



























(一)单选题1、以下关于道德规范的表述中,正确的是( )(A)任何道德规范都不是自发形成的(B)与法律规范相比,道德规范缺乏严肃性(C)道德规范纯粹是人为的、自我束缚的结果(D)有些道德规范同时也是法律规范2、社会主义道德建设的基本要求是( )。

(A)社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德(B)爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义(C)爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义(D)有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律3、关于劳动合同,正确的说法是( )。




助理人力资源管理师(三级)理论知识历年真题试卷汇编19(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单选题 2. 多选题 6. 简答题单项选择题以下备选答案中只有一项最符合题目要求,不选、错选均不得分。

















(A)ListeningⅠ.Youaregoingtohearan announcement. Thenyouneedtocompletethemultiple-choice questionsonwhat you hear, only one correct answer for each question.(2 points each question, 6altogether) 1.Whereisthis announcement made?________. (A)Onanairplane (B)Neartheterminal(C)Ina coach tothe city (D)Inthe waiting room 2. Where are thefacilities available? ________.(A)Neartheairport hotel (B)Atthe travelers’information desk (C) OutsideCustoms Hall (D)Inthe centerofthecity3.What doesthe announcer finally remindpassengers of?_________.(A)The departure taxtheyhavetopayontheirnext international flightThe distance they haveto travel from the airport tocity center (C) The prices themajor hotels charge (D)Theplace where taxisare waitingtobehiredⅡ.You aregoingtohearadialogue betweenabuyerand salesperson, itwillbeplayed twice continuously andplease complete thefollowing sentences. You needtofillinmore thanjustone wordtomakeitfullandmeaningful and meaningful sentence according tothetext.(2points each blank,14marks altogether).1.The salesmanvery surprised tohearthe potential buyer’s complain about thehigh price, and said “you knowthe_____________________________ inrecentyears.”2.Thesalesmancouldconsidermakingsomeconcessionsinhisprice.first,hesaid,“you’llhaveto___________________________________ youwishtoorderfromus,sothatweadjustourpricesaccordingly.”3.Thenthebuyerreacted,“________________________. Let’ssettlethatmatterfirst.”4.“Well,”thesalesman“ifyourorderislargeenough,wearereadyto_____________________________”.5.Toconcludethisdeal,theaskedforaprice reduction atleast10 percent. Thenthe salesman answered, “Impossible, howcanexpectustomakeareduction______________________?”6.Then thebuyersaid,“Ithinkyouareaswell-informedasIam aboutthe market for chemical fertilizers. It’s needless formetopointoutthat____________________________atpresentandthatthissituation_____________________________for alongtimeyet.Whydon’tyoucableyourofficeandseewhattheyhavetosay?”(B) Written TestⅠ.V ocabulary and StructuresA:(2points each question, 14marks altogether) Directions: Fromthe words and phrases given below,the correct ones tofillinthe blanks in their proper forms. aware of just as…sotheformof transfer…to SectionB(1point each question, 7marks altogether) Directions: Fillinblankswithcorrectwords.Themeaning(1)________ “secretary”hasa(2)___________feel aboutitThereisaor connotationofsomeone passive(3)___________ justsits(4)__________a deskdoing dictationandtypingButnowcomputers inthe workplace (5)________ alotofthe simpler elementofthejobawayandawayfortheroletobeextended(6)__________meet thefast-changing requirements demanded(7)_________aglobaleconomy. intermsoftakefor granted rare identical to1.Mistakes are________ butwhen theydooccurweattendtoitrightaway.2.Toanuntrainedeye,the reproductionwas_______________ thedesigner’s3.AresearchoncesaidthatthefamousfirstvoyageofColumbuscostonly$7,000___________our present4.Duringtheconference, scientistsformdifferentcountries exchangedtheresultsoftheirresearches_________________ lectures.5.______________ humanbeingscannotstayalivewithoutair,___________ fishcannotlivewithout water.6.Althoughhewasquite______________ the consequenceofdivingintotheicywater,hedidsowithouthesitation tosavea child. 7.All details should be carefully checked and verified; nothing should be______________.12。



