Notting Hill
notting hill观后感
notting hill观后感《诺丁山》观后感作为一部以爱情为主题的影片,《诺丁山》以其温馨浪漫的故事情节和细腻感人的情感描写,赢得了许多观众的喜爱。
Notting Hill《诺丁山(1999)》完整中英文对照剧本
不要走开因为今天下午晚些时候So stay with us because later this afternoon,我们非常幸运能邀请到安娜·斯科特来做访谈we're lucky enough to be talking to Anna Scott,她是好莱坞迄今最大牌的明星Hollywood's biggest star by far.斯科特小姐的最新电影又一次占据了各大榜单首位Miss Scott's latest film is once again topping the charts. ♪她或许是我无法忘怀的面容♪♪She may be the face I can't forget♪♪是一丝欣喜或是一丝遗憾♪♪A trace of pleasure or regret♪♪她是我的宝藏抑或是我要付出的代价♪♪May be my treasure or the price I have to pay♪♪她是映射我美梦的明镜♪♪She may be the mirror of my dream♪♪倒映在小河上的微笑♪♪A smile reflected in a stream♪♪她其实并非如外表那般光鲜亮丽♪♪She may not be what she may seem inside her shell♪♪她在人群中常常开怀大笑♪♪She who always seems so happy in a crowd♪♪眼神内敛又如此骄傲♪♪Whose eyes can be so private and so proud♪♪即便落泪也不会让人看见♪♪No one's allowed to see them when they cry♪♪她是昙花一现的爱情♪♪She may be the love that cannot hope to last♪诺丁山♪从过去的阴霾向我走来♪♪May come to me from shadows of the past♪♪我至死都会铭记♪♪That I'll remember till the day I die♪♪她或许是我幸存的原因♪♪She may be the reason I survive♪♪我尚且苟活的理由♪♪The why and wherefore I'm alive♪♪历经沧海桑田她都是我的最爱♪♪The one I'll care for through the rough and ready years♪♪我要将她的欢笑与泪水♪♪Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears♪♪一一珍藏留念♪♪And make them all my souvenirs♪♪我要追随她的脚步♪♪For where she goes I've got to be♪♪因为我人生的意义就是♪♪The meaning of my life is she♪♪她♪♪She♪♪她♪♪Oh, she♪我当然看过她的电影Of course I've seen her films...我也一直觉得她是个美人and always thought she was, well, fabulous.但我与她相隔了十万八千里But, you know, a million, million miles from the world I live in... 我住在这里诺丁山我最爱的伦敦一角which is here, Notting Hill, my favorite bit of London.这里在工作日会举办市集There's the market on weekdays兜售各种各样的水果蔬菜selling every fruit and vegetable known to man.这里有一家纹身店店外有醉酒男子The tattoo parlor with a guy outside who got drunk...估计他现在也忘了当初为什么要纹"我爱肯"and now can't remember why he chose "I love Ken."还有风格激进的理发店The radical hairdressers where《芝麻街》中的角色刚理完出来的人看着都像甜饼怪一样everyone comes out looking like the Cookie Monster,不管这是不是他们的本意whether they want to or not.然后一下就到了周末And then, suddenly, it's the weekend,天刚亮就有数百家小摊贩突然冒出来and from break of day hundreds of stalls appear out of nowhere, 填满波特贝罗路一直开到诺丁山门filling Portobello Road, right up to Notting Hill Gate.目之所及And wherever you look有成千上万人正在购买♥♥着数不胜数的古董thousands of people are buying millions of antiques,有些是真品有些看着就是假货some genuine and some... not quite so genuine.很棒的一点是我的很多好友And what's great is that lots of friends最后都回到了伦敦的这里have ended up in this part of London.比如说这位托尼从建筑师转行成了厨师That's Tony, for example, architect turned chef,最近用毕生积蓄who recently invested all the money投资了一家新餐厅he ever earned in a new restaurant.这就是多年来我每天生活的地方And so, this is where I spend my days and years...在这个城中的小村庄in this small village in the middle of the city一栋有着蓝色大门的房♥子里in a house with a blue door...那是我和我妻子一起买♥♥的that my wife and I bought together之后她就抛下我和一个男人跑了before she left me for a man...那个男的长得和明星哈里森·福特一模一样who looked exactly like Harrison Ford.而如今我在这里And where I now和一个房♥客过着诡异的同居生活他叫...lead a strange half-life with a lodger called...斯派克Spike!你能帮我参谋一下吗我有件特别重要的事You couldn't help me with an incredible important decision, could you? 那这件事会比Is this important in comparison to, let's say,取消第三世界债务还要重要吗whether they should cancel Third World debt?是的That's right.我终于要和美丽的简琳约会了I am at last going out on a date with the great Janine,我得确保选出一件合适的T恤衫and I just wanna be sure I've picked the right T-shirt.-有哪几件可供选择 -你等着- What are the choices? - Well, wait for it.我嗜血如命这是第一件很酷吧First there's this one. Cool, huh?好吧这有点难表现出浪漫的感觉啊Yeah, it might make it hard to strike a really romantic note. 说得对先别绝望Point taken. Don't despair.如果要浪漫点的话If it's romance we're looking for,我正好有这么一件I believe I have just the thing.往下摸说实话这件吧Yeah, well, there again,她可能会觉得你不是在找真爱she might not think you had true love on your mind.好吧还有一件Right. Just one more.真爱我来啦True love here I come.你是这世上最美的女人可以这件正合适Well, yeah. Yeah, that's... that's, um, perfect.太好了谢谢Great. Thanks.-祝我好运吧 -好运- Wish me luck. - Good luck.想挨操吗这不过是又一个糟糕透顶的星期三And so it was just another hopeless Wednesday,我照常步行一千码左右穿过市集去工作as I walked the thousand yards through the market to work, 我怎么也不会想到never suspecting that今天会彻底改变我的人生this was the day that was gonna change my life forever.对了这就是我工作的地方This is work, by the way,我开的一家旅游书店my little travel bookshop...-早马丁 -早大人- Morning, Martin. - Morning, Monsignor.专卖♥♥旅游书籍的Which, um, well, sells travel books,实话说销量并不太好and to be frank with you, doesn't always sell many of those.老样子大型促销活动的盈利是Classic. Profit from major sales push,亏损347英镑minus £347.要不要帮你买♥♥一杯卡布奇诺Shall I, uh, go and get you a cappuccino?-帮你舒缓下痛苦 -好啊- You know, ease the pain a bit. - Yeah, yeah.最好来半杯我只付得起半杯的钱Better make it a half. All I can afford.懂了 "半卡布"马上就来Get your logic. Demi-cappu coming right up.请问有什么需要的吗Can I help you at all?不用了我就随便逛逛No, thanks. I'll just... look around.好吧Fine.那本其实不怎么样That book's really not great.先告诉你一声Just in case, you know,免得你觉得看过了就得买♥♥下来那纯属浪费钱browsing turned to buying. You'd be wasting your money. 不过你要是对土耳其感兴趣But if it's Turkey you're interested in,这本书就很好um, this one, on the other hand, is very good.我觉得这本书的作者是真去过土耳其的I think the man who wrote it has actually been to Turkey, 这一点很有帮助which helps.里面还说到了关于烤肉串的趣事There's also a very amusing incident with a kebab,书里还描述了其他很多趣事um, which is one of many amusing incidents.谢谢我会考虑下Thanks. I'll think about it.或者从精♥装♥版里挑有...Or, in the bigger hardback variety, there's...不好意思失陪一下I'm sorry. Can you just give me a second?你好Excuse me.-什么事 -有坏消息- Yes? - Bad news.什么What?我们在店里的这个地方装了摄像头We've got a security camera in this bit of the shop.那又怎样So?于是我就看见你把一本书塞进裤子里了So I saw you put that book down your trousers.-什么书 -你裤子里的那本- What book? - The one down your trousers.我裤子里可没有什么书I don't have a book down my trousers.好吧Right.这样吧我先打电♥话♥报♥警♥I tell you what. Um, I'll call the police, and, um,怎么说呢what can I say,你要是没有把书塞进裤子里的话if I'm wrong about the whole "Book down the trousers" Scenario, 我真心道歉I really apologize.好吧那如果...Okay. What if...我裤子里真有一本书怎么办I did have a book down my trousers?理想情况是等我回柜台之后Well, ideally, when I went back to the desk,你就把《卡多根旅游指南之巴厘岛》从裤子里拿出来you'd remove the Cadogan Guide to Bali from your trousers...要么擦干净放回原处要么买♥♥下来and either wipe it and put it back or buy it.待会儿见I'll see you in a sec.抱歉I'm sorry about that.没关系No, it's fine.我本来打算偷一本的现在改变主意了I was gonna steal one, but now I've changed my mind.还有作者签名啊好吧Signed by the author, I see.是的我拦都拦不住Yeah, couldn't stop him.你要是能找到一本未签名版的If you can find an unsigned one,那可就值钱了it's worth an absolute fortune.打扰一下Excuse me.-怎么 -你能给我签个名吗- Yes? - Can I have your autograph?当然可以Sure.给Here.-你叫什么 -鲁弗斯- What's your name? - Rufus.你写的是什么What does it say?这是我的签名That's my signature.上面写的是"亲爱的鲁弗斯你该坐牢"And above it, it says, "Dear Rufus, you belong in jail."不错Good one.你想要我的电♥话♥号♥码吗Do you want my phone number?很诱人Tempting.不过不用了谢谢But... no. Thank you.我买♥♥这本I will take this one.好的那么...Oh, right, right. So, uh...现在想来这本书其实也没那么烂Well, on second thoughts, um, maybe it's not that bad after all. 实际上还算经典Actually, it's a sort of a classic, really.没提到过任何幼稚的烤肉故事None of those childish kebab stories毕竟现在大多数书里都会提到you find in so many books these days.不如这样吧And, um, I tell you what.我白送你这本书I'll throw in one of those for free.可以用来生个火Useful for, uh, lighting fires,或包个鱼之类的wrapping fish, that sort of thing.-谢谢了 -不客气- Thanks. - Pleasure.你点的卡布奇诺咖啡Cappuccino, as ordered.谢谢Thanks.你一定不敢相信刚刚谁来店里了I don't think you'll believe who was just in here.是谁Who?名人吗Was it someone famous?-不不是 -不是吗- No, no, no. - No?那得多让人激动是吧Would be exciting, though, wouldn't it,真要是名人来了的话if someone famous came into the shop?你知道吗这事说起来真的很神奇Do you know... and this is pretty amazing, actually...但我有次遇到了林戈·斯塔尔[披头士乐队]but I once saw Ringo Starr. -在哪遇到的 -肯辛顿大街- Where was that? - Kensington High Street.起码我觉得那是林戈At least I think it was Ringo.也可能是《屋顶上的提琴手》里的那个男的It might have been that man from Fiddler on the Roof.-就是托比 -是托波吧- You know, Toppy. - Topo!.没错托波Yes, that's right. Topo!.林戈·斯塔尔实际上...Actually, Ringo Starr doesn't...跟托波长得一点都不像doesn't look at all like, uh, Topo!.也是但他当时离我很远Yeah, but he was... he was quite a long way away from me.所以可能不是他们任何一个So actually it could've been neither of them.我觉得那也是可能的Yes, I suppose so, yes.-不算是典型的趣事吧 -不算的确- It's not a classic anecdote, is it? - Not a classic, no. No.-再来一杯吗 -好不了- Another one? - Yes. No.疯狂一把吧我要橙汁Let's go crazy. I'll have an orange juice.-好的谢谢再见 -回见- Okay, thanks. Bye-bye. - See you later.该死Shit!-我的天啊 -糟糕对不起真对不起- Oh, my God! - Bugger! I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.-来我来... -手拿开- Here. Let me... - Get your hands off!真的很抱歉我就住在街尾I'm really sorry. I live just over the street.我那里有水肥皂你可以洗干净I have, um, water and soap. You can get cleaned up.不用了谢谢我只想找到我的车No, thank you. I just need to get my car back.我那里也有电♥话♥ 五分钟之内...I also have a phone. I'm confident that in five minutes...等你再站到这条街上肯定能干干净净的we could have you spick-and-span and back on the street again. 不是说你是站街妓♥女♥ 不是那个意思In the non-prostitute sense, obviously.好吧..."就在街尾"具体是多远All right. Well... What do you mean, "Just over the street"?距离有多少码Give it to me in yards.18码[约16.5米] 我家就在那边蓝色大门Uh, 18 yards. That's my house there with the blue front door. 请进我就...就...Come on in. I'll just... I'll just...好了请进吧Right. Right. Come in.恐怕不如平时那么整洁It's, um, not quite as tidy as it normally is, I fear.但...浴室在楼上But, um... The bathroom's on the top floor.电♥话♥就...就在那And the telephone's just... just up here.给我吧我来Here. Let... Let me, um...拐过去直接走...走上楼Um, round the corner. Straight on... straight on up.糟糕Bugger.要喝一杯茶再走吗Would you like a cup of tea before you go?不用了No.咖啡呢Coffee?不用了No.橙汁呢Orange juice?我估计也是不用还有什么冷饮Probably not. Um, something else cold.可乐水Coke? Water?或者恶心的含糖饮料Some disgusting sugary drink...假装富含天然水果成分pretending to have something to do with fruits of the forest? -不用了 -还是你想吃点什么- No. - Would you like something to eat?小零食吃着玩Uh, something to nibble?蜜饯杏肉Um, apricots soaked in honey?没人知道为什么要这么做Quite why, no one knows,因为这让它们尝起来不太像是杏了...because it stops them tasting of apricots...而是像蜂蜜and makes them taste like honey,可要是想吃蜂蜜and if you wanted honey,直接买♥♥蜂蜜就好了何必买♥♥杏you'd just buy honey instead of... apricots.但不管怎样这东西就是存在Um, but nevertheless, there we go there.你要是想吃的话都是你的They're yours if you want them.不了No.你对任何事都说不吗Do you always say "No" to everything?不No.我该走了I'd better be going.谢谢你的帮助Thanks for your, uh, help.不客气You're welcome.有句话我可以说吗我很开心And, uh, may I also say, um, heavenly.我还是趁机说了吧I'll just take my one chance to say it.毕竟看完那本糟糕的书After you've read that terrible book,你肯定不会再去我们书店了you're certainly not going to be coming back to the shop. 谢谢你Thank you.没事乐意之至Yeah. Well, my pleasure.话说...So...见到你很开心it was nice to meet you.很不真实但很开心Surreal but, um... but nice.不好意思Sorry."不真实但开心" 我在想些什么"Surreal but nice"? What was I thinking?你好Hi.你好Hi.-我买♥♥的东西忘带走了 -对哦好吧- I forgot my other bag. - Oh, right. Right.谢谢Thanks.我得为刚刚那句"不真实但开心" 向你道歉I'm very sorry about the "Surreal but nice" Comment. 说得太糟糕了Disaster.没关系That's okay.我觉得那个蜜饯杏肉才是最尴尬的I thought the apricot and honey thing was the real low point. 天呐是我的室友Oh, my God. My flatmate.真对不起他这人简直不可理喻I'm sorry. There's no excuse for him.你好Hi.你好Hi.我先去厨房♥找点吃的I'm just going into the kitchen to get some food.然后我要跟你讲个故事Then I'm gonna tell you a story能把你的蛋吓得萎缩成葡萄干that will make your balls shrink to the size of raisins.今天的事最好别跟任何人说Probably best not to tell anyone about this.好的谁也不说Right. Right. No one.我应该会偶尔对自己说说I mean, I'll tell myself sometimes.