


使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳 转到相应章节内容,方便使用。
Section A 1Leabharlann -1c➢ Objectives
To learn how to ask for information politely. To learn to follow directions. To learn the words:restroom, stamp, beside...
The girl wants to buy somes_ta_m__p_s . She asks the boy how to _g_et___ _t_h_e_re__. She can _g_o____ _p_a_s_t _ the bank and then _t_u_rn____ _r_ig_h_t__. The post office is on ther_ig_h_t___, next to the l_ib_r_a_r_y__.
unit 3
Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?
Section A 1a-1c
Section A 2a-2d
Section A 3a-3b Section A Grammar
Section B 1a-1e Section B 2a-2d Section B 3a-Self
1a Where can you do the things below? Match each thing with a place in the picture. Many different answers are possible.



5. 书店(n. )
6. 仓促; 急促(v. ) 3. 在旁边; 在附近
______________ 2. 请再说一遍; 抱歉; 对不起 5. bookstore 6. rush 4. stamp
答案: 1. (美)洗手间; 公共厕所
Ⅱ. 短语连线 1. get a dictionary 2. buy some stamps 3. go along 4. go past A. 朝左拐 B. 路过; 经过 C. 沿着 D. 买邮票
2. I______if you can go to the movies with us this Sunday.
3. —______. Could you please tell me how I can get to the
library? —______. Just go straight and then turn left. You’ll find it on the right. A. Sorry; Sure B. Excuse me; It doesn’t matter
D. I joined in the group-buying
② (2013· 菏泽中考 ) — Sir, could you please put out your
cigarette? This is a smoke-free(无烟的)school.
—____ A. I’m sorry about this. C. Sure, I’d love to. B. No problem. D. Never mind.
答案: wonder when; closes
Could you please tell me where the

人教版九年级上学期英语课件: Unit3(共23张PPT)

人教版九年级上学期英语课件: Unit3(共23张PPT)
九年级上册——英语 听课手册
九年级上册Unit 3
Section A 高频考点精讲 1.The bookstore is on your right, beside the bank. 书店 在你的右边,银行旁边。 (1)辨析beside, besides与except beside prep “在……旁边”。如: You can sit beside me. 你可以坐我旁边。
九年级上册Unit 3
besides “除……之外(包含在内)”。如: There are another three students besides me. 除 我之外还有其他的三个学生。 except prep. “除了……之外(不包括在内)”。 如: I like all kinds of fruit except apples. 除了苹果,所 有的水果我都喜欢。 (2)辨析by, beside, near, next to与close to 上。
九年级上册Unit 3
①by和beside均表示“在……旁边”,常可互换。 如: Come and sit beside/by me. 过来,坐在我边 ②near表示“在……附近”,表示的距离比by和 beside稍远些。如: Don’t play near the road. 不要在马路附近玩耍。 There is a post office near the bank. 银行附近有一 所邮局。
解析:本题考查现在完成时态。从句中for almost 3 years 可知,横线处的谓语动词需要用延续性动词或表 某种状态存在的词,且时态采用现在完成时。
九年级上册Unit 3
3.You don’t need to rush! 不用急! need的用法 need后加to do 说明need为实义动词,用助动词提问 或否定;need后加doing表被动意义;若need后加 do,则need为情态动词,用need提问,肯定回答用 must,否定回答用needn’t。如:


