












































关键词明朝灭亡;官僚体制;财政危机;内部矛盾Analyzing superficially the reason of the destruction of Ming Dynasty.AbstractThe destruetion of Ming Dynasty was not Wan Li or ChongZhen , but the bureaucratic system that was put into effete from the beginning of Ming Dynasty , The bureaucratic system buried the root of misfortune of the destruction of Ming Dynasty . The financial crisis brought by the large bureaucratic system and military war quickened the destruction of Ming Dynasty . Thecomplicated policies adopted by Zhu Y uanzhang to the despotic landlord , one hand , taking advantage of them and depending on them , on the other hand , restricting their development , which leaded to the conflict between North and South landlord , and further leaded to break up in the inside of Ming Dynasty ruler and weakened the power of control . Because of all kinds of reasons , Ming Dynasty was always troubling into the circle of history that when people existed the politics flourished , and when people disappeared politics came to an end . At last , the Ming Dynasty was ruined in the denouncement of the people’s uprising , which is the in evitable result of the feudalism .KeywordsThe Ming Dynasty perishes ; Bureaucrat system ; Financial crisis ; Internal contradications关于明朝灭亡的原因,各种各样的分析探讨已经非常多了,大多归结于其政治腐败、宦官专权、农民起义、军事失利等方面。





关键词:微电影;广告;营销;发展对策Abstract:With the first micro-film advertising Cadillac ”Route 66,” the advent of micro-film advertising in the dissemination of convenient, cultural infiltration, the unique advantages of advertising and other aspects of the film began to receive attention. Micro—film advertising has become a form of advertising can not be ignored in the new media environment, but their inevitable limitations also exist。

This article will use literature analysis,comparison and other research methods,some micro-film advertising through case studies, further advertising for the micro—film characteristics,classification, development and marketing by way of analysis,regulatory proposals on micro-film advertising and development strategies. In the new media environment research status micro—film advertising and problems, explore its optimization to development。



























































利用企业单位各种资源,转化成有效的行政管理流程, 为企业发展带来有形的物质效益及无形思想建设成果。

一、XXX古镇项目建设发展公司的现状(一)公司的基本概况XXX古镇项目建设发展公司是根据《中华人民国公司法》及《中华人民国公司登记管理条例》及其相关法律、行政法规规泄,由原XX区房地公司出资10, 000, 000元(人民币)成立的古镇项目建设发展公司。

公司落户浦东新区XXX古镇是一个正在开发中的古镇, 公司主要从事对古镇的规划发展、古镇外貌打造修复、古镇旅游资源的开发等。












吃一堑长一智议论文700字中小学生优秀范文精选5 篇二“吃一堑,长一智”这句名言伴随了我一生,也是从那一次开始我做每一件事都格外细心。

“吃一堑,长一智” 是伊索寓言中的一则故事中的一句名言,那个故事叫龟兔赛跑,里面的兔子按自己的能力是可以跑过乌龟的,但他却在比赛中睡了一觉,当醒来时,乌龟已经到达了终点。















目录一、青春励志电视剧概述 (2)1、青春励志电视剧概述………………………………………….22、青春励志电视剧的发展现状........................................2 二、青春励志电视剧的思想内容. (3)1、昂扬向上的“奋斗精神 (3)2、豪迈雄壮的“突击精神……………………………………….33、崇尚自我的“独立”精神.......................................... 4 三、青春励志电视剧的艺术特色........................................5 1、独特的叙事风格夯实筋骨 (5)2、励志偶像有血有肉 (5)3、个性化语言画龙点睛 (6)4、情景是画面锦上添花………………………………………… 6 四、青春励志电视剧的存在价值 (7)1、导演的创作意图………………………………………………72、受众的观赏价值………………………………………………7 五、青春励志电视剧的问题及发展方向 (8)1、国内青春励志剧存在的问题 (8)2、国内青春励志剧的发展方向 (9)论当下热播励志类电视剧的创作价值(马淑英)内容摘要:本文运用文献分析、比较分析等研究方法对青春励志电视剧文本展开深入探讨。



























