Version 20102




Enables file access for parsing X.509 certificates and private keys.
matrixssl/matrixsslConfig.h Enables client side SSL support
matrixssl/matrixsslConfig.h Enables server side SSL support
Package Structure
Integer Sizes
Configurable Features
Debug Configuration
Cipher Suites
Functionality and features that are available exclusively in the commercial version are not documented here. Below is a partial list of topics available in the PeerSec MatrixSSL documentation library.

RcppEnsmallen 头文件 C++ 数学优化库的说明说明书

RcppEnsmallen 头文件 C++ 数学优化库的说明说明书

Package‘RcppEnsmallen’November27,2023Title Header-Only C++Mathematical Optimization Library for'Armadillo'Version0.'Ensmallen'is a templated C++mathematical optimization library (by the'MLPACK'team)that provides a simple set of abstractions for writing anobjective function to optimize.Provided within are various standard andcutting-edge optimizers that include full-batch gradient descent techniques,small-batch techniques,gradient-free optimizers,and constrained optimization.The'RcppEnsmallen'package includes the headerfiles from the'Ensmallen'library and pairs the appropriate headerfiles from'armadillo'through the'RcppArmadillo'package.Therefore,users do not need to install'Ensmallen'nor'Armadillo'to use'RcppEnsmallen'.Note that'Ensmallen'is licensed under3-Clause BSD,'Armadillo'starting from7.800.0is licensed under Apache License2, 'RcppArmadillo'(the'Rcpp'bindings/bridge to'Armadillo')is licensed underthe GNU GPL version2or later.Thus,'RcppEnsmallen'is also licensed undersimilar terms.Note that'Ensmallen'requires a compiler that supports'C++11'and'Armadillo'9.800or later.Depends R(>=4.0.0)License GPL(>=2)URL https:///coatless-rpkg/rcppensmallen,https:///rcppensmallen/,https:///mlpack/ensmallen,https:/// BugReports https:///coatless-rpkg/rcppensmallen/issues Encoding UTF-8LinkingTo Rcpp,RcppArmadillo(>=0.9.800.0.0)Imports RcppRoxygenNote7.2.3Suggests knitr,rmarkdownVignetteBuilder knitrNeedsCompilation yes12RcppEnsmallen-package Author James Joseph Balamuta[aut,cre,cph](<https:///0000-0003-2826-8458>),Dirk Eddelbuettel[aut,cph](<https:///0000-0001-6419-907X>)Maintainer James Joseph Balamuta<*********************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-11-2721:20:03UTCR topics documented:RcppEnsmallen-package (2)lin_reg_lbfgs (3)Index5 RcppEnsmallen-package RcppEnsmallen:Header-Only C++Mathematical Optimization Li-brary for’Armadillo’Description’Ensmallen’is a templated C++mathematical optimization library(by the’MLPACK’team)that provides a simple set of abstractions for writing an objective function to optimize.Provided within are various standard and cutting-edge optimizers that include full-batch gradient descent techniques, small-batch techniques,gradient-free optimizers,and constrained optimization.The’RcppEns-mallen’package includes the headerfiles from the’Ensmallen’library and pairs the appropriate headerfiles from’armadillo’through the’RcppArmadillo’package.Therefore,users do not need to install’Ensmallen’nor’Armadillo’to use’RcppEnsmallen’.Note that’Ensmallen’is licensed under3-Clause BSD,’Armadillo’starting from7.800.0is licensed under Apache License2,’Rcp-pArmadillo’(the’Rcpp’bindings/bridge to’Armadillo’)is licensed under the GNU GPL version2 or later.Thus,’RcppEnsmallen’is also licensed under similar terms.Note that’Ensmallen’requiresa compiler that supports’C++11’and’Armadillo’9.800or later.Author(s)Maintainer:James Joseph Balamuta<*********************>(ORCID)[copyright holder] Authors:•Dirk Eddelbuettel<**************>(ORCID)[copyright holder]See AlsoUseful links:•https:///coatless-rpkg/rcppensmallen•https:///rcppensmallen/•https:///mlpack/ensmallen•https:///•Report bugs at https:///coatless-rpkg/rcppensmallen/issues lin_reg_lbfgs Linear Regression with L-BFGSDescriptionSolves the Linear Regression’s Residual Sum of Squares using the L-BFGS optimizer. Usagelin_reg_lbfgs(X,y)ArgumentsX A matrix that is the Design Matrix for the regression problem.y A vec containing the response values.DetailsConsider the Residual Sum of Squares,also known as RSS,defined as:RSS(β)=(y−Xβ)T(y−Xβ)The objective function is defined as:f(β)=(y−Xβ)2The gradient is defined as:∂RSS=−2X T(y−Xβ)∂βValueThe estimatedβparameter values for the linear regression.Examples#Number of Pointsn=1000#Select beta parametersbeta=c(-2,1.5,3,8.2,6.6)#Number of Predictors(including intercept)p=length(beta)#Generate predictors from a normal distributionX_i=matrix(rnorm(n),ncol=p-1)#Add an interceptX=cbind(1,X_i)#Generate y valuesy=X%*%beta+rnorm(n/(p-1))#Run optimization with lbfgstheta_hat=lin_reg_lbfgs(X,y)#Verify parameters were recoveredcbind(actual=beta,estimated=theta_hat)Indexlin_reg_lbfgs,3RcppEnsmallen(RcppEnsmallen-package),2 RcppEnsmallen-package,25。



GIMP2.10.2发布,HEIF支持(如何升级)GIMP 2.10.2是GIMP 2.10系列的第一个bug修复版本,于2天前发布。

现在,您可以轻松地将其安装在Ubuntu18.04,Ubuntu 17.10和衍生产品中。

GIMP 2.10.2发布亮点:•添加HEIF图像格式支持加载和导出•Spherize过滤器将图像包裹在球冠上•递归变换过滤器来创建一个Droste效果•Windows的单窗口截图改进。


GIMP 2.10.2中的递归转换过滤器,具有自定义画布上的界面。

值得注意的改进Windows上更好的单窗口截图尽管GIMP 2.10.0中的屏幕截图插件已经更好,但是当目标窗口隐藏在其他窗口后面,部分屏幕外或激活显示缩放时,在Windows上的单窗口屏幕截图中遇到了一些问题。



如何在Ubuntu中通过PPA安装GIMP 2.10.2:新版本已被制作成适用于Ubuntu 18.04,Ubuntu 17.10的PPA 存储库。

由于Glib依赖关系密不可分,Ubuntu 16.04目前不受支持。

1.通过Ctrl + Alt + T键盘快捷方式打开终端,或从应用启动器搜索“终端”。

打开时,运行命令添加PPA:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp输入密码(无视觉反馈),然后按Enter键继续。

2.添加PPA后,可以使用软件更新程序(Update Manager)从现有版本升级到GIMP 2.10.2或者在终端中逐个运行命令来安装或升级GIMP:sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install gimp提示:Ubuntu 18.04不需要apt update命令,因为它在添加PPA后自动刷新存储库缓存。



计算机水平考试中级嵌入式系统设计师2008年下半年上午真题(总分75,考试时间150分钟)1. 计算机内存一般分为静态数据区、代码区、栈区和堆区,若某指令的操作数之一采用立即数寻址方式,则该操作数位于__(1)__。

A. 静态数据区B. 代码区C. 栈区D. 堆区2. 计算机在进行浮点数的相加(减)运算之前先进行对阶操作,若x 的阶码大于y 的阶码,则应将__(2)__。

A. x 的阶码缩小至与y 的阶码相同,且使x 的尾数部分进行算术左移B. x 的阶码缩小至与y 的阶码相同,且使x 的尾数部分进行算术右移C. y 的阶码扩大至与x 的阶码相同,且使y 的尾数部分进行算术左移D. y 的阶码扩大至与x 的阶码相同,且使y 的尾数部分进行算术右移3. 在CPU 中,__(3)__可用于传送和暂存用户数据,为ALU 执行算术逻辑运算提供工作区。

A. 程序计数器B. 累加寄存器C. 程序状态寄存器D. 地址寄存器4. 关于在I/O 设备与主机间交换数据的叙述,“__(4)__”是错误的。

A. 中断方式下,CPU 需要执行程序来实现数据传送任务B. 中断方式和DMA 方式下,CPU 与I/O 设备都可同步工作C. 中断方式和DMA 方式中,快速I/O 设备更适合采用中断方式传递数据D. 若同时接到DMA 请求和中断请求,CPU 优先响应DMA 请求5. 关于校验方法,“__(5)__ ”是正确的。

A. 采用奇偶校验可检测数据传输过程中出现一位数据错误的位置并加以纠正B. 采用海明校验可检测数据传输过程中出现一位数据错误的位置并加以纠正C. 采用海明校验,校验码的长度和位置可随机设定D. 采用CRC 校验,需要将校验码分散开并插入数据位的指定位置中6. Cache 用于存放主存数据的部分拷贝,主存单元地址与Cache 单元地址之间的转换工作由__(6)__完成。

A. 硬件B. 软件C. 用户D. 程序员7. 在Windows Server 2003 下若选择安全登录,则首先需要按__(7)__组合键。

大字数显示器 (Model LDD) 说明书

大字数显示器 (Model LDD) 说明书

O WIDE SELECTION OF INPUT MODULES O 3.32 INCH (84.4 mm) HIGH DIGITS O 115/230 VAC SWITCH SELECTABLE O RUGGED STEEL CONSTRUCTION O AVAILABLE IN 4 OR 6-DIGIT VERSIONSO AVAILABLE WITH RED OR GREEN LED DISPLAY O SEALED FRONT PANEL CONSTRUCTION (NEMA 4/IP65)O VERSATILE MOUNTING OPTIONSOTEMPLATE PROVIDED FOR EASY INSTALLATIONDESCRIPTIONThe Large Digit Display, Model LDD, is a versatile display which can increase your productivity by offering your plant floor or production area a visual display of their current status, such as counting, rate indication, real time,or any engineering unit required. The LDD is available in either a 4-digit or a 6-digit display version with Red or Green LED displays, that accepts a selection of personality boards to meet your specific application needs (see Personality Module Bulletins for more information).There are four panel wiring knock-outs provided, two 7/8" (22.2 mm)knock-outs and two 1/2"(12.7 mm)knock-outs. Also provided is a removeable cover located on the rear panel which will expose one open ended cut-out for easy wire installation.The LDD has a sealed front panel which meets NEMA 4/IP65 requirements for wash-down and dusty environments when properly installed. The 3.32"(84.4 mm)digits are readable to 130 feet (40 M).SAFETY SUMMARYAll safety related regulations, local codes and instructions that appear in the manual or on equipment must be observed to ensure personal safety and to prevent damage to either the instrument or equipment connected to it. If equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.SPECIFICATIONS1. DISPLAY:3.32" (84.4 mm)High, Red or Green LED display.2. POWER REQUIREMENTS:Switch selectable 115/230 V AC (±10%),50/60 Hz, 17 V A 4-digit, 21 V A 6-digit (including module).3. CONSTRUCTION:Steel construction textured with polyurethane paint for scratch and corrosion resistance protection. Front panel meets NEMA 4/IP65requirements for indoor use when properly installed. Installation Category II,Pollution Degree 2. (Panel gasket included with unit.)4. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS:Operating Temperature : SEE MODULE LITERATURE Storage Temperature : -40 to 70°COperating and Storage Humidity : 85% max. relative (non-condensing)over operating rangeAltitude : Up to 2000 metersMODELLDD - LARGE DIGIT DISPLAYSPECIFICATIONS (Cont’d) Array 5. CERTIFICATIONS AND COMPLIANCES:SAFETYIEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1: Safety requirements for electrical equipmentfor measurement, control, and laboratory use, Part 1.IP65 Enclosure rating (Face only), IEC529Type 4 Enclosure rating (Face only), UL50EMC EMISSIONS:Meets EN 50081-2: Industrial Environment.EMC IMMUNITY:Meets EN 50082-2: Industrial Environment.Refer to individual personality module specifications for aditional information.6. MOUNTING REQUIREMENTS:Max. panel thickness is 0.375" (9.5 mm).Min. panel thickness for NEMA4/IP65 sealing is 0.125" (3.2 mm).7. WEIGHT: 8 lbs (3.6 kg) (less module).Disconnect all power before installing or removing module. SET-UPTo place the personality module into the LDD, first remove the rear coverby unscrewing the two captive fasteners. Then, before installing the moduleinto the LDD, configure the module for the specific application by SETTINGALL APPLICABLE DIP SWITCHES AND JUMPERS AT THIS TIME (seeaccompanying module data sheet). Place the module on the plastic standoffs(see figure 1). Push on the four posts as shown in figure 2 until the carrier snapsinto place.Note: Power should NOT be applied until the terminal block is plugged into themodule AND the module is properly installed into the Large Digit Display. Select the proper voltage by setting the switch to either 115 or 230 volts. Connect the display and power cables on the module to the appropriate connectors on the power supply board (see figure 2).To program the Intelligent Meter, three normally open momentarypushbuttons are connected to “P”, “UP”, “DOWN”, and common of the LDD(not included with the Intelligent Meter). The Model PGM is a small plasticcase with three normally open momentary pushbuttons and 10 feet (3 M)ofshielded cable, and is well suited for programming the Intelligent Metermodule. Although, any normally open, momentary pushbutton switches can beused. (SEE APPROPRIATE MODULE LITERATURE FOR SET-UP ANDOTHER CONNECTIONS.)To remove module from the LDD, disconnect the display and power cables,then remove the carrier from the standoffs by disengaging the tabs andsimultaneously lifting the carrier. Repeat this until the module has cleared all 4standoffs.INSTALLATION ENVIRONMENTThe unit should be installed in a location that does not exceed the maximumoperating temperature and provides good air circulation. Placing the unit neardevices that generate excessive heat should be avoided.The LDD may be cleaned using alcohol compounds such as Isopropanol ormethanol. Also, liquid glass cleaners may be used if they do NOT containammonia.NOTE: MINIMAL EXPOSURE OF KETONE SOLVENTS TO THE LDD ISGOING TO CAUSE A WHITENING OF THE DISPLAY OVERLAY. Continuous exposure to direct sunlight may accelerate the aging process of the bezel.The LDD is intended to be mounted into an enclosed panel with a gasket toprovide a water-tight seal. A gasket and ten 10 to 32 kep nuts are provided foreasy installation. The recommended minimum panel thickness for NEMA4/IP65 applications is 0.125" (3.2 mm). Thinner panels may be used but maydistort and not provide a water-tight seal.For ease of installation, the cardboard template (supplied with the LDD)maybe used to mark the holes and cut-out locations on the panel. After the panelcut-out has been completed and deburred, insert the unit with the panel gasket,into the panel as depicted in the drawing (see figure 3). Install the ten kep nutsand tighten evenly for uniform gasket compression.By using additional hardware, the LDD can be surface-wall mounted,suspended, or bottom mounted. To surface-wall mount the unit, two sets ofMB6 brackets are required. To suspend or bottom mount the unit, one set ofMB6 brackets is required.1. TOTALIZER2. LINEARIZER 4-20 mA MODEL NO.DESCRIPTION+18 VDC 3. PEAK/VALLEYDUAL SERIAL ANALOG PART NUMBEREXCITATION 4. TARE ALARM OUTPUTOUTPUT5. E2-CON6. EFFICIENCYIntelligent Meter Modules NO NO NO NO NO PBD10000For Decade Voltage Inputs *YES NO NO NO NO PBD10100PBD1YES NO YES NO NO PBD10102(See IMD1 Bulletin for operating YES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5NO NO NO PBD13100Specifications.)YES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5YES YES YES PBD13107Intelligent Meter Modules NO NO NO NO NO PBD20000For Decade Current Input *YES NO NO NO NO PBD20100PBD2YES NO YES NO NO PBD20102(See IMD2 Bulletin for operating YES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5NO NO NO PBD23100Specifications.)YES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5YES YES YES PBD23107Intelligent Serial Slave Display Module *20 mA SRC 3, 5NO YES NO PBA04101PBA(See IMA Bulletin for operating 20 mA SRC 3, 5YES YES NO PBA04104Specifications.)20 mA SRC 3, 5YES YES YES PBA04107+12 VDC 1, 2, 3, 5, 6NO NO NO PBI04100Intelligent Digital Rate Meter *+12 VDC 1, 2, 3, 5, 6NO YES NO PBI04101PBI(See IMI Bulletin for operating +12 VDC 1, 2, 3, 5, 6YES NO NO PBI04102Specifications.)+12 VDC 1, 2, 3, 5, 6NO NO YES PBI04103+12 VDC 1, 2, 3, 5, 6YES YES YESPBI04107PGMProgramming BoxPGM00000* Note: All the above Intelligent Meter modules require a 6-digit Large Digit Display, Model LDD00600 or LDD0G600.ORDERING INFORMATION FOR APOLLO INTELLIGENT METER MODULESORDERING INFORMATIONFOR APOLLO PERSONALITY MODULESPERSONALITY MODULESThe following Apollo and IM capabilities are available as modules for the TROUBLESHOOTINGFor further technical assistance, contact technical support at the appropriate company numbers listed.LIMITED WARRANTYThe Company warrants the products it manufactures against defects in materials and workmanship for a period limited to two years from the date of shipment, provided the products have been stored, handled, installed, and used under proper conditions. The Company’s liability under this limited warranty shall extend only to the repair or replacement of a defective product, at The Company’s option. The Company disclaims all liability for any affirmation, promise or representation with respect to the products.The customer agrees to hold Red Lion Controls harmless from, defend, and indemnify RLC against damages, claims, and expenses arising out of subsequent sales of RLC products or products containing components manufactured by RLC and based upon personal injuries, deaths, property damage, lost profits, and other matters which Buyer, its employees, or sub-contractors are or may be to any extent liable, including without limitation penalties imposed by the Consumer Product Safety Act (P.L. 92-573) and liability imposed upon any person pursuant to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act (P.L. 93-637), as now in effect or as amended hereafter.No warranties expressed or implied are created with respect to The Company’s products except those expressly contained herein. The Customer acknowledges the disclaimers and limitations contained herein and relies on no other warranties or affirmations.。

AIX 5.3 安装 weblogic 9.2 中文版本 Oracle10g R2中文版本安装记录

AIX 5.3 安装 weblogic 9.2 中文版本 Oracle10g R2中文版本安装记录
$ java -jar -Xmx2048m server921_ccjk_generic.jar
附注:如果以字符模式安装,加上参数 -mode=console
# extendlv hd6 5
# extendlv paging00 5
# lsps -a
Page Space Physical Volume Volume Group Size %Used Active Auto Type
# lspv
hdisk0 000108bea5cd4a82 rootvg active
hdisk1 00c05860ab525174 rootvg active
/tmp 5000M













