Theories 理论


《语言学习与语言教学的原则》 笔记及习题(第二语言习得理论)【圣才出品】

《语言学习与语言教学的原则》 笔记及习题(第二语言习得理论)【圣才出品】

第11章第二语言习得理论11.1 复习笔记本章要点1. Krashen’s Input Hypothesis克拉申输入假说2. McLaughlin’s Attention-Processing Model麦劳林注意-处理模型3. Bialystok’s Analysis/Automaticity Model亚利斯托克分析/自动模型本章考点1. 有关第二语言习得的理论2. 克拉申输入假说内容及缺陷3. 掌握几大第二语言习得模型本章内容索引Ⅰ. Theories1. Some theories of second language acquisition2. Adult second language acquisitionⅡ. Krashen’s Input Hypothesis1. Definition2. DisagreementsⅢ. McLaughlin’s Attention-Processing ModelⅣ. Bialystok’s Analysis/Automaticity ModelⅤ. Variability ModelsⅥ. From Theory to PracticeⅦ. Intuition: The Search for RelevanceⅧ. Out On A Limb: The Ecology of Language AcquisitionⅠ. Theories(理论)1. Some theories of second language acquisition(第二语言习得理论)(1) A theory of Second language acquisition includes an understanding, in general, of what language is, what learning is, and for classroom contexts, what teaching is.第二语言习得理论大体上包括理解什么是语言,什么是学习,什么是课堂教学。




—《西方文论视野中的英美文学经典》后记张跃军眼前的这部名为《西方文论视野中的英美文 学经典》的书稿,记录了笔者自从1991年成为一名高校教师以来,对英美文学孜孜矻矻、夙寐以求 的心路历程,见证了笔者整整三十年来从事英美文学与文学理论教学与研究的困惑与迷茫、思考 与收获。

在不断前行的同时,把曾经的所思所想整 理出来,希望透过冷静的反思,下一阶段的路程走 得更加平顺、行稳致远。

顾名思义,《西方文论视野中的英美文学经典》兼顾英美文学与批评理论两个方面,把英美文 学经典置于西方文论的视野中加以考察。

兴盛于20世纪上半叶的“新批评”和形式主义的文学批评模式早已式微,而知人论世的社会历史文化批评,似乎也失去了“原本如此”的先验特权,沦为明日 黄花。

理论转向以来方兴未艾、你方唱罢我登场的各色理论,仿佛成了诠释文学作品的必然选择,以 至于研究生学位论文开题或答辩中,如果没有贯 通的理论,能否通过都不好说。

人人皆称理论先行不足取,但“存在即合理”,作为长期教授英美文学 与文学理论课程的教师,笔者认为对理论既不能盲从,更不能无视;理论是解读文本的利器,理论 的加入有利于在形式分析之外,多维度、多层次地审视文本的丰富蕴涵。

在感受论、经验论作为不言 自明的文学研究方法的漫长岁月之后,各领风骚若干年、几乎无死角覆盖的缤纷理论让其提质升 级,以更宽阔的视野、更深刻的洞见,让感受和经 验与时俱进,进入新的境界。

打个不恰当的比喻,感受论和经验论如同中医,能依赖行之有效的经 验解决问题,但受限于直感,难以理性诠释,进入不了现代科学的体系;而理论化的解读则避免了这种尴尬,在现代科学的体系化模式下畅行无碍, 成为学者所遵从的通行模式。



领导的有效性理论2009-11-17 09:40:32| 分类:管理知识 | 标签: |字号大中小订阅领导有效性是近几十年来管理心理学非常重视的问题,因而形成了多种理论。


一、领导素质理论(trait theories of Leadership)这种理论的兴趣在于领导者的个人素质。






























领导特质理论也称伟人理论,是研究领导者的心理特质与其影 响力及领导效能关系的理论。这种理论阐述的重点是领导者与 非领导者的个人品质差异。特质理论假定特性的存在,并且假 定领导者是天生的,而不是后天形成的。从1904年到1948年, 研究人员作了100多种有关领导特性的研究,企图从成功的领 导者身上分离出一个或多个非领导者所不具备的特性。研究表 明,一个成功的管理者,特殊的性格特点不一定是必须的。这 种研究的努力以失败告终。 虽然关于特质理论的研究热情减少了,但研究工作仍在继 续。到20世纪70年代中期,出现了一种均衡的观点,虽然没有 哪一种特性确保领导者的成功,但某些性格特点还是有潜在的 作用。到90年代,认为某些个性特点——许多不是天生的而是 能够努力得到的——能够将有效的领导者与其他人区别开来。 领导者有六项特性不同于非领导者,即进取心、领导愿望、 正直与诚实、自信、智慧和工作相关知识。
1)20世纪初:“伟人”理论,主要研究伟大的社会、政治和 军事领袖与生俱来的素质与个性特征。 观点:这些特质是天生 的,只有“伟人” 才具有这样的品质。 聚焦: 判断发现那些能 够让领导者与众不同的领导特质。
2)20世纪中期:领导力的情景研究。 观点:质疑领导特质 的普适性,认为在不同的场景中没有一套不变的领导特质能够 让领导者与众不同。领导力的定义:在社会情境中的人际间的 关系。与领导力有关的个人特性仍然非常重要, 但是研究者认 为这些因素与环境的需求有关。



