NSS Chem Part 3 Metals MC




m3 ℃
5 10.1(100 138 ℃)
比热 容 J/kg• ℃
弹性 模量 GPa
剪切模 量 GPa
电阻 率 μΩ•m
泊松 比
线膨胀系数 a/10-6℃-1
10.9(20~100℃ )
抗拉强度 σb/MPa
1、该合金具有良好的冷、热成形性能,钢锭锻造加热温度 1120℃。
4、表面处理工艺:除去合金表面氧化皮时先碱洗,再在销酸、氢氟酸 -水溶液中酸洗。
该合金是以钼铌为主要强化元素的固溶强化型镍基变形高温合金 ,具有优良的耐腐蚀和搞氧化性
Inconel625 NO6625(美国)、 NC22DNb(法国)、W.Nr.2.4856(德国)
NS336 化学成份:(GB/T14992-2005)资料参考:

合金 牌号
钼 N C F Mo
铌 Nb
碳锰硅 硫 铜 铝 C C Mn Si S Cu Al
钛 Ti
0 .
8. 3.15 0


RSC Advances
Published on 23 October 2013. Downloaded by Southeast University - Jiulonghu Campus on 28/0nline
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Received 26th July 2013 Accepted 22nd October 2013 DOI: 10.1039/c3ra43919d /advances
The combination of magnetic nanoparticles (MNs, e.g. Fe3O4) and polymers promotes the mechanical and chemical stabilities of MNs in acidic or ionic conditions.1 In ferrouid, MNs coated with polymer layers possess stabilization against gravitational force, avoiding strong interaction and agglomeration of MNs. The resulting magnetic polymer nanoparticles (MPNs) not only have particular properties of polymers that respond to volume or shape changes to external temperature, pH, ionic strength and so forth, but also exhibit magnetism speciality. In a magnetic eld, the MPNs can directionally move to a specic site or be quickly separated from the surrounding medium. So, the MPNs display potential applications in many elds, such as protein absorption, cellular separation, detection and diagnosis of immunity, smart carriers of drug and gene.2–6 Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM, a classical stimulusresponsive polymer) has being generating increasing interest for applications because it has a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) and undergoes a volume phase transition


▪ 助焊剂对被焊表面的涂布方法有传统波焊中的泡沫式,喷 头喷雾式,滚筒喷雾式及表面沾浸式的涂布方法。
▪ 1成膜剂 ▪ 保护剂覆盖在焊接部位,在焊接过程中起防止氧化作用的物质,焊接完成后,
能形成一层保护膜。常用松香用保护剂,也可以添加少量的高分子成膜物质。 ▪ 2.活化剂 ▪ 焊剂去除氧化物的能力主要依靠有机酸对氧化物的溶解作用,这种作用由
▪ 有一些材料可以去除氧化物且盖住金属表面使氧化物不 再形成,这就是助焊剂,它是焊接工程必要的材料。它 们尚需具备其他的特性,如耐焊接温度、自由流动和不 阻碍焊锡的流动。理想上,它们也不攻击焊点上的金属 或四周的材料,而且也必须易于被去除。助焊剂(FLUX) 这个字是来自拉丁文,是“流动”的意思,但在此处它 的作用不只是帮助流动,还具有其它的作用。
蚀时尚可允许, 但是FLUX须通
铜镜全部被去除 卤化物可高于2% 可允许有严重的 腐蚀出现
▪ 对于J-STD-004而言,没有不合格的 助焊剂产品,仅仅类别不同而已。JSTD-004 将所有的焊剂分成24个类别, 涵盖 了目前所有的焊剂类型,该标准 根据助焊剂的主要组成材料将其四大 类:松香型(Rosin,RO);树脂型 (Resin,RE)有机酸型(organic,OR),无 机酸型(Inorganic,IN),括号中的缩写 字母代号。其次,根据铜镜试验的结 果将焊剂的活性成分水平划分为三级:
图A:液体焊料在基底金属上的扩散,接触角(由界面张力的 平衡来决定小润湿角形成良好的焊接获得小润湿角的原则(1) 低表面张力的助焊剂(2)高的表面张力,即高表面能的基板 (3)低有面张力的焊料)。图B 基底金属溶解入液体焊料。图 C基底金属与液体焊料起反应形成金属间化合物层(IMC)



金属有机化学Email: iamjsong@

2. 双核还原消除,涉及两个过渡金属有机化合物,生成金属-金属
16 电子18 电子
, dsp22sp3正八面体
6. C-N,C-P,O-H,N-H键的氧化加成反应