1210502258 邹阳 毕业论文三稿

1210502258 邹阳 毕业论文三稿

重庆第二师范学院2016 届全日制本科生毕业论文题目基于移动互联网的社区便利平—关于我们系别数学与信息工程系专业年级 2012级计算机科学与技术(移动互联网方向)学生姓名邹阳学号 1210502258指导教师李莉职称副教授2015 年 1 月 4 日社区便利平台邹阳(重庆第二师范学院重庆)摘要:随着我国的经济发展和城市开发,住宅小区越来越成为居住的主流,社区居民信息管理是针对当代社会这一市场需要营运为生的。





该系统采用了JavaEE以及SQL Sever 为开发平台,采用B/S模式设计,利用计算机网络的各种优势,根据社区居民管理原则,对社区的各种服务进行统一、优化的管理,实现各个功能模块的增加、删除、修改、查询功能。



关键词:社区居民;Java EE;SQL Sever;信息管理系统Community convenient platformZouyang(Chongqing University of Education)Abstract:As China's economic development and urban development, residential area becoming more mainstream, community information management is required for the operation of the market to live in contemporary society living. Residents management system using the phone's software operation is simple cell managers and users to better maintain the cell area residents and development of information management business management software. According to the needs analysis, to achieve community service information management, efficiency has become increasingly apparent. Therefore, the development of such a community information management system software is necessary.This paper describes the community workers, residents, donation, developers, community profile and other information. The system uses SQL Sever JavaEE well as the development platform, using B / S model design, use of the advantages of computer network, according to residents of the community management principles, a variety of community service for unified, optimized management, the various functional modules add, delete, modify, query functions. Realization of donation points praise, flowers, Poor function. To achieve the effect of standardized management, improve work efficiency, thereby improving the overall level of community management and service quality.KeyWord:Residents;Java EE;SQL Sever;Information Management System目录5软件项目描述 (6)2.1软件项目背景 (6)2.1.1社区便利平台产生的条件 (6)2.1.2社区便利平台的发展趋势 (6)2.1.3 开发日程计划 (7)2.2需求分析 (8)2.2.1需求分析 (8)项目总体设计 (9)3.1概要设计 (9)3.1.1系统结构设计 (9)3.2社区便利平台E-R图 (10)3.3数据库关系图 (10)3.3.1管理员表 (11)3.3.2房屋表 (11)3.3.3爱心捐赠表 (11)3.3.4联系我们表 (12)3.3.5社区简介表 (13)3.4相关知识和开发工具简介 (14)4 个人完成工作的相关描述(过程、效果) (15)4.1 管理员信息介绍 (15)4.2房屋信息 (15)4.3 爱心捐赠信息 (15)4.4 联系我们 (16)5个人完成的软件功能及系统部分源程序 (17)5.1 模块代码 (17)6 结论 (59)7 致谢 (60)8 参考文献 (61)1绪论移动互联网,就是将移动通信和互联网二者结合起来,成为一体。




随后着重介绍了开发单片机控制的红外线遥控窗帘系统所用到的集成芯片AT89C51 DS1302芯片、红外线发射接收器等硬件的结构原理。





关键词:时钟芯片;单片机;红外线;窗帘;控制;时钟白城师范学院本科毕业论文AbstractThis paper first introduced the basic knowiedge of the smart home and its application prosp ect, thus illustrat ing the devel opment as in tellige nt household in a very imp orta nt part of the curtain, automatic infrared remote control significanee. Then mainly introduced the devel opment ofin frared remote con trol curta in si ngle-chi p microco mpu ter con trol system for in tegrated chips AT89C51, DS1302 chip, in frared emissi on receiver and the structure of the hardware princip le. In this article, the block model, the whole system hardware circuit desig n is an alyzed, and the system are res pectively the overall frame, po wer supply circuit, the clockDS1302 circuit, ri ng circuit, in frared receiver circuits, motor con trol circuit, show circuit, and to the corres ponding circuit desig n and the correlati on of exp ositi on. Then the writi ng of the ideas about software, is also the separateblock of models, including the decoding process, write in frared clock con trol p rocedures, DS1302 chi p digital dis play p rogram, remote control p rocedures and the writi ng of the ideas, each module are draw the charts, looks at a gla nee.Fin ally, the simulati on results debuggi ng, clock, the switch curta in, automatic switch con trol asp ects such as the curta in on the desig n of basic the exp ected purpose is reached. Of course, this system in some of the detail of the desig n also n eed to have bee n the p erfect and improve.Keywords:the clock chip,;SCM ;infrared; the curtain,;the control,; the clockAbstract摘要Abstract1绪论 ............1.1课题背景.......1.2国内外概况.....1.3课题的研究工作2核心芯片结构原理介绍...............2.1中央控制器——AT89C2051 ............2.1.1AT89C2051 的特点................2.1.2AT89C2051 引脚功能..............2.2红外线发射码组成原理.............2.2.1红外线一体化接收头............2.2.2红外线发射码组成..............2.3时钟芯片DS1302 ....................2.3.1DS1302的引脚排列及其内部结构2.3.2DS1302数据传输方式.............3硬件电路原理设计3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 电源部分........ 时钟芯片DS1302 鸣响电路设计..... 红外线接收电路. 电机执行电路.....4系统软件设计........4.1红外线解码........4.2 DS1302的控制程序4.3数码管显示设计...4.4遥控控制部分....... 参考文献致谢目录J.II2..3..■3.3...3.4..4.4...5...5..6..7.7,7…8..8..■14..15.目录1绪论本章阐述了单片机控制的红外线遥控自动窗帘系统的市场价值、研究背景、国内外的现状以及发展方向,明确指出了单片机控制的红外线遥控自动窗帘系统所面临的问题及一些解决方案。



