On The Minimum Mean-Square Estimation Error of the Normalized Sum of Independent Narrowband


MIMO Equalize MMSE

MIMO Equalize MMSE

Equalization Algorithm in MIMO System——Based on Minimum Mean Square ErrorName:Cui Hao(崔浩) Number :4161144160601.MIMO systemIn radio, multiple-input and multiple-output, or MIMO, is a method for multiplying the capacity of a radio link using multiple transmit and receive antennas to exploit multipath propagation.MIMO has become an essential element of wireless communication standards.At onetime, in wireless the term "MIMO" referred to the use of multiple antennas at the transmitter and the receiver. In modern usage, "MIMO" specifically refers to a practical technique for sending and receiving more than one data signal simultaneously over the same radio channel by exploiting multipath propagation. MIMO is fundamentally different from smart antenna techniques developed to enhance the performance of a single data signal, such as beamforming and diversity.MIMO can be sub-divided into three main categories, precoding, spatial multiplexing (SM), and diversity coding.Figure 1.MIMO systemH is the channel matrix of the Nt and Nr columns, the elements of which are independent of each other and subject to cyclic symmetric complex Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and variance 1 (ie, 0.5 for the real and the imaginary variance), ie the channels are independent flat Rayleigh fading channel and the receiving end already knows the channel state information.By By figure 1 , we can get Rayleigh fading channel H⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=NtNr Nt Nt Nr Nr h h h h h h h h h H (2122221)11211WhereH NtNr denotes the channel Rayleigh fading coefficient from the Nt-th transmitting antenna to the Nr-th receiving antenna.2.MMSE Equalization2.1 EqualizationThe insertion of a tunable filter in a digital communication system can correct and compensate for system characteristics and reduce the impact of intersymbol interference. This compensating filter is called an equalizer.Equalizers are usually implemented using filters, which use a filter to compensate for distorted pulses. The demodulator output samples obtained by the decider are samples that have been corrected by the equalizer or have cleared the inter-symbol interference. Adaptive equalizer directly from the transmission of the actual digital signal in accordance with an algorithm to adjust the gain, which can adapt to the random channel changes, so that the equalizer is always the best state, which has better distortion compensation performance.2.2 Minimum Mean Square ErrorIn statistics and signal processing, a minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator is an estimation method which minimizes the mean square error (MSE), which is a common measure of estimator quality, of the fitted values of a dependent variable. In the Bayesian setting, the term MMSE more specifically refers to estimation with quadratic loss function. In such case, the MMSE estimator is given by the posterior mean of the parameter to be estimated. Since the posterior mean is cumbersome to calculate, the form of the MMSE estimator is usually constrained to be within a certain class of functions. Linear MMSE estimators are a popular choice since they are easy to use, calculate, and very versatile.2.3 MMSE of a fading modelSystem Model: y= Hx + n(1) Where:We want to estimate x from y by linear operation:xˆ= G H y(2) where the G is selected to minimize the estimation errore = x - xˆ(3) MMSE criterion is to minimize the following equationJ = E(e H e) = tr{E(e H e)} (4)By (1)、(2)、(3) and (4) , we can getJ = tr { E ( e H e ) }= tr { E [ ( x - x ˆ )H ( x - x ˆ ) ] }= tr { E [ ( x - G H y )H ( x - G H y ) ] }= tr { E ( xx H - xy H G - G H yx H + G H yy H G ) } (5) Let(5) and (6) lead to the equationG H R yy = R xy (7) WhereR yy = E { yy H } = E {( Hx + n )( Hx + n )H } = E { Hxx H H H + nn H }R xy = E { xy H } = E { x ( Hx + n )H } = E { xx H H H }Eventually , by (7) , we can get the final solutionFigure 2. Simulation steps 0=∂∂G J[]H H H I HH G 11-+= fading coefficient antenna to the Nr -th G=inv(H'*H+Nt/(10^(0.1*SNR))*eye(Nt))*H'. errors(i)=sum(sum(rx_demodu~=txFigure 3. 4x4MIMO & Unbalanced and Balanced Algorithm BER Performance ComparisonFigure 4. Different MIMO & Comparison of BER Performance of MMSE EqualizationI can conclude that(1). Comparing balanced MIMO system by MMSE equalization algorithm and unbalanced MIMO system, tthe performance of BER has been a very good improvement in balanced MIMO system.(2). With the increase of signal-to-noise ratio, the performance of BER is getting better and better in balanced MIMO system.(3). With the increase of the number of transmitting and receiving antennas, the performance of BER is getting better and better in balanced MIMO system6.References[1].MIMO通信系统中的几种检测方法。

MIMO radar waveform design based on mutual information and minimum mean-square error estima

MIMO radar waveform design based on mutual information and minimum mean-square error estima
Yang Yang, Student Member, IEEE, and Rick S. Blum, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract— This paper addresses the problem of radar waveform design for target identification and classification. Both the ordinary radar with a single transmitter and receiver and the recently proposed multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar are considered. A random target impulse response is used to model the scattering characteristics of the extended (nonpoint) target, and two radar waveform design problems with constraints on waveform power have been investigated. The first one is to design waveforms that maximize the conditional mutual information (MI) between the random target impulse response and the reflected waveforms given the knowledge of transmitted waveforms. The second one is to find transmitted waveforms that minimize the mean-square error (MSE) in estimating the target impulse response. Our analysis indicates that under the same total power constraint, these two criteria lead to the same solution for a matrix which specifies the essential part of the optimum waveform design. The solution employs water-filling to allocate the limited power appropriately. We also present an asymptotic formulation which requires less knowledge of the statistical model of the target. Index Terms— Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar, radar waveform design, identification, classification, extended radar targets, mutual information (MI), minimum meansquare error (MMSE), waveform diversity.



一种基于压缩感知的信道缩短滤波器设计刘小青;李有明;朱星;陈斌;雷鹏;季彪【摘要】The computing complexity of the system grows fast with the number of filter’s nonzero taps. Therefore, a sparse filter is designed in this paper based on the Blind Adaptive Subspace Pursuit algorithm to reduce the number of the nonzero taps. Firstly, the channel shortening problem is transformed into a sparse filter design problem based on the Minimum Mean Square Error criterion. Then, the filter’s sparsity is adaptively changed according to a sparsity blind estimation method. Finally, a sparse filter with noncontiguous nonzeros taps is achieved under the frame of Subspace Pursuit algorithm. The simulation results demonstrate that the designed filter can shorten the channel efficiently. Furthermore, comparing with the existing sparse filters, the system using the designed filter obtains higher accuracy with lower complexity.%鉴于使用信道缩短滤波器的系统的复杂度会随着滤波器中非零抽头的增加而快速增大,运用盲自适应子空间追踪(Blind Adaptive Subspace Pursuit, BASP)算法设计了一种稀疏滤波器来减少非零抽头。



OFDM系统中MMSE与LS信道估计算法的比较研究第22卷第2期2009年4月四川理工学院学报(自然科学版)JournalofSichuanUniversityofScience&Engineering(NaturalScienceEdition)文章编号:1673-1549(2009)02-0091-03OFDM系统中MMSE与LS信道估计算法的比较研究陈明举(四川理工学院自动化与电子信息学院,四川自贡643000)摘要:文章介绍了OFDM系统中插入导频的Ls信道估计与MMSE信道估计两种算法,通过试验仿真说明了MMSE信道估计算法对系统性能的提升要优于Ls信道估计算法,但MMSE信道估计算法的计算量大于LS信道估计算法.关键词:正交频分复用技术;最小均方误差估计;最小平方法中图分类号:TN911.3文献标识码:A引言最近几年,正交频分复用技术OFDM(Orthogonal FrequencyDivisionMultiplexing)在新一代高数据率通信分为多个频谱不相交的子信道,每个子信道由不同的信境,OFDM系统中的多个载波相互正交,一个符号持续时间内包含有整数个载波周期,每个载波频点和相邻载波零点重叠,这种载波间的部分重叠提高了频带利用率,而且正交多载波的利用,使信道衰落引起的突发误码分散到不相关的子信道上,变为随机性误码,有效地前已经被IEEE802.1la和DVB等国际标准所采纳.移动无线通信环境可以表征为一个多径衰落信道,多径信道对通信的影响主要表现在两个方面:一方面由于存在多条传输路径,接收端接收到的信号表现为发送信号的叠加,这就需要采用均衡技术恢复原始信息;另一方面由于信道的时变特性,而且存在着各种人为和自然噪声以及由于多径效应带来的码间干扰,每一条路径都受到不同幅度的衰落和相移.因此,信号经过无线信发送信息流进行适当编码,再在接收端进行组合,但在了消除信道本身的影响,需要在接收端对信道进行估计,并依据估计出的信道构建逆系统对信道进行均衡. 理想的情况是通过信道估计与均衡得到等效的平坦无类…:利用导频的方法(ChannelEstimationBasedPilot) 和盲估计的方法(BlindEstimation).本文主要研究基于导频处信道估计方法的最小平方法(LS,leastsquare)和最小均方误差法(MMSE,minimummean—squareer. ror).l基于导频的信道估计基于导频的信道估计,即在发送数据流中插入导频符号,在接收端利用这些已知的导频符号进行信道估率轴方向和时间轴方向上进行插入.基于导频的信道估计算法的基本过程是:在发送端适当位置插入导频,接收端利用导频信号恢复出导频位置的信息,然后根据信道的时域和频域的相关性,有最小平方法(Ls)和最小均方误差法(MMSE).基于导频的信道估计方法系统框图如图1所示:作者简介:陈明举(1982一),男,重庆大足人,硕士,主要从事多媒体通信方面的研究. 92四川理工学院学报(自然科学版)2009年4月串,并变换导频插入瑚魏癣图1导频插入估计系统规定输入信号为X(k),插入导频为(n),经过IFrr变换后的时域输入信号为(n).信道传输函数为h(n),其频域表示为H(k).高斯噪声为W(/7,),频域表示为W(k),接收信号为Y(n),频域表示为Y(k),抽取导频为(m),其中k=0,1,…,N一1,m=0,1,…,M一1,n:0,1,…函数在各频点的估计值为17(k),在导频点的估计值为().只考虑导频在信道中传输,则有:(m)=(m)He(m)+(m)其中,(m)为离散高斯噪声频域表示在导频点的值,日.(m)是日(k)在导频点的值.令8=(m)一(m),信道估计值为17.(m),Ls估计算法希望方差ETa,最小,则:s8=min{(一XP7p.)(—XP.))(1)=0j=,.==H+1~p(2)1P由式(2)可见,基于Ls准则的信道估计算法结构简单,是,在Ls估计中并未利用信道的频域与时域的相关特性,并且估计时忽略了噪声的影响,而实际中信道估计值对噪声的影响是比较敏感的,在信道噪声较大时,估计的准确性便大大降低,从而影响数据子信道的参数估计.LS估计算法的均方误差为:MSE:trace{E[(.一H)?(17.一日)]}=trace{()}(3)式中trace()表示对矩阵求迹,根据式(2)和式(3)可知,当选取一定的导频信号,使其模1l比较大^rAP由于选取能量较大的导频信号,将会造成一定传输功率的损失,因此在实际应用中需要权衡考虑.LS算法受高斯白噪声和子载波间干扰(ICI)的影响小均方误差(MMSE)的信道估计算法,对于ICI和高斯基础上进行的.设(m)的MMSE估计为(m),MMSE算法希望El.(m)一(m)l最小,则:疗P,Ⅲ,sE(m)=RH,()…()R疗P,Ls(m)=R()(m)(()H()+((m)(m)))疗.(m)(4)H表示共扼转置,为高斯噪声方差,且有:R)=E{HP(m)HP(m)}R(),(m)=E{He(m)疗尸,(m)}RH()疗,Ls(m)=E{HP,L5(,n)疗P,(m)}(5)信道响应的MMSE估计在进行最优化问题求解时式(4)可以看出,进行MMSE信道估计要进行矩阵+(X(m)X(m))的求逆运算,由于其中的(X(m)(m))在不同的OFDM符号内不同,它的逆矩阵在每一个OFDM符号内进行更新,当OFDM 系统的子信道数目N增大时,矩阵的运算量也会变得十分巨大,计算复杂度较高.2试验仿真采用BPSK--OFDM系统,带宽为2MHz,子载波的Ls算法进行仿真试验,分别作出两种信道的估计算法的均方误差(MSE,meansquarederror),误码率(SER,sym—bolErrorRate)与信噪比(SNR,signalnoiseratio)的关系曲线如图2,图3所示:由图2,图3可知,随着信噪比的增加两种估计算法的均方误差与误码率都逐渐减小,在相同的信噪比下, MMSE算法的均方误差和误码率都小于Ls算法,MMSE 信道估计算法对系统性能的提升要优于Ls信道估计算法,在均方误差为l0~~10的时候,MMSE相对于Ls算法在信噪比上有接近3d一5BdB的性能提升.但是, MMSE方法时接收端需要知道信道的先验知识,考虑了嗓声与子载波间的影响,同时还要进行矩阵的求逆运算,因此MMSE算法的最大的缺点就是计算量太大, 实现起来对硬件的要求比较高,在实际应用中,实现难度很大.带码制基编调●●—●]第22卷第2期陈明举:OFDM系统中MMSE与LS信道估计算法的比较研究93 芒uJE∞—了一MMSE----●--D--LS:---~●_●^?-,:=:::::=::c:==::::==c:::==::::c=X:==...-.....L-......L.一.....一.L...一....】●……………1I1●1-'1-SNRin目B图2MSE与SNR的关系曲线,,—MMSE—D--LS一{\,.…,,\k,}_~...L5'e152B25疆SNRm目曩图3SER与SNR的关系曲线3结束语本文介绍了OFDM中的MMSE与LS两种信道估计算法基本原理,并进行仿真试验,从均方误差与误码率方面得出MMSE信道估计方法优于LS信道估计算法, 并分析了MMSE信道估计方法的计算计算量大于Ls信道估计算法,对将来进一步研究具有很好的参考价值.参考文献:—tiontechniquesbasedonpilotanangementinOFDM systems[J].啦Trans.OilBroadcasting.2002,48(3):223—229.[2】MoosePH.Atechniqueforo~hogonalfrequencydivi- sionmultiplexingfrequencyoffsetcorrection[J].Conaim- nications,—IEE—ETrans,1994,42(10)'.2908—2914. [3]徐庆征.OFDM系统及其若干关键技术研究[J].移动通信2004.8(8):74—76.估计[J].重庆邮电学院学报,2004,20(8):17_2O.MMsE简化算法[J】.武汉理工大学学报,27(4):120- 124.究进展[J].通信学报2oo324(11):77—80. ResearchofMMSEandLSChannelEstimationinOFDMSystemsCHENMing-ju(SchoolofAutomationandElectronicInformation,SiehuanUniversityofScience&En gineering,Zigong643000,China)mentshowsthattheMMSEchannelestimationalgorithmissuperiortotheLSchannelestimat ionalgorithminimprovementofthesystem,buttheMMSEalgorithmhasmorecomplicatedalgorithm.Keywords:OFDM;MMSE;LS∞l∞J巴3l价亡E。

least-squares estimates 表示方法

least-squares estimates 表示方法

least-squares estimates 表示方法Leastsquares Estimates 表示方法在统计学中,leastsquares estimates(最小二乘估计)是一种常用的参数估计方法,用于找到使得观测数据和预测值之间残差平方和最小的参数估计值。


