Welcome to Banquet喜来登培训资料

W ELCOME TO B ANQUET 宴会厅欢迎您T RAINING M ANUAL培训手册T HE B UDDY S YSTEM伙伴制度The Buddy system has been set in place to work in with the Banquet Training Manual (BQTTM). The Buddy will be roistered the same shifts as the new employee and liaise with the shift leader as to how they progress.这个伙伴体系是与宴会厅的员工手册相配套的,伙伴会和新员工一起工作,并把新员工的学习进程汇报给上级领导。
Responsibility of a buddy is to make sure the new employee understands procedures of Banquet and how to follow standards set in place as outlined in the BQTTM.对于一个伙伴的责任来说,是要确保新员工明白宴会厅的操作程序并能按照宴会厅的培训手册中的大纲规定的标准实际操作。
The outcome of this training manual will ensure that the new employee is competent in all areas of the department. A clear understanding will be established firstly, of Back of House procedures before they venture into service. This will create a professional and positive outlook by all.这个培训手册的目的是确保新员工能胜任部门的所有工作。

Hilton Hotel Engineering Department Manual (English Version) IntroductionWelcome to the Hilton Hotel Engineering Department Manual. This manual serves as a comprehensive guide for all engineering staff members working in the hotel. It provides detailed information about the hotel’s systems, procedures, and best practices to ensure efficient operation, maintenance, and safety.Table of Contents1.Department Overviewanizational Structure3.Roles and Responsibilities4.Safety Procedures–Emergency Response–Fire Safety–Chemical Handling–Electrical Safety5.Maintenance and Repair–Equipment Maintenance–Preventive Maintenance–Troubleshooting Guide6.Energy Management7.Engineering Projectsmunication and Collaboration9.Policies and Procedures10.Conclusion1. Department OverviewThe Hilton Hotel Engineering Department is responsible for maintaining and operating all mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems within the hotel premises. This includes HVAC systems, elevators, lighting, fire protection, and water supply.2. Organizational StructureThe Engineering Department is organized hierarchically, with the Director of Engineering at the top followed by the Chief Engineer, Assistant Chief Engineer, and engineering staff. Clear lines of communication and reporting are established to ensure coordination and smooth operation of the department.3. Roles and ResponsibilitiesEach employee in the Engineering Department has specific roles and responsibilities. This section outlines the different positions and provides an overview of their duties, ensuring clarity and accountability within the department.4. Safety ProceduresSafety is of utmost importance in the Engineering Department. This section outlines the safety procedures that all staff members must follow, including emergency response protocols, fire safety measures, guidelines for handling chemicals, and electrical safety guidelines.5. Maintenance and RepairEfficient maintenance and repair of hotel systems are essential for uninterrupted guest service. This section provides detailed guidelines for equipment maintenance, preventive maintenance tasks, and a troubleshooting guide to address common issues that may arise.6. Energy ManagementHilton Hotel is committed to reducing energy consumption and promoting sustainability. In this section, energy management practices and initiatives are discussed to ensure efficient energy use and contribute to the hotel’s environmental goals.7. Engineering ProjectsThe Engineering Department is involved in various projects, including renovations, installations, and upgrades. This section outlines the project management process and provides guidelines for successful project execution, ensuring minimal disruption to hotel operations.8. Communication and CollaborationEffective communication and collaboration are essential for a well-functioning Engineering Department. This section emphasizes the importance of clear communication channels, teamwork, and collaboration with other hotel departments to ensure seamless operation and guest satisfaction.9. Policies and ProceduresThis section provides an overview of the Hilton Hotel policies and procedures that engineering staff members must adhere to. It covers topics such as attendance, dress code, code of conduct, and grievance procedures, ensuring a harmonious work environment.10. ConclusionThe Hilton Hotel Engineering Department Manual serves as a comprehensive reference for all engineering staff members. It outlines the department’s objectives, responsibilities, safety procedures, maintenance guidelines, energy management practices, and project execution strategies, ensuring efficient operation and guest satisfaction. By adhering to this manual, together we can maintain high standards and create a safe and comfortable environment for our guests.。
Golden Peak Hotel员工手册

员工手册G O L D E N P E A K H O T E L集团公司女士(先生):您好!欢迎您加入我们的行列,成为GOIDEN PEAK HOTEL 的一员!在这里追求卓越是我们酒店永恒的目标保持与众不同的优势是我们不变的追求和原则。
欢迎你们,亲爱的女士(先生)们!我们庄严宣誓:信守公司理念维护企业形象遵从员工手册执行规章制度服从上级指挥完成工作任务努力学习提高积极奋发图强做一名谦逊、务实、诚信、进取的GOIDEN PEAK HOTEL人。