论犯罪现场的构成要素及关系胡荫〔西南政法大学刑事侦查学院;XX401120〕[摘要] 犯罪现场主要由时间空间要素、被侵害对象及周围物质环境变化的要素、犯罪嫌疑人犯罪行为的要素这三大要素构成。



[关键词] 犯罪现场;构成要素;时空;变化;犯罪行为犯罪现场是我们进展侦查破案的切入点,如何让犯罪现场这一切入点发挥其最大作用,我们首先应当了解什么是犯罪现场,然后了解犯罪现场的构成要素,之后了解犯罪现场构成要素相互之间的关系。














2013 届本科毕业论文晴雯与袭人形象的比较分析姓名:______彭蓉___________ 系别:___ 文学院_________ 专业:______汉语言文学___ ___ 学号:______110131002___ ___ 指导教师:______朱红昭______ ____ 2013 年 4 月 25 日目录摘要 (II)Abstract (II)关键词: (II)引论 (1)一、身世:易散霁云与根生桂兰 (1)二、模样:轻佻西施与敦厚“千金” (1)三、性格:锋芒毕露与隐而不漏 (2)四、精神:反叛与顺从 (3)五、感情:率性与督促 (4)六、结局:涅槃与苦守 (5)七、结语:无疑褒贬皆是原貌 (5)参考文献: (6)致谢 (6)商丘师范学院13届本科毕业论文晴雯与袭人形象的比较分析摘要在《红楼梦》中,曹雪芹常用的写作手法之一就是对比法。






Qing-wen's arrogance and attacks the comparativeanalysis of imageAbstractIn a dream of red mansions, cao xueqin is one of the commonly used technique to contrast method. Contrast comparison can be seen everywhere in a dream of red mansions, to glory, ning two big aspects of contrast; Small with Lin daiyu and xue baochai is \"ring fat yan thin\". Is locked in \"dream of red mansions\" servant here, also be more to write, which is representative and thorough way to attack people. Attack and a dream is a set of contrast is very distinctive characters, they serve as a history of China and the world literature is locked the maid image's most outstanding two typical art. In \"a dream of red mansions\", an important position, is an important female image, cao xueqin focus on depicting the reader in mind also has an important position. This article through to two people life, appearance, personality and rebellious spirit, and the treasure jade, ending, etc to the comparative analysis, to understand different characters of cao xueqin's different charm.关键词:袭人;晴雯;命运;比较Key words:Attacks; Qing-wen's arrogance; Fate; compar e晴雯与袭人形象的比较分析引论《红楼梦》是中国和世界文学史,文化史上划时代的巨著。


































