口译试卷样卷Text A: English to ChineseEducation For Self And For OthersWe celebrate this weekend a commencement ,a beginning, the beginn ing of your lives as independent, educated citizens of this nation an d the world. This celebration marks also an end, the end of your brig ht college years—so abounding with activity, so ripe with experiment, so full of hope. We the faculty celebrate with you as we loose you o n the wider world—confident of your success and hopeful that your ne wly acquired knowledge and critical powers will be directed toward fi nding answers that have eluded us.The Prike Avot records: “Hillel used to say: ‘If I am not for my self, who will be for me? If I am for myself alone, what am I? and if not now , when?’ ”“If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” Hillel’s observat ion arises in the context of a discussion of self-improvement through study. Each of you has learned that the development of your intellec tual capabilities (not to mention your aesthetic, emotional and spiri tual capabilities) requires efforts that only you can apply. It is tr ue that the Yale environment has provided you with extraordinarily ab undant resources to facilitate learning: a distinguished and engaged faculty, library and museum collections that are among the finest ava ilable to student anywhere, laboratories and computing resources, a u nique and residential college system, myriad extracurricular activiti es, athletic and cultural events for both participant and observer. B ut your education has not merely been laid before you; you have worke d hard to acquire it—in the classroom, on the playing fields, in ext racurricular activities, in the community. You have learned to be for yourselves. You may have benefited from the support and encouragemen t of others, but they were and will be for you only to the extent tha t you responded to their support and encouragement by becoming indepe ndent, autonomous persons.Two millennia after Hillel, I would suggest that being “for onese lf” is still the principal object of study and reflection. Though di scussion of what it means to be an educated person usually focuses on the content of one’s course of study, the essence of a liberal educ ation is to develop the freedom to think critically and independently, to cultivate o ne’s mind to its fullest potential. What you have learned at Yale—the specific knowledge you have worked hard to acquire —matters. What matter more is that you have learned how to learn.This is something you should not easily surrender. Tempting as it may be to conform to prevailing orthodoxies, resist them. Guide your daily lives by the same rigorous standards of critical inquiry that have been demanded of you in the classroom. Question every assumption and every argument, make them your own, be for yourself. Some of the commentators on Hillel observe that his teaching echoes Deuteronomy.“See I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and e vil…Choose life, therefore…” Choose, therefore, to keep alive your precious power of independent, open-minded, critical inquiry.Hillel reminds us that self-improvement through study is not enou gh: “If I am for myself alone, what am I?” Our commitment to a life of learning must not diminish, it must indeed reinforce, our commitme nt to those around us. The rabbinical commentators provide various in terpretations of teaching. Some suggest that the learned, those who s tudy the divine law, are e obliged to transmit their learning, to tea ch and to encourage in others the habit of study and a disciplined ap proach to self development. Other commentators find in Hillel’s ques tion the suggestion of a more general ethical imperative to use one’s learning, one’s critical powers, in the service of others.Both these interpretations-that we are obliged to teach and to se rve-resonate with the history of this great university. Yale has been a mother of great teachers. Our graduates have taught with distincti on at all levels, sharing the benefits of their Yale education with s tudents in New England schools and colleges in the 18th Century, acros s the United States in the 19th Century, around the world in the 20th. At this time of year, blue gowns are in abundance, not only here at Y ale but in commencement processions through the land.Most of you will not choose teaching as vocation, but all of you will teach-in the workplace, in the community, in the family. Take th is opportunity seriously. Others have much to gain from what you will make of your Yale education. Nurture in others what Yale has encoura ged