










登录后,输入wwn命令记下wwn号,如下:如果需要官方授权,那么在到货时会有一张纸,上面的密码为:Transaction Key登录到以下网站:https:///slkInternet/brocade按照步骤申请license。

你的激活license选择“Fabric OS Feature Activation(e.g. Trunking ,APM etc .)”完成后会生成一个license。

登录到交换机上,用licenseshow来查看现有的license用swd77:admin> licenseadd xxxxxxxxxxxxxx(博科的激活号)再用licenseshow查看是否加载成功,如图:上面两个Unknown license 应该是端口激活license与web 管理license。



博科 300光交换配置手册1.设备示意图2.配置准备Brocade交换机采用B/S架构,远程客户端通过交换机以太网管理端口实现对交换机的监控及配置。


3.设备配置修改客户端IP地址与交换机为同一子网10.77.77.100;打开浏览器输入http://按下回车后会弹出登陆对话框;户名:admin 密码:password备注:admin: 可以执行所有的命令并查看交换机状态和修改交换机的配置user: 执行Show命令来查看交换机的状态•改变密码以admin身份执行passwd命令会显示每个用户,可以依次修改他们的密码4.常用配置命令1)Tip: 可使用下面的命令来检查Fabric OS的版本sw:admin> version Kernel: 5.3.1 Fabric OS: v3.0.2cMade on: Thu Apr 19 12:02:15 PDT 2002 Flash: Thu Apr 19 12:04:03 PDT 2002 BootProm: T ue Apr 26 18:33:23 PST 20022)ipAddrShow –显示交换机的IP设置sw:admin> ipAddrShowEthernet IP Address: Ethernet Subnetmask: Fibre Channel IP Address: none Fibre Channel Subnetmask: none Gateway Address: • ipAddrSet3)为交换机设置IP地址sw:admin> ipAddrSetEthernet IP Address []: Ethernet Subnetmask []: Fibre Channel IP Address [none]: Fibre Channel Subnetmask [none]: Gateway Address []:Set IP address now? [y = set now, n = next reboot]: y • sw2:4)显示交换机配置admin> switchShowswitchName: sw2 switchType: 9.1 switchState: Online switchMode: Native switchRole: Subordinate switchDomain: 97 switchId: fffc61switchWwn: 10:00:00:60:69:04:23:03 switchBeacon: OFFport 0: id 2G No_Light port 1: id 2G No_Light port 2: id 2G No_Light port 3: id 2G No_Lightport 4: id 2G Online F-Port 10:00:00:00:c9:20:d0:99 port 5: id 2G No_Lightport 6: id N2 Online E-Port 10:00:00:60:69:50:3e:1b “sw2” (downstream)port 7: id 1G Online L-Port 8 Private, 2 phantom port 8: id 1G No_Light port 9: id N2 No_Light port 10: id 2G No_Lightport 11: id N1 Online port 12: id 2G No_Lightport 13: id 2G Online E-Port 10:00:00:60:69:50:02:73 “sw8" (upstream) (Trunk master)port 14: id N2 No_Light5)显示交换机运行状态admin> switchstatusshowSwitch Health Report Report time: 06/22/2015 07:53:50 AMSwitch Name: adminIP address: HEALTHYDuration: 00:05Power supplies monitor HEALTHYTemperatures monitor HEALTHYFans monitor HEALTHYFlash monitor HEALTHYMarginal ports monitor HEALTHYFaulty ports monitor HEALTHYMissing SFPs monitor HEALTHYFabric Watch is not licensedDetailed port information is not included6)显示交换机配置信息admin> cfgshowDefined configuration:cfg: cfg_1 a750l1_vtl12; b750l1_v7000; b750l2_v7000; b750l2_vtl12; ha1;vm1l_v7000; vm2l_v7000; vm3l_v7000; vtape; xenserver_a;xenserver_bzone: a750l1_vtl121,2; 1,20; 1,21; 1,22; 1,23zone: b750l1_v70001,0; 1,1; 1,2zone: b750l2_v70001,0; 1,1; 1,3zone: b750l2_vtl121,3; 1,20; 1,21; 1,22; 1,23zone: ha1 1,2; 1,3zone: vm1l_v70001,0; 1,1; 1,4zone: vm2l_v70001,0; 1,1; 1,5zone: vm3l_v70001,0; 1,1; 1,6zone: vtape 1,20; 1,21; 1,22; 1,23zone: xenserver_a1,0; 1,1; 1,8zone: xenserver_b1,0; 1,1; 1,77)备份交换机配置admin> configuplocadadmin> Protocol (scp or ftp):ftp (输入协议,如果你是FTP就输入FTP)admin> host: (FTP服务器地址:> user name: (用户名)admin> filename: 备份文件名称admin> password: 密码8)已有备份文件还原admin> switchdisable 停用交换机所有交换端口admin>configdownloadadmin>Protocol (scp or ftp):ftpadmin>Server Name or IP Address [host]:admin>User Name [user]:admin>File Name [config.txt]:config.txt.........admin>Do you want to continue [y/n]:yadmin>Password:admin>reboot9)划分zone定义:zone是当你有不同平台的主机连到SAN上时,用来隔离不同主机对磁盘阵列的存取,严格一点的,任何一台主机连到交换机访问任何一个存储设备都要作zone。



BROCADE博科光纤交换机的设置博科BROCADE交换机的设置博科登录管理模块➢IE: admin/password从Web 的Switch View中点Admin button输入user=admin pass=password。

Configuring IPClick the Network tab在配置IP同时,可配置Syslog的IP,用于记录系统的Log(Max支持6个IP记录系统Log)Firmware Download1.Click the Firmware tab.2.Click the Firmware Download radio button.3.Type the host IP address, user name, password, and fullyqualified path to the file name.Configuring a Switch1.Click the Swicth Table2.Switches can be identified by IP address, domain ID, WorldWide Name (WWN), 或通过命名来确定3.domain IDs一般是系统自动分配,但也可人工说明4.在这里可打印系统的配置信息View ReportRebooting the Switch1.Click the Firmware tab2.Click the Fastboot radio button.Configuring Ports(给Port 命名)1.可给每个Ports命名2.可给每个Ports端口设置Speed3.可设置Ports的Enable/Disable4.+Port(通过购买license)+SPFa)Install the Brocade Ports on Demand licensed product.b)+License Keyc)Enable the ports5.可改变Port口的距离(Long Distance)1)Click the Extended Fabric tab.1.在Configure中2.输入Host IP User Name File Name和Password后Apply下载到指定的Server上3.配置文件也可上传Config DownLoad To Switch(相同配置一次,下载后上传就可)下载traceDumpTrace TableZone1.为了方便管理和区分WinZone,UnixZone,将应用分为不同的Zone进行管理(将应用主机HBA卡和存贮的Port口绑在一起,以应用起名Alias)2.一个Alias下放一个应用主机HBA卡联接的Switch上的Port+存贮的一个Port构成一个Zone)Selecting the Zoning Method一般选择Port Zone类型,就是按Port划Zone +Zone➢给新命名的Zone+Add Member(+Port),到命名的Zone中(一般Min是两个Port,一个是存贮的,一个是主机的)➢这样不继的+Zone,到+完为止Create Config并将ZONE加入到CONFIG中把所有的Zone+到一个Config中,启动这个Config就完成了➢将Zone Member + 到这个Config中Save & Enable这CONFIGSwitch级联Enabling Long Distance Fabric Mode➢需要这个Brocade ExtendedFabrics licensese➢这是针对Port设置Long Distance(当然要有相应的License Key)级联1.修改两个交换机的IP和名字2.把两个交换机的域名改为不同。