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存档编号赣南师范学院学士学位论文On the Application of Culture Teaching in Senior SchoolEnglish Teaching教学学院外国语学院届别2015届专业英语学号110402155姓名姚凤指导教师寇静完成日期2015年5月Contents内容摘要 (ⅰ)关键词 (ⅰ)Abstract (ⅱ)Key words (ⅱ)Introduction (1)ChapterⅠLiterary Review (3)1.1Language and Culture (3)1.2Language Teaching and Culture Teaching (4)1.3The Theoretical Basis and Practice Foundation of Culture Teaching (5)ChapterⅡCurrent Situation&Subsistent Problems (7)ChapterⅢThe Strategies of Culture Teaching in Senior High English Class (9)3.1Cultural Knowledge Introduction of Words (9)3.2Cultural Knowledge Introduction of Idioms (10)3.3Introduction of Oral Communication Culture (11)3.4Introduction of History and Literary Quotation.................................,,.12 3.5Introduction of Non-linguistic Knowledge.. (13)ChapterⅣSpecific Approaches (14)Conclusion (16)Bibliography (17)内容摘要:近年来,外语教学界已逐渐达成共识:高中英语教学的最终目标是培养能够在跨文化交流过程中进行外语交流的新型人才,这一点已经被写进《普通高中英语课程标准》(实验稿)。








