chapter4 exercises词汇学练习

Chapter 4The Changing English Vocabularyl. Why are neologisms products of the constant change in the English language?2. What is a new word according to The Oxford Dictionary of New Words published in 1998?3. What is a new word according to The Oxford Essential Dic-tionary of New Words published in2003?4. Describe the definition of neologisms according to the author of this book?5. There are two main sources of new words in the English vocabulary, what are they?6. In which years did the following new words appear in the English vocabulary?1) upload _________________2) webcam _________________3) webcast _________________4) read-only memory ( ROM) _________________5) search engine _________________6) spam _________________7) space walk _________________8) mad cow disease _________________9)AIDS(an abbreviation of ______) _________________10)SARS(an abbreviation of _______) _________________11) SIDS (an abbreviation of ________) _________________12) euro _________________13) nuclear winter _________________14) peace symbol _________________15) spokespeople _________________16) women's studies _________________17) B-school _________________18) homeschool _________________19) electronica _________________20) kung fu _________________21)e-book _ ________________22)e-commerce _________________23)ATM (an abbreviation of _________) _________________24)DVD (an abbreviation of _________) _________________25) light pollution _________________7. Do you know which test every student should take before the graduation of high school in the United States?8. When did the new expression whole language appear?9. Translate the following new words or new expressions into Chinese.1) hypermedia _________________ 2) fax modem _________________3) telemarketing _________________ 4) telemedicine _________________5) information superhighway _________________6) ATM _________________7) digital camera _________________ 8) disco _________________9) Eurocurrency _________________ 10) Eurodollar _________________11) home page _________________ 12) bullet train _________________13) cell phone _________________ 14) videophone _________________15) picturephone _________________ 16) sports medicine _________________ 17) slimnastics _________________ 18) power walk _________________19) kung fu _________________ 20) game ball _________________21) autocross _________________ 22) aerobics _________________23)CAI _________________ 24) sexism _________________25) B-school ________________ 26) electronic publishing _________________ 27) grade point average _________________ 28) womanism _________________ 29) women's studies _________________ 30) spokesperson _________________ 31) newsperson _________________ 32) communication gap _________________ 33) credibility gap _________________ 34) culture gap _________________ 35) peace sign _________________ 36) peace symbol _________________ 37) teach-in _________________ 38) peacenik _________________39) call-in _________________ 40) ableism _________________41) Third Worlder _________________ 42) freedom-rider _________________ 43) Interpol _________________ 44) green revolution _________________ 45) cybercafe _________________ 46) cybercitizen _________________47) cybersurfer _________________ 48) webcam _________________49) webcast _________________ 50) war on terrorism _________________ 51) anti-Bush enthusiasm _________________ 52) prisoner abuse scandal _________________ 53) phase down _________________ 54) global village _________________ 55) first strike _________________ 56) ECU _________________57) domino theory _________________ 58) V-chip _________________10. Point out where the following words came from?1) earthrise _________________2) e-commerce _________________3) picturephone _________________4) moonquake _ ________________5) househusband _________________6) G-mail _________________7) fourth world _________________8) airtel _________________9) air bag _________________10) apolune _________________11. What are obsolete words?12. Obsolete words may be still used at the present time. Give examples for illustration.13. Why are changes in vocabulary much faster than changes in pronunciation and grammar?14. There are four tendencies in semantic changes. What are they?15. Give some examples of widening of meaning.16. Point out some examples of narrowing of meaning.17. Which words belong to elevation of meaning?18. Which words belong to degradation of meaning?19. What is a metaphor?20. How does a metaphor differ from a simile?21. There are three major groups of metaphors according to function and character. What are they?22. Which words can be used as metaphors? Give some examples for illustration.23. What is metonymy?24. Underline the following words or phrases belonging to metonymy.1) Shakespeare (Shakespeare's plays)2) with open arms3) It never entered his head to help me.4) This fine picture is the pride of my collection.5) The kettle is boiling.6) He has£20 in notes and£5 in silver.7) He drank a cup.8) She is a great beauty.25. What is synecdoche?26. Synecdoche has two kinds according to meaning: one is the part for the whole, the other is the whole for the part. Give some examples for each kind.27. What is euphemism?28. Why do we often use euphemism in daily life? Give some examples.29. Give the definition of middle terms.30. Give some examples illustrated by a diachronic development of words.31. Correct the errors in the following statements:1) The word rubbish in the Early Modern English period meant' rubble, ' but soon developed the meaning of a waste thing,anything worthless. So this is an example of narrowing of meaning.2) The word matter originally means 'timber. ' Now it has a lot of abstract meanings. For instance, The world is made of matter. This is a matter I know little about. I don't discuss private matter with my colleagues, etc. Therefore, the word matter is an example of elevation of meaning.3) The word hospital once meant 'a place for shelter or entertainment of travelers, ' now it means 'a place where people are treated for illness or injuries. ' So the word hospital belongs to an example of widening of meaning.4) The word disease once meant ' discomfort, ' now it refers to an illness. This is an example of widening of meaning.5) The word fond originally meant 'foolish, ' now it refers to 'loving in a kind, gentle or tender way. ' Therefore we may say that the word fond is an example of degradation of meaning.6) The word minister originally meant ' servant. ' Now it hascome to mean 'a person at the head of a department of the government. '答案Chapter 4The Changing English Vocabulary1. When a new product is made, a new conception comes into man's thought, and a new name must be found, that is, a new word appears in the language. Therefore, neologisms are products of the constant change in the English language.2. According to The Oxford Dictionary of New Words edited by Elizabeth Knowles with Julia Elliott, published in 1998, "A new word is any word, phrase, or sense that came into popular use or enjoyed a vogue in the given period. "3. According to The Oxford Essential Dictionary of New Words edited by Erin Mickean, published in July 2003, "A new word is novel arrangement of letters with a meaning not quite duplicated by any other arrangement of letters..This is the ideal form of a new word. Like most ideals, this is rarer than we'd like.Real-world new words are messier. For one thing, new 'words' are often made up of more than one word—they are multiword lexical units, to be technical. Often, 'new' words are merely new senses of an existing word. . . A new word must earn its place in the dictionary by showing that people are using it—lots of people, in lots of places...This is great for provingthat the new word is a solid citizen of the English language." 4.When we define neologisms or new words, two aspects should be considered. The first aspect is what new words are. The second aspect is when they appear and enter into the dictionary. The criterion of time concerning the birth and use of new words is very important, within the given period of time the newly coined words and words adding new meanings are called new words. Beyond the period they will become existing words, not new words.From the above-mentioned aspects the definition of new words may be described as follows :Neologisms are newly coined words or words that are given new meanings to fit new situations and new needs because of the social, economic, political, cultural, especially scientific and technical changes in the given period in human society. Considering that we live and work in the first years of the 2lst century, the time about the appearance and use of new words should be restricted among forty years from the sixties to the late nineties last century, especially within twenty years from the eighties to the late nineties last century.This is the criterion to distinguish neologisms or new words from existing words.In short, neologisms are new words and expressions used in the given period.5.There are two main sources of new words in the English vocabulary.The first source is the rapid development of modern science and technology. Modern science and technology bring about the addition of new words without numbers. They are the most important source of new words.Computing is a newly developing and widely used area in our modem society. Every day people including adults and children use computers to learn and know a lot of happenings in the world. So a great number of new words concerning computers appear constantly in Modern English. A few new words are given below.The new word netizen is the blend of net and citizen, which appeared in 1994. It means 'an active participant in the online community of the internet. 'The new word cybercitizen means 'netizen. It appeared also in 1994 The new word extranet was coined in 1995. It denotes 'a network (as of a company) similar to an intranet that also allows access by certain others (as customers or suppliers). 'The word intranet is also a new word created in 1995. It means'a network operating like the world wide web but having access restricted to a limited group of authorized users (as employ of a company). 'The second source of new words is political, economic, and social changes.Political, economic, and social changes are another important source of new words. Their influence on the English vocabulary is as great as that of science and technology So we shouldn't neglect the importance of this source.The new word e-commerce appeared in 1993. It refers to 'commerce conducted via the internet. 'The new expressions digital versatile disc(1995) and digital video disc (1993) are derived from the new word DVD (1993), meaning 'a high-capacity optical disk format; an optical using such a format and containing especially a video recording (as a movie) or computer data. 'The new word SARS is an abbreviation of severe acute respiratory syndrome that appeared in 2003. It is also known as atypical Pneumonia used in China in 2003.6. 1) The new word upload used as a verb appeared in 1983.2) The new word webcam appeared in 1995.3) The new word webcast was coined in 1995.4) The new expression read-only memory (ROM) appeared in 1961.5) The new expression search engine appeared in 1984.6) The new word spam was created in 1994.7) The new expression space walk appeared in 1965.8) The new expression mad cow disease appeared in 1988.9)The new word AID(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) appeared in 1982.10)The new word SARS(severe acute respiratory syndrome) appeared in 2003.11) The new word SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) appeared in 1970.12) The new word euro was coined in 1981.13) The new expression nuclear winter appeared in 1983.14) The new expression peace symbol appeared in 1970.15) The new word spokespeople appeared in 1972.16) The new expression women 's studies appeared in 1972.17) The new word B-school was coined in 1967.18) The new word homeschool was coined in 1980.19) The new word electronica was coined in 1994.20) The new word kung fu was created in 1966.21) The new word e-book appeared in 1988.22) The new word e-commerce appeared in 1993.23)The new word ATM(automatic teller machine) appeared in1976.24) The new word DVD (digital versatile disc) appeared in 1993.25) The new expression light Pollution appeared in 1971. 7.Before the graduation of high school in the United States, every student should take a test,called the Scholastic Assessment Test. The short form is SAT. The SAT is a four-hour test with a perfect score of l,600. The top score is 800 0n both the verbal and math sections.8. The new expression whole language appeared in 1984.9. 1) hypermedia 大型传媒装置2) fax modem 传真调制解调器3) telemarketing 电话销售4) telemedicine 远距离医学5) information superhighway 信息高速公路6) ATM 自动出纳机7) digital camera 数码相机8) disco 迪斯科9) Eurocurrency 欧洲货币10) Eurodollar 欧洲美元11) home page 网页12) bullet train 高速客车,高速列车13) cell phone (1984) 手机14) videophone (1950) 可视电话15) picturephone (1956) 可视电话16) sports medicine 体育医学,运动医学17) slimnastics 减肥操,健美操18) power walk 负重疾步行走19) kung fu 功夫,拳术20) game ball 庆功球,决定胜负的关键球21) autocross 汽车竞技运动会,越野赛车22) aerobics 气健术,增氧健身法23) CAI 计算机辅助教学24) sexism 性别歧视,性别偏见25) B-school 商业管理学院26) electronic publishing 电子(电脑)出版27) grade point average 平均积分点28) womanism 争取女权主义29) women's studies 妇女问题研究30) spokesperson 发言人,代言人31) newsperson 记者32) communication gap 交际沟33) credibility gap 信誉沟34) culture gap 文化沟35) peace sign V字形和平手势36) peace symbol 和平标志37)teach-in 宣讲会38) peacenik 反战示威者,反战积极分子39) call-in (电台)来电直播节目40) ableism 体格健全至上主义41)Third Worlder 第三世界的人42) freedom-rider 自由之行示威者43) Interpol 国际刑警组织44) green revolution 绿色革命,农业革命45) Cybercafe 网上咖啡店46) cybercitizen 网民47) cybersurfer 网上冲浪48) webcam 网上摄像49 webcast 网上广播50) war on terrorism 反恐战51) anti-Bush enthusiasm 反布什情绪52) prisoner abuse scandal 虐俘丑闻53) phase down 逐步缩减,分阶段减少54) global village 全球村55) first strike 使用第一次核打击武器的先发制人56) ECU 欧洲货币单位57) domino theory 多米诺骨牌理论58) V-chip V芯片10. 1) The word earthrise came from sunrise.2) The word e-commerce came from e-mail.3) The word picturephone came from videophone.4) The word moonquake came from earthquake.5)The word househusband came from housewife.6) The new word G-mail came from e-mail.7) The phrase fourth -world came from third world.8) The word airtel came from hotel.9) The phrase air bag came from handbag.10) The word apolune came from aphelion.11. Obsolete words are called archaisms, which are not usednow except for special purposes.12.Obsolete words may be still used at the present time. The English proverb Many a little makes a mickle is a good example for illustrating this point. Here mickle, an obsolete word Means 'large amount. ' The proverb is still in common use.13.From the sociolinguistic point of view we know thatvocabulary not only changes, but also changes quickly. Changes in pronunciation and grammar are much slower, but changes in vocabulary are much faster. When people have met with new objects and new ideas, they have need of new words to express them. In the course of the development of language old words die out, new words are added, and existing words change their meanings. It is obvious that the gradual change of meaning in words is a universal feature of human language.14.Sense development of English words can be divided into four groups according to the range of their usage and the altitude towards their uses.Change in the denotative component of the lexical meaning may result in the extension of meaning and the narrowing of meaning.Change in the connotative component may bring about the elevation of meaning and the degradation of meaning.15.The extension of meaning, or widening of meaning, refers to the extension of the range of the lexical meaning. Extension of meaning is one of the most common features in the history of English words.The example of widening is the word rubbish, which in the Early Modern English period meant 'rubble, ' but which soondeveloped the wider meaning of a waste thing,anything worthless.There is one more example. The word catalyst is not only a technical term used in chemistry meaning 'a substance which, without itself changing, causes chemical activity to quicken, ' but also a common word, when used figuratively, e. g. The workers' demand for higher wages was a catalyst in a difficult state of affairs, and led to important social changes.16.An example of narrowing of meaning is the verb to starve. The word originally meant simply 'to die. ' In Middle English it was specialized to mean 'to die of cold,' but in the sixteenth century it meant 'to die of hunger.'17.Words often rise from a humble beginning to a positions of greater importance because of social changes.Elevation of meaning is also a special kind of narrowing of meaning. The word success has changed its meaning from 'result' to 'good result. ' The word comrade is derived from Spanish for ' roommate, ' but now it means ' fellow member of a political party, etc. '18.Words with a commendatory meaning may become ones witha derogatory sense. The word wench once meant 'a young woman, or girl, especially in the country, ' now it means 'a lewdwoman, prostitute. 'The word disease once meant ' discomfort, ' now it refers to an illness.19. A metaphor, like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. For example, the world is a stage, Here, a stage is a metaphor.20."He and his brother are as like as two peas." is a comparison between two unlike elements, that is, human beings and peas.So as like as two peas is a simile.The simile may be expressed by the use of the connecting words: like, as, as. . . as, sometimes by the use of than, as if , or as though.In a metaphor the connecting words are not used, e.g. Imperialism is a paper tiger. Here paper tiger is a metaphor. 21. There are three major groups of metaphors according function and character. They are:1) anthropomorphic metaphors, such as: the hand of a clock2) animal metaphors, such as: a black sheep.3) synaesthetic metaphors, such as: a golden opportunity22. Some nouns and their adjectives or verbs can be used as metaphors. Take a few sentences for example:Although he's less talented, he won by sheer dogged persistence. Here dogged is an adjective, meaning 'determined; not giving up easily. 'On the whole, the students seemed serious and hard-working,but they confined themselves to parroting textbooks. Here parrot isa verb, meaning ' to repeat without thinking or understanding. '23.Metonymy is an important factor in the shift of meaning that involves substitution of the name of one thing for that of another closely associated with it.24. 1)Shakespeare2) arms3) head4) pride5) kettle6) silver7) cup8) beauty25. Synecdoche is a figure of speech that involves the substitution of the part for the whole or the whole for the part. 26. Synecdoche may be classified into two kinds according to meaning :1) the part for the whole:We are no longer short of hands. Here hand means 'worker, helper. '2) the whole for the part:The doctor cut him open and took out the appendix and stitched him up again. Here him refers to a part of his body. 27. Euphemism is the substitution of a word of more pleasant connotation for one of unpleasant connotation. In short, an euphemism is a false word substituted for the true word in order to soften the shock of reality.28 .Euphemism is often used in speaking of things that are painful and distressing to think about. Death is one of these things and the English language is full of euphemism like: to pass away (for formal use)to decease (for legal use)to kick the bucket (a slang)to go west (dated slang)An economic crisis is another subject for euphemism. The prewar word slump was soon replaced by the word depression, then the word depression was replaced by the word recession.Now the word recession is replaced by the word downturn.Nowadays people often say downtown instead of saying'economic crisis. '29. Middle terms in English belong to a specific kind of ameliorative and pejorative developments. Middle terms are words which are neutral in meaning and take on favorable or unfavorable significance according to their different contents. The word fortune, for instance, is a middle term. because it may be either good or bad, but the adjective fortunate was a positive value. Take one sentence for example, He's fortunate enough to enjoy good health.30.Changes of lexical meaning can be illustrated by a diachronic development of words. Although objects, conceptions, ideas, etc. change in the course of time, the name is retained, the meaning changes because the object which it describes has changed.The word car,for instance, is a good example.The word car was borrowed through the Anglo-French word carre and directly from the Latin word carra in 1301, plural of carrus meaning 'two-wheeled vehicle for carrying foods.'The word car was first applied to the automobile in 1895,thatis to say, it means 'a usually four-wheeled automotive vehicle designed for passenger transportation. '31. 1) . . . So this is an example of widening of meaning.2) . .. Therefore, the word matter is an example of widening of meaning.3) . . . So the word hospital belongs to an example of narro- wing of meaning.4) . . . This is an example of narrowing of meaning.5). . .Therefore we may say that the word fond is an example of elevation of meaning.6) No mistake.。

