光伏电站操作维护手册林重设备部编制:吕玉林审核:批准:目次目次 (II)1系统简介 (3)1.0站址及太阳能资源 (4)1.1林州市的基础气象数据/太阳辐照情况/发电量比较 (5)2运行与维护一般要求 (6)3运行与维护 (9)3.0设备统计与人员安排(规划) (9)3.1 光伏方阵 (9)3.2 直流汇流箱、直流配电柜 (10)3.3 控制器、逆变器 (11)3.4 接地与防雷系统 (11)3.5 交流配电柜及线路 (12)3.6 光伏系统与基础结合部分 (14)3.7 数据通讯系统 (14)4巡检周期和维护规则 (14)表4.0.1 巡检周期 (15)表 4.0.2 维护规则 (15)附录A 巡检记录表 (17)附录B 维护记录表 (18)附录C 验收记录表 (19)5光伏系统分项点检记录 (20)1系统简介1.0站址及太阳能资源林州重机集团地貌类型属于黄河冲积平原,位于华北平原中北部地区,东经113°37′-114°51′,北纬35°40′-36°21′。
年平均气温12.8℃,年降水总量672.1 毫米。
林州重机集团股份公司厂房屋顶光伏发电项目为国家金太阳示范工程,共计安装13所厂房屋顶,总占地面积约398500m2 ,其中光伏矩阵200亩合13.4万m2,该项目总发电容量20MWp,于2013年2月开始建设,2013年6月并网发电。
CPS SCA630 500KTL-H CN 光伏并网逆变器使用手册说明书
CPS SCA系列光伏并网逆变器CPS SCA630/500KTL-H/CN安装使用手册上海正泰电源系统有限公司目录开始前请仔细阅读本用户手册 (1)第一章安全说明 (3)第二章总体介绍 (7)2.1 并网光伏系统 (7)2.2 系列型号说明 (7)2.3 逆变器电路结构 (8)2.4 逆变器选配功能 (8)2.5 外观说明 (9)第三章安装 (10)3.1 基本要求 (10)3.2 供货范围 (10)3.3 安装工具清单 (11)3.4 机械安装 (11)3.4.1 外形尺寸 (11)3.4.2 逆变器安装要求 (12)3.4.3 逆变器安装现场搬运 (15)3.5 电气连接 (18)3.5.1 电气连接前准备 (18)3.5.2 直流连接 (20)3.5.3 交流连接 (23)3.5.4 接地连接 (26)3.5.5 通讯连接 (27)3.5.6 外接辅助电源和干接点连接 (28)第四章运行操作 (29)4.1 上电前开机检查 (29)4.2 开机流程 (29)4.3 开机与停机 (30)4.4 工作模式 (33)4.5 并网发电 (34)4.6 故障停机 (34)4.7 故障分析与排除 (34)4.8 滤网更换 (38)第五章人机界面 (39)5.1 触摸屏显示简介 (39)5.2 状态指示 (39)5.3 界面及菜单功能 (40)5.3.1 首页 (40)5.3.2 运行信息 (41)5.3.3 当前故障 (43)5.3.4 历史记录 (44)5.3.5 逆变器参数 (45)5.3.6 系统参数 (50)5.3.7 版本信息 (52)5.3.8 电力调度 (52)第六章技术数据 (54)第七章质量保证 (56)7.1 质保期 (56)7.2 责任豁免 (56)7.3 质量条款(保修条款) (56)第八章回收报废 (57)附录Ⅰ:有毒有害物质或元素名称及其含量表 (58)附录Ⅱ:机器选型说明 (59)开始前请仔细阅读本用户手册尊敬的用户,感谢您选购使用上海正泰电源系统有限公司研发生产的CPS SCA系列光伏并网逆变器CPS SCA630/500KTL-H/CN(本手册中以下简称为“逆变器”)产品。
3.2.3 直流汇流箱的维护直流汇流箱是太阳能电站中一个重要的组件,其维护对于电站的正常运行至关重要。
3.2.4 交直流配电柜的维护交直流配电柜是太阳能电站中将直流电转换成交流电的重要设备,其维护对于电站的正常运行至关重要。
259 Cedar Hill Street, Marlboro, MA 01752 USATL: 508.357.2221 FX: 508.357.2279 E V E R G R E E N S O L A RC ED A R P H O T O V O L T A I C M O D U LE S E C -50 S E R I E S & E C -100 S E R I E SI N S T A L L A T I O N A N D O P E R A T I O N M A N U A LPlease read this manual completely before installing or using Evergreen Solar’s Cedar photovoltaic (PV, solar electric) modules. S a f e t y P r e c a u t i o n sPhotovoltaic modules produce DC electricity when exposed to light and therefore can produce an electrical shock or burn. Modules produce voltage even when not connected to an electrical circuit or load. Modules produce nearly full voltage when exposed to as little as 5% of full sunlight, and both current and power increase with light intensity. Use insulated tools and rubber gloves when working with modules in sunlight.PV modules have no on/off switch. Modules can be rendered inoperative only by removing them from sunlight, or by fully covering their front surface with cloth, cardboard, or other completely opaquematerial, or by working with modules face down on a smooth, flat surface.Modules can produce higher output than the rated specifications. Industry standard ratings are made at conditions of 1000 watts/m 2 and 25°C celltemperature. Reflection from snow or water can increase sunlight and therefore boost current and power. In addition, colder temperatures can substantially increase voltage and power.Evergreen Solar modules are constructed withtempered glass, but still must be handled with care. If the front glass is broken or if the polymer backskin is torn, contact with any module surface or the frame can produce electrical shock, particularly when themodule is wet. Broken or damaged modules must be disposed of properly.Cedar PV modules are intended for use in terrestrial applications only, thus excluding aerospace ormaritime conditions or use with sunlight concentration.C o d e s a n d R e g u l a t i o n sThe mechanical and electrical installation of PV systems should be performed in accordance with all applicable codes, including electrical codes, building codes, and electric utility interconnect requirements. Such requirements may vary for mounting location, such as building rooftop, marine, or motor vehicleapplications. Requirements may also vary with system voltage, and for DC or AC application. Contact local authorities for governing regulations. In the U.S., all installations should conform to the National Electrical Code (NEC), including Article 690 on Solar Photovoltaic Systems and all other appropriate articles and sections.M e c h a n i c a l I n s t a l l a t i o nModules may be mounted at any angle from a vertical