例如:VBoxManage startvm "Windows XP"指定其UUID,VirtualBox⽤来引⽤虚拟机的内部唯⼀标识符。

设上述名称为“Windows XP”的虚拟机有如下UUID,下⾯的命令有同样的效果:VBoxManage startvm 670e746d-abea-4ba6-ad02-2a3b043810a5使⽤VBoxManage list vms可列出当前注册的所有虚拟机的名称及其对应的UUID。

通过命令⾏控制VirtualBox的典型⽤法如下:使⽤命令新建虚拟机并⽴即在VirtualBox中注册,使VBoxManage createvm的--register选项:$ VBoxManage createvm --name "SUSE 10.2" --registerVirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 3.1.6(C) 2005-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.All rights reserved.Virtual machine 'SUSE 10.2' is created.UUID: c89fc351-8ec6-4f02-a048-57f4d25288e5Settings file: '/home/username/.VirtualBox/Machines/SUSE 10.2/SUSE 10.2.xml'从上⾯的输出可以看到,⼀个新的虚拟机被创建,带有⼀个新的UUID和新的XML的设置⽂件。



新浪微博分享错误代码解释10001:系统错误10002:服务端资源不可用10003:远程服务出错10005:该资源需要appkey拥有更高级的授权10006:缺少 source参数(appkey)10007:不支持的 MediaType (%s)10008:错误:参数错误,请参考API文档10009:任务过多,系统繁忙10010:任务超时10011:RPC错误10012:非法请求10013:不合法的微博用户10014:第三方应用访问api接口权限受限制10016:错误:缺失必选参数:%s,请参考API文档10017:错误:参数值非法,希望得到 (%s),实际得到 (%s),请参考API文档10018:请求长度超过限制10020:接口不存在10021:请求的HTTP METHOD不支持10022:IP请求超过上限10023:用户请求超过上限10024:用户请求接口%s超过上限10025:内部接口参数错误20001:IDS参数为空20002:uid参数为空20003:用户不存在20005:不支持的图片类型,仅仅支持JPG,GIF,PNG20006:图片太大20007:请确保使用multpart上传了图片20008:内容为空20009:id列表太长了20012:输入文字太长,请确认不超过140个字符20013:输入文字太长,请确认不超过300个字符20014:传入参数有误,请再调用一次20016:发微博太多啦,休息一会儿吧20017:你刚刚已经发送过相似内容了哦,先休息一会吧20019:不要太贪心哦,发一次就够啦20023:很抱歉,此功能暂时无法使用,如需帮助请联系@微博客服或者致电客服电话400 690 000020031:需要弹出验证码20032:微博发布成功。


谢谢20033:登陆状态异常20101:不存在的微博20102:不是你发布的微博20103:不能转发自己的微博20109:微博 id为空20111:不能发布相同的微博20112:由于作者隐私设置,你没有权限查看此微博20114:标签名太长20115:标签不存在20116:标签已存在20117:最多200个标签20118:最多5个标签20119:标签搜索失败20120:由于作者设置了可见性,你没有权限转发此微博20121:visible参数非法20122:应用不存在20123:最多屏蔽200个应用20124:最多屏蔽500条微博20125:没有屏蔽过此应用20126:不能屏蔽新浪应用20127:已添加了此屏蔽20128:删除屏蔽失败20129:没有屏蔽任何应用20201:不存在的微博评论20203:不是你发布的评论20204:评论ID为空20206:作者只允许关注用户评论20207:作者只允许可信用户评论20401:域名不存在20402:verifier错误20403:屏蔽用户列表中存在此uid20404:屏蔽用户列表中不存在此uid20405:uid对应用户不是登录用户的好友20406:屏蔽用户个数超出上限20407:没有合适的uid20408:从feed屏蔽列表中,处理用户失败20501:错误:source_user 或者target_user用户不存在20502:必须输入目标用户id或者 screen_name 20503:关系错误,user_id必须是你关注的用户20504:你不能关注自己20505:加关注请求超过上限20506:已经关注此用户20507:需要输入验证码20508:根据对方的设置,你不能进行此操作20509:悄悄关注个数到达上限20510:不是悄悄关注人20511:已经悄悄关注此用户20512:你已经把此用户加入黑名单,加关注前请先解除20513:你的关注人数已达上限20522:还未关注此用户20523:还不是粉丝20601:列表名太长,请确保输入的文本不超过10个字符20602:列表描叙太长,请确保输入的文本不超过70个字符20603:列表不存在20604:不是对象所属者20605:列表名或描叙不合法20606:记录已存在20607:错误:数据库错误,请联系系统管理员20608:列表名冲突20610:目前不支持私有分组20611:创建list失败20612:目前只支持私有分组20613:错误:不能创建更多的列表20614:已拥有列表上下,请参考API文档20615:成员上线,请参考API文档20616:不支持的分组类型20617:最大返回300条20618:uid 不在列表中20701:不能提交相同的标签20702:最多两个标签20704:您已经收藏了此微博20705:此微博不是您的收藏20706:操作失败20801:trend_name是空值20802:trend_id是空值21001:标签参数为空21002:标签名太长,请确保每个标签名不超过14个字符21103:该用户已经绑定手机21104:verifier错误21105:你的手机号近期频繁绑定过多个帐号,如果想要继续绑定此帐号,请拨打客服电话400 690 0000申请绑定21108:原始密码错误21109:新密码错误21110:此用户暂时没有绑定手机21113:教育信息不存在21115:职业信息不存在21117:此用户没有qq信息21120:此用户没有微号信息21121:此微号已经存在21301:认证失败21302:用户名或密码不正确21303:用户名密码认证超过请求限制21304:版本号错误21305:缺少必要的参数21306:Oauth参数被拒绝21307:时间戳不正确21308:nonce参数已经被使用21309:签名算法不支持21310:签名值不合法21311:consumer_key不存在21312:consumer_key不合法21313:consumer_key缺失21314:Token已经被使用21315:Token已经过期21316:Token不合法21317:Token不合法21318:Pin码认证失败21319:授权关系已经被解除21320:不支持的协议21321:未审核的应用使用人数超过限制21322:重定向地址不匹配21323:请求不合法21324:client_id或client_secret参数无效21325:提供的Access Grant是无效的、过期的或已撤销的21326:客户端没有权限21327:token过期21328:不支持的 GrantType21329:不支持的 ResponseType21330:用户或授权服务器拒绝授予数据访问权限21331:服务暂时无法访问21332:access_token 无效21333:禁止使用此认证方式其他的错误代码:304 Not Modified: 没有数据返回.400 Bad Request: 请求数据不合法,或者超过请求频率限制. 详细的错误代码如下:o 40028:内部接口错误(如果有详细的错误信息,会给出更为详细的错误提示)o 40033:source_user或者target_user用户不存在o 40031:调用的微博不存在o 40036:调用的微博不是当前用户发布的微博o 40034:不能转发自己的微博o 40038:不合法的微博o 40037:不合法的评论o 40015:该条评论不是当前登录用户发布的评论o 40017:不能给不是你粉丝的人发私信o 40019:不合法的私信o 40021:不是属于你的私信o 40022:source参数(appkey)缺失o 40007:格式不支持,仅仅支持XML或JSON格式o 40009:图片错误,请确保使用multipart上传了图片o 40011:私信发布超过上限o 40012:内容为空o 40016:微博id为空o 40018:ids参数为空o 40020:评论ID为空o 40023:用户不存在o 40024:ids过多,请参考API文档o 40025:不能发布相同的微博o 40026:请传递正确的目标用户uid或者screen nameo 40045:不支持的图片类型,支持的图片类型有JPG,GIF,PNG o 40008:图片大小错误,上传的图片大小上限为5Mo 40001:参数错误,请参考API文档o 40002:不是对象所属者,没有操作权限o 40010:私信不存在o 40013:微博太长,请确认不超过140个字符o 40039:地理信息输入错误o 40040:IP限制,不能请求该资源o 40041:uid参数为空o 40042:token参数为空o 40043:domain参数错误o 40044:appkey参数缺失o 40029:verifier错误o 40027:标签参数为空o 40032:列表名太长,请确保输入的文本不超过10个字符o 40030:列表描述太长,请确保输入的文本不超过70个字符o 40035:列表不存在o 40053:权限不足,只有创建者有相关权限o 40054:参数错误,请参考API文档o 40059: 插入失败,记录已存在o 40060:数据库错误,请联系系统管理员o 40061:列表名冲突o 40062:id列表太长了o 40063:urls是空的o 40064:urls太多了o 40065:ip是空值o 40066:url是空值o 40067:trend_name是空值o 40068:trend_id是空值o 40069:userid是空值o 40070:第三方应用访问api接口权限受限制o 40071:关系错误,user_id必须是你关注的用户o 40072:授权关系已经被删除o 40073:目前不支持私有分组o 40074:创建list失败o 40075:需要系统管理员的权限o 40076:含有非法词o 40084:提醒失败,需要权限o 40082:无效分类!o 40083:无效状态码o 40084:目前只支持私有分组401 Not Authorized: 没有进行身份验证.o 40101 version_rejected Oauth版本号错误o 40102 parameter_absent Oauth缺少必要的参数o 40103 parameter_rejected Oauth参数被拒绝o 40104 timestamp_refused Oauth时间戳不正确o 40105 nonce_used Oauth nonce参数已经被使用o 40106 signature_method_rejected Oauth签名算法不支持o 40107 signature_invalid Oauth签名值不合法o 40108 consumer_key_unknown! Oauth consumer_key不存在o 40109 consumer_key_refused! Oauth consumer_key不合法o 40110 token_used! Oauth Token已经被使用o 40111 Oauth Error: token_expired! Oauth Token已经过期o 40112 token_revoked! Oauth Token不合法o 40113 token_rejected! Oauth Token不合法o 40114 verifier_fail! Oauth Pin码认证失败402 Not Start mblog: 没有开通微博403 Forbidden: 没有权限访问对应的资源.o 40301 too many lists, see doc for more info 已拥有列表上限o 40302 auth faild 认证失败o 40303 already followed 已经关注此用户o 40304 Social graph updates out of rate limit 发布微博超过上限o 40305 update comment out of rate 发布评论超过上限o 40306 Username and pwd auth out of rate limit 用户名密码认证超过请求限制o 40307 HTTP METHOD is not suported for this request 请求的HTTP METHOD不支持o 40308 Update weibo out of rate limit 发布微博超过上限o 40309 password error 密码不正确o 40314 permission denied! Need a high level appkey 该资源需要appkey拥有更高级的授权404 Not Found: 请求的资源不存在.500 Internal Server Error: 服务器内部错误.502 Bad Gateway: 微博接口API关闭或正在升级 .503 Service Unavailable: 服务端资源不可用.【人人网分享错误代码大全】<1> 一个未知的错误发生<2> 服务临时不可用<3> 未知的方法<4> 应用已达到设定的请求上限<5> 请求来自未经授权的IP地址<6> 当前用户session key过期了(已过期)<7> rest api调用次数超过了限制<100> 无效未知参数<101> 无效的API_KEY<102> 无效的SESSION_KEY<103> 必须是POST提交<104> 无效的签名<200> USER PERMISSIONS ERRORS<210> API_EC_PERMISSION_USER<220> API_EC_PERMISSION_ALBUM<221> <API_EC_PERMISSION_PHOTO><450> 当前用户的sessionKey过期<451> Session key specified cannot be used to call this method<452> Session key 无效. 可能传入的sessionKey格式出现错误<453> 调用此方法时,session key 是一个必须的参数<2000> 没有得到auth_token<2001> token对象中没有得到userId<2002> 用户没有登录校内网<10000> 登录失败<10201> API_EC_REST_LACKO_API_KEY<10202> API_EC_REST_LACKOF_SESSION_KEY<10203> API_EC_REST_LACKOF_CALL_ID<10600> 此接口的调用规则是: 48小时之内,一个用户最多可以调用10次<10601> Feed标题模板是无效的,标题模板中必须含有 \"{actor}\" 变量,且只含有一个<10602> 文本空,显示内容应该在30个字符之内<10603> if {target} is used, then target_ids becomes a required parameter<10604> title_data 参数不是一个有效的JSON 格式数组<10605> Feed的标题模板缺少必须的参数,或者title_data JSON数组定义的参数不完全。


IC DW01-G OD:2.4V OC:4.25V VOL:150MV SOT23-6 SMD ROHS
NTC THERMISTOR CMF0603-473 3800B 47K 5% 0603 SMD ROHS



Package‘venn’October12,2022Version1.11Date2022-06-09Title Draw Venn DiagramsDepends R(>=3.5.0)Imports admisc(>=0.10)Suggests QCA(>=3.9),ggplot2,ggpolypathDescriptionDraws and displays Venn diagrams up to7sets,and any Boolean union of set intersections. License GPL(>=3)URL https:///dusadrian/vennBugReports https:///dusadrian/venn/issuesNeedsCompilation noAuthor Adrian Dusa[aut,cre,cph](<https:///0000-0002-3525-9253>)Maintainer Adrian Dusa<*********************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2022-06-0821:30:02UTCR topics documented:About the venn package (2)getCentroid (2)getZones (3)venn (5)Index1112getCentroidAbout the venn packageDraw Venn DiagramsDescriptionDraws and displays Venn diagrams up to7sets,and any boolean union of set intersections. DetailsPackage:vennType:PackageVersion: 1.11Date:2022-06-09License:GPL(>=2)Author(s)Authors:Adrian DusaDepartment of SociologyUniversity of Bucharest<*********************>Maintainer:Adrian DusagetCentroid Calculate the centroid of a polygon.DescriptionThis function takes a list of dataframes or a matrices containing x and y values,which define zones (polygons),and calculates their centroids.UsagegetCentroid(data)Argumentsdata A matrix or a dataframe with two columns,for x and y coordinatesDetailsMost of the coordinates for the intersection labels in this package were calculated using the formula for a centroid of a non-self-intersecting closed polygon,approximated by10vertices.ValueA list with x and y coordinates,for each zone in the input list.ReferencesCentroid.(n.d.).In Wikipedia.Retrieved January06,2016,from https:///wiki/Centroid Examplesvenn("0110")#centroid for the intersection"0110"in a4set diagramcentroid<-getCentroid(getZones("0110"))[[1]]text(centroid[1],centroid[2],labels="0110",cex=0.85)#centroids for the two zones in the"E not A"zonesvenn(5)area<-getZones("0---1")#list of length2polygon(area[[1]],col="lightblue")polygon(area[[2]],col="lightblue")text("rbind",getCentroid(area)),labels=c("zone1","zone2"),cex=0.85)getZones Calculate the union(s)of set intersections.DescriptionThis function uses a metacommand to calculate the shape of a specific zone or a list of zones.UsagegetZones(area,snames,ellipse=FALSE)Argumentsarea A chgaracter expression written in sum of products form.snames A string containing the sets’names,separated by commas.ellipse Logical,get the zones from the shape of an ellipse,where possibleDetailsA SOP("sum of products")is also known as a DNF("disjunctive normal form"),or in other wordsa"union of intersections",for example A*D+B*c.The same expression can be written in curly brackets notation:A{1}*D{1}+B{1}*C{0}.The expression B{1}*C{0}can also be written in a pseudo-language,as"-10-"(assuming there are only four sets).A"zone"is a union of set intersections.There are exactly2^k intersections in a Venn diagram, where k is the number of sets.To highlight an entire set,we need a union of all possible intersections which form that set.The argument ellipse retrieves the data from the shape of an ellipse,and it only works with4and 5sets.ValueA list of self-enclosed polygons,for each independent zone.Examplesvenn(3)area<-getZones("A",snames="A,B,C")#a list of length1polygon(area[[1]],col="lightblue")#The very same result is obtained with:zone<-getZones("1--")#for5sets,the content of the5th set but not in the first set is a#list of two zonesvenn(5)zones<-getZones("0---1")#this time a list of length2#(re)coloring the first zone(union)polygon(zones[[1]],col="lightblue")venn5 #and the second zone(union)polygon(zones[[2]],col="lightblue")venn Draw and display a Venn diagramDescriptionThis function uses a variety of input data to draw and display a Venn diagram with up to7sets.Usagevenn(x,snames="",counts,ilabels=FALSE,ellipse=FALSE,zcolor="bw",opacity=0.3,plotsize=15,ilcs=0.6,sncs=0.85,borders=TRUE,box=TRUE,par=TRUE,ggplot=FALSE,...)Argumentsx A single number(of sets),or a metacommand formula(see details),or a list containing set values,or a dataset containing boolean values.snames An optional parameter containing the names for each set.ilabels Logical:print the labels for each intersection.counts A numerical vector of counts for each set intersection.ellipse Logical,force the shape to an ellipse,where possiblezcolor A vector of colors for the custom zones,or predefined colors if"style"opacity Degree of opacity for the color(s)specified with zcolor(less opacity,more transparency).plotsize Plot size,in centimeters.ilcs Character expansion(in base plots)or size(in ggplots)for the intersection labels sncs Character expansion(in base plots)or size(in ggplots)for the set namesborders Logical:draw all intersection bordersbox Logical:draw the outside squarepar Logical:use the default,custom par settingsggplot Logical:plot the Venn diagram using ggplot...Additional parameters,mainly for the outer borders of the sets6vennDetailsThe argument x can be either:-a single number(of sets),between1and7-a metacommand(character)to draw custom intersection zones-a list,containing values for the different sets:each component is a set,and only up to7compo-nents are processed.-a dataset of boolean values.A"zone"is a union of set intersections.There are exactly2^k intersections in a Venn diagram, where k is the number of sets.To highlight an entire set,we need a union of all possible intersections which form that set.For example,in a3sets diagram,the(overall)first set is composed by four intersections:100for what is in thefirst set but outside sets2and outside set3101for the intersection between sets1and3,outside set2110for the intersection between sets1and2,outside set3111for the intersection between all three sets.A meta-language can be used to define these intersections,using the values of1for what is insidethe set,0for what is outside the set,and-when its either inside or outside of the set.The command"1--"is translated as"display only thefirst,entire set"is equivalent with the union of the four intersections"100+101+110+111".The parameter snames should have the same length as the number of sets specified by the parameter x.When the parameter x is used as a metacommand,the number of sets is calculated as the number of characters in each intersection of the metacommand.One such character command is"100+101+ 110+111"or"1--",and all intersections have exactly three characters.It is also possible to use a regular,disjunctive normal form,like"A",which is equivalent with"Abc +AbC+ABc+ABC".When x is an expression written in DNF,if a valid R statement then quoting is not even necessary.The argument snames establishes names for the different sets,or in its absence it is taken from LETTERS.When x is a list or a dataframe,snames is taken from their names.The length of the snames indicates the total number of sets.A numerical vector can be supplied with the argument counts,when the argument x is a singlenumber of sets.The counts should match the increasing order of the binary representation for the set intersections.When the argument x is a list,the counts are taken from the number of common values for each intersection,and when x is a data frame,(comprised of exclusively boolean values 0and1)the counts are taken from the number of similar rows.If a particular intersection does not have any common values(or no rows),the count"0"is left blank and not displayed in the diagram.The argument ellipse differentiates between two types of diagrams for4and5sets.The idea is to allow for as much space as possible for each intersection(also as equal as possible)and that is impossible if preserving the shape of an ellipse.The default is to create large space for the intersections,but users who prefer an ellipse might want to set this argument to TRUE.Colors tofill the desired zones(or entire sets)can be supplied via the argument zcolor(the default is"bw"black and white,which means no colors at all).Users can either chose the predefined color style,using zcolor="style",or supply a vector of custom colors for each zone.If only one custom color is supplied,it will be recycled for all zones.venn7When using zcolor="style",any other additional arguments for the borders are ignored.A different set of predefined colors is used,when argument x is a QCA type object(a truth table,either from a class tt or from a class qca).If custom colors are provided via zcolor,it should havea length of3colors:thefirst for the absence of the outcome(0),the second for the presence of theoutcome(1),and the third for the contradictions(C).Remainders have no color,by default.The argument ilcs works only if the intersection labels(ilabels)or intersection counts are acti-vated,and it sets the size of the labels via a cex argument.In the absence of a specific value from the user,it’s default is set to0.6for all Venn diagrams with up tofive sets,and it automatically decreases to0.5for six sets and0.45for seven sets.Via...,users can specify additional parameters,mainly for the outer borders of the sets,as speci-fied by par(),and since version1.9it is also used to pass additional aesthetics parameters for the ggplot2graphics.All of them are feeded either to the base function lines()which is responsible with the borders,or to the function geom_path()from package ggplot2.For up to3sets,the shapes can be circular.For more than3sets,the shape cannot be circular:for 4and5sets they can be ellipses,while for more than5sets the shapes cannot be continous(they might be monotone,but not continous).The7sets diagram is called"Adelaide"(Ruskey,2005).The most challenging diagram is the one with6sets,where for many years it was thought a Venn diagram didn’t even exist.All diagrams are symetric,except for the one with6sets,where some of the sets have different shapes.The diagram in this package is an adaptation from Mamakani,K., Myrvold W.and F.Ruskey(2011).The argument border can be used only for custom intersections and/or unions,it has no effect when x is a list,or a data frame,or a truth table object.The argument par is used to define a custom set of parameters when producing the plot,to ensurea square shape of about15cm and eliminate the outer regions.If deactivated,users can define theirown size and shape of the plot using the system function par().By default,the plot is always produced using a size of1000points for both horizontal and vertical,unless the argument ggplot is activated,when the argument par will have no effect.ReferencesRuskey,F.and M.Weston.2005.Venn diagrams.Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,Dynamic Survey DS5.Mamakani,K.,Myrvold W.and F.Ruskey.2011.Generating all Simple Convexly-drawable Po-lar Symmetric6-Venn Diagrams.International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms,Victoria.LNCS,7056,275-286.Examples#A simple Venn diagram with3setsvenn(3)#with a vector of counts:1for"000",2for"001"etc.venn(3,counts=1:8)#display the first whole setvenn("1--")8venn #same withvenn("A",snames="A,B,C")#an equivalent command,from the union of all intersectionsvenn("100+110+101+111")#same withvenn("A~B~C+AB~C+A~BC+ABC")#adding the labels for the intersectionsvenn("1--",ilabels=TRUE)#using different parameters for the bordersvenn(4,lty=5,col="navyblue")#using ellipsesvenn(4,lty=5,col="navyblue",ellipse=TRUE)#a5sets Venn diagramvenn(5)#a5sets Venn diagram using ellipsesvenn(5,ellipse=TRUE)#a5sets Venn diagram with intersection labelsvenn(5,ilabels=TRUE)#and a predefined color stylevenn(5,ilabels=TRUE,zcolor="style")#a union of two setsvenn("1----+----1")#same withvenn("A+E",snames="A,B,C,D,E")#with different colorsvenn("1----,----1",zcolor="red,blue")#same withvenn("A,E",snames="A,B,C,D,E",zcolor="red,blue")#same colors for the bordersvenn("1----,----1",zcolor="red,blue",col="red,blue")#6sets diagramvenn(6)#7sets"Adelaide"venn(7)venn9 #artistic versionvenn(c("1000000","0100000","0010000","0001000","0000100","0000010","0000001","1111111"))#without all bordersvenn(c("1000000","0100000","0010000","0001000","0000100","0000010","0000001","1111111"),borders=FALSE)#using sum of products notationvenn("A+B~C",snames="A,B,C,D")#when x is a listset.seed(12345)x<-list(First=1:20,Second=10:30,Third=sample(25:50,15))venn(x)#when x is a dataframeset.seed(12345)x<,150,replace=TRUE),ncol=5))venn(x)#producing a ggplot2graphicsvenn(x,ggplot=TRUE)#increasing the border sizevenn(x,ggplot=TRUE,size=1.5)#with dashed linesvenn(x,ggplot=TRUE,linetype="dashed")##Not run:#produce Venn diagrams for QCA objectslibrary(QCA)data(CVF)obj<-truthTable(CVF,"PROTEST",incl.cut=0.85)venn(obj)#to set opacity based on inclusion scores#(less inclusion,more transparent)venn(obj,opacity=obj$tt$incl)#custom labels for intersectionspCVF<-minimize(obj,include="?")10venn venn(pCVF$solution[[1]],zcol="#ffdd77,#bb2020,#1188cc")cases<-paste(c("HungariansRom","CatholicsNIreland","AlbaniansFYROM","RussiansEstonia"),collapse="\n")coords<-unlist(getCentroid(getZones(pCVF$solution[[1]][2])))text(coords[1],coords[2],labels=cases,cex=0.85)##End(Not run)Index∗functionsgetCentroid,2getZones,3venn,5∗packageAbout the venn package,2About the venn package,2geom_path,7getCentroid,2getZones,3lines,7par,7venn,5venn_package(About the venn package),211。



