


魔羯座 (12/22-1/19) Capricorn 水瓶座 (1/20-2/18) Aquarius 双鱼座 (2/19-3/20) Pisces 牡羊座 (3/21-4/20) Aries 金牛座 (4/21-5/20) Taurus 双子座 (5/21-6/21) Gemini 巨蟹座 (6/22-7/22) Cancer 狮子座 (7/23-8/22) Leo 处女座 (8/23-9/22) Virgo 天秤座 (9/23-10/22) Libra 天蝎座 (10/23-11/21) Scorpio 射手座 (11/22-12/21) Sagittarius
• 优点:想像力丰富,善解人意,心地仁慈,舍己 为人不自私,直觉力强,懂得包容。
• Escapist, idealistic, secretive, weak-willed and easily led.
• 缺点:不够实际幻想太多,太情绪化多愁善感, 意志不坚定,容易受环境影响。
• 优点:乐于助人,充满人道精神,诚实善 良,创意十足,个性独立,拥有理想的智 慧。
• Intractable, perverse, unpredictable, unemotional and detached.
• 缺点:缺乏热情,不按牌理出牌,太相信 自己的判断,思想多变没有恒心,太过理 智情趣不足。
• 象征水瓶座的波,是高度知性的代表,由波的特性 去思考水瓶座的特质,看似有规律但没有具体的形 象,是一个不可预测的星座。性格通常是时而好, 时而坏,喜怒无常。代表着冷静与博爱。
• Friendly, honest, loyal, original, inventive, independent and intellectual.



十二星座:Twelve ConstellationsAries 白羊Mar. 21 - April 19 Taurus 金牛April 20 - May 20Gemini 双子May 21 - June 21 Cancer 巨蟹June 22 - July 22Leo 狮子July 23 - Aug. 22 Virgo 处女Aug. 23 - Sept. 22Libra 天秤Sept. 23 - Oct. 23 . Scorpio 天蝎Oct. 24 - Nov. 21Sagittarius 射手Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 Capricorn 摩羯Dec. 22 - Jan. 19Aquarius 水瓶Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 Pisces 双鱼Feb. 19 - Mar. 20太阳系八大行星Eight major planets of the solar system水星Mercury 金星Venus地球Earth 火星Mars木星Jupiter 土星Saturn天王星Uranus 海王星Neptune88星座 Constellation1 Andromeda 仙女座2 Antlia 唧筒座3 Apus 天燕座4 Aquila 天鹰座5 Aquarius 宝瓶座6 Ara 天坛座7 Aries 白羊座8 Auriga 御夫座9 Bootes 牧夫座10 Caelum 雕具座11 Camelopardalis 鹿豹座12 Capricornus 摩羯座13 Carina 船底座14 Cassiopeia 仙后座15 Centaurus 半人马座16 Cepheus 仙王座17 Cetus 鲸鱼座18 Chamaeleon 堰蜓座19 Circinus 圆规座20 Canis Major 大犬座21 Canis Minor 小犬座22 Cancer 巨蟹座23 Columba 天鸽座24 Coma Berenices 后发座25 Corona Australis 南冕座26 Corona Borealis 北冕座27 Crater 巨爵座28 Crux 南十字座29 Corvus 乌鸦座30 Canes Venatici 猎犬座31 Cygnus 天鹅座32 Delphinus 海豚座33 Dorado 剑鱼座34 Draco 天龙座35 Equuleus 小马座36 Eridanus 波江座37 Fornax 天炉座38 Gemini 双子座39 Grus 天鹤座40 Hercules 武仙座41 Horologium 时钟座42 Hydra 长蛇座43 Hydrus 水蛇座44 Indus 印地安座45 Lacerta 蝎虎座46 Leo 狮子座47 Lepus 天兔座48 Libra 天秤座49 Leo Minor 小狮座50 Lupus 豺狼座51 Lynx 天猫座52 Lyra 天琴座53 Mensa 山案座54 Microscopium 显微镜座55 Monocers 麒麟座56 Musca 苍蝇座57 Norma 矩尺座58 Octans 南极座59 Ophiuchus 蛇夫座60 Orion 猎户座61 Pavo 孔雀座62 Pegasus 飞马座63 Perseus 英仙座64 Phoenix 凤凰座65 Pictor 绘架座66 Piscis Australis 南鱼座67 Pisces 双鱼座68 Puppis 船舻座69 Pyxis 罗盘座70 Reticulum 网罟座71 Sculptor 玉夫座72 Scorpius 天蝎座73 Scutum 盾牌座74 Serpens 巨蛇座75 Sextans 六分仪座76 Sagitta 天箭座77 Sagittarius 人马座78 Taurus 金牛座79 Telescopium 望远镜座80 Triangulum Australe 南三角座81 Triangulum 三角座82 Tucana 杜鹃座83 Ursa Major 大熊座84 Ursa Minor 小熊座85 Vela 船帆座86 Virgo 处女座87 Volans 飞鱼座88 Vulpecula 狐狸座其他词汇望远镜telescope [ˈteliskəup] 双筒望远镜binoculars [baiˈnɔkjuləz]反射式望远镜reflecting telescope [ri'flektiŋ]折射式望远镜牛顿式反射望远镜Newtonian reflector 天区Sky coverage星系galaxy [ˈgæləkəsi] 恒星star [stɑ:]行星planet [ˈplænit] 卫星satellite [ˈsætəlait]星云nebula [ˈnebjulə] 银河the Milky Way类木行星:四大行星之一:木星、土星、天王星、海王星:Jovian planet :Any of the four largest planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. 星云、星团新总表(简称NGC)New General Catalogue (NGC)太阳活动solar activity 太阳风solar wind太阳活动周solar cycle 太阳耀斑solar flare白矮星White dwarf 红巨星red giant主星系dominant galaxy 球状星系spherical galaxy旋涡星系spiral galaxy 椭圆星系elliptical galaxy不规则星系irregular galaxy 河外星系Extragalactic开普勒定律Kepler's laws 光年light year近地小行星earth-approaching asteroid近地天体earth-approaching object太阳系外行星extrasolar planet太阳系外行星系extrasolar planetary system地外智慧生物extraterrestrial intelligence不明飞行物(UFO) Unidentified Flying Object哈勃空间望远镜HST, Hubble Space Telescope国际空间站International Space Station美国航天局NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)中国航天局CNSA(China National Space Administration)狭义相对论special theory of relativity木星环Jovian ring 海王星环Nepturian ring天王星环Uranian ring 疏散星团open cluster星际尘埃interstellar dust 星际气体interstellar gas大气视宁度atmospheric seeing 光污染light pollution近地小行星near-earth asteroi 近地小行星带near-earth asteroid belt 小行星asteroid (minor planet) 小行星带asteroid belt近地彗星near-earth comet 近地天体NEO, near-earth object环食带path of annularity 光感light sensation全食total eclipse 偏食partial eclipse近日点perihelion 近地点perigee远日点aphelion 远地点apogee残月waning crescent 亏凸月waning gibbous娥眉月waxing crescent 盈凸月waxing gibbous满月full moon 月相phases (of the Moon)轨道orbit 新星novaastronaut 航天员capsule 太空舱carrier rocket 运载火箭artificial satellite 人造卫星launch a satellite 发射卫星low Earth orbit 近地轨道manned space 载人航天计划manned space flight 载人航天manned spaceship/ spacecraft 载人飞船orbit the earth 绕地球飞行outer space; deep space 外太空space shuttle 航天飞机unmanned spaceship / spacecraft 无人飞船weather satellite 气象卫星black holes 黑洞pulsar 脉冲星绝对星等absolute magnitude 极限星等limiting magnitude流星Meteor 流星雨meteor shower反物质antimatter 天文学astronomy极光aurora 天体物理学astrophysics宇宙大爆炸Big Bang 双星binary star天极celestial poles 天球celestial sphere目镜eyepiece 物镜objective len /objective glass。