orientation to a horizontal one. The appropriate fixed tilt angle and azimuth orientation should be used in order to maximize the exposure to sunlight. If a variable-orientation tracking system is used, themodules must never be oriented beyond vertical (with the junction box up), even when stowed. Modules should be bolted to support structures through mounting holes located in the frame’s back flanges only. Four 1/4-inch stainless steel bolts, with nuts, washers, and lock washers, are recommended for module mounting. Creation of additional holes for mounting is not recommended and will invalidate the warranty.The modules are designed for a maximum allowable design pressure of 50 pounds per square foot, which may correspond to a nominal wind speed of approxi-mately 125 mph in certain circumstances. Actualmaximum allowable wind speed may be influenced by module type, mounting configuration, location, and other factors. In no case should modules be exposedto pressures greater than 50 pounds per square foot of uniformly distributed wind, snow, or other loading. Care should be taken to avoid mounting modules in areas that are prone to drifting snow, icicle and/or ice dam formation. For example, a module mounted with its edge located directly above an overhanging roof eve is likely to be subjected to ice dam formation. The weight of an ice dam or icicle can easily exceed the allowable 50 pounds per square foot of uniformly distributed load.A clearance of four inches or more behind the modules is recommended to permit air circulation and cooler module operation. Elevated temperatures lower operating voltage and shorten module lifetime. Clearance of 1/4 inch or more between modules is required to allow for thermal expansion of the frames.E l e c t r i c a l I n s t a l l a t i o nModules should be mounted to maximize direct exposure to sunlight and to eliminate or minimize shadowing. Even partial shadowing can substantially reduce module and system output. Furthermore, partial shadowing can elevate the shaded portion’s internal temperature, which may lower output and shorten module life. Bypass diodes should be installed according to the instructions in the following sections. Blocking diodes should be installed in series with each module or series string to prevent possible back flow of energy through the module(s) when modules or strings are connected in parallel or used in conjunction with a battery.Whenever necessary to comply with local codes, use a listed fuse or circuit breaker, rated for the maximum series fuse rating of the module and the system voltage.All electrical components should have ratings equal or greater to the system rating. Do not exceed the maximum allowable system voltage as listed on the module label.All module frames should be grounded for safety. The module frame is provided with grounding holes that accommodate self-tapping screws. A #10 stainless steel tapping screw is recommended.Under normal conditions, a photovoltaic module may experience conditions that produce more currentand/or voltage than reported at Standard Test Conditions. Accordingly, the values of short circuit current, Isc, and open circuit voltage, Voc, marked on UL-listed modules should be multiplied by a factor of 1.25 when determining component voltage ratings, conductor capacities, fuse sizes, and size of controls connected to the module output. In the U.S., refer to Section 690-8 of the National Electric Code for an additional multiplying factor of 1.25, which may be applicable.Rated electrical characteristics are within 10 percent of measured values at Standard Test Conditions of: 1000 W/m2 , 25°C cell temperature and solar spectral irradiance per ASTM E 892.M o d u l e s w i t h Q u i c k C o n n e c t o r sCedar Line modules are optionally available with factory-installed wires and quick connectors. These modules have been designed to be easily intercon-nected in series. Each module has two single-conductor wires, one positive and one negative, that are pre-wired inside the junction box. The connectors at the opposite end of these wires allow easy series connection of adjacent modules by firmly inserting the male connector of a module into the female connector of an adjacent module until the connector is fully seated.A separate return wire or wires may be required to run