
2019年上半年教师资格考试(高中英语)学科知识与教学能力试题1、The main difference between /f/ and /v/ lies in ( ).A、the manner of articulationB、the place of articulationC、voicingD、sound duration试题答案:c2、Which of the following involves a sound deletion?A、Bean.B、Design.C、Sport.D、Big.试题答案:b3、In the economic ( )established recently, more progress has been made by the European countries in harmonizing their countries.A、regulationB、climateC、circumstanceD、requirement4、Smoking heavily at home will expose children to ( )their health.A、multipleB、surplusC、durableD、excessive试题答案:d5、Which of the following pairs of words are gradable antonyms?A、Buy and sell.B、Big and small.C、Male and female.D、Red and green.试题答案:b6、Naturally, she ( )that once there was a new film everybody would be eager to go and see it.A、had assumedB、assumedC、has assumedD、was assuming7、If he had fought in the First World War, he might have returned ( ).A、a different manB、with a different manC、as a different manD、to be a different man试题答案:c8、In fact, they would rather have left for London ( )in Birmingham.A、to stayB、in order to stayC、than have stayedD、instead of having stayed试题答案:c9、What kind of speech act is performed in utterance “Come round on Saturday”when it is said as an invitation rather than a demand?A、Direct speech act.B、Locutionary act.C、Indirect speech act.D、Perlocutionary act.试题答案:c10、By asking the question,“Can you list your favorite food in English?”, the teacher is using the technique of ( ).A、elicitationB、monitoringC、promptingD、recasting试题答案:a11、If a teacher wants to check how much students have learned at the end ofa term, he/she would give them a(n) ( ).A、diagnostic testB、placement testC、proficiency testD、achievement test试题答案:d12、What learning style does Xiao Li exhibit if she tries to understand every single word when listening to a passage?A、Field-dependence.B、Intolerance of Ambiguity.C、Risk-taking.D、Field-independence.试题答案:b13、If a teacher asks students to put jumbled sentences in order in a reading class, he/she intends to develop their ability of ( ).A、word-guessing through contextB、summarizing the main ideaC、understanding textual coherenceD、scanning for detailed information试题答案:c14、When a teacher says “What do you mean by that?”,he/she is asking the student for ( ).A、repetitionB、suggestionC、introductionD、clarification试题答案:d15、When a teacher says u “You 'd better talk in a more polite way when speaking to the elderly.”,he/she is drawing the students’attention to the ( )of language use.A、fluencyB、complexityC、accuracyD、appropriacy试题答案:d16、Which of the following is a display question?A、What part of speech is “immense”?B、How would you comment on this report?C、Why do you think Hemingway is a good writer?D、What do you think of the characters in this novel?试题答案:a17、Which of the following represents a contextualized way of practising “How often ...”?A、Make some sentences with“how often”.B、Use“how often”and the words given to make a sentence.C、I go shopping twice a week. How often do you go shopping?D、Please change the statement into a question with “how often”.试题答案:c18、Which of the following are controlled activities in an English class?A、Reporting, role-play and games.B、Reading aloud, dictation and translation.C、Role-play, problem solving and discussion.D、Information exchange, narration and interview.试题答案:b19、The ( )is designed according to the morphological and syntactic aspects ofa language.A、structural syllabusB、situational syllabusC、skill-based syllabusD、content-based syllabus试题答案:a阅读The number of Americans who read books has been declining for thirty years, and those who do read have become proud of, even a bit over-identified with, the enterprise. Alongside the tote bags you can find T-shirts, magnets, and buttons printed or sewn with covers of classic novels; the Web site Etsy sells tights printed with poems by Emily Dickinson. A spread in The Paris Review featured literature-inspired paint-chip colors. The merchandising of reading has a curiously undifferentiated flavor, as if what you read mattered less than that you read. In this climate of embattled bibliophilia, a new subgenre of books about books has emerged, a mix of literary criticism, autobiography, self-help, and immersion journalism: authors undertake reading stunts to prove that reading—anything—still matters.“I thought of my adventure as Off-Road or Extreme Reading,”Phyllis Rose writes in “The Shelf: From LEQ to LES,”the latest stunt book, in which she reads through a more or less random shelf of library books. She compares her voyage, to Ernest Shackleton’s explorations in the Antarctic. “However, I like to sleep under a quilt with my head on a goose down pillow,”she writes. “So I would read my way into the unknown一into the pathless wastes, into thinair, with no reviews, no best-seller lists, no college curricula, no National Book Awards or Pulitzer Prizes, no ads, no publicity, not even word of mouth to guide me.”She is not the first writer to set off on armchair expedition. A. J. Jacobs, a self-described “human guinea pig,”spent a year reading the encyclopedia for “The Know-It-All: One Man’s Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World”(2004). Ammon Shea read all of the Oxford English Dictionary for his book “Reading the OED: One Man, One Year, 21, 730 Pages”(2008). In “The Whole Five Feet”(2010), Christopher Beha made his way through the Harvard Classics during a year in which he suffered serious illness and had a death in the family. In “Howard’s End Is on the Landing”(2010), Susan Hill limited herself to reading only the books that she already owned. Such “extreme reading”requires special personal traits: perseverance, stamina, a craving for self- improvement, and obstinacy.Rose fits the bill. A retired English professor, she is the author of popular biographies of Virginia Woolf and Josephine Baker, as well as “The Year of Reading Proust”(1997), a memoir of her family life and the manners and mores of the Key West literary scene. Her best book is “Parallel Lives”(1983), a group biography of five Victorian marriages. (It is filled with marvellous details and set pieces, like the one in which John Ruskin, reared on hairless sculptures of female nudes, defers consummating his marriage to Effie Gray for so long that she sues for divorce.) Rose is consistently generous,knowledgeable, and chatty, with a knock for connecting specific incidents to large social trends. Unlike many biblio-memoirists, she loves network television and is un-nostalgic about print; in “The Shelf’she says that she prefers her e-reader to certain moldy paperbacks.The way most of us choose our reading today is simple. Someone posts a link, and we click on it. We set out to buy one book, and Amazon suggests that we might like another. Friends and retailers know our preferences, and urge recommendations on us. The bookstore and the library could assist you, too—the people who work there may even know you and track your habits—but they are organized in an impersonal way. Shelves and open stacks offer not only immediate access to books but strange juxtapositions. Arbitrary classification breeds surprises—Nikolai Gogol next to William Golding, Clarice Lispector next to Penelope Lively. The alphabet has no rationale, agenda, or preference.20、What can be inferred from Paragraph 1 about the author’s opinion on reading?A、What really matters is the fact that you read.B、An emphasis should be placed on what you read.C、The merchandising of reading can boost book sales.D、Reading as a serious undertaking should not be merchandised.21、Why does Phyllis Rose compare her reading to Ernest Shackleton’s explorations in the Antarctic?A、To emphasize the adventurous and stirring experience of reading.B、To emphasize the role of reading in broadening people’s horizon.C、To emphasize the amusement in reading without specific guidance.D、To emphasize the challenges in reading books of varying categories.22、Which of the following is closest in meaning to underlined phrase “human guinea pig”in Paragraph 3?A、A person used in experiments.B、An uneducated person.C、A lazy person.D、A vulnerable person.23、Why is Rose considered a good instance to manifest “extreme reading”?A、People’s interest in reading needs to be inspired.B、Most people do not know what they should read.C、She knows how to relieve her mental suffering via reading.D、She has special personal traits needed for “extreme reading”.24、In what sense is the arbitrary classification of books considered to be impersonal?A、It brings about surprises.B、It fails to track readers’habits.C、It ignores the content of books.D、It fails to consider reader’s preferences.试题答案:[['D'],['C'],['A'],['D'],['A']]21、If you have got kids, here is a nasty truth: they are probably not very special, that is, they are average, ordinary, and unremarkable. Consider the numbers of those applications your daughter is sending to Ivy League schools, for instance. There are more than a quarter of a million other kids aiming for the same eight colleges at the same time, and less than 9% of them will make the cut. And those hours you spend coaching Little League because you just know your son’s sweet swing will take him to the professionals. There are 2.4 million other Little Leaguers out there, and there are exactly 750 openings for major league ballplayers at the beginning of each season. That gives him a 0.0313% chance of reaching the big clubs. The odds are just as long for the other dreams you’ve had for your kids: your child the billionaire, the Broadway star, the Rhodes scholar. Most of those things are never going to happen.The kids are paying the price for parents’delusions. In public schools, some students are bringing home 17.5 hours of homework per week or 3.5 per school night and it’s hard to see how they have time to do it. From 2004 to2014, the number of children participating in up to three hours of after-school activities on any given day rose from 6.5 million to 10.2 million. And all the while, the kids are being fed a promise—that they can be tutored and coached, pushed and tested, hot- housed and advance placed until success is assured.At last, a growing chorus of educators and psychologists is saying, “Enough!”Somewhere between the self-esteem building of going for the gold and the self esteem crushing of the Ivy-or-die ethos there has to be a place where kids can breathe, where they can have the freedom to do what they love and where parents accustomed to pushing their children to excel can shake off the newly defined shame of having raised an ordinary child.If the system is going to be fixed, it has to start, no surprise, with the parents. For them, the problem isn’t merely the expense of the tutors, the chore of the homework checking and the constant search for just the right summer program. It’s also the sweat equity that comes from agonizing over every exam, grieving over every disappointing grade—becoming less a guide in a child’s academic career than an intimate fellow traveler.The first step for parents is accepting that they have less control over their children’s education than they think they do—a reality that can be both sobering and liberating. You can sign your kids up for ballet camp or violin immersion all you want, but if they’re simply doing what they’re told instead of doing what they love, they’ll take it only so far.Ultimately, there’s a much larger national conversation that needs to be had about just what higher education means and when it’s needed at all. Four years of college has been sold as being a golden ticket in the American economy, and to an extent that’s true.But pushing all kids down the bachelor’s path ensures not only that some of them will lose their way but also that critical jobs that require a two-year or less—skilled trades, some kinds of nursing, computer technology, airline mechanics and more—will go unfilled.There will never be a case to be made for a culture of academic complacency or the demolition of the meritocracy. It can be fulfilling for kids to chase a ribbon, as long as it’s a ribbon the child really wants. And the very act of making that effort can bring out the best in anyone’s work.But we cheat ourselves, and worse, we cheat our kids, if we view life as a single straight-line race in which one one-hundredth of the competitors finish in the money and everyone else loses. We will all be better off if we recognize that there are a great many races of varying lengths and outcomes. The challenge for parents is to help their children find the one that’s right for them. Which of the following factors deprives the kids of freedom to do what they love?A、3.5 hours of school assignments set by their teachers every day.B、The educational reforms made by the public schools they attend.C、The growing number of peers taking part in off-campus activities.D、Their parents’unrealistic wish for them to have a promising future.What are parents supposed to do to alter the current educational system?A、To pay for their kids’education.B、To take up all the household chores.C、To provide guidance to their children.D、To push their children to excel at exams.According to the author, which of the following perceptions should parents adopt concerning their kids’education?A、They should be their kids’companions on their journey to academic excellence.B、They should realize the fact that most children would remain mediocre despite their wills.C、They should feel relieved if they don’t have to pay for their kid’s off-school art lessons.D、They should be their kids’career director rather than help them find a right path to walk on.What does the underlined word “one”in the last paragraph refer to?A、Race.B、Length.C、Challenge.D、Outcome.试题答案:[['D'],['C'],['B'],['A']]22、根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。

