A Framework for Representing Ontology Mappings under Probabilities and Inconsistency


Ontological representation of learning objects

Ontological representation of learning objects

Ontological Representation for Learning ObjectsJian Qin and Christina FinneranSchool of Information StudiesSyracuse UniversitySyracuse, NY 13244 USA+1 315 443 5642{jqin, cmfinner@}ABSTRACTMany of the existing metadata standards use content metadata elements that are coarse-grained representations of learning resources. These metadata standards limit users’ access to learning objects that may be at the component level. The authors discuss the need for component level access to learning resources and provide a conceptual framework of the knowledge representation of learning objects that would enable such access.KeywordsLearning objects, component access, intelligent access, knowledge schemas, metadata, ontologies INTRODUCTIONAs the design of search interfaces advances, digital libraries are witnessing limitations based on the underlying representation of the data. The describing author defines the granularity of a resource statically through using current metadata schemas [8]. The granularity of digital library resources will inevitably limit the user from retrieving finer-grain resources. Our paper will discuss an ontological approach to representing data within a digital library to enable more component level access.Learning objects refer to any entity, digital or non-digital, that can be used, re-used or referenced during technology-supported learning [9]. Broadly speaking, learning resources usually refer to documents or collections, whereas learning objects to the components of a document or collection. However, “learning objects” according to IMS [6] standards refers to any object, regardless of granularity.Within the domain of education digital libraries, one of the important goals of metadata is to enable the retrieval and adaptation of one learning object to another learning situation [1]. Providing the learning objects that the users seek, whatever the granularity, is the essence of contextual design [3] and essential for an effective digital library interface. Representations of learning resources must support the finest-grained level of granularity required by the core technologies as suggested in [7], in addition to application and support technologies. Objects within a learning resource need to be encoded in a way that they can be recognized, searched, referenced, and activated at different granularities. Other researchers have been addressing related technological solutions, such as dynamic metadata and automated component descriptions [2,8]. We will focus on the knowledge representation needs, and introduce a conceptual framework of an ontological approach toward metadata. Finally, we discuss how component-level representation contributes to user-focused interface design.ONTOLOGICAL APPROACH TO METADATAMetadata standards pose different levels of representation granularity, as demonstrated in Figure 1. Dublin Core (DC) [4] provides basic factual description, which is used most commonly in creating collection or resource level metadata. The educational extension of DC specifies contextual factors, such as the resource’s target audience and pedagogical goals. IEEE’s Learning Object Metadata (LOM)/IMS metadata standard defines more specific educational and technical parameters for learning resources [5,6]. These three metadata standards are best situated to represent learning resources at the collection or resource level. To reach a finer-grained level, where components in a resource are represented and correlated, knowledge schemas play an important role in in-depthrepresentation and more refined user access.Figure 1.Representation FrameworkLEAVE BLANK THE LAST 2.5 cm (1”) OF THE LEFTCOLUMN ON THE FIRST PAGE FOR THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. Through an informal survey of the NSDL collections, we found that search, browsing, and navigation capabilities vary widely depending on the purpose, scope, and subject area of the collection. However, collection or documentlevel metadata dominates all types of searches available. A lack of finer-grained representation is becoming a crippling factor for user interfaces to provide in-depth searching for learning objects.SAMPLE MODEL FOR COMPONENT REPRESENTATIONAn ontological representation defines concepts and relationships up front. It sets the vocabulary, properties, and relationships for concepts, the result of which can be a set of rich schemas. The elements accumulate more meaning by the relationships they hold and the potential inferences that can be made by those relationships. The key advantage of an ontological representation within the realm of learning objects is its ability to handle different granularities. In order to describe learning resources at the collection level (e.g. web site) and further describe each of the components (e.g. interactive applet, image), relationships must be identified when the data are input. Only by having description at the component level will specific learning objects be able to be retrieved by users. Figure 2 demonstrates how even with a seemingly simple laboratory-learning object, fine-grained description of the component level can enable better access. For example, if an instructor is interested in a graph of steam gauge metrics, s/he should be able to search at the component level, rather than having to guess what type of resource(e.g. textbook, lab) might contain such a graph.An ontological model may be created based on the example in Figure 2. Each component in the model is normalized into a group of classes under class Lab. The attributes for Lab include “object subject,” “object URI,” and “parent source,” which are inherited by all its subclasses. The “object content” attribute is local to subclass Formula and also reused in other subclasses. A unique feature in this sample model is the reuse of classes in defining attribute types (e.g., the Hydrogeology class is reused in attribute objectSubject). This model can be converted directly into a Resource Description Framework (RDF) format, which can then be used as the motor behind intelligent navigation and retrieval interfaces. By creating ontologies for learning resources, we will be able to generate a set of knowledgeschemas for buildingknowledge bases andrepositories that can beshared and reused by systemdevelopers.Figure 3. A sample component representation model CONCLUSIONThe goal of education digital library interfaces is to support users, whether they be educators or learners, in accessing useful learning objects. The user will determinewhat is useful, and they also should be given the opportunity to search for components that may be useful.The ontological approach to representing learning objects provides a framework upon which to build more intelligent access within digital libraries.REFERENCES1. Conlan, O, Hockemeyer, C., Lefrere, P., Wade, V. andAlbert, D. Extending Educational Metadata Schemas toDescribe Adaptive Learning Resources. HT 2001,Aarhus, Denmark.2. Damiani, E., Fugini, M.G. and Bellettini, C. AHierarchy-Aware Approach to Faceted Classificationof Object-Oriented Components. ACM Transactions onSoftware Engineering and Methodology 8(3): 215-262,July 1999.3. Dong, A. and Agogino, A.M. Design Principles for theInformation Architecture of a SMET Education DigitalLibrary, JCDL 2001, June24-28, 2001, Roanoke, VA.4. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative 5. IEEE/LTSC. .6.IMS Learning Resource Metadata /metadata/7. Laleuf, J.R. and Spalter, A.M. A ComponentRepository for Learning Objects: A Progress Report.JCDL 2001, June24-28, 2001, Roanoke, VA.8. Saddik, A.E., Fischer, S. and Steinmetz, R. Reusabilityand Adaptability of Interactive Resources in Web-Based Educational Systems. ACM Journal ofEducational Resources in Computing 1(1), Spring2001.9. Wiley, D.A. Learning Object Design and SequencingTheory. Ph.D. Thesis. Brigham Young University,2000.。

Ontology enrichment and indexing process

Ontology enrichment and indexing process

—Ing´e nierie des Connaissances —R ESEARCH R EPORTN o 03.05Mai 2003Ontology enrichment and indexing process E.Desmontils,C.Jacquin,L.SimonInstitut de Recherche en Informatique de Nantes2,rue de la HoussinireB.P.9220844322NANTES CEDEX 3E.Desmontils,C.Jacquin,L.SimonOntology enrichment and indexing process18p.Les rapports de recherche de l’Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Nantes sont disponibles aux formats PostScript®et PDF®`a l’URL:http://www.sciences.univ-nantes.fr/irin/Vie/RR/Research reports from the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Nantes are available in PostScript®and PDF®formats at the URL:http://www.sciences.univ-nantes.fr/irin/Vie/RR/indexGB.html ©May2003by E.Desmontils,C.Jacquin,L.SimonOntology enrichmentand indexing processE.Desmontils,C.Jacquin,L.Simondesmontils,jacquin,simon@irin.univ-nantes.fr+AbstractWithin the framework of Web information retrieval,this paper presents some methods to improve an indexing process which uses terminology oriented ontologies specific to afield of knowledge.Thus,techniques to enrich ontologies using specialization processes are proposed in order to manage pages which have to be indexed but which are currently rejected by the indexing process.This ontology specialization process is made supervised to offer to the expert of the domain a decision-making aid concerning itsfield of application.The proposed enrichment is based on some heuristics to manage the specialization of the ontology and which can be controlled using a graphic tool for validation.Categories and Subject Descriptors:H.3.1[Content Analysis and Indexing]General Terms:Abstracting methods,Dictionaries,Indexing methods,Linguistic processing,Thesauruses Additional Key Words and Phrases:Ontology,Enrichment,Supervised Learning,Thesaurus,Indexing Process, Information Retrieval in the Web1IntroductionSearch engines,like Google1or Altavista2help us tofind information on the Internet.These systems use a cen-tralized database to index information and a simple keywords based requester to reach information.With such systems,the recall is often rather convenient.Conversely,the precision is weak.Indeed,these systems rarely take into account content of documents in order to index them.Two major approaches,for taking into account the se-mantic of document,exist.Thefirst approach concerns annotation techniques based on the use of ontologies.They consist in manually annotating documents using ontologies.The annotations are then used to retrieve information from the documents.They are rather dedicated to request/answer system(KAON3...)The second approach,for taking into account of Web document content,are information retrieval techniques based on the use of domain ontologies[8].They are usually dedicated for retrieving documents which concern a specific request.For this type of systems,the index structure of the web pages is given by the ontology structure.Thus,the document indexes belong to the concepts set of the ontology.An encountered problem is that many concepts extracted from docu-ment and which belong to the domain are not present in the domain ontology.Indeed,the domain coverage of the ontology may be too small.In this paper,wefirst present the general indexing process based on the use of a domain ontology(section 2).Then,we present an analysis of experiment results which leads us to propose improvements of the indexing process which are based on ontology enrichment.They make it possible to increase the rate of indexed concepts (section3).Finally,we present a visualisation tool which enables an expert to control the indexing process and the ontology enrichment.2Overview of the indexing processThe main goal is to build a structured index of Web pages according to an ontology.This ontology provides the index structure.Our indexing process can be divided into four steps(figure1)[8]:1.For each page,aflat index of terms is built.Each term of this index is associated with its weighted frequency.This coefficient depends on each HTML marker that describes each term occurrence.2.A thesaurus makes it possible to generate all candidate concepts which can be labeled by a term of theprevious index.In our implementation,we use the Wordnet thesaurus([14]).3.Each candidate concept of a page is studied to determine its representativeness of this page content.Thisevaluation is based on its weighted frequency and on the relations with the other concepts.It makes it possible to choose the best sense(concept)of a term in relation to the context.Therefore,the more a concept has strong relationships with other concepts of its page,the more this concept is significant into its page.This contextual relation minimizes the role of the weighted frequency by growing the weight of the strongly linked concepts and by weakening the isolated concepts(even with a strong weighted frequency).4.Among these candidate concepts,afilter is produced via the ontology and the representativeness of thely,a selected concept is a candidate concept that belongs to the ontology and has an high representativeness of the page content(the representativeness exceeds a threshold of sensitivity).Next,the pages which contain such a selected concept are assigned to this concept into the ontology.Some measures are evaluated to characterize the indexing process.They determine the adequacy between the Web site and the ontology.These measures take into account the number of pages selected by the ontology(the Ontology Cover Degree or OCD),the number of concepts included in the pages(the Direct Indexing Degree or DID and the Indirect Indexing Degree or IID)...The global evaluation of the indexing process(OSAD:Ontology-Site Adequacy Degree)is a linear combination of the previous measures(weighted means)among different threshold from0to1.The measure enables us to quantify the“quality”of our indexing process(see[8])for more details).67ValueValid and indexed(representativeness degree greater than0.3)337428333547With a representativeness degree greater than0.3Not in WordnetofIn Wordnet2734053881Number of processed candidate concepts4“/”(1315HTML pages).89105like http://www.acronymfi,an online database that contains more than277000acronymes.11 6For instance,,a search engine that allows keywords like AND,OR,NOT or NEAR.1213Initial indexing process With the pruning process8021684.33%98.86%58.75%87.04%56.84%81.5%0.62%11.5%Table2:Results of the indexing process concerning1000pages of the site of the CSE department of the University of Washington(with a threshold of0,3).phases!).This phenomenon is due to the enrichment algorithm which authorizes the systematic addition of any representative concept(i.e.threshold of representativeness)to the ontology of the domain.While the second enrichment method,which operates with pruning rules(see sub-section3.3),enables to only add136concepts to the ontology.Also let us notice that this method keeps the rate of coverage(98,86%)of the enrichment method without pruning.Indeed,during this pruning phase,some concepts which does not index enough pages(according to the threshold),are removed from the ontology.Their pages are then linked to concepts that subsume them.Next,the number of concepts that index pages is growing.It is not surprising because we add only concepts indexing a minimal number of pages.Finally,the rate of accepted concepts goes from0.62%to11.5%!So,our process uses more available concepts that the pages contain.4OntologyManager:a user interface for ontology validationA tool which makes it possible to control the ontology enrichment has been developed(see Figure7).This tool implemented in java language,proposes a tree like view of the ontology.On the one hand,it proposes a general view of the ontology which enables the expert to easily navigate throw the ontology,on the other hand,it proposes a more detailed view which informs the expert about coefficient associated with concepts and pages.Notice that, in this last case,concepts are represented with different colours according to their associated coefficient.So a human expert easily can compares them.Moreover,some part of the ontology graph can also be masked in order to focus the expert attention on a specific part of the ontology.We are now developing a new functionality for the visualisation tool.It enables the user to have an hyperbolic view of the ontology graph(like OntoRama tool[9]or like H3Viewer[16]).In this context,the user can work with bigger ontologies.The user interface also makes it possible to visualise the indexed pages(see Figure8)and the ontology enrich-ment(by a colour system which can be customized).It will be easy to the human expert to validate or invalidate the added concepts,to obtain the indexing rate of a particular concept and to dynamically reorganize(by a drag and drop system)the ontology.The concept validation process is divided into4steps defining4classes of concepts:•bronze concepts:concepts proposed by our learning process and accepted by an expert just“to see”;•silver concepts:concepts accepted by the expert for all indexing processes he/she does;•gold concepts:concepts proposed by an expert to its community7for testing;141516Ontology enrichmentand indexing processE.Desmontils,C.Jacquin,L.SimonAbstractWithin the framework of Web information retrieval,this paper presents some methods to improve an indexing process which uses terminology oriented ontologies specific to afield of knowledge.Thus,techniques to enrich ontologies using specialization processes are proposed in order to manage pages which have to be indexed but which are currently rejected by the indexing process.This ontology specialization process is made supervised to offer to the expert of the domain a decision-making aid concerning itsfield of application.The proposed enrichment is based on some heuristics to manage the specialization of the ontology and which can be controlled using a graphic tool for validation.Categories and Subject Descriptors:H.3.1[Content Analysis and Indexing]General Terms:Abstracting methods,Dictionaries,Indexing methods,Linguistic processing,Thesauruses Additional Key Words and Phrases:Ontology,Enrichment,Supervised Learning,Thesaurus,Indexing Process, Information Retrieval in the Web。