Physical unit Effective range
0:OFF 1:ON 220.0V-240.0V 50.00Hz/60.00Hz
effective range:0,1 the default value is
(212;002400)(220.0240.0)V the default value is
Parameter name
Physical unit Effective range
3.0~4.7 5.0~6.7 7.0~8.7
Inverter max number
Combine type Inverter number reserved
State ID
0x0CC20901(master) 0x0CC20902(slave1) 0x0CC20903(slave2)
Data area
Parameter name
Physical unit Effective range
AC radiator temperature
3.0~4.7 5.0~6.7 7.0~8.7
Transformer temperature DC radiator temperature reserved
Physical unit Effective range
1.0~2.7 3.0~4.7
Accumulated buy power high Accumulated buy power low
1000KWH 0.1kwh
5.0~6.7 7.0~8.7
Accumulated sell power high Accumulated sell power low



Revision Summary
Date 03/14/2007 04/10/2007 05/18/2007 06/08/2007 07/10/2007 08/17/2007 09/21/2007 10/26/2007 01/25/2008 03/14/2008 06/20/2008 07/25/2008 08/29/2008 10/24/2008 12/05/2008 01/16/2009 02/27/2009 04/10/2009 05/22/2009 07/02/2009 08/14/2009 09/25/2009 11/06/2009 12/18/2009 01/29/2010 03/12/2010 Revision History 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.3 1.3.1 2.0 2.0.1 3.0 3.0.1 3.0.2 3.0.3 3.0.4 3.0.5 3.0.6 3.0.7 3.0.8 3.0.9 3.0.10 4.0 Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Minor Editorial Major Editorial Major Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial Major Revision Class Comments Version 1.0 release Version 1.1 release Version 1.2 release Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Updated the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Updated and revised the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Updated and revised the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Revised and edited the technical content. Updated and revised the technical content.



新浪微博分享错误代码解释10001:系统错误10002:服务端资源不可用10003:远程服务出错10005:该资源需要appkey拥有更高级的授权10006:缺少 source参数(appkey)10007:不支持的 MediaType (%s)10008:错误:参数错误,请参考API文档10009:任务过多,系统繁忙10010:任务超时10011:RPC错误10012:非法请求10013:不合法的微博用户10014:第三方应用访问api接口权限受限制10016:错误:缺失必选参数:%s,请参考API文档10017:错误:参数值非法,希望得到 (%s),实际得到 (%s),请参考API文档10018:请求长度超过限制10020:接口不存在10021:请求的HTTP METHOD不支持10022:IP请求超过上限10023:用户请求超过上限10024:用户请求接口%s超过上限10025:内部接口参数错误20001:IDS参数为空20002:uid参数为空20003:用户不存在20005:不支持的图片类型,仅仅支持JPG,GIF,PNG20006:图片太大20007:请确保使用multpart上传了图片20008:内容为空20009:id列表太长了20012:输入文字太长,请确认不超过140个字符20013:输入文字太长,请确认不超过300个字符20014:传入参数有误,请再调用一次20016:发微博太多啦,休息一会儿吧20017:你刚刚已经发送过相似内容了哦,先休息一会吧20019:不要太贪心哦,发一次就够啦20023:很抱歉,此功能暂时无法使用,如需帮助请联系@微博客服或者致电客服电话400 690 000020031:需要弹出验证码20032:微博发布成功。


谢谢20033:登陆状态异常20101:不存在的微博20102:不是你发布的微博20103:不能转发自己的微博20109:微博 id为空20111:不能发布相同的微博20112:由于作者隐私设置,你没有权限查看此微博20114:标签名太长20115:标签不存在20116:标签已存在20117:最多200个标签20118:最多5个标签20119:标签搜索失败20120:由于作者设置了可见性,你没有权限转发此微博20121:visible参数非法20122:应用不存在20123:最多屏蔽200个应用20124:最多屏蔽500条微博20125:没有屏蔽过此应用20126:不能屏蔽新浪应用20127:已添加了此屏蔽20128:删除屏蔽失败20129:没有屏蔽任何应用20201:不存在的微博评论20203:不是你发布的评论20204:评论ID为空20206:作者只允许关注用户评论20207:作者只允许可信用户评论20401:域名不存在20402:verifier错误20403:屏蔽用户列表中存在此uid20404:屏蔽用户列表中不存在此uid20405:uid对应用户不是登录用户的好友20406:屏蔽用户个数超出上限20407:没有合适的uid20408:从feed屏蔽列表中,处理用户失败20501:错误:source_user 或者target_user用户不存在20502:必须输入目标用户id或者 screen_name 20503:关系错误,user_id必须是你关注的用户20504:你不能关注自己20505:加关注请求超过上限20506:已经关注此用户20507:需要输入验证码20508:根据对方的设置,你不能进行此操作20509:悄悄关注个数到达上限20510:不是悄悄关注人20511:已经悄悄关注此用户20512:你已经把此用户加入黑名单,加关注前请先解除20513:你的关注人数已达上限20522:还未关注此用户20523:还不是粉丝20601:列表名太长,请确保输入的文本不超过10个字符20602:列表描叙太长,请确保输入的文本不超过70个字符20603:列表不存在20604:不是对象所属者20605:列表名或描叙不合法20606:记录已存在20607:错误:数据库错误,请联系系统管理员20608:列表名冲突20610:目前不支持私有分组20611:创建list失败20612:目前只支持私有分组20613:错误:不能创建更多的列表20614:已拥有列表上下,请参考API文档20615:成员上线,请参考API文档20616:不支持的分组类型20617:最大返回300条20618:uid 不在列表中20701:不能提交相同的标签20702:最多两个标签20704:您已经收藏了此微博20705:此微博不是您的收藏20706:操作失败20801:trend_name是空值20802:trend_id是空值21001:标签参数为空21002:标签名太长,请确保每个标签名不超过14个字符21103:该用户已经绑定手机21104:verifier错误21105:你的手机号近期频繁绑定过多个帐号,如果想要继续绑定此帐号,请拨打客服电话400 690 0000申请绑定21108:原始密码错误21109:新密码错误21110:此用户暂时没有绑定手机21113:教育信息不存在21115:职业信息不存在21117:此用户没有qq信息21120:此用户没有微号信息21121:此微号已经存在21301:认证失败21302:用户名或密码不正确21303:用户名密码认证超过请求限制21304:版本号错误21305:缺少必要的参数21306:Oauth参数被拒绝21307:时间戳不正确21308:nonce参数已经被使用21309:签名算法不支持21310:签名值不合法21311:consumer_key不存在21312:consumer_key不合法21313:consumer_key缺失21314:Token已经被使用21315:Token已经过期21316:Token不合法21317:Token不合法21318:Pin码认证失败21319:授权关系已经被解除21320:不支持的协议21321:未审核的应用使用人数超过限制21322:重定向地址不匹配21323:请求不合法21324:client_id或client_secret参数无效21325:提供的Access Grant是无效的、过期的或已撤销的21326:客户端没有权限21327:token过期21328:不支持的 GrantType21329:不支持的 ResponseType21330:用户或授权服务器拒绝授予数据访问权限21331:服务暂时无法访问21332:access_token 无效21333:禁止使用此认证方式其他的错误代码:304 Not Modified: 没有数据返回.400 Bad Request: 请求数据不合法,或者超过请求频率限制. 详细的错误代码如下:o 40028:内部接口错误(如果有详细的错误信息,会给出更为详细的错误提示)o 40033:source_user或者target_user用户不存在o 40031:调用的微博不存在o 40036:调用的微博不是当前用户发布的微博o 40034:不能转发自己的微博o 40038:不合法的微博o 40037:不合法的评论o 40015:该条评论不是当前登录用户发布的评论o 40017:不能给不是你粉丝的人发私信o 40019:不合法的私信o 40021:不是属于你的私信o 40022:source参数(appkey)缺失o 40007:格式不支持,仅仅支持XML或JSON格式o 40009:图片错误,请确保使用multipart上传了图片o 40011:私信发布超过上限o 40012:内容为空o 40016:微博id为空o 40018:ids参数为空o 40020:评论ID为空o 40023:用户不存在o 40024:ids过多,请参考API文档o 40025:不能发布相同的微博o 40026:请传递正确的目标用户uid或者screen nameo 40045:不支持的图片类型,支持的图片类型有JPG,GIF,PNG o 40008:图片大小错误,上传的图片大小上限为5Mo 40001:参数错误,请参考API文档o 40002:不是对象所属者,没有操作权限o 40010:私信不存在o 40013:微博太长,请确认不超过140个字符o 40039:地理信息输入错误o 40040:IP限制,不能请求该资源o 40041:uid参数为空o 40042:token参数为空o 40043:domain参数错误o 40044:appkey参数缺失o 40029:verifier错误o 40027:标签参数为空o 40032:列表名太长,请确保输入的文本不超过10个字符o 40030:列表描述太长,请确保输入的文本不超过70个字符o 40035:列表不存在o 40053:权限不足,只有创建者有相关权限o 40054:参数错误,请参考API文档o 40059: 插入失败,记录已存在o 40060:数据库错误,请联系系统管理员o 40061:列表名冲突o 40062:id列表太长了o 40063:urls是空的o 40064:urls太多了o 40065:ip是空值o 40066:url是空值o 40067:trend_name是空值o 40068:trend_id是空值o 40069:userid是空值o 40070:第三方应用访问api接口权限受限制o 40071:关系错误,user_id必须是你关注的用户o 40072:授权关系已经被删除o 40073:目前不支持私有分组o 40074:创建list失败o 40075:需要系统管理员的权限o 40076:含有非法词o 40084:提醒失败,需要权限o 40082:无效分类!o 40083:无效状态码o 40084:目前只支持私有分组401 Not Authorized: 没有进行身份验证.o 40101 version_rejected Oauth版本号错误o 40102 parameter_absent Oauth缺少必要的参数o 40103 parameter_rejected Oauth参数被拒绝o 40104 timestamp_refused Oauth时间戳不正确o 40105 nonce_used Oauth nonce参数已经被使用o 40106 signature_method_rejected Oauth签名算法不支持o 40107 signature_invalid Oauth签名值不合法o 40108 consumer_key_unknown! Oauth consumer_key不存在o 40109 consumer_key_refused! Oauth consumer_key不合法o 40110 token_used! Oauth Token已经被使用o 40111 Oauth Error: token_expired! Oauth Token已经过期o 40112 token_revoked! Oauth Token不合法o 40113 token_rejected! Oauth Token不合法o 40114 verifier_fail! Oauth Pin码认证失败402 Not Start mblog: 没有开通微博403 Forbidden: 没有权限访问对应的资源.o 40301 too many lists, see doc for more info 已拥有列表上限o 40302 auth faild 认证失败o 40303 already followed 已经关注此用户o 40304 Social graph updates out of rate limit 发布微博超过上限o 40305 update comment out of rate 发布评论超过上限o 40306 Username and pwd auth out of rate limit 用户名密码认证超过请求限制o 40307 HTTP METHOD is not suported for this request 请求的HTTP METHOD不支持o 40308 Update weibo out of rate limit 发布微博超过上限o 40309 password error 密码不正确o 40314 permission denied! Need a high level appkey 该资源需要appkey拥有更高级的授权404 Not Found: 请求的资源不存在.500 Internal Server Error: 服务器内部错误.502 Bad Gateway: 微博接口API关闭或正在升级 .503 Service Unavailable: 服务端资源不可用.【人人网分享错误代码大全】<1> 一个未知的错误发生<2> 服务临时不可用<3> 未知的方法<4> 应用已达到设定的请求上限<5> 请求来自未经授权的IP地址<6> 当前用户session key过期了(已过期)<7> rest api调用次数超过了限制<100> 无效未知参数<101> 无效的API_KEY<102> 无效的SESSION_KEY<103> 必须是POST提交<104> 无效的签名<200> USER PERMISSIONS ERRORS<210> API_EC_PERMISSION_USER<220> API_EC_PERMISSION_ALBUM<221> <API_EC_PERMISSION_PHOTO><450> 当前用户的sessionKey过期<451> Session key specified cannot be used to call this method<452> Session key 无效. 可能传入的sessionKey格式出现错误<453> 调用此方法时,session key 是一个必须的参数<2000> 没有得到auth_token<2001> token对象中没有得到userId<2002> 用户没有登录校内网<10000> 登录失败<10201> API_EC_REST_LACKO_API_KEY<10202> API_EC_REST_LACKOF_SESSION_KEY<10203> API_EC_REST_LACKOF_CALL_ID<10600> 此接口的调用规则是: 48小时之内,一个用户最多可以调用10次<10601> Feed标题模板是无效的,标题模板中必须含有 \"{actor}\" 变量,且只含有一个<10602> 文本空,显示内容应该在30个字符之内<10603> if {target} is used, then target_ids becomes a required parameter<10604> title_data 参数不是一个有效的JSON 格式数组<10605> Feed的标题模板缺少必须的参数,或者title_data JSON数组定义的参数不完全。