2019 上半年全国教资统考高中英语学科知识与能力试题答案二、简答题( 本大题 1 小题,20 分)31. 【答题要点】PPT的使用能够将教材内容生动活泼地呈现在学生面前,使静态、枯燥的语言材料变得直观、具体,富有感染力,从而调动学生深入学习的积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣; ?PPT的使用可以丰富教学内容和形式,提供有利于学生观察、模仿、尝试、体验真实语言的语境,使英语学习更好地体现真实性和交际性特征。
?使用PPT时在一定程度上增加了教师的工作量,即制作PPT, 并且一味地追求使用PPT有时会使教师忽略课程的重点和难点。
三、教学情境分析题( 本大题 1 小题,30 分)32. 【答题要点】(1) 该教师采用的评价属于质性评价范畴下的表现性评价。
(2) 该评价表主要作用有:第一、克服了传统学业测验的弊端,实现多元化评价; 第二、有助于发挥学生学习主体性; 第三、有助于教师关注学生对知识的综合运用能力。
(3) 改进措施有:第一、增加评价维度并且细化每个维度的评价标准以增加其效度; 第二、将“笑脸”改为具体的评价语言; 第三、增加评价主体。
四、教学设计题( 本大题 1 小题,40 分)33.【答题要点】Teaching type: Reading classTeaching contents: This lesson is from senior high school, and it mainly talks about the life of Mark Twain. Before becoming a writer, Mark Twain tried different jobs and went to differentplaces, which laid a good foundation for Mark Twain ’s writing career.Teaching Objectives:(1) Knowledge objectives①Students are able to know the experiences of Mark Twain before he became a writer.(2) Ability objectives:①Students are able to express the journey of the Mark Twain.②Students are able to find the different places Twain went to and different works he did.(3) Emotional objectives:①Students are able to learn more about the famous American writer-----Mark TwainTeaching key and difficult points:Teaching Key point:Students can find the life experiences of Mark Twain through reading.Teaching Difficult point:Students can retell the story of Mark Twain in their own words.Teaching Procedures:Step1: Pre-reading (6 minutes)Introduce Mark Twain to students through pictures and tell students the life and the worksof Mark Twain.(Justification:The introduction of Mark Twain will help students know more about Mark Twain, which laid a good foundation for next step .)Step2: While-reading (9 minutes)34. Ask students to answer the question: where did the name “Mark Twain ”come from.35. Ask students to finish the chart after reading the 2nd paragraph.(Justification: Students will have a better understanding to the life experiences of MarkTwain, and their logical thinking will be greatly improved.)Step3: Post-reading (5 minutes)1. Retell the passage according to the chart above.2. Discuss their feeling to Mark Twain after reading this passage.(Justification: Retelling will improve student ’s speaking ability. Discussing their feeling will help students to build up the interest in English learning and learn some qualities fromMark Twain.)。

2019年上半年教师资格考试(高中英语)学科知识与教学能力试题1、The main difference between /f/ and /v/ lies in ( ).A、the manner of articulationB、the place of articulationC、voicingD、sound duration试题答案:c2、Which of the following involves a sound deletion?A、Bean.B、Design.C、Sport.D、Big.试题答案:b3、In the economic ( )established recently, more progress has been made by the European countries in harmonizing their countries.A、regulationB、climateC、circumstanceD、requirement4、Smoking heavily at home will expose children to ( )their health.A、multipleB、surplusC、durableD、excessive试题答案:d5、Which of the following pairs of words are gradable antonyms?A、Buy and sell.B、Big and small.C、Male and female.D、Red and green.试题答案:b6、Naturally, she ( )that once there was a new film everybody would be eager to go and see it.A、had assumedB、assumedC、has assumedD、was assuming7、If he had fought in the First World War, he might have returned ( ).A、a different manB、with a different manC、as a different manD、to be a different man试题答案:c8、In fact, they would rather have left for London ( )in Birmingham.A、to stayB、in order to stayC、than have stayedD、instead of having stayed试题答案:c9、What kind of speech act is performed in utterance “Come round on Saturday”when it is said as an invitation rather than a demand?A、Direct speech act.B、Locutionary act.C、Indirect speech act.D、Perlocutionary act.试题答案:c10、By asking the question,“Can you list your favorite food in English?”, the teacher is using the technique of ( ).A、elicitationB、monitoringC、promptingD、recasting试题答案:a11、If a teacher wants to check how much students have learned at the end of a term, he/she would give them a(n) ( ).A、diagnostic testB、placement testC、proficiency testD、achievement test试题答案:d12、What learning style does Xiao Li exhibit if she tries to understand every single word when listening to a passage?A、Field-dependence.B、Intolerance of Ambiguity.C、Risk-taking.D、Field-independence.试题答案:b13、If a teacher asks students to put jumbled sentences in order in a reading class, he/she intends to develop their ability of ( ).A、word-guessing through contextB、summarizing the main ideaC、understanding textual coherenceD、scanning for detailed information试题答案:c14、When a teacher says “What do you mean by that?”,he/she is asking the student for ( ).A、repetitionB、suggestionC、introductionD、clarification试题答案:d15、When a teacher says u “You 'd better talk in a more polite way when speaking to the elderly.”,he/she is drawing the students’attention to the ( )of language use.A、fluencyB、complexityC、accuracyD、appropriacy试题答案:d16、Which of the following is a display question?A、What part of speech is “immense”?B、How would you comment on this report?C、Why do you think Hemingway is a good writer?D、What do you think of the characters in this novel?试题答案:a17、Which of the following represents a contextualized way of practising “How often ...”?A、Make some sentences with“how often”.B、Use“how often”and the words given to make a sentence.C、I go shopping twice a week. How often do you go shopping?D、Please change the statement into a question with “how often”.试题答案:c18、Which of the following are controlled activities in an English class?A、Reporting, role-play and games.B、Reading aloud, dictation and translation.C、Role-play, problem solving and discussion.D、Information exchange, narration and interview.试题答案:b19、The ( )is designed according to the morphological and syntactic aspects of a language.A、structural syllabusB、situational syllabusC、skill-based syllabusD、content-based syllabus试题答案:a阅读The number of Americans who read books has been declining for thirty years, and those who do read have become proud of, even a bit over-identified with, the enterprise. Alongside the tote bags you can find T-shirts, magnets, and buttons printed or sewn with covers of classic novels; the Web site Etsy sells tights printed with poems by Emily Dickinson. A spread in The Paris Review featured literature-inspired paint-chip colors. The merchandising of reading has a curiously undifferentiated flavor, as if what you read mattered less than that you read. In this climate of embattled bibliophilia, a new subgenre of books about books has emerged, a mix of literary criticism, autobiography, self-help, and immersion journalism: authors undertake reading stunts to prove that reading—anything—still matters.“I thought of my adventure as Off-Road or Extreme Reading,”Phyllis Rose writes in “The Shelf: From LEQ to LES,”the latest stunt book, in which she reads through a more or less random shelf of library books. She compares her voyage, to Ernest Shackleton’s explorations in the Antarctic. “However, I like to sleep under a quilt with my head on a goose down pillow,”she writes. “So I would read my way into the unknown一into the pathless wastes, into thin air, with noreviews, no best-seller lists, no college curricula, no National Book Awards or Pulitzer Prizes, no ads, no publicity, not even word of mouth to guide me.”She is not the first writer to set off on armchair expedition. A. J. Jacobs, a self-described “human guinea pig,”spent a year reading the encyclopedia for “The Know-It-All: One Man’s Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World”(2004). Ammon Shea read all of the Oxford English Dictionary for his book “Reading the OED: One Man, One Year, 21, 730 Pages”(2008). In “The Whole Five Feet”(2010), Christopher Beha made his way through the Harvard Classics during a year in which he suffered serious illness and had a death in the family. In “Howard’s End Is on the Landing”(2010), Susan Hill limited herself to reading only the books that she already owned. Such “extreme reading”requires special personal traits: perseverance, stamina, a craving for self- improvement, and obstinacy.Rose fits the bill. A retired English professor, she is the author of popular biographies of Virginia Woolf and Josephine Baker, as well as “The Year of Reading Proust”(1997), a memoir of her family life and the manners and mores of the Key West literary scene. Her best book is “Parallel Lives”(1983), a group biography of five Victorian marriages. (It is filled with marvellous details and set pieces, like the one in which John Ruskin, reared on hairless sculptures of female nudes, defers consummating his marriage to Effie Gray for so long that she sues for divorce.) Rose is consistently generous, knowledgeable, and chatty, with a knock for connecting specific incidents to large social trends. Unlike manybiblio-memoirists, she loves network television and is un-nostalgic about print; in “The Shelf’she says that she prefers her e-reader to certain moldy paperbacks.The way most of us choose our reading today is simple. Someone posts a link, and we click on it. We set out to buy one book, and Amazon suggests that we might like another. Friends and retailers know our preferences, and urge recommendations on us. The bookstore and the library could assist you, too—the people who work there may even know you and track your habits—but they are organized in an impersonal way. Shelves and open stacks offer not only immediate access to books but strange juxtapositions. Arbitrary classification breeds surprises—Nikolai Gogol next to William Golding, Clarice Lispector next to Penelope Lively. The alphabet has no rationale, agenda, or preference.20、What can be inferred from Paragraph 1 about the author’s opinion on reading?A、What really matters is the fact that you read.B、An emphasis should be placed on what you read.C、The merchandising of reading can boost book sales.D、Reading as a serious undertaking should not be merchandised.21、Why does Phyllis Rose compare her reading to Ernest Shackleton’s explorations in the Antarctic?A、To emphasize the adventurous and stirring experience of reading.B、To emphasize the role of reading in broadening people’s horizon.C、To emphasize the amusement in reading without specific guidance.D、To emphasize the challenges in reading books of varying categories.22、Which of the following is closest in meaning to underlined phrase “human guinea pig”in Paragraph 3?A、A person used in experiments.B、An uneducated person.C、A lazy person.D、A vulnerable person.23、Why is Rose considered a good instance to manifest “extreme reading”?A、People’s interest in reading needs to be inspired.B、Most people do not know what they should read.C、She knows how to relieve her mental suffering via reading.D、She has special personal traits needed for “extreme reading”.24、In what sense is the arbitrary classification of books considered to be impersonal?A、It brings about surprises.B、It fails to track readers’habits.C、It ignores the content of books.D、It fails to consider reader’s preferences.试题答案:[['D'],['C'],['A'],['D'],['A']]21、If you have got kids, here is a nasty truth: they are probably not very special, that is, they are average, ordinary, and unremarkable. Consider the numbers of those applications your daughter is sending to Ivy League schools, for instance. There are more than a quarter of a million other kids aiming for the same eight colleges at the same time, and less than 9% of them will make the cut. And those hours you spend coaching Little League because you just know your son’s sweet swing will take him to the professionals. There are 2.4 million other Little Leaguers out there, and there are exactly 750 openings for major league ballplayers at the beginning of each season. That gives him a 0.0313% chance of reaching the big clubs. The odds are just as long for the other dreams you’ve had for your kids: your child the billionaire, the Broadway star, the Rhodes scholar. Most of those things are never going to happen.The kids are paying the price for parents’delusions. In public schools, some students are bringing home 17.5 hours of homework per week or 3.5 per school night and it’s hard to see how they have time to do it. From 2004 to 2014, the number of children participating in up to three hours of after-school activities on any given day rose from 6.5 million to 10.2 million. And all the while, the kids arebeing fed a promise—that they can be tutored and coached, pushed and tested, hot- housed and advance placed until success is assured.At last, a growing chorus of educators and psychologists is saying, “Enough!”Somewhere between the self-esteem building of going for the gold and the self esteem crushing of the Ivy-or-die ethos there has to be a place where kids can breathe, where they can have the freedom to do what they love and where parents accustomed to pushing their children to excel can shake off the newly defined shame of having raised an ordinary child.If the system is going to be fixed, it has to start, no surprise, with the parents. For them, the problem isn’t merely the expense of the tutors, the chore of the homework checking and the constant search for just the right summer program. It’s also the sweat equity that comes from agonizing over every exam, grieving over every disappointing grade—becoming less a guide in a child’s academic career than an intimate fellow traveler.The first step for parents is accepting that they have less control over their children’s education than they think they do—a reality that can be both sobering and liberating. You can sign your kids up for ballet camp or violin immersion all you want, but if they’re simply doing what they’re told instead of doing what they love, they’ll take it only so far.Ultimately, there’s a much larger national conversation that needs to be had about just what higher education means and when it’s needed at all. Four yearsof college has been sold as being a golden ticket in the American economy, and to an extent that’s true.But pushing all kids down the bachelor’s path ensures not only that some of them will lose their way but also that critical jobs that require a two-year or less —skilled trades, some kinds of nursing, computer technology, airline mechanics and more—will go unfilled.There will never be a case to be made for a culture of academic complacency or the demolition of the meritocracy. It can be fulfilling for kids to chase a ribbon, as long as it’s a ribbon the child really wants. And the very act of making that effort can bring out the best in anyone’s work.But we cheat ourselves, and worse, we cheat our kids, if we view life as a single straight-line race in which one one-hundredth of the competitors finish in the money and everyone else loses. We will all be better off if we recognize that there are a great many races of varying lengths and outcomes. The challenge for parents is to help their children find the one that’s right for them.Which of the following factors deprives the kids of freedom to do what they love?A、3.5 hours of school assignments set by their teachers every day.B、The educational reforms made by the public schools they attend.C、The growing number of peers taking part in off-campus activities.D、Their parents’unrealistic wish for them to have a promising future.What are parents supposed to do to alter the current educational system?A、To pay for their kids’education.B、To take up all the household chores.C、To provide guidance to their children.D、To push their children to excel at exams.According to the author, which of the following perceptions should parents adopt concerning their kids’education?A、They should be their kids’companions on their journey to academic excellence.B、They should realize the fact that most children would remain mediocre despite their wills.C、They should feel relieved if they don’t have to pay for their kid’s off-school art lessons.D、They should be their kids’career director rather than help them find a right path to walk on.What does the underlined word “one”in the last paragraph refer to?A、Race.B、Length.C、Challenge.D、Outcome.试题答案:[['D'],['C'],['B'],['A']]22、根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。