• • • • • • Aries(白羊):forceful, energetic, direct, courageous, and seeks adventure and challenge. Taurus(金牛):practical, often skeptical and stubborn, and loves serenity and inner peace. Gemini(双子): inquisitive, witty, perceptive, adaptable, and seeks out information. Cancer(巨蟹): introspective, emotional, protective, and wants inner and outer security. Leo(狮子): proud, gregarious, dramatic, dignified, and desires self expression. Virgo(处女):analytical, critical, modest, helpful, and works toward perfection.
Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead.
狮子座是火相星座的中心。火引发了创 造,革新和领导的欲望。
TIPS: Your fixed motivation adds selfreliance. But remember to balance selfconfidence with humility.
TIPS: Patience and caution are your advantages.



2 古代为了要方便在航海时辨别
方位与观测天象,于是将散布在天 称之为黄道十二宫 。总计为十 上的星星运用想像力把它们连结起 二个星群。在地球运转到每个等 来,有一半是在古时候就已命名了, 份(星群)时所出生的婴儿,长 其命名的方式有依照古文明的神话 大後总有若干相似的特徵,包括 与形状的附会。另一半是近代才命 行为特质等。将这些联想(丰富 名,经常用航海的仪器来命名。二 的想像和创造力)串联起来,便 千多年前希腊的天文学家希巴克斯 使这些星群人性的具像化了;又 为标示太阳在黄道上观行的位置, 加入神话的色彩,成为文化(主 就将黄道(ecliptic)带分成十二个区 要指希腊和罗马神话)的重要部 段,以春分点为0°,自春分点(即 份。这套命理演进、流传至今至 黄道零度)算起,每隔30° 为一 少五千年的历史,它们以这十二 宫,并以当时各宫内所包含的主要 个星座为代表。 星座来命名,
狮子座 Leo ['li:əu] Jul.23~Aug.23 在他身上处处显露阳光、热情、自信、 大方都是他的特质。而且天生的领导才 能令他喜欢指挥别人和有强大的组织能 力。不过过份自信变成自大,加上固执 性格,反应夸张,有时 令人不知如何与 他相处。 守护星:太阳 星座花:向日葵、金盏花 花语:沉默的爱、爱慕、悲伤嫉妒、离 别之痛 守护神:阿波罗——太阳、预言、医药、 畜牧、音乐之神。
双鱼座 Pisces ['pisi:z] Feb.20~May.20 健忘、多愁善感、爱幻想、自欺欺人等 等都是双鱼座的形容词,不过双鱼座最 大的优点是具有奉献精神,他最喜欢帮 助人,愿意牺牲自己而为别人,不过不 要以为他很伟大,其实只是他藉着帮助 别人而突出自己的肯定价值,可见他们 多么没有信心。 守护星:海王星 星座花:金鱼花、爱丽丝 花语:不能停止想你、爱的留言、优美 守护神:波塞冬——海神



..双子座的星座符号是像Ⅱ的两根的平行直线,两头再以两根较短的横条封口,代表着CASTO 与PULLUX 这两颗永不分离的孪生星星,常被看成正反两面的象征,譬如对与错,施与受,教和学等,而在黄道十二宫中掌管“教育”的双子星座,不单指知识,还包含邮政以及针对学校及国家为人民所做的各种传播、沟通管道。