医学应对方式问卷中文版701 例测试报告

医学应对方式问卷中文版701 例测试报告

8181±3117 8158±3118 9120±3112 7187±3107 8157±3119 8184±3119 9137±3122 8173±2199 9134±3124 9161±3123 8188±3112 8128±3111 7175±2179 8183±3135 8126±2188 9150±3120 9104±3113 8155±3133 8178±3118 8170±2176 7152±2157 8165±2181 9155±3154 9100±3143 11100±3140 10131±3149 7162±2168 7155±2154 9100±3143 9113±3109 9117±3100
表 3 各类病人的M CM Q 三种量分均值
合计 男 女 ≤29 岁 30~ 39 岁 40~ 49 岁 50~ 59 岁 60~ 69 岁 ≥70 岁 小学文化 初中文化 高中文化 大学文化 职工 干部 农民 其他职业 癌症 肝病 心脑血管病 消化性溃疡 糖尿病 慢性支气管炎 慢性肾病 神经官能症 皮肤病 其它病种 病程 2 月以内 2~ 11 月 1~ 5 年 5 年以上
四、三个分量表的内部一致性系数 (Α系数) : 求 得 面 对、回 避、屈 服 三 个 分 量 表 的 Α系 数 分 别 为 0169、0160、0176。
五、重测信度: 40 名被试在间隔 3 周后重新施 测, 求得面对、回避、屈服三个分量表的重测信度分 别为 0164、0185 、0167。
六、各类病人的三种应对量分均值: 详见表 3。
结果 一、因素分析: 对 701 例结果采用主成份分析
法作因素分析, 可选取三个因素。除 2 个条目互换位 置和 1 个新加条目外, 各因素的条目构成与原作者 基本相同[5], 因而也可以将这三个因素命名为面对 ( Confron ta t ion )、 回 避 ( A vo idance )、 屈 服 (A ccep tance2R esigna tion) , 每一个因素代表一个分 量表。 各条目的归属及因素负荷情况见表 1。



Rexroth IndraControl VCP 20Industrial Hydraulics Electric Drivesand ControlsLinear Motion andAssembly Technologies PneumaticsServiceAutomationMobileHydraulicsRexroth VisualMotion 10 Multi-Axis Machine Control R911306327 Edition 01Troubleshooting GuideAbout this Documentation Rexroth VisualMotion 10 Troubleshooting Guide DOK-VISMOT-VM*-10VRS**-WA01-EN-PRexroth VisualMotion 10Multi-Axis Machine ControlTroubleshooting Guide DOK-VISMOT-VM*-10VRS**-WA01-EN-P Document Number, 120-2300-B323-01/ENPart of Box Set, 20-10V-EN (MN R911306370)This documentation describes …•the use of VisualMotion Toolkit for assitance in diagnostics •the proper steps for indentifing diagnostic faults • and the suggested remedies for clearing faults Description ReleaseDateNotes DOK-VISMOT-VM*-10VRS**-WA01-EN-P 08/2004Initial release© 2004 Bosch Rexroth AGCopying this document, giving it to others and the use or communicationof the contents thereof without express authority, are forbidden. Offendersare liable for the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the eventof the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design(DIN 34-1).The specified data is for product description purposes only and may notbe deemed to be guaranteed unless expressly confirmed in the contract.All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentationand the availability of the product.Bosch Rexroth AGBgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 • D-97816 Lohr a. MainTel.: +49 (0)93 52/40-0 • Fax: +49 (0)93 52/40-48 85 • Telex: 68 94 21Bosch Rexroth Corporation • Electric Drives and Controls5150 Prairie Stone Parkway • Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 • USATel.: 847-645-3600 • Fax: 847-645-6201/Dept. ESG4 (DPJ)This document has been printed on chlorine-free bleached paper.Title Type of DocumentationDocument TypecodeInternal File Reference Purpose of Documentation Record of Revisions Copyright Validity Published byNoteRexroth VisualMotion 10 Troubleshooting Guide Table of Contents I Table of Contents1VisualMotion Tools for Diagnosing1-1 The Diagnostics Menu.............................................................................................................1-1System Diagnostics.................................................................................................................1-1Tasks Diagnostics...................................................................................................................1-3Drive Overview….....................................................................................................................1-42Monitoring and Diagnostics2-12.1System Diagnostics - Codes and Message...................................................................................2-1Parameters..............................................................................................................................2-2DriveTop..................................................................................................................................2-32.2Control Startup Messages.............................................................................................................2-4PPC Boot-Up Sequence..........................................................................................................2-4Control Firmware Sequence....................................................................................................2-42.3Status Messages (001-199)...........................................................................................................2-5001 Initializing System.............................................................................................................2-5002 Parameter Mode...............................................................................................................2-5003 Initializing Drives...............................................................................................................2-5004 System is Ready...............................................................................................................2-5005 Manual Mode....................................................................................................................2-5006 Automatic Mode: ABCD....................................................................................................2-5007 Program Running: ABCD.................................................................................................2-6008 Single-Stepping: ABCD....................................................................................................2-6009 Select Parameter Mode to Continue................................................................................2-6010 Breakpoint Reached: ABCD.............................................................................................2-6018 Please cycle power to continue........................................................................................2-6019 Executing User Initialization Task....................................................................................2-62.4Warning Messages (201-399).......................................................................................................2-7201 Invalid jog type or axis selected........................................................................................2-7202 Drive %d is not ready.......................................................................................................2-7203 Power Fail detected..........................................................................................................2-7204 Sercos ring was disconnected..........................................................................................2-8205 Parameter transfer warning in Task %c...........................................................................2-8207 Axis %d position limit reached..........................................................................................2-8208 Lost Fieldbus Connection.................................................................................................2-9209 Fieldbus Mapping Timeout...............................................................................................2-9210 File System Defrag: %d completed................................................................................2-10211 Program- & Data memory cleared..................................................................................2-10212 Option Card PLS Warning, see ext. diag.......................................................................2-10213 Sercos cycle time changed.............................................................................................2-11214 PCI Bus Cyclic Mapping Timeout...................................................................................2-11 DOK-VISMOT-VM*-10VRS**-WA01-EN-PII Table of Contents Rexroth VisualMotion 10 Troubleshooting Guide215 RECO I/O Failure, see ext. diag.....................................................................................2-11216 Control PLS %d warning, see ext. diag..........................................................................2-12217 PCI Bus Communication, see ext. diag..........................................................................2-12218 PCI Bus Register Mapping Timeout...............................................................................2-13219 PCI Bus Lifecounter Timeout.........................................................................................2-13220 Excessive deviation in PMG%d, see ext. diag...............................................................2-13221 Excessive Master Position Slip Deviation......................................................................2-13222 ELS Config. Warning, see ext. diag...............................................................................2-14223 PCI Bus reset occurred, cyclic data are invalid..............................................................2-14225 System booted................................................................................................................2-14226 RS485 Serial Communication Error (port X1%d)...........................................................2-15227 Control Over-temperature Warning................................................................................2-15228 Control - SYSTEM WARNING.......................................................................................2-152.5Shutdown Messages (400 - 599).................................................................................................2-16400 EMERGENCY STOP......................................................................................................2-16401 Sercos Controller Error: %02d........................................................................................2-16402 Sercos Config. Error: see ext. diag................................................................................2-16403 System Error see ext. diag.............................................................................................2-17405 Phase %d: Drive did not respond...................................................................................2-17407 Drive %d Phase 3 Switch Error......................................................................................2-17409 Sercos Disconnect Error.................................................................................................2-18411 Drive %d Phase 4 Switch Error......................................................................................2-18412 No drives were found on ring..........................................................................................2-18414 Parameters were lost......................................................................................................2-19415 Drive %d was not found..................................................................................................2-19416 Invalid Instruction at %04x..............................................................................................2-19417 SYSTEM ERROR: pSOS #%04x...................................................................................2-19418 No program is active.......................................................................................................2-20419 Invalid Program File: code = %d....................................................................................2-20420 Drive %d Shutdown Error...............................................................................................2-20421 User Program Stack Overflow........................................................................................2-20422 Parameter transfer error in Task %c..............................................................................2-21423 Unimplemented Instruction.............................................................................................2-21425 Instruction error: see Task %c diag................................................................................2-21426 Drive %d is not ready.....................................................................................................2-22427 Calc: invalid table index %d............................................................................................2-22428 Calc: division by zero......................................................................................................2-22429 Calc: too many operands................................................................................................2-22430 Calc: invalid operator......................................................................................................2-23431 Calc error: see Task %c diag.........................................................................................2-23432 Calc: too many nested expressions...............................................................................2-23433 Setup instruction outside of a task.................................................................................2-23434 Axis %d configured more than once...............................................................................2-23435 Axis %d is not assigned to a task...................................................................................2-24436 General Compiler Error: %04x.......................................................................................2-24438 Invalid Axis Selected: %d...............................................................................................2-24DOK-VISMOT-VM*-10VRS**-WA01-EN-PRexroth VisualMotion 10 Troubleshooting Guide Table of Contents III439 Axis %d: Invalid Motion Type.........................................................................................2-24440 I/O Transfer Error: see task diag....................................................................................2-25450 Event %d: invalid event type..........................................................................................2-25451 Invalid event number ‘%d’..............................................................................................2-25452 More than %d event timers armed.................................................................................2-25453 Homing param. transfer error: %d..................................................................................2-25454 Axis %d homing not complete........................................................................................2-26459 Axis %d target position out of bounds............................................................................2-26460 Invalid program %d from binary inputs...........................................................................2-26463 Ratio command: invalid ratio..........................................................................................2-26464 Can't activate while program running.............................................................................2-27465 Drive %d config. error, see ext. diag..............................................................................2-27467 Invalid ELS Master Option..............................................................................................2-27468 ELS adjustment out of bounds.......................................................................................2-27470 Axis %d velocity > maximum..........................................................................................2-28474 Drive %d cyclic data size too large.................................................................................2-28477 Axis D: probe edge not configured.................................................................................2-28478 Calc: operand out of range.............................................................................................2-28483 Parameter Init. Error: see Task %c diag........................................................................2-29484 Control SYSTEM ERROR..............................................................................................2-29486 Sercos Device %d is not a drive.....................................................................................2-29487 CAM %d is invalid or not stored.....................................................................................2-29488 CAM Error: See Task %c diag........................................................................................2-30489 More than %d CAM axes selected.................................................................................2-30490 System Memory Allocation Error....................................................................................2-30492 Programs were lost, see ext. diag..................................................................................2-30496 Can't execute this instruction from an event..................................................................2-31497 Limit switch config. error, see ext. diag.........................................................................2-31498 Drive %d Shutdown Warning..........................................................................................2-32499 Axis number %d not supported in this version...............................................................2-32500 Axis %d is not referenced...............................................................................................2-32501 Drive %d comm. error, see ext. diag..............................................................................2-33502 ELS and cams not supported in this version..................................................................2-33504 Communication Timeout.................................................................................................2-33505 Axis %d is not configured...............................................................................................2-33508 User Watchdog Timeout.................................................................................................2-33509 Control System Timing Error (%d).................................................................................2-34515 PLC Communications Error............................................................................................2-34516 More than %d registration functions enabled.................................................................2-34519 Lost Fieldbus/PLC Connection.......................................................................................2-35520 Fieldbus Mapping Timeout.............................................................................................2-35521 Invalid Virtual Master ID: %d..........................................................................................2-36522 Invalid ELS Master ID: %d..............................................................................................2-36523 IFS status, facility = 0x%x..............................................................................................2-36524 Hardware Watchdog timeout..........................................................................................2-36525 I/O Configuration error, see ext. diag.............................................................................2-36 DOK-VISMOT-VM*-10VRS**-WA01-EN-PIV Table of Contents Rexroth VisualMotion 10 Troubleshooting Guide526 Sercos Multiplex Channel Config, see ext. diag.............................................................2-37527 Control Initialization Error, see ext. diag.........................................................................2-38528 System Event %d Occurred...........................................................................................2-38529 Invalid ELS Group ID: %d...............................................................................................2-38530 CAM %d is active, can't overwrite..................................................................................2-39531 Invalid variable for Fieldbus/PCI Bus Mapping...............................................................2-39532 Power fail brown out condition detected.........................................................................2-39533 Multiple instances of index CAM: %d found...................................................................2-39534 Hardware Version Not Supported..................................................................................2-40539 Invalid Parameter Number..............................................................................................2-40540 Option Card PLS error....................................................................................................2-40541 Link Ring Error, see ext. diag.........................................................................................2-41542 PLC Cyclic Mapping Timeout.........................................................................................2-42543 PCI Bus Runtime Error...................................................................................................2-42544 RECO I/O Failure, see ext. diag.....................................................................................2-42545 Invalid Coordinated Articulation Function ID: %d...........................................................2-43546 Multiple Instance of Coordinated Articulation Function with ID: %d...............................2-43547 Task %c Coordinated Articulation Error, see ext. diag...................................................2-43548 Invalid Kinematic Number: %d.......................................................................................2-43549 Fieldbus Initialization Error.............................................................................................2-43550 User Initialization Task Timeout.....................................................................................2-44551 Master Slip Config. Error, see ext. diag..........................................................................2-44552 Excessive Master Position Slip Deviation......................................................................2-44553 Invalid Parameter Detected, see C-0-2002....................................................................2-44554 Excessive Deviation in PMG%d, see ext. diag...............................................................2-45555 PCI Bus Register Mapping Timeout...............................................................................2-45556 PCI Bus Lifecounter Timeout.........................................................................................2-45557 PMG%d Maximum allowed deviation window is Zero....................................................2-45558 PMG%d Only 1 axis parameterized...............................................................................2-46559 PMG%d Number of offsets does not match number of Axis..........................................2-46560 PMG%d Max. allowed dev. window is larger than 25% of Modulo................................2-46561 PMG%d Offset is larger than Modulo.............................................................................2-46562 PMG%d Parameterized Axis is not in system................................................................2-46563 Invalid Task Specified, Must be A-D..............................................................................2-46564 PMG%d Invalid configuration, see ext. diag...................................................................2-46565 Axis %d: Configuration error, see ext. diag....................................................................2-47566 Filter sample rate and cutoff frequency mismatch.........................................................2-47567 ELS Config. Error, see ext. diag.....................................................................................2-47568 Axis %d: Assigned Task is Not Defined.........................................................................2-48570 ELS Max. Vel. Exceeded, see ext. diag.........................................................................2-48571 No Program Found.........................................................................................................2-49572 PCI Bus reset occurred, cyclic data is invalid.................................................................2-49573 CAM %d is being built....................................................................................................2-49575 ELS Master for ELS Group %d is invalid........................................................................2-49576 Event for input I%d is already armed, cannot arm again...............................................2-50577 Restored non volatile memory from compact flash........................................................2-50DOK-VISMOT-VM*-10VRS**-WA01-EN-PRexroth VisualMotion 10 Troubleshooting Guide Table of Contents V578 Virtual Master %d Exceeded Its Max. Vel., see ext. diag...............................................2-50579 Group %d Exceeded Its Jog Velocity, see ext. diag......................................................2-51580 pROBE Error Occurred in Task:0x%04X.......................................................................2-51581 Probe Function for Axis # is locked by the PLC.............................................................2-51582 Integrated PLC: PLC Stopped in Operation Mode.........................................................2-51583 Integrated PLC: Internal System Error...........................................................................2-51584 ELS System Master %d is invalid, see ext. diag............................................................2-51585 Drive %d separate deceleration not supported..............................................................2-52586 Master Encoder Card Error, see ext diag.......................................................................2-522.6Integrated PLC Status Messages................................................................................................2-536001 Integrated PLC: Running..............................................................................................2-536002 Integrated PLC: Stopped..............................................................................................2-536002 Integrated PLC: Stopped at Breakpoint........................................................................2-532.7Integrated PLC Error Codes........................................................................................................2-530016 Integrated PLC: Software Watchdog Error...................................................................2-530019 Integrated PLC: Program Checksum Error..................................................................2-530020 Integrated PLC: Fieldbus Master Error.........................................................................2-540021 Integrated PLC: I/O Update Error.................................................................................2-542000 Integrated PLC: Internal SIS System Error..................................................................2-542001 Integrated PLC: Internal Acyclic Access Error.............................................................2-542002 Integrated PLC: Internal Acyclic Memory Error............................................................2-542003 Integrated PLC: PLC Configuration Error.....................................................................2-552004 Integrated PLC: File Access Error................................................................................2-552005 Integrated PLC: Internal Fatal Task Error....................................................................2-556011 Integrated PLC: PLC Program Stopped in Operation Mode........................................2-556012 Integrated PLC: General Error.....................................................................................2-552.8Communication Error Codes and Messages...............................................................................2-56!01 Sercos Error Code # xxxx...............................................................................................2-56!02 Invalid Parameter Number..............................................................................................2-57!03 Data is Read Only...........................................................................................................2-57!04 Write Protected in this mode/phase...............................................................................2-57!05 Greater than maximum value.........................................................................................2-57!06 Less than minimum value...............................................................................................2-57!07 Data is Invalid.................................................................................................................2-57!08 Drive was not found........................................................................................................2-57!09 Drive not ready for communication.................................................................................2-57!10 Drive is not responding...................................................................................................2-57!11 Service channel is not open...........................................................................................2-57!12 Invalid Command Class..................................................................................................2-57!13 Checksum Error: xx (xx= checksum that control calculated).........................................2-58!14 Invalid Command Subclass............................................................................................2-58!15 Invalid Parameter Set.....................................................................................................2-58!16 List already in progress..................................................................................................2-58!17 Invalid Sequence Number..............................................................................................2-58!18 List has not started.........................................................................................................2-58!19 List is finished.................................................................................................................2-58 DOK-VISMOT-VM*-10VRS**-WA01-EN-P。