博科BROCADE交换机的设置博科登录管理模块➢IE: admin/password从Web 的Switch View中点Admin button输入user=admin pass=password。

Configuring IPClick the Network tab在配置IP同时,可配置Syslog的IP,用于记录系统的Log(Max支持6个IP记录系统Log)Firmware Download1.Click the Firmware tab.2.Click the Firmware Download radio button.3.Type the host IP address, user name, password, and fullyqualified path to the file name.Configuring a Switch1.Click the Swicth Table2.Switches can be identified by IP address, domain ID, WorldWide Name (WWN), 或通过命名来确定3.domain IDs一般是系统自动分配,但也可人工说明4.在这里可打印系统的配置信息View ReportRebooting the Switch1.Click the Firmware tab2.Click the Fastboot radio button.Configuring Ports(给Port 命名)1.可给每个Ports命名2.可给每个Ports端口设置Speed3.可设置Ports的Enable/Disable4.+Port(通过购买license)+SPFa)Install the Brocade Ports on Demand licensed product.b)+License Keyc)Enable the ports5.可改变Port口的距离(Long Distance)1)Click the Extended Fabric tab.1.在Configure中2.输入Host IP User Name File Name和Password后Apply下载到指定的Server上3.配置文件也可上传Config DownLoad To Switch(相同配置一次,下载后上传就可)下载traceDumpTrace TableZone1.为了方便管理和区分WinZone,UnixZone,将应用分为不同的Zone进行管理(将应用主机HBA卡和存贮的Port口绑在一起,以应用起名Alias)2.一个Alias下放一个应用主机HBA卡联接的Switch上的Port+存贮的一个Port构成一个Zone)Selecting the Zoning Method一般选择Port Zone类型,就是按Port划Zone +Zone➢给新命名的Zone+Add Member(+Port),到命名的Zone中(一般Min是两个Port,一个是存贮的,一个是主机的)➢这样不继的+Zone,到+完为止Create Config并将ZONE加入到CONFIG中把所有的Zone+到一个Config中,启动这个Config就完成了➢将Zone Member + 到这个Config中Save & Enable这CONFIGSwitch级联Enabling Long Distance Fabric Mode➢需要这个Brocade ExtendedFabrics licensese➢这是针对Port设置Long Distance(当然要有相应的License Key)级联1.修改两个交换机的IP和名字2.把两个交换机的域名改为不同。


Configure,以菜单的形式对交换机进行配置.这个命令需要先使用switchdisable命令将交换暂停使用.第一个选项Fabric parameters如选yes.那么我们可以进入他的子选项去更改domain ID.
Licenseshow, licenseadd, licenseremove, license的添加,查看,删除命令
configupload和configdownload,可以将配置文件上传或下载.支持ftp scp和local



BROCADE博科光纤交换机的配置手册博科Brocade 200E配置所有Brocade 交换机均基于Brocade Fabric OS智能操作系统。

在配置交换机时,可以使用Brocade Web Tools 提供的字符命令界面,也可以使用Brocade Fabric Manager 图形界面管理程序。

在乌鲁木齐W AP局点中,一台计费(JF1)和一台统计(RP1)通过光纤交换机(Brocade SW200E)挂接磁阵(见图1)。







以RP1为例,连接Switch OW1的2端口,到EMC磁阵有2条路径,分别通过端口0和端口1,所以就把端口0,1,2划分到一个zone中。



图1 光纤交换机连接图下面是通过图形界面配置光纤交换机的详细步骤:1.通过以太网端口登陆,起始默认管理地址是:,用户名/密码:admin/password。




点击Switch窗口,输入机器光纤交换机的名字:WLMQ-PS-WAP-OW2,Domain ID 输入2,别的数字也可以,没有影响。


可以通过View Report查看所有的配置信息。




2.更改Domain ID,把需要级联的Brocade光纤交换机更改成不同的Domain ID
3.把Switch Status更改成Disable后,我们就可以更改此光纤交换机的Domain ID了。

4.更改完Domain ID后,把Switch Status重新改回Enable状态。

5.确保两台光纤交换机的级联License都已安装,Domain ID不一样后,就可以找一条光纤线把两台光纤交换机的任意口对联即可。



Brocade 光纤交换机固件版本从6.2.0x后,在管理界面中的Zone Admin中无法看到级联的另外一台光纤交换机的端口,此功能移到了DCFM(Brocade Data Center Fabric Manager)软件中了,此软件需要交换机购买Enterprise Group Management(EGM)license才可以使用。



要进行购买。ຫໍສະໝຸດ 三、更改Domain ID
光纤交换机默认Domain ID均为1,在做级联前需要将其中一台设备 Domain ID改为其他值(非1,否则将会冲突,连接后指示灯将慢速闪烁)。
1、通过管理端口登录到交换机管理页面; 2、点击“Switch Admin”,如下图所示:
3、准备更改Domain ID,按下图操作:
or Factory password will result in fabric downtime. for user - root Changing password for root Enter new password: Password unchanged. 略去输出信息....
现如下信息: Warning: Access to the Root and Factory accounts may be required
for proper support of the switch. Please ensure the Root and Factory
passwords are documented in a secure location. Recovery of a lost Root
4、更改Domain ID,按下图操作:
登录Web控制台,单击打开 “Zone Admin”,→“ New” → “New Zone”, 如下图
输入zone名称,vsphere3,再点击 Zone Config , 如下图
把vsphere3加入到成员中,然后点击“Enable Config”