十二星座 Twelve constellations☆ Aries 白羊座(3月21日~4月20日)The fire element of Arise brings assertive “I” energy.火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量。

TIPS: Your persistence will lead you to success.But your impulsive temper may cause problems.坚持会使你成功,但是爱冲动的毛病也会带来麻烦。

☆Taurus 金牛座(4月21~5月21日)The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure.土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的能力。

TIPS: You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up.你也许反应有一点慢,但是你的坚毅会弥补这个缺点。

☆Gemini 双子座(5月22日~6月21日)The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed. 风向星座的特质让双子座具有沟通能力,智慧和速度 TIPS: Your mutable motivation brings adaptability. 你的多变使你能够适应事物。



12星座上课写作文英语As a student, attending classes is an essential part of our daily routine. However, different zodiac signs may have different attitudes towards classes. Let's take a look at how the 12 zodiac signs behave in class.Aries (March 21 April 19)。

Aries students are energetic and enthusiastic, which makes them active participants in class. They are notafraid to speak their minds and often ask questions. However, they can be impatient and easily distracted, which may cause them to lose focus during class.Taurus (April 20 May 20)。

Taurus students are reliable and hardworking, and they take their studies seriously. They are attentive in class and take diligent notes. However, they can be stubborn and resistant to change, which may prevent them from exploringnew ideas.Gemini (May 21 June 20)。

Gemini students are curious and adaptable, and they enjoy learning new things. They are talkative in class and enjoy engaging in discussions with their classmates. However, they can be easily distracted and may struggle to stay focused on one topic for too long.Cancer (June 21 July 22)。



巧记十二星座英语单词魔羯座 (12/22 - 1/19) Capricorn水瓶座 (1/20 - 2/18) Aquarius双鱼座 (2/19 - 3/20) Pisces牡羊座 (3/21 - 4/20) Aries金牛座 (4/21 - 5/20) Taurus双子座 (5/21 - 6/21) Gemini巨蟹座 (6/22 - 7/22) Cancer狮子座 (7/23 - 8/22) Leo处女座 (8/23 - 9/22) Virgo天秤座 (9/23 - 10/22) Libra天蝎座 (10/23 - 11/21) Scorpio射手座 (11/22 - 12/21) SagittariusAquarius 水瓶座水瓶座(或宝瓶座)叫做“Aquarius”,意思就是盛水的瓶子,所以也叫做“Water Bearer”,这里bear这个词是“携带,运输”的意思,例如《魔戒》原著中对男主角之一Frodo Baggins的另一个称呼就是“the ring-bearer”,戒指的携带者。