Contents of this page include:•Maslow•Hertzberg•Elton Mayo•Handy•Mcgregor theory X and Y•Ouchi theory Z•Lean and mass productionMaslow, s hierarchy of needs:moved from basic to the higher needs. The needs at the bottom must be satisfied to move at the higher ones. Needs do not have to be completely satisfied before higher needs emerge, a sufficient level of satisfaction is acceptable as opposed to the maximum or optimum level.Maslow’ s theory may be summarized and simplified by saying that everyone wa ntscertain things throughout life, and these things can be placed in five ascending categories namely:Basic or physiological needs: the things needed to stay alive: food, shelter and clothing. Such needs can be satisfied by money.Safety or security needs: people want protection against, unemployment, retirement as well as being safeguarded against unfair treatment. These needs can be satisfied by the rules of employment i.e pension scheme, sick fund, employment legislation.Social needs: the vast majority of people want to be part of a group and it is only through group activity that this need can be satisfied. Thus it is up to the organization to make the employee feel part of a group.Ego or Esteem needs: e.g. can include employee being asked to lead a group in a project. This enables the employee to think well of himself and in his abilities. This can be satisfied if the say or suggestion of the employee is taken into account and/or he is asked to lead or be part of an important task.Self-actualization or self-fulfillment needs: this is quite the need to achieve something worthwhile in life. It is a need that is satisfied only by continuing success, for example opening and running a new office.EVALUATION OF MASLOW:The significance of maslow’ s hierarchy of needs is that if underlines the relative importance of money. Status gives little satisfaction to a person desperate for food and shelter.On the other hand it demonstrates that money alone is not enough, and indeed as basic needs are satisfied people are likely to concentrate their attentions on social and ego needs.Herzberg’ s theory of motivation:Herzberg attempted to find out what motivated people at work. He developed the two-factor theory that was based on the idea that motivation is based on two needs, namely hygiene factors and motivational factors.Hygiene factors: are those that have to do with non-job related features such as the working environment.Motivational factors: are those concerned with a need for personal development.Hygiene factors: factors that need to be met to prevent dissatisfaction. Will not motivate in themselves, they are concerned with extrinsic factors associated with thejob itself but are not directly a part of it. The important fact to remember is that attention to these hygiene factors prevents dissatisfaction but does not necessarily provide positive motivation.•Pay•Conditions•Company policy•Relationships with higher levels, such as management•Treatment at work•Inability to develop•Feelings of inadequacyMotivators: factors which motivate: the main motivation factor are not in the environment but in the intrinsic value and satisfaction gained from the job itself. Motivation factors include:•Sense of achievement•Chance of promotion•Chance of improvement•Recognition of effort•Responsibility•Nature of job itselfElton Mayo (Hawthorne Studies)Mayo’ s most important contribution was to identify the basis of work satisfaction as non-economic and to connect it more with the interest taken in the worker ' s performance than with the financial reward.Okay here’ s what happened in plain simple words:• A test was conducted on 6 women which lasted for five years•The test was conducted so as to observe the effect on output and morale of various changes in working conditions.•Initially, an incentive payment scheme was introduced; then rest periods in different forms. Changes were made in the hours of work etc.•CONCLUSION: it was found that whatever changes were made including a return to the original conditions, output still rose!•The output recorded over time kept on increasing.Evaluation: it was apparent that the changes in working conditions could not account for the increase in output - this was due to the enhanced work satisfaction that the girls enjoyed, the development of personal friendships, and a new social atmosphere, which brought a marked change in their attitude towards work.Mcgregor, s theory X and theory Y:Mcgregor’ s theories:Theory X: assumes that people dislike work and responsibility. Therefore they must be coerced, controlled, directed or threatened with punishment to get them to make an effort towards achievement of organizational objectives. However modern employment laws have made this difficult for managers. For this reason a 'carrot’ approach is used. People have to be persuaded to carry out tasks by promises or rewards. In many ways this is similar to Taylor’ s view.Theory Y:assumes that most people are motivated by those things at the top of Maslow’ s hierarchy. In other words, people are responsible, committ ed and enjoy having control over work. Most people, given the opportunity, will get involved in work and contribute towards the solution of a problem that may arise.IN OTHER WORDS:THEORY X is pessimistic and rigid. Control is primarily external i.e. imposed on the subordinate by the superior.THEORY Y is optimistic, dynamic and flexible, with an emphasis o self-direction and the integration of individual needs with organizational demands.Ouchi theory ZIn theory Z there is an emphasis on the interpersonal skills that form the basis of group working, where decision making is by consensus, but responsibility remains with the individual.There is emphasis on building trust through informal and democratic relationships.The characteristics of the theory z organizations are:•Long term employment•Slow evaluation and promotion•Moderately specialized careers•Consensual decision making•Individual responsibility- this could mean giving greater responsibility lower down the line•Concern for the employeeLEAN PRODUCTIONLean production is divided into the following sectors:•Kaizen•Just in time manufacturing•Time based management •Empowerment •TeamworkingKaizen is perhaps the most concept in Japanese management. It means continuous improvement. In western businesses productivity remains the same for long periods of time, then suddenly rises. The increase is followed by another period of stability, before another rise. Increases in productivity may result from new working practices or new technology. The dotted line below shows the Japanese approach. Improvements are continuous. They result from changes in production techniques.continuousimprovementsone ofjmprovementstimethe kaizen is said to be an umbrella concept. A wide range of different production techniques and working practices must be carried out for it to be effective. These include:•Zero defect policies•Total quality management•Quality control circles•Automation•Just in timeIt is difficult for workers in the business to look for continuous improvement all the time. In order to solve this problem a system was introduced namely PDCA (plan, do, check, action)Plan: business must identify where improvement is needed. Data must be gathered and used to develop a plan which will result in improvement.Do: once the plan has been finalized it must be carried out.Check: the next stage in the cycle is to check whether or not there has been an improvement.Action: if the plan has been successful, it must be introduced in all parts of the business.Just in time manufacturing:JIT: just in time manufacturing is an important part of lean production. It is defined as for example in any manufacturing and selling organization: ‘raw materials being delivered JIT to be made into parts, parts were delivered JIT to be made into goods and goods were produced and delivered JIT to be sold./Advantages:•It improves cash flow as money is not tied up in stock•The system reduces waste•Since no stock is held the excess factory space can be used for something else •Links with and the control of suppliers is improvedDisadvantages:• A lot of faith is placed in the reliability and flexibility of suppliers•Increased order costs•Advantages of bulk discounts is lost•Difficult to cope up with sharp increases in demandTime-based management:Time based mgt involves reducing the amount of time businesses take carrying out certain tasks, such as launching new products or cutting lead times in production. Time based mgt is a feature of lean production because it involves eliminating a type of waste i.e. time.Advantages:•Customers will benefit. A wider range of products will be available and there will be faster delivery times.•Increased efficiency will benefit the company by improving it’ s image in the eyes of the people•The time spent on range of production tasks is reduced. This helps to improve productivity and reduce unit costs.Empowerment:Empowerment involves giving employees the power to make decisions in a business. The aim of empowerment is to give employees more control over their own work conditions.Businesses have now learnt that efficiency will improve if workers are given theopportunity to involve themselves in decision making. Workers will be better motivated and the business may gain from the creativity of its workers.Empowerment is not without difficulties. Some workers may not be able to make their own decisions and training may be required to teach them such skills. Mangers may resent giving up authority. Some staff may even abuse their power to make decisions.Team working:A growing number of businesses are introducing team working. This involves dividing the workforce into fairly small groups. Each team will focus on particular areas of production and team members will have the same common aims.Effective teamworking requires cooperation between workers and management. Both the business and employees can benefit from team working. Workers should develop relationships with colleagues and a team spirit which may improve motivation and productivity. Flexibility will improve. For example team members might be more willing to cover for an absent colleague.MASS production。