2004年11月英语三级《口译综合能力》试题Answer SheetPart IA.Listen to the follo wing passage and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. After hearing a short passage, tick the circle of "True" on the answer sheet if you think the statement is true, or tick the circ le for "False" if it is false. There are 10 statements in this part of the test, with 1 point each. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this part.1.My mother was a typ ical housewife, who cared for her family.O True O False2.My mother spent a lot of "quality time" with us.O True O False3.We didn't have a car until the 1960s.O True O False4.We walked to the store with my mother to get groceries even in winter.O True O False5.My brothers and I went home for lunch every day.O True O False6. We always had dinner at exactly 6 o'clock.O True O False7. My older brother Tony wanted to dig a hole to China.O True O False8. My mother once helped me make up fairy tales for my dolls.O True O False9. Tony often found cookies that my mother hid for him.O True O False10. Mom and I had fun even in the middle of hanging the wash inthe backyard.O True O FalseB. Listen to the following short statements and then choose oneof the answers that best fits the meaning of each statement by ticking the corresponding circle. There are 10 questions in this part of the test, 1 point for each question. You will hearthe statement only once.11.Which of the following can best describe his situation?a. Hurt.b. Scared.c. Dumbfounded. d. Ruined.12. Why didn't I do the job?a. Because it would be too time-consuming.b. Because I wanted to do it myself.c. Because nobody had done it before.d. Because nobody joined me.13. What could he do for the rest of his life?a. Nothing.b. Be a councilman.c. Reconsider his life.d. Be a humble clerk.14. Which of the following is closest in meaning to what you've just heard?a. I have no doubt that she will type her paper tomorrow.b. No one believes that she is a good typist.c. I didn't know she had so many pages to type tomorrow.d. It seems that she won't be able to complete her typing bytomorrow morning.15. What do we know about Susan?a. She learned Spanish in America.b. She doesn't know Spanish.c. She improved her Spanish in Mexico.d. She knew Spanish before going to Mexico.16. Which of the following is true about the politician?a. He had proposed the same policy 2 years before the speech.b. He did mention his old advocacy in his speech.c. There was no time for the politician to talk about his advocacy.d. His speech was just the opposite of what he had advocated 2years before.17. What happened to train travel?a. Trains were stuck in the snow.b. People couldn't get train tickets.c. Many people had to stand on the train.d. Train travel was suspended because of severe snowstorm.18. What happened to him after the World Tennis Touruament?a. He became famous.b. He joined the airlines industry.c. He had habitual headaches.d. He became a hair stylist.19. What is bound to happen if a judge is not capable of his work?a. Injustice.b. He would be displaced.c. He would be dismissed. d. Miscarriage.20. How is the weather like?a. Good enough for outing.b. Bad.c. Not as good as it was a while ago.d. It's getting better.Part IIListen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question by ticking the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 3 passages in this part, each with 5 questions. And each question carries 2 points. You will hear the passages only once. At the end of each passage, you will have 2 minutes to finish the questions.Passage One21. What did I do in Washington?a. I worked in a drugstore.b. I worked in a copy room.c. I did research about my family.d. I worked in a library.22. What did I find out on the paper left by a customer?a. His family tree.b. My mother's family tree.c. My grandmother's family tree.d. My father's family tree.23. How did I find the man who left the paper?a. He came back for the paper.b. He came back for more copying.c. He came to me.d. He invited me to his home.24. How were Frank and I connected?a. My grandmother and his grandmother were sisters.b. We were first cousins once removed.c. We were second cousins once removed.d. My great-grandmother and his great-grandmother weresisters.25. How many children did Frank have?a. 8.b. 4.c. 10.d. Don't know.Passage Two26. When did a mass move to the suburbs begin in the U.S.?a. In the 1960s.b. In the 1940s.c. In the 1970s.d. In the 1950s.27. What kind of people moved to the suburbs?a. Middle-class people.b. The rich.c. The poor.d. The young.28. What happened to the city after the mass move?a. Housing costs decreased.b. Crime rate was much lower than before.c. All business moved out.d. Cities declined.29. What happened to businesses after the mass move?a. They established branches in suburbs.b. They scattered here and there in cities.c. Some bigger companies moved out.d. They lost many employees.30. What does the speaker think of the movement to the suburbs?a. People may miss the cultural life in cities.b. The movement is still developing.c. It satisfies man's need to live and work in an idealenvironment.d. People may like the companionship in suburbs.Passage Three31. Which city got the most room reservatio ns last summer?a. Orlando.b. Honolulu.c. Las Vegas.d. Boston.32. Why is Las Vegas so successful in attracting tourists?a. Because of gambling.b. Because it is an alternative family destination.c. Because the hotels are quite cheap.d. Because people like the desert.33. Which city ranked No. 2 in room reservations last summer?a. San Francisco.b. Las Vegas.c. Orlando.d. New York.34. Which of the following cities' room reservations wereinfluenced by the Iraq War?a. Boston.b. Paris.c. Miami.d. London.35. What is the expectation of overall summer travel this year?a. A 2.5 % rise.b. It would rise along with international touris m.c. A 28 % rise.d. Patriotism would not be a theme in travel market.Part IIIParts of the following text are missing. While listening to the tape, complete the passage by filling in each blank space with an appropriate word or words. There are 20 blanks, each carrying 1 point. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording,you will have 3 minutes to finish this part.Beijing: The United States and North Korea had their firstin four months here this afternoon as part of the negotiations on how to end North Korea's nuclear program, but diplomats played down prospects for JamesA.Kelly,assistant and Kim Yong Ⅱ, North Korea's deputy foreign minister, met of formal discussions, on direct dialogue that began after a stormy meeting in which North Korea warned that it was moving quickly to nuclear arms.The Bush administration had insisted that it would only hold talks with North Koreabecause,it argued,only pressure would persuade North Korea to . It got its way when North Korean dropped its insistence on and agreed,after extensive efforts by China, to hold unusual simultaneous negotiations with , , and as well as the United States.Though Bush administration officials had notTalking privately with the North Koreans during , the fact that Mr.Kelly and Mr.Kim met on the first day was seen as。