you to develop for yourselves- the capacity for rigorous analyses, for critical reflection, for independent thought.Hillel’s teaching can also be interpreted as a call to service. I f we are for ourselves alone, we overlook and neglect the needs and a spiration of others. There is famous story about the student who came to Hillel seeking conversation to Judaism, but only on the condition that Hillel’s would teach him the entire divine law, the entire Torah, while the student rule: “what is hateful to you, do not do to an other. That is the whole Torah, the rest is commentary. Go and lear n!”The idea that a Yale education should be used in the service of o thers is as old as the university itself. Our chart of 1707 describe Yale, then called the Collegiate School, as a place “wherein Youth…m ay be fitted for Publick employment both in church and Civil State.”For nearly three centuries Yale has fulfilled this founding mission, supplying leaders to serve the nation and the world. In politics, rel igion, business, law, medicine, and the arts, as well as in education, Yale alumni have served the public with distinction. Countless Yale graduates have served their communities—not only in their primary ca reers, but also through selfless involvement with voluntary associati ons of all kinds.Heavy though the burden may seem, you will be among the leaders o f your generations. The world you will serve presents you with more t han a few challenges: the resurgence of nationalism and ethnic strugg le around the globe, the desperate condition of the inner-city poor h ere in this country, the degradation of our environment. You bring to these challenges more than the mere enthusiasm of youth. You bring t he ability to see these problems in a new light, to think them throug h again, using the critical intelligence that you have developed fro yourselves. Rise to these challenges; be not for yourselves alone.Your experience here at Yale encourages us. Many, perhaps most of you, have found time, despite the demands of rigorous academic progr am, for a serious commitment to community service. The recent dramati c increase in the number of Yale students engaged in community servic e gives hope, not only for the city of New Haven whose residents have benefited from your involvement, but for the communities in which yo u will live and for the wider world whose problems you must not shun.“And if not now, when?” In interpreting this last of Hillel’s q uestions, I have little to add to the commentaries of the rabbits. Ma imonides, a 12th century philosopher, said: “If now, in the days of m y youth, I do not acquire good qualities, when shall I acquire them?” The good qualities to which he refers are the habits of study as a m eans to self-improvement and service. A 13th century commentator, Rabb i Jonah, adds: “Let no one say, ‘To day, I am busy with my work; tom orrow I will turn to the task of perfecting myself.’ Perchance the o pportunity will not present itself. And even if it does, that particu lar day has vanished utterly –it can never be recovered.”Text B: English to ChineseAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)Economic relations among countries of the Asia-Pacific region have increase d dramatically over the last decade. In the clearest example, U.S. trans-Pacifi c trade equaled trans-Atlantic trade in 1980. By 1989, U.S. trade across the Pa cific ($304 billion) was 37 percent greater than trade across the Atlantic.1.APEC was established because there were inadequate mechanisms to deal with the effects of growing interdependence within the Asia-Pacific region. A new mechanism for multilateral cooperation among the market-oriented economies of the region was clearly needed. APEC is an informal grouping of 12 Asia-Pacificcountries formed to meet that need. It provides a forum for ministerial discussion on a broad range of economic issues of importance to the region.2.APEC ministers first met in Canberra, Australia, in November1989. the second APEC ministerial took place in Singapore inJuly 1990. Annual ministerial are planned in Seoul in November1991, Bangkok in 1992, and the United Stated in 1993. betweenministerial meetings, a group of senior officials (deputy assistant secretary level for the United States) meet to guide the work of APEC and oversee its work program. APEC relies on regular meetings of senior officials and government hosting thenext ministerial to oversee the work program and provide secretariat services.3.China’s mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong have expressed interest in