





通信作者:马敏,E-mail:*****************[文章编号]1006-2440(2021)03-0222-05[引文格式]殷艺娜,马敏,芮琳琳,等.不同浓度氯胺酮多次暴露对斑马鱼发育及远期效应的影响[J ].交通医学,2021,35(3):222-226.不同浓度氯胺酮多次暴露对斑马鱼发育及远期效应的影响*殷艺娜1**,马敏2,芮琳琳1,常俊晓1(1南京医科大学附属常州妇幼保健院麻醉科,江苏213003;2南通大学附属医院)[摘要]目的:探究不同浓度氯胺酮多次暴露对斑马鱼胚胎、幼鱼及成鱼生长发育及学习认知功能的影响。

方法:挑选受精后24小时(24hour post fertilization ,24hpf )内形态发育正常的斑马鱼胚胎,分别于24~36hpf 和48~72hpf 时间段持续暴露于正常孵化液(对照组)及含有不同浓度氯胺酮(0.2、0.4、0.8、1.6mg/mL 氯胺酮组)孵化液中,在显微镜下观察斑马鱼受精后72h (72hpf )和受精后6天(6day post fertilization ,6dpf )的形态变化,并统计孵化率、畸形率和死亡率。

采用Noldus 幼鱼运动行为监测仪和Ethovision XT 7.0软件控制运动行为仪视频跟踪系统,记录幼鱼的自由运动轨迹,观察强光诱发的惊恐逃避反射。

采用T 迷宫对60dpf 成年斑马鱼进行运动轨迹检测以评价其学习记忆能力。

结果:(1)与对照组相比,氯胺酮暴露浓度≥0.4mg/mL 的致畸作用明显,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05),且呈剂量相关性。

(2)与对照组相比,各浓度氯胺酮组幼鱼自由运动增强,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05);暴露浓度≥0.4mg/mL 时,氯胺酮组对光照诱发的惊恐反射的反应能力和适应能力减弱,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05),表现出兴奋性和抑制性效应并存。

pre-gastrulation developmental

pre-gastrulation developmental

pre-gastrulation developmentalWhat is Pre-gastrulation Developmental Phase?Pre-gastrulation developmental phase refers to the early stage in embryonic development before the formation of the gastrula. During this critical phase, various crucial events occur that lay the foundation for the subsequent formation of the three germ layers that give rise to the different tissues and organs in the developing embryo. In this article, we will explore the pre-gastrulation developmental phase in detail, discussing its key stages and the processes that take place during this time.1. Fertilization and Cleavage:The pre-gastrulation phase begins with fertilization, where a sperm fuses with an egg to form a zygote. Following fertilization, the zygote undergoes cleavage, a process of rapid cell divisions. These divisions result in the formation of blastomeres, smaller cells that make up the blastula.2. Blastula Formation:As cleavage continues, the blastomeres divide and rearrange, leading to the formation of a hollow ball-like structure called ablastula. The blastula consists of an outer layer of cells, known as the trophoblast, and an inner cell mass.3. Compaction and Morula Formation:During this stage, the blastomeres undergo a process called compaction, where they tightly adhere to each other, forming a compacted ball of cells called a morula. Compaction is crucial for the subsequent differentiation of embryonic cells.4. Blastocyst Formation:At this point, the morula undergoes further cell divisions and differentiation, resulting in the formation of a blastocyst. The blastocyst consists of two distinct cell populations: the inner cell mass (ICM) and the outer trophoblast layer. The ICM gives rise to the embryo, while the trophoblast layer contributes to the formation of extraembryonic structures such as the placenta.5. Implantation:The blastocyst moves towards the uterine lining and undergoes implantation, a process where it buries itself into the endometrium. This establishes a connection between the embryo and the maternal blood supply, allowing for nutrient and gas exchange.6. Formation of the Three Germ Layers:Following implantation, the pre-gastrulation phase progresses further as the blastocyst differentiates into the three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. This process is known as gastrulation. The ectoderm gives rise to the nervous system, skin, and other ectodermal tissues. The mesoderm gives rise to the skeletal system, muscles, heart, and blood vessels. The endoderm gives rise to the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, and other endodermal tissues.7. Germ Layer Migration and Differentiation:During gastrulation, cells from each of the three germ layers undergo migration and differentiation to form specific tissues and organs. For example, ectodermal cells migrate to form the neural tube, which develops into the brain and spinal cord. Mesodermal cells differentiate to form muscles, bones, and internal organs. Endodermal cells give rise to the lining of the digestive and respiratory tracts.8. Organogenesis:As gastrulation progresses, the three germ layers continue todifferentiate and form the rudiments of various organs. This process, known as organogenesis, involves intricate cell interactions, proliferation, and remodeling to shape and develop organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys.In conclusion, the pre-gastrulation developmental phase is a crucial period in embryonic development. It involves key events such as fertilization, cleavage, blastula, and blastocyst formation, implantation, gastrulation, and organogenesis. These processes play a fundamental role in establishing the basic body plan of the developing embryo, paving the way for its subsequent growth and differentiation into a complex multicellular organism.。



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2021 年度诺贝尔化学奖:大道至简

2021 年度诺贝尔化学奖:大道至简

大 学 化 学Univ. Chem. 2022, 37 (1), 2112014 (1 of 5)收稿:2021-12-07;录用:2021-12-17;网络发表:2021-12-22*通讯作者,Email:******************.cn基金资助:国家自然科学基金(21825108)•今日化学• doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202112014 2021年度诺贝尔化学奖:大道至简冯向青1,2,杜海峰1,2,*1中国科学院化学研究所分子识别与功能院重点实验室,北京 1001902中国科学院大学,北京 100049摘要:有机小分子成为继酶和金属催化剂之后发展的一类新型催化剂,被称为第三类催化。




关键词:手性;不对称催化;有机小分子催化;诺贝尔化学奖中图分类号:G64;O6The 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Simpler the BetterXiangqing Feng 1,2, Haifeng Du 1,2,*1 CAS Key Laboratory of Molecular Recognition and Function, Institute for Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China.2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China.Abstract: Organic molecules have become one novel type of catalysts developed after enzymes and metal catalysts, which are named as organocalysis, the third type of catalysis. As a new tool toward the precise construction of molecules, organocatalysis has a huge impact on the development of chiral new drugs, which has been used in the fields of pharmacy, pesticides, chemicals, materials, and so on. The 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to German chemist Benjamin List and American chemist David W. C. MacMillan for their pioneering and important contributions to this field. This article will briefly describe chirality and asymmetric catalysis, especially, the history of organocatalysis development, its advantages and future prospects.Key Words: Chirality; Asymmetric catalysis; Organic small molecule catalysis; Nobel prize in chemistry1 2021年诺贝尔化学奖获得者简介2021年10月6日,长期被戏称为“理综奖”的诺贝尔化学奖被授予“对于有机小分子不对称催化[1]的重要贡献”的两位化学家,分别是德国化学家本杰明∙利斯特(Benjamin List)和美国化学家戴维∙麦克米伦(David W. C. MacMillan)。









