雅思大作文批改之increase of anti-social behavior and a lack of respect to others的cause和solution




考生需根据给出的图表或数据,分 析并阐述一个相关主题,字数不少 于250字。
本次写作真题关注的是环境保护和 可持续发展领域,要求考生针对全 球气候变化问题,提出自己的观点 和解决方案。
该题目要求考生就“是否应该限 制青少年使用社交媒体”进行论 述。高分范文在逻辑上非常严密,
范文采用了总分总的结构,先提 出总论点,然后分别从不同角度 进行论述,最后再总结全文。每 个分论点都有相应的论据支持,
部分考生可能过于关注图表或数据本身,而 忽略了题目要求的分析和阐述主题。
在讨论环境保护和气候变化问题时,考生可 能不自觉地偏离主题,过多涉及其他不相关 的话题。
部分考生可能只是简单地描述图表或数据, 而没有进行深入的分析和讨论,导致文章内 容空洞。




雅思哥写作干货:7分范文篇1Nowadays some people have the anti-social behavior and are lack of respect to others. What are the reasons? What are the solutions?Today there is a large increase in anti-social behavior, such as stealing, robbery and bullying, in almost every country. Also, irresponsibility and disrespect to others are common. Thereason for the anti-social behavior are both complicated and varied.One possible reason for people to show anti-social behavior is that they may be dissatisfied with certain policies made by the government, so they choose an extreme way to express theirdissatisfaction. For example, a local government does not punish the businesses that cause pollution to the environment just because these companies pay a large sum of tax every year. As aresult, some people intentionally hurt employees working for these companies as a warning. Another reason is that some people lack education in learning how to respect and how law works whenthey were young, so they fail to realize what harm their behavior would cause to others. I think this explains why they appear harmful to the society.To address this problem, the government should listen to public opinions with an open mind, taking the benefit of all parties into consideration before making policy, and make every effort tomeet people’s demand in fields like living environment, price index and working benefits. Public media should broadcast noncommercial advertisements to convey the importance of showing respectto others and obeying the law. Also, schools and parents ought to put emphasis on cultivating law-abiding consciousness and let youngsters know that only respecting others can obtain others’respect.In sum, any anti-social behavior is regarded as a threat to social order. Mostly , the ones that misbehave lack a good understanding in manners and law.So the government media and educationinstitutions need to join hands to solve this problem.雅思哥写作干货:7分范文篇2In recent years, young people in many countries choose to live by themselves. What are the reasons and is it positive or negative for the development of the society?Traditionally , young people often lived with other people. Now , more young people are choosing to live by themselves. Some people question whether this trend will have a negative orpositive impact on the development of society.Some people are choosing to live by themselves for convenience purposes. Maybe they have a lengthy commute back and forth to work and it is no longer reasonable to live such a distance away.They want to live close to where they work and a roommate or someone to live with is not an option. Some people choose to live alone because they dislike the inconveniences of cohabiting withsomeone who has different living habits. Other people choose to live alone simply because they are introverts and they do not enjoy social contact.Although a person should certainly have the right to determine whether they live alone or not, it is important to note that human contact and social interaction remain important to a person’sdevelopment and well-being. Human beings are social creatures and studies have shown that we can all benefit from social interaction. Many of us think that we can enhance our lives withcomputer time, television time, or smartphone time, but face-to-face interaction can still be beneficial and enriching.It remains to be seen if there will be any long-term effects from the current trend of people living alone, but there is a possibility that this trend may have a negative impact on people’sability or interest in social interaction.雅思哥写作干货:7分范文篇3An increasing number of people are changing their careers. What are the reasons? Do you think it is positive or negative?Some people wonder why career changes are becoming more prevalent and whether those more frequent changes are having a positive or a negative effect. Although one can certainly argue aboutthe positive or negative effects, I believe that these changes can be positive, if the person making the career change is doing so for the right reasons.Admittedly, companies come and go in our fast-paced world economy. So itis probably no longer realistic for a person to think that they will be ableto start and finish working with the samecompany. Along the same lines, it should be noted that many companiesand employers do not value loyalty as much as their counterparts from previous generations.This trend can be positive if people change jobs for the following purposes. First, they make career changes in an attempt to find moresatisfaction or fulfillment with their new career.Second, they made a mistake in the previous career they chose for themselves but it is no late to pursue a more suitable one. Lastly, somepeople make career changes in search of a moredesirable lifestyle, more career advancement or a higher income.If people choose a different career path so they can be happier or more fulfilled in their career. I support them to do so. Happy and fulfilled employees are more productive and theiremployers will be benefited. Everyone deserves the chance to have abetter career development. If career change is the key to their future success, they should not hesitate to make the change.雅思哥写作干货:7分范文篇4Some people say that governments should focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help people prevent illness and disease. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people maintain that their governments should focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help prevent illness and disease.It is obvious that environment pollution can create widespread illness. Studies have shown that poor air quality can create illness, including cancer, and those illnesses can reduce ourquality of life and our lifespan. The same can be said for water pollution, as many disease and illnesses are a direct result of poor water quality. Unfortunately, in many countries the waterand air quality is already poor due to years of abuse or negligence. Government efforts to ensure air and water quality can be quite expensive, as a lot of cleanup is required.In regards to a lack of quality housing, that can result in similar health problems and concerns, as people who are homeless or living in the street are certainly more prone to disease andillness.That being said, a government cannot spend all of its financial resources in curbing pollution or creating affordable housing. The government has other priorities and problems to consider,including transportation, education, employment and health care. If these priorities are ignored, other problems will arise. Bad roads or bad bridges may impact the economy. Uneducated andunemployed citizens are also sure to have a negative impact on the economy. If a society is unable to care for its sick population, the society will also suffer.With this in mind, it seems that the government is best served in establishing a balance in determining which problems and areas to focus on. Although they may never be able to solve all ofthose problems at ones, maybe they can make enough progress so that someday those problems will be in the past.雅思哥写作干货:7分范文篇5Some people claim that newspaper is the best way to get the latest information because it has more influence that other forms of media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people claim that the latest information is mostly from newspapers, but I would say television is a better way to get news and other information.立场:不赞成纸媒体不能及时把新闻信息第一时间传播出去纸媒体好处:更多细节,读者可以反复阅读电子类媒体:更新及时,视频的方式报道,让人们更直观的了解到事件的进展On behalf of newspapers, newspaper stories are generally more detailed and more in-depth than other media accounts of the same stories. A television or radio newscast has limited time inwhich to tell a news story. If the television news is only 30 minutes or 60 minutes in length, the television network can use only a limited amount of time for each story. Newspapers, on theother hand, often have more time and space to offer for a specific story. Also, newspaper stories are written instead of spoken like television or radio stories. If a person is reading anewspaper story and they are unclear about some of the facts in the story, they can go back and read the story again.On behalf of other forms of media, it is important to point out thatprinted newspapers are usually printed only once a day. Although some newspapers now have internet sites where they candisseminate news as fast as other forms of electronic media. Electronic media such as television, radio and internet news sources have the ability to deliver news much more quickly thannewspapers. As a medium, television and radio offer unlimited video and audio accounts of news stones, but printed newspapers lack these forms of accounts.Although newspapers have traditionally been a main source for information. Other electronic media, especially television, are now challenging newspapersin this role. Television can providenews immediately while it is happening. Besides, television can do sowith video and audio presentations that are not available in newspaper.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。