关键词:高中英语;课堂教学;文化教学;策略;具体方法Abstract:In recent years,a common sense has been reached in foreign language teaching circles:the ultimate aim of foreign language teaching is to cultivate new talents who can communicate in foreign language in the process of cross-cultural communication.This has been written into the Standards of ordinary senior high school English curriculum(experiment draft).Nevertheless,the reach of consensus never equals to a solution.It is impossible to form the communicative competence if students don’t know any culture knowledge of the English speaking countries. However,as a result of the high school and university entrance exams’being China’s major way of select talents for a long time,foreign language teaching in China mainly teaches language knowledge and cares much about students’abilities to take exams, which leads to Chinese foreign language teaching’s lack of culture teaching ability and awareness.After making an introduction about the main contents,this paper illustrates the definition,relevance and significance of language and culture.Then, this paper elucidates language teaching and culture teaching from several respects and discusses about the current situation and subsistent problems on culture teaching in senior high school.Next,this paper offers some possible strategies and specific approaches of culture teaching.In the end,this paper makes a brief conclusion.After realizing the problem clearly and changing progressively in teaching strategies, English culture teaching in China would make great progress.Key words:high school English;classroom teaching;culture teaching;strategies; specific approachesIntroductionStandards of ordinary senior high school English curriculum(experiment draft) pointed out that the senior high school English curriculum should emphasize the further development of students’comprehensive ability of using language.Based on that,senior school English teachers should focus on improving students’ability to obtain information,process information,analyze and solve problems in English, especially their ability of thinking and expressing in English so that they would form cross-cultural awareness and competence.Besides,students’international fields of vision will get further expansion and their spirit of patriotism and national sense of mission will also be enhanced.What’s more,the formation of sound emotion,attitude and value will lay a good foundation for students’future development and lifelong learning.Deng Yanchang and Liu Runqing in their language and culture pointed out that “culture”is the general mode of a community about its unique faith,custom,system, objectives and nguage and culture influence each other.Culture helps to understand language while language contributes to interpret culture.Students may grasp the nature and connotations of English only when they know something about western cultural background.Then it would be possible for them to process intercultural communication more accurately.However,in traditional English teaching,teachers tend to focus on training students’ability for examination,while ignoring the importance of passing on cultural background knowledge to students, which leads to the consequence that many students are unable to communicate with the language appropriately in different occasions even though they have mastered enough knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar.In the context of new curriculum reform,it is quite obvious that English teachers should not continue to spend too much time in teaching language knowledge in isolation and neglect cultural knowledge,but should take different ways to fully tap the resources in teaching materials and gradually infiltrate culture knowledge to students in class in case that students can experience the culture of western countries,improve their cognitive level,broaden their international vision,stimulate their interest in learning English culture as well as develop their intercultural skills.ChapterⅠLiterary ReviewAt the request of the new English curriculum,the reform in English teaching in senior high school seems to be imperative.However,without knowing the concept of language,culture,language teaching and culture teaching,any related reform would be blind and fruitless.And that is to say,to achieve the target of new curriculum reform,the internal relationship between language and culture,language teaching and culture teaching should be made clear primarily to insure the directionality,pertinence and intentionality of the reform.Otherwise,the reform would be turned out to be a waste of time and energy.1.1Language and CultureThe definition of language varies for the difference of time,research method and outlook of the world.At present,with the development of anthropology,linguistics and cultural linguistics,a general consensus has been reached:Language is a social and cultural phenomenon,a tool people used for thinking and communicating to each nguage refers to the“natural language”used by human being which is the combination of sound and meaning.The paper employs the definition of language in Modern Foreign Language Teaching written by Shu Dingfang:From the viewpoint of its structural features,language is a symbol system,a hierarchy system which consists of morphemes,phrases,sentences,chapters,etc;from the viewpoint of its function, language is a tool of thinking and communication(Shu Dingfang,2008).For the concept of culture,it is a very familiar and most widely used term,but lacks of clear and strict definition.Here,c onsidering the actual situation in high school English teaching,this paper adopts the definition of culture in the Interpretation Standard of English Curriculum to facilitate the research and that is in the teaching of English:culture is a country or a nation’s history,geography, traditions and customs,literature and art,code of conduct,thinking style and concept of value,etc(Chen Lin,2002).The relationship between language and culture was decided by their definitions: Language and culture are intertwined and language is an integral part of culture.Language is the carrier of culture,it reflects and influences the development of culture. If there’s no language,then culture is nguage is the prerequisite for the formation and development of nguage is the window through which another world is shown.Misunderstandings often arise among people who speak different languages even if there are no grammatical mistakes in their conversation.In short,language belongs to culture and it’s the most special part of culture while culture has influenced and shaped language.Since the definition and relevance of language and culture are clear,it is hard to ignore their significance.It is often said that human beings and animals were distinguished by language for there are many commons between human beings and animals in terms of biology.Human beings have created culture via language and greater progress has also been made through culture innovation.Therefore,English teaching should not only be language