母语习得理论(Theories of Acquisition of the Maternal Language) 关于儿童对母语,主要就是口语中的听与说的能力之获得的理论,主要有:行为主义理论,“先天伦”与认知理论等。

行为主义理论(behaviourist theory)的基础就是“强化”论或刺激--反应论,代表人物有语言学家布龙菲尔德与心理学家斯金纳等人。










布龙菲尔德的公式S(实际刺激)—r(言语反应)……s(言语刺激) R(实际反应)就表明了这一点。



语言学习的“天性论”(innateness theory)用典型的理性主义的方法来解释儿童语言习得的问题。


这种理论认为:儿童生下来就有一种适于学习语言的、人类独有的能力,即儿童天赋的普遍语法(universal grammar,简称UG)知识。

Work Motivation Theories工作动机理论

Work Motivation Theories工作动机理论
Person compares themselves with Other Person perceived what they input into job Person perceives what they benefit from job Person compares input-benefit ratio of him/herself to
Hourly Wages
Workers should expend more effort (i.e., increase inputs)
Piece Rate Wages
Workers should expend more effort to produce fewer, but more high quality products
Work Motivation
Chapter 12
Work Motivation: Overview
Five Critical Concepts in Motivation Work Motivation Theories Overview and Synthesis of Work Motivation Theories The Application of Motivational Strategies
Work Motivation Theories: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Self-Actualization (Self-fulfillment)
Esteem (Recognition from others)
Social (Company and acceptance of others)


研究影响领导效果的主要因素。 研究影响领导效果的主要因素。 研究理论很多, 研究理论很多,其中广泛认可的 有几种—— 有几种——
(一)路径-目标理论 路径 目标理论
认为领导者的工作是帮助下属实现他们的 目标, 目标 , 并提供必要的指导和支持以确保各自 的目标与群体或组织的总体目标一致。 的目标与群体或组织的总体目标一致。 有效的领导者应明确指明实现工作目标的 途径来帮助下属, 途径来帮助下属 , 并为下属清理各项障碍和 危险,从而使实现目标的过程更为容易。 危险,从而使实现目标的过程更为容易。 豪斯确定了四种领导行为: 豪斯确定了四种领导行为:P265-266
程度。 程度。
任务结构:工作任务的程序化程度 职位权力:领导者拥有的权力 雇佣,解雇,训 领导者拥有的权力(雇佣 解雇, 雇佣,
戒,晋升,加薪等) 晋升,加薪等 用这三项权变量来评估情境,有八种组合, 用这三项权变量来评估情境,有八种组合,或 8种情境类型。 种情境类型。 种情境类型
(一)指导委员会 团队的结构、 (二)团队的结构、领导和成员 (三)团队的推进者
清晰的目标 有能力、 相关的技能--有能力 有技术、 相关的技能 有能力、有技术、品质良好的成员 相互的信任 一致的承诺--对团队的高度忠诚的认同 一致的承诺 对团队的高度忠诚的认同 良好的沟通:渠道畅通 良好的沟通 渠道畅通 谈判技能 恰当的领导 内部支持和外部支持
行为理论对领导风格提出了概念性框架, 行为理论对领导风格提出了概念性框架 , 但 问题是: 问题是:行为理论研究者在正确的领导行为类 型与成功绩效之间的一致性关系上的解释很不 成功, 成功,他们欠缺对影响成功和失败的情境因素 的考虑。 的考虑。