词汇学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 词汇学是研究语言中词汇的科学,它主要研究的是语言中的()。
A. 词汇的构成B. 词汇的意义C. 词汇的运用D. 词汇的演变答案:A2. 下列哪一项不是词汇学的研究内容?()A. 词义的演变B. 词义的分类C. 词义的辨析D. 语法规则答案:D3. 词汇学中,词素是指()。
A. 构成词的基本单位B. 词的发音单位C. 词的书写单位D. 词的意义单位答案:A4. 在词汇学中,语义场是指()。
A. 词义的分类B. 词义的演变C. 词义的辨析D. 一组词义相关的词答案:D5. 词汇学研究中,同义词是指()。
A. 意义完全相同的词B. 意义相近的词C. 形式相同的词D. 用法相同的词答案:B6. 下列哪一项不是词汇学中词义的分类?()A. 抽象意义B. 具体意义C. 语法意义D. 色彩意义答案:C7. 词汇学中,词义的演变通常包括()。
A. 词义的扩大B. 词义的缩小C. 词义的转移D. 以上都是答案:D8. 词汇学中,词义的辨析主要研究的是()。
A. 词与词之间的联系B. 词与词之间的差异C. 词与词之间的相似性D. 词与词之间的对立答案:B9. 在词汇学中,词义的模糊性是指()。
A. 词义的不确定性B. 词义的明确性C. 词义的多重性D. 词义的单一性答案:A10. 词汇学中,词义的多义性是指()。
A. 一个词有多种意义B. 一个词只有一种意义C. 一个词的意义是固定的D. 一个词的意义是单一的答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 词汇学中的词素是指构成词的________。
答案:基本单位2. 语义场是指一组________的词。
答案:词义相关3. 同义词是指意义________的词。
答案:相近4. 词义的演变包括词义的________、________和________。
答案:扩大、缩小、转移5. 词义的辨析主要研究的是词与词之间的________。

a main type of word-formation by adding a prefix or combining form to the base. Usu. Modify the lexical meaning without changing the word-class of the word. Exceptions: be-; de-; en-; unanti-; inter-; post-; pre-, etc.
Stem: a. dealing with the inflectional morphemems b. the word form when the inflectional morphemes are removed e.g. undesirables desired
Base: a. a form to which a rule of word-formation is applied. b. any root or stem can be a base c. derivationally analysable d. both derivational and inflectional affixes can be added to a word e.g. undesirables root: desire; stem: undesirable, base: desirable
Semantic Features
a pot flower / a flower pot court martial; president elect, ambassador designate home letter / home voyage / home life / home economics, etc.

第一章1.A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function.2. V ocabulary refers to the sum total of all the words in a language. In other words, vocabulary is composed of words and words make up vocabulary. If we compare vocabulary to a family, words are family members.3. Sound is the physical aspect of a word and meaning is what the sound refers to. Sound and meaning are not intrinsically related and their collection is arbitrary and conventional. For example, tree/tri:/ means 树in English because the English-speaking people have agreed to do so just as Chinese people use/shù/(树) to refer to the same thing. This explains why people of different languages use different sounds to express the same concept. However, in the same languages, the same sound can denote different meanings, e.g. /rait/ can mean right, rite, and write.4. There are generally four major causes of the differences between sound and form.⑴There are more phonemes than letters in English, so there is no way to use one letter to represent one phoneme.⑵The stabilization of spelling by printing, which breaks the synchronized change of sound and spelling. ⑶influence of the work of scribes, who deliberately changed the spelling of words and ⑷borrowing, which introduces many words which are against English rules of pronunciation and spelling.5 .Early scribes changed the spelling of many words while copying things for others because the original spelling forms in cursive writing were difficult for people to recognize, such as sum, cum, wuman, munk and so on. Later, the letter u with vertical lines was replaced with o, resulting in the current spelling forms like some, come, woman, monk. The changed spelling forms are more distinguishable to readers.6. Words of the basic word stock form the common core of the English language. They are the words essential to native speakers’ daily communication. Such words are characterized by all national character, stability, polysemy, productivity and collocability.7. a. loose woman b. fellow c. pistol d. great e. cowardf. fightg. policeh. drunki. womanj. girl8. haply = perhaps albeit= althoughmethinks = it seems to me eke= alsosmooth= truth morn= morningtroth= pledge ere= beforequoth = said hallowed= holybillow= wave/ the sea bade= bid9. Neologisms refer to newly-coined words or old words with new meanings. For example, euro(欧元),e-book(电子书),SARS(非典), netizen (网民), are newly-coined words. Words like mouse(鼠标),web(网络),space shuttle(航天飞机) etc. are old words which have acquired new meanings.10. By notion, words fall into content words and functional words. Content words include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverds and numerals, which have clear notions; whereas functional words are void of notions but are mainly used to connect content words into sentences. Content words are numerous and changing all the time, while functional words are small in number and stable. But functional words have much higher frequency in use than content words.11. Native words form a small portion of the English vocabulary, but they make up the mainstream of the basic word-stock which belongs to the common core of the English language. Compared with most loan-words, native words are mostly essential to native speakers’ daily communication and enjoy a much higher frequency in actual use.12. Denizens Aliens Translation loans Semantic loanskettle confrere chopsticks dreamdie pro patria black humourskirt parvenu long time no seewall Wunderkind typhoonhusband Mikado第二章1. The Indo-Europe Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world. It is made up of the languages of Europe , the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European Language Family have different degrees of influence on English vocabulary . A knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately.2.Indo-European Language FamilyBalto-Slavic (Lithuanian,Prussian, Polish, Slavenian, Russian, Bulgarian) Indo-Iranian (Hindi, Perian)Celtic (Breton, Scottish, Irish)Italic(Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Roumanian)Hellenic(Greek)Germanic(English, Swedish, German, Norweigian, Icelangic, Danish, Dutch)3.The vocabularies of the three periods differ greatly from one anther. OldEnglish has (1) a small vocabulary (50 000—60 000), (2) a small number of borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian only and (3) the words full of endings. Middle English has (1) a comparatively large vocabulary, (2) a tremendous number of foreign words from French and Latin and (3) word endings leveled. Modern English has (1) a huge and heterogeneous vocabulary, (2) tremendous borrowings and (3) words with lost endings.Yes, we can divide the developments in other ways, for example, Old English period can be called Anglo-Saxon period. And Middle English might start from 1066, the time of Norman Conquest. But in doing so, the logical continuation of thee three phases of the original division is lost.4. It is receptivity and adaptability of the English language that make it possible for English to borrow heavily from other major languages of the world, so that the English vocabulary eventually has become heterogeneous.5. The popularity of English lies in the fact that English is ready to borrow from other languages and to adapt itself to new situations and new developments, that it has accepted elements from all other major languages and that it has simple reflection and a relatively fixed word order. All these make the language comparatively easy to learn and to use.6. course human events necessary peopledissolve political connected assume powersseparate equal station nature entitle decentrespect opinions requires declare causes impelseparationFrom the words picked out, we can see that most of the content words are either of Greek or Latin origin. What we left are mostly functional words. This shows that Greek and Latin play a very important part in the English vocabulary.7. Latin borrowing can be divided into four phase: (1)Pre-Anglo-Saxon period,(2)Old English period, (3) middle English period and(4) Modern English period. Borrowings in the first period are mainly common words such as wall, wine, kettle and so on; words borrowed in the second period are mainly religious terms such as candle, nun, church; the third period saw word borrowed often via French such as frustrate, history, infancy and so on and in the forth period Words borrowed from Latin are usually abstract formal terms like status ,nucleus , minimum. 8. eventful [Latin + English] hydroplane [Greek +Latin ]Falsehood [Latin +English ] pacifist [Latin +Greek ]Saxophone [German +Greek ] heirloom [French +English ]Joss house [Portuguese +English ] television [Greek + Latin ]9. amateur (late) finace (late)Empire (late) peace (early)Courage (early) garage (late)Judgement (early) chair (early)Chaise (late) grace (early)Servant (early) routine (late)Jealous (early) savate (late)Genre (late) gender (early)Debut (late) morale (late)State (early) chez (late)Ballet (late)10. Jes persen’s comment reveals the importance of Scandinavian words in English. Just as people cannot live without bread and eggs, so English language cannot operate properly without Scandinavian words.11. allegro f . 轻快Alto i. 女低音Andante j 行板Crescendo b.渐强Diminuendo g. 渐弱Forte e.强Largo d.缓慢Piano h. 轻Pianoforte a.轻转慢Soprano c.女高音12. cherub(Hebrew)chipmunk(American Indian )Chocolate(Mexican ) coolie(Hindi)Cotton (Arabic) jubilee (Greek)Lasso (Spanish) loot (Hindi)Sabbath (Hebrew) shampoo (Hindi)Snorkel (German) tamale (Mexican)Tepee (American) tulip (Turkish)V oodoo (African) kibitz (German)Wok (Chinese) sauerbraten (German)13. a.alligator b.lococ.rodeod..bonanzae.igloof.blitzkriegg.wigwam h.canoei.hurricane j.boomerangk.poncho14. the characteristics of the contemporary vocabulary can be summarized as follows: (1) the vocabulary is huge in size and heterogeneous; (2) it has tremendous borrowings from all other major languages of the world; (3) the words have lost their endings; (4) it is growing swiftly by means of word-formation because of the development of science and technology, social, economic and political changes and influence of other cultures and languages.15. the major modes of vocabulary development of contemporary arecreation, that is by means of word-formation; semantic change, adding new meanings to old words; borrowing words from other language and revival of old-fashioned words, which has a insignificant role.第三章1.a.morpheme b.allomorphc.bound morphemed.free morphemee.affixf.inflectional affixg.derivational affix h.rooti.stem j.base2. inflectional morphemes are the suffixes added to the end of words to denote grammatical concepts such as –s(-es), -ed, -ing and –est (to show superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs) whereas derivational morphemes are prefixes and suffixes added to words to form new words such as pre-, dis-, un-, -tion, -er, -ness and so on.Grammatical morphemes are those used to show grammatical concepts, including inflectional suffixes as mentioned above and functional words (prepositions, pronouns, articles, auxiliary verbs), for example, but, the, do and Was; lexical morphemes are derivational affixes including both prefixes and suffixes3. Individualisticindividualist + ic [stem , base]individual + ist [stem, base ]individu + al [stem, base ]in + dividu [root, stem, base ]undesirablesun +desirable [stem, base ]desir + able [root, stem, base ]free morpheme =free root4. morpheme{Bound rootbound morpheme { inflectional affixaffix{ prefixderivational affix {suffix第四章Enumerate the three important means of word formation and explain their respective role in the expansion of English vocabulary.The three means of word formation are affixation ,which creates 30% to 40% of the total number of new words ;compounding ,which brings 28%to 30% of all the new words.;and conversion ,which provides English with 26% of the new words.Affixation1.Affixation,also called derivation,is the formation of new words by adding affixes to stems.Affixation Includes prefixation and suffixation according to the types of Affixes used to forms new words.2.Prefixation is to create new words by adding prefixes to base while suffixation makes new words by adding suffixes to base.3.Generally speaking,prefixes do not change part of speech of base but only modify their meaning whereas suffixes do change part of speech but seldom modify the meaning of bases.4.The best way to classify prefixes is on the basis of meaning because prefixes only change the meaning of bases in general.5. non-smoker incapable impracticaldisobey insecurity irrelevant immature inability/disability unofficially unwillingness illegal disagreement illogical disloyal inconvenientnon-athletic6. harden horrify modernize memorize falsify apologizedeepen glorify sterilizelengthen intensify beautifyfatten sympathizea. apologizeb. beautifyc. lengtheningd. sympathizede. to fattenf. falsify/hardeng. memorizing h. Sterilize7. a. employee b. politician c. participantd. waitresse. conductorf. teacherg. pianist h. examinee/examiner8.trans- = across: transcontinental, trans-worldmono- = one: monorail, monoculturesuper- = over, above: superstructure, supernaturalauto- = self: autobiography, automobilesub- = bad, badly: malpractice, malnutritionmini- = little, small: minicrisis, miniwarpre- = before: prehistorical, preelectionex- = former: ex-teacher, ex-filmerCompounding1. The three criteria are(1)stress pattern, that is, stress in a compound falls on the first element but on the second in a free phrase, e.g. '- -(compound), - ' -(free phrase);(2)meaning, that is, the meanings of a compound is usually not the combination of the meaning of thecomponent parts, but the free phrase is, e.g. hot line(compound: busy line),hot potato(free phrase: potato which is hot);(3)grammatical unity, that is, the different elements form a grammatical unit, which does not allow internal change, e.g. easy chair(compound: a special arm chair),easier chair(free phrase: a less easy chair).However, every rule has expectations. The same is true of the criteria. Three are examples against each of the three rules.2. heartbeat [S + V] brainwashing [V + O]movie-goer [place + V.-er] baking powder [ adv+n.]far- reaching [Adv+v.-ing] dog-tired [adv + adj]lion-hearted [adv + n.-ed] love-sick [adv + adj]boyfriend [S + complement] peace-loving [V +O]snap decision [V + O] easy chair [ adj+ n]on-coming [adv+v] tax-free [adv +adj]light-blue [adj + adj] goings-on [V +adv]Whereas conversation is the derivation of new words by adding zero affixes, such as single(adj.)→single(v.).3. There are two ways to form verb compounds. For example, first name (v. from first name)and honeymoon (v. from honeymoon)are words created by means of conversion: words such as proofread (v. from proofreading)and chain-smoke (v. from chain smoker)are formed by means of backformation.4.well-bred 有教养的well-behaved 守规矩的culture-bound 含文化的homebound 回家的needle work 针织品homework 家庭作业praiseworthy 值得表扬的respectworthy 值得尊敬的bar-woman 吧女sportswoman 女运动员nationwide 全国的college-wide 全校的clear-minded 头脑清晰的strong-minded 意志坚强的military-style 军事风格的newstyle 新款self-control 自制self-respect 自尊budget-related 有预算的politics-related 与政治相关的water-proof 防水fire-proof 防火once-fashionable 曾经流行的once-powerful 曾经强大的news-film 新闻片news-letter 时事通讯mock-attack 演习mock-sadness 假悲伤sister-in-law 嫂/弟媳妇father-in-law 岳父/公公home-baked 自家烤的home-produced 自制的half-way 半途的/半路的half-done 半生不熟的ever-lasting 永久的ever-green 常青的age-conscious 年龄敏感的status-conscious 身份敏感的campus-based 以校园为基地的market-based 基于市场的Conversion1.conversion is the formation of new words by turning words of one partof speech to those of another part of speech. The term functional shift reveals the actual function of conversion,i.e.change of the functions of words.the term zero-derivation approaches conversion from the perspective of derivation because it is a way of deriving new words by adding zero affixes,hence zero derivation.2.Although both are called derivation ,suffixation is the derivation of new words by adding suffixes to bases,such as simple (adj.)→simplify(v.)G.modernizing h.sterilize7. a.employees b.politician c.participantsD.waitress e.conductor f.teacherG.pianist h.examinee,examiner8.trans-=across:transcontinental,trans-world9.Mono-=one:monorail,monoculture10.Super-=over,above:superstructure,supernatural11.Auto-=self:autobiography,automobile12.Sub-=below:subculture,subconscious13.Mal-=bad,badly:malpractice,malnutrition14.Mini-=little,small:minicrisis,miniwar15.Pre-=before:prehistorical,preelection16.Ex-=former:ex-teacher,ex-filmer3 The classes most frequently involved in conversation are nouns and verbs.4 Verbs converted to nouns usually are related to the original verbs in six different ways.The new nouns converted from verbs refer to (1)state of mind or sensation,e.g .desire(state of desiring); (2) event or activity ,e.g.swim (the activity of swimming );(3) result of the action,e.g. buy (the result of buying);(4) doer of the action,e.g.bore (the person whom bores); (5) tool or instrument ,e,g, paper (doing something with paper ) and (6) place,e.g. turn(the place of turning).Nouns converted to verbs are generally related to the original nouns in sever different ways . The new verbs usually mean (1) to put in or on the noun,e. g. peel (to remove the peel from );(4) to do with the noun,e.g. Shoulder (to do something with shoulder); (5) to be or act as the noun,e. g. tutor (to be the tutor) ;(6) to make or change into the noun, e.g. cash (7) to send or go by the noun ,e. g. ship (to send by ship).5.When adjectives are converted into nouns ,some are completely changed ,thus known as full conversation, and others are partially changed ,thus known as partial conversion.Adjectives which are fully converted can achieve a full noun status, i. e. having all the characteristics of nouns .That means they can take a / an shorts ,finals.Adjectives which are partially converted still keep adjective features.They should always be used with the ,and they cannot take -s/-esto show plural forms.Moreover ,the words can have comparative or superlative degrees: the poor ,the poorer ,the young, the very unfortunate.6.The changes occasionally involved are (1) change of spelling accompanied by pronunciation ,e. G. Life/laIf/→live/liv/ , breath /breɚ/→breathe /br i:ỏ/ and blood /blʌd/→ bleed / bli:d/ ;(2) change of pronunciation and stress ,e. g. use . n /ju :s / → use v. / ju:z / and permit n. /'p :mit/→ v. /p 'mit / and so on.7.a .stomach 【n.→v.】 b. Room 【n.→ v.】c. wolf [n → v]d. come/go [v → n]e. familiar [a → n]f. innocent [a → n]g. flat [a → n]h. ah/ ouch [int → v]i. warm [a → n]j. has-been/might-have-been [finite v → n]k. Hamlet [proper n → v]l. buy [v → n]m. smooth [a → v]Blendingmotel (mo tor + ho tel)汽车旅馆humint (hum an + int elligence) 情报advertisetics (advertise ment + statis tics) 广告统计学psywarrior (psy chological warrior) 心理战专家hoverport (hover craft + port) 气垫船码头chunnel (ch annel + t unnel) 海峡隧道hi-fi (hi gh + fi delity) 高保真音响cinemactress (cinem a + actress) 女电影演员Clippingcopter (heli copter) front clippingdorm (dorm itory) back clippinglab (lab oratory) back clippingprefab (pref abricated house) phrase clippinggas (gas oline) back clippingprof (prof essor) back clippingscope (tele scope) front clippingchamp (champ ion) back clippingsarge (serge ant) back clippingmike (mic rophone) back clippingad (ad vertisement) back clippingtec (de tec tive) front and back clippingAcronymy1.Yes, there is a difference between them. The difference lies in theformation and pronunciation. Initialisms are formations pronounced letter by letter, e.g. UFO(unidentified flying object), BBC(B ritish B roadcasting C orporation), VIP(very important person) and acronyms are formed to conform to the rule of spelling and pronunciation, that is, the words look and sound like ordinary words, e.g. AIDS/eidz/(acquired immune deficiency syndrome), MAD(mutually assured destruction), radar(radio detecting and ranging).2. kg =k ilogram ft=f oot cf =c onfercm=c entimeter $=d ollar ibid = i bidemetc. = e t cetera VIP=v ery i mportant p ersonOPEC=O rganization of P etroleum E xporting C ountriesTOEFL=t est of E nglish as a f oreign l anguage3. a. SALT b. radar c. AIDSd. BASICe. Laserf. WHOg. sonar h. G-manBackformation1.It is true that both are means of making new words by removing theend part of the words . But they have differences . For aback-formed word , what is removed is the supposed suffix ,e.g.auth------author , donate------donation , loaf-----loafer , the forms–-or,--ion , --er coincide with the their suffixes . For back clipping , however , what is removed is usually different from the existingsuffixes ,e.g. ad------advertisement , gas-------gasoline ,exam------examination , etc.se (laser)escalate(escalator)Babysit (babysitter) peeve (peevish) Orate (orator) commute(commuter)Communization of proper namesa.Tantalize -------Tantalus : to tease or torment by keeping sth. wantedout of reachb.Argus-eyed--------Argus : to be extremely watchfulc.narcissim--------Narcissus : excessive admiration of oneself or one’sappearanced.sabotage-------Sabots : (1) to destroy or damage deliberately(2) deliberate damage ordestructione. martinet--------Martinet : strict /stern (military) trainerf . yahoo-------Yahoo : a lout or ruffiang. Shylock--------Shylock : a ruthless money lenderh. hovering-------Hoover : cleaning by using a vacuum cleaner。