但别担心我自己也不会信的But don't worry. I won't believe it.-再见 -再见- Bye. - Bye.这酸奶坏了吧There's something wrong with this yogurt.那不是酸奶那是蛋黄酱It's not yogurt. It's mayonnaise.好吧怪不得Oh, right. There we are then.晚上一起看录像吗On for a videofest tonight?我有些珍藏I got some absolute classics.-笑一个 -不- Smile. - No.-笑一个嘛 -没什么值得我笑的- Smile. - I've got nothing to smile about.好吧Okay.大概七秒后In about seven seconds,我会向你求婚I'm going to ask you to marry me.想象一下Imagine.这世上有个男人可以吻她Somewhere in the world there's a man who's allowed to kiss her. 的确她很...Yes, she is, uh,很美fairly fabulous.旅游书店-你这里有狄更斯的书吗 -没有- Do you have any books by Dickens? - No.不好意思我们是旅游书店No, I'm afraid we're a travel bookshop.我们只卖♥♥旅游类书籍We only sell travel books.好吧那你们有约翰·格里森姆的惊悚小说吗Oh, right. How about the new John Grisham thriller?没有因为那...那书算是小说对吧Well, no, 'cause that's, uh... that's a novel too, isn't it?也对Oh, right.那你们有《小熊维尼》吗Have you got Winnie the Pooh?马丁你来招呼这位客人Martin, your customer.有什么可以帮到你的吗Uh, can I help you?就随口问一下Just, um, incidentally,为什么你要穿成这样uh, why... are you wearing that?混搭风并且我没其他干净衣服了Combination of factors really. Uh, no clean clothes.如果你不洗衣服There never will be, you know,永远都不会有洗干净的衣服unless you actually clean your clothes.没错恶性循环Right. Vicious circle.我就是随便翻翻你的东西And I was, like, rooting around in your things...然后找到了这件觉得还挺不错的and I found this, and I thought "Cool."有点太空风格Kinda... spacey.护目镜感觉有点问题There's something wrong with the goggles, though.不是的因为那是带度数的No, they were, um, prescription.-有意思 -那样我才能看清水里所有的鱼- Groovy. - So I could see all the fishes properly.你应该多玩玩这些You should do more of this stuff.-今天有留言吗 -我记下来了两条- So, look, any messages today? - Yeah, I wrote a couple down. 所以就是两条两条消息对吗So there were two. There were two messages? Right?你想让我把所有留言都记下来吗You want me to write down all your messages?好吧那谁的留言你没有记下来Okay, who are the ones that you didn't write down from?完全记不起来了No. Gone completely.不有一条是你妈妈打来的Oh, no. There was one from your mum.她说别忘了吃午饭并且她的腿又疼了She said don't forget lunch, and her leg's hurting again.-没有其他人的了 -绝对没有了- No one else? - Absolutely no one else.不过如果真的要说Though if we're going for this把所有留言都记下来的话obsessive writing down all the message thing,几天前有个叫安娜的美国姑娘曾来过电♥话♥some American girl called Anna called a few days ago. -她说了什么 -特别奇怪- What did she say? - Well, it was genuinely bizarre.她说你好我是安娜She said, "Hi. It's Anna."然后她说打电♥话♥到丽思酒店找我Then she said, "Call me at The Ritz"...然后报上一个完全不同的名字and then gave herself a completely different name.-什么名字 -我不记得了- Which was? - Absolutely no idea.记住一个名字就够难了Remembering one name's hard enough.不我知道她是那样说的No, l... I know that. She... She said that.我知道她用的是化名I know she's using another name.问题是她是给我室友留言的The problem is she left the message with my flatmate... 那真是大错特错which was a very serious mistake.我不知道怎么形容想像一下Um, I don't know. Imagine, if you will,你见过的最蠢的人the stupidest person you've ever met.你在想象吗Are you doing that?是的先生我想象到了Yes, sir, I have him in my mind.把你脑海中那个人的愚蠢翻上一倍And now double it. And that is the, um... what can I say... 就是和我住在一起的饭桶the git that I am living with.他想不起来And he can't remember...-试试弗林斯通 -不好意思你说什么- Try Flintstone. - I'm sorry, what?她说的化名好像是弗林斯通I think she said her name was Flintstone.我...我想问问I don't... I don't suppose,你那边有叫弗林斯通的客人吗um, Flintstone rings any bells, does it?-我这就帮你转接先生 -我的天呐- Oh, I'll put you right through, sir. - Oh, my God. 你好Hello. Hi.-你好 -喂- Hi there. - Hello?你好Hi.-不好意思我是威廉·瑟克 -什么事- Sorry. It's William... Thacker. - Yes?我们我在书店工作Um, we... I work in a bookshop.你可真会耍酷You played it pretty cool there,等了三天才打给我waiting for three days to call.不是的我保证Oh, no, I promise you我这辈子从来不耍酷I've never played anything cool in my entire life. 我室友回头我会捅死他的My flatmate, who'll I'll stab to death later,没有告诉我你的留言never gave me the message.我不知道也许I don't know. Perhaps, um,一会儿我可以过去喝杯茶什么的I could drop round for tea later or something.我现在很忙Things are pretty busy here.-我大概4点有空 -好的非常好- I might be free around 4:00. - Right. Right. Great. -拜拜 -好的拜拜- Bye. - Yea... Bye.太棒了Classic.太棒了Classic.-你要到哪层 -三层麻烦你了- Which floor? - Three, please.你确定是这里Are you sure this is...是的我确定Oh, yeah. Yeah. Sure.我是凯伦你好I'm Karen. Hi.抱歉进度要比预期稍微晚一点I'm sorry. Things are running a little bit late.螺旋拿着这个到这边来Here's the, thing. Do you wanna come this way?从这边走Through here.你觉得电影如何So what did you think of the film?精彩极了我觉得它就像是Yeah, I thought it was fantastic. I thought it was, uh,《第三类接触》与《恋恋山城》的结合体Close Encounters meets Jean de Florette.我同意I agree.不好意思我不记得你是哪家杂♥志♥社的I'm sorry. I didn't get down what magazines you're from. -《暂停》周刊 -很好- Time Out. - Great.你是哪家杂♥志♥的And you're from?马与猎犬《马与猎犬》Horse & Hound.名字是威廉·瑟克The name's William Thacker. I think,事实上她可能在等我actually, she might be expecting me.好的请坐我会去核实一下Oh, okay. Take a seat and I'll go check.我看到你给她带了花I see you've, uh... I see you've brought her some flowers. 不是的No.这是给我奶奶买♥♥的These are for my, um, grandmother.她恰好在这条路上的医院里住院She's in a hospital just down the road.我想着能一石二鸟呢Thought I'd kill two birds with one stone, you know.是啊不错Sure, right. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah.哪家医院Which hospital's that?你介意我不说吗Do you mind me not saying?她得了一种令人痛苦的病It's a rather distressing disease.-医院名会暴露病名的 -好的- Name of the hospital kind of gives it away. - Absolutely. Sure. -谢谢 -是的- Cheers. - Ooh, yes.瑟克先生请你到这边来Right, Mr. Thacker. Will you come this way.好的Right.你有五分钟的时间You've got five minutes.你好Hello.我带了花但是显然I brought these, but clearly...没事的这花很好看No, they're great. They're great.我很抱歉没有回电Ah, listen, I'm sorry about not ringing back.同时用了真名和化名这种事The whole "two-names concept"...对于我室友豌豆大小的脑子来说太复杂了was totally too much for my flatmate's pea-sized intellect.没事这就是一种愚蠢的保密措施No, it's a stupid privacy thing.我总是选用卡♥通♥人物的名字I always pick a... cartoon character.上次我用的是斑比夫人Last time I was Mrs. Bambi.-一切还顺利吗 -是的谢谢- Everything all right? - Yes, thank you.你是《马与猎犬》杂♥志♥的And you're from, Horse & Hound.-是的 -很好- Yeah. - Good.是这样吗好吧Is that so? Well.所以So, uh...那我就开始提问了可以吗I'll just... fire away then, shall I?好吧Right.电影非常棒The film's great, and, um,我只是想知道I just was wondering whether...你是否想过在电影里you ever thought of having, um,加入更多的马more, horses in it.我们本来想要这么做的Well, we would have liked to,但是故事发生在太空中显然这很难实现but it was, um, difficult, obviously, being set in space.太空中是的显然很难实现Space, right, yeah. Yeah, obviously very difficult.真抱歉我到了外面I'm so sorry. I arrived outside.他们塞给我这个我就不...They thrust this thing into my hand, I didn't...不这是我的错我以为活动这时候已经结束了No, it's my fault. I thought this would all be over by now. 我只是想要为接吻的事道歉I just wanted to sort of apologize for the kissing thing.我真的不知道自己当时是怎么了I seriously don't know what came over me.我想要确保那没有对你造成困扰And I just wanted to make sure that you were fine about it.没有当然Yeah, yeah, yeah.我好得很Absolutely fine.斯科特小姐也很愿意谈论Do remember that Miss Scott is also她的下一部电影keen to talk about her next project...电影将于今年夏天拍摄which is, um, shooting later in the summer.好的非常好Ah, yes, excellent. Excellent.那部电影里会有马吗Any horses in that one?或者有猎犬也很好Or hounds for that matter.我们的读者对这两种生物都很感兴趣Our readers are equally intrigued by both species.故事发生在潜水艇里It takes place on a submarine.那真不幸Well, bad luck.不过But, um,如果电影里会有马出现if there were horses in it,你会亲自骑马吗would you be riding them...还是会用替身骑马演员or would you be getting, a... a stunt-horse-double-man-thing? 我就是个白♥痴♥ 对不起l-I'm a complete moron. I apologize. I...这太奇怪了这种事一般只出现在梦里This is very weird. It's the sort of thing that happens in dreams, 不会出现在现实生活中的not in real life.这是美梦里才有的事情I mean, good dreams. It's a...事实上再次见到你就像一场梦一样It's a dream, in fact, to see you again.那接下来梦里会发生什么What happens next in the dream?我想在梦里I suppose in the, dream...梦境之中我...dream scenario... I just, uh,我改变了我的性情change my personality...因为在梦里是可以改变性情的because you can do that in dreams and, um,然后走过去亲吻那个女孩walk over and, kiss the girl.但是But, uh...时间到了你得到想要的回答了吗Time's up, I'm afraid. Did you get what you wanted?-差不多了 -那就再问最后一个问题- Nearly, nearly. - Well, maybe just one last question.-没问题 -好的好的- Sure. - Right, right.你今晚忙吗Are you... busy tonight?-是的 -好的- Yes. - Right. Right.进来吧Come in.很高兴认识你It was nice to meet you.是的我也是Yes, and you.很不真实但很开心Surreal... but nice.谢谢你是《马与猎犬》杂♥志♥最喜爱的女演员Thank you. You are Horse & Hounds' favorite actress.你和黑骏马You and Black Beauty...不相上下tied.她怎么样How was she?美极了Fabulous.好极了Excellent.等等她拿走了你准备献给你奶奶的花Wait a minute. She took your grandmother's flowers. 是的没错Yeah, yeah. That's right.-贱♥人♥ -瑟克先生- Bitch. - Oh, Mr. Thacker.瑟克先生请跟我来Mr. Thacker, if you'd like to come with me,我们也可以让你采访一下其他人we can rush you through the others.其他人The others?瑟克先生来自《马与猎犬》杂♥志♥社Mr. Thacker is from Horse & Hound.-你好吗 -很好谢谢- How's it going? - Very well, thank you.请坐Have a seat.你喜欢这部电影吗Well, did you enjoy the film?喜欢非常喜欢Yes, enormously.-好了开始吧 -好的- Well, fire away. - Right.你享受拍这部电影吗Did you enjoy making the film?-是的 -好的- Yes, I did. - Good.具体喜欢哪个部分呢Any bit in particular?你告诉我你最喜欢哪个部分You tell me what bit you enjoyed the most,我再告诉你我是否享受拍那一段and I'll tell you if I enjoyed making that bit.我...I...非常喜欢在太空那一段liked the bit in space... very much.你跟你所扮演的角色是同一类人吗Did you identify with the character you're playing?不是No.不是No.为什么不是Why not?因为他扮演的是一个吃人肉的变♥态♥机器人Because he's playing a psychopathic flesh-eating robot.好极了Classic.这是你拍的第一部电影吗So, uh, is this your first film?不是这是第22部No. It's my 22nd.好吧在这22部中你最喜欢哪部呢Of course it is. Any favorites among the 22?跟莱昂纳多合作的那部Working with Leonardo.莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥美国演员-达·芬奇吗 -迪卡普里奥- Da Vinci? - DiCaprio.当然Of course.他是你最喜欢的意大利导演吗And is... is he your favorite Italian director?-瑟克先生 -不要啊- Mr. Thacker. - Oh, no.-你有时间吗 -没有- Have you got a minute? - No.是这样...Yeah, so the, um...我今晚本来的安排现在取消了the... the thing I was doing tonight, I'm not doing anymore. 我告诉他们我今晚要I told them I had to spend the evening...跟英国最优秀的马术记者见面with Britain's premier equestrian journalist.太好了Well, great.太棒了真的是...Fantastic. That's, uh...糟了Shittity brickitty.今天是我妹妹生日糟了It's my sister's birthday. Shit.我们本来要一起吃晚饭的We're meant to be having dinner.-好吧没事 -不我一定能推掉的- Okay, that's fine. - No. I'm sure I can get out of it.不是你不介意的话我可以当你的女伴No, I mean, if it's fine with you, I'll be your date. 你...你当我的女伴...You... You'll be my date...陪我参加我妹妹的生日派对吗to my little sister's birthday party?-如果可以的话 -当然可以了- If it's all right. - Well, yeah, I'm sure it's all right.我朋友麦克斯负责做菜My friend Max is cooking,他是公认的and he is generally acknowledged全世界最差的厨师to be the worst cook in the world.不过你可以把食物But, um, you know, you could hide the food藏在你的包里in your handbag or something.好吧Okay.好吧Okay.他要带女孩来吗He's bringing a girl?看来奇迹真会发生Miracles do happen.-那个女孩有名字吗 -不知道他不说- Does the girl have a name? - Don't know. Wouldn't say. 天呐这里面怎么了Oh, Christ! What is going on in there?天呐Oh, God!。
notting hill观后感
notting hill观后感Notting Hill是一部1999年上映的浪漫喜剧电影,由Richard Curtis导演,Hugh Grant和Julia Roberts主演。
作为一部经典的浪漫喜剧电影,Notting Hill给人留下了深刻的印象,以下是我对这部电影的观后感。
首先,Notting Hill以其漂亮的画面和伦敦的美丽风景为观众带来了无尽的魅力。
其次,Notting Hill讲述了一个感人的爱情故事,故事中主人公William和Anna之间的化学反应非常强烈,他们之间的互动让人感到热情和真挚。
Hugh Grant塑造了一个谦逊、善良且幽默的角色,他让人感到非常舒适和温暖。
Julia Roberts则扮演了一个纯真而富有魅力的好莱坞女星,她让人感到她的能力和深情。
总的来说,Notting Hill是一部关于爱与意志的电影,它表现了关于生命的美好事物,包括人际关系、平淡的日常生活和爱情。
诺丁山 Notting Hill 中英文剧本