2004 三级

2004 三级














助理人力资源管理师三级专业技能真题2004年11月(总分100,考试时间90分钟)一、简答题(本题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)1. 企业在制定人力管理规划时,经常采用调查询问的方法采集相关信息,请您说明询问法的种类及其各自的优缺点。

2. 很多人都认为,企业员工的绩效管理与绩效考评没有什么不同,它们无非就是量化考评指标,设计考评表,将员工薪酬与考评结果挂钩,以调动员工积极性,促进企业的全面发展,您认为上述看法正确吗?试加以分析。



1. 计算该公司每位员工本月个人应缴存的住房公积金金额(该企业所在城市员工个人住房公积金的缴存比例为8%)2. 员工在哪些情况下可提取住房公积金帐户内的存储余额?三、综合题(本题共2小题,每小题20分,共40分)1.某公司在人员选拨过程中,为了有效评定应聘者的能力特征和发展潜力,决定采用心理测试方法对应聘者进行心理测评,试问:1. 什么是心理测试?2. 心理测试所包含的具体内容是什么?3. 组织心理测试时应注意哪些问题?2. 1988年李某经人介绍调入某纺织厂工作,1995年12月31日,纺织厂实行劳动合同制度,与李某签订了五年期的劳动合同,该合同期满后,双方既来办理续订劳动合同手续,也未办理终止劳动合同的手续,李某仍在纺织厂工作。





模考吧网提供最优质的模拟试题,最全的历年真题,最精准的预测押题!2004年11月CATTI 三级口译实务真题一、Listen and Interpret (本大题1小题.每题20.0分,共20.0分。

Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or short passage, interpret it into Chinese. You will hear the signal to tell you when you start interpreting )第1题【正确答案】:A :Traveling is commonplace in China these days .If a Chinese person travels within the country ,besides of course bringing money or credit card ,he has to bring his ID card with him .B :对,的确如此。




A :That's true .Compared with the huge population of China ,the number of driving license holders is still small .China began to issue ID cards to its citizens in 1985.Now more than 800 million residents of the country have one .B :身份证发给十六岁或以上公民。

2004年11月翻译三级笔译(综合能力)全真试卷 答案

2004年11月翻译三级笔译(综合能力)全真试卷 答案

A although
B even if
C instead of
D despite
该题您未回答:х 该问题分值: 1
近义辨析。A.although(连词)尽管,虽然(通常用在从句前)=in spite of the fact that;B.even if(连词)即使,尽管(even if的从句中含有强烈的假定性); C.instead of(介词)代替……,而不;D.despite(介词)尽管=in spite of(后面 跟名词或名词性短语);因此D为答案。
Page 2 of 31
固定搭配。stand a(good/fair)chance of doing sth.或stand a(good/ fair)chance to do sth.大有希望,有相当把握;take a chance或take chances冒险一试,碰运气,投机;因此选项A为答案。
D brought
该题您未回答:х 该问题分值: 1
词义辨析。land使登陆,使上岸,使处于;获得,捕获(常用于口语)如:He landed a contract for building a factory.他得到了一个承建工厂的合同。lend借出, 贷款,增添;render使……成为,报答;bring拿来,取来,带来;因此答案为A。
13. Basca has ________his first prize at the Intel Science Talent Search, the premier national high school science competition.