1-10chaptersⅢ.(20分)习语英译汉:教材中汉语部分idioms: 习语的特点Ⅳ.(10分) 论述题:第三章为主Ⅴ. 树形图(依据上下义关系作图)(20分):第二、六章二、教材内容简介陆国强编著:《现代英语词汇学》(新版),上海外语教育出版社,2003年7月第一章词的概述;第二章词的结构和词的构成方式;第三章词的理据;第四章词的语义特征;第五章词义的变化;第六章词的语义分类;第七章词的联想与搭配;第八章英语习语;第九章美国英语;第十章词的使用和理解;第十一章词汇衔接;第十二章词汇衔接和语篇连贯。
教学内容是: 词形结构构词法, 词法特点及分类, 词义转换, 英文习语, 美式英语, 词汇及文学风格, 英语词汇学, 词汇学研究方法及其新的发展方向等方面的理论与研究动态。
本课程的教学目的, 在于指导学生用现代语义学和语法学的有关理论分析研究现代英语词汇现象, 揭示现代英语词汇规律。
要求学生通过英汉词汇的对比研究, 探讨英语词汇教学规律, 指导英语语言实践, 不断提高对现代英语词汇的理解, 应用和研究能力。
主要参考书汪榕培,《英语词汇学研究》,上海外语教育出版社,2000年4月第一版王文斌,《英语词汇语义学》,浙江教育出版社,2001年6月第一版汪榕培、卢晓娟编著:《英语词汇学教程》,上海外语教育出版社,1997年10月第1版.汪榕培主编:《英语词汇学高级教程》,上海外语教育出版社,2002年11月张韵斐:《英语词汇学》北京师范大学出版社.汪榕培《英语词汇学教程读本》上海外语教育出版社.1. Carter, R. (1987), Vocabulary: Applied Linguistic Perspectives. London: Allen & Unwin.2. Carter, R. & M. McCarthy, (1988), Vocabluary and Language Teaching. Harlow; Longman.教学手段:采用多媒体教学本课程要求学生能够比较全面、比较系统地了解现代英语词汇学这一领域的一些最主要、最有影响的语言学理论,能够运用词汇学理论去分析和解决词汇学习中的一些问题。
《现代汉语》第四章 词汇 练习(有答案)