光纤交换机级联配置文档Cisco 9120交换机1.配置异构交换机平台协同工作模式Cisco 9120配置过程激活前8个端口switch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)#interface fc1/1-8switch(config-if)# no shutdownswitch(config-if)# end配置交换机协同工作模式switch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)# vsan databaseswitch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 1 interopswitch(config-vsan-db)# end配置domain IDswitch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)# fcdomain domain 100 preferred vsan 1switch(config)# end激活VSANswitch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)# vsan databaseswitch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 1 suspendswitch(config-vsan-db)# no vsan 1 suspendswitch(config-vsan-db)# end察看修改之后的系统配置信息switch# show runningversion 2.0(2b)vsan databasevsan 1 interop 1fcdomain domain 100 preferred vsan 1fcdomain fcid persistent vsan 1boot kickstart bootflash:/m9100-s1ek9-kickstart-mz.2.0.2b.bin boot system bootflash:/m9100-s1ek9-mz.2.0.2b.binkernel core target core limit 1snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0xeec64ba2afbe9b65e13b23882ac6ae05priv 0xeec64ba2afbe9b65e13b23882ac6ae05 localizedkeyusername admin password 5 $1$V3smTQpb$MTvub69DkVBxdCt9BsEDB1 role network-admincallhomeswitch-priority 7snmp-server enable traps licenseinterface mgmt0ip address fc1/1no shutdowninterface fc1/2no shutdowninterface fc1/3no shutdowninterface fc1/4no shutdowninterface fc1/5no shutdowninterface fc1/6no shutdowninterface fc1/7no shutdowninterface fc1/8no shutdowninterface fc1/9interface fc1/10interface fc1/11interface fc1/12interface fc1/13interface fc1/14interface fc1/15interface fc1/16interface fc1/17interface fc1/18interface fc1/19interface fc1/20switch#察看端口连接状态信息switch# show interface brief------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interface Vsan Admin Admin Status FCOT Oper Oper Port Mode Trunk Mode Speed ChannelMode (Gbps)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------fc1/1 1 auto on up swl F 2 --fc1/2 1 auto on up swl F 2 --fc1/3 1 auto on up swl E 2 --fc1/4 1 auto on notConnected swl -- --fc1/5 1 FX -- notConnected swl -- --fc1/6 1 FX -- notConnected swl -- --刀片中心光纤交换机模块配置禁止交换机brocadessm:USERID> switchdisable修改Domain IDbrocadessm:USERID> configureConfigure...Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] yesDomain: (1..239) [1] 99R_A_TOV: (4000..120000) [10000]E_D_TOV: (1000..5000) [2000]WAN_TOV: (0..30000) [0]MAX_HOPS: (7..19) [7]Data field size: (256..2112) [2112]Sequence Level Switching: (0..1) [0]Disable Device Probing: (0..1) [0]Suppress Class F Traffic: (0..1) [0]Switch PID Format: (1..2) [1]Per-frame Route Priority: (0..1) [0]Long Distance Fabric: (0..1) [0]BB credit: (1..27) [16]Insistent Domain ID Mode (yes, y, no, n): [no]Virtual Channel parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]Zoning Operation parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]RSCN Transmission Mode (yes, y, no, n): [no]Arbitrated Loop parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]System services (yes, y, no, n): [no]Portlog events enable (yes, y, no, n): [no]ssl attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]http attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]snmp attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]rpcd attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]cfgload attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]webtools attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]WARNING: The domain ID will be changed. The port level zoning may be affectedbrocadessm:USERID> msPlMgmtDeactivateSwitch is in Offline state.修改协同工作模式brocadessm:USERID> interoper mode 1The switch effective configuration will be lost when the operating mode is changed; do you want to continue? (yes, y, no, n): [no] yInteropmode is enabledNote: It is recommended that you reboot this switch for the new change to take effect.重新引导交换机brocadessm:USERID> fastbootBroadcast message from root (pts/0) Tue Jun 13 10:07:45 2006...The system is going down for reboot NOW !!USERIDPassword:Please change your passwords now.Use Control-C to exit or press 'Enter' key to proceed.Password was not changed. Will prompt again at next loginuntil password is changed.brocadessm:USERID>brocadessm:USERID> switchenable察看修改配置之后的交换机状态brocadessm:USERID> switchshowswitchName: brocadessmswitchType: 22.0switchState: OnlineswitchMode: InteropswitchRole: PrincipalswitchDomain: 99switchId: fffc63switchWwn: 10:00:00:05:1e:02:78:c6zoning: OFFswitchBeacon: OFFArea Port Media Speed State==============================0 0 id 2G No_Light1 1 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:042 2 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:363 3 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:7a4 4 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:b65 5 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:286 6 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f67 7 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f08 8 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:389 9 cu 2G No_Light10 10 cu 2G No_Light11 11 cu 2G No_Light12 12 cu 2G No_Light13 13 cu 2G No_Light14 14 cu 2G No_Light15 15 id 2G Online E-Port 20:01:00:0d:ec:06:b4:41 (downstream)2.划分zoneCisco 9120划分zone察看fabric连接设备port wwn 信息switch# show fcns database vsan 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------FCID TYPE PWWN (VENDOR) FC4-TYPE:FEATURE--------------------------------------------------------------------------0x630100 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:04 scsi-fcp0x630200 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:36 scsi-fcp0x630300 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:7a scsi-fcp0x630400 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:b6 scsi-fcp0x630500 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:28 scsi-fcp0x630600 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f6 scsi-fcp0x630700 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f0 scsi-fcp0x630800 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:38 scsi-fcp0x640000 N 20:07:00:a0:b8:21:19:9f (SymBios) scsi-fcp:both0x640100 N 20:06:00:a0:b8:21:19:9f (SymBios) scsi-fcp:bothTotal number of entries = 10创建zone分别创建2个zone,前4个刀片服务器与DS4300 2个控制器组成的zone,第4到第8个刀片服务器与DS4300 2个控制器组成的zone。