[关键词]囊胚移植;临床妊娠;胚胎动力学;Logistic回归分析;预测模型[中图分类号]R715[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-4721(2021)3(a)-0008-04Influence of embryo development dynamics parameters on pregnancy out­come in blastocyst transfer cycle and establishment of prediction modelSHI Yan-bin ZHANG Wan-ni SHA O Xiao-guang银Reproductive and Genetic Medicine Center,Dalian Municipal Women and Children's Medical Center,Liaoning Province,Dalian116000,China[Abstract]Objective To study the influence of embryo development dynamics parameters on pregnancy outcome in blastocyst transfer cycle,and to establish a prediction model of pregnancy outcome.Methods A total of704cycles of blastocyst transfer cultured in Time-lapse incubator from July2017to July2019in the Reproductive and Genetic Medicine Center of Dalian Municipal Women and Children's Medical Center were collected,among of them453cycles for the factors affecting pregnancy outcome and the transfer of two blastocysts with singleton pregnancy were excluded, and the remaining371embryos of251cycles were selected as the research objects.According to the outcome of preg­nancy,the patients were divided into two groups:non pregnancy group(group A,N=115cycles,n=169embryos)and clinical pregnancy group(group B,N=136cycles,n=202embryos).The relationship between the embryo dynamics in­dexes of t2,t3,t4,t5,cc2,cc3,s2,s3,tM,tSB,tB and pregnancy outcome was analyzed.Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the embryo development dynamics parameters that affected the clinical pregnancy outcome of the blastocyst transfer cycle,and the clinical pregnancy outcome prediction model was established and verified.Results The results of Logistic regression showed that t5,t8,s3,tM,tSB and tB had predictive value for pregnancy outcome.The prediction equation of pregnancy rate in blastocyst transfer cycle was:P=1/(1+y),y=exp{(-3.803+0.007xt5-0.004x t8-0.042xs3+0.023xtM+0.005xtSB+0.043xtB)}.The ROC curve was drawn based on the predicted outcome probability calculated by the research data and the actual outcome data,and the area under the curve was0.702(95%CI:0.679-0.791,P=0.047).Conclusion The risk factors of embryo dynamics in blastocyst transfer cycle include t5,t8,s3,tM,tSB and tB.ROC curve test shows that the clinical pregnancy outcome prediction model based on the above risk factors has certain predictive value.___________________________________________________________[Key words]Blastocyst transfer;Clinical pregnancy;[基金项目]辽宁省自然科学基金项目(20180550568)__________Embryo dynamics;Logistic regression analysis;Predictive▲通讯作者model8CHINA MODERN MEDICINE Vol.28No.7March2021尽管辅助生殖技术取得了重大进展,但体外受精-胚胎移植(in vitro fertility-embryo transfer,IVF-ET)面临的主要挑战仍然是选择最佳的单胚移植技术[1]遥增强胚胎选择过程将使体外受精成功率最大化罠大量文献报道,在侵入性技术PGT-A局限性的背景下, Time-lapse技术作为以选择具有最高发展潜力的胚胎为目标来优化非侵入性技术方面展示了极大的优势[3-5]。



Prenatal Development and the Newborn
Having habituated to the old stimulus, newborns preferred gazing at a new one
Infancy and Childhood: Physical Development
About 12 through adulthood
Formal operational Abstract reasoning
•Abstract logic •Potential for moral reasoning
Infancy and Childhood: Cognitive Development
closeness to the caregiver and displaying distress on separation
Social Development
Harlow’s Surrogate Mother Experiments
Monkeys preferred contact with the comfortable cloth mother, even while feeding from the nourishing wire mother
the inability of the preoperational child to take another’s point of view
Theory of Mind
people’s ideas about their own and others’ mental states- about their feelings, perceptions, and thoughts and the behavior these might predict

embryo 词根

embryo 词根

embryo 词根Embryo 词根是源自希腊语的词根,“em”意为“在”或“内部”,“bryo”则是“发育中的生命体”的意思。


下面是一些与“embryo”相关的单词和它们的定义:1. embryonic(adj.)- 指事物或生命体在胚胎期或初期阶段的,还没有成熟或发育成熟的状态。

2. embryo transfer(n.)- 是一种生育技术,将受孕的胚胎从一个母体移植到另一个母体。

3. embryologist(n.)- 研究胚胎学的科学家或专家。

4. embryogenesis(n.)- 胚胎发生学,研究哺乳动物和其他生物的胚胎形成。

5. embryology(n.)- 胚胎学,研究生命的早期阶段,包括胚胎和胚胎周围的发育。

6. embryonic development(n.)- 胚胎发育,指物种的胚胎发育过程。

7. embryonic stem cell(n.)- 胚胎干细胞,是一种来源于胚胎的细胞,具有多能性和分化成各种细胞的潜力。

8. embryonal(adj.)- 胚胎的,来自或与胚胎有关的。

9. embryophyte(n.)- 植物胚,指来自种子胚珠的植物,包括种子植物和裸子植物。

10. embryonic tissue(n.)- 胚胎组织,是形成胚胎器官的原始细胞,包括胚层、原肠、中胚层和外胚层。

11. embryonic membrane(n.)- 胚胎膜,指在胚胎中保护和支持胚胎的膜结构,包括羊膜、绒毛膜和甲状腺膜等。

12. embryonic induction(n.)- 胚胎诱导,指其中一个胚胎成分的信号刺激另一个胚胎成分,导致它们分化成特定组织或器官。

13. embryotoxic(adj.)- 胚胎毒性的,指对胚胎发育有毒性的物质或因素。

14. embryotrophic(adj.)- 胚胎营养的,指提供胚胎所需营养的物质或因素。


[2]Tomura, H., Wang, JQ., Liu., JP., Damirin, A., Komachi, Mogi, C., Tobo, M., Kon, J., Misawa, N., Sato, K., Okajima, F. Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression and Prostaglandin E(2) Production in Response to Acidic pH Through OGR1 inA Human Osteoblastic Cell Line.J Bone Miner Res. 2008 Feb 26 [影响因子5.3]
[7]Kimura T, Tomura H, Mogi C, Kuwabara A, Damirin A, Ishizuka T, Sekiguchi A, Ishiwara M, Im DS, Sato K, Murakami M, Okajima F.Role of scavenger receptor class B type I and sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors in high density lipoprotein-induced inhibition of adhesion molecule expression in endothelial cells .J Biol Chem. 2006 Dec 8;281(49) [影响因子6.8]



1.2 Gastrulation
Trilaminar germ disc:
Trilaminar Ectoderm + Mesoderm + Endoderm germ disc
By end of 3rd Week
1.3. Organogenesis
Differentiation of the three germ layers:
厦门大学细胞生物学课件 << CELL BIOLOGY >>
Embryo Development and Cell Differentiation
袁立 教授
Introductory remarks
The up layer is now called ectoderm.
The hypoblasts are also gradually replaced by epiblasts which migrated among them for the development of the Quick proliferation endoderm. of epiblasts form a thick region along with the midline of the embryo named
Introductory remarks
Introductory remarks
Summary of individual development