本文将详细介绍leastsquares estimates的表示方法,并逐步回答和解释相关的主题。


第一部分:最小二乘估计基础最小二乘估计最早由数学家Carl Friedrich Gauss提出,并成为现代统计学的重要基础之一。


1.1 问题陈述首先,我们需要明确最小二乘估计的问题陈述。

假设我们有一组观测数据(x,y),我们的目标是找到一个函数y=f(x,θ),其中θ是待估计的参数,能够最小化观测值y 和预测值f(x,θ) 之间的残差平方和。

1.2 最小二乘估计的数学表达式最小二乘估计的数学表达式可以通过最小化残差平方和来表示。

对于给定的观测数据(x1,y1),(x2,y2),…,(xn,yn),最小化残差平方和可以表示为:min θ∑(yi - f(xi,θ))^2其中∑表示对所有观测数据求和。

1.3 最小二乘估计的步骤最小二乘估计的步骤可以总结如下:1. 根据给定的观测数据,选择一个适当的函数形式y=f(x,θ)。

2. 构建残差平方和的表达式,以对观测数据和参数进行求和。

3. 求解参数估计值θ,使得残差平方和最小化。

4. 检验参数估计值的有效性和可靠性。



2.1 求解参数估计值对于给定的函数形式y=f(x,θ),我们可以通过最小化残差平方和的导数等于零来求解参数估计值。





经验分析(Empirical Analysis):在规范的计量分析中,用数据检验理论、估计关系式或评价政策有效性的研究。

确定遗漏变量、测量误差、联立性或其他某种模型误设所导致的可能偏误的过程线性概率模型(LPM)(Linear Probability Model, LPM):响应概率对参数为线性的二值响应模型。


有限分布滞后(FDL)模型(Finite Distributed Lag (FDL) Model):允许一个或多个解释变量对因变量有滞后效应的动态模型。

布罗施-戈弗雷检验(Breusch-Godfrey Test):渐近正确的AR(p)序列相关检验,以AR(1)最为流行;该检验考虑到滞后因变量和其他不是严格外生的回归元。

布罗施-帕甘检验(Breusch-Pagan Test)/(BP Test):将OLS 残差的平方对模型中的解释变量做回归的异方差性检验。



在模型中包含对立模型的拟合值,并使用对拟合值的t 检验来实现。

回归误差设定检验(RESET)(Regression Specification Error Test, RESET):在多元回归模型中,检验函数形式的一般性方法。

它是对原OLS 估计拟合值的平方、三次方以及可能更高次幂的联合显著性的F 检验。

怀特检验(White Test):异方差的一种检验方法,涉及到做OLS 残差的平方对OLS 拟合值和拟合值的平方的回归。

这种检验方法的最一般的形式是,将OLS 残差的平方对解释变量、解释变量的平方和解释变量之间所有非多余的交互项进行回归。



doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-3114.2023.03.003引用格式:朱璇,金锡嘉.毫米波超大规模MIMO 信道估计算法研究[J].无线电通信技术,2023,49(3):404-409.[ZHU Xuan,JIN Xijia.Research on Millimeter Wave Ultra Massive MIMO Channel Estimation[J].Radio Communications Technology,2023,49(3):404-409.]毫米波超大规模MIMO 信道估计算法研究朱㊀璇,金锡嘉(江南大学物联网工程学院,江苏无锡214122)摘㊀要:超大规模多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO)凭借可靠性强㊁鲁棒性好㊁频谱利用率和传输容量高等优势成为6G 系统研究的热点之一㊂就毫米波(millimeter Wave,mmWave)大规模MIMO 的信道估计技术展开研究,并对其简要分类㊂介绍了经典的信道估计算法如最小二乘㊁最小均方误差算法,论述了基于压缩感知的信道估计算法,基于波束训练以及深度学习的信道估计算法;并且通过仿真实验验证了路径数目和天线数目对OMP 算法和ADMM 算法NMSE 性能的影响;对信道估计技术的未来做出展望,包括高移动性应用场景㊁普适性的深度学习算法㊁与智能反射表面结合㊁与非正交多址接入结合等㊂关键词:毫米波;信道估计;压缩感知;波束训练;深度学习中图分类号:TP391.4㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀㊀开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):文章编号:1003-3114(2023)03-0404-06Research on Millimeter Wave Ultra Massive MIMO Channel EstimationZHU Xuan,JIN Xijia(School of Internet of Things Engineering,Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122,China)Abstract :Ultra massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)has become one research hotspot of 6G system due to its advan-tages of strong reliability,good robustness,high spectrum utilization rate,and high transmission capacity.In this paper,the channel esti-mation technique of millimeter Wave (mmWave)large-scale MIMO is studied and briefly classified.Firstly,classical channel estimation algorithms such as least squares and least mean square error are introduced.Then,channel estimation algorithms based on compressed sensing,beam training and deep learning are discussed.Furthermore,simulation experiments verify the influence of the number of pathsand antennas on the NMSE performance of OMP algorithm and ADMM algorithm.Finally,the future of channel estimation technology isprospected,including high mobility application scenarios,universal deep learning algorithm,combination with intelligent reflective sur-face,and non-orthogonal multiple access.Keywords :millimeter Wave;channel estimation;compressed sensing;beam training;deep learning收稿日期:2023-01-26基金项目:中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所无线传感网与通信重点实验室开放课题(20190917)Foundation Item :Open Foundation of Key Laboratory of Wireless Sensor Network and Communication,Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology (20190917)0 引言自2019年6月至今,5G 的商用化规模已经相当成熟,关于6G 的研究正如火如荼地进行㊂超大规模多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multi-ple-Output,MIMO)是6G 系统的关键技术之一,超大规模MIMO 是在发送端和接收端方配置多个天线,能达到数十㊁数百甚至上千根,发掘空间维度上的丰富资源,从而得到更大的空间自由度,使得在同一时间和频率可服务多个用户㊂5G 蜂窝网络提出了毫米波(millimeter Wave,mmWave)通信,以提高频谱效率㊂mmWave 使用30~300GHz 的频谱,拥有更广的频谱信道㊂因此,mmWave 通信和超大规模MIMO 技术的结合有望在未来的通信系统中提供更高的数据速率㊁吞吐量和容量[1]㊂为了实现期望的性能,准确获取信道状态信息(Channel State Information,CSI)对于mmWave和超大规模MIMO系统至关重要㊂信道估计是通信系统的重要组成部分,能够大幅优化链路性能[2]㊂但是,它面临着许多挑战,如上行链路(UpLink,UL)导频污染㊁下行链路(DownLink,DL)训练和和反馈的开销以及计算复杂性㊂传统的DL训练策略也可能由于信道相干时间更短导致失败,而且,从用户到基站的CSI反馈量与天线数量成比例,以此来控制量化误差,在实际配置中也是非常沉重的负担㊂1㊀信道估计研究现状现有的信道估计技术按是否需要导频信号可分为三大类:盲信道估计方法㊁半盲信道估计方法和非盲信道估计方法㊂盲信道估计技术不需要导频序列,利用信号输入源的统计特性信息以及信道输出序列估计信道相关参数[3]㊂由于不需要传输导频序列,传输能力大大增加;但是,基于盲信道估计的算法基本都使用高阶统计量估计信道,高阶统计特性收敛缓慢,为解决这个问题,研究者提出利用二阶统计特性进行信道估计[4]㊂相较于其他方法,盲信道估计计算复杂度高,而且信道变化较快时,存在相位模糊问题,在实际通信系统中应用较少㊂半盲信道估计,结合盲信道估计和非盲信道估计技术,通过借鉴少量导频信号的频率响应来进行信道估计,其性能一般优于盲信道估计;但通常前提条件为所发送的参考导频信号不额外影响数据传输,训练序列的长度受到限制,因此可能出现相位模糊㊁收敛慢㊁误差传播等问题㊂非盲信道估计是在发送信号中插入适量的先验导频符号,接收端根据发送的导频符号和收到的信号进行信道估计[5]㊂由于非盲信道估计的准确性高㊁复杂度低,现阶段大部分信道估计技术都是基于非盲信道估计展开㊂1.1㊀经典的信道估计算法不考虑预编码的作用,接收端通用的信号模型可以写为:Y=HS+N,(1)式中,HɪN RˑN T为信道矩阵,SɪN TˑN S为发送信号矩阵,N S表示发送信号向量的数目,NɪN RˑN S为噪声信号矩阵,YɪN RˑN S为接收信号矩阵㊂经典的算法如最小二乘(Least Squares,LS),忽略噪声的影响,利用发送信号和接收信号之间的线性关系,计算接收信号的代价函数:J(H^LS)= Y-H^LS S 2,(2)式中,H^LS表示通过LS算法估计出的信道矩阵,为了求出H^LS,展开代价函数求H^LS偏导[6]:∂J∂H^LS=-2YS H+2H^LSSS H,(3)令式(3)为0,可得:H^LS=YS H(SS H)-1=YS†㊂(4)可以看出,LS信道估计算法进行结构简单,易于实现㊂但是需计算发送信号矩阵的伪逆,计算代价昂贵㊂最小均方误差(Minimum Mean Square Error,MMSE)估计算法通过MMSE求得所估计信道矩阵的值H^MMSE,相较于LS,MMSE算法进一步考虑了噪声信号的影响,估计结果更为准确㊂但是MMSE算法需要计算自相关矩阵,求逆运算也相当复杂,在实际的通信系统中应用范围受限㊂文献[7]提出了一种基于LS估计和稀疏消息传递的信道估计算法,迭代检测稀疏信道向量中非零项的位置和值,其只能应用于传统全数字预编码㊂文献[8]采用波束空间2D多信号分类法来估计波达方向㊂以上算法前提条件为真实到达角(Angles of Arrival,AoA)㊁离开角(Angles of Departure,AoD)位于离散的网格点㊂但角度在实际的空间域中是连续分布的,由此产生了离网误差㊂为了解决离网问题,文献[9]采用空间谱法实现离网估计㊂文献[10]通过非凸优化方法进行离网误差的不断优化㊂文献[11]提出了网格更新策略,利用迭代函数不断迭代网格点,逐步减小离网误差,直至接近真实角度㊂1.2㊀基于压缩感知的算法首先,将所测量的信道信号转变为稀疏矩阵;然后,将稀疏信号压缩为维数远小于真实信道估计的信号;最终,从压缩信号中恢复原始信号,以此来实现毫米波大规模MIMO系统中的压缩感知(Com-pressed Sensing,CS)信道估计[1]㊂文献[12]利用自适应压缩感知(Adaptive CS,ACS)概念,基于连续基追踪构造预编码字典矩阵,先筛选出可能包含AoA 和AoD信息的路径,再对所筛选路径进一步精确查询㊂文献[13]利用信道的不明显散射特性,提出基于ACS 的信道估计方案,包含设计的分层多分辨率波束形成码本,还利用信道的稀疏性,将单路径应用扩展到多路径㊂文献[14]将预编码问题转化为稀疏信号恢复问题,设计分层预编码本,基于正交匹配追踪(Orthogonal Matching Pursuit,OMP)算法进行稀疏信号恢复㊂由于网格分辨率有限,基于CS 的信道估计方法也存在离网问题㊂为了减小离网误差,文献[15]提出一种基于OMP 算法的信道估计方法,先利用大网格粗略估计出散射体位置,再将散射体的大网格周围精细划分小网格,找出散射体的精确位置㊂通过划分子阵列,考虑空间非平稳特性,即不同天线的可见区域内散射体的数目和位置各不相同㊂但可见散射体是预先定义好的,因此并不能准确描述天线阵列中散射体的演化规律㊂利用信道分别在天线域和空间域的低秩性以及稀疏性文献[16]将结合最大似然原理和CS 结合,使用连续字典替代原有的有限分辨率字典,从而优化离网误差㊂收发端应用均匀平面阵列的毫米波MIMO 信道模型通常表示为:H =ðL l =1αl a r(θl r,ϕl r)aH t(θl t,ϕl t ),(5)式中,L 表示稀疏多径的数目,α表示第l 条路径的路径增益,a r (θlr,ϕl r)和a t (θl t,ϕl t)分别表示接收端和发送端的阵列响应向量,其中θl 和ϕl 分别为第l 条路径的方位角和俯仰角:a r (θl r ,ϕl r )=[1,ej2πd sin θl r sin ϕlr/λ, ,ej2πd (N r 1-1)sin θl r sin ϕl r/λ]T[1,ej2πd cos ϕlr/λ, ,ej2πd (Nr 2-1)cos ϕl r/λ]T ,(6)a t (θl t,ϕl t)=[1,ej2πd sin θl t sin ϕlt/λ, ,ej2πd (N t 1-1)sin θl t sin ϕlt/λ]T[1,ej2πd cos ϕlt/λ, ,ej2πd (N t 2-1)cos ϕlt/λ]T ㊂(7)1.3㊀基于波束训练的信道估计算法波束形成是收发端的天线阵列以合理可调的相位和幅度来发送和接收信号㊂波束形成技术通过提高在期望方向上发送和接收信号的能量可以补偿mmWave 信道的严重路径损耗[17]㊂波束空间毫米波MIMO 系统框图如图1所示㊂当射频链数目有限时,为保证系统性能,文献[18]提出单独检测每个信道分量,并将检测到的信道分量从总波束空间矩阵中分离出去,在低信噪比情况下也能保证较好性能㊂利用低秩性和角度信息,文献[19]设计了基于混合波束形成接收器的信道估计方案,在训练长度较短时性能更优㊂文献[20]提出基于乘子交替方向法(Direction Method of Multiplier,ADMM)的迭代算法,适用于快速收敛的mmWave 信道估计㊂该方法主要将全局的目标优化问题划分为多个子问题求解㊂实际的混合波束形成系统的信道估计方法都是基于波束训练技术的,估计时间较长㊂为了克服这些问题,文献[21]提出一种基于稀疏阵列估计的子阵列混合波束形成系统的两阶段信道估计方法,通过估计部分天线构成的子阵列恢复全维信道矩阵㊂文献[22]研究了适用于低分辨率和无限分辨率的移相器的MIMO 信道估计波束训练设计方法,基于无限分辨率移相器的方案可以获得和全数字系统一样的性能㊂图1㊀波束空间毫米波MIMO 系统图Fig.1㊀System diagram of mmWave MIMO inbeamspace1.4㊀基于深度学习的信道估计算法深度学习(Deep Learning,DL)从大量数据中进行训练,提取出数据的底层特征,已经在自然语言处理和计算机视觉方面取得成就㊂由于其强大的学习能力,在信道估计领域也得到广泛应用[23]㊂文献[24]提出基于DL 的两阶段信道估计方法;第一阶段使用两层神经网络和深度神经网络(Deep Neu-ral Network,DNN)联合设计导频和信道估计器;第二阶段使用另一个DNN 将第一阶段所得进行迭代继续直接达到迭代门限㊂文献[25]将信道冲激响应建模为图像,将传输导频的模块视为低分辨率图像,应用DL 和图像去噪技术估计出信道矩阵,需要估计的信道矩阵以高分辨率图像方式建模㊂基于DL 的估计方法不需要信道先验知识,而且在信号模型的应用方面也不受限,这些在文献[26]中得到证实㊂不过准确㊁可靠的训练数据对基于DL 的信道估计算法至关重要,不然得到的结果可能存在较大误差㊂图2为基于深度学习方法的信道估计示意图㊂图2㊀深度学习信道估计算法示意图Fig.2㊀Schematic diagram of deep learning channelestimation algorithm2㊀仿真与分析信道估计算法的性能好坏通常用归一化均方误差(Normalized Mean Square Error,NMSE)指标来评估信道估计算法的性能好坏㊂NMSE =E H^-H 2F / H 2F[],(8)式中,H^表示估计出的信道矩阵,H 表示真实的信道矩阵㊂文献[20]基于矩阵补全算法联合恢复信道矩阵以及路径增益矩阵,文献[27]采用OMP 算法对信道信息进行估计,仿真参数如表1所示㊂图3为收发端天线数目均为32,训练长度分别为200㊁400㊁600时两种算法的NMSE,可以看出,训练符号T 的长短对OMP 算法性能无差别,是由于到达角的离散化误差㊂训练符号越长,ADMM 算法性能越好,不过相应地,时间损耗也会增加,因此要做出性能与时间损耗的取舍㊂表1㊀仿真参数表Tab.1㊀Simulation parameter table参数值收发端天线数目32㊁64训练符号长度400㊁600㊁800最大迭代次数50路径数目[2,18]路径增益服从(0,1/2)正态分布图3㊀训练长度为400㊁600㊁800时两种算法的NMSE Fig.3㊀NMSE of two algorithms when the traininglength is 400,600,and 800㊀㊀图4揭示了在训练符号长度为800的前提下,收发端天线分别为32和64时两种算法与路径数目相关的NMSE,可以看出,天线数目和路径数目对OMP 算法影响很小,而ADMM 算法当天线数目或路径数目增加时性能有所下降,不过性能还是优于OMP 算法㊂图4㊀路径㊁天线的数目对NMSE 的影响Fig.4㊀Influence of the number of paths and antennasonNMSE3㊀发展与展望随着通信技术的不断发展,关于毫米波超大规模MIMO系统的信道估计算法不断推陈出新,还可以在以下几方面考虑进行研究:①高移动性应用场景高速移动场景比如车载通信,由于速度过快,要不断执行波束训练以跟踪信道状态信息,资源开销较大[2-16]㊂波束对准技术对于缩减高速移动场景中的功率损失有显著作用,高移动性场景的信道状态信息获取还有待继续探索㊂②普适性的深度学习算法在实际应用中,深度学习算法需要自适应的调整训练模型,获取标记数据[28]㊂而且想要获得不同信道环境下精确的估计结果,都需要重新进行训练,因此具有普适性的基于深度学习的信道估计算法还需进一步研究㊂③与智能反射表面结合智能反射表面(Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface, RIS)也称可重构智能表面,能够创造良好的视距传播路径,还可基于CSI以期望形式反射电磁信号,已成为未来mmWave无线通信的新起之秀[29-30]㊂RIS能够补偿mmWave和亚太赫兹频带中产生增强的通信性能,补偿固有的大路径损耗和阻塞㊂④与非正交多址接入结合具有高吞吐量,大规模连接优势的非正交多址技术(Non-orthogonal Multiple Access,NOMA)能够满足通信系统海量的数据增长以及接入需求[31]㊂但大部分基于NOMA的研究都假定信道状态信息完美获得,但实际状态下存在离网误差,为我们指明了研究方向㊂4㊀结论毫米波超大规模MIMO系统在通信领域的地位举足轻重,信道状态信息的准确获取为良好的通信质量提供保障,因此本文重点介绍了几类毫米波超大规模MIMO信道估计方法,并简要介绍了通信系统的系统模型和信道模型,最后对信道估计的未来研究方向做出展望㊂参考文献[1]㊀BUSARI S A,HUQ K M S,MUMTAZ S,et limeter-Wave Massive MIMO Communication for Future WirelessSystems:A Survey[J].IEEE Communications Surveys&Tutorials,2018,20(2):836-869.[2]㊀HASSAN K,MASARRA M,ZWINGELSTEIN M,et al.Channel Estimation Techniques for Millimeter-Wave Com-munication Systems:Achievements and Challenges[J].IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society,2020,1:1336-1363.[3]㊀KUMAR K,KAUSHIK R,JAIN R C.Blind Channel Esti-mation for Indoor Optical Wireless Communication Sys-tems[C]ʊ2015International Conference on Signal Pro-cessing and Communication(ICSC).Noida:IEEE,2015:60-64.[4]㊀TONG 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王小旭等: 带有色量测噪声的非线性系统 Unscented 卡尔曼滤波器
一方面, Merwe 等[4] 提出了一种能克服滤波 器计算发散的平方根 UKF 算法, 有效提高了 UKF 的数值稳定性和计算效率; Cho 等[5] 将交互式多 模型算法[6] 引入到 UKF 设计中, 提出一种自适应 IIR (Infinite impulse response)/FIR (Finite impulse response) 融合滤波算法, 以此来解决 UKF 在系统模型不确定时鲁棒性差的问题; 文献 [7−8] 分别基于极小化滤波残差之和的性能函数和极大 后验估计原理, 来求解噪声的先验统计特性, 从而 使 UKF 具有应对噪声统计未知时变的自适应能 力; 文献 [9] 提出了一种融合高斯过程回归的自适应 平方根 UKF 新算法, 其可以有效克服系统对动态 模型及噪声协方差先验知识的过度依赖; HermosoCarazo 等[10] 推导了非线性离散系统存在量测数 据缺失情况下的 UKF 滤波算法, 数值仿真结果证 明了该算法精度优于传统基于一阶线性化的 EKF; Teixeira 等[11] 提出了一种约束 UKF (Constrained unscented Kalman filter, CUKF) 算法, 以此来解 决在状态受区间约束情况下[12] 非线性系统滤波问 题; Soken 等[13] 提出一种鲁棒 UKF 算法, 以此来 解决量测故障情况下卫星姿态估计问题. 另一方面, Leven 等[14] 将 UKF 用于多目标 跟 踪 中, 取 得 了 优 于 EKF 的 跟 踪 精 度; Petsios 等[15] 提出了基于交互式多模型 (Interactive multiple model, IMM) 的迭代 UKF 算法, 并将其用于 解决多目标跟踪中的数据关联问题; Tang 等[16] 建 立了一主一从两个空间飞行器六自由度相对运动方 程, 并用平方根 UKF 来估计两者的空间姿态和位 置; Kim 等[17] 用 UKF 代替 EKF 来解决机器人快 速视觉即时定位与地图构建 (Simultaneous localization and mapping, SLAM) 导航问题; Schopp 等[18] 用 UKF 来估计无陀螺惯性测量单元中的角速 度信息; Ning 等[19] 将状态增广 UKF 用于月球车 自主天文导航中, 克服系统误差和随机误差的影响; Murshed 等[20] 将 UKF 用于燃料电池系统的非线 性状态估计和控制中; Wang 等[21] 将 UKF 用于生 化反应过程监控和最优控制中; Kim 等[22] 将 UKF 应用于 CDMA 系统中, 以处理联合通道系数和时 延; Tripathy 等[23] 采用 UKF 对同步发电机转子角 进行估计; Simon[24] 将 UKF 用于飞机涡轮风扇发 动机故障诊断及健康评估中. 尽管上述关于 UKF 的文献已在理论创新及实 践应用方面取得了许多有意义的研究成果, 但需要 特别强调的是, 目前 UKF 及相关改进算法在滤波 计算时必须要求系统噪声和量测噪声均为高斯白噪 声, 都没有考虑噪声非高斯有色情况下的非线性滤 波设计问题, 故它们在处理有色噪声下非线性估计

