rfc2766.Network Address Translation - Protocol Translation (NAT-PT)
这两个问题直接导致了IETF成立IPng工作组来制定新一代的IP协议,并在1995年底为它分配了版本号6,称为IPv6 ( 或 IPng ) 。
过渡机制概述我们面临的主要问题不是IPv6本身的问题,而是如何渐进的、无伤害的由基于IPv4的网络过渡到基于IPv6的网络,同时尽可能减少过渡的成本的问题,SIT ( Simple Internet Transition ) 阐述了过渡的要求。
解决过渡问题的成熟的基本技术主要有三种:1. 双协议栈 ( Dual Stack, RFC2893 )主机同时运行IPv4和IPv6两套协议栈,同时支持两套协议2. 隧道技术 ( Tunnel, RFC2893 )这种机制用来在IPv4网络之上连接IPv6的站点,站点可以是一台主机,也可以是多个主机。
关键词 ipv4;ipv6;过渡;接入中图分类号tp393 文献标识码a 文章编号 1674-6708(2013)96-0219-021 背景随着以ipv4(internet portocol version 4)为基础的互联网的发展,用户快速增加,ipv4地址数已经分配殆尽。
ipv6(internet portocol version 6)作为业界公认的用以替代ipv4的技术,正在扩展其部署范围。
2 现状和问题在ipv4向ipv6过渡的初期,因特网服务提供商(internet service provider,isp)通常为用户提供ipv4和ipv6双栈接入。
正是由于以上这些原因,一方面,即使isp提供了ipv6网络接入——外网支持ipv6,内容提供商(content provider,cp)支持使用ipv6访问——应用服务器支持ipv6,这些资源也将闲置或无法充分利用,造成了浪费。
【IPv6】NAT-PT for IPv6机制详解及实验
二、NAT-PT配置及原理2.1 静态NAT-PT1、静态NAT-PT(单向)A和B的配置都极其简单A的配置:interface FastEthernet0/0ipv6 enableipv6 address 2001:1::1/64ipv6 route ::/0 2001:1::FFFFB的配置如下:interface FastEthernet0/0ip address route的配置如下:ipv6 unicast-routing!interface FastEthernet0/0 !! 连接A的接口ipv6 enableipv6 address 2001:1::FFFF/64ipv6 nat!interface FastEthernet1/0ip address nat!ipv6 nat prefix 2001:2::/96 !! 是一个为NAT-PT预留的池ipv6 nat v6v4 source 2001:1::1 !! 相当于将2001:1::1这个IPv6的节点,“告知”给IPv4单协议网络中的用户知道,可以以202.101.100.100的方式访问。
目前过渡问题成熟的技术方案基本分为三种:[1] 双协议栈( Dual Stack, RFC2893 ):主机同时运行IPv4和IPv6两套协议栈,同时支持两套协议[2] 隧道技术( Tunnel, RFC2893 ):这种机制用来在IPv4网络之上连接IPv6的站点,站点可以是一台主机,也可以是多个主机。
隧道技术将IPv6的分组封装到IPv4的分组中,封装后的IPv4分组将通过IPv4的路由体系传输,分组报头的"协议" 域设置为41,指示这个分组的负载是一个IPv6的分组,以便在适当的地方恢复出被封装的IPv6分组并传送给目的站点。
根据封装/解封装操作发生位置的不同,隧道可以分为四种:λ路由器到路由器( Router-to-Router )λ主机到路由器( Host-to-Router )λ主机到主机( Host-to-Host )λ路由器到主机( Router-to-Host )根据建立方式的不同,隧道又可以分成两类:λ (手工)配置的隧道( Configured Tunnel )λ自动配置的隧道( Auto-configured Tunnel )[3] 翻译技术,最具代表性的是NAT-PT ( Network Address Translation - Protocol Translation,RFC2766 ):利用转换网关来在IPv4和IPv6网络之间转换IP报头的地址,同时根据协议不同对分组做相应的语义翻译,从而使纯IPv4和纯IPv6站点之间能够透明通信。
过渡解决方案【方案简介】IPv6 虚拟接入解决方案是建立在虚拟网络(VPN)之上的隧道型IPv6过渡综合解决方案。
第4章 网络地址转换(NAT)
为了缓解公用IP地址的不足,并且保护公司内部服务器的私网地址,可以使用NAT(Network Address Translation,网络地址转换)技术将私网地址转化成为公网地址,缓解IP地址的不足,并且隐藏内部服务器的私网地址。
2.NAT的实现方式NAT的实现方式有以下三种:静态转换(Static Translation)动态转换(Dynamic Translation)端口多路复用(Port Address Translation,PAT)静态转换IP地址的对应关系是一对一且不变的,并没有节约公用IP地址,只是隐藏了主机的真实地址。
IPv4向IPv6的过渡策略作者:张建立来源:《信息安全与技术》2013年第08期【摘要】本文简单介绍了IPv6协议,并阐述了在现阶段IPv4与IPv6共存的情况下,IPv4 向IPv6过渡的三种较为成熟的双协议栈技术、隧道技术和NAT-PT技术,最后概括了过渡策略的演进。
【关键词】 IPv6;双协议栈;NAT-PT1 前言近年来,互联网的迅猛发展导致了IP地址资源的紧张。
2 IPv6协议概述2.1 IPv6的报头格式净荷长度。
长度为1 6位,其中包括包净荷的字节长度,即IPv6头后的包中包含的字节数。
1、NAT原理1.1、概述RFC1631、RFC3022以及相关RFC定义的NA T(Network Address Translator)是一种将IP地址从一个编址域映射到另一个编址域的方法,典型的应用是把RFC1918定义的私有IP 地址映射到Internet所使用的公有IP地址。
NA T与网络中其它计算设备的关系如图1.1。
虽然NA T技术已经得到广泛应用,但它是一把双刃剑,在带来节省IPv4地址空间等好处的同时,破坏了Internet最基本的“端到端的透明性”的设计理念,增加了网络的复杂性,阻碍了业务的创新。
IETF一直主张利用IPv6技术解决地址短缺问题,因此IETF虽然出版了几个与NA T相关的RFC,但对NA T技术(尤其是穿越问题)一直没有系统的标准工作,如SIP和Mobile IP就是NA T出现后设计的一些协议,都未考虑到NA T的穿越问题。
现在业界意识到Internet 在短期内不可能过渡到IPv6,IPv4和IPv6将长期共存,NA T以及NA T-PT(Network Address Translation - Protocol Translation)将继续得到长期应用,因此NA T相关问题开始引起IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)和ITU-T(International Telecommunication Union)等相关国际标准化组织的关注。
中国通信标准化协会IP与多媒体工作委员会也正在积极参与ITU-T SG16组的相关活动,加紧制定中国多媒体业务NA T穿越标准[1]。
说明:ICD:Inner Computing Device,内部计算设备,内部主机,内网主机OCD:Outer Computing Device,外部计算设备,外部主机,外网主机ICD和OCD是相对而言的,OCD也可能在1个或多个NAT后面图1.1 NA T与计算设备的关系1.2、分类从功能上看,主要有以下几种典型的NA T(RFC2663),如图1.2)。
模块十一 NATInternet 技术的飞速进展,使愈来愈多的用户加入到互联网,因此IP 地址欠缺已成为一个十分突出的问题。
NAT(Network Address Translation,网络地址翻译)是解决 IP 地址欠缺的重要手腕。
第一讲 NAT 概述NAT 是一个 IETF 标准,许诺一个机构以一个地址出此刻 Internet上。
NAT 技术使得一个私有网络能够通过 Internet 注册 IP 连接到外部世界,位于 Inside 网络和 Outside 网络中的 NAT 路由器在发送数据包之前,负责把内部 IP 地址翻译成外部合法 IP 地址。
NAT 将每一个局域网节点的 IP 地址转换成一个合法 IP 地址,反之亦然。
它也能够应用到防火墙技术里,把个别 IP 地址隐藏起来不被外界发觉,对内部网络设备起到爱惜的作用,同时,它还帮忙网络能够超越地址的限制,合理地安排网络中的公有 Internet 地址和私有 IP 地址的利用。
NAT 有三种类型:静态 NAT、动态 NAT 和端口地址转换(PAT)。
1.静态 NAT静态 NAT 中,内部网络中的每一个主机都被永久映射成外部网络中的某个合法的地址。
若是内部网络有 E-mail 效劳器或 FTP 效劳器等能够为外部用户提供的效劳,这些效劳器的 IP 地址必需采纳静态地址转换,以便外部用户能够利用这些效劳。
2.动态 NAT动态 NAT 第一要概念合法地址池,然后采纳动态分派的方式映射到内部网络。
动态 NAT 是动态一对一的映射。
3.PATPAT 那么是把内部地址映射到外部网络的 IP 地址的不同端口上,从而能够实现多对一的映射。
PAT 关于节省 IP 地址是最为有效的。
第二讲实验 1:静态 NAT 配置1. 实验目的通过本实验能够把握(1)静态 NAT 的特点。
NAT基本知识及其配置、无线接入模块、广域网接入引入:通过讲述网络地址的用尽带来的影响,如何解决网络地址少的问题,将课堂引入到NAT 知识上来,描述IPV6的相关信息,提高学生的积极性。
新授:一、NAT基本知识网络地址转换(NAT,Network Address Translation)属接入广域网(WAN)技术,是一种将私有(保留)地址转化为合法IP地址的转换技术,它被广泛应用于各种类型Internet接入方式和各种类型的网络中。
概述:NAT(Network Address Translation,网络地址转换)是将IP 数据包头中的IP 地址转换为另一个IP 地址的过程。
在实际应用中,NAT 主要用于实现私有网络访问公共网络的功能。
这种通过使用少量的公有IP 地址代表较多的私有IP 地址的方式,将有助于减缓可用IP地址空间的枯竭。
说明:私有IP 地址是指内部网络或主机的IP 地址,公有IP 地址是指在因特网上全球唯一的IP 地址。
RFC 1918 为私有网络预留出了三个IP 地址块,如下:A 类: 类: 类:上述三个范围内的地址不会在因特网上被分配,因此可以不必向ISP 或注册中心申请而在公司或企业内部自由使用。
实现方式:NAT的实现方式有三种,即静态转换Static Nat、动态转换Dynamic Nat和端口多路复用OverLoad。
• 第一步:至少指定一个内部接口和一个外部接口, 并执行命令ip nat { inside | outside }。 • 第二步:使用全局命令ip nat inside source static { tcp | udp } local-ip local-port { interface interface | global-ip } global-port指定静态PAT条目。
入口数据包 Y Match Y 有匹配条目吗? N Permit? N
策略路由? N
策 Y 略 Set 路 由
• 逐包模式
• 流模式
第一个包查路由转发表,如果存在路由,将该路由项以 source、dest、tos、入接口等索引放置到cache中,以后同 样的流就可以直接查cache
• 第三步:使用命令ip nat pool pool-name start-ip end-ip { netmask netmask | prefix-length prefix-length } 定义一个地址池,用于转换地址。
• 第四步:使用命令ip nat inside source list access-list-number { interface interface | pool pool-name }将符合访问控制列表条件的内部本地地址 转换到地址池中的内部全局地址。
• NAPT是NAT的一种实现形式,NAPT利用不同 的端口号将多个内部IP地址转换为一个外部 IP地址,NAPT也称为PAT或端口级复用NAT, 分为静态和动态NAPT。
NAT(Network Address Translation)与PAT(Port Address Translation)
IP地址耗尽促成了CIDR的开发,但是CIDR开发的主要目的是为了有效的使用现有的INTERNET地址,而同时根据RFC1631(IP NETWORK ADDRESS TRANSLATOR)开发的NAT却可以在多重的INTERNET子网中使用相同的IP地址,用来减少注册IP地址的使用。
也就是采用port multiplexing 技术,或改变外出数据的源port的技术将多个内部ip地址映射到同一个外部地址。
网络地址转换 (NAT) 是一个 Internet 工程任务组 (Internet Engineering Task Force,IETF) 标准,用于允许专用网络上的多台 PC (使用专用地址段,例如 10.0.x.x、192.168.x.x、172.x.x.x) 共享单个、全局路由的 IPv4 地址。
IPv4 地址日益不足是经常部署 NAT 的一个主要原因。
Windows XP 和 Windows Me 中的“Internet 连接共享”及许多 Internet 网关设备都使用 NAT,尤其是在通过 DSL 或电缆调制解调器连接宽带网的情况下。
NAT 对于解决 IPv4 地址耗费问题 (在 IPv6 部署中却没必要) 尽管很有效,但毕竟属于临时性的解决方案。
这种 IPv4 地址占用问题在亚洲及世界其他一些地方已比较严重,且日渐成为北美地区需要关注的问题。
一、IP地址的使用范围1. 公有IP地址公有IP地址分配给互联网上的网络设备,以实现其与其他设备的通信。
2. 私有IP地址私有IP地址是专门用于内部网络的。
其范围定义在了Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF)的RFC 1918中。
二、私有IP地址的保留范围1. -地址以10开头的范围属于私有IP地址,可供大型企业或组织使用。
2. -地址以172.16开头至172.31结尾的范围也属于私有IP地址,常用于中小型企业或组织。
3. -地址以192.168开头的范围同样被保留为私有IP地址,广泛应用于家庭网络和小型办公环境中。
三、保留地址的作用1. 内部网络通信私有IP地址的保留范围提供了有限的IP资源,可以为内部网络的设备提供唯一的标识,以实现内部通信、网络管理和资源共享。
2. 网络安全利用私有IP地址,内部网络设备能够在公共互联网上隐藏起来,增强了网络的安全性。
3. NAT(Network Address Translation,网络地址转换)功能私有IP地址与公有IP地址之间可以通过网络地址转换实现连接,这种技术被广泛应用于家庭网络和企业网络中。
CISCO路由器配置手册返回教程第一章路由器配置基础一、基本设置方式二、命令状态三、设置对话过程四、常用命令五、配置IP寻址六、配置静态路由第二章广域网协议设置一、HDLC二、PPP三、X.25四、Frame Relay五、ISDN六、PSTN第三章路由协议设置一、RIP协议二、IGRP协议三、OSPF协议四、重新分配路由五、IPX协议设置第四章服务质量及访问控制一、协议优先级设置二、队列定制三、访问控制第五章虚拟局域网(VLAN)路由一、虚拟局域网(VLAN)二、交换机间链路(ISL)协议三、虚拟局域网(VLAN)路由实例参考第一章路由器配置基础一、基本设置方式一般来说,可以用5种方式来设置路由器:1.Console口接终端或运行终端仿真软件的微机;2.AUX口接MODEM,通过电话线与远方的终端或运行终端仿真软件的微机相连;3.通过Ethernet上的TFTP服务器;4.通过Ethernet上的TELNET程序;5.通过Ethernet上的SNMP网管工作站。
但路由器的第一次设置必须通过第一种方式进行,此时终端的硬件设置如下:波特率:9600数据位:8停止位:1奇偶校验: 无二、命令状态1.router>路由器处于用户命令状态,这时用户可以看路由器的连接状态,访问其它网络和主机,但不能看到和更改路由器的设置内容。
3.router(config)#在router#提示符下键入configure terminal,出现提示符router(config)#,此时路由器处于全局设置状态,这时可以设置路由器的全局参数。
4.router(config-if)#; router(config-line)#; router(config-router)#;…路由器处于局部设置状态,这时可以设置路由器某个局部的参数。
一、NAT简介:1.NAT(Network Address Translation)网络地址转换。
2.最早出现在思科11.2 IOS中,定义在RFC1631和RFC3022中。
二、NAT术语:比较难理解,所以这里用最明了的语言总结如下1.内部本地地址(inside local address ):局域网内部主机的地址,通常是RFC1918地址空间中的地址,称为私有地址。
(待转换的地址)2.内部全局地址(inside global address):内部本地地址被NAT路由器转换后的地址,通常是一个可路由的公网地址。
3.外部全局地址(outside global address):是与内部主机通信的目标主机的地址,通常是一个可路由的公网地址。
4.外部本地地址(outside local address):是目标主机可路由的公网地址被转换之后的地址,通常是RFC1918地址空间中的地址。
如图所示:PC1地址:地址: E0/0地址: S0/0地址: S0/0地址: E0/0地址:地址: (模拟公网服务器)各接口地址按上面配置好之后,在R1和R2上配置路由(注意不要为192.1 68.0.0网络增加路由项,因为私有网络不可以出现在公网路由表中,不然也不叫私有地址了)路由配置好之后在R1上可以ping通PC3,但是PC1只能ping到R1的S 0/0,再向前就ping不通了。