ApplicationsOne technique used in preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is polar body (PB) biopsy. The first and second polar body of the oocyte are extruded at the conclusion of the meiotic division; normally the first polar body is noted after ovulation, and the second 2 - 3 h after sperm entry into the oocyte. The extraction of the first and sec-ond polar body is done 6 - 12 hours after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has been carried out. The biopsy of the polar bodies is followed by a detection of certain chromosomes using fluorescence in-situ hybridisation (FISH) or detection of all chromosomes by comparative genomic hybridization. Polar body biopsy has been used for diagnosing translocations and monogenic disorders of maternal origin.140 Markus Montag, Department of Gynecological Endocrinology & Reproductive Medicine, University Clinics of Bonn, GermanyPreimplantation genetic diagnosis: Polar body biopsyIntroductionOver the past few decades the mean age of women con-ceiving their first child has steadily increased. However, advanced maternal age lowers the chance for pregnancy and increases the risk of miscarriage once a woman is pregnant. One major problem strongly correlated to mater-nal age is the occurrence of numerical chromosomal abnor-malities in human oocytes. In women who are 40 years and older, up to 70% of their oocytes can be chromosomally abnormal [1]. In the context of assisted reproduction treat-ment, it is possible to identify and exclude such oocytes thereby increasing the success rates. The underlyingtechnique is the biopsy of the first and second polar body (Figure 1), followed by a detection of certain chromosomes using fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) or detection of all chromosomes by comparative genomic hybridiza-tion (CGH). To understand these techniques it is important to know some aspects of the fertilization and subsequent early embryo development. The cell division that results in sperm and eggs containing 23 chromosomes each is called meiosis. In their resting state, eggs exist in a state of arrested meiosis and still contain all 23 paired chro-mosomes. During ovulation, meiosis resumes, and the egg extrudes one set of its 23 chromosomes in a small structure called the first polar body. Soon after fertiliza-tion occurs, a second polar body, containing 23 maternal chromatides, is expelled. On the day after oocyte retrieval, both polar bodies can be seen in the normally fertilized egg under the microscope. Polar bodies with missing chro-mosomal material is indicative of an oocyte that contains an excess chromosome, which, after fertilization, results in an embryo with a trisomy. Vice versa, excess chromo-somal material in the polar bodies indicates that an oocyte is missing chromosomes which, after fertilization, results in an embryo with a monosomy. Thus, polar body biopsy provides an indirect diagnosis of the oocyte for aneuploidy testing of up to 10 chromosomes. This method can also be applied to couples with a balanced translocation of the mother and to couples who are aware of maternal predis-position for a genetic disease that may manifest itself in the child.Polar body biopsy was first presented in 1990 [2], and several aspects of this technique have been technically refined including the use of lasers to facilitate the biopsy procedure [3].Figure 1: Biopsy of 1st and 2nd polar bodyPolar body biopsyThe most important feature of TransferMan NK2 for polar body biopsy is its ability to store several free definable cap-illary positions. Polar body biopsy is done in a culture dish, then a biopsy capillary is used to transfer the polar bodies directly into a drop of water on a glass slide. This technique requires three user-defined capillary positions (Figure 3, 6): position 1B for biopsy, position 2B for easily replacing the culture dish with a glass slide, and position 3B for releas-ing the polar bodies into the water droplets on the slide. Additionally, two positions are required for the holdingcapillary: position 1H for holding the oocyte for biopsy and position 2H for the changing of dishes. Once stored, these positions can be automatically activated by pressing the relevant position button on the device.This set-up enables a fast and economic change from one capillary working position to another, but most importantly, it controls the capillary that holds the aspirated polar bod-ies, helping to reduce the rate of lost polar bodies to less than 0.5 %. An overview of the different positions requiredFigure 2: Eppendorf Workstation on an Olympus microscope with OCTAX LaserFigure 4: First and second polar body are aligned properly in one focal planeCompared to ICSI, polar body biopsy requires additional manipulation steps; thus it greatly benefits from the proper instrumentation (Figure 2) which makes the procedure as economically as possible. This helps reducing exposure the oocyte may be necessary (Figure 4).Figure 5: Both polar bodies are slowly aspirated into the capil-laryOnce both polar bodies are completely aspirated, the capil-lary is removed from the zona and the oocyte is released from the holding capillary. If several oocytes need to be biopsied, the first and second polar body can be tem-porarily stored in the neighbouring medium droplet while the biopsy of the next oocyte is performed as previously described. Once all polar bodies are biopsied, it is advis-able to first place the oocytes back into the incubator. To do so, both capillaries are brought into a position above the culture dish (positions 2H/B), and the dish can be removed so that the oocytes may be transferred into another culture dish.Transfer of polar bodiesThe dish still holding the polar bodies is placed back on the microscope stage, and the biopsy capillary is lowered automatically into position 1B by pressing Pos1. The polar bodies corresponding to oocyte 1 are then aspirated into the biopsy capillary. Next, the capillary is moved to position 2B (by pressing Position 2), the culture dish is removed, and a glass slide holding a 0.2 µl droplet of pure water is placed under the capillary. The biopsy capillary still holding the polar bodies is lowered into the water droplet so thatit just touches the glass surface. This position is stored asposition 3B (Figure 6). The first and second polar body are carefully released into the droplet, and the capillary is first drawn back and then brought into position 2B by pressing Pos 2. The small vol-ume ensures that the polar body will attach to a small area on the slide and the fluid will dry fast, thereby reducingthe risk of a dislocation on the slide. Even so, the drying process must be observed under a stereo microscope, and the final location of the polar body after air-drying must be circled on top of the slide by using a diamond marker. This procedure can be repeated until all polar bodies have been transferred to the slide. With some experience, 4 to 6 polar bodies can be placed within an approx. 10 mm area, each encircled using a diamond marker [4]. Because all relevant capillary positions have been stored during the first round, further manipulation of polar bodies is less time consuming. Fluoresence in-situ hybridisation (FISH)For FISH analysis, the dried polar bodies are fixed by add-ing 2 x 10 µl ice-cold methanol: acetic acid (3:1), followed by incubation in methanol at room temperature for another 5 min. The slides are dried, and the FISH probe for chro-mosomal detection is directly applied to the slide, whichis covered by a cover slip and sealed with rubber cement. The slide is placed into an Eppendorf Thermomixer comfort with exchangeable thermoblock for slides. Co-denaturation of the probe and the genomic DNA, as well as subsequent hybridization, is performed with the Thermomixer at the time and temperature indicated by the manufacturer of the chromosome probe. Following hybridization, unbound probe is washed off, and the FISH signals can be evaluated using a fluorescence light microscope equipped with appropriate filter sets (Figure 7).This focal plane defines position 1B for the biopsy capillary,and, once adjusted, this position should also be stored. Following laser-assisted opening of the zona pellucida, the biopsy capillary is pushed through the opening of the zona towards the polar body. While doing this, a slight suction is usually helpful. By rotating the knob of CellTram vario both polar bodies are slowly aspirated into the capillary (Figure 5).Holding side (H)Biopsy side (B)Position 2HPosition 3BSlideWater dropletFigure 6: Storing of positions, transfer of polar bodies[1] Hassold T, Chiu D. Maternal age-specific rates of numerical chromosome abnormalities with special reference to trisomy. Hum Genet 1985;70(1):11-7.[2] Verlinsky Y, Ginsberg N, Lifchez A, Valle J, Moise J, Strom CM. Analysis of the first polar body: preconception genetic diagno sis. Hum Reprod 1990 Oct;5(7):826-9.[3] Montag M, van d, V, Delacretaz G, Rink K, van d, V. Laser-assisted microdissection of the zona pellucida facilitates polar body biopsy. Fertil Steril 1998 Mar;69(3):539-42.[4] Montag M, van der Ven K, van der Ven H. Polar body biopsy. In: Gardner, Weissmann, Howles, Shoham, editors. Textbook of Assisted Reproductive Techniques: Laboratory and Clinical ncaster: Taylor & Francis Medical Text Books; 2004. p. 391-404.Each chromosome should show two signals in the 1st polar body and one signal in the 2nd polar body.By analysing the 1st polar body chromosomal disorders which happened during meiosis I can be detected. Approx. 70 % chromosomal disorders are found in the 1st polar body; however, a disorder may also occur in the formation of the 2nd polar body during meiosis II. Therefore 30% of the chromosomal disorders can only be detected by ana-lyzing both polar bodies.A frequent problem when judging FISH results is the occur-rence of chromatin degeneration which can be detected by speckled signals. Interestingly, this phenomenon occurs most often when using LSI (locus-specific identi-fier) probes. Nevertheless, it is still possible to draw con-clusions about the respective chromosomes, since early segregation of chromatides means that the regions with speckled signals are also separated.The main problem with polar body biopsy is the fragmenta-tion of polar bodies, particularly the first polar body.Because each fragment can contain chromosomes, it iscrucial that all fragments be removed during biopsy. In this case identifying the number and location of the fragments is critical, because they can disconnect while drying and move to different areas of the slide. Therefore it is abso-lutely necessary to compile a drawing. Otherwise the risk is quite high that signals in small fragments may be disre-garded which can cause a false diagnosis.Depending on the results of the FISH analysis, chromo-somally normal oocytes can be selected for further culture and transfer.Corresponding author Markus Montag, Ph.D.Department of Gynecological Endocrinology & Reproductive MedicineUniversity Clinics of Bonn, Germany, Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25, D-53105 BonnPhone: +49 228 287 15449; Fax: +49 228 287 14651e-mail:**************************.deFigure 7: FISH signals of chromosom 13, 18, 21, 22Your local distributor: /worldwideEppendorfAG·22331Hamburg·Germany·Tel.+494053801-0·Fax+494053801-556·E-Mail:*********************** Eppendorf North America Inc. · One Cantiague Road, P.O. 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壬基酚在蛋白核小球藻和大型溞体内的富集与传递侯云;贾利兴;段舜山【摘要】Nonylphenol (NP) is a typical environmental endocrine disruptor. Its bioaccumulation and transfer in the freshwater green algae Chlorella pyrenoidosa and the freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna were investigated in this study. The results show that the 96 h median effective concentration (96 h ̄EC50 ) of NP for C. pyrenoidosa is 3.13 mg•L ̄1, and there exist clear dose and time effects in the influence of NP on the cell density and chlorophyll content of C.pyrenoidosa. In the toxicity test of NP on D.magna, the 48 h median lethal concentration (48 h ̄LC50 ) forD.magna is 37.41 μg•L ̄1, indicating that NP is a highly toxic substance. NP poses adverse effects on the growth and reproduction of D.magna. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) of C.pyrenoidosa for NP was 5144.93&nbsp;after 0.05 mg•L ̄1 NP exposure for 4 h, and the accumulation amount reached 252.2 μg•g ̄1 . After 12 h NP expo ̄sure, the BCF of C.pyrenoidosa for NP reached 12 053.64, and the accumulation amount was 1 181.73 μg•g ̄1. However, the accumulation amount of NP in the D. magnawas 3.6μg•g ̄1 after it was fed with C.pyrenoidosapre ̄viously exposed to 0.05 mg•L ̄1 NP for 7 days. The accumulation amount in D.magna exposed to 0.05 mg•L ̄1 NP for 10 days was 4.02 μg•g ̄1 . These results demonstrate that C. pyrenoidosa has a high ability to accumulate NP rapidly, and NP in the body of D.magna is mainly from the feeding of C.pyrenoidosa exposed to NP, which sig ̄nificantly inhibit thegrowth, reproduction and feeding of D.magna. This study suggests NP has adverse effects on aquatic organisms, which is useful for evaluating the long ̄term ecological risk of NP in the aquatic ecosystem.%为探究壬基酚(nonylphenol, NP)在水生生物中的富集传递效应,选择以蛋白核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenoidosa)和大型溞(Daphnia magna)为研究对象,开展蛋白核小球藻对NP的富集效应实验,及NP在蛋白核小球藻和大型溞体内的传递效应实验。