Brocade FC Switch 参数配置一、brocade交换机的管理方式PC用网线或者串口线连接光交来管理交换机串口管理对于windows的系统,串口参数如下传输速率: 9600bit/sec数据位: 8校验位: None停止位: 1流控制: None对于UNIX环境串口线连接好输入命令# tip /dev/ttyb –9600图形界面管理提供基于HTTP的交换机管理界面在每台交换机上通过许可证激活为Fabric Manager所必需支持的操作系统–WindowsXP,7,2008,–Solaris 2.7, 2.8浏览器–Netscape 4.77及后续版本–Windows Internet Explorer 5.5 with Service Pack 2以上版本 需要java运行环境1.6以太网管理方式在IE(浏览器)输入http://可进入web管理页面进行管理配置用户类型admin: 可以执行所有的命令并查看交换机状态和修改交换机的配置user: 执行Show命令来查看交换机的状态root: Linux底层超级用户factory: 出厂配置用户密码修改以admin身份执行passwd命令会显示每个用户,可以依次修改他们的密码初次登录, 系统将提示修改缺省口令, 用户可以修改root, admin, user和factory的缺省口令.使用passwd命令修改口令passwd ["user"]“user”可以修改自己的口令, 系统将提示输入旧的口令, 然后可以输入新口令.admin可以修改user和factory的口令, 系统提示输入旧的口令.root可以修改admin, user和factory 的口令, 系统不提示输入旧口令.二、交换机常用命令ipAddrShow–显示交换机的IP设置swd77:admin> ipaddrshowEthernet IP Address: Subnetmask: Channel IP Address: noneFibre Channel Subnetmask: noneGateway IP Address: noneDHCP: OffipAddrSet–为交换机设置IP地址swd77:admin> ipaddrsetEthernet IP Address: Subnetmask: Channel IP Address: noneFibre Channel Subnetmask: noneGateway IP Address: Off显示和设置Switch 名字switchname “switchname” 1 – 15字符显示和设置Switch 日期和时间date“mmddHHMMyy”时钟同步V4.x/5.x/6.x支持交换机时钟和NTP服务器同步,指定NTP服务器的方法:tsClockServer“”显示和设置系统时区tstimezone [houroffset [, minuteoffset]]显示和设置Telnet Timeout时间timeout10 10分钟设置Quiet Modequietmode0|1 0 disable quitemode, 命令执行输出到屏幕,1 enable quitemode, 命令无输出.激活端口portenable [slotnumber/]portnumber禁用端口portdisable [slotnumber/]portnumber查看微码版本VersionFirmwareshow查看交换机的状态Switchstatusshow查看switch配置参数switch:admin> configshowRSCN.end-device.TransmissionMode:0alpaList:1boot.device:feiboot.file:/usr/switch/firmwareboot.gateway.ipa:……………修改switch 配置信息switchdisableconfigure(建议在修改参数前备份系统配置)三、备份与恢复配置1、备份2、恢复注意:config U ploadconfig D ownlaod 是大写的3、恢复出厂设置使用configDefault命令来恢复交换机的初始的参数(注意:必须先执行SwitchDisable命令)下列参数将保持不变(不受ConfigDeault所干涉)Switch NameWorld Wide NameEthernet MAC address, IP address, Subnet, Gateway 配置SNMP配置Zoning配置Licenses配置。



打开IE浏览器,在地址栏输入交换机的IP地址,回车进入之后,输入管理员用户名和密码登陆,缺省用户名:Admin,密码:password ,界面如下(图一)
2、点击ZONE ADMIN,进入图二界面:
3、选择第一个项Switch/Port Level Zon…,点击OK,进入界面如下(图三)
4、点击PORT ZONE进入端口ZONE设置,首先CREATE ZONE,输入ZONE名称,双击端口号追加到Members成员,追加完毕之后点击APPLY,一个zone创建完成。


5、点击port confige,进入图四:
6、点击Create Cfg,输入CFG名称,在FC MEMBERS中加入需要的zone,点击APPLY.



目录一、环境描述 (2)二、检查级联许可 (2)三、更改Domain ID (3)四、接线 (13)五、划分ZONE (14)5.1创建ZONE (14)5.2创建ZONECONFIG (14)5.3添加ZONE到ZONECONFIG (14)5.4保存配置 (14)5.5激活配置 (14)5.6查看配置 (15)六、常用命令 (15)一、环境描述两台Brocade光纤交换机(本地异地各一台),两台设备做级联并划分ZONE。

二、检查级联许可首先分别核查两台设备是都均具有级联License(Brocade 300系列自带级联许可)。



2、EF License,Extended Fabric 是实现远距离连接的授权,超过10Km就需要进行购买。

三、更改Domain ID光纤交换机默认Domain ID均为1,在做级联前需要将其中一台设备Domain ID 改为其他值(非1,否则将会冲突,连接后指示灯将慢速闪烁)。

1、通过管理端口登录到交换机管理页面;2、点击“Switch Admin”,如下图所示:3、准备更改Domain ID,按下图操作:4、更改Domain ID,按下图操作:四、配置远距离端口级联(超过10KM才需要配置)配置方法配置远距离连接的命令为portcfglongdistance,具体命令格式如下portcfglongdistance [slot/]port [distance_level] [vc_translation_link_init] [desired_distance]参数说明slot 为插槽号,可选port 为端口号distance_level 为距离的级别,根据距离的不同可以分为一下四种级别:vc_translation_link_init 参数1 为激活远距离连接的初始化,参数0 为不激活模式,默认参数为1。



