无处不在的网络 ppt课件

博 主:郭敬明(新浪微博)
话 题:电影《小时代》 图 形:转发路径结构 转发量:10万
• 交通运输网,邮政网,电话通信网,计算机网, 互联网,万维网
• 社会关系网,产品供销网,金融借贷网 • 智能电网,无线网,传感网,物联网 • 神经网,生物代谢网,食物链(网) • 攻守同盟网,恐怖主义网络 • ……… • 人人网,新浪微博网,QQ,…,团购网
• 互联网(Internet)-物理的、技术的 • 万维网(World Wide Web)-基于互联网的信息网络 • 人人网-基于万维网的在线社会(社交)网络(Online Social
• 林南(2004:37):网络
– 一个特定的网络可以自然地形成,也可以有对一个特定的共同关注 的焦点或关注一种资源利益的社会性建构
• 只要有“人群”在,就会有“网络”
• 在自927),在生态系统中,物种之间的“吃”与“被吃”也 是一个网络,食物链是自然生态系统稳定的重要机制
– 一些自然资源之间的关系,如水的转化关系,也是一个网络 – ……
• 甚至可以说,网络是自然世界生发演变的机制之一
资料来源:邱泽奇据中国国 际航空公司网站录制,2013
• 费孝通(1947,1985: 23):源与众
– (中国人的社会关系)好像是把一块石头丢在水面上所发生的一圈 圈推出去的波纹。每个人,都是他社会影响所推出去的圈子的中 心,被圈子的波纹做推及的,就发生联系。每个人在某一时间某一 地点所动用的圈子是不一定相同的

成 移动 的 无 线 路 由器 的 神奇软 件 脑 随 时 随地 通 过 w
它 能让 笔记 本 电
手 机 网 络 的 软件
不 过 由于
|. i连接 手 机 F
并通 过手 机 网络上
运 营商 的 不 同
这 个 功 能也
目前 软件的售价 是 2 9 9 9 美 元
国 内也 已 经 出现
会被 选择 激 活或 不 激 活
M y W i就 是 可
了 破解 版 的软 件
在 网 络 中能 够找 到 不 少注 册 码
以在 程 序 安 装
接 下 来 让 我 们 看看
这 种 神奇 的功 能究竟 是 如 何 实
的 同时
并 把 这 个 内置 的功
并且 不 受
如何 安装
下 载W M W if R o i
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这 里 需要 注 意 的
免费 的馅饼 的 收 费的
这 款软 件是
是 如果 手 机 的版本过低
1 那么 在 安装 时 I: E提 示
并 且 因 为其触 犯 了
软件 无 法 正 确 显 示
不 过 并不 影 响实 际使 用
苹果公 司 和 电信公 司 的合
, ,
一 一
连 接设 置 中找到 J ~ k u S p o t

保护网络安全,迫在眉睫!在此,我呼吁大家,为了网络安全,我们这一代青少年要努力学习,积极进取,成为一个个保卫网络的勇士,共创和平家园! 校园反诈心得体会精选篇2前段时间外公的老人手机坏了,我一直想给外公换个手机。



通过大量数据训练模型,让机器自我 学习和优化。
智能客服、智能推荐、智能驾驶、智 能安防等。
随着算法和算力的提升,人工智能和 机器学习将更加深入到各个领域
通过去中心化的账本记录交易信 息,保证数据安全和透明。
数字货币、供应链管理、版权保护、 身份认证等。
建立完善的安全政策和 流程,培训员工提高安 全意识。
使用加密技术保护敏感 数据传输和存储。
部署入侵检测和防御系 统,实时监测和应对网 络威胁。
与供应商建立安全合作 关系,共同应对网络安 全挑战。
04 网络对社会的影响
网络使人们能够快速获取和分 享信息,提高了信息传播的效
随着互联网技术的发展,电子商务已 成为全球范围内的主流商业模式,为 消费者和企业提供了便捷、高效、低 成本的交易方式。
在线教育是指通过网络进行的教育教学活动,包括远程课程、在线学习平台、虚拟 教室等。
在线教育突破了时间和空间的限制,为学习者提供了灵活的学习方式和丰富的学习 资源。
在线教育有助于提高教育公平性,让更多人有机会接受高质量的教育。同时,它也 为企业和个人提供了培训和学习的新途径。
通过制定和完善相关法律法规,规范网络行 为,打击网络犯罪。
个人应自觉遵守网络道德规范,合理使用网 络资源,避免过度沉迷和负面影响。
加强网络安全教育,提高公众对网络安全的 认识和防范能力。
通过技术创新和研发,加强网络安全防护和 信息筛选过滤,降低网络负面影响。

安装方式 。 也就是 用户不 必 自
己去下 载驱动程序 。 如 果你做 过 “量 产 U盘” 就知道 , 我们可
以使 U 盘 的一 部 分 被 电脑 识 别 为
光盘 , E C l 2 1就是 这 样 , 并且 它
设计方面 , 这款产 品的U lM 卡 槽 在 U S B 接 口 旁边 , 将 U IM 卡 放 到卡托 内 , 再 将卡托插入 上 网卡 中 , 硬 件组 装就算完成了 。 因 为 U IM 卡 槽 和 U S B 接 口 一 样 在保 护盖 内 , 所 以不 用 担心 它会掉 出来 。
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使 用 环 境 : 支 持 W i n d o w s 2 0 0 0 /X P /V i s t a 和 M a c 操 作 系 统
其他功 能 : 即插 即 用 。 支持短 信和语 音服 务
自 U IM 卡 槽 在 U S B 接 口 旁 边 。
W i— F i无 线 。 我 们 知 道 , C D M A
网络 刚 刚 由 中国联 通 卖给 中国 电
信 , 没 想 到 华 为 的产 品 这 么 快就
适 应 了 中国 电信 的服 务要 求。 现
在 很 多地 方 都可 以搜 索到 电信 的
热 点 “
。 通 过 E C l 2 1 就 可 以连
将驱 动程 序和管理 程序 的安装程
序 都放 在 这 个
光 盘 “

“ 在 的商业模 式更加 复杂 , 现 比如 电 信 业 与 银 行 业 出现 整 合 。 客 户 成 为 中 心 — — 运 营 商 不 再 拥 有 客 户 , 而 是 客 户 拥 有 运 营 商 。这 使 得 客 户 的选 择 更加宽 泛 , 换服 务商也更 加容 易 。” 更 IU 秘 书 长 H m du or T a ao nT ue指 出 , 亚
数据 业 务收 入 已超过 总收 入 的 2%: 5
络 。据 统计 , 2 0 到 07年底 , 亚太移动宽 带 用户达到 1 . 2亿户 ,7 9 %集 中在高 中
收 人用 户群 。此 外 , 地 两个 最 大 的 该
手 机 市 场 — — 中 国 和 印 度 都 有 望 发 放
3 G宽 带 移 动 牌 照 一
奥 运会 提供 无线 通信 服 务的 l , 而 具 且第一 次以新媒体 的身份登 上 了奥运
舞 台: 此 外 ,王 建 宙 认 为 , T 的发 展 形 I C 成 了 一 条 新 的 价 值
格不菲 。在韩 国、 t E本和中国香港等 国 家和地区 , 最低 的宽带速度都超过了柬 埔寨、 老挝等国的最高宽带速度。
t n 人类 的科技帮助 我们建 起一 个 i , o
新 的 生 态 环 境 ,无 处 不 在 的 网 络 改 变 着 人 们 的 上 作 、 产 、 营 、 习 和 娱 生 经 学 乐 等 生 活 方 式 , 网络 正 在 改 变 人 们 的 i 为 和 文 化 :” 透 露 , 国 移 动 无 线 了 他 中
与会专 家表 示 ,移 动宽带正 在改 变亚 太各 国的宽带接 人方式 。它 作 为
务 的简单商 业模式 已经成为过去 。”
太地 区已经成 为全球 电信 创新 的领 导

网络在我们的生活中无处不在英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Internet is Everywhere in Our LivesHave you ever wondered what life would be like without the internet? It's hard to imagine, isn't it? The internet has become such a big part of our lives that it's almost like it's everywhere we go!At school, we use the internet for so many things. Our teachers often show us educational videos or websites to help us learn new things. We also use the internet to do research for our projects and essays. Can you imagine having to go to the library and look through all those heavy books just to find a few facts? With the internet, we can find information on almost any topic with just a few clicks!At