请看以下雅思真题:1. International travel often leads people to have someprejudicesrather than broad-mind. What are the main reasons of this phenomenon? What do you think people can do to get better understanding of the countries they visit?2. International travelsometimes makes people more prejudicedrather thanboard-minded. Give out reasons why it cannot bring benefits to those visitors. Do you have ways to improve people s understanding of the countries they visit?上述两道雅思真题虽然提问方式有所不同,但是题干中核心词是相同的,而且尤其是“prejudice〞一词是理解难度比拟大的。






2023年6月17日雅思大作文范文及解析再犯罪的原因和解决办法一、2023年6月20日雅思大作文题目Many criminals continue to commit crimes even after being punished for it. Why do you think this happen? How can we solve this problem?二、范文及解析IntroductionA mushrooming number of criminals, after being released from the jail, will revert to crime, exerting ceaseless baneful influence on the social harmony and stability. Behind such a ticklish problem, from my perspective, are two predominant factors and viable solutions are in desperate need to avert the bleak future.解析本场考试重复1月14日大作文考题,虽然是很多考生害怕的犯罪类话题,但本题以说明文的形式考出,要求分析犯罪分子被释放出之后继续犯罪的原因及解决方法,是一个复古旧题,整体难度并不大;mushrooming adj.迅速增长的;越来越多的;ceaseless adj.不断的;不停的;baneful adj.不好的;有害的;ticklish adj.难对付的;棘手的;Body 1The chief culprit for re-offending would be the difficulty for the criminals to settle down and reintegrate into the society. Indisputably, one of the root causesfor anti-social behaviors is poverty, by which I mean living odds force some people to embark on a path of delinquency to support themselves by engaging in illegal activities such as stealing, larceny and the like. After being freed from the prison, with a criminal record, never would it be easy for the law-breakers who lack livelihood skills to secure a job and become economically independent. Another contributing factor for such a worrying trend has much to do with the psychology condition of the criminals. Suffering from improper treatment, be it physical punishment or verbal aggression, many offenders, when set free from the prison, are inundated with resentment instead of visions of life, for which they, running after revenge, are apt to fall back into perpetrating crimes.解析:再次犯罪的原因有:(1)物质层面:犯过罪的人出来之后在稳定生活重新融入社会上存在明显困难;(2)精神层面:报复心理;culprit n.不好的事情的原因;罪魁祸首;reintegrate into v.重新融入;living odds n.生活窘境;verbal aggression n.语言攻击;embark on a path of delinquency v.走上犯罪的道路;larceny n.盗窃;be inundated with v.充斥着;resentment n. 愤恨;怨恨;revenge n.复仇;are apt to v.倾向于;易于;perpetrate v.犯罪;作恶;Body 2Prickly as the issue is, steps can be taken to address this . Primarily, the government should play a leading role by enacting tougher laws and carrying out more severe penalties such as heavier fines or longer sentences for offenders toaccomplish the purpose of deterrence. The authorities should also polish the effectiveness of imprisonment with the aim to help criminals achieve rehabilitation. To specify, job-related training targeted at those released offenders are staunchly suggested, which enables them to be furnished with some employment abilities, be they a plumber, a hairdresser or a driver. In this case, they can be, in large part, encouraged to live a normal life rather than violate the law for survival. Efforts from family members, friends and the society are also indispensable to cure the mental disorders. To elaborate, showing enough respect and helping those ex-prisoners to find a job are great tender solicitude. The general public and the whole society should be made to believe are formed man deserves a new leaf.解析:解决方法:(1)政府层面:颁布更严格的法律配备更严厉的处罚以达到更好的震慑作用;进一步改进监禁的教育方式从而达到帮助犯罪分子真正改过自新;(2)家庭和社会:更多地尊重,接纳,包容改过自新的罪犯;prickly adj.麻烦的;address v.解决;enact v.制定;颁布法令;rehabilitation n.改过自新;staunchly adv.强烈地;be furnished with v.具有;配备有;solicitude n.安慰;关怀reformed adj.改过自新的;ConclusionIn conclusion, the problem for ex-prisoners to resort to offence, notwithstanding its gravity, can be brought under control with both the government and the public shouldering joint responsibility.解析:总结前文:notwithstanding prep. 虽然;尽管;gravity n.严重性;三、范文2There are a variety of punishments for criminals, including imprisonment, fines, and community service. However, even after serving their sentences, a significant proportion of ex-prisoners continue to commit crimes. This essay will explore the reasons behind this and propose solutions.对罪犯有各种各样的惩罚,包括监禁、罚款和社区服务。