2019年上半年教师资格考试(高中英语)学科知识与教学能力试题1、The main difference between /f/ and /v/ lies in ( ).A、the manner of articulationB、the place of articulationC、voicingD、sound duration2、Which of the following involves a sound deletion?A、Bean.B、Design.C、Sport.D、Big.3、In the economic ( )established recently, more progress has been made by the European countries in harmonizing their countries.A、regulationB、climateC、circumstanceD、requirement4、Smoking heavily at home will expose children to ( )their health.A、multipleB、surplusC、durableD、excessive5、Which of the following pairs of words are gradable antonyms?A、Buy and sell.B、Big and small.C、Male and female.D、Red and green.6、Naturally, she ( )that once there was a new film everybody would be eager to go and see it.A、had assumedB、assumedC、has assumedD、was assuming7、If he had fought in the First World War, he might have returned ( ).A、a different manB、with a different manC、as a different manD、to be a different man8、In fact, they would rather have left for London ( )in Birmingham.A、to stayB、in order to stayC、than have stayedD、instead of having stayed9、What kind of speech act is performed in utterance “Come round on Saturday” when it is said as an invitation rather than a demand?A、Direct speech act.B、Locutionary act.C、Indirect speech act.D、Perlocutionary act.10、By asking the question,“Can you list your favorite food in English?” , the teacher is using the technique of ( ).A、elicitationB、monitoringC、promptingD、recasting11、If a teacher wants to check how much students have learned at the end of a term, he/she would give them a(n) ( ).A、diagnostic testB、placement testC、proficiency testD、achievement test12、What learning style does Xiao Li exhibit if she tries to understand every single word when listening to a passage?A、Field-dependence.B、Intolerance of Ambiguity.C、Risk-taking.D、Field-independence.13、If a teacher asks students to put jumbled sentences in order in a reading class, he/she intends to develop their ability of ( ).A、word-guessing through contextB、summarizing the main ideaC、understanding textual coherenceD、scanning for detailed information14、When a teacher says “What do you mean by that?” ,he/she is asking the student for ( ).A、repetitionB、suggestionC、introductionD、clarification15、When a teacher says u “You 'd better talk in a more polite way when speaking to the elderly.”,he/she is drawing the students’ attention to the ( )of language use.A、fluencyB、complexityC、accuracyD、appropriacy16、Which of the following is a display question?A、What part of speech is “immense” ?B、How would you comment on this report?C、Why do you think Hemingway is a good writer?D、What do you think of the characters in this novel?17、Which of the following represents a contextualized way of practising “How often ...” ?A、Make some sentences with“how often”.B、Use“how often”and the words given to make a sentence.C、I go shopping twice a week. How often do you go shopping?D、Please chang e the statement into a question with “how often”.18、Which of the following are controlled activities in an English class?A、Reporting, role-play and games.B、Reading aloud, dictation and translation.C、Role-play, problem solving and discussion.D、Information exchange, narration and interview.19、The ( )is designed according to the morphological and syntactic aspects of a language.A、structural syllabusB、situational syllabusC、skill-based syllabusD、content-based syllabus20、The number of Americans who read books has been declining for thirty years, and those who do read have become proud of, even a bit over-identified with, the enterprise. Alongside the tote bags you can find T-shirts, magnets, and buttons printed or sewn with covers of classic novels; the Web site Etsy sells tights printed with poems by Emily Dickinson. A spread in The Paris Review featuredliterature-inspired paint-chip colors. The merchandising of reading has a curiously undifferentiated flavor, as if what you read mattered less than that you read. In this climate of embattled bibliophilia, a new subgenre of books about books has emerged, a mix of literary criticism, autobiography, self-help, and immersion journalism: authors undertake reading stunts to prove that reading—anything—still matters.“I thought of my adventure as Off-Road or Extreme Reading,” Phyllis Rose writes in “The Shelf: From LEQ to LES,” the latest stunt book, in which she reads through a more or less random shelf of library books. She compares her voyage, to Ernest Shac kleton’s explorations in the Antarctic. “However, I like to sleep under a quilt with my head on a goose down pillow,” she writes. “So I would read my way intothe unknown一into the pathless wastes, into thin air, with no reviews, no best-seller lists, no college curricula, no National Book Awards or Pulitzer Prizes, no ads, no publicity, not even word of mouth to guide me.”She is not the first writer to set off on armchair expedition. A. J. Jacobs, a self-described “human guinea pig,”spent a year reading the encyclopedia for“The Know-It-All: One Man’s Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World”(2004). Ammon Shea read all of the Oxford English Dictionary for his book “Reading the OED: One Man, One Year, 21, 730 Pages”(2008). In “The Whole Five Feet”(2010), Christopher Beha made his way through the Harvard Classics during a year in which he suffered serious illness and had a death in the family. In “Howard’s End Is on the Landing”(2010), Susan Hill limited herself to reading only the books that she already owned. Such “extreme reading” requires special personal traits: perseverance, stamina, a craving for self- improvement, and obstinacy.Rose fits the bill. A retired English professor, she is the author of popular biographies of Virginia Woolf and Josephine Baker, as well as “The Year of Reading Proust” (1997), a memoir of her family life and the manners and mores of the Key West literary scene. Her best book is “Parallel Lives” (1983), a group biography of five Victorian marriages. (It is filled with marvellous details and set pieces, like the one in which John Ruskin, reared on hairless sculptures of female nudes, defers consummating his marriage to Effie Gray for so long that she sues for divorce.) Rose is consistently generous, knowledgeable, and chatty, with a knock for connecting specific incidents to large social trends. Unlike many biblio-memoirists, she loves network television and is un-nostalgic about print; in “The Shelf’ she says that she prefers her e-reader to certain moldy paperbacks.The way most of us choose our reading today is simple. Someone posts a link, and we click on it. We set out to buy one book, and Amazon suggests that we might like another. Friends and retailers know our preferences, and urge recommendations on us. The bookstore and the library could assist you, too—the people who work there may even know you and track your habits—but they are organized in an impersonal way. Shelves and open stacks offer not only immediate access to books but strangejuxtapositions. Arbitrary classification breeds surprises—Nikolai Gogol next to William Golding, Clarice Lispector next to Penelope Lively. The alphabet has no rationale, agenda, or preference.What can be inferred from Paragraph 1 about the author’s opinion on reading?Why does Phyllis Rose compare her reading to Ernest Shackleton’s explorations in the Antarctic? Which of the following is closest in meaning to underlined phrase “human guinea pig”in Paragraph 3? Why is Rose considered a good instance to manifest “extreme reading”?In what sense is the arbitrary classification of books considered to be impersonal?A、What really matters is the fact that you read.B、An emphasis should be placed on what you read.C、The merchandising of reading can boost book sales.D、Reading as a serious undertaking should not be merchandised.A、To emphasize the adventurous and stirring experience of reading.B、To emphasize the role of reading in broadening people’s horizon.C、To emphasize the amusement in reading without specific guidance.D、To emphasize the challenges in reading books of varying categories.A、A person used in experiments.B、An uneducated person.C、A lazy person.D、A vulnerable person.A、People’s interest in reading needs to be inspired.B、Most people do not know what they should read.C、She knows how to relieve her mental suffering via reading.D、She has special personal traits needed for “extreme reading”.A、It brings about surprises.B、It fails to track readers’ habits.C、It ignores the content of books.D、It fails to consider re ader’s preferences.试题答案:[['D'],['C'],['A'],['D'],['A']]21、If you have got kids, here is a nasty truth: they are probably not very special, that is, they are average, ordinary, and unremarkable. Consider the numbers of those applications your daughter is sending to Ivy League schools, for instance. There are more than a quarter of a million other kids aiming for the same eight colleges at the same time, and less than 9% of them will make the cut. And those hours you spend coaching Little League because you just know your son’s sweet swing will take him to the professionals. There are 2.4 million other Little Leaguers out there, and there are exactly 750 openings for major league ballplayers at the beginning of each season. That gives him a 0.0313% chance of reaching the big clubs. The odds are just as long for the other dreams you’ve had for your kids: your child the billionaire, the Broadway star, the Rhodes scholar. Most of those things are never going to happen.The kids are paying the price for parents’ delusions. In public schools, some students are bringing home 17.5 hours of homework per week or 3.5 per school night and it’s hard to see how they have time to do it. From 2004 to 2014, the number of children participating in up to three hours of after-schoolactivities on any given day rose from 6.5 million to 10.2 million. And all the while, the kids are being fed a promise—that they can be tutored and coached, pushed and tested, hot- housed and advance placed until success is assured.At last, a growing chorus of educators and psychologists is saying, “Enough!” Somewhere between the self-esteem building of going for the gold and the self esteem crushing of the Ivy-or-die ethos there has to be a place where kids can breathe, where they can have the freedom to do what they love and where parents accustomed to pushing their children to excel can shake off the newly defined shame of having raised an ordinary child.If the system is going to be fixed, it has to start, no surprise, with the parents. For them, the problem isn’t merely the expense of the tutors, the chore of the homework checking and the constant search for just the right summer program. It’s also the sweat equity that comes from agonizing over every exam, grieving over every disappointing grade—b ecoming less a guide in a child’s academic career than an intimate fellow traveler.The first step for parents is accepting that they have less control over their children’s education than they think they do—a reality that can be both sobering and liberating. You can sign your kids up for ballet camp or violin immersion all you want, but if they’re simply doing what they’re told instead of doing what they love, they’ll take it only so far.Ultimately, there’s a much larger national conversation that needs t o be had about just what higher education means and when it’s needed at all. Four years of college has been sold as being a golden ticket in the American economy, and to an extent that’s true.But pushing all kids down the bachelor’s path ensures not only that some of them will lose their way but also that critical jobs that require a two-year or less—skilled trades, some kinds of nursing, computer technology, airline mechanics and more—will go unfilled.There will never be a case to be made for a culture of academic complacency or the demolition of the meritocracy. It can be fulfilling for kids to chase a ribbon, as long as it’s a ribbon the child really wants. And the very act of making that effort can bring out the best in anyone’s work.But we cheat ourselves, and worse, we cheat our kids, if we view life as a single straight-line race in which one one-hundredth of the competitors finish in the money and everyone else loses. We will all be better off if we recognize that there are a great many races of varying lengths and outcomes. The challenge for parents is to help their children find the one that’s right for them.Which of the following factors deprives the kids of freedom to do what they love?What are parents supposed to do to alter the current educational system?According to the author, which of the following perceptions should parents adopt concerning their kids’ education?What does the underlined word “one” in the last paragraph refer to?A、3.5 hours of school assignments set by their teachers every day.B、The educational reforms made by the public schools they attend.C、The growing number of peers taking part in off-campus activities.D、Their parents’ unrealistic wish for them to have a promising future.A、To pay for their kids’ education.B、To take up all the household chores.C、To provide guidance to their children.D、To push their children to excel at exams.A、They should be their kids’ companions on their journey to academic excellence.B、They should realize the fact that most children would remain mediocre despite their wills.C、They should feel relieved if they don’t have to pay for their kid’s off-school art lessons.D、They should be their kids’ career director rather than help them find a right path to walk on.A、Race.B、Length.C、Challenge.D、Outcome.试题答案:[['D'],['C'],['B'],['A']]22、根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。