操作手册 IP业务分册 NAT-PT 目录目录第1章 NAT-PT配置................................................................................................................1-11.1 NAT-PT简介.......................................................................................................................1-11.1.1 NAT-PT机制............................................................................................................1-21.1.2 NAT-PT实现过程.....................................................................................................1-21.1.3 协议规范..................................................................................................................1-31.2 NAT-PT配置任务简介........................................................................................................1-31.3 配置NAT-PT.......................................................................................................................1-41.3.1 配置准备..................................................................................................................1-41.3.2 使能NAT-PT功能.....................................................................................................1-41.3.3 配置NAT-PT前缀.....................................................................................................1-41.3.4 配置IPv4侧报文的映射...........................................................................................1-51.3.5 配置IPv6侧报文的映射...........................................................................................1-61.3.6 配置不同协议报文的NAT-PT有效时间....................................................................1-71.3.7 配置会话的最大数量................................................................................................1-81.3.8 配置NAT-PT转换后报文的ToS/Traffic Class字段值................................................1-81.4 NAT-PT显示和维护............................................................................................................1-91.5 NAT-PT典型配置举例........................................................................................................1-91.5.1 配置IPv6侧动态映射...............................................................................................1-91.5.2 配置IPv4侧静态映射和IPv6侧静态映射...............................................................1-111.6 常见配置错误举例............................................................................................................1-13本文中标有“请以实际情况为准”的特性描述,表示各型号对于此特性的支持情况可能不同,本节将对此进行说明。
【IPv6】NAT-PT for IPv6一、机制概述RFC2766、RFC2765。
二、NAT-PT配置及原理2.1 静态NAT-PT1、静态NAT-PT(单向)A和B的配置都极其简单A的配置:interface FastEthernet0/0ipv6 enableipv6 address 2001:1::1/64ipv6 route ::/0 2001:1::FFFFB的配置如下:interface FastEthernet0/0ip address route的配置如下:ipv6 unicast-routing!interface FastEthernet0/0 !! 连接A的接口ipv6 enableipv6 address 2001:1::FFFF/64ipv6 nat!interface FastEthernet1/0ip address nat!ipv6 nat prefix 2001:2::/96 !! 是一个为NAT-PT预留的池ipv6 nat v6v4 source 2001:1::1 !! 相当于将2001:1::1这个IPv6的节点,“告知”给IPv4单协议网络中的用户知道,可以以202.101.100.100的方式访问。
计算机与现代化 2007年第3期J I S UANJ I Y U X I A NDA I HUA总第139期文章编号:100622475(2007)0320090203收稿日期:2006204211作者简介:熊英(19772),女,湖北浠水人,湖北工业大学计算机学院,讲师,硕士,研究方向:计算机网络。
基于S N MP 的M I B 库访问熊 英(湖北工业大学计算机学院,湖北武汉430068)摘要:M I B 库的访问是实现网络管理的关键。
本文简要概述了S NM P 协议及网络管理信息库,利用W inS NMP AP I 实现了基于S NMP 的M I B 库的访问,从而进一步实施网络管理的各项功能。
关键词:S NM P;M I B ;W inS NMP中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:AI m plem en t a ti on of Accessi n g M I B Ba sed on SN M PX I O NG Ying(School of Computer Science,Hubei University of Technol ogy,W uhan 430068,China )Abstract:M I B is the key t o realize the whole net w ork management .Si m p le Net w ork Manage ment Pr ot ocol and M I B are briefly in 2tr oduced .Based on S NMP,an access t o M I B is i m p le mented by using W inS NMP AP I .Theref ore,more functi ons of net w ork manage ment will be i m p r oved .Key words:S NMP;M I B ;W inS NMP0 引 言采用网络管理技术开发先进的网络系统,能够有效地监控网络,保证信息稳定、可靠的传输。
rfc3715.IPsec-Network Address Translation (NAT) Compatibility Requirements
Network Working Group B. Aboba Request for Comments: 3715 W. Dixon Category: Informational Microsoft March 2004 IPsec-Network Address Translation (NAT) Compatibility Requirements Status of this MemoThis memo provides information for the Internet community. It doesnot specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of thismemo is unlimited.Copyright NoticeCopyright (C) The Internet Society (2004). All Rights Reserved. AbstractThis document describes known incompatibilities between NetworkAddress Translation (NAT) and IPsec, and describes the requirementsfor addressing them. Perhaps the most common use of IPsec is inproviding virtual private networking capabilities. One very popular use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) is to provide telecommuteraccess to the corporate Intranet. Today, NATs are widely deployed in home gateways, as well as in other locations likely to be used bytelecommuters, such as hotels. The result is that IPsec-NATincompatibilities have become a major barrier in the deployment ofIPsec in one of its principal uses.Aboba & Dixon Informational [Page 1]Table of Contents1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.1. Requirements Language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. Known Incompatibilities between NA(P)T and IPsec . . . . . . . 3 2.1. Intrinsic NA(P)T Issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2. NA(P)T Implementation Weaknesses . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.3. Helper Incompatibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83. Requirements for IPsec-NAT Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . 84. Existing Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4.1. IPsec Tunnel Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4.2. RSIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.3. 6to4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135. Security Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 6.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178. Authors’ Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . Full Copyright Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1. IntroductionPerhaps the most common use of IPsec [RFC2401] is in providingvirtual private networking (VPN) capabilities. One very popular use of VPNs is to provide telecommuter access to the corporate Intranet. Today, Network Address Translations (NATs) as described in [RFC3022] and [RFC2663], are widely deployed in home gateways, as well as inother locations likely to be used by telecommuters, such as hotels.The result is that IPsec-NAT incompatibilities have become a majorbarrier in the deployment of IPsec in one of its principal uses.This document describes known incompatibilities between NAT andIPsec, and describes the requirements for addressing them.1.1. Requirements LanguageIn this document, the key words "MAY", "MUST, "MUST NOT", "optional", "recommended", "SHOULD", and "SHOULD NOT", are to be interpreted asdescribed in [RFC2119].Please note that the requirements specified in this document are tobe used in evaluating protocol submissions. As such, therequirements language refers to capabilities of these protocols; the protocol documents will specify whether these features are required, recommended, or optional. For example, requiring that a protocolsupport confidentiality is not the same thing as requiring that allprotocol traffic be encrypted.Aboba & Dixon Informational [Page 2]A protocol submission is not compliant if it fails to satisfy one or more of the MUST or MUST NOT requirements for the capabilities thatit implements. A protocol submission that satisfies all the MUST,MUST NOT, SHOULD, and SHOULD NOT requirements for its capabilities is said to be "unconditionally compliant"; one that satisfies all theMUST and MUST NOT requirements, but not all the SHOULD or SHOULD NOT requirements for its protocols is said to be "conditionallycompliant."2. Known Incompatibilities between NA(P)T and IPsecThe incompatibilities between NA(P)T and IPsec can