the positive and negative terminations of the series string of modules to the load. Male and/or female connectors pre-attached to wires may be used at the string terminations for return wire connections and/or for source circuit box terminations. Modules with factory-installed quick connectors also have bypass diodes installed.M o d u l e s w i t h o u t Q u i c k C o n n e c t o r s Alternatively, wiring can be done directly within the junction box. The junction box includes a wiring terminal strip with six terminals. In addition, each terminal includes two screws: top (toward the lid hinge) and bottom.If wiring is to be done inside the junction box, open the lid of the junction box by loosening the single, captive screw. The lid is designed to remain open during wiring. The lid is not designed to be removed from the module, and does not require a gasket. Do not over-tighten the lid screw when securing.It is recommended that the top screws of the terminals be reserved for the flat jumpers, bypass diodes, or blocking diodes, and that the output wiring remainattached to the terminal’s bottom screws. In this way,the thin leads of the diodes will not be matched with the thicker power wiring, which might lead to poor electrical contact.EC-50 Series modules, EC-47/51/55, are factory-wired for 12-volt nominal operation and are not intended to be reconfigured for other voltages. It is recommended that bypass diodes be installed, especially if the modules are connected in a series string. The diodes should be rated at 6 amps and at or above the system voltage rating. Such diodes should be installed one every 18 cells, as shown in the following diagram.EC-100 Series modules, EC-94/102/110/115, can be wired for 12-volt or 24-volt operation by moving the jumpers and diodes, as shown in the following diagram. It is recommended that bypass diodes be installed, especially if the modules are connected in a series string. The diodes should be rated at or above the system voltage rating. Such diodes should be installed one every 36 cells, as shown in the following diagram.In 12-volt mode, the six terminals include two positive terminals, two negative terminals, and two spare terminals. In the 12-volt configuration, the two positive terminals are electrically equivalent, and either one can be used for power wiring; similarly for the two negative terminals. In 24-volt mode (EC-100 Series modules only), the middle two terminals should not be used for power wiring, only for jumpers and diodes.O p e r a t i o n a n d M a i n t e n a n c e Inspect the modules periodically for damage to glass, backskin, or frame. Check electrical connections for loose connections and corrosion.PV modules can operate effectively without ever being washed, although removal of dirt from the front glass can increase output. The glass can be washed with a wet sponge or cloth. Wear rubber gloves for electrical insulation.Note: This document may be provided in multiple languages. If there is a conflict among versions, the English language version dominates.Electrical RatingsEC-47 EC-51 EC-55 EC-94 EC-102 EC-110 EC-115 Pp W 47 51 55 94 102 110 115Vp V 16.0 16.2 16.5 15.931.8 16.2 32.416.4 32.7 16.5 33.0 Ip A 2.94 3.15 3.33 5.91 2.96 6.30 3.15 6.72 3.366.97 3.48Voc V 20.0 20.0 20.0 40.020.0 40.0 20.040.0 Isc A 3.58 3.70 3.79 7.29 3.657.49 3.757.67 3.84 7.71 3.86 Cells 36 36 36 72 72 72 72 Max. Series Fuse 15 ANote: EC-94, EC-102, EC-110 and EC-115 have field-selectable voltage. Minimum Specified Power Rating is 90% of above power rating.All modules are factory-inspected to produce at least 96% of above power rating。
太阳能光伏电站操作使用手册资料来源:河南华阳能源发电科技有限公司目录一:太阳能光伏电站系统 (1)1.1系统的工作原理 (1)1.2系统的组成 (1)1.3主要部件的功能 (1)1.3.1太阳能电池板 (1)1.3.2防反充二极管 (2)1.3.3蓄电池 (2)1.3.4控制器 (2)1.3.4逆变器 (3)二:太阳能光伏发电系统的安装 (4)2.1组件及组件阵列安装 (4)2.1.1一般安装 (4)2.2连接导线 (4)2.3蓄电池的安装 (5)2.4逆变,控制器的安装 (5)2.5负载选择 (5)2.6一台新的家用太阳能光伏电源系统安装并开始使用时必须注意的事项: (5)三:光伏发电系统的操作使用 (6)3.1用电指导 (6)3.2光伏电站供电的操作使用 (6)3.2.1控制柜的操作使用 (6)3.2.2逆变器的操作使用 (10)四:太阳能光伏发电系统管理维护 (10)4.1独立型太阳能光伏电站管理 (10)4.1.1人员配置 (10)4.1.2值班制度 (10)4.1.3交接班制度 (11)4.1.4生产管理 (11)电站应制订必要的奖罚制度 (11)4.2太阳能电池方阵维护管理 (11)4.2.1太阳能电池采光面 (11)4.2.2太阳能电池板周边环境 (12)4.2.3太阳能电池板的安装 (12)4.2.4太阳能电池板支架检查 (12)4.2.5太阳能电池板参数检测 (12)4.2.6外界的环境影响 (12)4.2.7太阳能部件的接头的检测和处理 (12)4.3蓄电池组维护管理 (12)4.3.1蓄电池的工作环境 (12)4.3.2电池安装 (13)4.3.3日常检查与维护 (13)4.3.4技术保安 (13)4.4逆变器维护管理 (14)4.4.1逆变器操作使用 (14)4.4.2逆变器维护检修 (14)4.5配电柜的布局图及其操作方式 (15)4.5.1配电柜的布局图形。