joining APEC. The United States fully supports the APECM inisters’ agreement at their Singapore meeting that consultations should continue with all three on arrangements for theirparticipation, and, at the same time, on terms agreeable to all three and to current APEC members. The Republic of Korea, as host of the next APEC ministerial, is pursuing these consultations.APEC has made remarkable progress since November 1989. Its top priority is a successful conclusion of the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade, and, to this end, APEC held a special trade ministers meeting in late 1990. Its senior off icials have created working group, covering broad areas of econom y, education and environmental cooperation.The idea was to take maximum advantage of the great economic p otential of the area and to consult on policy matters to sustain the momentum for growth.The first ministerial-level meeting on Asia Pacific Economic C ooperation (APEC) was held in Canberra in November 1989. The meet ing was attended by 26 ministers from 12 regional economies inclu ding Australia, the host.The ministers confirmed the value of future consultations with in a new Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation framework and agreed o n its basic principles as follows:1)The objective of APEC is to sustain growth and development in the region to contribute to improving living standards and more generally, growth of the world economy;2)APEC should seek to strengthen an open multilateral trading system and not be directed towards the formation of a regional trading bloc;3)Recognizing the diversity of the region, APEC should relyon dialogue and consensus with equal respect for the views of all participants, based on non-formal consultations;4)APEC should focus on economic rather than political or security issues, to advance common interests and foster constructive interdependence by encouraging the flow of goods,services, capital and technology;5)APEC should complement and draw upon existing regional organizations such as ASEAN and the PECC; and6)Participation should be assessed on the basis of economiclinkages with the region and could be extended by consensus of all participants.The APEC momentum was sustained at the second ministerial-leve l meeting in Singapore in July 1990.Ministers agreed that the third ministerial meeting in Seoul i n October 1991 should be followed by a fourth in Thailand in 1992 and a fifth in the United States in 1993. projects of practical cooperation which had begun during the first part of the year were endorsed and ministers asked officials to report on the potential benefits of additional work projects in transport, tourism and fisheries.The meeting also recognized that participation by the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan was desirable in view of their strong economic role in the region. There was little discu ssion of institutional questions, reflecting broad acceptance tha t the loose, informal structure is appropriate in the APEC’s deve lopment.Text C Chinese to English1.北京经济开发区地理位置优越,背靠首都,面向渤海,东依京津唐高速公路,驱车30分钟可抵达首都国际机场,10分钟即可抵达市区,15分钟可达北京火车货运站,一个半小时可达天津新港。
口译期末考试题库及答案一、听力理解题1. 请听以下对话,并回答对话中提到的会议将在何时举行?A. 明天下午2点B. 后天上午10点C. 明天上午10点D. 后天下午2点答案:B2. 根据对话内容,以下哪项是正确的?A. 会议将讨论新产品的推广策略。
B. 会议将讨论公司财务报告。
C. 会议将讨论员工培训计划。
D. 会议将讨论市场分析报告。
答案:A3. 请听以下对话,并回答对话中提到的项目预算是多少?A. 100万B. 200万C. 300万D. 400万答案:C4. 根据对话内容,以下哪项是正确的?A. 项目预算超出了预期。
B. 项目预算在控制之内。
C. 项目预算需要进一步削减。
D. 项目预算已经得到了批准。
答案:B二、短文口译题5. 请将以下短文从中文口译成英文:“随着全球化的不断推进,跨国公司的业务日益扩展。
”答案要点:“With the continuous advancement of globalization, the business of multinational companies is expanding day by day. These companies need to face the business environment and challenges under different cultural backgrounds. In order to compete successfully in the international market, companies must understand and respect the values and business customs of different cultures.”6. 请将以下短文从英文口译成中文:"In the era of digital transformation, data has become the new oil. Companies that can effectively harness the power of data analytics are poised to gain a competitive edge. The ability to analyze and interpretlarge volumes of data can lead to better decision-making and strategic planning."答案要点:“在数字化转型的时代,数据已经成为新的石油。
英语口译考试题型及答案一、听力理解题1. 根据所听材料,选择正确的答案。
A. 材料一:[听力材料内容]A) 选项一B) 选项二C) 选项三D) 选项四B. 材料二:[听力材料内容]A) 选项一B) 选项二C) 选项三D) 选项四2. 根据所听对话,回答问题。
A. 材料一:[听力对话内容]问题1:[问题内容]A) 选项一B) 选项二C) 选项三D) 选项四问题2:[问题内容]A) 选项一B) 选项二C) 选项三D) 选项四二、口译实践题1. 将下列句子从英语翻译成中文。
- 句子一:[英语句子]- 句子二:[英语句子]- 句子三:[英语句子]2. 将下列句子从中文翻译成英语。
- 句子一:[中文句子]- 句子二:[中文句子]- 句子三:[中文句子]三、综合应用题1. 根据所给材料,进行口译。