2004年11月口译三级综合能力真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART 1 2. PART 2 3. PART 3 4. PART 4PART 1 (20 points, 10 minutes)SECTION 1 (10 points)Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this section.听力原文:My mother was a classic homemaker. When I think of her in those days, I see a woman in perpetual motion, making the beds, washing the dishes and putting dinner on the table precisely at six o’clock. I came home from school for lunch every day. While we ate, Mom and I listened to radio programs. My mother also found lots of what people now call “quality time” for my brothers and me. She didn’t learn to drive until the early 1960s, so we walked everywhere. In the winter, she bundled us up on a sled and pulled us to the store. Then we held and balanced the groceries for the trip home. In the middle of hanging the wash on a clothesline in the backyard, she might help me practice my pitching or lie down on the grass with me to describe the cloud shapes overhead. One summer, she helped me create a fantasy world in a large cardboard box. We used mirrors for lakes and twigs for trees, and I made up fairy-tale stories for my dolls to act out. Another summer, she encouraged my younger brother Tony to pursue his dream of digging a hole all the way to China. She started reading to him about China and every day he spent time digging a hole next to our house. Occasionally, he found a chopstick or fortune cookie my mother had hidden there.1.My mother was a typical housewife, who cared for her family.A.正确B.错误正确答案:A解析:根据原文“My mother was a classic homemaker.”,译文为:我的母亲是位传统的持家的人。



2004 年 11 月公司人力资源管理师三级真题及答案(一单项选择题1、以下对于道德规范的表述中,正确的选项是 ((A 任何道德规范都不是自觉形成的(B 与法律规范对比 ,道德规范缺少严肃性(C 道德规范纯粹是人为的、自我约束的结果(D 有些道德规范同时也是法律规范2、社会主义道德建设的基本要求是( 。

(A 社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德(B 爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义(C 爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义 (D 有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律3、对于劳动合同 ,正确的说法是 ( 。

(A 劳动合同有益于员工忠诚于公司(B 恪守劳动合同的前提是看能否对自己有益(C 劳动合同主要对公司主有益,对员工利益并没有多大影响(D 劳动合同没有真切的拘束力4、对于职业道德对公司发展的踊跃作用,你以为正确的论述是 ((A 职业道德是协调同事之间关系的法宝(B 职业道德只好维系员工与领导之间的表面关系(C 与物质激励对比 ,职业道德的作用较弱(D 恪守职业道德有助于提升服务水平,但对提升产质量量的作用不显然(请依据以下事例并联合所学的职业道德知识,回答第 5~7 题张军大学毕业后应聘到一家民营公司做研发工作。

经过一年努力 ,他成功地开发出一种新式软件 ,公司所以获取优异收益 ,但张军的薪资却没有增加 ,这时 ,张军的一个同学劝他到另一家大公司任职 ,并说薪资能够提升五倍。

张军以为自己和公司签订的协议还没有到期 ,就没有去。

5、张军的行为切合 ( 的职业道德要求。

(A 做事公正 (B 文明礼貌 (C 团结相助 (D 诚实守信6、张军的做法 ,反应了他 ( 。

(A 不懂得自己的真切价值 (C 不懂得保护自己利益(C 拥有较强的职业责任感(D 有着团联合作精神7、张军的做法 ( 、(A 我以为是与时代相背的 (B 我以为是虚伪的表现(C 我预计现实中极罕有人这样做(D 假如我是他 ,也会这样做8、以下说法中 ,包含着创新思想的是 ( 。













A.25℃B.30℃C.35℃D.40℃正确答案:C解析:夏季当工作地点的温度经常高于3 5℃时,应采取降温措施,冬季室内温度经常低于5℃时,应采取防寒保温措施。











A 每个从业人中都应该以德为先,做有职业道德之人B 只有每个人都遵守职业道德,职业道德才会起作用C 遵守职业道德与否,应该视具体情况而定D 知识和技能是第一位的,职业道德则是第二位的【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分第2题社会主义公民道德建设的基本原则是()。

A 爱国主义B 社会主义C 功利主义D 集体主义【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分第3题下列关于职业道德的说法中,你认为正确的是()。

A 有职业道德的人一定能够胜任工作B 没有职业道德的人干不好任何工作C 职业道德有时起作用,有时不起作用D 职业道德无关紧要,可有可无【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分第4题关于企业文化,你主为正确的是()。

A 企业文化是企业管理的重要因素B 企业文化是企业的外在表象C 企业文化产生于改革开放过程中的中国D 企业文化建设的核心内容是文娱和体育活动【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分第5题关于“跳槽”现象,正确的看法是()。

A 择业自由是人的权利,应该鼓励“跳槽”B “跳槽”对每个人的发展既有积极意义,也有不利的影响C “跳槽”与否完全是员工个人的事情,任何企业都无权干涉D “跳槽”有利而无弊,能够开拓员工的视野,增长他们的才干【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分第6题中共中央提出的科学发展观是指()。

