activists, such as Sultan Faden who is the head of the Founding Group of the Saudi Green Building Council, to call on municipalities in Jeddah and other cities to launch recycling factories, and to appeal for stronger regulations to protect mountains from crushers in the Kingdom [36].The UAE seems to be one of the most active countries in the Gulf region when it comes to the application of concrete recycling. As part of the governmental efforts to promote recycling of construction materials, Dubai Central Laboratory has signed an agreement with Emirates Recycling and Dubai Municipality tostudy and evaluate construction demolition waste. Since this waste is usually ignored by contractors, the project aims at finding useful applications to use construction rubbles [37]. In Abu Dhabi, the city has supported several projects regarding green buildings and environmentally friendly construction material. For example, a new crushing plant in Al Dafra has been newly opened with the capability of crushing waste material and turning them into aggregate that can be used to replace natural aggregate in making concrete [38]. Unibeton Ready Mix is another company that supports the production of green concrete, which has been used in the Masdar City in Abu Dhabi. The company used 1.8 million tons of recycled aggregate in 20% of the needed concrete used in the City [39]. Another application is carried out by Al-Falah Ready Mix and Emirates Beton as they have capabilities to produce concrete that is environmentally friendly, by using recycled aggregate and other recycled waste materials aiming to zero waste from production and maximum usage of the waste material [40, 41].The Emirate of Sharjah also has its share of activities in the sustainable construction field. Recently, a new waste recycling plant was opened in the industrial area of Sharjah. The plant receives concrete and other construction waste material from various places within the Emirate and processes them to be used again for construction purposes [42].In Oman, the applications of concrete recycling are limited [43]. However, a royal decree has been issued in 2009 to appoint the Oman Environmental Services Holding Company to execute the task of implementing the government’s policy with regard to the waste sector. In addition to the management of landfills allover Oman, the company has initiated several projects to develop facilities for the management of medical waste, hazardous waste, electronic waste, and a tire recycling plant [44].Generating about 3000 tons of waste in Bahrain each day has motivated the initiative to plan for a recycling factory that will process the majority of thatwaste, as announced in 2008 by Majeed Milad, the chairman of the Manama Municipal Council [45].6. ConclusionsThe study leads to the followings conclusions.(1)There is an adequate body of research work on recycled concrete aggregate and its uses in the GCC, predominantly conducted by individuals in research and academic institutions.(2)Most of the surveyed research considers the mechanical and strength characteristics of recycled aggregates with little focus on durability issues. (3)There are few studies regarding the economic feasibility and financial implications of recycling and re-use of concrete rubbles in construction applications.(4)Research on the environmental impacts of using such recycled material in construction has been rarely addressed in the region.(5)Real-life applications of using recycled construction waste are still in their infancy and need some major efforts to attract investors to this industry.(6)There are limited legislations and policies to encourage recycling and use of demolition waste in the GCC.(7)No governmental standards and specifications for processing and use of recycled aggregate are currently available in the region.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to acknowledge the financial support by the American University of Sharjah (AUS) through the Faculty Research Grant program and the contribution of students Bayan Kattan and Salam Yaghi, in compiling some of the information cited in the paper.References1.M. 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专业英语课后翻译参考Unit12、词组翻译(1)受弯构件(2)临界屈曲荷载(3)长细比(4)短柱(5)折减模量(6)effective length (7)residual stress(8)trial and error approach (9)radius of gyration(10)tangent modulus3、英译汉(1)This ideal state is never achieved in reality, however, and some eccentricity of the load is inevitable.在现实中,这种理想状态从来没有达到,然而,一些荷载偏心是不可避免的(2)In many instances the members are aslo called upon to resist bending, and in these cases the member is a beam-column.在许多情况下,需要构件能够抵抗弯矩,并在这些情况下,构件是梁柱。
(3)If the member is so slender that the stress just before buckling is below the proportional limit---that is, the member is still elastic---the critical buckling load is given by Q.如果该构件是是细长,则在屈曲前应力就低于比例限制---也就是说,该构件仍然是弹性---由公式Q 给出该临界屈曲荷载。