teaching,but also should expand the horizons of students so that they can understand the culture and social customs of English speaking countries.1.2Language Teaching and Culture TeachingWhen things comes to foreign language teaching,people are always being used to think of four main contents:pronunciation,grammar,vocabulary,rhetoric as well as five basic skills training:listening,speaking,reading,writing and translation.The traditional language teaching model with pure nature of foreign language teaching is teaching students in accordance with the"4+5"contents.Over the past few decades, China’s foreign language teaching is following a main line which is basically around the language knowledge teaching:lexical analysis,grammar explanations and sentence circle.As for the non-verbal cross-cultural factors,they had not been attached great importance.However,on account of the relevance of language and culture,to achieve the final objective of high school English teaching,the traditional language teaching is far enough.Language is the material form of thought.It carries the cultural information and reflects the characteristics of thought bore in a nation.People using language under the influences and restrictions of the local culture.Also,people’s vocal form subjectsto the influences and restrictions of social circumstance that language relies for existence.Such restrictions include the society itself,the customs of a community, ways of life and behavior,social values,ways of thinking,religious beliefs,national psychology and personality,etc.Helping students to improve the sensitivity of culture knowledge when learning a language can cultivate their motivations and interest to understand the culture of other nations,thus providing the basic foundation for learning a foreign language.1.3The Theoretical Basis and Practice Foundation of Culture TeachingCombining language with culture,putting language in cultural background, teaching culture knowledge of target language country consciously while teaching the language itself,all those cognitions practices started in the initial stage of the1970s. And after the1970s,some language scholars raised an objection towards Chomsky’s theory.In their description,they focused more on the function and social intercourse of what language means.In a word,the theory derived new language teaching concepts and methods,namely,communicative language teaching CTL,also called the notional functional approach.The characteristic of CLT is emphasizing more on the communicative function of language when paying attention to language structure, The increase of new language schools as well as the wide adoption of communicative language teaching provided a theoretical and practical foundation for the unity of language and culture in teaching.At the world level,the1970s internationally is an era when the national exchanges and conflicts surged at the same time,especially in Europe.The European Community proposed“cultural and educational cooperation”in order to be“interdependent”,even the country which uses and develops new language teaching rules would be given prior consideration.Thus,foreign language teaching had been referred to an unprecedented position,and the main purpose of learning a foreign language had became communication,while communication itself is a kind of social behavior.Therefore,people can not make it without cultural background knowledge when teaching the language.Given the above theories and cognitions,in the past twenty years,culture began quietly entered into foreign language teaching in the classroom when the language focus transferred from itsstructure and form to its function and content,when foreign language teaching turned traditional teaching that centered in vocabulary and grammar into the new one whose center is to cultivate communicative ability and objective.ChapterⅡCurrent Situation&Subsistent Problems In China,student’s common problem is that they can not appropriately communicate with others in authentic English though they are able to apply vocabulary and grammatical knowledge to write sentences correctly as well as read English materials accurately and quickly.The main reason for this problem is that English teaching emphasized on language knowledge teaching but ignored the language skills and despised culture education.Such teaching model results in students’lacking of English national culture knowledge,which directly affects their communicative ability.Although the foreign language teaching field has already begun to pay attention to culture,the studies discussing teaching methods at the angle of culture teaching in senior high school English classroom teaching are still far too few.Major problems contributing to such an awkward current situation can be summed up as the following points:First of all,teachers’lacking of culture teaching awareness and culture teaching ability can not be overlooked.It can not be denied that English teachers have improved their professional skills and competence in varying degrees with the constant development of teacher education theories as well as English teaching theories.However,under the influence of a series of historical reasons and the restrictions of the former teaching thoughts,teaching contents,teaching methods and teaching conditions,the current teachers’cultural strength are generally weak though they majored in English.Therefore,they often pay much attention to the language form but teach minor amounts of cultural knowledge and ignore the cultivation of the students’cross-cultural consciousness.Many of them would suffer from their own limited ability even if they want to change the status quo,let alone they will get powerless because of lacking of time and the conditions.Secondly,students’pragmatic competence is relative feeble.With the gradual deepening of communication between Chinese and western society,a growing number of students learned some knowledge of foreigners’daily life and customsthrough the Internet,television and other bined with the current textbooks used in middle school,in which western social culture was introduced, students get more understandings of western society and culture.However,it is far less than enough compared to the high school English teaching object.Students’cultural knowledge is too scattered and lacks for systematicness and pertinence,which leads to their inaccuracy,inappropriateness and poor cultural understanding when using the language.Thirdly,the selection and introduction of cultural content in the teaching material are unscientific and lack of gradation.The cultural information in the teaching material should be arranged in order,following a sequence of starting from easy to difficult,from the cultural knowledge to the cultural values and ways of thinking according to the students’actual language level and mental competence.However,in China’s cultural teaching material there is no such a specific project,the amount of information carried by it is very limited and the comments and implications of cultural