1.The main difference between/f/and/v/lies in SSS.A.the manner of articulationB.the place of articulationC.voicingD.sound duration2.Which of the following involves a sound deletion?A.Bean.B.Design.C.Sport.D.Big.3.In the economic SSS established recently,more progress has been made by the European countries in harmonizing their countries.A.regulationB.climateC.circumstanceD.requirement4.Smoking heavily at home will expose children to SSS amount of smoke, endangering their health.A.multipleB.surplusC.durableD.excessive5.Which of the following pairs of words are gradable antonyms?A.Buy and sell.B.Big and small.C.Male and female.D.Red and green.6.Naturally,she SSS that once there was a new film everybody would be eager to go and see it.A.had assumedB.assumedC.has assumedD.was assuming7.If he had fought in the First World War,he might have returned SSS.A.a different manB.with a different manC.as a different manD.to be a different man8.In fact,they would rather have left for London SSS in Birmingham.A.to stayB.in order to stayC.than have stayedD.instead of having stayed9.缺10.What kind of speech act is performed in utterance Come round on Saturday when it is said as an invitation rather than a demand?A.Direct speech act.B.Locutionary act.C.Indirect speech act.D.Perlocutionary act.11.By asking the question,Can you list your favorite food in English?,the teacher is using the technique of SSS.A.elicitationB.monitoringC.promptingD.recasting12.If a teacher wants to check hoe much students have learned at the end of a term,he/she would give them a(n)SSS.A.diagnostic testB.placement testC.proficiency testD.achievement test13.What learning style does Xiao Li exhibit if she tries to understand every single wo rd when listening to a passage?A.Field-dependence.B.Intolerance of Ambiguity.C.Risk-taking.D.Field-independence.14.If a teacher asks students to put jumbled sentences in order in a reading class,he/s he intends to develop their ability of SSS.A.word-guessing through contextB.summarizing the main ideaC.understanding textual coherenceD.scanning for detailed information15.When a teacher says What do you mean by that?,he/she is asking the student for SSS.A.repetitionB.suggestionc.introduction D.clarification16.When a teacher says You'd better talk in a more polite way when speaking to the elderly.,he/she is drawing the students attention to the SSS of language use.A.fluencyplexityc.accuracy D.appropriacy17.Which of the following is a display question?A.What part of speech is immense?B.How would you comment on this report?c.Why do you think Hemingway is a good writer?D.What do you think of the characters in this novel?18.Which of the following represents a contextualized way of practising How often...?.A.Make some sentences with how often.e how often and the words given to make a sentence.C.I go shopping twice a week.How often do you go shopping?D.Please change the statement into a question how often.19.Which of the following are controlled activities in an English class?A.Reporting,role-play and games.B.Reading aloud,dictation and translation.C.Role-play,problem solving and discussion.rmation exchange,narration and interview.20.The SSS is designed according to the morphological and syntactic aspects of a language.A.structural syllabusB.situational syllabusc.skill-based syllabus D.content-based syllabus请阅读Passage,完成21~25小题。

2019上半年教师资格证真题答案:高中英语一、单选题1.答案: C.voicing2.答案: B.design3.答案: A.regulation4.答案: D.excessive5.答案: B.Big and small.6.答案: A.had assumed7.答案: C.as a different man8.答案: C.than have stayed9.答案: C.Three10.答案: B.Locutionary act11.答案: A.elicitation12.答案: D.achievement test13.答案: B.Intolerance of Ambiguity.14.答案: C.understanding textual coherence15.答案: D.clarification16.答案: D.appropriacy17.答案: A.What part of speech is "immense" ?18.答案: C.I go shopping twice a week. How often do you go19.答案: B.Reading aloud, dictation and translation20.答案: A.structural syllabus21.答案: D.Reading as a serious undertaking should not be22.答案: C.To emphasize the amusement in reading without23.答案: A.A person used in experiments.24.答案: C.She knows how to relieve her mental suffering via25.答案: A.It brings about surprises.26.答案:暂缺27.答案: B.The educational reforms made by the public schools28.答案: D.To push their children to excel at exams.29.答案: A.They should be their kids' companions on their30答案: A.Race二、简答题(本大题1小题,20分)31.【答题要点】优点:?PPT的使用能够将教材内容生动活泼地呈现在学生面前,使静态、枯燥的语言材料变得直观、具体,富有感染力,从而调动学生深入学习的积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣;?PPT的使用可以丰富教学内容和形式,提供有利于学生观察、模仿、尝试、体验真实语言的语境,使英语学习更好地体现真实性和交际性特征。

2019上半年教师资格证面试试题及解析高中英语(第四批)高中英语《Computer》【一】考题回忆【二】考题解析《Computer》要紧教学过程及板书设计教学过程Step1:WarmingupPlayaguessinggamewithstudents.Theseriddlesarerelatedtocomputer: Iamamachine.Myshapeisnotlarge.Icanhelppeoplecalculatesum.WhoamI? Iamamachine.Iamverydiligentandcanhelpyoudohousework.MaybeIcantalktoyo uinthefuture.WhoamI?Step2:Pre-reading Showapictureofprototypeofcomputerandaskstudentstoguesswhatthisis. Step3:While-reading1.Fastreading: ReadthewholepassagequicklyandfindthetimelineofthedevelopmentofCompute rs.Inviteonestudenttowriteitontheblackboard.2.Detailedreading:Askstudentstoscanthefollowingquestions,lookupthenewwordsinthesesenten cesbythemselves.Andthenaskseveralstudentstoreadloudlyonebyoneaccordin gtothetimelineandotherstudentsshouldcircletherelatedinformation.Q:WhatCanIdowhenIwasyoung?Q:Whenisthestartofmyartificialintelligence?Q:Whydidmydesignerbecomeworriedin1940s?Afterstudentsfindouttheanswers,Iwillaskthemtoguessthenewwordsintheira nswerssuchassimplifyandrealitybytellingthemtheprototypeofthetwowords: simpleandreality.Step4:Post-reading1.Givethemfurtherinformationaboutthekeywords:simplify,reality.2.Askstudentstohaveagroupdiscussion.Listtheadvantageandthedisadvantag eofinternet.Step5:Summary&Homework1.Askstudentstosummarizethedevelopmentofcomputeraccordingtothetimelin eontheblackboard.2.Afterclass,pleasesearchsomefamouspiecesofShakespeareandwriteansmall articleofthedevelopmentofChinese.板书设计答辩题目解析1.本节课开头你采纳了猜谜的方式,什么原因要如此设计?【参考答案】在课程导入部分,设计了猜谜的游戏,通过对计算机的描述,让学生猜测。

2019 上半年教师资格证真题答案:高中英语一、单项选择题1.答案2.答案3.答案4.答案5.答案 : B.Big and small.6.答案 : A.had assumed7.答案 : C.as a different man8.答案 : C.than have stayed9.答案10.答案 : B.Locutionary act11.答案12.答案 : D.achievement test13. 答案 : B.Intolerance of Ambiguity.14.答案 : C.understanding textual coherence15.答案16.答案17.答案 : A.What part of speech is "immense" ?18.答案 : C.I go shopping twice a week. How often do you go19.答案 : B.Reading aloud, dictation and translation20.答案 : A.structural syllabus21.答案 : D.Reading as a serious undertaking should not be22.答案 : C.To emphasize the amusement in reading without23.答案 : A.A person used in experiments.24.答案 : C.She knows how to relieve her mental suffering via25.答案 : A.It brings about surprises.26.答案 :暂缺27.答案 : B.The educational reforms made by the public schools28. 答案 : D.To push their children to excel at exams.29.答案 : A.They should be their kids' companions on their30答案二、简答题 (本大题 1小题, 20分 )31.【答题重点】长处:?PPT 的使用能够将教材内容生动开朗地表此刻学生眼前,使静态、乏味的语言资料变得直观、详细,富裕感染力,进而调换学生深入学习的踊跃性,激发学生的学习兴趣;?PPT 的使用能够丰富教课内容和形式,供给有益于学生察看、模拟、试试、体验真切语言的语境,使英语学习更好地表现真切性和社交性特点。