Installation andoperating instructionsSolar charge controller 10 A / 15 A / 20 A / 30 A1. About this manualThese operating instructions are part of the product.X Read these operating instructions carefully before use,X keep them over the entire lifetime of the product,X and pass them on to any future owner or user of this product.1.1 ApplicabilityThis manual describes the installation, function, operation and maintenance of the solar charge controller.Further technical information is provided in a separate technical manual.1.2 UsersThese operating instructions are intended for end customers. A technical expert must be consulted in cases of uncertainty.1.3. Description of symbolsSafety instructions are identified as follows:Type, source and consequences of the danger!X Measures for avoiding dangerInstructions relating to the functional safety of the system are in bold type.2. Safety2.1 Proper usageThe solar charge controller may only be used in PV systems for charging and controlling lead-acid batteries in accordance with this operating manual and the charging specifi-cations of the battery manufacturer.2.2 Improper usageNo energy source other than a solar generator may be connected to the solar charge controller. No mains devices, diesel generators or wind generators may be connected. Do not connect any defective or damaged measuring equipment.2.3 General safety instructionsX Follow the general and national safety and accident prevention regulations.X Never alter or remove the factory plates and identification labels.X Keep children away from PV systems.X Never open the device.2.4 Other risksDanger of fire and explosionX Do not use the solar charge controller in dusty environments, in the vicinity of solvents or where inflammable gases and vapours can occur.X No open fires, flames or sparks in the vicinity of the batteries.X Ensure that the room is adequately ventilated.X Check the charging process regularly.X Follow the charging instructions of the battery manufacturer.Battery acidX Acid splashes on skin or clothing should be immediately treated with soap suds and rinsed with plenty of water.X If acid splashes into the eyes, immediately rinse with plenty of water. Seek medical advice.2.5 Fault behaviourOperating the solar charge controller is dangerous in the following situations:• The solar charge controller does not appear to function at all.• The solar charge controller or connected cables are visibly damaged.• Emission of smoke or fluid penetration.• When parts are loose.X In these cases immediately remove the solar charge controller from the solarmodules and battery.3. Description3.1 FunctionsThe solar charge controller• monitors the state of charge of the battery bank, • controls the charging process,• controls the connection/disconnection of loads.This optimises battery use and significantly extends its service life.A battery charging algorithm protects the battery from harmful states. Activation of the three deep discharge functions (LVW, LVD and LVR) is dependent upon the state of charge (SOC). The switching thresholds lie within the corresponding voltage window in accordance with the discharge or charging current.3.2 Construction3.3LED displaysThe solar charge controller consists of the following components:1. info LED2. 4 LEDs for displaying the state of charge (red, yellow, green 1 and green 2)3. terminal block for connecting the solar module4. terminal block for connecting the battery5. terminal block for connecting the loads loads4. InstallationDanger of explosion from sparking! Danger of electric shock!X The solar charge controller may only be connected to the local loads and the bat-tery by trained personnel and in accordance with the applicable regulations.X Follow the installation and operating instructions for all components of the PV sys-tem.X Ensure that no cables are damaged.4.1 Mounting the solar charge controller4.1.1 Mounting location requirements• Do not mount the solar charge controller outdoors or in wet rooms.• Do not subject the solar charge controller to direct sunshine or other sources of heat.• Protect the solar charge controller from dirt and moisture.• Mount upright on the wall (concrete) on a non-flammable substrate.