阅读使人快乐,成长需要时间2011年雅思大作文题目汇总持续更新中(2011.1.22A&G)There are an increasing number of anti-social behaviors in recent years; People generally believe that the society is to blame. What do you think the causes are and who is responsible for this(反社会,犯罪)Anti-social behavior represents the disrespect to society, which occurs mainly in the form of crimes. This phenomenon stems from our social context, but there are also many other contributing factors.The causes behind the rise of anti-social behaviors are complicated, but the fundamental one is that our society is lacking in the law awareness among common people. Education should teach people to judge right and wrong, and also to obey the social order. But today’s schools and universities focus on the cramming of theoretical knowledge as well as working skills. This leads to the lack of law education form most of people.On the other hand, there exists the practice that some anti-social behaviors are not severely punished, that is to say, people may misunderstand that the cost of wrong-doings is low. Thus there will be no deterrence for those potential criminals or gangsters. What’s more, economic factors also play a part. Briefly, the occurrence of some anti-social behaviors can be attributed to the widening income gap.谁应该对此负责?根据以上原因,与此对应的(1)the government should be responsible for this phenomenon. And schools and universities should promote law awareness. (2) citizens should also obey the law and regulations.明确一个理念,社会犯罪的增加,固然有社会的原因,但是从主观角度来说,犯罪主体也是有很大的责任的。



Some people believe that charity organizations should give the aid to those who are in great needs, while the others think that charity organizations should concentrate on helping people who live in their own country. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Charity organization has never lost its unique power to confuse people and transport them to troubles. It is argued that whether the charity organizations should support to people who are in great needs orthose who live in their own countries. Personally I believe that charity organizations focus on helping their own countries’ people should be considered as the option of last, instead of the first resort.Evidences show that charity organizations to aid people who are in great needs can bring a host of benefits to individuals as well as the whole international society. The charity helpthose who need great help can alleviate the increasing social gap between rich and poor, countries’ strong and weak which will probably reduce the rate of crimes and build a harmonious world. A case in point is that since the outbreak of the Iraq war the international Red Cross federation is aiming to help nearly one million of the most socially vulnerable people inside Iraq. Specifically, it supports Iraq food, water and medical facilities to help the vulnerable people rebuild their hometown. As far as I am concerned, worldwide charity organizations, which can help people all over the world, willconstruct a harmonious wold and reduce the war.However, charities just concentrate on aiding people who live in their own countries seems not work effectively. The radical reason for which is that it has a limitation on supporting vulnerable people from other countries who suffer from the disasters, which will lead to a complex and dangerous social environment other than in their own country. This will eventually build an inhumane image in the world. A case in point is that in 2011the Japanese earthquake, Chinese charity organizations sent rescue teams and basic facilities to Japan to save people’s lives. If China did not do likethis, Chinese reputation would certainly destroyed and our country would be condemned by the international society. In this case, this way should be considered as the option of last. A nation should help other nations regardless of its strength.Therefore, I believe that charity organizations shouldaid to people no matter where they come from, whichare regarded asbetter solutions to reduce wars and help vulnerable people rebuild their homeland when they went through disasters. According to these ways, a harmonious international society will be set up. Besides, it will make a progress in the whole world’s sustainable development.By and large, we can expect that at least the problem about what kinds of people charities should aid can be largely solved by supporting people from all over the world who faces the desperate situation. The more effort put in and the wider the whole society involvement, the more substantial resultslikely to be. The increase of aiding people who are in great need s and the consequent improvement in people’shappiness is surely a worthwhile objective. 总点评:本篇文章得分: 5.5。



Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect for others among young students. What have caused this situation? How can it be changed?Along with the rapid development of technology, our community has constantly raised multiple serious issues, typically the acceleration in anti-social behaviors and lack of respect to others. Personally, I believe that there are several compelling reasons to interpreter as well as suggest profound solutions to address those matters.On the one hand, disobedience and disrespects for others result from multiple causes. Firstly, at the present, most teenagers who are extremely susceptible by extrinsic elements will be tremendously affected by violent activities from brutal games in technological appliances. Additionally, the carelessness of parents and educationalists also plays dominant ground caused children’s recalcitrance in treatment to other people. Those students were not accurately oriented by their caretakers they would derogate others’ dignity owing to misleading perception. Continuously, government’s education policy has not effectively operated in training learners’ morality which is seriously debilitated.Some measurements can be taken into account to mitigate its detrimental influences. First and foremost, parents should occupy indispensable position to guide their children how to behave with other citizens. In addition to this, they need to employ sufficient punishments to reach educated goals together with prevent the painful damages of kids’ self-esteem. There is another significant noteworthy solution supporting this viewpoint is that authorities should enact legislations to ban barbaric games from being played by yo uthful customers. Not only that but also institutes should collaborate with learners’ families to generate a congruent environment to shape pupils’ characteristics.In conclusion, anti-social performances and lack of courtesy for others stem from many prominent reasons, vicious activities from automatic devices and the conspicuous absence of parents and relevant agencies in educating students. As a result, there are several ideal solutions, important roles both caretakers and schools, should be implemented to tackle this phenomenon.(291 words)Essay:There is much discussion about anti-social behaviors of some students at school. I will analyze some possible causes of this phenomenon and then propose some measures.The main reason contributing to this phenomenon, I think, is parenting. This is because that what children see and hear at an earlier stage in their lives mould their characters to a large extent. If a child was raised in a family with parents who failed to maintain a stable family or who are overly indulgent, it is more likely for them to adopt a skewed world view towards their social lives than a child grown up in a normal family. Additionally, young minds are subject to external influence. Being exposed to prevalent media violence in the new millennium, some children applied them into reality by bullying or cyber abusing their relatively vulnerable peers. Also other factors can be biological conditions or friend circles that promote disruptive behavior through peer pressure.Accordingly, affirmative actions should be taken to combat this situation. Firstly, incorporating ethical codes and standards in parenting and schooling can raise students’ awareness of what is right and wrong, instructing them to justify for their own deeds. Secondly, compulsory measures remain as an effective method for the most stubborn students. For example, isolation is commonly used through cooling off frequent offenders and re-engaging positively afterwards. Lastly, students themselves can form special groups acting as “eyes and ears” of the general public to report similar incidence to adults or authorities to curb the negative trends.Overall, there are numerous reasons contributing to the students with anti-social behaviors. When it comes to tackling them, proper guidance, strict punishment, and spontaneous supervision should go in hand to ensure a safe study environment for students as a whole.。




On the strength of compelling and convincing research, scientists nowadays statethat varieties of language and culture have been becoming victims of global economic growth, especially in the developing country. As I see it, what with the external and the internal factors, China is not an exception.Firstly, globalization inevitably accompanies with the fade of cultures and linguistics. For instance, technology has now created the possibility and even the likelihood of a global culture. The Internet, satellite, and cable TV have swept away the old national cultural boundaries. Moreover, the competitions between countries are more and more furious. If a product is not linguistically and culturallyappropriate, it may not sell at all.Secondly, policies of opening and reforming in China contribute to the issue in some degree. Nowadays, Chinese government introduces some preferential measures to encourage foreign merchants and companies investing in China, so as to absorb their advanced technology and management. However, the foreigners surely immigranttheir alien cultures into China, such as fast food culture, which challenges ourdomestic Chinese food.Last but not the least is self-neglect, especially of the young. They are prettyhooked on imitating alien cultures and languages inasmuch as they regard those are tidal current, while the essences of their own will unconsciously be dying out.Suffice it to say that many of them can sing many English popular songs while cannot sing any Beijing opera.In conclusion, culture and language in their various forms now serve as primary carriers of globalization modern values. In my submission, we should reckon it rationally, namely discarding the dross and selecting the essential.。