诺丁山 Notting Hill 中英文剧本[ Man ] So stay with us because later this afternoon,不要离开,因为稍后…we're lucky enough to be talking to Anna Scott,我们将有幸请到安娜·斯科特…Hollywood's biggest star by far.好莱坞迄今最红的明星Miss Scott's latest film is once again topping the charts. 斯科特小姐的新片再次雄居票房榜首- [ Piano ] - [ Man Continues, Indistinct ]She may be the face I can't forget∮我无法忘记她的脸∮A trace of pleasure or regret∮带着欢乐或悲伤∮∮我能为之付出我的所有∮May be my treasure or the priceI have to pay∮她也许只是个幻影∮She may be the mirror∮出现在我梦中∮Of my dream∮出现在梦中的笑容∮A smile reflected in a stream∮真实的她也许并不那么快乐∮She may not be what she may seem主演:茱莉亚·罗伯茨Inside her shell∮她在人群中似乎总是很快乐∮She who always seems so happy in a crowd Whose eyes can be so private and so proud∮眼神中带着神秘和骄傲∮主演:休·格兰特No one's allowed to see them when they cry ∮没人能看到她哭泣的样子∮She may be the love that cannot hope to last∮也许她并不愿失去爱情∮<i>诺丁山<i/></i>May come to me from shadows of the past∮如果她走出阴影向我靠近∮∮那我至死也不会忘记∮That I'll remember till the dayI dieShe may be the reason I survive∮她也许是我活着的理由∮The why and wherefore I'm alive∮是我至今还活着的理由∮The one I'll care for through the rough∮我时刻准备着扶持她走出困境∮And ready yearsMe, I'll take her laughter and her tears∮我会分享她的欢笑和忧伤∮And make them all my souvenirs∮让它们成为我的记忆∮∮我愿为她赴汤蹈火∮For where she goes I've got to beThe meaning of my life is∮我的一生只为她而活∮She∮她∮She∮她∮Oh, she∮哦,她∮[ Man Narrating ] Of course I've seen her films... 我当然看过她的片子…and always thought she was, well, fabulous.而且一直认为她很出色But, you know, a million, million miles from the world I live in...不过她和我的家乡远隔重洋…which is here, Notting Hill, my favorite bit of London.我住在诺丁山…伦敦我最喜欢的地方There's the market on weekdays selling every fruit and vegetable known to man. 平时集市上会贩卖各种为人熟知的果蔬Rock hard bananas, five for a pound!香蕉,一镑五公斤The tattoo parlor with a guy outside who got drunk...醉醺醺的人从刺青店里出来…and now can't remember why he chose "I love Ken."却记不起他为什么要刺上“我爱肯”The radical hairdressers where everyone comes out looking like the Cookie Monster, 前卫的发型师让每个从店里走出去的人看起来像是饼干怪兽whether they want to or not.不管他们是否喜欢And then, suddenly, it's the weekend,到了周末,突如其来地and from break of day hundreds of stalls appear out of nowhere,数以百计的摊贩无处不在filling Portobello Road, right up to Notting Hill Gate.布满整个街道,一直排到诺丁山的大门And wherever you look thousands of people are buying millions of antiques,眼中所见尽是购买古董的人some genuine and some... not quite so genuine.有些是真品,也有些…只是赝品And what's great is that lots of friends have ended up in this part of London. 最棒的是有很多朋友也住在这个伦敦的小区里That's Tony, for example, architect turned chef,比如说东尼,由建筑师改行做了厨师who recently invested all the money he ever earned in a new restaurant.最近用他的所有积蓄开了一家餐馆And so, this is where I spend my days and years...这就是我日复一日生活的地方…in this small village in the middle of the city in a house with a blue door... 这个小小区有间蓝色门脸的房子…that my wife and I bought together before she left me for a man...是我妻子和我一起买的,后来她跟别人走了…who looked exactly like Harrison Ford.一个长得很像哈里森-福特的人And where I lead a strange half-life with a lodger called--我不同寻常的生活缘于一个房客,叫…Spike!斯帕克You couldn't help me with an incredible important decision, could you?嘿,你能帮我作个非常重要的决定吗?Is this important in comparison to, let's say, whether they should cancel Third World debt?象能否取消第三世界国家的债务一样重要吗?正是这样,我终于要和简妮约会了That's right. I am at last going out on a date with the great Janine,and I just wanna be sure I've picked the right T-shirt.我得保证穿最适合的T恤去赴约- What are the choices? - Well, wait for it.-有些什么选择? -稍等片刻(我喜欢血腥)First there's this one. [ Growls ] Cool, huh?首先是这件,很酷吧?是的,不过用它来制造浪漫气氛困难了点Yeah, it might make it hard to strike a really romantic note.Point taken. Don't despair.一针见血,别灰心如果期待浪漫的话,我相信有合适的If it's romance we're looking for, I believe I have just the thing.(了解这儿)Yeah, well, there again, she might not think you had true love on your mind. 又来了,她恐怕不会认为你脑子里有真正的爱Right. Just one more.好吧,再等等True love here I come.真爱,我来啦(你是世上最美丽的女人)Well, yeah. Yeah, that's-- that's, um, perfect.是的,是的…这件很合适Great. Thanks.好极了,谢谢- Wish me luck. - Good luck.-祝我好运 -祝你好运(想做爱吗?)[ Narrating ] And so it was just another hopeless Wednesday,那只是另一个毫无希望的星期三我路过拥挤的集市去上班as I walked the thousand yards through the market to work,从没想过这一天将会永远改变我的生活never suspecting that this was the day that was gonna change my life forever. This is work, by the way, my little travel bookshop,顺便说一下,这是我工作的小旅游书店- Morning, Martin. - Morning, Monsignor.-早,马丁 -早,老板which, um, well, sells travel books,这里专门卖旅游书刊and to be frank with you, doesn't always sell many of those. 老实说,销路并不怎么好好极了,利润全来自廉价促销Classic. Profit from major sales push,minus 347 pound.亏了347镑Shall I, uh, go and get you a cappuccino?我去替你买杯“卡布奇诺”好吗?- You know, ease the pain a bit. - Yeah, yeah.-也许能缓解一点痛苦 -是的,是的Better make it a half. All I can afford.不过我只付得起半杯的钱Get your logic. Demi-cappu coming right up.照你的意思,半杯咖啡马上就来[ Doorbell Dings ]Um, can I help you at all?需要帮忙吗?不,谢谢,我只想…看看No, thanks. I'll just... look around.Fine.好的Uh, that book's really not great.那本书确实不怎么样万一你略略看过就买下它那就是在浪费自己的钱了Just in case, you know, browsing turned to buying. You'd be wasting your money.But if it's Turkey you're interested in,如果你对土耳其感兴趣的话um, this one, on the other hand, is very good.这本就不同了,非常棒Um, I think the man who wrote it has actually been to Turkey, which helps.我想写这本书的人真正去过土耳其,言之有物Um, there's also a very amusing incident with a kebab,提到了不少有趣的民俗风情um, which is one of many amusing incidents.这本比较有意思Thanks. I'll think about it.谢谢,我会考虑的Or, in the bigger hardback variety, there's--或者选那本更大些的精装本,有…I'm sorry. Can you just give me a second?抱歉,失陪一下Excuse me.打扰一下- Yes? - Bad news.-什么事? -很不幸-什么? -我们店里装了监视器What?We've got a security camera in this bit of the shop.-所以? -所以我看到你把书放进你的裤子So?So I saw you put that book down your trousers.- What book? - The one down your trousers.-什么书? -放进你裤子的那本I don't have a book down my trousers.我没把什么书放到裤子里Right.好吧I tell you what. Um, I'll call the police, and, um,告诉你,我会叫警察,而且…if I'm wrong about the whole "book down the trousers" scenario, 如果是我弄错了“书掉进裤子”的事,我会道歉I really apologize.Okay. What if... I did have a book down my trousers?好吧,如果…我往裤子里放了一本书呢?Well, ideally, when I went back to the desk,很简单,当我回到柜台时你把裤子里那本《巴利旅游指南》拿出来…you'd remove the Cadogan Guide to Bali from your trousers...擦干净放回去或是买下来and either wipe it and put it back or buy it.I'll see you in a sec.回头见I'm sorry about that.对不起No, it's fine.不,没关系我本来想偷,但现在改变主意了I was gonna steal one, but now I've changed my mind.Oh, signed by the author, I see.我看到有作者的签名Um, yeah, couldn't stop him.是啊,他非要签不可If you can find an unsigned one, it's worth an absolute fortune. 如果你能找到本没签名的,那绝对需要好运气- [ Chuckles ] - Excuse me.打扰一下- Yes? - Can I have your autograph?-什么事? -能替我签个名吗?Uh, sure.当然- Uh-- - Here.给你- What's your name? - Rufus.-你叫什么? -鲁弗斯What does it say?写了些什么?That's my signature. And above it, it says, "Dear Rufus, you belong in jail." 我的签名,上面写的是“亲爱的鲁弗斯,去监狱吧”Good one.真不错-你想要我的电话吗? -好提议- Do you want my phone number? - Tempting.But... no. Thank you.不过…不用了,谢谢I will take this one.我要买这本Oh, right, right. So, uh--哦,好的,好的,既然…Well, on second thoughts, um, maybe it's not that bad after all.仔细想想,也许它并没那么糟Actually, it's a sort of a classic, really.实际上,它也相当不错,真的None of those childish kebab stories you find in so many books these days. 绝没有你在其它书中能看到的幼稚的民俗故事And, um, I tell you what.另外还有I'll throw in one of those for free.我免费送你这本Useful for, uh, lighting fires,可以用来烧火照明wrapping fish, that sort of thing.包鱼,诸如此类-谢谢 -不客气- Thanks. - Pleasure.[ Door Closes ]Cappuccino, as ordered.你要的咖啡Thanks.谢谢I don't think you'll believe who was just in here.我想你不会相信刚才谁来过Who? Was it someone famous?谁?某个名人吗?- No, no, no. - No?-不,不,不是 -不是?Would be exciting, though, wouldn't it, if someone famous came into the shop? Hmm? 如果有什么名人进店来应该会令人兴奋对吗?Do you know-- and this is pretty amazing, actually--知道吗…的确能让人激动,实际上…but I once saw Ringo Starr.有次我见过林戈·斯达- Where was that? - Kensington High Street.-在哪? -肯辛顿大道At least I think it was Ringo.至少我觉得是林戈也许是那个“屋顶上的提琴手”的主演It might have been that man from Fiddler on the Roof.- You know, Toppy. - Topol.-你知道的,塔皮 -塔颇是的,没错,塔颇Yes, that's right. Topol.Mm-hmm.Actually, Ringo Starr doesn't-- doesn't look at all like, uh, Topol. 实际上林戈-斯达一点也不像塔颇Yeah, but he was-- he was quite a long way away from me.是的,不过他…他离我相当远So actually it could've been neither of them.所以肯定会是他们中的一个Yes, I suppose so, yes.对,我想是这样,是的- It's not a classic anecdote, is it? - Not a classic, no. No.-这算不上什么大惊喜不是吗? -是的,算不上- Another one? - [ Sighs ] Yes. No.-还要一杯吗? -好啊…不Let's go crazy. I'll have an orange juice.就奢侈一回吧,我要橙汁[ People Chattering ]- Okay, thanks. Bye-bye. - See you later.-好的,谢谢,再见 -回见- Oh! - Oh! Shit!哦,该死- Oh, my God! - Bugger! I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.哦,老天,该死,对不起,我非常抱歉- Here. Let me-- - Get your hands off!-来,让我… -把手拿开I'm really sorry. I-- I live just over the street.我真的很抱歉,我…我就住在街对面I have, um, water and soap. You can get cleaned up.那有水和肥皂,可以让你弄干净不,谢谢,我只想找到我的车No, thank you. I just need to get my car back.我那有电话,我想只要五分钟…I also have a phone. I'm confident that in five minutes...we could have you spick-and-span and back on the street again. 就能让你弄干净回到街上来绝没有不尊重你的意思In the non-prostitute sense, obviously.All right. Well-- What do you mean, "just over the street"?好吧,你说“就在街对面”是多远?- Give it to me in yards. - Uh, 18 yards.-具体是多远? -大概18码That's my house there with the blue front door.那扇蓝色的门就是我的家Come on in. I'll just-- I'll just--请进,我…我…好了,好了,进来吧Um, right. Right. Come in.这里通常都不太整洁It's, um, not quite as tidy as it normally is, I fear. But, um-- The bathroom's on the top floor.不过…洗手间在楼上And the telephone's just-- just up here.电话就…就在这Here. Let-- Let me, um--来,让…让我…Um, round the corner. Straight on-- straight on up.转过去,一直…一直向上Bugger.该死[ Groans ]Uh-oh.Uh,走之前想喝杯茶吗?would you like a cup of tea before you go?- No. - Coffee?-不用 -咖啡?- No. - Orange juice?-不 -橙汁?Probably not. Um, something else cold.你大概不会要,那来些其它冷饮吧Uh--- [ Bottles Rattling ] - Coke? Water?可乐?水?Some disgusting sugary drink...或者来些所谓的天然水果味让人恶心的含糖饮料?pretending to have something to do with fruits of the forest?- No. - Would you like something to eat?-不用 -那你想吃点什么吗?Uh, something to nibble?随便吃点什么?Um, apricots soaked in honey?蜜制杏子?Quite why, no one knows, because it stops them tasting of apricots...没人知道味道怎样,因为都来不及尝尝杏子…以为味道就像蜂蜜and makes them taste like honey,and if you wanted honey, you'd just buy honey instead of... apricots. 如果你想要蜂蜜,就只要买蜂蜜而不要杏子但不管怎样,我们有这个Um, but nevertheless, there we go there.They're yours if you want them.你想的话可以尝尝No.不用了Do you always say "no" to everything?不管什么事你都说“不”吗?No.不I'd better be going.我还是走的好Thanks for your, uh, help.谢谢你的…帮忙You're welcome.And, uh, may I also say, um, heavenly.也许我也要说,太棒了我只有一次机会这么说I'll just take my one chance to say it.After you've read that terrible book,在你读过那些糟糕的书之后you're certainly not going to be coming back to the shop. 你肯定不会再回那家书店Thank you.谢谢Yeah. Well, my pleasure.不客气 was nice to meet you.很高兴认识你Surreal but, um-- but nice.有些超现实…但很棒Sorry.抱歉[ People Chattering Outside ]“超现实但很棒”?我在想什么?"Surreal but nice"? What was I thinking?[ Doorbell Rings ]- Hi. - Hi.-嗨 -嗨- I forgot my other bag. - Oh, right. Right.-我忘了我的袋子 -哦,好的Thanks.谢谢I'm very sorry about the "surreal but nice" comment. 很抱歉说什么“超现实但很棒”- Disaster. - That's okay.太糟糕了那没什么,我觉得有关蜂蜜和杏子才真正糟糕I thought the apricot and honey thing was the real low point.- [ Chuckles ] - [ Doorknob Rattling ]Oh, my God. My flatmate.老天,我的室友I'm sorry. There's no excuse for him.对不起,他行为很怪诞[ Clears Throat ]- Hey. - Hi.-嘿 -嗨I'm just going into the kitchen to get some food.我要去厨房找些吃的Then I'm gonna tell you a story that will make your balls shrink to the size of raisins.然后跟你说个故事那会让你的球缩到只有葡萄干那么大Probably best not to tell anyone about this.最好别跟任何人提起这事Right. Right. No one.好的,好的,没问题I mean, I'll tell myself sometimes.我是说,我会偶尔跟自己说说不过别担心,我根本不相信But don't worry. I won't believe it.- Bye. - Bye.-再见 -再见There's something wrong with this yogurt. 这酸奶有点问题这不是酸奶,是蛋黄酱It's not yogurt. It's mayonnaise.Oh, right. There we are then.