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婺源必去的三个景点Wuyuan, a charming county nestled in the southeastern corner of Jiangxi province, China, is renowned for its picture-perfect landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and numerous tourist attractions. Among the plethora of scenic spots, three stand out as must-visit destinations for any traveler seeking a unique and memorable experience.The first destination is Jiangwan Village, a veritable masterpiece of ancient architecture. Strolling through its narrow lanes, one is transported to a bygone era, where time seems to have stood still. The ancient houses, with their intricate carvings and weathered façades, whisper tales of a bygone era. The serene atmosphere and the tranquility of the village offer a refreshing break from the hustle and bustle of modern life.The second attraction is the Rainbow Bridge, a picturesque span that crosses a lazy river, connecting two scenic landscapes. The bridge, with its elegant arches and traditional styling, is a perfect example of traditional Chinese bridge-building techniques. Standing on the bridge, one can admire the breathtaking views of the surroundingcountryside, with rolling hills and lush greenerystretching as far as the eye can see.Lastly, no trip to Wuyuan would be complete without a visit to the Dazhai Mountain. This natural wonder offers panoramic views of the entire county, making it a popular destination for hikers and photographers alike. The ascent to the summit is a rewarding experience, with each step revealing new and breathtaking vistas. Once at the top, the sense of achievement is matched only by the breathtaking beauty that unfolds before one's eyes.These three attractions, each unique and charming inits own way, offer a glimpse into the rich cultural and natural heritage of Wuyuan. Whether one is interested in history, nature, or simply seeking a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, a visit to these must-see spots is sure to leave a lasting impression.婺源,位于中国江西省东南部的迷人县城,以其如画的风景、丰富的文化遗产和众多的旅游景点而闻名。
婺源 课件
街访古、梯田花海寻芳及乡风民俗拾趣等 游览区域组合而成。景区致力于打造成美 术摄影及影视创作基地、农家民俗生活体 验基地、农耕文化展示基地、休闲度假基 地等,最终将篁岭景区打造成全国最具民 俗特色的文化艺术影视村落。
江西婺源田园中的油菜花基本 已开放,可以初步观赏,部分 杂交油菜花还正在从开放中向 盛放进展,3月8号至3月下旬 是最佳期。 江西婺源田园中的油菜花基本已开放,可以初步观赏,部分杂交油菜花还正在从开放中向盛放进展, 3月8号至3月下旬是最佳期。阳春三月,江西婺源篁岭山间油菜花全面盛开,层层叠叠的油菜花梯田 蜿蜒于山岭之中,粉红的桃花、洁白的梨花,点缀在漫山遍野金灿灿的油菜花田中,形成独具一格的 乡村田园画卷,春风吹过,生机盎然。近日,篁岭油菜花海梯田被网友评选为“寻访全球十大最美梯 田”之一。
从景德镇到婺源县城80多公里,这条路面很好走,限速70公里。 2、婺溪路:从婺源可以到安徽的黄山,婺源境内柏油路,安徽段柏油路。沿途经过李坑、汪口、江湾、大畈、篁 岭。从婺源到黄山约110公里。限速70公里,进入安徽境内后,建议60公里以下。 3、婺清路:县城到清华,二级新修柏油路,路面状况很好,沿途经过思口到清华,23公里。建议时速80公里以下。 4、江湾到晓起、江岭、高山平湖、庆源、官坑。 5、江湾去篁岭景区7公里。 6、浙岭公路:浙岭公路位于婺源浙源乡境内,是婺源北面浙源乡通往安徽省休宁县板桥乡的一条省际公路,全长 18.2公里,设计为重丘三级公路,自驾游可由黄山到休宁,再到浙源乡;婺源北线往南走沿途有虹关村,察关村, 凤山村,直达到清华镇。
院建设。官拜焕章阁侍制兼侍讲,为宋宁宗皇帝讲学。 朱熹著述甚多,有《四书章句集注》《太极图说解》《通书解说》 《周易读本》《楚辞集注》,后人辑有《朱子大全》《朱子集语 象》等。其中《四书章句集注》成为钦定的教科书和科举考试的 标准。[2]
Passage 1: The forbidden City
• The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape. It is 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from east west. It has 9900 rooms under a total roof area 150000 square meters. A 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a 9.9 –meter- high wall which encloses the complex. It is believed that the Palace Museum got its name from astronomy folklore. The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan. The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace.