0、Some people say that governments should spend money on measures to save languag es that are used by few speakers, while others believe it's a waste of financial resources . Discuss both views and give your opinion.(10.20新增)1.In many countries prices of airplane tickets have dropped. Is it positive or negative situation? Write about your personal experience orknowledge.\\Air travel is cheap these days, allowing ordinary people to travelfurther. Some people say that airfare shouldbe increased because this leads to environmental problems. Discuss both views and giv e your own opinion.2、Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, bu t other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information c an be seen at TV and the internet. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.(命中10.18A类大作文原题,删除)3、Sometimes people are rejecting a job opportunity due to their age or other circumstance s. Is it a negative or a positive approach? Give your opinion and relevant examples.4、Some people think zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, some people think zoos are useful to protect the rare animals.Discuss both these views and give your opinion.\\Some people argue that the purpose of zoos is only to entertain people. What do you think? What other purposes of zoos?5、Some people believe that mobile phones should be banned in public, especially on publi c transport, in restaurants and cinemas. Others think that mobile phones should be allo wed to use anywhere. Discuss both views and give your opinion.6、Mobile phones and the Internet are very useful. However, it is rare for old people to use them. What ways could mobile phone and the Internet be useful to old people? How does the old people to be encouraged using this new technology? (10.11考了电话和网络带来的交流方式的改变)7、We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we can't trust the journalist. W hat do you think? What qualities should a journalist have?8、Some people argue that teaching children of different abilities together benefits all of them. Others believe that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and how do you think about it?9、Some people believe that some unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (e.g. working in a charity, improving the relationship of neighbourhood or teaching sports to children) To what extent do you agree or disagree?10、Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than in quality. To what ext ent do you agree or disagree?11、Some people believe that a country benefits greatly with a high percentage of young pe ople who go to university, while others argue that it only leads to graduate unemployme nt. Discuss both views and give your opinion.12、Anyone can post information on the Internet. Some people say most of what we read o n the Internet is inaccurate. To what extent do you agree or disagree?13、In many countries traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods. This is having a negative effect on both families and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?\\Scientists believe that junk food has bad impact on our health. Some people think that people should be educated to consume less of it, while others thinkthat it is pointless. What is your opinion?14、Some people have great ambitions in life, others don’t. Do you think ambition is im portant to succeed in life? Is it a positive or a negative quality to have?15、In today’s world, it is private companies rather than government who pay for and carry o ut most on scientific research.Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?\\Since money for postgraduate research is limited, some people think financial support from the government should be only provided for scientific research rather than the research for less useful subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?16、Many people believe that the world’s most urgent problems can only be solved by intern ational collaboration. Do you agree or disagree?17、Many people think it is very important to protect environment but theymake no effort to do it themselves. Why does it happen? How to solve this problem?18、An increase in the production of consumer goods results in the damage to the natural environment. Why is this case? What can we do to resolve this problem?19、Individual greed and selfishness has been the basis of the modern society. Some peopl e think that we must return to the older and more traditional values of respect for the fa mily and the local community in order to create a better world to live in. To what extent d o you agree or disagree?(9.27考虑单独居住,属变形题)20、The increase in food production owes much to fertilizers and better machinery, but some people think that it has a negative impact on human health and community. To what extent do you agree or disagree?21、Some people think the best way of reducing crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, think there are other better ways to reduce crime. Discuss both views a nd give your own opinion.22、University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people think univer sities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in addition to their ow n subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?23、It becomes more popular to find out the history of one's family. What are the reasons for people to do this and do you think it is a positive or negativedevelopment?//Some people are becoming more interested in family history research. O thers, however, argue that one should focus more on the present and future generations. Discuss both views and give your opinion.24、Some people believe that public health should be improved by increasing the number of sports facilities, while others believe that it has little effects other measures should be taken to solve this problem. Discuss both views and give your opinion.25、Sport today is turning into a business, with many companies involved and ever growing prize money for the sportsmen. Do you think it’s a positive or negative development?26、Some people argue that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.27、Some people think that certain things taught in school are a waste of time, but others don’t agree with this statement. Discuss both points of view and give your own o pinion based on your personal experience.28、 In modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, for instance, clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree? //Some people think it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines intended forhuman use. Others, however, think it is cruel to do that. Discuss both of these views and give you own opinion.29、Some animal species such as dinosaurs and dodos become extinct because of natural processes. So, it is not necessary to try and prevent this from happening. Do you agree or disagree?\\There are many extinct species in the world nowadays. Some people say we should protect these animals from dying out,while others say we should concentrate more on problems of human beings. Discuss both opinions and give your personal view.30、Society is based on rules and laws. It would not function if individuals are free to do wha tever they want to. To what extent do you agree or disagree?31、Some people say that to become a good teacher, you should acquire enough training, while others say that teaching capabilities can be developed with experience. Discuss both views and give your opinion.32、In today's world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists su ch as musicians, painters and writers. What can arts tell us about life that science and te chnology cannot?33、In schools and universities, some girls tend to choose arts subjects, while boys choose t o study science subjects. What are the reasons? Do you think this trend should be cha nged?34、Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals today is increa sing the gap between the poor people and the rich people, while some others say this ha s an opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your opinion.35、Charities and organizations always give special names toarticular days such as 'Nationa l Children's Day' and 'National Non-smoking Day'.What are the causes of these particul ar days? How effective are they?36、Many people believe that teachers should take the responsibility for the students to judg e what is right and wrong and behave well, others feel that teachers should only teach a cademic subjects. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.37、Hanppiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?We have entered a throw-away society and fill the environment with rubbish. What are t he causes and what are your solutions?次重点预测题:说明:绿色部分降低重视,时间不够的话可以不用看。