home, the internet keeps us entertained and connected with our friends and family. We can watch our favorite shows and movies online, play games with people from all over the world, and even video chat with our grandparents who live far away! Without the internet, we'd have to wait for our favorite shows tocome on TV, and we might not get to see our long-distance relatives as often.The internet has also made our lives a lot more convenient. Our parents can do their grocery shopping online and have the food delivered right to our doorstep. They can also pay bills, book appointments, and even work from home using the internet. Imagine how much harder life would be if we had to go to the store for every little thing or if our parents had to commute to the office every day!But the internet isn't just about fun and convenience – it's also a powerful tool that helps us learn and grow. With the internet, we can explore new hobbies and interests, learn new skills, and even take online classes. We can connect with people from different cultures and learn about their traditions and ways of life. The internet has opened up a whole world of knowledge and experiences that we might never have had access to before.Despite these risks, though, the internet has become an essential part of our lives. It's hard to imagine a world without it! From the way we learn and play to the way we connect with each other, the internet has changed everything.So the next time you're watching a funny video, playing an online game, or using the internet for a school project,remember how amazing it is that we have access to all this information and entertainment at our fingertips. The internet truly is everywhere in our lives, and it's only going to keep growing and changing the way we live and learn.篇2The Internet: A Constant Companion in Our LivesHi there! My name is Jamie, and I'm a 10-year-old student. Today, I want to talk to you about something that has become an inseparable part of our lives – the internet. It's like a magical portal that connects us to a vast world of information, entertainment, and connection. I can't imagine life without it!Let's start with how the internet has transformed the way we learn. Remember those bulky encyclopedias our parents used to carry around? Well, now we have the entire world's knowledge at our fingertips, thanks to the internet. Whenever I have a question about a topic we're studying in class, like dinosaurs or ancient civilizations, I can simply hop online and find countless resources, videos, and explanations. It's like having a super-smart tutor available 24/7!But the internet isn't just for learning; it's also a fantastic source of entertainment. Gone are the days when we had to waitfor our favorite shows to air on TV. Now, with streaming platforms like Netflix and Disney+, we can watch movies, cartoons, and TV shows whenever we want, on our computers, tablets, or even our phones! And let's not forget about online gaming – I can connect with friends from all over the world and embark on virtual adventures together. It's like having anever-ending playground right in my living room!Speaking of friends, the internet has also revolutionized how we communicate and stay connected. Remember when our parents had to call their friends' landlines or write letters? Well, now we have social media, instant messaging, and video calls that allow us to stay in touch with our loved ones no matter where they are. I can share funny memes with my cousins in Australia or have a virtual playdate with my best friend down the street. The world has become a much smaller place thanks to the internet!But the internet isn't just about fun and games; it has also become an essential tool for our daily lives. My parents can now do their grocery shopping online, pay bills, and even manage their bank accounts without ever leaving the house. And when we're planning a family vacation, we can research destinations, book flights and