板件表面有旧漆层、旧防腐材料等需要清理,最好使用清除。A.钢丝刷打磨B.砂轮打磨C.喷砂处理 下列关于医学心理学的表述不正确的是A.是一门交叉学科B.是医学的分支学科C.以维护和促进人类整体健康为目的D.以人作为主要研究和服务对象E.研究医学领域中的心理学问题 膀胱结石典型的临床症状是A.尿频、尿急B.排尿困难C.血尿D.排尿突然中断E.尿痛 仅适用于空气和物品表面灭菌的方法是A.辐射灭菌法B.紫外线灭菌C.75%乙醇灭菌D.苯酚溶液灭菌E.干热空气灭菌 划分计算机发展四个时代的主要依据是A、价格B、体积C、存储容量D、电子元器件 ()是衡量一个测验正确性的重要指标,即一个测验能够测量出所要测量的东西的程度。A.信度B.效度C.难度D.区分度 在未来的社会中,教育的阶级性将随着阶级的消灭而A.呈现超阶级性B.交替出现C.不变D.消灭 下列哪块肌肉参与大腿后伸A.股四头肌B.长收肌C.大收肌D.梨状肌E.臀大肌 天王补心丹君药为()A.酸枣仁B.生地黄C.丹参D.当归身E.天门冬 按国有资产用途分类,可以将国有资产分为:A.企业国有资产B.行政事业单位国有资产C.资源性国有资产D.其他国有资产 患者因中龋一次银汞充填后冷热刺激痛,无自发痛。查:充填物完好,叩(-)冷热测正常牙面时无痛,但测充填体处痛。最可能的原因是()A.备洞时刺激牙髓B.充填时未垫底C.流电作用D.充填体悬突E.充填体高点 检验臭的水样,应采集在(容器)中,并尽快分析。如需保存,至少应采集500ml水于容器中并充满,在度下冷藏,并确保不得有外来气味进入水中。 下列哪一种胆汁酸是初级胆汁酸A.甘氨石胆酸B.甘氨胆酸C.牛磺石胆酸D.牛磺脱氧胆酸E.甘氨脱氧胆酸 提高自身道德素质的途径是A.通过内心信念B.通过自我道德教育C.通过自我道德修养D.通过自我道德评价E.以上都是 关于斗谱排列原则说法错误的是A.常用饮片应放在斗架的中上层B.质地较轻且用量较少的饮片应放在斗架的高层C.矿石类、化石类和贝壳类应放在斗架的低层D.炭药类应放在斗架的高层E.质地松泡且用量大的饮片应放在斗架最下层的大药斗内 (2009)图示电路中,电流I1和电流I2分别为:A.2.5A和1.5AB.1A和0AC.2.5A和0AD.1A和1.5A 以下不属于心理学研究领域的是A.实验心理学和认知心理学B.发展心理学和教育心理学C.工程心理学D.生理和神经科学E.认知神经科学 甲类传染病A.霍乱B.麻风病C.艾滋病D.流行性腮腺炎E.天花 在使用辅助检查时,哪一项是不适宜的A.严格地掌握适应证B.应该广泛地依赖辅助检查C.有利于提高医生认识疾病的能力D.应从患者的利益出发决定做什么项目E.结合临床应用辅助检查手段 对疑似流脑患者留取标本进行病原学检查,错误的是A.使用抗生素之前采集标本B.立即送检,因为脑膜炎球菌在体外极易自溶C.血培养阳性率高于皮肤淤点涂片或脑脊液涂片D.培养阳性一般要进行菌株分型和药敏试验E.脑膜炎球菌可从带菌者鼻咽、患者血液、脑脊液及皮肤淤点、淤斑中获得 下列哪些措施可提高电力系统的暂态稳定水平?A.采用紧凑型输电线路B.快速切除故障和应用自动重合闸装置C.发电机快速强行励磁D.装设电力系统稳定器(PSS) 深Ⅱ度烧伤创面处理不正确的是。A.1:2000氯己定清洗创面,去除异物B.去除水泡皮C.油质纱布包扎创面D.面部创面不包扎E.创面使用抗生素预防全身感染 C125M×3-2RH离心式压缩机油温高报警值,联锁值。 试述ARDS的治疗原则。 某病房总人数是50人,一级护理10人,二级护理20人,三级护理20人。经测定,各级护理的病人在一日内需要的平均护理时数是一级护理5.5小时,二级护理3.5小时,三级护理2.5小时。每位病人一日内得到的间接护理时数是30分钟。病房每日护理时数的总和是A.210.5小时B.200.0小时C.175.5小 下列项不属于土地登记代理人的义务。A.按照委托人指示处理代理事务B.维护委托人的权益C.及时告知代理事务进展D.承担代理后果 水土保持是指什么? 男,56岁。1年来尿频、尿急、尿痛,有时尿浑浊,伴终末血尿,一般抗生素治疗无效。尿检:白细胞40~50个,红细胞20~30个/HP,最适宜的检查方法是下列哪一项A.同位素肾图B.IVU及尿结核菌检查C.B超D.膀胱镜检E.CT 民用爆炸物品生产企业凭《民用爆炸物品生产许可证》,销售本企业生产的民用爆炸物品。A、可以B、不可以C、需当地公安部门审批 胎儿娩出后4分钟,产妇出现大量阴道流血,最可能的原因是A.胎盘植入B.宫颈裂伤C.子宫收缩乏力D.胎盘部分剥离E.凝血功能障碍 [问答题,案例分析题]佳通公司主要从事电子产品的生产和销售,其销售收入主要来源于国内销售和国际销售。中天会计师事务所负责佳通公司2014年度财务报表审计,并委派注册会计师李海担任项目合伙人。资料一(1)佳通公司的收入确认政策为:对于国内销售,在将产品交付客户并取得客户 用电检查工作贯穿于为电力客户服务的,同时,也担负着维护供电企业合法权益的任务。A.售前服务B.全过程C.售后服务D.部分过程 预后最差的肺癌是A.鳞形细胞癌B.小细胞癌C.腺癌D.大细胞癌E.细支气管肺泡癌 钩蚴可引起_____和______症状,钩虫成虫可引起_____、______、______为主的表现,严重者可致_____和_____。 煤矿设计由具有相应资质的设计单位编制。A、必须B、相应C、不得



