



提示 •• 如果您的车载音响没有 REM 控制信号输出, 请将遥控输入终端 (REM) 连接至辅助电源。 •• 为避免电源端子短路, 请您连接好电源线后用随附的螺丝将电源端子防护盖按下图安装好。
4 使用功放器
选择 HPF/LPF 模式 1 将 LPF 或 HPF 滑到选定模式。
HPF (高通 滤波器) 80Hz 过滤更多低频信号。 如果您想要获得更弱 的低音效果, 请选择 该项。
ZH-CN 51
j SPEAKER OUTPUT • 连接扬声器或低音扬声器。 k 保险丝: 25A x 2 l POWER (GND/REM/+12V) • 连接 +12 伏直流电源线、 地线和遥 控器连接线。
3 安装
注 •• 按照所有安装和接线说明执行操作。
环境信息 已省去所有不必要的包装。 我们努力使包装 易于分为三种材料: 纸板 (盒) 、 泡沫塑料 (缓冲物) 和聚乙烯 (袋、 保护性泡沫片) 。 您的系统包含可回收利用的材料 (如果由专 业公司拆卸) 。 请遵守当地有关包装材料、 废 电池和旧设备的处理的规定。 如果用户未经 Philips 优质生活部门的明确 许可而擅自对此设备进行更改或修改, 则可 能导致其无权操作此设备。 2010 © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 保留所有权利。 规格如有更改, 恕不另行通知。 所有商标均 是 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 或 它们各自所有者的财产。 Philips 保留随时更 改产品的权利, 而且没有义务对较早前提供 的产品进行相应的调整。



飞利浦工厂调试与设置说明Instructions for Debugging and Setting of Philips Plant一:手动亮暗平衡的测试/Manual test on light/dark balance1、操作方法/Operation methodA、按PROD键进入“B/W BALANC E”状态,此时将处于并显示第一个可调项“副亮度(SUB-BRIGBT)”,亮暗平衡调试的OSD显示为项部单行。

Press the PRO D key to enter the “B/W BALANCE” condition. At this time, the first adjustable item, the “SUB-BRIGHT” is displayed on the screen. The ON-SCREEN DISPLAY (OSD) of the light/dark debug is in single row.B、在此状态下按TV/A V键可显示软件内部白场/暗场,便于工厂进行亮暗平衡调试接P+/P-翻页选择要调试的项目。

In this state, press the TV/A V key to display the white/dark field in the software, which facilities the debugging of light/dark balance by the plant, then, press the P+/P key to select items to be debugged.C、按VOL+或VOL-对选择到的项目进行增/减调整。

Press the VOL+/VOL- key to realize up/down adjustment of the volume of the selected items.D、重复B、C步骤,直至调到满意结果,然后按2次PROD键退出。

飞利浦 AHR4144WKS 室内加热器(踢脚线电暖器) 使用手册说明书

飞利浦 AHR4144WKS 室内加热器(踢脚线电暖器) 使用手册说明书
7 使用方法
6. 长按“ ”键3秒可对其他功
长按“ ”键3秒,即可解锁,
7. 熄屏功能:本机工作状态下,无
废弃回收提示: 为了更好地关爱及保护地球,当用户不再需要此产品或产品寿命终止时,请遵守国家废弃电器电子产品 回收处理相关法律法规,将其交给当地具有国家认可的回收处理资质的厂商进行回收处理,如不当利用 或处置可能会对环境和人类健康造成影响。
出之日起二年内,如因生产厂家质量问题所引 起的故障,凭购买发票或本卡至本厂或特约维修部给予免费修理。因用户使用不当 引起的故障或无购买发票或无本卡,仍给予修理,费用自理。
维修结果 维修人员
• 因为加热器被覆盖或不正确的放置 会引起火灾,故不得利用带有可自
动接通电源的程序器,定时器或任 警告:为避免过热,禁止覆盖加热器。 何其他装置来使用本加热器。
• 不得用湿手操作取暖器开关或拔掉
• 防护保护罩对儿童或残疾人没有提


飞利浦灯泡培 训
1、飞利浦石英灯泡- 强度高!
采用石英玻璃,分子结构规律紧密,强度高。可加更 大气压从而增加了寿命。
• 石英玻璃比列非常重要,技术含量也很高,使得 很多跨国大公司望而怯步,但国内一些小单位倒是 无畏困难,积极仿造,可谓“精神可嘉”
H7 投射式和反射式两种
• H7S 投射式车灯专用 • H7R 反射式车灯专用
注 : 1. H4 仅有反射式车灯
2. 全系列均有E-Mark 认证
24754 超亮、超长寿、耐震
HeavyDuty 隆重上市
• 省钱是根本 安全最省钱前面已讲了事故多发在晚上
• 明智使用飞利浦耐震灯泡 1. 飞利浦灯泡寿命至少是一般灯泡的 3-5 倍。 a. 按使用寿命计算就省钱了.
W + 2 Br WBr2
1000° C
2Br 石英玻璃 W 钨丝 結合 分解
在适当的温度条件下,从灯丝蒸发出来的钨原子在泡壁区 域内与卤素(碘,氟,氯,溴等)反应形成挥发性的卤钨化 合物。当卤钨化合物扩散到较热的灯丝周围区域时又分解成 卤素和钨,释放出来的钨部分回到灯丝上,而卤素再继续扩 散到温度较低的区域与钨化合,这一过程称为卤钨循环或再 生循环.
- 强度高 - 物理特性
- 化学特性
- 抗紫外线
为什么大家喜欢用飞利浦了?原因一就是石英玻璃。那么,原因二?原因三? 原因四?原因五…
卤素系列: 飞利浦-精准钨丝配置
定位偏差 (ghost image) 更模糊 More haze 輝度下降50%

Philips Master LED HPL 4Klm 24W 840 E27 产品说明说明书

Philips Master LED HPL 4Klm 24W 840 E27 产品说明说明书

MASTER - LED HID HPLMAS LED HPL M 4Klm 24W 840 E27 FR GPhilips Master LED HPL lamps offer an easy and short payback LED solution to replace High Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps. The products bring the energyefficiency and long lifetime benefits of LED to HID HPL replacement and provide instant saving and low initial investment. With the right lamp size and lightdistribution, you can easily retrofit Master LED HPL urban lamps and bypass the existing ballast while enhancing the lighting quality.Warnings and Safety•Please refer to the installation guide or consult a Philips Lighting representative for wiring diagram and instructions.Product dataGeneral InformationCap-Base E27 [E27]Nominal lifetime 50,000 hour(s)Switching Cycle 50,000Lighting Technology LED EU RoHS compliantYes Flux measurement referenceSphereLight TechnicalColor Code 840 [CCT of 4000K]Beam Angle (Nom)300 degree(s)Luminous Flux 4,000 lm Color DesignationCool White (CW)Correlated Color Temperature (Nom)4000 K Luminous Efficacy (rated) (Nom)166 lm/W Color Consistency<6Color rendering index (CRI)80LLMF At End Of Nominal Lifetime (Nom)70 %Flickering value (PstLM)1Stroboscopic effect value (SVM)1.6Photobiological safety according to EN 62471RG0Operating and ElectricalLine Frequency 50 to 60 Hz Input Frequency50 to 60 Hz Power Consumption 24 W Lamp Current (Nom)110 mA Starting Time (Nom)0.5 s Warm-up time to 60% light 45 s Power Factor (Fraction)0.9Voltage (Nom)220-240 V Max. lamp no. on MCB B type 10A - Mains8LightingMax. lamp no. on MCB B type 10A – EM ballastwithout Comp. Cap.-Max. lamp no. on MCB B type 10A – EM ballastwith Comp. Cap.-Max. lamp no. on MCB B type 16A - Mains13Max. lamp no. on MCB B type 16A – EM ballastwithout Comp. Cap.-Max. lamp no. on MCB B type 16A – EM ballastwith Comp. Cap.-TemperatureAmbient temperature range-30 to +45 °CT-Case Maximum (Nom)55 °CControls and DimmingDimmable NoMechanical and HousingBulb Finish FrostedBulb Material GlassBulb Shape Tube, single-ended Approval and ApplicationEnergy Efficiency Class CEnergy Consumption kWh/1000 h24 kWhEPREL Registration Number1363718Product DataOrder product name MAS LED HPL M 4Klm 24W 840 E27FR GFull product name MAS LED HPL M 4Klm 24W 840 E27FR GFull product code871951445199500Order code929003531002Material Nr. (12NC)929003531002Numerator - Quantity Per Pack1EAN/UPC - Product/Case8719514451995Numerator - Packs per outer box6EAN/UPC - Case8719514452008Dimensional drawingPhotometric data040802060100[nm]I n t e n s i t y (%Spectral Power Distribution ColourLifetimeF a i l u r e r a t ei n %060402080100080000600002000040000Time (hours)100000Life Expectancy Diagram - MAS LED HPL M 4Klm 24W 840 E27 FR G L u m e n in %5060708090100Burning hoursLumen Maintenance Diagram - MAS LED HPL M 4Klm 24W 840 E27 FR G© 2023 Signify Holding All rights reserved. Signify does not give any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information included herein and shall not be liable for any action in reliance thereon. The。