Brocade和Cisco光纤交换机级联配置1.配置异构交换机平台协同工作模式Cisco 9120配置过程激活前8个端口switch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)#interface fc1/1-8switch(config-if)# no shutdown switch(config-if)# end配置交换机协同工作模式switch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)# vsan databaseswitch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 1 interopswitch(config-vsan-db)# end配置domain IDswitch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)# fcdomain domain 100 preferred vsan 1switch(config)# end激活VSANswitch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)# vsan databaseswitch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 1 suspendswitch(config-vsan-db)# no vsan 1 suspendswitch(config-vsan-db)# end察看修改之后的系统配置信息switch# show runningversion 2.0(2b)vsan databasevsan 1 interop 1fcdomain domain 100 preferred vsan 1fcdomain fcid persistent vsan 1boot kickstart bootflash:/m9100-s1ek9-kickstart-mz.2.0.2b.bin boot system bootflash:/m9100-s1ek9-mz.2.0.2b.binkernel core target core limit 1snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0xeec64ba2afbe9b65e13b23882ac6ae05 priv 0xeec64ba2afbe9b65e13b23882ac6ae05 localizedkeyusername admin password 5 $1$V3smTQpb$MTvub69DkVBxdCt9BsEDB1 role network-admin callhomeswitch-priority 7snmp-server enable traps licenseinterface mgmt0ip address fc1/1no shutdowninterface fc1/2no shutdowninterface fc1/3no shutdowninterface fc1/4no shutdowninterface fc1/5no shutdowninterface fc1/6no shutdowninterface fc1/7no shutdowninterface fc1/8no shutdowninterface fc1/9interface fc1/10interface fc1/11interface fc1/12interface fc1/13interface fc1/14interface fc1/15interface fc1/16interface fc1/17interface fc1/18interface fc1/19interface fc1/20switch#察看端口连接状态信息switch# show interface brief------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interface Vsan Admin Admin Status FCOT Oper Oper PortMode TrunkMode Speed ChannelMode(Gbps)------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fc1/1 1 auto on upswl F 2 --fc1/2 1 auto on upswl F 2 --fc1/3 1 auto on upswl E 2 --fc1/4 1 auto on notConnected swl-- --fc1/5 1 FX -- notConnected swl -- --fc1/6 1 FX -- notConnected swl -- --fc1/7 1 FX -- notConnected swl -- --fc1/8 1 FX -- notConnected swl -- --fc1/9 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/10 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/11 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/12 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/13 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/14 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/15 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/16 1 FX -- sfpAbsent ---- --fc1/18 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/19 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/20 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --刀片中心光纤交换机模块配置禁止交换机brocadessm:USERID> switchdisable修改Domain IDbrocadessm:USERID> configureConfigure...Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] yesDomain: (1..239) [1] 99R_A_TOV: (4000..120000) [10000]E_D_TOV: (1000..5000) [2000]WAN_TOV: (0..30000) [0]MAX_HOPS: (7..19) [7]Data field size: (256..2112) [2112]Sequence Level Switching: (0..1) [0]Disable Device Probing: (0..1) [0]Suppress Class F Traffic: (0..1) [0]Switch PID Format: (1..2) [1]Per-frame Route Priority: (0..1) [0]Long Distance Fabric: (0..1) [0]BB credit: (1..27) [16]Insistent Domain ID Mode (yes, y, no, n): [no]Virtual Channel parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]Zoning Operation parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]RSCN Transmission Mode (yes, y, no, n): [no]Arbitrated Loop parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]System services (yes, y, no, n): [no]Portlog events enable (yes, y, no, n): [no]ssl attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]http attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]snmp attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]rpcd attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]cfgload attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]webtools attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]WARNING: The domain ID will be changed. The port level zoning may be affectedbrocadessm:USERID> msPlMgmtDeactivateSwitch is in Offline state.修改协同工作模式brocadessm:USERID> interoper mode 1The switch effective configuration will be lost when the operating mode is changed; do you want to continue? (yes, y, no, n): [no] yInteropmode is enabledNote: It is recommended that you reboot this switch for the new change to take effect.重新引导交换机brocadessm:USERID> fastbootBroadcast message from root (pts/0) Tue Jun 13 10:07:45 2006... The system is going down for reboot NOW !! USERIDPassword:Please change your passwords now.Use Control-C to exit or press 'Enter' key to proceed.Password was not changed. Will prompt again at next loginuntil password is changed.brocadessm:USERID>激活交换机brocadessm:USERID> switchenable察看修改配置之后的交换机状态brocadessm:USERID> switchshowswitchName: brocadessmswitchType: 22.0switchState: OnlineswitchMode: InteropswitchRole: PrincipalswitchDomain: 99switchId: fffc63switchWwn: 10:00:00:05:1e:02:78:c6zoning: OFFswitchBeacon: OFFArea Port Media Speed State==============================0 0 id 2G No_Light1 1 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:042 2 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:363 3 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:7a4 4 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:b65 5 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:286 6 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f67 7 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f08 8 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:389 9 cu 2G No_Light10 10 cu 2G No_Light11 11 cu 2G No_Light12 12 cu 2G No_Light13 13 cu 2G No_Light14 14 cu 2G No_Light15 15 id 2G Online E-Port 20:01:00:0d:ec:06:b4:41 (downstream)2.划分zoneCisco 9120划分zone察看fabric连接设备port wwn 信息switch# show fcns database vsan 1VSAN 1:-------------------------------------------------------------------------- FCID TYPE PWWN (VENDOR) FC4-TYPE:FEATURE--------------------------------------------------------------------------0x630100 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:04scsi-fcp0x630200 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:36scsi-fcp0x630300 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:7ascsi-fcp0x630400 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:b6scsi-fcp0x630500 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:28scsi-fcp0x630600 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f6scsi-fcp0x630700 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f0scsi-fcp0x630800 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:38scsi-fcp0x640000 N 20:07:00:a0:b8:21:19:9f(SymBios) scsi-fcp:both0x640100 N 20:06:00:a0:b8:21:19:9f(SymBios) scsi-fcp:bothTotal number of entries = 10创建zone分别创建2个zone,前4个刀片服务器与DS4300 2个控制器组成的zone,第4到第8个刀片服务器与DS4300 2个控制器组成的zone。



博科 300光交换配置手册1.设备示意图2.配置准备Brocade交换机采用B/S架构,远程客户端通过交换机以太网管理端口实现对交换机的监控及配置。


3.设备配置修改客户端IP地址与交换机为同一子网10.77.77.100;打开浏览器输入http://按下回车后会弹出登陆对话框;户名:admin 密码:password备注:admin: 可以执行所有的命令并查看交换机状态和修改交换机的配置user: 执行Show命令来查看交换机的状态•改变密码以admin身份执行passwd命令会显示每个用户,可以依次修改他们的密码4.常用配置命令1)Tip: 可使用下面的命令来检查Fabric OS的版本sw:admin> version Kernel: 5.3.1 Fabric OS: v3.0.2cMade on: Thu Apr 19 12:02:15 PDT 2002 Flash: Thu Apr 19 12:04:03 PDT 2002 BootProm: T ue Apr 26 18:33:23 PST 20022)ipAddrShow –显示交换机的IP设置sw:admin> ipAddrShowEthernet IP Address: Ethernet Subnetmask: Fibre Channel IP Address: none Fibre Channel Subnetmask: none Gateway Address: • ipAddrSet3)为交换机设置IP地址sw:admin> ipAddrSetEthernet IP Address []: Ethernet Subnetmask []: Fibre Channel IP Address [none]: Fibre Channel Subnetmask [none]: Gateway Address []:Set IP address now? [y = set now, n = next reboot]: y • sw2:4)显示交换机配置admin> switchShowswitchName: sw2 switchType: 9.1 switchState: Online switchMode: Native switchRole: Subordinate switchDomain: 97 switchId: fffc61switchWwn: 10:00:00:60:69:04:23:03 switchBeacon: OFFport 0: id 2G No_Light port 1: id 2G No_Light port 2: id 2G No_Light port 3: id 2G No_Lightport 4: id 2G Online F-Port 10:00:00:00:c9:20:d0:99 port 5: id 2G No_Lightport 6: id N2 Online E-Port 10:00:00:60:69:50:3e:1b “sw2” (downstream)port 7: id 1G Online L-Port 8 Private, 2 phantom port 8: id 1G No_Light port 9: id N2 No_Light port 10: id 2G No_Lightport 11: id N1 Online port 12: id 2G No_Lightport 13: id 2G Online E-Port 10:00:00:60:69:50:02:73 “sw8" (upstream) (Trunk master)port 14: id N2 No_Light5)显示交换机运行状态admin> switchstatusshowSwitch Health Report Report time: 06/22/2015 07:53:50 AMSwitch Name: adminIP address: HEALTHYDuration: 00:05Power supplies monitor HEALTHYTemperatures monitor HEALTHYFans monitor HEALTHYFlash monitor HEALTHYMarginal ports monitor HEALTHYFaulty ports monitor HEALTHYMissing SFPs monitor HEALTHYFabric Watch is not licensedDetailed port information is not included6)显示交换机配置信息admin> cfgshowDefined configuration:cfg: cfg_1 a750l1_vtl12; b750l1_v7000; b750l2_v7000; b750l2_vtl12; ha1;vm1l_v7000; vm2l_v7000; vm3l_v7000; vtape; xenserver_a;xenserver_bzone: a750l1_vtl121,2; 1,20; 1,21; 1,22; 1,23zone: b750l1_v70001,0; 1,1; 1,2zone: b750l2_v70001,0; 1,1; 1,3zone: b750l2_vtl121,3; 1,20; 1,21; 1,22; 1,23zone: ha1 1,2; 1,3zone: vm1l_v70001,0; 1,1; 1,4zone: vm2l_v70001,0; 1,1; 1,5zone: vm3l_v70001,0; 1,1; 1,6zone: vtape 1,20; 1,21; 1,22; 1,23zone: xenserver_a1,0; 1,1; 1,8zone: xenserver_b1,0; 1,1; 1,77)备份交换机配置admin> configuplocadadmin> Protocol (scp or ftp):ftp (输入协议,如果你是FTP就输入FTP)admin> host: (FTP服务器地址:> user name: (用户名)admin> filename: 备份文件名称admin> password: 密码8)已有备份文件还原admin> switchdisable 停用交换机所有交换端口admin>configdownloadadmin>Protocol (scp or ftp):ftpadmin>Server Name or IP Address [host]:admin>User Name [user]:admin>File Name [config.txt]:config.txt.........admin>Do you want to continue [y/n]:yadmin>Password:admin>reboot9)划分zone定义:zone是当你有不同平台的主机连到SAN上时,用来隔离不同主机对磁盘阵列的存取,严格一点的,任何一台主机连到交换机访问任何一个存储设备都要作zone。