14. go shopping(去购物), go fishing(去钓鱼), go swimming(去游泳), go boating(去划船), go hiking(去登山), go trekking(去徒步) 15. be strict with sb. 对某人严厉 如: Mother is strict with her son. 妈妈对她的儿子 很严厉。 16. take the test 参加考试 pass the test 通过考试 fail a test 考试失败 17. the other day 前几天 18. agree 同意 反义词 disagree不同意 动词 agreement 同意 反义词 disagreement 不同意 名词
24.be good for …
25.keep sb. happy
26.a real mess 一团乱麻 27. have an opportunity to do sth .== have a chance of doing sth 有做…的机会 28.at least 至少 29.perform a play 表演节目 30.volunteer at the newspaper office 在报社做自愿者工作 31.be sleepy 困倦的 32.in the newsletter 在简报里 33.make my own decisions /make decisions for myself 自己做决定 34.get in the way of… 妨碍… 35.on the school running team 在学校的赛跑队里 36.achieve one’s dreams 实现某人的梦想

人教版九年级英语 Unit 3 复习课件 (共15张PPT).

人教版九年级英语 Unit 3 复习课件 (共15张PPT).

8. On their way to Water City Restaurant, Alice and He Wei pass by Uncle Bob`s
8.1 pass by, “经过,走过”= walk by 他看见警察走过。 He saw the police pass by.
9. The restaurant is always busy at that time, so come a little earlier to get a table.
D. if
3. The bookstore is on your right, beside the bank. 3.1 beside, prep. “在…附近;在…旁边”
on the right of on the left of across from between…and
在…右边 在…左边 在…对面 在…之间
B. to; in
C. on; to
Some people won`t realize the importance of their friendship _______
they lose it.
A. After
B. when
C. until
D. as
----Does anybody want to share ________ on Father`s Day? ----I bought a tie for my father. He loves it. A. what you did B. where you went C. when you shopped
9.1 a little earlier, “早一点儿”, a little 用来修饰比较级,起强调作用。 a little, much , even, rather, far等



使某人快乐 开办英语俱乐部 英英字典 英汉字典
31.basketball practice 32.a real mess 有做…的机会
篮球练习 一团乱麻
33. have an opportunity to do sth .== have a chance of doing sth
34.at least
7. need 需要
1) 情态动词:后接动词原形 2)实义动词 ① sb need to do sth 某人需要做某事 e.g. Yong people need to sleep ② sth need doing = sth need to be done 某物需要 被…… e.g. The bike needs repairing. = The bike needs to be repaired. 这辆自行车需要修理。
13.have an opportunity to do sth. / have a chance to do sth have an opportunity of doing sth / have a chance of doing sth. 有机会做某事 如:I have an opportunity to go to Beijing. I have a chance of going to Beijing.
5. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 e.g. 请停止说话。 stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事 e.g. 请停下来说话。 stop sb from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事。 e.g. 没人能阻止我去那儿。
can’t stop doing sth. 忍不住做某事 e.g. 他忍不住哭了。