hotels, and even get recommendations for thebest restaurants and attractions – all from the comfort of our couch.The internet has truly become a constant companion in our lives, and I can't imagine what the future holds. Maybe one day we'll have virtual reality classrooms or holographic video calls? Who knows? One thing is for sure – the internet has opened up a world of possibilities, and I'm excited to see what's next!So, whether you're a student like me, a parent, or someone who remembers life before the internet, take a moment to appreciate how far we've come. The internet has transformed how we learn, play, communicate, and even live our daily lives. It's a remarkable tool that has brought the world closer together, and I can't wait to see what other wonders it has in store for us.篇3The Internet is Everywhere!Do you ever feel like the internet is just...everywhere? I sure do! It seems like no matter where I go or what I'm doing, the internet is always there. And you know what? That's actually pretty cool when you think about it.At SchoolLet's start with school. These days, we use computers and tablets for just about everything at school. Want to do research for a report? Just hop online and look stuff up. Need to type up that book report? No problem, we can do that on the computer too. Even a lot of our textbooks and worksheets are online now.My teacher is always telling us how lucky we are to have so much information right at our fingertips thanks to the internet. She says back when she was a kid, they had to use these huge book things called encyclopedias to look stuff up. Could you imagine?! Having to lug around those big heavy books everywhere just to learn something? No thanks! I'll take the internet any day.At HomeSpeaking of coming alive, have you seen all the amazing videos on the internet of kids doing cool tricks and funny dances? I'm always trying to learn the latest viral dances to show off to my friends. My parents just shake their heads, but they don't understand. Dance battles were way different back in their day without the internet to share all the fresh new moves!My parents do use the internet for practical stuff though, like ordering groceries, paying bills, and checking the weather. Basically anything you need to do as an adult, there's a websitefor it. I guess that's kind of handy. They can take care of all those boring grown-up things without even leaving the couch.And then there's watching shows and movies online! We have all these streaming services that let us watch anything we want, whenever we want it. My parents say I'm spoiled because they only got to watch their favorite shows once a week back in the olden days. Now I can binge-watch entire seasons in a single day if I want to. Ah, modern technology!On VacationYou'd think maybe I could get a break from the internet when we go on vacation, but nope! It follows me everywhere. The first thing my parents do when we get to a hotel is ask for the WiFi password. And good luck keeping me off my tablet or phone while we're traveling. I've got to stay connected to my friends and the internet at all times!We use the internet to pick where we want to go and what we want to do on vacation too. My parents are always scanning reviews for hotels and attractions. I just tell them to look for the places with the best loungeSure, we still have plenty of fun running around and exploring new places on vacation. But you can bet I'm leaving a trail of internet crumbs everywhere I go byconstantly uploading pics and vids of all the cool stuff I'm doing. Gotta get those likes and follows, you know?The FutureSometimes I try to imagine what life was like before the internet, but I just can't picture it. How did people ever get anything done?! Looking things up in books, writing things out by hand, having to wait for news and information - it all seems impossibly slow and old-fashioned now.I don't think the internet is going anywhere anytime soon either. If