求助编辑百科名片大统一理论大统一理论(grand unified theories,GUTs)。








Contents of this page include:∙Maslow∙Hertzberg∙Elton Mayo∙Handy∙Mcgregor theory X and Y∙Ouchi theory Z∙Lean and mass productionMaslow’s hierarchy of needs:Maslow showed how an individual’s emphasis on needs moved from basic to the higher needs. The needs at the bottom must be satisfied to move at the higher ones. Needs do not have to be completely satisfied before higher needs emerge, a sufficient level of satisfaction is acceptable as opposed to the maximum or optimum level.Maslow’s theory may be summarized and simplified by saying that everyone wants certain things throughout life, and these things can be placed in five ascending categories namely:Basic or physiological needs: the things needed to stay alive: food, shelter and clothing. Such needs can be satisfied by money.Safety or security needs: people want protection against, unemployment, retirement as well as being safeguarded against unfair treatment. These needs can be satisfied by the rules of employment i.e pension scheme, sick fund, employment legislation.Social needs: the vast majority of people want to be part of a group and it is only through group activity that this need can be satisfied. Thus it is up to the organization to make the employee feel part of a group.Ego or Esteem needs: e.g. can include employee being asked to lead a group in a project. This enables the employee to think well of himself and in his abilities. This can be satisfied if the say or suggestion of the employee is taken into account and/or he is asked to lead or be part of an important task.Self-actualization or self-fulfillment needs: this is quite the need to achieve something worthwhile in life. It is a need that is satisfied only by continuing success, for example opening and running a new office.EVALUATION OF MASLOW:The significance of maslow’s hierarchy of needs is that if underlines the relative importance of money. Status gives little satisfaction to a person desperate for food and shelter.On the other hand it demonstrates that money alone is not enough, and indeed as basic needs are satisfied people arelikely to concentrate their attentions on social and ego needs.Herzberg’s theory of motivation:Herzberg attempted to find out what motivated people at work. He developed the two-factor theory that was based on the idea that motivation is based on two needs, namely hygiene factors and motivational factors.Hygiene factors: are those that have to do with non-job related features such as the working environment.Motivational factors: are those concerned with a need for personal development.Hygiene factors: factors that need to be met to prevent dissatisfaction. Will not motivate in themselves, they are concerned with extrinsic factors associated with the job itself but are not directly a part of it. The important fact to remember is that attention to these hygiene factors prevents dissatisfaction but does not necessarily provide positive motivation.Pay∙Conditions∙Company policy∙Relationships with higher levels, such as management∙Treatment at work∙Inability to develop∙Feelings of inadequacyMotivators: factors which motivate: the main motivation factor are not in the environment but in the intrinsic value and satisfaction gained from the job itself. Motivation factors include:∙Sense of achievement∙Chance of promotion∙Chance of improvement∙Recognition of effort∙Responsibility∙Nature of job itselfElton Mayo (Hawthorne Studies)Mayo’s most important contribution was to identify the basis of work satisfaction as non-economic and to connect it more with the interest taken in the worker’s performance than with the financial reward.Okay here’s what happened in plain simple words:∙ A test was conducted on 6 women which lasted for five years ∙The test was conducted so as to observe the effect on output and morale of various changes in working conditions. ∙Initially, an incentive payment scheme was introduced; then rest periods in different forms. Changes were made in the hours of work etc.∙CONCLUSION: it was found that whatever changes were made including a return to the original conditions, output still rose!∙The output recorded over time kept on increasing.Evaluation: it was apparent that the changes in working conditions could not account for the increase in output –this was due to the enhanced work satisfaction that the girls enjoyed, the development of personal friendships, and a new social atmosphere, which brought a marked change in their attitude towards work.Mcgregor’s theories:Theory X: assumes that people dislike work and responsibility. Therefore they must be coerced, controlled, directed or threatened with punishment to get them to make an effort towards achievement of organizational objectives. However modern employment laws have made this difficult for managers. For this reason a ‘carrot’ approach is used. People have to be persuaded to carry out tasks by promises or rewards. In many ways this is similar to Taylor’s view.Theory Y: assumes that most people are motivated by those things at the top of Maslow’s hierarchy. In other words, people are responsible, committed and enjoy having control over work. Most people, given the opportunity, will get involved in work and contribute towards the solution of a problem that may arise.IN OTHER WORDS:THEORY X is pessimistic and rigid. Control is primarily external i.e. imposed on the subordinate by the superior.THEORY Y is optimistic, dynamic and flexible, with an emphasis o self-direction and the integration of individual needs with organizational demands.Ouchi theory ZIn theory Z there is an emphasis on the interpersonal skills that form the basis of group working, where decision making is by consensus, but responsibility remains with the individual.There is emphasis on building trust through informal and democratic relationships.The characteristics of the theory z organizations are:∙Long term employment∙Slow evaluation and promotion∙Moderately specialized careers∙Consensual decision making∙Individual responsibility- this could mean giving greater responsibility lower down the line∙Concern for the employeeLEAN PRODUCTIONLean production is divided into the following sectors: ∙Kaizen∙Just in time manufacturing∙Time based management∙Empowerment∙TeamworkingKaizen is perhaps the most concept in Japanese management. It means continuous improvement. In western businesses productivity remains the same for long periods of time, then suddenly rises. The increase is followed by another period of stability, before another rise. Increases in productivity may result from new working practices or new technology. The dotted line below shows the Japanese approach. Improvements are continuous. They result from changes in production techniques.the kaizen is said to be an umbrella concept. A wide range of different production techniques and working practices must be carried out for it to be effective. These include:∙Zero defect policies∙Total quality management∙Quality control circles∙Automation∙Just in timeIt is difficult for workers in the business to look for continuous improvement all the time. In order to solve this problem a system was introduced namely PDCA (plan, do, check, action)Plan: business must identify where improvement is needed. Data must be gathered and used to develop a plan which will result in improvement.Do: once the plan has been finalized it must be carried out. Check: the next stage in the cycle is to check whether or not there has been an improvement.Action: if the plan has been successful, it must be introduced in all parts of the business.Just in time manufacturing:JIT: just in time manufacturing is an important part of lean production. It is defined as for example in any manufacturing and selling organization: ‘raw materials being delivered JIT to be made into parts, parts were delivered JIT to be made into goods and goods were produced and delivered JIT to be sold.’Advantages:∙It improves cash flow as money is not tied up in stock∙The system reduces waste∙Since no stock is held the excess factory space can be used for something else∙Links with and the control of suppliers is improvedDisadvantages:∙ A lot of faith is placed in the reliability and flexibility of suppliers∙Increased order costs∙Advantages of bulk discounts is lost∙Difficult to cope up with sharp increases in demandTime-based management:Time based mgt involves reducing the amount of time businesses take carrying out certain tasks, such as launching new products or cutting lead times in production. Time based mgt is a feature of lean production because it involves eliminating a type of waste i.e. time.Advantages:∙Customers will benefit. A wider range of products will be available and there will be faster delivery times.∙Increased efficiency will benefit the company by improving it’s image in the eyes of the people∙The time spent on range of production tasks is reduced.This helps to improve productivity and reduce unit costs.Empowerment:Empowerment involves giving employees the power to make decisions in a business. The aim of empowerment is to give employees more control over their own work conditions.Businesses have now learnt that efficiency will improve if workers are given the opportunity to involve themselves in decision making. Workers will be better motivated and the business may gain from the creativity of its workers.Empowerment is not without difficulties. Some workers may not be able to make their own decisions and training may be required to teach them such skills. Mangers may resent giving up authority. Some staff may even abuse their power to make decisions.Team working:A growing number of businesses are introducing team working. This involves dividing the workforce into fairly small groups. Each team will focus on particular areas of production and team members will have the same common aims.Effective teamworking requires cooperation between workers and management. Both the business and employees can benefit from team working. Workers should develop relationships with colleagues and a team spirit which may improve motivation and productivity. Flexibility will improve. For example team members might be more willing to cover for an absent colleague.MASS production。