Model Design

Model Design
Using Formal Metadata Descriptions for Automated Ecological Modeling
Virபைடு நூலகம்´ınia Brilhante
School of Artificial Intelligence - Division of Informatics - University of Edinburgh 80 South Bridge
Copyright c 1999, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (). All rights reserved.
compartments and other influence factors linked to it. E.g., vegetation growth (flow) can be affected by biomass (compartment) and rainfall (influence factor). Complex nets of influence links can be represented in a system dynamics model.
2. Model Structure: Next, the modeler represents the ecological system at issue as interconnected compartments, flows, influence factors and influence links. Here, the model structure is designed and the functional relationships between model elements (represented by influence links) are determined.

Frame Semantics(英文版)

Frame Semantics(英文版)

Chapter 10Frame semanticsFrame semanticsCharles J. Fillmore1. IntroductionWith the term ‘frame semantics’ I have in mind a research program in empirical semantics and a descriptive framework for presenting the results of such research. Frame semantics offers a particular way of looking at word meanings, as well as a way of characterizing principles for creating new words and phrases, for add-ing new meanings to words, and for assembling the meanings of elements in a text into the total meaning of the text. By the term ‘frame’ I have in mind any system of concepts related in such a way that to understand any one of them you have to understand the whole structure in which it fits; when one of the things in such a structure is introduced into a text, or into a conversation, all of the others are automatically made available. I intend the word ‘frame’ as used here to be a general cover term for the set of concepts variously known, in the literature on natural language understanding, as ‘schema’, ‘script’, ‘scenario’, ‘ideational scaf-folding’, ‘cognitive model’, or ‘folk theory’.1Frame semantics comes out of traditions of empirical semantics rather than formal semantics. It is most akin to ethnographic semantics, the work of the anthropologist who moves into an alien culture and asks such questions as, ‘What categories of experience are encoded by the members of this speech community through the linguistic choices that they make when they talk?’ A frame semantics outlook is not (or is not necessarily) incompatible with work and results in formal semantics; but it differs importantly from formal semantics in emphasizing the continuities, rather than the discontinuities, between language and experience. The ideas I will be presenting in this paper represent not so much a genuine theory of empirical semantics as a set of warnings about the kinds of problems such a theory will have to deal with. If we wish, we can think of the remarks I make as ‘pre-formal’ rather than ‘non-formalist’; I claim to be listing, and as well as I can to be describing, phenomena which must be well understood and carefully described before serious formal theorizing about them can become possible.In the view I am presenting, words represent categorizations of experience, and Originally published in1982 in Linguistics in the Morning Calm,Linguistic Society of Korea(ed.), 111–137.Seoul:Hanshin Publishing Company.Reprinted with permission.374 Carles. J. Fillmoreeach of these categories is underlain by a motivating situation occurring against a background of knowledge and experience. With respect to word meanings, frame semantic research can be thought of as the effort to understand what reason a speech community might have found for creating the category represented by the word, and to explain the word’s meaning by presenting and clarifying that reason.An analogy that I find helpful in distinguishing the operation and the goals of frame semantics from those of standard views of compositional semantics is between a grammar and a set of tools – tools like hammers and knives, but also like clocks and shoes and pencils. To know about tools is to know what they look like and what they are made of – the phonology and morphology, so to speak– but it is also to know what people use them for, why people are interested in doing the things that they use them for, and maybe even what kinds of people use them. In this analogy, it is possible to think of a linguistic text, not as a record of ‘small meanings’ which give the interpreter the job of assembling these into a ‘big meaning’ (the meaning of the containing text), but rather as a record of the tools that somebody used in carrying out a particular activity. The job of interpreting a text, then, is analogous to the job of figuring out what activity the people had to be engaged in who used these tools in this order.2. A private history of the concept ‘frame’I trace my own interest in semantic frames through my career-long interest in lexical structure and lexical semantics. As a graduate student (at the University of Michigan in the late fifties) I spent a lot of time exploring the co-occurrence privileges of words, and I tried to develop distribution classes of English words using strings of words or strings of word classes as the ‘frames’ within which I could discover appropriate classes of mutually substitutable elements. This way of working, standard for a long time in phonological and morphological investigations, had been developed with particular rigor for purposes of syntactic description by Charles Fries (Fries 1952) and played an important role in the development of ‘tagmemic formulas’ in the work of Kenneth Pike (Pike 1967), the scholars who most directly influenced my thinking during this period. Substitutability within the same ‘slot’ in such a ‘frame’ was subject to certain (poorly articulated) con-ditions of meaning-preservation or structure-preservation, or sometimes merely meaningfulness-preservation. In this conception, the ‘frame’ (with its single open ‘slot’) was considered capable of leading to the discovery of important function-ing word classes or grammatical categories. As an example of the workings of such a procedure, we can take the frame consisting of two complete clauses and a gap between them, as in John is Mary’s husband – he doesn’t live with her. The substitution in this frame of but and yet suggests that these two words have (byChapter 10: Frame semantics 375 this diagnostic at least) very similar functions; insertion of moreover or however¬suggest the existence of conjunctions functioning semantically similarly to but and yet but requiring sentence boundaries. The conjunctions AND and OR can meaningfully be inserted into the frame, but in each case (and in each case with different effect) the logical or rhetorical ‘point’ of the whole utterance differs importantly from that brought about by but or yet. In each of these cases, what one came to know about these words was the kind of structures with which they could occur and what function they had within those structures.In the early sixties, together with William S.-Y. Wang and eventually D. Ter-ence Langendoen and a number of other colleagues, I was associated with the Project on Linguistic Analysis at the Ohio State University. My work on that project was largely devoted to the classification of English verbs, but now not only according to the surface-syntactic frames which were hospitable to them, but also according to their grammatical ‘behavior’, thought of in terms of the sensitivity of structures containing them to particular grammatical ‘transformations.’ This project was whole-heartedly transformationalist, basing its operations at first on the earliest work on English transformational grammar by Chomsky (1957) and Lees (1961), and in its later stages on advances within the theory suggested by the work of Peter Rosenbaum (Rosenbaum 1967) and the book which established the standard working paradigm for transformationalist studies of English, Chomsky (1965). What animated this work was the belief that discoveries in the ‘behavior’ of particular classes of words led to discoveries in the structure of the grammar of English. This was so because it was believed that the distributional properties of individual words discovered by this research could only be accommodated if the grammar of the language operated under particular working principles. My own work from this period included a small monograph on indirect object verbs (Fillmore 1961) and a paper which pointed to the eventual recognition of the transformational cycle as an operating principle in a formal grammar of English (Fillmore 1963).The project’s work on verbs was at first completely syntactic, in the sense that what was sought was, for each verb, a full account (expressed in terms of subcat-egorization features) of the deep structure syntactic frames which were hospitable to it, and a full account (expressed in terms of rule features) of the various paths or ‘transformational histories’ by which sentences containing them could be transformed into surface sentences. The kind of work I have in mind was carried on with much greater thoroughness by Fred Householder and his colleagues at Indiana University (Householder et al 1964), and with extreme care and sophis-tication by Maurice Gross and his team in Paris on the verbs and adjectives of French (Gross 1975).In the late sixties I began to believe that certain kinds of groupings of verbs and classifications of clause types could be stated more meaningfully if the struc-376 Carles. J. Fillmoretures with which verbs were initially associated were described in terms of the semantic roles of their associated arguments. I had become aware of certain American and European work on dependency grammar and valence theory, and it seemed clear to me that what was really important about a verb was its ‘semantic valence’ (as one might call it), a description of the semantic role of its arguments. Valence theory and dependency grammar did not assign the same classificatory role to the ‘predicate’ (or ‘VP’) that one found in transformationalist work (see, e.g., Tesnière 1959); the kind of semantic classifications that I needed could be made more complete and sensible, I believed, if, instead of relying on theoreti-cally separate kinds of distributional statements such as ‘strict subcategorization features’ and ‘selectional features,’ one could take into account the semantic roles of all arguments of a predication, that of the ‘subject’ being simply one of them. Questioning, ultimately, the relevance of the assumed basic immediate-constitu-ency cut between subject and predicate, I proposed that verbs could be seen as basically having two kinds of features relevant to their distribution in sentences: the first a deep-structure valence description expressed in terms of what I called ‘case frames’, the second a description in terms of rule features. What I called ‘case frames’ amounted to descriptions of predicating words that communicated such information as the following: ‘Such-and-such a verb occurs in expressions containing three nominals, one designating an actor who performs the act desig-nated by the verb, one designating an object on which the actor’s act has a state-changing influence, and one designating an object through the manipulation of which the actor brings about the mentioned state change.’ In symbols this state-ment could be represented as [— A P I], the letters standing for ‘Agent’, ‘Patient’ and ‘Instrument’. Actually, the kind of description I sought distinguished ‘case frames’ as the structures in actual individual sentences in which the verbs could appear from ‘case frame features’ as representations of the class of ‘case frames’ into which particular verbs could be inserted. In the description of ‘case frame features’ it was possible to notice which of the ‘cases’ were obligatory, which were optional, what selectional dependencies obtained among them, and so on (see Fillmore 1968).We were developing a kind of mixed syntactic-semantic valence description of verbs, and we noticed that the separate valence patterns seemed to character-ize semantic types of verbs, such as verbs of perception, causation, movement, etc. Within these syntactic valence types, however, it seemed that some semantic generalizations were lost. There seemed to be important differences between give it to john and send it to chicago that could not be illuminated merely by showing what syntactic rules separate give from send, just as there seemed to be semantic commonalities between rob and steal ¬buy and sell ¬enjoy and amuse, etc., which were lost in the syntactic class separation of these verbs.My ultimate goal in this work in ‘case grammar’ (as the framework cameChapter 10: Frame semantics 377 to be called) was the development of a ‘valence dictionary’ which was to differ importantly from the kinds of valence dictionaries appearing in Europe (e.g., Helbig and Schenkel 1973) by having its semantic valence taken as basic and by having as much as possible of its syntactic valence accounted for by general rules. (Thus, it was not thought to be necessary to explain, in individual lexical entries, which of the arguments in a [V A P I] predication of the type described above was to be the subject and which was to be the object, since such matters were automatically predicted by the grammar with reference to a set of general principles concerning the mapping from configurations of semantic cases into configurations of grammatical relations.)Although the concept of ‘frame’ in various fields within cognitive psychology appears to have origins quite independent of linguistics, its use in case grammar was continuous, in my own thinking, with the use to which I have put it in ‘frame semantics’. In particular, I thought of each case frame as characterizing a small abstract ‘scene’ or ‘situation’, so that to understand the semantic structure of the verb it was necessary to understand the properties of such schematized scenes.The scene schemata definable by the system of semantic cases (a system of semantic role notions which I held to be maximally general and defining a mini-mal and possibly universal repertory) was sufficient, I believed, for understanding those aspects of the semantic structure of a verb which were linked to the verb’s basic syntactic properties and to an understanding of the ways in which differ-ent languages differently shaped their minimal clauses, but they were clearly not adequate for describing with any completeness the semantic structure of the clauses containing individual verbs.This theory of semantic roles fell short of providing the detail needed for semantic description; it came more and more to seem that another independent level of role structure was needed for the semantic description of verbs in par-ticular limited domains. One possible way of devising a fuller account of lexical semantics is to associate some mechanism for deriving sets of truth conditions for a clause from semantic information individually attached to given predicates; but it seemed to me more profitable to believe that there are larger cognitive structures capable of providing a new layer of semantic role notions in terms of which whole domains of vocabulary could be semantically characterized.My first attempt to describe one such cognitive structure was in a paper on ‘Verbs of judging’ (Fillmore 1971) – verbs like blame ¬accuse ¬criticize – for which I needed to be able to imagine a kind of ‘scene schematization’ that was essentially different from the sort associated with ‘case frames’. In devising a framework for describing the elements in this class of verbs, I found it useful to distinguish a person who formed or expressed some sort of judgment on the worth or behavior of some situation or individual (and I