Capricorn 摩羯座从词汇的角度来看这是一个比较重要的星座,英语中是“Capricorn”,也有叫山羊座的。



按照古代犹太教的习俗,在每年赎罪日(Day of Atonement)的清晨,把两头山羊牵到圣所神坛(altar),由主祭抽签,一头羊献给上帝,一头羊交给死神。



Appendix: Star Signs and Character Traits(Source:/a strology/)Capricorn Character Traits (Dec. 22--Jan. 19) 摩羯座The symbol for Capricorn is the goat, standing alone on top of a mountain crag that is reached by a difficult uphill climb.“I ATTAIN”is the motto for Capricorn. You’re ambitious and want to be recognized for your success. You’ll persevere until you’ve reached your goal, which is often of a material natur e. You’re serious, hard-working, disciplined and reserved and you want to build things that will last.You have a strong sense of duty and are not afraid to shoulder responsibility. However you’ve also got a sensual side and like to let your hair down when the day’s work is done. You also have a very dry sense of humor.Your realism can turn to pessimism and your experience of life can make you cynical. You can also be inhibited and defensive. You are the achievers of the zodiac.Aquarius Character Traits (Jan.20--Feb.18) 水瓶座The symbol for Aquarius is the water-carrier, bearing the woes of humanity on his back. It’s also two wavy lines, which stand for the serpents of ancient wisdom or theairwaves of modern mass communication.“I KNOW” is the motto for Aquarius. You have an original and inventive mind and can take the long view. You also have a scientific or technological bent.You’re altruistic, unconventional and broad-minded. Friendship is very important to you and you enjoy the camaraderie of working in a team or with a group of people, especially if it’s towards a common aim. Your circle of friends encompasses people from different backgrounds and anyone is welcome, so long as they’ve got something interesting to say.Your zeal to make the world a better place can become fanaticism and your certainty that you’re right, dogmatism.You are the reformers of the zodiac.Pisces Character Traits (Feb.19--Mar.20) 双鱼座The symbol for Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions. You are pulled many ways by the currents of life and it can be a struggle for you to swim upstream. However if you do, your intuition can take you far.“I BELIEVE” is the motto for Pisces. You are drawn to religion, mysticism and anything of a spiritual or esoteric nature. You have a very creative imagination and an artistic temperament.You are a compassionate, sympathetic and loving soul.You are so sensitive that unconsciously you may absorb themoods and thoughts of the people around you. It’s easy for you to become emotionally drained by the needs of friends, family and lovers, so it’s important for you to take time out for yourself.You’re also sensitive to drugs of any kind, including alcohol, to which some Pisceans turn in order to escape the harsh realities of life. You are not the most stable of people either and can be very impressionable. You can also be indecisive, but that’s partly because you don’t like to be pinned down.You are the dreamers of the zodiac.Aries Character Traits (Mar.21--Apr.20) 白羊座The symbol for Aries is the horns of the ram, the leader of the flock.You are an initiator and your impulse is to meet life’s challenges head-on, without thought for the consequences.“I AM” is the motto for Aries. You are the first sign of the zodiac and you put yourself and your desires first. However you do it with a childlike innocence that is very disarming. You stand for brave new beginnings and are frequently the one to get something off the ground.You are fearless and courageous and will fight passionately for what you want. Your energy and enthusiasm are contagious and you are a keen competitor. You are ardent in love and won’t hesitate to make the first move.You can also be impatient and outspoken. Your eagerness canseem pushy and your assertiveness can easily become aggression.You are the pioneers of the zodiac.Taurus Character Traits (Apr.21--May.20) 金牛座The symbol for Taurus is the face and horns of the bull, which won’t budge an inch unless it’s goaded. Then it will charge with all its might at its tormentor.“I HAVE”is the motto for Taurus. You are materialistic and set much store by money and possessions. Security is very important to you: you like to put down roots and build, whether it’s a home or a business. You don’t like change and will hold out against it for as long as you can.You have a very sensual side and are fond of the good things in life,particularly good food and wine. You also appreciate beauty, whether it’s a melodious piece of music or a view of the garden from your kitchen window.You’re practical and resourceful and have your feet firmly on the ground. You’re also stable and reliable and make a staunch friend, although you expect loyalty in return.Your caution and resistance to change can make you seem stubborn and unimaginative.You are the nature-lovers of the zodiac.Gemini Character Traits (May.21--Jun.21) 双子座The symbol for Gemini is the twins, which stand for duality and changeability.“I THINK” is the motto for Gemini. You’re intelligent, with a quick mind so you learn fast. You’re always studying something, because you’re curious about everything. Words trip off your tongue, in a quicksilver flow that makes you good at languages, marketing and anything that calls for the gift of gab.You can turn your hand to writing almost anything, whether a novel, a play, a speech or advertising copy. You like to know what’s going on, hence your penchant for gossip. You’re also witty and have a sense of mischief.Variety is the spice of life for you—you like to be in two places at once and have more than one thing going.Your nervous energy and restlessness can give you a reputation for being unreliable and a bit of a butterfly. You can also appear glib.You are the communicators of the zodiac.Cancer Character Traits (Jun.22--Jul.22) 巨蟹座The symbol for Cancer is the crab, which retires into its shell if threatened.“I FEEL”is the motto for Cancer. You are emotional, sensitive and easily hurt. You need to be needed and are very caring. Children, plants and artistic projects all thrive under your protection. Home and family are very important to you and you can remember things from yourchildhood as clearly as if they happened yesterday. There is a part of you that doesn’t want to grow up and you make a ready playmate.You are imaginative and empathetic and will mirror other people’s feelings back to them. They trust you and will confide in you, although you yourself are a very private person and keep your own feelings to yourself.Your sensitivity can make you touchy and you can also be very moody. Your reluctance to let go of the past can make you clingy. You are the nurturers of the zodiac.Leo Character Traits (Jul.23--Aug.23) 狮子座The symbol for Leo is the lion’s mane, drawing attention to its majestic head.“I WILL” is the motto for Leo. You like to get your own way and are a born leader. You also like to be the center of attention and bask in the admiration of others. You are a good organizer and command respect.You have a strong sense of pride and dignity and will defend both to the hilt. However you are magnanimous to those less fortunate than yourself.You are loyal, honest and warm. It’s very important to you to be yourself and to do something that you can put your heart into. You are also dramatic and playful and love nothing better than to have a good time with your friends.You can also be arrogant and overbearing and sometimes your self-assurance can turn to boasting.You are the performers of the zodiac.Virgo Character Traits (Aug.24--Sep.22) 处女座The symbol for Virgo is the sheaf of corn. You are hard-working and carry out your duties efficiently and conscientiously.“I ANALYSE” is the motto for Virgo. You have an eye for detail and a discriminating mind. You like order in all things and are neat, clean and precise in your habits. You are modest and don’t like to draw attention to yourself. Where others seek the limelight, you get quietly on with the job, doing it aswell as you can. You get a lot of satisfaction from making yourself useful and enjoy being of service to others.Outwardly you are cool, although inside you may be seething with nerves. You have a sensitive digestion and you’re careful about what you eat and drink.You can also be overcritical and have a tendency to worry too much. You are the perfectionists of the zodiac.Libra Character Traits (Sep.23--Oct.23) 天秤座The symbol for Libra is the scales, which stand for justice and equality.“I BALANCE” is the motto for Libra. You like harmony in your relationships and surroundings;anything that clashes upsets you, whether it’s people or a color scheme. You appreciate beauty in all its forms.You are fair-minded and like to weigh up all the pros and cons before making a decision. You’re also charming and diplomatic and have a flair for bringing people together, whether it’s for marriage, business or a dinner party.You are intellectual and enjoy a good argument, where you’re always ready to put the opposite point of view. You love company and are happiest in a partnership. Sometimes your wish to get things right can make you seem indecisive and your reluctance to act, lazy.You are the peacemakers of the zodiac.Scorpio Character Traits (Oct.24--Nov.22) 天蝎座There are two symbols for Scorpio—the scorpion, with its legendary sting and the eagle, which soars aloft to great heights. “I DESIRE” is the motto for Scorpio. You are intensely emotional and strongly aware of the darker side of human nature. You don’t live on the surface of life, but experience it at its deepest levels.You possess an iron will, a strong ego and a unique personal magnetism. You make a loyal friend and a passionate lover.You’re also intuitive, ambitious and have a penetrating mind. You have a burning need to uncoverwhat is hidden, whether it’s a mystery or someone else’s innermost secrets. You’re rarely who you appear to be on the outside and are not easy to get to know.You also have a tendency to brood and to bear grudges and can be suspicious and vindictive.You are the investigators of the zodiac.Sagittarius Character Traits (Nov.23--Dec.21) 射手座The symbol for Sagittarius is the archer, whose arrow flies swift and sure to its mark.“I SEE”is the motto for Sagittarius. You’r e always on a quest for meaning and wisdom and you’re attracted to the higher reaches of knowledge, likereligion and philosophy. You’re a great traveler, whether of the mind or the world, but you believe to travel hopefully is better than to arrive.You are a free and independent spirit and don’t like to be confined. You’re also tolerant and your social circle usually includes people from different cultures and walks of life. In a relationship it’s important for you to have your space.By nature you’re optimistic and cheerful. You are very direct and say what you think, although you mean well.Your frankness can at times seem tactless and insensitive and in your hurry to get where you’re going, you may not listen.You are the seekers of the zodiac.。