be divided intothree categories:1) Intrinsic NA(P)T issues. These incompatibilities derive directly from the NA(P)T functionality described in [RFC3022]. Theseincompatibilities will therefore be present in any NA(P)T device.2) NA(P)T implementation weaknesses. These incompatibilities are not intrinsic to NA(P)T, but are present in many NA(P)Timplementations. Included in this category are problems inhandling inbound or outbound fragments. Since these issues arenot intrinsic to NA(P)T, they can, in principle, be addressed infuture NA(P)T implementations. However, since the implementation problems appear to be wide spread, they need to be taken intoaccount in a NA(P)T traversal solution.3) Helper issues. These incompatibilities are present in NA(P)Tdevices which attempt to provide for IPsec NA(P)T traversal.Ironically, this "helper" functionality creates furtherincompatibilities, making an already difficult problem harder tosolve. While IPsec traversal "helper" functionality is notpresent in all NA(P)Ts, these features are becoming sufficientlypopular that they also need to be taken into account in a NA(P)Ttraversal solution.2.1. Intrinsic NA(P)T IssuesIncompatibilities that are intrinsic to NA(P)T include:a) Incompatibility between IPsec AH [RFC2402] and NAT. Since the AH header incorporates the IP source and destination addresses in the keyed message integrity check, NAT or reverse NAT devices makingchanges to address fields will invalidate the message integritycheck. Since IPsec ESP [RFC2406] does not incorporate the IPsource and destination addresses in its keyed message integritycheck, this issue does not arise for ESP.Aboba & Dixon Informational [Page 3]b) Incompatibility between checksums and NAT. TCP and UDP checksums have a dependency on the IP source and destination addressesthrough inclusion of the "pseudo-header" in the calculation. As a result, where checksums are calculated and checked upon receipt,they will be invalidated by passage through a NAT or reverse NATdevice.As a result, IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) will only pass through a NAT unimpeded if TCP/UDP protocols are not involved (as in IPsec tunnel mode or IPsec protected GRE), or checksums are not calculated (as is possible with IPv4 UDP). As described in[RFC793], TCP checksum calculation and verification is required in IPv4. UDP/TCP checksum calculation and verification is requiredin IPv6.Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), as defined in[RFC2960] and [RFC3309], uses a CRC32C algorithm calculated onlyon the SCTP packet (common header + chunks), so that the IP header is not covered. As a result, NATs do not invalidate the SCTP CRC, and the problem does not arise.Note that since transport mode IPsec traffic is integrityprotected and authenticated using strong cryptography,modifications to the packet can be detected prior to checkingUDP/TCP checksums. Thus, checksum verification only providesassurance against errors made in internal processing.c) Incompatibility between IKE address identifiers and NAT. Where IP addresses are used as identifiers in Internet Key ExchangeProtocol (IKE) Phase 1 [RFC2409] or Phase 2, modification of theIP source or destination addresses by NATs or reverse NATs willresult in a mismatch between the identifiers and the addresses in the IP header. As described in [RFC2409], IKE implementations are required to discard such packets.In order to avoid use of IP addresses as IKE Phase 1 and Phase 2identifiers, userIDs and FQDNs can be used instead. Where userauthentication is desired, an ID type of ID_USER_FQDN can be used, as described in [RFC2407]. Where machine authentication isdesired, an ID type of ID_FQDN can be used. In either case, it is necessary to verify that the proposed identifier is authenticated as a result of processing an end-entity certificate, ifcertificates are exchanged in Phase 1. While use of USER_FQDN or FQDN identity types is possible within IKE, there are usagescenarios (e.g. Security Policy Database (SPD) entries describing subnets) that cannot be accommodated this way.Aboba & Dixon Informational [Page 4]Since the source address in the Phase 2 identifier is often usedto form a full 5-tuple inbound SA selector, the destinationaddress, protocol, source port and destination port can be used in the selector so as not to weaken inbound SA processing.d) Incompatibility between fixed IKE source ports and NAPT. Wheremultiple hosts behind the NAPT initiate IKE SAs to the sameresponder, a mechanism is needed to allow the NAPT to demultiplex the incoming IKE packets from the responder. This is typicallyaccomplished by translating the IKE UDP source port on outboundpackets from the initiator. Thus responders must be able toaccept IKE traffic from a UDP source port other than 500, and must reply to that port. Care must be taken to avoid unpredictablebehavior during re-keys. If the floated source port is not usedas the destination port for the re-key, the NAT may not be able to send the re-key packets to the correct destination.e) Incompatibilities between overlapping SPD entries and NAT. Where initiating hosts behind a NAT use their source IP addresses inPhase 2 identifiers, they can negotiate overlapping SPD entrieswith the same responder IP address. The responder could then send packets down the wrong IPsec SA. This occurs because to theresponder, the IPsec SAs appear to be equivalent, since they exist between the same endpoints and can be used to pass the sametraffic.f) Incompatibilities between IPsec SPI selection and NAT. SinceIPsec ESP traffic is encrypted and thus opaque to the NAT, the NAT must use elements of the IP and IPsec header to demultiplexincoming IPsec traffic. The combination of the destination IPaddress, security protocol (AH/ESP), and IPsec SPI is typicallyused for this purpose.However, since the outgoing and incoming SPIs are chosenindependently, there is no way for the NAT to determine whatincoming SPI corresponds to what destination host merely byinspecting outgoing traffic. Thus, were two hosts behind the NAT to attempt to create IPsec SAs at the same destinationsimultaneously, it is possible that the NAT will deliver theincoming IPsec packets to the wrong destination.Note that this is not an incompatibility with IPsec per se, butrather with the way it is typically implemented. With both AH and ESP, the receiving host specifies the SPI to use for a given SA, a choice which is significant only to the receiver. At present, the combination of Destination IP, SPI, and Security Protocol (AH,ESP) uniquely identifies a Security Association. Also, SPI values in the range 1-255 are reserved to IANA and may be used in the Aboba & Dixon Informational [Page 5]future. This means that, when negotiating with the same external host or gateway, the internal hosts behind the same NAPT canselect the same SPI value, such that one host inbound SA is(SPI=470, Internal Dest IP= a different host inbound SA is(SPI=470, Internal Dest IP= receiving NAPT will not be able to determine which internalhost an inbound IPsec packet with SPI=470 should be forwarded to. It is also possible for the receiving host to allocate a uniqueSPI to each unicast Security Association. In this case, theDestination IP Address need only be checked to see if it is "anyvalid unicast IP for this host", not checked to see if it is thespecific Destination IP address used by the sending host. Usingthis technique, the NA(P)T can be assured of a low but non-zerochance of forwarding packets to the wrong internal host, even when two or more hosts establish SAs with the same external host.This approach is completely backwards compatible, and onlyrequires the particular receiving host to make a change to its SPI allocation and IPsec_esp_input() code. However, NA(P)T devicesmay not be able to detect this behavior without problemsassociated with parsing IKE payloads. And a host may still berequired to use a SPI in the IANA reserved range for the assigned purpose.g) Incompatibilities between