• Maintain a minimum clearance of 10 cm below and around the device to ensure unhindered air circulation.• Mount the solar charge controller as close as possible to the batteries (with a safety clearance of at least 30 cm).4.1.2 Fastening the solar charge controllerX Mark the position of the solar charge controller fastening holes on the wall.X Drill 4 Ø 6 mm holes and insert dowels.X Fasten the solar charge controller to the wall with the cable openings facing down-wards, using 4 oval head screws M4x40 (DIN 7996).4.2 Connection4.2.1 Preparing the wiringThe cross section of the connection cable depends on the power output of the solar charge controller.The table above applies to the following cable lengths:• 10 m solar module connection cable• 2 m battery connection cable• 5 m load connection cableConsult a dealer if the specified cable lengths are inadequate.An additional external fuse (not provided) must be connected to the battery con-nection cable, close to the battery pole.The external fuse prevents cable short circuits. A 40 A fuse can be used for all controller types.4.2.2 ConnectionDanger of explosion from sparking! Danger of electric shock!Solar modules generate electricity under incident light. The full voltage is present, even when the incident light levels are low.X Protect the solar modules from incident light during installation, e.g. cover them. X Never touch uninsulated cable ends. X Use only insulated tools.X Ensure that all loads to be connected are switched off. If necessary, remove thefuse. X Connections must always be made in the sequence described below.1st step: Connect the batteryX Label the battery connection cables as a plus cable (A+) and aminus cable (A–).X Lay the battery cables in parallel between the solar charge control-ler and the battery.Xterminals on the solar charge controller (with the battery symbol). X If necessary, remove any external fuse.X Connect battery connection cable A+ to the positive pole of the battery. X Connect battery connection cable A– to the negative pole of the battery. X Replace the external fuse in the battery connection cable.X If the connection polarity is correct, the info LED illuminates green.2nd step: Connect the solar moduleX Ensure that the solar module is protected from incident light. X Ensure that the solar module does not exceed the maximum per-missible input current.X Label the solar module connection cables as a plus cable (M+) anda minus cable (M–).X Lay both solar module connection cables in parallel between the solar module andthe solar charge controller.X First connect the M+ solar module connection cable to the correct pole of the leftpair of terminals on the solar charge controller (with the solar module symbol), then connect the M– cable.X Remove the covering from the solar module.Connection sequence1. battery2. solar module3. loads3rd step: Connect loadsNotes• Connect loads that must not be deactivated by the solar chargecontroller deep discharge protection, e.g. emergency lights or radioconnection, directly to the battery.• Loads with a higher current consumption than the device outputcan be directly connected to the battery. However, the solar chargecontroller deep discharge protection will no longer intervene. Loadsconnected in this manner must also be separately fused.X Label the load connection cables as a plus cable (L+) and a minus cable (L–).X Lay the load connection cables in parallel between the solar charge controller and the loadX First connect the L+ load cable to the correct pole of the right pair of terminals on the solar charge controller (with the lamp symbol), then connect the L– cable.X Replace the load fuse or switch on the load.4th step: Final workX Fasten all cables with strain relief in the direct vicinity of the solar charge controller (clearance of approx. 