哦,没错,就是这样Mm.On for a videofest tonight?今晚想饱饱眼福吗?I got some absolute classics.我有部绝对的好片子- Smile. - No.-笑一笑 -不- Smile. - I've got nothing to smile about. -笑一笑 -没什么值得我笑Okay.好吧In about seven seconds,在七秒钟内I'm going to ask you to marry me.我会向你求婚想想看[ Spike ] Imagine.Somewhere in the world there's a man who's allowed to kiss her.在某个地方有个男人被允准吻她[ Both Laughing ]Yes, she is, uh,是的,她的确叫人难以置信fairly fabulous.- Do you have any books by Dickens? - No.-你们这有狄更斯的书吗? -不没有,我们这是旅游书店,只出售旅游书刊No, I'm afraid we're a travel bookshop. We only sell travel books.Oh, right. How about the new John Grisham thriller?是吗,约翰·格雷歇的恐怖作品呢?Well, no, 'cause that's, uh-- that's a novel too, isn't it?没有,因为那…那也是小说不是吗?Oh, right.哦,是的[ Sighs ] Have you got Winnie the Pooh?有“小熊维尼”吗?Martin, your customer.马丁,你来接待一下- Uh, can I help you? - [ Bell Dinging ]需要效劳吗?[ Pop ]Once in a lifetime嘿- [ Continues ] - Hey.Hi.嗨我想问一下- Once in a lifetime - Just, um, incidentally,uh, why... are you wearing that?为什么…你穿这个?Combination of factors really. Uh, no clean clothes.多方面的因素…没有干净衣服There never will be, you know, unless you actually clean your clothes. 永远不会有,要知道,如果你不把衣服洗干净Right. Vicious circle.不错,很坏的习惯And I was, like, rooting around in your things...所以我去翻找你的衣物…找到了这个,我觉得很酷and I found this, and I thought "cool."有几分…独特Kinda... spacey.There's something wrong with the goggles, though.不过潜水镜有点问题No, they were, um, prescription.没有,它用的是光学镜片- Groovy. - So I could see all the fishes properly.-太棒了 -这样我才能完全看清那些鱼You should do more of this stuff.你该多弄些这玩意-今天有没有留言? -有的,我记下了两三条- So, look, any messages today? - Yeah, I wrote a couple down.So there were two. There were two messages? Right?那就是两条,有两条对吗?You want me to write down all your messages?你要我记下你所有的留言吗?Okay, who are the ones that you didn't write down from?好吧,哪些是你没写记的?[ Sighs ]不记得了,哦,不No. Gone completely.Oh, no. There was one from your mum.有一条是你妈妈打来的她说别忘了吃午饭,还有她的腿疼又犯了She said don't forget lunch, and her leg's hurting again.- No one else? - Absolutely no one else.-没别的了? -绝对没有了Though if we're going for this obsessive writing down all the message thing, 不过如果我们努力去回忆的话some American girl called Anna called a few days ago.几天前有个叫安娜的美国姑娘来过电话- What did she say? - Well, it was genuinely bizarre.-她说了什么? -真是奇怪她说,“嗨,我是安娜”,接着说“打电话到里兹大饭店找我”…She said, "Hi. It's Anna." Then she said, "Call me at The Ritz"...and then gave herself a completely different name.然后却报了一个完全不同的名字-是什么? -早就忘了- Which was? - Absolutely no idea.要记住一个名字很困难Remembering one name's hard enough.No, I-- I know that. She-- She said that.不,我明白,是她说的Um, I know she's using another name.我知道她用了别的名字The problem is she left the message with my flatmate...问题是她留言给我的室友…which was a very serious mistake.是个严重的错误想象一下你曾遇见过的最蠢的人吧Um, I don't know. Imagine, if you will, the stupidest person you've ever met. -想象得到吗? -是的,我大致有个印象了- Are you doing that? - Yes, sir, I have him in my mind.And now double it. And that is the, um-- what can I say--那就再加一倍,我只能这么形容他了…the git that I am living with.和我同住的那个饭桶And he can't remember---他无法记住… -试试弗琳斯东- Try Flintstone. - I'm sorry, what?-抱歉,什么? -我想她说她叫弗琳斯东I think she said her name was Flintstone.I don't-- I don't suppose, um, Flintstone rings any bells, does it?我不敢肯定,弗琳斯东留过话给前台吗?- Oh, I'll put you right through, sir. - Oh, my God.Hello. Hi.你好,嗨你好,你好吗?- Hi there. - Hello?Hi. Hi.嗨,嗨- Sorry. It's William... Thacker. - Yes?打扰了,我是威廉…扎克我们…我在书店工作Um, we-- I work in a bookshop.你可真会耍酷,等了三天才回电Uh-huh. You played it pretty cool there, waiting for three days to call.哦,不,我发誓我这辈子还从没耍过什么酷Oh, no, I promise you I've never played anything cool in my entire life.My flatmate, who'll I'll stab to death later, never gave me the message.是我的室友一直没告诉我,回头我要杀了他我不知道,也许…I don't know. Perhaps, um,I could drop round for tea later or something.我能来你那喝茶什么的- Things are pretty busy here. I might be free around 4:00. - Right. Right. Great.-我现在很忙,大概4点会有空 -好的,好的,好极了- Bye. - Yea-- Bye.-再见 -再见[ Phone Clicks, Dial Tone ]Classic.太棒了Classic.太棒了[ Piano ][ Continues ]- Which floor? - Three, please.-几楼? -三楼,谢谢[ Elevator Dings ]-你肯定?… -是这…Uh, are you sure this is--Oh, yeah. Yeah. Sure.是的,是的,没错- Hi. Hi. I'm Karen. - Hi.-嗨,我是凯伦 -嗨I'm sorry. Things are running a little bit late. 抱歉,实在太忙了点Here's the, uh, thing. Do you wanna come this way?拿着这些,请跟我来从这过去[ Karen ] Through here.[ Reporters Chattering ]So what did you think of the film?你们对本片有何看法?Yeah, I thought it was fantastic. I thought it was, uh,我觉得真是妙不可言Close Encounters meets Jean de Florette.让人联想到“恋恋山城”I agree.我同意I'm sorry. I didn't get down what magazines you're from.对不起,我没记下你是哪家杂志社的- Time Out. - Great.-“中场休息” -很好And you're from?你呢?Uh, Horse & Hound.唔,“马和猎犬”名字是威廉·扎克我想,实际上她也许在等我The name's William Thacker. I think, actually, she might be expecting me.Oh, okay. Take a seat and I'll go check.请稍等,我去看看I see you've, uh-- I see you've brought her some flowers.我看到…我看到你给她带了花[ Laughing ] No.不These are for my, um, grandmother.是给我,唔,祖母的She's in a hospital just down the road.她住在附近的医院Thought I'd kill two birds with one stone, you know.我正好顺路去看看她Sure, right. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah.是的,不错,是的Which hospital's that?是哪家医院?Do you mind me not saying?我可以不说吗?It's a rather distressing disease.那会让我感到难过- Name of the hospital kind of gives it away. - Absolutely. Sure. -提到医院总是让人不快 -说得不错Cheers. Ooh, yes.-振作点 -好的Right, uh, Mr.Thacker. Will you come this way.好了,扎克先生,请跟我来Right.好的You've got five minutes.你有五分钟- Hi. - Hello.-嗨 -你好Uh, I brought these, but clearly--我带了这个,但显然…No, they're great. They're great.不,它们很漂亮,非常漂亮很抱歉没能及时回电话Ah, listen, I'm sorry about not ringing back.The whole "two-names concept"...两个名字对我那室友可怜的智商来说实在太复杂了was totally too much for my flatmate's pea-sized intellect.不,这是愚蠢的保密措施,我常用卡通人物名No, it's a stupid privacy thing. I always pick a... cartoon character. Last time I was Mrs.Bambi.上次用的是“斑比”[ Door Closes ]- Everything all right? - Yes, thank you. -一切都好吧? -是的,谢谢And you're from, uh, Horse & Hound.你是“马和猎犬”杂志社的- Yeah. - Good.-对 -很好Is that so? Well.So, uh--那么…Uh, I'll just... fire away then, shall I? 我可以…开始提问了吗?Right.好吧Uh--The film's great, and, um,这部片子非常棒I just was wondering whether...我想知道你是否…you ever thought of having, um,曾考虑过…加些马进去more, uh, horses in it.[ Clears Throat ]Uh, well, we would have liked to,我们希望这样做不过对太空题材来说显然有些困难but it was, um, difficult, obviously, being set in space.Space, right, yeah. Yeah, obviously very difficult.太空,说得没错,是的,显然很困难I'm so sorry. I arrived outside.真不好意思,我来了这里They thrust this thing into my hand--但毫无思想准备…No, it's my fault. I thought this would all be over by now. 不,是我的错,我本以为早该结束了的我只是想为那个吻的事道歉I just wanted to sort of apologize for the kissing thing.I seriously don't know what came over me.我真的不知道自己怎么了And I just wanted to make sure that you were fine about it. 我只想确定那没有影响到你- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely fine. - [ Door Closes ]是的,是的,绝对没有Do remember that Miss Scott is also keen to talk about her next project...别忘了斯科特小姐同样渴望着的下一部片子…which is, um, shooting later in the summer.就是夏天将要开拍的那部Ah, yes, excellent. Excellent.是的,非常棒,非常棒那里面有马吗?Any horses in that one?Or hounds for that matter. Our readers are equally intrigued by both species. 或是猎犬,我们的读者对此很感兴趣It takes place on a submarine.场景是在一艘潜艇上Oh. Well, bad luck.哦,真不幸But, um,不过if there were horses in it,如果有马的话would you be riding them...你会骑它们…or would you be getting, a-- a stunt-horse-double-man-thing?还是找个特技演员作替身呢?[ Chuckles ] I-I'm a complete moron. I apologize. I--我是个十足的笨蛋,不好意思,我…太不可思议了,这种事只会出现在梦里This is very weird. It's the sort of thing that happens in dreams,not in real life.而不是现实当中I mean, good dreams. It's a--我是说美梦,这是个…It's a dream, in fact, uh, to see you again.能再见到你实际上就像个梦What happens next in the dream?接下去还会梦到什么?我猜在这个,呃,梦…I suppose in the, uh, dream--dream scenario-- I just, uh,梦境中…我会…change my personality...改变我的行为方式…because you can do that in dreams and, um,因为在梦里你可以这么做走过去并吻这个女孩walk over and, uh, kiss the girl.But, uh--不过…时间到了,你达到目的了吗?Time's up, I'm afraid. Did you get what you wanted?- Um, nearly, nearly. - Well, maybe just one last question. -还差一点,差一点 -好吧,最后一个问题- Um, nearly, nearly. - Well, maybe just one last question.- Sure. [ Clears Throat ] - Right, right.-当然 -好的,好的[ Door Closes ]Are you... busy tonight?你…今晚忙吗?- Yes. - Right. Right.-是的 -好的,好的- Come in. - Well, it was nice to meet you.-请进 -好了,很高兴认识你Yes, and you.我也是Surreal... but nice.超现实…但很不错Thank you. You are Horse & Hounds' favorite actress.谢谢,你是“马和猎犬”最喜欢的女演员You and Black Beauty...和"黑美人"…tied.不相上下How was she?她怎么样?Oh, um, fabulous.好得难以置信Excellent. Wait a minute. She took your grandmother's flowers.好极了,等等,她拿了你祖母的花Uh, yeah, yeah. That's right.是的,是的,没错- Bitch. - [ Karen ] Oh, Mr.Thacker.-贱货 -哦,扎克先生Mr.Thacker, if you'd like to come with me, we can rush you through the others. 扎克先生,如果你不介意的话-我们能临时安排你另一个采访 -另一个?The others?Mr.Thacker is from Horse & Hound.扎克先生是“马和猎犬”杂志社的- How's it going? - Very well, thank you.-你好吗? -很好,谢谢Have a seat.请坐- Well, did you enjoy the film? - [ Clock Ticking ] 你喜欢这部片子吗?Yes, enormously.是的,非常喜欢- Well, fire away. - Right.-请提问吧 -好的拍片期间还愉快吗?Did you enjoy making the film?- Yes, I did. - Good.-是的 -很好Any bit in particular?有没有特别喜欢的部分?You tell me what bit you enjoyed the most,先说说你最喜欢哪个场景and I'll tell you if I enjoyed making that bit.我再告诉你我是否同样喜欢Uh, I...我…liked the bit in space...例如在太空中那部分…very much.我非常喜欢Did you identify with the character you're playing?你和你演的角色有共同点吗?[ Speaking Spanish ]- No. - No.-没有 -没有Oh. Why not?为什么?[ Spanish ][ Spanish ]因为他演的是一个失控的食肉机器人Because he's playing a psychopathic flesh-eating robot.Classic.好极了So, uh,那么is this your first film?这是你第一部片子吗?No. It's my 22nd.不,这是第22部了Of course it is. Any favorites among the 22?我是想问你最喜欢哪一部?Working with Leonardo.和莱昂纳多合作的那部- Da Vinci? - DiCaprio.-达芬奇吗? -狄卡·普里奥Of course. [ Chuckles ]当然And is-- is he your favorite Italian director?他…是你最喜欢的导演吗?[ Reporters Chattering ]- Mr.Thacker. - Oh, no.-扎克先生 -哦,不- Have you got a minute? - No.-能耽误你一会吗? -不Hi.嗨Hi.嗨Um-- Yeah, so the, um--啊…是这样的the-- the thing I was doing tonight, I'm not doing anymore.我,我推掉了我今晚的事情我告诉他们今晚我接受了…I told them I had to spend the evening...英国第一骑师记者的邀请with Britain's premier equestrian journalist.Oh. Well, great.哦,太棒了Fantastic. That's, uh--难以置信,这…Oh. Shittity brickitty.哦,太糟糕了It's my sister's birthday. Shit. We're meant to be having dinner. 今天是我妹妹生日,可恶我们约好了要一起吃晚饭- Okay, that's fine. - No. I'm sure I can get out of it.-好啊,没关系 -不,我肯定能推掉No, I mean, if it's fine with you, I'll be your date.不,我是说,只要你不介意我可以和你一起去You-- You'll be my date...你…你肯和我一起…to my little sister's birthday party?去我妹妹的生日晚会?- If it's all right. - Well, yeah, I'm sure it's all right.-如果没问题的话 -哦,当然没问题My friend Max is cooking,是马克掌厨大家公认他是世上最差劲的厨师and he is generally acknowledged to be the worst cook in the world.But, um, you know, you could hide the food in your handbag or something. 不过,你可以事先在手袋里藏些食物- Okay. - Okay.-好的 -好的- He's bringing a girl? - Miracles do happen.-他带了个女孩? -真是怪事- Does the girl have a name? - Don't know. Wouldn't say.-那姑娘叫什么? -不知道,没有说Oh, Christ! What is going on in there?哦,我的天,这是怎么回事?- [ Doorbell Rings ] - Oh, God!哦,老天Hi. Come on in. Vague food crisis.嗨,快进来,食物焦糊危机Hiya! Sorry.好啊,抱歉The guinea-fowl is proving more complicated than expected.。
诺丁山 Notting Hill 中英文剧本
She may be the love that cannot hope to last
<i>诺 丁 山<i/></i>
May come to me from shadows of the past
She who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry
And what's great is that lots of friends have ended up in this part of London.