called such a person the Judge); a person concerning whose behavior or character it was relevant for the378 Carles. J. FillmoreJudge to make a judgment (I called this person the Defendant); and some situa-tion concerning which it seemed relevant for the Judge to be making a Judgment (and this I called simply the Situation). In terms of this framework, then, I chose to describe accuse as a verb usable for asserting that the Judge, presupposing the badness of the Situation, claimed that the Defendant was responsible for the Situ-ation; I described criticize as usable for asserting that the Judge, presupposing the Defendant’s responsibility for the Situation, presented arguments for believ-ing that the Situation was in some way blameworthy. The details of my descrip-tion have been ‘criticized’ (see esp. McCawley 1975), but the point remains that we have here not just a group of individual words, but a ‘domain’ of vocabulary whose elements somehow presuppose a schematization of human judgment and behavior involving notions of worth, responsibility, judgment, etc., such that one would want to say that nobody can really understand the meanings of the words in that domain who does not understand the social institutions or the structures of experience which they presuppose.A second domain in which I attempted to characterize a cognitive ‘scene’ with the same function was that of the ‘commercial event’ (see Fillmore 1977b). In particular, I tried to show that a large and important set of English verbs could be seen as semantically related to each other by virtue of the different ways in which they ‘indexed’ or ‘evoked’ the same general ‘scene’. The elements of this schematic scene included a person interested in exchanging money for goods (the Buyer), a person interested in exchanging goods for money (the Seller), the goods which the Buyer did or could acquire (the Goods), and the money acquired (or sought) by the seller (the Money). Using the terms of this framework, it was then possible to say that the verb buy focuses on the actions of the Buyer with respect to the Goods, backgrounding the Seller and the Money; that the verb sell focuses on the actions of the Seller with respect to the Goods, backgrounding the Buyer and the Money; that the verb pay focuses on the actions of the Buyer with respect to both the Money and the Seller, backgrounding the Goods, and so on, with such verbs as spend, cost, charge, and a number of others somewhat more peripheral to these. Again, the point of the description was to argue that nobody could be said to know the meanings of these verbs who did not know the details of the kind of scene which provided the background and motivation for the categories which these words represent. Using the word ‘frame’ for the structured way in which the scene is presented or remembered, we can say that the frame structures the word-meanings, and that the word ‘evokes’ the frame.The structures I have mentioned so far can be thought of as motivating the categories speakers wish to bring into play when describing situations that might be independent of the actual speech situation, the conversational con-text. A second and equally important kind of framing is the framing of the actual communication situation. When we understand a piece of language, weChapter 10: Frame semantics 379 bring to the task both our ability to assign schematizations of the phases or components of the ‘world’ that the text somehow characterizes, and our ability to schematize the situation in which this piece of language is being produced. We have both ‘cognitive frames’ and ‘interactional frames’, the latter having to do with how we conceptualize what is going on between the speaker and the hearer, or between the author and the reader. By the early seventies I had become influenced by work on speech acts, performativity, and pragmatics in general, and had begun contributing to this field in the form of a number of writings on presuppositions and deixis (see, e.g., Fillmore 1975). Knowledge of deictic categories requires an understanding of the ways in which tenses, person marking morphemes, demonstrative categories, etc., schematize the communi-cating situation; knowledge of illocutionary points, principles of conversational cooperation, and routinized speech events, contribute to the full understand-ing of most conversational exchanges. Further, knowing that a text is, say, an obituary, a proposal of marriage, a business contract, or a folktale, provides knowledge about how to interpret particular passages in it, how to expect the text to develop, and how to know when it is finished. It is frequently the case that such expectations combine with the actual material of the text to lead to the text’s correct interpretation. And once again this is accomplished by having in mind an abstract structure of expectations which brings with it roles, purposes, natural or conventionalized sequences of event types, and all the rest of the apparatus that we wish to associate with the notion of ‘frame’.In the mid-seventies I came into contact with the work of Eleanor Rosch (Rosch 1973) and that of Brent Berlin and Paul Kay (Berlin and Kay 1969) and began to see the importance of the notion of ‘prototype’ in understanding the nature of human categorization. Through the work of Karl Zimmer (Zimmer 1971) and Pamela Downing (Downing 1977) on the relevance of categorizing contexts to principles of word-formation and, in work that reflects fruitful collaboration with Paul Kay and George Lakoff, I began to propose descriptions of word meanings that made use of the prototype notion. One generalization that seemed valid was that very often the frame or background against which the meaning of a word is defined and understood is a fairly large slice of the surrounding culture, and this background understanding is best understood as a ‘prototype’ rather than as a genuine body of assumptions about what the world is like. It is frequently useful, when trying to state truth conditions for the appropriateness of predicating the word of something, to construct a simple definition of the word, allowing the com-plexity of fit between uses of the word and real world situations to be attributed to the details of the prototype background frame rather than to the details of the word’s meaning. Thus we could define an orphan as a child whose parents are no longer living, and then understand the category as motivated against a background of a particular kind: in this assumed background world, children depend on their380Carles. J. Fillmoreparents for care and guidance and parents accept the responsibility of providing this care and guidance without question; a person without parents has a special status, for society, only up to a particular age, because during this period a society needs to provide some special way of providing care and instruction. The category orphan does not have ‘built into it’ any specification of the age after which it is no longer relevant to speak of somebody as an orphan, because that understanding is a part of the background prototype; a boy in his twenties is generally regarded as being able to take care of himself and to have passed the age where the main guidance is expected to come from his family. It is that background informa-tion which determines the fact that the word orphan would not be appropriately used of such a boy, rather than information that is to be separately built into a description of the word’s meaning. In the prototype situation, an orphan is seen as somebody deserving of pity and concern; hence the point of the joke about the young man on trial for the murder of his parents who asked the court for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan: the prototype scene against which society has a reason to categorize some children as orphans does not take into account the case in which a child orphans himself.As a second example of a category that has to be fitted onto a background of institutions and practices we can consider the word breakfast. To understand this word is to understand the practice in our culture of having three meals a day, at more or less conventionally established times of the day, and for one of these meals to be the one which is eaten early in the day, after a period of sleep, and for it to consist of a somewhat unique menu (the details of which can vary from community to community). What is interesting about the word breakfast is that each of the three conditions most typically associated with it can be independently absent still allowing native speakers to use the word. The fact that someone can work through the night without sleep, and then at sun-up have a meal of eggs, toast, coffee and orange juice, and call that meal breakfast, shows clearly that the ‘post-sleep’ character of the category is not criterial; the fact that someone can sleep through the morning, wake up at three o‘clock in the afternoon, and sit down to a meal of eggs, toast, coffee and orange juice, and call that meal breakfast, shows that the ‘early morning’ character of the category is also not criterial; and lastly, the fact that a person can sleep through the night, wake up in the morning, have cabbage soup and chocolate pie ‘for breakfast’, shows that the ‘breakfast menu’ character of the concept is also not criterial. (This in spite of the fact that an American restaurant that advertises its willingness to serve breakfast at any time is referring precisely to the stereotyped breakfast ingredients.) What we want to say, when we observe usage phenomena like that, is not that we have so far failed to capture the true core of the word’s meaning, but rather that the word gives us a category which can be used in many different contexts, this range of contexts determined by the multiple aspects of its prototypic use – the use it hasChapter 10: Frame semantics 381 when the conditions of the background situation more or less exactly match the defining prototype.The descriptive framework which is in the process of evolving out of all of the above considerations is one in which words and other linguistic forms and categories are seen as indexing semantic or cognitive categories which are them-selves recognized as participating in larger conceptual structures of some sort, all of this made intelligible by knowing something about the kinds of settings or contexts in which a community found a need to make such categories available to its participants, the background of experiences and practices within which such contexts could arise, the categories, the contexts, and the backgrounds themselves all understood in terms of prototypes.3. Further illustrations and some terminological proposalsA ‘frame’, as the notion plays a role in the description of linguistic meanings, is a system of categories structured in accordance with some motivating context. Some words exist in order to provide access to knowledge of such frames to the participants in the communication process, and simultaneously serve to perform a categorization which takes such framing for granted.The motivating context is some body of understandings, some pattern of prac-tices, or some history of social institutions, against which we find intelligible the creation of a particular category in the history of the language community. The word week-end conveys what it conveys both because of the calendric seven-day cycle and because of a particular practice of devoting a relatively larger continu-ous block of days within such a cycle to public work and two continuous days to one’s private life. If we had only one ‘day of rest’ there would be no need for the word week-end; one could simply use the name of that day. If we had three days of work and four days of rest, then too it seems unlikely that the name for the period devoted to one’s private life would have been given that name. (If the work week is gradually shortened, the word week-end might stay; but it is unlikely that the category could have developed naturally if from the start the number of days devoted to work were shorter than the number of the remain-ing days. An acquaintance of mine who works only on Wednesdays, pleased at being able to enjoy ‘a long week-end’, recognizes that the word is here being used facetiously.)The word vegetarian means what it means, when used of people in our cul-ture, because the category of ‘someone who eats only vegetables’ is a relevant and interesting category only against the background of a community many or most of whose members regularly eat meat. Notice that the word designates, not just someone who eats plant food, but someone who eats only plant food.382 Carles. J. FillmoreFurthermore, it is used most appropriately for situations in which the individual so designated avoids meat deliberately and for a purpose. The purpose might be one of beliefs about nutrition, or it may be one of concerns for animal life; but the word is not used (in a sentence like John is a vegetarian.) to describe people whose diet does not include meat because they are unable to find any, or because they cannot afford to buy it.Occasionally one comes upon a term whose motivating context is very spe-cific. One such is the compound flip strength, used, I am told, in the pornographic literature business. Some publishers of pornographic novels instruct their authors to include a certain quota of high interest words on every page, so that a potential customer, in a bookstore, while ‘flipping’ the pages of the book, will, no matter where he opens the book, find evidence that the book is filled with wonderful and exciting goings-on. A book which has a high ratio of nasty words per page has high flip strength; a book which has these words more widely distributed has low flip strength. As I understand the word, an editor of such a publication venture might reject a manuscript, requesting that it be returned only after its flip strength has been raised.With this last example, it is extremely clear that the background context is absolutely essential to understanding the category. It is not that the conditions for using the word cannot be stated without this background understanding (rela-tive flip strength of novels could easily be determined by a computer), but that the word’s meaning cannot be truly understood by someone who is unaware of those human concerns and problems which provide the reason for the category’s existence.We can say that, in the process of using a language, a speaker ‘applies’ a frame to a situation, and shows that he intends this frame to be applied by using words recognized as grounded in such a frame. What is going on here seems to corre-spond, within the ordinary vocabulary of a language, to lexical material in scientific discourse that is describable as ‘theory laden’: the word phlogiston is ‘theory-laden’; the reason it is no longer used in serious discourse is that nobody accepts the theory within which it is a concept. That is, nobody schematizes the physical world in a way that would give a reason to speak of part of it as phlogiston.To illustrate the point with items from everyday language, we can consider the words land and ground (which I have described elsewhere but cannot forego mentioning here). The difference between these two words appears to be best expressed by saying that land designates the dry surface of the earth as it is dis-tinct from the sea, whereas ground designates the dry surface of the earth as it is distinct from the air above it. The words land and ground, then, differ not so much in what it is that they can be used to identify, but in how they situate that thing in a larger frame. It is by our recognition of this frame contrast that we are able to understand that a bird that ‘spends its life on the land’ is being described。