1.鹿茸产品可追溯系统中鹿茸加工环节的关键数据元规范研究 [J], 王梦思
2.塔里木马鹿鹿茸VEGF基因克隆及其在不同鹿茸组织中的表达研究 [J], 刘俊峰;王晓婷;钟婷;郭雪峰
3.麋鹿茸、马鹿茸和梅花鹿茸营养成分的rn分析比较研究 [J], 杨若明;张经华;张林源;程远峥
4.羊水粘多糖双向电泳分析及其在粘多糖贮积症产前诊断中的应用 [J], 李善国;王佩兰;吴文彦
5.二杠鹿茸与三杈鹿茸中氨基酸含量的比较 [J], 李泽鸿;姚玉霞;王全凯;王树志;李振华



文昌鱼早期发育中两种碱性磷酸酶的表达毛炳宇;李艳;张红卫【期刊名称】《山东大学学报:理学版》【年(卷),期】2001()3【摘要】以BCIP为底物研究了碱性磷酸酶在文昌鱼胚胎和幼体中的表达图式 .在囊胚、原肠胚和神经胚早期 (1 2~ 1 3小时 )未检测到碱性磷酸酶的特异性表达 ;到神经胚中期 (1 5小时 ,约 6个体节 ) ,碱性磷酸酶在每一体节的中部开始表达 ,在胚胎中形成 3~ 6个条纹 ;在 1 8小时神经胚中 ,碱性磷酸酶在肌节中表达 ;到2 4小时在后部内胚层中也开始表达 ;在 36~ 48小时幼体中 ,碱性磷酸酶在消化道中强烈表达 ,但在咽鳃区不表达 ,同时在肌节中仍有弱的表达 .研究表明碱性磷酸酶可能在肌节的发育过程中具有一定作用 .碱性磷酸酶在消化道中的表达可能与这一时期消化道开始行使功能有关 .为了鉴定文昌鱼碱性磷酸酶的性质 ,还研究了L 苯丙氨酸对碱性磷酸酶表达图式的影响 ,结果表明文昌鱼至少存在两种碱性磷酸酶 :在消化道中表达的一种是肠型的 ,与脊椎动物碱性磷酸酶可能为同一类型 ;另一种主要在肌节中表达 ,可能是组织非特异性的碱性磷酸酶 .【总页数】5页(P336-340)【关键词】文昌鱼;胚胎;幼体;碱性磷酸酶;表达【作者】毛炳宇;李艳;张红卫【作者单位】山东大学生命科学院【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q786【相关文献】1.trp14基因在文昌鱼早期发育阶段的时空表达及免疫活性初步研究 [J], 蒋圣娟2.文昌鱼胚胎发育过程中Goosecoid基因的表达分析 [J], 商留珂;李光;王义权;3.文昌鱼胚胎发育过程中 Goosecoi d基因的表达分析 [J], 商留珂;李光;王义权4.碱性磷酸酶在文昌鱼胚胎和幼体中表达图式的研究 [J], 毛炳宇;李艳;等5.文昌鱼sfy1基因的克隆及其在早期发育中的表达 [J], 张燕君;毛炳宇;张红卫因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。








胚胎发育 英语

胚胎发育 英语
2. 在胚胎发育的早期阶段,胚胎会经历细胞分裂和胚层形成。 During the early stages of embryonic development, the embryo undergoes cell
division and germ layer formation.
胚胎发育 英语
3. 胚胎发育的每个阶段都对后续的器官发育和功能起着重要的影响。 Each stage of embryonic development plays a crucial role in the subsequent
organ development and function.
4. 胚胎发的研究有助于我们更好地理解生命的起源和发展过程。 The study of embryonic development helps us to better understand the origin
and process of life.
胚胎发育 英语
胚胎发育的英语翻译是 "Embryonic development"。
以下是一些关于胚胎发育的双语例句: 1. 胚胎发育是一个复杂的过程,从受精开始,经历细胞分裂、器官形成等阶段。
Embryonic development is a complex process that starts from fertilization and goes through stages of cell division, organ formation, and so on.


比后者更加纤弱 , 而且有趣 之处 还在 于 , 新疆 莱 氏蕨 叶大 多
具有七枚裂片 , 即除了相对 粗壮 的 中央裂 片 以外 , 两侧 的 其
每个裂片均分叉成为三枚小裂片 。另外 , 新疆莱 氏蕨叶 中裂
[ 神经科 学]
上海科学家发现神经元轴突发育过程 中 细胞膜 的不对称插入机 制 ’
当新奇 , 即使是今天看来 , 依然令人觉得怪异 。
当时的古 生物学家 为莱 氏蕨 的模式 种起 了一个再合 适 不过 的名字—— “ 复杂” 其全 名即为“ , 复杂莱 氏蕨 ” Lc r ( el c e. g cm l a 。毕竟 , o pe ) x 在陆生植物发展 的早期 阶段 , 陆生植 物
裂片 。这种形态的 叶子不但 对 于泥盆 纪 的化 石植 物来说 相
4月在南 黄海中部形成了一个稳定存在时间长达近一个月 的 冷涡 , 该冷涡在春 末夏 初随 风场北 向运 动 , 示其 发生 与运 显
动过程与漂 浮浒 苔生 物 量 的汇 聚、 速增 殖 与漂 移 直接 相 快 关。该项交叉研究成 果发表 在《 环境 科技》 志上 。研 究表 杂
明 , 涡 引发 的富营养 上升 流会显 著提 升初级 生产 力水 平 , 冷
包括形成藻华 , 黄海绿 潮的巨大规模 也许会提 升人 们对 冷涡 生态后 效的重新认识 。同时 , 绿潮 与黄海其他 海洋环境 要素
世界就演化 出 了这种 复杂 的形 态 特征 , 的确让 人 难 以理 这
片末 端具有独特的 、 明显的钩状结 构。学者们将 新发现 的这
种莱 氏蕨命名为“ 钩状莱 氏蕨 (e ec/ uc aa ” Ld r a ni t ) 。 q n ~