anything, it's only going to keep getting bigger and more woven into our lives. In a few years, I bet we'll have augmented reality glasses that can instantly show us information about anything we look at. Or maybe we'll have computer chips implanted into our brains that let us access the internet directly with our thoughts! Now that would be cool.No matter what new techy things get invented though, one thing is for sure - the internet will still be there. It's just too big and important a part of our modern world to ever go away. Everywhere we go and everything we do, we're going to have that world of streaming videos, up-to-date information, and global communication just a click away.So yeah, you could say the internet is kind of ubiquitous and inescapable these days. But you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way! Bring on all the videos, games, social media and Wikipedia rabbit holes the internet has to offer. This kid is plugged in and loving it!篇4The Internet is Everywhere!Hi, my name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about how the internet is just about everywhere in our lives! It's really amazing when you think about it.The internet is sort of like a big computer network that connects almost all the computers and smartphones and tablets in the whole world together. With the internet, people can send information to each other super fast from anywhere. We use it for all sorts of things every single day without even thinking about it!One big way the internet is in our lives is for entertainment.A lot of kids love watching videos and playing games online. There are websites like YouTube where you can watch almost any video you can imagine - fun videos, educational videos, music videos, and more. My favorite YouTuber is the guy whomakes science experiment videos. It's so cool to see all the different experiments he does!Playing online games is another way the internet gives us entertainment. There are endless games you can play online, either by yourself or with friends. Some popular games are Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite, and Among Us. I love playing Roblox and making my own games and worlds on there. It's like being a game developer!But the internet isn't just for fun and games. It's also a huge part of how we learn and go to school. Especially the last few years with the pandemic, a lot of classes had to happen over video chat using the internet. We篇5The Internet is Everywhere!Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about how the internet is basically everywhere in our lives these days. It's crazy how much we use it for everything!Let me start by talking about school. At my elementary school, we use computers and tables for lots of our lessons andhomework. Instead of having physical books, we often read stories and articles online. We can watch videos about whatever topic we're learning too.When we have to do reports or writing assignments, we use internet search engines like Google to find information. I just type in keywords about my topic and tons of websites pop up with facts, pictures, and videos to learn from. It's so much easier than having to go to the library and look through book after book!Speaking of the library, they've upgraded a lot because of the internet too. You can go online and browse through all their books and movies without being there. If you find something you want, you can reserve it from home. Libraries also have databases you can access from anywhere to look up articles, studies, and reference materials for projects. Who needs print encyclopedias anymore?The internet is also a huge part of how we stay entertained and have fun. We can watch movies, shows, YouTube videos, and play online video games anytime we want. If I'm bored, I can hop online and find millions of videos of people doing funny skits, video blogs where they talk about their lives, tutorials to learnnew skills, or just endless silly clips of dogs and