the wal-mart
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Walmart Markets a chain of grocery stores
Walmart’s online retailer Walmart .com
Sam’s club A chain of warehouse clubs which sell groceries and general merchandise Membership stores Annual membership & one-day membership Walmart international The largest private employer in the US, Mexico, and one of the largest in Canada.
Headqua rter
Corporate affairs
No slottin g fee
①$15.4 billion on $422 billion of revenue with a 24.7 percent gross profit margin. The corporation's international operations accounted for $109.2 billion ②the world's 18th largest public corporation, according to the Forbes Global 2000 list, and the largest public corporation when ranked by revenue.
· began trading It stock as a publicly held company ·"Neighborhood Market“&"Walm art Market“ ·enter into chinese market
1. History 2. The founder 3. The Wal-Mart Culture
A part of history of Wal-Mart
In 1962:Sam Walton set up the first Wal-Mart fair-price shop.
In 1972:The share of Wal-Mart was listed in New York and its value turned over 4900 times during the 25 years.
In 1994:Wal-Mart purchased 122 woolco stores in Canada.
A part of history of Wal-Mart
In 1996:Wal-Mart opened the first Chinese store in Shenzhen. Now in China ,there are 215 WalMart stores. In 1997: Wal-Mart saleroom first breakthough more than thousand billion dollars.
• The Founder of Wal-Mart: Sam Walton • If judged by appearance Sam Walton was a very ordinary man. He was raised in the Depression years, and served in the army during World War II. It was he, who from humble beginnings built the world's most admired retail organization. • Sam had a passion to compete and an appetite for adventure. He realized that Wal-Mart needed to do more than offer low prices to be successful - it also had to exceed customers' expectations for quality service. Sam devoted his life to expanding and improving upon this concept. He was also a good motivator of people, because he practiced what he preached. He remained guided by the old-fashioned principles of hard work, honesty, neighborliness and thrift. Even after his death in 1992, those principles continue to guide the company as it expands into other countries and cultures.
The Expansion of the Wal-Mart 沃尔玛全球扩张之德国
a.“我们试图让他们注意体会工作中的乐 趣。” b, 同时,沃尔玛也在按照它的美国方式 促使工作环境民主化。
a. 沃尔玛信用卡付费方式。 b. 沃尔玛采用为顾客装包的激进做法,这在德国 是前所未闻的。 c. 这里的员工也发生了变化,雇员们显得比以前 礼貌多了。
【Wal-Mart的德国】 1997-2006
The Expansion of the Wal-Mart
Wal-Mart In Germany
第三组:李永堃 施伟杰 谭亚军 谢晋 姚望 张德武 章鸣
Wal-Mart In Germany
Wal-Mart In Germany
美 国 人
• 注重细节 • 崇尚自由 • 善变
错 误 的 决 定
错误的理解顾客心理 • 选错员工
原 因
• 错误的理解德国市场 • 低估竞争对手 • 决策机构不在德国
沃尔玛全球基本介绍 (2004 年 10 月)沃尔玛全球 沃尔玛美国共 5,161 家商店 共 3,627 家分店 沃尔玛商店(1,383) 沃尔玛购物广场(1,625) 山姆会员商店(543) 沃尔玛社区店(76)沃尔玛全球其他 共 1534 分店 地区 墨西哥(664) 波多黎各(54) 加拿大(240) 阿根廷(11) 巴西(145) 中国(40) 韩国(16) 德国(92) 英国(272) 配送中心 大事记 110 个 1962 年首家沃尔玛店开业(阿肯色州) 1983 年首家山姆会员店开业(俄克拉 荷马州) 1988 年首家沃尔玛购物广场开业(华 盛顿)1991 年首家国际分店开业(墨西哥城) 国际市场发展大 1991 年 11 月进入墨西哥 事记 1992 年 8 月进入波多黎各 1994 年 11 月进入加拿大 * 1995 年 11 月进入阿根廷 1995 年 11 月进入巴西 1996 年 8 月进入中国 1998 年 1 月进入德国 1998 年 7 月进入韩国 * 1999 年 7 月进入英国 * 2002 年 3 月进入日本 ** * 沃尔玛通过并购进入这些国家 ** 沃尔玛收购西友公司 37.8%的股 份,进入日本市场。
西友是日本主要的零售商,在日本有 400 多家店。
公司全球业务 沃尔玛每周不仅服务来自美国 50 个 州的 1.38 亿名顾客, 还有世界上来自 波多黎各、加拿大、中国、墨西哥、 巴西、英国、阿根廷和韩国的顾客。
员工总数 全球共有员工 150 多万名,在美国的 员工为 120 多万名 截至 2004 年 1 月 31 日, 2003 财政年 度销售额达到 2,563 亿美元。
更新日期:2004.10 沃尔玛历史回顾正如第一家店那样,今天的沃尔玛依然为三项基本信仰所推动。
虽然山姆先生已经离我们而去,但他 的理念与哲学却将永远引领我们走向成功。
The summary of the success of The Wal-Mart-张成嶒As we know,The Wal-Mart is one of the best supermarket in the world.The firm expand abroad in many coutries ,and it get huge profit.The must be some reasons in it,Why the firm can make it? After looking up to some Web information,I get 10 Rules for Building a Successful Business in Wal-Mart.I will display the 10 Rules and focus on some of them which are important.1 Commit to your business2 Share your profits with all your associates3 Motivate your partners4 Communicate everything you possibly can to your partners5 Appreciate everything your associates do for the business6 Celebrate your success7 Listen to everyone in your company and figure