T e i f e c s o e cin t ,mo a ai o u I t AMAM ,p a d t e a u to d cn e g n n t e h n l n e fra t i u o me lrr t fHA C 4 o P o H n h mo n fr u i g r a e t h e o
f m tn f ao o pse w r i e i t . h VVs n TRset le l o e a [ u 1 ~n o ao n. m ois e vsg e T e -iadF I ca r u s hw dt t A C4 ad r i on c t e n ta d U p r s t s h ]
o A C4 i a H e rsneo eit eeao o a iomn G A M)a i esn aet fH u Iwt N B 4nt eec fh r nri pl mda ie( 1P MA h i hp t fsg tn y s s r tegn. dp a r
21 00年 9月
湖南师范大学 自然科学学报
Ju a fNaua ce c fHu a r l iest o r l trlS in eo n nNoma Unvri n o y
V0. 3 No 3 13 . S p ,0 0 e .2 1
第3ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ第3 3 期
新 型 三维 网状 纳米 金复合 物 的 制备及 表 征
的影响. 采用紫外分光光度计 、 傅里叶红外光谱仪 以及透射 电子 显微镜对其进行 了表 征. 实验 结果表 明 : 室温 搅拌 下 , 金酸根离子可与聚酰胺. 氯 胺形成稳定络合物 , 再加 入还原剂 原位合成 了纳米金复合物 , 复合物呈三维有 序网 状结构. 合成方法简便 , 有望用于生化分子及生物传感等领域.



三甲基铝气相沉积三甲基铝气相沉积(TMAl CVD)是一种常用的化学气相沉积技术,用于制备薄膜材料。

在TMAl CVD过程中,三甲基铝(TMAl)被用作前体物质,通过热解分解产生金属铝,并在基底表面形成薄膜。

TMAl CVD具有很高的化学反应活性和沉积速率,因此被广泛应用于半导体、光电子、纳米技术等领域。

下面将详细介绍TMAl CVD的原理、工艺参数及应用。

1. 原理TMAl CVD的原理是在高温下,将TMAl气体输送到反应室中,通过热解分解反应产生金属铝,并在基底表面形成薄膜。



在反应室中,TMAl 气体被加热至高温,从而使其发生热解分解反应。



2. 工艺参数TMAl CVD的工艺参数包括反应温度、反应压力、载气流量和沉积时间等。


反应温度是TMAl CVD的关键参数之一。





通常,反应压力在0.1-10 torr之间。



通常,载气流量在100-1000 sccm之间。




3. 应用TMAl CVD广泛应用于半导体和光电子领域。

在半导体领域,TMAl CVD可用于制备金属铝薄膜,用作电极、导线和衬底等。

在光电子领域,TMAl CVD可用于制备金属铝薄膜,用作反射镜、导电层和光学薄膜等。
















关键词:高F;硫化铅;金;浮选中图分类号:TD953文献标志码:A文章编号:1671-9492(2021)02-0077-06Experimental Study on Comprehensive Recovery of AssociatedMetals from a High Arsenic Gold Ore in GansuYANG Julong,GUO YanhuaQNorthxvest Research Institute o f Mining and Metallurgy,Baiyin730900,Gansu,China#Abstract:A gold mine in Gansu province belongs to lead,zinc,gold and silver polymetallic ore with high arsenic content,and there are many kinds of useful minerals.On the basis of the study on the properties of raw ore,the experimental study on different process schemes has been carried out.Based on the comprehensive analysis of the technical indicators and advantages and disadvantages of various schemes, the test scheme of preferential separation of lead-zinc-sulfur bulk flotation-zinc-sulfur separation process was determined.On the basis of the optimum conditions,the final closed-circuit test can obtain lead concentrate with Pb grade of47.71%,Pb recovery of71.45%,associated Au grade of16.50g/t,Au recovery of 8.82%,associated Ag grade of3561g/1,Ag recovery of72.62%and zinc concentrate with Zn grade of 40.42%Zn:ecove:y of48.07%and gold concent:ate with Au g:ade of30.86g/t Au:ecove:y of 84.01%.The product structure of this scheme is reasonable,and valuable metals such as lead,zinc,gold andsilverwerewe l recovered.Keywords:high-arsenic;lead sulfide;gold;flotation据统计,中国脉金矿中低品位和含复杂硫化物的金矿资源,金高神硫化矿,不仅资源,而且金品位较高,在黄金资源中占有很大的比例。



1.金纳米团簇荧光探针的合成与生物检测应用 [J], 陈萌;谈立伟;许娜;冯大千;刘国良;王伟
2.液相合成金纳米团簇 [J], 刘钊;金申申;朱满洲
3.精确尺寸巯基保护贵金属纳米团簇的合成进展 [J], 汪恕欣;李杨枫;朱满洲
4.金纳米团簇在盐酸和十二硫醇刻蚀作用下的原位生长动力学研究 [J], 杨丽娜;黄莉;宋雪洋;贺文雪;姜泳;孙治湖;韦世强
5.己硫醇单层保护金纳米团簇的合成及其性质 [J], 徐琴;夏纲;胡效亚;郭荣