总经理XXX1999年12月26日GOLDEN PEAK HOTEL历史1820年由哈桑家族投资兴建,建筑面积208平方米,员工7人,由哈桑二世掌管。

酒店工程部英语Hotel Engineering DepartmentThe hotel engineering department is responsible for ensuring that all mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems within the hotel are operating efficiently and effectively. They also oversee the maintenance and repair of equipment and facilities, such as heating and cooling systems, elevators, and fire prevention systems. Roles and Responsibilities:1. Maintenance and Repair: The engineering department is responsible for regularly inspecting, maintaining, and repairing all mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. This includes conducting routine inspections to identify any potential issues and performing necessary repairs in a timely manner to minimize disruptions.2. Equipment Management: The department is also responsible for managing and maintaining all equipment used by both hotel guests and staff. This includes maintaining and repairing appliances, such as refrigerators and televisions, as well as other equipment like safes and keycard systems.3. Energy Management: In order to ensure the hotel operates efficiently, the engineering department is responsible for implementing energy-saving initiatives. This can include installing energy-efficient lighting and appliances, implementing recycling programs, and monitoring energy usage throughout the hotel.4. Safety and Compliance: The department plays a crucial role inensuring the hotel meets all safety regulations and guidelines. They are responsible for conducting safety inspections, maintaining fire prevention systems, and implementing emergency procedures to safeguard both guests and staff.5. Capital Project Planning: The engineering department is involved in the planning and execution of any major renovation or construction projects within the hotel. They work closely with architects, contractors, and other department heads to ensure the project is completed within budget and on time.Skills and Qualifications:- Strong technical knowledge of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems- Problem-solving skills and the ability to troubleshoot issues efficiently- Attention to detail and the ability to perform routine inspections and maintenance- Strong organizational and time management skills- Knowledge of safety regulations and procedures- Ability to work independently or as part of a team- Effective communication skills to interact with other departments and external contractorsOverall, the hotel engineering department plays a crucial role in maintaining the functionality and safety of the hotel's infrastructure. Their expertise and attention to detail ensure that guests have a comfortable and enjoyable stay while also preserving the long-term value and sustainability of the hotel's assets.。

======================================================================PROCEDURE :As per control companies training and procedure.DEPARTMENT :REPAIRS AND MAINT . JOB CATEGORY :FOREMANHEAD: CHIEF ENGINEER G. M. APPROV AL :DA TE :TASK: LOG BOOK CHECKINGSTANDARD :LOG BOOKS ARE CHECKED AND SIGNED OFF AT THE START OF EACCH SHIFT======================================================================PROCEDURE :The reason for using log books is so information can be chronologically recorded and relevant information passed on from shift to shift.At he begnning of each shift the foreman is to read the previous shifts notes to check for any work that may be required to be carried out of any relevant information. After reading, the Foreman is to sign below the last entry in the book.The Foreman will then sign open the log book for his shift in the following format.SHIFT: 0800 – 1430 or 1400 to 0003 or 0000 to 0830.NAME: (Self Explanatory) SIGNATURE: (Self Explanatory)PAGER NO:STAFF ON SHIFT: e. g. foe (pager NO.), Steve (Pager NO.).TIME: (Use 24 hours clock)DEPARTMENT :REPAIRS AND MAINT . JOB CATEGORY :FOREMANHEAD :CHIEF ENGINEER G.M. APPROV AL :DATE :TASK : SHIFT CONTROLSTANDARD :ALL FOREMAN WILL UNDERSTAND THEIR SHIFT RESPONSIBILLITIES.======================================================================PROCEDURE :One of the following Foreman are rostered in to every shift:a)Electricalb)Refrigeration and Air Conditioningc)Plumberd)MechanicIn the absence of the Chief Engineer and Assistant Chief Engineer the Duty Foreman will be responsible for the Department. This includes:a)Assigning work to staffb)Ensure staff are working to standardsc)Fire officerd)Liaising with other departmentse)Handling emergencyf)Issuing tools and stores and recordingg)Receiving telephone callsh)Completing own work loadi)Communicating with chief or Assistant if necessaryj)Filling in log booksk)Ensure staff are on time and in correct uniformDEPARTMENT :JOB CATEGORY :REPAIRS AND MAINT FOREMAN/HEAD GROUNDSMANHEAD :CHIEF ENGINEER G. M. APPROV AL :DATE :TASK HANDLING DISCREPANCIES FROM STANDARDSTANDARD :CONSTRUCTIVEL Y HANDLE DISCREPANCIES FROM STANDARD WITH RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYES..======================================================================PROCEDURE :The standards that have been set are the minimum standards each employee is to achieve, it is the job of the Supervisor to ensure the standards are met and maintained.If an employee fails to meet the standards, first of all ensure that they are aware of what is expected. Ask them if they feel that what they have done meets the standard, stand back and listen, it is best if they realise the downfall themselves and critique their own performance.If an employee does not realise what the discrepancies are, point it out to him and ask how it can be improved on, try and get him to find his own answer and/or better way of achieving the objective. If this is not forthcoming explain what was to be done and if necessary show him by example.When the work is completed satisfactorily to standard, go back over the job and point out the advantage of doing it correctly, and praise him for achieving the standard.Continuous repeating of below standard work is to be reported to the Chief Engineer or Assistant Chief Engineer.DEPARTMENT :JOB CATEGORY :REPAIRS AND MAINT。

PrefaceDear Trainer,I appreciate that you are willing to put effort in training a new co-worker! Thank you!You will train the trainee the coming 2 weeks/ 4 weeks. The trainee has to be able to work alone after the training. We start with the basic procedures and basic information. You will have to provide the trainee with a lot of information and you have to show him/ her a lot of procedures.The trainee will be very busy during the training and will get a lot of information. It can be hard for the trainee to cope with all the information. Please be patient and try to remember how your first weeks were. At the end it will all work out.The training manual will be a guide line for the trainee to learn the procedures and standards. Your manual has the answers to the questions. You must know the answers already, but there is information in the manual that you need to explain to the trainee, and the answers are a guideline. So do not forget to use it. The answers are thorough and that is what you need your trainee to know.If you have any remarks or other feedback about the manual, please let us know. This is the first draft, so there may be errors in it or not that handy to work with. All feedback is welcome!With you were are going to make sure that all the co-workers at the Front Office Department know all the standards and all procedures. This way we can provide a 5 star service to the guest, which we can all benefit from!Good luck and thank you!Greetings,Derek van der PollDirector of RoomsDay 109.00 – 17.30 Introduction DayToday you will meet your trainee. General questions are going to be answered and the trainee is going to look in the hotel rooms (which have to be prepared when the trainee asks for this). The trainee is going to look at the 5th floor and at the 4th floor as well and has to answer the following questions regarding the rooms and other departments.今天您将见到您的学员。

- Isolate steam, water, gas, electricity, etc., before commencing work on machinery. If possible, attach safety tag to controller.- Do not switch on any electrical circuit breaker before making sure that no one is working on circuit.- Use correct method of lifting.- Be careful of naked flames particularly in the vicinity of flammable matter.- Do not work on ladders behind doors or anywhere the ladder may be accidentally hit.- Know location of first aid kits and the people trained in their use.- Report all injuries no matter how trivial.- Protect long hair from machinery.- Be careful on slippery floors particularly in kitchens or car park.- Do not allow oil or grease to pollute any work area.- Know the various types of fire extinguishers and their use. Work in Guest RoomsWhen work is to be carried out in Guest rooms several factors and rules have to be observed to ensure guests privacy and security are maintained.If work is to be completed in an occupied room, a number of points should be remembered.- Prior to entering the room, you should knock on the door and wait for a response. If the guest is obviously out then the door may be opened announcing yourself at the same time.- When working in a guest room – occupied or unoccupied, the door should be kept open at all times.- Work requests should be actioned on the day of receipt and finished on the same day. If this is not possible the chief Engineer should be informed so that this guest may be offereda room change, or to ensure the room is not let to an arrivingguest.- Radios or Televisions should not be used when working in a room.- Do not, under any circumstances touch anything belonging to the guest.