什么是理论 英语作文

什么是理论 英语作文

什么是理论英语作文英文回答:A theory is a set of interrelated concepts, definitions, and propositions that presents a systematic view of phenomena by specifying relations among variables in orderto explain and predict the phenomena. It is a framework for organizing knowledge and providing explanations. Theories can be informal or formal, depending on the level of detail and rigor with which they are developed. Informal theories are often based on common sense and everyday observations, while formal theories are usually developed throughrigorous research and testing.Theories are important for several reasons. First, they provide a way to organize and make sense of complex phenomena. By identifying the key variables involved in a phenomenon and specifying the relationships among them, theories help us to understand how the phenomenon works. Second, theories allow us to make predictions about futureevents. By understanding the relationships between variables, we can use theories to predict how a phenomenon will behave under different conditions. Third, theories can be used to develop new interventions or treatments. By understanding the causes of a problem, we can use theories to develop strategies to address it.There are many different types of theories, depending on the field of study. In the physical sciences, for example, theories are often based on mathematical models that describe the behavior of physical systems. In the social sciences, theories are often based on qualitative data and observations. The type of theory that is most appropriate for a particular field of study will depend on the nature of the phenomena being studied.In general, a good theory should meet the following criteria:It should be internally consistent. The concepts and propositions in a theory should not contradict each other.It should be empirically supported. A theory should be supported by evidence from research studies.It should be parsimonious. A theory should be assimple as possible while still being able to explain the phenomena it is intended to explain.It should be falsifiable. A theory should be able tobe tested and potentially disproven.Theories are essential for scientific progress. They provide a way to organize and make sense of complex phenomena, make predictions about future events, anddevelop new interventions or treatments. The development of new theories is an ongoing process, and as new evidence is gathered, theories are constantly being revised and refined.中文回答:什么是理论?理论是一组相互关联的概念、定义和命题,通过规定变量之间的关系来呈现对现象的系统性看法,以解释和预测这些现象。



(1)合作精神,即愿与他人一起工作,能赢得人们的合作, 对人不是压服,而是感动和说服。 (2)决策能力,即依赖事实而非想象进行决策,具有高瞻远 瞩的能力。 (3)组织能力,即能发掘部属的才能,善于组织人力、物力 和财力。 (4)精于授权,即能大权独揽,小权分散。 (5)善于应变,即机动灵活,善于进取,而不抱守缺、墨守 成规。
领导特质理论并不是区分领导者和被领导者的 最有效的方法,也不能从根本上解决领导的有效性 问题。不过,大多数人还是相信在成功的领导者身 上具有某些鲜明的个性特征。一些学者研究发现, 领导者有六项特质不同于非领导者,即进取心、领 导愿望、诚实与正直、自信、智慧和工作相关知识。 此外,研究表明,个体是否具有高自我监控能力 (在调节自己行为以适应不同环境方面具有很高的 灵活性)也是一项重要因素,高自我监控者比低自 我监控者更易于成为群体中的领导者。
斯蒂芬· 罗宾斯总结有领袖魅力的领导 者的关键特点。
第一,它提出的领导特质包罗万象、说法不一,甚 至相互矛盾 第二,它不能够说明一个领导者究竟应该在多大程 度上具备某种领导特质 第三,它也不能解释为什么一些非领导者所具备的 领导特质反倒比一些领导者还要多 第四,它忽视了情境因素,没有考虑环境对个性的 影响 第五,早期的领导特质理论坚持认为领导特质是与 生俱来的。后来的一些研究表明,领导者并不一定 都具有比被领导者优秀的特质,实际上他们与被领 导者在个人质理论?
领导特质理论也称伟人理论,是研究领导者的心理特质与其影 响力及领导效能关系的理论。这种理论阐述的重点是领导者与 非领导者的个人品质差异。特质理论假定特性的存在,并且假 定领导者是天生的,而不是后天形成的。从1904年到1948年, 研究人员作了100多种有关领导特性的研究,企图从成功的领 导者身上分离出一个或多个非领导者所不具备的特性。研究表 明,一个成功的管理者,特殊的性格特点不一定是必须的。这 种研究的努力以失败告终。 虽然关于特质理论的研究热情减少了,但研究工作仍在继 续。到20世纪70年代中期,出现了一种均衡的观点,虽然没有 哪一种特性确保领导者的成功,但某些性格特点还是有潜在的 作用。到90年代,认为某些个性特点——许多不是天生的而是 能够努力得到的——能够将有效的领导者与其他人区别开来。 领导者有六项特性不同于非领导者,即进取心、领导愿望、 正直与诚实、自信、智慧和工作相关知识。




按照时间的顺序,在20世纪40年代末,也就是领导理论出现的初期,研究者主要从事的是领导的特制理论的研究,其核心观点是:领导能力是天生的;从40年代末至60 末,主要进行的是领导行为理论的研究,其核心观点是:领导效能与领导行为、领导风格有关;从60年代末至80年代初,出现领导权变理论,其核心观点是:有效的领导受不同情景的影响;从80年代初至今,大量的出现了领导风格理论的研究,其主要观点是:有效的领导需要提供愿景、鼓舞和注重行动。

一、领导特性理论(Trait theories)1、传统的特性理论2、现代特性理论3、魅力型领导(Charismatic leadership)4、管理者胜任力(Managerial competencies)5、领导艺术(Romance of leadership)二、领导作风理论(Style theories)1、勒温的领导风格类型理论2、利克特的四种管理方式三、领导行为理论(Behavioral theories)1、密执安大学领导行为的研究(University of Michigan Studies)2、俄亥俄大学领导行为的研究(Ohio State Studies)3、管理方格图(The Managerial Grid)4、关怀/主动模型(Consideration/Initiating Structure)5、任务/关系导向行为(Task-oriented/relations-oriented Behavior)四、领导权变理论(Contingency Theories)1、专制-民主连续体模型2、菲德勒模型(Fiedler’s Model)3、领导参与模型(Leader-participation model)4、认知资源理论(Cognitive resource theory)5、目标-通路理论(Path-Goal theory)6、常规决策模式(Normative decision model)7、领导-成员交换理论(Leader-member exchangetheory, LMX)8、垂直对偶带/领导成员交换理论(V ertical dyad linkage/leader–member exchange)9、隐涵领导模式(implicit leadership theory),10、领导生命周期理论(Life-cycle approach to leadership)五、领导理论研究的新动向1、领导归因理论(Attribution theory of leadership)2、领导魅力理论(Charismatic leadership theory)3、处理型与变革型领导理论(transactional andtransformational leadership theory)4、超越型领导理论(Super-leadership theory)5、愿景领导(visionary leadership)6、电子化领导(E-leadership)7、领导创意人群(Leading creative people)8、跨文化领导(Leading across cultures)9、领导伦理(Ethical leadership)。