embedded IP addresses and NAT. Sincethe payload is integrity protected, any IP addresses enclosedwithin IPsec packets will not be translatable by a NAT. Thisrenders ineffective Application Layer Gateways (ALGs) implemented within NATs. Protocols that utilize embedded IP addresses include FTP, IRC, SNMP, LDAP, H.323, SIP, SCTP (optionally), and manygames. To address this issue, it is necessary to install ALGs on the host or security gateway that can operate on applicationtraffic prior to IPsec encapsulation and after IPsecdecapsulation.h) Implicit directionality of NA(P)T. NA(P)Ts often require aninitial outbound packet to flow through them in order to create an inbound mapping state. Directionality prohibits unsolicitedestablishment of IPsec SAs to hosts behind the NA(P)T.i) Inbound SA selector verification. Assuming IKE negotiates phase 2 selectors, inbound SA processing will drop the decapsulatedpacket, since [RFC2401] requires a packet’s source address matchthe SA selector value, which NA(P)T processing of an ESP packetwould change.Aboba & Dixon Informational [Page 6]2.2. NA(P)T Implementation WeaknessesImplementation problems present in many NA(P)Ts include:j) Inability to handle non-UDP/TCP traffic. Some NA(P)Ts discardnon-UDP/TCP traffic or perform address-only translation when only one host is behind the NAT. Such NAPTs are unable to enable SCTP, ESP (protocol 50), or AH (protocol 51) traffic.k) NAT mapping timeouts. NA(P)Ts vary in the time for which a UDPmapping will be maintained in the absence of traffic. Thus, even where IKE packets can be correctly translated, the translationstate may be removed prematurely.l) Inability to handle outgoing fragments. Most NA(P)Ts can properly fragment outgoing IP packets in the case where the IP packet size exceeds the MTU on the outgoing interface. However, propertranslation of outgoing packets that are already fragmented isdifficult and most NAPTs do not handle this correctly. As notedin Section 6.3 of [RFC3022], where two hosts originate fragmented packets to the same destination, the fragment identifiers canoverlap. Since the destination host relies on the fragmentationidentifier and fragment offset for reassembly, the result will be data corruption. Few NA(P)Ts protect against identifiercollisions by supporting identifier translation. Identifiercollisions are not an issue when NATs perform the fragmentation,since the fragment identifier need only be unique within asource/destination IP address pair.Since a fragment can be as small as 68 octets [RFC791], there isno guarantee that the first fragment will contain a complete TCPheader. Thus, a NA(P)T looking to recalculate the TCP checksummay need to modify a subsequent fragment. Since fragments can be reordered, and IP addresses can be embedded and possibly evensplit between fragments, the NA(P)T will need to performreassembly prior to completing the translation. Few NA(P)Tssupport this.m) Inability to handle incoming fragments. Since only the firstfragment will typically contain a complete IP/UDP/SCTP/TCP header, NAPTs need to be able to perform the translation based on thesource/dest IP address and fragment identifier alone. Sincefragments can be reordered, the headers to a given fragmentidentifier may not be known if a subsequent fragment arrives prior to the initial one, and the headers may be split betweenfragments. As a result, the NAPT may need to perform reassemblyprior to completing the translation. Few NAPTs support this.Note that with NAT, the source/dest IP address is enough toAboba & Dixon Informational [Page 7]determine the translation so that this does not arise. However,it is possible for the IPsec or IKE headers to be split betweenfragments, so that reassembly may still be required.2.3. Helper IncompatibilitiesIncompatibilities between IPsec and NAT "helper" functionalityinclude:n) Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) header inspection. Today some NAT implementations attempt to use IKE cookies to de-multiplex incoming IKE traffic. As withsource-port de-multiplexing, IKE cookie de-multiplexing results in problems with re-keying, since Phase 1 re-keys typically will not use the same cookies as the earlier traffic.o) Special treatment of port 500. Since some IKE implementations are unable to handle non-500 UDP source ports, some NATs do nottranslate packets with a UDP source port of 500. This means that these NATs are limited to one IPsec client per destinationgateway, unless they inspect details of the ISAKMP header toexamine cookies which creates the problem noted above.p) ISAKMP payload inspection. NA(P)T implementations that attempt to parse ISAKMP payloads may not handle all payload orderingcombinations, or support vendor_id payloads for IKE optionnegotiation.3. Requirements for IPsec-NAT CompatibilityThe goal of an IPsec-NAT compatibility solution is to expand therange of usable IPsec functionality beyond that available in theNAT-compatible IPsec tunnel mode solution described in Section 2.3.In evaluating a solution to IPsec-NAT incompatibility, the following criteria should be kept in mind:DeploymentSince IPv6 will address the address scarcity issues thatfrequently lead to use of NA(P)Ts with IPv4, the IPsec-NATcompatibility issue is a transitional problem that needs to besolved in the time frame prior to widespread deployment of IPv6.Therefore, to be useful, an IPsec-NAT compatibility solution MUST be deployable on a shorter time scale than IPv6.Aboba & Dixon Informational [Page 8]Since IPv6 deployment requires changes to routers as well ashosts, a potential IPsec-NAT compatibility solution, whichrequires changes to both routers and hosts, will be deployable on approximately the same time scale as IPv6. Thus, an IPsec-NATcompatibility solution SHOULD require changes only to hosts, andnot to routers.Among other things, this implies that communication between thehost and the NA(P)T SHOULD NOT be required by an IPsec-NATcompatibility solution, since that would require changes to theNA(P)Ts, and interoperability testing between the host and NA(P)T implementations. In order to enable deployment in the short term, it is necessary for the solution to work with existing router and NA(P)T products within the deployed infrastructure.Protocol CompatibilityAn IPsec NAT traversal solution is not expected to resolve issues with protocols that cannot traverse NA(P)T when unsecured withIPsec. Therefore, ALGs may still be needed for some protocols,even when an IPsec NAT traversal solution is available.SecuritySince NA(P)T directionality serves a security function, IPsecNA(P)T traversal solutions should not allow arbitrary incomingIPsec or IKE traffic from any IP address to be received by a host behind the NA(P)T, although mapping state should be maintainedonce bidirectional IKE and IPsec communication is established.Telecommuter ScenarioSince one of the primary uses of IPsec is remote access tocorporate Intranets, a NA(P)T traversal solution MUST supportNA(P)T traversal, via either IPsec tunnel mode or L2TP over IPsec transport mode [RFC3193]. This includes support for traversal of more than one NA(P)T between the remote client and the VPNgateway.The client may have a routable address and the VPN gateway may be behind at least one NA(P)T, or alternatively, both the client and the VPN gateway may be behind one or more NA(P)Ts. Telecommuters may use the same private IP address, each behind their own NA(P)T, or many telecommuters may reside on a private network behind thesame NA(P)T, each with their own unique private address,connecting to the same VPN gateway. Since IKE uses UDP port 500as the destination, it is not necessary to enable multiple VPNgateways operating behind the same external IP address.Aboba & Dixon Informational [Page 9]Gateway-to-Gateway ScenarioIn a gateway-gateway scenario, a privately addressed network (DMZ) may be inserted between the corporate network and the Internet.In this design, IPsec security gateways connecting portions of the corporate network may