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I. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. The initial letter of the word is given. (0.5×20=10)


1.There is a show of the latest inventions at the Children’s Palace. The e__________

collected from all over the world attract people of all ages.

2.It is so f___________ to walk in the dark forest alone at night. I prefer to start

early tomorrow morning.

3.Meat and dairy provides us with p__________ while fruit offers vitamin, which

are both vital to our body.

4.The river r___________ a lot after the heavy rain last night. It washed away quite

a few trees on the bank.

5.The d______________ of the eggs of the dinosaur surprised the world. They were

found by some farmers in the field by chance.

6.They gave the police different d________________ of the person they saw at the

bank. The police believe one of them was lying.

7.The carpet looks so clean. It must have been v________________.

8.The audience were waiting e_____________ for the host to announce the result of

the competition.

9.It’s amazing that a panda usually w__________ 50 grams at its birth, isn’t it?

10.With a great c____________ of books, our school library is one of the biggest in

our country


Henry Ford was the first person to build cars, which were cheap, strong and fast. He was able to sell millions of models because he “mass-produced” them; that is, he made a great many cars of e 11 the same type. Ford’s father h 12 that his son would become a farmer, but the young man did not like the

i 13 and he went to Detroit where he worked a 14 a mechanic. By the age of 29, in 1892, he had built his first car. However, the first “mass-produced” cars in the world, the famous “Model T”did not a 15 until 1908 five years after Ford had f 16 his great Motor Company. This car proved to be so popular that it r 17 unchanged for twenty years. Since Ford’s time, “mass-production”methods have become common in i 18

and have cut down the price of many things, w 19 would otherwise be very e 20

卷B (答案涂在标准化答题纸上)

II. Choose the best answer. (1×15=15)

1. _______ great number of scientists are doing research in all fields of sciences, and _________ number of inventions made recently is bigger than ever before.

A. The; the

B. A; a

C. A; the

D. The; a

2.There are ____________ days in a year.

A. three hundreds sixty-five

B. three hundreds and sixty-five

C. three hundred and sixty-five

D. three hundred and sixty five

3.Today a lot of trees ____________ in the world. It needs our more attention.

A. are still cutting down

B. still cut down

C. are still being cut down

D. have cut down

4.I shall never forget those years ______ I lived on the farm with my parents,

________ had a great effect on my life.

A. that; which

B. when; what

C. when; which

D. which; that

5.___________ man you choose, so long as you can finish the job on time.

A. What doesn’t matter is that

B. It isn’t matter to us what

C. It doesn’t matter to us which

D. No matter which

6. Jack let me believe he _________ finish the work himself without any help.

A. can

B. is able to

C. could

D. will be able to

7. __________ of his address, we had a lot of trouble in finding the patient.

A. Not told

B. Not having told

C. Not having been told

D. Having not told

8.The bicycles in the other shop will be _____________ but ___________

A. cheaper; not as better

B. more cheaper; not as good

C. cheaper; not as good

D. much cheaper; not better

9.I don’t think that your watch is ____________.

A. worthy the price

B. worth the price

C. worth of the price

D. worth to buy

10.--- _____________

--- Drop in if you have time.

--- Sure. Bye!

A.I wonder if you could let me go now.

B.Do you mind if I leave now?

C.What a shame that I want to go now!

D.Well, I am afraid really must be going now.

11.Your room must have been cleaned yesterday, _____________?

A. wasn’t it

B. haven’t it

C. hasn’t it

D. mustn’t it

12.__________ his father, his mother also went to see him last Christmas.

B. Besides B. Except

C Except for D. Beside

13.I __________ tea with milk but now I ___________ Chinese tea since I came to


ed to drink; have got used to drinking

B. was used to drink; am used to drinking
