



分数:_______ 《西方文化概论》课程论文论文题目希腊神话的哲学思想及其与孔子中庸之道的比较专业_____ __________年级__ ____学号___ _____学生姓名_____ ______________Contents摘要 (ii)Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ i v Text (1)About the Confucius (1)His life experiences and the background he lives. (1)His philosophy and the doctrine of the Golden Mean (2)A short introduction about the Greek mythology (3)The expression from Confucius and the comparison between the two philosophy (4)Bibliography (6)摘要本论文通过对希腊神话的哲学思想及其与孔子中庸之道的产生原因和形成背景作简要的分析,对两种不同时代、不同地域、不同文明的两种文化思想进行了初步的对比。





















































比如李小龙,姓是“李”,名是“小龙”;HarryPotter中Potter 是姓,放在名Harry之后。









18世纪文化参考书目 世纪文化参考书目
海德·米奈 《巴洛克与洛可可:艺术与文化》,温尼·海德 米奈 巴洛克与洛可可:艺术与文化》 温尼 海德 ),孙小金译 广西师范大学出版社,2004。 孙小金译, (美),孙小金译,广西师范大学出版社,2004。 剑桥艺术史:18世纪艺术 世纪艺术》 斯蒂芬·琼斯 琼斯( ),钱 《剑桥艺术史:18世纪艺术》,斯蒂芬 琼斯(英),钱 乘旦译,译林出版社,2009。 乘旦译,译林出版社,2009。 启蒙时代哲学家的天城》 卡尔·贝克尔 贝克尔( ),何兆 《启蒙时代哲学家的天城》,卡尔 贝克尔(美),何兆 武译,江苏教育出版社,2005。 武译,江苏教育出版社,2005。 启蒙运动与现代性》 詹姆斯·施密特 施密特( 《启蒙运动与现代性》,詹姆斯 施密特(美)著,徐向 卢华萍译,上海人民出版社,2005。 东,卢华萍译,上海人民出版社,2005。
西方文明中的身体与城市》 《肉体与石头:西方文明中的身体与城市》,理查 肉体与石头 西方文明中的身体与城市 桑内特( ),黄煜文译 上海译文出版社, 黄煜文译, 德·桑内特(美),黄煜文译,上海译文出版社, 桑内特 2006。 。 创世纪:传说与译注》 冯象著, 《创世纪:传说与译注》,冯象著,江苏人民出 版社, 版社,2004。 。 宽宽信箱与出埃及记》 冯象著,生活·读书 读书·新 《宽宽信箱与出埃及记》,冯象著,生活 读书 新 知三联书店, 知三联书店,2007。 。
罗马帝国衰亡史》吉本著,黄宜思等译, 7、《罗马帝国衰亡史》吉本著,黄宜思等译,商务 印书馆,1997年 印书馆,1997年。 罗马盛衰原因论》孟德斯鸠著,婉玲译, 8、《罗马盛衰原因论》孟德斯鸠著,婉玲译,商务 印书馆,1995年 印书馆,1995年。 古罗马人的欢娱》 诺埃尔•罗伯特著 罗伯特著, 9、《古罗马人的欢娱》[法]让-诺埃尔 罗伯特著,王 长明等译。广西师范大学出版社,2005年 长明等译。广西师范大学出版社,2005年。


