英语词汇学试题Introduction and Chapter 1Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabula ry(练习1)I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1. Morphology is the branch of grammar which studies the structure orforms of words, primarily through the use of _________construct.A. wordB. formC. morphemeD. root2.________ is traditionally used for the study of the origins and history ofthe form and meaning of words.A. SemanticsB. LinguisticsC. EtymologyD. Stylistics3.Modern English is derived from the language of early ______ tribes.A. GreekB. RomanC. ItalianD. Germanic4. Semantics is the study of meaning of different _________ levels: lexis,syntax, utterance, discourse, etc.A. linguisticB. grammaticalC. arbitraryD. semantic5.Stylistics is the study of style . It is concerned with the user ’s choices oflinguistic elements in a particular________ for special effectsA. situationB. contextC. timeD. place6.Lexicography shares with lexicology the same problems: the form ,meaning, origins and usages of words, but they have a _______ difference.A . spelling B. semantic C. pronunciation D. pragmatic7. Terminology consists of _______ terms used in particular disciplinesand academic areas.A. technicalB. artisticC. differentD. academic8. __________refers to the specialized vocabularies by which members ofparticular arts, sciences, trades, and professions communicate among themselves.A. SlangB. JargonC. Dialectal wordsD. Argot9 ._________ belongs to the sub-standard language, a category thatseems to stand between the standard general words including informalones available to everyone and in-group words.A. JargonB. ArgotC. Dialectal wordsD. Slang10. Argot generally refers to the jargon of _______.Its use is confined tothe sub-cultural groups and outsiders can hardly understand it.A. workersB. criminalsC. any personD.policeman11.________ are words used only by speakers of the dialect in question.A. ArgotB. SlangC. JargonD. Dialectalwords12. Archaisms are words or forms that were once in _________use butare now restricted only to specialized or limited use.A. commonB. littleC. slightD. great9. Neologisms are newly-created words or expressions, or words thathave taken on ______meanings.A. newB. oldC. badD. good10. Content words denote clear notions and thus are known as_________words. They include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals.A. functionalB. notionalC. emptyD. formal11. Functional words do not have notions of their own. Therefore, theyare also called _______words. Prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliaries and articles belong to this category.A. contentB. notionalC. emptyD. newII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressionsaccording to the course book.12.Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and_____of words.13.English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the ______structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantics, relations, _____development, formation and ______.14. English lexicology embraces other academic disciplines, such asmorphology, ______,etymology, stylistics, ________.15. There are generally two approaches to the study of words , namelysynchronic and _______.16. Language study involves the study of speech sounds, grammarand_______.III. Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1) basic wordstock and nonbasic vocabulary 2) content words and functional words 3) native words and borrowedwords 4)characteristics of the basic word stock.A B21 . Stability ( ) A. E-mail13. Collocbility( ) B. aught14. Jargon( ) C. por15. Argot ( ) D. upon16.Notional words( ) E. hypo17. Neologisms ( ) F. at heart18. Aliens ( ) G. man19. Semantic-loans( ) H. dip20. Archaisms ( ) I. fresh21. Empty words ( ) J. emirIV. Study the following words or expressions and identify 1) characteristics of the basic word stock 2)types of nonbasic vocabulary.22. dog cheap ( ) 32 a change of heart ( )17. can-opener ( ) 34.Roger ( )23. bottom line ( ) 36.penicillin ( )37. auld ( ) 38. futurology ( )39.brethren ( ) 40. take ( )V. Define the following terms.41. word 42. Denizens 43. Aliens 44. Translation-loans 45. Semantic-loansVI. Answer the following Questions46.Illustrate the relationship between sound and meaning, sound and form with examples.47. What are the main characteristics of the basic word-stock? Illustrate your points with examples.48. Give the types of nonbasic vocabulary with examples.VII. Analyze and comment on the following.49. Classify the following words and point out the types of words according to notion.earth, cloud, run, walk, on, of, upon, be, frequently , the, five, but, a , never.50. Group the following borrowed words into Denizens, Aliens, Translation-loans, Semantic-loans.Dream, pioneer, kowtow, bazaar, lama, master-piece, port, shirtKey to Exercises:1.A2.C3.D4.A5.B6.D7.A8.B9.D10.B11.D12.A13.A14.B15.CI. 16.meanings17.morphological, historical, usages 18. semantics,lexicography19.diachronic20. vocabularyII. 21. G 22. F23. E24. H25. C26. A27. J28.I29.B30.DIII. 31. the basic word stock; productivity32. the basic word stock; collocability33.the basic word stock; argot34.nonbasic word stock; slang35. nonbasic word stock; jargon36. nonbasic word stock ;terminology37.nonbasic word stock; dialectal words38. nonbasic word stock ,neologisms39. nonbasic word stock; archaisms40. the basic word stock; polysemyV-----VI. (see the course book)VII. 49. Content words: earth, clould, run, walk, frequently, never, fiveFunctional words: on, of, upon, be, the, but, a.50. Denizens: port, shirt,Aliens: bazaar, kowtowTranslation-loans: lama, masterpieceSemantic-loans:dream, pioneerChapter 2 The Development of the English Vocabulary and Chapter 3 Word Formation I( 练习2)I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would bestcomplete the statement.18.It is assumed that the world has approximately 3,000( some put it 5,000)languages, which can begrouped into the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar.A. 500B. 4000C. 300D. 200019.The prehistoric Indo-European parent language is thought to be a highly ______language.A. inflectedB. derivedC. developedD. analyzed20.After the _________, the Germanic tribes called Angles ,Saxons, and Jutes came in great numbers.A. GreeksB. IndiansC. RomansD. French21.The introduction of ________had a great impact on the English vocabulary.A. HinduismB. ChristianityC. BuddhismD. Islamism22.In the 9 th century the land was invaded again by Norwegian and Danish Vikings. With the invaders,many ________words came into the English language.A. GreekB. RomanC. CelticD. Scandinavian23.It is estimated that at least ______ words of Scandinavian origin have survived in modern English.A. 500B. 800C. 1000 .D. 90024.The Normans invaded England from France in 1066. The Norman Conquest started a continual flowof ______ words into English.A. FrenchB. GreekC. RomanD. Latin25.By the end of the _______century , English gradually came back into the schools, the law courts, andgovernment and regained social status.A. 12 thB. 13 thC. 14 thD.15 th26.As a result , Celtic made only a ________contribution to the English vocabulary.A. smallB. bigC. greatD. smaller27.The Balto-Slavic comprises such modern languages as Prussian, Lithuanian, Polish, Czech,Bulgarian, Slovenian and _______.A. GreekB. RomanC. IndianD. Russian28.In the Indo-Iranian we have Persian , Bengali, Hindi, Romany, the last three of which are derivedfrom the dead language.A. SanskritB. LatinC. RomanD. Greek29.Greek is the modern language derived from _______.A. LatinB. HellenicC. Indian D . Germanic30.The five Roamance languages , namely, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian all belongto the Italic through an intermediate language called _______.A. SanskritB. LatinC. CelticD. Anglo-Saxon31.The ________family consists of the four Northern European Languages: Norwegian, Icelandic,Danish and Swedish, which are generally known as Scandinavian languages.A. GermanicB. Indo-EuropeanC. AlbanianD. Hellenic32.By the end of the _______century , virtually all of the people who held political or social power andmany of those in powerful Church positions were of Norman French origin.A. 10 thB.11 thC.12 thD. 13 thII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.33.Now people generally refer to Anglo-Saxon as _______.34.. If we say that Old English was a language of full endings , Middle English was one of ______.35.It can be concluded that English has evoked from a synthetic language (Old English) to the present_____ language.36.The surviving languages accordingly fall into eight principal groups , which can be grouped into anEastern set: Balto-Slavic , Indo-Iranian ,Armenian and Albanian; a Western set :Celtic, Italic, Hellenic,_______.37.It is necessary to subdivide Modern English into Early (1500-1700)and _____ Modern English.III. Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1) origin of thewords 2)history off English development 3) language family.A B38. Celtic ( ) A.politics39. religious ( ) B.moon40.Scandinavian ( ) C. Persian41. French ( ) D.London42. Old English ( ) E. abbot43.Dutch ( ) F. skirt44.Middle English ( ) G. sunu45. Modern English ( ) H. lernen46. Germanic family ( ) I. freight47.Sanskrit ( ) J. NorwegianIV. Study the following words or expressions and identify types of morphemes underlined.48. earth ( ) 32.contradict ( )24. predictor ( ) 34. radios ( )38. prewar ( ) 36. happiest ( )40. antecedent ( ) 38. northward ( )41. sun ( ) 40. diction ( )V. Define the following terms.42. free morphemes 42. bound morphemes 43. root 44. stem 45.affixesVI. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short.51. Describe the characteristics of Old English .52. Describe the characteristics of Middle English.53. Describe the characteristics of Modern English.VII. Answer the following questions with examples.54. What are the three main sources of new words ?55. How does the modern English vocabulary develop ?Key to exercises:I. 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.BII. 16.Old English 17. Leveled endings 18. analytic 19. Germanic te(1700-up to the present )III. 21. D 22. E 23. F 24. A 25. G 26. I 27. H 28. B 29. J 30. CIV. 31. free morpheme/ free root 32. bound root 33. suffix 34. inflectional affix35. prefix 36. Inflectional affix 37. prefix 38. suffix 39. free morpheme/free root25.bound rootV.-VI ( See the course book )VII. 49. The three main sources of new words are :(1) The rapid development of modern science and technology ,e.g. astrobiology, green revolution ;(2) Social , economic and political changes; e.g. Watergate, soy milk;(3) The influence of other cultures and language; e.g. felafel, Nehru Jackets.39. Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels: (1) creation, e.g. consideration,carefulness; (2) semantic change, e.g. Polysemy, homonymy ; (3) borrowing ;e.g. tofu, gongful.Chapter 3 The Development of the English Vocabulary and Chapter 4 Word Formation II (练习3)I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would bestcomplete the statement.49.The prefixes in the words of ir resistible, non classical and a political are called _______.A. reversative prefixesB. negative prefixesC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes50.The prefixes contained in the following words are called ______: pseudo -friend, mal practice,mis trust.A. reversative prefixedB. negative prefixesC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes51.The prefixed contained in un wrap, de-compose and dis allow are _________.A. reversative prefixedB. negative prefixesC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes52.The prefixes in words extra-strong, overweight and arch bishop are _____ .A . negative prefixes B. prefixes of degree or size C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes53.The prefixes in words bi lingual , uni form and hemis phere are ________.A. number prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes54.________ are contained in words trans-world, intra-party and fore head.A. Prefixes of orientation and attitudeB. Prefixes of time and orderC. Locative prefixesD. Prefixes of degree or size55.Rugby ,afghan and champagne are words coming from ________.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames56.Omega, Xerox and orlon are words from _________.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames57.Ex-student, fore tell and post-election contain________.A. negative prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. prefixes of time and orderD. locative prefixes58.Mackintosh, bloomers and cherub are from _______A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames59.The prefixes in words new-Nazi, autobiography and pan-European are ________.A. negative prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. prefixes of time and orderD. miscellaneous prefixes60.The prefixes in words anti-government , pro student and contra flow are _____-.A. prefixes of degree or sizeB. prefixes of orientation and attitudeC. prefixes of time and orderD. miscellaneous prefixes61.Utopia ,odyssey and Babbit are words from ________.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames62.The suffixes in words clockwise, homewards are ______.A. noun suffixesB. verb suffixesC. adverb suffixesD. adjective suffixes63.The suffixes in words height en, symbol ize are ________.A. noun suffixesB. verb suffixesC. adverb suffixesD. adjective suffixesII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.64.Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivationalaffixes to stem. This process is also known as_____.pounding , also called ________, is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems .Words formed in this way are called _________.66. __________ is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class.67. _________ is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part ofanother word . Words formed in this way are called blends or _____words.20 A common way of making a word is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original andusing what remains instead. This is called _______.III. Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to types of suffixation.A B26. Concrete denominal noun suffixes ( ) A. priceless27. Abstract denominal noun suffixes ( ) B. downward28. Deverbal noun suffixes(denoting people.) ( ) C. engineer29. Deverbal nouns suffixes( denoting action, etc) () D. darken30. De-adjective noun suffixes ()Eviolinist31. Noun and adjective suffixes ( ) F.happiness32. Denominal adjective suffixes ( ) G. arguable33. Deverbal adjective suffixes ( ) H.dependent34. Adverb suffixes ( ) I. adulthood35. Verb suffixes ( ) J. survivalIV. Study the following words or expressions and identify 1) types of clipping 2) types ofacronymy and write the full terms.36.quake ( ) 32. stereo ( ) 33. flu ( ) 34. pub ( ) 35. c/o ( )40. V-day ( ) 37. TB ( ) 38. disco ( ) 39.copter ( ) 40. perm ( )V. Define the following terms .42. acronymy 42. back-formation 43. initialisms 44. prefixation 45. suffixationVI. Answer the following questions with examples.43. What are the characteristics of compounds ?44. What are the main types of blendings ?45. What are the main types of compounds ?VII. Analyze and comment on the following:46. Use the following examples to explain the types of back-formation.(1) donate ----donation emote----emotion(2) loaf —loafer beg------beggar(3) eavesdrop---eavesdropping babysit---babysitter(4) drowse —drowsy laze---lazy47. Read the following sentence and identify the types of conversion of the italicized words.(1) I’m very grateful for your help. (2) The rich must help the poor.(3)His argument contains too many ifs and buts. (4) They are better housed and clothed.(5) The photograph yellowed with age. (6) We downed a few beers.Key to exercises :56. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.BII. 16. derivation position, compounds 18. Conversion 19. Blending(pormanteau) 20.clippingIII. 21.C 22. I 23. H 24. J 25.F 26.E 27.A 28.G 29.B 30.DIV.31. Front clipping, earthquake68. Back clipping, stereophonic69.Front and back clipping, influenza70.Phrase clipping, public house71. Initialisms, care of72. Acronyms, Victory Day73. Initialisms, tuberculosis74. Back clipping, discotheque75. Front clipping, helicopter76. Phrase clipping, permanent wavesV-VI. (See the course book)VII.49. There are mainly four types of back-formation.(1)From abstract nouns (2) From human nouns (3) From compound nouns and others(4) From adjectives37. (1)Verb to noun (2) Adjective to noun (3) Miscellaneous conversion to noun (4 ) Noun to verb (5) Adjective (6) Miscellaneous conversion to verbChapter 5 Word Meaning ( 练习4)I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternativeanswers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.77. A word is the combination of form and ________.A. spellingB. writingC. meaningD. denoting78._______is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objectiveworld in the human mind.A. ReferenceB. ConceptC. SenseD. Context79.Sense denotes the relationships _______the language.A. outsideB. withC. beyondD. inside80. Most English words can be said to be ________.A. non-motivatedB. motivatedC. connectedD. related81.Trumpet is a(n) _______motivated word.A. morphologicallyB. semanticallyC. onomatopoeicallyD.etymologically82.Hopeless is a ______motivated word.A. morphologicallyB. onomatopoeicallyC. semanticallyD.etymologically83.In the sentence ‘He is fond of pen ’, pen is a ______ motivatedword.A. morphologicallyB. onomatopoeicallyC. semanticallyD. etymologically84.Walkman is a _______motivated word.A. onomatopoeicallyB. morphologicallyC. semanticallyD. etymologically85.Functional words possess strong _____ whereas content wordshave both meanings, and lexical meaning in particular.A. grammatical meaningB. conceptual meaningC. associative meaningD. arbitrary meaning86.___is unstable, varying considerably according to culture,historical period, and the experience of the individual.A. Stylistic meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Collocativemeaning D. Affective meaning87.Affective meaning indicates the speaker ’s _______towards theperson or thing in question.A. feeling .B. likingC. attitudesD. understanding88.___ are affective words as they are expressions of emotionssuch as oh, dear me, alas .A. PrepositionsB. InterjectionsC. ExclamationsD.Explanations89.It is noticeable that overlaps with stylistic and affectivemeanings because in a sense both stylistic and affective meaningsare revealed by means of collocations.A. conceptual meaningB. grammatical meaningC. lexical meaningD. collocative meaning90.In the same language, the same concept can be expressed in______.A. only one wordB. two wordsC. more than threeD. differentwords91.Reference is the relationship between language and the ______.A. speakersB. listenersC. worldD. specificcountryII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.92.In modern English one may find some words whose soundssuggest their ______pounds and derived words are ______ words and themeanings of many are the sum total of the morphemes combined.94._______ refers to the mental associations suggested by theconceptual meaning of a word.95.The meanings of many words often relate directly to their ______.In other words the history of the word explains the meaning of theword.96.Lexical meaning itself has two components : conceptualmeaning and _________.III. Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1) types of motivation 2) types of meaning.A B97. Onomotopooeic motivation ( ) A. tremble with fear98.Collocative meaning ( ) B. skinny99. Morphological motivation ( ) C. slender100. Connotative meaning ( ) D. hiss101. Semantic motivation ( ) E. laconic102. Stylistic meaning ( ) F. sun (a heavenly body)103. Etymological motivation ( ) G.airmail104. Pejorative meaning ( ) H. home105. Conceptual meaning ( ) I. horse and plug106. Appreciative meaning ( ) J. pen and awordIV.Study the following words or expressions and identify 1)types of motivation 2) types of meaning.107. neigh ( ) 32. the mouth of the river ( )38. reading-lamp ( ) 34. tantalus ( )41. warm home ( ) 36. the cops ( )108. dear me ( ) 38. pigheaded ( )39. handsome boy ( ) 40. diligence ( )IV. Define the following terms .42. motivation 42. grammatical meanings 43. conceptual meaning 44. associative meaning 45.affective meaningV. Answer the following questions . Your answers should be clear and short.43. What is reference ? 47. What is concept ? 48. What is sense ?VI. Analyze and comment on the following.48. Study the following words and explain to which type of motivation they belong.49. Explain the types of associative meaning with examples.Key to exercises:57. C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.B2.C 12.B 13.D 14.D 15.CI. 16. meanings 17.multi-morphemic 18.Semantic motivation 19.origins 20.associative meaning II. 21. D 22.A 23.G 24.H 25.J 26.I 27.E 28.B 29.F 30.CIII. 31. Onomatopoeic motivation 32. Semantic motivation7. Morphological motivation 34. Etymological motivation12. Connotative meaning 36.Stylistic meaning41. Affective meaning 38. pejorative51. collocative meaning 40. appreciativeV-VI. See the course book.VII. 49. (1) Roar and buzz belong to onomatopoeic motivation.(2)Miniskirt and hopeless belong to morphological motivation.(3) The leg of a table and the neck of a bottle belong to semantic motivation.(4) Titanic and panic belong to etymological motivation.50. Associative meaning comprises four types:(1) Connotative meaning . It refers to the overtones or associations suggested by the conceptualmeaning, traditionally known as connotations. It is not an essential part of the word-meaning, but associations that might occur in the mind of a particular user of the language. For example, mother ,denoting a ‘f emale parent ’, is often associated with ‘l ove ’,‘c are ’, etc..(2) Stylistic meaning. Apart feom their conceptual meanings, many words have stylistic features,which make them appropriate for different contexts. These distinctive features form the stylistic meanings of words . For example, pregnant, expecting, knockingup, in the club, etc., all can have thesame conceptual meaning, but differ in their stylistic values.(3) Affective meaning. It indicates the speaker ’s attitude towards the person or thing in question.Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories :appreciative or pejorative. For example,famous, determined are words of positive overtones; notorious, pigheaded are of negative connotationsimplying disapproval, contempt or criticism.(4) Collocative meaning. It consists of the associations a word acquires in its collocation. In otherwords, it is that part of the word-meaning suggested by the words before or after the word in discussion.For example, we say : pretty girl, pretty garden; we don ’t say pretty typewriter. But sometimes there issome overlap between the collocations of the two words.Chapter 6 Sense Relations and Semantic Field ( 练习5)I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would bestcomplete the statement.109.Polysemy is a common feature peculiar to ______.A. English onlyB. Chinese onlyC. all natural languagesD. some natural languages110.From the ______ point of view, polysemy is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and same word .A. linguisticB. diachronicC. synchronicD. traditional111._______ is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the center and the secondary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rayes.A Radiation B. Concatenation C. Derivation D. Inflection112. _________ is the semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its firstsense by successive shifts until, in many cases, there is not a sign of connection between the sense thatis finally developed and that which the term had at the beginning.A. DerivationB. RadiationC. InflectionD. Concatenation113.One important criterion to differentiate homonyms from polysemants is to see their ______.A. spellingB. pronunciationC. etymologyD. usage114.________refer to one of two or more words in the English language which have the same or very nearly the same essential meaning.A. PolysemantsB. SynonymsC. AntonymsD. Hyponyms115. The sense relation between the two words tulip and flower is _______.A. hyponymyB. synonymyC. polysemyD. antonymy116._________ are words identical only in spelling but different in sound and meaning, e.g. bow/bau/;bow/beu/.A. HomophonesB. HomographsC. Perfect homonymsD. Antonyms117. The antonyms: male and female are ______.A. contradictory termsB. contrary termsC. relative termsD. connected terms118.The antonyms big and small are ______.A. contradictory termsB. contrary termsC. relative termsD. connected terms119.The antonyms husband and wife are ______.A. contradictory termsB. contrary termsC. relative termsD. connected termsposition and compounding in lexicology are words of _______.A. absolute synonymsB. relative synonymsC. relative antonymsD. contrary antonyms121.As homonyms are identical in sound or spelling, particularly ______, they are often employed in a conversation to create puns for desired effect of humor, sarcasm or ridicule.A. homographsB. homophonesC. absolute homonymsD. antonyms122.From the diachronic point of view, when the word was created, it was endowed with only one meaning . The first meaning is called ______.A. primary meaningB. derived meaningC. central meaningD. basic meaning123.Synchronically, the basic meaning of a word is the core of word-meaning called_______.A. primary meaningB. derived meaningC. central meaningD. secondary meaningII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.。

semantic triangle 语义三角
proposed by Ogden / Richards
The meaning of meaning 1923
(The relation between a word and a thing it refers to is not direct. It is mediated by concept.)
concept (thought /sense) meaning
mental image/reference
word ------------------ thing
(name/symbol/form signifier) (referent/object/ signified) (when/spirit/as??) mental image?
R: actual response / hearer’s response
r ………s
Jack and Jill are walking on a trail.
Jill is hungry and sees apples on a tree.
She says to Jack, “I like to eat an apple.” (r)
b. metonymy( 借代,换称)
Name sth. by one of its attributes The pen is mightier than the sword. (工具代动作) He has the best stable in the town. (容器代内容) I am not going to let my heart rule my head.(身体 器官代功能) I hate that brass button.(事物特征代事物本身) Hollywood