III. Answer the following questions:
• 1. How many square kilometers does Mt. Jiuhua cover? • 2. What are the four great Buddhist mountains in China? • 3. In history which famous people vesited Mt. Jiuhua? • 4. What is the oldest and holiest temple on the mountain? • 5. What are displayed in the Historical Museum of the
李书麟故居,这幢民居建 于清朝同治年间。这幢房 子原有三十六个戗角,四 个天井,可见房子主人当 年的富有,但今已败落了。
武状元故居。村里人叫它“鱼塘 屋”,可能是因为元内有一石砌 的鱼池,池内养的鱼就是婺源 四大特产之一的荷包红鲤鱼。
中国最美的乡村 The most beautiful village in China
婺源属于亚热带季风气候 它的气候的主要特点是:冬温夏热、四季分明, 降水丰沛,季节分配比较均匀
同时也拥有着最为天然的自然美景,和最淳朴的 美食
江岭:江岭的油菜花梯田可以 说是婺源的代表,是绝对要去 的啦~现在油菜花基本都开了, 很美
思溪延村建于南宋庆元五年(公元1199年),村落背 山面水,嵌于锦峰绣岭、清溪碧河的自然风光之中, 房屋群落与自然环境巧妙结合,山水互为点缀,如诗 如画,意境神美。村口明代“通济桥”和“如来佛柱”, 是古时村落水口组合建筑的孑遗;村中清代商家住宅 “振源堂”、“承裕堂”、“承德堂”、“孝友兼隆厅”等。 “三雕”(砖雕、石雕、木雕)工艺精湛,充分体现了 徽派民居的建筑特色,清代“银库”屋,当世现已少见; “敬序堂”花厅古色古香,是品茶对弈、吟诗作画的理 想之地。
旅游景点 1.李坑村
a、特色 b、民俗文化 c、美食 2.部分村落 旅游资源的保护策略及建议 婺源美食及特产 旅游词
Brief Introduction to Yunnan Province
Yunnan province is a beautiful and mysterious place sitting in the southwest of China with a population of over 45 966 00 in 2010 and a total area of 390 000 square kilometers. It is plateau monsoon climate and called “Spring City”. Yunnan Province is the home to the richest variety of ethnic groups in China for there are 52 ethnic minorities in the region. Yunnan is not only a geological museum but the kingdom of plants, animals, flowers and nonferrous metals. All the tourist sites leave a deep impression and will constantly attract domestic and foreign tourists with its long history, splendid culture, desirable scenery and colorful ethnic customs.
----- Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple
➢ Originally, the Three Pagodas were a part of Chongsheng Temple which has been the royal temple of the Kingdom of Dali. The Three Pagodas were initially built in the era of Quan Fengyou Emperor of Nanzhao Kingdoms about the same time of the Tang Dynasty . ➢ The main square-shaped pagoda, known as Qianxun Pagoda, stands 69.13 meters in height and is divided into 16 stories with multiple tiers of upturned eaves, reportedly built during 823AD-839AD by King Quan Fengyou of the Nanzhao State. ➢ The other two octagonal-shaped lower pagodas stand to the north and south of Qianxun Pagoda. Each one has 10 tiers with a height of 43 meters. There are three copper-made calabashes with an umbrella shaped bronze bell connected on the top of each pagoda. They were constructed during the period of the Five Dynasty (907-960), slightly later than the main one.
婺源 英语
• 月亮湾是半路上的一处小景点,但 她恰如月亮的身资,和隔岸的徽派 民居深入人心。偶有三五农妇临湖 浆洗,时常引得路人纷纷驻足,下 车拍个够。
• 绿:即绿茶,以“颜 色碧而天然,回味香而 浓郁,水叶清而润厚” 著称的婺源绿茶,曾唐 载《茶经》,宋称绝品, 明清入贡,中外驰名。
• 北线:丛溪漂流----中国县级第一馆-婺源博 物馆----森林水世界-卧龙谷----华夏第一洞 天-灵岩风景区----儒商第一村-思溪延村---宋代廊桥-彩虹桥----深山进士村-理坑----世 外桃源-严田
东线:祥云山风景区----伟人故里江湾----小桥流水人家-李坑----徽 商古埠头-汪口----生态家园-晓起
婺源 ----如诗般静美
婺源素有“书乡”、“茶乡”之称,是全 国著名的文化与生态旅游县,被外界誉为 “中国最美的乡村”。
婺源自古文风鼎盛,人杰地灵,是鸿儒朱 熹的故里、铁路工程师詹天佑的桑梓、著 名学者金庸的祖籍地。
• 其实婺源的美景或许并不在于某个村落的某幢古 宅,或某幢古宅的某处雕花,而是在行进途中不 经意间的一瞥,透过浓密的树林,那山脚下的溪 流边,数十幢黛瓦白墙的房子组成的村落炊烟袅 袅,落日染黄了高高的马头墙;还有参天古树下 的溪边石阶上,浣衣女捶打着衣物,那一幅自然 而然、天人合一的画卷。
• 白:即江湾雪梨。因产地 江湾,且果白如雪而名。据 史载:明代婺源人从歙县 引进梨苗,与当地野生棠梨 嫁接而生。品种有“六月 雪”、“西降坞”、“白 梨”、“苏梨”等多种。 江湾雪梨不仅体大肉厚,皮 薄核小,而且松脆香甜,汁 多味美,入口消融,属果中 珍品。
• 婺源有一种颇有特色的 桥——廊桥,所谓廊桥就 是一种带顶的桥,这种桥 不仅造型优美,最关键的 是,它可在雨天里供行人 歇脚。宋代建造的古桥— —彩虹桥是婺源廊桥的代 表作。这座桥取唐诗“两 水夹明镜,双桥落彩虹” 的意思取名。桥长140米, 桥面宽3米多,4墩5孔, 由11座廊亭组成,廊亭中 有石桌石凳。
Tang Dynasty
பைடு நூலகம்
The White is a kind of pear named Jiangwan Snow Pear. It is one of the highest-grade fruits with its big size, fragrance and brittleness. And that will be your good choice when you want to take something back as gift.