狄 德 罗站 在法 国第 三等 级的 立 场上 ,坚 持国 家起 源于 社 会契 约, 君主 的权 力来 自人 民 协 议的 观点 。他 指出 ,能 够 实现 人民 自由 平等 的是 政 体, 任何 政体 都是 要改 变的 , 它 的 生 命同 动物 的生 命一 样, 必 然趋 于死 亡。 封建 专制 政 体终 会消 逝, 由适 合人 性的 政 体 取 而 代之 。
洛 克 ,( 16 32 -1 70 4 )洛 克的 思想 形成 于英 国资 产 阶级 革命 期间 ,迎 合了 当 时英 国 资 产 阶级 的需 要。 他对 霍布 斯 的思 想进 行了 修正 ,认 为 人们 按契 约成 立国 家的 目的 是 保
护 私 有财 产, 因此 国家 不应 干 涉公 民的 私有 财产 。他 有 一句 名言 内容 是“ 我的 茅屋 子 , 风 能 进、 雨能 进, 国王 不能 进 ”。 洛克 甚至 进一 步认 为 私有 财产 是人 权的 基础 ,没 有 私 有 财 产无 人权 可谈 。在 政权 形 式上 ,他 赞成 君主 立宪 制 ,主 张国 家的 立法 权、 行政 权 和 处 理 外交 事务 的权 利应 分属 议 会和 君主 。而 他的 立法 行 政和 外交 的分 权思 想后 来为 孟 德 斯 鸠 所继 承和 发展 ,变 成了 立 法行 政司 法的 现代 三权 分 立模 式。
启 蒙 运动 有以 下代 表人 物:
1 .孟 德 斯鸠
主要主张:①三权分立、彼此制衡 ②法律应当体现理性(代表著作如《论法的精 神 》 、《 波斯 人的 信札 》等 )
孟 德 斯鸠 ,( 16 89 —1 7 55 ), 出生 于法 国波 尔多 附 近的 拉伯 烈德 庄园 的贵 族 世 家。法国伟大的启蒙思想家、法学家。孟德斯鸠不仅是 18 世纪法国启蒙时代的著名思 想 家 ,也 是近 代欧 洲国 家比 较 早的 系统 研究 古代 东方 社 会与 法律 文化 的学 者之 一。 他 的 著 述 虽然 不多 ,但 其影 响却 相 当广 泛, 尤其 是《 论法 的 精神 》这 部集 大成 的著 作。 他 所 提 出 的三 权分 立学 说直 到现 在 仍为 一些 国家 所使 用。