本资料所列数据仅供参考,具体产品数据以产品说明书为准,如有更改恕不另行通知昕诺飞控股版权所有,未经许可,禁止全部及部分复制https:///zh-cn 2022年 印刷于上海产品目录2022年飞利浦专业经销渠道LED 照明产品系列专业经销*本手册所有数据来源于昕诺飞实验室。

目录ContentLED Lamp Series P01 LED光源系列LED Linear LightSeriesP23LED线性灯系列LED Downlight &SpotlightSeriesP49LED筒射灯系列Integrated CeilingSeriesP39集成吊顶系列LED CeilingSeriesP75LED吸顶灯系列Module DrivenSeriesP107模组驱动系列LED WholesaleLuminaireSeriesP113批发专业灯具系列SwitchSeriesP137开关系列恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版娇小玲珑 自然真色彩• 更舒适:舒视光技术,无可视频闪,远离蓝光危害,营造舒适的照明环境,确保用眼健康 穹顶光学设计,光线照射角度相比一般球泡增加50度,有效提升光线均匀度并降低40% 眩光,提高视觉舒适度• 更真实:显色指数90以上,完美展现物体如同在阳光下真实而自然的色彩• 更小巧:小巧精致,完美契合各种类型的灯具,小空间、大亮度• 更长寿:15000小时长寿命,出色的流明维持率恒亮型LED小球泡真彩版02恒亮型小球泡真彩版恒亮型球泡真彩版商用LED PAR30L 恒亮型LED 飞碟灯经济型MR16恒亮型LED 灯泡上的交错光学网点有助于提升光线均匀分布及降低眩光• 光线较上一代飞利浦LED 球泡更均匀分布10%• 光线投射角度可增加50度并降低眩光40%穹顶透射光学设计恒亮型LED *舒适优选 怡目设计。

访问/eyecomfort 了解关于闪烁、频闪和其他标准以及产品信息恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 3W E27 3000K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 3W E27 6500K 220V恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 3.5W E27 3000K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 3.5W E27 6500K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 5W E27 3000K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 5W E27 6500K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 6.5W E27 3000K 220V恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 6.5W E27 6500K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 8W E27 3000K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 8W E27 6500K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 3.5W E14 3000K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 3.5W E14 6500K 220V 恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 6.5W E14 3000K 220V恒亮型LED 小球泡真彩版 6.5W E14 6500K 220V白色白色白色白色白色白色白色白色白色白色白色白色白色白色30006500300065003000650030006500300065003000650030006500220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-240220-24025025035035045045055055075075035035055055015000150001500015000150001500015000150001500015000150001500015000150009290029736099290029737099290029740099290029741099290029742099290029743099290029744099290029745099290029746299290029747299290029750099290029751099290029754099290029755093W/E273W/E273.5W/E273.5W/E275W/E275W/E276.5W/E276.5W/E278W/E278W/E273.5W/E143.5W/E146.5W/E146.5W/E149090909090909090909090909090经济型GU10恒亮型Globe 经济型LED恒亮型LED 柱泡全幅大广角 柔光更明亮• 更明亮:柱型设计使发光角度扩大10%,涡型导光设计使出光面增加15%,结合高亮度设计令亮度 提升18%,打造更明亮的空间;长时间使用,亮度依旧• 更舒适:涡型导光设计使光更加均匀,舒视光技术无可视频闪,远离蓝光危害,保护用眼健康• 更真实:展现环境和物体在太阳下的真实色彩• 更长寿:15000小时寿命,使用时间是节能灯的2倍• 更省电:达到相同亮度时比节能灯省电43%,节约电费护目低眩光 生活真色彩更舒适:舒视光技术,无可视频闪,远离蓝光危害,营造舒适的照明环境,确保用眼健康50度,有效提升光线均匀度并降低以上,完美展现物体如同在阳光下真实而自然的色彩级标准,与白炽灯相比节能高达80%**以上恒亮型LED 柱泡04*舒适优选 怡目设计。