最小二乘法(least sqaure method)

最小二乘法(least sqaure method)

最小二乘法(least sqauremethod)专栏文章汇总文章结构如下:1:最小二乘法的原理与要解决的问题2 :最小二乘法的矩阵法解法3:最小二乘法的几何解释4:最小二乘法的局限性和适用场景5:案例python实现6:参考文献1:最小二乘法的原理与要解决的问题最小二乘法是由勒让德在19世纪发现的,形式如下式:标函数 = \sum(观测值-理论值)^2\\观测值就是我们的多组样本,理论值就是我们的假设拟合函数。


举一个最简单的线性回归的简单例子,比如我们有 m 个只有一个特征的样本: (x_i, y_i)(i=1, 2, 3...,m)样本采用一般的 h_{\theta}(x) 为 n 次的多项式拟合,h_{\theta}(x)=\theta_0+\theta_1x+\theta_2x^2+...\theta_nx^n,\theta(\theta_0,\theta_1,\theta_2,...,\theta_n) 为参数最小二乘法就是要找到一组\theta(\theta_0,\theta_1,\theta_2,...,\theta_n) 使得\sum_{i=1}^n(h_{\theta}(x_i)-y_i)^2 (残差平方和) 最小,即,求 min\sum_{i=1}^n(h_{\theta}(x_i)-y_i)^22 :最小二乘法的矩阵法解法最小二乘法的代数法解法就是对 \theta_i 求偏导数,令偏导数为0,再解方程组,得到 \theta_i 。

矩阵法比代数法要简洁,下面主要讲解下矩阵法解法,这里用多元线性回归例子来描:假设函数h_{\theta}(x_1,x_2,...x_n)=\theta_0+\theta_1x_1+...+\t heta_nx_n 的矩阵表达方式为:h_{\theta}(\mathbf{x})=\mathbf{X}\theta\\其中,假设函数 h_{\theta}(\mathbf{x})=\mathbf{X}\theta 为 m\times1 的向量, \theta 为 n\times1 的向量,里面有 n 个代数法的模型参数。



最小二乘法的英文书籍The Method of Least SquaresThe method of least squares is a statistical technique used to determine the line of best fit for a set of data points. This method is widely used in various fields of study, including engineering, physics, economics, and social sciences, to analyze and interpret data. The basic principle behind the method of least squares is to minimize the sum of the squared differences between the observed values and the predicted values. In other words, the method aims to find the line or curve that best represents the relationship between the independent and dependent variables in a dataset.The history of the method of least squares can be traced back to the early 19th century, when it was independently developed by several mathematicians and scientists. The most notable contributors to the development of this method include Carl Friedrich Gauss, Adrien-Marie Legendre, and Thomas Bayes. Gauss, in particular, is credited with the formalization and widespread use of the method, which he applied to various problems in astronomy and physics.The method of least squares is based on the assumption that theerrors or deviations between the observed values and the predicted values are normally distributed, with a mean of zero and a constant variance. This assumption is known as the Gauss-Markov assumption, and it is crucial for the validity of the method's statistical properties.The process of applying the method of least squares involves the following steps:1. Identify the independent and dependent variables: The first step in using the method of least squares is to identify the variables that are being studied. The independent variable (or variables) is the factor that is being manipulated or controlled, while the dependent variable is the outcome or response that is being measured.2. Collect the data: Once the variables have been identified, the next step is to collect the data. This typically involves measuring the values of the independent and dependent variables for a set of observations or data points.3. Fit the line of best fit: The method of least squares is used to determine the line or curve that best fits the data. This is done by minimizing the sum of the squared differences between the observed values and the predicted values. The resulting line or curve is known as the line of best fit or the regression line.4. Interpret the results: After the line of best fit has been determined, the next step is to interpret the results. This may involve calculating the slope and intercept of the line, as well as the goodness of fit, which measures how well the line of best fit represents the data.The method of least squares has several important properties that make it a powerful tool for data analysis. First, the method is unbiased, meaning that the predicted values are, on average, equal to the true values. Second, the method is efficient, in the sense that it produces the smallest possible variance of the predicted values. Finally, the method is consistent, which means that as the number of data points increases, the predicted values converge to the true values.Despite its many advantages, the method of least squares also has some limitations. For example, the method assumes that the errors are normally distributed and have constant variance, which may not always be the case in real-world data. Additionally, the method is sensitive to outliers, which can have a significant impact on the resulting line of best fit.In recent years, the method of least squares has been extended and refined to address some of these limitations. For example, robust regression techniques have been developed to deal with outliers, while Bayesian methods have been used to incorporate priorinformation into the analysis.Overall, the method of least squares is a powerful and widely used tool for data analysis. Its ability to identify the line or curve that best represents the relationship between variables makes it an essential tool in a wide range of scientific and mathematical disciplines.。