1.Ru-Fe异金属化合物及其在Au表面上SAM的电化学研究 [J], 李朝晖;Fehlner T. P.;付贤智
2.氧化铝陶瓷表面金属化新方法 [J], 宁晓山;刘洋;毕娜;李莎;王波;李国才
3.用于金属化的工程塑料表面改性方法的研究评析 [J], 任志华
4.金属化镀液及镁合金制品表面金属化的方法 [J],
5.一种连续碳纤维表面金属化处理的方法 [J], 本刊编辑部


[ 8]

( 5) 抗疲劳性能好。细小均匀的内部组织大大 改善了粉末冶金高速钢的延展性 , 因而, 在与其他钢 种的耐磨性能一样的情况下, 粉末冶金高速钢的抗 疲劳性能更为优越。 Meurling
[ 9]
末冶金高速钢 ASP2023 、 ASP2014 和传统高速钢 M2 以及冷作工具钢 VANADIS10 的疲劳性能, 发现粉末 冶金高速钢 ASP2014 和 ASP2023 的抗疲 劳性能最 好 , 明显优于传统高速钢 M2 的抗疲劳性能。







1.1 仪器和材料仪器:电磁式空气压缩机,直流稳压电源。




注:本答案及评分仅供参考,一切以中国化学会公布版本为准(2022年9月4日 9:00~12:00第36届中国化学奥林匹克(初赛)试题参考答案)第1题(10分)根据要求和所给条件,书写反应方程式。

1-1 为获得性能良好的纳米材料,利用团簇化合物K 12Si 17和NH 4Br 反应制备纳米硅。

1-2 硒代硫酸根在酸性条件下被一定浓度的H 2O 2氧化,主产物与硫代硫酸根被I 2氧化的产物相似。

1-3 单质碲(Te)和AsF 5在溶剂SO 2中按计量比6:3反应,主产物为灰色抗磁性固体,其阴离子为八面体结构。

1-4 利用XeF 2和溴酸根溶液反应制备高溴酸根。

1-5 钼酸钠(Na 2MoO 4)和硫代乙酰胺(CH 3CSNH 2)混合溶液在水热条件下强酸性介质中发生反应,制备二维材第2题(7分)高压碳酸盐化学 常温常压下,碳酸根通常以分离的CO 32-基团形式存在,但在高压下可发生聚合,甚至改变配位方式形成类似于硅酸根及其多聚阴离子的结构。

2-1 在20 GPa 的高压下,用激光加热SrCO 3和SrO 的混合物,得到组成为Sr 3CO 5的物质,其结构类似于钙钛矿ABX 3,其中BX 6八面体共顶点连接,写出Sr 3CO 5中分别对应于A 、B 、X 的离子(须注明电荷)。

2-2 在82~138 GPa 的高压下,MgCO 3中的碳酸根形成环状三聚体(C ),画出C 的结构示意图。

在30~40 GPa 的高压下,用激光加热MCO 3(M=Ca 或Sr)和干冰的混合物,得到组成为MC 2O 5的物质。

第3题(7分)锗的团簇化合物 含锗化合物A 的分子式可以表示为Ge 5(NR 2)4,R 为三异丙基硅基。

该化合物中存在两种锗锗键,键长分别为250 pm 和234 pm 。

A 的合成方法如下:控制GeCl 2与KNR 2按1:1计量反应生成B ,B 被金属钾还原得到A 。

在B 转化为A 的过程中,可能经过中间产物C ,C 中含有两个锗原子;C 与B 按1:1计量反应得到环状化合物D ,D 与C 在金属钾还原下反应得到A 。



最佳值 250m/l
45℃ 5min 70g/l 3% (V/V) 30℃ 50μin 50m/l 100m/l
Cu 含量大于 20g/l 3m2/L 3m2/L
序号 工序名称
5 催化
7 化学镍
控制项目 Pd HCL 温度 时间 搅拌 HCL Ni
可能导致降低附着力和槽 液老化时出现镍腐蚀
在很低 PH 时能够导致氰化 物沉淀
化学镀镍缸参数变化对镀层磷含量 及沉积速度的影响
镍缸参数 镍浓度↑ 次磷酸钠浓度↑
PH↑ 温度↑ 槽液负载↓ (<0.25dm2/l) 槽液负载↑ (>2.5dm2/l) 空气搅拌↑ MTO ↑
5. 化学镍 - 不锈钢槽体须用硝酸钝化,防析出整流器控制电压0.9V。 - 防止催化液带入。 - 防析出棒不可与槽体接触 - 防止局部过热,加药区须有充分的搅拌 - 使用10µm聚丙烯滤芯连续过滤,循环量5-10cycle/hr。 - 使用自动加药器控制药液添加 - 须有抽气系统,以除去水点及蒸气。 - 停产时镀槽要有遮盖物,防止外来物污染镀液及镀液蒸发。
Ni2+ +2e Ni0 H2PO2- + H P + H2O +OH-
8. 浸镀金:
浸金层作用: 保护底层镍不被氧化及维持可焊性 (Solderability)和铝线Bondability。
在刚沉积上的镍层表面,以置换方式在镍面上沉积一层 很薄而均匀之金层。当镍表面上完全地覆盖了一层金沉 积层后,金之沉积反应便停止,故金属的厚度有极限。