be resident in the DMZ and have privateaddresses on their external (DMZ) interfaces. A NA(P)T connectsthe DMZ network to the Internet.End-to-End ScenarioA NAT-IPsec solution MUST enable secure host-host TCP/IPcommunication via IPsec, as well as host-gateway communications.A host on a private network MUST be able to bring up one ormultiple IPsec-protected TCP connections or UDP sessions toanother host with one or more NA(P)Ts between them. For example, NA(P)Ts may be deployed within branch offices connecting to thecorporate network, with an additional NA(P)T connecting thecorporate network to the Internet. Likewise, NA(P)Ts may bedeployed within a corporate network LAN or WAN to connect wireless or remote location clients to the corporate network. This mayrequire special processing of TCP and UDP traffic on the host.Bringing up SCTP connections to another host with one or more NA(P)Ts between them may present special challenges. SCTP supports multi-homing. If more than one IP address is used, these addresses aretransported as part of the SCTP packet during the association setup(in the INIT and INIT-ACK chunks). If only single homed SCTP end-points are used, [RFC2960] section states:Note that not using any IP address parameters in the INIT andINIT-ACK is an alternative to make an association more likelyto work across a NAT box.This implies that IP addresses should not be put into the SCTP packet unless necessary. If NATs are present and IP addresses are included, then association setup will fail. Recently [AddIP] has been proposed which allows the modification of the IP address once an associationis established. The modification messages have also IP addresses in the SCTP packet, and so will be adversely affected by NATs.Firewall CompatibilitySince firewalls are widely deployed, a NAT-IPsec compatibilitysolution MUST enable a firewall administrator to create simple,static access rule(s) to permit or deny IKE and IPsec NA(P)Ttraversal traffic. This implies, for example, that dynamicallocation of IKE or IPsec destination ports is to be avoided. Aboba & Dixon Informational [Page 10]ScalingAn IPsec-NAT compatibility solution should be capable of beingdeployed within an installation consisting of thousands oftelecommuters. In this situation, it is not possible to assumethat only a single host is communicating with a given destination at a time. Thus, an IPsec-NAT compatibility solution MUST address the issue of overlapping SPD entries and de-multiplexing ofincoming packets.Mode SupportAt a minimum, an IPsec-NAT compatibility solution MUST supporttraversal of the IKE and IPsec modes required for support within[RFC2409] and [RFC2401]. For example, an IPsec gateway MUSTsupport ESP tunnel mode NA(P)T traversal, and an IPsec host MUSTsupport IPsec transport mode NA(P)T traversal. The purpose of AH is to protect immutable fields within the IP header (includingaddresses), and NA(P)T translates addresses, invalidating the AHintegrity check. As a result, NA(P)T and AH are fundamentallyincompatible and there is no requirement that an IPsec-NATcompatibility solution support AH transport or tunnel mode.Backward Compatibility and InteroperabilityAn IPsec-NAT compatibility solution MUST be interoperable withexisting IKE/IPsec implementations, so that they can communicatewhere no NA(P)T is present. This implies that an IPsec-NATcompatibility solution MUST be backwards-compatible with IPsec as defined in [RFC2401] and IKE as defined in [RFC2409]. Inaddition, it SHOULD be able to detect the presence of a NA(P)T, so that NA(P)T traversal support is only used when necessary. Thisimplies that it MUST be possible to determine that an existing IKE implementation does not support NA(P)T traversal, so that astandard IKE conversation can occur, as described in [RFC2407],[RFC2408], and [RFC2409]. Note that while this implies initiation of IKE to port 500, there is no requirement for a specific source port, so that UDP source port 500 may or may not be used.SecurityAn IPsec-NAT compatibility solution MUST NOT introduce additional IKE or IPsec security vulnerabilities. For example, an acceptable solution must demonstrate that it introduces no new denial ofservice or spoofing vulnerabilities. IKE MUST be allowed to re-key in a bi-directional manner as described in [RFC2408].Aboba & Dixon Informational [Page 11]4. Existing Solutions4.1. IPsec Tunnel ModeIn a limited set of circumstances, it is possible for an IPsec tunnel mode implementation, such as that described in [DHCP], to traverseNA(P)T successfully. However, the requirements for successfultraversal are sufficiently limited so that a more general solution is needed:1) IPsec ESP. IPsec ESP tunnels do not cover the outer IP headerwithin the message integrity check, and so will not sufferAuthentication Data invalidation due to address translation.IPsec tunnels also need not be concerned about checksuminvalidation.2) No address validation. Most current IPsec tunnel modeimplementations do not perform source address validation so thatincompatibilities between IKE identifiers and source addresseswill not be detected. This introduces security vulnerabilities as described in Section 5.3) "Any to Any" SPD entries. IPsec tunnel mode clients can negotiate "any to any" SPDs, which are not invalidated by addresstranslation. This effectively precludes use of SPDs for thefiltering of allowed tunnel traffic.4) Single client operation. With only a single client behind a NAT, there is no risk of overlapping SPDs. Since the NAT will not need to arbitrate between competing clients, there is also no risk ofre-key mis-translation, or improper incoming SPI or cookiede-multiplexing.5) No fragmentation. When certificate authentication is used, IKEfragmentation can be encountered. This can occur when certificate chains are used, or even when exchanging a single certificate ifthe key size, or the size of other certificate fields (such as the distinguished name and other extensions), is large enough.However, when pre-shared keys are used for authentication,fragmentation is less likely.6) Active sessions. Most VPN sessions typically maintain ongoingtraffic flow during their lifetime so that UDP port mappings areless likely be removed due to inactivity.Aboba & Dixon Informational [Page 12]。
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Network Working Group G. Tsirtsis Request for Comments: 2766 BT Category: Standards Track P. Srisuresh Campio Communications February 2000 Network Address Translation - Protocol Translation (NAT-PT)Status of this MemoThis document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for theInternet community, and requests discussion and suggestions forimprovements. Please refer to the current edition of the "InternetOfficial Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization stateand status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.Copyright NoticeCopyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.AbstractThis document specifies an IPv4-to-IPv6 transition mechanism, inaddition to those already specified in [TRANS]. This solutionattempts to provide transparent routing, as defined in [NAT-TERM], to end-nodes in V6 realm trying to communicate with end-nodes in V4realm and vice versa. This is achieved using a combination of Network Address Translation and Protocol Translation. The scheme describeddoes not mandate dual-stacks (i.e., IPv4 as well as V6 protocolsupport) or special purpose routing requirements (such as requiringtunneling support) on end nodes. This scheme is based on acombination of address translation theme as described in [NAT-TERM]and V6/V4 protocol translation theme as described in [SIIT].AcknowledgementsSpecial thanks to Pedro Marques for reviewing an earlier version ofthis memo. Also, many thanks to Alan O’Neill and Martin Tatham, asthe mechanism described in this document was initially developedthrough discussions with them.Tsirtsis & Srisuresh Standards Track [Page 1]Table of Contents1. Introduction (2)2. Terminology (3)2.1 Network Address Translation (NAT) (4)2.2 NAT-PT flavors (4)2.2.1 Traditional-NAT-PT (4)2.2.2 Bi-directional-NAT-PT (5)2.3 Protocol Translation (PT) (5)2.4 Application Level Gateway (ALG) (5)2.5 Requirements (5)3. Traditional-NAT-PT operation (V6 to V4) (6)3.1 NAT-PT Outgoing Sessions (6)3.2 NAPT-PT Outgoing Sessions (7)4. Use of DNS-ALG for Address assignment (8)4.1 V4 Address Assignment for Incoming Connections (V4 to V6). 