【英语国家概况】general survey of Australia澳大利亚概况

【英语国家概况】general survey of Australia澳大利亚概况Commonwealth of Australia? 国名:澳大利亚联邦(Commonwealth of Australia)首都:堪培拉面积:7,682,300.00 平方公里人口:2112万人(2007年10月)语言:英语,土著语言,澳大利亚的官方语言是英语。
Map of AustraliaMap of AustraliaAustralia: Flag and AnthemThe Commonwealth of Australia1. 澳大利亚一词,意即―南方大陆‖,欧洲人在,,世纪初叶发现这块大陆时,误以为这是一块直通南极的陆地,故取名―澳大利亚‖,australia 即由拉丁文terraaustralis (南方的土地)变化而来。
2. Name:澳大利亚联邦(The Commonwealth of Australia)3. National Flag:呈横长方形,长与宽之比为,?,。
4. National Anthem :澳大利亚国徽左边是一袋鼠,右边是一只鸸鹋,这两种动物均为澳大利亚所特有,是国家的标志,民族的象征,中间是一个盾,盾面上有六组图案分别象征这个国家的六个州。

澳大利亚中英文对照介绍Australia, also known as the Land Down Under, is a country locatedin the Southern Hemisphere. 澳大利亚,又被称为地球之南,是一个位于南半球的国家。
Known for its vast landscapes, diverse wildlife, and vibrant cities, Australia is a popular destination for tourists from around the world. 因其广阔的景观、多样的野生动物和繁华的城市,澳大利亚是世界各地游客的热门目的地。
From the famous Sydney Opera House to the stunning Great Barrier Reef, Australia offers a wide range of attractions for visitors to enjoy. 从著名的悉尼歌剧院到令人惊叹的大堡礁,澳大利亚为游客提供了广泛的吸引力。
In addition to its natural beauty, Australia is also known for its unique culture and traditions. 除了其自然美景,澳大利亚还以其独特的文化和传统而闻名。
Indigenous Australians have a rich history dating back tens of thousands of years, and their traditions are still celebrated and honored today. 澳大利亚土著居民拥有数万年的丰富历史,他们的传统至今仍在今天得到庆祝和尊敬。
This cultural diversity is reflected in the country's cuisine, art, music, and festivities. 这种文化多样性反映在澳大利亚的美食、艺术、音乐和庆祝活动中。

悉尼同性恋狂欢节 2月底开始,为期两周。阳光明媚、观念颠覆、大都市和同性恋。欢迎在 一年一度的同性恋狂欢节期间来到悉尼。无论您是何种性取向,也无论您 是什么年纪,都会喜欢上从二月底开始在市内迸发出的这种欢快迷人的能 量。
澳大利亚的文化是基于英国的基础之上,澳大利亚人的饮食 习惯和英国人类似。从第二次世界大战之后,世界各地的移 民陆续到来成为人口的多数。澳大利亚的饮食受到了来自世 界各地人们的影响。欧洲、中东、印度、亚洲等地的饮食都 是很常见的。麦子、大米、橙子、香蕉和葡萄是澳大利亚广 泛种植的作物,肉食是澳大利亚人饮食的主要部分。奶制品 如牛奶、乳酪也食用很多。肉食烧烤很受欢迎。澳大利亚还 生产大量的葡萄酒,人们喜欢在吃饭的时候饮用葡萄酒或是 啤酒。澳大利亚还有一些当地特有的食品。丛林野食是一种 在土著人饮食基础上产生的食品 ,是用很种野草、野菜、野果 和野生动物肉制成的。
3月28-31日:复活节 从28日耶稣受难日开始,为期4天。 4月25日:澳纽兵团日 为纪念一站中被英国借派的澳大利亚新西 兰联合军在土耳其卡利波里半岛的决死登 陆而设。 6月9日:女王诞生日,伊丽莎白女王生日 假日设在6月的第二个周一以便连休,只有 西澳大利亚是9月29日。 12月26日:开盒节 打开圣诞所赠礼盒的日子,在南澳大利亚, 称为“宣告节”。全国共同的节日为9天, 另外各州也自行设立节日:点缀堪培拉每 年九月中,堪培拉都会举办春季花展。湖 畔的公园和花园都会种满色彩缤纷的花卉, 包括数以千计的郁金香,你又岂能错过。
SOME FLOWERS 木兰 雏菊 紫罗兰 罂粟 兰 花 小苍兰 薰衣草 郁金香 小石竹 薄荷 常春藤
Some animals
美丽的大堡礁风光 大堡礁(英文: Great Barrier Reef Queensland, Australia法文: Grande barriè de re corail)是世界上最 大、最长的珊瑚礁群, 是世界七大自然景观 之一,也是澳大利亚 人最引以为自豪的天 然景观。又称为“透 明清澈的海中野生王 国”。