维萨拉化学机械研磨 抛光悬浮液监测手册说明书

维萨拉化学机械研磨 抛光悬浮液监测手册说明书

www.vaisala.cn客户案例化学机械研磨/抛光 (CMP) 是一项至关重要但成本高昂且难度高的纳米抛光工艺过程,它结合运用了化学反应和机械磨损。


CMP 概述使用含有氧化剂的悬浮液来完成抛光,该氧化剂通常为过氧化氢 (H2O2)。



使用 CMP 悬浮液前,工厂会将其进行混合或稀释。




尽管生产点 (POM) 对悬浮液的控制很严格,但运输、搬运和过滤等后续过程都会对其化学性能有所影响,因此需要对悬浮液进行持续监控,直到其抵达使用点(POU),这样才能确保高产量。


为什么当需要在钨 CMP 工艺过程中使过氧化氢(H2O2)浓度保持在合格水平时,维萨拉成为了半导体制造工厂的供应商折射率如何辅助提高生产质量?折射率 (RI) 是一种可连续在线测量的参数,且测量过程不消耗悬浮液,它能够反映工艺过程的实时信息,帮助制造厂快速发现悬浮液的成分缺陷,从而降低面临风险的晶圆的数量。

CMP 悬浮液所含有的纳米颗粒的固体含量为 1-30%(取决于悬浮液类型),因此分析时颇有难度。

但是,当按照特定悬浮液的温度/ RI 特性进行了校准后,即使在这些困难的条件下,RI 测量结果也可以成功反映钨悬浮液中的过氧化氢浓度,误差在重量的 ±0.03% 以内。