- Always leave the room as you found it .Tools of Your TradeThe Hotel doesn’t normally supply tradesmen’s tools and you are responsible for supplying your own. Please look after these tools of your trade as the Hotel will not be held liable for the loss of such items. Any Hotel tools that are used should be treatedaccordingly, keeping them clean and in good condition.Work QualityIt cannot be stressed enough that the work you perform should be of the highest quality. The finished product should always reflect a sense of pride in your work. Bad workmanship reflects upon the Hotel overall and especially upon you as a tradesman.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: JOB CATEGORY: ENGINEERING KEN-FIX-IT/HANDYMAN HEAD: BRIAN MOORE G.M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: KEN-FIX-IT MAINTENANCE PROGRAMSTANDARD: The Sheraton Wentworth engineering department will provide a regular inspection and repair (Ken-Fix-It)programme to maintain Sheraton standards and maximumroom availability at all times, thus reducing costlyurgent repairs and guest inconvenience. This programmewill be carried out in accordance with the SheratonCorporation divisional policies, standards andprocedures.1.Maintenance check lists will be used for all Ken-Fix –Itinspections of guestrooms, suites and public areas. See annexes A-D.2.25%(120) of all guest rooms and suites; 50% of all them andhospitality suites; and the Premier suite will be inspectedeach ITT month.3.All public areas will be inspected each ITT month.4.All defects will be remedied during Ken-Fix –It inspectionswith any work requiring Tradesmen attention placed on workrequest system.5.Any areas or rooms inspected which have major defects are tobe placed out-of –order until rectified. These include suchdefects as phone not working, TV not working etc.PROCEDURE:1.If any defect cannot be remedied immediately, a work request israised applicable to the appropriate trade. If the defect is majorthe Assistant Chief Engineer is to be informed and the room putout-of-order until repaired.2.The chief engineer is to inspect 10% of rooms checked monthly bythe “Ken-Fix-It” programme.3. A monthly summary report of rooms inspected is to be filed withthe engineering monthly replacement can be investigated.ANNEX AKEN-FIX-IT GUESTROOM CHECKLISTROOM __________________DATE__________________INSPECTED BY __________________ENTRANCE DOOR NUMBER CARETSDOOR APPEARANCE CEILINGLOCK OPERATIONDOOR STOP TV OPERATIONSAFETY CHAIN CHAIRSPEEP HOLE TABLEFIRE EXIT SIGN BED HEADINNKEEPERS ACT BED CASTORSDOOR CLOSURE/HINGES DESK & BEDSIDE LAMPSCLOCK/RADIOCONSOLEWARDROBE DOORSWARDROBE FITTINGS CURTAINSWARDROBE LIGHTS SHUTTERSDRAWER OPERATION WINDOWSTELEPHONESCEILING LIGHTS SPRINKLEHEADSPICTURESCUPBOARD/DRAWER OPERATION A/C THERMOSTATFRIDGE OPERATION CLEAN FILTERTOASTER OPERATION A/C DRAINJUG OPERATION A/C GRILLSOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSMIRRORSTIMBERWORK APPEARANCEWALLSBATHROOM DOOR CLOSURE/HINGES ____ NONSLIP MAT ____BATHROOM DOOR LOCK ____ CLOTHES LINE ____STRIP LIGHTS ____ VENT ____TAPS ____ SHOWERHEAD ____PLUGS ____ CLOTHING HOOKS ____TOWEL RAILS ____ TOILET SEAT____SHOWER CURTAIN & RAIL ____ TOILET FLUSH ____GROUTING _____ FLOOR DRAIN ____SOAP DISH _____ VANITY CONDITION____TOILET ROLL _____ CUPBOARD ____MIRRORS _____DEFECTS/REMARKS__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ANNEX BDEN-FIX-IT GUEST ROOM CHECKLISTROOM ___________________ DATE_______________________INSPECTED BY ___________________ENTRANCE _____ A/C THERMOSTAT_____DOOR BELL _____ CLEAN FILTER _____DOOR NUMBER _____ A/C DRAIN _____DOOR APPEARANCE _____ A/C GRILL _____DOOR CLOSURE/HINGES _____ WINDOWS _____PEEP HOLE _____ CURTAINS _____SAFETY CHAIN _____ SOFA _____INNKEEPERS ACT _____ DIMMER & CHANDELIER_____FIRE DIRECTIONS _____HALLLOUNGE ______ INTERNAL DOOR LOCKS______FRIDGE OPERATION _______ DOOR HINGES/CLOSURE_______TOASTER OPERATION ______ DOOR STOPS ______JUG OPERATION ______ WARDROBE LIGHT_______CUPBOARDS _______ WARDROBE FITTINGS_______MIRRORS ______ MIRRORS ______DESK & TABLE LAMPS _______ CEILING LIGHT_______TELEPHONE _______CHAIRS _______TABLES _______BEDROOM BATHROOMBEDSIDE LAMPS ________ STRIP & CEILINGLIGHTS _______BED HEAD _________ TAPS ______BED CASTORS ________ TOWEL RAILS ______CLOCK RADIO CONSOLE _________ SHOWER CURTAIN & RAIL______T.V. OPERATION ________ GROUTING ______PHONE ________ SOAPDISH ______CHAIRS ________ TOILET ROLL_______CURTAINS _________ HAIRDRYER ______WINDOWS ________ MIRRORS _______VALET ________ NON SLIPMAT______PROCEDURES: (continued)TABLE CLOTHES LINE______DIMMER & CEILNG LIGHTS _____ PICTURES ______PICTURES _____ SHOWER HEAD______A/C THERMOSTAT ______ CLOTHING HOOKS______A/C GRILL ______ TOILET SEAT ______CLEAN FILTER ______ TOILET FLUSH_______FLOOR DRAIN______GENERAL VANITY CONDITION_______CUPBOARD_______WALLS _______CARPETS _______WOODWORK _______POWER POINTS ________SPRINKLER HEADS ________PROCEDURES: (continued)REMARKS/DEFECTS_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ANNEX CKEN-FIX-IT GUEST FLOOR AREA INSPECTIONROOM __________________ DATE________________________INSPECTED BY __________________DOORS CLOSURE/HINGES ______ POWER POINTS______DOORS HANDLES/LOCKS ______ ROOM NUMBER SIGNS______DOOR SIGNS/LETTERING ______ LIFT LOBBY SIGNS_____WINDOW BUNDS _______ ASHTRAYS _____VENTS/GRILLS ______ MIRRORS _____EXIT LIGHTS ______ WALL LIGHTS_____CEILING LIGHTS ______ CORRIDORPICTURES ______CARPETS _______ LOBBY FURNITURE_____WALL PAPER _______ TELEPHONE______CEILING _______ COTS &FOLD AWAY BED_____FIRE HOSES & CUPBOARDS _______ FOR SAFETY_____SPRINKLER HEADS _______DEFECTS/REMARKS________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ANNEX DKEN-FIX-IT GUEST FLOOR AREA INSPECTIONROOM __________________ DATE________________________INSPECTED BY __________________ENTRY SIGNS _____ CEILING/VENT _____ENT DOOR CLOSURE/HINGES _____ WALL TILES/GROUTING_____ENT DOORS HANDLES/LOCKS _____ FLOOR TILES ______ASH TRAYS _____ URINALS FLUSHINGS______RUBBISH BINS ______ HAND BASINS & PLUGS______FLOOR DRAINS ______CUBICAL DOOR LOCKS/HINGES ______HAND DRIERS ______ W/C FLUSHING______TOWEL DISPENSERS ______ W/C SEATS ______SOAP DISPENSERS ______ COAT HOOKS______MIRRORS ______ PAPER DISPENSERS _____POT PLANTS ______SPRINKLER HEADS ______POWER POINTS ______LIGHTS ______DEFECTS / REMARKS_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Work Request SystemIt is the responsibility of all Chief Engineers to maintain and support a “Work Request System.”The purpose is to establish a standard system to request work fromthe Engineering Department and is considered a mandatory procedurefor all Sheraton Hotels.It’s function is to provide a visual barometer of work load, minimise verbal communications and provide written records of work requested.Additionally, It can identify what is being done and the locations of maintenance employees. It can also be a limited manpower scheduling aid and efficiency indicator.The “Work request Form”or tickets consist of three pages usually white, blue and buff colours with printing identical on each page. The forms are available from Sheraton Supply or can be printed locally and modified to such individual Hotel operations and requirements.The “Assignment Board”is an important part of the “Work Request System”and can be designed in various ways to suit Hotel operations and requirements.It consists of a board with hooks placed in horizontal rows and vertical columns and should be installed adjacent to the Engineer’s office (Figure 2).The columns are labelled by trades or names. In some cases, the first column night be labelled “Emergency,”however with the widespread use of paging systems, this column may not be necessary.Whether a Hotel uses names or trades is a function of the size of the engineering staff and can be left to the discretion of the Chief Engineer. It is of course always desirable to assign work using individual names as well as identifying priorities. However, this may become impractical for large staffs where a combination of namesand trades could be considered or sub assignment boards can be used as in Figure 3.The “Assignment Board”using sub-boards has the important advantage of assigning work requests to the person and in order of priority on a daily basis. When work is complete the requests are returned to the “Main Assignment Board”and placed on the appropriate section.The Trace BoardThis board generally used by Departments that raise a large number of work requests, such as Housekeeping where a visual record can be kept of the requests raised.The “Trace Board,” Figure 4 has rows and columns numbered from 1 to 31 with additional hooks for backlog, and completed.The abbreviated “Trace Board”may be more convenient for Departments that do not raise as many work requests. Figure 5. Work requests should be raised by Department Heads or their designees only with the following information noted:a)Name of person requesting action.b)Date of request.c)Department requesting action.d)Exact location of problem.e)The specific nature of requests.All work requests for defects in the “house” (guestroom areas) raised by departments other that Housekeeping should be directed through the Housekeeping Department to avoid duplication of requests.The white or original copy is to be retained under the appropriate date on the “Trace Board.” Blue and buff pages are sent to the Engineering Department by one of the following methods:1.Regular internal mail system.2.Hand delivered.3.Pre-designated pick up station.4.From strategically located collection boxes marked”WorkRequest Only.”Work Requests for major work or for work in excess of US 200.00 including excessive backlog should be brought to the attention of Management.It is important that responsible persons only allowed to raise Work Requests.After receiving the “Work Request”, the Engineer or his designee assigns it by name or trade. It should be time and date stamped and then placed on the “Assignment Board”under the appropriate classification.The Trace Board (continued from previous page)If there is an emergency