(4)The ratio L/r is the slenderness ratio and is the measure of a compression member’s slenderness, with large values corresponding to slender members.L/r 是长细比,是衡量受压构件的长细的一种方法,对于细长的构件它具有较大值。
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桂林理工大学土木与建筑工程学院土木工程专业英语外文翻译,中文翻译姓名:马凤志专业:土木应用班级:10级9班学号:3100510939原文中文翻译The Influence of Concrete Compaction on the Strength of Concrete Filled Steel Tubes压实混凝土对混凝土强度的影响Lin-Hai HanSchool of Civil Engineering, Harbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Haihe Road 202, PO Box 689, Harbin 150090, P.R. China韩林海,哈尔滨建筑大学,土木与建筑工程学院,海河路202号,邮政信箱,689,哈尔滨,150090 中国ABSTRACT: Tests on twenty-one concrete filled steel tubes to investigate the influence of compaction methods on the strength of concrete filled steel tubular members are reported.摘要:测试二十一钢管混凝土试验,研究了钢管对混凝土构件强度压实方法的影响报告。
Two parameters were investigated, including slenderness ratio and load eccentricity.对两个参数进行研究,包括长细比和荷载偏心。
It was found that better compaction of concrete resulted in higher values of the ultimate strength of concrete filled steeltubular members结果发现更好的压实混凝土,能够使钢管混凝土有更高的极限强度值。
The tests show the importance of good concrete compaction for concrete filled steel tubes测试显示良好的混凝土重要性压实的重要性为方钢管混凝土管。
Keywords: concretefilled steel tube, column, strength, deflection, concrete compaction关键字; 钢管混凝土,柱,强度,挠度,混凝土压实1. INTRODUCTION 引言Concrete filled steel tubular columns have been used extensively in Europe, Japan, Australia, China, as well as other countries.在欧洲,日本,澳大利亚,中国,以及其他国家钢管混凝土柱已广泛被使用。
They have proved to be economical in themselves as well as leading to rapid construction and thus additional cost savings.1他们已经是被证明是经济实惠的,同时也能促进快速建设和增加消费储蓄In the past, much progress has been made in studying the bond strength between the steel tube and its core concrete, studiesof how the concrete compaction method influences the strength of concrete filled steel tubular members have been seldom made.2–8在过去的研究中,钢管与核心混凝土之间的粘结强度有了很大进展,但对混凝土的压实方法对钢管混凝土构件强度的研究已经很少了。
2–8These and earlier results show that perhaps the most significant factor influencing the ultimate bond strength might be compaction and the consequent better keying of the concrete with the surface irregularities in the steel.这些和早期的结果表明,也许最重要的因素可能影响最终粘结强度压实以及更好地键控,因而混凝土与钢管中的表面成不规则性In Reference (2), specimens have been tested for different conditions likely to arise in the manufacture of concrete as follows:在参考(2)中,在制造混凝土过程中针对不同的条件下的标本已经过测试,如下所示:1.Aggregate/cement ratio 5.0, dry cured, well compacted witha poker vibrator;1,聚合/水泥比为5.0,干燥固化, 以及压实与插入式振捣器2.Aggregate/cement ratio 5.0, wet cured, well compacted witha poker vibrator;2,骨料/水泥比为5,湿固化,以及压实与插入式振捣器;3.Aggregate/cement ratio 5.5, wet cured, well compacted witha poker vibrator;3,总/水泥比为5.5,湿固化,以及压实与插入式振捣器4.Aggregate/cement ratio5.5, wet cured, lightly compactedwith a poker vibrator4,聚合/水泥比为5.5,湿固化,轻轻压实与插入式振捣器5.Aggregate/cement ratio 5.5, wet cured, well compacted byhand (3 layers with 40 strokes each);5,总/水泥比为5.5,湿固化,用手压实(3层,每组40次)6. Aggregate/cement ratio 5.5, wet cured, lightly compacted by hand (3 layers with 20 strokes each).6,粒料/水泥比5.5,湿固化,轻轻用手压实(3层,每组20次)The test results in Reference (2) show that specimens compacted by mechanical vibration developed higher bond strength than those compacted by hand.参考(2)显示,由机械振动碾压的标本中的测试结果比用手开发粘结强度更高也比那些压实的更高。
The aim of this paper is to investigate if the concrete compaction method influences the strength of concrete filled steel tubular members. Tests on several concrete filled steel tubes for establishing the relationship between strength andcompaction method are reported.本文件的目的是调查如果混凝土压实方法影响钢管混凝土构件的强度。
Several parameters, such as the slenderness ratio l (= 4L/D,L and D are the calculated length and the diameter of the member respectively), as well as the load eccentricity e were investigated.几个参数,如长细比 l (= 4 L/D、 L 和 D 分别计算的长度和直径的成员),以及负载偏心 e 进行了调查。
The tests show the importance of concrete compaction method on the strength of concrete filled steel tubular members. 试验表明,混凝土的压实方法对钢管混凝土构件强度的重要性。
2. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM2.实验程序The aim of the experimental study was to determine not only the maximum load capacity of the specimens, but also to investigate the behavorial pattern up to and beyond ultimate load.本实验研究的目的是确定不仅试样的最大负载能力,但也观察到的行为模式超越极限荷载。
The steel had a specified yield strength (f y) as shown in Table 1.该钢具有指定的屈服强度(FY),如表所示 1The concrete mix was designed for a compressive cube strength (f cu) at 28 days of approximately 46.7 MPa。
混凝土配合比设计为一个立方体抗压强度(FCU)在28天约46.7 MPa For each concrete mix batch used, three 100 mm cubes were also cast and cured in conditions similar to the related specimens. 每个使用的混凝土配合比批处理,三个 100 毫米的立方体也强制转换,并固化在条件类似的相关标本。