Installation Manual SIPLACE License Manager 2.2Edition 04/2010 ENDokumentvorlage ( Software Versionsbeschreibungen SD EA 1 Version 2 vom 08.08.02 UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&TX-Windows is a trademarkLINUX is a trademarkMicrosoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft CorporationMicrosoft Windows is registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation(The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority.Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.) (We have checked the contents of the printed documentation to ensure that it is in agreement with the hardware and software described therein. However, since discre-pancies cannot be ruled out, we cannot assume responsibility for complete agreement. The information given in this printed documentation is however regularly reviewed and necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. We would appreciate any suggestions for improvements.)Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved Subject to change without prior noticeItem-No.: 00195648-03 Siemens AktiengesellschaftTo be ordered from Siemens A&DSiemens Electronics Assembly Systems GmbH & Co. KGRupert-Mayer-Strasse 44D-81379 MünchenPrinted in the Federal Republic of GermanyContentsPage 1INTRODUCTION 51.1Overview 51.2Purpose of the SIPLACE License Manager 51.3Content of SIPLACE License Manager 51.4Scope of Delivery 51.5General Information 51.6Requirements for SIPLACE License Manager Installation 61.7New Functionality 62EMERGENCY MODE 72.1Offline functionality 72.2Emergency mode functionality 72.3Email escalation 72.4Visualization in the task bar 82.5Status Dialog 82.6Context Menu 93PLAN THE SIPLACE LICENSE MANAGER DEPLOYMENT CONFIGURATIONS 103.1Stand alone configuration 103.2Distributed Configuration 103.2.1Prepare the license server computer 103.2.2Distributed Configuration with central License Server 114MANUAL INSTALLATION OF THE SIPLACE LICENSE MANAGER SERVER 124.1Software Installation 125INSTALLATION OF THE SIPLACE LICENSE MANAGER CLIENT 18 6ENTER THE LICENSE KEY 216.1Licensing Software 216.1.1License Manager 2.2 216.1.2License Web-Portal (/license) 21 6.2Certificate of License (COL) 226.3Product Activation 236.3.1License Web Portal 23 6.4Create backup licenses 26 7SWITCHING THE LICENSE SERVER 287.1Purpose 28 7.2Changing the SIPLACE License Manager connection on the Client 28 8UPDATE AND MIGRATION 30 9TROUBLESHOOTING 32 9.1License Manager 2.x can not start. 32 9.2License Manager can not connect to Server. 331 Introduction1.1 OverviewSIPLACE License Manager is software which provides the infrastructure and tools to maintain thelicenses for all SIPLACE Products.1.2 Purpose of the SIPLACE License ManagerThe purpose of SIPLACE License Manager is to provide a consistent and integrated infrastructure todeploy, check and maintain the licenses required to operate the SIPLACE Software components.The License Manager 2.2 will be the successor of the Versions 1.1, 1.2, 2.0 and 2.1. For upgrading afactory to the new version of the SIPLACE License Manager please read chapter “Update and Migration”Note: SIPLACE License Manager is a prerequisite for all SIPLACE Software componentswhich need a license. Therefore the SIPLACE License Manager must be installed prior toany other SIPLACE Software.1.3 Content of SIPLACE License ManagerSIPLACE License Manager contains a setup, which can install the licensing infrastructure either as alicensing server as well as a licensing client which is gathering the licenses from that licensing server and performs some functionality such as caching in case of unavailability of the license server. Either thelicensing server or the licensing client has to be installed on one machine to operate licensed SIPLACE Software.1.4 Scope of DeliveryThe License Manager 2.2 software package contains the following software and documentation and is part of the Support Media 1.8 and higher:→License Manager 2.2 setup→Installation manual for the License Manager 2.2→Note: The Support Media contains also the older versions of the SIPLACE LicenseManager. These are for compatibility reasons. It is highly recommended to use always thelatest version in the whole factory for the server and client installations.1.5 General InformationThis installation manual describes how to install and configure the License Manager server and theLicense Manager client. The server will store the license keys and perform the checks; the client enables to perform licensing check on every computer in the network.1.6 Requirements for SIPLACE License Manager InstallationThe requirements are the same for the SIPLACE License Manager Server or Client installation. Following operating systems are supported:→Windows XP SP1 or higher→Windows Server 2003 SP1 or higher or→Windows Vista SP1 or higher or→Windows Server 2008 or higher or→Windows 7 or higher or→Windows Server 2008 R2→.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or higher→The SIPLACE License Manager runs on the following minimum hardware configuration:→Intel® Pentium® D 2.80 GHz processor→512 MB main memory→20 MB free hard disk space→Network connection1.7 New FunctionalityThe License Manager 2.2 introduces the feature of the emergency mode. This enables the customer to operate the SIPLACE Lines for some time, even if the licenses are not available.2 Emergency Mode2.1 Offline functionalityWhen the SIPLACE License Client is offline, then the actual valid licenses are cached and will be valid to application for 14 days. This means all licensed features are operational even when the SIPLACE License Server can not be reached.Offline means the SIPLACE License Client and therefore the licensed application can not communicate with the SIPLACE License Server. This can be an interrupted network connection or a not running SIPLACE License Service (due to a shutdown of the hosting computer for example).Note: The offline mode will not issue new licenses which have not been active on thiscomputer.2.2 Emergency mode functionalityThe emergency mode is a mode in the License Manager Client component to provide valid licenses even when the SIPLACE License Server can not grant a valid license. This will happen under certain preconditions. These are•The requested license was issued on this client computer in the last 6 Months. So it has been valid at some time in the past. This is also true for the floating licenses.•The so called emergency license is valid for 14 days. It can be used in this period of time on this computer. For the floating licenses it is a period during which the number of the floating licenses is not counted on this computer.•After 14 days the emergency license will expire and become an expired emergency license. It is not possible to get an emergency license on this computer anymore until valid licenses can be issued from the License Server. The status will automatically be reset, when valid licenses can be issued from the SIPLACE License Server.2.3 Email escalationIf the email escalation was configured on the client an email will be sent from the license client when the SIPLACE Licensing Client is either in offline mode or in emergency mode.The following text shows the example of an email in case of an active emergency license mode.The SIPLACE License Client on computer (COMPUTERNAME) isOperating in emergency mode for the following licenses:LicenseString XYZ 000100 will expire at 2009/11/12 10:35:00LicenseString ABC 000100 will expire at 2009/11/12 10:35:00Attention: The licensed application / option will stop working after the license expires. Please contact the SIPLACE Service.Note: The escalation email has to be configured for this feature.2.4 Visualization in the task barThe icon in the task bar will visualize the mode in which the SIPLACE Licensing Client is operating.A green board in the icon is the normal mode indicating all licenses could be issued normally.A green board with red key in the icon is the normal mode indicating all licenses could be issued normally but some expired emergency licenses exist.A red board in the icon is the offline mode of the SIPLACE License Client. All currently cached licenses and emergency licenses can be used.A red board with a red key in the icon is the offline mode of the SIPLACE License Client. All currently cached licenses and emergency licenses can be used but some expired emergency licenses exist.A yellow board in the icon is the emergency mode of the SIPLACE License Client. At least one emergency license is active, even if a connection to the SIPLACE License Server is established.A yellow board with a red key in the icon is the emergency mode of the SIPLACE License Client. At least one emergency license is active, even if a connection to the SIPLACE License Server is established. Additionally some expired emergency licenses exist.Yellow key in the icon indicates no expired emergency licenses exist on this SIPLACE Licenses Client.Red key in the icon indicates expired emergency licenses exist on this SIPLACE Licenses Client.Note: Expired emergency licenses will not be issued when it is requested by anapplication on this Computer. The SIPLACE License Server will be queried for anyincoming licensing request. So you can use licensed features protected by this license,when the server has a valid license. You can not use the features protected by this licensewhen it is not available on the server.2.5 Status DialogWhen the SIPLACE Licensing Client is operating either in offline mode or in emergency mode a status dialog will be displayed, which has to be acknowledged by the operator. The operator or administrator should take action to clarify the licensing issues.Note: If the offline mode or emergency mode will last longer than 14 days features will bedisabled which can cause that SIPLACE machines stop operations.The status dialog will be displayed after 60 Minutes the first time and then every 15 Minutes.The following picture shows the dialog when the SIPLACE License Client is in emergency mode2.6 Context MenuThe icon in the task bar has a context menu with following entries:•Open License Manager Î Will start the SIPLACE License Manager GUI• Show Status Î Displays the Status Dialog with the actual list of expired and normal emergency licenses.•Suppress Messages and Email Î Will stop displaying the status dialog for emergency licenses for 8 hours.• Create Error Report Î Will start the Error Report for the SIPLACE License Manager• Exit Î Exit the State Manager. When the State Manager is closed no check for the status can be performed.3 Plan the SIPLACE License Manager deploymentConfigurations3.1 Stand alone configurationFigure 1: Stand alone configuration and SIPLACE License ManagerIf you have one dedicated computer which is only supporting one line or a small number of linesoperating from one Line Control Server, the SIPLACE License Server will be installed only on this computer. In that configuration, no SIPLACE License Client has to be installed.3.2 Distributed ConfigurationIf you have several computers running SIPLACE Software, It is recommended to install the SIPLACE License Server centrally with the client application on all other computers with SIPLACE softwareproducts.Note: When you have a distributed SIPLACE Licensing configuration we recommend onecentral SIPLACE License Server for the whole site. It is not possible for applications toquery two or more SIPLACE License Servers for a valid license.3.2.1 Prepare the license server computerA computer with the following characteristics must be available before installing the License Server•The computer must have a network connection to all planned computers hosting a SIPLACE application.Note: When you have to move the SIPLACE License Server to another computer, youmust request the host bound license keys for the new computer.Note: SIPLACE License Server is using by default the network port number 1410. Pleaseensure that this port is free and not blocked by any firewall or router configuration.3.2.2 Distributed Configuration with central License ServerIn a distributed environment with a central license server, applications access the central server via theSIPLACE License Client. If the applications are operating on the SIPLACE License Server computer they access the local license server directly.Figure 2: Distributed configuration with SIPLACE License Manager4 Manual Installation of the SIPLACE License ManagerServer4.1 Software InstallationNote: This installation procedure is describing the procedure of installing the SIPLACELicense Manager as a dedicated installation step.When the Support Media is been executed the SIPLACE License Manager is beeninstalled as a prerequisite step.Start the installation from the Support Media.Æ Select the “SIPLACE Products” IconFigure 3: The Software Launcher from the Support Media DVDÆ Select the “License Manager” IconÆ Press Next to continue installation.Figure 5: Start of the License Manager InstallationÆ Enter User Name and Company Name .Æ Press Next.Figure 6: Customer Information Æ Accept the license agreement.Æ Press Next.Figure 7: License AgreementÆYou can either accept the suggested target path or use the Browse button to change it. Æ Press NextFigure 8: Destination LocationÆ Choose the installation type “SIPLACE License Server”.Æ Press Next.Figure 9: Setup Type –SIPLACE License ServerÆ Check the Installation Settings.Æ Press Next.Figure 50: Review of the installation settingsDuring the installation the routine checks wether all programs needing SIPLACE License Manager files are closed. All programs or services which are not closed or stopped eventually are listed.Note: Be aware, that all applications have to be stopped. This might interfere theproduction quality. Stopping the traceability service will not collect any data anymore.Therefore it is recommended to perform this step when the line is not productive.Æ Stop all applicationsFigure 6: List of all open programs and running servicesIf the installation routine cannot find any open program or service the installation goes on. Some services or programs need some more time to be recognized as stopped.Æ Press Finish.Figure 17: The Installation finished successfully5 Installation of the SIPLACE License Manager Client Installing the SIPLACE License Manager Client works exactly like installing the SIPLACE License Manager Server except for the selection of the client installation type. This will be explained here.Æ Follow the installation instructions for the SIPLACE License Manager Server installation until you specify the installation type.Note: Please use the documentation in the chapter 3 of this document.Æ Choose “SIPLACE License Client” as Setup Type.Æ Press Next.Figure 12: Setup Type – SIPLACE License ClientÆ Enter the name or the IP address of the SIPLACE License Manager Server computer, or use the browse button to search for the computer.At an update of a previous SIPLACE License Manager 2.x version the former connection is preselected.Figure 13: Select Licensing ServerÆ Browse for the Computer and select the nameÆ Select the OK buttonÆ Press Next.Figure 24: Browse for the Licensing Server Æ Press Finish.Figure 35: The Installation finished succesfully6 Enter the license keyNote: Every SIPLACE software package includes a unique Certificate of License (COL),which constitutes the authorization for the customer to use that particular software productor a specific feature thereof.6.1 Licensing SoftwareWith the introduction of the new software licensing system, the administration of all software licenses is performed in the SIPLACE License Manager and the SIPLACE License Portal. The SIPLACE License Portal isa web-based application that is available on the website.6.1.1 License Manager 2.2The License Manager administers all software licenses used with SIPLACE equipment in the customer’s production environment. It is installed on all server and client computers at the customer site.Æ You can start the SIPLACE License Manager via Start->Programs->SIPLACE Licensing->SIPLACE LicenseManager V2.xFigure 16: SIPLACE License Manager6.1.2 License Web-Portal (/license)The License Portal administers all purchased licenses and provides you an overview of your entire license portfolio. The data exchange between License Portal and License Manager is done with XML files.Figure 27: SIPLACE License Portal6.2 Certificate of License (COL)A Certificate of License (COL) is delivered with every SIPLACE software package. It contains the license number and the license code. Normally, this information is already stored in the SIPLACE License Portal. If not,please register the license as described in the chapter “Product Activation” paragraph 5.Figure 38: Certificate of License 6.3 Product Activation6.3.1 License Web PortalÆ Start your web browser and open the web site .Log on to the SIPLACE User Group.Note: You must be registered as a user. If you are not registered, pleasecontact the SIPLACE sales or the SIPLACE hotline. Please ensure that this user accounthas "License Authorized" privileges.Æ Choose the link to the License Portal.Æ On the left side you can expand the item … License Management“. In the upper right-hand corner you will see your company name and your login.Figure 49: The Home Page of the License ManagementÆ The menu item …License Management / Show all” shows all licenses sorted by products. Licenses, which have no license server number, can be bound to your selected license server with the menu item “Bind License”.Æ If the license number on your COL doesn’t appear in the license overview,your license is not registered to your company. In order to register it, take yourCOL and choose the item “Register License”. Enter the license key and thelicense code into the web site. The license is now registered to your company.Æ If the license is already registered to your company, please select the menuitem … License Management / Bind License“. From the pull down menu select theproduct version. You will see a list of licenses that can be bound to licenseservers. Select the applicable license from the list.Æ With the link …Bind“ you will get to a new window that gives you the possibilityto choose a license server from an existing list; or to enter host data from a newlicense server by using an XML file (see chapter 9); or to manually input thelicense server.Æ The easiest way to transfer the host data of your SIPLACE License Manager server to the License Portal is to create an XML file.•Open the License Manager on your license server.•Go to the menu item “Tools/Host IDs/Save to file”•Copy the file to an USB Stick and upload it to the portalÆ The menu item …Create License“ generates the license file which must be copied to the license server. You can choose between:•Download the file and store it.•Send the file to your own Email address•Send the file to a discretionary Email address that you enter manually.Æ If you have to transfer more than one license you can create one license filethat includes all licenses. During the import the License Manager on licenseserver will only accept licenses which belong to its host ID, so you can move fromone server to the next with the same file.Æ The last step is to copy the license file to the SIPLACE License Manager. This can be done by using a USB stick or via an available network connection. Open the SIPLACE License Manager on your license server and choose the menu item “File/Import License Keys” (This requires account rights for FSE or the Administrator account). Search for the path to your XML file and click OK. If you don’t have the license as XML file but as text, you can enter the key manually with the menu item “File/Enter License Key”. If the license belongs to your license server it will appear in the list below.Figure 40: Import of a generated XML File into the SIPLACE License Managerwhere the licenses are completely lost. It can be used to recover the lost licenses, by justimporting them again.6.4 Create backup licensesThe menu option Create Backup licenses is used to supply backup licenses to a complete license server. It is assumed that a fault has occurred on the license server that makes it necessary toreplace parts of the server or the entire server without first being able to cancel the binding of thelicenses to this server hardware. When the hardware changes, the host ID changes as well, soany licenses already bound to the old server hardware will no longer be accepted.So backup licenses must be generated that can then be bound to the new server hardware.The procedure is as follows:•Replace the hardware and reinstall the computer, if necessary•Read the new host ID in License Manager.•Open the portal and select the Create Backup Licenses option.•Select the old host ID of the license server in the License Portal•Load the new host ID for the license server into the License Portal•Create the license file in the License Portal•Load the license file into License Manager on the new or changed server.7 Switching the License Server7.1 PurposeThe purpose of the functionality is to switch the SIPLACE License Manager Server which serves one or more SIPLACE License Manager Clients.Note: You can switch a SIPLACE License Manager Client or SIPLACE License ManagerServer installation type to another computer with a SIPLACE License Manager ServerinstallationWith this option you can change the SIPLACE License Manager Server when the current instance is not operational anymore. After that the SIPLACE Licensing Client is requesting the licenses from the new defined SIPLACE Licensing server.Note: This procedure is only meaningful if you plan for a second SIPALCE LicenseManager Server or you have several SIPLACE License Managers installed in the factory.If you want to install a backup server please follow the normal installation procedure onanother computer.7.2 Changing the SIPLACE License Manager connection on the Client Æ Start the SIPLACE License Manager 2.x from the client PC. You can find it under Start->All Programs->SIPLACE Licensing->SIPLACE License Manager V2.xÆ Select the menu item “Tools->Administration->Change Server” (You will be requested for an FSE or Administrator account)Figure 25: Selecting the “Change Server” menu itemÆ You can enter the name of the new SIPLACE License Manager or browse on the network for the computer name.Æ Press OK•Figure 26: Changing the ServerAfter that procedure, the SIPLACE License Manager Client will obtain the licenses from the new configured Licensing Server. To continue with licensed features, the SIPLACE License Manager server has to be up and running.8 Update and migrationBasically, follow the same procedure as for initial installation when making an update. Please refer to chapter 4 in this regard.If you are updating the License Manager Client to Version 2.x, you need to uninstall any previous versions of the License Manager Version 1.x or 2.x. The new version of the License Manager Client replaces completely any previous versions. You will be able to manage the licenses intended for the previous versions of the License Manager with the new License Manager Client.Figure 27: Migration scenario for SIPLACE Pro 5.xFigure 5: Overview over LM deploymentIt is highly recommended to upgrade the LM 1.x Version in a factory with the LM 2.x Version. During the upgrade the following rules apply.•First you should install the SIPLACE License Manager Server. Please ensure that the required 1.x licenses are imported in the License Server 2.x, when it is not the same computer.•The SIPLACE License Manager 1.x is still operating and running and is required as long as you have still LM 1.x Clients running. The GUI and the shortcuts will be replaced by the new LM 2.xGUI and shortcuts.•If you install the SIPLACE License Manager 2.x as a Client, the SIPLACE License Manager 1.x Client will be de-installed.•It is highly recommended to de-install the SIPLACE License Manager 1.x Server, when youupgraded the whole factory to the SIPLACE License Manager Client 2.x.License Manager 2.x installed.9 Troubleshooting9.1 License Manager 2.x can not start.SymptomLicense Manager 2.x can not start.ReasonThe License Manager is using port 1410. If this port is already used on the computer which should be used for the license manager role, then the service can not start.SolutionThere is a configuration option to configure the License Manager 2.x on another port.Configure the License Manager ServerÆ Navigate in the path “C:\Program Files\Siemens SIPLACE\SIPLACE Licensing2”Æ Open the file “Siemens.SIPLACE.License.Host.exe.config”Æ Locate the line<add baseAddress="net.tcp://localhost:1410/Siemens.Siplace.License.WcfServiceLibrary" />Æ Change the port to another free port. You can use the Windows command line tool “netstat –a” to list all ports in use on the computer.Æ Change the port number 1410 to another free port numberÆ Restart the service “Siemens SIPLACE License V2.2” service.Configure the License Manager ClientÆ Open the Registry EditorÆ Navigate to the Key Path “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Siemens SIPLACE\SIPLACE Licensing2” Æ Create a new String Value “OverridePort” and enter the value for the port.This has to be done on all machines, where a License Manager 2.2 Client is running.Check Configuration.Æ Open The License Manager GUI. When the GUI opens, the communication can be established.9.2 License Manager can not connect to Server.SymptomLicense Manager GUI displays the following dialogReasonThe License Manager service is not running.SolutionÆ Ensure that the service is running. This can be checked when you call the Service Manager Console in the command line with “services.msc”. Find the Service called “Siemens SIPLACE License 2.2” and start it.Siemens AG 2009 All rights reserved Subject to change without prior noticeItem-No.: 00195648-03 Siemens AGTo be ordered from:Siemens Electronics Assembly Systems GmbH & Co. KGRupert-Mayer-Strasse 44D-81359 München / GermanyPrinted in the Federal Republic of Germany。