- 材料:[口译材料内容]- 要求:[口译要求说明]2. 根据所给情景,进行模拟口译。
- 情景描述:[情景描述内容] - 口译任务:[口译任务说明]四、评分标准- 听力理解题:每题[分数]分。
- 口译实践题:每句[分数]分。
- 综合应用题:每题[分数]分。
- 总分为[总分]分。
答案:一、听力理解题1. A. [正确答案]B. [正确答案]2. A. 问题1:[正确答案]问题2:[正确答案]二、口译实践题1. 句子一:[中文翻译]句子二:[中文翻译]句子三:[中文翻译]2. 句子一:[英语翻译]句子二:[英语翻译]句子三:[英语翻译]三、综合应用题1. [口译答案示例]2. [模拟口译答案示例]注:以上内容仅为题型及答案的排版及格式示例,具体内容需根据实际考试材料进行填充。
口译练习题(打印版)一、听力理解与口译转换1. 题目一:国际会议开幕致辞- 背景信息:某国际会议开幕,主办方代表进行致辞。
- 练习要求:请在听到致辞后,立即进行口译,将致辞内容翻译成目标语言。
2. 题目二:科技产品发布会- 背景信息:某科技公司发布新产品,CEO进行产品介绍。
- 练习要求:在CEO介绍产品特性和市场前景时,进行实时口译。
3. 题目三:环境保护主题演讲- 背景信息:环保组织代表在一次公共演讲中讨论环境问题。
- 练习要求:在演讲者阐述环保重要性和行动计划时,进行口译。
二、专业术语口译1. 题目一:医学领域- 背景信息:医学专家在研讨会上讨论新型治疗方法。
- 练习要求:口译时需准确转换专业术语,如“基因编辑”、“免疫疗法”等。
2. 题目二:法律领域- 背景信息:法律专家讨论国际法律合作问题。
- 练习要求:在口译中准确使用法律术语,如“条约”、“司法管辖权”等。
3. 题目三:金融领域- 背景信息:金融分析师在投资论坛上分析市场趋势。
- 练习要求:口译时需准确表达金融术语,如“股票”、“债券”、“汇率”等。
三、文化差异与口译1. 题目一:文化交流活动- 背景信息:不同文化背景的代表在一次活动中交流各自文化特点。
- 练习要求:在口译时注意文化差异,避免直译,传达原意。
2. 题目二:国际美食节介绍- 背景信息:美食节组织者介绍各国特色美食。
- 练习要求:在口译时传达食物特色和文化内涵,注意食物名称的准确翻译。
3. 题目三:传统节日庆典- 背景信息:某国庆祝传统节日,介绍节日习俗和意义。
- 练习要求:在口译中传达节日的精神和传统习俗,注意文化表达的准确性。
四、时事政治与口译1. 题目一:国际政治论坛- 背景信息:政治领袖在论坛上讨论国际关系和合作。
- 练习要求:在口译时准确传达政治立场和外交政策。
2. 题目二:经济合作会议- 背景信息:各国代表在经济合作会议上讨论贸易和投资问题。
- 练习要求:在口译中注意经济数据和专业术语的准确使用。
口译期末考试题库及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 请听以下对话,并选择正确的答案:对话内容:(此处插入一段对话录音,内容可以是关于日常生活、工作场景或商务谈判等)A. 对话发生在一家餐厅。
B. 对话发生在一家银行。
C. 对话发生在一个机场。
D. 对话发生在一个办公室。
答案:(根据对话内容选择正确答案)2. 听以下新闻报道,回答以下问题:新闻内容:(此处插入一段新闻报道录音,内容可以是国内外时事新闻)问题:新闻报道中提到的主要事件是什么?A. 一项新的科技发明B. 一个国际会议的召开C. 一个自然灾害的发生D. 一个经济政策的变动答案:(根据新闻内容选择正确答案)二、口译技巧(共30分)1. 请将以下句子从中文翻译成英文,并注意语序和时态的转换:中文:今天的天气非常好,适合出去郊游。
英文:(此处填写翻译答案)答案:The weather is very good today, suitable for goingout for a picnic.2. 请将以下英文句子翻译成中文,并注意保持原意:英文:The company has announced a significant expansion plan.中文:(此处填写翻译答案)答案:该公司宣布了一个重大的扩张计划。
三、情景模拟(共30分)1. 假设你是一名商务口译员,现在需要为一场商务谈判进行口译。
请根据以下情景,模拟口译过程:情景:(此处插入一段商务谈判的背景描述,包括谈判双方的基本信息、谈判目的和主要议题)口译内容:(此处模拟口译员的口译过程,包括双方的对话和口译员的翻译)答案:(此处填写模拟口译的答案,包括口译员的翻译内容)2. 假设你是一名医疗口译员,现在需要为一位外国患者和医生之间的对话进行口译。
请根据以下情景,模拟口译过程:情景:(此处插入一段医疗对话的背景描述,包括患者的基本信息、病情和医生的诊断)口译内容:(此处模拟口译员的口译过程,包括患者和医生的对话和口译员的翻译)答案:(此处填写模拟口译的答案,包括口译员的翻译内容)四、综合应用(共20分)1. 请根据以下情景,编写一段口译员在国际会议上的口译稿:情景:(此处插入一段国际会议的背景描述,包括会议的主题、参与者和主要议程)口译稿:(此处编写口译员在会议上的口译稿)答案:(此处填写口译稿的内容)2. 请根据以下情景,编写一段口译员在文化交流活动中的口译稿:情景:(此处插入一段文化交流活动的背景描述,包括活动的主题、参与者和主要议程)口译稿:(此处编写口译员在活动中的口译稿)答案:(此处填写口译稿的内容)结束语:以上是口译期末考试题库及答案的示例内容,希望能够帮助考生们更好地准备考试。
翻译员专业知识考试卷(口译员)含答案第一部分:选择题1. 口译要求译员具备的基本质素包括()。
A. 语言能力、情感控制能力、外貌印象B. 语言能力、专业知识、情感控制能力C. 语言能力、外貌印象、行为举止D. 语言能力、专业知识、外貌印象答案:B2. 口译员在进行口译时应注意以下哪一点?A. 尽量使用生硬的翻译词汇,保证准确性B. 不需要熟悉原文内容,只需按字面翻译即可C. 注意语速和语调,使译文更加自然流畅D. 不需要与听众建立互动,只需完成翻译任务答案:C3. 在参加国际会议口译时,译员应具备哪些基本素质?A. 快速反应能力、准确的记忆能力、思维的灵活性B. 快速反应能力、丰富的词汇量、准确的语法运用C. 准确的记忆能力、丰富的词汇量、清晰的发音D. 快速反应能力、准确的语法运用、情感控制能力答案:A第二部分:简答题1. 请简要解释同传和交替传译的区别。
2. 口译员在准备口译任务前应该做哪些准备工作?答:口译员在准备口译任务前应该做以下准备工作:- 了解演讲的背景和主题- 熟悉相关专业术语和词汇- 阅读相关资料,了解相关领域知识- 练口语表达和听力技巧3. 请列举三种常用的口译技巧。
答:- 意译:根据听众的语言和文化惯进行适当的翻译,使译文更易理解。
- 合并信息:将较长的句子或段落中的信息迅速概括,以保证翻译的流畅性。
- 表达转换:根据不同语言的表达惯,将词语或句子进行转换,使翻译更自然。
答:在我最擅长的领域,即法律口译方面,我会进行以下口译准备工作:- 阅读相关法律文书、法律出版物以及最新的法律案例,以保持对法律术语和概念的了解。
- 关注国际法律事务和热门法律话题,以了解最新的法律发展和变化。
口译三级模拟试题及答案一、听力理解1. 根据所听材料,选择正确的答案。
A. 公司年会B. 产品发布会C. 学术研讨会D. 政府新闻发布会听录音材料,回答以下问题:问题1:会议的主要目的是什么?问题2:会议的举办地点在哪里?2. 听以下对话,回答以下问题。
问题1:对话中提到了哪些人?问题2:他们讨论的主题是什么?二、口译实践1. 请将以下英文句子翻译成中文,并进行口译。
English: "The company has decided to invest in renewable energy sources due to the increasing environmental concerns."2. 请将以下中文段落翻译成英文,并进行口译。
Chinese: "随着全球化的不断深入,跨文化交流变得越来越重要。
"三、即兴口译1. 根据以下情景,进行即兴口译。
2. 根据以下主题,进行即兴口译。
四、综合测试1. 请根据以下材料,进行口译。
2. 请根据以下材料,进行口译。
答案:一、听力理解1. 问题1答案:B. 产品发布会问题2答案:会议的举办地点在市中心的国际会议中心。
2. 问题1答案:对话中提到了两位同事和一位经理。
二、口译实践1. 中文翻译及口译:公司决定投资可再生能源,因为环境问题日益严重。
2. 英文翻译及口译:随着全球化的不断深入,跨文化交流变得越来越重要。
三、即兴口译1. 口译示例:您可以乘坐地铁2号线直达市中心,然后在博物馆站下车即可。
2. 口译示例:在中国,春节是最重要的传统节日之一。
英语口译面试题目及答案一、词汇翻译题1. 请将下列中文词汇翻译成英文:- 一带一路:Belt and Road Initiative- 人工智能:Artificial Intelligence- 可持续发展:Sustainable Development2. 请将下列英文词汇翻译成中文:- Globalization: 全球化- E-commerce: 电子商务- Renewable Energy: 可再生能源二、句子翻译题1. 中译英:- 我们的目标是实现共同繁荣。
- Our goal is to achieve common prosperity.2. 英译中:- The company is committed to reducing its carbonfootprint.- 该公司致力于减少其碳足迹。
三、段落翻译题1. 请将以下中文段落翻译成英文:- 中国在国际舞台上发挥着越来越重要的作用,积极参与全球治理,推动构建人类命运共同体。
- China is playing an increasingly important role on the international stage, actively participating in globalgovernance and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.2. 请将以下英文段落翻译成中文:- The advancement of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives, from the way we communicate to the way we work and learn.- 技术的进步给我们的日常生活带来了显著的变化,从我们交流的方式到我们工作和学习的方式。