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NSS Chemistry Part 3 MetalsHKCEE Past Paper Questions – Multiple Choice Questions1. 1995 Q5Which of the following methods can be used to extract lead from lead(II) oxide?A.heating lead(II) oxide in the absence of airB.heating lead(II) oxide in the presence of airC.heating lead(II) oxide with copper at high temperatureD.heating lead(II) oxide with carbon at high temperatureAns: D 2. 1995 Q6Which of the following fertilizers contains the largest percentage by mass of nitrogen?(Relative atomic mass : H = 1.0, N = 14.0, O = 16.0, Na = 23.0, S = 32.0, Cl = 35.5, K = 39.0)A.ammonium chlorideB.ammonium sulphateC.potassium nitrateD. sodium nitrateAns: A3. 1995 Q18Metal X reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to liberate hydrogen, but metal Y and metal Z have no reaction with the dilute acid. The oxide of metal Y decomposes on heating but the oxide of metal Z does not. Which of the following arrangement represents the order of increasing reactivity of the three metals?A.X < Y < ZB.Y < Z < XC.X < Z < YD.Z < Y < XAns: BA certain amount of silver oxide is he plot of the mass of the contents of theA.C.5. 1996 Q8Zinc blocks are often attached to the s A. zinc can protect steel from corrosi B. zinc is more resistant to corrosion C. zinc is harder than steel. D. zinc does not react with crude oil.6. 1996 Q12Consider the following experiment :After the experiment, the residue in obtained. X may be A. carbon. B. magnesium. C. silver. D. sulphur.e is heated in a test tube. Which of the following grap of the test tube against time?B.D.o the steel legs of off-share oil platforms because orrosion. osion than steel. de oil.ent :ue in the combustion tube is dissolved in water and g graphs represents the correct Ans: CAns: Aer and an alkaline solution is Ans: BWhich of the following statements concerning one mole of nitrogen gas is/are correct?(1)It has a mass of 14.0 g.(2)It occupies the same volume as 4.0 g of helium gas at room temperature and pressure.(3)It contains 6.02×1023 atoms of nitrogen.(Relative atomic masses : He = 4.0, N = 14.0; Avogadro constant = 6.02×1023 mol–1)A.(1) onlyB.(2) onlyC.(1) and (3) onlyD.(2) and (3) onlyAns: B 8. 1997 Q10Which of the following combinations in INCORRECT?Chemical Method of storageA. calcium under waterB. potassium under paraffin oilC. ethanol in a cool placeD. potassium permanganate in a brown bottlesolutionAns: A 9. 1997 Q28What mass of copper is obtained when 0.40 mol of copper(II) oxide are completely reduced by carbon?(Relative atomic masses : O = 16.0, Cu = 63.5)A.12.7 gB.15.9 gC.25.4 gD.31.8 gAns: C10. 1997 Q32Which of the following metal oxides can be reduced to the metal when heated with carbon?(1)aluminium oxide(2)lead(II) oxide(3)iron(III) oxideA.(1) onlyB.(2) onlyC.(1) and (3) onlyD. (2) and (3) onlyAns: DOne mole of sulphur atoms has a mass twice that of one mole of oxygen atoms. Which of the following statement is/are correct?(1)2 g of sulphur and 1 g of oxygen each occupy the same volume at room temperature and pressure.(2)2 g of sulphur and 1 g of oxygen each contain the same number of atoms.(3)The number of atoms contained in one mole of sulphur is twice that contained in one mole of oxygen.A.(1) onlyB.(2) onlyC.(1) and (3) onlyD.(2) and (3) onlyAns: B 12. 1997 Q41Aluminium is used to make window frames because(1)it is strong.(2)it can resist corrosion.(3)it is the most abundant metallic element in the earth crust.Which of the above statements are correct?A.(1) and (2) onlyB.(1) and (3) onlyC.(2) and (3) onlyD.(1), (2) and (3)Ans: A13. 1998 Q10The formula for hydrated iron(II) sulphate is FeSO4⋅xH2O. On strong heating, 20.1 g of the sulphate produces9.1 g of water. What is the value of x?(Relative atomic masses : H = 1.0, O = 16.0, S = 32.1, Fe = 56.0)A. 5B. 6C.7D.8Ans: CConsider the following experiment.During the experiment, a gas is liberat A.copper. B.lead. C. silver. D. zinc.15. 1998 Q19In each of the four solutions shown be Which of the following combinationsTubeObservation A. Ino change B. II brown coating on zinc C. IIIno changeD. IVgrey coating on zinc 16. 1998 Q20 The following equation represents thePb 3O 4(s) + 4H 2(g) 3Pb (s) + 4H What mass of lead would be obtained(Relative atomic mass : O = 16.0, Pb =A. 20.7 g B. 41.4 g C. 62.1 g D. 82.8 gent.iberated. The gas can burn at the end of the delivery tu wn below, a strip of zinc is added.tions is correct? n zinc zincts the reaction of an oxide of lead with hydrogen: + 4H 2O (l)ained if 68.5 g of the oxide was consumed in the reacti 0, Pb = 207.0) ery tube. X is probably Ans: DAns: Creaction? Ans: CIron can be produced from iron(III) oxide by the following reaction:Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g)What mass of iron(III) oxide is required to produce 2.1 g of iron?(Relative atomic masses: O = 16.0, Fe = 56.0)A. 3.0 gB. 4.5 gC. 6.0 gD.9.0 gAns: A18. 