out ways to getthem talking8 Exceed your customer's expectations9 Control your expenses better than your competition10 Swim upstream. Go the other way.As old say “The customer is god;the customer is always right”.The one who get the customer can also catch the key of success.Focusing on the 8th and the 9th rules.As being a customer,what we want most is thelower price of the goods.And the Wal-Mart can give us the lower price.It bargain for customer not compete with other company.When obey for the ruls ----“small profits but quick turnover”,the wa l-mart get many ,many customer,and the customers like it and believe it.Every time you get into the supermarket ,you get surprise ;it exceed your customer‟s expectations.and your will get the meaning of the word “serve”.The company serve you heart and soul.Looking up to the 10th rules.The wal-mart Ignore the conventional ideal. If everybody else is doing it one way, there's a good chance you can find your niche by going in exactly the opposite direction. But be prepared for a lot of folks to wave you down and tell you you're headed the wrong way. I guess in all my years, what I heard more often than anything was: a town of less than 50,000 population cannot support a discount store for very long.To sum up ,I think the wal-mart fully understand the two word of …serve‟ and …creativity‟.It serve its customer and ignore the conventional ideal.The …serve‟ give it many customers and the …creativity‟ let it go along with the future!.。
WalmartBRIEF INTRODUCTIONWal-Mart is a company based in North America but has become the largest retailer and is larger than any other retail chain in the world. It is clear that Wal-Mart is growing and gaining international power at an alarming rate. Wal-Mart journey from humble beginnings in the 1960s as a folksy discount retailer in the boondocks of Arkansas to a global retailing juggernaut in 2008 was unprecedented among the company of the world: Sales were expected to exceed $400 billion in fiscal 2009. Wal-Mart provides general merchandise: family apparel, health & beauty aids, household needs, electronics, toys, fabrics, crafts, lawn & garden, jewelry and shoes. Also, the company runs a pharmacy department, Tire & Lube Express, and Photo processing center as well.There are also many secondary issues surrounding the Wal-Mart Corporation and its large growth. It is the largest retail company in the United States and has been ranked number one on the Fortune 500 Index by Fortune Magazine. Wal-Mart has four parts to their corporate strategy.1. Dominance in the Retail Market2. Expansion in the U.S. and International Markets3. Creation of Positive Brand and Company Recognition4. Branch Out into New Sectors of RetailIn recent years, Wal-Mart is very active in the market, as the world's largest multinational retailer?s enterprises. There are more and more stores all over the world, more and more competitors at the same time, if the company wants to maintain their position in the international market, they need to make appropriate strategic transformation to adapt to the development of the international market, this way is useful for the enterprise to survive for a long time.In June 2008, Wal-Mart?s CEO, H. Lee Scott, presented a glowing report to the est imated 16000 shareholders attending the company?s annual shareholder meeting held at the 19,000-seat Bud Walton Arena on the University of Arkansas campus, located a few miles from Wal-Mart?s headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas.SWOTSTRENGTHScale of operations. Wal-Mart is the largest retailer in the world .It makes Wal-Mart the giant that no other retailer can match. Due to such large scale of operations, the corporate can exercise strong buyer power on suppliers to reduce the prices. It can also achieve higher economies of scale than competitors because of its size. Higher economies of scale results in lower prices that are passed to consumers.Competence in information systems. The company has a core competence involving its use of information technology to support its international logistics system. For example, it can see how individual