mother. • n. [u] 邮件;信件 • junk mail • There isn’t much mail today.
• 19. east • adj. 东方的;东部的 • an east wind / window • They live on the east coast. • adv. 向东;朝东 • You go east along this street. • The house faces east. • The wind was blowing east. • n. [sing. , u] 东;东方 • The sun rises in the east. • China is in the east of Asia.
• 10. request • n. [c] 要求;请求
• make polite requests • make a request for help 请求帮助 • V. (向某人)要求、请求某事
• Passengers are requested not to smoke on this bus. 乘客请勿在本车内吸烟。
• It’s very convenient to go there by bus.
• A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns. 在城镇骑车比开车更方便。
• Jenny’s Clothes Store is very convenient to get to.
disabled disbelieve • unlike unable uncrowded unhappy
unhealthy unlucky unluckily unusual unknown unfair uncomfortable unfriendly • homeless useless careless endless

人教版九年级英语 Unit 3 复习课件(共53张ppt)

人教版九年级英语 Unit 3 复习课件(共53张ppt)

晚于;从……旁边 经过 从……上方跨过 横穿;越过
through 穿过;越过
The man walked _____a shop. 这个人走过一家商店。 There is a bridge ______the river. 河上面有座桥。 The little boy is walking ______the road. 这个小男孩正在步行穿过马路。 He can go ______the forest by himself. 他能独自穿过森林。
past 经过
past over across
across 横穿 through穿过
表示时间上“在……之后”或 空间上“经过” 表示空间范围上“越过” 表示动作是在某一物体表面进 行的,强调从一端到另一端 表示动作是在某一空间内进行 的,强调从内部穿过
polite + -ly politely (adj. 有礼貌的) (adv. 有礼貌地)
impolite (adj. 无礼的)
+ -ly
impolitely (adv. 无礼地)
like喜欢 — dislike 不喜欢; honest --- dishonest 不诚实的 agree 同意—disagree 不同意。
1. You will be_____________ (able) to pass the exam if you don’t study hard. 2. There are lots of ________ (common) kinds of birds in Zhalong. Many people like to go birdwatching there. 3. It is ___________ (necessary) for you to walk the little dog once a week to the park. 4. It is ___________ (important) to keep quiet when you watch the birds and insects. 5. He feels _________(happy) because he lost his wallet. 6. There is a ________ (regular) rain in Sahara desert every year. 7. Is it __________(possible) to get to the city by train? 8. Some people are ___________ ( friendly) to birds. They throw stones to them. 9. Don't get _________(patient) about your personal trouble. 10. It’s so ___________(fair)! Mary gets more money for less work. 11. We should keep students staying away from the ________ (healthy) books. 12. This girl is so __________(care) that she often makes mistakes in her homework. 13. If someone does not show good manners to others, he is ____________(polite). 14. Jim never tells lies and he is an ___________ (honest) boy. 15. it’s not easy for those superstars to face ___________(无穷无尽的)interviews and doubts.

人教版九年级英语上册Unit 3 单元课件(完整版)

人教版九年级英语上册Unit 3 单元课件(完整版)

Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me where…is/are? Excuse me. Do you know where/how…? Excuse me. Which is the way to…, please? Excuse me. Where is …, please? Excuse me. Is there a/an…near here?
Could you please tell me where we can …?
Where can we …? get some magazines Could you please tell me where we can …?
book store
1a Where can you do the things below? Match each thing with a place in the picture. Many different answers are possible.
• get some money __b____ • get some information about
1b Listen and complete the conversations in the picture in 1a.
➢ Keys:
buy some stamps post office Center Street get a dictionary bookstore Main Street

Unit 3 Section A-九年级单元复习精选课件(人教版)

Unit 3 Section A-九年级单元复习精选课件(人教版)

A. joined B. joins C. join D. to join
2. Tom _____ going to the park this Sunday.
A. hoped
B. decided
C. suggested D. planned
Read the last two parts and fill in the chart.
_U__n_c_le__B_o_b_’_s looks interesting.
_A__r_o_c_k_b_a_n_k__p_la_y_s_ here every evening.
They should come _e_a_r_li_e_r_ to get a table.
4. He suggested (that) we (should) go at once.
He sugested I not be late again. suggest + (that)从句 从句结构:主语 + (should) + 动词原形
1. I suggested that she ____ the English club.
get some money ___b___ get some information about the town ______ get some magazines _____ buy a newspaper ______ have dinner ______ buy some stamps ______ get a dictionary _____ get a pair of shoes ____
B: Sure, just go along Main Street until you pass Center Street. The bookstore is on your right, beside the bank.