1999 Q17The compound X2S contains 58.9% of X by mass. What is the relative atomic mass of X?(Relative atomic mass : S = 32.1)A.11.5B.23.0C.39.0D.46.0Ans: B19. 1999 Q18Which of the following processes would NOT produce hydrogen gas?A.adding calcium to waterB.adding magnesium to dilute hydrochloric acidC.adding copper to dilute nitric acidD.passing steam over red hot ironAns: C20. 1999 Q22In which of the following situations is iron prevented from rusting by sacrificial protection?A.Iron plates are joined together with copper rivets.B.Iron pipes are connected to lead blocks.C.Iron sheets are plated with zinc.D.Iron cans are coated with tin.Ans: CWhich of the following reactions will occur when aluminium powder is added to silver nitrate solution?(1)displacement(2)anodization(3)redoxA.(1) onlyB.(2) onlyC.(1) and (3) onlyD.(2) and (3) onlyAns: C22. 2000 Q3Iron cans used for canning food are usually coated with tin instead of zinc. This is becauseA.tin is more reactive than zinc.B.tin ions are non-toxic but zinc ions are toxic.C.tin forms an alloy with iron and this alloy is corrosion resistant.D.tin prevents iron cans from rusting by sacrificial protection.Ans: B 23. 2000 Q4Metal X forms an oxide. 27.53 g of this oxide contains 24.96 g of X. What is the mole ratio of X to oxygen in the oxide?(Relative atomic masses: O = 16.0, X = 207.0)A. 1 : 1B. 1 : 2C. 2 : 3D. 3 : 4Ans: D24. 2000 Q33In an experiment, a piece of calcium metal was added to a beaker of water. Which of the following statements concerning the experiment is/are correct?(1)The calcium metal sank to the bottom of the beaker.(2)The calcium metal burnt with a brick red flame.(3)At the end of the experiment, an alkaline solution was formed in the beaker.A.(1) onlyB.(2) onlyC.(1) and (3) onlyD.(2) and (3) onlyAns: CConsider the reaction;4H 2(g) + Fe 3O 4(s) 3Fe (s) + 4H What mass of iron would be obtained consumed in the reaction?(Relative atomic mass : Fe = 56.0; mo A. 0.056 g B. 0.084 g C. 0.168 g D. 0.224 g26. 2001 Q26What is the percentage by mass of chr (Relative atomic mass : O = 16.0, K =A. 17.7 B. 25.1 C. 35.4 D. 40.827. 2001 Q30 Which iron nail in the test tubes showA.B.C.D.2O(l)tained if 96.0 cm 3 of hydrogen, measured at room tem 0; molar volume of gas at room temperature and press of chromium in potassium dichromate? 0, K = 39.1, Cr = 52.0) shown below would rust most slowly? B.D.m temperature and pressure, is pressure = 24 dm 3) Ans: CAns: CAns: CWhich of the following statement correctly describe(s) the advantages(s) of using aluminium over iron to make soft drink cans?(1)Aluminium is stronger than iron.(2)Aluminium is less dense than iron.(3)Aluminium is more corrosion-resistant than iron.A.(1) onlyB.(2) onlyC.(1) and (3) onlyD.(2) and (3) onlyAns: D29. 2001 Q38In which of the following experiments would a metal be produced?(1)heating silver oxide(2)heating iron pyrite(3)heating a mixture of lead(II) oxide and carbon powderA.(1) and (2) onlyB.(1) and (3) onlyC.(2) and (3) onlyD.(1), (2) and (3)Ans: B 30. 2002 Q3An oxide of element X has the formula X2O3. 10.2 g of this oxide contains 5.4 g of X. What is the relative atomic mass of X?(Relative atomic mass : O = 16.0)A.12.0B.18.0C.27.0D.36.0Ans: C31. 2002 Q8Which of the following statements concerning aluminium is correct?A.Aluminium is used to make stainless steel.B.The strength of aluminium can be enhanced by anodization.C.Aluminium is the most abundant element in the earth’s crust.D.When aluminium is exposed to air, a layer of aluminium oxide is formed on its surface.Ans: DAmmonium dichromate, (NH4)2Cr2O7, decomposes on heating to give chromium(III) oxide, water and nitrogen.What mass of water is obtained when 126 g of ammonium dichromate undergoes complete decomposition?(Relative atomic masses : H = 1.0, N = 14.0, O = 16.0, Cr = 52.0)A.9 gB.18 gC.36 gD.72 gAns: C33. 2002 Q26When a piece of copper is dropped into an aqueous solution of compound X, the copper gradually dissolves. X is probablyA.magnesium chloride.B.lead(II) nitrate.C.silver nitrate.D.ammonium chloride.Ans: C34. 2002 Q27Which of the following objects is least likely to contain titanium?A.missileB.water tapC.bicycle frameD.artificial hip jointAns: B 35. 2003 Q3When a small piece of calcium metal is put into a trough of water, a reaction occurs. Which of the following statements concerning this reaction is correct?A. It is an endothermic reactionB. It is a redox reactionC. A slight explosion occurs.D. The calcium metal burns spontaneously in water.Ans: B36. 2003 Q5Which of the following methods can be used to obtain aluminium from aluminium oxide?A. reducing the oxide with carbonB. heating the oxide strongly.C. electrolysis of the molten oxideD. heating the oxide with iron powder.Ans: CWhich iron nail in the beakers shownA.C.38. 2003 Q11A sample of MgSO 4⋅xH 2O (s) of mass 1(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0,A.4 B.5 C.6 D. 739. 