2019上半年教师资格考试高中英语学科知识与教学能力真题及答案1、The main difference between /f/ and /v/ lies in ( ).A、the manner of articulationB、the place of articulationC、voicingD、sound duration试题答案:c2、Which of the following involves a sound deletion?A、Bean.B、Design.C、Sport.D、Big.试题答案:b3、In the economic ( )established recently, more progress has been made by the European countries in harmonizing their countries.A、regulationB、climateC、circumstanceD、requirement试题答案:a4、Smoking heavily at home will expose children to ( )their health.A、multipleB、surplusC、durableD、excessive试题答案:d5、Which of the following pairs of words are gradable antonyms?A、Buy and sell.B、Big and small.C、Male and female.D、Red and green.试题答案:b6、Naturally, she ( )that once there was a new film everybody would be eager to go and see it.A、had assumedB、assumedC、has assumedD、was assuming试题答案:b7、If he had fought in the First World War, he might have returned ( ).A、a different manB、with a different manC、as a different manD、to be a different man试题答案:c8、In fact, they would rather have left for London ( )in Birmingham.A、to stayB、in order to stayC、than have stayedD、instead of having stayed试题答案:c9、What kind of speech act is performed in utterance “Come round on Saturday” when it is said as an invitation rather than a demand?A、Direct speech act.B、Locutionary act.C、Indirect speech act.D、Perlocutionary act.试题答案:c10、By asking the question,“Can you list your favorite food in English?” , the teacher is using the technique of ( ).A、elicitationB、monitoringC、promptingD、recasting试题答案:a11、If a teacher wants to check how much students have learned at the end of a term, he/she would give them a(n) ( ).A、diagnostic testB、placement testC、proficiency testD、achievement test试题答案:d12、What learning style does Xiao Li exhibit if she tries to understand every single word when listening to a passage?A、Field-dependence.B、Intolerance of Ambiguity.C、Risk-taking.D、Field-independence.试题答案:b13、If a teacher asks students to put jumbled sentences in order in a reading class, he/she intends to develop their ability of ( ).A、word-guessing through contextB、summarizing the main ideaC、understanding textual coherenceD、scanning for detailed information试题答案:c14、When a teacher says “What do you mean by that?”,he/she is asking the student for ( ).A、repetitionB、suggestionC、introductionD、clarification试题答案:d15、When a teacher says u “You 'd better talk in a more polite way when speaking to the elderly.”,he/she is drawing the students’ attention to the ( )of language use.A、fluencyB、complexityC、accuracyD、appropriacy试题答案:d16、Which of the following is a display question?A、What part of speech is “immense” ?B、How would you comment on this report?C、Why do you think Hemingway is a good writer?D、What do you think of the characters in this novel?试题答案:a17、Which of the following represents a contextualized way of practising “How often ...” ?A、Make some sentences with“how often”.B、Use“how often”and the words given to make a sentence.C、I go shopping twice a week. How often do you go shopping?D、Please change the statement into a question with “how often”.试题答案:c18、Which of the following are controlled activities in an English class?A、Reporting, role-play and games.B、Reading aloud, dictation and translation.C、Role-play, problem solving and discussion.D、Information exchange, narration and interview.试题答案:b19、The ( )is designed according to the morphological and syntactic aspects of a language.A、structural syllabusB、situational syllabusC、skill-based syllabusD、content-based syllabus试题答案:a阅读The number of Americans who read books has been declining for thirty years, and those who do read have become proud of, even a bit over-identified with, the enterprise. Alongside the tote bags you can find T-shirts, magnets, and buttons printed or sewn with covers of classic novels; the Web site Etsy sells tights printed with poems by Emily Dickinson. A spread in The Paris Review featured literature-inspired paint-chip colors. The merchandising of reading has a curiously undifferentiated flavor, as if what you read mattered less than that you read. In this climate of embattled bibliophilia, a new subgenre of books about books has emerged, a mix of literary criticism, autobiography, self-help, and immersion journalism: authors undertake reading stunts to prove that reading—anything—still matters.“I thought of my adventure as Off-Road or Extreme Reading,” Phyllis Rose writes in “The Shelf: From LEQ to LES,” the latest stunt book, in which she reads through a more or less random shelf of library books. She compares her voyage, to Ernest Shackleton’s explorations in the Antarctic. “However, I like to sleep under a quilt with my head on a goose down pillow,” she writes. “So I would read my way into the unknown一into the pathless wastes, into thin air, with no reviews, no best-seller lists, no college curricula, no National Book Awards or Pulitzer Prizes, no ads, no publicity, not even word of mouth to guide me.”She is not the first writer to set off on armchair expedition. A. J. Jacobs, a self-described “human guinea pig,”spent a year reading the encyclopedia for “The Know-It-All: One Man’s Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World”(2004). Ammon Shea read all of the Oxford English Dictionary for his book “Reading the OED: One Man, One Year, 21, 730 Pages”(2008). In “The Whole Five Feet”(2010), Christopher Beha made his way through the Harvard Classics during a year in which he suffered serious illness and had a death in the family. In “Howard’s End Is on the Landing”(2010), Susan Hill limited herself to reading only the books that she already owned. Such “extreme reading” requires special personal traits: perseverance, stamina, a craving for self- improvement, and obstinacy.Rose fits the bill. A retired English professor, she is the author of popular biographies of Virginia Woolf and Josephine Baker, as well as “The Year of Reading Proust” (1997), a memoir of her family life and the manners and mores of the Key West literary scene. Her best book is “Parallel Lives” (1983), a group biography of five Victorian marriages. (It is filled with marvellous details and set pieces, like the one in which John Ruskin, reared on hairless sculptures of female nudes, defers consummating his marriage to Effie Gray for so long that she sues for divorce.) Rose is consistently generous, knowledgeable, and chatty, with a knock for connecting specific incidents to large social trends. Unlike many biblio-memoirists, she loves network television and is un-nostalgic about print; in “The Shelf’ she says that she prefers her e-reader to certain moldy paperbacks.The way most of us choose our reading today is simple. Someone posts a link, and we click on it. We set out to buy one book, and Amazon suggests that we might like another. Friends and retailers know our preferences, and urge recommendations on us. The bookstore and the library could assist you, too—the people who work there may even know you and track your habits—but they are organized in an impersonal way. Shelves and open stacks offer not only immediate access to books but strange juxtapositions. Arbitrary classification breeds surprises—Nikolai Gogol next to William Golding, Clarice Lispector next to Penelope Lively. The alphabet has no rationale, agenda, or preference.20、What can be inferred from Paragraph 1 about the author’s opinion on reading?A、What really matters is the fact that you read.B、An emphasis should be placed on what you read.C、The merchandising of reading can boost book sales.D、Reading as a serious undertaking should not be merchandised.21、Why does Phyllis Rose compare her reading to Ernest Shackleton’s explorations in the Antarctic?A、To emphasize the adventurous and stirring experience of reading.B、To emphasize the role of reading in broadening people’s horizon.C、To emphasize the amusement in reading without specific guidance.D、To emphasize the challenges in reading books of varying categories.22、Which of the following is closest in meaning to underlined phrase “human guinea pig”in Paragraph 3?A、A person used in experiments.B、An uneducated person.C、A lazy person.D、A vulnerable person.23、Why is Rose considered a good instance to manifest “extreme reading”?A、People’s interest in reading needs to be inspired.B、Most people do not know what they should read.C、She knows how to relieve her mental suffering via reading.D、She has special personal traits needed for “extreme reading”.24、In what sense is the arbitrary classification of books considered to be impersonal?A、It brings about surprises.B、It fails to track readers’ habits.C、It ignores the content of books.D、It fails to consider reader’s preferences.试题答案:[['D'],['C'],['A'],['D'],['A']]21、If you have got kids, here is a nasty truth: they are probably not very special, that is, they are average, ordinary, and unremarkable. Consider the numbers of those applications your daughter is sending to Ivy League schools, for instance. There are more than a quarter of a million other kids aiming for the same eight colleges at the same time, and less than 9% of them will make the cut. And those hours you spend coaching Little League because you just know your son’s sweet swing will take him to the professionals. There are 2.4 million other Little Leaguers out there, and there are exactly 750 openings for major league ballplayers at the beginning of each season. That gives him a 0.0313% chance of reaching the big clubs. The odds are just as long for the other dreams you’ve had for your kids: your child the billionaire, the Broadway star, the Rhodes scholar. Most of those things are never going to happen.The kids are paying the price for parents’ delusions. In public schools, some students are bringing home 17.5 hours of homework per week or 3.5 per school night and it’s hard to see how they have time to do it. From 2004 to 2014, the number of children participating in up to three hours of after-school activities on any given day rose from 6.5 million to 10.2 million. And all the while, the kids are being fed a promise—that they can be tutored and coached, pushed and tested, hot- housed and advance placed until success is assured.At last, a growing chorus of educators and psychologists is saying, “Enough!”Somewhere between the self-esteem building of going for the gold and the self esteem crushing of the Ivy-or-die ethos there has to be a place where kids can breathe, where they can have the freedom to do what they love and where parents accustomed to pushing their children to excel can shake off the newly defined shame of having raised an ordinary child.If the system is going to be fixed, it has to start, no surprise, with the parents. For them, the problem isn’t merely the expense of the tutors, the chore of the homework checking and the constant search for just the right summer program. It’s also the sweat equity that comes from agonizing over every exam, grieving over every disappointing grade—becoming less a guide in a child’s academic career than an intimate fellow traveler.The first step for parents is accepting that they have less control over their children’s education than they think they do—a reality that can be both sobering and liberating. You can sign your kids up for ballet camp or violin immersion all you want, but if they’re simply doing what they’re told instead of doing what they love, they’ll take it only so far.Ultimately, there’s a much larger national conversation that needs to be had about just what higher education means and when it’s needed at all. Four years of college has been sold as being a golden ticket in the American economy, and to an extent that’s true.But pushing all kids down the bachelor’s path ensures not only that some of them will lose their way but also that critical jobs that require a two-year or less —skilled trades, some kinds of nursing, computer technology, airline mechanics and more—will go unfilled.There will never be a case to be made for a culture of academic complacency or the demolition of the meritocracy. It can be fulfilling for kids to chase a ribbon,as long as it’s a ribbon the child really wants. And the very act of making that effort can bring out the best in anyone’s work.But we cheat ourselves, and worse, we cheat our kids, if we view life as a single straight-line race in which one one-hundredth of the competitors finish in the money and everyone else loses. We will all be better off if we recognize that there are a great many races of varying lengths and outcomes. The challenge for parents is to help their children find the one that’s right for them.Which of the following factors deprives the kids of freedom to do what they love?A、3.5 hours of school assignments set by their teachers every day.B、The educational reforms made by the public schools they attend.C、The growing number of peers taking part in off-campus activities.D、Their parents’ unrealistic wish for them to have a promising future.What are parents supposed to do to alter the current educational system?A、To pay for their kids’ education.B、To take up all the household chores.C、To provide guidance to their children.D、To push their children to excel at exams.According to the author, which of the following perceptions should parents adopt concerning their kids’ education?A、They should be their kids’ companions on their journey to academic excellence.B、They should realize the fact that most children would remain mediocre despite their wills.C、They should feel relieved if they don’t have to pay for their kid’s off-school art lessons.D、They should be their kids’ career director rather than help them find a right path to walk on.What does the underlined word “one” in the last paragraph refer to?A、Race.B、Length.C、Challenge.D、Outcome.试题答案:[['D'],['C'],['B'],['A']]22、根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。