改进谱减法语音增强研究屈晓旭;李朝辉;娄景艺【摘要】谱减法是语音增强算法中的常用算法.传统的谱减法使用直接判决法(DD)计算先验信噪比,会产生一帧的延时,不能有效滤除噪声,并且会引入"音乐噪声",影响通信效果.为了消除延时和"音乐噪声"带来的不良效果,在谱减法的基础上采用最小均方误差(MMSE)算法计算先验信噪比消除延时,并加汉明窗处理及半波整流,运用维纳滤波对带噪语音进行增强研究.结果表明,此谱减法改进算法消除了一帧的延时,并能有效滤除"音乐噪声",减小背景噪声带来的不良影响,且在主观听觉上增强了语音信号的质量,效果明显优于原始带噪语音信号.%Spectral subtraction is a commonly used algorithm in speech enhancement algorithms. Traditional spectral subtraction employs a direct decision method (DD) to compute the prior signal-to-noise ratio, and this would result in one-frame delay and couldn't filter out the noise effectively, and the introduction of"music noise" would also affect the communication effect. To eliminate the adverse effects brought about by the delay and"music noise", on the basis of spectral subtraction, the minimum mean square error (MMSE) algorithm is used to calculate the prior SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio), and with the addition of Hamming window and half-wave rectification, Wiener filtering is used to enhance the noisy speech. The experiment results indicate that the spectral subtraction algorithm could effectively eliminate the one-frame delay, filter out the"music noise", and reduce the adverse effects of background noise. Moreover, the quality of speech signal is enhanced onthe subjective hearing, and the effect is much better than that of original speech signal.【期刊名称】《通信技术》【年(卷),期】2017(050)009【总页数】4页(P1925-1928)【关键词】谱减法;MMSE;先验信噪比;半波整流;频谱修正;语谱图【作者】屈晓旭;李朝辉;娄景艺【作者单位】海军工程大学电子工程学院,湖北武汉 430033;海军工程大学电子工程学院,湖北武汉 430033;海军工程大学电子工程学院,湖北武汉 430033【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN927Abstract:Spectral subtraction is a commonly used algorithm in speech enhancement algorithms. Traditional spectral subtraction employs a direct decision method (DD) to compute the prior signal-to-noise ratio, and this would result in one-frame delay and couldn’t filte r out the noise effectively, and the introduction of“music noise” would also affect the communication effect. To eliminate the adverse effects brought about by the delay and “music noise”, on the basis of spectral subtraction, the minimum mean square error (MMSE)algorithm is used to calculate the prior SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio), and with the addition of Hamming window and half-wave rectification, Wiener filtering is used to enhance thenoisy speech. The experiment results indicate that the spectral subtraction algorithm could effectively eliminate the one-frame delay, filter out the “music noise”, and reduce the adverse effects of background noise. Moreover, the quality of speech signal is enhanced on the subjective hearing, and the effect is much better than that of original speech signal. Key words:spectral subtraction; MMSE; priori SNR; half-wave rectifier; spectral amendment; spectrogram语音是人类交流信息最直接、最便捷、最有效的手段。

channel Estimation techniques based on pilot arrangement in ofdm systems

channel Estimation techniques based on pilot arrangement in ofdm systems

Channel Estimation Techniques Based on Pilot Arrangement in OFDM SystemsSinem Coleri,Mustafa Ergen,Anuj Puri,and Ahmad BahaiAbstract—The channel estimation techniques for OFDM systems based on pilot arrangement are investigated.The channel estimation based on comb type pilot arrangement is studied through different algorithms for both estimating channel at pilot frequencies and interpolating the channel.The estimation of channel at pilot frequencies is based on LS and LMS while the channel interpolation is done using linear interpolation,second order interpolation,low-pass interpolation,spline cubic interpo-lation,and time domain interpolation.Time-domain interpolation is obtained by passing to time domain through IDFT(Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform),zero padding and going back to frequency domain through DFT(Discrete Fourier Transform). In addition,the channel estimation based on block type pilot arrangement is performed by sending pilots at every sub-channel and using this estimation for a specific number of following symbols.We have also implemented decision feedback equalizer for all sub-channels followed by periodic block-type pilots.We have compared the performances of all schemes by measuring bit error rate with16QAM,QPSK,DQPSK and BPSK as modulation schemes,and multi-path Rayleigh fading and AR based fading channels as channel models.Index Terms—Cochannel interference,communication chan-nels,data communication,digital communication,frequency division multiplexing,frequency domain analysis,time domain analysis,time-varying channels.I.I NTRODUCTIONO RTHOGONAL Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)has recently been applied widely in wireless communication systems due to its high data rate transmission capability with high bandwidth efficiency and its robustness to multi-path delay.It has been used in wireless LAN standards such as American IEEE802.11a and the European equivalent HIPERLAN/2and in multimedia wireless services such as Japanese Multimedia Mobile Access Communications.A dynamic estimation of channel is necessary before the de-modulation of OFDM signals since the radio channel is fre-quency selective and time-varying for wideband mobile com-munication systems[1].The channel estimation can be performed by either inserting pilot tones into all of the subcarriers of OFDM symbols with a specific period or inserting pilot tones into each OFDM symbol. The first one,block type pilot channel estimation,has beenManuscript received February19,2002;revised June12,2002.This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research and National Semiconductor. S.Coleri,M.Ergen,and A.Puri are with Electrical Engineering, UC Berkeley,Berkeley,CA,USA(e-mail:{csinem;ergen;anuj}@ ).A.Bahai is with Electrical Engineering,Stanford University,Stanford,CA, USA(e-mail:ahmad.bahai@).Publisher Item Identifier10.1109/TBC.2002.804034.developed under the assumption of slow fading channel.Even with decision feedback equalizer,this assumes that the channel transfer function is not changing very rapidly.The estimation of the channel for this block-type pilot arrangement can be based on Least Square(LS)or Minimum Mean-Square(MMSE). The MMSE estimate has been shown to give10–15dB gain in signal-to-noise ratio(SNR)for the same mean square error of channel estimation over LS estimate[2].In[3],a low-rank ap-proximation is applied to linear MMSE by using the frequency correlation of the channel to eliminate the major drawback of MMSE,which is complexity.The later,the comb-type pilot channel estimation,has been introduced to satisfy the need for equalizing when the channel changes even in one OFDM block. The comb-type pilot channel estimation consists of algorithms to estimate the channel at pilot frequencies and to interpolate the channel.The estimation of the channel at the pilot frequencies for comb-type based channel estimation can be based on LS, MMSE or Least Mean-Square(LMS).MMSE has been shown to perform much better than LS.In[4],the complexity of MMSE is reduced by deriving an optimal low-rank estimator with singular-value decomposition.The interpolation of the channel for comb-type based channel estimation can depend on linear interpolation,second order in-terpolation,low-pass interpolation,spline cubic interpolation, and time domain interpolation.In[4],second-order interpola-tion has been shown to perform better than the linear interpola-tion.In[5],time-domain interpolation has been proven to give lower bit-error rate(BER)compared to linear interpolation.In this paper,our aim is to compare the performance of all of the above schemes by applying16QAM(16Quadrature Amplitude Modulation),QPSK(Quadrature Phase Shift Keying),DQPSK(Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) and BPSK(Binary Phase Shift Keying)as modulation schemes with Rayleigh fading and AR(Auto-Regressive)based fading channels as channel models.In Section II,the description of the OFDM system based on pilot channel estimation is given.In Section III,the estimation of the channel based on block-type pilot arrangement is discussed.In Section IV,the estimation of the channel at pilot frequencies is presented.In Section V,the different interpolation techniques are introduced. In Section VI,the simulation environment and results are described.Section VII concludes the paper.II.S YSTEM D ESCRIPTIONThe OFDM system based on pilot channel estimation is given in Fig.1.The binary information is first grouped and mapped ac-0018-9316/02$17.00©2002IEEEFig.1.Baseband OFDM system.cording to the modulation in “signal mapper.”After inserting pi-lots either to all sub-carriers with a specific period or uniformly between the information data sequence,IDFT block is used totransform the data sequence oflength into time do-mainsignalis the DFT length.Following IDFT block,guard time,which is chosen to be larger than the expected delay spread,is inserted to prevent inter-symbol interference.This guard time includes the cyclically extended part of OFDM symbol in order to eliminate inter-carrier interference (ICI).The resultant OFDM symbol is given asfollows:(2)wherewill pass through the frequency selective timevarying fading channel with additive noise.The received signal is givenby:(3)whereis Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN)andcan be represented by[5]:is the total number of propagationpaths,thpath,is theis delay spreadindex,th path delay normalized by the sampling time.Atthe receiver,after passing to discrete domain through A/D and low pass filter,guard time isremoved:for(5)Thenis sent to DFT block for the followingoperation:(6)Assuming there is no ISI,[8]shows the relation of theresulting,(7)where(8)Then the binary information data is obtained back in “signal demapper”block.III.C HANNEL E STIMATION B ASED ON B LOCK -T YPEP ILOT A RRANGEMENT In block-type pilot based channel estimation,OFDM channel estimation symbols are transmitted periodically,in which all sub-carriers are used as pilots.If the channel is constant during the block,there will be no channel estimation error since the pi-lots are sent at all carriers.The estimation can be performed by using either LS or MMSE [2],[3].If inter symbol interference is eliminated by the guard in-terval,we write (7)in matrixnotation.........is Gaussian and uncorre-lated with the channelnoise (11)COLERI et al.:CHANNEL ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES BASED ON PILOT ARRANGEMENT IN OFDM SYSTEMS225whereand.and represents the noisevariance.When the channel is slow fading,the channel estimation in-side the block can be updated using the decision feedback equal-izer at each sub-carrier.Decision feedback equalizer fortheThe channel response attheis used to find the estimated trans-mittedsignal(14)is mapped to the binary data through“signaldemapper”and then obtained back through“signal mapper”as.(15)Since the decision feedback equalizer has to assume that thedecisions are correct,the fast fading channel will cause thecomplete loss of estimated channel parameters.Therefore,asthe channel fading becomes faster,there happens to be a com-promise between the estimation error due to the interpolationand the error due to loss of channel tracking.For fast fadingchannels,as will be shown in simulations,the comb-type basedchannel estimation performs much better.IV.C HANNEL E STIMATION AT P ILOT F REQUENCIES INC OMB-T YPE P ILOT A RRANGEMENTIn comb-type pilot based channel estimation,the(16)where th pilotcarrier value.Wedefine as the fre-quency response of the channel at pilot sub-carriers.The esti-mate of the channel at pilot sub-carriers based on LS estimationis givenby:(17)where th pilotsub-carrier respectively.Since LS estimate is susceptible to noise and ICI,MMSEis proposed while compromising complexity.Since MMSEincludes the matrix inversion at each iteration,the simplifiedlinear MMSE estimator is suggested in[6].In this simplifiedversion,the inverse is only need to be calculated once.In[4],the complexity is further reduced with a low-rank approxima-tion by using singular valuedecomposition.Fig.2.Pilot arrangement.V.I NTERPOLATION T ECHNIQUES IN C OMB-T YPEP ILOT A RRANGEMENTIn comb-type pilot based channel estimation,an efficient in-terpolation technique is necessary in order to estimate channelat data sub-carriers by using the channel information at pilotsub-carriers.The linear interpolation method is shown to perform betterthan the piecewise-constant interpolation in[7].The channelestimation at thedata-carrier(18)The second-order interpolation is shown to fit better than linearinterpolation[4].The channel estimated by second-order inter-polation is givenby:226IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BROADCASTING,VOL.48,NO.3,SEPTEMBER 2002TABLE IS IMULATION PARAMETERSinterpolation (spline function in MATLAB )produces a smooth and continuous polynomial fitted to given data points.The time domain interpolation is a high-resolution interpolation based on zero-padding and DFT/IDFT [8].After obtaining the estimatedchannelpoints with the followingmethod:(22)VI.S IMULATIONA.Description of Simulation1)System Parameters:OFDM system parameters used in the simulation are indicated in Table I:We assume to have perfect synchronization since the aim is to observe channel estimation performance.Moreover,we have chosen the guard interval to be greater than the maximum delay spread in order to avoid inter-symbol interference.Simulations are carried out for different signal-to-noise (SNR)ratios and for different Doppler spreads.2)Channel Model:Two multi-path fading channel models are used in the simulations.The 1st channel model is the ATTC (Advanced Television Technology Center)and the Grande Al-liance DTV laboratory’s ensemble E model,whose static case impulse response is givenby:(24)whereis chosen to be close to 1in order to satisfy the assumption that channel impulse response does not change within one OFDM symbol duration.In thesimulations,COLERI et al.:CHANNEL ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES BASED ON PILOT ARRANGEMENT IN OFDM SYSTEMS227Fig. 5.BPSK modulation with Rayleigh fading (channel 1,Doppler freq.70Hz).Fig.6.QPSK modulation with Rayleigh fading (channel 1,Doppler freq.70Hz).The channel estimation at pilot frequencies is performed by using either LS or LMS.Then all of the possible interpola-tion techniques (linear interpolation,second order interpolation,low-pass interpolation,spline cubic interpolation,and time do-main interpolation)are applied to LS estimation result to inves-tigate the interpolation effects and linear interpolation is applied to LMS estimation results to compare with the LS overall esti-mation results.B.Simulation ResultsThe legends “linear,second-order,low-pass,spline,time do-main”denote interpolation schemes of comb-type channel es-timation with the LS estimate at the pilot frequencies,“block type”shows the block type pilot arrangement with LS estimate at the pilot frequencies and without adjustment,“decision feed-back”means the block type pilot arrangement with LS estimate at the pilot frequencies and with decision feedback,and“LMS”Fig.7.16QAM modulation with Rayleigh fading (channel 1,Doppler freq.70Hz).Fig.8.DQPSK modulation with Rayleigh fading (channel 1,Doppler freq.70Hz).is for the linear interpolation scheme for comb-type channel es-timation with LMS estimate at the pilot frequencies.Figs.5–8give the BER performance of channel estimation algorithms for different modulations and for Rayleigh fading channel,with static channel response given in (23),Doppler fre-quency 70Hz and OFDM parameters given in Table I.These re-sults show that the block-type estimation and decision feedback BER is 10–15dB higher than that of the comb-type estimation type.This is because the channel transfer function changes so fast that there are even changes for adjacent OFDM symbols.The comb-type channel estimation with low pass interpola-tion achieves the best performance among all the estimation techniques for BPSK,QPSK,and 16QAM modulation.The per-formance among comb-type channel estimation techniques usu-ally ranges from the best to the worst as follows:low-pass,spline,time-domain,second-order and linear.The result was ex-pected since the low-pass interpolation used in simulation does the interpolation such that the mean-square error between the228IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BROADCASTING,VOL.48,NO.3,SEPTEMBER2002Fig.9.16QAM modulation with AR fading(channel1).Fig.10.16QAM modulation with Rayleigh fading(channel2,Doppler freq.70Hz).interpolated points and their ideal values is minimized.Theseresults are also consistent with those obtained in[4]and[5].DQPSK modulation based channel estimation shows almostthe same performance for all channel estimation techniques ex-cept the decision-feedback method.This is expected because di-viding two consecutive data sub-carriers in signal de-mappereliminates the time varying fading channel effect.The errorin estimation techniques result from the additive white noise.The BER performance of DQPSK for all estimation types ismuch better than those with modulations QPSK and16QAMand worse than those with the BPSK modulation for high SNR.The effect of fading on the block type and LMS estimationcan be observed from Fig.9for autoregressive channel modelwith different fading parameters.As the fading factor“COLERI et al.:CHANNEL ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES BASED ON PILOT ARRANGEMENT IN OFDM SYSTEMS229worse than that of the best estimation.Therefore,some perfor-mance degradation can be tolerated for higher data bit rate for low Doppler spread channels although low-pass interpolation comb-type channel estimation is more robust for Doppler fre-quency increase.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors are grateful to Prof.P.Varaiya for his help.R EFERENCES[1] A.R.S.Bahai and B.R.Saltzberg,Multi-Carrier Digital Communica-tions:Theory and Applications of OFDM:Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 1999.[2]J.-J.van de Beek,O.Edfors,M.Sandell,S.K.Wilson,and P.O.Bor-jesson,“On channel estimation in OFDM systems,”in Proc.IEEE45th Vehicular Technology Conf.,Chicago,IL,Jul.1995,pp.815–819.[3]O.Edfors,M.Sandell,J.-J.van de Beek,S.K.Wilson,and P.O.Br-jesson,“OFDM channel estimation by singular value decomposition,”IEEE mun.,vol.46,no.7,pp.931–939,Jul.1998.[4]M.Hsieh and C.Wei,“Channel estimation for OFDM systems based oncomb-type pilot arrangement in frequency selective fading channels,”IEEE Trans.Consumer Electron.,vol.44,no.1,Feb.1998.[5]R.Steele,Mobile Radio Communications.London,England:PentechPress Limited,1992.[6]U.Reimers,“Digital video broadcasting,”IEEE Commun.Mag.,vol.36,no.6,pp.104–110,June1998.[7]L.J.Cimini,“Analysis and simulation of a digital mobile channel usingorthogonal frequency division multiplexing,”IEEE mun., vol.33,no.7,pp.665–675,Jul.1985.[8]Y.Zhao and A.Huang,“A novel channel estimation method for OFDMMobile Communications Systems based on pilot signals and transform domain processing,”in Proc.IEEE47th Vehicular Technology Conf., Phoenix,USA,May1997,pp.2089–2093.[9] A.V.Oppenheim and R.W.Schafer,Discrete-Time Signal Processing,New Jersey:Prentice-Hall Inc.,1999.[10]“Digital video broadcasting(DVB):Framing,channel coding and mod-ulation for digital terrestrial television,”,Draft ETSI EN300744V1.3.1 (2000-08).[11]Y.Li,“Pilot-symbol-aided channel estimation for OFDM in wirelesssystems,”IEEE Trans.Vehicular Technol.,vol.49,no.4,Jul.2000.Sinem Coleri is a Ph.D.student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at University of California,Berkeley.She received her B.S.from Bilkent University in June2000.Her research interests include com-munication theory,adhoc networks,and mobile IP.Mustafa Ergen is a Ph.D.student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at University of California,Berkeley.He received his M.S.degree from University of California Berkeley in May2002and his B.S. degree from Middle East Technical University as a METU Valedictorian in June 2000.His research interests are in wireless networks and communication theory.Anuj Puri received his Ph.D.from the University of California,Berkeley in December1995.He was with Bell Labs of Lucent Technologies until December 1998.Since then he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley.His interests are in wireless networks and embedded systems.Ahmad Bahai received his M.S.degree in electrical engineering from Impe-rial College,University of London in1988and his Ph.D.degree in electrical engineering from University of California at Berkeley in1993.From1992to 1994he worked as a member of technical staff in the wireless communications division of TCSI.He joined AT&T Bell Laboratories in1994where he was Technical Manager of Wireless Communication Group in Advanced Commu-nications Technology Labs until1997.He has been involved in design of PDC, IS-95,GSM,and IS-136terminals and base stations,as well as ADSL and Cable modems.He is one of the inventors of Multi-carrier CDMA(OFDM)concept and proposed the technology for the third generation wireless systems.He was the co-founder and Chief Technical Officer of ALGOREX Inc.and currently is the Chief Technology Officer of National Semiconductor,wireless division.He is an adjunct/consulting professor at Stanford University and UC Berkeley.His research interests include adaptive signal processing and communication theory. He is the author of more than30papers and reports and his book on Multi-Car-rier Digital Communications is published by Kluwer/Plenum.Dr.Bahai holds five patents in the Communications and Signal Processing field and currently serves as an editor of IEEE Communication Letters.。





