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1.改革开放reform and opening-up

2.家庭联产承包责任制Household Contract Responsibility System

3.解放思想,实事求是Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts

4.绿皮车green train

5.高考national college entrance exam

6.经济特区special economic zone

7.五讲四美三热爱five emphases, four points of beauty and three loves

8.一国两制one country, two systems

9.小康社会A moderately prosperous society

10.冲出亚洲走向世界Out of Asia, into the world

11.麦乳精malted milk

12. 下海venture into business, jump into the business world

13.个体户self- employed entrepreneur

14.万元户ten- thousand- yuan household

15.倒爷profiteer/ wheeler- dealer

16.“三农”问题issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area

17.“女排精神” patriotic women' s volleyball spirit


19.跳跳糖Pop Rocks

20.辣条spicy gluten

21.铁饭碗Iron rice Bowl

22.喇叭裤flared trousers,bel- bottomed pants

23.蝙蝠衫batwing- sleeved blouse/batwing blouse

24.蛤蟆镜aviator sunglasses

25.健美裤fitness tights

26.大背头pompadour/ /slicked- back hair

27.大哥大GSM mobile telephone

28.呼拉圈hula hoop

29.春晚Spring Festival gala

30.收录机radio cassette recorder

31.BP机(寻呼机) Beep Pager

32.交谊舞ballroom dancing

33.相亲(盲约) blind date



36.唱Karaoke singing

37.蹦迪disco dancing

38.南方谈话south tour speeches

39.发展才是硬道理Development is the absolute principle

40.下岗再就业re- employment after being laid off

41.小灵通PHS( Personal Handyphone System)

42.农民工migrant workers

43.大款tycoon/ fat cat

44.黄金周Golden Week

45.依法治国rule of law

46.西部大开发Western Development

47.三个代表Three Represents

48.入世entry to the WTO

49.南水北调工程South-to- North Water Diversion Project

50.钉子户“ dingzihu"/nail house


52.坡跟鞋wedge heels

53.上网surfing the Internet

54.网络文学online literature

55.齐刘海neat bang

56.杀马特发型shamate hairstyle




60.选秀talent show

61.“超女” super gir l ( Super Girl Contest)

62.科学发展观scientific outlook on development

63.八荣八耻eight- honor and eight- shame

64.草根grass- roots

65.黄牛(票贩子)( ticket) scalper

66.同一个世界,同一个梦想One World One Dream

67.广场舞square dancing

68.电子竞技e- sports

69.健身workout/going to the gym

70.摩托大军motorcycle ride

71.房奴mortgage slave

72.高铁high- speed train

73. 双11 Double 11/singles' Day

74.裸婚naked marriage

75.剩男剩女leftover men and women

76.异地恋long- distance relationship


78.积分落户point- based household registration

79.中国梦Chinese dream

80.人类命运共同体a community with a shared future for mankind

81.反腐anti- corruption

82.精准扶贫targeted poverty alleviation


84.点赞give a like
