Optical Lattices, Ultracold Atoms and Quantum Information Processing




用硅前体制备高能量密度锂离子电池硅-氧化硅核壳结构纳米线阳极材料Chuanjian Zhang, Lin Gu, Nitin Kaskhedikar, Guanglei Cui, and Joachim Maier青岛生物能源与bioprocess科技研究院,中国科学院院士,崂山区松岭路189号,青岛266101,P. R.中国北京国家实验室凝聚态物理,物理研究所,中国科学院院士,8号,3号南街,中关村,海淀区,北京100190,P. R.中国马克斯普朗克研究所固体研究,heisenbergstasse 1,斯图加特70569,德国摘要:大批量硅-硅氧化物纳米线已经成功通过简便的高温合成方法混合环保硅和钛粉获得。




关键词:核−壳电池硅纳米线电化学阳极材料前言硅基纳米材料,特别是一维纳米线,由于其较高的理论容量硅(4200 mAh g−1)、石墨(372 mAh g−1)被认为是锂离子电池阳极材料的最佳候选。









2022年自考专业(英语)英语科技文选考试真题及答案一、阅读理解题Directions: Read through the following passages. Choose the best answer and put the letter in the bracket. (20%)1、 (A) With the recent award of the Nobel Prize in physics, the spectacular work on Bose-Einstein condensation in a dilute gas of atoms has been honored. In such a Bose-Einstein condensate, close to temperatures of absolute zero, the atoms lose their individuality and a wave-like state of matter is created that can be compared in many ways to laser light. Based on such a Bose-Einstein condensate researchers in Munich together with a colleague from the ETH Zurich have now been able to reach a new state of matter in atomic physics. In order to reach this new phase for ultracold atoms, the scientists store a Bose-Einstein condensate in a three-dimensional lattice of microscopic light traps. By increasing the strength of the lattice, the researchers are able to dramatically alter the properties of the gas of atoms and can induce a quantum phase transition from the superfluid phase of a Bose-Einsteincondensate to a Mott insulator phase. In this new state of matter it should now be possible to investigate fundamental problems of solid-state physics, quantum optics and atomic physics. For a weak optical lattice the atoms form a superfluid phase of a Bose-Einstein condensate. In this phase, each atom is spread out over the entire lattice in a wave-like manner as predicted by quantum mechanics. The gas of atoms may then move freely through the lattice. For a strong optical lattice the researchers observe a transition to an insulating phase, with an exact number of atoms at each lattice site. Now the movement of the atoms through the lattice is blocked due to therepulsive interactions between them. Some physicists have been able to show that it is possible to reversibly cross the phase transition between these two states of matter. The transition is called a quantum phase transition because it is driven by quantum fluctuations and can take place even at temperatures of absolute zero. These quantum fluctuations are a direct consequence of Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation. Normally phase transitions are driven by thermal fluctuations, which are absent at zero temperature. With their experiment, the researchers in Munich have been able to enter a new phase in the physics of ultracold atoms. In the Mott insulator state theatoms can no longer be described by the highly successful theories for Bose-Einstein condensates. Now theories are required that take into account the dominating interactions between the atoms and which are far less understood. Here the Mott insulator state may help in solving fundamental questions of strongly correlated systems, which are the basis for our understanding of superconductivity. Furthermore, the Mott insulator state opens many exciting perspectives for precision matter-wave interferometry and quantum computing.What does the passage mainly discuss?A.Bose-Einstein condensation.B.Quantum phase transitions.C.The Mott insulator state.D.Optical lattices.2、What will the scientists possibly do by reaching the new state of matter in atomic physics?A.Store a Bose-Einstein condensate in three-dimensional lattice of microscopic light traps.B.Increase the strength of the lattice.C.Alter the properties of the gas of atoms.D.Examine fundamental problems of atomic physics.3、Which of the following is NOT mentioned in relation to aweak optical lattice?A.The atoms form a superfluid phase of a Bose-Einstein condensate.B.Each atom is spread out over the entire lattice.C.The gas of atoms may move freely through the lattice.D.The superfluid phase changes into an insulating phase.4、What can be said about the quantum phase transition?A.It can take place at temperatures of absolute zero.B.It cannot take place above the temperatures of absolute