澳大利亚英文简介澳大利亚联邦,世界上唯一国土覆盖一整个大陆的国家,是一个奉行多元文化的移民国家,下面是店铺给大家整理的澳大利亚英文简介,供大家参阅!澳大利亚简介The Commonwealth of Australia (Australia), referred to as Australia. Its territory area of 7686850 square kilometers, surrounded by the sea, is the world's only land covering a continent of the country. Australia, which has many unique flora and fauna and natural landscapes, is a multicultural immigrant country.The term "Australia", originally intended as "the continent of the South", is made up of the Latin terraaustralis (land of the south). Europeans found the continent in the 17th century, mistakenly thought it was a piece of land through the Antarctic, hence the name "Australia".Australia is a highly developed capitalist country, the capital of Canberra. As the second most economically developed country in the southern hemisphere and the 12th largest economy in the world, the world's fourth largest exporter of agricultural products, which is also the world's largest producer of minerals, is called "the country sitting on the tub." At the same time, Australia is also the world's number of sheep and the largest number of sheep export countries, also known as "riding in the sheep back country." Australia is highly urbanized and nearly half of the country lives in two major cities in Sydney and Melbourne, where several cities have been rated as one of the most livable places in the world. It is also a sports power, perennial held a number of global sports events. Australia is a founding memberof the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and a member of the United Nations, the G20, the Commonwealth, the Pacific Security Treaty, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Pacific Islands Forum.澳大利亚历史沿革The word Australia is intended to be the "southern continent", from the Latin terraaustralis (the land of the South). As early as 40,000 years ago, indigenous people would multiply on Australia's land, with a total of 413,000 Australians (2001 census data).In 1606, the ship of the Spanish navigator, Luis Vaezde T orres, passed the strait between Australia and New Guinea. In the same year, Duyfken, the Dutchman William Chancellor, was involved in Australia and was For the first time there are recorded alien people who landed in Australia and named it here for "New Holland".In 1770, the British navigator Captain Cook (Captain James Cook) found the east coast of Australia, named it "New South Wales" and announced that this land belongs to the United Kingdom.The British first put Australia as a place where the prisoners were exiled. On January 18, 1788, a fleet of six ships, led by Captain Philip, arrived in Australia's Botany Bay, where there were 736 prisoners. Eight days later, on January 26, 1788, they officially established the first British colonial area in PortJackson, Australia, where the population grew and became the largest city in Australia, Sydney, the name is to commemorate the British Minister of the Interior Sydney (Sydney). January 26 each year to become Australia's National Day (AustraliaDay).In 1790, the first free immigrants from the United Kingdommoved to Australia, with Sydney as the center, gradually to the inland development, to 1803, the colonial area has been extended to today's Tasmania. The earliest inhabitants of Australia are indigenous.In 1900 the inhabitants of all six colonies held a one-to-one referendum, using a vote to decide whether to reorganize the six colonies into a federal state, the result of which was to be unified in six places and to establish a single Australian federation. In July, the British Parliament passed the Australian Federal Constitution and the British Dominion Ordinance.January 1, 1901, Australia's colonial areas to the state, the six colonial areas to become a federal, the establishment of the Australian Commonwealth. While passing the first constitution.In 1927, the Australian capital moved to Canberra.In 1931, the British Parliament passed the "Westminster Act", so that Australia gained internal and political autonomy, become an independent state in the Commonwealth.In 1986, the British Parliament passed the "Australian Relations Act", Australia to obtain full legislative and judicial final.In the 1850s, gold was found in New South Wales and Victoria. A large number of gold rush from Europe, the Americas and China flocked. The population of Australia surged from 400,000 in 1850 to 1.1 million in 1860. Since then many important gold mines have been discovered one by one, and found a lot of mineral deposits, these discoveries, so that Australia quickly get rich and development.澳大利亚文化the filmAustralian films are influential in the world. Before the Second World War, Australia began to produce films, many ofthem excellent works. After the Second World War the Australian film industry in a standstill. It was not until the 1970s that the Australian film development company was set up by the leader of the Labor Party, led by Labor's leader, who was renamed the Australian Film Commission (AFC). The film committee has set up the government's own film production agency, the Australian Film Board, shooting a large number of films, becoming the first round of the history of Australian film production heat. Newspaper columnist and advertising giant Philip Adams was one of the celebrities who were actively involved in the film's hot.So far, Australian producers and directors have won an indisputable position in the global film industry with their unique style, and have a strong impact on Hollywood, and many Hollywood studios indicate the need for Australian actors to star in. The Australian traveler in Hollywood is therefore known as "Eucalyptus Leaf Help", including a number of presenters, directors and actors who are now active in Hollywood. The famous directors include Baz Rulman, Alex Prius, George Miller and Wen Ziren. Famous actors include Russell Crowe, Nicole Kidman, Kate Blanchett, Hugh Jackman and Gay Pierce, etc., Heath Ledger, Sam Worthington.LiteratureIn 1973, the Australian government established the Arts Council Literary Committee, literature began to develop, local literature has a certain international influence, such as Marcus Clark in 1874 to create "life imprisonment." In the late nineteenth century, the Australian jungle poets began to get out of the shadow of British traditional culture by seeking more "Australian" sense of belonging. Since the 1920s, the outstanding Australian literature has "Koonaldu", "Kabri Connie" and "Poor fellow, myhometown".MediaAustralia has four press groups: Herald and Time magazine group, Murdoch news company, Fairfax and Parker News joint holding company. Among them, Murdoch news company developed the fastest, now also bought the British "The Times" and the United States "New York Post", has become an international newspaper group. The main newspapers are: "Australian newspaper", "Sydney Morning Herald", "Century", "Financial Review", "Canberra Times." Australia has more than 1,400 journals, "Australian Women's Weekly" is the largest circulation of publications. "Gazette" magazine (founded in 1880) is one of the oldest publications. The Australian news agency is Australia's largest news agency, headquartered in Sydney, 1964 and Reuters became associates.physical educationAustralia is a big sport, sports are quite popular. International sports arena, Australia's cricket, hockey, basket tennis, rugby and federated rugby have first-class levels; bicycles, rowing, swimming are also among the best in the world. Other domestic sports include Australian football, soccer, horse racing, racing, tennis, basketball, golf and track and field.Australia has hosted two summer Olympic Games, namely the 1956 Melbourne Olympics and the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Australia's medal in the Olympic Games has long been the top five in the world, swimming and track and field projects usually bring many medals. In addition, Australia is one of the holy places of global tennis, one of the four Grand Slam of the Australian Open in January each year in Melbourne. Melbourne's Abel Park track is the first race of Formula One racing (F1). Australia's watersports is very powerful, long-term in the Olympic Games to achieve good results, "water lion," said.FootballAustralianRulesFootball is unique to Australia and the Australian Australian Football Federation (AFL) is very popular. Now the British football is also popular, the establishment of the A-League British Football League. In recent years, the Australian national soccer team has become one of the most popular group sports teams in Australia. In 2006, it joined the Asian Football Association and performed well in the 2006 World Cup soccer tournament. After entering the 16th, the Australian national football team lost to the world champion Football team, in 2009 is the World Cup top ten semi-finals eight unbeaten record once again into the 2010 World Cup finals in South Africa, but eventually still in the first ring was eliminated.TennisAustralia is a big tennis player, there are a number of Grand Slam tennis stars, such as Bo Kashi, Rhodes Lavo, Patrick Lough, Leiden Hewitt, Alicia Molik, Sa Mansa Stosur, Margaret Colt, John Newcomb and so on.Australia's sports clubs are scattered throughout the country, and some high school and university sports clubs produce most of the sports elite for the country. In this regard, Australia is similar to the sporting country of the United States. Australian Tennis Open (English: AustralianOpen, referred to as: Australian Open) is one of the four Grand Slam tournaments. The match is usually held in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, in the last two weeks of January each year, and is one of the first to be held in the annual Grand Slam.The Australian Open was founded in 1905 and has a historyof more than 100 years. But compared with the other three Grand Slam events, the Australian Open is still the youngest. At the beginning of the competition was named the "Australasian Championship" (AustralasianChampionships); in 1969, the game into the "Open era." Since 1988, the competition has been carried out on the outdoor hard earth court in Melbourne Park.Competition with men's singles and doubles, women's singles and doubles and mixed doubles and other projects. The men's singles championship trophy is the NormanBrookesChallengeCup, the women's singles championship trophy is the Daphne Akhurst Memorial Cup (DaphneAkhurstMemorialCup).SwimIan James Thorpe is Australia's swimming star, has won five Olympic gold medals, is Australia's highest record so far.living habitAlthough Australia is often portrayed as a country dominated by rural areas, in fact, the dominant is the urban culture and metropolitan way of life, including the enjoyment of the world's delicacies.Australians like to drink beer, leisure time, especially the weekend, many people like friends and friends to the bar drinking chat, enjoy music, or to the park barbecue. Australia's cities give people a sense of openness, there are many open parks and green dotted the meantime. The vast majority of parks in Australia are free, the park is not even the walls, all the way out of the park path. Convenient transportation can also take people effortlessly into the national parks in the suburbs of the city.Unrestrained is the best general for Australians, Australia has a particularly strong atmosphere of freedom and freedom.People call their names every day (only called names, not names), between bosses and employees, between teachers and students. In the two cities of Sydney and Melbourne city center, usually at noon can usually see wearing a suit of white-collar workers or white-collar beauty and friends and colleagues together, sitting on the steps in front of the building to eat a simple lunch, such as sandwiches or hot dogs , White-collar people sitting on the street to eat lunch, the same is a modern metropolis, the same scene in Tokyo or Hong Kong such a place is unimaginable.Recreational activitiesAustralians love outdoor life, for example: climb the Sydney Bridge, three hundred and sixty degrees to enjoy the magnificent view of Sydney Harbor. Swim with dolphins, visit penguin paradise, come to Australia to see wild animals, ride camels walk, ride, adventure, all kinds of exciting activities everything.The Australians are both cheerful and Westerners. They are interested in sports, such as surfing, windsurfing, horse racing, fishing, bowling, Australianrulesfootball, cricket, rugby, netball and swimming There are many enthusiasts.。