94.2 V4 Address Assignment for Outgoing Connections (V6 to V4). 115. Protocol Translation Details (12)5.1 Translating IPv4 Headers to IPv6 Headers (13)5.2 Translating IPv6 Headers to IPv4 Headers (13)5.3 TCP/UDP/ICMP Checksum Update (13)6. FTP Application Level Gateway (FTP-ALG) Support (14)6.1 Payload modifications for V4 originated FTP sessions (15)6.2 Payload modifications for V6 originated FTP sessions (16)6.3 Header updates for FTP control packets (16)7. NAT-PT Limitations and Future Work (17)7.1 Topology Limitations (17)7.2 Protocol Translation Limitations (17)7.3 Impact of Address Translation (18)7.4 Lack of End-to-End Security (18)7.5 DNS Translation and DNSSEC (18)8. Applicability Statement (18)9. Security Considerations (19)10. References (19)Authors’ Addresses (20)Full Copyright Statement (21)1. IntroductionIPv6 is a new version of the IP protocol designed to modernize IPv4which was designed in the 1970s. IPv6 has a number of advantages over IPv4 that will allow for future Internet growth and will simplify IP configuration and administration. IPv6 has a larger address spacethan IPv4, an addressing model that promotes aggressive routeaggregation and a powerful autoconfiguration mechanism. In time, it is expected that Internet growth and a need for a plug-and-playsolution will result in widespread adoption of IPv6.Tsirtsis & Srisuresh Standards Track [Page 2]There is expected to be a long transition period during which it will be necessary for IPv4 and IPv6 nodes to coexist and communicate. Astrong, flexible set of IPv4-to-IPv6 transition and coexistencemechanisms will be required during this transition period.The SIIT proposal [SIIT] describes a protocol translation mechanismthat allows communication between IPv6-only and IPv4-only nodes viaprotocol independent translation of IPv4 and IPv6 datagrams,requiring no state information for the session. The SIIT proposalassumes that V6 nodes are assigned a V4 address for communicatingwith V4 nodes, and does not specify a mechanism for the assignment of these addresses.NAT-PT uses a pool of V4 addresses for assignment to V6 nodes on adynamic basis as sessions are initiated across V4-V6 boundaries. The V4 addresses are assumed to be globally unique. NAT-PT with privateV4 addresses is outside the scope of this document and for furtherstudy. NAT-PT binds addresses in V6 network with addresses in V4network and vice versa to provide transparent routing [NAT-TERM] for the datagrams traversing between address realms. This requires nochanges to end nodes and IP packet routing is completely transparent [NAT-TERM] to end nodes. It does, however, require NAT-PT to trackthe sessions it supports and mandates that inbound and outbounddatagrams pertaining to a session traverse the same NAT-PT router.You will note that the topology restrictions on NAT-PT are the samewith those described for V4 NATs in [NAT-TERM]. Protocol translation details specified in [SIIT] would be used to extend addresstranslation with protocol syntax/semantics translation. A detailedapplicability statement for NAT-PT may be found at the end of thisdocument in section 7.By combining SIIT protocol translation with the dynamic addresstranslation capabilities of NAT and appropriate ALGs, NAT-PT provides a complete solution that would allow a large number of commonly used applications to interoperate between IPv6-only nodes and IPv4-onlyA fundamental assumption for NAT-PT is only to be use when no othernative IPv6 or IPv6 over IPv4 tunneled means of communication ispossible. In other words the aim is to only use translation betweenIPv6 only nodes and IPv4 only nodes, while translation between IPv6only nodes and the IPv4 part of a dual stack node should be avoidedover other alternatives.2. TerminologyThe majority of terms used in this document are borrowed almost as is from [NAT-TERM]. The following lists terms specific to this document. Tsirtsis & Srisuresh Standards Track [Page 3]2.1 Network Address Translation (NAT)The term NAT in this document is very similar to the IPv4 NATdescribed in [NAT-TERM], but is not identical. IPv4 NAT translatesone IPv4 address into another IPv4 address. In this document, NATrefers to translation of an IPv4 address into an IPv6 address andvice versa.While the V4 NAT [NAT-TERM] provides routing between private V4 andexternal V4 address realms, NAT in this document provides routingbetween a V6 address realm and an external V4 address realm.2.2 NAT-PT flavorsJust as there are various flavors identified with V4 NAT in [NAT-TERM], the following NAT-PT variations may be identified in thisdocument.2.2.1 Traditional NAT-PTTraditional-NAT-PT would allow hosts within a V6 network to accesshosts in the V4 network. In a traditional-NAT-PT, sessions are uni-directional, outbound from the V6 network. This is in contrast with Bi-directional-NAT-PT, which permits sessions in both inbound andoutbound directions.Just as with V4 traditional-NAT, there are two variations totraditional-NAT-PT, namely Basic-NAT-PT and NAPT-PT.With Basic-NAT-PT, a block of V4 addresses are set aside fortranslating addresses of V6 hosts as they originate sessions to theV4 hosts in external domain. For packets outbound from the V6 domain, the source IP address and related fields such as IP, TCP, UDP andICMP header checksums are translated. For inbound packets, thedestination IP address and the checksums as listed above aretranslated.NAPT-PT extends the notion of translation one step further by alsotranslating transport identifier (e.g., TCP and UDP port numbers,ICMP query identifiers). This allows the transport identifiers of anumber of V6 hosts to be multiplexed into the transport identifiersof a single assigned V4 address. NAPT-PT allows a set of V6 hosts to share a single V4 address. Note that NAPT-PT can be combined withBasic-NAT-PT so that a pool of external addresses are used inconjunction with port translation.Tsirtsis & Srisuresh Standards Track [Page 4]For packets outbound from the V6 network, NAPT-PT would translate the source IP address, source transport identifier and related fieldssuch as IP, TCP, UDP and ICMP header checksums. Transport identifier can be one of TCP/UDP port or ICMP query ID. For inbound packets, the destination IP address, destination transport identifier and the IPand transport header checksums are translated.2.2.2 Bi-Directional-NAT-PTWith Bi-directional-NAT-PT, sessions can be initiated from hosts inV4 network as well as the V6 network. V6 network addresses are bound to V4 addresses, statically or dynamically as connections areestablished in either direction. The name space (i.e., their FullyQualified Domain Names) between hosts in V4 and V6 networks isassumed to be end-to-end unique. Hosts in V4 realm access V6-realmhosts by using DNS for address resolution. A DNS-ALG [DNS-ALG] mustbe employed in conjunction with Bi-Directional-NAT-PT to facilitatename to address mapping. Specifically, the DNS-ALG must be capableof translating V6 addresses in DNS Queries and responses into theirV4-address bindings, and vice versa, as DNS packets traverse between V6 and V4 realms.2.3 Protocol Translation (PT)PT in this document refers to the translation of an IPv4 packet into a semantically equivalent IPv6 packet and vice versa. Protocoltranslation details are described in [SIIT].2.4 Application Level Gateway (ALG)Application Level Gateway (ALG) [NAT-TERM] is an application specific agent that allows a V6 node to communicate with a V4 node and viceversa. Some applications carry network addresses in payloads. NAT-PT is application unaware and does not snoop the payload. ALG