zero.C.It is driven by thermal fluctuations.D.It is driven by the repulsive interactions between atoms.5、The author implies all the following about the Mott insulator state EXCEPT that______.A.the theory of Bose-Einstein condensation can’t possibly account for the atoms in the Mott insulator stateB.not much is known about the dominating interactions between the atoms in the Mott insulator stateC.it offers new approaches to exact quantum computingD.it forms a superfluid phase of a Bose-Einstein condensate6、 (B) Gene therapy and gene-based drugs are two ways we would benefit from our growing mastery of genetic science. But therewill be others as well. Here is one of the remarkable therapies on the cutting edge of genetic research that could make their way into mainstream medicine in the c oming years. While it’s true that just about every cell in the body has the instructions to make a complete human, most of those instructions are inactivated, and with good reason: the last thing you want for your brain cells is to start churning out stomach acid or your nose to turn into a kidney. The only time cells truly have the potential to turn into any and all body parts is very early in a pregnancy, when so-called stem cells haven’t begun to specialize. Most diseases involve the death of healthy cells—brain cells in Alzheimer’s, cardiac cells in heart disease, pancreatic cells in diabetes, to name a few; if doctors could isolate stem cells, then direct their growth, they might be able to furnish patients with healthy replacement tissue. It was incredibly difficult, but last fall scientists at the University of Wisconsin managed to isolate stem cells and get them to grow into neural, gut, muscle and bone cells. The process still can’t be controlled, and may have unforeseen limitations; but if efforts to understand and master stem-cell development prove successful, doctors will have a therapeutic tool of incredible power. The same applies to cloning, whichis really just the other side of the coin; true cloning, as first shown, with the sheep Dolly two years ago, involves taking a developed cell and reactivating the genome within, resenting its developmental instructions to a pristine state. Once that happens, the rejuvenated cell can develop into a full-fledged animal, genetically identical to its parent. For agriculture, in which purely physical characteristics like milk production in a cow or low fat in a hog have real market value, biological carbon copies could become routine within a few years. This past year scientists have done for mice and cows what Ian Wilmut did for Dolly, and other creatures are bound to join the cloned menagerie in the coming year. Human cloning, on the other hand, may be technically feasible but legally and emotionally more difficult. Still, one day it will happen. The ability to reset body cells to a pristine, undeveloped state could give doctors exactly the same advantages they would get from stem cells: the potential to make healthy body tissues of all sorts. And thus to cure disease.That could prove to be a true “miracle cu re”.What is the passage mainly about?A.Tomorrow’s tissue factory.B.A terrific boon to medicine.C.Human cloning.D.Genetic research.7、 According to the passage, it can be inferred that which of the following reflects the author’s opinion?A.There will inevitably be human cloning in the coming year.B.The potential to make healthy body tissues is undoubtedly a boon to human beings.C.It is illegal to clone any kind of creatures in the world.D.It is legal to clone any kind of creatures in the world except human.8、Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.Nearly every cell in the human brain has the instructions to make a complete human.B.It is impossible for a cell in your nose to turn into a kidney.C.It is possible to turn out healthy replacement tissues with isolated stem cells.D.There will certainly appear some new kind of cloned animal in the near future.9、All of the following are steps involved in true cloning EXCEPT_______.A.selecting a stem cellB.taking a developed cellC.reactivating the genome within the developed cellD.resetting the developmental instructions in the cell to its original state10、The word “rejuvenated” in para. 5 is closest in meaning to_______.A.rescuedB.reactivatedC.recalledD.regulated参考答案:【一、阅读理解题】1~5CDDAD6~10DBBA。