individuals. Scorpio have the strongest
emotion in all 12 zodiacs. When they
fall in love with some one, they may want to control(控制) their partners, they never accept a betrayed(背叛的)
▪ Emotional, loving, intuitive, imaginative, cautious, protective and sympathetic.
▪ 优点:感情真挚深切,想像力丰富,有包容力, 直觉敏锐,善解人意,有同情心。
▪ Changeable, moody, overemotional, touchy, ▪ 缺点:跟着情绪走,提不起放不下,太过多愁善
inner-desire of self-confident, they
never say sorry to others even they
know they are wrong.
▪ Generous, warmhearted, creative, enthusiastic, broad-minded, faithful.
▪ Aries [ ‘ɛəri:z ] (March 21- April 20): Aries are the pioneer( 先锋) of the zodiac(黄道). Aries is symbolized by a ram(公羊), which means quick to take action(行动) and get things rolling. Jackie Cheung(成龙) is an Aries. Almost all his movies are action movies.



十二星座英文介绍魔羯座 (12/22 - 1/19) CapricornCapricorn is the leader of the Earth signs. Here is a stabilizing force, oneof the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac. The Mountain Goat has intensepowers of self-concentration, but not in an egotistical sense. Members of thissign find a great deal more confidence what they do than in who they are.Earth hangs tough when it comes to stabilization, so achievement provides thatstability and structure. Capricorn is one very high-achiever! Withoutbalance, however, Capricorn can become too rigid -- as in the tall palm tree,falling to the ground, under heavy wind-gusts. To be able to move with thewinds of change, the Mountain Goat must bend and flex a little bit! That makeslife much easier. Capricorn can also focus too much on achievement. Then theyforget the little joys in life. When the Goat finally relaxes and enjoyslife, his or her most delightful secrets emerge. No one has a better senseof humor than the Capricorn. Oh, that Cap might let us bask in that warmsmile! :-)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 水瓶座 (1/20 - 2/18) AquariusRuled by shocking Uranus, Aquarius very much epitomes the planet that inspiresit. This sign has astonishing intellectual and communication skill.Aquarius may the sign of the rugged individualist, the mad scientist and thelone eccentric, but this visionary also represents social interaction andhigher consciousness. Aquarius' title, the "Humanitarian of the Zodiac," iswell earned! For a fixed sign, Aquarius has a lot of adaptability. Attributethis to the need to accommodate others. A passion for life, new things, andnovel situations sends Aquarius in all directions! Without stability and awillingness to listen, however, this sign can become erratic. Aquarius can trymany new things but end up mastering none. That can stifle the greatsuccess potential here. Slowing down long enough to establish a solidfoundation gives Aquarius the ability to ground his or her electrical energy.Receptivity can calm rebellious tendencies, especially those that put amember of this sign at cross-purposes with his or her boss! Aquarius'future-oriented energies give all members of this sign the advantage of livingas if they are well into the 25th Century!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 双鱼座 (2/18 - 3/20) PiscesPisces is a Water element, ruled by mystical Neptune! This sign is extremelyreceptive, nurturing, compassionate, and other-directed. As with Scorpio, wehave to explore and probe to find out the depths of this water. Piscesfeelings run very, very deep. A mutable nature endows Pisces with adaptableand unifying energy. These sensitive people are like the water that flowsgently downstream, around the rocks and obstacles in its path. Piscesreceptivity can translate into psychic energy. Pisces knows all and sees allbut probably won't tell' all. The Fishes keep the secrets of the universewithin and to themselves. Without balance, Pisces can sink into thewhirlpool of emotion. This can bring out hidden fears and insecurities. Lackof ego-strength can make Pisces feel dependent and helpless. Then they canfall into the martyr trap. Pisces benefit by truthfully sharing their owndifficulties, feelings, and need. They need to remember that they too have theright to receive all the help and support they are so used to giving! Ahappy, confident Pisces brightens the world and all our lives.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 牡羊座 (3/21 - 4/20) AriesThe Fire element of Aries brings assertive "I" energy. This is a flaming driveand the desire to do something! The Aries will is full of tension andpassion; the "I" brings a need for independence. Aries coincides with springtime, when seeds germinate in an outpouring of energy and growth. This sign ashas an instinctive identity, early extroversion, spontaneity, and a verydirect approach. "Fire" can rage out of control. Aries' cardinal-signassertiveness can become too willful. Then we have wild spring weather -- astorming nature and a passion for power. Spontaneity can become impulsive --as only a sign ruled by energizing Mars can be! Balance comes by addinggentleness to independence and by tempering the Self with self-awareness.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 金牛座 (4/21 - 5/20) TaurusThe Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground,form and structure. Preservation is important. The Bull's fixed motivationseeks first to stabilize, then produce. Ruled by loving Venus, Taurus hasgreat emotional depth. Friends and lovers rely on the warmth and emotionalaccessibility of this sign. Taurus represents consistency, loyalty, andpatience. Fixed earth can be very rigid, too cautious to take some of therisks necessary in life. Sometimes the Bull ends up temporarily stuck in themud. He or she may not want to rise to every challenge or potential. Andstubborn? Ah yes! The Taurus Bull may always surface. This sign's Yin energycan go too far; Taurus becomes very, very passive -- even lazy. Balancecomes with a reliable plan, one that satisfies Taurus' need for stabilitywhile allowing for action and accomplishments.