products are performing country-wide, store-by-store at a glance. IT also supports Wal-Mart's efficient procurement.Wide range of products. Wal-Mart can offer wider range of products than any other retailer. It sells grocery, entertainment, health and wellness, apparel and home related products among many other categories and offers both branded and own label goods. Wide range of products attracts more customers to Wal-Mart stores.Cost leadership strategy. This strategy has helped Wal-Mart to become the low cost leader in the retail market. The price of products is lower than supermarket in the around. Wal-Mart reduces the cost about some important meeting and facilities of leadership.The high-speed development of the enterprise. We can see Wal-Mart's net sales, net income and shareholders' equity is growing every year. It shows that in addition to solvency is relatively weak; other indicators have shown Wal-Mart powerful force. Wal-Mart's solvency is weak because it wants to global expansion, for such a high-speed development of business, I think it is acceptable.WEAKNESSWal-Mart…s low cost had resulted in substandard wages and insufficient medical benefits for employees. It has poor work conditions, low wages, unpaid overtime work and female discrimination. Because of this, the workers quality is low. Comparing with other competitors who have focused products, Wal-Mart has lower flexibility. It sells products across manysectors such as clothing, food and other departments. Due to product diversity, Wal-Mart exist competitive weakness.Wal-Mart has a bad image to consumer. Wal-Mart supports sustainable development, but it has more speak than action. On the other hand, awful employee benefit gives the world a bad image.In local branch store, senior executives are accrediting, it?s contradictory strategyabout localization development. The lack of local mangers can cause culture difference. It is short of interactive management between firm and employees.From table two we can get a conclusion that Wal-Mart stores exist around the world. The big scale takes many problems and the big span in management will reduce controlling force.The table one shows that the Current Ratio is lower than 1.0 since 2004. The Wal-Mart has low ability to pay current liabilities. The Return on Assets came down every year. It proved that company has bad effects on utilization of assets. The Return on Shareholders? equity was also declined every year, owners? equity can make a profit in a weak level. Based on current assets and current liabilities, it has negative data from 2000-2008, it means Wal-Mart has finance problem.OPPORTUNITYOpenings to win market share from rivals. From example, Kmart, Target and Carrefour. Moreover, in the warehouse club segment the two largest competitors were Costco Wholesale and Sam?s Clubs.Expanding into new geographic markets. Wal-Mart is expanding aggressively in Brazil and China. But Wal-Mart has not exploited this market fully. Wal-Mart should use localized strategy to open this market entirely.Acquiring rival firms or companies with attractive technological expertise or capabilities. By this approach, the Wal-Mart can decrease its fixed cost when it enters a new market.Falling trade barrier in attractive foreign markets.Online sales via the internet.Sharply rising buyer demand for the industry?s product.THREATWal-Mart's leading position in the retail industry become the target of all competitors to catch upWal-Mart's global strategy may encounter political issues in operating country.The cost of a variety of consumer products tends to decline because of lower manufacturing costs. The main cause of lower manufacturing costs is to outsource production to low-cost regions of the world. This led to price competition, and caused deflation in some areas. Intense price competition is a threat.The company is operating under high financial risk because of blind expansion.As the result, the company will fall into a debt crisis and make chance for other competitors.Wal-Mart keeps a close relationship with a supplier and makes it difficult for other better suppliers to gain access