2010 国际管道会议(IPC2010)--(5--6)
连 重工 ・ 重 集 团有 限公 司 、 东 中华造 船 ( 团 ) 限公 司、 起 沪 集 有 中远 船 务 工程 集 团有 限公 司 、 海振 华 重 工 上 ( 团 ) 份 有 限公 司 、 苏熔 盛 重工 集 团有 限公 司、 国船 舶 及 海 洋 .程 设 计 研 究 院等 单 位 的 专 家 , 集 股 江 中 Y - 围绕
3 。期
吊具 连 接 部 件 等 影 响 装 卸 作 业 安 全 的 重 点 部 位 及 通 、 意见 统 一 、 一人 指 挥 ”的原 则 , 般 情 况 下宜 指 一
部件进行检查 。
() 4 检查 并 选 择 正确 的工 属 具辅 助 装 卸 作业 。 对特 殊箱 型 及 重 大件 货 物 等 非 常规 货 物 而 言 , 常规 属具 进 行 辅 助作 业 。 类 工 属具 包 括 钢 丝绳 、 这 吊索 、
套环 、 卸扣 、 撑杆等 , 他们直接与货物连接并承担货 员的指挥信号 , 切不可存有麻痹大意 、 投机侥幸 、 贪
物的 吊运 负 荷 ;因此 , 所 选 用 的工 属 具 进行 安 全 多全 。首先 , 选择 的工 属 具必 须 正 确, 主要 指 能 方便 连 接 、 足安 全 负 荷要 求 以及 在 满
卸 ; 次 , 据 相 关 的技 术 性 能 标 准对 所 选 工 属 具 中严 格 监督 控 制 , 其 根 事后 及 时总 结 完善 ” 的做法 , 照 参 及 进 行 仔 细检 查 , 保 其起 重 负 载 满 足货 物 装 卸 的安 相 关 的科 学 管理 理 念 和 先进 操 作 方 法 , 时调 整 安 确
() 3 设计 与分 析
本次会议共设立 了 1 个议 题 、1 个 分议 题 , 1 10 分 别 由相应 的组委会主持 , 内容介绍如下 : 主要
第2 8卷第 9期
总第 2 6期 2
该议 题 由加拿 大 U i rt o Abr n e i f l t v sy e a的 P i — c eMe i i rn 织 , t t y组 共包 含 l 8个分 议题 :
本 次 会议 由美 国机械 工程 师协会 压力 容器 与管 道
分会 ( S E P P 主 办 , 国机械 工程 师协 会 核 A M V D) 美 工程 分 会 ( S E A ME N D)和 无 损 检 测 工 程 分 会 ( S D 协 办 。会 议 主席 由 A ME P P A ME N E) S V D的
sae j2044(1)
国内外连续管标准简介付宏强;郜飞【摘要】介绍了目前国内外现行的连续管制造及使用方面的相关标准,包括API RP 5C7:1996, API SPEC 5LCP:2006, API SPEC 5ST:2010, API RP16ST:2009, API RP 5C8草案,加拿大石油和天然气工业推荐作法(IRP)第21册(2010)连续油管作业草案以及我国SY/T 6698, SY/T 6700—2014, SY/T 6895—2012, Q/SY 1082—2010和Q/SY 1512—2012等。
重点讨论了API RP 5C7, API SPEC 5LCP和API SPEC 5ST的背景、主要内容以及使用过程中的问题。
%In this article, it briefly introduced the current standards of CT manufacture and use at home and abroad, including API RP5C7:1996,API SPEC 5LCP:2006,API SPEC 5ST:2010,API RP 16ST:2009 , API RP 5C8 draft, Coiled Tubing Operations—An Industry Recommended Practice(IRP) for the Canadian Oil and Gas Industry Volume 21—2010, as well as China’s some standards, such as SY/T 6698, SY/T 6700—2014, SY/T 6895—2012, Q/SY 1082—2010 and Q/SY 1512—2012 etc. The background, main content and the problems occurred in the use procedure of API RP 5C7,API SPEC 5LCP and API SPEC 5ST were detailedly introduced. By studying CT standards at home and abroad, wishes it can provide help for scientific research, production and the related standard user of domestic coiled tubing.【期刊名称】《焊管》【年(卷),期】2015(000)002【总页数】5页(P68-72)【关键词】连续管;标准;简介【作者】付宏强;郜飞【作者单位】西安石油大学材料科学与工程学院,西安 710065; 宝鸡石油钢管有限责任公司,陕西宝鸡 721008;宝鸡石油钢管有限责任公司,陕西宝鸡 721008【正文语种】中文【中图分类】T-65连续管作为高技术、高附加值产品,广泛应用于油气田修井、钻井、完井、测井等作业。
安 泰 科 表示 ,中 国 2 1 年 氧 化 铝 产量 将 增 加 01
1 .%, 36 0万t高 于 2 1 92 至 7 , 0 0年 30 0万 t 产 量 8 的
工作 进 展方 面做 了全 面介绍 :同 时本次 会议 还交 流
了企业 在汞 污染 防 治工 作方 面取 得 的进 展 与经验 及 21 0 1年汞 污 染 防治 技术 及 资 金 申请 情 况 、 型 的卧 新
下 载 。组 态下 载是 指将 在工 程 师站 完成 ( 修改 后 ) 或
的系统 组 态经 编译 后下 装 给控 制站 ,使 控 制站 能够 按 设计 工艺 要求 实现 对生 产工 艺流 程 的实时监 控 。
组 态下 载 又分 为 离线下 载 和在 线下 载 。离线 下
塔处 于 再生 状态 。再生 完 成后 可 以选 择 A B或 者 —
4 O 02 P 3 操作员键盘
O 0 2操 作 员 键 盘 是 为配 套 A v n rl P3 d a To 系统 软
员必 须考 虑 到用 户 的实 际要求 , 一些 重 要 的位号 . 把
例如 : 液位 、 流量 、 温度 、 力 等组 到 系 统 中 , 是 增 压 但
加 了系统 组态 人 员 的工作 量 。
●< > ● > ●0 <
●<> ●<> ●<> ●< >●
2 1 0 1年 中国氧化 铝产 量 或将 增加 至 36 0万 t 7
2 1 年 氧化 铝 消 费将 增 至 38 0万t这 是在 预 01 8 , 期 21 0 1年 铝 产 量 为 19 0万 t 基 础 上 得 出 的 。 5 的 21 0 0年前 9个 月 ,中 国氧化 铝进 口累计 为 3 8万t 1 ,
概论单选题1.以下不属于图书类的有( )。
小张查到50篇文献,有28篇相关,下列说法正确的是( )A.小王查准率是30篇B.小张查准率是28篇C.小王比小张查准率高D.小王比小张查准率低D9.下列不属于计算机检索的基本技术的是:A.布尔逻辑检索B.多媒体检索C.位置检索D.截词检索B10.如果你查到的文献太多,则可以():A.使用宽泛的检索式:少用AND;对同义词或不同拼法的词用OR逻辑运算。
C11.检索式为:A and B,表示A.两个检索词必须相连,不得插入其他词,但词序可以颠倒。
Bre n r du to o 01 ifI t o c in f2 ASM E 0 PVP n e e e Co f r nc
Z NG Jn—y n H HE i a g , AO u— i , HE Xu Y j C N e—d n CH N h —pn S i e o g , E Z i ig ,HI a J n—f g e ’ n ( .ntueo rcs q im n, hj n nvr t, a gh u3 0 2 , hn ; . e i ee ̄ Ma 1 Istt f oes u e t Z e agU i sy H n zo 10 7 C i 2 H f nr i P E p i ei a eG -
1 概述
讨 论研 究成果 的最 佳舞 台 。
2 1 的 A ME P P会 议 ( 下 简 称 P P 0 0年 S V 以 v 2 1 ) 7月 l 2 00 于 8— 2日在美 国华 盛顿 州西雅 图市
年一度 的美 国机械 工程师 协会 压力 容器与
管 道会议 ( S V ) A MEP P 是化 工 机械 相关 领 域具 有 重 要影 响 力 的 国际 盛 会 。会 议 内 容 涵 盖 固体 力
b h ME e s r s esa d P p n v so sgv n y t e AS Pr s u e Ve s l n i i g Di iin wa ie .De eo me tte d swela o a i v l p n r n sa l ss mer pd—
美国机械工程 师协会 2 1 00年压力容器 与管道会议简介
郑津 洋 郝 宇杰 陈学 东江大 学 化 工机 械研究 所 , 江 杭州 浙
30 2 ;. 10 72 合肥 通用 机械研 究 院 , 安徽 合肥
3.《中华人民共和国石油天然气管道保护法》在 2010 年10 月 1 日正式颁布施行。
5.阴极保护系统的保护率应达到100% 阴极保护设备的运行率应大于98%阴极保护系统的保护度宜大于85%。
12.在管道线路中心线两侧各( 5 )米地域范围内,禁止种植深根植物、取土、堆放重物等危害管道安全行为。
如必须斜交,斜交角度不宜小于( 60 )度;在特殊情况下,不应小于( 45 )度。
在山区因受地形限制的个别地段,斜交角度最小不应小于( 30 )度。
16.阴极保护准则中规定的埋地钢质管道阴极保护电位(即管/地界面极化电位)应为( -850 )mv(CSE)或更负。
A.分类索引B.作者索引C.引文索引D.主题索引3、下列哪种文献属于二次文献( D.)A.专利文献B.学位论文C.会议文献D.目录4、纸质信息源的载体是(D)A.光盘B.缩微平片C.感光材料D.纸张5、《中国图书馆分类法》(简称《中图法》)将图书分成( A.)A.5大部分22个大类B.5大部分26个大类C.6大部分22个大类D.6大部分26个大类6、利用文献末尾所附参考文献进行检索的方法是(C)A.倒查法B.顺查法C.引文追溯法D.抽查法7、广义的信息检索包含两个过程(B)A.检索与利用B.存储与检索C.存储与利用D.检索与报道8、中国国家标准的代码是(A)A.GB. B.CB.C.ZGD.CG9、( D )是报道文献出版或收藏信息为主要功能的工具。
A.题录B.索引C.文摘D.目录10、逻辑运算符包括(D)A.逻辑与B.逻辑或C.逻辑非D.A,B和C11、记录是对某一实体的全部属性进行描述的结果,在全文数据库中一条记录相当于(C),在书目数据库中,一条记录相当于()A.一条文摘,一篇完整的文献B.一条文摘,一条题录C.一篇完整的文献,一条题录或文摘D.一条题录,一条文摘12、《中国学术期刊全文数据库》提供的文献内容特征检索途径有(B)A.机构B.篇名/关键词/摘要C.中文刊名D.作者13、根据反映新内容的程度从大到小,下列文献类型的排序正确的是:(A)A.会议论文,科技期刊,科技报告,科技图书B.科技图书,科技期刊,科技报告,会议论文C.科技报告,会议论文,科技图书,科技期刊D.以上都不对14、《中国科研机构数据库》、《中国科技名人数据库》属于:(B)A.书目数据库B.指南数据库C.全文数据库D.数值数据库15、下列检索工具中,主要收录化学与化工类文献的是:(D)A.SCIB.OCLCC.EID.CA16、国内的专利可以通过哪个数据库检索?(B)A.超星数字图书馆B.万方数据C.学术期刊网D.EI17、提供检索式/命令行检索的好处在于:(C)A.容易记忆,容易编写B.文本形式,容易理解C.可以保存成功的检索,以便再次检索D.以上都不对18、逻辑“与”算符是用来组配( D.)。
关键 词 :高钢 级 管道 ;完整性 管理 ;高温轧 制 工 艺 ( T ) H P ;韧 性 止 裂 ;基 于应 变设 计 ;抗
大 变 形 钢
中图分 类 号 :T 9 3 文献标 识码 :A 文章编 号 :10 —3 3 2 0 ) 2— o 5 0 E7 0 1 9 8(0 7 0 0 0 — 5
焊 管 . 0 第2 .07 月 第3 卷 期 2 年3 0
●行 业 综 述
・・ 5
从 20 0 6年 国 际管 道 会 议 看 高钢 级 管道 建设
黄开 文 ,王 颖 ,庄传 晶
(. 1 中国石油物资装备 ( 集团) 总公司,北京 102 ; 00 9
系统讲解了腐蚀、 凹陷、 缝缺陷的评价方法及评
价技 术 的最 新 进展 、 发展 趋势 ; 内检测技 术培 训 在