口译全真模拟试题及答案一、听力理解(共10分)1. 根据所听内容,选择正确的答案。
A. 会议将在下午3点开始。
B. 会议将在下午2点开始。
C. 会议将在下午4点开始。
2. 根据对话,下列哪项是会议讨论的主题?A. 环境保护B. 经济发展C. 教育改革听录音材料后,正确答案为:A。
二、短句翻译(共20分)1. 请将下列句子从中文翻译成英文。
- 中文:我们公司致力于提供高质量的服务。
- 英文:Our company is committed to providing high-quality services.2. 请将下列句子从英文翻译成中文。
- 英文:The project is expected to be completed by the end of this year.- 中文:该项目预计将在今年年底完成。
- 中文:随着全球化的不断推进,跨文化交流变得越来越重要。
- 英文:With the continuous advancement of globalization,cross-cultural communication is becoming increasingly important. Mastering a foreign language not only broadensone's horizons but also promotes understanding and communication between different cultures.四、角色扮演(共20分)1. 假设你是一家公司的公关代表,需要向外国客户介绍公司的产品。
- 介绍词示例:尊敬的客户,您好。
中级口译笔试试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 听下面一段对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 去图书馆B. 去电影院C. 去公园D. 去超市对话内容:(此处假设有一段对话内容)答案:C2. 听下面一段对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 他喜欢看书B. 他喜欢听音乐C. 他喜欢画画D. 他喜欢运动对话内容:(此处假设有一段对话内容)答案:A二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读以下短文,选择正确的答案。
短文内容:(此处假设有一段短文内容)A. 短文主要讲述了...B. 短文主要讲述了...C. 短文主要讲述了...D. 短文主要讲述了...答案:B2. 阅读以下短文,选择正确的答案。
短文内容:(此处假设有一段短文内容)A. 短文主要讲述了...B. 短文主要讲述了...C. 短文主要讲述了...D. 短文主要讲述了...答案:D三、翻译(共30分)1. 将以下句子从英语翻译成中文。
英文:The weather is getting warmer, so I will take off my coat.中文:天气变暖了,所以我将脱掉我的外套。
答案:正确2. 将以下句子从中文翻译成英语。
英文:He goes running in the park every morning.答案:正确四、写作(共20分)1. 根据以下提示写一篇短文。
答案:(此处假设有一篇短文内容)评分标准:- 内容相关性:5分 - 语言准确性:5分 - 组织结构:5分 - 语法和拼写:5分总分:20分。
口译英语考试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 听录音,选择正确的答案。
A. 正确B. 错误C. 不确定录音内容:[录音材料]问题1:录音中提到的主要活动是什么?答案:A. 正确问题2:参与者需要提前多久到达?答案:B. 错误问题3:活动是否对所有人开放?答案:C. 不确定2. 听录音,回答问题。
二、口语表达(共30分)1. 根据所给情景,进行口译。
口译答案:We attach great importance to this opportunity for cooperation and hope to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with your company.2. 根据所给材料,进行口译。
English paragraph: The company has been dedicated to providing high-quality products and services to its customers for many years.口译答案:该公司多年来一直致力于向其客户提供高质量的产品和服务。
三、口译实务(共50分)1. 将以下对话从中文翻译成英文,并进行口译。
口译答案:A: Hello, nice to meet you.B: Hello, me too. The weather is really nice today. 2. 将以下对话从英文翻译成中文,并进行口译。
上海高级口译试题及答案一、听力理解1. 请根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 会议将在下午三点开始。
B. 会议将在下午四点开始。
C. 会议将在下午五点开始。
D. 会议将在下午六点开始。
答案:B2. 根据对话内容,下列哪项是正确的?A. 他们计划去看电影。
B. 他们计划去购物。
C. 他们计划去公园。
D. 他们计划去餐厅。
答案:A二、口语表达1. 请用英语描述你最喜欢的季节,并解释原因。
答案:My favorite season is autumn. The weather is cool and crisp, and the leaves change into beautiful colors.2. 请用英语讲述一次你在国外旅行的经历。
答案:During my trip to Paris, I visited the Eiffel Tower and enjoyed the stunning view of the city from the top.三、阅读理解1. 阅读以下段落,并回答问题:What is the main idea of the passage?答案:The main idea of the passage is the importance of environmental conservation.2. 根据文章内容,下列哪项是作者的观点?A. 人们应该减少使用塑料。
B. 人们应该增加使用塑料。
C. 塑料对环境没有影响。
D. 塑料是不可替代的。
答案:A四、翻译1. 将下列句子从英语翻译成中文:"In order to achieve success, one must be willing to work hard and persevere."答案:为了取得成功,一个人必须愿意努力工作并坚持不懈。
2. 将下列句子从中文翻译成英语:“随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。
英语口译中级考试试题Part I: Simultaneous Interpretation1. Listen to the following English audio and interpret it into Chinese simultaneously:Audio: "Good morning, everyone. Today, we will be discussing the impact of globalization on the economy. Globalization has led to increased interconnectedness between countries, which has both positive and negative effects. We will explore these effects in detail during this session."2. Listen to the following Chinese audio and interpret it into English simultaneously:Au dio: “大家好,今天我们将讨论全球化对经济的影响。
”Part II: Consecutive Interpretation3. Listen to the following English passage and interpret it into Chinese consecutively:Passage: "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present the findings of our latest research project on renewable energy sources. Our study indicates that solar power is a viable and sustainable option for reducing carbon emissions. We hope that these findings will encourage governments to invest more in renewable energy technologies."4. Listen to the following Chinese passage and interpret it into English consecutively:Passage: “女士们,先生们,我想呈报我们最新研究项目关于可再生能源的发现。
catti口译样题CATTI口译考试样题示例:1. 请将以下中文译成英文:中国政府采取了一系列措施来应对气候变化,包括实施绿色发展战略、推进能源结构优化、加强生态环境保护等。