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茶吧RSS Feed第一部分<!-- generator="weebly" --><rss xmlns:content="/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:w fw="/CommentAPI/" xmlns:dc="/d c/elements/1.1/" version="2.0"><channel><title><![CDATA[&#33590;&#21543;-&#32511;&#33590; &#32418;&#33590; &#33457;&#33590; &#26222;&#27953; - Blog]]></title><link><![CDATA[ /blog.html ]]></link><description><![CDATA[ Blog ]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 06 Dec 2012 20:30:05 -0800</pubDate><generator>Weebly</generator><item><title><![CDATA[ 什么时候喝绿茶最好,吃饭后一小时最好 ]]></title><link><![CDATA[ /12/post/2012/12/160.html ]]></link><comments><![CDATA[/12/post/2012/12/160.html#comments]]></comments><pubDate>Wed, 05 Dec 2012 00:42:08 -0800</pubDate><category><![CDATA[ Uncategorized ]]></category><guid isPermaLink="false">/12/post/2012/12/160. html</guid><description><![CDATA[&#32511;&#33590;&#26159;&#29992;&#37319;&#25688;&#30340;&#26032;&#214 94;&#32463;&#36807;&#26432;&#38738;&#21644;&#25545;&#25319;&#31616;&# 21333;&#24037;&#33402;&#21046;&#20316;&#32780;&#25104;&#30340;&#33590 ;&#65292;&#32511;&#33590;&#21547;&#26377;&#36739;&#22810;&#30340;&#33 590;&#22810;&#37210;&#65292;&#21654;&#21857;&#30897;&#65292;&#21494;& #32511;&#32032;&#65292;&#32500;&#29983;&#32032;&#65292;&#24182;&#2154 7;&#26377;450&#22810;&#31181;&#26377;& [...]]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="paragraph"style="text-align:left;">&#32511;&#33590;&#26159;&#29992;&#37319;&#25 688;&#30340;&#26032;&#21494;&#32463;&#36807;&#26432;&#38738;&#21644;& #25545;&#25319;&#31616;&#21333;&#24037;&#33402;&#21046;&#20316;&#3278 0;&#25104;&#30340;&#33590;&#65292;&#32511;&#33590;&#21547;&#26377;&#3 6]]><![CDATA[739;&#22810;&#30340;&#33590;&#22810;&#37210;&#65292;&#21654;&#21857;& #30897;&#65292;&#21494;&#32511;&#32032;&#65292;&#32500;&#29983;&#3203 2;&#65292;&#24182;&#21547;&#26377;450&#22810;&#31181;&#26377;&#26426; &#21270;&#21512;&#29289;&#21644;10&#22810;&#31181;&#26080;&#26426;&#3 0719;&#29289;&#36136;&#12290;&#32511;&#33590;&#26377;&#25239;&#30284; &#30151;&#65292;&#25239;&#34928;&#32769;&#65292;&#38450;&#36752;&#235 56;&#65292;&#20943;&#32933;&#65292;&#32654;&#23481;&#65292;&#25239;&# 24515;&#33041;&#34880;&#31649;&#30142;&#30149;&#65292;&#35299;&#28212;&#21644;&#25552;&#31070;&#30340;&#22909;&#22788;&#12290;&#20160;&#20 040;&#26102;&#20505;&#21917;&#32511;&#33590;&#26368;&#22909;&#21602;? &#32511;&#33590;&#23646;&#23506;&#65292;&#27604;&#36739;&#36866;&#215 12;&#22799;&#23395;&#39278;&#29992;&#12290;&#20013;&#21307;&#24378;&# 35843;&#19968;&#24180;&#22235;&#23395;&#39278;&#29992;&#30340;&#33590 ;&#38656;&#35201;&#19981;&#21516;&#65292;&#26149;&#23395;&#39278;&#29 992;&#33457;&#33590;&#65292;&#22799;&#23395;&#39278;&#29992;&#32511;& #33590;&#65292;&#31179;&#23395;&#39278;&#29992;&#38738;&#33590;&#6529 2;&#20908;&#23395;&#39278;&#29992;&#32418;&#33590;&#12290;<br/>&#20160;&#20040;&#26102;&#20505;&#21917;&#32511;&#33590;&#26368;&#2 2909;<br/>&#32511;&#33590;&#34429;&#28982;&#26377;&#24456;&#22810;&#30340;&#2 1151;&#25928;&#65292;&#20294;&#26159;&#36824;&#38656;&#35201;&#22312; &#26368;&#20339;&#26102;&#27573;&#39278;&#29992;&#32511;&#33590;&#251 65;&#33021;&#36798;&#21040;&#26356;&#22909;&#30340;&#25928;&#26524;&# 12290;&#32511;&#33590;&#27604;&#36739;&#29992;&#20197;&#27687;&#21270 ;&#65292;&#25152;&#20197;&#38656;&#35201;&#21363;&#27873;&#21363;&#39 278;&#65292;&#23384;&#25918;&#30340;&#26102;&#38388;&#26368;&#22909;& #19981;&#35201;&#36229;&#36807;&#19968;&#20010;&#23567;&#26102;&#1229 0;&#23384;&#25918;&#26102;&#38388;&#22826;&#38271;&#21457;&#29983;&#2 7687;&#21270;&#65292;&#39278;&#29992;&#25928;&#26524;&#19981;&#22909; &#12290;&#22799;&#23395;&#22825;&#27668;&#28814;&#28909;&#23481;&#261 31;&#29359;&#22256;&#21644;&#21475;&#28212;&#12290;&#32511;&#33590;&# 20869;&#21547;&#26377;&#21654;&#21857;&#30897;&#33021;&#21050;&#28608 ;&#20013;&#26530;&#31070;&#32463;&#65292;&#28040;&#38500;&#22256;&#24 847;&#36215;&#21040;&#25552;&#31070;&#30340;&#21151;&#25928;&#12290;& #32511;&#33590;&#20869;&#21547;&#26377;&#33590;&#22810;&#37210;&#3186 7;&#12289;&#31958;&#31867;&#12289;&#27688;&#22522;&#37240;&#12289;&#2 6524;&#33014;&#12289;&#32500;&#29983;&#32032;&#31561;&#19982;&#21475; &#33108;&#20013;&#30340;&#21822;&#28082;&#36215;&#20102;&#21270;&#233 98;&#21453;&#24212;&#65292;&#28363;&#28070;&#21475;&#33108;&#65292;&# 33021;&#36215;&#21040;&#29983;&#27941;&#27490;&#28212;&#30340;&#20316 ;&#29992;&#12290;<br/>&#12288;&#12288;&#21917;&#32511;&#33590;&#26368;&#22909;&#30340;&#2 6102;&#38388;&#26159;&#22312;&#21507;&#39277;&#21518;&#19968;&#20010; &#23567;&#26102;&#12290;&#21507;&#39277;&#21069;&#19968;&#23567;&#261 02;&#20043;&#21069;&#12290;&#30561;&#35273;&#21069;2&#20010;&#23567;& #26102;&#39278;&#29992;&#32511;&#33590;&#30340;&#25928;&#26524;&#2636 8;&#22909;&#12290;&#30561;&#35273;&#21069;&#39278;&#29992;&#32511;&#3 3590;&#23481;&#26131;&#24341;&#36215;&#22833;&#30496;&#12290;&#39278; &#29992;&#32511;&#33590;&#20999;&#24524;&#65292;&#39277;&#21069;&#652 92;&#39277;&#21518;&#19981;&#39278;&#33590;&#12290;&#31354;&#33145;&# 19981;&#39278;&#33590;&#12290;&#23384;&#25918;&#26102;&#38388;&#36807 ;&#38271;&#30340;&#32511;&#33590;&#19981;&#39278;&#29992;&#12290;&#19981;&#39278;&#29992;&#28909;&#33590;&#21644;&#27987;&#33590;&#12290;& #22899;&#24615;&#22312;&#29983;&#29702;&#21608;&#26399;&#12289;&#2338 1;&#26399;&#12289;&#21754;&#20083;&#26399;&#12289;&#26356;&#24180;&#2 6399;&#12289;&#24453;&#20135;&#26399;&#19981;&#39278;&#29992;&#32511; &#33590;&#12290;&#21482;&#35201;&#35760;&#20303;&#36825;&#20123;&#392 78;&#29992;&#32511;&#33590;&#22343;&#21487;&#20197;&#36798;&#21040;&# 24456;&#22909;&#30340;&#25928;&#26524;&#12290;</div>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[ 淡茶 ]]></title><link><![CDATA[ /12/post/2012/12/159.html ]]></link><comments><![CDATA[/12/post/2012/12/159.html#comments]]></comments><pubDate>Tue, 04 Dec 2012 00:15:47 -0800</pubDate><category><![CDATA[ Uncategorized ]]></category><guid isPermaLink="false">/12/post/2012/12/159. html</guid><description><![CDATA[&#19968;&#26479;&#39321;&#33590;&#65292;&#25105;&#20250;&#38518;&#372 57;&#35768;&#20037;&#12290;&#37027;&#26159;&#22240;&#20026;&#25105;&# 29992;&#24515;&#27873;&#20986;&#26469;&#30340;&#12290;&#22312;&#27873 ;&#33590;&#21069;&#65292;&#25105;&#24635;&#26159;&#21916;&#27426;&#20 808;&#25226;&#33590;&#29992;&#24320;&#27700;&#20914;&#21047;&#20960;& #27425;&#65292;&#27873;&#36807;&#20960;&#27425;&#65292;&#36825;&#2615 9;&#20064;&#24815;&#12290; [...]]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="paragraph"style="text-align:left;">&#19968;&#26479;&#39321;&#33590;&#65292;&#25 105;&#20250;&#38518;&#37257;&#35768;&#20037;&#12290;&#37027;&#26159;&#22240;&#20026;&#25105;&#29992;&#24515;&#27873;&#20986;&#26469;&#3034 0;&#12290;<br /><br />&#22312;&#27873;&#33590;&#21069;&#65292;&#25105; ]]><![CDATA[&#24635;&#26159;&#21916;&#27426;&#20808;&#25226;&#33590;&#29992;&#243 20;&#27700;&#20914;&#21047;&#20960;&#27425;&#65292;&#27873;&#36807;&# 20960;&#27425;&#65292;&#36825;&#26159;&#20064;&#24815;&#12290;&#20063 ;&#35768;&#26377;&#30340;&#20154;&#20063;&#20250;&#22312;&#27873;&#33 590;&#20043;&#21069;&#20064;&#24815;&#24615;&#30340;&#25226;&#33590;& #21494;&#29992;&#24320;&#27700;&#27927;&#19968;&#19979;&#65292;&#1998 1;&#20026;&#20160;&#20040;&#65292;&#23601;&#26159;&#20026;&#20102;&#2 0914;&#27927;&#19968;&#19979;&#19978;&#38754;&#30340;&#23576;&#22467; &#32780;&#24050;&#12290;&#32780;&#25105;&#23601;&#26159;&#21916;&#274 26;&#26469;&#22238;&#30340;&#20914;&#27927;&#65292;&#20026;&#30340;&# 21482;&#26159;&#25226;&#33590;&#21494;&#20914;&#28129;&#65292;&#22240 ;&#20026;&#25105;&#21916;&#27426;&#37027;&#28129;&#28129;&#30340;&#24 863;&#35273;&#12290;<br/>&#32463;&#36807;&#20960;&#36718;&#30340;&#20914;&#21047;&#65292;&#3 3590;&#21494;&#20250;&#21435;&#25481;&#20102;&#23427;&#37027;&#27987; &#37057;&#30340;&#21619;&#36947;&#65292;&#38543;&#20043;&#32780;&#264 69;&#30340;&#26159;&#37027;&#28129;&#38597;&#30340;&#28165;&#39321;&# 12290;&#23545;&#20110;&#24066;&#22330;&#19978;&#30340;&#19968;&#20123 ;&#20415;&#23452;&#19968;&#19979;&#30340;&#33590;&#21494;&#65292;&#36 825;&#26679;&#21487;&#33021;&#20063;&#27809;&#26377;&#20160;&#20040;& #65292;&#21487;&#26159;&#26377;&#30340;&#20154;&#20250;&#38382;&#6529 2;&#38754;&#23545;&#30528;&#19968;&#19979;&#21517;&#36149;&#19968;&#2 0123;&#30340;&#33590;&#21494;&#30340;&#26102;&#20505;&#65292;&#36825; &#26159;&#30340;&#20914;&#21047;&#65292;&#37027;&#19981;&#26159;&#280 10;&#36153;&#25481;&#20102;&ldquo;&#31934;&#21326;&rdquo;&#20043;&#25 152;&#22312;&#21527;&#65311;&#25105;&#24819;&#36825;&#23601;&#26159;& #35201;&#30475;&#20320;&#20010;&#20154;&#26159;&#24590;&#20040;&#3034 0;&#24819;&#30340;&#20102;&#12290;&#21435;&#20043;&#27987;&#37057;&#3 0340;&ldquo;&#33510;&#28073;&rdquo;&#25442;&#20043;&#28129;&#28129;&# 30340;&#28165;&#39321;&#65292;&#36825;&#19968;&#30452;&#20250;&#26159 ;&#25105;&#30340;&#36861;&#27714;&#12290;&#20010;&#20154;&#30340;&#21 916;&#27426;&#26159;&#26368;&#37325;&#35201;&#30340;&#65292;&#30450;& #30446;&#30340;&#21548;&#20174;&#21482;&#20250;&#26159;&#35753;&#2032 0;&#26174;&#24471;&#27809;&#26377;&#19968;&#19997;&#30340;&#35265;&#2 2320;&#65292;&#20154;&#29983;&#19981;&#27491;&#22914;&#27492;&#21527; &#12290;&#21315;&#22909;&#19975;&#22909;&#65292;&#31934;&#25361;&#324 54;&#36873;&#65292;&#36824;&#19981;&#22914;&#36873;&#26368;&#21512;&# 36866;&#33258;&#24049;&#24515;&#28789;&#30340;&#12290;&#20154;&#29983 ;&#33510;&#30701;&#65292;&#37325;&#35201;&#30340;&#26159;&#25214;&#21040;&#21512;&#36866;&#30340;&#25165;&#20250;&#26159;&#26368;&#22909;& #30340;&#20107;&#24773;&#12290;</div>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[ 金银花茶的功效,金银花茶的副作用 ]]></title><link><![CDATA[ /12/post/2012/12/158.html ]]></link><comments><![CDATA[/12/post/2012/12/158.html#comments]]></comments><pubDate>Mon, 03 Dec 2012 06:15:28 -0800</pubDate><category><![CDATA[ Uncategorized ]]></category><guid isPermaLink="false">/12/post/2012/12/158. html</guid><description><![CDATA[&#37329;&#38134;&#33457;&#33590;&#30340;&#21151;&#25928;&#65306;&#373 29;&#38134;&#33457;&#26368;&#26174;&#33879;&#30340;&#21151;&#25928;&# 22312;&#20110;&#28165;&#28909;&#35299;&#27602;&#12289;&#28040;&#28814 ;&#12289;&#26432;&#27602;&#12289;&#26432;&#33740;&#12289;&#21033;&#23 615;&#21644;&#27490;&#30162;&#30340;&#20316;&#29992;&#12290;&#22240;& #27492;&#26159;&#19968;&#29992;&#29992;&#36884;&#24191;&#27867;&#3034 0;&#20013;&#33647;&#33647;&#26448;&#12 [...]]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="paragraph"style="text-align:left;">&#37329;&#38134;&#33457;&#33590;&#30340;&#21 151;&#25928;&#65306;&#37329;&#38134;&#33457;&#26368;&#26174;&#33879;& #30340;&#21151;&#25928;&#22312;&#20110;&#28165;&#28909;&#35299;&#2760 2;&#12289;&#28040;&#28814;&#12289;&#26432;&#27602;&#12289;&#26432;&#3 3]]><![CDATA[740;&#12289;&#21033;&#23615;&#21644;&#27490;&#30162;&#30340;&#20316;& #29992;&#12290;&#22240;&#27492;&#26159;&#19968;&#29992;&#29992;&#3688 4;&#24191;&#27867;&#30340;&#20013;&#33647;&#33647;&#26448;&#12290;<br />&#32463;&#36807;&#31185;&#23398;&#30740;&#31350;&#65306;<br/>1&#12289;&#37329;&#38134;&#33457;&#33590;&#23545;&#25239;&#30149;&# 21407;&#24494;&#29983;&#29289;&#20316;&#29992;&#12290;&#23545;&#22810 ;&#31181;&#33268;&#30149;&#33740;&#22914;&#38669;&#20081;&#24359;&#33 740;&#12289;&#22823;&#32928;&#26438;&#33740;&#12289;&#37329;&#40644;& #33394;&#33889;&#33796;&#29699;&#33740;&#12289;&#30178;&#30142;&#2643 8;&#33740;&#21644;&#34880;&#24615;&#38142;&#29699;&#33740;&#31561;&#2 2343;&#26377;&#19968;&#23450;&#25233;&#21046;&#20316;&#29992;&#12290; <br/>2&#12289;&#37329;&#38134;&#33457;&#33590;&#23545;&#32954;&#28814;&# 29699;&#33740;&#12289;&#21464;&#24418;&#38142;&#29699;&#33740;&#12289 ;&#24535;&#36154;&#27663;&#30178;&#30142;&#26438;&#33740;&#12289;&#33 041;&#33180;&#28814;&#21452;&#29699;&#33740;&#21644;&#32467;&#26680;& #26438;&#33740;&#31561;&#26377;&#25233;&#33740;&#21644;&#26432;&#3374 0;&#20316;&#29992;&#65292;&#23545;&#27969;&#24863;&#30149;&#27602;&#1 2289;&#30129;&#30137;&#30149;&#27602;&#12289;&#38057;&#31471;&#34746; &#26059;&#20307;&#22343;&#26377;&#25233;&#21046;&#20316;&#29992;&#122 90;<br/>3&#12289;&#37329;&#38134;&#33457;&#33590;&#25239;&#28814;&#35299;&# 27602;&#20316;&#29992;&#65292;&#23545;&#30152;&#32959;&#30100;&#30126 ;&#12289;&#32928;&#30152;&#32954;&#30152;&#26377;&#36739;&#24378;&#30 340;&#25955;&#30152;&#28040;&#32959;&#65292;&#28165;&#28909;&#35299;& #27602;&#20316;&#29992;&#12290;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;<br/>&#37329;&#38134;&#33457;&#33590;&#30340;&#21103;&#20316;&#29992;&#6 5306;&#22240;&#20026;&#37329;&#38134;&#33457;&#33590;&#24615;&#24102; &#23506;&#65292;&#20307;&#24369;&#30340;&#20154;&#65292;&#26377;&#330 86;&#32963;&#34394;&#23506;&#32773;&#19981;&#23452;&#22810;&#39278;&# 65292;&#22899;&#24615;&#32463;&#26399;&#12289;&#27668;&#34394;&#30126 ;&#30113;&#33043;&#28165;&#32773;&#31561;&#19981;&#23452;&#39278;&#29 992;&#12290;<br/>&#30456;&#20449;&#22823;&#23478;&#23545;&#37329;&#38134;&#33457;&#3 3590;&#30340;&#21151;&#25928;&#21644;&#20316;&#29992;&#37117;&#21313; &#20998;&#28165;&#26970;&#20102;&#65292;&#35831;&#21508;&#20301;&#266 81;&#25454;&#33258;&#36523;&#30340;&#24773;&#20917;&#65292;&#36866;&# 37327;&#29992;&#33590;&#65292;&#20197;&#20813;&#24433;&#21709;&#36523 ;&#20307;&#20581;&#24247;&#12290;</div>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[ 玫瑰洋参红茶的作用,玫瑰洋参红茶的做法 ]]></title><link><![CDATA[ /12/post/2012/12/157.html ]]></link><comments><![CDATA[/12/post/2012/12/157.html#comments]]></comments><pubDate>Sat, 01 Dec 2012 22:42:22 -0800</pubDate><category><![CDATA[ Uncategorized ]]></category><guid isPermaLink="false">/12/post/2012/12/157. html</guid><description><![CDATA[&#24590;&#26679;&#21046;&#20316;&#29611;&#29808;&#27915;&#21442;&#324 18;&#33590;?&#29611;&#29808;&#32418;&#33590;&#26159;&#20856;&#22411;& #30340;&#20420;&#32599;&#26031;&#39118;&#26684;&#30340;&#32418;&#3359 0;&#65292;&#21152;&#20837;&#27915;&#21442;&#20043;&#21518;&#65292;&#2 1487;&#20197;&#20351;&#20854;&#20855;&#26377;&#26356;&#24378;&#30340; &#20136;&#29983;&#30103;&#25928;&#12290;&#29611;&#29808;&#30340;&#213 26;&#20029;&#12289;&#32418;&#335 [...]]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="paragraph"style="text-align:left;">&#24590;&#26679;&#21046;&#20316;&#29611;&#29 808;&#27915;&#21442;&#32418;&#33590;?<br/>&#29611;&#29808;&#32418;&#33590;&#26159;&#20856;&#22411;&#30340;&#2 0420;&#32599;&#26031;&#39118;&#26684;&#30340;&#32418;&#33590;&#65292; &#21152;&#20837;&#27915;&#21442;&#20043;&#21518;&#65292;&#21487;&#201 97;&#20351;&#20854;&#20855;&#26377;&#26356;&#24378;&#30340;&#20136;&# 29983;&#30103;&#25928;&#12290;&#29611;&#29808;&#30340;&#21326;&#20029 ;&#12289;&#32418;&#33590;&#30340;&#27987;&#37057;&#21644;&#27915;&#21 442;&#30340;&#28201;&#28070;&#65292;&#25645;&#37197;&#22312;&#19968;& #36215;&#65292;&#28363;&#21619;&#32654;&#22937;&#65292;&#22806;&#3526 6;&#32654;&#20029;&#19988;&#21487;&#20197;&#36215;&#21040;&#25552;&#3 1070;&#12289;&#20859;&#27668;&#12289;&#32654;&#23481;&#30340;&#20316; &#29992;&#12290;<br /><br/>&#29611;&#29808;&#27915;&#21442;&#32418;&#33590;&#30340;&#26448;&#26009;<br /><br/>&#32418;&#33590;1&#33590;&#21273;&#12289;&#29611;&#29808;1&#33590;& #21273;&#12289;&#27915;&#21442;&#29255;1&#33590;&#21273;&#12289;&#209 12;&#31958;&#36866;&#37327;&#12290;&nbsp;<br /><br/>&#29611;&#29808;&#27915;&#21442;&#32418;&#33590;&#65292;&#20570;&#2 7861;&nbsp;<br/>1&#65294;&#23558;&#32418;&#33590;&#33590;&#21494;&#25918;&#20837;&# 28201;&#36807;&#30340;&#33590;&#22774;&#20013;&#65292;&#27880;&#20837 ;&#27832;&#27700;&#65292;&#20877;&#21152;&#20837;&#27915;&#21442;&#29 255;&#65292;&#38391;3&#65374;4&#20998;&#38047;&#12290;<br/>2&#65294;&#38391;&#36807;&#21518;&#65292;&#23558;&#33590;&#27748;&# 27880;&#20837;&#33590;&#26479;&#20013;&#12290;<br/>3&#65294;&#21462;&#36866;&#37327;&#30340;&#29611;&#29808;&#21152;&# 20837;&#33590;&#26479;&#20013;&#65292;&#29611;&#29808;&#23601;&#20250 ;&#22312;&#33590;&#26479;&#20013;&#24930;&#24930;&#32509;&#25918;&#12 290;<br />&nbsp; 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2-1 Candidate Position Subsampling Technique for