cats being hilarious.There are websites and apps for any game or activity you can imagine too. I'm really into Roblox, which is this online game where you can create your own worlds and games then share them with others. People from all over the planet make amazing things for you to explore and play. It's endlessly creative and different every time!You can even watch people live stream themselves playing games while thousands of other people watch and comment along in real time. Some people just log on and live stream themselves having conversations or doing other activities too.It's like getting little windows into tons of strangers' lives anytime you want.My parents use social media a ton as well to stay connected with old friends and relatives, share life updates, exchange messages, and more. There are neighborhood groups on apps like Nextdoor where they can get alerts about community events, safety notices, recommendations for local businesses, and just generally what's going on nearby.Our whole society basically runs on the internet now. My parents work online a lot, with video conferences, shareddocuments they collaborate on with colleagues, and endless emails going back and forth. They also do a ton of other stuff through the internet.We do our taxes, book travel, make doctor appointments, take classes, order food, buy stuff from stores, and handle our banking all through websites and apps now. It's so convenient to just pull out a laptop or phone and immediately have access to practically any service we need from anywhere. No more having to physically go to an office or make a call during certain hours to get stuff done.The internet is also how we get personalized entertainment and information catered just to our unique interests and needs. Videos, articles, ads, and search results are all tailored based on our browsing history and the data companies collect on us. It's almost like having the internet customize itself just for me!Not only that, but we can do all sorts of awesome, futuristic stuff through the internet. Using our phones or smart home devices, we can control things around our house with voice commands, like adjusting the temperature, turning lights on and off, or checking who's at the front door. When I'm older, I'll be able to have self-driving internet-connected cars take me wherever I need to go.With the internet of things, eventually everything in our homes and cities will be hooked up to the internet, all talking to each other and making our lives easier. Imagine your fridge letting you know when you're out of milk, or traffic signals that communicate with self-driving cars to optimize traffic flow. The internet is bringing us closer to the future of technology we see in movies!But overall, I think it's incredible how quickly we've gone from the internet being this new, niche thing to it being woven into the fabric of our entire world. We rely on it for everything - entertainment, communication, information, running businesses and the economy, you name it. I can't really imagine life without it at this point.While the internet brings some issues, I'm excited to see how it keeps developing and changing our lives as I get older.Self-driving cars, virtual reality, artificial intelligence assistants... who knows what incredible technologies will be integrated into the internet in the years to come? One thing's for sure, the internet isn't going away anytime soon. If anything, it will only become even more ubiquitous and essential. Welcome to the internet age!