人教英语九年级全册 Unit3 Revision (共28张PPT)

人教英语九年级全册 Unit3 Revision (共28张PPT)

Could you give me some suggestions ?
(2 points )
The teacher asked the students _____. A. why the earth went around the sun B. why does the earth go around the sun C. why the earth goes around the sun D. why does the earth goes around the sun
that shop. The shoes were beautiful. The
owner was kind.
Object Clause宾语从句
Do you know why the owner told me the way? Because I asked the way politely. Do you know how I asked the way politely?
(3 points)
Twinkle, twinkle, little star H_o__w___I_w__o__n_d__e_r__w__h_a__t_y__ou are
(4 points)
Did you know ________________? A. who he was looking after B. who was he looking for C. who he is looking for D. who he is looking after
shop, and asked the owner for help. The
owner spoke too quickly to catch the meaning. I said “ Pardon me ”. She



3. Do you know when this shopping center closes tonight? I’m not sure, but you can ask for information over there.
Make conversations about the other places in the pictures in 2a.
the order you hear them.
___ Go to the bird floor. __2_ Turn left. __1_ Go to the second floor. ___ Turn right. _4__ The supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore. _3__ Go past the bookstore.
the information in 1a. Then talk about your town/ city.
Excuse me, c_o_u_l_d__y_o_u_____ p__le_a_s_e_t_e_ll_m__e__ h__o_w__to__g_e_t _to the bookstore?
e.g. I did not study English until 9 o’clock last night.
3. Go past the bookstore. 辨析pass & past
仔细观察下列例句,然后补全结论部分所缺 的内容。 【例句】
1) Tom passed the park and went home. 2) You can’t pass. Stop where you are. 3) I often pass / walk past his house.


Unit 3
Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?
一.知识目标: 1. 识记单词:restroom bookstore bank mall post office supermarket depatrment store restaurant library 2.识记并能正确运用短语:get some money get some magazines
Language points
1.Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore? 打扰一下,你能告诉我怎样到达书店吗?
I believe :
▪If you are polite , I’m politeautiful!
1.Draw a map of the road from your home to school. 2. Make a conversation about asking the way. report it in class tomorrow.
Rewrite them in a different way: Excuse me. Do you know where the bookstore is? Excuse me. I wonder if there is a bookstore. Excuse me. I want to know how I can get to the hospital.
问(could you please tell me where the…is/are?);并能给他人 正确的指路。 三.情感目标:正确使用礼貌用语是与他人有效沟通的桥梁。
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• 6. sb. suggest+ 从句
• The clerk suggests they go to the... museum.工作人员建议他们去……博物馆。
1. 打扰了,你知道我能在哪买到一些药? Excuse me, do you know where __I__ _c_a_n__ buy some medicine?
1. Excuse me, can you tell me where the railway station is? 打扰一下,请问火车站在哪儿?
2. Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the train station? 劳驾,请问去火车站怎么走?
5. He asked me __C___ told me the accident. A. whom B. which C. who
6. She asked me if I knew __B____. A. whose pen is it B. whose pen it was C. whose pen it is D. whose pen was it
语序 无论主句是陈述句还是疑问句, 也 无论主从句间是什么引导词, 宾语从 句一律用陈述语序, 即“引导词 + 主 语 + 谓语 + 其他”。如: Could you tell me where Wei Fang lives?
时态 1. 如果主句是一般现在时或一般将来时,
宾语从句的时态不受限制, 可根据实际 表达的需要来确定。如:
Jenny knows the man was flying a kite at that time. You will understand why I did it one day. 总有一天你会明白我为什么那样做。
2. 如果主句是一般过去时, 宾语从句用 过去时态的某种形式。如:
I thought he had gone to town that day. 我以为他那天进城去了。
单元复习课 Unit 3
Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?
• 一、重点短语 • 1. turn left 向左转 • 2. get a pair of shoes 买一双鞋子 • 3. on one’ s right 在某人的右边 • 4. go along Main Street 沿着主大街走 • 5. have dinner 吃饭 • 6. go to the third floor 去三楼 • 7. go past the bookstore 走过书店 • 8. a room for resting 休息室 • 9. be special about.. . 有……独特之处 • 10. pardon me 请再说一次
• 2. It seems (that)…
• It seems a rock band plays there every evening.那里好像每天晚上都有乐队演奏。
• 3___ do you know...
• Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine?打扰了,请问哪里能买到 药?
8. 你应该试试那个新的乘骑设施。 You should try that new ride over there.
上一个单元我们已经学习了由that和 whether, if引导的宾语从句。这个单元我 们继续学习由疑问词引导的宾语从句。 疑问词:疑问代词(what、whom、who、 whose、which)疑问副词(when、where、 why、how)。
5. Excuse me, would you mind telling me the way to the police station? 劳驾,请告诉我去警察局怎么走好吗?
6. Excuse me, how can I get to No. 1 Middle School? 劳驾,请问去一中怎么走?
3. Excuse me, could you tell me which is the way to the nearest hospital? 劳驾,请问去最近的医院怎么走?
4. Excuse me, would you please show me the way to the post office? 请告诉我去邮局怎么走好吗?
7. Excuse me, is this the right way to the People’s Park? 打扰了,请问去人民公园走这条路对吗?
8. Excuse me. Could you tell me if there is a Qiaotou Middle School near here? 打扰了,请问桥头中学是否在这附近?
• 23. park one’ s car 停车 • 24. an underground parking lot地下停车库 • 25. change money 换钱 • 26. the way to... 去.......的路
• 27. travel to…. • 28. thank sb. for doing sth. 为…感谢某人 • 29. look forward to….期盼…… • 30 meet sb. for the first time 第一次见到某
2. Go down this way, and turn left at the first crossing, and you’ll find … is right there, on your left.
3. … is behind (near, next to, on the left of) …