1. The main difference between /f/ and /v/ lies in A. the manner of articulationB. the place of articulationC. voicingD. sound duration 2. Which of the following involves a sound deletion?A. B ean.C.Sport. B. Design.D.Big.视频讲解3.In the economic established recently, more progress has been made by theEuropean countries in harmonizi吨their countries. A. regulation B. climate C.circumstanceD. requirement 4.Smoking heavily at home will expose children to their health. A. multiple C. durable B. surplusD. excessiveamount of smoke, endangering ’回5.Which of the following pairs of words are gradable antonyms?A. Buy and sell. B. B ig and small.C. Male and female. D. Red and green.一1一一6. Naturally, she see it.that once there was a new film everybody would be eager to go andA.had assumed R assumedC.has assumedD. was assuming7.Ifhe had fought in the First World War, he might have returnedA.a different manB. with a different manC.as a different manD. to be a different man8. In fact, they would rather have left for London in Birmingham.A.to stayB.in order to stayC. than have stayedD.instead of h aving stayed9.缺10.What kind of s peech act is perfo口ned in u忧erance “Come round on Saturday" when it issaid as an invitation rather than a demand? A.Direct speech act. B. Locutionary act.C.Indirect speech act.D. Perlocutionary act.11.By asking the question,“Can you list your f avorite f ood in E 昭lish ?”,the teacher is using thetechn i 叩e of A. elicitation C. prompting B. monitoringD.recasting12.If a teacher wants to check how much students have learned at the end of a te口n,he/shewould give them a(n)A. ·diagnostic testB. placement testC.proficiency testD. achievement test13. What learning style does Xiao Li exhibit if s he tries to understand eve叩single word when listening to a passage?A. Field-dependence.B. Intolerance of A mbiguity.C. Risk ”taking.D. Field-independence.14.If a teacher asks students to put jumbled sentences in order in a reading class, he/sheintends to develop their ability of .A. word-guessing through contextB. summarizing the main ideaC.understanding textual coherenceD. scanning for detailed information一2一for 15.When a teacher says “What do you mean by that ?”,he/she is asking the student A.repetition C.introduction B.suggestionD. clarificationI!)�即视频讲解16, When a teacher says “}切’d better talk in αmore polite way when speaking to theelderly.'’,he/she is drawing the s阳dents ’attention to the of language u 盹A.fluencyplexityC.accuracyD.app r opri acy17.Which of the following is a display question?A.What part of speech is “immense ”?B.How would you comment on this report?C.Why do you think Hemingway is a good writer?D.What do you think of the characters in this novel?A.Make some sentences with “how often ”.e “how often ”and the words given to make a sentence.C.I go shopping twice a week. How often do you go shopping?D.Please change the statement into a question with “how often ”.19.Which of the following are controlled activities in an English class?A.Reporting, role-play and games.B.Reading aloud, dictation and translation.C.Role-play, problem solving and discussion.rmation exchange, narration and interview.20.The is designed according to the mo叩hological and syntactic aspects of a language.A.structural syllabusB.situational syllabusC.skill-based syllabusD.content-based syllabus请阅读Passage 1,完成第21~25小题。

2019年上半年中小学和幼儿园教师资格考试英语学科知识与教学能力试题(高级中学)一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分)1.Sipandzip,tipanddip,mapandnapareall__.A.minimalpairsB.diphthongsC.allophonesD.phonemes2.Whichofthefollowingwordsinboldispronuncedwithafallingtone?A.Doyouhaveanyspecials?B.You’rekidding…hehaslosthisjob?C.Whenwillwehavetheexam,todayortomorrow?D.Theflathasakitchen,alivingroom,twobedrooms,andabath.3.We’dbettermakesaclear__betweencompetenceandperformancefortheconvinceofourdiscussion.A.separationB.divisionC.distinctionD.difference4.Ithasbeensuggestedthatallgovernmentofficials__informationontheirincome.A.dissentB.discloseC.unfoldD.uncover5.Thechildrenlinedupandwalkedout__.A.inpersonB.inprivateC.inorderD.inprogress6.Itwasnotuntildawn__thesnowcappedpeakintheremoteinTibet.A.thattheysightedB.didtheysightC.thattheydidnotsightD.hadtheysighted7.__enoughtimeandmoney,theinvestigatorswouldhavebeenabletodiscovermoreevi denceinthiscase.A.GivingB.GivenC.TogiveD.Beinggiven8.Criticismandself-criticismarenecessary__theymayhelpustofindoutandcorrectourmistakes.A.bythatB.atthatC.onthatD.inthat9.Whatmaximisfloutedinsuchextremeexampleoftautologiesas“Boysareboys”, and“Liesarelies”?A.Themaximofquantity.B.ThemaximofqualityC.Themaximofrelevance.D.Themaximofmanner.10.Sociolinguistsstudyvarietiesoflanguageand,accordingly,willbeintere stedintheanalysisofallodthefollowingEXCEPT__.A.regionaldialectB.registerC.figuresofspeechD.socialdialect11.Inalisteningactiviey,studentsareaskedtonotedownthetimeandplacesofe vents.Theaimofthisactivityistodeveloptheskillof__.A.listeningforgiseB.listeningforspecificinformationC.listeningforstructureD.listeningforvocabulary12.WhichofthefollwingcanNOTbeusedasapre-readingtask?A.Predictingwhatapassageisabout.B.Creatingawordwevralatedtoatopic.C.Listeningtotherecordingofapassage.D.Sharingwhatisalreadyknownaboutatopic.13.Whichofthefollowingdoesateacherwanthis/herstudentstodevelopifhe/sh eguidesthemtotakenoteskeywords,abbreviationsandsymbols?A.Culturalawareness.nguageawareness.C.Learningstrategies.nguageknowledge.14.IfateachergivescommandsinEnglishandasksstudentstoshowunderstanding byactionorgestures,he/sheismostprobablyusing__.municativeApproahcB.Audio-lingualApproachC.GrammarTranslationMethodD.TotalPhysicalResponse15.AccordingtoTheNationalEnglishCurriculuimStandards,thelanguageknowledgestudentsarerequiredtolearnconsistsofphonetics,vocabulary,grammar,__.A.funcionandthemeB.cultureandsocietyC.literatureandlinguisticsD.discouseandgenre16.Therearetwosyllablesintheword“motto”./au/occursinbothsyllables,but thefirstoneislongerthanthesecondbecause__.A.itisstressedB.itcomesbeforeaconsonantC.itisinthefirstsyllableD.itcomesbetweentwoconsonants17.WhcihofthefollowingshouldateacheravoidwhenusinganELTcoursebook?A.Selectingappropriatesupportingmaterialsandresources.B.Interpretingcurriculumgoalsanditsexpectationsforthecouse.C.Planninglessonsinrelationtospecificgoals,topics,texts,andtasks.D.Implementingeverythinginthebookwithoutconsideringstudents’needsandl evels.18.Toassesshowwellstudentsareabletoapplywhattheyhavelearnedincompleti ngagiventask,ateacherwoulduse__assessment.A.performanceB.selfpetenceD.peer19.Popularasitmightbe,thePresentation-Practice-Producionteachingmodel isnotconsideredappropriateinteaching__.A.phoneticsB.grammarC.vocabularyD.reading20.Ifateacherstartswithlanguageexamplesandguidesstudentstoworkoutther ules,he/sheisusingthe__method.A.deductiveB.conduciveC.inductiveD.consturctive请阅读Passage1,完成第21-25小题。

2019年上半年中小学和幼儿园教师资格考试英语学科知识与教学能力试题(高级中学)一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分)1.“The”inthephrase thedignityandthehonoris pronounced____respectively.【真题1】(2019上)____A.[ðə][ðɪ]B.[ðɪ][ðə]C.[ðəː][ðiː]D.[ðiː][ðəː]2./k/isnotfullypronouncedin____.A.parkB.bicycleC.keyD.picture3.Takingphotographsofindividualsinprivateplaceswithouttheirconsent isnotacceptable,unless____bythepublicinterest.A.justifiedB.freedC.pardonedD.forgiven4.Thenewly-marriedcouplewantedtofindahotelthatservicesgoodfoodandhasa bitof____aswell.A.conditionsB.situationsC.environmentD.atmospherestSundayshecametovisitusoutoftheblue.Theitalicizedphrasemeans____.A.unexpectlyB.unhappilyC.untidilyD.unofficially6.—Whathappenedtotheglass?—____.A.Theglassisbroken.B.Theglasswasbroken.C.Tombroketheglass.D.Tomhastheglass.7.There____,themeettocomeispostphoned.A.isB.hasbeenC.beingD.tobe8.Itseemsthatshewasthereattheconferencemeans____.A.Sheseemstobethereattheconference.B.Sheseemedtobethereattheconference.C.Sheseemstohavebeenthereattheconference.D.Sheseemstobeingthereattheconference.9.Thephenomenonof____maybethefactortocausethefewestchangesintheEnglishlanguageinrecentyear s.A.movingtowardgreaterinformalityB.theinfluenceofAmericanEnglishC.theinfluenceofscienceandtechnologyD.theconflictsbetweenoramongnations10.AccordingtoNoamChomsry,humanbeingsarebornwithaninnateabilitytoacqu ireandproduceknowledgeas____.A.CATB.MRIC.TGD11.Whenlearnerscomeacrossnewwords,theyarerequiredtofocuson____.A.spellingB.semanticfeaturesC.form,meaninganduseD.wordformation12.Whichofthefollowingisnotexhibitedbythedeductivemethod?A.Itsavestime.B.Itpaysmoreattentiontoform.C.Itteachesgrammarinadecontextualizedway.D.Itencouragesstudentstoworkoutthegrammaticalrules.13.WhichofthefollowingmaterialsinNOTappropriateforateachertouseinlist eningpractice?A.Materialswithdifferentdialects.prehensibleauthenticmaterials.C.Materialswithcomprehensiblenewwordsforstudents.D.Materialswithcontentsbeyondstudents’comprehensioncapacity.14.____maybedefinedasanykindofengagingwiththelanguageonthepartofthelearners, usuallyundertheteacher’ssupervision,whoseprimaryobjectiveistoconsoli datelearning.A.PresentationB.PracticeC.ProductionD.Preparation15.Teachersbelievinginthe____modelinageneralsenseusuallyfollowthesequenceofteachingnewwords,senten cesandthenthewholepassageinthereadingclass.A.interactiveB.top-downC.bottom-upD.interactional16.The____approachtowritingteachingpaysattentiontonotonlywhattowrite,butalsohow towrite.A.product-orientedB.process-orientedC.form-focusedD.meaning-focused17.Theactivieyof____maymaximizethepossibilityofelicitingideas,wordsorconceptsfromstudents whenitisfocusedonagiventopic.A.retellingB.assessingoutputC.brainstormingD.checkingcomprehension18.____helpsstudentsfacilitatetheirprocessofaccumulatingvocabulary,broadenin gscopeofvision,andincreasingtargetlanguageexposure.A.ScanningB.SkimmingC.ExtensivereadingD.Intensivereading19.Whichofthefollowingnominatingpatternscanateacheradopttoensurethata llstudentsareactivelyinvolvedinclassroomactivities?A.NominatingthosewhoaregoodatEnglish.B.Askingquestionsinapredicablesequence.C.Nominatingstudentsafterthequestionisgiven.D.Nominatingstudentsbeforegivingthequestion.20.Ifateacherasks“Whatdoes“correctivefeedback”mean?”,thistypeofquesti oniscalled____.A.referentialquestonsB.tagquestionsC.rhetoricalquestionsD.displayquestions请阅读Passage1,完成21~25小题。