经验分析(Empirical Analysis):在规范的计量分析中,用数据检验理论、估计关系式或评价政策有效性的研究。

确定遗漏变量、测量误差、联立性或其他某种模型误设所导致的可能偏误的过程线性概率模型(LPM)(Linear Probability Model, LPM):响应概率对参数为线性的二值响应模型。


有限分布滞后(FDL)模型(Finite Distributed Lag (FDL) Model):允许一个或多个解释变量对因变量有滞后效应的动态模型。

布罗施-戈弗雷检验(Breusch-Godfrey Test):渐近正确的AR(p)序列相关检验,以AR(1)最为流行;该检验考虑到滞后因变量和其他不是严格外生的回归元。

布罗施-帕甘检验(Breusch-Pagan Test)/(BP Test):将OLS 残差的平方对模型中的解释变量做回归的异方差性检验。



在模型中包含对立模型的拟合值,并使用对拟合值的t 检验来实现。

回归误差设定检验(RESET)(Regression Specification Error Test, RESET):在多元回归模型中,检验函数形式的一般性方法。

它是对原OLS 估计拟合值的平方、三次方以及可能更高次幂的联合显著性的F 检验。

怀特检验(White Test):异方差的一种检验方法,涉及到做OLS 残差的平方对OLS 拟合值和拟合值的平方的回归。

这种检验方法的最一般的形式是,将OLS 残差的平方对解释变量、解释变量的平方和解释变量之间所有非多余的交互项进行回归。



Chapter 06Capital Allocation to Risky Assets Multiple Choice Questions1.Which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true?A. T hey only care about the rate of return.B. T hey accept investments that are fair games.C. T hey only accept risky investments that offer risk premiums over the risk-free rate.D. T hey are willing to accept lower returns and high risk.E. T hey only care about the rate of return, and they accept investments that are fair games.2.Which of the following statements is(are) true?I) Risk-averse investors reject investments that are fair games.II) Risk-neutral investors judge risky investments only by the expected returns.III) Risk-averse investors judge investments only by their riskiness.IV) Risk-loving investors will not engage in fair games.A. I onlyB. I I onlyC. I and II onlyD. I I and III onlyE. I I, III, and IV only精选文库3.Which of the following statements is(are) false?I) Risk-averse investors reject investments that are fair games.II) Risk-neutral investors judge risky investments only by the expected returns.III) Risk-averse investors judge investments only by their riskiness.IV) Risk-loving investors will not engage in fair games.A. I onlyB. I I onlyC. I and II onlyD. I I and III onlyE. I II and IV only4.In the mean-standard deviation graph an indifference curve has a ________ slope.A. n egativeB. z eroC. p ositiveD. v erticalE. c annot be determined5.In the mean-standard deviation graph, which one of the following statements is true regardingthe indifference curve of a risk-averse investor?A. I t is the locus of portfolios that have the same expected rates of return and differentstandard deviations.B. I t is the locus of portfolios that have the same standard deviations and different rates ofreturn.C. I t is the locus of portfolios that offer the same utility according to returns and standarddeviations.D. I t connects portfolios that offer increasing utilities according to returns and standarddeviations.E. N one of the options6.In a return-standard deviation space, which of the following statements is(are) true for risk-averse investors? (The vertical and horizontal lines are referred to as the expected return-axis and the standard deviation-axis, respectively.)I) An investor's own indifference curves might intersect.II) Indifference curves have negative slopes.III) In a set of indifference curves, the highest offers the greatest utility.IV) Indifference curves of two investors might intersect.A. I and II onlyB. I I and III onlyC. I and IV onlyD. I II and IV onlyE. N one of the options7.Elias is a risk-averse investor. David is a less risk-averse investor than Elias. Therefore,A. f or the same risk, David requires a higher rate of return than Elias.B. f or the same return, Elias tolerates higher risk than David.C. f or the same risk, Elias requires a lower rate of return than David.D. f or the same return, David tolerates higher risk than Elias.E. C annot be determined8.When an investment advisor attempts to determine an investor's risk tolerance, which factorwould they be least likely to assess?A. T he investor's prior investing experienceB. T he investor's degree of financial securityC. T he investor's tendency to make risky or conservative choicesD. T he level of return the investor prefersE. T he investor's feelings about loss9.Assume an investor with the following utility function: U = E(r) - 3/2(s2).To maximize her expected utility, she would choose the asset with an expected rate of return of _______ and a standard deviation of ________, respectively.A. 12%; 20%B. 10%; 15%C. 10%; 10%D. 8%; 10%10.Assume an investor with the following utility function: U = E(r) - 3/2(s2).To maximize her expected utility, which one of the following investment alternatives would she choose?A. A portfolio that pays 10% with a 60% probability or 5% with 40% probability.B. A portfolio that pays 10% with 40% probability or 5% with a 60% probability.C. A portfolio that pays 12% with 60% probability or 5% with 40% probability.D. A portfolio that pays 12% with 40% probability or 5% with 60% probability.11.A portfolio has an expected rate of return of 0.15 and a standard deviation of 0.15. The risk-free rate is 6%. An investor has the following utility function: U = E(r) - (A/2)s2. Which value ofA makes this investor indifferent between the risky portfolio and the risk-free asset?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 812.According to the mean-variance criterion, which one of the following investments dominatesall others?A. E(r) = 0.15; Variance = 0.20B. E(r) = 0.10; Variance = 0.20C. E(r) = 0.10; Variance = 0.25D. E(r) = 0.15; Variance = 0.25E. N one of these options dominates the other alternatives.13.Consider a risky portfolio, A, with an expected rate of return of 0.15 and a standard deviationof 0.15, that lies on a given indifference curve. Which one of the following portfolios might lie on the same indifference curve?A. E(r) = 0.15; Standard deviation = 0.20B. E(r) = 0.15; Standard deviation = 0.10C. E(r) = 0.10; Standard deviation = 0.10D. E(r) = 0.20; Standard deviation = 0.15E. E(r) = 0.10; Standard deviation = 0.2014.U = E(r) - (A/2)s2,where A = 4.0.Based on the utility function above, which investment would you select?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4E. C annot tell from the information given精选文库15.U = E(r) - (A/2)s2,where A = 4.0.Which investment would you select if you were risk neutral?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4E. C annot tell from the information given16.U = E(r) - (A/2)s2,where A = 4.0.The variable (A) in the utility function represents theA. i nvestor's return requirement.B. i nvestor's aversion to risk.C. c ertainty-equivalent rate of the portfolio.D. m inimum required utility of the portfolio.17.The exact indifference curves of different investorsA. c annot be known with perfect certainty.B. c an be calculated precisely with the use of advanced calculus.C. a lthough not known with perfect certainty, do allow the advisor to create more suitableportfolios for the client.D. c annot be known with perfect certainty and although not known with perfect certainty, doallow the advisor to create more suitable portfolios for the client.18.The riskiness of individual assetsA. s hould be considered for the asset in isolation.B. s hould be considered in the context of the effect on overall portfolio volatility.C. s hould be combined with the riskiness of other individual assets in the proportions theseassets constitute the entire portfolio.D. s hould be considered in the context of the effect on overall portfolio volatility and should becombined with the riskiness of other individual assets in the proportions these assetsconstitute the entire portfolio.19.A fair gameA. w ill not be undertaken by a risk-averse investor.B. i s a risky investment with a zero risk premium.C. i s a riskless investment.D. w ill not be undertaken by a risk-averse investor and is a risky investment with a zero riskpremium.E. w ill not be undertaken by a risk-averse investor and is a riskless investment.20.The presence of risk means thatA. i nvestors will lose money.B. m ore than one outcome is possible.C. t he standard deviation of the payoff is larger than its expected value.D. f inal wealth will be greater than initial wealth.E. t erminal wealth will be less than initial wealth.21.The utility score an investor assigns to a particular portfolio, other things equal,A. w ill decrease as the rate of return increases.B. w ill decrease as the standard deviation decreases.C. w ill decrease as the variance decreases.D. w ill increase as the variance increases.E. w ill increase as the rate of return increases.22.The certainty equivalent rate of a portfolio isA. t he rate that a risk-free investment would need to offer with certainty to be consideredequally attractive as the risky portfolio.B. t he rate that the investor must earn for certain to give up the use of his money.C. t he minimum rate guaranteed by institutions such as banks.D. t he rate that equates "A" in the utility function with the average risk aversion coefficient forall risk-averse investors.E. r epresented by the scaling factor "-.005" in the utility function.23.According to the mean-variance criterion, which of the statements below is correct?A. I nvestment B dominates investment A.B. I nvestment B dominates investmentC.C. I nvestment D dominates all of the other investments.D. I nvestment D dominates only investment B.E. I nvestment C dominates investment A.24.Steve is more risk-averse than Edie. On a graph that shows Steve and Edie's indifferencecurves, which of the following is true? Assume that the graph shows expected return on the vertical axis and standard deviation on the horizontal axis.I) Steve and Edie's indifference curves might intersect.II) Steve's indifference curves will have flatter slopes than Edie's.III) Steve's indifference curves will have steeper slopes than Edie's.IV) Steve and Edie's indifference curves will not intersect.V) Steve's indifference curves will be downward sloping and Edie's will be upward sloping.A. I and VB. I and IIIC. I II and IVD. I and IIE. I I and IV25.The capital allocation line can be described as theA. i nvestment opportunity set formed with a risky asset and a risk-free asset.B. i nvestment opportunity set formed with two risky assets.C. l ine on which lie all portfolios that offer the same utility to a particular investor.D. l ine on which lie all portfolios with the same expected rate of return and different standarddeviations.26.Which of the following statements regarding the capital allocation line (CAL) is false?A. T he CAL shows risk-return combinations.B. T he slope of the CAL equals the increase in the expected return of the complete portfolioper unit of additional standard deviation.C. T he slope of the CAL is also called the reward-to-volatility ratio.D. T he CAL is also called the efficient frontier of risky assets in the absence of a risk-freeasset.27.Given the capital allocation line, an investor's optimal portfolio is the portfolio thatA. m aximizes her expected profit.B. m aximizes her risk.C. m inimizes both her risk and return.D. m aximizes her expected utility.E. N one of the optionsand a variance of 0.04 and 70% in a T-bill that pays 6%. His portfolio's expected return and standard deviation are __________ and __________, respectively.A. 0.114; 0.12B. 0.087; 0.06C. 0.295; 0.06D. 0.087; 0.12E. N one of the options29.An investor invests 30% of his wealth in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.13and a variance of 0.03 and 70% in a T-bill that pays 6%. His portfolio's expected return and standard deviation are __________ and __________, respectively.A. 0.114; 0.128B. 0.087; 0.063C. 0.295; 0.125D. 0.081; 0.05230.An investor invests 40% of his wealth in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.17and a variance of 0.08 and 60% in a T-bill that pays 4.5%. His portfolio's expected return and standard deviation are __________ and __________, respectively.A. 0.114; 0.126B. 0.087; 0.068C. 0.095; 0.113D. 0.087; 0.124E. N one of the optionsand a variance of 0.04 and 30% in a T-bill that pays 5%. His portfolio's expected return and standard deviation are __________ and __________, respectively.A. 0.120; 0.14B. 0.087; 0.06C. 0.295; 0.12D. 0.087; 0.1232.You invest $100 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.12 and a standarddeviation of 0.15 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.05.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risky asset and the risk-free asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with an expected return of 0.09?A. 85% and 15%B. 75% and 25%C. 67% and 33%D. 57% and 43%E. C annot be determineddeviation of 0.15 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.05.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risk-free asset and the risky asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with a standard deviation of 0.06?A. 30% and 70%B. 50% and 50%C. 60% and 40%D. 40% and 60%E. C annot be determined34.You invest $100 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.12 and a standarddeviation of 0.15 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.05.A portfolio that has an expected outcome of $115 is formed byA. i nvesting $100 in the risky asset.B. i nvesting $80 in the risky asset and $20 in the risk-free asset.C. b orrowing $43 at the risk-free rate and investing the total amount ($143) in the risky asset.D. i nvesting $43 in the risky asset and $57 in the riskless asset.E. S uch a portfolio cannot be formed.deviation of 0.15 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.05.The slope of the capital allocation line formed with the risky asset and the risk-free asset is equal toA. 0.4667.B. 0.8000.C. 2.14.D. 0.41667.E. C annot be determined36.Consider a T-bill with a rate of return of 5% and the following risky securities:Security A: E(r) = 0.15; Variance = 0.04Security B: E(r) = 0.10; Variance = 0.0225Security C: E(r) = 0.12; Variance = 0.01Security D: E(r) = 0.13; Variance = 0.0625From which set of portfolios, formed with the T-bill and any one of the four risky securities, would a risk-averse investor always choose his portfolio?A. T he set of portfolios formed with the T-bill and security A.B. T he set of portfolios formed with the T-bill and security B.C. T he set of portfolios formed with the T-bill and security C.D. T he set of portfolios formed with the T-bill and security D.E. C annot be determinedconstructed with two risky securities, X and Y. The weights of X and Y in P are 0.60 and 0.40, respectively. X has an expected rate of return of 0.14 and variance of 0.01, and Y has an expected rate of return of 0.10 and a variance of 0.0081.If you want to form a portfolio with an expected rate of return of 0.11, what percentages of your money must you invest in the T-bill and P, respectively?A. 0.25; 0.75B. 0.19; 0.81C. 0.65; 0.35D. 0.50; 0.50E. C annot be determined38.You are considering investing $1,000 in a T-bill that pays 0.05 and a risky portfolio, P,constructed with two risky securities, X and