to Wal-Mart?s shelf place and consumers, creating a type of entry barrier for those suppliers.PROBLEM1.What is Wal-Mart?s product choosing?Wal-Mart operates mainly in the choice of varieties of goods sold big, fast turnaround, buy more mid-range frequency of commodity-based, and moderate both high and low commodity combinations.2.Does Wal-Mart have problem about relationships of suppliers and customers?a)About supplies: Wal-Mart plays a god in front of the supplier by buying power. The suppliers are awed and want to get a close relationship with Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart keeps a close relationship with a supplier and makes it difficult for other better suppliers to gain access to Wal-Mart?s shelf place and consumers, creating a type of entry barrier for those suppliers.b)About customer: Wal-Mart does some bad things which displease the customers. As example, dumped trash at a disposal site, closed a store as a reprisal against unionization, sold guns to violations, sold toy guns with an orange cap at the end of the barrel in New York without permission, ignored customers? suggestions and discrimination on female employees.3.What is the use of Acquisitions to expand into Foreign Markets forWal-Mart?s?In recent years, Wal-Mart?s entry into Cana da, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, Puerto Rico, China, Germany, South Korea, and Great Britain had been accomplished by acquiring existing general merchandise or supermarket chains.Wal-Mart?s international stra te gy was to “remain local” in terms of the goods it merchandise, its use of local suppliers where feasible, and in some of the ways it operated.4.What?s Wal-Mart?s scientific method?Wal-Mart's leading efficient information system highly respected industry. With its own commercial satellites, Wal-Mart and easily achieve a global networked information systems. Through this network, more than 4,000 stores worldwide available inventory within an hour of each commodity, shelves, sales of all inventory again. Internal and external information systems so that Wal-Mart can be in close contact with suppliers of goods exchanged daily sales, transportation and ordering information, to achieve store sales, ordering and delivery to keep pace.5.Can Wal-Mart improve salary system, management and HR human resource?The answer is affirmative. Wal-Mart has weak competitiveness in these aspects.a)Creating a work environment that enhances the quality of life for employees.b)Wal-Mart can use its IT advantaged to improve management and HR human resource to make closely connection between each store.c)Building a workforce that is diverse with respect to gender, race, national originand other aspects that different people bring to the workplace.6.How to care about protecting the environment and saving energy?a)Wal-Mart has a large number of employees; it can use these employees topromote environmental knowledge.b)Wal-Mart Improves packaging technology, not only can reduce costs, but also toprotect the environment.c)Because too many Wal-Mart stores in around the world,Wal-Mart's can use solarenergy, wind energy and waste oil for heating and cooling.7.Whether should Wal-Mart change its expansion strategy?Answer: In my opinion, the Wal-Mart should slow down its expansion pace. Reasons are as follows:a)The Wal-Mart should ensure the company operates honorably and ethically. InDecember 2005, Wal-Mart transported the materials from stores in California via a return center in Las Vegas before dumping them at a disposal site. This action is unethical.b)The Wal-Mart should conserving resources and sustaining the environment.Although the Wal-Mart has played out lots of environment-friendly policies but they do not put them into practice entirely.c)The Wal-Mart should pay more attention to well-being of employees rather thanexpand blindly. Recent years, the number of workers? complaints had grown.8.What is Wal-Mart?s Price and Promotion strategy?a)Short-term pricing strategies:Loss leader pricing modelBuy more gifts and related purchaseIntegration programs and member ship programsLong-term pricing strategy:Low-cost strategyBe good at set prices-ending pricing strategiesb)Promotion StrategyPR promotions -Use public relations to communicate with the public, establish a good corporate image and reputation Advertising - Compared with the sales promotion, personal selling, and other marketing tools such as public information, advertising and promotion with its unique position in the enterprise market marketing.Personal selling - Promotional staff through direct contact with customers, allowing consumers to understand the company's products, the establishment of the target audience better image of the enterprise products.。