2003 Q42Iron pyrite (FeS 2) looks like gold and be used to distinguish iron pyrite from (1) comparing their densities(2) comparing their electrical conduct (3) comparing the effect of heat on thA. (1) and (2) onlyB. (1) and (3) onlyC. (2) and (3) onlyD. (1), (2) and (3)hown below would undergo corrosion most readily?B.D.mass 123.2 g contains 63.0 g of water of crystallization = 1.0, O = 16.0, Mg = 24.3, S = 32.1) d and its common name is “fool’s gold”. Which of th e from gold? onductivity on themAns: Bzation. What is the value of x? Ans: Dof the following methods can Ans: DThe relative atomic masses of hydrogen and oxygen are 1.0 and 16.0 respectively. Which of the following statements concerning 36.0 g of water is correct?(Molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure = 24 dm3; Avogadro constant = 6.02×1023 mol-1)A. It contains 4 mol of hydrogen atoms.B. It contains 3×6.02×1023atomsC. It contains 6×6.02×1023 molecules.D. It has a volume of 48 dm3 at room temperature and pressure.Ans: A41. 2004 Q12The relative atomic mass of element X is 7439. It forms an oxide containing 24.3 % of oxygen by mass. What is the mole ratio of X to oxygen in the oxide?(Relative atomic mass: O = 16.0)A. 1:2B. 1:3C. 2:3D. 2:5Ans: C 42. 2004 Q16Magnesium can be obtained from magnesium oxide byA. electrolysis of the molten oxide.B. heating the oxide strongly.C. heating the oxide with carbon.D. heating the oxide with zinc powder.Ans: A43. 2004 Q26What is the percentage by mass of nitrogen in the fertilizer (NH4)2HPO4?(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0, N = 14.0, O = 16.0, P = 31.0)A. 10.6 %B. 12.3 %C. 21.2 %D. 24.6 %Ans: CDirections : Questions 44 and 45 refer to the following experiment.Rust indicator solution was poured into the following glass dishes to cover the iron nails, which were wrapped with different metal strips. The dishes were allowed to stand in air for some time.silver strip dish 1zinc strip dish 2copper strip dish 3magnesium stripdish 444. If the iron nail rusts, what would the colour of the rust indicator be around the nail ?A. yellowB. brownC. redD. blueAns: D45. In which of the dishes would the iron nail rust?A. dish 1 onlyB. dish 2 onlyC. dish 1 and dish 3 onlyD. dish 2 and dish 4 onlyAns: C46. 2005 Q36Which of the following properties of Group I elements decreases down the group?A. melting pointB. reducing powerC. reactivityD. tendency to form cationsAns: AMethane burns completely in oxygen according to the following equation:CH 4 + 2O 2 → CO 2 + 2H 2OWhat is the mass of oxygen required for the complete combustion of 48 g of methane? (Relative atomic mass: H = 1.0, C = 12.0, O = 16.0) A. 48 g B. 96 g C. 192 g D. 384 gAns: C48. 2006 Q9Which of the following properties is considered the most important one when choosing an alloy for making fuse in electric plugs?A. low melting pointB. high electricity conductivityC. good ductilityD. high mechanical strengthAns: A49. 2006 Q13X and Y are two different metals. Which of the following shows that Y is more reactive than X ?A. X forms an ion with a charge of +2 while Y forms an ion with a charge of +1.B. X reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid but Y does not.C. X can displace Y from an aqueous solution of a salt of Y .D.The oxide of X undergoes decomposition upon strong heating but the oxide of Y does not.Ans: D50. 2006 Q18Element X forms two oxides XO and XO 2. If 1 mole of XO contains n atoms, 2 moles of XO 2 would contain A.23n atoms. B. 2n atoms. C. 3n atoms. D. 6n atoms.Ans: CThe relative atomic mass of metal X is 55.8. 23.90 g of X is allowed to react with excess oxygen until X is completely oxidised. The mass of the metal oxide obtained is 34.18 g. What is the empirical formula of the oxide?(Relative atomic mass: O = 16.0)A. XOB. X2O3C. X3O2D. X3O4Ans: B 52. 2006 Q41Metal X forms an oxide with the formula X2O. Upon strong heating, the oxide undergoes decomposition according to the following equation:2X2O(s) → 4X(s) + O2(g)Complete decomposition of 2.90 g of the oxide gives 150 cm3 of oxygen, measured at room temperature and pressure. What is the relative atomic mass of X?(Relative atomic mass: O = 16.0;molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure = 24 dm3)A. 54.0B. 108.0C. 216.0D. 232.0Ans: B 53. 2007 Q7X, Y and Z are metals. The table below shows the observations when each of them is put into copper(II) sulphate solution:Metal ObservationX no observable changeY brown solid formed and colourless gas evolvedZ brown solid formedWhich of the following arrangements correctly represents the ascending order of reactivity of the metals?A.X < Z < YB.Y < Z < XC.Z < X < YD.X < Y < ZAns: AHow many moles of ethane contain y hydrogen atoms?(L represents the Avogardo’s constant.)A.y / LB.L / yC.y / 6LD.6y / LAns: C55. 2007 Q34What mass of iron can be obtained by complete reduction of 7.18 g of iron(III) oxide?