最棒的是有很多朋友 也住在这个伦敦的小区里
That's Tony, for example, architect turned chef,
Yeah, it might make it hard to strike a really r't despair.
If it's romance we're looking for, I believe I have just the thing.
Notting Hill Carnival
Notting Hill Carnival(诺丁山狂欢节)The Notting Hill Carnival has been taking place in London, on the last weekend in August, every year since 1964.This great festival began initially from the energies of Black immigrants (黑人移民) from the Caribbean, particularly from Trinidad (特立尼达岛), where the Carnival tradition is very strong, and from people living locally who dreamed of (梦想着) creating a festival to bring together the people of Notting Hill, most of whom were facing racism (种族主义), lack of (缺乏) working opportunities, poor housing conditions resulting in (导致) a general suppression of good self-esteem (自尊).Dancers covered in chocolate make their way along the route of the annual Children's Day Parade of the Notting Hill carnival in London August 26, 2001.[Reuters]Labroke Grove is the heart of the spectacular Notting Hill Carnival, held each August Bank Holiday since 1964. This holiday always falls on the last weekend of August with Sunday and Monday being the major carnival days. There are scores of massive 'sound systems', many spectacular floats (游行彩车) and steel drum bands additionally. There are hundreds of stalls (货摊) lining the streets of the area selling all sorts of food and drink including Caribbean specialities (特产).Five disciplines go to make up the carnival as we know it today. Mas' from (costume, Masquerade), Steelband, Calypso (political, social and satirical commentary, set to music), Soca (the traditional music of Carnival, a fusion (结合)of Soul and Calypso) and Static Sound Systems all play their part on the two days of Carnival-on-the-Road.Decked (装饰) in spectacular colors, hundreds of children got their parade under way on Sunday, ahead of more than 100 floats and thousands of performers who will stage the main parade on Monday. Party-goers will eat, drink and dance their way through the terraced streets (带有台阶的街道)The carnival, which takes place in the streets of a west London district made famous by the movie ``Notting Hill'' starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant, has become one of the most celebrated symbols of multi-cultural Britain.。
WILLIAM:Orange juice -- probably not.
WILLIAM:Something else cold -- coke, water, some disgusting sugary drink pretending to have something to do with fruits of the forest?
WILLIAM:Right. Ahm... the film's great...and I just wondered -whether you ever thought of having more... horses in it?
ANNA:Ahm -- well -- we would have liked to-- but it was difficult, obviously,being set in space.
WILLIAM:It's not that tidy, I fear.
WILLIAM:The bathroom is right at the top of the stairs and there's a phone on the desk up there.
WILLIAM: Would you like a cup of tea before you go?
WILLIAM:Do you always say 'no' to everything?
威廉到酒店见安娜,没想到酒店里有很多记者,原来是在举行记者招待 会。威廉装成一个记者,借机接近安娜。但是,因为威廉对电影毫不知 情,所以在采访过程中闹了很多笑话。
诺丁山 notting hill
The pedigree of ''Notting Hill'' promises intelligent panache. Directed by Roger Michell, whose ''Persuasion'' was the best of the Jane Austen cycle, it reunites Mr. Grant with Richard Curtis, the writer whose smart, sidelong witticisms are so well suited to the actor's artful bumbling. Mr. Curtis reworks his ''Four Weddings and a Funeral'' to create another hapless dreamboat for Mr. Grant to play, another band of eccentric friends and another impossible crush to keep him charmingly flummoxed. To this, ''Notting Hill'' adds the been-there, done-that knowingness of two stars who can play a story about the outrages of celebrity without a stretch.
Luckily, ''Notting Hill'' doesn't often strain that hard. Nor does it force its funny supporting cast into the annoying ubiquitousness that would have given it a sitcom flavor. Popping up just often enough to steal much of the movie is Rhys Ifans (who played a much more conventional role in ''Dancing at Lughnasa'') as William's disaster of a roommate. A close-knit gang of William's chums is colorfully played by Gina McKee, Tim McInnerny, and Hugh Bonneville as the yuppie who says to Anna, ''I'm active in the stock market myself, so. . . . really similar fields.'' Emma Chambers plays William's giddy sister, the kind of fan who has never met Anna before but just knows they could be best friends. And in a brief, hilarious cameo, Alec Baldwin plays Anna's Hollywood boyfriend and makes it oh so clear why Notting Hill looks great by comparison.
诺丁山电影观后感英文Noding Hill Movie ReviewRecently, I had the pleasure of watching the iconic romantic comedy film, "Notting Hill" directed by Roger Michell. Set in the vibrant neighborhood of Notting Hill in London, the movie tells a heartwarming story about love, fate, and the trials and tribulations that come with it.The film revolves around the lives of William Thacker, played by the talented Hugh Grant, and Anna Scott, portrayed by the beautiful Julia Roberts. William is a humble, ordinary bookstore owner, leading a simple and uneventful life. On the other hand, Anna is a world-renowned Hollywood actress who is constantly surrounded by fame and glamour.Their paths unexpectedly cross one day when Anna walks into William's bookstore. From their first encounter, there is an instant spark between them, despite the stark contrast in their backgrounds and lifestyles. The audience is captivated by the chemistry and subtle nuances in their blossoming relationship, questioning whether two individuals from such different worlds can ever find lasting happiness together.One of the film's strengths lies in its ability to strike a balance between comedy and romantic moments. The well-written script, penned by Richard Curtis, injects humor into the film through witty dialogues and hilarious situations. Hugh Grant's impeccable comic timing shines throughout the story, leaving the audience in stitches with his charmingly awkward demeanor.However, "Notting Hill" is not just a light-hearted comedy; it also delves deep into the complexities of human emotions. The film explores themes of vulnerability, rejection, and the fear of losing oneself in the pursuit of love. Both William and Anna are confronted with the challenges of maintaining their individual identities while being swept away by the intensity of their feelings for each other.The movie's setting in the picturesque neighborhood of Notting Hill adds to its charm. The vibrant colors of the area and the energetic atmosphere make it feel like a character in itself. The filmmakers beautifully capture the essence of this diverse neighborhood, showcasing its multiculturalism and the eclectic mix of personalities that call it home.Not only does "Notting Hill" entertain, but it also serves as a reminder that love knows no boundaries. It encourages us to embrace the unpredictability of life and to take chances on love, even when the odds seem stacked against us. The film reminds us that love can be found in the most unexpected places and that it is worth fighting for, no matter the obstacles.The performances in "Notting Hill" are truly remarkable, bringing the characters to life and making them relatable to the audience. Hugh Grant's portrayal of William is endearing and authentic, capturing the essence of an ordinary person caught up in extraordinary circumstances. Julia Roberts delivers a stellar performance as Anna, effortlessly embodying the complexities of a famous actress struggling to find love and meaningful connections.The supporting cast also deserves recognition for their contributions to the film. Rhys Ifans, playing William's eccentric roommate Spike, provides delightful comic relief with his outrageous antics. Emma Chambers, as William's quirky sister Honey, adds a touch of eccentricity and warmth to the story. The chemistry between the cast members elevates the film, making the relationships and interactions feel genuine and heartfelt.In conclusion, "Notting Hill" is a timeless romantic comedy that has left an indelible mark on the genre. Its relatable characters, witty dialogue, and enchanting storyline make it a film that can be enjoyed by audiences of all ages. Through its exploration of love, identity, and the complexities of relationships, the movie leaves us with a renewed belief in the power of true love. So, if you're looking for a feel-good movie that will put a smile on your face and warm your heart, "Notting Hill" is an absolute must-watch.。
Notting Hill (诺丁山)大学英语presentation
Julia Roberts (朱莉 娅· 罗伯茨 ),one of the most beautiful woman with charming smile in the world. In the movie, she also played a very famous actress, Anna Scott ,who fell in love with an ordinary man, William Thacker .
Some classical lines in the film
The most I think about things, the more I see no rhyme of reason in life. No one knows why some things work out and some things don‘t. 人生不如意时常八九。 没人知道为什么有些事 能解决,有些事却不能。 Don't forget I'm also just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her. 别忘了,我也是一个普 通的女孩子,站在心爱 的人面前,求他爱她。
Movie plot (电影剧情)
A bland wednesday, Anna and William met inside the bookstore of William, shortly after Anna left the bookstore, William help his colleague to buy drinks , he met Anna once again , but,he accidentally put a cup of drink which was spilled on the Anna body . William felt guilty , so he invited Anna to home to clean dirty clothes. Since then,they began a period of fairy-tale journey of love.