could work in conjunction with NAT-PT to provide support for many suchapplications.2.5 RequirementsThe keywords MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD,SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, when they appear in this document, are to be interpreted as described in [KEYWORDS].Tsirtsis & Srisuresh Standards Track [Page 5]3. Traditional-NAT-PT Operation (V6 to V4)NAT-PT offers a straight forward solution based on transparentrouting [NAT-TERM] and address/protocol translation, allowing a large number of applications in V6 and V4 realms to inter-operate withoutrequiring any changes to these applications.In the following paragraphs we describe the operation oftraditional-NAT-PT and the way that connections can be initiated from a host in IPv6 domain to a host in IPv4 domain through atraditional-NAT-PT3.1 Basic-NAT-PT Operation[IPv6-B]-+| +==============+[IPv6-A]-+-[NAT-PT]---------| IPv4 network |--[IPv4-C]| +==============+(pool of v4 addresses)Figure 1: IPv6 to IPv4 communicationNode IPv6-A has an IPv6 address -> FEDC:BA98::7654:3210Node IPv6-B has an IPv6 address -> FEDC:BA98::7654:3211Node IPv4-C has an IPv4 address -> has a pool of addresses including the IPv4 subnet120.130.26/24The V4 addresses in the address pool could be allocated one-to-one to the V6 addresses of the V6 end nodes in which case one needs as many V4 addresses as V6 end points. In this document we assume that the V6 network has less V4 addresses than V6 end nodes and thus dynamicaddress allocation is required for at least some of them.Say the IPv6 Node A wants to communicate with the IPv4 Node C. Node A creates a packet with:Source Address, SA=FEDC:BA98::7654:3210 and DestinationAddress, DA = PREFIX:: The prefix PREFIX::/96 is advertised in the stub domain by the NAT-PT, and packets addressed to this PREFIX will be routed to theNAT-PT. The pre-configured PREFIX only needs to be routable withinthe IPv6 stub domain and as such it can be any routable prefix thatthe network administrator chooses.The packet is routed via the NAT-PT gateway, where it is translatedto IPv4.Tsirtsis & Srisuresh Standards Track [Page 6]If the outgoing packet is not a session initialisation packet, theNAT-PT SHOULD already have stored some state about the relatedsession, including assigned IPv4 address and other parameters for the translation. If this state does not exist, the packet SHOULD besilently discarded.If the packet is a session initialisation packet, the NAT-PT locally allocates an address (e.g: from its pool ofaddresses and the packet is translated to IPv4. The translationparameters are cached for the duration of the session and the IPv6 to IPv4 mapping is retained by NAT-PT.The resulting IPv4 packet has SA= and DA= Any returning traffic will be recognised as belonging to the samesession by NAT-PT. NAT-PT will use the state information to translate the packet, and the resulting addresses will beSA=PREFIX::, DA=FEDC:BA98::7654:3210. Note that thispacket can now be routed inside the IPv6-only stub network as normal.3.2 NAPT-PT OperationNAPT-PT, which stands for "Network Address Port Translation +Protocol Translation", would allow V6 nodes to communicate with theV4 nodes transparently using a single V4 address. The TCP/UDP portsof the V6 nodes are translated into TCP/UDP ports of the registeredV4 address.While NAT-PT support is limited to TCP, UDP and other portmultiplexing type of applications, NAPT-PT solves a problem that isinherent with NAT-PT. That is, NAT-PT would fall flat when the poolof V4 addresses assigned for translation purposes is exhausted. Once the address pool is exhausted, newer V6 nodes cannot establishsessions with the outside world anymore. NAPT-PT, on the other hand, will allow for a maximum of 63K TCP and 63K UDP sessions per IPv4address before having no TCP and UDP ports left to assign.To modify the example sited in figure 1, we could have NAPT-PT on the border router (instead of NAT-PT) and all V6 addresses could bemapped to a single v4 address Node A would establish a TCP session with the IPv4 Node C asfollows:Node A creates a packet with:Source Address, SA=FEDC:BA98::7654:3210 , source TCP port = 3017 and Destination Address, DA = PREFIX::, destination TCPport = 23.Tsirtsis & Srisuresh Standards Track [Page 7]When the packet reaches the NAPT-PT box, NAPT-PT would assign one of the TCP ports from the assigned V4 address to translate the tuple of (Source Address, Source TCP port) as follows:SA=, source TCP port = 1025 andDA=, destination TCP port = 23.The returning traffic from, TCP port 23 will berecognised as belonging to the same session and will be translatedback to V6 as follows:SA = PREFIX::, source TCP port = 23;DA = FEDC:BA98::7654:3210 , destination TCP port = 3017Inbound NAPT-PT sessions are restricted to one server per service,assigned via static TCP/UDP port mapping. For example, the Node[IPv6-A] in figure 1 may be the only HTTP server (port 80) in the V6 domain. Node [IPv4-C] sends a packet:SA=, source TCP port = 1025 andDA=, destination TCP port = 80NAPT-PT will translate this packet to:SA=PREFIX::, source TCP port = 1025DA=FEDC:BA98::7654:3210, destination TCP port = 80In the above example, note that all sessions which reach NAPT-PT with a destination port of 80 will be redirected to the same node [IPv6-A].4. Use of DNS-ALG for Address AssignmentAn IPv4 address is assigned by NAT-PT to a V6 node when NAT-PTidentifies the start of session, inbound or outbound. Identification of the start of a new inbound session is performed differently thanfor outbound sessions. However, the same V4 address pool is used for assignment to V6 nodes, irrespective of whether a session isinitiated outbound from a V6 node or initiated inbound from a V4node.Policies determining what type of sessions are allowed and in whichdirection and from/to which nodes is out of the scope of thisdocument.Tsirtsis & Srisuresh Standards Track [Page 8]IPv4 name to address mappings are held in the DNS with "A" records.IPv6 name to address mappings are at the moment held in the DNS with "AAAA" records. "A6" records have also been defined but at the timeof writing they are neither fully standardized nor deployed.In any case, the DNS-ALG’s principle of operation described in thissection is the same with either "AAAA" or "A6" records. The onlydifference is that a name resolution using "A6" records may requiremore than one query - reply pairs. The DNS-ALG SHOULD, in that case, track all the replies in the transaction before translating an "A6"record to an "A" record.One of the aims of NAT-PT design is to only use translation whenthere is no other means of communication, such as native IPv6 or some form of tunneling. For the following discussion NAT-PT, in additionto the IPv4 connectivity that it has it may also have a native IPv6and/or a tunneled IPv6 connection.4.1 V4 Address assignment for incoming connections (V4 to V6)[DNS]--+| [DNS]------[DNS]-------[DNS][IPv6-B]-+ | || +==============+ |[IPv6-A]-+----[NAT-PT]------| IPv4 network |--[IPv4-C]| +==============+(pool of v4 addresses)Figure 2: IPv4 to IPv6 communicationNode IPv6-A has an IPv6 address -> FEDC:BA98::7654:3210Node IPv6-B has an IPv6 address -> FEDC:BA98::7654:3211Node IPv4-C has an IPv4 address -> has a pool of addresses including the IPv4 subnet120.130.26/24In figure 2 above, when Node C’s name resolver sends a name look uprequest for Node A, the lookup query is directed to the DNS server on the V6 network. Considering that NAT-PT is residing on the borderrouter between V4 and V6 networks, this request datagram wouldtraverse through the NAT-PT router. The DNS-ALG on the NAT-PT device would modify DNS Queries for A records going into the V6 domain asfollows: (Note that a TCP/UDP DNS packet is recognised by the factthat its source or destination port number is 53)a) For Node Name to Node Address Query requests: Change the Query type from "A" to "AAAA" or "A6".Tsirtsis & Srisuresh Standards Track [Page 9]b) For Node address to Node name query requests: Replace thestring "IN-ADDR.ARPA" with the string "IP6.INT". Replace theV4 address octets (in reverse order) preceding the string "IN- ADDR.ARPA" with the corresponding V6 address (if there exists a map) octets in reverse order.In the opposite direction, when a DNS response traverses from the DNS server on the V6 network to the V4 node, the DNS-ALG once againintercepts the DNS packet and would:a) Translate DNS responses for "AAAA" or "A6" records into "A"records, (only translate "A6" records when the name hascompletely been resolved)b) Replace the V6 address resolved by the V6 DNS with the V4address internally assigned by the NAT-PT router.If a V4 address is not previously assigned to this V6 node, NAT-PTwould assign one at this time. As an example say IPv4-C attempts toinitialise a session with node IPv6-A by making a name lookup ("A"record) for Node-A . The name query goes to the local DNS and fromthere it is propagated to the DNS server of the IPv6 network. TheDNS-ALG intercepts and translates the "A" query to "AAAA" or "A6"query and then forwards it to the DNS server in the IPv6 networkwhich replies as follows: (The example uses AAAA records forconvenience)Node-A AAAA FEDC:BA98::7654:3210,this is returned by the DNS server and gets intercepted andtranslated by the DNS-ALG to:Node-A A DNS-ALG also holds the mapping between FEDC:BA98::7654:3210 and120.130.26.1 in NAT-PT. The "A" record is then returned to Node-C.Node-C can now initiate a session as follows:SA=, source TCP port = 1025 andDA=, destination TCP port = 80the packet will be routed to NAT-PT, which since it already holds amapping between FEDC:BA98::7654:3210 and can translate the packet to:SA=PREFIX::, source TCP port = 1025DA=FEDC:BA98::7654:3210, destination TCP port = 80the communication can now proceed as normal.Tsirtsis & Srisuresh Standards Track [Page 10]The TTL values on all DNS resource records (RRs) passing throughNAT-PT SHOULD be set to 0 so that DNS servers/clients do not cachetemporarily assigned RRs. Note, however, that due to some buggy DNSclient implementations a value of 1 might in some cases work better. The TTL values should be left unchanged for statically mappedaddresses.Address mappings for incoming sessions, as described above, aresubject to denial of service attacks since one can make multiplequeries for nodes residing in the V6 network causing the DNS-ALG tomap all V4 addresses in NAT-PT and thus block legitimate incomingsessions. Thus, address mappings for incoming sessions should timeout to minimise the effect of denial of service attacks.Additionally, one IPv4 address (using NAPT-PT, see 3.2) could bereserved for outgoing sessions only to minimise the effect of suchattacks to outgoing sessions.4.2 V4 Address assignment for outgoing connections (V6 to V4)V6 nodes learn the address of V4 nodes from the DNS server in the V4 domain or from the DNS server internal to the V6 network. Werecommend that DNS servers internal to V6 domains maintain a mapping of names to IPv6 addresses for internal nodes and possibly cachemappings for some external nodes. In the case where the DNS server in the v6 domain contains the mapping for external V4 nodes, the DNSqueries will not cross the V6 domain and that would obviate the need for DNS-ALG intervention. Otherwise, the queries will cross the V6domain and are subject to DNS-ALG intervention. We recommendexternal DNS servers in the V4 domain cache name mapping for external nodes (i.e., V4 nodes) only. Zone transfers across IPv4 - IPv6boundaries are strongly discouraged.In the case of NAPT-PT, a TCP/UDP source port is assigned from theregistered V4 address upon detection of each new outbound session.We saw that a V6 node that needs to communicate with a V4 node needs to use a specific prefix (PREFIX::/96) in front of the IPv4 addressof the V4 node. The above technique allows the use of this PREFIXwithout any configuration in the nodes.To create another example from Figure 2 say Node-A wants to set up a session with Node-C. For this Node-A starts by making a name look-up ("AAAA" or "A6" record) for Node-C.Since Node-C may have IPv6 and/or IPv4 addresses, the DNS-ALG on the NAT-PT device forwards the original AAAA/A6 query to the external DNS system unchanged, as well as an A query for the same node. If anAAAA/A6 record exists for the destination, this will be returned to Tsirtsis & Srisuresh Standards Track [Page 11]NAT-PT which will forward it, also unchanged, to the originatinghost.If there is an A record for Node-C the reply also returns to theNAT-PT. The DNS-ALG then, translates the reply adding the appropriate PREFIX and forwards it to the originating device with any IPv6addresses that might have learned. So, if the reply isNodeC A, it is translated toNodeC AAAA PREFIX:: or toNodeC A6 PREFIX:: Node A can use this address like any other IPv6 address and theV6 DNS server can even cache it as long as the PREFIX does notchange.An issue here is how the V6 DNS server in the V6 stub domain talks to the V4 domain outside the V6 stub domain. Remember that there are no dual stack nodes here. The external V4 DNS server needs to point to a V4 address, part of the V4 pool of addresses, available to NAT-PT.NAT-PT keeps a one-to-one mapping between this V4 address and the V6 address of the internal V6 DNS server. In the other direction, the V6 DNS server points to a V6 address formed by the IPv4 address of theexternal V4 DNS servers and the prefix (PREFIX::/96) that indicatesnon IPv6 nodes. This mechanism can easily be extended to accommodate secondary DNS servers.Note that the scheme described in this section impacts DNSSEC. Seesection 7.5 of this document for details.5. Protocol Translation DetailsThe IPv4 and ICMPv4 headers are similar to their V6 counterparts but a number of field are either missing, have different meaning ordifferent length. NAT-PT SHOULD translate all IP/ICMP headers from v4 to v6 and vice versa in order to make end-to-end IPv6 to IPv4communication possible. Due to the address translation function andpossible port multiplexing, NAT-PT SHOULD also make appropriateadjustments to the upper layer protocol (TCP/UDP) headers. A separate section on FTP-ALG describes the changes FTP-ALG would make to FTPpayload as an FTP packet traverses from V4 to V6 realm or vice versa. Protocol Translation details are described in [SIIT], but there aresome modifications required to SIIT because of the fact that NAT-PTalso performs Network Address Translation.Tsirtsis & Srisuresh Standards Track [Page 12]5.1 Translating IPv4 headers to IPv6 headersThis is done exactly the same as in SIIT apart from the followingfields:Source Address:The low-order 32 bits is the IPv4 source address. The high-order 96 bits is the designated PREFIX for all v4communications. Addresses using this PREFIX will be routedto the NAT-PT gateway (PREFIX::/96)Destination Address:NAT-PT retains a mapping between the IPv4 destinationaddress and the IPv6 address of the destination node. TheIPv4 destination address is replaced by the IPv6 addressretained in that mapping.5.2 Translating IPv6 headers to IPv4 headersThis is done exactly the same as in SIIT apart from the SourceAddress which should be determined as follows:Source Address:The NAT-PT retains a mapping between the IPv6 source addressand an IPv4 address from the pool of IPv4 addressesavailable. The IPv6 source address is replaced by the IPv4address retained in that mapping.Destination Address:IPv6 packets that are translated have a destination addressof the form PREFIX::IPv4/96. Thus the low-order 32 bits ofthe IPv6 destination address is copied to the IPv4destination address.5.3 TCP/UDP/ICMP Checksum UpdateNAT-PT retains mapping between IPv6 address and an IPv4 address from the pool of IPv4 addresses available. This mapping is used in thetranslation of packets that go through NAT-PT.The following sub-sections describe TCP/UDP/ICMP checksum updateprocedure in NAT-PT, as packets are translated from V4 to V6 and vice versa.Tsirtsis & Srisuresh Standards Track [Page 13]。