《墨梅图 》
枝条茂密,前后错落。枝头缀满繁密的梅花,或含苞 欲放,或绽瓣盛开,或残英点点。正侧偃仰,千姿百 态,犹如万斛玉珠撒落在银枝上
Rainbow Bridge (彩虹桥 )
Rainbow Bridge is a provincial landmark, built in the beginning of the Song Dynasty, with length of 140 meters, a width of 6.5 meters, with four piers and archways. It crosses the river of Wu like rainbow. The eleven pavilions (亭阁)in different way make a long corridor(长廊). It is simple and unsophisticated(纯朴的).
“The Black” is a kind of ink stones named dragon-tail(龙尾砚), known as the best among ink stones. It was already famous for its fine features early in the Tang Dynasty and was praised as "Champion of China" by Emperor Liyu (李煜) in the Nan
Unit 2《旅游英语》配套的课件.ppt
2. Does all the rooms in this hotel have private bathroom? Yes.
3. What’s the difference between a king-size bed and a queen-size bed? They are all larger than ordinary double bed, a king-size bed is even larger than a queen-size bed.
queen-size bed.
• 5. F The rate doesn’t include the breakfast.
Dialogue 2
• b. Listen to the dialogue and answer these questions.
1. How many persons are in his party? Two, his wife and him.
婺源英文介绍Originally Wuyuan belonged to Huizhou of Anhui,and recently it has been separated from Huizhou and became one part of Jiangxi province.Wuyuan is a world-famous town strongly featured by Huizhou local culture and the idyllic scenery. Wuyuan is located in the northeast of Jiangxi province. Wuyuan gets close to Quzhou of Zhejiang province on the east and Jingdezhen of Jiangxi province on the west. It is near to Huangshan Mountain on the north and Sanqing Mountain on the south.婺源原属于安徽徽州,现在被分割出去,成为江西省的一部分。
Wuyuan County is located at the northeast of Jiangxi Province. Ziyang,in the county's central town, is 140 km away from Quzhou of Zhejiang to its east,180km from shangrao to its south,80km away from Jindezhen to its west and 114km away from Huangshan to its north; it is like a bright pearl embedded in the Huangshan-Wuyuan-Lushan goldentour line and is honored as the "Most Beautiful Countryside in China" by the media at home and abroad.With an 81.5% tree cover of woods,Wuyuan is one of the sixteen most ecologically advanced agriculture counties is China. Like a large park the county is praised as the "Last shangri La". Wengong Hill,Yuanyan Lake (the Mandarin Duck Lake)and Linyan Cave are known as ecological wonders.There are also many well-preserved ancient villages like Jiangwan,likeng,Wangkou,Yan village,Sixi and Likeng.The Hui-style ancient Buildings with pink walls and black tiles, which are faintly visible amid the green hills and blue waters, make up a picturesque landscape depicting the symbiosis of man and nature. Wuyuan is the hometown of Philosopher Zhuxi (朱熹)and Zhan Tianyou(詹天佑),the Father of Railroads in China. There were 550 successful candidates all together from Wuyuan who had taken the highest imperial examinations in the past.hui Opera(徽剧), the origin of Beijing Opera, the Luo Dance known as the "Dance Live Fossil",the folk garret-lifting art reputed for "A Unique in China(中华一绝)"and the charming tea performance all make Wuyuan an attractive scenic spot.婺源(江西省),是镶嵌在黄山——景德镇——庐山国际旅游黄金线上的一颗绿色生态与古文化明珠。
婺源游记作文模板英语翻译英文回答:Wuyuan Travelogue Template。