Social Work Theories 社会工作理论

Social Work Theories 社会工作理论

Theories, models and perspectives - Cheat sheet for field instructorsMajor Theories – Used in Social Work Practice∙Systems Theory∙Psychodynamic∙Social Learning∙ConflictDevelopmental Theories∙Theories of moral reasoning (Kohlberg, Gilligan)∙Theories of cognition (Piaget)∙Transpersonal theories of human development (Transpersonal – means beyond or through the persona or mask. Going beyond identity rooted in the individual body or ego to include spiritual experience or higher levels of consciousness.) ∙Stage theories – EriksonPrimary Perspectives∙Strengths∙Feminist∙Eco-SystemsCurrent Social Work Practice Models∙Problem Solving∙Task-Centered∙Solution – Focused∙Narrative∙Cognitive-Behavioral∙CrisisIn brief, social work practice models are like recipes. They are step-by-step guides for client sessions. Perspectives represent what aspects of the session are emphasized or highlighted in a session (i.e. questions asked or time spent). Theories are overall explanations of the person-in-environment configuration. Theories help explain why the problem is occurring and where the most efficient intervention should take place. Definitions:Theory –A general statement about the real world whose essential truth can besupported by evidence obtained through the scientific method. – Must explain in a provable way why something happens. Ex: Learning theory explains behavior on the basis of what organisms have learned from the environment.Model – Is a blueprint for action. It describes what happens in practice in a general way. Ex: The behavioral model (based on learning theory) gives specific guidelinesfor how to effect change. If a parent complains that his child is having difficultystaying in his own bed at night and the parent has been allowing the child to sleep in his/her bed( thereby reinforcing the child’s difficulty) the practitioner would help the parent to extinguish the behavior by removing the reinforcement.Perspective – A way of perceiving the world flows from a value position. Note: The perspective will influence choice of theory and model.Note: Payne ( 1997) argues that social work theory succeeds best when it contains all three elements of perspective, theory and model.Example: Men who batter their partnersTheory: Social learning theory – men learn their violent behavior in their family of origin, and from a culture that rewards anger and violence in men; cognitive theory –what men say to themselves in situations of stress increases their anger and their propensity to be violent.Model: Cognitive-behavioralPerspective: FeministDefinitions are from Syers & Boisen (2003) Course handoutPayne, M. (1997). Modern Social Work Theory. Lyceum Books1. Systems theories– Those concepts that emphasize reciprocal relationships between the elements that constitute a whole. These concepts also emphasize the relationships among individuals, groups, organizations, or communities and mutually influencing factors in the environment. Systems theories focus on the interrelationships of elements in nature, encompassing physics, chemistry, biology, and social relationships (general systems theory, ecological perspective, life model, and ecosystems perspective).2. Psychodynamic Theory–∙Psychodynamic psychotherapy is concerned with how internal processes such as needs, drives, and emotions motivate human behavior.∙Emotions have a central place in human behavior.∙Unconscious, as well as conscious mental activity serves as the motivating force in human behavior.∙Early childhood experiences are central in the patterning of an individual’s emotions, and therefore, central to problems of living throughout life.∙Individuals may become overwhelmed by internal and/or external demands.∙Individuals frequently use ego defense mechanisms to avoid becoming overwhelmed by internal and/or external demands.Note: In current social work practice psychodynamic theory is what the social worker uses when s/he looks at early attachment relationships and the developmental history of the client which includes past trauma or abuse. In addition, social workers use this theoryin supervision to understand the dynamics of the helping relationship (transference, countertransference).3. Social Learning -∙Social learning theory suggests that human behavior is learned as individuals interact with their environment.∙Problem behavior is maintained by positive or negative reinforcement.∙Cognitive- behavioral therapy looks at what role thoughts play in maintaining the problem. Emphasis is on changing dysfunctional thoughts which influencebehavior.∙Methods which stem from this theory are the gradual shaping of new behavior through positive and negative reinforcement, modeling, stress management:biofeedback, relaxation techniques, cognitive restructuring, imagery andsystematic desensitization.4. Conflict Theory –∙This theory draws attention to conflict, dominance, and oppression in social life.∙Groups and individuals try to advance their own interests over the interests of others.∙Power is unequally divided, and some social groups dominate others.∙Social order is based on the manipulation and control of nondominant groups by dominant groups.∙Lack of open conflict is a sign of exploitation.∙Social change is driven by conflict, with periods of change interrupting long periods of stability.Note: Social workers use this theory to understand clients who are experiencing oppression in some form or another in our capitalist society.Primary Perspectives∙Strengths – Stems from the work of Saleeby (1996) – The social worker assumes that the client has multiple strengths. The social worker tries to assess thestrengths of the client and emphasizes these strengths in the helping relationship.∙Feminist – This perspective takes into account the role of gender and the historical lack of power experienced by women in our society. Feminist socialworkers emphasize the collaborative relationship between the social worker and the client and place an emphasis on equality and empowerment of women in our society.Current Social Work Practice Models∙Problem Solving – The problem solving model focuses on understanding the problem, brainstorming possible solutions, having the client pick a solution,having the client try out a solution and then evaluating how the solution worked.∙Task-Centered – This model focuses on breaking down the problem into small tasks that the client can accomplish. The social worker may use rehearsal,deadlines, and contracts, in order to help the client feel successful and motivatedtowards solving the problem.∙Solution – Focused – This model starts with the solution and then helps the client establish the steps that will lead to the solution. This model is the one that usesthe miracle question to help clients envision the future that they want to obtain.∙Narrative – This model uses letters and other methods to help the client re-author their lives. For a more in-depth explanation I suggest a very short user-friendlybook titled, “What is Narrative Therapy?” by Alice Morgan (2000). Developmental TheoriesDevelopmental theories focus on how behavior changes and stays the same across the life cycle. Stage theories are usually characterized by the following:∙Human development occurs in clearly defined stages∙Each stage of life is qualitatively different from all other stages.∙Stages of development are sequential, with each stage building on earlier stages.∙Stages of development are universal.∙All environments provide the support necessary for development.∙Theories of moral reasoning (Kohlberg, Gilligan)Kohlberg’s stages o f moral developmentPreconventional – Heteronymous morality – Accepting what the world says is right – Instrumental purpose – Defining the good as whatever is agreeable to the self and those in the immediate environment.Conventional – Interpersonal experiences – Seeking conformity and consistency in moral action with significant others. The societal point of view – Seekingconformity and consistency with what one perceives to be the opinions of the larger community.Post-conventional – Ethics – Observing individual and group (societal) rights.Conscience and logic – Seeking to apply universal principles of right and wrong.Formal operations (11- adulthood) – The person becomes able to solve real and hypothetical problems using abstract concepts.∙Theories of cognition (Piaget)∙Transpersonal theories of human development (Transpersonal – means beyond or through the persona or mask. Going beyond identity rooted in the individual body or ego to include spiritual experience or higher levels of consciousness.) ∙Stage theories – Life stages –Eriksson’s Stages of psychosocial developmentInfancy– Trust vs. mistrustEarly childhood – Autonomy vs. Shame and doubtPlay age – Initiative vs. guiltSchool age – Industry vs. InferiorityAdolescence – Identity vs. Identity diffusionYoung adulthood – Intimacy vs. isolationAdulthood – Generativity vs. self-absorption Mature age – Integrity vs. Disgust and despair。