中, 国外几家著名检测服务公 司及完整性咨询公
司分别 对本 公 司 内检 测 技术 的最 新 进展 , 内检 测 技 术标 准 ( P 13 的 范 围 、 求 等 做 了详 细 介 A I16 ) 要
培训分为管道完整性评估 、 工程评价和 内检测技
术 两部分 , 管道 完 整 性 评估 和工 程 评 价培 训 中 在
失、 管道评价、 完整性管理进展 、 外力损伤防护等
1 方 向分 1 专 场进 行 了宣讲 。关 于管道 评 0个 5个 价 的论 文有 3 0篇 , 主要 涉及 机械 损伤 、 腐蚀 、 裂纹
2 中国石油天然气集团公司管材研究所 ,西安 706 ) . 105
摘 要 :简要 介 绍 了 2 0 0 6年 国际管道会 议 的情 况 。重 点介 绍近 4年 来 国外 X 0 XI0 X10 8 、 O 、 2
2010 国际管道会议(IPC2010)--(一)
包括:专题1:采集管道专题2:项目管理专题3:设计与施工专题4:环境专题5:地理信息系统/数据库开发专题6:设施完整性管理专题7:管道完整性管理专题8:材料及连接专题9:运营和维修专题10:管线自动化与量测专题11:北极和海洋管线环境专题12:基于应变的设计专题13:风险与可靠性专题14:标准及法规专题1:采集管道(5篇论文,摘要如下)IPC2010-31092 THE ALBERTA EXPERIENCE WITH COMPOSITE PIPES IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTS David W. Grzyb, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.)Energy Resources Conservation BoardCalgary, Alberta, CanadaABSTRACTThe Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) is the quasi-judicial agency that is responsible for regulating the development of Alberta’s energy resources. Its mandate is to ensure that the discovery, development, and delivery of Alberta’s energy resources takes place in a manner that is safe, fair, responsible, and in the public interest. The ERCB’s responsibilities include the regulation of over 400,000 km of high-pressure oil and gas pipelines, the majority of which is production field pipeline.ERCB regulations require pipeline licensees to report all pipeline failures, regardless of consequence, and thus a comprehensive data set exists pertaining to the failure frequency and failure causes of its regulated pipelines. Analysis has shown that corrosion is consistently the predominant cause of failure in steel production pipeline systems. Corrosion-resistant materials, such as fibre-composite pipe, thermoplastic pipe, and plastic-lined pipe have long been explored as alternatives to steel pipe, and have in fact been used in various forms for many years. The ERCB has encouraged the use of such materials where appropriate and has co-operated with licensees to allow the use of various types of new pipeline systems on an experimental basis, subject to technical assessment, service limitations, and periodic performance evaluations.This paper will review the types of composite pipe materials that have been used in Alberta, and present statistical data on the length of composite pipe in place, growth trends, failure causes and failure frequency. As the purpose of using alternative materials is to improve upon the performance history of steel, a comparison will be done to determine if that goal is being achieved.IPC2010-31138 MANAGING INTEGRITY OF UNDERGROUND FIBERGLASS PIPELINESChuntao Deng*Husky Energy, Calgary, AB, Canada Gabriel SalamancaHusky Energy,Calgary, AB, CanadaMonica SantanderHusky Energy,Calgary, B,CanadaABSTRACTThe majority of Husky’s fiberglass pipelines in Canada have been usedoil gathering systems to carry corrosive substances. When properly designedinstalled, fiberglass pipelines can be maintenance-free (i.e., no requirements for corrosion inhibition and cathodic protection, etc.) However, similar to many other upstream producers, Husky has experienced frequent fiberglass pipeline failures.A pipeline risk assessment was conducted using a load resistance methodology for the likelihood assessment. Major threats and resistance-to-failure attributes were identified.The significance of each threat and resistance attribute, such as type and grade of pipe, and construction methods (e.g., joining, backfill, and riser connection) were analyzed based on failure statistical correlations. The risk assessment concluded that the most significant threat is construction activity interfering with the existing fiberglass pipe zone embedment. The most important resistance attribute to a fiberglass pipeline failure is appropriate bedding, backfill and compaction, especially at tie-in points. Proper backfilling provides most resistance to ground settlement, frost-heaving, thaw-unstable soil, or pipe movement due to residual stress or thermal, and pressure shocks.A technical analysis to identify risk mitigation options with the support of fiberglass pipe supplier and distributors was conducted. To reduce the risk of fiberglass pipeline failures, a formal backfill review process was adopted; and a general pipeline tie-in/repair procedure checklist was developed and incorporated into the maintenance procedure manual to improve the workmanship quality. Proactive mitigation options were also investigated to prevent failures on high risk fiberglass pipelines.IPC2010-31196 ASSESSMENT OF CORROSION RATES FOR DEVELOPING RBIs ANDIMPs FOR PRODUCTION PIPELINESLyudmila V. Poluyan, Sviatoslav A. TimashevScience and Engineering Center “Reliability and Safety of Large Systems” Ural Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, 620049, RussiaABSTRACTCorrosion rates (CRs) for defect parameters are playing a crucial role in creating an optimal integrity management plan (IMP) for production pipelines (well piping, inter-field pipes, cross country flow lines, and facility piping) with a thinning web and/or growing defects. CRs are indispensible when assessing the remaining strength, probability of failure (POF) and reliability of a production piping/pipeline with defect(s), and permit assessing the time to reaching an ultimate permissible POF, a limit state, or time to actual failure of the leak/rupture type. The CRs are also needed when creating a risk based pipeline inspection (RBI) plan, which is at the core of a sound IMP. The paper briefly describes the state of the art and current problems inquality of direct assessment (DA) and in-line inspection (ILI) tocomprehensive