Brocade和Cisco光纤交换机级联配置Cisco 9120配置过程激活前8个端口switch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)#interface fc1/1-8switch(config-if)# no shutdown switch(config-if)# end配置交换机协同工作模式switch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)# vsan databaseswitch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 1 interopswitch(config-vsan-db)# end配置domain IDswitch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)# fcdomain domain 100 preferred vsan 1switch(config)# end激活VSANswitch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)# vsan databaseswitch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 1 suspendswitch(config-vsan-db)# no vsan 1 suspendswitch(config-vsan-db)# end察看修改之后的系统配置信息switch# show runningversion 2.0(2b)vsan databasevsan 1 interop 1fcdomain domain 100 preferred vsan 1fcdomain fcid persistent vsan 1boot kickstart bootflash:/m9100-s1ek9-kickstart-mz.nboot system bootflash:/m9100-s1ek9-mz.2.0.2b.binkernel core target core limit 1snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0xeec64ba2afbe9b65e13b23882ac6ae05 priv 0xeec64ba2afbe9b65e13b23882acinterface fc1/1no shutdowninterface fc1/2no shutdowninterface fc1/3no shutdowninterface fc1/4no shutdowninterface fc1/5no shutdowninterface fc1/6no shutdowninterface fc1/7no shutdowninterface fc1/8no shutdowninterface fc1/9interface fc1/10interface fc1/11interface fc1/12interface fc1/13interface fc1/14interface fc1/15interface fc1/16interface fc1/17interface fc1/18interface fc1/19interface fc1/20switch#察看端口连接状态信息switch# show interface brief-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interface Vsan Admin Admin Status FCOT Oper Oper PortMode Trunk Mode Speed ChannelMode (Gbps)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------fc1/1 1 auto on up swl F 2 --fc1/2 1 auto on up swl F 2 --fc1/3 1 auto on up swl E 2 --fc1/4 1 auto on notConnected swl -- -- fc1/5 1 FX -- notConnected swl -- -- fc1/6 1 FX -- notConnected swl -- -- fc1/7 1 FX -- notConnected swl -- -- fc1/8 1 FX -- notConnected swl -- -- fc1/9 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/10 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/11 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/12 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/13 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/14 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/15 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/16 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/18 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/19 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/20 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --刀片中心光纤交换机模块配置禁止交换机brocadessm:USERID> switchdisable修改Domain IDbrocadessm:USERID> configureConfigure...Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] yesDomain: (1..239) [1] 99R_A_TOV: (4000..120000) [10000]E_D_TOV: (1000..5000) [2000]WAN_TOV: (0..30000) [0]MAX_HOPS: (7..19) [7]Data field size: (256..2112) [2112]Sequence Level Switching: (0..1) [0]Disable Device Probing: (0..1) [0]Suppress Class F Traffic: (0..1) [0]Switch PID Format: (1..2) [1]Per-frame Route Priority: (0..1) [0]Long Distance Fabric: (0..1) [0]BB credit: (1..27) [16]Insistent Domain ID Mode (yes, y, no, n): [no]Virtual Channel parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]Zoning Operation parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]RSCN Transmission Mode (yes, y, no, n): [no]Arbitrated Loop parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]System services (yes, y, no, n): [no]Portlog events enable (yes, y, no, n): [no]ssl attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]http attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]snmp attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]rpcd attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]cfgload attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]webtools attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]WARNING: The domain ID will be changed. The port level zoning may be affectedbrocadessm:USERID> msPlMgmtDeactivateSwitch is in Offline state.修改协同工作模式brocadessm:USERID> interoper mode 1The switch effective configuration will be lost when the operating mode is changed; do you want to continue? (yes, y, no, n): [no] yInteropmode is enabledNote: It is recommended that you reboot this switch for the new change to take effect.重新引导交换机brocadessm:USERID> fastbootBroadcast message from root (pts/0) Tue Jun 13 10:07:45 2006... The system is going down for reboot NOW !! USERIDPassword:Please change your passwords now.Use Control-C to exit or press 'Enter' key to proceed.Password was not changed. Will prompt again at next loginuntil password is changed.brocadessm:USERID>激活交换机brocadessm:USERID> switchenable察看修改配置之后的交换机状态brocadessm:USERID> switchshowswitchName: brocadessmswitchType: 22.0switchState: OnlineswitchMode: InteropswitchRole: PrincipalswitchDomain: 99switchId: fffc63switchWwn: 10:00:00:05:1e:02:78:c6zoning: OFFswitchBeacon: OFFArea Port Media Speed State==============================0 0 id 2G No_Light1 1 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:042 2 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:363 3 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:7a4 4 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:b65 5 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:286 6 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f67 7 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f08 8 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:389 9 cu 2G No_Light10 10 cu 2G No_Light11 11 cu 2G No_Light12 12 cu 2G No_Light13 13 cu 2G No_Light14 14 cu 2G No_Light15 15 id 2G Online E-Port 20:01:00:0d:ec:06:b4:41 (downstream)2.划分zoneCisco 9120划分zone察看fabric连接设备port wwn 信息switch# show fcns database vsan 1VSAN 1:--------------------------------------------------------------------------FCID TYPE PWWN (VENDOR) FC4-TYPE:FEATURE --------------------------------------------------------------------------0x630100 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:04 scsi-fcp0x630200 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:36 scsi-fcp0x630300 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:7a scsi-fcp0x630400 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:b6 scsi-fcp0x630500 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:28 scsi-fcp0x630600 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f6 scsi-fcp0x630700 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f0 scsi-fcp0x630800 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:38 scsi-fcp0x640000 N 20:07:00:a0:b8:21:19:9f (SymBios) scsi-fcp:both0x640100 N 20:06:00:a0:b8:21:19:9f (SymBios) scsi-fcp:bothTotal number of entries = 10创建zone分别创建2个zone,前4个刀片服务器与DS4300 2个控制器组成的zone,第4到第8个刀片服务器与DS4300 2个控制器组成的zone。