Pre-reading: Tell us much as you know about the following placean 印度洋 Pacific Ocean 太平洋 Bass Strait [streɪt] 巴斯海峡 Canberra [‘kæ nbərə] 堪培拉(澳大利亚首都 ) Sydney ['sɪdni]悉尼(澳大利亚最大的城市, 新南威尔士州首府) Melbourne ['melbən]墨尔本 Queensland ['kwiː nzlənd]昆士兰州
Population and Immigration 移民
Population:22.9million (2013) British and Irish 爱尔兰 descent (血统) Official language: English Immigration policies: nondiscriminatory [‘nɒndɪs’krɪmɪnətərɪ] 不歧视的。 and all applicants to migrate must meet the same selection criteria [kraɪ‘tɪəriə]政策 .
Climate Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth
lowest rainfalls arid or semiarid Jan & Feb hottest time of the year June & July coldest months Rainfall:250mm 2000mm
Australia Fair (God Save the Queen)
商务英语英语国家概况 澳大利亚

The Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁) is not just one reef but actually a series of over 2,000 reefs stretching (延 伸)for more than 2,300 kilometres. It is the world’s largest coral (珊瑚) reef.
● (Introduction):
constitutional monarchy;
澳大利亚国家元首是英国女王,总督(Governor General) 代表女王执掌国家行政权。 Representative System of Democracy 行政、立法和司法三权分立。 行政事务由内阁(Cabinet)负责,内阁由总理(Prime Minister)主持。
● (Political Parties):
澳大利亚工党(Australian Labor Party):澳大利亚 第一大党。 自由党(Liberal Party):曾多次执政。 国家党(National Party):澳大利亚第三大党。 民主党(the Australian Demomine car
• The 1850 gold rushes attracted a flood of selffunded immigrants. It also opened up the land as not only a source of agricultural but also of mineral wealth: gold, silver, iron ore, nickel and alumina became major export industries by the end of the 20th century. Today minerals form the largest part of the export trade.

Geography & History
Location and Size Geographic Regions Climate Major Cities
Location & Size
Size—With a total area of 7.7 million square kilometers, Australia is the sixth largest country in the world, after Russia, Canada, China, the U.S. and Brazil
➢Darwin: the capital of the Northern Territory; the only large city in northern Australia
Fires Tick Farming
The Aborigines used fire as a hunting tool,they cleared
3370 kilometers long, watershed covers one 7 of the land area of Australia, is Australia's most important agricultural area. The name of this river basin is from the basin's two major rivers, the Murray and darling rivers.
2228 meters above sea level
Poland explorer schmitz, lai kay found the mountain in 1839, and the polish hero named after (1746-1817).

澳大利亚国家概况英语国家概况-澳大利亚篇中英翻译导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“英语国家概况-澳大利亚篇中英翻译”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持!three :The growth of minority cultures. Established by migration.第四阶段:多元文化社会出现; Phase four:The emergence of a multicultural society.第五阶段(1990 年以后):多元文化社会的建立。
Phase five (Post-1990):The establishment of a multicultural society.多元文化社会的建立是由于: multicultural society established by:(1)立法; legislation;(2)代表权; representation;(3)承认土著文化的价值和所有后来移民文化的贡献; recognition of value of original culture and contributions and all subsequent migrating cultures;(4)容忍和接受澳大利亚的文化差异及这种差异与澳大利亚社会的关系;tolerance and acceptance of Australia's cultural diversity and its relationship to Australia's social context.1.土著文化Aboriginal culture他们的历书是分季节的和循环的; 土著人信奉梦幻时代。
Their calendar was seasonal and cyclical: The Aboriginal people believed in the Dreamtime. the traditional culture had been lost by the mid-twentieth century.2.现代澳大利亚文化Modern Australian culture现代澳大利亚文化是许多传统和多种影响的重叠与混合物:英国的、美国的、欧洲的和亚洲的。
英语国家概况中文版 part5澳大利亚

英文版澳大利亚介绍 The Commonwealth of Australia

kangaroo •It has large
hind leg后肢, a strong tail, small forelegs, and long ears. They usually get around by hopping跳跃. Females have a pouch育儿袋 for carrying their young. The pregnancy may be as short as 25 days but the young are born prematurely so they must live in the pouch for up to eight months.
• Famouse sites: • Royal Botanic Gardens • Old Congress Building
Colonial Tramcar Restaurant
• Philippi Island
Living conditions Seaside
Australia impression
People usually use these words to discribe Australia,now,let’s have a look!澳大利亚被誉为人间 天堂,英文可分解为 amazing (叹为观止) unexpected(超乎想象) stylish(时尚之巅) tempting(诱人魅力) relaxing(悠然一刻) adventurous(体验极限) liberating(自由自在) inspiring(灵感无限) attractive(梦萦魂牵)。
Australia one day. buy a small farm ,