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3. 基于功能基元序构的太赫兹超表面的应用前景基于功能基元序构的太赫兹超表面在通信、成像、传感等领域都具有广阔的应用前景。





4. 个人观点和总结从我的个人观点来看,基于功能基元序构的太赫兹超表面是一个非常具有前景和潜力的领域。





冷原子物理与量子模拟20日下午,地点:208,主持人:朱诗亮,南京大学 时 间 报告人 报告题目13:30-14:00张天才山西大学Full control and measurement of singleatom in micro-trap and micro-cavity14:00-14:30 史保森中科大Entanglement between a collective Rydbergexcitation and a ground-state spin wave14:30-15:00颜辉华南师大Narrowband single photons: Generation andApplication休息20日下午,地点:208,主持人:张天才,山西大学15:20-15:50 管习文物数所Luttinger liquid and beyond in one-dimensionalspin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet CuPzN15:50 -16:20钱静华东师大Non-equilibrium quantum phases in ultracold Rydberg atoms with strong blockadeeffect16:20-16:40金家森大连理工Steady-state phase diagram of a drivenQED-cavity array with cross-Kerrnonlinearities16:40-17:00魏世杰清华大学Duality Quantum Computer Simulates Open QuantumSystems Efficiently17:00-17:20周增荣清华大学The efficient quantum simulation algorithm in duality quantum computer21日上午,地点:208,主持人:颜辉,华南师范大学 时 间 报告人 报告题目8:30-9:00张靖山西大学Experimental realization of a two-dimensionalsynthetic spin-orbit coupling in ultracoldFermi gases9:00-9:30周小计北京大学Quantum dynamical evolution of cold atoms in the high bands of an optical lattice9:30-10:00张熙博北京大学Studying many-body physics based on coldstrontium atoms休息21日上午,地点:208,主持人:龙桂鲁,清华大学10:20-10:50冯芒物数所Precise control and quantum gating with trappedions10:50-11:20颜波浙江大学Ultracold polar molecules in an 3D opticallattice11:20-11:50陈澍物理所Existence of critical phase in quasiperiodic optical lattices11:50-12:10周智超武汉大学Thermal valence-bond-solid transition andcooling of SU(2N) ultra-cold Dirac fermions inthe optical lattice休息与海报21日下午,地点:208,主持人:刘伍明,中科院物理所 时 间 报告人 报告题目13:30-14:00 龙桂鲁清华大学Duality Quantum Computing: A New Paradiam forEfficient Quantum Simulation14:00-14:30 王大军港中文Creation of an ultracold gas of ground-statedipolar 23Na87Rb molecules14:30-15:00 纪安春首师大Oscillations of Solitons in 1D Spin-Orb it Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates休息21日下午,地点:208,主持人:陈澍,中科院物理所15:20-15:50 许志芳华中科大Interaction-driven topological edgeexcitations in a bosonic chiral p-wavesuperfluid15:50-16:20 刘伍明物理所光晶格中冷原子的拓扑量子相变16:20-16:50 江开军物数所TBA16:50-17:20 朱诗亮南京大学Simulation of PT-invariant topological nodal loop bands with ultracold atoms in an optical lattice。



《光电材料与器件》课程教学大纲一、课程名称(中英文)中文名称:光电材料与器件英文名称:Optoelectronics Materials and Devices二、课程代码及性质专业选修课程三、学时与学分总学时:32学分:2四、先修课程无五、授课对象材料及材料加工类专业本科生六、课程教学目的(对学生知识、能力、素质培养的贡献和作用)【注:教学目的要突出各项“能力”,且与表1中的某项指标点相对应】本课程是功能材料专业的选修课之一,其教学目的包括:1、掌握激光的产生机制,光纤的传导机制以及熟悉光调制的基本原理。













第四届冷原子会议会议安排July 5

第四届冷原子会议会议安排July 5
Jing Qian(钱静)
Efficient production of polar molecular Bose–Einstein condensates via an all-optical R-type atom–molecule adiabatic passage
Haichao Zhang(张海潮)
Demonstration of Neutral Atom Guiding via Radio-Frequency Field
Shuyu Zhou(周蜀渝)
Double-well Array Trapping Atoms Based on Binary Optics ethod
会议安排July 5, Monday
Opening Ceremony
Liang Liu(刘亮)
Yuzhu Wang(王育竹)and Chaohui Ye(叶朝辉)
Opening Remarks
Sec. A
Li You(尤力)
Jun Ye(叶军)
Xing-Dong Zhao(赵兴东)
A magical polarization orientation for canceling the dipole-dipole
interaction in ultracold Bosonic dipolar gases
Cheng-ling Bian(边成玲)
K. Zhang(张可烨)

功能基元 序构 光子晶体 首次提出

功能基元 序构 光子晶体 首次提出


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在 AIP 出版的 Applied Physics Letters 期刊里,研究者们说明了他们的发现对新一代科技设备的设计和制造的重要性。









白雪冬还说道,“过去的十五年来,我们的研究工作集中于原位透射电镜技术的构造和应用,所以在不同的物理因素 ( 包括电和光 ) 下原子尺度的性能都通过透射电镜进行研究。






The terahertz band is a specific frequency range in the electromagnetic spectrum.2.太赫兹波段的应用范围广泛,包括通信、成像和材料科学等领域。

The terahertz band has a wide range of applications, including communication, imaging, and material science.3.在硅片上实现太赫兹技术是一种新的研究方向。

Implementing terahertz technology on silicon wafers is a new research direction.4.太赫兹技术能够在纳米尺度下实现高精度的材料成像。