【第85期】IELTS雅思考试Task 2大作文8分范文中英对照及关键句型

【第85期】IELTS雅思考试Task 2大作文8分范文中英对照及关键句型

【第85期】IELTS雅思考试Task 2大作文8分范文中英对照及关键语句汇总本期Topic1.越来越多的人在现代社会感到孤独和社交压力。


More and more people in modern society experience loneliness and social pressure. What measures do you think individuals should take to improve social relationships and alleviate feelings of loneliness? Provide specific recommendations.2.有人认为,大学教育应该更注重培养学生的实际能力,而另一些人认为应该更注重传授理论知识。


Some people believe that university education should focus more on cultivating students' practical abilities, while others think it should emphasize the impartation of theoretical knowledge. What is your opinion on this issue? Discuss and provide examples to support your views.3.人工智能的快速发展引发了一些关于隐私和安全的担忧。


The rapid development of artificial intelligence has raised concerns about privacy and security. What measures do you think society should take to protect individuals' privacy and security? Provide specific recommendations.范文1.越来越多的人在现代社会感到孤独和社交压力。



雅思作文话题范文分析:反社会行为雅思大作文:反社会行为的分析近几年重复出现一道题目,讨论anti-social behaviors 的成因和影响。


There is an increasing amount of anti-social behavior and lack of respect for others. What are the causes of this problem and whatare your solutions? 2022.1.30Nowadays, some individuals behave in anti-society way, such as committing a crime. In general, it is the society to blame. What causes the anti-social behabiors of individuals? who should be responsible for dealing with it? 2022.01.22首先,让我们看看国外网站上对anti-social behavior 的定义Anti-Social Behavior: This term generally refers to actions that deviate significantly from established social norms. Behavior that fits within this definition will vary to some degree, based on the social environment in which the child lives. This kind of behavior commonly includes skipping school, getting into fights, running away from home, persistently lying, using illegal drugs or alcohol, stealing, vandal-izing property, engaging in aggressive or violent behavior towards other individuals, and violating school rules, home rules or local criminal laws.指的是违背社会准则的不恰当的行为,包括逃课,打架,离家出走,不停撒谎,药物滥用,酗酒,偷窃,破坏公物,暴力行为,破坏校规,家规,甚至犯罪。



反社会行为原因措施的雅思作文英文回答:Antisocial behavior, characterized by a disregard for and violation of societal norms and laws, is a prevalent issue that warrants careful consideration. Its causes and potential remedies are complex and multifaceted, encompassing both individual and societal factors.At the individual level, genetic predispositions, psychological disorders, and early life experiences play significant roles. Individuals with certain genetic traits may be more likely to exhibit antisocial tendencies, while psychological disorders such as psychopathy and conduct disorder can impair empathy and moral reasoning. Additionally, adverse childhood experiences, such as neglect or abuse, can contribute to the development of antisocial behavior by disrupting attachment and creating a sense of insecurity.Societal factors also exert a profound influence. Poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunities can lead to frustration and social isolation, increasing the risk of antisocial behavior. Moreover, exposure to violence and criminal behavior in the environment can normalize such behaviors and make them seem acceptable or even desirable.Addressing the causes of antisocial behavior requires a comprehensive approach that targets both individual and societal factors. At the individual level, earlyintervention and treatment programs can help identify and address risk factors in childhood. These programs may focus on improving cognitive and social skills, fostering empathy, and providing support for families facing adversity. For individuals with more severe antisocial traits, psychotherapy and pharmacological interventions may be necessary to regulate behavior and reduce impulsive tendencies.At the societal level, addressing poverty and inequality, expanding educational opportunities, and providing access to social support systems can help createa more positive and supportive environment for all.Policies aimed at reducing exposure to violence and promoting healthy relationships can also contribute to reducing antisocial behavior. Additionally, community-based programs that engage individuals in meaningful activities and foster a sense of belonging can provide protective factors against antisocial tendencies.中文回答:反社会行为的原因和措施:反社会行为是一种无视和违反社会规范和法律的行为,是一个普遍存在的问题,值得仔细考虑。