Philips MasterColor CDM Elite MW灯光系统产品介绍与指南说明书

Philips MasterColor CDM Elite MW灯光系统产品介绍与指南说明书

OEM Design GuidePhilips MasterColor ®CDM Elite MW Lighting SystemOEM Design Guide Philips MasterColor®CDM Elite MW Lighting SystemContents1.General Introduction of PhilipsMasterColor®CDM Elite MW System (3)2.Ordering Information (4)3.Dimension and Mechanical Design (4)4.T emperature Behavior (5)5.Wiring (5)6.Electromagnetic Interference(EMI) (5)7.Factory Handling (6)8.Installation/Mounting (7)9.Operating in Abnormal Conditions (7)10.Specifications (8)11.Frequently Asked Questions (11)Product descriptionMasterColor ®CDM Elite MW is a medium wattage lighting solution based on Philips unique CDM technology.This new system consists of a specially developed lamp,ballast and socket,which provides high quality and high efficient white light in combination with long life.The MasterColor ®Elite product offering will include two wattages (lumen packages)and two color temperatures:•4200K available 2009•Protected designs are under evaluation and may become an option in the futureOne of the key features of this lamp/ballast system is the system efficacy (>100LPW)and the high Lumen Maintenance.MasterColor CDM Elite Spectral Power DistributionGeneral Introduction of Philips MasterColor ®CDM Elite MW System23-24210W3000K Non-protected 210W/3K 4200KNon-protected 210W/4K 36–37315W 3000K Non-protected 315W/3K 4200KNon-protected315W/4KLamp EfficacyLumen Maintenance1.OEM Design Guide Philips MasterColor CDM Elite MW Lighting System 31)Rated average life is the life obtained,on the average,from large representative groups of lamps in laboratory tests under controlled conditions at 10or more operating hours per start.It is based on survival of at least 50%of the lamps and allows for individual lamps or groups of lamps to vary considerably from the average.Ballast DimensionsDimensions of Metal housing (excluding grommets)is 188x 124x 57mm,see drawings below.Socket DimensionsOrdering InformationPacking will be Mid-pack,12pieces in one box for each lamp and ballast.Dimensions and2.3.Lamp DimensionsLamp dimensions for both the MasterColor ®CDM Elite 315W and 210W are the same and can be found below.4OEM Design Guide Philips MasterColor CDM Elite MW Lighting SystemT emperature Behavior Following temperature limits have to be taken into account for the MasterColor CDM Elite315W and210W:T emperatures are measured on burning lamps.Exceeding the maximum temperature will not guarantee optimal performance (lifetime,lumen maintenance).Application tips for optimal thermal performance:•Ensure good thermal contact on the side with the mounting feet •Minimize air gaps for maximum heat transfer•Shield lamp heat Lifetime and temperatureThe temperature is the most important parameter for lifetime and reliability.In the design of the lamp and ballast,everything is done to keep the temperature as low as possible.But the luminaire can affect that.Therefore,the design of the luminaire and its ability to guide the heat out of the luminaire is very important.WiringConnectionLamp:Blue and red wireInput:Black(line200-277V),White(Neutral)and Green(Earth Ground)Dimming Leads:Violet and GreyAll lead lengths are18.0"+/-1.0".Red lead must be connected to center terminal of lamp in case of a screw base.Do not connect red or blue wire to neutral or line. The maximum distance between lamp and ballast is30feet(1nF of lamp load)Electromagnetic Interference(EMI)The ballast is tested and approved according to FCC regulations;however,when mounted in a luminaire,different behavior can be found.T o assist in the reduction of radiated EMI,the ballast should be grounded by either mounting feet or green ground wire.5.6.4.OEM Design Guide Philips MasterColor CDM Elite MW Lighting System5Factory HandlingFixation in luminaireMounting feet can be bent over if mp Date Code System:0to 9:Representing last number of the calendar year.A to M (excluding I):Representing January to December.Note:During odd numbered decades,the first character designates the year of manufacture;the second character designates the month of manufacture.During even numbered decades,the first character designates the month of manufacture;the second character designates the year of manufacture.Designations are listed below and example shown to the right:Ballast Date Code System:For tracking purposes,every ballast will be marked with a date-code after the final testing.The code consists of productionY ear and Day of theY ear .Last two (2)digits of year:2000=00,2006=06,2099=99.Day of Y ear:Sequential Julian date,January 1=001,December 31non-leap years =365,December 31leap year =366.IBM Code:Code from Identification of Ballast Model Data Base.For those units not having an assigned IBM Code,the placeholders XXX shall be inserted to maintain the 2x 8character integrity.Plant Code:F =PLEM TijuanaSAP Work Order Number:Manufacturing lot work order as assigned by the SAP system7.Note:The decade 2000to 2009is considered even.6OEM Design Guide Philips MasterColor CDM Elite MW Lighting SystemInstallation/MountingLamps that can be driven by the ballastMasterColor®CDM Elite MW210W or315W can be driven with the Advance e-Vision ballast.Suitable application for the Advance e-Vision ballast Input voltage:200V-277VOperating in Abnormal ConditionsThermo-switch behaviorIf the ballast is used at too high temperatures,a so-called thermo-switch will switch off the ballast to protect it against damage.The ballast will automatically turn off at a case temperature of90ºC±5ºCInput voltageThe ballast is designed to operate within an input tolerance of ±10%.In this range,the lamp power is regulated within±3%of its nominal power.Because the ballast will regulate the lamp to a constant power,the input current will increase when the input voltage is lower.This will ultimately influence the power losses,so the worst-case temperature should therefore be measured at lowest mains voltage.Over voltageThe ballast has a limited protection against over voltage and the ballast will switch off at mains voltage above330V;this will however negatively influence the lifetime and reliability.It is advised to prevent higher mains voltages than+10%.The ballast will attempt to reignite the lamp once input voltage goes back down below310V.OvercurrentProtection against surges are built in the ballast.(6KV ring wave(diff.Mode),Common mode2KV)EOL lamp protectionThe ballast has a protection against End Of Life Lamps.The ballast will detect these lamps and switch off.Mains needs to be cycled (>2seconds)to reset ballast.9.8.OEM Design Guide Philips MasterColor CDM Elite MW Lighting System7Note:For Enclosed fixtures only.For horizontal operation,the lamps are not recommended to rotate over 90°in sockets after operation.When turning an operating lamp orientation over 90°,or turning a non-operating lamp over 90°then switching it on,there is a risk for arc tube to rupture.This holds during operation as well as after a cooling period after switching off the lamp.If one wishes to rotate the lamp over more than 90°around the lamp axis,one should do so in steps of less than 90°and let the lamp burn for at least 2hours between steps.1)Measured at 100hours of life in a horizontal operating position.2)Approximate lumen output at 40%of lamp rated average life.3)Rated average life is the length of operation (in hours)at which point an average of 50%of the lamps will still be operational and 50%will not.Lamp T echnicalSpecifications for the MasterColor ®CDM Elite MW 315W lamp at 100hoursApprox.Initial Lumens 1Lm 37,800Approx.Design Lumens 2Lm 34,000Lumen Maintenance %80@20khrs Efficacy Lm/W 120Lamp Voltage V 100Lamp power W 315W Color T emperature K 3000Color Rendering CRI 90R9>45Operating position Universal Lamp base PGZ18Rated Average Life 3K 20,000hrs.Specifications for the MasterColor ®CDM Elite MW 210W lamp at 100hoursApprox.Initial Lumens 1Lm 24,150Approx.Design Lumens 2Lm 21,700Lumen Maintenance %80@20khrs Efficacy Lm/W 115Lamp Voltage V 100Lamp power W 210W Color T emperature K 3000Color RenderingCRI 90R9>40Operating position Universal Lamp base PGZ18Rated Average Life 3K20,000hrs.Specifications10.8OEM Design Guide Philips MasterColor CDM Elite MW Lighting SystemBallast T echnical InputMains voltage V mains Operational performance 180277305V Operational safety 4160330V Mains frequency f mains Operational performance 47.563Hz Operational safety 4566Hz Mains power P mains P la =210W233W Mains current I mains At P la_nom ,V mains =200V TBD A At P la_max ,V mains =180V TBD APower factor Within oper.performance mains and at P la_nom 0.90.95DistortionTHD15%Within oper.performance mains and at P la_nomInrush current I mains_pk V mains =200V ,Z mains =0.4Ω+0.8mH<TBD AEMIFCC,Title 47.Part 18.Subpart CNon-consumer (Class “A”)InputMains voltage V mains Operational performance 180277305V Operational guideline 4160330V Mains frequency f mains Operational performance 47.563Hz Operational guideline 4566Hz Mains power P mains P la =315W353W Mains current I mains At P la_nom ,V mains =200V TBD A At P la_max ,V mains =180V TBD APower factor Within oper.performance mains and at P la_nom 0.90.95DistortionTHD15%Within oper.performance mains and at P la_nomInrush current I mains_pk V mains =200V ,Z mains =0.4Ω+0.8mH<TBD AEMIFCC,Title 47.Part 18.Subpart CNon-consumer (Class “A”)4)The input of the driver is protected against transients and over voltage.These typically occur at below or above V,beyond which point the driver will fail (not repairable by the end user).Output (lamp side)Lamp power P la V mains ±10%(P la_nom )210W Ignition voltage V ignC load <1nF53.03.54.0kV pkOutput (lamp side)Lamp power P la V mains ±10%(P la_nom )315W Ignition voltage V ignC load <1nF53.03.54.0kV pk5)Typical cable capacity 100pF/3'Dimming•Ballast will not dim when it is set to210W setting•Ballast is designed to be able to dim the lamp using a 0-10V interface•Ballast will wait for10min at full power before it can start dimming•Lowest dim level:50%of ballast power •Dimming rate:TBD•Dimming Curve:Following graph shows the Nominal dimming curve120100806040200.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 VolPower(%)Dim Vol vs.PowerIgnition TimingT0<1sT130sT260sT360sT40.5sTMAX30minN4Specifications(continued)OEM Design Guide Philips MasterColor CDM Elite MW Lighting System9Rated Average Life 1:60,000hrs @T c =80°C Failure Rate:<0.25%/1,000hrs @T c =80°CProtections:Against lamp end of life,against overheating(when Tc exceeds 90°C),against not connected lamp,against short circuited lampImmunity:T ransient protection to comply with 6kV ring wave (diff.Mode),common mode 2.0kVIEC1547;surge test levels phase to phase or phase to neutral:1kV .Any phase to ground:2kV .Mains dips:according IEC1547Approbation:UL,CSA Standards:UL935,UL1029Vibration:IEC 68-2-6-Fc (Frequency 10…150Hz,acceleration 2G or amplitude 0.15mm.Frequency change 1oct/min,3directions,5sweeps/direction)Bumps:IEC 68-2-29-Eb (Acceleration 10G/16ms,1000bumps/direction)ULN-D 1672(Acceleration 30G,2per direction)Drop test:UND 1400T emperature shock:IEC 68-2-14-Na (5cycles –25…+80°C,30min.,2chamber method)T emperature cycle:IEC 68-2-14-Nb (400cycles –20…+100°C)T emperature:-30°C <T amb <45°C (Depending on luminaire)Humidity:Ballast to be built into a sealed enclosure (IP63),relative humidity <85%(under all operating conditions)Storage:–30°C <T amb <80°C relative humidity <95%(non condensing)Hum and Noise:<30dBA at nominal operating conditionsSpecifications(continued)10.10OEM Design Guide Philips MasterColor CDM Elite MW Lighting System1)Rated average life is the life obtained,on the average,from large representative groups of lamps in laboratory tests under controlled conditions at 10or more operating hours per start.It is based on survival of at least 50%of the lamps and allows for individual lamps or groups of lamps to vary considerably from the average.Frequently Asked Questions11.Q1:Can the Advance e-Vision ballast be used with all ceramicmetal halide lamps?A1:No,the Advance e-Vision ballast has been designed to becompatible only with Philips MasterColor®CDM EliteMedium Wattage Lamps.Q2:Is this product also available in347-480V version?A2:Not at this time,other input voltage ranges are underconsideration.Q3:Is there a protected lamp version?A3:Not at this time.A protected lamp version may be availablesometime in the future.OEM Design Guide Philips MasterColor CDM Elite MW Lighting System11Philips Lighting Company200Franklin Square DriveP.O.Box6800Somerset,NJ08875-68001-800-555-0050A Division of Philips Electronics North America CorporationPhilips Lighting281Hillmount RoadMarkham,OntarioCanada L6C2S31-800-555-0050A Division of Philips Electronics Ltd.10275West Higgins RoadRosemont,IL60018-56031-800-322-2086A Division of Philips Electronics North America Corporation©2008Philips Lighting Company,A Division of Philips Electronics North America CorporationAll rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.The informationpresented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract,is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changedwithout notice.No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use.Publication thereof does not convey nor imply anylicense under patent or other industrial or intellectual property rights.This guide is for OEM use only.Data subject to change without notice.05/08P-5963。

飞利浦 4K HDMI 同步盒 用户手册说明书

飞利浦 4K HDMI 同步盒 用户手册说明书

HDMI Sync Box User manual Notice d’emploiRequires Philips Hue Bridge(Hue Bridge not included).Requiert le Philips Hue Bridge(Hue Bridge non inclus).Requiere Philips Hue Bridge(Hue Bridge no incluido).Minimum1Philips Hue White and color ambiance light required(not included).Minimum 1 lumière d'ambiance blanche et de couleur Philips Hue requise (non comprise). Requiere mínimo1luz ambiente Philips Hue blanca y de colores(no incluidas).USB does not power the B can be used to detect if TV is on or off.USB cable not included.ENL'USB n'alimente pas le produit. L'USB peut être utilisé pour détecter si le téléviseur est allumé ou éteint. Cable USB non inclus.FREl USB no es la fuente de alimentación del producto.El USB puede usarse para detectar si la TV está encendida o apagada. Cable USB no incluido.ES Download Philips Hue Sync app via Google Play or App store.ENTéléchargez l'application Philips Hue for TV via Google Play ou App Store.FRDescargue la aplicación para TV Philips Hue desde Google Play o App Store.ES Démarrez l’application Hue Sync et suivez les instructions.FRInicie la aplicación Hue Sync y siga las instrucciones.ES Start the Hue Sync app and follow the instructions EN3222 639 04991Last update:18/06/19Signify North America Corporation 200Franklin Square Drive Somerset,NJ 08873,USASignify Canada Ltd./Signify Canada Ltée.281Hillmount Road,Markham,ON, Canada L6C 2S3Questions or comments /Questions ou commentaires :Importado y/o distribuido en México por:Signify Mexico Palma N°6-Col.San Fernando,La Herradura Huixquilucan Edo.De México,C.P.52784–R.F.C.PME-620620-E84Centro de Contacto ©2019Signify Holding。