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 双子座 (5/21 - 6/21) GeminiThe Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed! This isone of the joy- of-life signs, one that reaches out, expands and expresses.Gemini is an inquisitive student with a quick grasp of subjects. Mutablemotivation brings adaptability. This is wonderful because variety-lovingGemini needs change. A flexible personality ensures that Gemini can connectwith others. Gemini's active energy can go too far, and then Gemini has a hardtime finding the right direction. Members of this sign needs a countervailingforce of stability. The desire to communicate quickly and rapidly benefitswhen tempered by receptivity. Then not only can the Twins speak, they canlisten in return -- and complete the circuit! Balance comes from slowing down,listening, and learning the fine art of follow-through!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 巨蟹座 (6/22 - 7/22) CancerCancer's element is Water. Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need togive and receive. They thrive on the exchange of feelings. They needsecurity and love to be wrapped in an environment of love and comfort. Truly awonderful example of Yin receptivity, Cancer seems to absorb memories,feelings and psychic messages. Of course, they send back their own goodvibes in the process. The cardinal' motivation energizes their strongability to provide for others. Few work as hard and as tenaciously as Cancer.Without the balance of Yang assertiveness, however, Cancer's confidence canbe a bit wobbly. After all, the Crab is so very sensitive to everything.Just as the sign's ruler, the Moon, goes through phases, Cancer oftenexperiences mood-swings. Sometimes the desire to love results in giving toomuch. In such cases, the Crab can become over-protective or dependent.Balanced, the Cancer adds personal independence to his or her priorities.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 狮子座 (7/23 - 8/22) LeoLeo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead.The sign radiates mega-confidence. Of course, the Lion must have an audience.Without applause, what else is there? The fixed motivation addsself-reliance, a characteristic that works well in leadership positions. Leois a formative energy, with the ability to consolidate and stabilize. Fire canrage out of control, so it helps to balance self-confidence with humility!Leo needs to become a humble but lovable lion. The playfulness associated withLeo can regress to childish demands for attention, as opposed to healthyrecognition and encouragement. Leo benefits by allowing peaceful receptivityto surface. The mature Leo exudes big, beautiful heart and sheds sunshine onall who care to enjoy this bold spirit.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 处女座 (8/23 - 9/22) VirgoVirgo is an Earth sign, with a need for solid ground and form. Ruled byshape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability. This sign analyzesand organizes life; the goal is to build a firm foundation. A good educationalbackground is important to the Virgo. Mutable' motivation surfaces in theform of helping, teamwork and cooperation. Humbleness and the ability towork behind the scenes, without complaining, often cause Virgos to miss moreopportunities than they should. A dose of self-confidence helps Virgopromote what he or she has to offer. Virgo gets stuck if he or she expressestoo much earthy energy. He or she may try too hard. When frustrated, Virgo canget trapped in that notorious perfectionism. Because of the desire forsecurity, Virgo may worry constantly about work: "What if they don't need me anymore?" "What if I make a mistake?" Balance comes with trusting that he orshe will be OK and that imperfection is only human!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 天秤座 (9/23 - 10/22) LibraLibra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more extroverted andactive. For Venus-inspired Libra, beauty, balance and harmony are important.There is a great need to share, to be fair and impartial. Even with thisneed for calm, Libra remains a very active, outwardly radiating personality.Libra is the cheerleader we all need to work together and build a team! Withall of these positives here, how can the sign of The Scales be unbalanced?Sometimes loving Libra can need others too much and fall into the trap ofdependency. The need for partnership leads this sign to falsely believe thatthere is no personhood with a partner. The temptation is to give away too muchto others and reserve too little for oneself. Then life reels out of control.Trying to be too fair undermines decision-making abilities. Libra may fearmaking the wrong choice or upsetting others. Inward-focused energy restoresbalance. Libras thrive when they give themselves permission to take care ofthemselves.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 天蝎座 (10/23 - 11/21) ScorpioScorpio is a Water element, and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign. Wateris more receptive and introverted, but Scorpio is a Plutonian-power force.Perhaps that is why Scorpio is the sign capable of the greatestmetamorphosis and renewal. If we think about it, we may look at a lake and seethe interplay of light and shadows. Unless we explore further, we cannot telljust how deep it is -- or what is going on within. You'll find great love,feeling, desire and sensitivity when we probe the depths of mysteriousScorpio. A fixed nature makes Scorpio favor stability. Without some positiveenergy, Scorpio can go to extremes. The Scorpion may use his or her thestrength to exert power over others. Love can become a stronger passion thaneven the Scorpio can handle, and possessiveness or jealousy can surface.Independence brings balance. The Scorpio with inner security can letpartners explore and remain receptive to their needs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 射手座 (11/22 - 12/21) SagittariusSagittarius is Fire energy. This is a very active, extroverted, mobile,expansive sign. The Archer is always ready for action, bursting with goals andidealism. This sign is the very personification of jovial, outward-bound,enthusiasm -- the ultimate cosmic host or hostess with the "mostess." They canbe spellbinding in their philosophies! Mutable motivation brings compellingpowers of attraction. Change and variety are important. Sag won't hesitateto initiate either. Without balance energy, Sagittarius can become toochangeable; he or she may bend to every force or influence. Restlessness candiffuse energy, and finding a secure position in life isn't as easy as wewould think. Quiet contemplation can temper the fire' and heighten theintuition. Receptivity can slow the impatient desire to move way too fast attimes. What a wonderful balanced energy this is!。