• 31in a rush to do sth. 仓促地做某事 • 32. be convenient to do sth. 做某事很方便
• 二、重点句型
• 1. not…until… • You never know until you try something.凡
2. 当然,顺着这条街有个超市。 Sure. There’s a supermarket down the street.
3. 请你告诉我怎样到邮局好吗? Could you please tell me _h_o_w__ __t_o__ get to the post office?
4. 对不起,我不确定怎样到那。 _S_o_r_r_y_, I am __n_o_t__ __su_r_e__ how to get there.
2. “Have you seen the film?” he asked me. He asked me ___D____.
A. had I seen the film B. have I seen the film C. if I have seen the film D. whether I had seen the film
• 4. Could you please tell me... ?
• Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?你能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗?
• 5 .1 wonder... • I wonder where we should go next.我想知
D. whose
1. 问路时应首先说一声:“Excuse me.”这 样 可以引起对方的注意,又不失礼貌。
2. 当你没听清时,你可以说一声“Excuse me, would you please say it again?”(对不起,请 您再说一遍好吗?) 或“I beg your pardon?” (对不起,请再说一遍好吗?)等,礼貌地要求 对方重复一遍。
3. 问完路后,千万不要忘记向对方说句 “Thank you for helping me.” 或“Thank
you.” 4. 问路时经常会用到“向左(右)拐”这样的 表
达,英语对此有两种常见的说法,即turn left (right)或turn to the left (right)。表示 “在左(右)边”,英语用介词on或at均可。
9. Excuse me. Do you know how I can get to Qiaotou Middle School?
= Excuse me. Do you know how to get to Qiaotou Middle School? 请问,你知道怎样去桥头中学吗?
1. Take along with this street, and … is on you 实、 自然现象或科学真理等,从句不受主 句时态的限制,用一般现在时。如:
He said time is money. 他说时间就是金钱。
1. He asked ___D_____ for the computer. A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much C. how much did I pay D. how much I paid
5. 你能告诉我们今晚乐队什么时候开始演奏吗? Can you tell us _w_h_e_n__ _t_h_e_ __b_a_n_d_ _s_t_a_r_ts_ playing this evening?
6. 晚上8点开始。 It starts at 8:00 p.m.
7. 我想知道接下来我们该去哪儿。 I _w_o_n_d_e_r_ where we _s_h_o_u_ld__ __g_o__ _n_e_x_t_.