Learning Skills
Induction and organization
Organize common word roots and affixes together to form a systematic memory.
Associative memory
Memorizing words through association, such as associating them with related images, stories, or scenes.
Suffix+Root Memorization Method
Summary words
Determine the part of speech and grammatical function of words by combining suffixes and roots.
Detailed description
英语词汇-词根词缀 记忆法
• Root Memory Method • Affixes memory method • Root and affix mixed memory
method • Practical Applications and Skills
Root Memory Method
For example, if we know that "dis -" represents gation, then when we see "dislike", we can infer that it means "dislike".
Suffix memory method

A Good Role Model for Ontologies Collaborations

A Good Role Model for Ontologies Collaborations

A Good Role Model for Ontologies:CollaborationsMichael Pradel,Jakob Henriksson,and Uwe AßmannFakultät für Informatik,Technische Universität Dresden michael@binaervarianz.de,{jakob.henriksson|uwe.assmann}@tu-dresden.de Abstract.Ontologies are today used to annotate web data with machine pro-cessable semantics and for domain modeling.As the use of ontologies increasesand the ontologies themselves grow larger,the need to construct ontologies ina component-based manner is becoming more and more important.In object-oriented software development,the notions of roles and role modeling have beenknown for many years.We argue that role models constitute attractive ontologi-cal units—components.Role models,among other things,provide separation ofconcerns in ontological modeling.This paper introduces roles to ontologies anddiscusses relevant issues related to transferring these techniques to ontologies.Examples of role models enabling separation of concerns and reuse are providedand discussed.1IntroductionOntology languages are emerging as the de facto standard for capturing semantics on the web.One of the most important ontology languages today is the Web Ontology Language OWL,standardized and recommended by W3C[12].One issue currently addressed in the research community is how to define reusable ontologies or ontology parts.In more general terms,how to construct an ontology from possibly independently developed components?OWL natively provides some facilities for reusing ontologies and ontology parts. First,a feature inherited from RDF[7](upon which OWL is layered)is linking—loosely referencing distributed web content and other ontologies using URIs.Second,OWL provides an owl:imports construct which syntactically includes the complete refer-enced ontology into the importing ontology.The linking mechanism is convenient from a modeling perspective,but is semantically not well-defined—there is no guarantee that the referenced ontology or web content exists.Furthermore,the component(usually an ontology class)is small and often hard to detach from the surrounding ontology in a semantically well-defined ually a full ontology import is required since it is un-clear which other classes the referenced class depends on.The owl:imports construct can only handle complete ontologies and does not allow for partial reuse.This can lead to inconsistencies in the resulting ontology due to conflicting modeling axioms.Over-all,OWL seems to be inflexible in the kind of reuse provided,especially regarding the granularity of components.Existing approaches addressing these issues often refer to modular ontologies and, in general terms,aim at enabling the reuse of ontology parts or fragments in a well-defined way(for some work in this direction,see[4–6,11]).That is,investigate howonly certain parts of an ontology can be reused and deployed elsewhere.While it is interesting work and allows for reuse,we believe that such extracted ontological units fail to provide an intuitive meaning of why those units should constitute components—they were not designed as such.The object-orientated software community has long discussed new ways of model-ing software.One interesting result of this research is the notion of role modeling[13]. The main argument is that today’s class-oriented modeling mixes two related but ulti-mately different notions:natural types and role types.Natural types capture the identity of its instances,while a role type describes their interactions.Intuitively,an object can-not discard its natural type without losing its identity while a role type can be changed depending on the current context of the object.Person for example,is a natural type while Parent is a role type.Parent is a role that can be played by persons.A role type thus only models one specific aspect of its related natural types.Related role types can be joined together into a role model to capture and separate one specific concern of the modeled whole.In this paper we introduce role modeling to ontologies.Role modeling can bring several benefits to ontologies and ontological modeling.Roles provide:–More natural ontological modeling by separating roles from classes–An appropriate notion and size of reusable ontological components—role models –Separation of concerns by capturing a single concern in a role modelWe believe that role models constitute useful and natural units for component-based ontology engineering.Role models are developed as components and intended to be de-ployed as such,in contrast to existing approaches aimed at extracting ontological units from ontologies not necessarily designed to be modular.While we argue that modeling with roles is beneficial to ontological modeling and provides a new kind of component not previously considered for ontologies,the transition from object-orientation is not straightforward.The contribution of this paper is the introduction of modeling prim-itives to support roles in ontologies and a discussion of the main differences for role modeling between ontologies and object-oriented models.1The semantics of the new modeling primitives is provided by translation into the assumed underlying ontologi-cal formalism of Description Logics(DLs)[3].That way,existing tools can be reused for modeling with roles.To convince the reader of the usefulness of role models,we demonstrate their use on two examples.Thefirst example shows separation of concerns and the second example demonstrates reuse of role models in different contexts.The remaining part of the paper is structured as follows.Section2introduces roles as used and understood in object-orientation and discusses what the main differences are between models and ontologies.Section3introduces role models to ontologies and gives examples of their use.Section4discusses related work to component-based ontology modeling and Section5concludes the paper and discusses open issues.1When we simply say model,we shall mean a model in the object-oriented sense.2From Roles in Software Modeling to OntologiesThe OOram software engineering method[13]was thefirst to introduce roles in object-orientation.The innovative idea was that objects can actually be abstracted in two ways: classifying them according to their inherent properties,and focusing on how they work together with other objects(collaborate).While the use of classes as an object abstrac-tion is a cornerstone in object-oriented modeling,focusing on object collaborations using roles has not been given the attention it deserves(however,for some work ad-dressing these issues,see CaesarJ[1]and ObjectTeams[8]).There are different views in the object-oriented community[15,16]on what roles really are.However,some basic concepts seem to be accepted by most authors:–Roles and role types.A role describes the behavior of an object in a certain context.In this context the object is said to play the role.One object may play several roles at a time.A set of roles with similar behavior is abstracted by a role type(just as similar objects are abstracted by a class).–Collaborations and role models.Roles focus on the interaction between objects and consequently never occur in isolation,but rather in collaborations.This leads to a new abstraction not available for classes—the role model.It describes a set of role types that relate to each other and thus as a whole characterizes a common collaboration(a common goal or functionality).–Open and bound role types.Role types are bound to classes by a plays relation,e.g.Person plays Father(a person can play the role of being a father).However,not all role types of a role model must be bound to a class.Role types not associated witha class are called open and intuitively describe missing parts of a collaboration.It is important to note that class modeling and role modeling do not replace each other,but are complementary.A purely class-based approach arguably leads to poor modeling by enforcing the representation of role types by classes and thus disregards reuse possibilities based on object collaborations.However,roles cannot replace classes entirely since this would disallow modeling of properties that are not related to a specific context.Adapting roles for ontology modeling There is currently no consensus on the exact re-lationship between models and ontologies,although the question is a current and impor-tant one(see e.g.[2]).There is however some agreement upon fundamental differences between models and ontologies which will have an impact on transferring the notion of roles from models to ontologies.One difference is that models often describe something dynamic,for example a system to be implemented.In contrast,ontologies are static entities.Even though an ontology may evolve over time,the entities being modeled do not have the same no-tion of time.Models often describe systems that are eventually to be executed,while ontologies do not(although some approaches exist that compile ontologies to Java2). The dynamism and notion of executability in modeling is closely connected to func-tionality(or behavior).A collaboration in object-oriented modeling often captures a 2See for example,http://www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/WBS/aeb/ontojava/.separate and reusable functionality.For example,a realization of depth-first traversal over graph structures may require several collaborating methods in different classes for its implementation.The collection of all the related dependencies between the classes constitutes a collaboration and thus implements this functionality[14].Because of the non-existence of dynamism and behavior in ontologies,roles and collaborations neces-sarily capture something different.Instead of describing the behavior of an object using the notion of a role,ontological roles describe context-dependent properties.Definition1(Ontological roles and role types).An ontological role describes the properties of an individual in a certain context.A set of roles with similar properties is abstracted by an ontological role type.Based on this we define what we consider a role model(collaboration)to be in an ontological setting.Definition2(Ontological collaborations and role models).An ontological role model describes a set of related ontological role types and as such encapsulates com-mon relationships between ontological roles.For example,an ontology may describe the concept Person.If john,mary and sarah are said to be persons,but in fact belong to a family,the needed associations may be encoded in a Family collaboration describing relationships such as parents having chil-dren.The existing Family collaboration could then simply be imported and employed to encode that john and mary are the parents of sarah.Another difference between models and ontologies are their implicit assumptions. In models,classes are assumed to be disjoint,which is,however,not the case for on-tologies.This implies that role-playing individuals may belong to classes to which the corresponding role type is not explicitly bound.To avoid unintended role bindings,the ontology engineer explicitly has to constrain them in the ontology.3Using Role Models in OntologiesClass-based modeling,as used in ontologies today,has proven to be successful,but ex-perience in object-orientation has lead to role modeling as a complementary paradigm. This section shows how roles and role models can beneficially be used in ontologies. One of our main motivations is to promote role models as a useful ontological unit—a component—in ontological modeling.We therefore show how role models can be incorporated and reused in class-based ontologies.The following example is intended to demonstrate how classes can be split into separate concerns where each concern is modeled by employing a different role model. Figure1shows parts of a wine ontology modeled with roles.Classes are represented by gray rectangles while white rectangles with rounded corners denote role types.The definition of a role type is specified inside its rectangle(in standard DL syntax).In addition,role types are tagged with the name of their role model,e.g.