Local Customs 风土人情
South of Tasmania, Australia, there is "the end of the world", nature dominates all. It is the smallest state in Australia, is the only one people can can turn a circle with a few days.
The University of Sydney 悉尼大学
1. Which two oceans is Australia located between? 南太平洋和印度洋
2.What is the area of Australia?
Local Customs 风土人情 ◆ 知识问答
1. Which two oceans is Australia located between? 南太平洋和印度洋
The University of Sydney 悉尼大学
University of Sydney was founded in 1850, is located in the financial capital of Australia, Sydney city center of a world's leading history, by the authority of the media as one of the world's most beautiful university campus.
Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院
Opera house white roof is paved by Sweden terracotta, and through special processing, so not afraid of the wind, under the roof is Sydney opera performance of two places a concert hall and opera house

澳大利亚国家介绍英文含翻译1. Geography and Environment:Australia is characterized by a vast and varied landscape, including deserts, rainforests, mountains, and pristine coastlines. The famous Outback refers to the vast, arid interior, while the Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef system, lies off the northeastern coast.澳大利亚以其广阔而多样的地形而闻名,包括沙漠、热带雨林、山脉和原始海岸线。
2. Wildlife:Australia is home to a unique array of wildlife, including iconic marsupials such as kangaroos and koalas. The country is also known for its diverse bird species and reptiles, many of which are found nowhere else in the world.澳大利亚拥有独特的野生动物,包括标志性的有袋动物,如袋鼠和考拉。
3. Culture:Australia has a rich cultural heritage that reflects its Indigenous roots and the influence of immigrants from various parts of the world. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a deep connection to the land, and their art, music, and storytelling traditions are integral to the nation's identity.澳大利亚拥有丰富的文化遗产,反映了其土著根源以及来自世界各地的移民的影响。

•Sydney •Kakadu •Uluru
There are several the world renowned tourist attractions, such as the Hunter Valley Wineries, Blue Mountains or Sydney Opera House. Other tourist destinations in Sydney include the Harbour Highlights Cruise(海港特色邮轮), Jenolan Caves(纽卡索石窟). Don’t forget to take your camera .
vineyards 葡萄园
vineyards 葡萄园
Blue Mountains is located 104 kilometers west of
Sydney, a pleasant climate, beautiful scenery and the highest mountains in eastern Australia. Scenic Aspect : •Three Sisters( 三姐妹峰) •Wentworth Falls(温特沃斯瀑布)
Sydney Opera House
Hunter ValleyBlue Fra bibliotekountains
Sydney Opera House
The Sydney Opera House is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world and the building has been open for only about 30 years.The Sydney Opera House is to Australia what the pyramids(金字塔) are to Egypt.

Ⅰ.工业 Manufacturing Industry澳大利亚的制造业以制砖开始。
Manufacturing in Australia began with the making of bricks. It is estimated that 86% of all manufacturing firms are small businesses.在世界的总格局中,澳大利亚的制造业是独特的。
它的特点包括下面几点:In a world context Australian manufacturing is unique. Its features include the following:1)效率低Inefficiency澳大利亚的市场有限,它在地理上与外界的隔绝以及很高的关税壁垒是影响澳大利亚工业效率的几个因素。
Australia's limited local market, its geographical isolation and high levels of tariff protection are the factors that affect the efficiency of Australian manufacturing.效率最低并且最受保护的工业是汽车、纺织、服装和制鞋工业。
The industries that are most inefficient and most highly protected are automobile, textiles, clothing and footwear industries.2)高度集中Concentration在过去20年里,大的联合企业在澳大利亚经济中一直起中心作用。
Over the last 20 years large conglomerates have been given a central role in the Australian economy.整个钢铁工业由一个公司控制,这就是布洛肯·希尔专卖有限公司。
《英语国家概况》- Chapter 28 Australian History (1) Australia to Federation