notting hill观后感
notting hill观后感"Notting Hill"观后感"Notting Hill"是一部经典的浪漫喜剧电影,由休·格兰特和朱丽娅·罗伯茨主演。
该片以伦敦的Notting Hill区为背景,讲述了一个普通书店老板与好莱坞女明星之间发生的爱情故事。
此外,影片所展现的Notting Hill区也令人神往。
总结起来,"Notting Hill"是一部充满温馨与幽默的电影,它的剧情吸引人、演员表演出色,展现了一个平凡而真实的爱情故事。
notting hill观后感
notting hill观后感《诺丁山》(Notting Hill)是一部2000年上映的浪漫喜剧电影,由休·格兰特和朱莉娅·罗伯茨主演。
notting hill carnival的由来
Notting Hill Carnival源自于20世纪50年代末期,当时伦敦的Notting Hill地区是许多加勒比移民的聚居地。
作为对这种情况的回应,于1966年开始举办了Notting Hill Carnival,旨在通过音乐、舞蹭、美食等方式庆祝加勒比文化,并促进社区的团结与融合。
Notting Hill Carnival已经成为世界上最大规模的街头嘉年华活动之一,每年8月的最后一个周末举行。
诺丁山 Notting Hill 中英文剧本
诺丁山Notting Hill 中英文剧本[ Man ] So stay with us because later this afternoon,不要离开,因为稍后…we're lucky enough to be talking to Anna Scott,我们将有幸请到安娜·斯科特…Hollywood's biggest star by far.好莱坞迄今最红的明星Miss Scott's latest film is once again topping the charts. 斯科特小姐的新片再次雄居票房榜首- [ Piano ] - [ Man Continues, Indistinct ]She may be the face I can't forget∮我无法忘记她的脸∮A trace of pleasure or regret∮带着欢乐或悲伤∮∮我能为之付出我的所有∮May be my treasure or the priceI have to pay∮她也许只是个幻影∮She may be the mirror∮出现在我梦中∮Of my dream∮出现在梦中的笑容∮A smile reflected in a stream∮真实的她也许并不那么快乐∮She may not be what she may seem主演:茱莉亚·罗伯茨Inside her shell∮她在人群中似乎总是很快乐∮She who always seems so happy in a crowd Whose eyes can be so private and so proud∮眼神中带着神秘和骄傲∮主演:休·格兰特No one's allowed to see them when they cry ∮没人能看到她哭泣的样子∮She may be the love that cannot hope to last∮也许她并不愿失去爱情∮<i>诺丁山<i/></i>May come to me from shadows of the past ∮如果她走出阴影向我靠近∮∮那我至死也不会忘记∮That I'll remember till the dayI dieShe may be the reason I survive∮她也许是我活着的理由∮The why and wherefore I'm alive∮是我至今还活着的理由∮The one I'll care for through the rough∮我时刻准备着扶持她走出困境∮And ready yearsMe, I'll take her laughter and her tears∮我会分享她的欢笑和忧伤∮And make them all my souvenirs∮让它们成为我的记忆∮∮我愿为她赴汤蹈火∮For where she goes I've got to beThe meaning of my life is∮我的一生只为她而活∮She∮她∮She∮她∮Oh, she∮哦,她∮[ Man Narrating ] Of course I've seen her films... 我当然看过她的片子…and always thought she was, well, fabulous.而且一直认为她很出色But, you know, a million, million miles from the world I live in...不过她和我的家乡远隔重洋…which is here, Notting Hill, my favorite bit of London.我住在诺丁山…伦敦我最喜欢的地方There's the market on weekdays selling every fruit and vegetable known to man.平时集市上会贩卖各种为人熟知的果蔬Rock hard bananas, five for a pound!香蕉,一镑五公斤The tattoo parlor with a guy outside who got drunk...醉醺醺的人从刺青店里出来…and now can't remember why he chose "I love Ken."却记不起他为什么要刺上“我爱肯”The radical hairdressers where everyone comes out looking like the Cookie Monster, 前卫的发型师让每个从店里走出去的人看起来像是饼干怪兽whether they want to or not.不管他们是否喜欢And then, suddenly, it's the weekend,到了周末,突如其来地and from break of day hundreds of stalls appear out of nowhere,数以百计的摊贩无处不在filling Portobello Road, right up to Notting Hill Gate.布满整个街道,一直排到诺丁山的大门And wherever you look thousands of people are buying millions of antiques, 眼中所见尽是购买古董的人some genuine and some... not quite so genuine.有些是真品,也有些…只是赝品And what's great is that lots of friends have ended up in this part of London. 最棒的是有很多朋友也住在这个伦敦的小区里That's Tony, for example, architect turned chef,比如说东尼,由建筑师改行做了厨师who recently invested all the money he ever earned in a new restaurant.最近用他的所有积蓄开了一家餐馆And so, this is where I spend my days and years...这就是我日复一日生活的地方…in this small village in the middle of the city in a house with a blue door...这个小小区有间蓝色门脸的房子…that my wife and I bought together before she left me for a man...是我妻子和我一起买的,后来她跟别人走了…who looked exactly like Harrison Ford.一个长得很像哈里森-福特的人And where I lead a strange half-life with a lodger called--我不同寻常的生活缘于一个房客,叫…Spike!斯帕克You couldn't help me with an incredible important decision, could you?嘿,你能帮我作个非常重要的决定吗?Is this important in comparison to, let's say, whether they should cancel Third World debt? 象能否取消第三世界国家的债务一样重要吗?正是这样,我终于要和简妮约会了That's right. I am at last going out on a date with the great Janine,and I just wanna be sure I've picked the right T-shirt.我得保证穿最适合的T恤去赴约- What are the choices? - Well, wait for it.-有些什么选择?-稍等片刻(我喜欢血腥)First there's this one. [ Growls ] Cool, huh?首先是这件,很酷吧?是的,不过用它来制造浪漫气氛困难了点Yeah, it might make it hard to strike a really romantic note.Point taken. Don't despair.一针见血,别灰心如果期待浪漫的话,我相信有合适的If it's romance we're looking for, I believe I have just the thing.(了解这儿)Yeah, well, there again, she might not think you had true love on your mind.又来了,她恐怕不会认为你脑子里有真正的爱Right. Just one more.好吧,再等等True love here I come.真爱,我来啦(你是世上最美丽的女人)Well, yeah. Yeah, that's-- that's, um, perfect.是的,是的…这件很合适Great. Thanks.好极了,谢谢- Wish me luck. - Good luck.-祝我好运-祝你好运(想做爱吗?)[ Narrating ] And so it was just another hopeless Wednesday,那只是另一个毫无希望的星期三我路过拥挤的集市去上班as I walked the thousand yards through the market to work,从没想过这一天将会永远改变我的生活never suspecting that this was the day that was gonna change my life forever. This is work, by the way, my little travel bookshop,顺便说一下,这是我工作的小旅游书店- Morning, Martin. - Morning, Monsignor.-早,马丁-早,老板which, um, well, sells travel books,这里专门卖旅游书刊and to be frank with you, doesn't always sell many of those. 老实说,销路并不怎么好好极了,利润全来自廉价促销Classic. Profit from major sales push,minus 347 pound.亏了347镑Shall I, uh, go and get you a cappuccino?我去替你买杯“卡布奇诺”好吗?- You know, ease the pain a bit. - Yeah, yeah.-也许能缓解一点痛苦-是的,是的Better make it a half. All I can afford.不过我只付得起半杯的钱Get your logic. Demi-cappu coming right up.照你的意思,半杯咖啡马上就来[ Doorbell Dings ]Um, can I help you at all?需要帮忙吗?不,谢谢,我只想…看看No, thanks. I'll just... look around.Fine.好的Uh, that book's really not great.那本书确实不怎么样万一你略略看过就买下它那就是在浪费自己的钱了Just in case, you know, browsing turned to buying. You'd be wasting your money.But if it's Turkey you're interested in,如果你对土耳其感兴趣的话um, this one, on the other hand, is very good.这本就不同了,非常棒Um, I think the man who wrote it has actually been to Turkey, which helps.我想写这本书的人真正去过土耳其,言之有物Um, there's also a very amusing incident with a kebab,提到了不少有趣的民俗风情um, which is one of many amusing incidents.这本比较有意思Thanks. I'll think about it.谢谢,我会考虑的Or, in the bigger hardback variety, there's--或者选那本更大些的精装本,有…I'm sorry. Can you just give me a second?抱歉,失陪一下Excuse me.打扰一下- Yes? - Bad news.-什么事?-很不幸-什么?-我们店里装了监视器What?We've got a security camera in this bit of the shop.-所以?-所以我看到你把书放进你的裤子So?So I saw you put that book down your trousers.- What book? - The one down your trousers.-什么书?-放进你裤子的那本I don't have a book down my trousers.我没把什么书放到裤子里Right.好吧I tell you what. Um, I'll call the police, and, um,告诉你,我会叫警察,而且…if I'm wrong about the whole "book down the trousers" scenario, 如果是我弄错了“书掉进裤子”的事,我会道歉I really apologize.Okay. What if... I did have a book down my trousers?好吧,如果…我往裤子里放了一本书呢?Well, ideally, when I went back to the desk,很简单,当我回到柜台时你把裤子里那本《巴利旅游指南》拿出来…you'd remove the Cadogan Guide to Bali from your trousers... 擦干净放回去或是买下来and either wipe it and put it back or buy it.I'll see you in a sec.回头见I'm sorry about that.对不起No, it's fine.不,没关系我本来想偷,但现在改变主意了I was gonna steal one, but now I've changed my mind.Oh, signed by the author, I see.我看到有作者的签名Um, yeah, couldn't stop him.是啊,他非要签不可If you can find an unsigned one, it's worth an absolute fortune. 如果你能找到本没签名的,那绝对需要好运气- [ Chuckles ] - Excuse me.打扰一下- Yes? - Can I have your autograph?-什么事?-能替我签个名吗?Uh, sure.当然- Uh-- - Here.给你- What's your name? - Rufus.-你叫什么?-鲁弗斯What does it say?写了些什么?That's my signature. And above it, it says, "Dear Rufus, you belong in jail." 我的签名,上面写的是“亲爱的鲁弗斯,去监狱吧”Good one.真不错-你想要我的电话吗?-好提议- Do you want my phone number? - Tempting.But... no. Thank you.不过…不用了,谢谢I will take this one.我要买这本Oh, right, right. So, uh--哦,好的,好的,既然…Well, on second thoughts, um, maybe it's not that bad after all.仔细想想,也许它并没那么糟Actually, it's a sort of a classic, really.实际上,它也相当不错,真的None of those childish kebab stories you find in so many books these days. 绝没有你在其它书中能看到的幼稚的民俗故事And, um, I tell you what.另外还有I'll throw in one of those for free.我免费送你这本Useful for, uh, lighting fires,可以用来烧火照明wrapping fish, that sort of thing.包鱼,诸如此类-谢谢-不客气- Thanks. - Pleasure.[ Door Closes ]Cappuccino, as ordered.你要的咖啡Thanks.谢谢I don't think you'll believe who was just in here.我想你不会相信刚才谁来过Who? Was it someone famous?谁?某个名人吗?- No, no, no. - No?-不,不,不是-不是?Would be exciting, though, wouldn't it, if someone famous came into the shop? Hmm? 如果有什么名人进店来应该会令人兴奋对吗?Do you know-- and this is pretty amazing, actually--知道吗…的确能让人激动,实际上…but I once saw Ringo Starr.有次我见过林戈·斯达- Where was that? - Kensington High Street.-在哪?-肯辛顿大道At least I think it was Ringo.至少我觉得是林戈也许是那个“屋顶上的提琴手”的主演It might have been that man from Fiddler on the Roof.- You know, Toppy. - Topol.-你知道的,塔皮-塔颇是的,没错,塔颇Yes, that's right. Topol.Mm-hmm.Actually, Ringo Starr doesn't-- doesn't look at all like, uh, Topol. 实际上林戈-斯达一点也不像塔颇Yeah, but he was-- he was quite a long way away from me.是的,不过他…他离我相当远So actually it could've been neither of them.所以肯定会是他们中的一个Yes, I suppose so, yes.对,我想是这样,是的- It's not a classic anecdote, is it? - Not a classic, no. No.-这算不上什么大惊喜不是吗?-是的,算不上- Another one? - [ Sighs ] Yes. No.-还要一杯吗?-好啊…不Let's go crazy. I'll have an orange juice.就奢侈一回吧,我要橙汁[ People Chattering ]- Okay, thanks. Bye-bye. - See you later.-好的,谢谢,再见-回见- Oh! - Oh! Shit!哦,该死- Oh, my God! - Bugger! I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.哦,老天,该死,对不起,我非常抱歉- Here. Let me-- - Get your hands off!-来,让我…-把手拿开I'm really sorry. I-- I live just over the street.我真的很抱歉,我…我就住在街对面I have, um, water and soap. You can get cleaned up.那有水和肥皂,可以让你弄干净不,谢谢,我只想找到我的车No, thank you. I just need to get my car back.我那有电话,我想只要五分钟…I also have a phone. I'm confident that in five minutes...we could have you spick-and-span and back on the street again. 就能让你弄干净回到街上来绝没有不尊重你的意思In the non-prostitute sense, obviously.All right. Well-- What do you mean, "just over the street"?好吧,你说“就在街对面”是多远?- Give it to me in yards. - Uh, 18 yards.-具体是多远?-大概18码That's my house there with the blue front door.那扇蓝色的门就是我的家Come on in. I'll just-- I'll just--请进,我…我…好了,好了,进来吧Um, right. Right. Come in.这里通常都不太整洁It's, um, not quite as tidy as it normally is, I fear. But, um-- The bathroom's on the top floor.不过…洗手间在楼上And the telephone's just-- just up here.电话就…就在这Here. Let-- Let me, um--来,让…让我…Um, round the corner. Straight on-- straight on up. 转过去,一直…一直向上Bugger.该死[ Groans ]Uh-oh.Uh,走之前想喝杯茶吗?would you like a cup of tea before you go?- No. - Coffee?-不用-咖啡?- No. - Orange juice?-不-橙汁?Probably not. Um, something else cold.你大概不会要,那来些其它冷饮吧Uh--- [ Bottles Rattling ] - Coke? Water?可乐?水?Some disgusting sugary drink...或者来些所谓的天然水果味让人恶心的含糖饮料?pretending to have something to do with fruits of the forest?- No. - Would you like something to eat?-不用-那你想吃点什么吗?Uh, something to nibble?随便吃点什么?Um, apricots soaked in honey?蜜制杏子?Quite why, no one knows, because it stops them tasting of apricots...没人知道味道怎样,因为都来不及尝尝杏子…以为味道就像蜂蜜and makes them taste like honey,and if you wanted honey, you'd just buy honey instead of... apricots. 如果你想要蜂蜜,就只要买蜂蜜而不要杏子但不管怎样,我们有这个Um, but nevertheless, there we go there.They're yours if you want them.你想的话可以尝尝No.不用了Do you always say "no" to everything?不管什么事你都说“不”吗?No.不I'd better be going.我还是走的好Thanks for your, uh, help.谢谢你的…帮忙You're welcome.And, uh, may I also say, um, heavenly.也许我也要说,太棒了我只有一次机会这么说I'll just take my one chance to say it.After you've read that terrible book,在你读过那些糟糕的书之后you're certainly not going to be coming back to the shop. 你肯定不会再回那家书店Thank you.谢谢Yeah. Well, my pleasure.不客气 was nice to meet you.很高兴认识你Surreal but, um-- but nice.有些超现实…但很棒Sorry.抱歉[ People Chattering Outside ]“超现实但很棒”?我在想什么?"Surreal but nice"? What was I thinking?[ Doorbell Rings ]- Hi. - Hi.-嗨-嗨- I forgot my other bag. - Oh, right. Right.-我忘了我的袋子-哦,好的Thanks.谢谢I'm very sorry about the "surreal but nice" comment. 很抱歉说什么“超现实但很棒”- Disaster. - That's okay.太糟糕了那没什么,我觉得有关蜂蜜和杏子才真正糟糕I thought the apricot and honey thing was the real low point.- [ Chuckles ] - [ Doorknob Rattling ]Oh, my God. My flatmate.老天,我的室友I'm sorry. There's no excuse for him.对不起,他行为很怪诞[ Clears Throat ]- Hey. - Hi.-嘿-嗨I'm just going into the kitchen to get some food.我要去厨房找些吃的Then I'm gonna tell you a story that will make your balls shrink to the size of raisins. 然后跟你说个故事那会让你的球缩到只有葡萄干那么大Probably best not to tell anyone about this.最好别跟任何人提起这事Right. Right. No one.好的,好的,没问题I mean, I'll tell myself sometimes.我是说,我会偶尔跟自己说说不过别担心,我根本不相信But don't worry. I won't believe it.- Bye. - Bye.-再见-再见There's something wrong with this yogurt. 这酸奶有点问题这不是酸奶,是蛋黄酱It's not yogurt. It's mayonnaise.Oh, right. There we are then.哦,没错,就是这样Mm.On for a videofest tonight?今晚想饱饱眼福吗?I got some absolute classics.我有部绝对的好片子- Smile. - No.-笑一笑-不- Smile. - I've got nothing to smile about. -笑一笑-没什么值得我笑Okay.好吧In about seven seconds,在七秒钟内I'm going to ask you to marry me.我会向你求婚想想看[ Spike ] Imagine.Somewhere in the world there's a man who's allowed to kiss her. 在某个地方有个男人被允准吻她[ Both Laughing ]Yes, she is, uh,是的,她的确叫人难以置信fairly fabulous.- Do you have any books by Dickens? - No.-你们这有狄更斯的书吗?-不没有,我们这是旅游书店,只出售旅游书刊No, I'm afraid we're a travel bookshop. We only sell travel books.Oh, right. How about the new John Grisham thriller?是吗,约翰·格雷歇的恐怖作品呢?Well, no, 'cause that's, uh-- that's a novel too, isn't it?没有,因为那…那也是小说不是吗?Oh, right.哦,是的[ Sighs ] Have you got Winnie the Pooh?有“小熊维尼”吗?Martin, your customer.马丁,你来接待一下- Uh, can I help you? - [ Bell Dinging ]需要效劳吗?[ Pop ]Once in a lifetime嘿- [ Continues ] - Hey.Hi.嗨我想问一下- Once in a lifetime - Just, um, incidentally,uh, why... are you wearing that?为什么…你穿这个?Combination of factors really. Uh, no clean clothes.多方面的因素…没有干净衣服There never will be, you know, unless you actually clean your clothes. 永远不会有,要知道,如果你不把衣服洗干净Right. Vicious circle.不错,很坏的习惯And I was, like, rooting around in your things...所以我去翻找你的衣物…找到了这个,我觉得很酷and I found this, and I thought "cool."有几分…独特Kinda... spacey.There's something wrong with the goggles, though.不过潜水镜有点问题No, they were, um, prescription.