以下为7月15日雅思写作机经预测题:第1套 There is an increasing amount of anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What are the causes of this problem and what are your solutions?第2套 The range and quality of food been improved with the development of technology and scientific advance. Some people think it is good and others think it is harmful. Discuss two sides and give your own opinion.第3套 In some countries, it's possible to buy a wide variety of foods transported from other countries. To what extent the benefits outweigh its drawbacks.第4套 Some people claim that many things that children are taught at school are a waste of time. Other people argue that everything study at school are useful at some time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.第5套 International travel make people prejudiced more than board-mind, why? How to improve the understanding of countries they visit?第6套 Many young people leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. What are the reasons?How can we encourage young people to study?第7套 Some people think charity organizations should help people in great need wherever they live. However, others think they should help people in their own country. Discuss both opinions and give your own idea.第8套 Human activities have negative effect on plants and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Other people believe that effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.第9套 Some people think individuals are more and more dependent on each other. some people think individuals are more and more independent. Discuss both views.第10套 Nowadays people tend to travel long distance to work every day. What are the reasons and suggestions?。



雅思作文批改英语I believe that technology has greatly impacted ourlives in both positive and negative ways. On one hand, it has made communication faster and easier, allowing us to connect with people from all over the world instantly. On the other hand, it has also led to increased screen timeand a decrease in face-to-face interactions.Moreover, technology has revolutionized the way we work and learn. With the internet, we have access to a wealth of information at our fingertips, making research and studying more convenient. However, this reliance on technology has also made us more dependent on devices and less able tothink critically or problem-solve without them.In addition, social media has changed the way we socialize and interact with others. It has provided a platform for people to share their thoughts and experiences, but it has also led to issues such as cyberbullying and the spread of misinformation. It is important for us to bemindful of how we use social media and its impact on our mental health.In conclusion, while technology has brought many benefits to our lives, it is important to be aware of its drawbacks and use it responsibly. We must find a balance between utilizing technology for its advantages and not letting it consume our lives.。



雅思写作之关于犯罪类话题范文The prevention and control of criminal behavior is a worldwide issue. While some argue that the phenomenon is best left to the legal system and law enforcement agencies, others believe that communities should take a more active role in combating crime. In my opinion, a combination of these two approaches is the most effective way to tackle criminal behavior.Firstly, it is important to recognize that the legal system and law enforcement agencies have a key role to play in the prevention and control of criminal behavior. This is because they are tasked with the responsibility of punishing perpetrators, reassuring victims, and protecting the public from future harm. However, it is also important to recognize that the current legal system is not perfect and cannot solve all criminal behavior problems alone.Secondly, communities should also take a more active role in combating criminal behavior. This can be achieved through community policing, neighborhood watch schemes, and neighborhood clean-up operations. Community policing involves police officers mixingwith the local community, developing trust relationships, and understanding local problems. This approach has been successful in reducing crime rates in many communities. Neighborhood watch schemes and neighborhood clean-up operations can help to develop a sense of belonging and responsibility among community members, leading to a reduction in criminal behavior.In conclusion, while the legal system and law enforcement agencies have a key role to play in the prevention and control of criminal behavior, communities should also take a more active role in combating crime. A combination of these two approaches is necessary to achieve long-term success in reducing criminal behavior and protecting the public from harm. Communities need to be empowered through education and training to enable them to take responsibility for their own security while law enforcement agencies need to be supported and resourced to enable them to perform their functions effectively.。



【第41期】雅思大作文8分范文中英对照及关键语句汇总本期Topic1.数字化学习与传统教育Digital learning platforms are becoming increasingly prevalent. To what extent do you think the rise of digital education will replace traditional classroom learning, and what challenges and benefits may arise from this shift in educational methods?数字学习平台日益普及。

你认为数字教育的崛起在多大程度上会取代传统的课堂学习,这种教育方法的转变可能带来哪些挑战和好处?2.城市化与农村发展Urbanization is often accompanied by rural depopulation. To what extent do you believe that urbanization contributes to the decline of rural areas, and what measures can be taken to ensure balanced development between urban and rural regions?城市化通常伴随着农村人口的减少。

你认为城市化在多大程度上导致了农村地区的衰退,可以采取哪些措施来确保城乡地区的平衡发展?3.媒体报道与公众观点Media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion. To what extent do you believe that media reporting influences public perspectives, and what responsibilities do media organizations have in presenting unbiased and accurate information to the public?媒体在塑造公众观点方面发挥着至关重要的作用。



雅思大作文标准英文表示English:In today's rapidly changing world, the issue of environmental protection has become increasingly critical. Governments worldwide are being pressured to take significant steps to mitigate the impact of human activities on the environment. It is essential for countries to come together and work collectively to combat climate change, reduce carbon emissions, and preserve our natural resources. Strict policies and regulations must be put in place to hold industries accountable for their environmental footprint. Furthermore, educating the public about the importance of sustainability and promoting eco-friendly practices are crucial in creating a more environmentally conscious society. Collaborative efforts from both the government and individuals are vital in addressing the environmental challenges we face today.Chinese Translation:在如今快速变化的世界中,环境保护的问题变得越来越重要。