菲利普Xitanium LED驱动器说明书

菲利普Xitanium LED驱动器说明书

A ordable and reliable LED DriversA ordable LED Driver range o ering Philips reliability. The Xitanium range is compatible with COB and mid-power LEDs from any LED manufacturer.Bene ts•Driver design based on Philips experience and knowledge of conventional uorescent and HID technologies•Various power wattage Drivers that are related to the lumen packages/applications •Fixed output Drivers•Independent-version housing design for stand-alone installationsXitanium LED drivers - Spot- and downlightXitanium 59W 1.3/1.4A 42V I 230VFeatures•Small, compact dimensions •Specific, optimized output current and voltage•50,000 hours lifetime •Fast Time to Market •Low ripple, low THDApplication•Public buildings (airports,cinemas, theaters, exhibition halls)•Retail (supermarkets, shops)•OfficeAug 2021Electrical input dataSpeci cation item Value Unit ConditionRated input voltage range220...240V ac Performance rangeRated input voltage230V acRated input frequency range50...60Hz Performance rangeRated input current0.29/0.31A@ full output power @ rated input voltageRated input power62/67W@ rated output power @ rated input voltagePower factor≥0.92@ full output power @ rated input voltageTotal harmonic distortion≤ 15%@ rated output power @ rated input voltageE ciency87%@ rated output power @ rated input voltage@max. Uout Input voltage AC range202...254V ac Operational rangeInput frequency AC range47.5...63Hz Operational rangeIsolation input to output SELVElectrical output dataSpeci cation item Value Unit ConditionRegulation method Constant CurrentOutput voltage30...42V dcOutput voltage max.60V Peak voltage at open loadOutput current 1.3 /1.4A Full output current settingOutput current tolerance± 8%Output current ripple LF≤ 3%Ripple = peak / averageOutput current ripple HF≤ 15%Output Pst LM≤0.01In entire operating windowOutput SVM≤ 0.07In entire operating windowOutput power39...54.6 /42...58.8W Full outputElectrical data controls inputSpeci cation item Value Unit ConditionControl method FixedGalvanic Isolation NoLogistical dataSpeci cation item ValueProduct name Xitanium 59W 1.3/1.4A 42V I 230VLogistic code 12NC9290 014 23480Pieces per box40Wiring & ConnectionsSpeci cation item Value Unit ConditionInput wire cross-section0.75...1.5mm2Connector 250 (3.5 mm), solid / stranded wire16...21AWG Connector 250 (3.5 mm), solid / stranded wireInput wire strip length8...9mmOutput wire cross-section0.4...1.5mm2Connector 250 (3.5 mm), solid / stranded wire16...18AWG Connector 250 (3.5 mm), solid / stranded wire Output wire strip length8...9mmMaximum cable length600mm Total length of wiring including LED module, one wayDimensions and weightSpeci cation item Value Unit ConditionLength (A1)108mmWidth (B1)68mmWidth (B2)56.1mmHeight (C1)32mmFixing hole distance (D1) 3.6mmFixing hole distance (A2)92.9mmWeight270gramProgrammable featuresSpeci cation itemValue RemarkConditionSet output current (AOC)See Design-in guide.Default output current: = 1400 mALED module temperature derating (MTP)No Constant Lumen Over Lifetime (CLO)No DC emergency dimming (DCemDIM)NoOperational temperatures and humiditySpeci cation itemValueUnitConditionAmbient temperature0...+50oCHigher ambient temperature allowed as long as T case -max is not exceeded.Tcase-max 95o C Maximum temperature measured at T case -point Tcase-life85o C Measured at T case -point Maximum housing temperature 130oCIn case of a failure Relative humidity10 (90)%Non-condensingStorage temperature and humiditySpeci cation itemValueUnitConditionAmbient temperature -25 (85)CRelative humidity5 (95)%Non-condensingLifetimeSpeci cation itemValueUnitConditionDriver lifetime50,000hoursMeasured temperature at T case -point is T case -life. Maximum failures = 10%T case (o C)L i f e t i m e (h r s )100K50KTc-lifeTc-life -10o CXitaniumIpeakT widthCerti cates and standardsSpeci cation itemValueApproval marksCB / CCC / CE / ENEC / RCM / TISI Ingress Protection classi cation20Inrush currentSpeci cation itemValueUnitConditionInrush current I peak 19.8A Input voltage 230VInrush current T width380µs Input voltage 230V, measured at 50% I peakDrivers / MCB 16A type B≤ 14pcsMCBRatingRelative number of LED driversB 10A 63%B 13A 81%B 16A 100% (stated in datasheet)B20A 125%B 25A 156%C 10A 104%C 13A 135%C 16A 170%C 20A 208%C25A260%Driver touch current / protective conductor currentSpeci cation itemValueUnitConditionTypical touch current (ins. Class II)< 0.7mA peakAcc. IEC61347-1. LED module contribution not includedSurge immunitySpeci cation itemValueUnitConditionMains surge immunity (di . mode)2kV Acc. IEC61000-4-5. 2 Ohm, 1.2/50us, 8/20us Mains surge immunity (comm. mode)4kVAcc. IEC61000-4-5. 12 Ohm 1.2/50us, 8/20usSpeci cation itemValueRemark ConditionOpen load protection Yes Automatic recovering Short circuit protection Yes Automatic recovering Over power protection Yes Automatic recoveringHot wiringNo Suitable for xtures with protection classI and IIper IEC60598Operating windowPower factor versus output powerTotal Harmonic Distortion4442403836343230280.980.970.960.9514121086420Output Current (A)O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V ) Power (W)P o we r F a c t o r506055404535455535405060Output Power (W)1.4 A 1.3 A1.4 A 1.3 A1.4 A1.3 AT H D ( % )E c i e n c yE ciency versus output power87.587.487.387. A 1.3 AOutput Power (W)©2021 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Data subject to change.Date of release: Aug 11, 2021。



飞利浦工厂调试与设置说明Instructions for Debugging and Setting of Philips Plant一:手动亮暗平衡的测试/Manual test on light/dark balance1、操作方法/Operation methodA、按PROD键进入“B/W BALANC E”状态,此时将处于并显示第一个可调项“副亮度(SUB-BRIGBT)”,亮暗平衡调试的OSD显示为项部单行。

Press the PRO D key to enter the “B/W BALANCE” condition. At this time, the first adjustable item, the “SUB-BRIGHT” is displayed on the screen. The ON-SCREEN DISPLAY (OSD) of the light/dark debug is in single row.B、在此状态下按TV/A V键可显示软件内部白场/暗场,便于工厂进行亮暗平衡调试接P+/P-翻页选择要调试的项目。

In this state, press the TV/A V key to display the white/dark field in the software, which facilities the debugging of light/dark balance by the plant, then, press the P+/P key to select items to be debugged.C、按VOL+或VOL-对选择到的项目进行增/减调整。

Press the VOL+/VOL- key to realize up/down adjustment of the volume of the selected items.D、重复B、C步骤,直至调到满意结果,然后按2次PROD键退出。

飞利浦 Philips 7800系列 55英寸 4K UHD LED智能电视说明书

飞利浦 Philips 7800系列 55英寸 4K UHD LED智能电视说明书

Philips 7800 series4K UHD LED 智能电视139 厘米(55 英寸)4K 超高清 LED 电视DTMB55PUF78084K 纤薄智能 LED 电视采用 P5 处理引擎精密工程结合多功能设计。

飞利浦 7800 电视将令人惊叹的 4K 高清分辨率与出色的音质及简约的设计巧妙融合。


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Philips WhiteVision ultra H4 车灯泡说明书