The difference between Chinese culture and westerncultureA Comparative study on school educationAs we all know, there are lots of differences in school education between China and America. Now I want to talk about the differences from primary education to higher education.The reasons why I want to compare these two kinds of education style are very simple. Firstly, if we want to learn about a country, we should learn its educational style to so that we can learn how they cultivate the next generation. Secondly, we can study others’advantages and improve ours’, especially for we developing countries. Third, development of society always relies on science, and science come from education, if we want to be strong, education is the very key.You may ask why the differences exist, yeah, why? In my opinion, differences come so obviously because we have quite different thinking methods, we Chinese prefer to summarize experience after every practice, and we are good at applying our summary into practice. While Americans are used to doing some practice first, they can achieve a lot in these practice. In other words our thinking method is limited in the elder generation's experience seriously, what we do is to apply these summary into application, it will do great harm to our innovation. Now let us compare our different kind of education style from primary education to higher education between the two countries.1, Primary School EducationIt's so common that our children suffer lots of homework after class, what is more, the young have to attend to every kind of extra class to improve their scores, we have to admire that our children grasp better basic knowledge, however, what we lose is far more than what we gain. As is the time should we have a reflection, we put so heavy pressure on the young, but it does not work well, children ought to have a happy childhood.While, children in American have less classes and less homework, teachers prefer to let the young do more activities not exercise they want them to consider more and achieve the interest during their practice. Teachers often let children have free talks to train speaking skills, so today we can see American do better in arguing. During primary education, their students mainly study math and language, teachers usually arrange some activities which need to be finished in group, it not only improves the young's friendship but also does good to their sense of a teamwork. We can see the US children have quite relaxed growing environment. They have a more comfortable childhood I think.2. High School EducationIn Chinese high school, we study for three years, during this period, students have a lot of things to do, most of which is about study, every day we are preparing for college entrance examination, we all want to make good scores and choose an ideal college, so you can imagine this three-year career is a great challenge for us. Every day, we begin our class from 7:00 to 12:00 in the morning and from 2:00 till 5:30 in the afternoon, during a day's study, we mainly have math, physic, chemistry, biology,English and Chinese classes, these are the very subjects we should prepare for college entrance examination. We also have some interesting classes. Each week we have two PE classes, during this time we can do what sports we love and we can also relax ourselves, in my opinion only two PE classes are really not enough for us. We have two psychology classes, in this class teacher will show us some exciting topics that have something to do with us, it really help us a lot when we feel lost and frustrated. In Art class teacher will show us famous pictures and tell us the story of each work, we feel quite relaxed at this moment as we can have a sleep or do some other things. Though study is essential during these three years, yet what is the most important I think is that we develop great friendship during high school life, and our friendship is so pure that we can trust each other without any hesitation. Though these three years is the busiest period, it really gives us an valuable memory.When we come to American high school, we can see they have a relaxed study life, as is seen, their high school life is similar to our college life, they commonly study for four years during high school, they need not to pay too much attention to college entrance examination, in American, people prefer your ability than your scores, so students work hard to improve their all kinds of abilities. They go to class from 7:30 to 2:15 from Monday to Friday and only six classes every day, maybe you do not believe, but it is really true. They also have more interesting classes such as pottery class, theatre class and legal class, what the school wants is to strengthen students' practical skills. American students go to class in different classroom while we Chinese have permanent classroom, what is more, they are free to develop themselves andmajor in the subjects they like. As long