Y. The weights of X and Y in P are 0.60 and 0.40, respectively. X has an expected rate of return of 0.14 and variance of 0.01, and Y has an expected rate of return of 0.10 and a variance of 0.0081.If you want to form a portfolio with an expected rate of return of 0.10, what percentages of your money must you invest in the T-bill, X, and Y, respectively, if you keep X and Y in the same proportions to each other as in portfolio P?A. 0.25; 0.45; 0.30B. 0.19; 0.49; 0.32C. 0.32; 0.41; 0.27D. 0.50; 0.30; 0.20E. C annot be determinedconstructed with two risky securities, X and Y. The weights of X and Y in P are 0.60 and 0.40, respectively. X has an expected rate of return of 0.14 and variance of 0.01, and Y has an expected rate of return of 0.10 and a variance of 0.0081.What would be the dollar values of your positions in X and Y, respectively, if you decide to hold 40% of your money in the risky portfolio and 60% in T-bills?A. $240; $360B. $360; $240C. $100; $240D. $240; $160E. C annot be determined40.You are considering investing $1,000 in a T-bill that pays 0.05 and a risky portfolio, P,constructed with two risky securities, X and Y. The weights of X and Y in P are 0.60 and 0.40, respectively. X has an expected rate of return of 0.14 and variance of 0.01, and Y has an expected rate of return of 0.10 and a variance of 0.0081.What would be the dollar value of your positions in X, Y, and the T-bills, respectively, if you decide to hold a portfolio that has an expected outcome of $1,120?A. C annot be determinedB. $568; $378; $54C. $568; $54; $378D. $378; $54; $568E. $108; $514; $378精选文库41.A reward-to-volatility ratio is useful inA. m easuring the standard deviation of returns.B. u nderstanding how returns increase relative to risk increases.C. a nalyzing returns on variable rate bonds.D. a ssessing the effects of inflation.E. N one of the options42.The change from a straight to a kinked capital allocation line is a result ofA. r eward-to-volatility ratio increasing.B. b orrowing rate exceeding lending rate.C. a n investor's risk tolerance decreasing.D. i ncrease in the portfolio proportion of the risk-free asset.43.The first major step in asset allocation isA. a ssessing risk tolerance.B. a nalyzing financial statements.C. e stimating security betas.D. i dentifying market anomalies.44.Based on their relative degrees of risk toleranceA. i nvestors will hold varying amounts of the risky asset in their portfolios.B. a ll investors will have the same portfolio asset allocations.C. i nvestors will hold varying amounts of the risk-free asset in their portfolios.D. i nvestors will hold varying amounts of the risky asset and varying amounts of the risk-freeasset in their portfolios.45.Asset allocation may involveA. t he decision as to the allocation between a risk-free asset and a risky asset.B. t he decision as to the allocation among different risky assets.C. c onsiderable security analysis.D. t he decision as to the allocation between a risk-free asset and a risky asset and thedecision as to the allocation among different risky assets.E. t he decision as to the allocation between a risk-free asset and a risky asset andconsiderable security analysis.46.In the mean-standard deviation graph, the line that connects the risk-free rate and the optimalrisky portfolio, P, is calledA. t he security market line.B. t he capital allocation line.C. t he indifference curve.D. t he investor's utility line.47.Treasury bills are commonly viewed as risk-free assets becauseA. t heir short-term nature makes their values insensitive to interest rate fluctuations.B. t he inflation uncertainty over their time to maturity is negligible.C. t heir term to maturity is identical to most investors' desired holding periods.D. t heir short-term nature makes their values insensitive to interest rate fluctuations and theinflation uncertainty over their time to maturity is negligible.E. t he inflation uncertainty over their time to maturity is negligible and their term to maturity isidentical to most investors' desired holding periods.48.Your client, Bo Regard, holds a complete portfolio that consists of a portfolio of risky assets(P) and T-Bills. The information below refers to these assets.What is the expected return on Bo's complete portfolio?A. 10.32%B. 5.28%C. 9.62%D. 8.44%E. 7.58%(P) and T-Bills. The information below refers to these assets.What is the standard deviation of Bo's complete portfolio?A. 7.20%B. 5.40%C. 6.92%D. 4.98%E. 5.76%(P) and T-Bills. The information below refers to these assets.What is the equation of Bo's capital allocation line?A. E(r C) = 7.2 + 3.6 × Standard De viation of CB. E(r C) = 3.6 + 1.167 × Standard Deviation of CC. E(r C) = 3.6 + 12.0 × Standard Deviation of CD. E(r C) = 0.2 + 1.167 × Standard Deviation of CE. E(r C) = 3.6 + 0.857 × Standard Deviation of C(P) and T-Bills. The information below refers to these assets.What are the proportions of stocks A, B, and C, respectively, in Bo's complete portfolio?A. 40%, 25%, 35%B. 8%, 5%, 7%C. 32%, 20%, 28%D. 16%, 10%, 14%E. 20%, 12.5%, 17.5%52.To build an indifference curve we can first find the utility of a portfolio with 100% in the risk-free asset, thenA. f ind the utility of a portfolio with 0% in the risk-free asset.B. c hange the expected return of the portfolio and equate the utility to the standard deviation.C. f ind another utility level with 0% risk.D. c hange the standard deviation of the portfolio and find the expected return the investorwould require to maintain the same utility level.E. c hange the risk-free rate and find the utility level that results in the same standarddeviation.53.The capital market lineI) is a special case of the capital allocation line.II) represents the opportunity set of a passive investment strategy.III) has the one-month T-Bill rate as its intercept.IV) uses a broad index of common stocks as its risky portfolio.A. I, III, and IVB. I I, III, and IVC. I II and IVD. I, II, and IIIE. I, II, III, and IV54.An investor invests 35% of his wealth in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.18and a variance of 0.10 and 65% in a T-bill that pays 4%. His portfolio's expected return and standard deviation are __________ and __________, respectively.A. 0.089; 0.111B. 0.087; 0.063C. 0.096; 0.126D. 0.087; 0.14455.An investor invests 30% of his wealth in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.11and a variance of 0.12 and 70% in a T-bill that pays 3%. His portfolio's expected return and standard deviation are __________ and __________, respectively.A. 0.086; 0.242B. 0.054; 0.104C. 0.295; 0.123D. 0.087; 0.182E. N one of the optionsdeviation of 0.20 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.03.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risky asset and the risk-free asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with an expected return of 0.08?A. 85% and 15%B. 75% and 25%C. 62.5% and 37.5%D. 57% and 43%E. C annot be determined57.You invest $100 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.11 and a standarddeviation of 0.20 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.03.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risk-free asset and the risky asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with a standard deviation of 0.08?A. 30% and 70%B. 50% and 50%C. 60% and 40%D. 40% and 60%E. C annot be determineddeviation of 0.20 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.03.The slope of the capital allocation line formed with the risky asset and the risk-free asset is equal toA. 0.47.B. 0.80.C. 2.14.D. 0.40.E. C annot be determined59.You invest $1,000 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.17 and a standarddeviation of 0.40 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.04.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risky asset and the risk-free asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with an expected return of 0.11?A. 53.8% and 46.2%B. 75% and 25%C. 62.5% and 37.5%D. 46.2% and 53.8%E. C annot be determineddeviation of 0.40 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.04.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risk-free asset and the risky asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with a standard deviation of 0.20?A. 30% and 70%B. 50% and 50%C. 60% and 40%D. 40% and 60%E. C annot be determined61.You invest $1,000 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.17 and a standarddeviation of 0.40 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.04.The slope of the capital allocation line formed with the risky asset and the risk-free asset is equal toA. 0.325.B. 0.675.C. 0.912.D. 0.407.E. C annot be determineddeviation of 0.21 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.045.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risky asset and the risk-free asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with an expected return of 0.13?A. 130.77% and -30.77%B. -30.77% and 130.77%C. 67.67% and 33.33%D. 57.75% and 42.25%E. C annot be determined63.You invest $100 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.11 and a standarddeviation of 0.21 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.045.What percentages of your money must be invested in the risk-free asset and the risky asset, respectively, to form a portfolio with a standard deviation of 0.08?A. 301% and 69.9%B. 50.5% and 49.50%C. 60.0% and 40.0%D. 61.9% and 38.1%E. C annot be determineddeviation of 0.21 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.045.A portfolio that has an expected outcome of $114 is formed byA. i nvesting $100 in the risky asset.B. i nvesting $80 in the risky asset and $20 in the risk-free asset.C. b orrowing $46 at the risk-free rate and investing the total amount ($146) in the risky asset.D. i nvesting $43 in the risky asset and $57 in the risk-free asset.E. S uch a portfolio cannot be formed.65.You invest $100 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.11 and a standarddeviation of 0.21 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.045.The slope of the capital allocation line formed with the risky asset and the risk-free asset is equal toA. 0.4667.B. 0.8000.C. 0.3095.D. 0.41667.E. C annot be determinedShort Answer Questions66.Discuss the differences between investors who are risk averse,risk neutral,and risk loving.67.In the utility function: U = E(r) - [-0.005As2], what is the significance of "A"?68.What is a fair game? Explain how the term relates to a risk-averse investor's attitude towardspeculation and risk and how the utility function reflects this attitude.69.Draw graphs that represent indifference curves for the following investors: Harry, who is arisk-averse investor; Eddie, who is a risk-neutral investor; and Ozzie, who is a risk-loving investor. Discuss the nature of each curve and the reasons for its shape.70.Toby and Hannah are two risk-averse investors. Toby is more risk-averse than Hannah. Drawone indifference curve for Toby and one indifference curve for Hannah on the same graph.Show how these curves illustrate their relative levels of risk aversion.71.Discuss the characteristics of indifference curves, and the theoretical value of these curves inthe portfolio building process.72.Describe how an investor may combine a risk-free asset and one risky asset in order toobtain the optimal portfolio for that investor.73.The optimal proportion of the risky asset in the complete portfolio is given by the equation y* =[E(r P) - r f]/(.01A times the variance of P). For each of the variables on the right side of the equation, discuss the impact of the variable's effect on y* and why the nature of therelationship makes sense intuitively. Assume the investor is risk averse.74.You are evaluating two investment alternatives. One is a passive market portfolio with anexpected return of 10% and a standard deviation of 16%. The other is a fund that is actively managed by your broker. This fund has an expected return of 15% and a standard deviation of 20%. The risk-free rate is currently 7%. Answer the questions below based on thisinformation.a. What is the slope of the capital market line?b. What is the slope of the capital allocation line offered by your broker's fund?c. Draw the CML and the CAL on one graph.d. What is the maximum fee your broker could charge and still leave you as well off as if youhad invested in the passive market fund? (Assume that the fee would be a percentage of the investment in the broker's fund and would be deducted at the end of the year.)e. How would it affect the graph if the broker were to charge the full amount of the fee?。

MMSE 最小均分误差估计课件 来自斯坦福大学 Stanford

MMSE 最小均分误差估计课件 来自斯坦福大学 Stanford

10-MMSE Estimation•Estimation given a pdf•Minimizing the mean square error•The minimum mean square error(MMSE)estimator•The MMSE and the mean-variance decomposition•Example:uniform pdf on the triangle•Example:uniform pdf on an L-shaped region•Example:Gaussian•Posterior covariance•Bias•Estimating a linear function of the unknown•MMSE and MAP estimation10-2MMSE Estimation ll,Stanford2011.02.02.01 Estimation given a PDFSuppose x:Ω→R n is a random variable with pdf p x.One can predict or estimate the outcome as follows•Given cost function c:R n×R n→R•pick estimateˆx to minimize E c(x,ˆx)We will look at the cost functionc(x,ˆx)= x−ˆx 2Then the mean square error(MSE)isEx−ˆx 2=x−ˆx 2p x(x)dx10-4MMSE Estimation ll,Stanford2011.02.02.01 The MMSE estimateThe minimum mean-square error estimate of x isˆx mmse=E xIts mean square error isEx−ˆx mmse 2=trace cov(x)since Ex−ˆx mmse 2=Ex−E x 2NotationWe’ll use the following notation.•p y is the marginal or induced pdf of yp y(y)=p(x,y)dx•p|y is the pdf conditioned on yp|y(x,y)=p(x,y) p y(y)10-8MMSE Estimation ll,Stanford2011.02.02.01 The MMSE estimatorThe mean-square-error conditioned on y is e cond(y),given bye cond(y)=φ(y)−x 2p|y(x,y)dxThen the mean square error J is given byJ=Ee cond(y)becauseJ=φ(y)−x 2p(x,y)dx dy=p y(y)e cond(y)dyThe MMSE estimatorWe can write the MSE conditioned on y ase cond(y meas)=Eφ(y)−x 2|y=y meas•For each y meas,we can pick a value forφ(y meas)•So we have an MMSE prediction problem for each y measPosterior covarianceLet’s look at the error z=φ(y)−x.We havecov(z|y=y meas)=covx|y=y meas•We use this tofind a confidence region for the estimate•cov(x|y=y measis called the posterior covarianceBiasThe MMSE estimator is unbiased;that is the mean error is zero.Eφmmse(y)−x=010-22MMSE Estimation ll,Stanford2011.02.02.01 Estimating a linear function of the unknownSuppose•p(x,y)is a pdf on x,y•q=Cx is a random variable•we measure y and would like to estimate qThe optimal estimator isq mmse=C Ex|y=y meas•Because Eq|y=y meas=C Ex|y=y meas•The optimal estimate of Cx is C multiplied by the optimal estimate of x •Only works for linear functions of x。