篇6The Internet Is Everywhere!Wow, the internet sure is amazing! It's like this huge magical library and toy box and movie theater and shopping mall all rolled into one. And it's everywhere we go nowadays. At home, at school, and even out and about with our phones and tablets. The internet has crept into every nook and cranny of our modern lives!Let me tell you about all the ways the internet impacts my day. It starts from the moment my alarm clock goes off in the morning. My parents use their phones to check online traffic reports and weather forecasts to help plan the morning routine. Then at breakfast, we might watch a funny video someone shared on social media while we munch our cereal.On the drive to school, my dad has his phone connected to stream podcasts or music playlists over the car speakers. And if there's a big delay on the road, he can quickly look up an alternate route on his phone's maps app. When we finally arrive, the school office workers are busy at their computer updating attendance records and printing out schedules for the day.In class, we use laptops and tablets all the time for interactive lessons, online research, and creating multimedia projects. My teachers have these high-tech "smart boards" thatconnect to the internet and let them show us videos, pictures, and websites at the front of the classroom. We can even video chat with students from other schools sometimes!At recess, a bunch of us kids are often gathered around comparing our favorite YouTube channels or showing each other new apps and online games we've discovered. I like to spend my free time between classes watching unboxing and product review videos - I find it fun to keep up with the latest tech gadgets even though my allowance is too small to actually buy them!After school, I log onto my parents' Netflix account to watch a few episodes of my favorite animated series while I have a snack. Or sometimes I'll join my cousins in a multiplayer video game like Roblox or Minecraft. We can voice chat and make up adventures together even though we live in different cities.In the evenings, my parents use their laptops and phones to surf the web, read the news, and pay bills online. Mom is really into social media, so she's always posting family pictures and jokes she finds amusing. Dad prefers looking up product reviews and ordering stuff from Amazon when he needs anything for work or a new hobby.And every Sunday night, the whole family gathers around the smart TV to watch our favorite shows together. We can stream movies, TV series, live name it! It's like having an entire video rental store at our fingertips without even leaving the living room.On top of all that entertainment, I rely on the internet for so much learning and creativity too. Whenever I need to research a topic for school, I start by looking it up online and reading free encyclopedia websites. YouTube is a gold mine of educational videos that make any subject more interesting and easy to understand.And for my own hobbies like creative writing, coding, or making art and music, I can find tutorials on virtually any skill I want to pick up. The internet connects me with communities of people who share my interests all around the world. I've even published and shared some of my stories and songs online!Can you believe how much is available on the internet? It gives us access to a wealth of knowledge, culture, and human experience like nothing ever before in history. With a few taps on a keyboard, I can video chat with my grandparents across the country, discover archived videos from the moon landing, learnabout ancient civilizations, and watch a newly released movie - all in the same sitting!I honestly can't imagine modern life without the internet. It has shaped pretty much every aspect of how we live, work, learn, and have fun in the 21st century. The internet allows us to connect with others, access boundless information, and explore amazing possibilities on a global scale unlike anything our ancestors ever dreamed of.From smart home devices to self-driving cars, it feels like every new technology being developed these days is enhanced by internet connectivity. Heck, even the microwave in our kitchen has a wifi signal! Sometimes it's enough to make my head spin just thinking about how embedded the internet has become in our daily routines.As amazing as the internet is though, there are some downsides