2019上半年教师资格高中英语面试真题及答案(第一批)一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:(1) Students can master the usage of the appositive clause.(2) Students will grasp the abstract nouns in the appositive clause.Ability aim:After this lesson, students can use this grammar to explain the abstract nouns. Emotional aim:Students are able to get the confidence of learning English.Key and difficult point:Key Points:1) Master the usage of appositive clause and abstract nouns in the appositive clause.2) Use this grammar to explain the abstract nouns.Difficult Point:Be able to get the confidence of learning English.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Daily life: Ask student “Do you know what is clone?”, and invite some students to answer this question.3. Lead in the topic of this lesson “Cloning”.Step 2: Presentation1.Ask students to open the book and the teacher reads the passage, and then ask students to read this passage by themselves for 2 minutes to realize what is cloning, at this same time, the teacher writes the two sentences on the blackboard.1)The problem that she later developed a serious lung disease bothered scientists2)Scientists made the decision that Dolly should be put to sleep.2.The teacher asks students to discuss with their desk mates what is the similarityof the two sentences for 3 minutes and then invites some of them to answer it. Structure: abstract noun+that clause3.Tell the students the structure of this kind is appositive clause and appositive clause has an abstract noun in front of it, which explains the content of the noun, in appositive clauses, “that” is a conjunction and does not play any roles.4.Then the teacher asks students to discuss with their desk mates what kind of abstract nouns we can use in appositive clause for another 3 minutes and later invites some of them to answer it.The abstract noun: news, idea, fact, problem, decision and so on.For example: I heard the news that our team had won.Step 3: Practice1.Answer questions: ask students which sentences are appositive clauses on the screen.1) The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great lakes.(appositive clause)2) He is a man that I saw yesterday. (attributive clause)3) I have no idea that she works so hard every day.(appositive clause)Step4: Production1.Divide the class into four groups and ask students to make a discussion with their group mates about the differences between the appositive clause and the attributive clause we have learned before for 6 minutes. Meanwhile, ask students to make some sentences of both kinds.ter invites some of groups to share with us.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to summarize the content of the lesson for whole class. Homework: finish the exercise on page 21.一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Students can understand the tone of general question and special question. Ability aim:After this lesson, students can express different tones in different questions in their daily life.Emotional aim:Students will pay more attention to English sentences expressions.Students will be more interested in speaking English.Key and difficult point:Key Point: master the different tones of general questions and special questions. Difficult Point: use these rules to express different tones in daily life. Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Sing a song “I believe I can fly”.3.Ask students “when we sing this song, which sports celebrity comes to your mind? Some students may be invited to share, then lead in the new topic today.Step 2: Presentation1.Ask students to open the book and find out questions in this article, then invitea student to come to the front and write down their answers.1). What sports do you like doing?2). Do you like watching sports on TV?2.Then read these two sentences for students twice, and ask them which part sounds better. Next let them think why they are different. After 5 minutes, invite several students to share their ideas.3.Then lead students to make a conclusion of the intonation of general question and special question. (we use raising tone in general question and use falling tone in special question.)Step 3: PracticeActivity: Reading1.Ask students to read the general questions and special questions in this article. Then invite some students to come to the front and read the sentences with intonation.2. Ask students to read the lyrics of some famous songs to deepen their impression of the target knowledge.Step4: ProductionActivity: Role playAsk students work in pairs, one of the student acts as a reporter, the other one acts as a famous star. They need to have an interview with general question and special questions as much as they can. Then invite some of students come to the front to share their conversation.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to read the sentences on the blackboard and conclude the pronunciation rules of general questions and special questionsHomework: use these two kinds of intonation to ask questions in their daily life. 【答辩题目解析】1. Please introduce the types of intonation and give the examples.【参考答案】There are four types of intonation, falling tone, rising tone, falling-rising tone, and rising-falling tone. We use falling tone in special question, exclamatory sentences, declarative sentences; rising tone in general question, falling-rising tone in disjunctive question, and rising-falling tone in alternative question.2. Why do you want to be an English teacher?【参考答案】First of all, I like this job, and I like to communicate with children. I think children have the innocence and purity that we adults don’t have. When I am with the children, I can feel the innocence and purity from them. Another reason is that teaching is a way for me to make a living. If I love this job, I will do it well with my heart. As we all know, the efficiency of taking the initiative to do something is different from that of doing it passively. So these are the reasons for why I want to be a teacher.一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:(1) Students are able to understand the content of the passage.(2)After this lesson, students can know the writing style of film critics and know more information about “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”.Ability aim:Students can use different basic reading strategies like predicting, grasping details correctly in their reading process.After this lesson, students can evaluate the film “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”objectively.Emotional aim:Students are able to love Chinese traditional culture.Key and difficult point:Key Point: understand the content of the passageDifficult Point: use this different basic reading strategies to deal with different reading questions.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Play a video: The teacher show the fragment of “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”and ask students if they know anything about the film.3.Then tell students this fragment is about two main characters. Then lead in the topic of today: “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”.Step 2: Pre-reading1. Ask students if they know the background of the movie. Then ask one student to answer the question.2.Give evaluation to the students, then tell students the background of the film. The film tells the story of a generation of heroes, Li Mubai, who has withdrawn from the all corners of the country. He entrusts the confidante, Le Xiulian, to bring his Qingming sword to the capital, and presents it as a gift to the Baylor collection. The fact that Li Mubai’s retreats from the all corners of the country actually causes more grievances.Step 3: While-readingA. Extensive reading1.Let students to read the passage for the first time. Ask students a question: What do you think this article might be chosen from?( This passage may be chosen froma movie magazine.)2.Then let one student answer the question and give evaluation.B. Intensive reading1.Let students to read the passage for the second time. Write down two questions on the blackboard:1).What kind of details are mentioned in the film?2).Please find the down side of the film.2.Then invite two students to answer these questions separately and give evaluation. Write down the right answer on the blackboard.1).The film details the theft of the Green Destiny, the romantic and political intrigues that ensue, and the major characters life quests.2).Lee seems to be so in love with his compositions and conceits that the film slows to a crawl in some sequences.Step4: post-reading1. Retell the film according to the key details on the blackboard.2. Make Discussion: Ask students to talk about which character do you like best, and why?Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: Watch this movie completely and try to write a short films critics. 【答辩题目解析】1.How did you evaluate the performance of students in the class?【参考答案】Students are unique and developing individuals. And they are eager for teacher’s approval and encouragement.Therefore, in my class, as long as students shared their answers actively, I would give them positive and reasonable evaluations, for example, “Your pronunciation is improving”, “You found the answer so fast”. If students made mistakes, I encouraged them like “You are very brave”“Think it over and try again.” and guided them to get the right answer. In this way students will not lose their confidence in learning English and will be more active in my class.In the future, I will try my best to find more methods to encourage my students to let them study actively.2. What’s your key points?【参考答案】The key points is that students can understand the content of the passage.(第二批)【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Students can master the structure of notice.Ability aim:Students can improve their abilities of collection and organization.After this lesson, students can write some notice in their daily life. Emotional aim:Students are able to get the confidence of learning English.Key and difficult point:Key Point: Master the structure of notice.Difficult Point: Students can gain the ability of writing some notice in their daily life.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings and talk weather with students.2. Homework : Ask students to share the homework for last class “ write a letter to your pen pal”. and think of the structure of letters.3. Introduces some different forms of writing.4. Lead to the new lesson, notice.Step 2: pre-writing1.Ask students to read the small article on the screen. Then ask student “ What’s this article talking about?” And tell them it is a good news. And the ask them “Do you know the writing style of this article?” Then tell them it is a notice.Then ask them”Do you know how to write a notice?”2.Then ask student to find some key segments about the notice.3.Then help them to conclude the structure of notice:Event,place,time and participants4.Ask students to think, how to write a notice about “student union will hold a singing competition.”5.Show the materials on the blackboard:Event: Singing competitionsPlace: The fist dining hallTime: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,next SundayParticipants: all the studentsStep 3: While-Writing1. Give students 15 minutes to write a notice with the collected writing material.2. When students are writing, correct their spelling and grammar.Step 4: Post-Writing1. Peer-editing: Ask students to check their notices with their deskmates.2. Sharing: Invite some students to share their notices.3. Give the evaluation according to their notices.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: Ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: Improve their works after class.Blackboard design:Reading books can make us a full man. I like reading during my spare time. Now I want to introduce you one book that I have ever read. It is called One hundred suggestions for a teacher, written by Suchumlinskii. I think I really learned a lot from it. It mainly tells us some good ways to be a good teacher, for example, we should love our students, respect the uniqueness of them,and keep learning. Some of them are stilled call for by modern educationist. I use some of them into my teaching, I find they are really useful. I think every teacher can read this book and learn how to be a good teacher from it. If I had a chance to be a teacher, I would learn from it, learn from other experienced teachers, always try to be a better teacher.1. How to correct students’ mistakes?【参考答案】Students may make some mistakes during their process of learning, but as for hoe to correct their mistakes, it is an art. Students in this age like being praised by teachers and do not want to be blamed for their mistakes. I think they are many ways to correct their mistakes, for example, explicit correction,recast,pinpointing and so on. Here I want to introduce one that I am used to applying during my teaching, that is, elicitation. we can ask the students “how do we say...in English”, then we can lead the students to answer the questions continuously by gestures or eye sight. When the student cannot correct it , I can ask other students to correct it for him or her. In this way, the students can know the mistake more deeply.【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:(1) Students are able to understand the content of the passage.(2) Students can know some basic information of narration.Ability aim:Students can use different basic reading strategies like analyzing, grasping details correctly in their reading process.After this lesson, students can write a narration by themselves.Emotional aim:Students will be more willing to get involved in class activities and boost their interest in learning English.Key and difficult point:Key Point: understand the characteristics of narration.Difficult Point: improve students’ learning interest and write a narration by themselves.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greeting.2. Have a free talk:Ask students some questions about their weekend. For example,1). Did you enjoy your weekend?2). What did you do on your last weekend? And how about your week days, what did you do?3.Then ask students to answer the questions and give them some feedback. Then tell them I have friend John he had wrote a short passage to describe his week, and ask my students if they want to know his week or not to lead in the topic of today: “My week”.Step 2: Pre-reading1.Prediction.Ask students to make a prediction about what John does during his week and invite some students to share their ideas.Write down some of their answers on the blackboard to recall some related words and give evaluation to the students.Step 3: While-readingA. Extensive reading1.Let students to read the passage for the first time. Ask students a question: What does the passage talk about? (This passage talks about the week of the writer)2.Then invite one student answer the question and give evaluation.B. Intensive reading1.Ask students to read the passage for the second time and finish the exercise on the blackboard:1). John’s lunch is diversified. (T/F)2). When does John return to the paperwork in the office?3). What does John do on Monday nights?4). Where does John go on Wednesday nights?5). Why does the author study French?…2.Then invite two students to answer these questions separately and give evaluation. Write down the right answers on the blackboard.Reading ability plays a very important role in the process of learning. It is an important part of students’ overall ability. If we want to communicate with others, we should understand what someone is saying. So as a teacher, we should try our best to help students improve their listening ability.First, before reading, we should lead the students to get familiar with the topic and the potential new words, so that the students can listen to it more smoothly. Besides, we can ask the students to make a prediction about the main idea of the passage to arouse their interest. During reading, we can train students’ reading ability by letting students read for different purposes, for example, getting main idea by extensive reading and getting some detail information by intensive reading. After reading, in order to make students get more familiar with the topic, we canorganize some group work, such as, discussion, debate, survey, retelling and so on. After class, we can also give them some reading related homework to have them practise listening.I hope students can finally improve their reading ability through the above methods.2. What’s your teaching aims?【参考答案】According to the new curriculum standard, I set the following teaching aims: The first one is knowledge aims: (1) Students are able to understand the content of the passage. (2) Students can know some basic information of narration. The second one is ability aims: Students can use different basic reading strategies like analyzing, grasping details correctly in their reading process. After this lesson, students can write a narration by themselves.The third one is emotional aim: Students will be more willing to get involved in class activities and boost their interest in learning English.【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Students are able to understand the content of the passage.Students can know some basic information of liaison.Ability aim:Students can use different basic reading strategies like analyzing, grasping details correctly in their reading process.After this lesson, students can use the target knowledge into their daily life. Emotional aim:Students will be more willing to get involved in class activities and boost their interest in learning English.Key and difficult point:Key Point: master the rules of liaison.Difficult Point: use the target knowledge to their daily life correctly. Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-up1.Greeting:talk about weather2.Sing a song “hand in hand”, and ask students “when you hear this song, which event comes to your mind?”Step 2: Presentation1.Ask students to open the book and the teacher reads the passage and ask students the main idea of the passage.2.Read this article for students, and read the first sentence for them twice.Then ask them to discuss the differences between these two times and write down the sentence on the blackboard.①Fu Mingxia first stood on top of the 10-metre diving platform at the age of nine.②At 12 years old she won a Guinness Record when....3.Invite students to share their ideas then make a conclusion of liaison, structure: consonant+vowelStep 3: PracticeAsk students read the article again then invite ss come to the front and read for others.Step4: Production4 of a group, show students Shelley’s poem, ode to the west wind. Give them5 minutes to practise this poem,then invite some students read the poem for us ,choose the best one.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: Try to surf on the Internet and find more rules of liaison. Blackboard design:As for me, I think grammar is necessary for primary school students. Because the primary school students have been learning English for a short time, there may be weak in spelling, vocabulary, words or other fields. It is a stage for them to lay a good foundation for further study. Besides, we are not native English speakers, for us, grammar is bound to be taught at the beginning of English study. Thus, It is still important for us to teach spelling, grammar, pronunciation, practical sentences, as well as some simple grammar rules, which can help them acquire exquisite English. 2.How do you think of English?【参考答案】English is a sort of language, which is of greater and greater importance.Nowadays, with the development of society and globalization, English has become a global language, which has over 1 billion learners and 54.6million users around the world. We can see how important English language is during the process of global communication. Most people regarded English as their own hobbies.As for us, Learning English well can not only makes us learn form other countries their developed cultures, but also can spread the fine culture of the Chinese nation. When learning English, we must practical, in other words, we should learn some basic words and expressions, at the same time, we should pay attention to the improvement of language abilities and the usage of knowledge.(第三批)高中英语词汇一、考题回顾试讲题目1.题目:词汇教学试讲2.内容:Taxis are on the streets 24 hours a day. Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time. They are usually red, and they display the price per kilometer on the window. You should check the cab has a business permit, and make sure you ask for a receipt. Public transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing. There are 20,000 buses and trolleybuses uses in Beijing, but they can get very crowded. It’s a good ideas to avoid public transport during the rush hour (6:30 a.m-8:00 a.m and 5:00 p.m-6:30 p.m). Fares are cheap, starting at 1 yuan. Air-conditioned buses cost more. Buses numbered 1 to 100 are limited to travel within the city center. Higher numbers have destination in the suburbs.3.基本要求:(1)朗读所给段落(2)配合教学内容适当板书(3)针对所给材料的画线部分,设计词组使用的教学活动。