Terahertz technology can achieve high-precision material imaging at the nanoscale.5.太赫兹拓扑绝缘体是一种具有特殊电子结构的材料。

Terahertz topological insulator is a material with a special electronic structure.6.这种特殊电子结构使得太赫兹拓扑绝缘体具有低能耗和高效率的特性。

This special electronic structure enables terahertz topological insulators to have low energy consumption and high efficiency.7.太赫兹拓扑绝缘体的研究有望带来下一代电子器件的革命。

The research of terahertz topological insulators is expected to bring about a revolution in the next generation of electronic devices.8.硅片作为基底材料能够提供良好的物理支持和热导性能。




- 2020年3月:澳大利亚国立大学(ANU)研究团队表示,他们开发的新型钙钛矿-硅串联太阳能电池的能量转化效率,已经达到了27.7%。

- 2020年12月:柏林亥姆霍兹中心(HZB)的科学家创造了新的纪录,他们的硅/钙钛矿太阳能电池效率达到29.15%。

- 2023年6月:单结钙钛矿电池理论效率为31%,与晶硅叠层理论效率超过43%。


nature 聚合物半导体材料

nature 聚合物半导体材料

nature 聚合物半导体材料
"Nature" 是一本科学领域的高影响力期刊,其中包括了许多有关聚合物半导体材料的研究论文。


以下是一些可能与"Nature" 期刊中聚合物半导体相关的研究方向:






请注意,"Nature" 期刊上的具体研究取决于最新的发表情况,建议查阅最新的期刊内容或官方网站以获取详细信息。



英语科技文选试题课程代码:00836PART A: VOCABULARYI. Directions: Add the affix to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary. (8%)1. artificial 人工制品 1. __________________2. fiction 虚构的 2. __________________3. coincide 巧合 3. __________________4. organic 无机的 4. __________________5. sphere 半球 5. __________________6. technology 生物技术 6. __________________7. formid 可怕的7. __________________8. harmony 和谐的8. __________________II. Directions: Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form.(12%)stand for exposure to at work on the edge of short ofend up focus on a host of give off a sense ofin memory of comply with9. We were on a hill, right _________ the town.10. UNESCO _________ United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.11. I am a bit _________ cash right now, so I can’t lend you anything.12. The milk must be bad, it’s _________ a nasty smell.13. The traveler took the wrong train and _________ at a country village.14. The material will corrode after prolonged _________ acidic gases.15. _________ problems may delay the opening of the conference.16. The congress opened with a minute’s silence _________ those who died in the struggle for the independence of their country.17. Tonight’s TV program _________ homelessness.18. He promised to _________ my request.19. Farmers are _________ in the fields planting.20. She doesn’t sleep enough, so she always has _________ of fatigue.III. Directions: Fill in each blank with a suitable word given below.(10%)birth to unmarried had premature among were between such pastThe more miscarriages or abortions a woman has,the greater are her chances of giving birth to a child that is underweight or premature in the future,the research shows.Low birthweight (under 2500g) and premature birth(less than 37 weeks)are two of the major contributors to deaths 21 newborn babies and infants. Rates of low birthweight and 22 birth were highest among mothers who 23 black, young or old, poorly educated, and 24 . But there was a strong association 25 miscarriage and abortion and an early or underweight 26 , even after adjusting for other influential factors, 27 as smoking, high blood pressure and heavy drinking. Women who had 28 one, two, or three or more miscarriages or abortions in the 29 were almost three, five, and nine times as likely to give birth 30 an underweight child as those without previous miscarriages or abortions.21. _________ 22. _________ 23. _________ 24. _________ 25. _________26. _________ 27. _________ 28. _________ 29. _________ 30. _________PART B: TRANSLATIONIV. Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, each using one of the given words or phrases below.(10%)precede replete with specialize in incompatible with suffice for31.上甜食前,每个用餐者都已吃得很饱了。










 (a)不同掺杂浓度Ce:TAG磁光陶瓷的实物照片(b)直线透过率曲线 他们以离子半径和Tb3+接近的Ce3+和Pr3+为改性离子,成功制备了高光学质量的Ce:TAG和Pr:TAG磁光陶瓷。

该团队采用共沉淀法合成了0.5at% Ho:TAG纳米粉体,再结合真空烧结及热等静压后处理(HIP)技术制备得到了具有优异光学质量和磁光性能的Ho:TAG透明陶瓷,该材料在1064 nm波长处的直线透过率达到81.9%,在632.8 nm处的Verdet常数为-183.1 rad·T-1·m-1,比商用TGG单晶高36%。