2022年自考专业(英语)英语词汇学考试真题及答案一、单项选择题1、The definition of a word comprises the following points EXCEPT __()A.sound unityB.minimal free form of a languageC.unit of meaningD.form that cannot function alone in a sentence2、"Dog" is the father of "doglike", "doghood", "dogsleep", etA.This example shows that words of the basic stock have the characteristic of __()B.stabilityC.polysemyD.productivityE.ollocability3、Which of the following groups consists of both content words and functional words()A.rise, five, fun, waterB.ten, but, red, ofC.of, is, in, theD.wind, sun, go, bright4、In Middle English vocabulary, we can find words relating to every aspect of human society, e. g. government, law, food, fashion and so on. Which of the following words does NOT belong to them()A.logB.aconC.JudgeD.Power5、Which of the following statements is NOT true()A.nglish is more closely related to German than FrenchB.Old English was a slightly inflected languageC.Old English was a language of full endingsD.Middle English was a language of leveled endings6、In the early Modern English, Europe saw a new upsurge of learning ancient Greek and Roman classics. This is known in history as __()A.IndustrializationB.lizabethan AgeC.RenaissanceD.Victorian Age7、The word "denaturalization" can be broken down into "de-", "nature", "-al", "-ize", "-anon", each having meaning of its own. These minimal meaningful units are known as __()A.morphemesB.llomorphsC.rootD.stem8、Which of the following is the root of the word "internationalists"()A.interB.nationC.-istD.-al9、Which of the following words is an example of free morphemes ()A.TriedB.eetC.WorkerD.nger10、Which of the following statements is NOT true()A.Prefixation is the formation of new words by addingsuffixes to stemsB.Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the stemC.Prefixes only modify the meaning of the stemD.Present-day English finds an increasing number of class-changing prefixes11、Among the following words, __contains a prefix of time and order()A.x-wifeB.vice-chairmanC.oreheadD.maltreat12、"A green hand" means an "inexperienced person", not a hand that is green in color. In this sense, we can judge that "a green hand" is a __()A.morphemeB.proverbC.ompoundD.ree phrase13、The following words are onomatopoetically motivated words EXCEPT __()A.angB.miniskirtD.hiss14、When we say the "mouth" of a river, we associate the opening part of the river with the mouth of a human being or an animal. In this sense, the word "mouth" conveys __()A.onomatopoeic motivationB.morphological motivationC.semantic motivationD.tymological motivation15、"Black" is a kind of color but its meaning is obviously affected when it occurs in such phrases as "black coffee", "black market", etc.This example demonstrates __()A.grammatical meaning of a word becomes important only when it is used in actual contextB.ffective meaning varies from individual to individual, from culture to cultureC.stylistic difference is especially true of synonymsD.ollocation can affect the meaning of words16、"The front of the head" is the __meaning of the word "face ()A.erivedB.primaryD.secondary17、Homonyms are generally words different in __()A.soundB.spellingC.ormD.meaning18、__share a likeness in denotation as well as in part of speech()A.SynonymsB.ntonymsC.HomonymsD.Hyponyms19、Word-meaning changes by the following modes EXCEPT __()A.xtensionB.upgradationC.specializationD.transfer20、The word "meat", which originally meant "food", but now has come to mean "flesh of animals", is an example to illustrate __of meaning()A.generalizationB.narrowingC.egradationD.levation21、The process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance is called __of meaning()A.xtensionB.narrowingC.transferD.levation22、In __context the meaning of the word is often affected and defined by the neighbouring words()A.xtra-linguisticB.non-linguisticC.lexicalD.grammatical23、__gives rise to ambiguity in the sentence "I like Mary better than Jean()A.PolysemyB.HomonymyC.Non-linguistic contextD.Grammatical structure24、What kind of context clue is used in the sentence "Perhaps the most startling theory to come out of kinesics, the study of body movement, was suggested by Professor Bird Whistell"()A.xplanationB.efinitionC.xampleD.Synonymy25、"Diamond cut diamond" is an idiom, which reflects __()A.the constituents of idioms can‘t be replacedB.the word order can‘t be invertedC.the constituents of an idiom can‘t be deletedD.many idioms are grammatically unanalysable26、"Jack of all trades" is an idiom __in nature()A.verbalB.nominalC.djectivalD.dverbial27、"Turn on" and "turn off" are antonymous idioms, resulting from __()A.replacementB.dditionC.shorteningD.position-shifting28、__dictionaries involve the most complete description of words available to us()A.UnabridgedB.eskC.PocketD.Linguistic29、Collins COBUILD English Usage (1992)is a(n)__dictionary()A.unabridgedB.ncyclopedicC.ilingualD.specialized30、You can find the real English equivalents to some Chinese items in __()A.hinese-English Dictionary (Revised Edition)(1995)B.Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese TranslationC.New English-Chinese DictionaryD.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English with ChineseTranslation二、填空题题1、The English vocabulary can be classified by different criteria and for different purposes. Words may fall into content words and functional words by __2、The world has approximately 3000 (some put it 5000)languages, which can be grouped into roughly 300 language families and on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and __3、Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are considered to be __4、According to the __which affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into prefixation and suffixation5、Conceptual meaning is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the __of word-meaning6、From the diachronic point of view, __is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and same word7、The word "picture" originally denoted only "painting", but now has come to include "drawings" and even "photographs". This is an example to illustrate __8、Linguistic context can be subdivided into lexical contextand __context9、Idioms each are a semantic __,though each consists of more than one word10、Encyclopedic dictionaries can be further divided into __and encyclopedic dictionaries三、名词解释题1、neologisms2、stem3、reference4、degradation5、true idioms四、简答题1、leorn-ian-Tern-en->learn The above is the development of the word "learn" from Old English through Modern English to Middle English. What can be concluded from the above example from the viewpoint of development of English vocabulary2、What is affixation3、Tell the difference between perfect homonyms and polysemants so far as semantic relatedness is concerned4、Guess the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence and tell what context clue is used. Indian artists were more active in the quattrocento than in the sixteenth centurywhich followed五、论述题1、Explain full conversion and partial conversion by taking "drinkables" and 查看答案【二、填空题题】1notion2grammar3free4position5core6~10点击下载查看答案【三、名词解释题】1neologisms are newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on new meanings.2a stem can be defined as a form to which affixes of any kind can be added.3Reference is the relationship between language and the world,In other words on1y when a connection has been established between the linguistic sign and a referent, i. e. an object, aphenomenon, a person, etc. does the sign become meaningful4Degradation or peroration of meaning is the opposite of semantic elevation. It is a process whereby words of good origin fall into ill reputation or non-affective words come to be used in derogatory sense.5Idioms consist of set phrases and short sentences, which are peculiar to the language in question and loaded with the native cultures and ideas. The true idioms of a language share three common features that differentiate them from plain andsimple collocations: (1) They are not compositional, (2) Their words are not substitutable, and (3) They are not modifiable. 【四、简答题】1In modern English, word ending were mostly lost with just a few exceptions .It can be concluded that English has evolved from a synthetic language(Old English)to the present analytic language.本题考查其次章印欧语系词汇变化的相关内容2Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stems. This process is also known as derivation, for new words created in this way are derived from old forms.本题考查第四章英语构成词缀法的概念的理解3The fundamental difference between homonyms and polysemants lies in the fact that the former refers to different words which happen to share the same form and the latter is the one and same word which has several distinguishable meanings。

词汇学试题答案一、选择题1. 词汇学是研究什么的学科?A. 语言的发音规则B. 语言的词义变化C. 语言的句法结构D. 语言的词汇组成及其变化答案:D2. 下列哪个选项不是词汇学研究的范畴?A. 新词的产生B. 词义的演变C. 语言的修辞手法D. 词汇的借用答案:C3. “同义词”和“反义词”在词汇学中的关系是:A. 同义关系B. 对立关系C. 互补关系D. 包含关系答案:B4. 在汉语中,“苹果”和“iPhone”这两个词之间的关系最接近于:A. 一般与特殊B. 全体与部分C. 具体与抽象D. 同义与异义答案:A5. 词汇的多义性是指:A. 一个词只有一个含义B. 一个词有两个或以上的含义C. 一个词的含义随着语境变化D. 一个词的含义完全由字典定义答案:B二、填空题1. 词汇学的研究可以帮助我们更好地理解和掌握________的构成及其发展变化。
答案:语言2. 在词汇学中,________是指一个词汇在不同语境中可以表达不同的含义。
答案:词义的多样性3. 词汇的________是指词汇在语言发展过程中的增加、减少或形式的变化。
答案:演变4. “书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”这句话中的“书山”和“学海”是________的运用。
答案:比喻5. 一个词的不同含义之间存在着某种联系,这种联系称为词义的________。
答案:关联三、简答题1. 请简述词汇学在语言学习和教学中的作用。
2. 举例说明词汇的借用现象。

1)-able, ible: dispens_, convert_____, toler___, revers___ 2)-ant, -ent: assist____, resist___, consist___, persist_______ 3) ar, er, or: calculat__, li__, subscrib__, surviv__ 4)ary, ery: confection___, adverse__, tribut___, monast__ 5)ious, ous, eous, uous: caprice__任性, contempt__, moment__, spontan___
(A). features of suffixes: change word class as well as word meanign (B). types of suffixes (1). verb suffix: meaning ―become…, cause…,‖: -fy, -ate-, -ise-/ize-, -en (2). noun suffix (See the next two) (3). Adj. Suffix:表示性质或状态或特性或形状 -ed, -ful, -ish, -less, -like, -ly, -y, -ic, -ical, -al, -ous, ious, -eous; -able, -ible, -ive, -some, -ate, atic, -ary (4). adv suffix: -ly, -wise(in terms of), -wards
confectionery 糖果店, adversary敌手, tributary 支流, monastery修道院

英语词汇学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 词汇学研究的主要对象是什么?A. 语法结构B. 词汇构成C. 语音系统D. 语义关系2. 下列哪个词属于复合词?A. happyB. unicycleC. bicycleD. unhappy3. 词根是指什么?A. 单词的前缀B. 单词的后缀C. 单词的基本部分D. 单词的派生部分4. 词汇的同源词是指什么?A. 意义相近的词B. 形式相似的词C. 来源相同的词D. 功能相同的词5. 词汇的语义变化通常被称为什么?A. 词汇演变B. 词汇扩展C. 词汇借用D. 词汇创新二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)6. 英语中的词缀分为________和后缀。
7. 英语词汇的构成方式之一是________,例如:class + room = classroom。
8. 英语中的合成词是由两个或两个以上自由词组合而成的,如________。
9. 英语中,一个词的意义可能随着时间而发生变化,这种现象称为________。
10. 英语词汇学中的“词义扩展”是指一个词的意义范围________。
三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)11. 简述英语词汇的来源有哪些?12. 解释什么是词汇的同化现象,并给出一个例子。
13. 描述词汇的语义变化有哪些类型?四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)14. 论述英语词汇学在语言教学中的应用。
15. 分析英语词汇中的借词现象及其对英语发展的影响。
参考答案一、选择题1. B2. B3. C4. C5. A二、填空题6. 前缀7. 合成8. blackboard9. 语义演变10. 扩大或缩小三、简答题11. 英语词汇的来源包括:古英语、拉丁语、法语、希腊语、德语等。
12. 词汇的同化现象是指外来词在借用到另一种语言中时,为了适应新语言的发音规则而发生的改变。

英语词汇学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The word "university" is derived from the Latin word "universitas," which originally meant:A. A place of higher educationB. A legal entityC. A group of studentsD. A city2. In English, the term "neologism" refers to:A. An old word that has been revivedB. A new word or expressionC. A word that has fallen out of useD. A word that has been borrowed from another language3. Which of the following is an example of a compound word?A. BicycleB. TelephoneC. UnicycleD. Both A and B4. The word "breakfast" is a:A. Compound wordB. BlendC. AcronymD. Back-formation5. The word "mouse" when referring to a computer device is anexample of:A. HomonymyB. PolysemyC. SynonymyD. Hyponymy6. The term "morpheme" in linguistics refers to the:A. Smallest meaningful unit of languageB. Largest meaningful unit of languageC. Smallest grammatical unit of languageD. Largest grammatical unit of language7. Which of the following is an example of a prefix?A. -lyB. un-C. -nessD. re-8. The word "unhappy" is formed by adding the prefix "un-" to the root word "happy," which is an example of:A. AffixationB. ConversionC. CoinageD. Blending9. The word "edit" can be traced back to the Latin word "edere," which means:A. To eatB. To publishC. To give outD. To cut10. The process of creating a new word by shortening an existing one is known as:A. ClippingB. Back-formationC. BlendingD. Acronym formation二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The word "kindergarten" is a compound of two German words, "kind" meaning ______ and "garten" meaning garden.12. The term "semantic shift" refers to a change in the______ of a word over time.13. An example of a back-formation is the word "edit," which was derived from the noun "editor."14. The word "geek" originally had a negative connotation but has undergone ______ to become a term of endearment for tech enthusiasts.15. The process of creating a new word by combining parts of two or more words is known as ______.16. The prefix "auto-" in "autonomous" comes from the Greek word for ______.17. The suffix "-able" in "readable" is used to form ______ adjectives.18. The term "etymology" refers to the study of the ______ of words.19. A word that has the same form as another but a different meaning is an example of ______.20. The word "smog" is a blend of "smoke" and "fog," which is an example of a ______ word.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. Explain the difference between a homograph and a homophone.22. Describe the process of semantic change known as amelioration.23. What is the role of borrowing in the development of a language's vocabulary?24. Discuss the concept of word class conversion and provide an example.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)25. Discuss the impact of globalization on the English lexicon.26. Analyze the factors that contribute to the creation of new words in English.答案:一、选择题1. B2. B3. D4. A5. A6. A7. D8. A9. C 10. A二、填空题11. child 12. meaning 13. back-formation 14. semantic shift 15. blending 16. self 17. adjective 18. history 19. homonym 20. portmanteau三、简答题21. A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning and possibly a different pronunciation, while a homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different meaning andspelling.22. Amelioration refers to the。