A 以效益为本,效率第一、公平第二的发展B 以人为本,公平第一、效率第二的发展C 以人为本,全面、协调、可持续的发展D 以企业为本,全面、健康、科学的发展【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0分第7题。



2004年11月秘书三级考试国考题工作实务(暂缺答案)(总分110, 做题时间120分钟)第一部分案例分析(第一、二题,每题30分,共60分)说明:第一、二两题均为先观看一段录像,然后按要求答题。




SSS_TEXT_QUSTI分值: 302.请看录像,找出录像中秘书行为及工作环境中正确或错误的地方(共找出至少15处)SSS_TEXT_QUSTI分值: 30第二部分工作实务(第一、二、三题,第一、三题各15分,第二题20分,共50分)背景说明:你是宏远公司行政秘书高叶,下面是行政经理苏明需要你完成的几项任务。




SSS_TEXT_QUSTI分值: 152.电子邮件收件人:**抄送:主题:关于新闻发布会的准备工作高叶:你好。



行政经理苏明××年×月×日(考生可根据试题内容自定日期及邮箱地址)SSS_TEXT_QUSTI分值: 203.便条高叶:为了促进业务发展,公司经研究决定成立信息开发部。



行政经理苏明××年×月×日SSS_TEXT_QUSTI分值: 151。



企业人力资源管理师三级理论知识单项选择题专项强化真题试卷22(总分150,考试时间120分钟)单选题1. ( )不属于工资总额的范畴。

(2004年11月三级真题)A. 计时工资B. 计件工资C. 退休工资D. 奖金津贴2. 以下关于劳动关系的说法错误的是( )。

(2008年5月三级真题)A. 是产权关系的表现形式B. 主体具有特定性C. 与劳动分工有直接联系D. 资本与劳动力结合的表现形式3. 在面试提问中,( )是让应聘者自由地发表意见或看法,以获取应聘者更全面的信息。

(2004年6月三级真题)A. 清单式提问B. 封闭式提问C. 举例式提问D. 开放式提问4. 集体合同中( )的部分,一般应包括劳动报酬、工作时间、休息休假、保险福利和劳动安全卫生等项条款。

(2004年6月三级真题)A. 劳动条件标准B. 一般性规定C. 过渡性规定D. 补充性规定5. ( )实际上是计时工资的一种转化形式。

(2004年6月三级真题)A. 等级工资B. 岗位工资C. 绩效工资D. 计件工资6. ( )是指通过培训需求分析以明确哪些岗位人员需要提高知识、技能,还是能力素质。

A. 排他分析B. 需求确认C. 人员分析D. 因素确认7. 坚持办事公道,意思是从业人员要( )A. 按照一定的社会标准处理当事双方之间的关系B. 一切按照上司的要求去做C. 尊重知识和权威D. 权衡利弊,处理各种关系8. 在劳动关系领域,工会不享有( )。

A. 参与权B. 咨询权C. 知情权D. 单方决定权9. 关于劳动法的监督检查制度,说法不正确的是( )。

A. 它规定了劳动关系的调整规则B. 它是实施劳动监督检查的职权划分和行为规则C. 它规定了以何种手段实现和保证各项劳动法律制度的实施D. 各项劳动法律制度的范围与劳动监督检查制度的范围是一致的10. 测评者不布置议题,在进行过程中也不出面干预的情境模拟测试方法是( )A. 无领导小组讨论B. 案例分析法C. 决策模拟竞赛法D. 公文处理模拟法11. ( )旨在对员工培训需求提供一个连续的反馈信息流,用来周而复始的评估培训的需求。