Philips WhiteVision ultra H4 车灯泡说明书

Philips WhiteVision ultra car headlight bulbType of lamp: H4 Pack of: 2 + 212V, 55/60Ww5w position lamps included 12342WVUSM Sharp irresistible lookThe latest stylish white lights for your carPhilips WhiteVision ultra H4, featuring the latest coating formula, delivers a stunning 4200 Kelvin. These are the whitest road-legal halogen lights in our portfolio and the perfect choice if you're looking for a cool, stylish look.Road-legal performance•Stunning white road-legal headlights for a stylish lookWhite stylish look with up to 4200 Kelvin•Up to 4200 Kelvin sharp white light•Halogen upgrade headlights that offer a highly stylish lookComfort with up to 60% more vision•White light to enhance visibility and comfort•Up to 60% more vision to maximise clarityEnhanced safety•Don't compromise on safety, change in pairs•Our whitest bulbs for stylish performance on the roadPhilips quality•Philips is the choice of major car manufacturersIssue date 2023-09-14Version: 3.0.1© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice.Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V.or their respective owners. Highlightscar headlight bulb Type of lamp: H4 Pack of: 2 + 2, 12V, 55/60W, w5w position lamps included Specifications 4200 Kelvin sharp white light With up to 4200 Kelvin, Philips WhiteVision ultra headlights revolutionize the look of your car with a sharp white light. The right choice for a bright and stylish driving experience!Cool white effect Philips WhiteVision ultra is designed for drivers who are looking for an upgrade with the style and appearance reminding of LED lighting, but drive a vehicle with halogen technology. Thanks to the new and advanced coating formula on the glass, WhiteVision ultra bulbs are our whitest road-legal lights providing a stunning look in the headlamp's reflector.Stunning road-legal headlights WhiteVision ultra upgrade headlight bulbs are ECE certified for bright white light on the road. Drivers enjoy a vibrant look and a street-legal bulb compliant with relevant regulations. Without compromizing safety by dazzling the car in front, it gives you great visibility.Comfort light for visibility The new WhiteVision ultra coating formula along with its cool white light, significantly improves visibility at night and enhances driver comfort by reducing eye fatigue. When design meets functionality, you enjoy a great look and enhanced driving comfort.Up to 60% more vision A longer beam pattern, with up to 60% more vision compared to the legal minimum standard, enables you to not only see other road users more clearly but also be better seen by them. It improves safety and gives you more time to react to potential hazards on the road ahead.Engineered for stylish vision Better and brighter lights allow for increased performance on the road. With their optimised high-precision filament geometry, high-pressure gas filling, high-precision coating and high-quality UV-Quartz glass, Philips WhiteVision ultra headlights set a new standard for road-legal white light. Engineered for great style and visibility, these headlights provide a more relaxed and fun driving experience.Change in pairs It is simply more efficient to change both headlamps in pairs, rather than only replace the failed one. New, modern bulbs have increased light output and increased performance, offering a safer driving experience. Overall, the benefits and advantages of replacing in pairs are numerous: less hassle, cost savings, avoiding headlight failure, a brighter and more balanced beam, but above all, safety.Highest quality car lighting Technologically advanced Philips lighting is renowned in the automotive industry, and has been for over 100 years. The Philips Original Equipment Quality products are designed and developed following strict quality control processes (including applicable ISO norms), leading to consistently high production standards. WhiteVision ultra is compatible with car models of major brands, such as Audi, BMW, Ford, GM, Toyota and Volkswagen. See the product selector guide for more information.Marketing specifications •Expected benefits: Style •Product highlight: Sharp white look Product description •Application: High beam, Low beam •Base: P43t-38•Designation: 12342WVUSM •Homologation ECE •Range: WhiteVision ultra •Technology:Halogen •Type:H4Lifetime •Life time: 540h Light characteristics •Lumens: HB: 1560 +/-10%, LB: 960 +/-10% lm •Color temperature: up to 4200 K Electrical characteristics •Wattage: 55/60 W •Voltage: 12 V Ordering information •Order entry: 12342WVUSM •Ordering code: 35490428Packaging Data •Packaging type: SM •EAN1: 8727900354904•EAN3: 8727900354911Packed product information •Gross weight per piece: 88.1 g •Length: 11 cm •Width: 5.3 cm •Height: 13.3 cm •Pack Quantity: 1•MOQ (for professionals): 5Outerpack information •Length: 28.6 cm •Width: 14.1 cm •Height:12 cm •Gross weight per piece: 0.64 kg。











1. 首先,使用绝缘剥线钳将电源线和灯泡的三个脚分别剥去一定长度的绝缘皮,露出导线;
2. 然后,根据电路图或说明书,将阳极脚、阴极脚和地脚分别连接到对应的位置。

3. 接着,使用绝缘胶带将接线部分进行包裹,确保绝缘效果良好;
4. 最后,将接线端子固定在适当的位置,以防止接线松动或短路。







Philips X-tremeVision G-force H4车灯包装说明说明书

Philips X-tremeVision G-force H4车灯包装说明说明书

X-tremeVision G-forceType of lamp: H4 Pack of: 212V, 55/60W More light12342XVGS2Enjoy performance taken to new X-tremes Up to 130% brighter lightPhilips X-tremeVision G-force car bulbs are among the brightest you can buy. They outshine most other car lamps with up to 130% more brightness, superior beam length and 10G vibration resistance. See further, react faster and drive safer.Up to 130% brighter light for better visibilitySee further and react faster with up to 130% more brightnessOne of the brightest bulbs: ultimate light performanceWhite light for more contrastSignificantly whiter light to improve comfort and safetyDurable lights with up to 10G vibration resistanceA lifetime of safety so you can see and be seenPerformance means more light and longer lifetimeEndurance performance bulbs for 10G vibration resistanceEnhanced safetyAmong the safest road-legal headlightsPhilips qualityPhilips is the choice of major car manufacturerscar headlight bulb12342XVGS2 Highlights SpecificationsUp to 130% more brightnessPerfect illumination is especially important in the distance – usually between 75-100 metres in front of your vehicle. Philips X-tremeVision G-force boosts your visibility with up to 130% more brightness. This helps you recognise obstacles and any potential dangers earlier than with most other halogen headlight lamps. Ultimate light performanceWith its optimised high-precision filament geometry, up to 13 bar high-pressure gasfilling, high-precision coating and high-quality UV-Quartz glass, Philips X-tremeVision G-force headlights confirm a milestone in automotive lighting. They are engineered for the ultimate performance and uncompromising visibility.Significantly whiter lightThe bright white light of up to 3500 Kelvin is significantly whiter than standard headlamps. The Philips patented gradient coating technology produces a more powerful light. So you can enjoy one of the brightest lighting performances and a highly comfortable night driving experience.A lifetime of safetyEvery potential failure of a spare part is a risk for you and your vehicle. This is especially true for headlights. Every broken headlight lamp reduces visibility and safety for you and the oncoming traffic. Philips X-tremeVision G-force is optimised for a long and reliable lifetime. You can see and be seen for longer than with any other high-performance lamp.More light and higher lifetimePhilips X-tremeVision G-force headlights aremade for outstanding performance, producingup to 130% brighter light, withoutcompromising on the lifetime. With up to 450hours*, Philips X-tremeVision G-force'slifetime is significantly higher than competitorsolutions in the more light category. (*tested at13.2V standard voltage).Vibration resistant enduranceDon't let a pothole be the end of your carlights. Today's journeys can be a challenge toyour car. Philips X-tremeVision G-force isdesigned to last. Tested for up to 10G vibrationresistance, these lamps underline their greatendurance.Safe road-legal headlightsPhilips X-tremeVision G-force is among thesafest, easiest and most efficient way toupgrade your car headlights within legalparameters. The lights are fully ECE certified.Highest quality car lightingTechnologically advanced Philips lighting isrenowned in the automotive industry, and hasbeen for over 100 years. The Philips OriginalEquipment Quality products are designed anddeveloped following strict quality controlprocesses (including applicable ISO norms),leading to consistently high productionstandards. X-tremeVision G-force is compatiblewith car models of major brands, such as Audi,BMW, Ford, GM, Toyota and Volkswagen. Seethe product selector guide for more information.Packaging DataPackaging type: S2EAN1: 8727900355253EAN3: 8727900355284Electrical characteristicsVoltage: 12 VWattage: 55/60 WLifetimeLife time: 450 hrsLight characteristicsLumens: 1650 ±15% / 1000 ±15% lmColor temperature: Up to 3500 KOrdering informationOrder entry: 12342XVGS2Ordering code: 35525328Outerpack informationHeight: 12 cmLength: 28.6 cmWidth: 14.1 cmGross weight per piece: 0.64 kgProduct descriptionType: H4Application: High beam, Low beamHomologation ECERange: X-tremeVision G-forceTechnology: HalogenBase: P43t-38Designation: 12342XVGS2Packed product informationGross weight per piece: 88.1 gHeight: 13.3 cmLength: 11 cmWidth: 5.3 cmMOQ (for professionals): 10Pack Quantity: 2Marketing specificationsExpected benefits: More lightProduct highlight: More light© 2021 Philips Lighting Holding B.V. All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Philips Lighting Holding B.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑02‑05 Version: 5.0.112 NC: 8670 001 56885 。