CR models are listed and formulated. Since corrosion or, in general, deterioration of pipelines is a stochastic time dependent process, the best way to assess pipeline state is to monitor the growth of its defects and/or thinning of its web. Currently the pipeline industry is using such methods as electric resistivity probes (ERP), corrosion samples (CS) and weight loss coupons (WLC) to define the CR for pipelines which transport extremely corrosive substances, or are located in a corrosive environment. Additionally, inhibitors are used to bring the CR to an acceptable level. In this setting the most reliable methods which permit assessment of CRs with needed accuracy and consistency, are probabilistic methods. The paper describes a practical method of predicting the probabilistic growth of the defect parameters using the readings of separated in time different DA or ILI measurements, using the two-level control policy [1]. The procedure of constructing the probability density functions (PDFs) of the defect parameters as functions of time, linear/nonlinear CR growth, and the initial size of the defects is presented. Their use when creating an RBI plan and IMP based on time dependent reliability of pipelines with defects is demonstrated in two illustrative cases - a production pipeline carrying crude oil, and a pipeline subject to internal CO2 corrosion.IPC2010-31337 INTEGRATION OF PIPELINE SPECIFICATIONS, MATERIAL, ANDCONSTRUCTION DATA – A CASE STUDYJeffery E Hambrook WorleyParsons Canada Services Ltd. Calgary Division Calgary, Alberta,CanadaDouglas A Buchanan Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Edmonton,Alberta, CanadaABSTRACTThis paper introduces the concept of a Pipe Data Log (Pipe Log). The idea is not new but a Pipe Log is rarely created for new pipeline projects. A Pipe Log is frequently created as part of the post-construction process and is intended for Integrity purposes. However, creating and populating the Pipe Log as construction proceeds can provide multiple benefits: Progress of all aspects of construction can be tracked.Anomalies in data received can be identified immediately and rectified before the project proceeds. Missing information can be captured before the project iscompleted and crews are demobilized. The field engineer can compare with designto verify that the project is being constructed as it was designed. Whenconstruction is complete the Pipe Log will be as well. WorleyParsons Canada Services Ltd., acting as Colt Engineering, worked on behalf of Enbridge Pipelines Inc. and created a detailed Pipe Data Log for the Canadian portion of the Southern Lights LSrthe location of each pipe segment, welds performed, material, terrain,protection, and testing was recorded. The Pipe Data Log is excellent for auditing data as the information is being entered. Information collected by the surveyor can be matched to that provided by the pipe mill and by weld and NDE inspectors. Missing or questionable information can be corrected during construction much easier than post-construction. At post-construction, the Pipe Log allows the Integrity team to quickly determine if there are other areas of concern that have similar properties to another problem area.IPC2010-31570 LOW CYCLE FATIGUE OF CORRODED PIPES UNDER CYCLIC BENDINGAND INTERNAL PRESSUREMarcelo Igor Lourenço Universidade Federal do Rio deJaneiroCOPPE - Ocean Engineering Dept.Rio de Janeiro, RJ BrazilTheodoro A. Netto Universidade Federal do Rio deJaneiroCOPPE - Ocean Engineering Dept.Rio de Janeiro, RJ BrazilABSTRACTCorroded pipes for oil transportation can eventually experience low cycle fatigue failure after some years of operation. The evaluation of the defects caused by corrosion in these pipes is important when deciding for the repair of the line or continuity in operation. Under normal operational conditions, these pipes are subject to constant internal pressure and cyclic load due to bending and/or tension. Under such loading conditions, the region in the pipes with thickness reduction due to corrosion could experience the phenomenon known as ratcheting. The objective of this paper is to present a revision of the available numerical models to treat the ratcheting phenomenon. Experimental tests were developed allowing the evaluation of occurrence of ratcheting in corroded pipes under typical operational load conditions as well as small-scale cyclic tests to obtain the material parameters. Numerical and experimental tests results are compared.(来源:焊管学术委员会)。
Abstract: T he 20th annual m eet ing of technical comm it t ee o n plast ic pipes, fit t ings and valves f or t he tr ansport of f luid, Int ernat ional Org anizat io n for St andards ( ISO/ T C138) w ere int ro duced and t he recent advances in int ernat ional st andards f or plast ics pipes as r ef lect ed during t he meeting w as sum marized. T his paper aim ed to prov ide ref erence infor mation f or t he dr af t ing or revising of China national standards f or plast ic pipes and fo r t he developm ent of Chinacs plastic pipe sect or, w ith t he ambitio n t o enable China t o part icipat e actively and ef fect ively in t he st andardizat ion of plast ic pipes in t he int ernat ional co mmunit y. Key words: plast ic; piping syst em; internatio nal st andard; advance
关键词:高钢级、HTP、韧性止裂、基于应变设计、抗大变形钢一、IPC2006会议背景情况:国际管道会议IPC(International Pipeline Conference)是由美国机械工程师协会ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers)举办的全球油气管道工业技术交流会,每两年一次,在加拿大卡尔加里市举行。
一个是管道完整性评价与工程评估(Pipeline integrity evaluation and engineering assessments),一个是管道材料:力学性能及其对管道完整性的影响(Pipeline materials: mechanical behavior and its impact on pipeline integrity)。