没有,它用的是光学镜片- Groovy. - So I could see all the fishes properly.-太棒了-这样我才能完全看清那些鱼You should do more of this stuff.你该多弄些这玩意-今天有没有留言?-有的,我记下了两三条- So, look, any messages today? - Yeah, I wrote a couple down.So there were two. There were two messages? Right?那就是两条,有两条对吗?You want me to write down all your messages?你要我记下你所有的留言吗?Okay, who are the ones that you didn't write down from?好吧,哪些是你没写记的?[ Sighs ]不记得了,哦,不No. Gone completely.Oh, no. There was one from your mum.有一条是你妈妈打来的她说别忘了吃午饭,还有她的腿疼又犯了She said don't forget lunch, and her leg's hurting again.- No one else? - Absolutely no one else.-没别的了?-绝对没有了Though if we're going for this obsessive writing down all the message thing, 不过如果我们努力去回忆的话some American girl called Anna called a few days ago.几天前有个叫安娜的美国姑娘来过电话- What did she say? - Well, it was genuinely bizarre.-她说了什么?-真是奇怪她说,“嗨,我是安娜”,接着说“打电话到里兹大饭店找我”…She said, "Hi. It's Anna." Then she said, "Call me at The Ritz"...and then gave herself a completely different name.然后却报了一个完全不同的名字-是什么?-早就忘了- Which was? - Absolutely no idea.要记住一个名字很困难Remembering one name's hard enough.No, I-- I know that. She-- She said that.不,我明白,是她说的Um, I know she's using another name.我知道她用了别的名字The problem is she left the message with my flatmate...问题是她留言给我的室友…which was a very serious mistake.是个严重的错误想象一下你曾遇见过的最蠢的人吧Um, I don't know. Imagine, if you will, the stupidest person you've ever met. -想象得到吗?-是的,我大致有个印象了- Are you doing that? - Yes, sir, I have him in my mind.And now double it. And that is the, um-- what can I say--那就再加一倍,我只能这么形容他了…the git that I am living with.和我同住的那个饭桶And he can't remember---他无法记住…-试试弗琳斯东- Try Flintstone. - I'm sorry, what?-抱歉,什么?-我想她说她叫弗琳斯东I think she said her name was Flintstone.I don't-- I don't suppose, um, Flintstone rings any bells, does it?我不敢肯定,弗琳斯东留过话给前台吗?- Oh, I'll put you right through, sir. - Oh, my God.Hello. Hi.你好,嗨你好,你好吗?- Hi there. - Hello?Hi. Hi.嗨,嗨- Sorry. It's William... Thacker. - Yes?打扰了,我是威廉…扎克我们…我在书店工作Um, we-- I work in a bookshop.你可真会耍酷,等了三天才回电Uh-huh. You played it pretty cool there, waiting for three days to call.哦,不,我发誓我这辈子还从没耍过什么酷Oh, no, I promise you I've never played anything cool in my entire life.My flatmate, who'll I'll stab to death later, never gave me the message.是我的室友一直没告诉我,回头我要杀了他我不知道,也许…I don't know. Perhaps, um,I could drop round for tea later or something.我能来你那喝茶什么的- Things are pretty busy here. I might be free around 4:00. - Right. Right. Great. -我现在很忙,大概4点会有空-好的,好的,好极了- Bye. - Yea-- Bye.-再见-再见[ Phone Clicks, Dial Tone ]Classic.太棒了Classic.太棒了[ Piano ][ Continues ]- Which floor? - Three, please.-几楼?-三楼,谢谢[ Elevator Dings ]-你肯定?…-是这…Uh, are you sure this is--Oh, yeah. Yeah. Sure.是的,是的,没错- Hi. Hi. I'm Karen. - Hi.-嗨,我是凯伦-嗨I'm sorry. Things are running a little bit late.抱歉,实在太忙了点Here's the, uh, thing. Do you wanna come this way? 拿着这些,请跟我来从这过去[ Karen ] Through here.[ Reporters Chattering ]So what did you think of the film?你们对本片有何看法?Yeah, I thought it was fantastic. I thought it was, uh,我觉得真是妙不可言Close Encounters meets Jean de Florette.让人联想到“恋恋山城”I agree.我同意I'm sorry. I didn't get down what magazines you're from.对不起,我没记下你是哪家杂志社的- Time Out. - Great.-“中场休息”-很好And you're from?你呢?Uh, Horse & Hound.唔,“马和猎犬”名字是威廉·扎克我想,实际上她也许在等我The name's William Thacker. I think, actually, she might be expecting me.Oh, okay. Take a seat and I'll go check.请稍等,我去看看I see you've, uh-- I see you've brought her some flowers.我看到…我看到你给她带了花[ Laughing ] No.不These are for my, um, grandmother.是给我,唔,祖母的She's in a hospital just down the road.她住在附近的医院Thought I'd kill two birds with one stone, you know.我正好顺路去看看她Sure, right. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah.是的,不错,是的Which hospital's that?是哪家医院?Do you mind me not saying?我可以不说吗?It's a rather distressing disease.那会让我感到难过- Name of the hospital kind of gives it away. - Absolutely. Sure. -提到医院总是让人不快-说得不错Cheers. Ooh, yes.-振作点-好的Right, uh, Mr.Thacker. Will you come this way.好了,扎克先生,请跟我来Right.好的You've got five minutes.你有五分钟- Hi. - Hello.-嗨-你好Uh, I brought these, but clearly--我带了这个,但显然…No, they're great. They're great.不,它们很漂亮,非常漂亮很抱歉没能及时回电话Ah, listen, I'm sorry about not ringing back.The whole "two-names concept"...两个名字对我那室友可怜的智商来说实在太复杂了was totally too much for my flatmate's pea-sized intellect.不,这是愚蠢的保密措施,我常用卡通人物名No, it's a stupid privacy thing. I always pick a... cartoon character. Last time I was Mrs.Bambi.上次用的是“斑比”[ Door Closes ]- Everything all right? - Yes, thank you. -一切都好吧?-是的,谢谢And you're from, uh, Horse & Hound.你是“马和猎犬”杂志社的- Yeah. - Good.-对-很好Is that so? Well.So, uh--那么…Uh, I'll just... fire away then, shall I?我可以…开始提问了吗?Right.好吧Uh--The film's great, and, um,这部片子非常棒I just was wondering whether...我想知道你是否…you ever thought of having, um,曾考虑过…加些马进去more, uh, horses in it.[ Clears Throat ]Uh, well, we would have liked to,我们希望这样做不过对太空题材来说显然有些困难but it was, um, difficult, obviously, being set in space.Space, right, yeah. Yeah, obviously very difficult.太空,说得没错,是的,显然很困难I'm so sorry. I arrived outside.真不好意思,我来了这里They thrust this thing into my hand--但毫无思想准备…No, it's my fault. I thought this would all be over by now. 不,是我的错,我本以为早该结束了的我只是想为那个吻的事道歉I just wanted to sort of apologize for the kissing thing.I seriously don't know what came over me.我真的不知道自己怎么了And I just wanted to make sure that you were fine about it. 我只想确定那没有影响到你- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely fine. - [ Door Closes ]是的,是的,绝对没有Do remember that Miss Scott is also keen to talk about her next project...别忘了斯科特小姐同样渴望着的下一部片子…which is, um, shooting later in the summer.就是夏天将要开拍的那部Ah, yes, excellent. Excellent.是的,非常棒,非常棒那里面有马吗?Any horses in that one?Or hounds for that matter. Our readers are equally intrigued by both species. 或是猎犬,我们的读者对此很感兴趣It takes place on a submarine.场景是在一艘潜艇上Oh. Well, bad luck.哦,真不幸But, um,不过if there were horses in it,如果有马的话would you be riding them...你会骑它们…or would you be getting, a-- a stunt-horse-double-man-thing?还是找个特技演员作替身呢?[ Chuckles ] I-I'm a complete moron. I apologize. I--我是个十足的笨蛋,不好意思,我…太不可思议了,这种事只会出现在梦里This is very weird. It's the sort of thing that happens in dreams,not in real life.而不是现实当中I mean, good dreams. It's a--我是说美梦,这是个…It's a dream, in fact, uh, to see you again.能再见到你实际上就像个梦What happens next in the dream?接下去还会梦到什么?我猜在这个,呃,梦…I suppose in the, uh, dream--dream scenario-- I just, uh,梦境中…我会…change my personality...改变我的行为方式…because you can do that in dreams and, um,因为在梦里你可以这么做走过去并吻这个女孩walk over and, uh, kiss the girl.But, uh--不过…时间到了,你达到目的了吗?Time's up, I'm afraid. Did you get what you wanted?- Um, nearly, nearly. - Well, maybe just one last question. -还差一点,差一点-好吧,最后一个问题- Um, nearly, nearly. - Well, maybe just one last question.- Sure. [ Clears Throat ] - Right, right.-当然-好的,好的[ Door Closes ]Are you... busy tonight?你…今晚忙吗?- Yes. - Right. Right.-是的-好的,好的- Come in. - Well, it was nice to meet you.-请进-好了,很高兴认识你Yes, and you.我也是Surreal... but nice.超现实…但很不错Thank you. You are Horse & Hounds' favorite actress.谢谢,你是“马和猎犬”最喜欢的女演员You and Black Beauty...和"黑美人"…tied.不相上下How was she?她怎么样?Oh, um, fabulous.好得难以置信Excellent. Wait a minute. She took your grandmother's flowers.好极了,等等,她拿了你祖母的花Uh, yeah, yeah. That's right.是的,是的,没错- Bitch. - [ Karen ] Oh, Mr.Thacker.-贱货-哦,扎克先生Mr.Thacker, if you'd like to come with me, we can rush you through the others. 扎克先生,如果你不介意的话-我们能临时安排你另一个采访-另一个?The others?Mr.Thacker is from Horse & Hound.扎克先生是“马和猎犬”杂志社的- How's it going? - Very well, thank you.-你好吗?-很好,谢谢Have a seat.请坐- Well, did you enjoy the film? - [ Clock Ticking ] 你喜欢这部片子吗?Yes, enormously.是的,非常喜欢- Well, fire away. - Right.-请提问吧-好的拍片期间还愉快吗?Did you enjoy making the film?- Yes, I did. - Good.-是的-很好Any bit in particular?有没有特别喜欢的部分?You tell me what bit you enjoyed the most,先说说你最喜欢哪个场景and I'll tell you if I enjoyed making that bit.我再告诉你我是否同样喜欢Uh, I...我…liked the bit in space...例如在太空中那部分…very much.我非常喜欢Did you identify with the character you're playing?你和你演的角色有共同点吗?[ Speaking Spanish ]- No. - No.-没有-没有Oh. Why not?为什么?[ Spanish ][ Spanish ]因为他演的是一个失控的食肉机器人Because he's playing a psychopathic flesh-eating robot.Classic.好极了So, uh,那么is this your first film?这是你第一部片子吗?No. It's my 22nd.不,这是第22部了Of course it is. Any favorites among the 22?我是想问你最喜欢哪一部?Working with Leonardo.和莱昂纳多合作的那部- Da Vinci? - DiCaprio.-达芬奇吗?-狄卡·普里奥Of course. [ Chuckles ]当然And is-- is he your favorite Italian director?他…是你最喜欢的导演吗?[ Reporters Chattering ]- Mr.Thacker. - Oh, no.-扎克先生-哦,不- Have you got a minute? - No.-能耽误你一会吗?-不Hi.嗨Hi.嗨Um-- Yeah, so the, um--啊…是这样的the-- the thing I was doing tonight, I'm not doing anymore. 我,我推掉了我今晚的事情我告诉他们今晚我接受了…I told them I had to spend the evening...英国第一骑师记者的邀请with Britain's premier equestrian journalist.Oh. Well, great.哦,太棒了Fantastic. That's, uh--难以置信,这…Oh. Shittity brickitty.哦,太糟糕了It's my sister's birthday. Shit. We're meant to be having dinner. 今天是我妹妹生日,可恶我们约好了要一起吃晚饭- Okay, that's fine. - No. I'm sure I can get out of it.-好啊,没关系-不,我肯定能推掉No, I mean, if it's fine with you, I'll be your date.不,我是说,只要你不介意我可以和你一起去You-- You'll be my date...你…你肯和我一起…to my little sister's birthday party?去我妹妹的生日晚会?- If it's all right. - Well, yeah, I'm sure it's all right.-如果没问题的话-哦,当然没问题My friend Max is cooking,是马克掌厨大家公认他是世上最差劲的厨师and he is generally acknowledged to be the worst cook in the world.But, um, you know, you could hide the food in your handbag or something. 不过,你可以事先在手袋里藏些食物- Okay. - Okay.-好的-好的- He's bringing a girl? - Miracles do happen.-他带了个女孩?-真是怪事- Does the girl have a name? - Don't know. Wouldn't say.-那姑娘叫什么?-不知道,没有说Oh, Christ! What is going on in there?哦,我的天,这是怎么回事?- [ Doorbell Rings ] - Oh, God!哦,老天Hi. Come on in. Vague food crisis.嗨,快进来,食物焦糊危机Hiya! Sorry.好啊,抱歉The guinea-fowl is proving more complicated than expected.看来珍珠鸡比预料的更难做。
notting hill观后感
notting hill观后感《Notting Hill》观后感《Notting Hill》是一部充满浪漫与喜剧的电影,讲述了一个平凡的书店老板威廉与一名享誉世界的电影明星安娜之间的爱情故事。
notting hill excercises
Notting hillNotting HillClip one:- Oh! - Oh! Shit!- Oh, my God! - Bugger! I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.- Here. Let me-- - _____1_____I'm really sorry. I-- I live just over the street.I have, um, water and soap. You can get cleaned up. No, thank you. I just need to get my car back.I also have a phone. I'm confident that in five minutes... we could have you spick-and-span and _____2_______. In the non-prostitute sense, obviously.All right. Well-- What do you mean, "just over the street"? - _____3________-- Uh, 18 yards.That's my house there with the blue front door.Come on in. I'll just-- I'll just--Um, right. Right. Come in.It's, um, not quite _____4_____, I fear.But, um-- The bathroom's on the top floor.And the telephone's just-- just up here.Here. Let-- Let me, um--Um, _____5_______.Straight on-- straight on up.Bugger.Clip one / Answer:1. Get your hands off!2. back on the street again3. Give it to me in yards.4. as tidy as it normally is5. round the corner.Clip Two:Having you here, Anna, firmly establishes what I've long suspected-- that we really are the most desperate lot of underachievers.- [ Bernie ] Shame. - I'm not saying it's a bad thing.In fact, I think it's something we should _____1_____I'm gonna give the last brownie as a the saddest act here.- Uh-oh. - Bern.Yeah, all right. Well, obviously, it's me, isn't it?I mean, I work in the city in a job I don't understand,and everyone keeps getting promoted above me.I haven't had a girlfriend since-- well, since puberty.And... nobody fancies me.And if these cheeks get any chubbier, they never will.- Nonsense. I fancy you. - Really?Yeah. Or I did before you got so fat.[ Max ] You see. And unless I'm much mistaken,your job still pays you rather a lot of money...whilst Honey here earns 20 pence a week...flogging her guts out in London's worst record store.Yes! And I haven't got hair. I've got feathers.And I've got funny goggly eyes. And I'm attracted to cruel men.And, actually, no one will marry me...because, um, my boosies have actually started shrinking.- [ Max ] You see, it's incredibly sad. - But on the other hand,her best friend is Anna Scott.That's true. I can't deny it. She needs me. What can I say?And most of her limbs work, whereas I'm stuck in this thing day and night, in a house _____2________.And to add insult to serious injury,I've totally given up smoking, my favorite thing.And, um, well, the truth is,we can't have a baby.Oh, Belle.C'est la vie.Still, um, we're lucky in lots of ways.But surely that's worth a brownie. [ Chuckling ]Well, I don't know. Look at William.- Very unsuccessful professionally. - That's true.Divorced. Used to be handsome, now kind of squidgy round the edges. And absolutely certain never to hear from Anna again...- once she's heard that his nickname at school was-- - Floppy.You did. I can't believe it, you did.Thanks very much. Thank you. Well, at least I get the last brownie. [ Max ] I think so, yes.Well, wait. What about me?I'm sorry? You think you deserve the brownie?[ Chuckles ] Well, a shot at it at least, huh?You'll have to prove it. This is a very, very good brownie.I'm gonna fight for it.I've been on a diet every day since I was 19,which basically means I've been hungry for a decade.[ All Laughing ]I've had a series of not-nice boyfriends, one of whom hit me.Uh, and every time I get my heart broken,the newspapers ______3_______as though it's entertainment. And... it's taken two rather painful, um, get me looking like this.- Really? - Really.And one day not long from now, my looks will go,they will discover I can't act,and I will become some sad, middle-aged woman... who... looks a bit like someone who was famous for a while. No, nice try, gorgeous, but you don't fool anyone.- [ All Laughing ] - No.Pathetic effort to hog the brownie.- Thank you for such a terrific time. - I'm delighted.