 研究发现,由于掺杂离子对晶体场的影响以及和Tb3+之间存在超交换作用,掺杂后TAG磁光陶瓷的Verdet常数均有所提升,其中2.0at% Ce:TAG 透明陶瓷在632.8 nm处的Verdet常数达到-196.2 rad·T-1·m-1,比TAG陶瓷和商业TGG晶体分别提高了9%和46%(Scripta Materialia,2018, 155:46-49)。


该团队首先以商业氧化物粉体为原料,采用固相反应法结合真空烧结技术来制备TAG磁光透明陶瓷,对粉体性能和陶瓷性能进行了系统研究,揭示了固相反应烧结过程中原料粉体的重要性(Optical Materials, 2016, 62: 205-210)。


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Intrperimental creation of Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) [1] in dilute weakly interacting gases of bosonic Alkali atoms in 1995 has brought new and exciting prospects to the fields of atomic physics and quantum state engineering. All the atoms in a BEC show identical quantum properties and in many respects a BEC therefore behaves like one ‘big’ quantum particle. It also can be imaged without being destroyed, its interactions with laser light are much stronger than that of a single particle and a BEC is less fragile than one might expect. Experimentally observed life times are of the order of several seconds; BEC’s can be moved, shaken and rotated without immediately destroying their striking quantum features. Therefore they turned out to be an ideal testing bed for fundamental quantum physics, basic techniques of quantum state engineering and for investigating atomic properties [2]. The successful achievement of BEC and the early studies of their properties led to to the Nobel Prize in 2001 for the pioneers in this field E.A. Cornell, W. Ketterle, and C.E. Wieman [3].
Figure 1: Laser setup and resulting optical lattice configuration in 3D.
The properties of a BEC described above make it an ideal tool for cold atom physics and quantum state engineering by quantum optical methods. One of the most promising experiments for future applications is the loading of a BEC into an optical lattice [4, 5, 6]. Optical lattices are periodic conservative trapping potentials which are created by interference of travelling laser beams yielding standing laser waves in each direction (see Fig. 1). The laser light induces an AC-Stark shifts in atoms and thus acts as a conservative periodic potential. The usage of a BEC for loading has the advantage that its large atom density allows a filling of few particles per site n 1 while laser cooled atoms loaded into an optical lattice typically only allow a filling factor smaller than one. Furthermore the atoms loaded from a BEC are ultracold at temperatures very close to zero so that they practically behave as if their temperature was T = 0, in particular all of them occupy the lowest Bloch band. The basic setup of optical lattices and the loading of a BEC will be described in detail in Sec. 2. An important novel feature which comes about because of the large filling factor n 1 is that interatomic interactions - due to s–wave collisions - of two or more atoms occupying the same lattice site become important. The interatomic interaction potential, which usually leads to incoherent collisions in a thermal cloud of atoms and is responsible for the mean field in a BEC, causes a coherent energy shift U of two particles occupying a single lattice site. For the most frequently used alkali atoms 87 Rb and 23 Na the interaction is repulsive U > 0 and thus the interaction energy competes with the kinetic energy J gained by a particle when hopping from one lattice site to the next. Both of these parameters depend on the laser intensity. When increasing the laser intensity the barriers between neighbouring sites increases in height and 2
Optical Lattices, Ultracold Atoms and Quantum Information Processing
D. Jaksch February 1, 2008
arXiv:quant-ph/0407048v1 6 Jul 2004
Abstract We review novel methods to investigate, control and manipulate neutral atoms in optical lattices. These setups allow unprecedented quantum control over large numbers of atoms and thus are very promising for applications in quantum information processing. After introducing optical lattices we discuss the superfluid (SF) and Mott insulating (MI) states of neutral atoms trapped in such lattices and investigate the SF-MI transition as recently observed experimentally. In the second part of the paper we give an overview of proposals for quantum information processing and show different ways to entangle the trapped atoms, in particular the usage of cold collisions and Rydberg atoms. Finally, we also briefly discuss the implementation of quantum simulators, entanglement enhanced atom interferometers, and ideas for robust quantum memory in optical lattices.
J goes down. At the same time two particles sitting in one site are pushed together closer resulting in an increased interaction energy. Therefore the competition between kinetic and interaction energy can be controlled by the laser intensity which is an extern