(Product).Labeled arrows represent binary properties between types.The ontology in Figure1models three natural types(classes):Wine,Winery and Food.In a class-based version of the ontology in Figure1,the concerns of wine bothFigure1.Different concerns of the Wine class are separated by the role types Product and Drink. being a product and a drink(to be had with a meal)would be intermingled in a single class definition of Wine.The most natural way of modeling this would be to state that Wine is a subclass of the classes Product and Drink.However,this would not be ideal since a wine does not always have to be a product.Rather,we would like to express that a wine can be seen as a product(in the proper context).This can be expressed using roles where these concerns are instead explicitly separated into the role types Product and Drink.The motivation from a modeling perspective is that wines are always wines (that is,wine is a natural type).A wine may however be seen differently in different contexts:As a product to be sold,or as a drink being part of a meal.Modeling the role-based ontology from Figure1in a more concrete syntax could look like this(based on Manchester OWL syntax[9]):The import statements import the needed role models and the Plays primitive binds roles to classes.The translation of the ontology into standard DL giving the on-tology meaning is discussed in Section3.1.The above mentioned modeling distinction can also be helpful in other situations. Imagine the existence of an ontology with the classes Person and PolarBear(naturally) stated to be disjoint.The modeler now wants to introduce the concept of Parent and decides that parents are persons.Furthermore,while being focused on polar bears for a while decides that since obviously not all polar bears are parents,the opposite should hold and states that parents are also polar bears.This unfortunate and unintentional mistake makes the class Parent unsatisfiable(i.e.it is always empty).A more natural way to solve this problem would be to import a Family role model(modeling notions such as parents etc.)and state that Person s can play the role of Parent and PolarBear scan do the same.Thus,instead of intermingling a class Parent with the definitions of Person and PolarBear,possibly causing inconsistencies,the role type Parent cross-cuts the different involved(natural)classes as a separate concern.Doing this will prevent the role type Parent from being empty.This example has shown that employing roles can be more natural than using classes to describe non-inherent properties of individuals.Note that we do not claim that it is not possible to solve the above mentioned model-ing problem strictly using classes as is done today.In fact,we very much recognize this fact by giving role-based ontologies a translational semantics to standard DL semantics (see Section3.1).Instead we argue that modeling with roles is more natural and easier from the perspective of the modeler.Apart from the rather philosophical distinction between classes and roles described above,roles are important in collaborations.A set of collaborating roles may be joined together in a role model,which may effectively be reused in many different ontologies. Thus,role models provide an interesting reuse unit for ontologies.Figure2shows an example of reusability.There are two class-based ontologies, one modeling wines and the other pizzas.Both the concept of Wine and Pizza in the different ontologies can in certain contexts be considered as products(as one concern). To capture this concern and the relationships the role of being a product has with other roles,for example being a producer,we reuse the Product role model introduced in Figure1.Figure2.The Product role model reused in two different ontologies.The example shows how a set of related relationships(for example produces and consumes)can be encapsulated in a role model and reused for different domains.Not only relationships are encapsulated,but also the related role types that act as ranges and domains for the relationships.As another example we can again consider the previously mentioned Family role model where relationships such as hasChild and hasParent are modeled.This role model may not only be used in an ontology catered to modeling persons.Consider forinstance the same notions being needed in an ontology modeling tree data structures. There,possible relationships between nodes may also be modeled by reusing the same role model.Another example would be an ontology describing operating systems and their processes,new child processes being spawned from parent processes,etc.After having looked at some examples of ontologies being modeled using role mod-els,we will in the following section discuss their semantics.3.1Semantics of Role-Modeled OntologiesWe argue that modeling with roles should be enabled by introducing new ontological modeling primitives.Roles allow modelers to separate concerns in an intuitive manner and provide useful ontological units(components).At the same time,current class-based ontology languages(e.g.OWL)are already very expressive.Thus,we believe that there is no lack in expressiveness,but rather in modeling primitives and reuse.We therefore aim for a translational approach where role-based ontologies may be com-piled to standard(DL-based)ontologies.A great advantage is that this permits to reuse existing tools,in particular already well-developed reasoning engines.A class-based ontology is considered to be a set of DL axioms constructed using class descriptions(or simply classes),property descriptions(or properties),and individ-uals.For supporting roles,we enhance the syntax with role types and role properties. For the sake of simplicity,we restrict role types to be conjuncts of existential restric-tions limited to atomic role types.That is,of the form∃p1.R1 ... ∃p n.R n,where R i are role types and p i are role properties.Role properties simply define their domain and range(both have to be role types).Classes(respectively properties)and role types (respectively role properties)are built from disjoint sets of names.This disjointness corresponds to the underlying difference of natural types and role types.To support role modeling,we introduce two new axioms.Thefirst axiom expresses that individuals of a class can play a role:R£C(role binding)binds role type R to class C.The second axiom expresses that some specific individual plays a role:R(a)(role assertion),where R is a role type and a an individual.Additionally,we add syntax for ontologies to import role models.The extended syntax may now be translated to the underlying ontology language by the following algorithm:31.Make all imported role type definitions available as classes in the ontology.2.For each role type R used in the ontology:(a)Let{C1,...,C n}be the set of classes to which R is bound(R£C i).Then addthe axiom R C1 ... C n ⊥to the ontology.(b)For each role assertion R(a),make the same assertion available in the resultingontology,now referring to the class-representative for the role type R.3.Remove import and Plays statements.This translation captures the can-play semantics of roles by defining role types as subtypes of classes.It implies that an open role R may not be played by any individual 3Role properties and role property assertions are left out here but can be easily integrated into the syntax extensions and the translation algorithm.since R ⊥would be added to the ontology(i.e.R is always interpreted as the empty set).The semantics of our role modeling extension is an immediate consequence of the translation by using the standard semantics of DLs.We will now look at an example of how a role-based ontology is compiled to a standard class-based ontology.The ontology from Figure1imports the role models Product and Meal.The Product role model could for example be defined by:4To illustrate the impact of binding one role type to multiple classes,we assume that the Product role type is also bound to the class Food in Figure1(and in the subsequent listing).That is,also foods can be considered products in some contexts.Our trans-lation as defined above results in the following class-based ontology(for the example disregarding the Meal role model):The resulting ontology consists of only standard OWL constructs and can thus be used by existing tools such as reasoners.A consequence of this resulting ontology is for example that an individual playing the role of a product has to be either a wine or a food.We can thus single out and study the concern of being a product,but not having to consider in detail what those products are.We could have done the same in a class-based ontology by stating that wines and foods are products,thus using Product as a super-class to both Wine and Food.However,as already mentioned,this would disregard the fact that wines and foods are not always products.4Related WorkModularizing ontologies andfinding appropriate ontology reuse units are becoming important issues.Several works address this issue,most having a strong formal founda-tion.A common property between existing work seems to be the desire to reuse partial ontologies.That is,enable more refined reuse of ontologies by allowing to import and share vocabulary(classes,in some sense meaning)rather than axioms(ontologies,that is,syntactical units).4The definitions of the role properties produces and consumes are left out.One work in this direction proposes a new import primitive:semantic import[11]. Semantic import differs from owl:imports(referred to as syntactic import)by allow-ing to import partial ontologies and by additionally enforcing the existence of any re-ferred external ontologies or ontology elements(classes,properties,individuals)by the notion of ontology spaces.The goal in this work is controlled partial reuse.The work in[5]defines a logical framework for modular integration of ontologies by allowing each ontology to define its local and external signature(that is,classes, properties etc.).The external signature is assumed to be defined in another ontology. Two distinct restrictions are defined on the usage of the external signatures.Thefirst syntactically disallows certain axioms which are considered harmful,while the second restriction generalized thefirst by taking semantical issues into consideration.The gen-eral goal,apart from a formal framework,is to allow safe merging of ontologies.The work in[6]also proposes partial reuse of ontologies by allowing to automat-ically extract modules from ontologies.One interesting requirement put on such an extracted module is that it should describe a well-defined subject matter,that is,be self-contained from a modeling perspective.In contrast to these works on partial ontology reuse,in particular how to extract or modularize existing ontologies,our work aims at defining a more intuitive ontological unit—an ontological component that was defined as such.5Conclusions and OutlookIn this paper we have proposed an ontological unit able to improve modeling and pro-vide a means for reuse—the ontological role model.The concept of roles has its roots in software modeling and we have taken thefirst steps to transfer this notion to the world of ontologies.Role models provide a view on individuals and their relationships that is different from the abstractions provided by purely class-based approaches.As such, role models provide a reusable abstraction unit for ontologies.Furthermore,due to the translational semantics,the approach is compatible with existing formalisms and tools.As a next step we aim at integrating role modeling into tools,for example the Protégéontology editor[10].This is important since we argue that ontology engineers should treat roles asfirst class members of their language and distinguish them from classes.Other issues also remain to be further clarified.The semantics of roles may be subject of discussion.Apart from focusing on can-play semantics,must-play may in some cases be desirable for role bindings.Another issue to clarify is the implication of applying one role model several times in an ontology.One could argue for multi-ple imports where each import is associated with a unique name space.However,this would disallow to refer to all instances of a certain role type,for instance to all products in an ontology.Finally,further investigations into the implications of the open-world semantics of ontologies relating to role bindings and role assertions should be done.In conclusion,we argue that role models provide an interesting reuse abstraction for ontologies and that roles should be supported as an ontological primitive.AcknowledgementThis research has been co-funded by the European Commission and by the Swiss Fed-eral Office for Education and Science within the6th Framework Programme project REWERSE number506779(cf.).References1.I.Aracic,V.Gasiunas,M.Mezini,and K.Ostermann.An Overview of CaesarJ,pages135–173.Springer Berlin/Heidelberg,2006.2.U.Aßmann,S.Zschaler,and G.Wagner.Ontologies,Meta-Models,and the Model-DrivenParadigm,pages249–273.Springer,2006.3. F.Baader,D.Calvanese,D.L.McGuinness,D.Nardi,and P.F.Patel-Schneider,editors.TheDescription Logic Handbook.Cambridge University Press,2003.4. B.Cuenca Grau,I.Horrocks,Y.Kazakov,and U.Sattler.Just the right amount:Extractingmodules from ontologies.In Proc.of the Sixteenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2007),2007.5. B.Cuenca Grau,Y.Kazakov,I.Horrocks,and U.Sattler.A logical framework for modu-lar integration of ontologies.In Proc.of the20th Int.Joint Conf.on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI2007),pages298–303,2007.6. 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Computers in Industry 65 (2014) 1215–1217