雅思作文 反人类与缺乏尊重方面

雅思作文 反人类与缺乏尊重方面

Nowadays some people have the anti-social behavior and are lack of respect to others.Having entered 21st century for nearly 10 years, we are now blessed with numerous opportunities and confronted with arrays of problems. The phenomenon that a growing number of people have the anti-social behavior and are lack of respect to others now is manifestly one of them. In this article, I will outline some most substantial causes and then propose some effective solutions.The phenomenon could be attributed to 2 factors. The fist reason that gives rise to it is the culture shock between local residents and immigrants for countries. Living in a new era, the whole human society is progressing rapidly. Along with globalization has come cultural assimilation, the result we can predict is that there do have severe conflicts in the process of the assimilation in some area. When some immigrants move to a new country with their own culture, they can not adapt to the new environment immediately, without sufficient help, it would trigger some detrimental situations, such as anti-social behaviors or be indifferent even irrespective to others. Another reason that is worth mention here is the intensive pressure that people afford today. The consistent revolutions bring people a multitude of merits, but it is by no means without its drawbacks. As they release individuals’manual labor, they boost people’s spiritual burden. An recent study conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics of China reveals that 90% of employees feel they are working overload, and 80% of them say they become too fatigued to have ample time and energy to communicate with their family members let alone others. Imaging a overpressure-suffered people cracked up, it is quite reasonable that he/she don’t respect others or commit some anti-social behaviors. Therefore, too much pressure is also one of the most significant factors that contribute to public’s abnormal behavior.All in all, the above measures should be taken immediately to prevent things from getting worse. Otherwise, an increasing number of anti-social phenomenon or even worse problems arising are by no means intimidating.。



雅思英文作文批改I have always been a big fan of traveling. Exploring new places, meeting new people, and trying new foods are some of the things that excite me the most. Traveling allows me to break free from my routine and experience life in a different way.One of my favorite destinations is Japan. The unique blend of traditional culture and modern technology never fails to fascinate me. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene temples in Kyoto, Japan offers a wide range of experiences for travelers. And let's not forget about the delicious sushi and ramen that are a must-try!Another destination that holds a special place in my heart is Italy. The rich history, stunning architecture, and mouthwatering cuisine make Italy a dream destinationfor many. Whether it's exploring the ruins of Rome,cruising along the canals of Venice, or indulging in gelato in Florence, there is something for everyone in Italy.Traveling has taught me valuable lessons about the world and myself. It has opened my eyes to different cultures, traditions, and ways of life. It has also helped me step out of my comfort zone and embrace new challenges. Overall, traveling has enriched my life in ways I never thought possible.In conclusion, traveling is not just about visiting new places, it's about experiencing life in a whole new way.It's about stepping out of your comfort zone and immersing yourself in different cultures. So pack your bags, book a ticket, and embark on an adventure of a lifetime. You won't regret it!。

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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
There is a general increase of anti-social behavior and a lack of respect to others. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?
Write at least 250 words.
[There is an unfortunate phenomenon that an increasing number of people tend to behave like antisocialists with little respect to others. There are a multitude of reasons involved in this phenomenon that should be deeply analyzed in order to put forward effective solutions to reserve the trend. ]
This undesirable fact is actually a result of mixed reasons. Chief among the causes of this trend is the poverty-stricken life as well as the unfulfilled ambition, which are due to the deficiency of resources themself and the unfairness of society. Consequently, tortured by the long-term impoverishment and frustration, these citizens are apt to transform the pessimistic motion into the accumulating complaints and dissatisfactions towards society.
Another contributing factor lies in the apathy and numbness of our society, which has a detrimental effect on intercommunication. The situation is deteriorating with those civilians who pursuit[at]profits and money blindly, which might lead to the ignorance and disrespect to others. In most cases, the citizens in question are probably treated in this way for a period of time, let alone showing respect to other people.
It is, therefore, imperative for measures to be taken to reserve this trend. On one hand, the citizens ought to strive to improve their own lives by mastering a specific skill. In addition, those who fail to fulfill the ambition are supposed to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do and how to achieve it instead of endless blaming. On the other hand, it is the responsibility of the authority to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor. Furthermore, the government is obligated to give financial support to the construction of spiritual life of common people.
To conclude, there is certain inevitability in this problem owing to civilians’
terrible living condition and the defects of society, however, it is hoped that the joint efforts from the citizens and the government can be of positive effects.
TR(TASK RESPONSE) clearly presents and highlights key features / bullet points but could be more full
C&C(COHERENCE AND COHESION) uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately although there may be some under-/over-u
LR(LEXICAL RESOURCE) uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation
uses a variety of complex structures;may make a few errors OVERALL good

此外尽管antisocial 的字面意思是‘反社会’,但实
际上,antisocial 并不是指犯罪行为,根据维基百科的解释,antisocial的定义是:不体

因此实际上是与a lack of respect to