2004 3级真题听力原文

2004 3级真题听力原文








































三级秘书2004年11月国考真题 英语

三级秘书2004年11月国考真题 英语

2004年11月劳动和社会保障部国家职业资格全国统一鉴定卷册三:秘书英语(A) Listening TestⅠ. You are going to hear an announcement. Then you need to complete the multiple-choice questions based on what you hear, only one correct answer for each question. (2 points each question, 6 marks altogether)1. Where is this announcement made? ________.(A) On an airplane(B) Near the terminal building(C) In a coach to the city(D) In the waiting room2. Where are the banking facilities available? ________.(A) Near the airport hotel(B) At the travelers’ information desk(C) Outside the Customs Hall(D) In the center of the city3. What does the announcer finally remind the passengers of? _________.(A) The departure tax they have to pay on their next international flight(B) The distance they have to travel from the airport to city center(C) The prices the major hotels charge(D) The place where taxis are waiting to be hiredⅡ.You are going to hear a dialogue between a buyer and salesperson, it will be played twice continuously and please complete the following sentences. You need to fill in more than just one word to make it full and meaningful and meaningful sentence according to the text. (2 points each blank, 14 marks altogether).1.The salesman is very surprised t o hear the potential buyer’s complain about the high price, and said “you know that the _____________________________ in recent years.”2. The salesman could consider making some concessions in his price. But first, he said, “you’ll have to___________________________________ you wish to order from us, so that we can adjust our prices accordingly.”3.Then the buyer reacted, “________________________. Let’s settle that matter first.”4.“Well,”the salesman said, “if your order is large enough, we are ready to_____________________________”.5.To conclude this deal, the buyer asked for a price reduction at least 10 percent. Then the salesman answered, “Impossible, how can you expect us to make a reduction ______________________?”6.Then the buyer said, “I think you are as well-informed as I am about the market for chemical fertilizers. It’s needless for me to point out that ____________________________ at present and that this situation_____________________________for a long time yet. Why don’t you cable your h ome office and see what they have to say? ”(B) Written TestⅠ. Vocabulary and StructuresSection A: (2 points each question, 14 marks altogether)Directions: From the words and phrases given below, choose the correct ones to fill in the blanks in their proper forms.aware of just as…so in the form of transfer…to in terms of take for granted rare identical to 1.Mistakes are ________ but when they do occur we attend to it right away.2.To an untrained eye, the reproduction was _______________ the designer’s original.3.A research once said that the famous first voyage of Columbus cost only $7,000 ___________our present currency.4. During the conference, scientists form different countries exchanged the results of their researches_________________ lectures.5. ______________ human beings can not stay alive without air, ___________ fish can not live without water.6.Although he was quite ______________ the consequence of diving into the icy water, he did so without hesitation to save a child.7. All details should be carefully checked and verified; nothing should be ______________.Section B (1 point each question, 7 marks altogether)Directions: Fill in the blanks with correct words.The meaning (1)________ “secretary” has a (2)___________feel about it There is a sense or connotation of someone passive (3)___________ just sits (4)__________a desk doing dictation and typing But now desktop computers in the workplace (5)________ a lot of the simpler element of the job away and made a way for the role to be extended (6)__________meet the fast-changing requirements demanded (7)_________ a global economy. Ⅱ. Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions followed. (2 points each question, 14 marks altogether)Principles of Governing PersuasionIf leadership consists of getting things done through others, then persuasion is on e of the leader’s essential tools. Many executives have assumed that this tool is beyond their grasp, available only to the charismatic and the eloquent. Over the past several decades, though, experimental psychologists have learned which methods reliably lead people to concede, comply, or change. Their research shows that persuasion is governed by several principles that can be taught and applied.The first principle is that people are more likely to follow someone who is similar to them than someone who is mot. Wise managers, then, ask peers to help make their cased. Second, people are more willing to cooperate with those who are not only like them but who like them, as well. So it’s worth the time to uncover real similarities and offer genuine praise.Thi rd, experiments confirm the intuitive truth that people tend to treat you the way you treat them. It’s sound policy to do a favor before seeking one. Fourth, individuals are more likely to keep promises they make voluntarily and clearly. The message for manager here is to get commitments in writing. Fifth, studies show that people really do defer to experts. So before they attempt to exert influence, executives should take pains want more of a commodity when it’s scarce; it follows, then, that exclusive inf ormation is more persuasive than widely available data.Questions1.Ewperiments have confirmed the assumption of many executives. ________________(A) Right (B) Wrong (C) Not mentioned2.People are more likely to cooperate with those who like them. ________(A) Right (B) wrong (C) Not mentioned3. Managers do not employ those who are quite different from them. _____________(A) Right (B) Wrong (C) Not mentioned4. There is no need for a manager to find out the merits of his employees. __________(A) Right (B) Wrong (C) Not mentioned5. Experiments have shown that, contrary to our expectation, people tend to treat you the way you treat them.__________(A) Right (B) Wrong (C) Not mentioned6. There are as many wise managers as there are stupid ones. _________(A) Right (B) Wrong (C) Not mentioned7. Exclusive information is more is more persuasive than widely known data. __________(A) Right (B) Wrong (C) Not mentionedⅢ. English-Chinese TranslationDirections: Translate the following into Chinese: (20 marks)1. The meeting began with a discussion of the budget proposals for the product launch. Mr. Mayer was of the opinion that the proposed allocation was too low. He pointed out that it was necessary to spend a high percentage of anticipated sales revenue on advertising. Mr. Arnott supported this view and also thought that they should be prepared to consider a situation where first year sales revenue was not sufficient to cover costs. However, Mr. Stanton disagreed with these arguments.2. Mr. Mayer suggested that it was much better to restrict spending geographically, given the constraint of the budget. He explained that a full advertising campaign against half the market would be more efficient than half a job against the whole market. Both Mr. Stanton and Mr. Arnett agreed with this approach. Mr. Stanton said he would provide facts and figures for the design of the advertisements. Finally, various aspects of promotional policy were considered. Mr. Stanton pointed out that the company used to favour coupons as means of encouraging sales, but Mr. Mayer was not at all in favor of using the method. The latter said that he preferred a combination of price cuts, trade discounts, and consumer special offers.3. Mr. Arnett’s feelings on the matter were that it would be better to use the available resources on packaging, design and display. Owing to the lack of agreement on this last subject, a decision on promotion methods would be put forward to the next meeting.Ⅳ. Writing: A letter on the topic below. 5 marks for layout and design, 20 marks for grammar and meaning, for a total of 25 marks.Directions: Write a letter to reply for an inquiry letter from South Korean company. They are interested in your product and want to know all the information about it, including catalogue, price, discount and delivery etc. Use the information provided below to write a formal business letter with correct layout, and language.Their address: New Asia Inc, Miwon Building, 43 Yomido-dong, Yougdunggp-ku, SeoulThe name of receiver: Mr. Son YoungYour company address: Office Systems Pty Ltd, 124 Oak Street, Chatswood, NSW 2067, AustraliaDate of their enquiry letter: 28 JanuaryDate of writing: 1 February 2002Name of writer: Angelica Rosetti。