Computers   in   Industry   65   (2014)   1215–1217

EditorialThe subject of our special issue is to give an overview of the realrole of ontologies in future Web-based industrial Enterprises.Several facts preceded the launching of this special issue.Beforedetailing them,wefirst note that the guest editors cover bothindustrial and academic communities:Airbus Group SAS,Tou-louse,France and CRITT Informatique,Poitiers,France;LIAS/ISAE-ENSMA,Poitiers,France and IRIT/ENSEEIHT,Toulouse,France.Thelong and rich collaboration between our laboratories and industrialcompanies allows us gaining expertise in constructing ontologiesand exploiting them in engineering domains.This expertise hasbeen also leveraged in many international projects dedicated to theconstruction and publication of normalized ontologies.The PLIBproject is one of these projects that has been standardized by ISO-13584.To capitalize this experience and share it over researchcommunity,we launched in2010a special issue on Contribution ofOntologies in Designing Advanced Information Systems in Dataand Knowledge Engineering(DKE),Elsevier.This special issuereceived65papers.At that time,we realize that a researchcommunity has been formed around ontologies in informationsystems.To keep this dynamism,in2012,we launched anInternational Workshop on Ontologies meet Advanced Informa-tion Systems(OAIS)that hold in conjunction with the East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and InformationSystems(ADBIS).Both the DKE special issue and the OAISworkshop were mainly intended to academic researchers.To geta real feedback on the use of ontologies in industrial companies,wefound that Computers in Industry Journal is the best venue for aspecial issue on ontologies in future Web-based industrialEnterprises.Nowadays,the industrial world(including large,medium andsmall enterprises in many domains:transportation,aeromechan-ics,urbanization,manufacturing,petrochemical,environments,medicine,etc.)invests in creating real/virtual extended enterprisesin order to satisfy the globalization requirements and to ensuretheir high panies do not survive and prospersolely through their own individual efforts.Enterprises have toexchange and share their heterogeneous models,data andknowledge to ensure this globalization and provide efficientsolutions with high quality.In the80s,ISO launched aninternational standard called Step(STandard for the Exchange ofProduct model data)to represent and facilitate product dataexchange.The technical objective of STEP is to enable thecommunication of product data between heterogeneous systems.It provides the basis for representing such data in all phases of theproduct’s lifecycle,spanning various facets of its physical andfunctional description,such as shape,structural and materialproperties,and models of analyses,manufacturing information,etc.This unambiguous computer-interpretable representation ofproduct data offers the facility of an efficient exchange betweendesign,engineering and manufacturing systems.Since then,ontology models(e.g.PLIB for data engineeringapplications,OWL for semantic Web,etc.)have been proposed tofacilitate the integration,exchange and sharing between hetero-geneous systems including data/Web Data,models,services,platforms and knowledge.Several Database Management Systems(Oracle,IBM Sor,etc.)propose solutions to manage,store andquery the big amount of ontological data used by enterprise’sapplications.Several types of ontologies exist and are used bydifferent communities:linguistic ontologies,conceptual ontolo-gies and non-conceptual ontologies.Ontologies showed theirefficiency and their contributions in several industrial domains.The main objectives of the special issue is to publish the mostrecent results related to the following challenges:(1)theconstruction of ontologies in the industry world;(2)their use indeveloping robust software and applications(integration,ex-change,sharing);(3)the proposition of persistence models forontologies and their instances;(4)the management of theirevolution and versioning;(5)the deployment process of ontologiesand their instances in different architectures(centralized,distrib-uted,parallel and cloud)and(6)the ontology query languages.There was reasonable response to the call for papers;wereceived21papers from13countries(Argentina,Australia,Austria,Cameroun,Canada,France,Italy,Portugal,Norway,Romania,Spain,United Kingdom and Switzerland).Due to thissuccess and the quality of the received papers,Prof.Nick Szirbikgave us the opportunity to accept8papers for this special issuewhich makes an accepting rate of38%.These papers are authoredby an outstanding roster of experts in their respectivefields,andtackle various issues from different angles,requirements andinterests.Their topics include:ontology-based system integration,information interchange,quality assessment,Semantic BusinessProcesses,ontology-enhanced information systems,ontologyevolution,Software Engineering,Enterprise interoperability andvirtual enterprises.These topics cover several domain applica-tions:urban facility management,digitally preservation ofresources and enduring business continuity,manufacturing,production logistics,sustainability,etc.The particularity of thesepapers is that most of them used case studies issued fromComputers in Industry65(2014)1215–1217Contents lists available at ScienceDirectComputers in Industryj o ur n a l ho m e p a g e:w w w.e l s e vi e r.c om/l o c a t e/c o mp i n d/10.1016/pind.2014.09.0010166-3615/ß2014Published by Elsevier B.V.international projects(e.g.,EU-funded FP7)including several partners such as SAP AG,BMW SPA,Intel Corporation,etc.The eight selected papers are summarized as follows:Thefirst paper titled,Ontology-based Approach for Context Modeling in Enterprise Applications,by Drazen Nadoveza and Dimitris Kiritsis proposes an ontology-based context model in order to provide users the right and relevant information in a business environment.The paper gives a nice overview on the notion of the context as well as various methods for context modeling.Also it proposes a semantic approach for context modeling in enterprise applications based on an upper ontology. The proposed model is mainly divided into two parts:the description of the user’s context(Status,Location and Role)and the description of the business context.Other concepts such as:the Information Features class defining the documents and data a user might be interested in,the user state and business state classes,etc. can also be introduced.The approach uses SWRL(Semantic Web Rule Language)rules based on a user’s state and the current state of the business,to determine the relevant information feature for end users.This approach is validated using a case study borrowed from a manufacturer of bottled juice drinks.The second paper,titled,Collaborative Negotiation for Ontology-Driven Enterprise Businesses,by Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves,Carlos Coutinho,Adina Cretan,Catarina F da Silva,and Parisa Ghodous addresses the problem of collaboration and heterogeneous commu-nication in an enterprise.It presents a framework named NEGOSEIO which proposes service based interoperability between the partners or parties involved in a given process like production,design, marketing,etc.within an enterprise.The semantic understanding of the business developed within these services is described thanks to a shared ontology.Application of this work is developed in the context of an FP7European project.This paper includes Caixa Ma´gica Software Company located in Lisbon,Portugal.The third paper,titled,An Ontological Approach for Reliable Data Integration in the Industrial Domain,by Stefano Borgo treats a crucial issue in industry domain which is the problem of data integration.The author proposes a general set of principles to relate ontologies to non-ontological entities that are important for the core business of a company.The authors introduce a sound and robust four-step methodology to expand a given ontology with new dependency relation without jeopardizing the consistency of the information system.A nice presentation of two ontologies used in industrial applications is given(ISO 15926-2and DOLCE).These ontologies are used to validate the proposed methodology.The fourth paper,titled,Selection,Ranking and Composition of Semantically Enriched Business Processes,by Fabrizio Smith and Devis Bianchini proposes a framework and a suite of tools to help Business Process designers for selecting and composing semanti-cally annotated sub-process to create business processes.To do so, afive phases methodology using BPAL(Business Process Abstract Language)and P2S(Process-to-Services)is given:semantic annotation of process elements,formulation of the designer’s request,retrieval of candidate sub-processes to compose,ranking of the retrieved candidate sub-processes and composition.The addressed research problem(i.e.,services composition)is inter-esting and the proposed framework(and tools)could be exploited in real enterprises to create business processes.Thefifth paper,titled,Improving the Matching of Needs and Capability in Web-based Collaboration Platforms Using Ontology Engineering,by Xiao Ma,Jay Bal,and Ahmad Issa proposes an interesting ontology development methodology using the SENSUS approach.This automated mechanism methodology is compared against one from the WMCCM(West Midlands Collaborative Commerce Market Place)engineering ontology.The WMCCM ontology was built in an orthodox way by re-use of Standard Industry Classification(SIC)and adaptation/modification by experts.The new described approach provides better coverage and depth and was much better at automatically classifying tenders than the SIC-based approach.The ability to generate hybrid ontology,automatically with minimal expert input opens many interesting possibilities.The sixth paper,titled,Merging BIM and GIS Using Ontologies Application to Urban Facility Management in Active3D,by Clement Mignard and Christophe Nicolle presents an interesting problem that consists in bridging the gap between geographic information systems(GIS)and Building Information Models(BIM).The authors propose the use of ontologies to solve the structural and semantic heterogeneity that may exist between these two systems.The proposal is integrated in a tool called ACTIVE3D used by several French universities and the ministry of defense.The motivation and the different problems that need to be solved when co-accrediting GIS and BIM are well illustrated.The seventh paper,titled,OntoQualitas:a framework for ontology quality assessment in information interchanges between heterogeneous systems by Mariela Rico,Marı´a L Caliusco,Omar Chiotti,and Marı´a R Galli addresses an important issue which is quality measurement of an ontology.The authors propose a set of measures to identify strong and weak aspects of an ontology used in a given context such as data