The Chinese government has taken a series of measures to tackle climate change, including implementing a green development strategy, promoting the optimization of energy structures, and strengthening ecological and environmental protection. These measures not only help China achieve its own emission reduction targets, but also make positive contributions to the global response to climate change.2. 请将以下英文译成中文:The global economy is facing a number of challenges, including slowing growth, trade tensions, and geopolitical uncertainty. However, there are also opportunities for growth and development, such as technological innovation, green energy, and infrastructure investment. Countries need to work together to address these challenges and seize these opportunities.全球经济正面临一系列挑战,包括增长放缓、贸易紧张和地缘政治不确定性。
初级口译考试试题及答案一、听力理解1. 听下面一段对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 他们计划去公园。
B. 他们计划去电影院。
C. 他们计划去图书馆。
D. 他们计划去博物馆。
答案:C2. 听下面一段对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 他们正在讨论天气。
B. 他们正在讨论食物。
C. 他们正在讨论旅行计划。
D. 他们正在讨论工作。
答案:A二、词汇翻译1. 将下列中文词汇翻译成英文。
A. 苹果B. 电脑C. 旅行D. 会议答案:A. appleB. computerC. travelD. meeting2. 将下列英文词汇翻译成中文。
A. teacherB. hospitalC. restaurantD. university答案:A. 老师B. 医院C. 餐馆D. 大学三、句子翻译1. 将下列中文句子翻译成英文。
A. 我每天早晨都跑步。
B. 他们正在讨论新的项目。
C. 她喜欢听音乐和跳舞。
D. 他决定去国外学习。
答案:A. I run every morning.B. They are discussing a new project.C. She likes listening to music and dancing.D. He decided to study abroad.2. 将下列英文句子翻译成中文。
A. The weather is getting warmer.B. She is reading a book.C. They are planning a trip to Japan.D. He works at a bank.答案:A. 天气变暖了。
B. 她在读书。
C. 他们正在计划去日本旅行。
D. 他在银行工作。
四、短文口译1. 听下面一段短文,然后口译成目标语言。
英语高级口译证书实考试卷汇编一、听力理解(50分)(一)Spot Dictation(20分)Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your answer booklet. Remember you will hear the passage only once.The Internet has become an (1) _integral_ part of our daily lives. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and do business. One of the most significant aspects of the Internet is itsability to (2) _connect_ people from all over the world. Social media platforms, for example, allow individuals to share their thoughts, experiences, and photos with friends and family, regardless of geographical (3) _distance_.In the business world, the Internet has opened up new (4)_opportunities_ for companies. E - commerce has grown (5) _exponentially_in recent years, enabling businesses to reach a global customer base. Small and medium - sized enterprises can now (6) _compete_ with larger corporations on a more level playing field.However, the Internet also brings some challenges. One major concern is (7) _cybersecurity_. With the increasing amount of personal and financial information being transmitted online, the risk of data (8) _breaches_ and identity theft has risen. Another issue is the spread of (9) _false_ information. The ease with which anyone can post content on the Internet has led to the proliferation of misinformation and (10) _disinformation_.(二)Listening Comprehension(30分)Section A: Statements (10分)Directions: In this section, you will hear several statements. Each statement will be read only once. Then there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard.1. A. The project was completed ahead of schedule.B. The project was delayed due to unexpected problems.C. The project is still in progress and going well.D. The project has been cancelled.(You will hear: "Thanks to the efficient teamwork and proper planning, we were able to finish the project two weeks earlier than expected.")Answer: A.2. A. Mary is not interested in the new job offer.B. Mary is considering the new job offer carefully.C. Mary has already accepted the new job offer.D. Mary has rejected the new job offer.(You will hear: "Mary is weighing up the pros and cons of the new job offer she received.")Answer: B.Section B: Talks and Conversations (20分)Directions: In this section, you will hear several talks and conversations. After each of them, you will be asked some questions. The talks and conversations will be read only once. Now listen to aconversation between a customer and a salesperson.Questions 1 - 5 are based on this conversation.1. What is the customer looking for?A. A pair of shoes.B. A dress.C. A handbag.D. A coat.(You will hear: "I'm looking for a dress to wear to my friend's wedding.")Answer: B.2. What color does the customer prefer?A. Black.B. White.C. Red.D. Blue.(You will hear: "I think red would be a great color for this occasion.")Answer: C.3. What size does the customer usually wear?A. Small.B. Medium.C. Large.D. Extra - large.(You will hear: "I usually wear a medium.")Answer: B.4. How much is the dress the customer likes?A. 50.B. 80.C. 100.D. 120.(You will hear: "This red dress is on sale for $80.") Answer: B.5. Does the customer buy the dress in the end?A. Yes, she does.B. No, she doesn't.C. She is not sure yet.D. She wants to think about it for a while.