as they get enough credits they can get graduated, so we can conclude that their style is like our college style.And our class atmosphere is also different, Chinese students should sit rightly and answer the teacher's question carefully, we consider that shows our respect to our teacher, however, American students prefer to sit as comfortable as they feel, they think it is good for study efficiency.3. College EducationIn this part we will continue to introduce the difference between two kinds of education styles.In China, having entranced college, students finally have the chance to lead a relaxed life after so many years study life. Many of them pursuit not to fail in every term's final examination, considering that is enough. And after these four years, students both can get a job and go for further study, it mainly depend on your personal desire. In the four year's life we have to get enough credits to get graduated, we need to attend to required courses and elective subjects. In college you may not go to every class, it is so common that every student have ever escaped from classes. And during these four years we can join all kinds of organizations and that is a good way to improve our communication skills and we can meet more people, maybe one or more among them will do us a favor in the future. We also take part in many kinds of national examinations, among which are CET4, CET6, and NCRE2. If you get the certification. It will help you a lot when you attend a job interview after graduation.Now let us have a look at American college life. In the front of this article weknow their students have a very relaxed life as they do not need to worry about entering college, they can go to college though their score is low, of course, if you want to choose famous college you should have good score. After American students entering college, many of them begin to work harder than they ever did, they may stay in the library all day long, they think it is time for their effort, or they will not get satisfied job after graduation.And on the way I want to say something not so important. In China a student can go to famous university as long as he have good social relationship, and he will get a gradual certificate. While if you study in America, you should pay attention, getting in by the back door is impossible, if you do not work hard you will never graduate successfully, and no satisfied job is waiting for you.In general, Chinese educational style pays more attention to basic knowledge, especially to math physic and chemistry. Our students really have steady basic knowledge that the US students admire very much. When we turn to see US students, we can easily find they prefer to improve social skills, including arguing, social work and teamwork, this difference lead to a phenomenon that if Chinese and American both work in a company most of the Americans will work as manager, and most of we Chinese will work as technical staff who work for the manager.When asked what bring this difference, American say "Chinese have very good knowledge standard but they are not willing to talk about their opinions in meetings, they are used to work along with former experience and lack innovation spirit."4. Different education systemIn China the majority of young people will get the opportunity to enjoy the 9 years' mandatory education, and very few people can go to high school or college, so the proportion of people get educated to the whole people is quite low. The reason why our government puts so many efforts to encourage the young to get further study is mainly to improve our nation's quality.In American, education attract great attention from the government, compulsory education is 12 years, 3 years longer than ours, the students not only enjoy free books but even have free lunch, from this you can see how American care about education. What is more, most of the people will not get satisfied with 12 years education, if so, they can hardly get a job. Many of them will go for further study. They study more forwardly and more self-conscious, and these two kinds of good behavior also bring a good social atmosphere.Chinese teachers are used to divide students in different level based on they marks in the exam, and students will be divided into different classes.While American teachers prefer to use "ABCD" instead of Arabic numerals to evaluate the students, in their eyes every student is good, so teachers will not grudge praise for the students, maybe appreciative education is enlightened from this.That is the whole content I want to share with you to learn the difference between American and Chinese school education, we can see that we really have a lot of things to solve in our education, why our people can not get Nobel prize, maybe there is something wrong with our education system. What we should do is to learn other's advantages and decrease the gap. Maybe years later our students will get theworld's attention.。