最小二乘法的外文文献The least squares method, also known as the method of least squares, is a widely used technique in statistics and mathematical optimization for estimating the parameters of a mathematical model. It provides a way to find the best-fitting curve or line to a set of data points by minimizing the sum of the squares of the differences between the observed and predicted values.There are numerous foreign-language research papers available on the topic of least squares method. Here are a few examples:1. Title: "Least Squares Estimation in Linear Models"Authors: Peter J. Huber, Elvezio M. Ronchetti.Published in: Statistical Science, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Feb., 1986), pp. 1-55。

Abstract: This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the least squares estimation technique inlinear models. It covers various aspects such as model assumptions, estimation algorithms, hypothesis testing, and robustness.2. Title: "Nonlinear Least Squares Estimation"Authors: R. J. Carroll, D. Ruppert, L. A. Stefanski, C. M. Crainiceanu.Published in: Statistical Science, Vol. 22, No. 4 (Nov., 2007), pp. 466-480。


最小化均方误差(Mean Squared Error,MSE)和最大似然函数(Maximum Likelihood Function)在某些情况下是相关的。
MSE是一种衡量模型预测结果与实际观测值之间差异的度量。它是通过计算预测值与观测 值之间的差异的平方和的平均值来得到的。在最小化MSE的过程中,我们试图找到模型参数 的最佳值,使得预测结果与实际观测值的差异最小。
然而,需要注意的是,在其他模型或分布假设下,最小化MSE和最大化似然函数可能不是 等价的。在这些情况下,我们需要根据具体的问题和模型选择适当的优化目标。
最大似然函数是一种用于估计模型参数的方法。它是通过找到使得观测数据出现的概率最 大的模型参数值来进行估计。在最大化似然函数的过程中,我们试图找到使得观测数据出现 的概率最大的模型参数值,从而使得模型能够最好地拟
在某些情况下,最小化MSE和最大化似然函数是等价的。特别是在线性回归模型中,假设 观测数据服从高斯分布(正态分布),最小化MSE等价于最大化似然函数。这是因为高斯分 布的最大似然估计就是均值的最小二乘估计。



Vol. 37 No. 1Jan72021第37卷第1期2021 年 1 月信号处理Journal of Signal Processing文章编号:1003-0530(2021)01-0133-08无小区大规模MIMO 系统中结合贪婪导频分配的导频功率控制的算法李梦珠傅友华(南京邮电大学电子与光学工程学院、微电子学院,江苏南京210023)摘要:无小区大规模多输入多输出(multiple-input multiplc-vutuu-, MIMO)系统具有广阔的频谱,但是导频训练阶段的导频污染严重影响了系统的性能,因此减少导频污染成为必要。

为了减少导频污染,文中提出了一种结 合贪婪导频分配的导频功率控制的算法。




仿真结果表明,文中提出的方法性能明显优于目前的研究所 提出的分开优化导频分配和导频功率的方法性能。

关键词:无小区大规模多输入多输出系统;信道估计;导频污染;导频分配;导频功率控制中图分类号:TN915 文献标识码:A DOI : 10. 16798/j. issn. 1003-0530.2021.01.016引用格式:李梦珠,傅友华.无小区大规模MIMO 系统中结合贪婪导频分配的导频功率控制的算法[J ].信号处理,2021,37(1): 133-140. D0I : 10. 16798/j. issn. 1003-0530.2021.01.016.Reference format : LI Mengzhu ,FU Youhux. Pilot Power Control Combined with Greedy Pilot Assignment in Cell-BrecMassive MIMO System ' J ]. Journal L Siynxi Processing ,2021,37 ( 1) : 133--40. DOI : 10. 16798/j. ion. 1003-0530. 2021.01.016.Pilot Power Control Combiner with Greery Pilot Assignment加 Cell-Free Massive MIMO SystemLI Mengzhu FU Youhux(College of Electronic and OpWcxi Engineeing and College of Microelectronics ,Nanjing University of Posts andTelecommunications ,Nanjing ,Jiangsu 210023,China)Abttraet : Thece -oeeema s oeemueiopee-onpuimueiopee-ouipui ( MIMO ) sysiem hasabeoad specieum , buiihepoeoicon-iamonaioon on ihepoeoiieaonongphaseseeoouseya o ecisihepeeooemanceooihesysiem , sooiosnece s aeyioeeduceihepoeoicontamination. In order to reduce pilot contamination ,a pilot power control algorithm combined with greedy pilot assign- meniospeoposed.Foesi , geeedypoeoia s ognmeniospeeooemed.Thossiageompeoeesiheeomoied peeooemanceooeowee-pee- ooemanceusees.Then , on ihebasosooeeasonabeepoeoiassognmeni , ihepoeoipoweeconieoeospeeooemed.Thossiagemonomo-zos the maximum value of the normalized mean square error of all users. The two-stage loin- pilot optimization improves theneiwoek iheoughpuiooihesysiem.Thesomueaioon eesueisshowihaiihepeeooemanceooihemeihod peoposed on iheaeioceeossignOicantly better than the peWormanco of the method of separately optimizing pilot allocation and pilot power proposed by收稿日期:2020-09-01 "修回日期:2020-10-18基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61771257 );射频集成与微组装技术国家地方联合工程实验室开放基金(KFJJ20170304);南京邮电大学科研基金资助项目(NY218009)134信号处理第37卷current research.Key words:cell-Nee massive muCpC-input multiple-Cutput pilot assignment;pilot power control1引言近年来,无小区大规模多输入多输出(muC-pie-input multiply-Cutput,MIMO)系统以广阔的频谱和功率效率引起了学术界和工业界的广泛关注。



1. Please make a comparison of the RLS and the LMS algorithms. Answer:1) RLS: the correction that is applied in updating the old estimate of the coefficient vector is based on the instantaneous sample value of the tap-input vector and the signal.LMS: the computing of the correction utilizes all the past available information. 2) LMS: the correction consists of the production of three factors: the step-size, parameter the error signal e(n-1) and the tap-input.RLS: two factors: the true estimation error y(n) and the gain vector )()()(1n u n n k-Φ= independent of the Eigen value spread of the correlation matrix of the filter input.3) LMS: approximately 20M iterations to convergence in mean square. RLS: convergence in mean square within less than 2M. 4) RLS: no approximations.5) RLS: 3M(3+M)/2 multiplication LMS: 2M+12.Consider a wiener filtering problem characterized by the following values for correlation matrix R of the tap-input vector u(n)R=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡15.05.01 Suggest a suitable value for the step-size parameter μthat would ensure convergence of the method of steepest descent,based on the given value for matrix R.Solution :For convergence of the steepest-descent algorithm:max20λμ<<where m ax λis the largest eigenvalue of the correlation matrix R . We are givenR=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡15.05.01 The two eigenvalues of R are1λ= 0.52λ = 1.5Hence 5.1max =λ. The step-size parameter μmust therefore satisfy the condition334.15.120=<<λWe may thus choose = 1.03.Problem:Show that the Wiener-Hopf equation, defining the tap-weight vector wo of the Wiener filter, and the equation defining the minimum mean-squared error Jmin may be combined into a single matrix relationThe matrix A is the correlation matrix of the augmented vectorwhere d(n) is the desired response and u(n) is the tap-input vector of the Wiener filter.Key:The optimum filtering solution is defined by the Wiener-Hopf equationRw o = p (1)for which the minimum mean-square error equals(2)Combine Eqs. (1) and (2) into a single relation:Define(3)Since,andwe may rewrite Eq. (3) asThe minimum mean-square error equals(4)Eliminatebetween Eqs. (1) and (4):where we have used the propertyWe may rewrite Eq. (6) simply aswhich clearly show that J (w o ) = J min .4. Problem: Consider a Wiener filtering problem characterized as follows: Thecorrelation matrix R of the tap-input vector u(n) is10.50.51R ⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦, The cross-correlation vector between the tap-input vector u(n) and the desired response d(n) is[]0.50.25Tp =.(a) Evaluate the tap weights of the Wiener filter.(b) What is the minimum mean-square error produced by this Wiener filter?(c) Formulate a representation of the Wiener filter in terms of the eigenvalues of matrix R and eigenvectors.Answer :(a) From the Wiener-Hopf equation, we have 10w R p -=We are given 10.50.51R ⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦,[]0.50.25Tp = Hence, the inverse matrix 1R - is 1110.510.510.510.510.75R ---⎡⎤⎡⎤==⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎣⎦Using Eq. (1), we therefore get010.50.510.52 1.50.51110.510.250.511000.7533w --⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤====⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦(b) The minimum mean-square error is[22min 00.50.2d H d J p w σσ=-=-5. 变步长LMS 算法中的μ有哪些计算公式?答: μ(n)6. In theory, a square matrix can be nonnegative definite and yet singular. Demonstrate the truth of this statement with the example of a two-by-two matrix given by1111R ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭Answer7. The LMS algorithm is an O(M) algorithm, where M is the length of the transversal filter component. Confirm the validity of this statement. From Fig. 5.2 of the text we see that the LMS algorithm requires 2M +1 complex multiplications and 2M complex additions per iteration, where M is the number of tap weights used in the adaptive transve rsal filter. Therefore, the computational complexity of the LMS algorithm is O (M ).5.2 The LMS algorithm is used to implement a dual-input, single-weight adaptive noise canceller. Set up the equations that define the operation of this algorithm.*1*ˆ()()()()ˆˆ(1)()()()e n d n w n u n wn w n u n e n μ=-+=+8.The sequences y (n) and u (n) are related by the difference equationy(n)= u(n + a)– u(n – a)where a is a constant. Evaluate the autocorrelation function of y (n) in terms of that of u (n).SolutionLetr u(k) = E [u(n)u*(n –k)] (1)r y(k) = E [y(n)y*(n –k)] (2)We are given thaty(n) = u(n + a) –u(n –a) (3)Hence, substituting (3) into (2), and then using (1), we getr y(k) = E[(u(n + a) –u(n –a))(u*(n + a –k) –u*(n –a –k))]= 2r u(k) –r u(2a + k) –r u(– 2a + k)9.Consider an autoregressive process u(n) of order 2 described by thedifference equation :u(n)=u(n-1)-0.5u(n-2)+v(n).where v(n) is a white-noise process of zero-mean and variance 0.5(a)Find the average power of u(n)(b)Find the reflection coefficients k1 and k2(c)Find the average prediction-error powers P1 and P210.The LMS algorithm is used to implement a dual-input, single-weight adaptivenoise canceller. Set up the equations that define the operation of this algorithm.11. Consider a wide-sense stationary process that is modeled as an AR process u(n) of order M.The set of parameters made up of the average power Pand the AR coefficientsaa a M,......,21bear a one-to-one correspondencewith the autocorrelation sequence r(0),r(1),r(2),……r(M),as shown by {r(0),r(1)……r(M)}⇔ {a a a P M ,......,,210} Show this is true.. By definitionP=average power of the AR process u(n)=E[)(2n u ]=r(0)Where r(0) is the autocorrelation function of u(n) for zero lag.We note that {a a a M ,......,21}⇔{)0()(......)0()2(,)0()1(r M r r r r r } Equivalently,except for the scaling factor r(0), {a a a M ,......,21}⇔{r(1),r(2)……r(M)}Combine thisWe can get the conclusion is true.12. Consider a Winner filtering problem characterized as follows:The correlation matrix R of the tap-input vector u(n) is1 0.5R=0.5 1⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦The cross-correlation vector between the tap-input vector u (n) and the desired response d(n) is P= []T0.50.25,(b) What is the minmum mean-square error produced by this Wiener filter(a) From the Wiener-Hopf equation ,we have-=10W R PWe are given 1 0.5R=0.5 1⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦0.5=0.25⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦PHence ,the invers matrix -1R is1-1 1 0.5 1 -0.51R =0.5 1-0.5 10.75-⎡⎤⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦Using Eq.(1),we therefore get1 -0.50.51-0.5 10.250.751 -0.521 =-0.5 1131.51 =030.5 =0⎡⎤⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦0W(b) The minimum mean-square error is[]2min 220.5 =0.5 0.250 =0.25H d dd J σσσ=-⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦-0p W13. Consider a Wiener filtering problem characterized as follows: Thecorrelation matrix R of the tap-input vector u(n) is10.50.51R ⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦, The cross-correlation vector between the tap-input vector u(n) and the desired response d(n) is[]0.50.25Tp =.(e) What is the minimum mean-square error produced by this Wiener filter? 答案:(a) From the Wiener-Hopf equation, we have10w R p -=We are given 10.50.51R ⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦,[]0.50.25Tp = Hence, the inverse matrix 1R - is 1110.510.510.510.510.75R ---⎡⎤⎡⎤==⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎣⎦Using Eq. (1), we therefore get010.50.510.52 1.50.51110.510.250.511000.7533w --⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤====⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦(b) The minimum mean-square error is[]222min H d d J p w σσσ⎡⎤=-=-=-⎢⎥⎣⎦14. Consider the linear prediction of a stationary autoregressive process u(n)generated from the first-order difference equation u (n) = 0.9u (n-1) + v (n) ,where v (n) is white noise of zero mean and unit variance .(a) Determine the tap weights 1,2a and2,2a of the forwardprediction-error filter.(b) Determine the reflection coefficients 1k and 2k of the corresponding lattice predictor.Comment on your results in parts (a) and (b). Solution: We are given the difference equation)()1(9.0)(n v n u n u +-=(a) For a prediction-error filter of under two, we have9.01,2-=a2,2=aThe prediction-error filter representation of the process is therefore(b) The corresponding reflection coefficients of the lattice predictor are9.01,21-==a k2,22==a kWe are given a first-order difference equation as the description of the AR process u(n). It is there natural that we use a first-order predictor for the representation of this process.15. Consider the linear prediction of a stationary autoregressive process u(n) generated from the first-order difference equation: u(n)=0.9u(n-1)+v(n)where v(n) is the white noise of zero mean and unit variancea) determine the tap weights 2,1a and 2,2a of the forward prediction-error filter b) determine the reflection coefficients 1κ and 2κ of the corresponding lattice predictoranswer:we are given the difference equation: u(n)=0.9u(n-1)+v(n)a) for a prediction-error filter of order two, we have2,10.9a =-2,20a =b) the corresponding reflection coefficients of the lattice predictor are12,10.9a κ==- 22,20a κ==16. The statistical characterization of a multiple linear regression model of order four is as follows:(1) The correlation matrix of the input vector ()u n is 4 1.1R -⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦(2) The cross-correlation vector between the observable data and the input vector is4[0.5,0.4,0.2,0.1]T P =---(3) The variance of the observable data ()d n is 21.0d σ= (4) The variance of the additive white noise is 20.1v σ=17.The steepest descent algorithm becomes unstable when the step-sizeparameter is assigned a negative value. Justify the validity of this statement.Solution: . For stalrility of the steepest-descont algorithm, we therefore require . To satisfy this requirement,the step-size parameter should be positive, since . Hence, thesteepest-desent algorithm becomes unstable when the step-size parameter is negative.18. Consider a correlation matrixI n u n u n Hδφ+=)()()(,Where )(n u is a tap-input vector and δ is a small positive constant. Use the matrix inversion lemma toevaluate )(n n P 1)(-=φ.19.A prediction-error filter is applied to a third-order AR process described bythe difference equation()0.5(1)0.5(2)0.5(3)() u n u n u n u n u n =----+-+When()u nis white noise of zero mean and unite variance. The method ofsteepest descent is used for recursive computation of the coefficient vector of the prediction-error filter.(a)Determine the correlation matrix R of the AR process ()u n(b)Compute the eigenvalues of the the matrix R(c)Determine the bounds on the step-size parameter μ used to mechanizethe steepest descent algotithm.Answer:The third-order AR process ()u n is described by the differenceequation()0.5(1)0.5(2)0.5(3)()u n u n u n u n u n =----+-+Hence, 1230.5,0.5,0.5w w w =-=-=and the AR parameters equal 1230.5,0.5,0.5a a a ===-Accordingly ,we write the Yule-Walker equations as(0)(1)(2)0.5(1)(1)(0)(1)0.5(2)(2)(1)(0)0.5(3)r r r r r r r r r r r r -⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦32123()1(0)(1)(2)(3)v k k a r k r a r a r a σ===+++∑Equations (1),(2),and(3)yield 11(0)1,(1),(2),(3)122r r r r ==-=-=(a)The correlation matrix is111221112211122R --⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦(b) The eigenvalues of R are 0,1.5,1.5(c)For converfence of the steepest descent algorithm,we requiremax2μλ,hence with max 1.5,λ=we have 20 1.5μ20. The minimum mean-square error is defined by 21min H d J p R pσ-=-Where2d σ is the variance of desired response ()d n ,R is the correlationmatrix of the tap-input vector ()u n ,and p is the cross-correlation vectorbetween ()u n and ()d n .By applying eigendecompositions to the inverse ofthe correlation matrix,(i.e. 1R -) ,show that22min 1H Mk d k kq pJ σλ==-∑where k λ is the Kth eigenvalue of the correlation matrix R and k q is the correspondingeigenvector.Note that Hk q p is a scalar.21. Consider the use of a white-noise sequence of zero mean and variance σ^2 as the input to the LMS algorithm. Evaluate(a) the condition for convergence of the algorithm in the mean square,and(b) t he excess mean-square error.Solution :where M is the number of taps in the transversal filter.22. Consider a wide-sense stationary process u(n),whose autocorrelation function has the following values for different lags: r(0)=1; r(1)=0.8;r(2)=0.6;r(3)=0.9(a) Use the Levinson-Durbin recursion to evaluate the reflection coefficients1k ,2k and 3k ;(b) Evaluate the average power of the prediction error produced at the output of each of the stage in the lattice structureSolution:Starting with the formula :1111()()()M M M M k r m k p ak r m k ---==---∑ Get: 111111()()M m M M k M M r k a k r m k p p --=--=--∑ And 11()()(1)M M m a k a k k M k +-=++-211(1)M M M p p k ++=-(a) From r(0)=1; r(1)=0.8; r(2)=0.6; r(3)=0.4;And 0(0)1p r == Then 1(1)0.8(0)r k p =-=- 2101(1)0.36p p k =-=21(2)(1)(1)(1)r r k k p p =-- 11,1k a =32,1 2.2(3)1[(2)(1)](2)(2)r k a r a r p p =--+ 2,220.11a k ==2,11,121,02110.84a a k a k k k =+=+=-Hence 30.28k =\ (b) ⨯=-+=2212(1)0.04p p k =-=02101221223231(1)0.36(1)0.044(1)0.0409p p p k p p k p p k ==-==-=-23. A signal consisting of two sinusoidal inputs is given by).cos()cos()(1100n A n A n u ωω+=The signal is applied to an LMS ing the transfer function approach described in Section 5.11,show that the LMS filter acts as the sum of two notch filters.Answer:24. Question:Consider the linear prediction of a stationary autoregressiveprocess u(n) generated from the first-order difference equationu (n) = 0.9u (n-1) + v (n) ,where v (n) is white noise of zero mean and unit variance .(a) Determine the tap weights1,2a and 2,2a of the forwardprediction-error filter. (b) Determine the reflection coefficients 1k and 2k of thecorresponding lattice predictor.Comment on your results in parts (a) and (b).Solution:We are given the difference equation)()1(9.0)(n v n u n u +-=(a) For a prediction-error filter of under two, we have9.01,2-=a02,2=aThe prediction-error filter representation of the process is therefore(b) The corresponding reflection coefficients of the lattice predictor are9.01,21-==a k02,22==a kWe are given a first-order difference equation as the description of the AR process u(n). It is there natural that we use a first-order predictor for the representation of this process.25. Consider a Wiener filtering problem characterized by the following values for the correlation matrix R of the tap-input vector )(n u and the cross-correlation vector p between )(n u and the desired response )(n d :=R ⎢⎣⎡5.01 ⎥⎦⎤15.0 , =p ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡25.05.0 (a) Suggest a suitable value for the step-size parameter μ that would ensure convergence of the method of steepest descent, based on the given value for matrix R .(b) Using the value proposed in part (a),determine the recursions for computing the elements)(1n w and )(2n w of the tap-weight vector )(n w ,For this computatioin,you may assume the initial values =)0(1w )0(2w 0=(c) Investigate the effect of varying the step-size parameterμ on the trajectory of the tap-weightvector )(n w as n varies from zero to infinity.Solution as follows:。