Philips Platinum 系列娱乐灯光产品说明说明书

Philips Platinum 系列娱乐灯光产品说明说明书

Entertainment lampsNew high-end reflector lamp for DJ/club lightingMost top clubs want powerful intense lightingfrom compact moving heads.The new Philips MSD Platinum 2 R is a powerfulhigh-end reflector lamp and is ideal for scannersand fast-moving effect lights. Leading manufacturershave already started implementing this lamp in theirentertainment fixtures successfully.Design-insSee page seven for a list of initial design-ins.Amazing characteristicsPhilips MSD Platinum 2 R produces a sparkling, brightlight that eliminates shadows and reproduces brilliantand vivid colors. Being the most compact reflectorlamp system available today means that small,lightweight fixtures can be developed, offering moredesign possibilities. The high precision reflector andinnovative burner-filling result in a bright and efficientlight beam: the light output is equivalent to aMSD lamp of 300W, yet energy consumption ishalved. Moreover, these benefits can be enjoyedover the 6,000 hours lifetime of the lamp system,which is twice as long as of other MSD lamps.MSD Platinum 2 RSpecificationsType Lamp wattage(W)Arc size (mm)Lumenoutput (lm)Colourtemp (K)CRI Max allowablepinch temp (°C)Average lamp life(h)Burning positionPhilips MSD Platinum 2 R1320.951508000753506000AnyNew solutions for Touring/ Stage lightingThe Philips MSR Platinum 35, MSD Platinum5 R, 14 R, 15 R, 16 R, 17 RA, 20 R and the new11 R, have all been developed to deliver justthis balance. These compact, lightweight lampsystems provide the freedom to create smaller,lighter luminaires – for use at any locationon stage.Fixtures incorporating this range of lamps havebeen released by leading manufacturers, withthe latest being for the new Platinum 11 R thatoffer extreme brightness for increased impact.Design-insSee page seven for a list of initial design-ins.* Cap base: PGJX36SpecificationsType Lamp wattage(W)Arc size (mm)Lumen output (lm)Colour temp (K)CRI Max allowable pinch temp (°C)Average lamp life (h)Burning positionPhilips MSD Platinum 5 R190 1.079508000753503000Any Philips MSD Platinum 11 R2500.8120007800813502000Any Philips MSD Platinum 14 R2800.8 120007800803502000Any Philips MSD Platinum 15 R300 1.3135008000753502000Any Philips MSD Platinum 16 R330 1.3160008000753501500Any Philips MSD Platinum 17 RA350 1.0> 200007000853501500Any Philips MSD Platinum 20 R470 1.2> 230008000804001500Any Philips MSR Platinum 35*800 3.0578007750> 754501000Any MSD Platinum 15 R MSD Platinum 16 R MSD Platinum 5 RMSD Platinum 14 RMSR Platinum 35NEW MSD Platinum 11 RMSD Platinum 17 RA MSD Platinum 20 R Choosing the right lamp Philips Platinum lamps for touring and stage lighting fixtures serve three main categories:• P hilips MSD Platinum 5 R for laser effects with beam fixtures in less demanding applications. Combines high beam intensity with outstanding color reproduction and a long life.• P hilips MSD Platinum 11 R, 14 R, 15 R, 16 R, 17 RA and 20 R for follow-spots, profile fixtures and beam fixtures. The 17 RA and 20 R produce a powerful and brilliant intense light for every type of event.• P hilips MSR Platinum 35 for smaller highpower lighting fixtures. This extremely brightlamp is a replacement for MSR Gold 1200Wand offers added flexibility and enables smallfixture building.Today, stage lighting is all about creating impact andpowerful effects. High brightness and high-contrast beams are needed, using compact luminaire and fixture designs that improve creative choice and flexibility.Purpose-built forFilm/Studio lightingAs every stage director knows, color purity and evenlydistributed light are essential ingredients for any production, whether in a theater or on a movie set. This is especiallytrue for accurate reproduction of skin tones.35 ST has been especially developed for Studio/Theater lighting fixtures to ensure consistent highquality light output with the right level of brightness,color rendering and color temperature – in anyburning position. The result is true natural colors onstage, attractive and accurately exposed pictures forfilm and video.These ingredients ensure that the 35 ST is found inseveral fixtures, greatly extending the applicationareas for the Platinum fixtures.Design-insSee page seven for a list of initial design-ins.The best choice in Studio/TheatrePlatinum 35 ST has a color temperature of 6000Kelvin. All colors are faithfully reproduced thanksto the high color rendering and a better balancedspectrum, where the red content of the spectrum hasbeen improved.With this level of unrivalled brightness from such acompact light source, the Platinum 35 ST enableseven more compact fixture designs.MSR Platinum 35 STSpecificationsType Lamp wattage(W)Arc size(mm)Lumenoutput (lm)Colourtemp (K)CRI Max allowablepinch temp (°C)Average lamp life(h)Burning positionPhilips MSR Platinum 35 ST*800357800600080450750AnyDesign-in overviewCompany Fixture model Philips lamp typeAcme AE-275B / AE-275R / AE-710Beam Philips MSD Platinum 2 RAmerican DJ Vizi Roller Beam 2R / Vizi Beam Hybrid 2R Philips MSD Platinum 2 RElation Rayzor Beam 2 R / Sniper 2 R Philips MSD Platinum 2 RJolly X-SMART BEAM Philips MSD Platinum 2 RTerbly LS-2R / LBM-2R / VDH-2R Philips MSD Platinum 2 RTriton Blue2R-BEAM Philips MSD Platinum 2 RAcme XP-5R BEAM Philips MSD Platinum 5 RAmerican DJ Vizi Beam 5R / Vizi Spot 5R Philips MSD Platinum 5 RClay Paky Sharpy Philips MSD Platinum 5 RDTS Jack Philips MSD Platinum 5 REhrgeiz Cobalt Plus 5R / Cobalt Plus Beam 5R / Cobalt Plus Spot 5R Philips MSD Platinum 5 RElation Platinum Beam 5 R / Platinum Beam 5 R Extreme / Platinum Spot 5 R Pro Philips MSD Platinum 5 RFuturelight PLB-5R / PLS-5R Philips MSD Platinum 5 RJolly X-BEAM 5R / X-SPOT 5R Philips MSD Platinum 5 RPR Lighting XR 200 Beam Philips MSD Platinum 5 RTerbly PT160 Pro / JT160-E / JT160B / PT160B / PT160B Pro Philips MSD Platinum 5 RTriton Blue 5R-BEAM / 5R-SPOT Philips MSD Platinum 5 RAcme XP-280 BS Philips MSD Platinum 14 RJolly X-3 Coupe Philips MSD Platinum 14 RTerbly PT280B / PT280 Hybrid Philips MSD Platinum 14 RAcme XP-15R SPOT Philips MSD Platinum 15 REhrgeiz Cobalt X-Beam 15R Philips MSD Platinum 15 RElation Platinum Beam 15 R / Platinum Spot 15 R / Platinum Spot 15 R Pro Philips MSD Platinum 15 RFine Art Fine 300 beam / Fine 300 wash Philips MSD Platinum 15 RFuturelight PLB-15R / PLS-15R Philips MSD Platinum 15 RGRIVEN Graphite 2000 Philips MSD Platinum 15 RJolly X-BEAM 15R Philips MSD Platinum 15 RPR Lighting XR 300 Beam Philips MSD Platinum 15 RTerbly Pt 320S spot / PT322S spot basic/ Pt 320B beam Philips MSD Platinum 15 RTriton Blue 15R SPOT / 15R BEAM / 15R FOLLOWSPOT Philips MSD Platinum 15 RAcme XP-16R BSW / XP-16R Spot / XP-16R Beam Philips MSD Platinum 16 RClay Paky Sharpy Wash 330 Philips MSD Platinum 16 RDTS Max Philips MSD Platinum 16 RElation Platinum Wash 16 R Pro Philips MSD Platinum 16 RFine Art Fine 330 wash / Fine 330 spot Philips MSD Platinum 16 RJolly X-SUPER BEAM Philips MSD Platinum 16 RTerbly PT330W Philips MSD Platinum 16 RElation Platinum BX / Platinum SBX Philips MSD Platinum 17 RAFine Art Fine 350BSW Philips MSD Platinum 17 RAPR Lighting PR2362 BWS Philips MSD Platinum 17 RATerbly G10B / G10 Hybrid Philips MSD Platinum 17 RAAcme XP-20R BEAM / XP-20R BSW Philips MSD Platinum 20 RClay Paky Supersharpy / Mythos Philips MSD Platinum 20 RElation Platinum FLX Philips MSD Platinum 20 RFine Art Fine 470BEAM / Fine 470BSW Philips MSD Platinum 20 RTerbly G12WB / G12 Hybrid MKII Philips MSD Platinum 20 RClay Paky Alpha Profile 800 ST / Alpha Spot QWO ST Philips MSR Platinum 35 + Philips MSR Platinum 35 ST Elation Platinum Profile 35 Pro / Platinum Spot 35 Pro Philips MSR Platinum 35 + Philips MSR Platinum 35 ST Fine Art Fine 800SF Philips MSR Platinum 35 STPhilips Vari*Lite VL880 Philips MSR Platinum 35PR Lighting XR 800 Spot Philips MSR Platinum 35 + Philips MSR Platinum 35 ST Robe MMX Spot / MMX Wash Beam Philips MSR Platinum 35 + Philips MSR Platinum 35 ST Terbly FS800M Philips MSR Platinum 35 STTerbly PT800S / PT800P Philips MSR Platinum 35 + Philips MSR Platinum 35 ST For more information, visit: /onstage***************************。