My Understanding of Western Culture西方文化论文

My Understanding of Western Culture西方文化论文

My Understanding of Western CultureWhat is culture? Maybe different person have different ideas. As I check in the Oxford English Dictionary , it says : the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a particular society. In other word,western culture means Western’ beliefs or ways of life.As far as I am concerned,culture, as a product generated by man's long-term creation, is a social phenomenon. Meanwhile, it is also a historical appearance distilled throughout social history. Therefore, it is of great importance to understand the difference between Chinese culture and western culture.Western culture is divided into three periods,including: the period of a ncient Greek and Rome, the medieval Christian culture, Modern western culture. To be exact, culture refers to the history, geography, traditional convention, lifestyle, literature and art, code of conduct, way of thinking, value of one country or one ethnic group. Chinese culture differs from western culture in so many aspects as wholeness and individuality, speech, value, moral standard, social relationship, social etiquette, social custom, etc. As we know, there are many differences between western culture and Chinese culture. We can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used.Western world’s culture during The second half of the twentieth century was marked by Diversity. Although many trends represented Acontinuation of prewar modern development, new directions have led some observers to speak of A “postmodern” cultural world.For another, they are always anxious for knowledge. Facing anything new, modesty is always their choice. In the contrary to them, our Chinese sometimes think too much of ourselves. In the 1980s, styles emerged that have been referred to as postmodern. Postmodernism tends to move away from the futurism or “cutting edge” qualities of modernism. It favors tradition, that elevating traditional craftsmanship to the level of fine art. They gained respect as artists.It has become clear to many people that, like it or not and ready or not, the conditions of the world are such that we are all increasingly coming into contact with those who are different from ourselves.(diverse workforce, mixing nationalities, ethnicities, races)—Global Village.People find that behavior and attitudes that proved necessary for obtaining goals in their own culture are no longer useful (esp.those moving across cultures)Familiar behaviors that marked well-adjusted persons in their own culture may even be seen as indicative of ill-mannered.We can learn a lot from the western culture. On a personal level, every one should have some knowledge of it. If you study the western culture, you will find that how different the way you think and do with something is from the westerners. You can not only get anotherperspective to treat different situations, but also enrich your personal knowledge. What’s more, you might even find that how many weak points in your character. Then some supplements might be added and you will have a more sound soul which will help you succeed in the future. However, it is not only necessary for individuals to do so.The richer countries are pouring large sums of money into space research programs which are of no benefit to human beings while in underdeveloped countries thousands of people are dying of hunger. Besides, many scientists time and energy are wasted,which could have been devoted to improving our living condition. Whats more, many astronauts have died complete1y uselessly in space vehicles which have been faulty. One very significant part of culture is the set of values we hold, or those things which we are taught to want and those things we are taught are right. For example, one of the primary values held by Americans is monetary or economic success. They are brought up to believe that economic success is something worth striving for.They were young people who had not enjoyed the fruit of life yet.Different form the easterners.As the westerners like to treat their parents as friends, they often show their emotion and tell their opinions quite straight-out while the Chinese prefer not to say but just hide in heart.Apart from human wastage,there is the wastage of resources whichare finite and essential if man is to survive. I think it’s high time we stopped these meaningless programs. Westerners stress rules and principles. For example, if a manage make a mistake or break the rule of company in western country, the boss will punish him or her no matter how close their relationship is, because they believe that relationship is one thing, rule is another thing, they should make decision according to the rules.As a popular saying goes, to say is one thing and to do is another. How can we learn from the western culture? At first, we should have a clear concept that culture has a broader meaning today. It covers literature, custom, knowledge, history and so on. The Western individualism has much to do with its colonial history, which dates back to the period when colonists had to fig ht for their own, and they couldn’t survive the harsh environments without extraordinary bravery, perseverance and optimism, etc. I believe it is those pioneers’ characters that form the unique individualism today. Time has also left its imprint on the individualism, as the term keeps refreshing its meaning. Nowadays, the new individualism refers to the pursuit of freedom and personal happiness, the sacredness of human life and properties as well as a lot of personal traits. Besides, Western is famous for its multicultural society where each element exists in harmony with one another whilst keeping their own traits distinct. All these contribute to the individualism.No one can predictwhat will happen in the future. Supposing that we didn’t look squarely a t other countries’ culture and get their valuable experience, China is sure to be washed by modern age. Hope all the Chinese could have clear awareness.In the process of communication, American people are more used to expressing their affirmative and confirmed opinion or thoughts. In other words, American speak more directly. For instance, in western countries, if a man loves a woman, he always say:"I love you"directly to his lover to express his affection for her. Another example if a westerner want to borrow money from his friend, he will get to the point directly and he is lack of money recently and would like to borrow some money.Given the final analysis conducted above,western culture does has big different from Chinese culture .So,we should have a full understand of this difference.It is high time we kept a closer eye on this issue than at any other time in the past.。



