column, it should be attended to immediately by the first person qualified to do so on a Trade basis.It may also be advantageous to assign work using the paging system, which should be indicated on the posted” work Request.”It may also be advisable to accumulate certain “Work Requests”such as changing light bulbs or other minor defects to avoid duplicate trips.The person or trade member now removes the blue and buff forms from the Assignment section, places the blue copy on the in Progress hook and retains the buff copy.When the defect has been corrected, the “date completed”and time spent sections are recorded on the “Work request”, the blue and buff copies matched and placed on the appropriate section of the “Assignment Board.”A completed, no inspection deficiency Request is placed on the Work Completed section of the Board. A non-completed request whether inspection deficiency or not is to be placed on the Work Not Completed section.Work done which should be charged to the customer or guest should have all the information noted on the buff copy of the “Work Request”and be brought to the Engineers attention. An “engineers Change Form” should be completed or other appropriate method usedfor charging purposes. Figure 6.At the completion of the day or shift, the Engineer or his designee will remove all not completed work requests and reassign for the next shift or replace on the appropriate section of the “Assignment board.” He will also remove all work completed forms and after checking, distribute to the requesting department.The Department Head after receiving the blue copies and matching with the white copies, discards them if the work has been satisfactorily completed. The unmatched white copies are returned to the “Trace Board.”The Engineer should retain the buff copies for one month. Information concerning equipment covered by the repair log should be recorded.The Trace Board (continued from previous page)Telephone requests should be of an extremely urgent or emergency nature only, in which case the Engineer writes the “Work Request Form.” He should write “phone requests” prominently across the top of the form and return both white and blue copies to the originator on completion of the work.All work request assignments, time stamped, blue and buff copies are to be posted on the “Assignment board.”White copies of requests raised by Engineering are to be retained in the EngineersOffice for Control purposes.Assignments should meet the following criteria:qualifications, efficiency, priority, requiring or not requiring supervision, availability of area where work is to Board is to be monitored frequently for progress and possible assistance requirements.Requesting Processing Procedure.1.Separate the blue form from the buff copy and post the blue copyon the “Work in Progress” section of the Board.2.Assess the nature of the request and obtain the needed tools andequipment prior to leaving the Engineering Department. Also determine if additional assignments are in same area, to avoid duplicate trips.e sound judgement regarding the possible disturbing effects onthe operation of the Hotel or comfort of our guests.4.Be considerate while working, observe the safety of fellowemployees, guests and yourself.5.After completion of the assignment, record all pertinent data inthe Remark section.6.Staple the buff to the blue copy left on the “Assignment Board”and post on the completed section.7.If an assignment cannot be completed because of lack of parts,record in Remark section, and post on “Awaiting Parts.”8.Continue with next, assignment , or report to immediate superior.The Work Request SystemThe Work Request System provides the means for written communication and recording of the scheduling and delegation of work assignments. The efficiency and success depends on YOUR co-operation. Procedure1.To avoid duplication, work is to be requested by the departmentheads or their designee only.2.Be exact regarding nature of request and location (type or print).3.The white copy to be retained by the person or departmentinitiating the request.4.The blue copy will be returned from Engineering office to indicatethat work has been completed and is to be matched with the original (white).5.The unmatched white copies represent work still to be completed.6.Please use telephone for requesting information in emergenciesonly.7.Requests submitted by department heads, requesting work otherthan maintenance (for instance, installation of shelving in an office) may need to be cost estimated by the Chief Engineer, and submitted to General Manager for final approval.8.Do not approach members of the Engineering Department to do workunless it is of an emergency nature.9.The Chief Engineer, or his assistant(s) will schedule the workaccording to its importance and the best interest of our guests. Frequently a request for maintenance work cannot be completed because:1.More pressing or important assignments take priority.2.Ordered