大学词汇学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The word "chronic" is most closely related to which of the following?A. AcuteB. TemporaryC. SeasonalD. Chronic2. In the context of a business meeting, "feasibility" refers to the:A. Ability to flyB. Ability to be doneC. Ability to swimD. Ability to run3. "Paradox" is a term that is associated with:A. A simple truthB. A complex lieC. A situation that contradicts itselfD. A straightforward problem4. The term "epidemic" is used to describe a:A. Single occurrenceB. Small groupC. Widespread occurrenceD. Limited occurrence5. "Symbiotic" relationships are characterized by:A. Mutual harmB. Mutual benefitC. One-sided benefitD. No interaction6. "Euphemism" is a term used to describe:A. A harsh truthB. A polite lieC. A direct statementD. A hidden meaning7. "Intrinsic" value refers to the value that is:A. Externally imposedB. Internally inherentC. Externally visibleD. Internally hidden8. The word "analogous" is used to describe something that is:A. Completely differentB. Partially similarC. Exactly the sameD. Totally unrelated9. "Dichotomy" refers to a division into:A. Three partsB. Two partsC. Four partsD. Five parts10. "Ephemeral" is a term that is used to describe somethingthat is:A. Long-lastingB. Short-livedC. EternalD. Timeless二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The opposite of "visible" is _______.12. A synonym for "unpredictable" is _______.13. The term "hierarchy" refers to a _______ of authority or rank.14. "Ambiguous" means having more than one _______.15. "Chronology" is the arrangement of events in the order of their _______.16. "Catastrophe" is a term used to describe a sudden event causing great _______.17. "Democracy" is a system of government by the whole_______.18. "Eloquence" is the quality of speaking or writing that is fluent and _______.19. "Frugality" is the quality of being economical with money or resources, often to an _______ extent.20. "Hypothesis" is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon, made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further _______.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. Define the term "metaphor" and provide an example.22. Explain the difference between "allegory" and "simile".23. What does the term "prose" refer to in literature?24. Describe the concept of "synecdoche" and give an example.四、论述题(每题10分,共20分)25. Discuss the importance of understanding etymology in the study of vocabulary.26. Analyze the role of idioms in communication and how they can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.答案:一、选择题1. D2. B3. C4. C5. B6. B7. B8. B9. B10. B二、填空题11. invisible12. unpredictable13. system14. meaning15. occurrence16. damage17. population18. persuasive19. excessive20. investigation三、简答题21. A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison. For example, "Time is a thief" is a metaphor that personifies time as a thief, suggesting that it steals our moments.22. An allegory is a narrative that conveys a deeper meaning beneath the surface, often using characters and events to represent abstract concepts or moral lessons. A simile, on the other hand, is a direct comparison between two unlike things using "like" or "as," such as "She is as brave as a lion."23. Prose is a form of language that has a natural flow of speech and normal grammatical structure rather than a rhythmic structure, unlike poetry. It is the ordinary form of language used in speech or writing.24. Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa。

词汇学语言考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 词汇学是研究语言中词汇的系统、结构和变化规律的学科,它属于:A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 词汇学D. 语义学答案:C2. 下列哪个选项不是词汇学研究的内容?A. 词汇的构成B. 词汇的分类C. 词汇的演变D. 语音的发音答案:D3. 词汇学中,词根是指:A. 词的基本意义单位B. 词的发音单位C. 词的书写单位D. 词的语法单位答案:A4. 以下哪个词是由两个词根组成的?A. 苹果B. 汽车C. 电脑D. 葡萄答案:B5. 词汇学中的“同义词”指的是:A. 意义完全相同的词B. 意义相近的词C. 意义相反的词D. 意义完全不同的词答案:B6. 在词汇学中,“反义词”是指:A. 意义相近的词B. 意义相反的词C. 意义相同的词D. 意义不相关的词答案:B7. “词汇化”是指:A. 词汇的创造过程B. 词汇的消失过程C. 词汇的演变过程D. 词汇的分类过程答案:A8. 词汇学中的“语义场”是指:A. 词的发音范围B. 词的书写范围C. 词的意义范围D. 词的使用范围答案:C9. 词汇学中,“多义词”是指:A. 只有一个意义的词B. 有两个或两个以上意义的词C. 没有意义或意义不明确的词D. 意义完全相反的词答案:B10. 词汇学中的“同音词”是指:A. 发音相同的词B. 意义相同的词C. 书写相同的词D. 用法相同的词答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 词汇学中的“词缀”是指附着在词根上,用来构成新词的________。
答案:语素12. “派生”是指通过添加________来创造新词的过程。
答案:词缀13. “合成”是指通过合并________来创造新词的过程。
答案:词根14. “词汇变化”包括词义的________、________和________。
答案:扩大、缩小、转移15. “词汇的语义变化”是指词义的________、________和________。

CHAPTER 41. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on_______.A. borrowingB. word-formationC. conversionD. the number of the people speaking English2. _______ doesn't belong to the most productive means of word-formation.A. AffixationB. CompoundingC. ConversionD. Blending3. Conversion gives us _______ of the new vocabulary.A. 30%B. 28%C. 26%D. 28% to 30%4. Word formation excludes _______.A. affixation and compoundingB. conversion and shorteningC. chipping, acronymy and blendingD. repetition and alliteration5. The most productive word formation are _______.A. affixationB. compoundingC. conversionD. all the above6. Of the following word-formation processes, _______ is the most productive.A. clippingB. blendingC. initialismD. derivation7. 30% to 40% of the total number of new words in English are produced through _______.A. compoundingB. affixationC. conversionD. shortening8. The prefixes in the words of irresistible, nonclassical and apolitical are called _______.A. reversative prefixesB. negative prefixesC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes9. Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or _______ to stems.A. affixesB. suffixes and prefixesC. inflectional affixesD. derivational affixes10. The words formed by affixation are called _______.A. affixesB. derivationsC. derivativesD. derivationals11. According to the _______ which affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subclasses: prefixation and suffixation.A. functionsB. positionsC. waysD. none of the above12. Prefixes do not generally change the _______ of the stem but only modify its meaning.A. word-classB. meaningC. formD. structure13. Accordingly, prefixes are classified on a semantic basis into _______ groups.B. 8D. 1014. These are negative prefixes except _______.A. dis-B. in-C. non-D. under-15. "Ex-" in the word "ex-prisoner" is _______.A. free rootB. bound rootC. inflectional affixD. derivational affix16. All of the following are pejorative prefixes except _______.A. mal-B. arch¬C. pseudo-D. mis-17. The "de -" in "decompose" is _______.A. a negative prefixB. a pejorative prefixC. a reversative prefixD. an orientation prefix18. The prefixes contained in the following words are called _______:pseudo, friend, malpractice, mistrust.A. reversative prefixedB. negative prefixesC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes19. The prefixes in words anti-government, pro-student and contraflow are _______.A. prefixes of degree or sizeB. prefixes of orientation and attitudeC. prefixes of time and orderD. miscellaneous prefixes20. The prefixed contained in unwrap, de-compose and disallow are _______.A. reversative prefixedB. negative prefixesC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes21. The prefixes in words extra-strong, overweight and archbishop are _______.A. negative prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes22. A subcutaneous infection is _______ the skin.A. on the surface ofB. aboveC. underD. below23. Some doctors prescribe medication to treat hyperactive children, because the children are extremely _______.A. activeB. passiveC. lazyD. diligent24. _______ of the given prefixes indicates number.A. fore-B. anti-C. semi-D. pan-25. The primary function of suffixes is to _______.A. change the word-class of rootsB. change the meaning of stemsC. change the grammatical function of stemsD. change the structure of roots26. The "auto" in "autobiography" is _______.A. a negative prefixB. a pejorative prefixC. a reversative prefixD. a miscellaneous prefix27. The prefixes in words bilingual, uniform and hemisphere are _______.A. number prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes28. _______ are contained in words trans-world, intra-party and forehead.A. Prefixes of orientation and attitudeB. Prefixes of time and orderC. Locative prefixesD. Prefixes of degree or size29. The prefixes in words new-Nazi, autobiography and pan-European are _______.A. negative prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. prefixes of time and orderD. miscellaneous prefixes30. Ex-student, foretell and post-election contain _______.A. negative prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. prefixes of time and orderD. locative prefixes31. Which of the following prefixes can not be used to indicate time and orderA. Ex-.B. Fore-.C. Post-.D. Para-.32. Which of the following is a case of suffixationA. HemisphereB. AttemptC. NATOD. Respondent33. A multiplied insect has _______ feet.A. twoB. fourC. sixD. many34. A tricycle has _______ wheels.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. Four35. Which of the following belongs to number prefixesA. Auto-.B. Mis-.C. Hemi-.D. Pre-.36. We usually group suffixes on a _______ basis into noun suffixes, verb suffixes, adjective suffixes, etc.A. grammatical C. meaningfulB. structural D. practical37. -eer, -er, -ess, -ette, -let are all suffixes added to noun bases to produce _______ nouns.A. abstract C. concreteB. de-verbal D. de-adjective38. These are adjective suffixes except _______.A. -ishB. -iveC. -aiD. -ance39. The word "courageous" is created by _______.A. noun suffixesB. adverb suffixesC. adjective suffixesD. verb suffixes40. The meanings of "comic" and "comical" are _______.A. sameB. identicalC. similarD. different41. Which of the following suffixes can be used to form both nouns and adjectivesA. -ion.B. -ism.C. -ity.D. -ist.42. The following are all denominal suffixes EXCEPT _______.A. -fulB. -wiseC. -lessD. -like43. _______ of the following is not a verb suffix.A. -ateB. -enC. -ed44. The suffixes in words heighten, symbolize are _______.A. noun suffixesB. verb suffixesC. adverb suffixesD. adjective suffixes45. The suffixes in words clockwise, homewards are _______.A. noun suffixesB. verb suffixesC. adverb suffixesD. adjective suffixes46. The differences between compounds and free phrases show in _______ aspects.A. phonetic featuresB. semantic featuresC. grammatical featuresD. all the above47. There are _______ major classes of compounds.A. twoB. fourC. threeD. five48. " Washing machine" is a word formed by _______.A. prefixationB. compoundingC. conversionD. blending49. "Law-abiding" belongs to _______.A. adjective compoundB. noun compoundC. verb compoundD. none of the above50. "up-bringing" belongs to _______.A. adjective compoundB. noun compoundB. verb compound D. none of the above51. Verb compounds are created either through _______ or _______.A. affixation; conversionB. clipping; affixationC. conversion; backformationD. backformation; borrowing52. Which of the following is not through backformationA. To mass-produce.B. To lip-read.C. To nickname.D. To chain-smoke.53. Conversion is a method _______.A. of turning words of one part of speech to those of a different part of speechB. of converting words of one meaning into different meaningC. of deriving words through grammatical meansD. of changing words in morphological structure54. In a derivational process, an item is converted to a new word class without the addition of an affix. The name is _______.A. full conversionB. partial conversionC. functional shiftD. zero-derivation55. Words involved in conversion are primarily _______.A. nouns, verbs and adverbsB. nouns, adjectives and verbsC. nouns, prepositions and verbsD. adjectives, adverbs and verbs56. Almost all monomorphemic _______ can be conversed into nouns, which are semantically related to the original verbs in various ways.A. verbsB. adjectivesC. adverbsD. prepositions57. Nouns converted from adjectives have all the characteristics of nouns and achieve a full noun status, thus known as _______.A. partial conversionB. full conversionC. speech shiftD. grammatical shift58. Nouns partially converted from adjectives do not possess all the qualities a noun does. Theymust be used together with _______.A. plural formsB. single formsC. adjectivesD. definite articles59. In most cases a noun can be converted to a verb _______.A. with some changesB. without any changeC. with some changes in spellingD. without any change in pronunciation60. The "house" in "the peasant housed him" belongs to the conversion _______.A. between noun and adjectiveB. between noun and verbC. between verb and adjectiveD. none of the above61. The conversion of two-syllable nouns into verbs involves a change of _______.A. spellingB. pronunciationC. stressD. function62. "Empty" in the sentence "The meeting was over and the meeting-room began to empty" is _______.A. adjectiveB. verbC. nounD. four63. Which of the following words is NOT formed through clippingA. Dorm.B. Motel.C. Gent.D. Zoo.64. _______ are words pronounced letter by letter.A. InitialismsB. AcronymsC. BlendsD. Clips65. Of the following words, _______ is an initialism.A. UNB. NATOC. BASICD. UNESCO66. "BBC" is formed in the way of _______.A. acronymyB. clippingC. back-formationD. prefixation67. "TV" is a (n) _______.A. initialismB. acronymC. derivativeD. compound68. Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of _______.A. prefixationB. suffixationC. acronymy D- conversion69. Back-formation is the method of creating new words by _______ the supposed suffixes.( )A. removingB. combiningC. shorteningD. considering70. Back-formation usually involves _______ types of words.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. two71. Stylistically, back-formed words are largely some of them have not gained public acceptance.A. formalB. adjectivesC. human nounsD. informal72. The word "sandwich" which now denotes a popular fast food originates from _______.A. FaradayB. John MontagueC. BloomersD. Thomas More73. Mackintosh, bloomers and cherub are from _______.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. trade-names74. Rugby, afghan and champagne are words coming from _______.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames75. Utopia, odyssey and Babbit are words from _______.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames76. Which of the following words is NOT from ChineseA. Tea.B. Ketchup.C. Kungfu.D. Czar.77. Omega, Xerox and orlon are words from _______.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames78. _______ are affective words as they are expressions of emotions such as oh, dear, me, alas.A. PrepositionsB. InterjectionsC. ExclamationsD. Explanations79. 