第二十八章澳大利亚历史(I) 从土著社会至联邦成立澳大利亚的历史是起始于土著人的到来,他们是在五万年前和十万年前之间这段时间里开始在澳大利亚定居的。

AustraliaChapter27 Land and PeopleAustralia's location is easy to find on a world map. Australia is in the southern hemisphere. In other words it lies south of the equator. To the Europeans it is at the other end of the world. That is why Australia is popularly known in the West as "the Land Down Under".Australia stretches from 10°south to 44°south of latitude and 113°east to 154°east of longitude. Australia is the world's smallest continent with an area of 7.7 million square km. But Australia is a large country. It is the world's sixth largest country after Russia, Canada, China, the USA and Brazil. Australia is the only continent that contains one country. It is surrounded by the Tasman Sea and the Pacific Ocean to the east, by the Indian Ocean to the west, by the Coral Sea, the Arafura Sea and Timor Sea to the north, and the Southern Indian Ocean and the Great Australian Bight to the south. With a geological history of more than 3 billion years Australia is oneof the oldest land masses in the world. It is the flatest and lowest of the continents and the only continent where people can get to the top of the highest mountain by car. More than 50 % of the land is under 300 m and only 5 % of the land is more than 600 m above sea level. The average height is 330 m. So Australia has no high mountains. The highest point is Mount Kosciusko at 2,255 metres above sea level.I. The Geographical StructureThe geographical structure of Australia is fairly simple. It is generally divided into three topographical regions—the Great Western Plateau, the Eastern Highlands and the great lowland belt known as the Central Eastern Lowlands.Traditionally, people use some imprecise terms to refer to various regions of the country. The Outback usually refers to the interior and the centre of the Western Plateau and its northern plains. The Red Centre refers to an area with red-brown and tan soils in the heart of the country.1.The Great Western PlateauThe Western Plateau is a vast upland made of ancient rock. It covers almost two thirds of the continent. It rises from Western Australia's coastal plains to cover almost the whole of that state, the greater part of the Northern Territory, much of South Australia and a part of Western Queensland. The land is rather flat and is only about 300 m above sea level. Much of the plateau is very dry. There are few rivers and most of them have water only during the rainy season. The interior of theplateau is made up of the Great Sandy Desert, the Gibson Desert, the Great Victoria Desert and the Nullarbor Plain.2.The Eastern HighlandsThe Eastern Highlands, better known as the Great Dividing Range, follow the eastern coast south from northern Queensland to southern Tasmania. This region is never more than 400 km from the coast and in some places it is part of it. These highlands divide the eastern coast from the rest of the country.The highlands tend to be iow and broad in the north and get higher in the south. The central part sees an increasing number of tablelands, including the New England tableland and the Blue Mountains. The Australian Alps, the highest plateau in Australia, and the Snowy Mountains lie in the southern part. Mount Kosciusko, the highest peak in Australia, is also located there.The Great Dividing Range is Australia's main watershed. Short, swift rivers flow from the Eastern Highlands eastwards into the Pacific Ocean, while long inEand rivers that supply water for the fertile lands flow slowly away from the coast. Off the north-eastern coast is a 2,000 km line of coral islands and reefs known as the Great Barrier Reef. The Murray, Australia's longest river(2, 520 km),.forms the major part of the boundary between the states of New South Wales and Victoria before it enters the sea in South Australia.3. The Central Eastern LowlandsThe land between the Western Plateau and the Eastern Highlands is a great lowland known as the Central Eastern Lowlands. T'his region starts from the Gulf of Carpentaria in the north to western Victoria in thesouth. The whole area is only about 150 m above sea level. At Lake Eyre it drops to almost 12 m below sea level. Lake Eyre is regarded as Australia's largest lake, but it is known as a part-time lake. Most of the time it has no water at all. In 1974 it was filled with water, making the lake 5.7 m deep at its deepest point. But scientists have estimated that this probably happens only once every 1,000 years. This lowland area has the country's richest farmland and best grazing land.II. ClimateMost Australians do not know their continent very well because they live on the cool, wet, forested south-east coastland. This is the most pleasant part of the country and the forests are unique but it is not1. A hot continentThe hottest parts of the planet are the tropical latitudes, between 23°north and south of the equator. 39 % of Australia lies in the tropics and the rest of the continent also has a warm climate. Australia's average monthly temperatures are generally between 20°30°C in summer and 10°-20°C in winter. These are higher than any other continent. In the tropics it is warm to hot all year and there is no winter. Australia has no areas with temperatures below zero for a number of months. Only the highest peaks of the Snowy mountains and Victorian Highlandsexperience regular winter snowfall and icy conditions.2. A dry continentAustralia is a dry land. More than half of Australia receives less than 350 mm of rainfall each year. One third of Australia has less than 250 mm. We refer to areas receiving less than 350 mm as dry-land. So large areas of the continent are covered by drylands. The lowest annual rainfall occurs at Lake Eyre in South Australia, which has only 100 mm. Inner Western Australia also has an extremely low rainfall. The highest rainfall is on the eastern coast of Queens land, which is 4.3 m. The Snowy Mountains and the western Tasmanian mountains also have high rainfalls.A rain day is one in which 0.2 mm or more of rain is recorded. In Tasmania, southern Victoria, parts of the northern Queensland coast and in the most south-westerly parts of Western Australia there are more than 150 rain days in a year. From the north-western coast of Western Australia through to the heart of the continent there are often less than 25 rain days in a year.Drought is a fact of life in Australia There have been nine major droughts since European colonization in 1788. The worst one, which was between 1885 and 1903, affected the whole of Australia. The sheep numbers were reduced by half and cattle numbers by 4096. Probably the second most severe drought occurred between 1958 and 1968, and other, less catastrophic, droughts occurred between 1864 and 1866, 1880 and 1886, in 1888, between 1911 and 1916, 1918 and 1920, 1939 and 1945, and between 1982 and 1983.3. Causes and effects of the hot and dry climateAustralia is hot and dry because of the following factors: First, most of Australia ties 20°and 35°south. This is a hot, dry area of the world. Secondly, Australia has few mountains. Mountain areas have cool, wet climates but Australia has few areas like this. Thirdly, the air masses that affect Australia for most of the year are dry, sunny, high pressure cells. Finally, distance from the ocean also affects the weather, Most of Australia is far from the oceans.The climate has a great effect on vegetation. The hot dry conditions that are found over most of the continent are suitable for small plants such as grasses and shrubs rather than forests.III. Plants and AnimalsAustralia's best known plants and animals are not only adapted to these hot dry conditions but many are unique to the continent. Eucalypts and wattles are drought and fire resistant and grow in poor soils. Kangaroos and emus, the largest native desert animals, can survive in hot conditions, need little moisture arid can travel over long distances in search of food and water. The budgerigar, which is kept as a pet all over the world, can live in desert areas for up to 30 days without water. In Australia about half of the native animals are marsupials. Mar-supials are animals whose babies are raised in a bag of skin called a pouch on the mother's belly. Apart from kangaroos marsupials include koalas, wombats, and possums. Echidnas(spiny ant-eater) and platypus are monotremes. They lay eggs and suckle their young.IV. People1. PopulationIn 1787 the population of Australia consisted of about 300 , 000 A-boriginal people. Today (1996) Australia's population is about 18 million or about two people to the square kilometre. This has more than doubled since 1945. There are now about 250,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people—about 1.5 % of Australia's population. The overwhelming majority are immigrants from over 30 countries, or their descendants. These people have come from other countries with a different way of life, often with different Ianguag, religions, dress, customs, food and sports. In recent years Australian governments have encouraged people with different ethnic backgrounds to keep their own cultures. This policy is called multiculturalism.Although Australians are