2-1 Candidate Position Subsampling Technique for

2:1Candidate Position Subsampling Technique for Fast Optimal Motion EstimationHwal-Suk Lee,Student Member,IEEE,Jik-Han Jung,and Dong-Jo Park,Member,IEEEAbstract—The candidate position subsampling technique (CPST)basically chooses candidates in a search window at a sampling rate.The2:1CPST chooses half the candidates,and then selects one or more candidates that are considered as to be close to the optimal motion vector before conducting afine search. Thefine search is conducted by checking four neighbors of the chosen candidate(s)referred to as winner(s).The CPST can be combined with a fast optimal block-matching algorithm,such as the multilevel successive elimination algorithm(MSEA),in order to reduce the number of computations used in rejecting the non-best candidate.We propose a new2:1CPSTfitted to the MSEA. The proposed algorithm adopts a new condition for the winner which helps tofind the best candidate efficiently.Moreover,a fast motion estimation step is used to reduce the number of computations of the MSEA,and the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR)compensation step is adopted to guarantee that the PSNR performance of the proposed algorithm is very close to that of the full search.Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the computational loads of the MSEA by 47.26%on average with only−0.027dB PSNR degradation in the worst case.Index Terms—Block matching,candidate position,fast full search,motion estimation,subsampling,successive elimination.I.IntroductionM OTION estimation via a block-matching algorithm (BMA)has been used in almost all the video coding standards,including ITU-T H.263/H.264and ISO/IEC MPEG-1/2/4.Although the full-search(FS)algorithm is the optimal BMA with regard to motion estimation accuracy,its computa-tional complexity limits practical usage.Hence,many BMAs have been developed to reduce the complexity.The methods used in BMAs can be divided into three types.Thefirst method is to use only a subset of all the search locations in the search window[1],[2].This method reduces computational complexity because the sum of absolute differ-ence(SAD)is not computed for all possible candidates.The second method is to adopt lower bounds for the SAD[3],[4]. Before calculating the SAD of the current candidate,lower bound values are obtained,and the necessity of calculating the SAD is determined by comparing lower bound values with the minimum SAD obtained from the previous candidates. Given that fewer computations are required to compute the Manuscript received September26,2008;revised August7,2009and December30,2009.Date of publication May27,2010;date of current version July16,2010.This paper was recommended by Associate Editor H.Yu. The authors are with the School of Electrical Engineering and Com-puter Science,Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,Dae-jeon305-701,Korea(;honestok@; Object Identifier10.1109/TCSVT.2010.2051365lower bounds than the SAD,this method is quicker.The third method is to use a pixel-subsampling technique[5]–[7]. When calculating the SAD,not all pixels are considered,but pixels on the subsampling pattern are considered.This method guarantees an improvement in speed by as much as the rate of pixel-subsampling.The third method is usually combined with the candidate position subsampling technique(CPST)[5],[7].The CPST consists of three steps.First,candidates for the optimal motion vector(MV)are selected by subsampling.Second, one or more candidates that are considered to be close to the optimal MV are selected from candidates that are chosen in thefirst step.The candidates that are selected in the second step are called winners.Finally,neighbors of each winner are checked in thefine search step.Recently,there has been an attempt to combine the ad-justable partial distortion search(APDS)algorithm(an algo-rithm that uses the second method of using lower bounds of the SAD[3])and the CPST[8].Thefirst and second candidates that have the minimum SAD are selected as win-ners from candidates to which the2:1subsampling pattern is applied.Finally,the four neighbors of each winner are checked.However,this algorithm does not perform well if the multilevel successive elimination algorithm(MSEA)[4],one of the most well-known algorithms using the second method, is used instead of the APDS.This results mainly from the inadequate specification of criteria for selecting the winners. In this letter,we propose a2:1candidate position subsam-pling technique that is used with the MSEA.The proposed algorithm shows almost the same peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR)performance as a FS algorithm(in the worst case,−0.027dB degradation)with only almost half the computa-tions of the MSEA.This performance is achieved by adopting a new condition for the winner,the fast motion estimation, and the PSNR compensation steps.II.Related WorkThe APDS algorithm[3]and the MSEA[4]are both known to be fast optimal block-matching algorithms,which means that the algorithm can achieve the same PSNR performance as the FS algorithm,but with fewer computations.The basic procedure of the APDS and the MSEA is to calculate lower bounds(also called boundary values)from the lowest to the highest and to check whether each boundary value is larger than the minimum SAD value that was obtained from previously searched positions.This value will be referred to as1051-8215/$26.00c 2010IEEEAlgorithm 1:Pseudo code for the APDS and the MSEA(x,y)=initial position Find SAD of (x,y)SAD min =SAD of (x,y)(x,y)=next positionwhile !(last candidate position)dofor k=1to number LB doCompute LB[k]if LB[k]>SAD min thengo to (#)end endSAD min =LB[number LB]MV =(x,y)(#)(x,y)=next position end·LB:Lower bound,MV:Motion vector,(x,y):Current candidateFig.1.Search patterns.(a)2:1candidate subsampling pattern.(b)Fine search pattern.the temporary minimum SAD.If a certain lower bound of the current position is larger than the temporary minimum SAD,it is deemed unnecessary to compute the SAD of the current position.This procedure is presented in Algorithm 1.The main difference between the APDS and the MSEA is the way of obtaining lower bounds.The APDS calculates boundary values by using the partial distortion technique which is derived from the fact that the SAD value for the N ×N block size is always larger than the partial sum of the absolute value for difference between pixel-values in the current and reference blocks.By contrast,the MSEA obtains boundary values by using the triangle inequality as a basis:|a +b |≤|a |+|b |.The CPST addresses the issue of which candidates are to be checked and the search order of selected candidates,while the APDS and the MSEA are the candidate-rejection algorithms (CRAs)that correspond to the inside of a while-loop in Algorithm 1.In [8],the CPST consists of three steps with the APDS as the CRA.In the first step,candidates are searched using the candidate subsampling pattern,as depicted in Fig.1(a).In the second step,two candidates with the first and second minimum SAD values are selected as winners.Finally,the four candidates nearest neighbors to each winner are searched,as in Fig.1(b).Given that,in the second step,two candidates with the first and second minimum SAD values are selected,Algorithm 1should be changed slightly.A noteworthy change is that a certain lower bound is compared not with the first minimum SAD but with the second minimum SAD.This modification was also mentioned in [8].TABLE INumber of Cases in Which the Optimal MV Is Missed WithDifferent ConditionsName Format Total Condition 1Condition 2Condition 3Mobile CIF 125861222466285Foreman CIF 965027541792536Fun CIF 7106622233219Paris CIF 309332511659Mobile CCIR6011536225211304800Football CCIR6011827723099461010Flower CCIR60116908262117561447Tennis CCIR6018178555646802985Average 11395.02241.31411.6917.6Probability of Missing MV0.1970.1240.081Condition 1:Choose the one candidate with the minimum SAD.Condition 2:Choose the two candidates with the first and second minimum SADs.Condition 3:Choose candidates updating the temporary minimum SAD.Fig.2.Sample plot for the proposed condition in 1-D space.III.Proposed 2:1Candidate Position SubsamplingTechnique for the MSEA A.New Condition for WinnerThe purpose of a fine search is to find the optimal MV in the case that the optimal MV is not in the pattern yielded by subsampling.Therefore,the best winner out of the candidates selected by subsampling is the one that has the optimal MV as a neighbor if the fine search checks four neighbors of the winner,as depicted in Fig.1(b).If the correlation between the SAD values of the optimal MV and its neighbors is high,the candidate selected by subsampling that has the minimum SAD is likely to be the best winner.In most cases,it is acceptable that the correlation is high,because the maximum distance between the winner and a neighbor is just one pixel.Our experiments show that when the condition of selecting a candidate that has the minimum SAD is used,the probability of missing the optimal MV is 0.197,as shown in Table I,where the total number (Total )stands for the number of cases that the optimal MV is not in the subsampling pattern.The simulation was executed using the same conditions as those in Table III.Missing the optimal MV means degradation of the PSNR performance.To improve the PSNR performance,the condi-tion for selecting the winner needs to be changed.One way is to choose multiple winners using the increasing order of the SAD values as a basis.For instance,two candidates with the first and second minimum SAD are selected as winners in [8].The condition used in [8]reduces the probability of missingthe optimal MV to0.124in Table I,but it requires additionalcomputational costs to choose the winners.In Algorithm1,for the non-best candidate,the number ofthe boundary values used to make the decision to reject thecurrent candidate depends heavily on the temporary minimumSAD(SAD min in Algorithm1).The lower the value of thetemporary minimum SAD is set,the fewer boundary values areused.When the CPST chooses two winners with thefirst andsecond minimum SAD,the temporary minimum value used tomake the decision to reject the current candidate is not thefirstminimum SAD,but the second minimum SAD.This impliesthat computational load of the CRA is increased.Usage of the second minimum SAD instead of thefirstminimum SAD causes more boundary values to be calculated.In the APDS,the difference in the SAD-computation numbersbetween adjacent boundary values is maximally16,while thatof the MSEA is192if the block size is16×16.Thus,usageof the second minimum SAD in the MSEA requires a muchgreater amount of additional computation than the APDS.It is preferable that the condition for selecting the winnerrequires fewer computations and that the probability that anywinner selected by the condition is a neighbor of the optimalMV is higher.By trial and error,we found the most efficientcondition for selecting the winner.The proposed conditionis that a candidate is chosen as a winner if it updates thetemporary minimum SAD value.Fig.2plots the differencebetween the proposed condition and conventional conditions in1-D space.Here,D(x)indicates the SAD value of a candidatex.Note that the global minimum position C3can be foundonly if C2or C4are selected as winners,because thefinesearch is conducted by checking left and right candidates ofthe winner.In thefirst step,half of the candidates are checkedat a2:1subsampling rate(C0→C2→···C12).For thefine search step,if Condition1in Table I is used,C8is chosen asthe winner.Moreover,Condition2selects C8and C10as thewinners.However,if the proposed condition(Condition3)isused,C0,C2and C8are selected as the winners.Note thatthefirst candidate(C0in Fig.2)is always considered to bethe winner,because it initializes the temporal minimum SADvalue.Table I shows the superiority of the proposed condition.Itlessens the probability that the optimal MV will be missedto0.081without requiring any additional computation.Theproposed condition requires additional Boolean memory spacethat is equivalent to half of the size of search window,due toa2:1sampling rate.B.PSNR CompensationThe PSNR compensation step is introduced to improvethe PSNR performance of the algorithm when the PSNRof the algorithm is much less that of the full search.ThePSNR compensation is conducted by executing three steps(from the candidate subsampling step to thefine search step)with a new search window that is centered at thefinal MVthat was obtained from the previousfine search step.ThePSNR compensation step is performed only if thefinal MVthat was obtained from the previousfine search step causesunacceptable PSNR performance degradation compared withTABLE IIImplemented AlgorithmsLabel STEP1STEP2STEP3Conv CPST Unused Condition1UnusedProp CPST1Unused Condition3UnusedProp CPST2Unused Condition3UsedProposed Used Condition3UsedSTEP1:Fast motion estimation.STEP2:Winner selection.STEP3:PSNR compensation.that of the expected optimal MV.The PSNR compensation step is performed when the SAD value of thefinal MV in the previousfine search step is larger than the highest expected SAD value of the optimal MV(SAD max),because the PSNR value is strongly related to the SAD value.In order to obtain SAD max,the maximum SAD value among the SAD values of the three MVs of the left,top,and top-right blocks of the current block are calculated,and this result is compared with a constant K.The larger value is selected as the highest expected SAD value(SAD max).K is adopted to prevent the PSNR compensation step from being performed when SAD values of the three MVs are simultaneously small.In our case, we have selected K=1792.C.Fast Motion EstimationThe length of time it takes the CRA to complete its task is strongly related to the temporary minimum SAD value (SAD min in Algorithm1).This implies that the CRA will perform its task quickly if the optimal MV is found quickly. Hence,we insert a fast motion-estimation(ME)step before the candidate are subsampled.As a fast ME algorithm,we adopt a simplified version of the algorithm proposed in[9]. The fast ME algorithm consists of two steps:1)prediction of the optimal MV,and2)unrestricted search with a small diamond-shaped pattern(SDSP),as shown in Fig.1(b).In the first step,the MV with the minimum SAD is selected among MV L,MV T,MV TR,MV MED,and(0,0).Here,MV L,MV T, and MV TR are MVs of the left,top,and top-right blocks of the current block respectively,and MV MED is the median of MV L,MV T,and MV TR.In the second step,a SDSP is formed by positioning the MV that was found in the previous step at the center of the SDSP.If the new minimum SAD point is still at the center of the formed SDSP,then ME stops.Otherwise, this step is repeated.Note that the CRA is also used in the fast ME step to reject the non-best candidate efficiently.IV.Simulation ResultsA.Experimental EnvironmentThe overall structure of the proposed algorithm is given in Fig.3and its performance was evaluated by implementing and comparing the FS algorithm,the MSEA,the CPST in[8] with MSEA as the CRA,and various versions of the proposed algorithm.Table II shows the implemented algorithms and their labels.When determining SAD max,the SAD values of the three MVs of the left,top,and top-right blocks of a current block are required.If any of these three SAD values is not available,we set the value of unavailable SAD at2048.Also,Fig.3.Overall structure of the proposed algorithm.TABLE IIIComputations and PSNR Performance Comparison of Different AlgorithmsMobile(CIF)Foreman(CIF)Fun(CIF)Paris(CIF)Total PSNR to FS Total PSNR to FS Total PSNR to FS Total PSNR to FS FS668516.30.000668516.30.000668516.30.000668516.30.000MSEA33416.50.00041878.20.00038361.90.00015265.400.000 Conv CPST32919.3−0.09033540.9−0.33629052.0−0.01312237.9−0.008 Prop CPST128986.4−0.02029248.2−0.03025521.9−0.01811488.9−0.002 Prop CPST230999.7−0.01929345.5−0.01927157.9+0.00111707.2+0.005Proposed20270.8−0.02724708.8−0.01821028.3+0.00310555.5+0.001 Mobile(CCIR601)Football(CCIR601)Flower(CCIR601)Tennis(CCIR601)Total PSNR to FS Total PSNR to FS Total PSNR to FS Total PSNR to FS FS2636526.30.0002636526.30.0002636526.30.0002636526.30.000MSEA113322.00.000216924.00.000131796.00.000823889.00.000 Conv CPST137153.0−0.074145081.0−0.010106872.0−0.023496364.0−0.194 Prop CPST173229.1−0.014126763.0−0.01678660.1−0.014459910.0−0.054 Prop CPST277345.7−0.010140055.0+0.07382295.7+0.002482898.0+0.004Proposed60985.1−0.015113452.0+0.07561163.8+0.008434055.0+0.032if any MVs in the three MVs of the left,top,and top-right blocks of a current block for predicting the optimal MV is not available,it is replaced with(0,0).All versions of the proposed algorithm adopt MSEA as the CRA.The test platform for experiments was based on a simple code only to perform motion estimation.Search order for candidate subsampling is in Fig.1(a).Simulations were per-formed in eight sequences with the two different formats:CIF (352×288,50frames,25frames/s)and CCIR601(720×480, 30frames,30frames/s)[11].Only luminance components of each sequence were used.The block size was set to16×16. The search range to±15for CIF and±30for CCIR601. We set one operation of addition,subtraction,absolute value, comparison,and shift each to equal one operation.B.Experimental Results1)New Condition for Winner(Prop CPST1):Even though Conv CPST subsamples candidate positions at a2:1 rate,an ineffective condition for choosing the winner results in slower performance.Conv CPST requires more computations even than the MSEA for the Mobile sequence in CCIR601. This is because the fact that lower bounds are compared,not with thefirst minimum SAD,but with the second minimum SAD,while the MSEA always compares lower bounds with thefirst minimum SAD.Prop CPST1only changes the condition for winner in the Conv CPST(Condition2in Table I)into the proposed condition of whether or not a MV updates the temporal minimum SAD value(Condition3).The proposed condition does not change the basic procedure in Algorithm1,but is able tofind winners effectively.Adopting a new winner condition yields a16.05%reduction in computation and an improvement in PSNR of+0.073dB over Conv CPST.It is noticeable that the worst degradation of PSNR performance is reduced from−0.336dB(Foreman in CIF)to−0.054dB(Tennis in CCIR601)by using a new winner condition.2)PSNR Compensation(Prop CPST2):The PSNR Com-pensation step is performed if SAD(MV FS)is larger than SAD max,in Fig.3.Our simulation shows that the probability of conducting the PSNR compensation step is0.1358.It is natural to think that the PSNR compensation increases the computational load of Prop CPST1by13.58%.However,it requires only5.76%additional computations,giving a PSNR improvement of+0.026dB,because some area of the new search window overlaps with the original search window and the temporal minimum SAD value is already very small. It is remarkable that the PSNR compensation step reduced the worst PSNR degradation from−0.054dB(Tennis in CCIR601)to−0.019dB(Mobile and Foreman in CIF).3)Fast Motion Estimation(Proposed):The proposed algorithm applies the fast ME step to Prop CPST2to reduce the number of computations by having the lower temporal minimum SAD value for the same candidate.On average the proposed algorithm requires15.38%fewer computations than Prop CPST2.However,there is a small difference between the PSNR performances of Prop CPST2and the proposed al-TABLE IVComputations and PSNR Performance Comparison of the ESEAand the Proposed AlgorithmFootball(CCIR601)Tennis(CCIR601)Total PSNR to FS Total PSNR to FS ESEA113131.00.000376392.00.000Proposed60314.5+0.075200708.0+0.032 gorithm(+0.003dB),because the different temporal minimum SAD value causes different MVs to be selected as winners. When comparing the MSEA with the proposed algorithm, computational loads are reduced by47.26%with+0.007dB PSNR performance improvement on average.The minimum speed gain is30.85%for the Paris sequence in CIF,and the maximum speed gain is53.59%for the Flower sequence in CCIR601.It is notable that the worst degradation in PSNR performance(Mobile in CIF)is only−0.027dB worse than the FS.This shows the proposed algorithm has PSNR performance that is comparable to that of the FS.Infive sequences(Fun and Paris in CIF;and Football, Flower,and Tennis in CCIR601),the proposed algorithm exhibits higher PSNR performance than the optimal algorithms (FS and MSEA),which implies that some blocks in those se-quences are more similar to blocks outside the search window than to blocks inside the search window.We examined the simulation results for those sequences and found that the mean squared error(MSE)for the proposed algorithm was smaller than that of the optimal algorithms in two cases.In these two cases,better PSNR performance was achieved by shifting the position of a search window either after the fast ME step or before the PSNR compensation step in the proposed algorithm. Thefirst case is related to large motions which are not covered by a search range,such as the motions in blocks containing information of balls in Paris and Tennis and players in Football.The second case is associated with bar-shaped objects.If a block contains a part of a vertical or horizontal bar-shaped object,occasionally a block outside the search window has a smaller MSE than any block inside the search window.A vertical or horizontal bar-shaped object tends to appear in a series of blocks along the direction of bar-shaped objects.Thus,a block outside the search window can have a smaller MSE by reducing errors corresponding to a bar-shaped object.The bar-shaped objects in Fun are the bars of a merry-go-round and the bar-shaped objects in Flower are the branches and logs of a tree.The proposed algorithm does not modify the MSEA itself. This implies that the proposed algorithm can be combined with any of the fast full-search algorithms following Algorithm1, so we can expect that the proposed algorithm will reduce the computational load of the fast full-search algorithm by47% with the almost same PSNR performance.The effective suc-cessive elimination algorithm(ESEA)is an improved version of the MSEA[10].For two sequences in CCIR601,Football and Tennis,the proposed algorithm that has the ESEA as the CRA reduces computations of the ESEA by46.69%and 46.68%with improvements in PSNR of+0.075dB and+0.032 dB,respectively.Note that the proposed algorithm yields the almost same speed gain over the ESEA and the MSEA.For the Football sequence,speed gains yielded by the proposed algorithm over the MSEA and ESEA are,respectively,47.70% and46.69%.For Tennis,they are47.32%and46.68%.V.ConclusionA new2:1CPST that matches the MSEA has been proposed.We proposed a new condition for choosing MVs, which is used in thefine search step.This condition does not need additional computation.Even so,it reduces the probability that the CPST misses the optimal MV that is not in the subsampling pattern to0.081.In order to deal with the case in which the CPST misses the optimal MV,a PSNR com-pensation step repeats three steps from the candidate position subsampling step to thefine search step with a new search window.Moreover,the newly adopted fast ME step reduced the number of computations required by the CPST by using the smaller temporal minimum SAD for the same candidate. Simulation results have shown that the proposed algorithm produces significantly higher speedup gain over the MSEA (47.26%)with+0.007dB PSNR improvement for the tested video sequences.This amount of performance improvement with regards to speedup gain and PSNR performance can be achieved regardless of the CRA if the CRA follows Algorithm1.References[1]T.Koga,K.Ilinuma,A.Hirano,Y.Iijima,and T.Ishiguro,“Motion-compensated interframe coding for video conferencing,”in Proc.Nat.Telecommun.Conf.,1981,pp.G5.3.1–G5.3.5.[2]S.Zhu and K.K.Ma,“A new diamond search algorithm for fast block-matching motion estimation,”IEEE Trans.Image Process.,vol.9,no.2,pp.287–290,Feb.2000.[3] C.H.Cheung and L.M.Po,“Adjustable partial distortion searchalgorithm for fast block motion estimation,”IEEE Trans.Circuits Syst.Video Technol.,vol.13,no.1,pp.100–110,Jan.2003.[4]X.Q.Gao,C.J.Duanmu,and C.R.Zou,“A multilevel successiveelimination algorithm for block matching motion estimation,”IEEE Trans.Image Process.,vol.9,no.3,pp.501–504,Mar.2000.[5] F.Moschetti and E.Debes,“A fast block matching for SIMD processorsusing subsampling,”in Proc.IEEE ISCAS,vol.4.May2000,pp.321–324.[6] C.N.Wang,S.W.Yang,C.M.Liu,and T.Chiang,“A hierarchicalN-queen decimation lattice and hardware architecture for motion esti-mation,”IEEE Trans.Circuits Syst.Video Technol.,vol.14,no.4,pp.429–440,Apr.2004.[7]R.Korah,M.Sankaralingam,and J.R.P.Perinbam,“Motion estimationwith candidate block and pixel subsampling algorithm,”in Proc.IEEE Int.Workshop IST,May2005,pp.130–133.[8]W.Jiang and M.Zhou,“A fast BMA based on combining searchcandidate subsampling and APDS,”in Proc.IEEE ICME,vol.2.Jun.2004,pp.1115–1118.[9] A.M.Tourapis,O.C.Au,and M.L.Liou,“Highly efficient predictivezonal algorithms for fast block-matching motion estimation,”IEEE Trans.Circuits Syst.Video Technol.,vol.12,no.10,pp.934–947,Oct.2002.[10]H.S.Lee,J.H.Jung,and D.J.Park,“An effective successive elim-ination algorithm for fast optimal block-matching motion estimation,”in Proc.IEEE ICIP,Oct.2008,pp.1984–1987.[11]Test Image Sequences.[Online]。