专利名称:SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR INFORMATIONPROTECTION发明人:Wenbin ZHANG,Lichun LI,Baoli MA申请号:US16870662申请日:20200508公开号:US20200273028A1公开日:20200827专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A computer-implemented information protection method comprises: obtaining a plurality of encrypted transaction amounts associated with transactions among a plurality of accounts, wherein each of the encrypted transaction amounts is associatedwith one of the accounts that sends or receives one of the transaction amounts, and the encryption of each of the transaction amounts at least conceals whether the one account sends or receives the one of the transaction amounts; generating a sum proof based on the obtained encrypted transaction amounts, the sum proof at least indicating that the transaction amounts are balanced; and transmitting the encrypted transaction amounts and the sum proof to one or more nodes on a blockchain network for the nodes to verify the transactions.申请人:ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING LIMITED地址:Grand Cayman KY国籍:KY更多信息请下载全文后查看。
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专题五:GIS/数据库开发IPC2010-31147USING GEOSPATIAL SOLUTIONS TO MEET DISTRIBUTION INTEGRITYMANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTSRobert A. McElroy, PENew Century Software, Inc.Fort Collins, CO USAABSTRACTRecently enacted U.S. regulations will require distribution system operators to develop Distribution Integrity Management Programs (DIMP). The purpose of this regulation is to reduce system operating risks and the probability of failure by requiring operators to establish a documented, systematic approach to evaluating and managing risks associated with their pipeline systems. Distribution Integrity Management places new and significant requirements on distribution operators’ Geographic Information System (GIS). Operators already gather much of the data needed for meeting this regulation. The challenge lies in efficiently and accurately integrating and evaluating all system data so operators can identify and implement measures to address risks, monitor progress and report on results. Similar to the role geospatial solutions played in helping transmission pipeline operators meet Integrity Management Program requirements, this paper will discuss the role GIS can play in helping operators meet the DIMP regulations. Data requirements, storage and integration will also be presented. The paper will give examples of how risk-based decision making can improve operational efficiency and resource allocation.IPC2010-31339 LESSONS LEARNED FROM SUPPORTING A GEOHAZARDMANAGEMENT PROGRAMNeil Ripley, M.Sc., GISPSenior GISAnalyst/DeveloperBGC Engineering500-1045 Howe St Vancouver, BC, Canada,V6Z 2A9nripley@bgcengineering.caTrevor Simpson B.Sc.,A.Dipl.T.Geomatics ManagerBGC Engineering500-1045 Howe StVancouver, BC, Canada,V6Z 2A9tsimpson@bgcengineering.caMark Leir, P.Eng., P.Geo.Senior EngineeringGeologistBGC Engineering500-1045 Howe StVancouver, BC, Canada,V6Z 2A9mleir@bgcengineering.caABSTRACTThere are a number of geomatics tasks required to support a Geohazard Management Program (Program). For the program implemented by BGC Engineering Inc. for several midstream pipeline operators, these tasks range from identification of potential geohazards (landslide, river erosion), to setup and support for field navigation, through to geohazard database management. Doing these in an efficient and effective manner requires substantial amounts of spatial data and a toolset containing both software and hardware components.For this Program geohazards are classified as hydrotechnical (e.g. a pipeline crossing a river) or geotechnical (e.g. a pipeline traversing a slope). Lists of potential geohazards are generated and provided to field crews who then navigate to each site and perform a field inspection. Navigation and inspection observations are accomplished with the aid of a ruggedized laptop connected to wireless GPS. Upon return from the field, sites are uploaded to CambioTM, an internet database for managing geohazards. Each site is assigned a frequency of action commensurate with the estimated level of risk. Assigned actions include follow-up ground inspections, detailed investigations, monitoring, maintenance and mitigation. An audit trail of site inspections, surveys and mitigation reports, photos, and site survey drawings, are all available for review within CambioTM, allowing access to the information from any site with an internet connection. This paper will present an overview of the Geohazard Management Program from a geomatics perspective, highlighting the integration of geomatics tools into a system designed to be used by engineering personnel, field technicians, and project managers.IPC2010 – 31382INTEGRATING ILI DATA WITH PUBLICLY AVAILABLE MAPPINGSOLUTIONSGrant A. ColemanBJ Pipeline Inspection Services 4839 90th Ave SE Calgary, AB, Canada,T2C 2S8 Phone: 403.531.5300 gcoleman@bjservices.caScott J. MillerBJ Pipeline Inspection Services 4839 90th Ave SE Calgary, AB, Canada,T2C 2S8 Phone: 403.531.5300smiller@bjservices.caABSTRACTToday’s’ high resolution ILI tools often incorporate extremely accurate Inertial Mapping Units (IMU) which provide spatial coordinates for every feature within a pipeline. This data may be useful across many levels of an organisation and so it is important to make the information available and practical. Google provides two near universally available mapping packages that may be easily leveraged to display GIS style data while in the field or in the office; GoogleMaps™ displays 2D