information are too scattered,which never formed a system.In addition,the teaching content is severely lack of gradation.Hierarchy is one of the traits of culture teaching.Although culture and language can not be separated,no one can say it is only in the senior that culture can be talked about,people can never break away from its periodical characteristic.Thus it is improper to instill too much cultural knowledge to students just as soon as they contact with foreign language.All in all,as the improvement of language skills becomes increasingly important,the proportion of culture teaching should also increase progressively.Finally,the test questions were designed in a way of stereotype.Traditional evaluation mainly reflects on the target which excessively emphasizes on discipline knowledge while ignores the humanity,which makes examination the exclusive form of evaluation,paying attention to the quiz of pure language knowledge structure.In fact,Chinese people still evaluate high school English teaching mainly through test performance.Therefore,such test system misleads the English teaching in a long term.ChapterⅢThe Strategies of Culture Teaching in Senior HighEnglish ClassWith the development of economic integration and the advancement of science and technology,the connection among countries around the world is getting more and more frequent.The prosperity of a country and the revitalization of a nation is more closely linked to the cultivation of communicative talents.In other words,whether the cultivation of new talents is success or not is not merely an education problem any more,but a problem concerned with the international competitiveness of a country then with its survival.Therefore,all walks of life should value the problem highly. Here,c ombining the relevance between language and culture with the significance of culture teaching,based on the actual situation of China’s foreign language teaching, to achieve the goal of English teaching,several possible strategies can be concluded as follows:3.1Cultural Knowledge Introduction of WordsV ocabulary,as the basic component of language,contains ample culture messages. Thus it is necessary to infiltrate cultural knowledge of words through vocabulary teaching during English class so as to enable the students to fully comprehend the meaning of words,which refers to the literal meaning as well as the implied or additional meaning.Students should not only master the literal meaning of the vocabulary,but also should understand the implied or additional aspects while learning a foreign language.Many of the English words came from mythology, allusions,fables and legends.If a teacher properly introduces the cultural knowledge of related words in class,it would certainly stimulate students’learning interest on the one hand and imperceptibly enhance their understanding and memory of the words on the other hand to obtain a good vocabulary learning effect.What deserves special attention is that there isn’t an one-one correspondence between English vocabulary and Chinese words.Plenty of examples can be cited to prove it.Firstly,white in English means having the same color with milk,salt or snow,while translated into Chinese means“白的,白色的”,but there is no corresponding word in English using“white”while“白色,白色的”used in Chinese.For instance,“白熊”was commonly translated into“polar bear”,“白搭”into“all in vain or a waste of time and energy”,“白痴”into“idiot”.Similarly,westerners often get confused of what“白”means in“红白喜事”.Secondly,red-letter day(memorial day,happy day)in English ordinarily refers to Christmas or other important days.In China,“red”contains auspicious meaning.Apart from this,it also symbolizes revolution and socialist in modern times.In English,red sometimes means a dangerous state or making people angry,such as“red flag”(annoying things).If in Business English“in the red”means“losses,liabilities”.Finally,The peacock in the culture of China is a sign of fortune.People think the tail of peacock is an advantageous and prosperous thing.In English,the meaning of peacock is usually derogatory,including pride, showing off,being very pleased with oneself,such as in the phrase“as proud as a peacock”.A lot of English collocations are conventional,so people can not simply apply the Chinese collocation to the English ones even though they may similar in meaning.Just like Chinese“红茶”in English is not a red tea,but black tea.Since words in different cultural backgrounds have their particular meaning,teachers’consciously teaching the relevant cultural background knowledge while teaching vocabulary could improve students’understanding of the connotation of vocabulary.3.2Cultural Knowledge Introduction of IdiomsIdiom,as the crystallization of language development,contains intense cultural characteristic.Teaching idiom enables students to learn culture while they are learning language itself.What’s more,they can also see the close relationship between language and culture from a large amount of language material so as to enhance their understanding of culture differences and then improve their communicative competence.The ample idioms in English and Chinese give expressions to the respective culture traits of the two languages.For example,“小菜一碟”in Chinese means it is quite easy to do something,English speakers would express the same meaning with the phrase”a piece of cake”.Also,Chinese people would use“七上八下”to show their uneasiness while English speakers would say they“have butterflies in their stomach”to express the same meaning.As for such cases,apart from explaining the idioms during the class,teachers can guide students to collect some materials after class and to make some comparative analysis.Lots of idioms in English derived from allusion.If one knows little about the origins of phrases,it would be hard for him to understand some items well.For example,the sentence“He can be relied on,he eats no fish and plays the game.”may seems very simple because there are no new words.However,if it was translated directly,it would be pointless and illogical.Once the cultural meaning of the two phrases“eat no fish”and“play the game”are learned,things would get extremely easy.