EM生物液-微生物制剂EM生物制剂 2008-08-30 16:21 阅读133 评论0字号:大中小一、什么是EM:EM是“有效微生物群”的简称,它是20世纪80年代由日本琉球大学比嘉照夫教授采用特殊的技术方法,将具有不同性质和功能的微生物群(光合细菌、乳酸菌、酵母菌、发酵菌系的丝状菌及革兰氏阳性放线菌)在同一种液体中培养而成的新型复合微生物制剂。



为此,我场现将一套简单易行的EM生物液制作和应用技术推广出来,其特点:1. 生产技术上,有小学文化程度的人只要一、二天就可学会;2. 生产成本上,每生产一公斤EM生物液不到0.2元,且一人一天可生产上千公斤,其质量与市面上每公斤20多元的EM 产品不相上下;3. 产品应用上,更是简单易行。









策 略注 释 D HOD H 基 因序列 , 并进 行 克 隆 以及 重 组
表达 , 为 进 一 步 研 究 E. t e n e l l a DH0 DH ( E t D —
HO DH) 的功 能 , 以 及 以其 为靶 标 筛 选 新 型抗 球 虫
药 物奠 定基 础 。
1 材 料 与方 法
陈 佳 , 戚 南 山。 , 廖 申权 , 吴彩 艳 , 吕敏 娜 , 李 娟 。 , 吴玄光卜 , 孙 铭 飞
( 1 .华 南 农 业 大 学 兽 医学 院 , 广东广州 5 1 0 6 4 0 ;2 .广 东 省农 业 科 学 院 动 物 卫 生 研 究 所 , 广 东广州 5 1 0 6 4 0 )
鸡 球虫 病是 由艾 美耳 球 虫寄 生肠 道 引起 的一 种 危 害严 重 的 寄 生 虫 病 。柔 嫩 艾 美 耳 球 虫 ( Ei me致病性最强、 危 害 最 为 严 重 的球虫 , 寄 生在 小肠 绒毛 上皮 和 盲 肠 的黏 膜 下 , 引起 出血性 肠 炎 , 可 导 致 死 亡 ,特 别 对 雏 鸡 危 害 最
农科 院畜牧研 究所 ; 1 0 2全 价 肉仔鸡 饲 料 ( 不 含 任何 抗球 虫药 和抗 菌药 ) , 广 东省农 科 院 畜牧 研究 所 饲料 厂特 制 。 l _ 1 . 2 虫株 、 菌株 和 载 体 E. t e n e l l a广 东 株 、 E.
摘 要 : 二氢 乳 清酸脱 氢酶 ( D H0DH) 是催 化嘧 啶从 头合 成途 径 中的 关键 酶 , 由于顶 复 门原 虫等 低 等 生
物 与 其 宿 主 的 DH0 DH 在 分 子 结 构 上 的 差 异 , 可 以 作 为研 发 新 型 抗 顶 复 门 原 虫 药 物 的 靶 标 而 成 为 研 究 的 热
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EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT AND MORPHOMETRY IN THE BLUE KING CRAB PARALITHODES PLATYPUS STUDIED BY USING IMAGE AND CLUSTER ANALYSIS BRADLEY G.STEVENSNational Marine Fisheries Service,P.O.Box1638,Kodiak,Alaska,99615ABSTRACT In this paper the embryonic development of laboratory-reared blue king crab,Paralithodes platypus,from the Pribilof Islands in the eastern Bering Sea is described.Developing embryos were removed from a female crab at various intervals,digitally photographed under a compound microscope and analyzed using Image-Pro Plus.Nine morphometric parameters were used,including seven measurements(total area,yolk area,embryo length and width,average diameter,eye length and width)and two calculated indices(percent yolk and elongation).First cell division was not apparent until day4,after which divisions occurred daily until the blastopore appeared at day28.A“V”-shaped embryo became apparent on day114,followed by rapid appendage development.The eyes became pigmented by day192.Hatching occurred from day381to day409,and required at least33d to complete.Embryo area declined from an initial value of0.95mm2on day1–0.83mm2on day72and then increased to1.28mm2on day388.Growth of all characters reached a plateau between days240and353,and then increased rapidly until the middle of hatching(day390).Visual examination was better at defining early changes,but cluster analysis of morphometric measurements was a better technique for defining middle and later stages.Both techniques resulted in an optimum selection of12developmental stages.Embryonic develop-ment has been described for few decapod crustaceans,and no standard exists for defining developmental stages.Multivariate analysis of morphometric measurements may lead to improved understanding of crustacean embryogenesis,allow standardization of staging and enable studies of environmental influence on development.The technique also has applications in the aquaculture industry.KEY WORDS:king crab,development,hatching,incubation,embryo,morphometry,image analysisINTRODUCTIONStudies of crustacean population fluctuations must include techniques for assessing environmental impacts such as climate change on reproduction,including embryonic development rates, diapause and irregular embryogenesis.Previous studies of embryo development in decapods have relied on traditional visual tech-niques to define developmental stages(Moriyasu&Lanteigne 1998,Yamaguchi2001).However,the subjective nature of these methods leads to high variability because of the lack of standard-ized techniques or equipment,and such studies can rarely be ap-plied to other species.Recent developments in digital imaging equipment and software have made it possible to improve the quality and reliability of morphological assessments in human and veterinary medicine.Image-analysis techniques have been used successfully to assess sperm morphology and quality in humans (Verstegen et al.2002),horses(Hidalgo et al.2005),fish(Gage et al.2002),and marine mammals(Kita et al.2001),and these tech-niques are easily adapted to studies of embryos as well.Crusta-ceans are particularly suitable research subjects because of their external and easily accessible embryos.Morphometry of embryos has been used to describe developmental stages in the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium borellii(Lavarias et al.2002).King crabs are large anomurans that are commercially ex-ploited in many parts of the mercially valuable species include red and blue king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus(Tile-sius,1815)and P.platypus Brandt,1850,respectively,golden king crab Lithodes aequispinus Benedict,1894,scarlet king crab L. couesi Benedict,1894,European king crab L.maja,southern king crab L.santolla and others.Despite their value,embryonic devel-opment has only been studied for red king crab in Japan(Naka-nishi1987).There is no standardized scheme for describing devel-opmental stages for king crab or any other large decapod crusta-cean.Blue king crab(BKC)have historically supported lucrative fisheries in the eastern Bering Sea(EBS)at St.Matthew Island and near the Pribilof Islands(St.Paul and St.George).In1999,both populations declined drastically,and their fisheries were closed, leading to renewed interest in research on their biology.Blue king crab have a2-y reproductive cycle;in the first year of this cycle (the spawning year),female crabs molt,extrude eggs,mate and carry the developing fertilized embryos for approximately1y (Somerton&MacIntosh1983,Jensen et al.1985,Somerton& MacIntosh1985,Jensen&Armstrong1989).During the second (or hatching)year,larvae are released,but the crabs do not molt or mate again(Stevens in press),unlike female red king crabs that hatch,molt,mate and extrude annually(Stevens&Swiney,in press).This research was undertaken as part of a larger study on the early life history of BKC,including development of cultivation techniques to ensure a supply of small crab for future research (Stevens et al.,in press).This article describes the embryonic development of BKC during cultivation in the laboratory and methods to standardize definitions of developmental stages using visual as well as morphometric characteristics.MATERIALS AND METHODSBlue king crabs were captured by trawl about20miles north-east of St.Paul Island,in the eastern Bering Sea,during October 2003(for dates and locations see Stevens in press).Crabs were kept in recirculating seawater aboard ship for several days until returning to Dutch Harbor,Alaska.They were then packed in insulated coolers between layers of wet burlap,kept chilled with frozen ice packs and shipped by air to Kodiak,Alaska.Upon arriving in Kodiak,crabs were placed in a2500-L tank containing chilled(4°C)seawater.Most female crabs were new-shelled and ovigerous,but two female crabs had old shells and empty egg cases,evidence that they had released larvae the previous spring.When one of the old-shell crabs subsequently molted,it wasCorresponding author.E-mail:bradley.g.stevens@Reference to trade names does not constitute endorsement by the National Marine Fisheries Service.Journal of Shellfish Research,Vol.25,No.2,569–576,2006.569placed in a tank with a male crab and observed daily during grasp-ing until new clutches of eggs were extruded and the female was released.Examination of embryos began1d after fertilization(day 1).A small cluster of50–100eggs was removed every other day for the first3wk and at2–3wk intervals thereafter.Half of the eggs from each sample were examined live,and the remaining eggs were stained for5–15min in Bouin’s solution prior to ex-amination.Eggs were placed on a glass slide in1ml of filtered seawater and examined under a compound microscope at×50-magnification using reflected light(darkfield background)from a fiber-optic source.Digital photographs of live embryos were taken with a2-megapixel digital camera(Diagnostic Instruments Spot Insight camera)and analyzed using Image-Pro Plus,version4.5. From days3–12,individual photographs were taken of3–5em-bryos,but after day12,10–12embryos were photographed on each