30% to 40% of the total number of new words in English are produced through _______A. compoundingB. affixationC. conversionD. shortening80. The prefixes mal- in maltreat, mis- in misleading and pseudo- in pseudo- scientific are ______ prefixes.A. negativeB. reversativeC. pejorativeD. locative81. The prefixes like un- and dis- can be regarded both as negative prefixes and as privative prefixes. The justification of their category lies in _______.A. meaningB. functionC. collocationD. word-class82. Some prefixes are categorized as _______ since their chief function is to change the base from one word class to another.A. conversion prefixesB. prefixes of orientation and attitudeC. inflectional prefixesD. prefixes of time and order83. The word employer is composed of " employ+er", of which -er is the so-called _______ suffix.A. verbB. deverbal nounC. denominalD. denominal noun84. As a suffix, _______ means "receiver of the action".A. -eerB. -essC. -erD. -ee85. The suffix -or in actor is a(n) _______ suffix and -ance in performance is a(n) _______noun suffix.A. concrete; concreteB. abstract; concreteC. abstract; abstractD. concrete; abstract86. The suffix -ful in mouthful is a suffix and in graceful is a _______ suffix.A. denominal adjective; denominal adjectiveB. denominal noun; denominal adjectiveC. denominal noun; denominal nounD. denominal adjective; denominal noun87. Of the three words, _______ refers to the physical or heroic qualities of a man, _______ is applied to nonhumans and _______ implies unwelcome masculine attributes usually in a woman.A. manly; manlike; mannishB. manly; mannish; manlikeC. mannish; manlike; manlyD. mannish; manly; manlike88. The pattern of deadline and blueprint is _______ in formation.A. n. + n.B. n. + v.C. adj. + n.D. adj. + v.89. The grammatical relationship between the elements in fist-fighting is _______.A. subject-}-verbB. verb+objectC. verb ~h adverbialD. subject+adverbial90. The conversion of two syllable nouns into verbs usually involves a change of _______.A. spellingB. pronunciationC. stressD. function91. Through _______, we get lip-read out of lip-reading.A. lexicalizatjonB. conversionC. rearrangementD. backformation92. The process in which nouns converted from adjectives do not possess all the qualities a noun does is called a _______ conversion.A. functionalB. fullC. partialD. miscellaneous93. The word motel comes from "motor-f-hotel". This is an example of _______ in terms of word formation.A. backformationB. conversionC. blendingD. acronym94. The words socio-linguistic and psycho-analysis are _______ according to the bases with which they are coined.A. compoundsB. blendsC. derivativesD. acronyms96. The case of exec derived from executive is an instance of _______ clipping.A. frontB. backC. front and backD. phrase97. AIDS, which is an instance of _______, is short for "acquired immune deficiency syndrome".A. pure acronymsB. hybrid acronymsC. syllabic acronymsD. initialisms98. The word medicare comes from "medical+care", so its structure is _______.A. head+wordB. word+tailC. head+headD. head+tail99. Almost all the back-formed words are _______.A. nounsB. verbsC. adjectivesD. adverbs100. Words produced through affixation constitute _______ of all the new words.A. 20% to 30%B. 30% to 40%C. 40% to 50%D. 10% to 20%101. The most productive word formation is _______.A. affixationB. compoundingC. conversionD. acronymy102. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on . [ ]A. word-formationB. prefixationC. suffixationD. compounding103. _______ is the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stems.A. PrefixationB. DerivationC. SuffixationD. Compounding104. According to the positions which affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subclasses: _______ and _______.A. clipping, blendingB. compounding, conversionC. conversion, derivationD. prefixation, suffixation105. We shall classify prefixes on semantic basis intoA. sevenB. eightC. nineD. eleven106. The prefix "pseudo" is _______.A. a negative prefixB. a reversative prefixC. a locative prefixD. a pejorative prefix107. The "de-" in "decompose" is _______.A. a negative prefixB. a pejorative prefixC. a reversative prefixD. an orientation prefix108. The chief function of prefixation is to _______.A. change meanings of the stemB. change the word-class of the stemC. change grammatical functionD. all the above109. The "auto" in "autobiography" is _______.A. a negative prefixB. a locative prefixC. a reversative prefixD. a miscellaneous prefix110. The chief function of suffixation is to _______.A. change meanings of the stemB. change the word class of the stemC. change the lexical meaningD. all the above111. The word "courageous" is created by _______.A. noun suffixesB. adverb suffixesC. adjective suffixesD. verb suffixes112. The meanings of "comic" and "comical" are _______.A. sameB. identicalC. similarD. different113. For the word "political”, its negative form is " _______.A. apoliticalB. ilpoliticalC. inpoliticalD. impolitical114. The differences between compounds and free phrases show in _______.A. phonetic featuresB. semantic featuresC. grammatical featuresD. all the above115. _______ is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems.A. SuffixationB. CompositionC. ConversionD. Clipping116. " Law-abiding" belongs to _______.A. adjective compoundB. noun compoundC. verb compoundD. none of the above117. "Sit-in" belongs to _______.A. adjective compoundB. noun compoundC. verb compoundD. none of the above118. "up-bringing" belongs to _______.A. adjective compoundB. noun compoundC. verb compoundD. none of the above119. Verb compounds are created either through _______ or _______.A. affixation/conversionB. clipping/affixationC. conversion/backformationD. back-formation/borrowing120. In compounds, the word stress usually occurs on _______ whereas in noun phrase _______ is generally stressed if there is only one stress.A. the first element/the second elementB. the second element/the first elementC. the first element/the first elementD. the second element/the second element121. Most compounds consist of only _______ stems.A. threeB. twoC. fourD. five122. Words mainly involved in conversion are _______.A. nouns, verbs and adverbsB. nouns, adjectives and verbsC. nouns, prepositions and verbsD. adjectives, adverbs and verbs123. The derivational process, in which an item is converted to a new word class without the addition of an affix, is called _______.A. full conversionB. partial-conversionC. semantic shiftD. zero-derivation124. The "house" in "the peasant housed him" belongs to the conversion _______.A. between noun and adjectiveB. between noun and verbC. between verb and adjectiveD. none of the above125. Nouns converted from adjectives have all the characteristics of nouns and achieve a full noun status, thus known as _______.A. partial conversionB. full conversionC. functional shiftD. grammatical shift126. Nouns partially converted from adjectives do not possess all the qualities a noun does. They must be used together with _______.A. plural formsB. single formsC. adjectivesD. definite articles127. The conversion of two syllable nouns into verbs involves a change of _______.A. spellingB. pronunciationC. stressD. function128. Words produced by conversion are primarily _______.A. nounsB. adjectivesC. verbsD. all the above129. The most productive conversion is the conversion that takes place _______.A. between nouns and verbsB. between nouns and adjectivesC. between verbs and adjectivesD. none of the above130. The overwhelming majority of blends are _______.A. verbsB. nounsC. adjectivesD. adverbs131. Back-formation is therefore the method of creating words by _______ the supposed suffixes.A. removingB. shorteningC. addingD. writing132. Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of _______.A. prefixationB. suffixationC. acronymyD. conversion133. Words formed by acronymy can be divided into initialisms and acronyms depending on _______.A. the grammatical functionB. the pronunciation of the wordsC. the spelling wayD. none of the above134. Word formation excludes _______.A. affixation and compoundingB. conversion and shorteningC. chipping, acronymy and blendingD. repetition and alliteration135. Which of the following is a case of suffixationA. Hemisphere.B. Disunite.C. NATO.D. Respondent.136. A tricycle has _______ wheels.A. twoB. fourC. sixD. three137. The prefixes in the words*, irresistible, non-classical and apolitical are called _______.A. reversative prefixesB. negative prefixesC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes138. Rugby, afghan and champagne are words coming from _______.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames139. Some doctors prescribe medication to treat hyperactive children, because the children are extremely _______ .A. activeB. passiveC. lazyD. diligent140. Ex-student, foretell and post-election contain _______.A. negative prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC, prefixes of time and order D. locative prefixes141. _______are words pronounced letter by letterA. InitialismsB. AcronymsC. BlendsD. Compounds142. What does the neo-mean in neo-NaziA. Old.B. Poor.C. New.D. Rich.143. Which of the following words is NOT formed through clippingA. Dorm.B. Slurb.C. Gent.D. Zoo.144. Which of the following belongs to number prefixesA. Fore-.B. Pro-.C. Hemi-.D. Pre-.145. There are _______ major classes of compounds.A. twoB. fourC. threeD. five146. Mackintosh, bloomers and cherub are from _______.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames147. The suffixes in words clockwise, homewards are _______.A. noun suffixesB. verb suffixesC. adverb suffixesD. adjective suffixes148. The suffixes in words heighten, symbolize are _______.A. noun suffixesB. verb suffixesC. adverb suffixesD. adjective suffixes149. Of the following words, _______ is an initialism.A. UNB. NATOC. BASICD. UNESCO150. Of the following word-formation processes, is the _______ most productive.A. clippingB. blendingC. initialismD. affixation151. The prefixes in words neo-Nazi, autobiography and pan-European are _______.A. negative prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. prefixes of time and orderD. miscellaneous prefixes152. Which of the following words is NOT from ChineseA. Tea.B. Ketchup.C. Kungfu.D. Czar.153. Which of the following suffixes can be used to form both nouns and adjectivesA. -ion.B. -ism.C. -ity.D. -ist.154. Utopia, odyssey and Babbit are words from _______.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames1. Affixes and compounding processes may become _______ on one time.2. Not all the words that are produced by applying the word-forming rule are _______ .3. Words produced through compounding yields _______ of all the new word.4. New words which are created by adding affixes to stems are called _______.5. _______ is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to stems.6. The majority of prefixes are _______ by their non-class-changing nature.7. Affixation, also called _______, is one of the word formations.8. Derivational affixes can be further divided into _______ and suffixes.9. Prefixes are those affixes that added to the head of words, which primarily change the _______ of the stem.10. The formation of words by adding word-forming affixes to stems is called _______.11. The chief function of _______ is not to change the word class of the stem, but to change its meaning.12. Suffixation is the formation of new word by adding _______ to stems.13. In the word "post-war" , "post-" is a prefix of _______.14. Compounding is the formation of new words by joining _______.15. Compounds and derived words are _______ words and the meanings of many are the sum total of the morphemes combined.16. The open _______ are the same in form as free phrases.17. The stress patterns of compounds are not _______.18. Compounds are different from free phrases in _______ unit.19. A compound tends to play a single _______ role in a sentence.20. An alternative for conversion is _______.21. _______ is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class.22. Almost all monomorphemic verbs can be used as nouns, which are _______ related to the original verbs in various ways according to Quirk et al.23. Such words as "the richer”, "the poor”, "the most corrupt" are all examples of _______.24. The words "autocide" and "telex" are formed by _______.25. With the development of market economy psywar becomes more and more popular. "Psywar" means _______.26. _______ is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word.27. A common way of making a word is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead. This is called _______.28. _______ is the process of forcing new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations or special phrases and technical terms.29. _______ is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation.30. A word is the _______ of form and meaning.31. Modern English expands its vocabulary chiefly through _______.32. The three main means of creating new words in modern English are _______, compounding and conversion.33. Shortening including clipping and _______ is also a way of forming new words in modern English.34. Affixation falls into two subcategories prefixation and _______.35. Affixation is also known as _______.36. The prefixes bi-, multi- and tri- are all _______ prefixes.37. Compounds can be written solid, _______ and open.38. A compound is a unit consisting of more than one base and functioning both grammatically and _______ as a single word.39. The words sit-in and handshake are both _______ compounds.40. Verb compounds are generally created either through _______or back-formation.41. Compounds are largely the results of _______ of phrases.42. If we need a word which is not found, we can easily make one through _______ or rearrangement of word-forming elements.43. Conversion is also known as _______ since it does not change the morphological structure of words but their function.44. Regarded as a derivational process without the addition of an affix, conversion can be called as _______.45. Words formed through acronymy can be divided into _______ and acronyms depending on the pronunciation of the words.46. Such words as goody-goody, willy-nilly and fiddle-faddle are known as _______ in terms of word formation.47. The process is called _______ when proper names are changed into common words in use.48. Words like nylon, orlon and rayon come from _______, a type of proper names.49. The overwhelming majority of blends are _______.50. Words imitating natural sounds are _______words.51. Affixation, also called _______, is one of the word formations.52. In modem times, the expansion of _______ is mainly through word-formation.53. The number of inflectional affixes is _______and stable, which makes English one of the easiest language to learn.54. According to suffixation theory, “villager" is called denominal noun and “employer" is called _______noun.55. Derivational affixes can be further divided into _______and suffixes.56. Prefixes do not generally change the _______of the stem but only modify its meaning.57. Not all the words that are produced by applying the word-forming rule are _______.58. Compounding is the formation of _______ by joining two or more stems.59. Words produced through compounding yields _______ of all the new words.60. _______ conversion and _______ conversion are concerned with adjectives when converted to nouns.61. An alternative for conversion is _______.。