10 cm).4.2.3 GroundingThe components in stand-alone systems do not have to be grounded – this is not stand-ard practice or may be prohibited by national regulations (e.g.: DIN 57100 Part 410: Prohibition of grounding protective low voltage circuits). Consult the technical manual for more information.4.2.4 Lightning protectionIn systems subjected to an increased risk of overvoltage damage, we recommend installing additional lightning protection / overvoltage protection to reduce dropouts. Consult the technical manual for more detailed information.5. OperationThe solar charge controller immediately begins operation once the battery is connected or the external fuse is inserted.The displays of the solar charge controller show the current operating mode. User intervention or user settings are not required.Protection functionsThe following integrated protection functions of the solar charge controller ensure that the battery is handled as gently as possible.The following protection functions are part of the basic function of the controller:• Overcharge protection• Deep discharge protection• Battery undervoltage protection• Solar module reverse current protectionThe following installation faults do not destroy the controller. After correcting the fault, the device will continue to operate correctly:• Protection from solar module short circuits / incorrect solar module polarity1)• Protection from short circuits at the load output or excessive load current• Protection from battery connection with incorrect polarity• Protection from solar module overcurrent• Protection from device overtemperature• Protection from overvoltage at the load output• Protection from the wrong connection sequence1) The reverse-polarity protection of the solar module in a 24 V system is only provided up to an open-circuit module voltage of 36 V.6. MaintenanceThe solar charge controller is maintenance-free.All components of the PV system must be checked at least annually, according to the specifications of the respective manufacturers.X Ensure adequate ventilation of the cooling element.X Check the cable strain relief.X Check that all cable connections are secure.X Tighten screws if necessary.X Terminal corrosion7.Faults and remediesLoad cannot be operated+info LED flashes red+2. green LED flashes • load output is switched offdue to excessive batteryvoltagethe load output automaticallyswitched on again as soon asthe battery voltage lies withinthe permissible range• incorrect grounding X check the grounding• external charging source isnot voltage-limitedX check the external chargingsourceX if necessary, switch off exter-nal charging sourcesLoad cannot be operated+info LED illumi-nates green • defective load or installationerrorX connect load correctlyX replace loadBattery is not charged • solar module not connected X connect the solar module • solar module connected withincorrect polarityX connect the solar modulewith the correct polarity• short circuit at solar moduleinputX correct the cause of the shortcircuit• incorrect solar modulevoltageX use a solar module of thespecified voltage• solar module defective X replace the solar moduleBattery display jumps quickly • large pulse current X tune the current consump-tion to match the batterycapacity• battery is defective X replace the battery8. T echnical dataNOTE:Technical data that varies from the above is given on a device label. Subject to change without notice.*If the battery voltage is less than 9 V, the controller switches off and cannot recharge the battery itself, even if sufficient power is available from the module.9. Legal guaranteeAccording to the German legal requirements, for this product the customer has a2 year legal guarantee.The seller will remove all manufacturing and material faults that occur in the product during the legal guarantee period and affect the correct functioning of the product. Natural wear and tear does not constitute a malfunction. Legal guarantee does not apply if the fault can be attributed to third parties, unprofessional installation or com-missioning, incorrect or negligent handling, improper transport, excessive loading, use of improper equipment, faulty construction work, unsuitable construction location or improper operation or use. Legal guarantee claims shall only be accepted if notification of the fault is provided immediately after it is discovered Legal guarantee claims are to be directed to the seller.The seller must be informed before legal guarantee claims are processed. For processing a legal guarantee claim an exact fault description and the invoice / delivery note must be provided.The seller can choose to fulfil the legal guarantee either by repair or replacement. If the product can neither be repaired nor replaced, or if this does not occur within a suitable period in spite of the specification of an extension period in writing by the customer, the reduction in value caused by the fault shall be replaced, or, if this is not sufficient taking the interests of the end customer into consideration, the contract is cancelled. Any further claims against the seller based on this legal guarantee obligation, in particular claims for damages due to lost profit, loss-of-use or indirect damages are excluded, unless liability is obligatory by German law.。