中介语语法损伤研究,它是对中介语句法表征 ( interlanguage syntactic representation)的
简言之,中介语的句法系统是否受普遍语 法的约束,同时揭示二语习得者是否与一语习 得者有相同的句法表征。
研究主要内容:中介语中与功能语类相关的 动词屈折词缀的缺失是否意味着中介语语法 的损伤。
理论研究方面:以Michael Long提出的通过交 互使输入变得可理解,进而使课理解性输入促 进习得的“朗式互动假说”和Swain的“可理 解输出理论”研究为主。
实证研究方面:以研究输入与输出双方在二语 习得中的作用为主,并且深入到双方对理论研 究的影响。
代表人有:Leow(2001),Izumi(2000、2002), Wong(2003),Farely(2004)等。
此外,基于网络环境的输入和多媒体的输入对二语习 得的研究不断攀升,如:王斌,陈静(2006),邓跃平 (2009)等。而把输入与输出相结合对二语习得进行 的实证研究还比较少,只有周卫京(2005)和蔡芸 (2009)对此做了研究。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ境论
与“先天论”不同,“环境论”认为,就某一生物的发 展而言,更为重要的不是先天因素,而是后天的经验。
人类语言普遍具有的特征(语言共项),共有的规则,又称为普通 语法。普通语法体现了人类语言的共性,是语言中最基本的东西,适 用于任何语言,是高度抽象的规则。存在于所有人类语言的深层结构 中。这些语言普遍原则是以参数形式出现的,处于待定状态。 ② 先天的判断、评价语言信息的能力
儿童能对他所接触的语言参数定值。儿童听到一些具体的话语,首 先根据语言的普遍特征,对某一语言的结构提出假设,接着运用评价 能力对假设进行验证和评价,从而确定母语的具体结构。即为语言的 普遍范畴和规则赋予具体数值,婴儿就获得了母语的能力。也就是说 语法规则不是由输入的材料归纳而来的,是由语言习得机制中的普遍 语法转换而来的。
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The British translator Alexander F. Tytler put forward his three principles in the late 18thcentury:First,the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.Second,the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original.Third,the translation should have all the ease of the original composition.Fu Lei’s Criterion: Spiritual Conformity“神似” 是傅雷于1951年提出的文学翻译观。

这是比“信、达、雅” 更高的翻译标准。





例如:You may take a horse to the water, but you can‟t make it drink.a. 你可以把马牵到河边去,但不能叫它饮水。