To capture this generalization, a binary feature [±Male] can be established. With the same list we can factor out an opposition between human and non-human:
in form but passive in meaning, as can be shown in the
following sentences:
The fields ploughs easily after the rain. Dried food stores easily in summer camp.
Semantic Features
The linguistic meaning of a word is the set of abstracted characteristics necessary to distinguish the category which the word names from all other categories. These abstracted characteristics are known as semantic features. Semantic features are used to describe semantic universals that may characterize all languages. All languages, for example, distinguish nouns that categorize abstract from concrete experience; animate from inanimate referents; human
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CHAPTER 41. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on_______.A. borrowingB. word-formationC. conversionD. the number of the people speaking English2. _______ doesn't belong to the most productive means of word-formation.A. AffixationB. CompoundingC. ConversionD. Blending3. Conversion gives us _______ of the new vocabulary.A. 30%B. 28%C. 26%D. 28% to 30%4. Word formation excludes _______.A. affixation and compoundingB. conversion and shorteningC. chipping, acronymy and blendingD. repetition and alliteration5. The most productive word formation are _______.A. affixationB. compoundingC. conversionD. all the above6. Of the following word-formation processes, _______ is the most productive.A. clippingB. blendingC. initialismD. derivation7. 30% to 40% of the total number of new words in English are produced through _______.A. compoundingB. affixationC. conversionD. shortening8. The prefixes in the words of irresistible, nonclassical and apolitical are called _______.A. reversative prefixesB. negative prefixesC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes9. Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or _______ to stems.A. affixesB. suffixes and prefixesC. inflectional affixesD. derivational affixes10. The words formed by affixation are called _______.A. affixesB. derivationsC. derivativesD. derivationals11. According to the _______ which affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subclasses: prefixation and suffixation.A. functionsB. positionsC. waysD. none of the above12. Prefixes do not generally change the _______ of the stem but only modify its meaning.A. word-classB. meaningC. formD. structure13. Accordingly, prefixes are classified on a semantic basis into _______ groups.A.7B. 8C.9D. 1014. These are negative prefixes except _______.A. dis-B. in-C. non-D. under-15. "Ex-" in the word "ex-prisoner" is _______.A. free rootB. bound rootC. inflectional affixD. derivational affix16. All of the following are pejorative prefixes except _______.A. mal-B. arch¬C. pseudo-D. mis-17. The "de -" in "decompose" is _______.A. a negative prefixB. a pejorative prefixC. a reversative prefixD. an orientation prefix18. The prefixes contained in the following words are called _______: pseudo, friend, malpractice, mistrust.A. reversative prefixedB. negative prefixesC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes19. The prefixes in words anti-government, pro-student and contraflow are _______.A. prefixes of degree or sizeB. prefixes of orientation and attitudeC. prefixes of time and orderD. miscellaneous prefixes20. The prefixed contained in unwrap, de-compose and disallow are _______.A. reversative prefixedB. negative prefixesC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes21. The prefixes in words extra-strong, overweight and archbishop are _______.A. negative prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes22. A subcutaneous infection is _______ the skin.A. on the surface ofB. aboveC. underD. below23. Some doctors prescribe medication to treat hyperactive children, because the children are extremely _______.A. activeB. passiveC. lazyD. diligent24. _______ of the given prefixes indicates number.A. fore-B. anti-C. semi-D. pan-25. The primary function of suffixes is to _______.A. change the word-class of rootsB. change the meaning of stemsC. change the grammatical function of stemsD. change the structure of roots26. The "auto" in "autobiography" is _______.A. a negative prefixB. a pejorative prefixC. a reversative prefixD. a miscellaneous prefix27. The prefixes in words bilingual, uniform and hemisphere are _______.A. number prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes28. _______ are contained in words trans-world, intra-party and forehead.A. Prefixes of orientation and attitudeB. Prefixes of time and orderC. Locative prefixesD. Prefixes of degree or size29. The prefixes in words new-Nazi, autobiography and pan-European are _______.A. negative prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. prefixes of time and orderD. miscellaneous prefixes30. Ex-student, foretell and post-election contain _______.A. negative prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. prefixes of time and orderD. locative prefixes31. Which of the following prefixes can not be used to indicate time and order?A. Ex-.B. Fore-.C. Post-.D. Para-.32. Which of the following is a case of suffixation?A. HemisphereB. AttemptC. NATOD. Respondent33. A multiplied insect has _______ feet.A. twoB. fourC. sixD. many34. A tricycle has _______ wheels.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. Four35. Which of the following belongs to number prefixes?A. Auto-.B. Mis-.C. Hemi-.D. Pre-.36. We usually group suffixes on a _______ basis into noun suffixes, verb suffixes, adjective suffixes, etc.A. grammatical C. meaningfulB. structural D. practical37. -eer, -er, -ess, -ette, -let are all suffixes added to noun bases to produce _______ nouns.A. abstract C. concreteB. de-verbal D. de-adjective38. These are adjective suffixes except _______.A. -ishB. -iveC. -aiD. -ance39. The word "courageous" is created by _______.A. noun suffixesB. adverb suffixesC. adjective suffixesD. verb suffixes40. The meanings of "comic" and "comical" are _______.A. sameB. identicalC. similarD. different41. Which of the following suffixes can be used to form both nouns and adjectives?A. -ion.B. -ism.C. -ity.D. -ist.42. The following are all denominal suffixes EXCEPT _______.A. -fulB. -wiseC. -lessD. -like43. _______ of the following is not a verb suffix.A. -ateB. -enC. -edD.-fy44. The suffixes in words heighten, symbolize are _______.A. noun suffixesB. verb suffixesC. adverb suffixesD. adjective suffixes45. The suffixes in words clockwise, homewards are _______.A. noun suffixesB. verb suffixesC. adverb suffixesD. adjective suffixes46. The differences between compounds and free phrases show in _______ aspects.A. phonetic featuresB. semantic featuresC. grammatical featuresD. all the above47. There are _______ major classes of compounds.A. twoB. fourC. threeD. five48. " Washing machine" is a word formed by _______.A. prefixationB. compoundingC. conversionD. blending49. "Law-abiding" belongs to _______.A. adjective compoundB. noun compoundC. verb compoundD. none of the above50. "up-bringing" belongs to _______.A. adjective compoundB. noun compoundB. verb compound D. none of the above51. Verb compounds are created either through _______ or _______.A. affixation; conversionB. clipping; affixationC. conversion; backformationD. backformation; borrowing52. Which of the following is not through backformation?A. To mass-produce.B. To lip-read.C. To nickname.D. To chain-smoke.53. Conversion is a method _______.A. of turning words of one part of speech to those of a different part of speechB. of converting words of one meaning into different meaningC. of deriving words through grammatical meansD. of changing words in morphological structure54. In a derivational process, an item is converted to a new word class without the addition of an affix. The name is _______.A. full conversionB. partial conversionC. functional shiftD. zero-derivation55. Words involved in conversion are primarily _______.A. nouns, verbs and adverbsB. nouns, adjectives and verbsC. nouns, prepositions and verbsD. adjectives, adverbs and verbs56. Almost all monomorphemic _______ can be conversed into nouns, which are semantically related to the originalverbs in various ways.A. verbsB. adjectivesC. adverbsD. prepositions57. Nouns converted from adjectives have all the characteristics of nouns and achieve a full noun status, thus known as _______.A. partial conversionB. full conversionC. speech shiftD. grammatical shift58. Nouns partially converted from adjectives do not possess all the qualities a noun does. They must be used together with _______.A. plural formsB. single formsC. adjectivesD. definite articles59. In most cases a noun can be converted to a verb _______.A. with some changesB. without any changeC. with some changes in spellingD. without any change in pronunciation60. The "house" in "the peasant housed him" belongs to the conversion _______.A. between noun and adjectiveB. between noun and verbC. between verb and adjectiveD. none of the above61. The conversion of two-syllable nouns into verbs involves a change of _______.A. spellingB. pronunciationC. stressD. function62. "Empty" in the sentence "The meeting was over and the meeting-room began to empty" is _______.A. adjectiveB. verbC. nounD. four63. Which of the following words is NOT formed through clipping?A. Dorm.B. Motel.C. Gent.D. Zoo.64. _______ are words pronounced letter by letter.A. InitialismsB. AcronymsC. BlendsD. Clips65. Of the following words, _______ is an initialism.A. UNB. NATOC. BASICD. UNESCO66. "BBC" is formed in the way of _______.A. acronymyB. clippingC. back-formationD. prefixation67. "TV" is a (n) _______.A. initialismB. acronymC. derivativeD. compound68. Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of _______.A. prefixationB. suffixationC. acronymy D- conversion69. Back-formation is the method of creating new words by _______ the supposed suffixes. ( )A. removingB. combiningC. shorteningD. considering70. Back-formation usually involves _______ types of words.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. two71. Stylistically, back-formed words are largely _______.and some of them have not gained public acceptance.A. formalB. adjectivesC. human nounsD. informal72. The word "sandwich" which now denotes a popular fast food originates from _______.A. FaradayB. John MontagueC. BloomersD. Thomas More73. Mackintosh, bloomers and cherub are from _______.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. trade-names74. Rugby, afghan and champagne are words coming from _______.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames75. Utopia, odyssey and Babbit are words from _______.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames76. Which of the following words is NOT from Chinese?A. Tea.B. Ketchup.C. Kungfu.D. Czar.77. Omega, Xerox and orlon are words from _______.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames78. _______ are affective words as they are expressions of emotions such as oh, dear, me, alas.A. PrepositionsB. InterjectionsC. ExclamationsD. Explanations79. 30% to 40% of the total number of new words in English are produced through _______A. compoundingB. affixationC. conversionD. shortening80. The prefixes mal- in maltreat, mis- in misleading and pseudo- in pseudo- scientific are ______ prefixes.A. negativeB. reversativeC. pejorativeD. locative81. The prefixes like un- and dis- can be regarded both as negative prefixes and as privative prefixes. The justification of their category lies in _______.A. meaningB. functionC. collocationD. word-class82. Some prefixes are categorized as _______ since their chief function is to change the base from one word class to another.A. conversion prefixesB. prefixes of orientation and attitudeC. inflectional prefixesD. prefixes of time and order83. The word employer is composed of " employ+er", of which -er is the so-called _______ suffix.A. verbB. deverbal nounC. denominalD. denominal noun84. As a suffix, _______ means "receiver of the action".A. -eerB. -essC. -erD. -ee85. The suffix -or in actor is a(n) _______ suffix and -ance in performance is a(n) _______noun suffix.A. concrete; concreteB. abstract; concreteC. abstract; abstractD. concrete; abstract86. The suffix -ful in mouthful is a suffix and in graceful is a _______ suffix.A. denominal adjective; denominal adjectiveB. denominal noun; denominal adjectiveC. denominal noun; denominal nounD. denominal adjective; denominal noun87. Of the three words, _______ refers to the physical or heroic qualities of a man, _______ is applied to nonhumans and _______ implies unwelcome masculine attributes usually in a woman.A. manly; manlike; mannishB. manly; mannish; manlikeC. mannish; manlike; manlyD. mannish; manly; manlike88. The pattern of deadline and blueprint is _______ in formation.A. n. + n.B. n. + v.C. adj. + n.D. adj. + v.89. The grammatical relationship between the elements in fist-fighting is _______.A. subject-}-verbB. verb+objectC. verb ~h adverbialD. subject+adverbial90. The conversion of two syllable nouns into verbs usually involves a change of _______.A. spellingB. pronunciationC. stressD. function91. Through _______, we get lip-read out of lip-reading.A. lexicalizatjonB. conversionC. rearrangementD. backformation92. The process in which nouns converted from adjectives do not possess all the qualities a noun does is called a _______ conversion.A. functionalB. fullC. partialD. miscellaneous93. The word motel comes from "motor-f-hotel". This is an example of _______ in terms of word formation.A. backformationB. conversionC. blendingD. acronym94. The words socio-linguistic and psycho-analysis are _______ according to the bases with which they are coined.A. compoundsB. blendsC. derivativesD. acronyms96. The case of exec derived from executive is an instance of _______ clipping.A. frontB. backC. front and backD. phrase97. AIDS, which is an instance of _______, is short for "acquired immune deficiency syndrome".A. pure acronymsB. hybrid acronymsC. syllabic acronymsD. initialisms98. The word medicare comes from "medical+care", so its structure is _______.A. head+wordB. word+tailC. head+headD. head+tail99. Almost all the back-formed words are _______.A. nounsB. verbsC. adjectivesD. adverbs100. Words produced through affixation constitute _______ of all the new words.A. 20% to 30%B. 30% to 40%C. 40% to 50%D. 10% to 20%101. The most productive word formation is _______.A. affixationB. compoundingC. conversionD. acronymy102. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on . [ ]A. word-formationB. prefixationC. suffixationD. compounding103. _______ is the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stems.A. PrefixationB. DerivationC. SuffixationD. Compounding104. According to the positions which affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subclasses: _______ and _______.A. clipping, blendingB. compounding, conversionC. conversion, derivationD. prefixation, suffixation105. We shall classify prefixes on semantic basis intoA. sevenB. eightC. nineD. eleven106. The prefix "pseudo" is _______.A. a negative prefixB. a reversative prefixC. a locative prefixD. a pejorative prefix107. The "de-" in "decompose" is _______.A. a negative prefixB. a pejorative prefixC. a reversative prefixD. an orientation prefix108. The chief function of prefixation is to _______.A. change meanings of the stemB. change the word-class of the stemC. change grammatical functionD. all the above109. The "auto" in "autobiography" is _______.A. a negative prefixB. a locative prefixC. a reversative prefixD. a miscellaneous prefix110. The chief function of suffixation is to _______.A. change meanings of the stemB. change the word class of the stemC. change the lexical meaningD. all the above111. The word "courageous" is created by _______.A. noun suffixesB. adverb suffixesC. adjective suffixesD. verb suffixes112. The meanings of "comic" and "comical" are _______.A. sameB. identicalC. similarD. different113. For the word "political”, its negative form is " _______.A. apoliticalB. ilpoliticalC. inpoliticalD. impolitical114. The differences between compounds and free phrases show in _______.A. phonetic featuresB. semantic featuresC. grammatical featuresD. all the above115. _______ is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems.A. SuffixationB. CompositionC. ConversionD. Clipping116. " Law-abiding" belongs to _______.A. adjective compoundB. noun compoundC. verb compoundD. none of the above117. "Sit-in" belongs to _______.A. adjective compoundB. noun compoundC. verb compoundD. none of the above118. "up-bringing" belongs to _______.A. adjective compoundB. noun compoundC. verb compoundD. none of the above119. Verb compounds are created either through _______ or _______.A. affixation/conversionB. clipping/affixationC. conversion/backformationD. back-formation/borrowing120. In compounds, the word stress usually occurs on _______ whereas in noun phrase _______ is generally stressed if there is only one stress.A. the first element/the second elementB. the second element/the first elementC. the first element/the first elementD. the second element/the second element121. Most compounds consist of only _______ stems.A. threeB. twoC. fourD. five122. Words mainly involved in conversion are _______.A. nouns, verbs and adverbsB. nouns, adjectives and verbsC. nouns, prepositions and verbsD. adjectives, adverbs and verbs123. The derivational process, in which an item is converted to a new word class without the addition of an affix, is called _______.A. full conversionB. partial-conversionC. semantic shiftD. zero-derivation124. The "house" in "the peasant housed him" belongs to the conversion _______.A. between noun and adjectiveB. between noun and verbC. between verb and adjectiveD. none of the above125. Nouns converted from adjectives have all the characteristics of nouns and achieve a full noun status, thus known as _______.A. partial conversionB. full conversionC. functional shiftD. grammatical shift126. Nouns partially converted from adjectives do not possess all the qualities a noun does. They must be used together with _______.A. plural formsB. single formsC. adjectivesD. definite articles127. The conversion of two syllable nouns into verbs involves a change of _______.A. spellingB. pronunciationC. stressD. function128. Words produced by conversion are primarily _______.A. nounsB. adjectivesC. verbsD. all the above129. The most productive conversion is the conversion that takes place _______.A. between nouns and verbsB. between nouns and adjectivesC. between verbs and adjectivesD. none of the above130. The overwhelming majority of blends are _______.A. verbsB. nounsC. adjectivesD. adverbs131. Back-formation is therefore the method of creating words by _______ the supposed suffixes.A. removingB. shorteningC. addingD. writing132. Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of _______.A. prefixationB. suffixationC. acronymyD. conversion133. Words formed by acronymy can be divided into initialisms and acronyms depending on_______.A. the grammatical functionB. the pronunciation of the wordsC. the spelling wayD. none of the above134. Word formation excludes _______.A. affixation and compoundingB. conversion and shorteningC. chipping, acronymy and blendingD. repetition and alliteration135. Which of the following is a case of suffixation?A. Hemisphere.B. Disunite.C. NATO.D. Respondent.136. A tricycle has _______ wheels.A. twoB. fourC. sixD. three137. The prefixes in the words*, irresistible, non-classical and apolitical are called _______.A. reversative prefixesB. negative prefixesC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes138. Rugby, afghan and champagne are words coming from _______.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames139. Some doctors prescribe medication to treat hyperactive children, because the children are extremely _______ .A. activeB. passiveC. lazyD. diligent140. Ex-student, foretell and post-election contain _______.A. negative prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC, prefixes of time and order D. locative prefixes141. _______are words pronounced letter by letterA. InitialismsB. AcronymsC. BlendsD. Compounds142. What does the neo-mean in neo-Nazi?A. Old.B. Poor.C. New.D. Rich.143. Which of the following words is NOT formed through clipping?A. Dorm.B. Slurb.C. Gent.D. Zoo.144. Which of the following belongs to number prefixes?A. Fore-.B. Pro-.C. Hemi-.D. Pre-.145. There are _______ major classes of compounds.A. twoB. fourC. threeD. five146. Mackintosh, bloomers and cherub are from _______.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames147. The suffixes in words clockwise, homewards are _______.A. noun suffixesB. verb suffixesC. adverb suffixesD. adjective suffixes148. The suffixes in words heighten, symbolize are _______.A. noun suffixesB. verb suffixesC. adverb suffixesD. adjective suffixes149. Of the following words, _______ is an initialism.A. UNB. NATOC. BASICD. UNESCO150. Of the following word-formation processes, is the _______ most productive.A. clippingB. blendingC. initialismD. affixation151. The prefixes in words neo-Nazi, autobiography and pan-European are _______.A. negative prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. prefixes of time and orderD. miscellaneous prefixes152. Which of the following words is NOT from Chinese?A. Tea.B. Ketchup.C. Kungfu.D. Czar.153. Which of the following suffixes can be used to form both nouns and adjectives?A. -ion.B. -ism.C. -ity.D. -ist.154. Utopia, odyssey and Babbit are words from _______.A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames1. Affixes and compounding processes may become _______ on one time.2. Not all the words that are produced by applying the word-forming rule are _______ .3. Words produced through compounding yields _______ of all the new word.4. New words which are created by adding affixes to stems are called _______.5. _______ is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to stems.6. The majority of prefixes are _______ by their non-class-changing nature.7. Affixation, also called _______, is one of the word formations.8. Derivational affixes can be further divided into _______ and suffixes.9. Prefixes are those affixes that added to the head of words, which primarily change the _______ of the stem.10. The formation of words by adding word-forming affixes to stems is called _______.11. The chief function of _______ is not to change the word class of the stem, but to change its meaning.12. Suffixation is the formation of new word by adding _______ to stems.13. In the word "post-war" , "post-" is a prefix of _______.14. Compounding is the formation of new words by joining _______.15. Compounds and derived words are _______ words and the meanings of many are the sum total of the morphemes combined.16. The open _______ are the same in form as free phrases.17. The stress patterns of compounds are not _______.18. Compounds are different from free phrases in _______ unit.19. A compound tends to play a single _______ role in a sentence.20. An alternative for conversion is _______.21. _______ is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class.22. Almost all monomorphemic verbs can be used as nouns, which are _______ related to the original verbs in various ways according to Quirk et al.23. Such words as "the richer”, "the poor”, "the most corrupt" are all examples of _______.24. The words "autocide" and "telex" are formed by _______.25. With the development of market economy psywar becomes more and more popular. "Psywar" means _______.26. _______ is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word.27. A common way of making a word is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead. This is called _______.28. _______ is the process of forcing new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations or special phrases and technical terms.29. _______ is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation.30. A word is the _______ of form and meaning.31. Modern English expands its vocabulary chiefly through _______.32. The three main means of creating new words in modern English are _______, compounding and conversion.33. Shortening including clipping and _______ is also a way of forming new words in modern English.34. Affixation falls into two subcategories prefixation and _______.35. Affixation is also known as _______.36. The prefixes bi-, multi- and tri- are all _______ prefixes.37. Compounds can be written solid, _______ and open.38. A compound is a unit consisting of more than one base and functioning both grammatically and _______ as a single word.39. The words sit-in and handshake are both _______ compounds.40. Verb compounds are generally created either through _______or back-formation.41. Compounds are largely the results of _______ of phrases.42. If we need a word which is not found, we can easily make one through _______ or rearrangement of word-forming elements.43. Conversion is also known as _______ since it does not change the morphological structure of words but their function.44. Regarded as a derivational process without the addition of an affix, conversion can be called as _______.45. Words formed through acronymy can be divided into _______ and acronyms depending on the pronunciation of。