飞利浦439P1 4K UHD 多屏显示器用户手册说明书

飞利浦439P1 4K UHD 多屏显示器用户手册说明书

Philips Brilliance4K Ultra HD LCD display with MultiViewP Line43 (42.51" / 108 cm diag.)3840 x 2160 (4K UHD)439P1Master every task in a crisp viewThe Philips USB-C docking display for comprehensive solution. View UltraClear 4K UHD and re-charge a laptop, all at the same time with a single USB-C cable. Integrated KVM switch and multiple connection for performance and convenience.Single cable USB-C connection•USB-C enables laptop power charging directly from a monitor •Built in RJ-45 ethernet gives data securityExpand your viewing experience•UltraClear 4K UHD (3840x2160) resolution for precision •VA display delivers awesome images with wide viewing angles •DisplayHDR 400 for more lifelike and outstanding visuals •Ultra Wide-Color wider range of colors for a vivid picture Designed for the way you work•MultiView 4K for 4 systems on one screen•Built-in KVM switch to easily switch between sources •Less eye fatigue with Flicker-free technology •LowBlue Mode for easy on-the-eyes productivity •EasyRead mode for a paper-like reading experience•Tilt, swivel and height-adjust for an ideal viewing positionHighlightsUSB Type-C connectionThis Philips display features a built-in USB type-C docking station with power delivery. With intelligent and flexible power management, you can power charge your compatible* laptop directly. Its slim, reversible USB-C connector allows for easy, one-cable docking. Simplify by connecting all your peripherals like keyboard, mouse and your RJ-45 Ethernet cable to the monitor's docking station. You can watch high resolution video and transfer data at a super-speed, while powering up and re-charging your notebook at the same time.UltraClear 4K UHD ResolutionThese Philips displays utilize high performance panels to deliver UltraClear, 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) resolution images. Whether you are demanding professional requiring extremely detailed images for CAD solutions, using 3D graphics applications or a financial wizard working on huge spreadsheets, Philips displays will make your images and graphics come alive.DisplayHDR 400VESA-certified DisplayHDR 400 delivers a significant step-up from normal SDR displays. Unlike, other 'HDR compatible' screens, true DisplayHDR 400 produces astonishingbrightness, contrast and colors. With global dimming and peak brightness up-to 400 nits, images come to life with notable highlights while featuring deeper, more nuanced blacks. It renders a fuller palette of rich new colors, delivering a visual experience that engages your senses.Ultra Wide-Color TechnologyUltra Wide-Color Technology delivers a wider spectrum of colors for a more brilliant picture. Ultra Wide-Color wider "color gamut"produces more natural-looking greens, vivid reds and deeper blues. Bring, mediaentertainment, images, and even productivity more alive and vivid colors from Ultra Wide-Color Technology.MultiView technology for 4KPhilips MultiView feature on this expansive 4K UHD display enables you to have up to four systems each shown in Full HD on one screen. You can use the Picture-by-Picture (PbP) for monitoring four systems on one screen for control rooms or security. Or for multiple devices like two notebooks side-by-side simultaneously, making collaboration more productive. Or Picture-in-Picture mode (PiP) watching a live football feed from your set-top box, while working on your PC.MultiClient Integrated KVMWith MultiClient Integrated KVM switch, you can control two separate PCs with onemonitor-keyboard-mouse set up. A convenient button allows you to quickly switch between sources. Handy with set-ups that require dual PC computing power or sharing one largemonitor to show two different PCs.Issue date 2023-03-26 Version: 5.0.112 NC: 8670 001 75811 EAN: 87 12581 77694 7© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•LCD panel type: VA LCD•Backlight type: W-LED system•Panel Size: 42.51 inch / 108 cm•Display Screen Coating: Anti-Glare, 3H, Haze 25%•Effective viewing area: 941.184 (H) x 529.416 (V) mm•Aspect ratio: 16:9•Maximum resolution: HDMI 1.4: 3840 x2160 @ 30 Hz; HDMI 2.0 / DP / USB-C: 3840 x 2160 @ 60 Hz•Pixel Density: 103.64 PPI•Response time (typical): 4 ms (Gray to Gray)*•Brightness: 400 cd/m²•Contrast ratio (typical): 4000:1•SmartContrast: 50,000,000:1•Pixel pitch: 0.2451 x 0.2451 mm•Viewing angle: 178º (H) / 178º (V), @ C/R > 10•Picture enhancement: SmartImage•Display colors: Color support 1.07 billion colors •Color gamut (typical): NTSC 105%*, sRGB 126%*, Adobe RGB 90%*•HDR: DisplayHDR 400 certified•Scanning Frequency: 30 - 140 kHz (H) / 48 - 60 Hz (V)•SmartUniformity: 93 ~ 105%•Delta E: < 2 (sRGB)•sRGB•Flicker-free•LowBlue Mode•EasyRead•Adaptive syncConnectivity•Signal Input: DisplayPort 1.4 x 1, HDMI 2.0 x 2, HDMI 1.4 x 1, USB-C 3.2 Gen 2 x 1 (upstream, data, power delivery)•HDCP: HDCP 1.4 (HDMI 1.4 / HDMI 2.0 / DP 1.4 / USB-C), HDCP 2.2 (HDMI 2.0 / DP 1.4 / USB-C)•HBR3: USB-C•USB:: Upstream: USB-C x 1, USB-B x 1; Downstream: USB 3.2 x 3 (with 1 fast charge B.C 1.2), USB-C x 1 (for PD 15W only)•Audio (In/Out): Headphone out•Sync Input: Separate Sync•RJ45: Ethernet LAN up to 1G*, Wake on LAN •RS232USB•USB-C: Reversible plug connector•Super speed: Data and Video transfer•DP: Built-in Display Port Alt mode•Power delivery: USB PD version 3.0•USB-C max. power delivery: USB-C1: up to 90 W (5V/3A, 7V/3A, 9V/3A, 10V/3A, 12V/3A, 15V/3A, 20V/4.5A), USB-C2: up to 15W (5V/3A) Convenience•Built-in Speakers: 5 W x 2•MultiView: PIP/PBP mode, 4x devices•KVM: USB-C, USB-B•User convenience: SmartImage, Input, User, Menu, Power On/Off •Control software: SmartControl•OSD Languages: Brazil Portuguese, Czech, Dutch,English, Finnish, French, German, Greek,Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish,Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish,Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian•Other convenience: Kensington lock, VESA mount(200x200mm)•Plug & Play Compatibility: DDC/CI, Mac OS X,sRGB, Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7Stand•Height adjustment: 100 mm•Swivel:-/+45 degree•Tilt: -5 ~ 23 degreePower•ECO mode: 43.9 W (typ.)•On mode: 46 W (typ.) (EnergyStar test method)•Standby mode: 0.3 W (typ.)•Off mode: Zero watts with Zero switch•Energy Label Class: G•Power LED indicator: Operation - White, Standbymode- White (blinking)•Power supply: Built-in, 100-240VAC, 50-60HzDimensions•Product with stand(max height): 978 x 713 x281 mm•Product without stand (mm): 978 x 573 x 78 mm•Packaging in mm (WxHxD): 1150 x 704 x 284 mmWeight•Product with stand (kg): 18.00 kg•Product without stand (kg): 12.40 kg•Product with packaging (kg): 23.30 kgOperating conditions•Temperature range (operation): 0°C to 40 °C•Temperature range (storage): -20°C to 60 °C•Relative humidity: 20%-80 %•Altitude: Operation: +12,000ft (3,658m), Non-operation: +40,000ft (12,192m)•MTBF (demonstrated): 70,000 hrs (excludedbacklight)Sustainability•Environmental and energy: EnergyStar 8.0, RoHS•Recyclable packaging material: 100 %•Specific Substances: PVC / BFR free housing,Mercury free•Post consumer recycled plastic: 85%Compliance and standards•Regulatory Approvals: CB, TUV/GS, TUV Ergo,CU-EAC, EAEU RoHS, CE Mark, FCC Class B,ICES-003Cabinet•Front bezel: Black•Rear cover: Black•Foot:Black•Finish: TextureWhat's in the box?•Monitor with stand•Cables: HDMI cable, DP cable, USB-A to B cable,USB-C to C/A Y cable, Power cable•User Documentation*Response time value equal to SmartResponse*NTSC Area based on CIE1976*sRGB Area based on CIE1931*Adobe RGB Coverage based on CIE1976*If your Ethernet connection seems slow, please enter OSD menuand select USB 3.0 or higher version which can support the LANspeed to 1G.*For USB-C power and charging function, your Notebook/devicemust support USB-C standard Power Delivery specifications. Pleasecheck with your Notebook user manual or manufacturer for moredetails.*For Video transmission via USB-C, your Notebook/device mustsupport USB-C DP Alt mode*EPEAT rating is valid only where Philips registers the product. Pleasevisit https:/// for registration status in your country.*The monitor may look different from feature images.。