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管理资料下载网 海量企业管理资料表格下载2004年11月劳动和社会保障部国家职业资格全国统一鉴定职业:企业人力资源管理人员等级:国家职业资格三级卷册—:职业道德注意事项:理论知识1、考生应首先将自己的姓名、准考证号等用钢笔、圆珠笔等写在试卷册和答题卡的相应位置上,并用铅笔填涂答题卡上的相应位置处。











(一)单选题1、以下关于道德规范的表述中,正确的是( )(A)任何道德规范都不是臼发形成的(B)与法律规范相比,道德规范缺乏严肃性(C)道德规范纯粹是人为的、自我束缚的结果(D)有些道德规范同时也是法律规范2、社会主义道德建设的基本要求是( )。

(A)社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德(B)爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义(C)爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义(D)有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律3、关于劳动合同,正确的说法是( )。




5、张军的行为符合( )的职业道德要求。

(A)办事公道 (B)文明礼貌(C)团结互助 (D)诚实守信6、张互的做法,反映了他( )。

(A)不懂得自身的真正价值(C)不懂得维护自身利益(C)具有较强的职业责任感(D)有着团结合作精神7、张军的做法 ( )、(A)我认为是与时代相背的(B)我认为是虚伪的表现(C)我估计现实中很少有人这样做 (D)如果我是他,也会这样做8、下列说法中,包含着创新思想的是( )。

(A)“与时俱进”(B)“礼之用,和为贵”(C)“民为邦本,本固邦宁”(D)“见利思义”9、古人把在无人监督的情况下,依然能够坚持自己的道德信念,自觉地按照道德规范要求去做的道德修养境界称之为( )。

(A)“禅定”(B)“坐忘”(C)“慎独”(D)“无我”10、下列关于企业文化的说法中,正确的是( )。

(A)员工接受并履行企业价值观是企业顺利实现发展目标的前提(B)职业道德与企业文化没有太多的关联性(C)员工的文化素质是在上学期间习得的,与企业文化无关(D)企业礼仪是外在表象,与企业文化没有内在联系11、关于遵纪守法,你认为正确的说法是( )。

(A)只要品德端正,学不学法无所谓(B)金钱对人的诱惑力要大于法纪对人约约束力(C)法律是由人执行的,执行时不能不考虑人情和权力等因素(D)遵纪守法与职业德要求只有一致性12、中共中央提出科学发展观这一新理念,其含义是指( )。

(A)以人为本,效率优先、兼顾公平的发展(B)以GDP为主,全面、快速、可持续的发展(C)以企业为本,全面、健康、和谐的发展(D)以人为本,全面、协调、可持续的发展(二)多选题13、下列关于市场经济与职业道德的说法中,正碗的是( )。


以下关于比尔·波特的表述中,你认为符合事实的是( )。

(A)比尔·波特是一位身残而志坚的人(B)比尔·波特是靠着别人对他的同情取得销售业绩的(C)比尔·波特是公司惟一的一位一直上门销售的推销员(D)比尔·波特第一个得到了公司的杰出贡献奖15、爱岗敬业的具体要求有( )。