十二星座英文介绍 ppt课件

十二星座英文介绍 ppt课件
Twelve constellations
Twelve constellations
摩羯座 (Capricorn)--December 22 to January 20 水瓶座 (Aquarius)--January 21 to February 19 双鱼座 (Pisces)--February 20 to March 20 白羊座(Aries)--March 21 to April 20 金牛座(Taurus)-- April21 to May 21 双子座(Gemini )--May 22 to June 21 巨蟹座(Cancer )--June 22 to July 22 狮子座 (Leo)--July 23 to August 22 处女座 (Virgo)--August 23 to September 22 天枰座 (Libra)--September 23 to October 23 天蝎座 (Scorpio)--October 24 to November 22 射手座 (Sagittarius)--November 23 to December 21
• 缺点:容易紧张,善变,处世缺乏原则,做事蜻 蜓点水不深入,过于圆滑,意志不坚定。
Cancer: June 22-July 22 Ruling Planet: Moon Symbol: Crab Color: Grays, Greens Gem: Pearl Flowers: White Flowers Particularly Roses Lucky Numbers: 7 and 3 Lucky Day: Monday Key phrase: I Feel ! Keywords: Protective, Sensitive, Tenacious Main Trait: Loyalty



The one most possible fall in love——leo狮 子座 The best learning object——Scorpio天蝎座
Gemini (5/21 - 6/21) 双子座
Characteristic:active 、perfectionism 、 changeable、 Lucky No:5、7 Notable :Kennedy 、Johnny Depp,朗朗、 older Bush、 The best one to marry ——Sagittarius射手 座
Leo (7/23 - 8/22) 狮子 座
Characteristic:stong-minded、stong talent for performance、king
Lucky No.:1/3/5 Notable :甄子丹 /孙燕姿 / J· K· Rowling /Obama / Napoleon 100%perfct couple—— Sagittarius射手座 / Aries 白羊座
This constellation is usually called future sign or gifted sign and it stand for the thought of god! The water in the bottle are the origin of all the god’s wisdom. The best place for love is a free party.
Astrological sign
Sagittarius Capricorn
Aquarius Libra SUN Pisces
Virgo Aries Leo





白羊座(Aries)March 21 - April 19 参加英语角活动白羊是典型的精力旺盛、活力充沛的星座。




不过在实践之前千万要做好充分的话题准备噢,从自己最感兴趣的讨论组开始,即使说的不好,听也是非常有益的~~尝试着在大家面前开口说英文吧,相信这是百折不挠的白羊们的最佳选择!金牛座(Taurus)April 20 - May 20 英文广播或者新闻慢条斯理、勤勤恳恳的星座非他莫属了,不要跟金牛座比耐力,牛牛们天生有股韧性,不达目的誓不罢休。




建议牛牛们每天在听新闻和读英文报纸的同时,每天积累一条英文小句子,读熟记牢,坚持不懈的继续下去,哪怕每天只有几分钟,对于英语的提高也一定会有非常好的效果!双子座(Gemini)May 21 - June 20 趣味性高的英文故事快人快语的双子们十分聪明,反应很快,要让他们憋着不说话可是件不容易的事情。




十二星座对应的英文单词魔羯座 (12/22 - 1/19) Capricorn水瓶座 (1/20 - 2/18) Aquarius双鱼座 (2/19 - 3/20) Pisces牡羊座 (3/21 - 4/20) Aries金牛座 (4/21 - 5/20) Taurus双子座 (5/21 - 6/21) Gemini巨蟹座 (6/22 - 7/22) Cancer狮子座 (7/23 - 8/22) Leo处女座 (8/23 - 9/22) Virgo天秤座 (9/23 - 10/22) Libra天蝎座 (10/23 - 11/21) Scorpio射手座 (11/22 - 12/21) SagittariusAquarius 水瓶座水瓶座(或宝瓶座)叫做“Aquarius”,意思就是盛水的瓶子,所以也叫做“Water Bearer”,这里bear这个词是“携带,运输”的意思,例如《魔戒》原著中对男主角之一Frodo Baggins 的另一个称呼就是“the ring-bearer”,戒指的携带者。


在拉丁语中“aqua”表示“水”,现在也是一个独立的单词;aquarium是水族馆;aquatic 这个词不太常用,表示“水生的”,“水上的”;最后这个词演变到了sewer,也就是下水道的意思,应该用得上。