(You will hear: "I'll take it.")Answer: A.二、笔译(50分)(一)English - Chinese Translation(30分)Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese.The concept of sustainable development has gained increasing attention in recent years. It emphasizes the need to balance economic growth, social development, and environmental protection. In the context of business, sustainable development means that companies should not only pursue profit - making but also take into account their impact on society and the environment.For example, many companies are now investing in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. This not only helps to reduce their carbon footprint but also contributes to the development of a more sustainable energy future. Another aspect is corporate social responsibility. Companies are expected to engage in activities that benefit the local community, such as providing educational opportunities or supporting environmental conservation projects.In addition, sustainable development also requires changes at the individual level. People should be more conscious of their consumption patterns and try to reduce waste. For instance, by choosing reusable products instead of disposable ones, we can all play a part in promoting sustainable development.参考译文:近年来,可持续发展的概念日益受到关注。
口译期末考试题及答案一、听力理解(共30分)1. 听录音,选择正确的答案。
(每题2分,共10分)(1)录音中提到的会议主题是什么?A. 环境保护B. 经济发展C. 国际贸易D. 教育改革(2)以下哪项不是会议讨论的内容?A. 技术革新B. 市场分析C. 人口问题D. 政策制定(3)会议中提到的主要问题是什么?A. 资金不足B. 人才缺乏C. 信息不对称D. 资源分配不均2. 听录音,填空。
3. 听录音,回答问题。
(每题5分,共10分)(1)会议中提到的主要解决方案是什么?(2)会议的最终决议是什么?二、口译实践(共70分)1. 英译汉(每段10分,共20分)(1)Please translate the following passage into Chinese:"In the face of global challenges, we must worktogether to find solutions."(2)Please translate the following passage into Chinese:"The economic downturn has had a significant impact on the job market."2. 汉译英(每段10分,共20分)(1)请将以下段落翻译成英文:“随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得更加便捷。
”3. 交替传译(每段15分,共30分)(1)听以下对话,交替传译成英文:“你好,很高兴见到你。
请问你对我们的产品有什么疑问吗?”(2)听以下对话,交替传译成中文:"Hello, nice to meet you. Do you have any questions about our product?"三、答案一、听力理解1. (1)C (2)C (3)D2. (1)合作创新(2)短期长期3. (1)会议提出的解决方案是加强国际合作,共享资源。
自考英语专业口译试题及答案一、听力理解(共30分)A. 选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. What is the main topic of the news report?A) A new policy on environmental protectionB) A breakthrough in medical researchC) An international conference on climate changeD) A celebrity's charity event2. Why did the company decide to relocate its headquarters?A) To reduce operational costsB) To be closer to their main customersC) To access better infrastructureD) To avoid high taxes3. What is the woman's opinion about the new restaurant?A) She thinks the food is too expensive.B) She likes the atmosphere.C) She is disappointed with the service.D) She finds the menu limited.4. What is the man's reason for not attending the meeting?A) He has a flight to catch.B) He is feeling unwell.C) He has a prior commitment.D) He is not interested in the topic.5. What does the speaker recommend to improve productivity?A) Longer working hoursB) More team-building activitiesC) Advanced technologyD) Flexible work schedulesB. 填空题(每题1分,共10分)6. The new project is expected to be ________ by the end of the year.A) completedB) postponedC) cancelledD) initiated7. The company's profits have ________ by 15% compared tolast year.A) increasedB) decreasedC) remained stableD) fluctuated8. The environmentalist suggested that we should ________ our use of plastic bags.A) reduceB) increaseC) replaceD) recycle9. The government has announced a series of ________ to support small businesses.A) regulationsB) incentivesC) penaltiesD) audits10. The patient was advised to ________ his diet and exercise regularly.A) maintainB) improveC) eliminateD) diversifyC. 回答问题(每题3分,共10分)11. What is the current exchange rate between the US dollar and the Euro?12. How many participants are expected to attend the workshop?13. What are the main challenges faced by the new project team?14. What is the deadline for submitting the application form?15. Why did the speaker choose to pursue a career in education?二、口译实务(共40分)A. 英译汉(每题10分,共20分)16. Please translate the following sentence into Chinese:"The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives."17. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese:"Despite the economic downturn, the company managed to increase its profits by streamlining operations and cuttingunnecessary expenses."B. 汉译英(每题10分,共20分)18. 将以下句子翻译成英文:“随着全球化的不断推进,跨文化交流变得越来越重要。
1. 录音中提到的会议是关于什么主题的?