material or equipment is still to arrive. PROCEDURES: (continued)Frequently, the system appears not to function because the nine steps of the procedure have not been adhered to .Do not duplicate the original request , as this can result in costly waste of material and labour.If the request has not been completed within a reasonable time, feel free to call the Chief Engineer. Refer to the original request number and date.Any portable equipment that requires maintenance must be delivered to the maintenance workshop with a work ticket attached.This work request system is considered a mandatory procedure for all Sheraton Hotels and the efficiency and success depends on you co-operation.NOTEFrequently, a request for work cannot be completed in a reasonable time because:1.More pressing or important assignments take priority.2.Ordered materials or equipment is yet to be delivered. Therefore the system sometimes appears not to function, either due to the above mentioned points, or because the correct procedure has not been followed. Do not duplicate the original request, as this can result in costly waste of material and labour. If the request has not been completed within a reasonable time, feel free to call the Engineering Office, referring to the original request number and date.MemorandumTo: All Department Heads From:Copies to :Date:RE: Work Request SystemTo assist the Engineering Department in the correct scheduling and delegation of work so that priorities can be established and met, it is necessary that “Work Request Tickets” be used, and the following procedure applies:1.To avoid duplication, work is to be requested by the DepartmentHead or his designee only.2.Be exact regarding nature of request and location-type or print.3.The white copy is to be retained by the person or departmentinitiating the request.4.The blue copy will be returned from the Engineering Office toindicate that work has been completed, and would be matched with the white copy.5.The unmatched white copies represent work still to be completed.6.Please use telephone for requesting work to be done in emergenciesonly , and follow up with a Work Request Ticket marked “Confirmation.”7.Requests submitted by Department Heads for work other thanMaintenance (eg, new furniture in an office) may need to be cost estimated and submitted to the General Manager for approval. 8.Do not approach members of the Engineering Department to do workunless it is of an emergency nature.9.The Chief Engineer or his Assistant will schedule the workaccording to its importance and the best interest or our guests.10.“Work Request Tickets” are available from General Stores.“Work Request Tickets”are to be used for all requirements fromAssignment BacklogIn ProgressWork CompletedWork Not CompletedAwaiting Parts希望以上资料对你有所帮助,附励志名言3条:1、有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。
喜来登酒店英语培训(内部资料料 50)【范本模板】

Chapter 1。
Courtesy EnglishUnit 1:GREETING &FAREWELLS●VOCABULARY●PHRASES ON THE JOBGood morning Good afternoon Good evening Welcome backHi早上好下午好晚上好欢迎回来嗨Hello How do you do?How are you? Fine,thank you,and you?你好你好你好吗? 很好,谢谢,你呢?Fine,thanks,and you?Good-bye Good night Good-bye for now很好,谢谢,你呢? 再见晚安再见It was nice to see you again。
Have a good evening See you later。
It was nice seeing you。
晚上愉快. 回头见。
很高兴见到你.Have a good weekend Have a safe trip Have a good day Hope to see you again周末愉快. 一路平安。
祝您愉快. 希望再见到您。
Thank you for coming (Thanks for coming) Look forward to seeing you again感谢光临。
●LISTEN TO THE CONVERSATIONListen to the guest and then fill the gap in each sentence。
The guest’s name is 。
The staff's name is 。
The guest will today.He’ll live in next time he comes。
●TALKING TO THE GUESTStaff :Good morning。

酒店预订部英文工作手册Hotel Reservation Department English Operations Manual1. IntroductionThe Hotel Reservation Department English Operations Manual serves as a comprehensive guide for the employees of the department to ensure efficient and effective operations. This manual outlines the key procedures, protocols, and best practices for handling hotel reservations in English.2. Reservation Process2.1. Receiving Reservations- Provide a warm and professional greeting to guests in English.- Collect necessary guest information such as name, contact details, and preferences.- Verify availability of rooms and provide suitable options to guests.- Confirm the reservation details and inform guests about the reservation policy.2.2. Recording Reservations- Use the hotel's reservation system to record all reservation information accurately.- Include the guest's name, contact details, arrival and departure dates, room type, and any special requests.- Ensure that reservation details are properly communicated to other relevant departments.2.3. Modifying or Cancelling Reservations- Handle modification or cancellation requests promptly and professionally.- Verify the guest's identity and reservation details before making any changes.