Capricorn 摩羯座从词汇的角度来看这是一个比较重要的星座,英语中是“Capricorn”,也有叫山羊座的。



按照古代犹太教的习俗,在每年赎罪日(Day of Atonement)的清晨,把两头山羊牵到圣所神坛(altar),由主祭抽签,一头羊献给上帝,一头羊交给死神。



1. Aries (March 21 - April 19)Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Mars and is known for its energetic and adventurous nature. People born under Aries are often seen as bold, ambitious, and enthusiastic. They are natural leaders who enjoy taking risks and starting new projects.2. Taurus (April 20 - May 20)Taurus is ruled by Venus and is associated with stability, practicality, and sensuality. Taureans are known for their reliable and patient nature. They appreciate the finer things in life and are often very grounded, valuing comfort and security.3. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is characterized by its versatility and intellectual curiosity. Geminis are social, communicative, and quick-witted. They enjoy learning new things, and their adaptable nature often makes them great at multitasking.4. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is associated with emotions, intuition, and home. People born under Cancer are nurturing, empathetic, and protective. They value family and home life, and they often have a strong sense of loyalty and compassion.5. Leo (July 23 - August 22)Leo, ruled by the Sun, is known for its confidence, creativity, andleadership qualities. Leos are charismatic and often enjoy being the center of attention. They are generous and enthusiastic, with a strong sense of pride and a flair for drama.6. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is associated with precision, practicality, and analytical thinking. Virgos are detail-oriented, organized, and often perfectionists. They have a keen eye for detail and are often focused on improving themselves and their surroundings.7. Libra (September 23 - October 22)Libra, ruled by Venus, is known for its emphasis on balance, harmony, and relationships. Librans are diplomatic, charming, and fair-minded. They seek peace and equilibrium in their interactions and are often drawn to art and beauty.8. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)Scorpio, ruled by Pluto and Mars, is characterized by its intensity, passion, and depth. Scorpios are known for their strong will, determination, and emotional insight. They can be mysterious and are often very perceptive and resourceful.9. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, is associated with exploration, optimism, and freedom. Sagittarians are adventurous, independent, and philosophical. They love to travel, learn about different cultures, and seeknew experiences.10. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is known for its discipline, responsibility, and ambition. Capricorns are practical, determined, and often very goal-oriented. They value hard work and perseverance and are often seen as reliable and trustworthy.11. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, is characterized by its innovative, progressive, and independent nature. Aquarians are often seen as visionaries who think outside the box. They value individuality and are drawn to humanitarian causes and new ideas.12. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)Pisces, ruled by Neptune and Jupiter, is associated with empathy, imagination, and intuition. Pisceans are known for their compassionate, creative, and sensitive nature. They often have a strong connection to their emotions and a deep understanding of others.。


Also called: Virgin pl. Virgos;【复数】Virgos; From Latin[ virgin, the constellation Virgo ] 源自拉丁语[ 处女,室女星座 ] 7. Libra [] 1. A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Scorpius and Virgo. 天秤星座 南半天球的一个星座,靠近天蝎座和处女座 Also called: Balance Scales 2. The seventh sign of the zodiac in astrology. 天秤宫 天文学中黄道上的第七宫 Also called: Balance Scales 3. One who is born under this sign. 出生于天秤宫时段的人(9 月 23 日至 10 月 22 日) From Latin lībra [ balance, the constellation Libra ] 源自拉丁语 lībra [ 平衡,天秤座 ] 8. Scorpio [] 1. Variant of Scorpius Scorpius 的变体 The eighth sign of the zodiac in astrology. 天蝎座 黄道十二宫的第八宫 2. One who is born under this sign. 出生于天蝎座的人(10 月 23 日至 11 月 21 日) From Latin Scorpiō 源自拉丁语 Scorpiō from scorpiō [scorpion ] 源自 scorpiō [ 蝎子 ] 9. Sagittarius [] 1. A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Scorpius and Capricorn. 人马座 南半球位于天蝎座和摩羯座附近的一个星座 2. The ninth sign of the zodiac in astrology. 人马宫 占星术中黄道十二宫的第九宫 3. One who is born under this sign. 出生于人马宫时段的人(11 月 22 日至 12 月 22 日) Also called: Archer From Latin Sagittārius 源自拉丁语 Sagittārius from sagittārius [ archer ] 源自 sagittārius [ 弓箭手 ] from sagitta [ arrow ] 源自 sagitta [ 箭 ] 10. Capricorn [] 1. A constellation in the equatorial region of the Southern Hemisphere, near Aquarius and Sagittarius. 摩羯座 南半球赤道区域的一个星座,在宝瓶座和人马座附近 2. The tenth sign of the zodiac in astrology. 摩羯宫 占星术中的第十宫 3. One who is born under this sign. 在这一宫时段出生的人(12 月 23 日至 1 月 20 日) Also called: Goat


天蝎座10.24-11.21 ----Scorpio
人马座11.22-12.20---- Sagittarius
水瓶座1.21-2.19----- Aquarius
双鱼座 2.20-3.20 ------Pisces
十二星座学英语Aries 白羊座(3月21日~4月20日)
Taurus 金牛座(4月21~5月21日)
The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure. 土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的能力。
TIPS: You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up.你也许反应有一点慢,但是你的坚毅会弥补这个缺点。
Gemini 双子座(5月22日~6月21日)
The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed. 风向星座的特质让双子座具有沟通能力,智慧和速度。
TIPS: Your mutable motivation brings adaptability. 你的多变使你能够适应事物。
Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability. 在流动的水星控制下,处女座需要努力才能获得稳定。
TIPS: A good educational background is important. Diligence is your advantage.良好的教育背景很重要。你的优点是勤奋。
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