information, while Google Earth™ provides 3D viewing.This paper presents several case studies where the use of Google Earth imagery combined with high resolution; inertially mapped MFL data provides immediate value to the pipeline operator.IPC2010-31438 INTEGRATING PIPELINE DATA MANAGEMENT APPLICATION AND GOOGLE MAPS DATASET ON WEB BASED GIS APPLICATION USING OPEN SOURCE TECHNOLOGY SHARP MAP AND OPEN LAYERSArie WisiantoPT PERTAMINA GAS Bontang, IndonesiaHidayatus SaniaPT PERTAMINA GASBontang, IndonesiaOki GumilarPT PERTAMINA GASJakarta, IndonesiaABSTRACTDevelopment of web based GIS application often requires high cost on base map datasets and software licenses. Web based GIS Pipeline Data Management Application can be developed using the benefit of Google Maps datasets combined with available local spatial datasets resulting comprehensive spatial information. Sharp Map is an easy-to-use mapping library for use in web and desktop applications. It provides access and enables spatial querying to many types of GIS data.The engine is written in C# and based on the .Net 2.0 frameworks and provides advantages for integration with Pipeline Data Model such as PODS using .NET technology. Sharp Map enables development of WMS and web services for serving pipeline data management information oninternet/intranet web based application. Open Layers is use to integrate pipelines data model and Google Maps dataset on single map display with user friendly and dynamic user interfaces. The use of Sharp Map and Open Layers creating powerful Pipeline Data Management web based GIS application by combining specific information from pipelines data model and comprehensive Google Maps satellites datasets without publishing private information from local datasets. The combination on Sharp Map, Open Layers, Google Maps datasets, and .NET technology resulting a low cost and powerful Pipeline Data Management web based GIS solution.Impact zone of the event then we can calculate their consequences and finally we can figure their risk.Keyword: GIS, Sharp map, Open layers, PODS, google map DatasetsIPC2010-31635FROM CAD TO GIS TO THE GEOWEB - A NATURAL EVOLUTIONSteve AdamAdamlabs Inc.Calgary, Alberta, CanadaABSTRACTComputer hardware and software have played a significant role in supporting the design and maintenance of pipeline systems. CAD systems allowed designers and drafters to compile drawings and make edits at a pace unmatched by manual pen drawings. Although CAD continues to provide the environment for a lot of pipeline design, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are also innovating pipeline design through routines such as automated alignment sheet generation.What we have seen over the past two or three decades is an evolution in how we manage the data and information required for decision making in pipeline design and system operation.CAD provided designers and engineers a rapid electronic method for capturing information in a drawing, editing it, and sharing it. As the amount of digital data available to users grows rapidly, CAD has been unable to adequately exploit data’s abundance and managing change in a CAD environment is cumbersome. GIS and spatial data management have proven to be the next evolution in situations where engineering, integrity, environmental, and other spatial data sets dominate the information required for design and operational decision making.It is conceivable that GIS too will crumble under the weight of its own data usage as centralized databases become larger and larger. The Geoweb is likely to emerge as the geospatial world’s evolution. The Geoweb implies the merging of spatial information with the abstract information that currently dominates the Internet. This paper and presentation will discuss this fascinating innovation, it’s force as a disruptive technology, and oil and gas applications.专题六:设施完整性管理IPC2010-31064FINITE-ELEMENT MODEL-BASED FAULT PROGNOSIS ONKEYCOMPONENTS OF THE RECIPROCATING COMPRESSORWenqing LuResearch Center of Oil &Gas Safety Engineering TechnologyLaibin ZhangResearch Center of Oil &Gas SafetyEngineering TechnologyWei LiangResearch Center of Oil &Gas Safety EngineeringTechnologyShuguo LiResearch Center of Oil & GasChina University of Petroleum, Changping, Beijing 102249, China ABSTRACTThe reciprocating compressor has become one of the most important equipments in petroleum and chemical industry. Study on vibration of the reciprocating compressor has a great significance to monitor the safety and reliability of the compressor. But it’s very difficult to predict the compressor and achieve the desired goal due to the complicated structure and operational aspect of the compressor. Experimental solution is expensive and time consuming. Therefore, finite element analysis (FEA) method is proposed to predict and locate the breakage of several key components on reciprocating compressor in compressor station.Non-destructive fault diagnosis and troubleshooting of the compressor can be achieved by application of FEA. The reasonable and simplified 3D model of the reciprocating compressor, which is validated with the actual prototype, is built by a CAD drawing software-SolidWorks. Then the ANSYS FE model is created by importing the 3D model into a FEA software-ANSYS. The ANSYS FE model can be used for stress analysis as well as intrinsic property analysis of the structural components. In this paper there are several ANSYS FE models of key components presented, including crankshaft, connectingrod, crosshead and air valve. Then FEA method is applied to the fault localization of those components. According to the simulation results, the sites