- Follow the hotel's policy for modification or cancellation fees, if applicable.- Update the reservation system with any changes made.3. Communication3.1. Phone Etiquette- Answer calls promptly and courteously, identifying the hotel and the Reservation Department.- Speak clearly and use a friendly tone while communicating with guests.- Listen actively, understanding and addressing guest inquiries or concerns.- Provide accurate information about room availability, rates, and hotel facilities.3.2. Email Correspondence- Respond to reservation inquiries via email within a reasonable timeframe.- Use professional language and proper grammar in all email communications.- Address guest queries or concerns with clarity and empathy.- Attach relevant documents or information as required.4. Upselling and Cross-selling- Identify opportunities to upsell or cross-sell hotel services, such as room upgrades, dining options, or spa treatments.- Provide detailed information about the benefits and features of additional services.- Personalize recommendations based on guest preferences and needs.- Follow the hotel's guidelines for upselling and cross-selling.5. Guest Relations5.1. Guest Complaints- Handle guest complaints professionally and promptly.- Listen attentively to the guest's concerns and empathize with their situation.- Apologize sincerely for any inconvenience caused and offer appropriate solutions.- Document the complaint and inform the relevant departments for necessary actions.5.2. Guest Requests- Respond to guest requests promptly and efficiently.- Anticipate guest needs and provide personalized service.- Coordinate with other departments to fulfill guest requests.- Follow up with guests to ensure satisfaction and address any additional needs.6. Confidentiality and Data Protection- Maintain strict confidentiality regarding guest information and reservations.- Comply with data protection regulations and the hotel's privacy policy.- Safeguard guest data from unauthorized access or disclosure.- Report any data breaches or security concerns to the appropriate authorities.7. Training and Development- Participate in regular training sessions to enhance English language skills and reservation knowledge.- Stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies.- Seek feedback from supervisors and implement suggested improvements.- Share best practices and knowledge with team members.8. ConclusionThe Hotel Reservation Department English Operations Manual provides a comprehensive guide for employees to deliver exceptional service in English. By following the outlined procedures and best practices, the department can ensure smooth operations, guest satisfaction, and contribute to the overall success of the hotel.。
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When repairing baths, only ”Bath Repair Kits” are to be used. Mix and apply as per the instructions on the back side of the packet.
1.Switch air conditioner on and check all four locations on the switch.
Operate the fan correctly (i. e. off, low, medium and high).
2.Operate the thermostat and check the cooling valve opens and
closes. Leave thermostat set at the mid range.
3.Check outer thermostat cover is tight and free of marks.
4.Remove air filter and replace with spare from Ken-Fix-It trolley.
5.Remove front cover and check drain pan is clear and drain is
operating free of restrictions.
6.Check insulation is fixed to cabinet securely.
7.Check for any water leaks from chilled water flexible lines,
connections and valve.
8.Remove any dust build up with a wire brush and coat area with rust
proofing paint.
9.Clean any dirt build up from the cooling coil and drain pan.
10.Ensure support brackets are secure.
11.Visual check of wiring to ensure plug connections are tight and
wiring is in good order and out of water.
Furniture repairs are to be carried out in a professional manner at all times. It is important that repairs carried out are not noticeable and are secure, as they are an receive a lot of abuse.
Questionable furniture will not be put back into use, it will be reported to the Chief Engineer so a disposal notice can be written.
When repairs are carried out, ensure there are no splinters or burrs protruding and it is sanded back in preparation for painting.
The Ken-Fix-It cart will carry a stock of all Guestroom paint colours as per the architectural of colours. When repairing paint damage the surface should be cut back so excess layers will not occur. If the paint cannot be perfectly matched so repair marks are not noticeable, the whole of the affected wall, furniture, bench tops, doors, etc. are to be cut back and repainted.
Before repainting on a whole wall etc. ensure the patch has had sufficient time to dry as wet or damp paint will give an incorrect colour match.
If an entire section is to be painted a Maintenance Request is to be written by the Ken-Fix-It and given to the Chief Engineer or Assistant Chief Engineer for signing and prioritising to the hotel painters.