“Eat no fish”comes from an illusion:it was in the time when the Queen Elizabeth was on the throne,Jesus Christians refused to obey the custom of the Roman Catholic to eat fish on Friday so as to show their loyalty to the Queen.While the“play the game”has the similar meaning with“play fair”which commonly meanings“impartial”“aboveboard”“straightforward”,etc.For another example, Chinese are fond of cat,they would sometimes describe women as meek and lovely as cat or they would call people who are fond of food“greedy cat”to show intimacy, while in English,cat is usually used to indicate women with sinister motivation.Also, owl in Chinese implies ominous things while English speakers would say“be wise like an owl”to show the wisdom of people.All these idioms are as difficult to understand as to apply properly.Teachers should act as a guider to help students to appreciate them slowly while reading.If there is something they don't understand,it is allowable to consult a dictionary.As long as they can persist,students will be able to comprehend idioms accurately and use them properly sooner or later.3.3Introduction of oral communication cultureCommunicative culture mainly refers to the topic chosen by people and the way people communicate when they talk to each other.Westerners would simply say hello or talk about weather or something that does not involve in personal privacy when they meet each other.However,Chinese people are used to probe into other people’s privacy to show regard,questions like“What did you do”or”Where did yougo”would make westerners feel uneasy.When receiving praise or congratulations, Chinese people would say“哪里哪里(simply means“no,no”)”or something like“I didn’t do well”to show modesty,while English speakers may say“Thank you”without hesitation.Also,Chinese would call others by adding their profession to their family names such as“刘老师”,“张秘书”,which could not directly translated into “Teacher Liu”“Secretary Zhang”.There were quite a few words like professor,doctor, mayor and judge can be put before the family names to serve the same function. What’s more,Chinese people would call the ones who are of the same generation as “大哥”,“大姐”,“小弟”,“小妹”.As for those who are of the age of their parents, people would use“uncle”,“aunt”as a polite appellation,which would be quite confusing to English speakers,because only to those with intimacy would they call as “uncle”or”aunt”.English speakers would add family names after“Mr.”“Mrs.”“Miss”to call people they knew.When it comes to strangers,they would use“Sir”or “Madam”directly.There are numerous analogous examples which reveal the difference of communicative culture between Chinese and English.Hence,it would be extremely imperative for English teachers to penetrate these cultural knowledge into the teaching process to help the students to understand culture diversity in order that their communicative competence will be improved.Of course,they must improve their cultural literacy before doing that.3.4Introduction of History and Literary QuotationIn the textbook of senior students,there are not only language knowledge but also abundant culture knowledge.Teachers should properly explain some historical allusions and literary quotations occurred in the textbook for these stories are the essence of the relevant culture and nation.It is impossible for one to learn a language well without knowing its culture.When it refers to the speech of Martin Luther King named I Had a Dream,it would be decent to recommend some background information about The Black Emancipation as well as the social context of America in the period of the1960s.By doing so,students will benefit a lot.They would learn language knowledge as well as culture knowledge and understand some language phenomena better.As for the allusions,if the origins were meticulously told,it wouldbe simple for students to comprehend,such as the phrases“meet one’s Waterloo”deriving from The Battle of Waterloo in which Napoleon encountered crushing defeat, means someone had failed.In addition,“Pandora’s box”and“the heel of Achilles”came from Greek and Roman myth,the former means the source of all hardship and misfortune,the later means fatal weakness.Still,“Garden of Eden”from Bible indicates some place where people live a prosperous and contented life;“red tape”implies bureaucracy;“green thumb”signifies excellent horticulture skills.All of them has an allusive backdrop.Teachers are supposed to introduce such historical allusions while teaching so as to make students understand the teaching material better.3.5Introduction of Non-linguistic KnowledgeNon-linguistic knowledge including gesture,posture,costume,expression in one’s eyes,physical distance,touch,volume,etc.Take the text Unit4Body Language in senior high school textbook(PEP edition)as an example.In this text,it mentions that Japanese bow to greet when they meet for the first time;British people usually keep a certain distance with others and avoid body contact with strangers;people in Spain, Italian or South American will stand extremely close to others and very possibly have body contact with each other.When teaching this text,teachers can use the thumb and forefinger to form a circle and unbend the other three fingers to make a gesture.Then, ask the students what the gesture means(answer:In America it means OK.In Japan it is the sign for money).After that,the teacher can make another expression—clench his teeth and tell the students that he is an Arabian,then ask students whether they know what it conveys(in Arabia,the expression means detestation).Having English class in this way can certainly raise students’learning interest and activate the classroom atmosphere.What is more important is that their culture awareness would be improved unconsciously.ChapterⅣSpecific approachesAfter so many strategies have been introduced,it would be helpful to provide some specific approaches for English teachers which are easily to apply.Possible ones are as follows:First of all,it would be advisable to require students to read as many English books and magazines as possible.Extensively reading is conducive to enrich one’s knowledge and foster one’s intercultural communicative awareness and ability.It is wise to conduct students to accumulate materials about culture background,social customs and social relationship while reading.Students will build up their culture awareness and cross-cultural ability gradually and naturally through the long-term accumulation.Secondly,it would be rewarding for English teachers to make full use of intuitional teaching aid like pictures,PowerPoint,movies,televisions,etc.Students will be deeply impressed by the body language of the characters through watching movies,TV or VCD because of the direct observation.It will surely bring better learning effects comparing with the infusion of pure theoretical knowledge.Also, teachers can make full use of pictures,books,exhibitions,ancient cultural relics, newspapers,magazines,postage stamps,postcards,etc.Introducing abstract cultural knowledge through such sample items will help students to intuitively understand culture differences and improve their learning interest.Thirdly,it will be a considerable way to implement culture teaching by organizing various activities such as theme party,games,discussions.Theme party like Christmas party,Halloween party can be held by adding some competitive games. The games should focus on comparing the differences between western festivals and Chinese festivals.Before the game,divide students into several groups and ask them to make a list of the different points between Christmas and Chinese Spring Festival, Halloween and Chinese Ghost Festival.The more the better.The group that gets the most points will win the game and get some rewards.In the process of playing the game,students’learning motivations will be cultivated to the uttermost by the。