vulnerable to failure can be fixed on key components. The conclusions are consistent with the problems during the normal operation. Therefore, FEA is an effective and prospective method on fault prognosis of the reciprocating compressor.IPC2010-31065 STORAGE TANK FLOOR AND WALL DEFECT IN-SITU INSPECTION WITH ULTRASONIC GUIDED WAVE TECHNIQUEZhanjun FengWeibin WangWenqiang Tong Petrochina Pipeline R&D Center, kjfengzj@ Langfang, Hebei, China, 065000Keyi YuanZandong HanYifang ChenKey Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing Technology, Dept. of Mech.EngineeringTsinghua University, Beijing 100084, ChinaABSTRACTLarge storage tanks for oil storage are widely used in petrochemical industry.economic safety. Owing to their unique potential for long-range,solution in the development of an on-board structural health-monitoring (SHM) system, providing assessment of structural integrity for storage tank floor and wall defect in-situ inspection. This paper presents this application by focusing on their propagation through the plate structure. Even very small mechanical discontinuity or geometry change of plate structure, e.g. corrosion defect on tank floor, will influence the propagation characteristic of the guided waves. These effects are measured as mode changes, frequency shifts or filtering, reflection and diffraction of new ultrasonic modes or overall distortion of the original ultrasonic signals. By capturing and analyzing these changes we can deduct the corrosion defect of the tank floor and wall which causes the ultrasonic signal change and interactions. The T/R transducers are required to be attached on the outer edge of the tank floor and outer surface of the tank wall. The technique is developed based on the Lamb wave transmission tomography. Starting from the dispersion curve and choosing the appropriate wave mode, the propagation of the guided waves in the tank floor and wall has been carried out through numerical simulation and the experiment has been conducted for verification using the fullsize oil storage tank. The low frequency guided waves can propagate longer distance in planar and tubular structures. The later has been already used in pipeline inspection. The complexity of the application of ultrasonic guided wave in tank floor inspection lies in the object containing multiple lap joint welds along the large diameter of the tank (up to 100 m) and the complicated reconstruction of the two-dimensional defect distribution information.The main scope of the investigation was the application of the ultrasonic transmission tomography for localization of nonuniformities of inside tank floor, taking into account ultrasonic signal losses due to the loading with oil on the top and ground support at the bottom for the tank floor, and the loading with oil inside for the vertical tank wall.IPC2010-31080RESEARCH ON ACOUSTIC EMISSION IN-SERVICE INSPECTION FOR LARGE ABOVE-GROUND STORAGE TANK FLOORSMingchun Lin*PetroChina Pipeline R&DCenter Langfang, Hebei, ChinaMingchun Lin*PetroChina Pipeline R&DCenterLangfang, Hebei, ChinaWeibin WangPetroChina Pipeline R&DCenterLangfang, Hebei, ChinaLei ZhangShenyang Dispatching Center of PetrochinaPipeline CompanyShyang, Liaoning, ChinaYi Sun PetroChina Pipeline R&D CenterLangfang, Hebei, ChinaABSTRACTMuch manpower is needed and a lot of materials are wasted when the floor of large above-ground storage tank (AST) is inspected with conventional methods which need to shut down the tank, then to empty and clean it before inspection. Due to the disadvantages of that, an in-service inspection method using acoustic emission (AE) technology is presented. By this mean the rational inspection plan and integrity evaluation of tank floors can be constructed. First, specific inspection steps are established based on the acoustic emission principle for large AST’s floors and the practical condition of AST in order to acquire the AE corrosion data. Second, analysis method of acoustic emission dataset is studied. Finally, maintenance proposes are provided based on results of analysis for the corrosion status of the tank floors. In order to evaluate the performance of our method, an in-service field inspection is practiced on product oil tank with a volume of 5000 cubic meters. Then a traditional inspection procedure using magnetic flux leakage (MFL) technology is followed up. Comparative analysis of the results of the two inspection methods shows that there is consistency in localizing the position of corrosion between them. The feasibility of inservice inspection of AST’s floors with AE is demonstrated.IPC2010-31104THE REMAINING LIFE PREDICTION AND INTERNAL INSPECTION INTERVAL ANALYSIS FOR LARGE-SCALE CRUDE OIL STORAGE TANKJian ShuaiFaculty of Mechanical and ElectronicEngineering,China University of Petroleum-BeijingBeijing, ChinaKejiang HanFaculty of Petroleum Engineering China University of Petroleum-BeijingBeijing, ChinaABSTRACTAs an important production facility, storage tank plays a more and more important role in the storage and transportation of crude oil and chemical product. The remaining life prediction of storage tank is to forecast the thinning trend of plate thickness, and forecast remaining life on the premise that remaining strength of storage tank meets the tank operation and safety requirements. Maximum corrosion depths of tank bottom plate obey the maximum extreme value distribution. Based on maximum extreme value distribution and statistics of corrosion data, the calculation formula of theformula derivation. Compared with API STD 653 and EEMUA 159, inspection interval specified by China standard SY/T 5921 