the descendants of many nations, Great Britain has had the greatest influence because Australia was settled as a British colony. The Australian population is still mainly of British descent. There are many aspects of Australian way of life that are British: their language, system of government, the Australian flag, legal system, sports, family and place names and even school system (including school uniforms). Two hundred years after the arrival of the First Fleet, the head of the Australian government is not their Prime Minister, but the Queen of England. Although this influence is declining, it is still obvious in the way of life of every Australian community. While the influence of Britain is still considerable, the increasing influence of other countries is obvious. The United States of America is one suchcountry and Japan is another. Australia is becoming a multicultural society, at least in major cities.2. Population density and distributionAustralia is one of the most urbanized countries in the world.80 % of Australians live in the suburbs of coastal cities and towns, with most of these in the narrow coastal strip between Brisbane and Adelaide. Over much of the rest of the continent the population density drops below one person per square kilometre. Only 15% of Australians live in rural areas.Why are there so few people in Australia? Why do so many people prefer to live in a coastal city or town? The main reason is an envi-ronmental one. The hot, dry environment of most of the continent contains little water and food, so it could support only small num-bers of people. That is why Australia has always been a continent with few people. The hot, dry environment has also had a great influence on population distributiOn. Since the north and centre of the continent are generally hot and/or dry, 80 % of Australians live in the cooler, wetter south and east. Even after many thousands of years of Aboriginal occupation and two hundred years of European settlement, the interior is still a lonely space with few people. Lack of water, poor soils, heat and distance from the coast discourage people from living there.V. Australia's Built EnvironmentThe environment can be divided into two types—the natural and the built. The natural environment consists of living and non-living features.The built environment refers to those parts of the environment built by people or changed by people.1. Sprawling citiesThe populations of Australian cities are not large when compared to the big cities in other countries but Australian cities are large if we look at the area of land they occupy. The term "urban sprawl" is used to describe -a city that has grown over a large area of land. Urban sprawl occurs because most Australians prefer to live as small family units in their own homes on their own blocks of land, rather than share buildings or land in the form of flats, home units, townhouses or villas. This appears to be changing as shared buildings are becoming more popular. But today there are still 72 % of Australians who own homes. Most houses have one story of three or four rooms with a front garden and a small backyard. Nearby their houses Australians can get inexpensive facilities for tennis, cricket, golf, and lawn bowling. Many Australian cities have tree-lined streets and lovely parks. Traffic drives on the left side of the road like in Britain.Among the five cities with a population of more than one million, four of them (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide) are located on the eastern coast while one of them (Perth) is on the western coast.2. Rural areasAbout 17 % of Australia is used to grow crops such as wheat, other grains, oilseed, cotton, rice, fruit, vegetables and sugar cane. About 60 % of the land is used for sheep and cattle grazing on large properties called stations. Sheep farmers take care of thousands of sheep. They lead fairly isolated lives. In the thinly populated outback, they havebeen so successful that Australia has ranked first in the world export of wool. Apart from crops, pastures and livestock there are other built features such as towns, transport links, communication links, power lines, dams and farm buildings. Aircraft and radio are used to help these people in the outback. Children learn their lessons through a radio educational system called School of the Air. Lessons are transmitted by radio. Homework is now exchanged by fax. People can also use radio to call doctors who will come by plane. They are called flying doctors.About 10% of Australia is not used and while most of this is desert it also includes some rugged mountain areas in the south-east. The uninhabited desert areas have little water and few minerals.The other 1004 of Australia is used in a number of ways. Most of this area consists of large Aboriginal Reserves in central and northern Australia, Arnhem Land for example. A small area of the continent is used for forests or conservation purposes, for example, Royal National Park, Snowy Mountains National Park.VI. Political DivisionsAustralia is politically divided into six states and two territories. Except for the border between New South Wales and Victoria, part of the New South Wales-Queensland border, and the borders of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), the Australian political division borders are drawn along straight lines of latitude and longitude instead of along natural features. Each of the six states and two territories has an independent access to the sea. Even the Australian CapitalTerritory has a sea access on Jervis Bay.1.New South WalesNew South Wales is located in the south-east of Australia. As the firststates. That is why it is called the premier state. It is the fourth in size but it has the largest population( six million in 1993). It leads the country in industry, shipping and agriculture. It has more factories than any other state. They mostly lie along the coastal plain and make everything from textiles to motorcars and from plastic toys to agricultural machinery. Sydney, its capital, is the largest city in Australia with a population of 3. 6 million. It is one of the world's great seaports.2.VictoriaVictoria is in the south-eastern corner of the mainland Australia. It became a colony in 1851. It grew rapidly during the goldrushes of the 1850s. Though the smallest mainland state, Victoria has an importance in the country's economy far greater than its size might indicate. 4.5 million people live there. Its economy is based on agricultural and pastoral industries. It produces about a quarter of Australia's rural output. It has a broadly based manufacturing industry and highly developed service industries. Melbourne, the capital of Victoria, is Australia's second largest city - It has a population of 3. 1 million. It is also regarded as the cultural and sports centre of Australia. Victoria has snow-capped mountains in the Australian Alps, lovely valleys and volcanic plains. It is also known as the garden state.3.QueenslandThe second largest and youngest state, Queensland, occupies the tropical north-eastern corner of Australia. It is the third most populous with a population of 3. 1 million. More than one million live in Brisbane, the capital. Queensland accounts for a fifth of Australia's agricultural and mining production and about a quarter of the value of its exports. Queensland is also called the sunshine state because it has 7. 5 hours of sunshine daily. The sunniest in Australia is Darwin, with 8.4 hours of sunshine daily.Brisbane is the gateway to two of Australia' s major tourist playgrounds, the Gold Coast and the Great Barrier Reef.4.South Australiahas a population of 1. 6 million. Its agriculture is most prosperous in the fertile south-eastern corner. South Australia also has valuable minerals. Half of the world's opals are found there. South Australia is also a leader in shipbuilding and lumbering.Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, is internationally known for its arts festival. Every other year, leaders in music, drama, and dance from many parts of the world join Australian artists for a fortnight of cultural events, including jazz, ballet and art exhibitions.5.Western AustraliaWestern Australia is the biggest Australian state, accounting for one third of the total area of the country, but its population ( about 1.5 million) is only 9% of the country's population. Western Australia isalso known as the state of excitement. Western Australia has enormous mineral wealth and accounts for about a quarter of the national income through its mineral exports. Perth, the capital city of Western Australia, has more than half the population in the state. Situated on the estuary of the Swan River, Perth is a beautiful city with a perfect climate.6.TasmaniaTasmania is the smallest of the Australian states. It is an island lying south of the south-eastern corner of the Australian mainland. It is the second oldest of the Australian states with a population of about half a million. Tasmania is often called the holiday isle. It offers some of the most beautiful scenic attractions in Australia. The Tasmanian Wilderness which consists of the Cradle Mountain-Lake, St Clair National Park, the Franklin-Lower Gordon Wild Rivers National Pak and the Southwest National Park is on the World Heritage List. Hobart is the capital city of Tasmania. It is a beautiful modern city located at the foot of Mount Wellington, which is often snow-capped. It has a deep harbour and a big casino.7. Northern TerritoryThe Northern Territory covers nearly a fifth of the continent. It is more than twice the size of France and as far from north to south as New York to Miami. Most of it is in the tropics. It is sparsely populated with a little more than 160, 000 people, about half of whom live in Darwin, the capital. Cattle-raising is the main industry in this region. Some of the cattle stations are as large as some of the smaller states of the United States. The Territory is also rich in mineral resources.The southern area of the Northern Territory is the famous Red Centre of Australia. It consists of miles and miles of red-sand desert and mountain ranges. Uluru (it used to be called Ayers Rock) has probably Australia's best known national park and the rock itself probably attracts more overseas visitors than any other national scenic feature in Australia.Darwin is the only large city on the entire northern coast of Australia. The city is like a frontier town and often serves as the place of entrance and exit for people who come to visit the area.8. Australian Capital TerritoryShortly after the Australian colonies joined together to form a federation in 1901, it was decided that the new nation should have a new seat of government. So the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), an area of 2, 333 square km, was mapped out of the state of New South Wales to be the site of the national capital. "Canburry" is an Aboriginal word for "meeting place" and from it came the name of the capital, Canberra. Today it is a meeting place for the nation and for many international conferences. It has a population of 300,000. Canberra is also called the garden city because of its beautiful layout.一.Question on the chapter1. Describe briefly the geographical location of Australia.2. What are the geographical features of Australia as a continent?3. Identify the three topographical regions into which Australia is divided.What are the general characteristics of each regionT4. Describe Australia's climate.5. What are the causes and effects of such a climate?6. What are the most common plants and animals in Australia?7. Why is Australia known as a multicultural society?8. Why are there so few people in Australia? Why do so many people preferto live in a coastal city or town?9. What is "urban sprawl"? Describe Australia's built environment.10. How is Australia politically divided?11. DesCribe some of the characteristics of at least two regions.二. 精讲Ⅰ.Introduction1. Geographical location of AustraliaAustralia is in the southern hemisphere. In other words it lies south of theequator. It is surrounded by the Tasman Sea and the Pacific Ocean to the east, by the Indian Ocean to the west, by the Coral Sea, the Arafura Sea and Timor Sea to the north, and the Southern Indian Ocean and the Great AustralianBight to the south.2. Australia is popularly known in the West as ―the Land Down Under‖.3. The geographical features of Australia as a continent① Aust ralia is the world’s smallest continent.② Australia is the only continent that contains one country.③ It is the flattest and lowest of the continents and the only continent wherepeople can get to the top of the highest mountain by car.4. Australia is the world’s sixth largest country after Russia, Canada, China, theUSA and Brazil.5. The highest point is Mount Kosciusko at 2,255 metres above sea level.Ⅱ.The Geographical Structure1. Three topographical regions: ①the Great Western Plateau; ②the EasternHighlands; ③ the great lowland belt known as the Central Eastern Lowlands.2. Features:Ⅲ.Climate1. General feature: hot and dry.① A hot continent.② A dry continent.a. The lowest annual rainfall occurs at Lake Eyre in South Australia; Thehighest rainfall is on the eastern coast of Queensland.b. Drought is a fact of life in Australia. The worst one, which was between1885 and 1903, affected the whole of Australia.2. Causes of the climate① Most of Australia lies 20°and 35°south. This is a hot, dry area of the world.② Australia has few mountains.③ The air masses are dry, sunny, high pressure cells.④ Distance from the ocean also affects the weather.3. Effects of the climate: The climate has a great effect on vegetation. Only smallplants are suitable to grow.Ⅳ.Plants and Animals1. Plants: ① Eucalypts; ② wattles.2. Animals: ① Kangaroos (Marsupials refers to animals whose babies are raisedin a bag of skin called a pouch on the mother’s belly); ② emus; ③ budgerigar. Ⅴ.People1. Population① The reason for Australia become a multicultural society: Aboriginal peoplecover about 1.5% of Australia’s population. The majority are immigrants from over 30 countries, or their descendants. These people have come from other countries with a different culture. Australian governments have encouraged people to keep their own cultures. This policy is called multiculturalism.② The influence made by other countries: Great Britain has had the greatestinfluence because Australia was settled as a British colony. The increasing influence of other countries is obvious. The United States of America is one such country and Japan is another.2. Population density and distribution① 80% of Australians live in the suburbs, and only 15% of them live in ruralareas.② The main reason for few people live in Australia is an environmental one.The hot, dry environment of most of the continent contains little water and food, so it could support only small numbers of people.③ The reason for people prefer to live in a coastal city or town: The north andcentre of the continent are generally hot and dry, so 80% of Australians live in the cooler, wetter south and east.Ⅵ.Australia’s Built Environment1. The built environment refers to those parts of the environment built by peopleor changed by people.2. Sprawling cities①The term ―urban sprawl‖ is used to describe a city that has grown over alarge area of land. And that is because most Australians prefer to live in their own homes. Today there are still 72% of Australians who own homes. Most houses have one story of three or four rooms with a front garden and a small backyard.② Five cities with a population of more than one million:a. Eastern coast: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Adelaide.b. Western coast: Perth.3. Rural areas① Australia has ranked first in the world export of wool.② Children learn their lessons through a radio educational system calledSchool of the Air.③ People can also use radio to call doctors who will come by plane. They arecalled flying doctors.Ⅶ.Political Divisions五. 试题I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statements or answers the question.1. Like the island continent of Antarctica, Australia is located entirely in______.A. the Northern HemisphereB. the Southern HemisphereC. the North PoleD. the South Pole2. With regard to its size, Australia is ______ country in the world.A. the third largestB. the fourth largestC. the fifth largestD. the sixth largest3. The geographical structure of Australia is generally divided into threetopographical regions: ______.A. the Eastern Plateau, the Central highlands and the Western LowlandsB. the Central Plateau, the Western Highlands and the Eastern LowlandsC. the Western Plateau, the Eastern highlands and the Central EasternLowlandsD. the Central Plateau, the Western highlands and the Eastern Lowlands4. Although Australia has a large area, ______ of the continent is desert orsemi-desert.A. one thirdB. two thirdsC. halfD. more than half5. Most Australians live on the cool, wet, forested ______.A. southeast coastlandB. southwest coastlandC. northeast coastlandD. northwest coastland6. The only places in Australia that experience regular winter snowfall andicy conditions are ______.A. the eastern coastal areas of QueenslandB. the Blue MountainsC. the New England TablelandD. the highest peaks of the Snowy Mountains and Victorian Highlands7. Australia's most common plans are ______.A. oaks and elmsB. palms and pinesC. willows and poplarsD. eucalypts and wattles8. What animals are regarded as Australia's national fauna?A. Koalas and possums.B. Emus and kangaroos.C. Echidnas and platypuses.D. Budgerigars and cockatoos.9. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people constitute ______ofAustralia's population.A. 1%B. 1.5%C. 2%D. 2.5%10. Why has Australia always been a continent with few people?A. Because Australia is too far away from Europe.B. Because Australia is the least mountainous and most level of theworld's continents.C. Because Australia is separated from the rest of the world by seas.D. Because most of the continent is hot and dry.11. Australia is politically divided into _____ states and _____ territories.A. four/threeB. five/twoC. six/threeD. six/two12. Australia is a nation of immigrants because the overwhelming majority ofthe Australian population are ______.A. whiteB. middle class peopleC. tourists from other countriesD. immigrants or their descendants。

