Damon‘s younger brother.He was transformed(转化
) by Katherine Pierce in 1864.He turned his brother into a vampire because he was afraid he would be lonely.He loves Elena very much.He once left Elena because he didn't want to hurt her and her family. It shows that he loves her deeply.
Damon 达蒙
Compared with his brother Stephen , he is evil. He is humorous, charming but he is lonely. Elena changed him into a good man.
• He has a cool look but a kind heart.He loves Elena but he doesn't let her know,because he doesn't want to worry her .He ofen does some crazy things,but he is very care about Stefan and his friends.He always appears when they are in danger.
• stronger and faster than human
• won’t get old
• special skills :read and change
吸血鬼日记 ppt
Katherine Pierce
Nina Dobrev饰演 种族:吸血鬼 昵称:K女王,小K K自私、贪婪,因为想要把Salvatore 兄弟留在身边而把他们变成吸血鬼。喜 欢Stefan,可是最重视的还是自己。500 多年前,由于是二重身所以被Klaus追杀 而请求Rose和她的朋友帮助,成为了吸 血鬼。 非常有女王霸气,比小E更有女人味。 不择手段地保护自己。男人神马的,只 是浮云和玩具!!
Klaus & Stefan
之前已经提过,老K和S也是一对美好的基友。由于吸血鬼祖先能控制其他 吸血鬼,所以K心情一好就把S给控制了。S被控制后对K时惟命是从,在我眼 里就两个字“人妻”。S被控制后残忍地和E分手,跟了K。在大闹完神秘瀑布 镇后两人携手远走高飞。可以怎么理解。。。蜜月旅行? 不管怎么说,这两人是必定有激情的。连国外的腐女同胞也这么说 “I didn't have any type of hope for a homosexual relationship between the two until the last episode. The way Klaus spoke to Stefan towards the end...I swear I jumped off of my couch and was like "OMIGOD KLAUS IS GAY." And it made my entire day.” 趴趴熊翻译:直到最后一集之前我从没想过他们俩会是基友关系。K在结尾时对 S说的话让我从躺椅上跳了起来,脑海中只有“我滴神呐,原来老K是GAY。” 它使我一整天都非常兴奋。
Katherine & Stefan
吸血鬼 英语PPT
Designed by Du Tingting
History of Vampires
Actually, at tracked back to Hebrew It can be the very beginning of
western myth, the vampire legend Bible. has already existed and flourished.
Witches are not enemies for vampires or hunters.Their obligation is to balance nature by using many kinds of spells (咒语).
Bremy He is Elena’s brother. Hunters are natural enemies for vampires.They know how to kill them with kinds of facilities.
Elena’s best friend.She cherishes their friendship more than her life.
Twilight 《暮光之城》 1. Twilight 《暮色》 2. New Moon 《新月》 3. Eclipse 《月食》 4. Breaking Dawn 《破晓》
This deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful movie captures a vampire’s struggle between defying instincts and satisfying desires.
Designed by Du Tingting
History of Vampires
Actually, at tracked back to Hebrew It can be the very beginning of
western myth, the vampire legend Bible. has already existed and flourished.
Witches are not enemies for vampires or hunters.Their obligation is to balance nature by using many kinds of spells (咒语).
Bremy He is Elena’s brother. Hunters are natural enemies for vampires.They know how to kill them with kinds of facilities.
Elena’s best friend.She cherishes their friendship more than her life.
Twilight 《暮光之城》 1. Twilight 《暮色》 2. New Moon 《新月》 3. Eclipse 《月食》 4. Breaking Dawn 《破晓》
This deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful movie captures a vampire’s struggle between defying instincts and satisfying desires.