isconservative. The remaining life of a certain crude oil storage tank (tank A) in china is determined by the remaining life of tank bottom plate. The remaining life of tank A at the reliability of 0.99, 0.999 and 0.9999 are 25 years, 20 years and 17 years, respectively. For the acceptable failure probability of 1×10-4, the inspection interval of tank A can be extended from required 5-7 years specified by China standard SY/T 5921 to 17 years. The remaining life of crude oil storage tank predicted by the method proposed in this paper can be used as an important reference in the determination of inspection interval and tank’s maintenance.IPC2010-31352 RELIABILITY BASED FACILITY RISK ASSESSMENTWilliam V. Harper, PhD,PEOtterbein College Towers Hall 139, 1 GroveSt.Westerville, OH43081-2006Ph: (614)823-1417 Fax: (614)823-3201 WHarper@David J. StuckiOtterbein CollegeTowers Hall 133, 1 GroveSt.Westerville, OH43081-2006Ph: (614)823-1417 Fax:(614)823-3201DStucki@Taylor M ShieDNV Columbus, Inc.5777 Frantz RoadDublin, OH 43017-1386Ph: (614)761-1214 Fax:(614)761-1633Taylor.Shie@ Ray J. DaviesDNV Columbus, Inc.5777 Frantz RoadDublin, OH 43017-1386Ph: (614)761-1214 Fax: (614)761-1633Ray.Davies@ABSTRACTPipeline facilities are ageing and will likely soon come under closer scrutiny from federal regulation. It is imperative that sound reliability based inspection procedures be established that meet the goals of an organization while controlling time and cost. DNV Columbus has developed a statistically based sequential inspection decision support system for this purpose. This system was implemented for an international petroleum company and quickened the inspection process by making a “stop inspections” or a “continue inspections” decision after each inspection at a facility.This system allows inspections to be stopped because the desired reliabilitybeen met based on inspections that did not reveal a significant amount corrosion. At this point, further sampling would provide minimalvalueto the reliability assessment.Inspections can also be stopped because the estimated reliability metrics have not been met. Stopping for this reason indicates the facility may need more significant repair or replacement. Engineers and managers can then make a decision that includes a variety of factors including safety andthe economic feasibility of alternates.In contrast, when using this method, inspections continue because insufficient data have been collected to determine whether the reliability metrics have been met. This system will be illustrated with actual data. It will also describe the use of four key safety factors in developing site specific reliability goals. These factors are consequence, off site migration probability, product type, and facility size.This work can result in a major savings in time and financial expenditures for an inspection cycle. This reliability based inspection methodology leads to the following improvements: 1) Quicker decisions to save time and money, and allows more sites to be inspected in a timelier manner, 2) The reliability of a group of inspections performed is quantified after each inspection, 3) Results at a facility are broken down by database driven categories into a scorecard, 4) Methodology kept generic to be easily adapted to a wide variety of situations.IPC2010-31357IN-LINE INSPECTION TECHNIQUES FOR “NON-PIGGABLE” LIQUIDPIPELINESDamir Grmek, P.EngSr. Engineer, Facilities IntegrityEnbridge Pipelines Inc.Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaABSTRACTWhile in-line inspection tools have been around for many years, the primary focus for this technology has always been on long sections of mainline pipe. The recent increased attention on facility integrity, as well as US Department of Transportation (DOT) baseline assessment requirements, have made it necessary to develop inspection tools and techniques for pipelines that have previously been considered non-piggable.Within industry, the term non-piggable has been used to describe pipelines that cannot be inspected with traditional free swimming mainline inspection tools using standard launch and receive traps. Typical reasons for classifying a pipeline as non-piggable include:No launch or receive facilities,Mechanical design (number/type of bends, diameter changes, offtakes etc.) Operating conditions (zero/low/high pressure, zero/low/high flow, type ofproduct, pipeline cleanliness etc.) Within the Enbridge system, a lack of launch and receive facilities has been the main obstacle on laterals anddelivery/receipt pipelines. However, mechanical design and operating conditions have been factors on certain pipelines.The preferred method to inspect these pipelines, whenever possible, is to use in-line inspection tools, as opposed to other options such as External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) or hydrostatic test.While inspecting these short sections of pipe has proven challenging, various in-line inspection tools and techniques have been developed to meet this requirement. This paper will discuss some of the challenges faced and different solutions that have been developed to successfully inspect these types of pipelines.IPC2010-31368SAFETY CULTUREMARCELO GARCEZ LOPESPETROBRAS Transportes S.A. - TRANSPETROGuarulhos, São Paulo, Brasilmarcelogarcez@.brABSTRACTThe occurrence of accidents which resulted in lost work time, since 2007, prompted the Company to invest in a new Educational Program to prevent accidents. The program was divided into several parts. One of these parts was the project on Safety Culture. The Safety Culture project had been implemented since September, 2009, at