ACCOUNT NUMBER 帐号Number which designates a store account classification. (Example:#104 is for Master Charge Deposits, #912 is for advertising costs, etc.)指明商店帐户的分类(比如:#104是主要应付款帐号、#912是广告费用帐号等等) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 付款部A division of the Wal-Mart Accounting Department whose responsibilities include the payment of invoices received from Wal-Mart Vendors.沃尔玛财务部的一个分部,它负责接收供货商的发票并付款。
ACTION ALLEY 主通道Sales aisle area of the store which Customers seeimmediately upon entrance from vestibule. Runstoward the back of the store from the front doors.顾客一走进商店的门厅立即看到的,位于货架中间的通道。
AIM1) Assistant’s Information of Merchandise商品信息助理2) Assistant Manager Training program 助理经理培训计划AIR STACKING 空隙堆放A method of stacking cases of product where you alternate cases back and forth to get astair-step effect to increase air flow of the product.成梯形堆放货箱的方法。
已我为第一人称写沃尔玛购物商城的英语作文Shopping at Walmart is always an exciting experience for me. The moment I walk into the store, I am greeted by colorful displays of products, friendly staff members, and the bustling energy of other shoppers. The variety of items available at Walmart is truly impressive, ranging from groceries and household goods to electronics and clothing.在沃尔玛购物对我来说总是令人兴奋的体验。
One thing that I particularly appreciate about shopping at Walmart is the affordable prices. As a budget-conscious shopper, I always look for ways to save money without compromising on quality. Walmart offers a wide range of products at competitive prices, allowing me to purchase everything I need without breaking the bank.我特别喜欢在沃尔玛购物的一点是价格实惠。
Walmart 沃尔玛介绍英文PPT教学提纲
• 2010 “Fortune” magazine announced Walmart replaces Exxon Mobil is once again the Fortune top 500 of the United States.
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Affect all over the world
Wal-Mart has expanded to sixteen countries.More than 7000 Walmart stores all over the world.
About Walmart China
Walmart entered the Chinese market and opened its first Supercenter and Sam’s Club in Shenzhen in 1996. Until today Walmart has been operating in China for 20 years with more than 100,000 associates.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. History
• 1962 Company founded with opening of first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Ark.
• 1969 Company incorporated as Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. on Oct. 31.
• 1997 Wal-Mart becomes the No. 1 employer in the United States
Step 1. A business built on principlesWalmart的官网介绍中写道,“Sam Walton永远都是我们企业繁荣的灵魂人物。
Step 2. Customer-centric approach在“以顾客为中心”的原则下,Walmart不断推出各种满足顾客需求的政策和服务。
Step 3. Quality assurance虽然Walmart的定位是“低价”,但并不是说它的商品质量也会因此而降低。
Step 4. InnovationWalmart始终保持着创新的精神,并不断寻求最好的方式来为客户提供服务。
Business Categories
There are four business categories of Walmart: • Wal-Mart Supercenter • Wal-Mart Stores • Sam's Club • Wal-Mart Neighbourhood Market
• 1969 Company incorporated as Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. on Oct. 31.
• 1990 Wal-Mart becomes nation's No. 1 retailer.
• 1992 Sam Walton passes away on April 5.
Affect all over the world
Wal-Mart has expanded to sixteen countries.More than 7000 Walmart stores all over the world.
About Walmart China
Walmart entered the Chinese market and opened its first Supercenter and Sam’s Club in Shenzhen in 1996. Until today Walmart has been operating in China for 20 years with more than 100,000 associates.
• 2010 “Fortune” magazine announced Walmart replaces Exxon Mobil is once again the Fortune top 500 of the United States.