b. 牵马河边易,逼它饮水难。


Qian Zhongshu’s Criterion: Subli med Adaptation钱钟书指出,“文学翻译的最高标准是…化‟。



Summarizing the above criteria, you may find that both Chinese and foreign translation criteria aim to solve two problems: one is the task of translation, namely, to be faithful to the source text;the other is how to carry out the task — the language used in the target text should be smooth. In short,“faithfulness and smoothness” can be regarded as the essential translation criteria.Liu Zhongde’s Principles of TranslationAccepting the first two of Yan‟s principles of translation and absorbing those expounded by Tytler, Liu proposed his three characters—“信达切”as a set of principles of translation, which he believes to be more comprehensive and practical. They may be defined as follows:1.Faithfulness—to be faithful to the content of the original;2.Expressiveness—to be as expressive as the original;3. Closeness—to be as close as possible to the original styleHe agrees with both Yan and Tytler that the translation must confirm to the original in meaning and “that the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original.” Faithfulness is the first important principle of translation. The translator ought to convey the author‟s ideas faithfully and exactly. He has no right to alter the meaning of the original to suit his own taste.Lu Xun pointed out, “Translation does not tolerate any mistakes.”Apart from making an effort to achieve faithfulness to the content of the orginal, the translator must aim at making his translation as expressive as the original, for it is intended for the reading public. If one‟s translation is not readable or understandable, what‟s the use of it?During the debate on the principles of translation in the 1930‟s there appeared two opposite schools. One said, “Smoothness (which is corresponding to the expressiveness as mentioned above) is preferable to faithfulness in transl ation”. The other argued, “Faithfulness is preferable to smoothness.” Advocating the former, a translator might sacrifice some of the content of the original. Acting in accordance with the latter, he might produce a translation not quite readable somewhere. This has been demonstrated by some of their translations. We should take it as a lesson. So long as we work hard at the practice and theory of translation, we can finally unify these two seemingly contradictory principles.We may say that faithfulness and smoothness are the two rudimentary principles every translator must observe.Only when a translator achieves faithfulness in content and smoothness or expressiveness in wording, can he further pursue closeness in style.The reason why Liu Zhongde replac es Yan Fu‟s elegance with closeness is that elegance means gracefulness, which in fact is only one of various styles. Evidently we should not make all translations elegant in style, regardless of what style the original is. The word closeness, Liu believes, is a neutral term which may be applied to all kinds of styles. Discussing the various styels of Chinese and foreign literature, Zhang Qichun said, “ style is the art of representation…it is revelation of individuality. For instance… the style of Li Bai i s elegant and forceful whereas that of Du Fu profound and thoughtful”. The style of Henry James and that of Ernest Hemingway arealso quite different. The former is wordy and obscure while the latter brief and implicit.Of this question, Buffon, a French naturalist, made the well-known statement—the style is the man (Le style, c‟est l‟homme). That‟s to say, style varies with authors. Some are elegant in style, some vulgar, some flowery and some plain. A translator should try his best to make the style of his translation as close as possible to that of the original. For instance, if the original is elegant, of course, the translation should be elegant in style, too. If the original style is not elegant, the translation style shouldn‟t be elegant, either.Style represents the essential characteristics of each writer‟s writing. Various writers have various styles. This is already a universally acknowledged truth. For instance, the essential characteristic of the political essays written by Lenin is to make use of allusions and stir up the reader‟s thinking in images and that of Lu Xun‟s miscellaneous essays is characteristically brief and pithy, sharp and sarcastic. The translator must strive to reproduce their respective characteristics in writing, i.e., style, besides being faithful to the original content and making his representation expressive. Only by doing so can his work be called translation which conforms to the principles—faithfulness in content, expressiveness in wording and closenss in style.Liu furth er argues against the character “Ya” (elegance) as a common principle applied to style in the light of dialogues in literary works. It‟s undeniable that the dialogues of the characters either in a play or in a novel are quite distinct from one another in linguistic style due to their status. Such being the case, the translator should do his best to retain the tone and manner of speaking of all the characters concerned. He should not make the vulgar elegant or vice versa. If we put all the vulgar expressions into elegant ones, the images of the characters in literary works will be impaired, because the typicality or idiosyncracy of the characters is usually reflected, on the one hand, in their actions and on the other, in their words. Suppose in a literary work you are going to translate, you come across such vulgar expressions as “Damned, you son of a bitch, go to the devil!” How could you make them elegant in your translation? They should be randered asthey are into something like “该死,你这个狗崽子;见鬼去吧!” Otherwise, you may be criticized for not being faithful to the original.Concerning style, Jonathan Swift, a famous English writer, gave style a very concise definition:“Proper words in proper places make the true definition of a style.”What he said is applicable to both writing and translation.A translator must work hard at the closeness to the original in style and the reproduction of the original images if he wants to make his translation worthy of appreciation. But such a success is not easily achieved. We can see the difficulty in the criticism made by M. Arnold (1822-1888) of the several versions of Iliad and Odyssey by Homer:“Homer is rapid in his movement, Homer is plain in his words and style, Homer is simple in his ideas, Homer is noble in his manner. Cowper renders him ill because he is slow in his movement, and elaborate in his style; Pope renders him ill because he is artificial both in his style and in his words; Chapman renders him ill because he is fantasitc in his ideas; Mr Newman renders him ill because he is odd in his words and ignoble in his manner. All four translators diverge from their original at other points besides those named; but it is at the points thus named that their divergence is greatest…”Indeed, it is not easy to satisfactory realize the three principles of translation—faithfulness, expressivenss, and closeness. But a responsible translator should try to make every possible effort to put them into practice. Otherwise, the goal of the tranlation can never be attained. Only by satisfactorily realizing these principles mentioned above can the translator come up to the standards set by Belinski: “Translation is an art which perfectly reproduces a literary work of another nation in one‟s own native tongue.” On ly by so doing can the translation be faithful to the original.To successfully achieve this goal, a translator must have enough linguistic and literary attainments. As early as 1852, N. A. Dobrolyubov (1836-1861), a Russian critic, pointed out, “It goes without saying that the language he wants to translate from is the one he must have a good command of. That‟s to say, he should master the minute distinctions of words in meaning and allocation and those of the small particles which are of not much importance themselves. Besides, he must be versed in the target language. He can write it not only easily and fluently but also correctly and gracefully. He can make use of all the wealth of the target language and avoid its incorrect wording and impure vocabulary while exactly conveying the original ideas. As a result, the reader can hardly find anything stiff in the translator‟s work.” From the critic‟s remarks, we can see that a literary translator must, on the one hand, have a thorough grasp of a foreign language and, on the other, be proficient in his mother tongue. What‟s more, he should possess some knowledge of linguistics and literature.In the course of the realization of the three principles, it is extremely difficult to achieve “closeness to the original style”. However, we translators should meet difficulties head on instead of shrinking back from them. Mao Zedong pointed out long ago, “It is not easy to learn a language well. The mastery of it calls for hard work.” We can imagine how difficult it is to translate sastifactorily, for it is related to two languages, the original and the target. In his speech at the National Conference on Literary Translation held at Beijing in 1954, Mao Dun said that the translator should make strict scientific study of the original work and that this is a must while translating it. And at the same time, in the process of translation, he must be careful and serious inthe choice of words and making of sentences and in the coherence of the whole text in accordance with the principles of faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness so as to retain the charm and style of the original.Liu‟s Trinity Principle of Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Closeness actually constitutes an orga nic entirety, because “closeness” always exhibits itself in the style. In “closeness” lie “faithfulness” and “expressivenss” and vice versa. “Faithfulness” is the prerequisite of “expressiveness” and “closeness”; “expressiveness” the representation of “faithfulness” and “closeness”; and “closeness” the very picture of “faithfulness” and “expressiveness”. This three-in-one principle can never be over-emphasized.。