(Relative atomic masses: Fe = 55.87, O = 16.0)A. 2.51 gB. 3.86 gC. 5.02 gD. 5.58 gAns: C 56. 2007 Q35Different metals are dropped into water or dilute hydrochloric acid. Assuming that the experimentalconditions are the same, which of the following comparisons concerning the initial rates of hydrogenformation is correct?Initial rate of hydrogenformation Initial rate of hydrogenformationA. Ca and H2O > Ba and HClB. Fe and HCl > K and H2OC. K and H2O > Cs and H2OD. Cs and H2O > Ca and H2OAns: D57. 2008 Q12Green patches appear on the surface of a metallic statue in a museum. It can be deduced that the statue may containA. tin.B. iron.C. silver.D. copper.Ans: DThe oxidation number of metal M in its oxide is +2. Complete reduction of 11.9 g of this oxide by hydrogen gas produces metal M and 2.7 g of water. What is the relative atomic mass of M ? (Relative atomic masses : H = 1.0, O = 16.0) A. 9.3 B. 24.3 C. 63.3 D. 137.3Ans: C59. 2008 Q20 A small piece of potassium is dropped into a trough of water containing methyl orange. Which of the following observations is / are correct?(1) The potassium moves about on the water surface with a hissing sound. (2) The potassium dissolves in water and the solution turns red. (3) The potassium burns with a golden yellow flame. A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (1) and (3) onlyD. (2) and (3) onlyAns: A60. 2008 Q31 Organic compound Q has the following composition by mass : C : 37.5%H : 12.5%O : 50.0%What is the possible chemical formula of Q ? (Relative atomic masses : H = 1.0, C = 12.0, O = 16.0) A. OH CH 3 B. OH H C 52 C. HCOOH D.COOH CH 3Ans: A61. 2008 Q34 From which of the following processes can lead be obtained in a school laboratory? A. Lead(II) oxide is heated strongly. B. Lead(II) oxide is mixed with carbon. C. Dilute lead(II) nitrate solution is electroylsed. D. Zinc is added to dilute lead(II) nitrate solution.Ans: DWhat is the percentage by mass of oxygen in Na2CO3‧10H2O?(Relative atomic masses: H = 1.0, C = 12.0, O = 16.0, Na = 23.0)A. 72.7B. 55.9C. 22.4D. 16.8Ans: A 63. 2009 Q6Which of the following rust prevention methods does NOT match with the iron-made object?Rust prevention method Iron-made objectA. painting gateB. greasing machinery partsC. zinc plating food canD. chromium plating car bumperAns: C 64. 2009 Q20Which of the following half equations are involved when iron rusts?(1) Fe → Fe3++3e-(2) Fe → Fe2++2e-(3) Fe2+ → Fe3++e-A. (1) and (2) onlyB. (1) and (3) onlyC. (2) and (3) onlyD. (1), (2) and (3)Ans: C 65. 2009 Q33An oxide of metal M reacts completely with carbon to give 12.6 g of metal M and 2.38 dm3 of carbon dioxide measured at room temperature and pressure. What is the chemical formula of the oxide?(Relative atomic masses: M=63.5, O= 16.0;Molar volume of gas at room temperature and pressure = 24 dm3)A. M OB. M O2C. M2OD. M2O3Ans: AAnodised aluminium is more commonly used than iron for making window frames. This is because(1) the cost for extracting aluminium is lower than the cost for extracting iron.(2) anodised aluminium is more corrosion resistant than iron.(3) anodised aluminium is harder than iron.A. (1) onlyB. (2) onlyC. (1) and (3) onlyD. (2) and (3) onlyAns: B67. 2009 Q46Which of the following information is needed in order to deduce the molecular formula of a compound from its empirical formula?(l) relative molecular mass of the compound(2) percentage by mass of each constituent element(3) relative atomic mass of each constituent elementA. (1) and (2) onlyB. (1) and (3) onlyC. (2) and (3) onlyD. (1), (2) and (3)Ans: B68. 2009 Q47Which of the following statements concerning the anodisation of an aluminium object are correct?(1) The electrolyte used can be dilute sulphuric acid.(2) A layer of aluminium oxide is formed on the surface of the object.(3) The aluminium object should be connected to the negative terminal of the power supply.A. (1) and (2) onlyB. (1) and (3) onlyC. (2) and (3) onlyD. (1), (2) and (3)Ans: A69. 2010 Q14What mass of methane upon complete combustion gives 0.90 g of water ?(Relative atomic masses: H= 1.0, C= 12.0, O = 16.0)A. 0.40 gB. 0.45 gC. 0.75 gD. 0.80 gAns: AThe oxide of metal Z reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form a colourless solution. Which of the following metals may Z be?(1) zinc(2) copper(3) silverA. (1) onlyB. (2) onlyC. (1) and (3) onlyD. (2) and (3) onlyAns: A71. 2010 Q26Which of the following safety measures should be taken when investigating the reaction between sodium and water ?(1) Use forceps to pick sodium.(2) Use a small piece of sodium.(3) Use a small amount of water.A. (1) and (2) onlyB. (1) and (3) onlyC. (2) and (3) onlyD. (1), (2) and (3)Ans: A72. 2010 Q33A certain oxide of manganese contains 49.5% of manganese by mass. What is the empirical formula of thisoxide ?(Relative atomic masses : O = 16.0, Mn = 54.9)A. MnOB. MnO2C. Mn2O3D. Mn2O7Ans: D。