PVS-16M光伏阵列汇流箱使用手册合肥阳光电源有限公司 ● PVS-16M-3A-C-Ver10-200910 ● 版本:1.0目录1. 符号解释 (1)2. 安全说明 (2)3. 简介 (3)4. 基本结构 (4)5. 安装与使用 (5)6. 技术数据 (11)7. 附录 (12)7.1. 质量保证 (12)7.2. 联系我们 (12)合肥阳光电源有限公司PVS-16M16汇流箱使用手册11. 符号解释为了更好的使用本手册,请仔细阅读以下符号说明。
说明! 此符号标识使得系统良好工作所需的重要注意事项。
合肥阳光电源有限公司PVS-16M16汇流箱使用手册22. 安全说明安装前请仔细阅读本手册,若未按本手册中的说明进行安装而出现设备损坏,本公司有权不进行质量保证。
警告! 安装时,除了接线端子外,请不要动机箱内部的其它部分。
警告! 所有的操作和接线必须符合所在国和当地的相关标准要求。
1 片区负责人应主导负责片区巡视、消缺工作,其他运维人员配合;2 片区负责人应对片区内设备现场发现的问题及时汇报值长;3、日常巡检计划及维护规则3.1日常巡检计划3.1.1巡回检查制度巡回检查是保证设备正常运行、减少设备故障的必要工作,因此光伏电站应落实巡回检查制度。
SUNTECH 光伏组件安装指南说明书
拆包后的组件存放,须注意: 现场临时放置组件时,组件正面朝下放置在平整的表面上,必须使用软性材料加以缓冲,如纸板、泡沫纸等材料,且多
块组件摆放,需上下四角位置一致,严禁任何错位。 需要组件斜立在墙面,尽量使组件的两条长边完全与地面和墙面接触,在接触位置放置海绵等柔软物品,最多叠放组件
块。 严禁将组件靠着支架,或用木板抵挡背面,易导致组件受损。 禁止一切外力及外物对组件玻璃单点进行撞击及磕碰,以防止组件爆裂。
请勿抓住组件接线盒或引出线提起组件。 请勿站在或踩在组件上。 请勿使组件掉落或使物体坠落于组件上。 请避免玻璃碎裂。请勿在组件上放置任何重物或尖锐物体。 组件要轻拿轻放。 禁止直接用手搬运双玻无框组件,须用四个或四个以上的吸盘搬运,保证组件受力均匀。 组件的搬运过程中须注意路面状况,不恰当的搬运、运输或安装可能损坏组件并使质保无效。 组件安装时如需抬高,禁止安装人员站在组件下方。 请勿尝试拆解组件及组件上的任何铭牌或元件。 请勿在组件玻璃或背板上使用油漆或粘合剂。 为避免损坏背板,请勿刮擦、撞击背板。 面板放于任何平面均要轻拿轻放,特别是将其放在角落时。 面板上的玻璃破损或背板损坏时将无法修复,禁止使用此类面板,因为接触此类面板平面或支架将导致触电。 只能在干燥环境中作业,且只能使用干燥的工具。请勿在未佩戴任何保护措施的条件下在潮湿的环境中作业。 如需在户外将未安装的组件存放一段时间,须始终遮盖组件并保证玻璃面向下,防止组件内部积水和连接器的损坏。
光伏电站运维手册This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020招标文件第三卷【技术文件】说明1、本技术文件中,薄膜电池组件有关要求不适用于本项目,在本项目中不允许使用薄膜电池组件。
目录1.基本信息 (3)1.1概述 (3)1.2警告 (3)2. 安装 (5)2.1 安装安全 (5)2.2 安装条件选择 (6)2.2.1 气候条件 (6)2.2.2 安装地点选择 (6)2.2.3 倾斜角的选择 (7)2.3安装方法介绍 (7)2.3.1 螺栓安装 (8)2.3.2 压块安装 (10) 压块安装的不同安装方式 (12)3. 接线和连接 (16)4. 维护和保养 (18)4.1 外观检查 (18)4.2 清洁 (18)4.3 连接器和电缆线的检查 (19)5. 电气特性 (19)6. 免责申明 (19)1.基本信息1.1概述首先感谢您选择使用晶科能源股份有限公司的太阳能光伏组件(下文用“组件”替代),为了正确地安装和获得稳定的电力输出,安装、接线及维护组件前必须阅读并理解所有的安装指导说明。
1.2 警告注意事项●当组件暴露在太阳光或者其他光源下,组件内有直流电流产生,与组件的带电部分接触(如端子)接触不当会导致灼伤、火花和电击的危险;●组件的正面玻璃具有保护组件的作用,破损的组件会导致电气安全隐患(电击或火灾),这样的组件无法修复,应该立即拆除和更换;●组件的背面玻璃破损(双面光伏组件)也会导致电气安全问题,且与单面组件一样,破损玻璃无法修复,必须立即断开连接并更换组件;●参数表是在标准测试条件(辐照度1000W/m2,组件温度25℃,大气质量1.5)下测得,不同环境下组件产生的电流和电压与参数表中列出的有所不同,因此,在确定光伏发电系统中其它部件的额定电压、电缆容量、保险丝容量、控制器容量等和其它与输出功率相关的参数时,以1.25倍的组件铭牌上短路电流和开路电压值作为参考,并咨询您的逆变器/控制器供应商进行系统配置设计;●在所有的运送过程中,请确保运输工具的平稳,组件不会受到大的震动,否则可能会损坏组件或者导致组件内电池片的隐裂;●当负载工作时,不要擅自断开组件的连接;如果需要断开连接器,必须先关闭直流和交流转换器或断开汇流箱总开关;●当蓄电池储能系统与光伏系统连接时,必须正确安装蓄电池,以保护系统运行及确保用户安全;请遵照蓄电池生产商关于安装的指导说明、运行和维护的建议。
太阳能光伏电站操作使用手册资料来源:河南华阳能源发电科技有限公司目录一:太阳能光伏电站系统 (1)1.1系统的工作原理 (1)1.2系统的组成 (1)1.3主要部件的功能 (1)1.3.1太阳能电池板 (1)1.3.2防反充二极管 (2)1.3.3蓄电池 (2)1.3.4控制器 (2)1.3.4逆变器 (3)二:太阳能光伏发电系统的安装 (4)2.1组件及组件阵列安装 (4)2.1.1一般安装 (4)2.2连接导线 (4)2.3蓄电池的安装 (5)2.4逆变,控制器的安装 (5)2.5负载选择 (5)2.6一台新的家用太阳能光伏电源系统安装并开始使用时必须注意的事项: (5)三:光伏发电系统的操作使用 (6)3.1用电指导 (6)3.2光伏电站供电的操作使用 (6)3.2.1控制柜的操作使用 (6)3.2.2逆变器的操作使用 (10)四:太阳能光伏发电系统管理维护 (10)4.1独立型太阳能光伏电站管理 (10)4.1.1人员配置 (10)4.1.2值班制度 (10)4.1.3交接班制度 (11)4.1.4生产管理 (11)电站应制订必要的奖罚制度 (11)4.2太阳能电池方阵维护管理 (11)4.2.1太阳能电池采光面 (11)4.2.2太阳能电池板周边环境 (12)4.2.3太阳能电池板的安装 (12)4.2.4太阳能电池板支架检查 (12)4.2.5太阳能电池板参数检测 (12)4.2.6外界的环境影响 (12)4.2.7太阳能部件的接头的检测和处理 (12)4.3蓄电池组维护管理 (12)4.3.1蓄电池的工作环境 (12)4.3.2电池安装 (13)4.3.3日常检查与维护 (13)4.3.4技术保安 (13)4.4逆变器维护管理 (14)4.4.1逆变器操作使用 (14)4.4.2逆变器维护检修 (14)4.5配电柜的布局图及其操作方式 (15)4.5.1配电柜的布局图形。
Specifications are subject to change without notice (14.08.2017)1PhotoelectricsSmall through beam photo elec t ric switch. Range up to 50 m. 3 beam angles.Wa t erproof, for dirtyen v i ronment, i.e. water, dust, steam etc. To be used with amplifiers series S142. S143. 15 m shield e d cable, PVC. Ø 10 x 42 mm polycarbo n ate or M12 or M14 stainless s teel housing. Straight op t i c al axis.Product De s crip t ionType SelectionHousingRated Optical Ordering no.: Ordering no.: diameteroperating angle Emitter Receiverdist. (S n )Ø 10 mm 2° MOFR 5° MOFR-5 8° MOFR-8 20 m 2° MOFT 20 20 m 5° MOFT 20-520 m 8° MOFT 20-8 50 m 2° MOFT 50M12 2° MOFR-M12-2 5° MOFR-M12-5 8° MOFR-M12-820 m 2° MOFT 20-M12-2 20 m 5° MOFT 20-M12-5 20 m 8° MOFT 20-M12-850 m2°MOFT 50-M12-2M14 8° MOFR-M14-820 m 8° MOFT 20-M14-8• Built-in lens: 2°, 5° or 8°• Range: 20 m or 50 m • Modulated infrared light• High immunity to ambient light• For amplifier series S142. and S143.