sampling date.Embryos were only photographed if they were rotated at90°to the sagittal plane.The image analysis system was calibrated using digital photographs of a stage micrometer set to the height of the midplane of crab embryos;the mean value (pixelsиmm−1)from three digitized images was used.Measure-ments were made by first outlining the embryo on the computer screen using the computer mouse;if the inner and outer embryo membrane were clearly separated(as was often the case during the first90d of development),then the inner membrane was outlined. If the embryo outline was clearly defined and free of background clutter,then the automatic tracing option was used.The outline was then captured using a smoothing value of5(on a scale of1–9). For the first3mo,digital measurements collected for each embryo included area(A),maximum diameter(L),minimum diameter(W) and mean diameter(calculated from180measurements taken at 2°intervals around the perimeter).After the embryo became ap-parent at day114,the area of the yolk mass was determined,and the percentage of apparent cross-sectional area occupied by yolk (PAY)was calculated.After day192,10additional embryos were photographed where the eyespot was rotated to the top central position,and L and W of the pigmented eyespots were measured. In addition to the measured parameters,three metrics of embryo shape were calculated,including ellipticity(L/W),elongation ([L–W]/[L+W]),and circularity(␲LW/4A)(Hidalgo et al. 2005).Measurements were output directly to an Excel spreadsheet for analysis.When hatching began,the female crab was placed into a70-L plastic tub fitted with a bulkhead fitting and drain on the lowest portion of the sidewall.Tubs received flowing sand-filtered sea-water at a rate of4–5Lиmin−1at ambient temperature(4.8±0.4°C)during the hatching rvae exiting the drain passed up through an exterior standpipe and into a fine mesh net.The net was removed daily and larval volume measured to the nearest0.5 mL in a graduated cylinder.Mean hatching date was determined as the weighted average of larval production over time,that is,by multiplying the daily volume of hatched larvae by day-of-the-year, summing the products over time and dividing by total volume of larvae released.Stage DescriptionsStages of embryonic development were defined using two dif-ferent methods.One was the traditional method using develop-mental changes that are visually observable in the stained or un-stained embryos.However,no standard criteria exist by which to define stage endpoints,so stage definitions tend to be subjective.As a general guide,reference was made to descriptions of embry-onic development in snow crabs Chionoecetes opilio(Moriyasu& Lanteigne1998)and red king crab(Nakanishi1987).In the attempt to develop a more objective morphometrically-based method of classifying embryonic stages,cluster analysis of embryo morphometry was used as a second technique(Ludwig& Reynolds1988)using SAS PROC CLUSTER.By grouping to-gether samples(dates)with similar characteristics,the clustering technique should identify groups of dates(which may represent periods of development if they are sequential)during which the embryo metrics are most similar to each other and thus represent stages of development with little change.Different stages of de-velopment should be grouped into different clusters.Sampling units were defined as dates(with individual embryos as replicates), and the method used was average Euclidean distance.However, the actual sample dates were not used as input data because they would have influenced the resulting order of clusters,whereas the goal of this analysis is to determine the stage of development in randomly sampled(wild)crabs whose fertilization dates are un-known.All11measured and calculated metric parameters were used in the initial cluster analysis except yolk area(which was only used for calculating percent area of yolk,PAY).Subsequent analy-ses were made by removing calculated indices until the clusters were aligned in best chronological order.The number of clusters defined is somewhat arbitrary,with a maximum up to the total number of samples.However,selection of an appropriate number can be guided by looking for peaks in the pseudo-F statistic,and valleys in the pseudo-t2statistic(SAS2004).Values of morpho-metric parameters are given in the text as Mean±1SD.The utility of this method for classifying the stages of eggs from wild crabs with unknown developmental histories depends on the conditions under which it is applied.As a test,sampled data from three different crabs with embryos of different known ages were included and classified along with data from crab#1.Each test sample consisted of measurements from10embryos,and each crab had been held at different temperatures,as follows:Crab#2, 2°C,167d;Crab#3,4°C,192d;Crab#4,6°C,223d.RESULTSEmbryo DevelopmentFemale crab#1molted on January17,2004,was grasped and mated by the male the next day(18January)and was observed to have extruded eggs on the next day,19January2004,which was designated as day0.Water temperature increased gradually from 4°C to6°C during the study;mean temperature was5.2°C±1.2°C during the incubation period(January19,2004to March3,2005) (Fig.1).The following description of development is organized according to the12stages defined by morphometric cluster analy-sis(see later).Stage1(Cleavage)During this period dividing cells were easily distinguishable prior to blastodisc formation,and little change in morphometry occurs.Eggs were initially lavender colored;first divisions oc-curred on day4,but true2-cell stages were not observed.By day 7,all embryos were multicellular,including4-cell stage and8-cell stages,and a few with16cells(Fig.2A,a).On day9,most embryos were at the32-cell stage and one was64-cells.Nuclei were apparent as diffuse light-colored spots in the center of eachS TEVENS 570cell.Embryos were separated from the outer egg membrane,which had increased slightly in size.Cell numbers continued to double at 2-d intervals,to 64on day 10,128on day 12,256on day 14,etc.By day 19,yolk had broken up into small irregular globules and cell borders were no longer distinct,although nuclei were apparent on eggs preserved in Bouin ’s.This period corresponds to visual stages V1-V2in Table 1.Stage 2(Blastula-Gastrula)Individual cells and structures are not visible.The blastodic became apparent on day 28and the blastopore was visible on some eggs (Fig.2B,b).Embryos continued to decrease in size until day 72,but developmental changes were not discernible.Corresponds to V3-V5.Stage 3(V-embryo to Nauplius)During this period embryonic lobes are becoming visible and are increasing in size.On day 114,the V-shaped embryo became distinct from the yolk in stained eggs;it is now clear in profile and can be measured (Fig.2C,c).By day 121,most embryos had distinct lobes that would become the antennules,antennae and mandibles.Optic lobes are diffuse and indistinct,and the abdomen is a diffuse round lobe at the base of the “V ”.By day 128,most embryos have distinct mandibles,and by day 143,the optic lobes are clearly defined.By the end of this stage,the antennules and antennae are elongated,and the abdomen is distinct.This stage corresponds to V-6,and is similar to stage 31(metanauplius)of Nakanishi (1987)(abbreviated as N-31),or to stage 6(prenauplius)of Moriyasu and Lanteigne (1998)(abbreviated as ML-6).Stage 4(Prenauplius)Defined by a single observation on day 157(Fig.2D,d).The optic lobes are large and rounded.Rudiments of the antennules and biramous antennae are clearly defined,the latter with a medial epipodite.The mandible is forming medial to the antennae.The abdomen is folded over the embryo for about half of its length.Size and shape of the embryo is identical to that of Stage 1,equivalent to stage V-7and similar to N-33or ML-8.Stage 5(Metanauplius)Observed on day 171only.Optic lobes extend lateral to the rest of the embryo.The tail is about two-thirds the length of the em-bryo.The telson is forked,but setae are not apparent.Maxilliped rudiments are barely visible lateral to the tail.Embryo area and diameter surpass the starting values.Included in V-7,similar to N-38or ML-9.Stage 6(Eye Formation)The eyes are large,lightly pigmented,and extend almost to