to always being so plugged in and stimulated by digital content. My parents are always reminding me to limit my screen time and make sure I go outside to exercise and play for a while each day. They warn me that too much internet can rot your brain!And I definitely notice how hard it is for me to focus on readings or assignments that aren't immediately engaging andfun like videos or games. The internet has given me a short attention span and an addiction to constant stimulation. My teachers are always urging us to disconnect from devices and be present in the moment.There are also creepy aspects to the internet like online predators, cyberbullies, and the tricky terrain of sharing too much private information in a public digital space at a young age. My parents have a ton of security settings and parental controls to try to keep me safe online. It's a lot to think about at my age.So while the internet is one of the greatest sources of knowledge and opportunity humankind has ever created, it's also a bit of a double-edged sword we have to be careful about. As wonderful as it is being so hyperconnected, it's crucial to maintain balance and remember to actually experience the real physical world too.I feel really fortunate to be growing up in this age of rapid technological progress centred around the internet. I may only be a kid, but I can already perceive how enormously it has reshaped society and human potential in less than a single generation. Just imagining how the online world will keep evolving over the rest of my lifetime is thrilling and a bitmind-boggling!Who knows what will be possible thanks to the internet several decades from now? Will we have globally interconnected virtual realities to explore? Will we be instant messaging with aliens from other planets? One thing is for sure - the internet's influence in our lives will only keep expanding. The future is so hard to picture without it woven inextricably into the fabric of our civilization.No matter where life takes me, I'll always treasure growing up in this pivotal era where the internet went from an obscure novelty to an indispensable part of our modern human existence and development. Its impact on our society is truly profound. The internet has brought the world to our fingertips - literally! How amazing is that?。

小学信息技术四年级上册复习资料1. 网络无处不在,如:电话网,银行网,铁路网,邮电网,航空网2. 上网有二个接入方式:有线接入、无线接入3. 如何将网页添加到收藏夹中:收藏——添加到收藏夹4. 更改主页的方法:工具—Internet选项—输入地址(或使用当前页)5. 常用的搜索引擎有:百度 谷歌6. 新建文件夹的方法:右击空白处—新建—文件夹7. 文件夹或文件改名方法:1右击—重命名2点击—过一会儿再点击8. 文件夹或文件移动方法:1直接用鼠标拖动2右击——剪切——粘贴9. 删除文件夹或文件方法:1右击—删除2按键盘上的删除键Delete10.下载歌曲的方法:右击歌曲地址——目标另存为11.下载图片的方法:右击图片——图片另存为12.打开工具栏的几种方法:1 视图——工具栏2 右击任意工具栏3 工具——自定义——工具栏13.插入自选图形的方法:打开绘图工具栏——选择图形——进行绘制14.自选图形的修改:1 双击自选图形2 右击自选图形——设置自选图形格式15.叠放次序修改:右击自选图形——叠放次序——选择叠放方式16.组合图形:按住Shift键—选中需要组合的图形—右击—组合—组合17.插入剪贴图的方法:插入—图片—剪贴画—搜索—点击插入18.设置页面边框方法:格式—边框和底纹—页面边框—选择线型和颜色19. 常用快捷键:剪切ctrl+x ,复制ctrl+c,粘贴ctrl+v ,撤消ctrl+z ,关闭当前窗口alt+F4 ,打开任务管理器alt+ctrl+delete20. 选择连续的多个文件或文件夹:按住shift键,鼠标单击首尾二个文件选择不连续的多个文件事文件夹:按住ctrl键,鼠标单击各个文件21. 邮箱的格式:用户名@域名,如*************。
blhhb是用户名,后面的就是注册邮箱的网站的域名,可以看出是哪个网站的邮箱22. word中插入表格的方法:表格—插入—表格—输入行数列数—确定23. 表格的修改:选中表格或单元格——格式——边框和底纹——边框24.自选图形或图片、艺术字进行微移的方法:ctrl+方向键25.保存网页的方法:文件——另存为26.我们所说的上网,指的是因特网,英文名Internet27. @标志的输入方法:在英文输入模式下,shift+数字228. 顿号“、”的输入方法:中文标点模式下,按\ 键29. 省略号“……”的输入方法:中文标点模式下,shift+数字630. 书名号“《》”的输入方法:中文标点模式下,shift+大于小于号31. 计算机的英语单词是computer32.文件的后缀:word的后缀是:doc ,图片的后缀有:bmp 、jpg 、gif 等;音乐的后缀有:mp3 、wma 、rm等;视频的后缀有:rm 、rmvb 、mpg 、mpeg 、avi 、wmv 、dat 、3gp 、mp4等;Flash视频后缀是:swf。




网络安全无处不在,可以从以下几个方面来看待:1. 个人信息保护:在网络时代,个人信息是非常重要的资源。
2. 网络支付安全:随着网络购物和在线支付的普及,网络安全也涉及到资金安全。
3. 数据安全:网络上存储着大量的个人信息、企业数据和国家机密等重要数据。
4. 网络攻击防范:网络安全也能有效地防范各种网络攻击,比如病毒、木马、僵尸网络等恶意软件,以及拒绝服务攻击、网络钓鱼等攻击手段。
5. 隐私保护:在网络时代,人们的隐私往往面临着被侵犯的风险。

(1)通过课题的分析和讨论,完成任务一: 寻找生活中的计算机网络,并理解计算机网络的概念;
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
①通信设备和线路 ②多台独立计算机 ③网络软件
局域网(LAN) 城域网(MAN) 广域网(WAN)
计算机网络 有什么用?
(1)数据传送 (2)资源共享 (3)分布处理 (4)提高计算 机的可靠性和可用性
计算机网络 有哪些分类?