博科光纤交换机300文档第一章、博科光纤交换机300介绍Brocade 300 交换机是8Gbit/sec 速率的光纤通道交换机,可按需配置8-16个端口,为中小型和新用户提供了经济实用的SAN 解决方案,也为现有的SAN 提供了良好的技术升级选择。

为了便于新建用户部署SAN,SilkWorm 200E 提供了EZSwitchSetup 简便安装向导,并增强了多项重要的使用和配置功能。

SilkWorm 200E 可自动感应1、2和4 Gbit/sec 的光纤通道数据吞吐能力,同时还包括了多项可大大增强交换机运行性能的新功能。

因此,用户能够以较低的成本,享受到高性能SAN 所带来的优势。

4 Gbit/sec 光纤通道交换机适合入门级SAN在整个Fabric 中实现高可用性•最短路径路由(FSPF) •单个FRU, 冗余冷却风扇经济实用的可扩展性能•"用多少买多少"的灵活性,可按需配置8、12或16个端口(4个端口为一个扩展单元)•与SilkWorm 全系列交换机和导向器前后兼容高速、可靠的 4 Gbit/sec 性能•1、2和4 Gbit/sec (全双工) 性能支持最大128 Gbit/sec 的无阻塞吞吐能力•1、2和4 Gbit/sec 自动感应和速度匹配简化部署和管理•Brocade EZSwitchSetup 安装向导将SAN 部署简化为3个步骤•高级Fabric 服务,改进业务运营•每个端口统计数据,加快问题诊断和排除•支持通过WWN 进行由硬件执行的分区•基于SNMP v3 的界面•通过SSH (Secure Shell) 提供安全的Telnet 访问•Brocade Web 工具简化SAN 管理为多种SAN 环境提供最佳价值•为动态的SAN 环境提供完整的前后兼容性•支持异构环境: Windows 2000、Windows NT、UNIX、Linux、HPUX 和SolarisSAN 标准符合-- 软件Brocade 产品在广泛接受的工程实践和流程的基础上,符合SAN 的标准。



BROCADE博科光纤交换机的设置博科BROCADE交换机的设置博科登录管理模块➢IE: admin/password从Web 的Switch View中点Admin button输入user=admin pass=password。

Configuring IPClick the Network tab在配置IP同时,可配置Syslog的IP,用于记录系统的Log(Max支持6个IP记录系统Log)Firmware Download1.Click the Firmware tab.2.Click the Firmware Download radio button.3.Type the host IP address, user name, password, and fullyqualified path to the file name.Configuring a Switch1.Click the Swicth Table2.Switches can be identified by IP address, domain ID, WorldWide Name (WWN), 或通过命名来确定3.domain IDs一般是系统自动分配,但也可人工说明4.在这里可打印系统的配置信息View ReportRebooting the Switch1.Click the Firmware tab2.Click the Fastboot radio button.Configuring Ports(给Port 命名)1.可给每个Ports命名2.可给每个Ports端口设置Speed3.可设置Ports的Enable/Disable4.+Port(通过购买license)+SPFa)Install the Brocade Ports on Demand licensed product.b)+License Keyc)Enable the ports5.可改变Port口的距离(Long Distance)1)Click the Extended Fabric tab.1.在Configure中2.输入Host IP User Name File Name和Password后Apply下载到指定的Server上3.配置文件也可上传Config DownLoad To Switch(相同配置一次,下载后上传就可)下载traceDumpTrace TableZone1.为了方便管理和区分WinZone,UnixZone,将应用分为不同的Zone进行管理(将应用主机HBA卡和存贮的Port口绑在一起,以应用起名Alias)2.一个Alias下放一个应用主机HBA卡联接的Switch上的Port+存贮的一个Port构成一个Zone)Selecting the Zoning Method一般选择Port Zone类型,就是按Port划Zone +Zone➢给新命名的Zone+Add Member(+Port),到命名的Zone中(一般Min是两个Port,一个是存贮的,一个是主机的)➢这样不继的+Zone,到+完为止Create Config并将ZONE加入到CONFIG中把所有的Zone+到一个Config中,启动这个Config就完成了➢将Zone Member + 到这个Config中Save & Enable这CONFIGSwitch级联Enabling Long Distance Fabric Mode➢需要这个Brocade ExtendedFabrics licensese➢这是针对Port设置Long Distance(当然要有相应的License Key)级联1.修改两个交换机的IP和名字2.把两个交换机的域名改为不同。



BROCADE博科光纤交换机配置文档博科Brocade 交换机配置与交换机交互,可以使用三种方式:串口以太网口光纤口缺省的串口参数是:9600,N,8,1缺省IP访问方式是:IP地址:用户名:admin密码:password时区:Pacific time交换机名称:switch可使用ipAddrSet命令来重新设置交换机的IP地址。




对于Fabric OS v4.1,SSH v2可以被使用。

如果Brocade Secure Fabric OS被设置有效,CLI 接口必须是Brocade Secure Telnet.Brocade API v2.1提供给用户扩展访问到交换机的方法;可以轻松的整合Brocade SAN Fabric的智能到已经存在的管理应用中,或者快速的开发用户SAN的特殊功能。

该工具包可以通过Brocade Connect 站点获得。

Brocade Fabric Manager v4.0 是一个实时管理多台Brocade 光纤交换机的很好的一个工具,它提供了有效的配置、监控、动态资源分配管理。

Brocade Web Tool是一个直观简单的管理小型SAN网络的管理工具。

运行支持JRE的Web Browser上。

Brocade 提供基于SNMP的MIBs用来在交换机上读和配置公共设置。

串口管理:一条串口连接电缆DB9 (female-to-female)使用超级终端或UNIX终端Windows: Hyper T erminalUNIX: tip◆Microsoft Windows? 环境之中–传输速率: 9600bit/sec–数据位: 8–校验位: None–停止位: 1–流控制: None◆UNIX? 环境下, 输入以下命令# tip /dev/ttyb –9600◆安装步骤1. 通过串口线将两者进行连接2. 确保交换机已经加电3. 通过ipAddrSet命令设置IP地址(注意: 命令是大小写敏感,但是全大写或全小写也可。