命运三女神(the Fates)掌管着大地上所有食用五谷之人的命运,Clotho 负责纺织生命之线,Lachesis 决定生命线的长度,Atropos 负责切断生命之线。
















































西方文论 期末论文 大众传媒的文化认同性

西方文论 期末论文  大众传媒的文化认同性

大众传媒的文化认同性——大众传媒时代的艺术神话沃霍尔[1]文学院汉语言文学师范专业 083 史颍 31号[摘要] 本文以波普主义艺术家沃霍尔为文化原型,探讨了“沃霍尔现象”背后复杂的社会文化属性。













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Features and Development of the Ancient Greek Sculptures1. IntroductionGreece is Europe's first creation of ancient civilization, its culture has a great impact on the future development of European culture, ancient Greece was later hailed as the cradle of Western civilization, one of the ancient Greek civilization, the most prominent achievement is sculpture in the world, occupies an important position in the history of art, history continues to move forward with the flow, Greek civilization and progress in continuous improvement, along with Greek sculpture in constant evolution. In Greek civilization through Homer, Ancient, Classical, Hellenistic period, while the four Greek sculpture with its unique way to witness it forward imprinted at different times in different forms of civilization, which recorded its pace in the following. However, especially in the most prominent human sculpture, which is closely related to religious ideas of the Greeks and physical exercise, especially sculpture in classical and Hellenistic periods as the entire Western sculpture art foundation.2. Factors affecting Greek sculpture art form2.1 Social structure and the system of the Ancient GreeksSlavery in ancient Greece to adopt a democracy, the city’s rulers ware Freedmen (genus slave class) elected to make this city the Freedman creativity would be some attention. Therefore, it is the overall development of the ancient Greek culture and the arts to create favorable conditions for politically.The Greeks seek social system is only as their fitness regime, harmonious and comprehensive development. In this social climate, the city government into a management performances and sports clubs, is the civic institutions to develop arts and sports talent.(Anita•canary, 2007)2.2 Religious ideas of the ancient GreeksIn Ancient Greece, religion is an integral part of city life, which penetrated into every aspect of city life, it explains the world of matter, the daily ritual activities and a variety of social systems, but also aroused the creative inspiration for poets and artists.(Global History110),It is also proved that the Homeric poems full prominence as the essential information.Greek sculpture of material, mostly from the Greek religion gods, myths and rituals and so on.(Huang Meng, 2007) the ancient Greek gods in worship, but also acknowledged the great and noble man himself, I believe that the wisdom and strength, attention to people’s real life and the real world.Greeksculpture became closely linked with the interests of the city reflects the collective religious person.the primary goal is to show the myth of painting scenes. Because God and man have no strict distinction, so to show God, you have to study people, to understand human anatomy. This is the Greek sculpture is one important reason why special attention to the body’s shape.2.3 Ancient Greeks’spirit of Advocating sports in societyDue to the continual outbreak of war in Ancient Greece,you need to train able-bodied, agile, soldiers having fighting ability, so there is respect for the ancient Greek sport in cational ideals of the ancient Greeks, is to develop so-called beauty of the soul through exercise body building physique, that is aesthetic education, the promotion of human wisdom combined with physical exercise.(Anita•canary, 2007)2.4 Aesthetic concepts and aesthetic ideals of the ancient GreeksGreeks have long noted that the beauty exploration.The Greeks thought: the United States after all part of the whole thing is made to reconcile the relationship generated. And seek to reconcile the beauty of this is directly derived from the human body. They believe that the human body is beautiful, consider the performance of the human body is found in the wisdom of the universe can and order. They put this concept is extended to architecture, sculpture, etc.Exploring what proportion of the number in order to produce beautiful results. Therefore, the standard ratio sculptor who repeatedly explore the human body, which also aims at looking for what kind of criteria in order to show the beauty of the human physique, giving a harmonious beauty. This also allows the artist to avoid describing those physical disability and mental morbid things, to show the perfect mind and body healthy, which became the subjectof Greek art is inherent.3.Greek sculpture art features in development3.1 Geometric period (10th-8th century BC)Geometric style typical relics unearthed in Athens largepottery - a variety of vases, Tao Bo, and some have one high, isthe burial goods, because a large number found in Di Fu Longdistrict of Athens, which is also Heracles DeGeneres and 图一赫拉克勒斯与萨提洛斯,公元前750年,高11.3cm,青铜,纽约爱托玻利坦美术馆,荷马时期,Los Sati Homeric picture(1)period engraving mainly used for ritual and funerary terracotta and bronze figurines. Hercules and Sati Los is the representative works of this period. Works drawn from Greek mythology: Hercules in Greek mythology’s most prestigious heroes and Hercules;Los Sati is the lowest level of forest mythology gods, specially the harvest, in mythology, he portrayed as lazy, lustful half man, half beast monster. Figurines concise style to simple geometric image of nudity, intends to highlight the features, we can see is a continuation of the clan society of worship. Although the image of concise but not dull, full of dynamic sense and convey emotions. Sati took Heracles Los hands as if to say something, very human endeavor. Hercules and Los Sati, 750 BC, high 11.3cm, bronze, glass Litan Niuyueaituo Gallery, Homer period, sculpture is called Di Fu Long bottles. History of Western sculpture.