高中英语教师资格证考试真题及答案一、单项选择题1.Which three of the six words below have the stress on the first syllable?①palace ②radium ③awaken ④second ⑤relate ⑥upstairsA. ①②④B. ①③⑤C. ②③④D. ②⑤⑥答案:A。
2.The criminals tried to escape by air, but the police () them before theyreached the airport.A. disposeB. interruptC. disruptD. intercept答案:D。
dispose意为“处理,放置,安排”,与题干不符;interrupt 意为“打断,打扰;使暂停,使中断”,强调的是中断某人或某事正在进行中的节奏,但这个干扰没有恶意,更像是相互间的交流互动,并且这个干扰结束后,原来的事情还能正常继续进行,与题干不符;disrupt意为“中断,扰乱”,强调的是一个人被干扰得非常厉害,故不得不停下手头的事情,与题干不符。
3.The critic noted that the () tone that characterizes much of the writer'swork stands in stark contrast to his gentle disposition.A. stoicB. somberC. stridentD. conciliatory答案:C。

2019年教师资格证《高中英语》试题及答案一、单项选择题1.Which of the following ischaracteristic of acquisition?A.form-focusedB.accuracy-orientedC.meaning-focusedD.fluency-oriented2.The consonant [f] inEnglish can be correctly described as having the following phonetic features:_____.A.voiceless,bilabial,stopB.voiceless,labiodental,fricativeC.voiced,bilabial,stopD.voiced,labiodental,fricative3.The famous quotation fromShakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet ‘A rose by any other name would smell assweet’well illustrates _______.A.the conventional nature of languageB.the creative nature of languageC.the universality of languageD.the big difference between human language and animal communication4.Which of the following isa communication game?A.Bingo.B.Word chain.C.Rearranging and describing.D.Cross-word puzzle.5.There are different typesof affixes or morphemes.The affix“ed”in the word “learned”is known as a(n) _____.A.derivational morphemeB.free morphemeC.inflectional morphemeD.free form6.Peter_____a lot of Spanishby playing with the native boys and girls.A.picked upB.took upC.made upD.turned up7.—Did you tell Julia aboutthe result?—Oh,no,I forgot.I_____her now.A.will be callingB.will callC.callD.am to call8.John,look at the time._____you play the piano atsuch a late hour?A.MustB.CanC.MayD.Need9.—Did Jack come back earlylast night?—Yes.It was not yet eighto’clock_____he arrived home.A.beforeB.whenC.thatD.until10.—Can the project befinished as planned?—Sure,it_____completed in time,we’ll work two more hoursa day.A.having gotB.to getC.gettingD.gets11.According to the recordsavailable,human beings have been involved inthe study of language for ___________ years.A.1,000B.1,500C.2,000D.2,50012.In the phrase structurerule“S→NP VP”,the arrow can be read as_____.A.is equal toB.consists ofC.hasD.generates13.What syllabus does thefollowing present?Unit 1 Self-introductionUnit 2 GreetingsUnit 3 Asking the wayUnit 4 Making apologiesUnit 5 InvitingUnit 6 Extending thanksA.structural syllabusB.topic syllabusC.functional syllabusD.outline14.Which of the followingactivities is best for training detailed reading?A.drawing a diagram to showthe text structureB.giving the text anappropriate titleC.transferring informationfrom the text to a diagramD.summary the text15.Materials in theAudio-lingual Method are primarily _________.A.instruction-orientedB.student-oriented。

2019年上半年中小学教师资格考试英语学科知识与教学能力试题(高级中学) (精选)一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案。
1. The main difference between /f/ and /v/ lies in SSS.A. the manner of articulationB. the place of articulationC. voicingD. sound duration2. Which of the following involves a sound deletion?A. Bean.B. Design.C. Sport.D. Big.3. In the economic SSS established recently, more progress has been made by the European countries in harmonizing their countries.A. regulationB. climateC. circumstanceD. requirement4. Smoking heavily at home will expose children to SSS amount of smoke, endangering their health.A. multipleB.surplusC. durableD. excessive5. Which of the following pairs of words are gradable antonyms?A. Buy and sell.B. Big and small.C. Male and female.D. Red and green.6.Naturally,she SSS that once there was a new film everybody would be eager to go and see it.A.had assumedB.assumedC.has assumedD.was assuming7.If he had fought in the First World War,he might have returned SSS.A.a different manB.with a different manC.as a different manD.to be a different man8.In fact,they would rather have left for London SSS in Birmingham.A.to stayB.in order to stayC.than have stayedD.instead of having stayed9.缺10.What kind of speech act is performed in utterance“Come round on Saturday”when it is said as an invitation rather than a demand?A.Direct speech act.B.Locutionary act.C.Indirect speech act.D.Perlocutionary act.11.By asking the question,“Can you list your favorite food in English?”,the teach er is using the technique of SSS.A.elicitationB.monitoringC.promptingD.recasting12.If a teacher wants to check hoe much students have learned at the end of a term,he/she would give them a(n) SSS.A.diagnostic testB.placement testC.proficiency testD.achievement test13.What learning style does Xiao Li exhibit if she tries to understand every single wo rd when listening to a passage?A.Field-dependence.B.Intolerance of Ambiguity.C.Risk-taking.D.Field-independence.14.If a teacher asks students to put jumbled sentences in order in a reading class,he/s he intends to develop their ability of SSS.A.word-guessing through contextB.summarizing the main ideaC.understanding textual coherenceD.scanning for detailed information15.When a teacher says“What do you mean by that?”,he/she is asking the student for SSS.A.repetitionB.suggestionc.introduction D.clarification16.When a teacher says“You'd better talk in a more polite way when speaking to the elderly.”,he/she is drawing the students attention to the SSS of language use.A.fluencyplexityc.accuracy D.appropriacy17.Which of the following is a display question?A.What part of speech is“immense”?B.How would you comment on this report?c.Why do you think Hemingway is a good writer?D.What do you think of the characters in this novel?18.Which of the following represents a contextualized way of practising“How often...?”.A.Make some sentences with“how often”.e“how often”and the words given to make a sentence.C.I go shopping twice a week.How often do you go shopping?D.Please change the statement into a question“how often”.19.Which of the following are controlled activities in an English class?A.Reporting,role-play and games.B.Reading aloud,dictation and translation.C.Role-play,problem solving and discussion.rmation exchange,narration and interview.20.The SSS is designed according to the morphological and syntactic aspects of a language.A.structural syllabusB.situational syllabusc.skill-based syllabus D.content-based syllabus请阅读Passage 1,完成21~25小题。
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1.答案: C.voicing
2.答案: B.design
3.答案: A.regulation
4.答案: D.excessive
5.答案: B.Big and small.
6.答案: A.had assumed
7.答案: C.as a different man
8.答案: C.than have stayed
9.答案: C.Three
10.答案: B.Locutionary act
11.答案: A.elicitation
12.答案: D.achievement test
13.答案: B.Intolerance of Ambiguity.
14.答案: C.understanding textual coherence 15.答案: D.clarification 16.答案: D.appropriacy 17.答案: A.What part of speech is "immense" 18.答案: C.I go shopping twice a week. How often do you go 19.答案: B.Reading aloud, dictation and translation 20.答案: A.structural syllabus 21.答案: D.Reading as a serious undertaking should not be 22.答案: C.To emphasize the amusement in reading without 23.答案: A.A person used in experiments. 24.答案: C.She knows how to relieve her mental suffering via 25.答案: A.It brings about surprises. 26.:暂缺 27.答案: B.The educational reforms made by the public schools 28.答案: D.To push their children to excel at exams.
29.答案: A.They should be their kids' companions on their
30答案: A.Race
使用PPT时在一定程度上增加了教师的工作量,即制作PPT, 并且一味地追求使用PPT有时会使教师忽略课程的重点和难点。
Teaching type: Reading class
Teaching contents: This lesson is from senior high school, and it mainly talks about the life of Mark Twain. Before becoming a writer, Mark Twain tried different jobs and went to different places, which laid a good foundation for Mark Twain’s writing career.
Teaching Objectives:
(1) Knowledge objectives
① Students are able to know the experiences of Mark Twain before he became a writer.
(2) Ability objectives:
① Students are able to express the journey of the Mark Twain.
② Students are able to find the different places Twain went to and different work s he did.
(3) Emotional objectives:
① Students are able to learn more about the famous American writer-----Mark Twain
Teaching key and difficult points:
Teaching Key point:
Students can find the life experiences of Mark Twain through reading.
Teaching Difficult point:
Students can retell the story of Mark Twain in their own words.
Teaching Procedures:
Step1: Pre-reading (6 minutes)
Introduce Mark Twain to students through pictures and tell students the life and the works of Mark Twain.
(Justification:The introduction of Mark Twain will help students know more about Mark Twain, which laid a good foundation for next step .)
Step2: While-reading (9 minutes)
1. Ask students to answer the question: where did the name “Mark Twain ”come from.
2. Ask students to finish the chart after reading the 2nd paragraph.
(Justification: Students will have a better understanding to the life experiences of Mark Twain, and their logical thinking will be greatly improved.)
Step3: Post-reading (5 minutes)
1. Retell the passage according to the chart above.
2. Discuss their feeling to Mark Twain after reading this passage.
(Justification: Retelling will improve student’s speaking ability. Discussing their feeling will help students to build up th e interest in English learning and learn some qualities from Mark Twain.)