请你根据自己所学知识,完成以下三道题 目:
按 网 络 规 模 分 类
城域网(MAN) 传输介质:同轴电缆或光纤
传输速率:介于局域网和广域网之间 范围:一般其覆盖范围超过100千米
广域网(WAN) 传输介质:光纤
计算机网络还可以从其他的角度来进行分类,如 按通信介质 分为有线网和无线网 , 按通信速率分为低速网、中速网、高速网, 按网络的控制方式分为集中式网络和分布式网络 , 按数据传输和 转接系统的所有者分为公共网和专用网
软件资源共 享
网络无处不在 3、提高计算机的可靠性和可用性。 • 可靠性:网络中的每台计算机都可以通过网络相互成为后备机, 如超市收银、银行办理业务。 • 可用性:当网络中的某台计算机负担过重时,网络可以将部分任 务交给网络中较空闲的计算机,从而提高了每台计算机
4、分布处理 • 什么是分布处理? 就是利用分布处理算法和技术,可以将一些原来需要用大中型计 算机解决的复杂的大型综合性问题,分配给网络中的不同计算机,这些 计算机分别完成一部分数据处理任务。 • 分布处理的好处是什么? 1、充分利用了网络中计算机的处理能力。 2、比使用同样性能的大中型计算机节省费用。
本城市及 国内部分 其他城市 可以在 本城市任何一台属 于信用卡发卡银行 或和发卡银行有互 通协议的银行的自 动取款机上取款;有的银行还开 通了异地取款功能。
可以使用 学校教室里的电脑 访问相关教学资源
全球任何 连入因特 网的地区
在家里、 学校、图书馆都可 以访问因特网、收 发电子邮件、进行 网上聊天等。
1、判断题:世界上最大的广域网是因特 网。( ) 2、判断题:局域网是指在较小的地理范围 内(一般十几公里)由计算机、通信线路和 网络连接设备组成的网络。( ) 3、填空题:校园网是 ( 局域网 )网络。
替补 电脑
第二组 电脑
第一组 电脑
计算机网络有多种分类标准,最常用的分类标准是网络范 围和计算机互联的距离来分类,也称”按网络规模(作用范围)“分 类方法。
范围:一间机房、一幢大楼或一所学校 传输介质:双绞线或同轴电缆 传输速率:10—100M、数百兆、千兆甚至万兆
通过前面的认识以及上图,我们可以得出什么是计算机网络: 1、计算机网络是利用 通信设备和线路 (有线和无线),将地理 上分散分布的具有独立功能的 多台计算机 相互连接,以功能完 善的网络软件 实现网络中 资源共享 和 信息传递的系统。
网络无处不在 2、计算机网络的主要功能有: 数据传送 、 分布处理 资源共享、 提高计算机的可靠性和可用性、 • 数据传送是计算机网络最基本的功能。 • 资源共享是计算机网络的重要功能。 计算机网络可以共享的资源有:
硬件 共 享 计 算 机 的
特殊的外部设备,如打印机等。 大型机、巨型机的CPU处理能力,如云计算。
各种语言处理程序 服务程序和应用程序等 数据文件,如网络共享。 数据库,如银行通存通况,跨行交易。
QQ、 E-mail 、IP电话、发送文件等。
资源共享: 包括软件和硬件
邮局工作人员将汇款 信息输入计算机
汇款信息通过计算机 网络传送到汇款目的地
邮递员将计算机打印 的取款通知单送给收款人
比较内容 速度 可靠性 查询 准确性
传统邮政汇款 原始汇款单要经过长途运输, 速度慢 原始汇款单容易遗失 难以查询
不再传递原始汇款单,传递的是 汇款信息,速度快。 不用担心丢失汇款单 易查询 计算机打印的取款通知单清晰、 准确,确保投递的准确 同市、县范围内的电子汇款可在任 意一个联网的网点办理兑付。
若原始汇款单上字迹潦草或因 长途跋涉造成破损,极易导致 投递错误。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
存取款可以直 接使用ATM机 可以实现通存通 兑,甚至是跨行 的通存通兑
本书店 可以使 用本书店任何一台 电脑查询图书信息; 收银员可以使用任 何一台收银电脑收 取书款。
第1节 网络无处不在
计算机网络是什么?——概念 计算机网络有什么用?——主要功能
第一节 网络无处不在
任务一 寻找生活中的计算机网络
使用计算机的场所 办公室 计算机教室 图书馆 售票处 使用了计算机网络 √
任务二 了解计算机网络的作用