mean square error

mean square error

mean square error
mean square error的意思是:均方误差;中误差;均方差。

mean square error例句:
1、The method focuses on minimizing the ensemble mean square error of the estimation。


2、Kalman filtering is an optimum filtering employing the norm of minimum mean square error。


3、And both the mean and the mean square error of the coordinate series are testified this method。


4、The chip level linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE)equalizer in CDMA systems is introduced。

介绍了码分多址CD MA系统中码片级线性最小均方误差均衡器。

5、Usually, excess mean square error (MSE) and convergence speed are two criterions used to evaluate performance。


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Abstract— The minimum mean-square error of the estimation of a signal where observed from the additive white Gaussian noise (WGN) channel's output, is analyzed. It is assumed that the channel input's signal is composed of a (normalized) sum of N narrowband, mutually independent waves. It is shown that if N goes to infinity, then for any fixed signal energy to noise energy ratio (no mater how big) both the causal minimum mean-square error CMMSE and the non-causal minimum mean-square error MMSE converge to the signal energy at a rate which is proportional to 1/N.Index Terms—Divergence, CMMSE, MMSE.I.INTRODUCTIONThis letter deals with the mean-square error of the optimum estimation of a process ξ where observed from the sum ηt(t)w(t)(s)ds,0t Tη=ξ≤≤, (1)where w is a standard Brownian motion independent of ξ,andT2E(t)dtξ=ξ<∞∫.In particular, two examples will be shown for which the causalminimum mean-square error CMMSE and the non-causalminimum mean-square error MMSE exceed Eξfor each q(no matter how big, but fixed).In [1] the following example of a non-Gaussian signal wastreatediNN i k ii(t)cos(t)=ξ=ω+θ, (2)where all phases N1θare uniformly distributed, mutuallyindependent and independent of w,iNik12k,iTπω=, arecircular frequencies, and the set N1α are positive numbers thatfulfillN2ii11=α=∑. In this case for each N we have E1ξ=.It was shown in [1] that if signal ξ (1) is replaced by signalNξ(2), the following results for the estimation errorsNCMMSE()ξand NMMSE()ξ hold:%2NiN Ni1q22CMMSE()ln(1)D()q2q=αξ=+−ηη∑, (3)%2NiN N2i1idMMSE()2(D())dqq12=αξ=−ηηα+∑. (4)In (3), (4) the divergence%ND()ηη, where %η is a Gaussianprocess with the same covariance function as that of η, is thefollowing sum%N2N ii1D()D(q)=ηη=α∑. (5)D(q) is the diminution of the divergence to the case N=1, andis expressed by (see [1])f(r)D(q)f(r)ln()drg(r)∞=∫, (6)where f(r) is given by the following Rician probability densityfunction21f(r)r exp{[r q]}I2=−+, (7)and g(r) is given by the following Rayleigh probability densityfunction2r1g(r)exp{r/(1q/2)}(1q/2)2=−++. (8)The solution to integral (6) cannot be expressed in a closedform. Numerical results for the divergence D(q) for somevalues of q were given in [1].On The Minimum Mean-Square EstimationError of the Normalized Sum of IndependentNarrowband Waves in the Gaussian ChannelJacob BiniaNew Elective - Engineering Services LtdHaifa, IsraelEmail: biniaja@.ilIn section II we will first evaluate the divergence %D()ηηfor any process ξ that fulfils (1), for small q. Then, as acorollary, we will express the divergence %N D ()ηηfor the signal N ξ(that is defined in (2)), assuming that all waves in the sum (2) equally share the same energy, namely2N i 11N,i α=, and N is large. Finally, we will show that the errors N CMMSE()ξand N MMSE()ξtend to 1 (the signal energy) as N goes to infinity, at a rate which is proportional to 1/N.II. MAIN RESULTSThe following lemma holds for any process ξ that fulfils (1). Lemma1: As q 0→%(2)221D()D (0)q o(q )2ηη=+, (9) where %2(2)2q 0d D(0)D()dq ==ηηand 2o(q ) denotes afunction f(q) such that2q 0lim [f (q)/q ]0→=.ProofIn order to prove the lemma we recall the following relations between the divergence and the minimum mean-square errors [1]:%2CMMSE()CMMSE()D()qξ−ξ=ηη%, (10) %d MMSE()MMSE()2D()dqξ−ξ=ηη%. (11) In (10), (11) ξ% is a Gaussian process with the same covariance function as that of ξ. Note that the relation between MMSE()ξ , CMMSE()ξ and the signal-to-noise ratio q ([2], [3]) was used in [1] in order to prove equality(11).It is clear that as q → 0 the values of CMMSE()ξ%, CMMSE()ξ, MMSE()ξ%and MMSE()ξ exceed one. Therefore, from (10), (11)q 0q 0d D()(D())0dq==ξξ=ξξ=%%. (12)By Taylor's theorem [4, p. 95] equation (12) implies (9).Remark: In [5] it was shown that if g is a Gaussian variable and z is a random variable which is independent of g and has finite variance, then the following stronger result holds:2D(g q z g q z)o(q )++=%.Corollary: If ξ in (1) is replaced by N ξ (that satisfies (2)),then the divergence %N D ()ηηpossesses the following asymptotic behavior as N →∞%22(2)N 21q q D ()D (0)o(2N Nηη=+. (13) The corollary follows by adopting (9) to the case of a singlenarrowband wave (N=1), and by (5) (with 2Ni 11N,i α=), as follows:%2(2)2N 222(2)q 1q q D ()N D()N D (0)(No()N 2N N1q q D (0)o(),N .2N Nηη==+=+→∞We can now state our main result.LemmaI1: For each fixed q, as N →∞ (2)N 1q qCMMSE()1[D (0)]o(4N N ξ=−++, (14) (2)N 1q q MMSE()1[2D (0)]o()2N Nξ=−++. (15)Lemma II follows from (3), (4) for 2Ni 11N,i α= and (13).Consider now the following signal that is composed from the sum of Gaussian narrowband wavesi i N N ci k si k i g (t)cos t a sin t)==ω+ω, (16) where {}ci si a ,a , N1i are mutually independent, zero meanGaussian random variables with variance 1/N, and i Nk 1,i ωare as in (2).Since N ξfor the case 2N i 11N,i α= and N g possesssame covariance we can consider N g as a realization of Nξ%. In order to evaluate the mean-square errors we can passthrough the calculation that was made in [1, section III], or more shortly use the fact that both CMMSE and MMSE seek their maximum for the Gaussian signal. Hence, from (3), (4)N 2N q CMMSE(g )ln(1q 2N=+, (17) N 1MMSE(g )q 12N=+. (18)Note that even for unlimited (but fixed) q, both CMMSE and MMSE tend to the signal energy (lemma II) as N goes to infinity. While in detection only the energy counts, this is notso in estimation. The inability to estimate the signal of the above example for infinite N follows from two consequences. First, the measure of the normalized sum of the non-Gaussian narrowband waves becomes "more Gaussian" (in the sense of divergence) as N goes to infinity. Hence, the negative parts in (3), (4) vanish. Second, Gaussian processes are impossible to be estimated if all their spectral components are mutuallyindependent and deeply immersed in the noise. In other words, since all spectral components of the signal are independent (such that there is no mutual information between any disjoint sets of components), they have to be estimated separately. However, in this case the individual SNR is low although the total SNR is high.III. NUMERICAL RESULTSIn this section we follow the calculation's method from [1] inorder to draw the behavior of %N D ()ηη((5)-(8)) for q=100, 2Ni 11N,i α=and 1≤ N ≤ 40. As we can see from figure 1, the divergence climbs as N increases until it reaches its maximum around N=7 and then decreases.Fig.1: divergence %N D ()ηηfor q=100 Using the divergence results, the minimum error CMMSE wascalculated for q=100 and 1≤N ≤40. Figure 2 shows plots of N CMMSE(g ) and N CMMSE()ξ. The differencebetween them is just the divergence %N D ()ηηmultiplied by2/q (see (10) and figure 1).Fig. 2: CMMSE of the normalized sum of N (Gaussian andnon-Gaussian) narrowband waves for q=100.R EFERENCES[1] J. Binia, "Divergence and Minimum Mean-Square error inContinuous-Time Additive White Gaussian Noise Channels," to appear in IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Mar. 2006.[2] D. Guo, S. Shamai and S. Verdú, "Mutual information andminimum mean-square error in Gaussian channels", IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 51 Issue 4, pp. 1261-1282, Apr. 2005.[3] M. Zakai, "On likelihood-ratios, mutual information andestimation error for the additive Gaussian channel", IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 51 Issue 9, pp. 3017-3024, Sept. 2005.[4] W. Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, secondedition, McGraw-Hill, 1964.[5] M. S. Pinsker, V.V. Prelov and S. Verd ú, "Sensitivity ofchannel capacity," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-41, No 6, pp. 1877-1888, Nov. 1995.。