the edges of the egg (Fig.2E,e).The telson has 6or 7spines (or setae)and reaches the anterior margin of the optic teral append-ages have setae.Up to four chromatophores can be seen.Similar to N-42(day 201)or ML-10.Stage 7(Chromatophore Formation)This is a period of rapid eye growth and formation.The eyes changed from strongly pigmented crescents (Fig.2F,f),to being oval-shaped (Fig.2G,g).Six to eight chromatophores are visible on each side.Maxillipeds are elongated with rudimentary setae.In side view,the embryo takes up one-third of the egg.The telson extends past the optic lobes.Similar to N-44,this stage and the next are included in stage V-8.Stage 8(Diapause)Yolk is divided down dorsal midline into left and right halves,as well as distinct anterior (pinkish)and posterior (orange)lobes (Fig.2H,h).The embryo is crescent-shaped and wraps three quar-ters of the way around the yolk,covering the entire surface in ventral view.Embryo area and diameter reach a “plateau,”and do not increase further until after day 329.Growth rate of eye length slows down,and eye width levels off.Heartbeat becomes distinct.Stage 9(Eye Enlargement)Embryo takes up >50%of egg in side view (Fig.2I,i).Poste-rior lobe of yolk is visibly reduced,relative to anterior lobe.Yolk lobes are clearly separated in dorsal view (Fig.2J,j).This stage is equivalent to V-9.Stage 10(Rapid Growth Phase)Area,length and width of embryo increase rapidly.Dorsal edge of yolk is separated from the perimeter of the embryo case.All measured dimensions start to increase.Equal to V-10.Stage 11(Yolk Depletion)Area of yolk decreases rapidly,as other dimensions increase during this period of rapid growth.Maxillipeds are well defined and pigmented (Fig.2K,k).Equal to V-11.Stage 12(Hatching)Hatching starts.Embryo length and width,and eye length and width reach maximum values.Ommatidia develop a greenish-yellow fringe,producing a “halo ”effect around eye.PAY reaches lowest value.Anterior and posterior regions of yolk become dis-tinct,and the latter is reduced to individual lipid globules.The presence of hemocyanin gives the embryo a bluish tinge.Day 395(Fig.2L,(l)is midpoint of hatching period.Equal toV-12.Figure 1.Water temperature during embryonic development of blue king crab (Paralithodes platypus ).Mean temperature (heavy line)was 5.2±1.2°C.B LUE K INGC RAB E MBRYOD EVELOPMENT571Figure 2.Blue king crab embryo development based on morphometric staging:A,(a)Stage 1,day 7,16cells (scale bar =1.0mm);B,(b)Stage 2,day 28,blastodisc,stained;C,(c)Stage 3,day 114,“V ”-embryo,stained;D,(d)Stage 4,day 157,stained;E,(e)Stage 6,day 192,stained (note setae on maxillipeds and telson);F,(f)Stage 7,day 206;G,(g)Stage 7,day 206,stained;H,(h)Stage 8,day 268;I,(i)Stage 9,day 305;J,(j)Stage 9,day 305,dorsal view showing divided yolk;K,(k)Stage 11,day 367;L,(l)Stage 12,day 395,hatching.Abbreviations:a1,antennule;a2,antennae;ab,abdomen;bp,blastopore;c,carapace;e,eye;ol,optic lobe;t,telson.S TEVENS572Morphometric ChangesWhen first extruded,the mean area of eggs was 0.95±0.02mm 2(Fig.3),and length and width were 1.17±0.05mm and 1.03±0.03mm,respectively (Fig.4).Mean area gradually declined to a minimum of 0.83±0.03mm 2on day 72then began increasing steadily.Length and width followed similar trends.Embryo area,length and width reached a plateau between days 240and 329and then increased rapidly from day 353to day 381,when hatching started.Maximum values were reached for embryo length (1.37±0.02mm)on day 381,for embryo area (1.28±0.05mm 2)on day 388,and for embryo width (1.19±0.03mm)on day 395.In profile view,yolk occupied 100%of the area of the egg until day 121,when the embryo first became apparent,and PAY was 97.8%(Fig.5).Yolk area declined as the embryo grew,with a steep decline between days 157and 206.By day 305,PAY was <50%of total profile area.From day 353to day 381,during the last month before hatching started,PAY declined most rapidly,from 37%to 12.5%.PAY leveled off during hatching,but reached its lowest value of 12%on day 395.Eye pigment was first observed on day 192,when length and width of the pigmented area were 0.155±0.017mm and 0.077±0.011mm,respectively (Fig.6).Eye length and width both increased steadily thereafter,with the rate of increase leveling off after day 305.Eye length and width increased rapidly after day353,reaching maximal values on days 395(0.431±0.012mm)and 388(0.265±0.016mm)for length and width,respectively.Stage ClassificationA total of 39samples (dates of observation)were used for the analysis.Table 1defines the stages,starting and endpoint dates (as day number),duration of each stage in days,and percent of total development,as defined by both the traditional (visual)method and the morphometric (clustering)method.The best results were obtained after eliminating the circularity and ellipticity metrics,which showed no linear trend over time.Similar results were ob-tained regardless of whether calculations were made using PAY as raw data,or after angular or log transformation.Clusters were selected in more-or-less chronological order,even though day number was not used as a variable.Twelve stages were defined by both methods,those stages found to be similar by both methods appear on the same line.In the cluster analysis,a sharp change occurred in both statistical guidelines (the pseudo-F and pseudo-t 2values)after 11clusters.In the dendrogram (Fig.7),a horizontal line drawn at an average Euclidean distance of about 0.15(on the vertical axis)would cut across 11vertical branches,each of which defines a cluster.Two clusters (days 9and 157)were misplaced,so the former was combined with Cluster 1and the latterremovedFigure 3.Mean ±1SD of area for blue king crab (Paralithodes platy-pus )embryos,from fertilization tohatching.Figure 4.Mean ±1SD of minimum (width)and maximum (length)diameters for blue king crab (Paralithodes platypus )embryos.Figure 5.Mean ±1SD of percent yolk visible in side view of blue king crab (Paralithodes platypus )embryos.Figure 6.Mean ±1SD of length and width for the pigmented eye of blue king crab (Paralithodes platypus )embryos.B LUE K INGC RAB E MBRYOD EVELOPMENT 573from it.One additional cluster was further split posthoc into Clus-ters 2and 3,leaving 12useful clusters as stages.Embryos from three test crabs were classified into three differ-ent stages relative to those of Crab #1.Embryos from Crab #2,incubated at 2°C (167d old)were developmentally delayed be-cause of colder temperatures and were classified as stage 3(be-tween days 128and 135for Crab #1).Embryos from Crab #3,raised at 4°C (192d old),were classified as a distinct cluster between stage 5(171d)and stage 6(192d).Embryos from Crab #4(6°C,223d)were more advanced because of warmer tempera-tures and were classified as a distinct cluster between stages 8(282d)and 9(305d).HatchingHatching of larvae was first observed on February 2,2005,but the female crab was not placed into the isolation tub until February 4,because of space limitations,and larvae were first collected the next day.Therefore,it is likely that several days of larval hatching were missed.On the first night of larval capture 35mL of larvae were collected (Fig.8),a much larger volume than on subsequent days.Whereas unusual,such spikes occasionally occur when hatching is delayed because of disturbance or disruption of light cycles.Measurable numbers of larvae were collected for 31d,and the mean date of hatching was February 12(day 390).If the 2d prior to the beginning of larval collections (after female isolation)are included,hatching lasted for a total of at least 33d.DISCUSSIONDuring early stages,BKC embryos developed at almost the same rate as described for red king crab by Nakanishi (1987),who reported that cleavage was first seen on day 4,a distinct 2-cell stage was not observed,the 4-cell stage appeared on day 5,8-cells on day 8,and cell numbers doubled daily thereafter.Development of BKC embryos slowed between days 240and 330(mid Septem-ber to mid December)and then increased rapidly until hatching.The total length of development was longer (390d to the mean hatch date)than that for 12primiparous red king crabs (365d)or for 19multiparous red king crab (326d)that were held at an average temperature of 6°C (Stevens &Swiney,in press).Length of hatching,although