Version:Βιβλιοθήκη 看firmware版本Sfpshow查看sfp状态
Licenseshow, licenseadd, licenseremove, license的添加,查看,删除命令
configupload和configdownload,可以将配置文件上传或下载.支持ftp scp和local
Configure,以菜单的形式对交换机进行配置.这个命令需要先使用switchdisable命令将交换暂停使用.第一个选项Fabric parameters如选yes.那么我们可以进入他的子选项去更改domain ID.
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Cisco与Brocade光纤交换机级联配置文档Cisco 9120交换机用户名:admin密码:bsczzf912o(o为字母o)1.配置异构交换机平台协同工作模式Cisco 9120配置过程激活前8个端口switch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.switch(config)#interface fc1/1-8switch(config-if)# no shutdownswitch(config-if)# end配置交换机协同工作模式switch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.switch(config)# vsan databaseswitch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 1 interopswitch(config-vsan-db)# end配置domain IDswitch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.switch(config)# fcdomain domain 100 preferred vsan 1switch(config)# end激活VSANswitch# config tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.switch(config)# vsan databaseswitch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 1 suspendswitch(config-vsan-db)# no vsan 1 suspendswitch(config-vsan-db)# end察看修改之后的系统配置信息switch# show runningversion 2.0(2b)vsan databasevsan 1 interop 1fcdomain domain 100 preferred vsan 1fcdomain fcid persistent vsan 1boot kickstart bootflash:/m9100-s1ek9-kickstart-mz.2.0.2b.binboot system bootflash:/m9100-s1ek9-mz.2.0.2b.binkernel core target core limit 1snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0xeec64ba2afbe9b65e13b23882ac6ae05priv 0xeec64ba2afbe9b65e13b23882ac6ae05 localizedkeyusername admin password 5 $1$V3smTQpb$MTvub69DkVBxdCt9BsEDB1 role network-admincallhomeswitch-priority 7snmp-server enable traps licenseinterface mgmt0ip address fc1/1no shutdowninterface fc1/2no shutdowninterface fc1/3no shutdowninterface fc1/4no shutdowninterface fc1/5no shutdowninterface fc1/6no shutdowninterface fc1/7no shutdowninterface fc1/8no shutdowninterface fc1/9interface fc1/10interface fc1/11interface fc1/12interface fc1/13interface fc1/14interface fc1/15interface fc1/16interface fc1/17interface fc1/18interface fc1/19interface fc1/20switch#察看端口连接状态信息switch# show interface brief-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interface Vsan Admin Admin Status FCOT Oper Oper PortMode Trunk Mode Speed ChannelMode (Gbps)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------fc1/1 1 auto on up swl F 2 --fc1/2 1 auto on up swl F 2 --fc1/3 1 auto on up swl E 2 --fc1/4 1 auto on notConnected swl -- --fc1/5 1 FX -- notConnected swl -- --fc1/6 1 FX -- notConnected swl -- --fc1/7 1 FX -- notConnected swl -- --fc1/8 1 FX -- notConnected swl -- --fc1/9 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/10 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/11 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/12 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/13 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/14 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/15 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/16 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/18 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/19 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --fc1/20 1 FX -- sfpAbsent -- -- --刀片中心光纤交换机模块配置(brocade)禁止交换机brocadessm:USERID> switchdisable修改Domain IDbrocadessm:USERID> configureConfigure...Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] yesDomain: (1..239) [1] 99R_A_TOV: (4000..120000) [10000]E_D_TOV: (1000..5000) [2000]W AN_TOV: (0..30000) [0]MAX_HOPS: (7..19) [7]Data field size: (256..2112) [2112]Sequence Level Switching: (0..1) [0]Disable Device Probing: (0..1) [0]Suppress Class F Traffic: (0..1) [0]Switch PID Format: (1..2) [1]Per-frame Route Priority: (0..1) [0]Long Distance Fabric: (0..1) [0]BB credit: (1..27) [16]Insistent Domain ID Mode (yes, y, no, n): [no]Virtual Channel parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]Zoning Operation parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]RSCN Transmission Mode (yes, y, no, n): [no]Arbitrated Loop parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no]System services (yes, y, no, n): [no]Portlog events enable (yes, y, no, n): [no]ssl attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]http attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]snmp attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]rpcd attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]cfgload attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]webtools attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no]WARNING: The domain ID will be changed. The port level zoning may be affectedbrocadessm:USERID> msPlMgmtDeactivateSwitch is in Offline state.修改协同工作模式brocadessm:USERID> interoper mode 1The switch effective configuration will be lost when the operating mode is changed; do you want to continue? (yes, y, no, n): [no] yInteropmode is enabledNote: It is recommended that you reboot this switch for the new change to take effect.重新引导交换机brocadessm:USERID> fastbootBroadcast message from root (pts/0) Tue Jun 13 10:07:45 2006...The system is going down for reboot NOW !!USERIDPassword:Please change your passwords now.Use Control-C to exit or press 'Enter' key to proceed.Password was not changed. Will prompt again at next loginuntil password is changed.brocadessm:USERID>激活交换机brocadessm:USERID> switchenable察看修改配置之后的交换机状态brocadessm:USERID> switchshowswitchName: brocadessmswitchType: 22.0switchState: OnlineswitchMode: InteropswitchRole: PrincipalswitchDomain: 99switchId: fffc63switchWwn: 10:00:00:05:1e:02:78:c6zoning: OFFswitchBeacon: OFFArea Port Media Speed State==============================0 0 id 2G No_Light1 1 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:042 2 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:363 3 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:7a4 4 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:b65 5 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:286 6 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f67 7 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f08 8 cu 2G Online F-Port 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:389 9 cu 2G No_Light10 10 cu 2G No_Light11 11 cu 2G No_Light12 12 cu 2G No_Light13 13 cu 2G No_Light14 14 cu 2G No_Light15 15 id 2G Online E-Port 20:01:00:0d:ec:06:b4:41 (downstream)2.划分zoneCisco 9120划分zone察看fabric连接设备port wwn 信息switch# show fcns database vsan 1VSAN 1:--------------------------------------------------------------------------FCID TYPE PWWN (VENDOR) FC4-TYPE:FEATURE--------------------------------------------------------------------------0x630100 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:04 scsi-fcp0x630200 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:36 scsi-fcp0x630300 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:7a scsi-fcp0x630400 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:b6 scsi-fcp0x630500 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:28 scsi-fcp0x630600 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f6 scsi-fcp0x630700 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:aa:f0 scsi-fcp0x630800 N 21:00:00:14:5e:24:a9:38 scsi-fcp0x640000 N 20:07:00:a0:b8:21:19:9f (SymBios) scsi-fcp:both0x640100 N 20:06:00:a0:b8:21:19:9f (SymBios) scsi-fcp:bothTotal number of entries = 10创建zone分别创建2个zone,前4个刀片服务器与DS4300 2个控制器组成的zone,第4到第8个刀片服务器与DS4300 2个控制器组成的zone。