PETROBRAS TRANSPORTES S.A. –TRANSPETRO, in Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil. The project had intended to change the employee’s behavior, informing the employees, who are exposed the risks, to know and understand the risks associated with their tasks, delivering a higher perception of the risks and making possible a change of behavior resulting in employees reaching a safe attitude.The Safety Culture project was developed specifically for TRANSPETRO. The project was divided in three parts: Safety Culture Visual, Procedures and Leading with Safety. This paper will discuss the content one part, Safety Culture Visual.The Safety Culture Visual concept has as its main objective to completely change the visual of the Company. In this concept about Safety Culture Visual, the Company wanted to demonstrate its concern with employee’s safety. Although the goal of the project was to change worker’s behavior, it wasobjective of the Company’s culture.By changing your visual, the company can demonstrate to workers that they are interested in their safety and their lives. Posting warning signs at the entrance of the company, at the entrance of the offices, streets, work areas, and other settings where employees must go were all small signs that the company had started to focus on the importance of having a safety culture. By installing warning signs everywhere, workers who are exposed to the risks can better know and understand the risks associated with their tasks. This greater awareness of the risks associated with their tasks provide the employee a greater insight to the risks, enabling a behavior change and helping them reach a complete attitude on safety.The methodology that the Company has been using to implement this change in vision is an “Andragógico Model”, exploring the experience of the person; with a focus on the day by day work and daily life situations. The project has been applied in the form of weekly leadership meetings, where everybody has the opportunity to suggest ideas as to promote the change.Expecting results and consequence of the Project:• to turn the concept of safety into a real value to the worker;• to preserve the integrity and to give value to the life of the employee;• pursue a lasting and stable changing of behavior, with a culture based on safety; and• to support the management safety system and reduction of accidents.This project has reduced worker's exposure to risks and has diminished the number of industrial accidents. Accidents with lost time: using a different concept to deal with safety, focusing directly on the behavior of the worker, leading the worker to a shaper perception of the risks and thus enabling a change of behavior towards a safer attitude.IPC2010-31460 DETERMINING THE YIELD STRENGTH OF IN-SERVICE PIPE USINGHARDNESS TESTINGShadie Radmard, P.Eng. & Monique Berg, P.Eng., MBAEnbridge Pipelines Inc.Facilities Integrity10201 Jasper AvenueEdmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5J 3N7Shadie.Radmard@ Monique.Berg@ABSTRACTEnbridge Energy Partners (EEP) (“Enbridge”) purchased a Tank Storage Facility in Cushing, Oklahoma in 2004. After the acquisition, it was discoveredfor some of the pipe segments in the tank facility.was determined that piping at the Cushing Facility should be operating under “low stress”1 conditions. To determine if this condition could be met, the internal design pressure and yield strength (“YS”) were required for each pipe segment. Without pipe records, neither the internal design pressure, nor the YS was known.In 2007, a project was undertaken by Enbridge to inspect and test all pipe segments identified to have missing pipe records. The project’s objectives were:(1) To establish procedure and process for nondestructive evaluation of tensile properties of in-service pipe(2) To collect pipe characteristic information (i.e. diameter, wall thickness)(3) To determine if the piping could be considered low stress piping; and(4) If the piping could not be considered low stress, to select a course of action from the following options:a. Lower the Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP)b. Hydrotest the pipingc. Remove/Abandon all unnecessary lines.Two existing reports justified the use of hardness as a means of determining the YS of in-situ piping. Based on these reports, Enbridge developed the following project scope:(1) For all piping with missing records:a. to collect hardness data of in-situ pipe using two portable hardness testers (any hardness measurements taken with these portable hardness testers are hereinafter referred to as “field hardness”)b. to measure wall thickness of in-situ pipe (2) To collect field hardness, lab hardness, YS and tensile strength data of pipe coupons of various diameters in order to establish a field hardness to YS correlation(3) To determine the YS of the in-situ pipe using field hardness measurements and the established field hardness to YS correlation determined above(4) To determine if the pipe could be considered low stress at existing operating pressures(5) For pipe segments not deemed low stress at existing operating pressures, to calculate an internal design pressure (Allowable Working Pressure or “AWP”2) required to maintain low stress conditions.This paper will describe the method used to determine YS and AWP of in-service piping using field hardness and compare the results obtained using this method to the YS and AWP determined using CFR Title 49 Part 195.106.IPC2010-31492 THE REMAINING STRENGTH OF CORRODED CASING WITH COMBINEDHOOP AND LONGITUDINAL STRESSRobert B Francini Kiefner & Associates, Inc. Worthington, OH, USA。