exchange in a heterogeneous environment.The work presents the role and requirements of a given ontology such as formal representation of the interchanged information,representation of the information that is strictly necessary for the interchange,and correct interpretation of the interchanged information in all involved contexts.Each require-ment is formalized and evaluated.A case study based on a collaborative relationship between a packaging industry and a dairy industry is provided.The eighth paper,titled An Ontology Change Management Approach for Facility Management,by Perrine Pittet;Christophe Cruz and Christophe Nicolle proposes an approach(OntoVersion-Graph)for ontology change management applied on the facility management domain.The approach is based on a methodology for managing ontology life cycle including ontology evolution and versioning features,in conjunction with contextual view modeling. The main contribution is the realization of a versioning system exploiting evolution logs to maintain the ontology consistency and a mechanism of ontology view management.The approach is applied to ensure consistency of AEC(Architecture,Engineering and Construction)project knowledge and to provide to each actor of the AEC project a personal view of the building knowledge related to its business profile.We hope readers willfind the content of this special issue interesting and that this reading will inspire them to look further into the challenges that are still ahead when designing advanced information systems using ontologies.We would like to thank all the authors who submitted their papers to this special issue.In addition,we are grateful for the support of various reviews that ensured the high quality of this special st but not least,we would like to thank Professor Nick Szirbik,Editor-In-Chief of Computers in Industry,for accepting our proposal of a special issue focused on ontologies in Future Web-based Industrial Enterprises, and for assisting us whenever required.We would like to thank very much Harinath Subramaniam for his endless help and support.The complete International Program Committee of this special issue is listed next.Editorial/Computers in Industry65(2014)1215–1217 1216International Program Committee:1.Yamine Aı¨t Ameur,IRIT/ENSEEIHT,Toulouse,France 2.Idir Ait-Sadoune,Supe´lec,Paris,France djel Bellatreche,LIAS/ISAE-ENSMA,Poitiers,France4.Djamal Benslimane,University Claude Bernard,Lyon,France5.Ste´phane Bressan,University of Singapore,Singapore 6.Be´atrice Bouchou Markhoff,University of Tours,France 7.Parisa Ghodous,University Claude Bernard,Lyon,France8.Francesco Guerra,Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia,Italy 9.Ste´phane Jean,LIAS/ISAE-ENSMA,Poitiers University,France 10.Selma Khouri,ESI,Algiers,Algeria11.Dimitris Kiritsis,EPFL,Lausanne,Switzerland12.Haridimos Kondylakis,FORTH-ICS and University of Crete,Greece13.Jens Lechtenborger,University of Muenster,Germany 14.Edouardo Mena,Universidad de Zaragoza,Spain15.Anne Monceaux,Airbus Group SAS,Toulouse,France16.Oscar Romero Moral,Universitat Polite`cnica de Catalunya,Spain17.Gunter Saake,Otto van Guericke,Universitat Magdeburg,Germany18.Sahar Sabbeh,Benha University,Department of Information System,Egypt19.Eric Sardet,CRITT Informatique,Poitiers,France20.Robert Wrembel,Poznan´University of Technology,Poland Ladjel Bellatreche is a Full Professor at National Engineering School for Mechanics and Aerotechnics (ISAE-ENSMA),Poitiers -France,where he joined it as a faculty member since Sept 2010.He leads the Data and Model Engineering Team of Laboratory of Computer Science and Automatic Control for Systems (LIAS).Prior to that,he spent eight years as Assistant and then Associate Professor at Poitiers University,France.Hewas a Visiting Professor of the Que´bec en Outaouais,Canada,a Visiting Researcher at Department of Computer Science,Purdue University,USA and Depart-ment of Computer Science of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,China.He is also involved inResearch Postgraduate Programs in Computer Science of several Universities and Schools in Africa.His research interests include data integration systems,data warehousing,physical design of VLDB,ontologies,personalization and djel Bellatreche has been actively involved in the research community by serving as reviewer for technical journals (IEEE TKDE,DKE,Distributed and Parallel Database Journal,etc.)and Editorial Board Member,International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems,Inderscience,subject area editor of the Scalable Computing Journal,Springer and as an organizer/co-organizer of numerous international and National Conferences and Workshops (DAWAK,DASFAA,MEDI,WISE,ACM DOLAP,EDA,JFO).Some recent conferences in which he is playing or has played major roles include DAWAK,DOLAP,MEDI,and WISE Workshops.In addition,he served as a program committee member for over forty international conferences andWorkshops.Yamine Aı¨t Ameur is Full Professor since 2000and at INPT (National Poly-technique Institue)in Toulouse (France)since Sept 2011.Previously he was at ENSMA (National School of of Mechanics and Aeronautics)in Poitiers (France)between 2002and 2011,and he has been the head of LISI/ENSMA (Laboratory of Industrial and scientific computer science at ENSMA).He got his HDR (Habilitation to conduct research)in 2000,and his PhD in Computer Science in 1992at ENSAE-SUPAERO.His Research topics concern:(i)Formal methods for validation and verification (ii)Ontololgy based model-ling and ontology based databases,(iii)Application domains:embedded systems,interactive systems,semantic web,PDM databases,etc.Two main important aspects characterise his research activities.On the one hand the fundamental aspects through the use of formal modelling techniques based on refinement and proof,explicit formalisation of semantics using formal ontology models.On the other,hand,practical aspects,through the development of operational applications,allowing to validate the proposed approaches.Embedded systems in avionics,engineering,interactive systems,CO2capture are some of the application domains targeted by this work.Yamine AIT AMEUR is the author of several research papers published ininternational journals and/or in the proceedings of international conferences.Heparticipates to the programme committee of several international conferences and to the editorial board of international journals.He has participated to several national and international research projects.He is one of the main editors of the ISO 13584international standardseries.Dr.Anne Monceaux is an Expert Research Engineer in Airbus Group Innovations,Systems,Engineering and Architecture department.She holds a graduate degree in Theoretical and Formal Linguistics from the Univer-sity Denis Diderot,Paris 7.Before she joined EADS Research Center in 1998,she started her carrier as a researcher and lecturer at the Gaspar Monge Institut of Electronic and Computer Sciences (IGM)at University Paris Est,dealing with computational linguistics,Natural Language Processing technologies,and seman-tic disambiguation topic.In this area,she contributed to several international standardization projects on lan-guage-independent lexicon models and terminologystandard representation (GENELEX,EUROLANG).In 1998,she joined the EADS Common Research Center,now Airbus Group Innovations,and moved to a more applied work on information frameworks and knowledge modeling to enable the collaborative design of complex mechatronic systems in a virtual and distributed environment.Her research combines aspects of Model-Based Systems engineering,systems theory,decision support,and information technology.She participated in many internal and international (KITS,LUISA,CRESCENDO,CRYSTAL,TOICA,IVISION...)research projects to support engineering knowledge management,product functional analysis,virtual architec-ture definition,or value oriented decision making in preliminary design.She is active within the INCOSE Model Based Conceptual Design Working Group,the Airbus Group System Engineering Steering group,and in Value Center of Practice Europeannetwork.Eric Sardet got his PhD in Computer Science at Poitiers University in 1999.Before joining CRITT Informatique (a high tech company located at Poitiers,France)as technical and project manager,he spent several years as research engineer and lecturer at Poitiers University and in French high tech companies as project manager and consultant.Eric Sardet is also deputy convener of ISO TC184/SC4/WG2,the working group in charge of the conception and the edition of the Parts Library Ontology data model (ISO 13584)and its XML-based exchange format (OntoML).His research interests include:ontology engineering,ontology-based databases,data exchange and data integration.Guest Editor Ladjel BellatrecheTagLIAS/ISAE-ENSMA,Futuroscope,FranceGuest Editor Yamine Aı¨t Ameur IRIT/ENSEEIHT,Toulouse,FranceGuest Editor Anne MonceauxAirbus Group SAS,Toulouse,FranceGuest Editor Eric SardetCRITT Informatique,Futuroscope,FranceE-mail addresses:bellatreche@ensma.fr (L.Bellatreche),yamine@enseeiht.fr (Y.Aı¨t Ameur),Anne.Monceaux@ (A.Monceaux),sardet@critt-informatique.fr (E.Sardet).Available online 19September 2014Editorial /Computers in Industry 65(2014)1215–12171217。



托福作者目的题解析作者目的题,也叫做修辞目的题,但其实在 TPO 中它的范围更广,除了举例说明概述题外,还有类似段落关系方面的题。



下文中我将对此题型的常见出题方法进行解析:作者目的题常见的出题形式如下:• Why does the author mention/include/use…?• The author…in order to…• The author uses the example to…?• …for…purpose?这类题一般会问作者举个例子,说一句话的目的是什么,一般题中的例子在考试中会用黑色标注,方便考生查找(也有不标注的情况)。



比如:The numbers of deer have fluctuated markedly since the entry of Europeans into Puget Sound country. Theearly explorers and settlers told of abundant deer in the early 1800s and yet almost in the same breath bemoaned the lack of this succulent game animal. Famous explorers of the North American frontier,Lewis and Clark arrived at the mouth of the Columbia River on November 14,1805, in nearly starved circumstances. They had experienced great difficulty finding game west of the Rockies and not until the second of December did they kill their first elk. To keep 40 people alive that winter, they consumed approximately 150 elk and 20deer.The author tells the story of the explorers Lewis and Clark in paragraph 3 in order to illustrate which of the following points?number of deer within the Puget Sound region has varied over time.of the explorers who came to the Puget Sound area were primarily interested in hunting game.e was more game for hunting in the East of the United States than in the West.vidual explorers were not as successful at locating games as were the trading panies.解析:根据较容易定位的人名到段落第三句“Famous explorers of the North American frontier, Lewis and Clark had experienced great difficulty finding game west of the Rockies and not until the second of December did they kill their first elk.”意思是:北美边境有名的探险者,Lewis 和 Clark 在落基山西边很难找到捕猎动物并且直到十二月二号才捕到第一只鹿。