吉林农业科技学院学士学位论文论文题目: 沃尔玛在中国的本土化战略分析年级专业:2011级工商管理学生姓名:王茹学号: 1104614129指导教师: 柏文静评阅教师: 林艳辉完成日期:吉林农业科技学院沃尔玛在中国的本土化战略分析学生:王茹专业:工商管理指导教师:柏文静摘要现代管理学理论普遍认为,海外企业最核心的战略就是实现本土化,这也是在世界经济进一步全球化、自由化发展的环境下,进行海外扩张的公司在全球范围内有效资源配置其有限资源、保持竞争优势的需要。
关键词:沃尔玛;本土化战略;分析The localization strategy analysisofthe wal-martin ChinaABSTRACTName: wangruMajor: gongshangguanliTutor:baiwenjingModernmanagement theory isgenerally accepted that, overseas companies at the core of strategy is to achieve localization, which is in the world economic globalization and liberalization further development environment, expandoverseas company effective resource allocation of its limited resources on a global scale, maintai n a competitive advantage.Wal-mart as the world retail giant, entered China in 1996, the first to enterthe Chinese is a joint venture, joint venture partners is the pearl river in shenzhen department store co., LT D. Wal-mart with its advanced information system and a powerful logistics system, implementing cost leadership strategy in China,adherence to the \"everyday parity, meager profit but high tu rnover\" the management policy, comprehensive demand, keep costs low won the sustainable competitive advantage. At present, in China it has threeforms:wal-mart shopping plaza,Sam's club store and wal-mart community. Establish cooperative relations with nearly 2 m suppliers, sales of products more than 95% of local products, more than 99.9% of employees from China mainland. But wal-mart to low-cost copying to rapidexpansion, has taken a very centralized management, caused andlocalization of opposites,and ignore the localization of creativity and flexibility, and the particularity of the Chinese market, so did not play the advantage of low cost copy expansion, studies have shown that wal-martin the future development process,must with the Chinese consumer cu lture, consumptionhabits and adapt to themarket environment, effective, wal-mart in China. For multinational companies, from the human resources, marketing management, market development and technical advantage vigorouslyimplement the strategy of \"localization\" of business.Keywords:Wal-mart; The localization strategy; Analyze目录摘要ﻩIABSTRACTﻩ错误!未定义书签。
∙沃尔玛的销售额在近年内有明显增长,并且在全球化的范围内进行扩张.(例如,它收购了英国的零售商ASDA)∙沃尔玛的一个核心竞争力是由先进的信息技术所支持的国际化物流系统.例如, 在该系统支持下,每一件商品在全国范围内的每一间卖场的运输、销售、储存等物流信息都可以清晰地看到。
stores in Canada, Mexico, and other countries Today, it operates
in numerical countries around the world
E-commerce and Technology
In recent years, Wall Mart has invested health in e-commerce
Wall Mart options advanced logistics and supply chain systems to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency, enabling it to offer lower prices to customers
Wall Mart's social responsibility
Implementation of environmental protection
Energy conservation and emissions reduction: Wall Mart actively promotes energy conservation and emissions reduction measures in its operations, including the use of renewable energy, optimization of logistics and transportation, and reduction of waste generation
E-commerce expansion
The company is focusing on growing its e-commerce business by enhancing its online offers, improving delivery services, and exploring new partners and innovations in the digital space
[英语作文]生活中一件最让人难忘的事英语作文生活中一件最让人难忘的事英语作文Yesterday, my parents and I go to the wal-mart supermarket, to buy things.In the second floor, where selling vegetables, mother said: "at home, dad give you stir-fried water convolvulus, where do you find water spinach?" Based on the characteristics of water spinach stems are empty, I found the water convolvulus, took a bundle of, on the car in my pocket.Mother said: "father home give you cold spring Onions add tofu, a clear, look for spring Onions there?" According to the top of the spring Onions is green, the following is characteristic of white, I found the spring Onions.And the mother said: "my father home fry a dish of celery Fried meat for you again, where to find celery?" According to the smell of the celery, Ifound the celery. Then, my mother let me get again bitter chrysanthemum, rape and so on.Later, the mother said: "the food back!" I don't understand why to ask? Mother and smiling said: "we are to see you know don't know these vegetables, you are great, as a reward for you, choose as you like to eat!" I bought a bag of potato chips, and we will happily out of the wal-mart.Through this practice at wal-mart, I'm glad I got to know a lot of vegetables. This really made my day to remember!昨天,我和爸爸妈妈一起去沃尔玛超市,购买东西。