possibly underestimated at 33d,was slightly longer than the mean of 28days determined for 23BKC in 2004(Stevens,in press),yet similar to that for red king crabs,which averaged 31d regardless of parity (Stevens &Swiney,in press).Snow crabs in the Gulf of wrence also have a 2-y spawning cycle like BKC,but embryos require 2y to develop (Moriyasu &Lanteigne 1998),versus 13mo for BKC.Moriyasu and Lanteigne (1998)described 14developmental stages that roughly correspond to the 12identified for BKC,plus two earlier stages prior to,and during,funiculus formation;analysis of morphometry did not dis-tinguish such stages in BKC embryos.Nakanishi (1987)examined red king crab eggs at more-or-less weekly intervals,and subse-quently described 53stages.Crustacean growth and development rates increase with tem-perature,as has been shown for larval stages of both red (Naka-nishi 1981)and southern king crab (Anger et al.2004),and snow crab (Kogane et al.2005)and embryos of northern shrimp Pan-dalus borealis (Brillon et al.2005).Crustaceans from warmer water environments typically have shorter embryonic development on the order of days to weeks.With short developmental periods,observations made at daily intervals are often different enough to be characterized as individual stages.For example,embryos of the fiddler crab Uca lactea require an average of 15.4d to develop,reach the 32-cell stage within 24h and can be categorized into 15distinct stages (Yamaguchi 2001).Embryonic development of the redclaw crayfish,Cherax quadricarinatus ,requires 42d at 26.0°C,and was categorized into 10prehatching and 3posthatching stages (Garcia-Guerrero et al.2003).Unlike crabs in the families Lithod-idae and Paguridae,Aegla platensis ,a riverine anomuran in Brazil,develops through the zoea and decapodid stages (equivalent to the megalops or glaucothoe)inside the egg and hatches after 35d (Lizardo-Daudt and Bond-Buckup 2003).Because of the great disparity in development time,there is noTABLE 1.Developmental stages of blue king crab.Stages were defined either by the traditional visual method,or by analysis of morphometrics.Beginand End are midpoint days between observations and are numbered from fertilization;Days is duration of stage;Percent is durationrelative to complete development.Similar stages occur on same lines.Some stages were represented by a single sampling date.Stages Assigned by Morphometrics Values at Beginning of StageStages Assigned by Visual Method Begin End Days Percent Egg Area Egg Length Eye LengthPct YolkStage DescriptionStage Begin End Days Percent 1Cleavage 02525 6.1%0.945 1.1701044 1.0%242622 5.4%2Blastula-Gastrula251179222.4%0.8671.1143263913 3.2%4391086916.8%510812517 4.1%3V-embryo 117150338.0%0.886 1.1220.980612513914 3.4%4Pre-nauplius 15016414 3.4%0.961 1.1680.93571391824310.5%5Meta-nauplius 16418218 4.4%0.992 1.1880.0000.8706Eye formation18219917 4.1% 1.028 1.2200.1550.7217Chromatophore formation 199233348.3% 1.028 1.2210.2160.65581822335114.4%8Diapause2332946114.9% 1.051 1.2470.2980.5979Eye enlargement 2943404611.2% 1.091 1.2670.3680.48492332946114.9%10Rapid growth 34036020 4.9% 1.142 1.2910.3970.374102943414711.4%11Yolk depletion 36037414 3.4% 1.203 1.3280.4150.25211341374338.0%12Hatching 374410368.8% 1.249 1.3740.4280.12612374410368.8%100.0%100.0%S TEVENS574standardized scheme for characterizing developmental stages of crabs or any other decapod crustacean.The number of described stages ranges from10–15,depending on the length of development and the utility of each stage in describing changes observable by eye.The use of embryo morphometrics is a more quantitative method,and may be a useful approach for comparing development between different populations,environmental conditions or varias et al.(2002)used embryo morphometry to describe development in the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium borellii and found that predetermined stages could be identified using four metrics,but they did not use a multivariate approach to classify stages based on their similarity.In order for this approach to be useful,however,it requires a larger number of samples than the number of expected stages.Therefore,for species with short de-velopment periods,multiple samples per day would be required. However,stages defined by multivariate analysis,whereas rela-tively easy to construct using morphometric measurements,are not a substitute for examining the embryo by eye to determine the relative development of various appendages,chromatophores and other organs,and some samples(e.g.,day157)could not be ac-curately classified without visual observations.Examination of embryos from the three extra crabs,whereas not definitive because of the different holding temperatures,does indicate that unknown embryo samples can be classified on a relative scale of develop-ment.A more definitive system could be developed by employing classification and regression tree(CART)analysis to define dis-crete developmental stages based on specific criteria.The techniques of morphometric analysis used in this study are partly adapted from those used in the medical and veterinary sci-ences for classifying the“quality”of sperm cells(Verstegen et al. 2002).Automated techniques such as computer-assisted sperm analysis(CASA)(Verstegen et al.2002)and automated sperm morphometry analysis(ASMA)(Hidalgo et al.2005)could pro-vide new insight into the study of crustacean embryo development, revealing differences too subtle to be detected by the naked eye that may result from environmental change,anthropogenic distur-bance or pollution.Morphometric classification of gametes and embryos may also be useful for identifying and selecting high-quality brood stock for the aquaculture industry or for preservation of endangered species.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe author thanks R.MacIntosh and L.Rugolo for capturing and shipping the crabs to Kodiak,and S.Persselin and S.VanSant for assistance with various aspects of the experiment.Student in-terns B.Neslund,M.Moore and R.Ellingson assisted with feeding and maintaining the crabs.Thanks to G.Jensen,L.Rugolo and several unidentified reviewers for their constructive comments.LITERATURE CITEDAnger,K.,G.Lovrich,S.Thatje&rval and early juvenile development of Lithodes santolla(Molina1782)(Decapoda: Anomura:Lithodidae)reared at different temperatures in the labora-tory.J.Exp.Mar.Biol.Ecol306:217–230.Brillon,S.,mbert&J.Dodson.2005.Egg survival,embryonic de-velopment,and larval characteristics of northern shrimp(Pandalus borealis)females subject to different temperature and feeding condi-tions.Mar.Biol.147:895–911.Gage,M.J.G.,C.MacFarlane,S.Yeates,R.Shackleton&G.A.Parker.2002.Relationships between sperm morphometry and sperm motility in the Atlantic salmon.J.Fish Biol.61:1528–1539.Garcia-Guerrero,M.,M.E.Hendrickx&H.Villarreal.2003.Description of the embryonic development of Cherax quadricarinatus(Von Mar-tens,1868)(Decapoda,Parastacidae),based on the staging method.Crustaceana76:269–280.Hidalgo,M.,I.Rodriguez,J.Dorado,J.Sanz&C.Soler.2005.Effect ofsample size and staining methods on stallion sperm morphometry by the Sperm Class Analyzer.Vet.Med.(Praha)50:24–32.Jensen,G.C.&D.A.Armstrong.1989.Biennial reproductive cycle of blue king crab,Paralithodes platypus,at the Pribilof Islands,Alaska and comparison to a congener,P.camtschaticus.Can.J.Fish.Aquat.Sci.46:932–940.Jensen,G.C.,D.A.Armstrong&G.Williams.1985.Reproductive biol-ogy of the blue king crab,Paralithodes platypus,in the Pribilof Islands, In:B.Melteff,editor.Proceedings of the International King Crab Sym-posium,pp.109–121.Anchorage,AK.January22–24,1985.Univer-sity of Alaska Sea Grant.Report No.85-12.Kita,S.,M.Yoshioka,M.Kashiwagi,S.Ogawa&T.Tobayama.2001.Comparative external morphology of cetacean spermatozoa.Fish.Sci.67:482–492.Kogane,T.,K.Hamasaki&K.Nogami.2005.Effect of temperature on survival and developmental period of larval snow crabChionoecetes Figure8.Total volume of larvae hatched each day by the single blue king crab(Paralithodes platypus)used in thisstudy.Figure7.Dendrogram of blue king crab(Paralithodes platypus)em-bryo stages as defined by cluster analysis.12clusters are identified,one of which(#4,day157)was misclassified.B LUE K INGC RAB E MBRYOD EVELOPMENT575。