Begin with a captivating hook that introduces Wuyuan and its unique charm.Briefly mention the specific time and duration of your trip.Main Body。
Day 1:Describe your arrival in Wuyuan and your first impressions.Visit to a traditional village, such as Hongcun or Nanping.Explore the ancient architecture and immerse yourself in the local culture.Day 2:Hike to a nearby mountain or scenic spot for breathtaking views.Visit a tea plantation or learn about local crafts.Enjoy a traditional Wuyuan dinner at a local restaurant.Day 3:Explore the Yellow Mountain or other natural wonders in the area.Visit a museum or gallery to learn about theregion's history and art.Farewell dinner with reflections on your time in Wuyuan.Conclusion。
Summarize your overall experience in Wuyuan.Share your favorite moments and highlights of the trip.Express your gratitude for the opportunity to visit such a beautiful and memorable place.中文回答:婺源游记模板。
每到春天,五六万亩的油菜开得黄 灿灿的一片花海,把婺源的天地映 得金光一片。油菜花开,在那些金 黄翠绿之间,不时蜂鸣蝶舞,春之 音不断被带到了人间。
婺源油菜花 乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄
理坑:小自古文风鼎盛、 人才辈出。
汪口村山环水绕,风景秀丽,得山水之 灵气,地灵人杰,是古徽州一方“徽秀钟灵” 之地,历史上这里文风鼎盛,人文蔚起,走 出了一大批商贾四方的徽商富贾和名士贤达。
婺源位于江西东北,东邻国家历史文化名城衢州市,西毗 景德镇市,南接江南第一仙山三清山。全国著名的文化与生态 旅游县,被外界誉为“中国最美的乡村”。
朱熹(1130.9.15~1200.4.23) 字元晦。 汉族,南宋江南东路徽 州府婺源县(今江西省婺源)人。19岁进士及第,曾任荆湖南路安 抚使,仕至宝文阁待制。为政期间,申敕令,惩奸吏,治绩显赫。 南宋著名的理学家、思想家、哲学家、教育家、诗人、闽学派的代 表人物,世称朱子,是孔子、孟子以来最杰出的弘扬儒学的大师
砚 刊出成砚,湿润大过端溪……”。
尾 坚、蔡襄等都曾为龙尾砚撰文、写诗、填词、赋歌,记铭。
源 舞动作十分丰富,模拟女性的舞步"妮行步",《开天辟地》中的"辟斧"、 "拗斧"、"磨斧",《丞相操兵》中的"上、中、下十字架"、"操兵步"、"
Two-day Wuyuan Tour婺源两日游(Daily每天出发)
2-7 years Half Price儿童半价;** Infant Free婴儿免费
English-speaking guide, Air-conditioned Coach, All Tickets,Jiangwan Hotel
Above arrangement is only for reference, we may make changes according to actual itinerary of the day, thank you.
The Great Man’s Hometown-Jiangwan(江湾)
12:00-Leabharlann 3:10Having lunch and taking a rest
Having dinner ,shopping and entertainment(Own transfer back to the hotel)
Having lunch and taking a rest
Da Zhang Mountain(大鄣山)
a provincial landmark-Rainbow Bridge(彩虹桥)
General introduction to Wuyuan tourism婺源县位于江西省的东北角。
Wuyuan County is located in the northeastern part of Jiangxi province. To the east of Wuyuan is famous historical and cultural city Quzhou, to its west is Jingdezhen city the capital of ceramics, Huangshan Mountain is located to its north, a well-known senic spot in south of Anhui province, to its south is Sanqing Mountain, another scenic spot. Wuyuan is like a bright pearl embedded the area among the three provinces of Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi. The city has an area of 2947 square kilometers with a population of 330,000. It contains 18 towns. The central town is Ziyan.婺源建县于唐开元28年(公元740年),距今已有1200多年的历史。
Poyang Lake National Wetland Park
River-bridge scene of historical village
Wuyuan rape
Po-yang Lake is the largest freshwater lake of China and it is China’s second largest lake There are many wild animals migrate to this place.
Wuyuan,China‘s most beautiful countryside, lies in the northeast of Jiangxi Wuyuan was founded in the 28th year of Kaiyuan of the Tang Dynasty (740 A.D) for over 1200 years
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