Vampire is a mystic species (神秘的物种)in a mystic world Drink blood Move fast Strong enough
Elena Gilber
The important actress A beatiful girl Have a strong heart Love everyone,her lover,friends,families Brave friendly
“party girl”(派对女郎) Hearty(热心的),sensitive(敏感)
Bonnie Bennett
She is a very potential(有潜力的)witch(女巫)
A new werewolf(狼人)
Natural enemy(天敌)
Brave and kind-hearted
Stefan salvatore
A good Vampire Drink animal‘s blood
145 years ago,He was transfnk you
111501225 唐瑜秀 111501207 邓心怡 111501229 魏敏
It’s a set of youth, magic, horror, drama in American TV series
The Vampire Diaries is an American television series (电视连续剧) , based on the book series of the same name written by L. J. Smith. The series premiered (首映)on The CW Television Network on September 10, 2009, currently in its third season. It is inconceivably (难以想象的) popular with young people .Do you see it?
Bella's sweet scent attracts him -makes him want to drink her blood, but at the same time suppresses his desire because he is deeply in love with her, wanted to protect her. The last part of the movie talked about Edward and his family fighting with the vampires that wanted to kill Bella. However, Bella knew what he is, and how dangerous it will be to be with him, but she is still uncontrollably in love with him.
The two lovers sw inged between love and danger, living each day with freshness and excitement, like the long gone sunshine, floating down to the city of Twilight. But in the supernatural world, there are too many danger involved. so what is Bella and Edward going to do? we will see in the latest series Breaking Dawn.
The Vampire, by Philip Burne Jones, 1897
Mystic magics and skills in the series are unique and funny.
The series’s appeal
1.All the characters are handsome and beautiful 2.Novel settings:
Elena Gilbert/Katherine Pierce a doppelganger(双重身) :they have same apperance but they are different guys.
Elena is a seventeen-year-old girl who lives in Mystic Falls, and is the main protagonist of the series.
The story centers on a secret organization known as Division. Recruiting(招募) young people with a troubled background, Division erases(抹去) all evidence of their past lives and molds them into efficient spies(间谍) and assassins(刺客). Nikita is the first recruit to escape and promises to bring down her former employers. Having trained Nikita, Michael, a Division operative, is ordered by his boss Percy to deal with his former student.
The series’s appeal
1.All the characters are handsome and beautiful 2.Novel settings:
Elena Gilbert/Katherine Pierce a doppelganger(双重身) :they have same apperance but they are different guys.
Elena is a seventeen-year-old girl who lives in Mystic Falls, and is the main protagonist of the series.
The story centers on a secret organization known as Division. Recruiting(招募) young people with a troubled background, Division erases(抹去) all evidence of their past lives and molds them into efficient spies(间谍) and assassins(刺客). Nikita is the first recruit to escape and promises to bring down her former employers. Having trained Nikita, Michael, a Division operative, is ordered by his boss Percy to deal with his former student.
Klaus(大BOSS) an original vampire hybrids of werewolf and vampire
Elijah(以叔) an original vampire Klaus's Brother To kill Klaus
Caroline Elena's friend
"The Vampire Diaries (TVD)" is a set of youth, magic, horror drama in an American TV series. The first Season was broadcasted in 2009, and is currently in its third season. The series takes place in Mystic Falls, Virginia, a fictional small town haunted by supernatural beings.
Elena's brother GF: Bonnie
Tyler(小狼) a werewolf Caroline's BF Turned into hybrids by Klaus in S3
Elena's ex-BF
Aspect One:Supernatural power
Brother: Jeremy
Stefan a vampire Brother: Damon Girlfriend: Elena
Damon(大萌) A vampire
Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore
He is one of the vampire bothers.He has been a crazy vampire.But now he changed and struggling to live at peace with human beings.
The Vampire Diaries is an American supernatural–fantasy horror television series developed by Kevin Williamson, based on the book series of the same name by L. J. Smith.The series follows the life of Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev), who falls in love with vampire Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley), and soon finds herself caught in a love triangle between Stefan and his older brother, Damon (Ian Somerhalder), while the brothers are also being haunted by the past they've had with Katherine Pierce (also played by Nina Dobrev). The series also focuses on the lives of Elena's friends and other inhabitants of the fictional town of Mystic Falls, Virginia.