英语PPT 吸血鬼日记




从最早的文字冒险游戏到现在的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏,吸 血鬼主题游戏经历了多年的发展。
这类游戏通常以黑暗、恐怖和神秘为基调,将玩家带入吸血鬼的世 界,体验不一样的冒险和战斗。
包括动作、角色扮演、策略等多种类型,满足了不同玩家的需求和 口味。
吸血鬼通常被描绘为面色苍白、眼睛 发红、牙齿锋利的人类形象,但也有 时会呈现出其他形态,如蝙蝠、狼等 。
吸血鬼拥有超自然的力量,如飞行、 变形、控制自然元素等,同时也有着 极高的智慧和寿命。
吸血鬼在文学和艺术作品中经常被用作恐怖、神秘和浪漫的象征,同时也反映 了人们对死亡和永生的思考。
从早期的化妆特效到现代的 CGI技术,特效在吸血鬼电影 中扮演着重要的角色。现代特 效能够创造出更加逼真、生动 的吸血鬼形象,增强了观众的 沉浸感。
吸血鬼电影中的服装和场景设 计也是视觉风格的重要组成部 分。服装和场景能够营造出吸 血鬼世界的神秘氛围,使观众 更好地融入故事情境。
分析当代流行的吸血鬼影视作品,探讨其故 事创意、角色塑造和观众接受度。
这部美国电视剧以一个吸血鬼、一个女巫和 一个人类的复杂关系为主线,展现了超自然
以现代高中为背景,讲述了一个人与吸血鬼 之间的爱情故事,探讨了青春、爱情和成长 的主题。



Gorgeous [ 'gɔrdʒəs ]
In good shape
• pretty beautiful attractive good looking • comely lovely • fascinating stunning • elegant exquisite cute sweet charming enchanting gorgeous
ruthless hit nominate at peace with
at peace with 4.She‘s never ________ herself.
hit of the season. 5. The new play is the ___
The End
Байду номын сангаас
Stefen: I shouldn‘t have come home. I know the risk. But I had no choice. I have to know her. Elana: I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents. I will start fresh, be someone new. It's the only way I'll make it through.
ruthless hit nominate at peace with
1.The President _______ him Ambassador to Russia. 2.Don't be taken in by his charming manner; he's completely _______.

吸血鬼日记 ppt

吸血鬼日记 ppt

Katherine Pierce
Nina Dobrev饰演 种族:吸血鬼 昵称:K女王,小K K自私、贪婪,因为想要把Salvatore 兄弟留在身边而把他们变成吸血鬼。喜 欢Stefan,可是最重视的还是自己。500 多年前,由于是二重身所以被Klaus追杀 而请求Rose和她的朋友帮助,成为了吸 血鬼。 非常有女王霸气,比小E更有女人味。 不择手段地保护自己。男人神马的,只 是浮云和玩具!!
Klaus & Stefan
之前已经提过,老K和S也是一对美好的基友。由于吸血鬼祖先能控制其他 吸血鬼,所以K心情一好就把S给控制了。S被控制后对K时惟命是从,在我眼 里就两个字“人妻”。S被控制后残忍地和E分手,跟了K。在大闹完神秘瀑布 镇后两人携手远走高飞。可以怎么理解。。。蜜月旅行? 不管怎么说,这两人是必定有激情的。连国外的腐女同胞也这么说 “I didn't have any type of hope for a homosexual relationship between the two until the last episode. The way Klaus spoke to Stefan towards the end...I swear I jumped off of my couch and was like "OMIGOD KLAUS IS GAY." And it made my entire day.” 趴趴熊翻译:直到最后一集之前我从没想过他们俩会是基友关系。K在结尾时对 S说的话让我从躺椅上跳了起来,脑海中只有“我滴神呐,原来老K是GAY。” 它使我一整天都非常兴奋。
Katherine & Stefan

吸血鬼 英语PPT

吸血鬼  英语PPT
Designed by Du Tingting
History of Vampires
Actually, at tracked back to Hebrew It can be the very beginning of
western myth, the vampire legend Bible. has already existed and flourished.
Witches are not enemies for vampires or hunters.Their obligation is to balance nature by using many kinds of spells (咒语).
Bremy He is Elena’s brother. Hunters are natural enemies for vampires.They know how to kill them with kinds of facilities.
Elena’s best friend.She cherishes their friendship more than her life.
Twilight 《暮光之城》 1. Twilight 《暮色》 2. New Moon 《新月》 3. Eclipse 《月食》 4. Breaking Dawn 《破晓》
This deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful movie captures a vampire’s struggle between defying instincts and satisfying desires.

The Real History of Vampires 吸血鬼英文ppt

The Real History of  Vampires  吸血鬼英文ppt
在具有维多利亚时代风格的新 哥特式小说中,吸血鬼成为了魅 力十足的邪恶主角。不可思议的 是,这种崭新的吸血鬼文字形象 竟然大受欢迎。他成了反英雄的 不朽象征。
Protagonist 主角 (戏剧、故事、小说中的) Enduring 持久的,永恒的
Today’s Popular Super Anti-Hero
The Victorian Novel Transforms the Vampire
In 1897, with the publishing of his novel Dracula, Bram Stoker successfully transformed the image and the conventions of the vampires from lowly sub-human parasite to that of an intelligent, but somewhat evil superhero. Count Dracula live in a castle, has superhuman powers and unlimited material wealth. He is a mysterious and genius intellect, who is almost immortal.
作为有趣的文学形象,吸血鬼已从文学作品与哥特式的传奇小 说中成功复活并完成演变。在短短的一百多年的时间里,对于 吸血鬼的真实恐惧与迷信已转变成一种震撼力不够却娱乐性十 足的媒体类型。
That’ all.
Thank you!
民间传说中的吸血鬼极其令人厌恶。他们被描述成粗 鄙的和散发着恶臭的复活僵尸,唯一的嗜好就是吸血。
Repugnant 使人反感的,引起厌恶的 Reanimated 使复活



• In 1897, Bram Stoker wrote a novel named Dracula (德拉库拉) . It is remembered as the typical vampire novel and provided the basis of the modern vampire legend. Dracula has been widely accepted as the ancestor vampire. The success of Dracula invented a special vampire genre which is still popular in the 21st century, with books, films, and television shows.
What’s a vampire?
• Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living person. • In other words, vampires are the creatures that feed on with blood. • vampire entities have been recorded in many cultures and it can date back to the early nineteenth century. The fascinating (迷人的) and sophisticated (复杂的) vampire of modern fiction was born in 1819 with the publication of The Vampire by John Polidori (约翰 波里 多利).



Bella's sweet scent attracts him -makes him want to drink her blood, but at the same time suppresses his desire because he is deeply in love with her, wanted to protect her. The last part of the movie talked about Edward and his family fighting with the vampires that wanted to kill Bella. However, Bella knew what he is, and how dangerous it will be to be with him, but she is still uncontrollably in love with him.
The two lovers sw inged between love and danger, living each day with freshness and excitement, like the long gone sunshine, floating down to the city of Twilight. But in the supernatural world, there are too many danger involved. so what is Bella and Edward going to do? we will see in the latest series Breaking Dawn.
The Vampire, by Philip Burne Jones, 1897
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