裕士43PUS8118 Philips LED 4K Ambilight电视说明书

裕士43PUS8118 Philips LED 4K Ambilight电视说明书

Philips LED4K Ambilight TV108 cm (43") Ambilight TV Supports major HDR formatsDolby Atmos soundPhilips Smart TV43PUS8118Your wish is this TV's command! 4K Ambilight TVWant to enjoy the latest releases? Just tell this TV's built-in Alexa what you're looking for, then sit back as immersive Ambilight draws you deeper into the drama! You'll enjoy an ultra-sharp picture and realistic Dolby Atmos sound too.Looks great, whatever you watch or play.•Great for gaming. VRR and low input lag on any console.•Compatible with all major HDR formatsSimply great TV. Packed responsibly.•Alexa built-in and works with Google Assistant*•Slim TV. Packed for the future.•Great TV. No fuss. Philips Smart TV.4K LED Ambilight TV. Super sharp and immersive•Immerse yourself in what you love. Ambilight TV.•Ultra-sharp picture. Vibrant viewing.•Cinematic vision and sound. Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos.HighlightsAmbilight TVAmbilight TVs are the only TVs with LED lights behind the screen that react to what you watch, immersing you in a halo of colourful light. It changes everything: your TV seems bigger, and you'll be drawn deeper into your favourite shows, movies and games.Ultra-sharp pictureNo matter what you watch, this 4K LED Ambilight TV gives you a bright, ultra-sharp picture with vivid colours. The TV iscompatible with all major HDR formats — so you'll see more detail, even in dark and bright areas, when you're streaming HDR content.Dolby Vision and Dolby AtmosWith Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos on board, your films, shows and games look and soundincredible. See the picture that the director wanted you to see — no more disappointing scenes that are too dark to make out! Hear every word clearly. Experience sound effects like they're really happening around you.Philips Smart TVYou'll find everything fast with our new smart TV. Enjoying a series? You can continue watching straight from the home screen. If you're looking for something new, you can browse categories like action or drama and see suggestions from the top streaming services — all in one place.AI voice controlThere's a choice of voice assistants! Speak to Alexa devices through Philips TV to play music, hear the news, check weather, control smart home devices, and more. Using Alexa on our 8100 series is simple and hands-free - just ask, and Alexa will respond instantly. If you're watching at the time, the TV volume will lower so that the TV's integrated mic can pick up your voice clearly. Or you can control your TV via Google smart speakers.Responsible packaging.The virtually bezel-free screen of thisAmbilight TV goes with just about any interior, and the slim, dark-grey stand is the perfect height to accommodate a soundbar. Our packaging uses FSC-certified recycled cardboard and our printed materials use recycled paper.Good for gaming.HDMI 2.1 lets you get the best from your console, with fast gameplay and smoothgraphics. VRR is supported, and a low input lag setting activates automatically when you turn on your console. Ambilight's gaming mode makes the thrills feel bigger.Compatible with HDR formatsCompatible with all major HDR formatsAmbilight•Ambilight Features: Wall colour adaptive, Lounge mode, Game Mode, Ambilight Music, AmbiSleep, Built-in Ambilight•Ambilight Version: 3 sidedPicture/Display•Diagonal screen size (inch): 43 inch •Diagonal screen size (metric): 108 cm •Display: 4K Ultra HD LED•Panel resolution: 3840 x 2160•Native refresh rate: 60 Hz•Picture engine: Pixel Precise Ultra HD•Picture enhancement: HDR10, HLG (Hybrid LogGamma), HDR10+ compatible, Dolby VisionDisplay input resolution•Resolution-Refresh rate: 576 p - 50 Hz, 640 x 480- 60 Hz, 720 p - 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 1920 x 1080p -24 Hz, 25 Hz, 30 Hz, , 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 2560 x 1440- 60 Hz, 3840 x 2160p - 24 Hz, 25 Hz, 30 Hz, ,50 Hz, 60 HzTuner/Reception/Transmission•Digital TV: DVB-T/T2/T2-HD/C/S/S2•TV Programme guide*: 8-day ElectronicProgramme Guide•Signal strength indication•Teletext: 1000 page Hypertext•HEVC supportSmart TV•OS: Smart TV with improved OSIssue date 2023-10-21 Version: 5.5.1EAN: 87 18863 03722 5© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Smart TV Features•User Interaction: SimplyShare, Screen mirroring •Interactive TV:HbbTV•SmartTV apps*: YouTube, Philips store, Amazon Prime video, Netflix•Voice assistant*: Amazon Alexa built-in, Works with Google AssistantMultimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV, H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, VP9, HEVC (H.265), AV1•Music Playback Formats: AAC, MP3, WAV, WMA (v2 up to v9.2), WMA-PRO (v9 and v10), FLAC •Subtitles Formats Support: .SMI, .SRT, .SSA, .SUB, .TXT, .ASS•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG, HEIFProcessing•Processing Power: Dual CoreSound•Output power (RMS): 20 W•Speaker configuration: 2 x 10 W full-range speaker •Codec: Dolby Digital MS12 V2.5, DTS-HD(M6)•Sound Enhancement: A.I. Sound, Clear Dialogue, Dolby Atmos®, Dolby Bass Enhancement, Dolby Volume Leveller, Night mode, A.I. EQ Connectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 3•HDMI features: 4K, Audio Return Channel •EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby, One touch play•Number of USBs: 2•Wireless connection: Wi-Fi 802.11ac, 2 x 2, Dual band, Bluetooth 5.0•Other connections: Common Interface Plus (CI+), Ethernet-LAN RJ-45, Digital audio out (optical), Headphone out, Service connector, Satellite Connector•HDCP2.3:Yes on all HDMI•HDMI ARC:Yes on HDMI1•HDMI 2.1 features: eARC on HDMI 1, eARC/VRR/ ALLM supported•EasyLink 2.0: HDMI-CEC for Philips TV/SB, External setting via TV UI Supported HDMI video features•Gaming: ALLM, HDMI VRR•HDR: HLG, HDR10, HDR10+, Dolby VisionEU Energy card•EPREL registration numbers: 1448726•Energy class for SDR: F•On mode power demand for SDR: 51 kWh/1000h•Energy class for HDR: G•On mode power demand for HDR: 104 kWh/1000h•Off mode power consumption: n.a.•Networked standby mode: 2.0 W•Panel technology used: LED LCDPower•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60 Hz•Standby power consumption: less than 0.3 W•Power Saving Features: Auto switch-off timer,Picture mute (for radio), Eco mode, Light sensorAccessories•Included accessories: Remote Control, 2 x AAABatteries, Tabletop stand, Power cord, Quick startguide, Legal and safety brochureDesign•Colours of TV: Satin chrome bezel•Stand design: Satin chrome arch standDimensions•Set Width: 963.0 mm•Set Height: 570.0 mm•Set Depth: 78.0 mm•Product weight: 7.9 kg•Set width (with stand): 963.0 mm•Set height (with stand): 630.0 mm•Set depth (with stand): 237.0 mm•Product weight (+stand): 8.2 kg•Box width: 1100.0 mm•Box height: 755.0 mm•Box depth: 140.0 mm•Weight incl. Packaging: 11.0 kg•Stand width: 777.0 mm•Stand height: 72.0 mm•Stand depth: 237.0 mm•Distance between 2 stands: 777.0 mm•Stand height to TV bottom edge: 72.0 mm•Wall-mount compatible: 100 x 200 mm*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country- and operator-dependent.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscription are required.Contact your operator for more information.*Philips TV Remote app and related functionalities vary per TV model,operator and country, as well as smart device model and OS. Formore details please visit: /TVRemoteapp.*Smart TV app availability varies per TV model and country. For moredetails please visit: /smarttv.*This television contains lead only in certain parts or componentswhere no technology alternatives exist in accordance with existingexemption clauses under the RoHS Directive.*Amazon, Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of ,Inc. or its affiliates. Amazon Alexa is available in selected languagesand countries.*Amazon Prime is available in selected languages and countries.*Netflix subscription required. Subject to terms on https://*Works with Google Assistant, available in selected languages andcountries. The list of supported countries and languages will beexpanded over time. For the latest information, please contact ourcustomer care.。

TCL各 种 机 型 调 试 资 料

TCL各 种 机 型 调 试 资 料
这一栏的撬开遥控 器上的贴纸增加橡 皮胶垫. 同时按住就可 以进入工厂参数
注:确认是否有D04 二极管
回点调整模式,按“图像效果”或“伴音效果”键,将光标移至需调整的点。按“频道 ”或音量+ -”键, 移动该点,使屏幕上所有横线,竖线均平直。调整完成后按“显示”键存储。 按“-/--”键,选中红色方格,以绿色方格为基准,调整红色方格,使红色方格与绿色方格完全重合, 形成黄色方格,调整方法同2。 按“P/S”键,选中蓝色方格,以黄色方格为基准,调整蓝色方格,使蓝色方格与黄色方格完全重合, 形成白色方格,调整方法同2。 NTSC制会聚调整完成后,按“移动”键,将数据复制至PAL制,按“退出”键,退出NTSC会聚调整模式。 五、 PAL制会聚调整: 输入PAL制测试卡,对PAL制会聚进行调整。因PAL制数据由NTSC制复制得来,所以PAL制会聚只需细 调即可,进入会聚调试模式后,按“环绕声”键,光标可逐格移动,由左右进行逐点调整。调整方法 同NTSC制一样。
按“菜单”键,当“菜单”出来后,按:“数字键959996”(连续按就能进入工厂模式)。按节目加/减键 来回调整项目,按音量加/减键调参数。 九、HiD296SB.e进入工厂模式的方法:按“智能音量键”+“显示”键来回交替按,就能进入工厂模式。 十、HiD2990p进入工厂模式的方法:按用户遥控器上的“菜单”键,再连续按遥控器上的数字键“931”
TCL各 种芯系列:a将普通遥控器打开后盖在线路板上的D04位置插上二极管(IN4148), 方向与板面方向相同,然后,按“菜单”两次,即可进入“工厂模式”的各项目调整(注:21”按“美化画面” 键);b、部分飞利蒲机芯按下图操作可进入工厂菜
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