• Degree of protection IP 66/IP 67• For harsh environment • High penetration power • 15 m shielded PVC cable• Ø 10 mm polycarbonate housing or M12 or M14 stainless steelTypes MOFT, MOFRThrough-beam for Separate Amplifier Specifications Emitter2Specifications are subject to change without notice (14.08.2017)MOFT, MOFRWiring DiagramsDimensions8° types2° and 5° typesSpecifications are subject to change without notice (14.08.2017)3Delivery Contents• MOFT.. and MOFR• All M12types: 2 pcs. M12 nuts • All M14types: 2 pcs. M14 nuts• Packaging : Plastic bag, emitter and receiver packedseparatelyInstallation HintsRelief of cable strainProtection of the sensing faceSwitch mounted on mobile carrierTo avoid interference from inductive voltage/ current peaks, separate the prox. switch power cables from any other power cables, e.g. motor, contactor or solenoid cablesIncorrectCorrectThe cable should not be pulledA proximity switch should not serve as mechanical stopAny repetitive flexing of the cable should be avoidedMOFT, MOFRAccessories• Mounting bracket MBM01InstallationMounting1) When installing the sensors, make sure that the maximum range is not exceeded and if two separate systems are mounted close to each other place the sensors so crosstalk is avoided.2) To protect the receiver and the transmitter from damage, proper fittings must be used in the installation.3) Connect the receiver and the emitter to the dedicatedterminals on the S142... system.。
1.3.1 太阳能电池板.......................................................................... 7 1.3.2 防反充二极管......................................................................... 8 1.3.3 蓄电池...................................................................................... 8 1.3.4 控制器...................................................................................... 9 1.3.4 逆变器................................................................................... 10 二:太阳能光伏发电系统的安装............................................................... 10 2.1 组件及组件阵列安装...................................................................... 11 2.1.1 一般安装................................................................................ 11 2.2 连接导线.......................................................................................... 11 2.3 蓄电池的安装.................................................................................. 12 2.4 逆变,控制器的安装...................................................................... 12 2.5 负载选择.......................................................................................... 12 2.6 一台新的家用太阳能光伏电源系统安装并开始使用时必须注意 的事项:................................................................................................. 13 三:光伏发电系统的操作使用................................................................... 13 3.1 用电指导......................................................................................... 13
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太阳能光伏电站操作使用手册资料来源:华阳能源发电科技目录一:太阳能光伏电站系统 (1)1.1系统的工作原理 (1)1.2系统的组成 (1)1.3主要部件的功能 (1)1.3.1太阳能电池板 (1)1.3.2防反充二极管 (2)1.3.3蓄电池 (2)1.3.4控制器 (2)1.3.4逆变器 (3)二:太阳能光伏发电系统的安装 (4)2.1组件及组件阵列安装 (4)2.1.1一般安装 (4)2.2连接导线 (4)2.3蓄电池的安装 (5)2.4逆变,控制器的安装 (5)2.5负载选择 (5)2.6一台新的家用太阳能光伏电源系统安装并开始使用时必须注意的事项: (5)三:光伏发电系统的操作使用 (6)3.1用电指导 (6)3.2光伏电站供电的操作使用 (6)3.2.1控制柜的操作使用 (6)3.2.2逆变器的操作使用 (10)四:太阳能光伏发电系统管理维护 (10)4.1独立型太阳能光伏电站管理 (10)4.1.1人员配置 (10)4.1.2值班制度 (10)4.1.3交接班制度 (11)4.1.4生产管理 (11)电站应制订必要的奖罚制度 (11)4.2太阳能电池方阵维护管理 (11)4.2.1太阳能电池采光面 (11)4.2.2太阳能电池板周边环境 (12)4.2.3太阳能电池板的安装 (12)4.2.4太阳能电池板支架检查 (12)4.2.5太阳能电池板参数检测 (12)4.2.6外界的环境影响 (12)4.2.7太阳能部件的接头的检测和处理 (12)4.3蓄电池组维护管理 (12)4.3.1蓄电池的工作环境 (12)4.3.2电池安装 (13)4.3.3日常检查与维护 (13)4.3.4技术保安 (13)4.4逆变器维护管理 (14)4.4.1逆变器操作使用 (14)4.4.2逆变器维护检修 (14)4.5配电柜的布局图及其操作方式 (15)4.5.1配电柜的布局图形。
如下图所示: (15)4.5.2配电柜的操作和使用 (15)4.6配电柜和测量控制柜的维护管理 (16)4.6.1配电柜和测量控制柜的操作 (16)4.6.2值班人员对配电柜的巡回检测的容 (16)4.6.3配电柜检修容 (17)4.6.4值班人员的工作 (17)4.6.5测量控制柜的维护管理应注意的问题: (17)4.6.6安全使用 (17)五:常见故障及其处理方法 (17)5.1接好充电插头充电指示灯不亮 (17)5.2充电时充电指示灯亮,蓄电池充不上电 (18)5.3电源无输出 (18)5.4灯具连线短路 (18)5.5照明灯具不亮 (18)5.6反复烧保修丝 (18)5.7使用时间达不到规定要求 (18)5.8不供电 (19)5.8.1三个逆变器电源指示灯不亮 (19)5.8.2逆变器中有某个逆变器指示灯不亮 (19)5.9某路不供电 (19)5.10逆变器电源指示灯亮,但是不工作 (19)5.11控制器的故障 (19)一:太阳能光伏电站系统1.1系统的工作原理白天,太阳能电池组件在一定强度的太照射下产生电能,通过太阳能充放电控制器存储到蓄电池;夜晚,蓄电池通过充放电控制器为负载提供电能。