澳大利亚——一个格外美丽的国家Australia is a land of exceptional beauty. It is the world’s smallest continent and largest island, and a relatively young nation established in an ancient land. A series of geological and historical accidents has made Australia one of the world’s most attractive countries from the tourist’s viewpoint. This country has a land area of 7,686,850 square kilometers and its coastline is 36,735 kilometers.澳大利亚是一个格外美丽的国家。
The vast movements of the earth’s crust created a vast land of Australia, isolated it and positioned it across the tropical and temperate climatic zones. This land has a small population, which left enormous areas unspoiled. Here you witness an astonishing variety of environments, from desert to rain forest, tropical beach to white snowfield, from big, sophisticated cities to vast uninhabited areas. The tourist will admire a wide array of unique and intriguing fauna and flora, comfortable and sunny climate, and an interesting, cosmopolitan and friendly people.地壳的剧烈运动造就了澳大利亚独特的地貌,它幅员辽阔、与大陆分离、地处温、热带地区的国家。

第三十章澳大利亚经济 Chapter 30 The EconomyⅠ.工业 Manufacturing Industry澳大利亚的制造业以制砖开始。
Manufacturing in Australia began with the making of bricks. It is estimated that 86% of all manufacturing firms are small businesses.在世界的总格局中,澳大利亚的制造业是独特的。
它的特点包括下面几点:In a world context Australian manufacturing is unique. Its features include the following: 1)效率低Inefficiency澳大利亚的市场有限,它在地理上与外界的隔绝以及很高的关税壁垒是影响澳大利亚工业效率的几个因素。
Australia's limited local market, its geographical isolation and high levels of tariff protection are the factors that affect the efficiency of Australian manufacturing.效率最低并且最受保护的工业是汽车、纺织、服装和制鞋工业。
The industries that are most inefficient and most highly protected are automobile, textiles, clothing and footwear industries.2)高度集中Concentration在过去20年里,大的联合企业在澳大利亚经济中一直起中心作用。
Over the last 20 years large conglomerates have been given a central role in the Australian economy.整个钢铁工业由一个公司控制,这就是布洛肯·希尔专卖。

Australia's unique landscape boasts a variety of world-renowned ns。
including the Great Barrier Reef。
Ayers Rock。
Kakadu nal Park。
and the Sydney Opera House。
the country has thousands of kilometers of stunning beaches and large skiing resorts。
making it a n for both XXX.To promote tourism。
Australia has established offices in many cities around the world。
including Auckland。
Hong Kong。
Los Angeles。
New York。
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第三十章澳大利亚经济 Chapter 30 The EconomyⅠ.工业 Manufacturing Industry澳大利亚的制造业以制砖开始。
Manufacturing in Australia began with the making of bricks. It is estimated that 86% of all manufacturing firms are small businesses.在世界的总格局中,澳大利亚的制造业是独特的。
它的特点包括下面几点:In a world context Australian manufacturing is unique. Its features include the following:1)效率低Inefficiency澳大利亚的市场有限,它在地理上与外界的隔绝以及很高的关税壁垒是影响澳大利亚工业效率的几个因素。
Australia's limited local market, its geographical isolation and high levels of tariff protection are the factors that affect the efficiency of Australian manufacturing.效率最低并且最受保护的工业是汽车、纺织、服装和制鞋工业。
The industries that are most inefficient and most highly protected are automobile, textiles, clothing and footwear industries.2)高度集中Concentration在过去20年里,大的联合企业在澳大利亚经济中一直起中心作用。
Over the last 20 years large conglomerates have been given a central role in the Australian economy.整个钢铁工业由一个公司控制,这就是布洛肯·希尔专卖有限公司。
The entire steel industry is in the hands of one company, the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited (BHP).3)外国投资Foreign investment澳大利亚的制造业在很大程度上依靠外国投资。
Australian manufacturing relies heavily on foreign investment. Companies that are foreign-owned tend to be more profitable than their Australian counterparts.Ⅱ.农业 Agriculture200年前,澳大利亚是一个没有农业的大陆。
200 years ago Australia was a land without agriculture. Today, agriculture is the nation's largest and most diverse industry. Australia is one of the world's leadingproducers of food and natural fibers.澳大利亚是世界上最大的羊毛出口国,第二大肉类出口国,第三大小麦出口国,Australia is the world's largest exporter of wool, the second largest exporter of meat, the third largest exporter of wheat。
In terms of area Australia is almost as large as the USA (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) and larger than the whole of Western Europe.澳大利亚农业史上的一个重要因素是参与世界竞争的能力。
A key factor in the history of agriculture in Australia has been the ability to compete on world markets,起初,澳大利亚享受优先进入英国市场的优惠,这对澳大利亚农业的繁荣是相当重要的。
In the early days, Australia's preferential access to the British market was important to the prosperity of Australian farming.Ⅲ.矿产和能源工业 The Minerals and Energy Industry澳大利亚自然资源丰富,是世界上最大的矿物和金属生产大国。
也是世界上最大的煤出口国Australia is rich in natural resources. It is one of the world's biggest producers of minerals and metals.It is also the world's largest exporter of coal,矿物和能源工业是澳大利亚的经济中心,从19世纪以来,一直是国家发展的主要"催化剂",现在它是出口创汇的主要来源。
The minerals and energy industry is central to the Australian economy. It has been a major catalyst to national development since the 19th century. It is now a major source of export earnings.在20世纪70年代早期,日本对铁矿石和煤的进口需求衰减了。
in the early 1970s, because of the energy crisis the demand in Japan for imports of iron ore and coal declined. This limited market opportunities for Australia, 澳大利亚采矿业面临着新问题。
The mining industry in Australia has faced new problems1)以保护环境之名授予土著人土地权力,结果矿藏受到限制Mineral access has been restricted in the name of environmental protection and also as a consequence of the granting of Aboriginal land rights.2)与采矿有关的各种疾病发病率高the high incidence of mining-related diseasesⅣ.服务业 Service Industries澳大利亚的服务业是产业中发展最快的一个部分,Australia's service sector is the fastest-growing sector of industry.Ⅴ.贸易 Trade澳大利亚是中等水平的贸易国家Australia is a middle-level trading nation.澳大利亚贸易的主要特点是以原材料换制成品。
这有两个原因:The main feature of Australia's trade is that it has always involved the exchange of raw materials for finished products. There are two reasons.1)国内市场太小,制造商不能有效地运作;One is that the home market is too small for manufacturers to operate efficiently.2)由于在海外可以达到规模经济,从欧洲、美国以及最近从亚洲来的商品一直比澳大利亚生产的产品便宜。
The other is that goods from Europe, the US and recently Asia have always been cheaper than those produced in Australia because of the economies of scale available overseas.在定居后的第一个一百年,典型的贸易活动是把羊毛运到英国而后运回毛料衣服。
For the first 100 years of settlement, a typical trade transaction was a shipment of wool to Britain and a return shipment of woolen suits, In Australia's second century, a typical export has been iron ore shipped to Japan and a return shipment of Japanese motor cars.这种特殊性有两重效果:Such specialization has been double-edged.1)它意味着可以从全世界买到广泛的制成品,On the one hand, it has meant access to a very broad range of finished goods from around the world.2)它使得澳大利亚非常容易受商品价格涨落周期的影响。