ACCOUNT NUMBER 帐号Number which designates a store account classification. (Example:#104 is for Master Charge Deposits, #912 is for advertising costs, etc.)指明商店帐户的分类(比如:#104是主要应付款帐号、#912是广告费用帐号等等) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 付款部A division of the Wal-Mart Accounting Department whose responsibilities include the payment of invoices received from Wal-Mart Vendors.沃尔玛财务部的一个分部,它负责接收供货商的发票并付款。
ACTION ALLEY 主通道Sales aisle area of the store which Customers seeimmediately upon entrance from vestibule. Runstoward the back of the store from the front doors.顾客一走进商店的门厅立即看到的,位于货架中间的通道。
AIM1) Assistant’s Information of Merchandise商品信息助理2) Assistant Manager Training program 助理经理培训计划AIR STACKING 空隙堆放A method of stacking cases of product where you alternate cases back and forth to get astair-step effect to increase air flow of the product.成梯形堆放货箱的方法。
Walmart Shopping Mall: A Global RetailGiantIn the heart of every city, there's a Walmart, a symbol of convenience and affordability. With its vast array of products and services, Walmart has become a household name across the globe, offering everything from groceries to electronics and much more. It's not just a shopping mall; it's an experience that millions of people worldwide cherish.Walking into a Walmart store is like stepping into a world of possibilities. The wide aisles are filled with shelves stacked high with products of various brands and categories. From fresh fruits and vegetables to ready-to-eat meals, the grocery section offers a diverse range of options to satisfy every palate. The electronics section, on the other hand, is a haven for tech enthusiasts, with the latest smartphones, laptops, and home appliances displayed neatly.The store's layout is designed to enhance the shopping experience. Easy-to-find product labels and clear signage make navigation a breeze. Friendly staff members are alwaysready to assist customers with their queries, and the self-checkout counters offer a convenient alternative to the traditional checkout lines.But Walmart's appeal doesn't end with its physical stores. The retail giant has also embraced digital transformation, offering online shopping and delivery services. Customers can browse and buy products on the Walmart app or website, and have them delivered to their doorsteps in a matter of hours. This seamless integrationof online and offline shopping has further cementedWalmart's position as a retail leader.Price is another factor that sets Walmart apart. Withits commitment to providing customers with value for money, the store offers competitive prices on most of its products. Regular sales and discounts add to the allure, making Walmart a favorite destination for budget-conscious shoppers.But Walmart's success isn't just about products and prices. It's about creating a culture that's inclusive and welcoming to all. The store's commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility is evident in itsefforts to reduce waste, support local communities, and create a positive impact on the environment.In conclusion, Walmart Shopping Mall is not just aplace to buy goods; it's an experience that combines convenience, affordability, and a sense of community. Its commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction has made it a global retail giant that millions of people trust and rely on. As we step into the future, Walmart continues to evolve and adapt, promising more exciting experiences and opportunities for its customers worldwide.**沃尔玛购物商城:全球零售巨头**在每个城市的心脏地带,都有一座沃尔玛,它是便利与实惠的象征。
[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, ZIP][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Title]Walmart Stores, Inc.[Store Location or Corporate Office Address][City, State, ZIP]Dear [Recipient's Name],I am writing to express my strong interest in joining Walmart as a [desired position, e.g., Sales Associate, Cashier, etc.]. As a passionate and dedicated individual with a solid understanding of the retail industry, I believe that my skills and experiences make me a perfect fit for the Walmart team.I have always admired Walmart's commitment to providing customers with affordable products and exceptional service. It is an honor to have the opportunity to apply for a position with your esteemed company. I am confident that my positive attitude, strong work ethic, and exceptional customer service skills would make me a valuable asset to Walmart.During my previous retail experience as a Sales Associate at [Previous Employer], I consistently went above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction. I took great pride in assisting customers, answering their questions, and helping them find the products they needed. My strong communication and interpersonal skills allowed me to build rapport