2. 会议的主要参与者有哪些?
3. 会议达成了哪些共识?
- 产品发布的日期和地点
- 产品的主要特点
- 预期的市场影响
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复旦大学外文学院大学英语教学部2034~2035学年第二学期期末考试样卷□A卷课程名称:高级口译课程代码:ENGL110030.03开课院系:外文学院大学英语教学部考试形式:开卷/闭卷/课程论文Part ADirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal… and stop it at the signal… you may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let’s begin Part A with the first passage.Passage 1Our country has a worldwide reputation for quality agricultural products, and almost half of the country's export earnings are derived from farming. Scientific agricultural research, the use of modern machinery and efficient pasture and soil management enables full advantage to be taken of a temperate climate and ample rainfall to obtain high yields from the land. Grassland farming remains our most important industry.//(E-C 45秒钟间隙完成口译)As an active trading nation, our country is linked to its principal trade partners by sea and air services. This country is one of the word's largest exporters of wool, and the largest exporter of dairy products and mutton. Other major exports are timber, fish and horticultural products. China is one of our principal trade partners. The two countries have experienced increasing exchanges in many areas in recent years. //Passage 2We live in an era where innovation is central to economic growth and prosperity. It is comfortable to hold onto the old ways of doing business. But innovation is hard because it usually leads to change. Innovation requires new ideas, new process and new institutions. New technologies and approaches can radically change an existing market, creating new customers and competitors.// (45秒内完成口译)The long term strategy has also been laid out. China will enhance its independent innovative capabilities, strengthen its ability to conduct basic science research, and speed up its efforts to join the ranks of innovative countries. And you, Mr. Mayor, and the rest of the Shanghai municipal government are working hard to address the innovation challenge directly. I am confident that Shanghai will secure its position as a global centre of creativity and innovation.//Part BDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal… and stop it at the signal… you may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let’s begin Part B with the first passage.Passage 1各位代表,欢迎参加世界文明论坛大会。
// (汉译英 55秒钟内完成口译)各国之间应该加强交流和了解,在相互尊重和平等相待的基础上共同前进,而不应让这种多样性成为阻碍各国人民携手共进的隔阂,更不应人为地从中挑起对立和冲突。
//Passage 2交通阻塞已成为妨碍我国城市发展的瓶颈。
// (口译时间同上)世界上许多大城市都是主要依靠公共交通,尤其是地铁之类的轨道交通来解决城市出行问题的。
//(参考答案)Part APassage 1 (E-C)我国的农产品质量在世界上享有盛誉,农业的出口收入占全国出口收入的一半。
Passage 2 (E-C)我们生活在一个以创新驱动经济发展和繁荣的时代。
//Part BPassage 1 (C-E)Distinguished guests, welcome to the Forum on world Civilization. The world is colorful and the world civilization is many-fold and diversified. People of different countries have traversed different roads of historical development. Each nation with its own cultural background, social system and value, will continue to lead a life in its own way. This diversity is the very reason why world is full of competition, vigor and innovation.//Countries should enhance exchanges and understanding, and move ahead together on the basis of mutual respect and equality. They should not allow the diversity to be a barrier to their hand-in-hand / forward march, still less should they deliberately provoke confrontation and conflict. To respect and develop the diversity of world civilization and identify common interests are a great driving force propelling human society forward.//Passage 2 (C-E)Traffic jam has become a bottle-neck which is preventing the urban development in our country. This is related to the issue of whether we should give priority to the development of public transportation or private cars. Some people love to take the developed countries for example, saying how many private cars they possess, and further advocating the vigorous development of the car industry in China, so as to enable the common people to get easy access to cars. Actually, this has mentioned only part of the facts.//A lot of large cities in the world have solved the problems concerning the travel of the urban population, mainly depending on public transportation, especially rail transportation such as the underground railway. Although all households in large cities have their private cars,many people prefer to take the underground or the bus when they go and come back from work, because doing this way will be more economical and effective. For my part, the key to the solution of the problems concerning urban traffic lies in the development of energy-saving and clean public transportation system.//。