(Ray h. Ken bair,1989 )3.2 Archaic period (6th century BC)Archaic sculpture maturing an important turning point, there has been a lot of excellent sculptures. Especially in young men and women as the main object of the sculpture, the 6th century before becoming the most popular style of sculpture in the round. Achievement of this is so prominent that future generations will be exclusively for young men and women of this era like antiquity called Kuluo Si (Kouros) and Cora (Kore), and to make them the highest representative of the achievements of the Archaic period sculpture. And from the content, the various types of gods, heroes, and people will come out to blame attached image, greatly enriched the creative content sculptor.Archaic period is the biggest change from the past turned to stone structure completely wooden based, at least in the temples and other public buildings is the case, and this change is accompanied by the establishment of classical column. In sculpture, the Greeks began working human anatomy, so that the statue is more realistic.3.3 Classical PeriodOf the period classical a big step forward in sculpture is more lively sculpture, standing out like a stiff stiff steering gesture full of dynamic movement. This shift may be related technology and materials related to sculpture. Another factor affecting the development of classical art, and that is the philosophy of the Pythagorean proposition. Pichia the number deemed primitive things, focus on digging behind the relationship between the number of things and give some figures sacred and mystical meanings.In the classical period, Artists to the beauty have an ideal pursuit, not just limited to the realprototype. Famous painter Francis universe story is a good example. There are two versions of the story. One resident said Crowe East chou Sith please draw portraits Helen of Troy, another version is said to be the city of Accra Fidel who asked him to draw the goddess Hera. In short, the universe of the Sith focused on the city’s five most beautiful girl, everyone will most beautiful qualities combined, thus making it an impeccable goddess.3.4. Hellenistic periodGeographical distribution of Hellenistic sculpture has been limited to mainland Greece, In addition, because it is mainly the Hellenistic kingdom court services, natural exhibits the pursuit of luxury, exquisite form of exaggeration and other ills, and advocate of pure classical style, such as the principle of some reasonable distance.(/blog/static/43048050201092792354872/In the Hellenistic period, depending on the religious art has changed. Correspondingly credibility of myth and religion has been questioned, art is also facing a dilemma, its traditional themes will be reduced to the status of fiction. Art was forced to open up new areas through to find a way out.In addition, the great changes arts funders and their needs during this period took place. Religious art and commemorative functions traditionally Although with the construction of new cities and growing, but more importantly, the Hellenistic rulers sacred status to advocate to promote the development of the portrait, while a large number of private donors and collectors home care little for the value of art in public places, but about why art interesting and beautiful features. Art becomes a commodity into the market, which makes art more diverse, but also brought a tendency ideal factors artwork tends to atrophy.(A.S. Murray,2007)4.ConclusionGreek sculpture art was idealistic, simple, emphasizing commonalities, elegant and refined, in a nutshell,which is the elegant and serene great. Throughout the Western art tradition, the ancient Greek sculpture occupies a very important position. Western art advocates a model pattern, dignified artistic character and spirit of strict realism, can be said to begin in ancient Greece. Over the years, this art has been nourishing essence of Western art going. With the development of ancient Greek sculpture of ancient Greek civilization, with its own unique way to witness and record the great civilizations.References安妮塔•加纳利,2007年6月,《希腊文明》北京科学技术A.S.默里著,2007年5月版,《古希腊雕塑史》浙江美术出版社傅琼,2006,《掷铁饼者像》的创新精神及其土壤,《历史教学》第11期, 61-64黄萌,2007,论希腊艺术和希腊宗教的关系,《湖南科技学院学报》第28 卷第6 期,182-183雷.H.肯拜尔著,1989年8月版,《世界雕塑史》浙江美术学院出版社齐宇飞,2007,从古希腊雕塑艺术看希腊的人文精神,《科技信息》第31期,196汪瑞,2012,探寻古希腊艺术(一),《域外▪域外经典》第5期,139-146汪瑞,2012,探寻古希腊艺术(二),《域外▪域外经典》第6期,140-145张烨上海大学副教授,2014,希腊雕塑之美,《中文自修》33-34朱光潜,2011年12月版,《西方美学史》商务印书馆《全球通史》第五章110页(古希腊美术——雕塑(二)/blog/static/43048050201092792354872/)(古希腊雕塑艺术形成的原因/question/209094270.html )。