with customers and create a positive shopping experience for them.In addition to my previous experience, I am also a quick learner and adaptable to new environments. I am comfortable working in a fast-paced setting and have the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. I am confident that my flexibility and willingness to learn would enable me to thrive in the dynamic environment of Walmart.Furthermore, I am highly organized and pay close attention to detail. During my time at [Previous Employer], I was responsible for maintaining accurate inventory records and ensuring that products were neatly displayed on the sales floor. My attention to detail helped me identify and resolve any discrepancies in inventory, resulting in improved efficiency and customer satisfaction.I am also familiar with the importance of teamwork and collaboration. I have experience working in a team-oriented environment where effective communication and cooperation were essential to achieving common goals.I am confident that my ability to work well with others would contribute to a positive and productive work environment at Walmart.I am particularly impressed by Walmart's commitment to providing opportunities for growth and development to its employees. I am eager to be part of an organization that values continuous learning and personal advancement. I am confident that Walmart's comprehensive training programs and mentorship opportunities would enable me to further develop my skills and progress in my career.In conclusion, I am excited about the prospect of joining the Walmart team and contributing to the company's success. I believe that my passion for retail, strong work ethic, and exceptional customer service skills make me an ideal candidate for the [desired position]. I am eager to bring my dedication and enthusiasm to Walmart and become a valuable member of your team.Thank you for considering my application. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further with you. I have attached my resume for your review, and I look forward to thepossibility of scheduling an interview at your earliest convenience.Sincerely, [Your Name]。
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We all agree with the author’s point of views .
We think Wal-M art’ arrival to China takes many benefits ,but not harms .
The Wal-Mart’ o peration principle in China is sing local materials , and its goods are almost 95% come from China .It has built partnerships with more than 20000 companies. That is to say ,Wal-Mart help the suppliers build a big platforms to sell their goods . Even the price when they supplied the goods to Wal-Mart is lower than they supplied their goods to other places, then there are so many people choose Wal-Mart , the suppliers can sell more goods , at the same time they can make more money .
In addition to this , in China ,Wal-Mart’s employees are all Chinese , and the sum is more than 30000. If there is no Wal-Mart , there must be more unemployed persons in our country . We do n’t think Wal-Mart treat their employees badly . Because their work is not hard ,nor need them spending much energy on their work . That’s not like some of our classmates of university who are working now, almost of them are working from8:00 to 22:00 day after day .Beyond this ,the employees can learn more retail business operation skills in it .If they have the choice to set up a shop or to do anything else which is better than working in Wal-Mart . They can go , I think .And that is why we are here , we don’t want to fair the condition in our future that there is no choices but to Wal-Mart .
And Wal-Mart’ arrival brings the innovation operation ideas and the advanced retail skills to local economy . In the competition , the local retail companies have to improve their service quality and operating capability .
That is to say , Wal-Mart’ arrival can push the local economy .
As a customer , I don’t think the goods in Wal-Mart are so cheap like it advertise , but are not dearer than Zhongbai supermarket .Then I think if there is no Wal-Mart in Wuhan , the goods in Zhongbai supermarket must be more dearer . But nowadays there are many news said Wal-Mart lose credibility . If those are true , I think Wal-Mart may be deep in crisis .Yes , in China , the laws are not perfect , but we don’t allow to be cheated . And there is no exception .
In China , now , the food safety problems are more and more ,we repose some shops and companies can offer the goods that we can use it with no worried . We hope Wal-Mart can , because in the past, it did really well . But how can it do in the future ? We will wait and see.。