CES EduPack – Exercises with Worked Solutions
E2 Material evolution in products
E2.1. Use Google to research the history and uses of one of the following materials Tin Glass Cement Titanium Carbon fiber Present the result as a short report of about 100 - 200 words (roughly half a page). Specimen answer: tin. Tin (symbol Sn), a silver-white metal, has a long history. It was traded in the civilisations of the Mediterranean as early as 1500 BC (the Old Testament of the Christian bible contains many references to it). Its importance at that time lay in its ability to harden copper to give bronze (copper containing about 10% tin), the key material for weapons, tools and statuary of the Bronze age (1500 BC – 500 BC). Today tin is still used to make bronze, for solders and as a corrosion resistant coating on steel sheet (“tin plate” ) for food and drink containers – a “tinnie”, to an Australian, is a can of beer. Plate glass is made by floating molten glass on a bed of liquid tin (the Pilkington process). Thin deposits of tin compounds on glass give transparent, electrically conducting coatings used for frost-free windshields and for panel lighting. E2.2 Research the evolution of material use in • • • • • Writing implements (charcoal, “lead” (graphite), quill pens, steel nib pens, gold plus osmium pens, ball points..) Watering cans (wood – galvanized iron – polypropylene) Bicycles (wood – bamboo – steel, aluminum, magnesium, titanium – CFRP) Small boat building (wood – aluminum – GFRP) Book binding (Wood – leather – cardboard – vinyl)



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Version 20102Section 2主题提示:旅游公司介绍一个独木舟游览(canoe trip)Question 11-20 Completion11 why people have to be very fit to join the trip:水流很急system 安全预警系统(the man said: water will not splash into you, you got wet feet, to wear washable shoes, it is not recommended rain boot coz it is too heavy, not suitable for swimming)18 20 pounds‟single 17 pounds, double 28 更优惠通过计算得出28/2=14)20 for more detail information: please go to website: www. rivertrip. comVersion 20128 Section 2主题提示:湿地体验中心Experience in a Wetland Society Questions 11-12 Multiple Choice11 this club was fundedA it is common all over the worldB Because of the climate change(more than 100 years, said it began at 20th centenary)12 the main purpose of this wetland club:A preserve the same wildlife (said there were different wetlands)learning facilities)Questions 13-20 Completion收养天鹅(ducks,geese)there are other two jobs18 €Version 20105Section 2主题提示:职业规划Media Career DevelopmentQuestions 11-12 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.11 People go to somewhere to:A get transport to the locationB book a placeCI will go and check the details sue. Attention: No reserve ticket, should buy it at the entrant12 Who will present today‟s event?A a famous person/Career AdviserBC a lecturerIf you are expecting celebrity, then you are wrong, there will be representatives from station, they all professional, and talk to you privately, give you valuable advice Questions 13-17 Table介绍了几个speaker 谈讲座名称和speaker 职业he is now a TV producer, news journalist was his precious job in BB, you do need to go earlier to take seat, it’s very popular:This is an exciting moment for the young people.Questions 18-20 Multiple ChoiceAdvantages of being a runner (打杂的)A woman said why it is the best to begin your career as a runner? Disadvantages: although everybody will ask you to do their favors, will be accused if being late, do lots of work that others wouldn’t like to do, no opportunity for promotion, no guarantee…butyou will have a chance to gain experience and connection with client.can go out on business trip to somewhere that you will never thought of, so exciting.Although paid less, but you can learn editing and producing.Version 20107 Section 2主题提示:广播节目It’s about a girl introducing a school of music.Questions 11-20 CompletionExample: original main school11 Where is the new campus?Version 20113Section 2主题提示:Greenland 旅游Greenland travel: green island in AustraliaQuestions 11-16 Completion(coz, before this, woman said climate in south is tropical, everyone loves the climate so it’s getting popular:)…) (plural 复数,because it’s suitable to ride a bike, then there’s horse came out, but you can’t ride horse because of the land地势问题)16 four types of garden, the second one is (there is sunken garden, Japanese garden, Italian garden, you can have a dinner and watch the views at the same time)Questions 17-20 MatchingOptions are 选项有:apartment, Luxury house, executive, for the family house(because there are wealthy people, and first-class restaurant etc )18 …can enjoy)19 Sin…’s economical, suitable for young people, 6 people share more facilities, rent for 3 days)Version 20115Section 2主题提示:一个摇滚音乐节的地图Questions 11-17 Map吞音)(吞音)14吞音)Questions 18-20 Completion18 工作人员入场需要:19 如果停车太多,那么就不容易进来,就不太好了20 如果需要寄存物品,需要出示:Version 20117Section 2主题提示:ExhibitionQuestions 11-15 Multiple Choice11 谁买了第一件藏品?选the first exhibit is bought by government)A QueenB stateC a businessman12 馆里作品的特点?选(gallery is famous for the standard of exhibits)A qualityB number…C …13 Drake Wing 是?选Drake Wing is a part of the newly built… annex)A a new part of the buildingB 最有趣的画C 多…14 关于在这个馆里的guided tour. 选(no extra charge,还有另外的服务也是free)A freeB three times a dayC donation15 每周有一天关门的时间是不同的,几点关?选一周开6天,10-9或者10-6)A after 6B after 9C after 10Questions 16-20 Completion关于另三个馆的介绍16 A馆位置17 B 馆特点是材料19 C 馆交通工具20 博物馆原来是什么地方Version 20118Section 2主题提示:餐厅推荐Wood Platter RestaurantQuestions 11-16 Completion文中提到204,但又说now we have 243 restaurants, including 3 overseas.头一道菜) Questions 17-20 CompletionServices in Two Restaurants Cardiff Restaurant features:(she said Jazz& sculptures: he said play Jazz)Ecster Restaurant features:there is once every weekMentioned a small business, yet it is training course, sale outlets)Version 20126Section 2主题提示:大堡礁旅游The Great Barrier Reef Green Island Questions 11-20 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.11 green island is special for itsB fishC plant(fish is different categories, unknown part, last it mentioned, the water is clean)12 In what condition, can have a good view in the seaA no wind(因为风会把云吹过来)(it is OK without wind, occasionally, no rain for one week, fantastic)Question 13-14回忆情况不好,考生遗漏考题Questions 15- 20 MatchingA visitor can do all the timeB visitor can do sometimesC visitors cannot do anytime15 Beach activities16 Climate mountain17 Private boats(先说说visitors are not encouraged to climb the mountain,因为刮风下雨收衣服啥的比较危险,听到这里我以为是cannot do了,但是接着说,如果碰上万里无云的好天气,你要是觉得生死有命富贵在天你就爬吧,爬呀爬的就习惯了)18 Feed the fish(sometimes 可以feed fish 人不多的时候,而且只能喂一丢丢)19 Touch the fish会咬人)20 Taking photos(always)Section 2主题提示:汽车租赁公司服务(3种)Questions 11-16 MatchingA 第一种…B 第二种…Comfort…C 第三种…——global roaming service 其他国家有业务——provide drivers 提供司机hire a car in the package——small taxi hiringsuitable for out trip or picnic 4 Wheels(四轮驱动) suitable for outing trip——new business recently 最近开的新公司Questions 17-20 Completion17 Taxi 的特点是: C fast18 minibus 的特点是too old, poor maintenance) B restricted RouteC infrequent (long waiting time of half an hour, 它时间不确定,周末也不开)19 the service of the Taxi的服务时间:录音里说了Taxi有2种类型)C depending on money you say 说什么如果给的钱多服务就好,钱少就相对差20 那个人想去的那个城市的current problem (现金支付问题)A need not bring lot of currencyB currency value is declining 贬值最近汇率比较稳定,但是某些面值的钞票没有那么多,这样就要携带大量现金了。