- That's a great tie. - Now you're lying.Okay, it's true. I told you I was bad at acting.- It was lovely to meet you. - Yeah, and you. And you.I'll wait until you've gone before I tell him ____4_______-.- No! - [ Chuckling ] Oh!- Good night. - I'm so sorry about the loo thing.I meant to leave. I just-- [ Chuckles ]Ring me if you want someone to go shopping with.I know lots of nice, cheap places, not that money is necessarily--It was just so nice to meet you.- Happy birthday. You're my style guru. - Thank you.- Sorry. Can I just-- - Oh.- Thanks. - Leave her.- Good night, everyone. - Bye.[ William ] Max, Belle, we'll see you in a couple of days. - Thank you, everybody. Call us. - Bye, guys.- Bye, Anna. - Love your work.[ William ] Bye, Hon.[ Screaming, Shouting ][ Screaming, Shouting Continue ]Sorry. They always do that when I leave the house.It's a stupid thing. I hate it.Cpil Two /Answer:1. take pride in.2. full of ramps3. splash it about4. you're a vegetarianClip Three- I'm so sorry. - This is such ____1_________.I come to you to protect myself against more crappy gossip,and now I've landed in it all over again.For God's sake, I've got a boyfriend!- You have? - As far as they're concerned I do.And now, tomorrow there'll be pictures of you in every newspaper from here to Timbuktu!I know that, but... just let's stay calm.You stay calm! This is a perfect situation for you, isn't it?Minimum input, maximum publicity.Everywhere you go, people will say, "Well done, you.You slept with that actress. We saw the pictures."- That is ____2_______. - That's yours.Maybe it'll even help business.Buy a boring book about Egypt from the guy that screwed Anna Scott. Stop! Stop! I beg you!Calm down. How about a cup of tea?I don't want a goddamn cup of tea.- I just wanna go home. - [ Doorbell Rings ]1. an unbelievable mess2. spectacularly unfairClip 4You disappeared.Yeah. Yeah. Um--I had to leave. I didn't want to disturb.- How have you been? - Fine, fine. Everything much the same. When they change the law, Spike and I will marry immediately. Whereas you, I've watched in wonder.- Awards, glory. - Oh, no.It's-- It's all nonsense, believe me.I'd no idea how much nonsense it was, but...nonsense it all is.Well, um--Yesterday was our last day of filming, so... I'm leaving.But, um--I brought this for you from home,so I thought I'd give it to you.Thank you.Shall I--Oh, no, don't open it now. I'll be embarrassed.Well, thank you. I don't know what it's for, but thanks anyway. Actually, I had it in my apartment, and I thought you'd--But when it came to it, I didn't know how to call,having behaved so badly.Twice.So it's just been sitting in the hotel.Then you came and... I figured--The thing is--The thing is--What? What is the thing?Don't even think about it. Go away immediately.- Go away. - Right.Sorry.You were saying?Yes.I have to go away today, but I...wondered if I didn't...whether you might let me see you a little,or... a lot, maybe.See if you could like me again.But yesterday that actor asked you who I was,and you just ____1_________.I heard.You had a microphone. I had headphones.You expect me to tell the truth about my the most indiscreet man in England?Uh, excuse me.It's your mother on the phone.Will you tell her I'll ring her back?I've actually tried that tack, but she said you've said that once before,and it's now been about 24 hours...and the foot that was purple is now sort of blackish in color and-- Right, right. Yeah. Perfect timing, as ever.Martin, hold the fort a second.Uh, yes. All right.Um, could I just say--[ Chuckles ] I thought Ghost was the most wonderful film.- Is that right? - Oh, yes.[ Chuckles ]Um, I've always wondered...what Patrick Swayze's like in-- in-- in real life.I can't say that I know Patrick all that well.He wasn't that friendly during filming?Well, I'm sure he was friendly to Demi Moore who acted with him inGhost.Oh. Oh, right.Sorry. [ Nervous Chuckle ]Always been a bit of an ass. [ Chuckling ]Um, anyway-- Um--Well, it was lovely to meet you.I'm a huge, huge fan of yours.And Demi's, of course.Sorry.That's fine.There's always a pause when the jury goes out to consider their verdict. Anna, look, um--I'm a fairly levelheaded bloke,not often in and out of love.But, uh--Can I just say no to your...kind request and, uh, leave it at that?Yes.Fine. Of course. I-- Of course.I'll just be going, then. It was nice to see you.The thing is, with you I'm in real... danger.It seems like a... perfect situation,apart from that ______2_________, relatively inexperienced heart would, I fear, not... recover, uh, if I was...once again cast aside, as I would absolutely expect to be. There are just too many pictures of you, too many films. You'd go and I'd be, uh,well, buggered, basically.That really is a real no, isn't it?I live in Notting Hill. You live in... Beverly Hills. Everyone in the world knows who you are.My mother has trouble remembering my name.Fine.Fine. Good decision. Good decision.The fame thing isn't really real, you know?And don't forget I'm--I'm also just a girl...standing in front of a boy...asking him to love her.Good-bye.So what do you think? Good move?[ Honey ] Yeah, good move.I mean, when all's said and done, she's nothing special.I saw her taking her trousers down,and I definitely glimpsed some cellulite down there.Good decision, yeah.All actresses are as mad as snakes.- Tones, what do you reckon? - Never met her, never want to.- Brilliant. Max? - Absolutely. Never trust a vegetarian. Great. Thanks. Brilliant.[ Panting ] I was called and I came. What's up?William's just turned down Anna Scott.You daft prick.No, no. No, no, it's actually quite sensible.That painting isn't the original, is it?Um, you know, I think it might be, yeah.But she said she wanted to go out with you.- Yeah. - Well, that's nice.What?Well, you know,anyone saying they wanna go out with you is pretty great, isn't it? It was...sort of... sweet, actually.Um, I mean, I know she's an actress and all she can... deliver a line, but, um,she said she might be as famous as she can be, but also that she was...just a girl...standing in front of a boy...asking him... to love her.Oh, sod a dog. I've _______3________, haven't I? Yeah.Max, how fast is your car?1. dismissed me out of hand2. foul temper of yours3. made the wrong decision。
notting hill
notting hill
notting hill指的是诺丁山。
Notting Hill review
Notting Hill reviewNotting Hill is a diversion with awesome diversionary power. I didn't realize until it was well over that it could also be titled, Fifth Wedding, But No Funeral.It was written by Richard Curtis, the writer of Four Weddings and a Funer al. It's a vehicle for Hugh Grant, who is as good here as he was in Four Weddings. Maybe better. It's an extraordinarily effective romantic comedy told in the idiom of Four Weddings' very-British humor.Curtis recycles some of his earlier narrative workin gs, but he's added substantial value by tapping into mythology about mortals and contemporary gods.The mortal, William (Grant), owns a small travel-bookstore in the neighborhood of London called Notting Hill. Into it walks Julia Roberts as Anna Scott, one of the most bankable movie stars in the world. A goddess.Their second meeting involves spilt orange juice and a kiss.There is utterly no way to motivate that kiss other than "we want it to happen." If you want it to happen, you are a romantic and Curtis has got you. From here on out, though, the film rings true emotionally.William, the filmmakers convince us, has fallen in love with Anna the mortal -- not Anna the goddess. He recognized her in his shop, yes; but he hasn't seen that many of her films for his reaction to be to her screen persona. He's not exactly the type to know her very-public biography as written in tabloids.Anna is wary; her celebrity makes her vulnerable."Every time I have my heart broken," she later says, "the newspapers prin t it as entertainment."Those heartbreakers have been inside the movie industry. William is not. She thinks -- hopes -- that his reaction to her is guy-to-girl and not mortal-to-goddess. So she hangs around.William's good-faith effort to keep it that way, guy-to-girl, against odds that have defeated other men she's liked, are terribly sweet. That, finally, may make her take a huge risk.It doesn't hurt that the guy twinkles like Grant, has a head on his shoulders and is enough Grant-gorgeous to be a peer to her.So they have their ups and downs. The most consequential down comes when she, irrationally but understandably, accuses him of initiating a paparazzi attack.If you think this doesn't have a happy ending, you've just moved here from the Crab Nebula. There's enough happy ending here to spread over three romantic comedies.In the case of an actor or actress, a persona emerges from his or her roles, appearances on Letterman and interviews with Barbara Walters. From this persona, we deduce what this person is really like.What if some reasonably good-looking guy in Kansas City figures, "OK, she's Anna Scott. But if I could get to her, just take her to Starbucks, not to bed, just `talk,' I think she might really like me."The problem, of course, is inaccessibility. This movie speaks to the guys in Kansas City that inaccessibility cuts both ways across the god-mortal frontier.So this is an exceptionally guy-friendly chick flick.Director Roger Michell gets first-rate performances from everybody. Curtis's ratio of jokes-working to jokes-attempted for his characters is outrageously high. But the film's biggest and most reliable source oflaughs is Rhys Ifans, who plays Spike, William's inexpressibly slovenly and tasteless flatmate.Although Grant has the better-written part, Roberts' work is just as good in a more difficult role.If there is a weakness to Curtis' screenplay, it is that it requires a Julia Roberts goddess to play the part. Roberts does exactly what has boosted her price to $20 million a film ($5 million more than Anna Scott): She spackles every hole in the screenplay with Julia Roberts' persona.。
那么改善英语发音有什么技巧呢?下面是店铺为大家整理的改善英语发音的技巧,希望大家喜欢!改善英语发音的技巧1. Listen to yourself.如果你听不到自己的发音问题,要纠正就很难了。
2. Slow down!很多英语学习者常说语速太快容易养成他们的坏习惯。
3. Picture it.闭上眼睛并在说出口之前想一想如何发这个音。
4. Get physical!发音是个形体动作。
5. Watch yourself.站在镜子前看看你发某些固定音时的嘴型、唇型和舌头的位置。
对比一下,你在Englishtown看到的发音录像!6. Copy the experts.从那些为英语母语人士的专家那里,学习发音的方式是无可取代的好方法。
7. Practice alone.发音的问题迟迟不能解决就是因为我们害怕犯错。
别害羞!8. Find a language buddy.从旁观者获得反馈是非常重要的。
9. Be poetic.好的发音不仅是掌握单独的音节。
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Look of the film reminded yesterday, until last reveals the rich beautiful fairy tale ending, and even go back to previous story details, twists and turns and not a complex process but with a personal emotional, and pedestrians may be called the star love story. Usually movies that look better would wait until there was a scene CAST may sometimes be straightforward because of the storm sleep.
All in all, the Department not come as a boring movie. If the film stopped at Anna for the last time his travel book, / find people with some sadness, I live in Notting Hill, and you live in Beverly Hills ..; your name in the world know, and I Even the name of my mother can not remember ~ ~ such a distance and span, catch up or regrettable.
Likely to appear in the film, when the family decided to drive arrived conference recovered love, it is destined a happy ending. If that Anna's story from his boyfriend and the United States leads the divergent enforcement, decision and contest, a confusion of intellectual and romantic love story can be entangled in these three individuals had. This side effect may be more supporting role, and make plans or how. I like to watch a scene of some supporting the demeanor and body, much like the atmosphere of the novel need to set off the scene with the side to be painted.
Brief interlude in the film where the story transforms from, ~ she "or he. The middle of the final will also want to compare how deep ~ impression of a scene is the paparazzi have found a blue door of William and Anna, Anna from the atmosphere to go, but the male lead in the context of changing weather walking alone, instead of mood music ~ the other is off in the movie is going to take the glasses ~ As and he lived a piece of underwear that fellow, Sprite .. cheap Cheap It seems that people have all kind of movie generally nice -
假如电影就停在了安娜最后一次去他的旅行书店,/觉得使人带些感伤,我住在诺丁山,而你住在..比华利山;你的名字世人都知道,而我的名字甚至连我妈妈都记不住~~ 这种距离和跨度,望尘莫及或令人遗憾。
简洁的插曲在影片里将剧情承转起,~she “or he。
阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUST RUNS. 他跑步不为任何理由。
Mr. A Gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, JUST RUNS. He said: “Man has t look forward, and never encumbered by foretime. I tha nk that's the meaning of my running.” Say goodbye to foretime and don't stay in-place. Although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing, Mr. A Gan does and becomes “GOD”. There is another character Captai n Dan. Dan lost his legs in Vietnarm War. He said that his fate is death in war. However, Mr. A Gan saved him and let him be alive. After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, complaining that A
Gan shouldn't save him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with A Gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gan's help. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always after cloud. The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. The movie is also sent such a message to us: do well what we should do, and life will return us well. There will be a miracle if only there is perseverance.。