(A)树立职业理想 (B)强化职业责任(C)提高职业技能 (D)抓住择业机遇16、窗口行业规范讲究“三声”艺术,以下说法中符合“三声”要求的是( )(A)“不清楚。

” (B)“我能为你做什么?”(C)“刚才我已经说过了。

” (D)“走好。

”17、以下关于企业管理的说法中,符合事实的是( )。

(A)IBM公司要求自己的营销员既不行贿,也不受贿(B)爱立信公司对员工实行培训,出勤率在90%以上者才能拿到资格证书(C)日本丰田汽车公司曾要求员工在马桶里放三块砖以节约用水(D)五羊一本田摩托(广州)公司对在工厂内抽烟的员工予以开除18、诚实劳动是劳动者( )。

(A)素质高低的衡量尺度 (B)人生态度的反映(C)实现人生价值的重要手段 (D)立身处世的基点19、光明磊落的含义是指( )。

(A)头脑简单 (B)性格直率(C)没有私心 (D)襟怀坦白20、节俭的价值在于它是( )。

(A)安邦定国的法宝 (B)诚实守信的基础(C)持家之本 (D)降低企业成本的途径之一21、关于创新的表述中,正确的说法是( )。

(A)开辟一个新市场属于创新 (B)服务业需要创新(C)创新的本质是突破 (D)实行一种新的企业组织形式属于创新22、关于诚实守信的说法中,你认为正确的是( )。

(A)诚实守信是做人的根本(B)诚实守信是保障市场交易有序进行的内在要求(C)坚持诚实守信可能会带来暂时的损失,但有利于企业长远发展(D)诚实守信原则要求人们相互信赖,相互尊重23、加强职业道德修养的途径有( )(A)凡事按领导的要求去做 (B)学习职业道德知识(C)学习先进人物的优秀品质 (D)“吾日三省吾身”24、为维持员工之间的良好关系,职业道德要求员工做到( )。

(A)尊重同事的隐私,不要过分干预他人的私生活(B)对与自己感情上不合的同事,在工作上仍要积极配合(C)对同事细小的帮助也要记在心上,并表示感谢(D)对他人的恶意诽谤,为了不给领导增添麻烦,可采取非常规方式自行解决25、服务忌语是服务过程中禁止使用的言语,下列言语中属于服务“忌语”的是( )(A)“嘿!” (B)“问别人去。


” (D)“请你快点!”26,对餐饮业的服务员来说,违背外在形象要求的是( )。


(B)女性服务员浓妆艳抹(C)男性服务员穿统一的职业装从事服务活动 (D)女性服务员留长指甲,涂抹指甲油27、在经营过程中,企业应该树立的正确观念是( )。



28、以下话语中,体现了大庆人职业精神的是( )(A)“人的生命是有限的,但为人民服务足无限的。




”29、大庆精神的内涵是( )。

(A)勤劳勇敢 (B)艰苦奋斗(C)爱国、创业、求实、献身 (D)廉洁朴素30、以下关于新时期的“铁人”王启民的表述中,符合事实的是( )。



你会()(A)无所谓,相信朋友迟到一定是有原因的(B)非常生气,埋怨朋友说话不算数(C)有点生气,但相信朋友会尽快赶到(D)有点担心,朋友是不是遇到麻烦了32、关于个人目标,我认为我的情况是( )。

(A)每个时段都有目标,并且都能实现(B)计划赶不上变化,因此一般不制定目标(C)目标很多,但很少能实现(D)有些时段有目标,一般都能实现33、在作自我介绍时,关于在哪儿工作,我觉得( )(A)没必要提及,这些信息不重要(B)说不说都行,看时间长短(C)说不说都行,看别人说了哪些方面的情况再定(D)应该说,这样有利于别人了解自己34、在现代社会,网络是十分重要的,这主要是因为( )。


你会( )。

(A)把你的想法直接汇报给更上一级别的上司(B)找上司交谈,了解不采用的原因(C)继续完善自己的想法(D)放弃这种方法,认为领导不采用自有理由36、我认为,( )对一个人来说是最重要的。

(A)热情 (B)乐观(C)热心 (D)开朗37、如果你是一个刚上任的中学老师,但所教班级的课堂纪律很差,你会( )。

(A)要求班主任出面,整顿课堂纪律(B)尊重学生,根据学生特点改进教学方法(C)讲好自己的课,而不去在意学生是否学会(D)想方设法树立自己的威信38、乘坐电梯时,我一般( )。