一 一
领域特征概念。领域特征属性构成领域特征属性 讨了如何用 O t o 思想建立 “ nl og y 领域词典”的问 基于 O t o 思想建立领域词典 , nl og y 不仅可以 清 层。 最后用领域特征属性和部分手工构建的领域 题。 特征概念作为种子 , 采用 Bo t p i 的机器学 晰地描述领域词典中的领域特征概念及其关系 , ot r p g sa n 习技术, 从大规模无标注真实语料中, 动学习再 还可以实现领域知识的共享和重用 ,有利于领域 自 通过少量的人工校对的方法获取更多的 领域特征 词典的维护。在构建领域词典的过程中面临的困 概念 , 不断地扩充领域词典。 具体构建瓴唆词典层 难和问题主要有 : 领域特征屙 l的 生 提取及其组织 、 和描述语言、手工挑选 次分类体系的步骤如下 :
关 键词 : 域 知识 ; no g ; 领 O tly / 词典 o N域
1领域知识 ຫໍສະໝຸດ “ 领域知识”是一个源于人工智能领域的术 语。 人 在 工智能领域 , 领域知识主要应用在基于知 识的专家系统和 自 然语言理解系统 中。领域知识 是指在某一领域内的概念、 概念之间的相互关系 以及有关概念的约束的 集合。根据不同领域和不 同应用的需要 ,领域知识”这 术语的定义也有 “ 所不同。 自然语言处理的研究中, 在 领域知识是应 用于文本主题和内容分析的基础知识。领域知识 是面向 计算机 、 正常人不必费力获取、 用来描述某 领域的领域特征概念和领域特征概念之间的相 互关系的知识。领域知识具有知识本身所具有的 所有属性和特 点。 “ 面向计算机” 正常人不必费力获取” 和“ 是领 域知识在文本的主题和内 容分析的应用中体现出 来的两个重要特性。为了更好的描述领域特征概 念及其之间的关系 , 我们引入“ 领域特征属性 ” 的 概念。 领域特征属性” “ 也是一种领域特征概念 , 它 是领域特征概念再抽象和概括所形成的类别。确 定“ 领域特征属性 ” 应遵循以下三个原则 :1 () 领域 特征属性能描述某一领域的领域特征概念,且不 易于再分割。() 2领域特征属性一定要能够描述某 领域中全部的领域特征概念。 3领域特征属性 () 是稳定的, 是必须确定的。









一个完善的Ontology能够提出结构的主体概念的关系,包括superclass\Psubclass\Pinstance(超类\亚类飞实例)关系、property value(特征值)、时间关系以及依赖于所用的表达语言的关系等。




本体( Ontology)在数字图书馆知识组织中的作用1.规范描述知识间的语义关系运用本体方法对数字图书馆的知识进行组织,可以减少概念和术语上的歧义,概念间的关系可以被描述得更加广泛、详细、深入和全面,通过对概念添加属性值,对属性与属性之间再添加映射关系,一些在正规词表中不能描述的语义关系就可以清晰的描述出来。




《人工智能》知识点整理第二讲知识表示2.0.知识表示的重要性知识是智能的基础:获得知识、运用知识符合计算机要求的知识模式:计算机能存储、处理的知识表示模式;数据结构(List, Table, Tree, Graph, etc.)2.1 基本概念2.1.1 数据、信息与知识数据(Data)⏹信息的载体和表示⏹用一组符号及其组合表示信息信息(Information)⏹数据的语义⏹数据在特定场合下的具体含义知识(Knowledge)⏹信息关联后所形成的信息结构:事实& 规则⏹经加工、整理、解释、挑选、改造后的信息2.1.2 知识的特性⏹相对正确性⏹一定条件下⏹某种环境中⏹......⏹不确定性⏹存在“中间状态”⏹“真”(“假”)程度⏹随机性⏹模糊性⏹经验性⏹不完全性⏹...... ⏹可表示性& 可利用性⏹语言⏹文字⏹图形⏹图像⏹视频⏹音频⏹神经网络⏹概率图模型⏹......2.1.3 知识的分类⏹常识性知识、领域性知识(作用范围)⏹事实性知识、过程性知识、控制知识(作用及表示)⏹确定性知识、不确定性知识(确定性)⏹逻辑性知识、形象性知识(结构及表现形式)⏹零级知识、一级知识、二级知识(抽象程度)2.1.4 常用的知识表示方法⏹一阶谓词(First Order Predicate)⏹产生式(Production)⏹框架(Framework)⏹语义网络(Semantic Network)⏹剧本(Script)⏹过程(Procedure)⏹面向对象(Object-Oriented)⏹Petri网(Petri Network)⏹信念网(Belief Network)⏹本体论(Ontology)……2.1.5 如何选择合适的表示方法?⏹充分表示领域知识⏹有利于对知识的利用⏹便于理解和实现⏹便于对知识的组织、管理与维护2.2 一阶谓词表示法1. 优点⏹自然性⏹接近自然语言,容易接受⏹精确性⏹用于表示精确知识⏹严密性⏹有严格的形式定义和推理规则⏹易实现性⏹易于转换为计算机内部形式2. 缺点⏹无法表示不确定性知识⏹所能表示的知识范围太狭窄⏹难以表示启发性知识及元知识⏹未能充分利用与问题本身特性有关的知识⏹组合爆炸⏹经常出现事实、规则等的组合爆炸⏹效率低⏹推理与知识的语义完全割裂2.3 产生式表示法⏹1943年E. Post第一次提出⏹称为“Post机”的计算模型(《计算理论》)⏹一种描述形式语言的语法⏹AI中应用最多的知识方法之一⏹Feigenbaum研制的化学分子结构专家系统DENDRAL⏹Shortliffe研制的的诊断感染性疾病的专家系统MYCIN⏹……2.3.1 产生式的基本形式P → Q 或IF P THEN Q CF = [0, 1]其中,P是产生式的前提,Q是一组结论或操作,CF(Certainty Factor)为确定性因子,也称置信度。

tsubclassof 用法

tsubclassof 用法

Task: tsubclassof usageIntroductionIn the field of knowledge representation and reasoning, the term “subclass” refers to a relationship between two classes, where oneclass is considered to be a subset of the other class. The “tsubclassof” operator, short for “transitive subclass of,” is a reasoning mechanism used to infer class hierarchies and relationships in a knowledge base. This article will delve into the usage and importance of the tsubclassof operator, exploring its application in various domains.Understanding the tsubclassof OperatorThe tsubclassof operator is primarily used in the context of ontology languages such as OWL (Web Ontology Language) and RDF (Resource Description Framework). It extends the basic subclass relationship by inferring subsumption relationships transitively through the class hierarchy. This means that if class C is a subclass of class B, andclass B is a subclass of class A, then class C is also inferred to be a subclass of class A.The main advantage of the tsubclassof operator is its ability to enable automated reasoning and logical inference. By defining subclass relationships and applying the operator, we can infer implicit knowledge and make logical deductions about the classes within a knowledge base. This helps in establishing a more comprehensive understanding of the domain and facilitates more sophisticated reasoning processes.Usage in Ontology DevelopmentIn ontology development, the tsubclassof operator plays a crucial rolein establishing taxonomies and hierarchies. It allows ontology engineers to define class relationships and leverage automated reasoning to infer additional relationships without explicitly stating them. This enables efficient knowledge representation and enhances the capabilities of semantic queries and reasoning algorithms.Consider, for example, an ontology representing the animal kingdom. Wecan define classes such as “Animal,” “Mammal,” “Reptile,” and “Bird.” By using the tsubclassof operator, we can infer that “Mammal” and “Reptile” are subclasses of “Animal.” Furthermore, if we define classes like “Cat,” “Dog,” and “Snake” as subclasses of “Mammal” and “Lizard” as a subclass of “Reptile,” the tsubclassof operatorwill allow us to infer that “Cat” and “Dog” are also subclasses of “Animal.”This automated inference significantly reduces the effort required in manually defining all possible relationships in the ontology, making the development process more efficient and scalable. It also enhances consistency and reduces the likelihood of errors or inconsistencies inthe ontology.Benefits of Using the tsubclassof OperatorThe tsubclassof operator provides several key benefits in the field of knowledge representation and reasoning:1.Automated Inference: The primary benefit of the tsubclassofoperator is its ability to automate the inference of subclassrelationships. By applying the operator, we can derive implicitknowledge and make logical deductions, thus avoiding the need forexplicit statements.2.Efficient Ontology Development: Using the tsubclassof operatorreduces the effort required to manually define subclassrelationships in an ontology. It allows for the creation of moreextensive and complex class hierarchies without explicitlydefining each relationship, streamlining the development process.3.Improved Reasoning Capabilities: The tsubclassof operator enablesmore advanced reasoning processes by inferring relationships thatmight not be directly specified in the ontology. This helps inperforming complex queries, searching for related instances, andreasoning based on the subclass relationships within the knowledgebase.4.Consistency and Maintenance: By relying on the tsubclassofoperator for inferring relationships, ontologies can maintain ahigh level of consistency. If a change is made to a subclassrelationship, the operator automatically ensures that all derived relationships are also updated, reducing the chances ofinconsistencies within the ontology.Examples in Different DomainsThe tsubclassof operator finds applications in various domains, ranging from scientific research to information retrieval systems. Here are a few examples to illustrate its usage:1. Genetics and BioinformaticsIn the domain of genetics and bioinformatics, the tsubclassof operator is used to infer biological relationships based on genetic similarities. By defining classes representing genes, proteins, and molecular structures, researchers can infer complex relationships and hierarchies that aid in genomic analysis and understanding genetic disorders.2. Library Science and Information OrganizationIn library science and information organization, the tsubclassof operator is utilized to establish subject hierarchies and categorizations. By defining classes representing different subjects and domains, the operator allows for the inference of relationships between books, articles, and other information resources. This assists in efficient categorization, search, and recommendation services.3. E-commerce and Product TaxonomiesIn the field of e-commerce, the tsubclassof operator is employed to create product taxonomies and organize catalog data. By defining classes representing product categories, the operator can automatically infer relationships between products, enabling more accurate searches, recommendations, and product classifications.4. Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge GraphsThe tsubclassof operator plays a vital role in knowledge graphs and artificial intelligence systems. By defining classes representing entities, concepts, or events, the operator allows for the inference of hierarchical relationships. This aids in building sophisticated knowledge graphs that power intelligent systems, recommendation engines, and natural language understanding.ConclusionThe tsubclassof operator is a powerful reasoning mechanism that enables efficient knowledge representation and logical inference in ontology-based systems. By defining subclass relationships and leveraging automated inference, we can establish comprehensive class hierarchies without explicitly stating every relationship. This not only reduces development effort but also enhances reasoning capabilities, consistency, and maintenance in ontologies. The usage of the tsubclassof operator extends across various domains, from genetics to e-commerce,facilitating advanced modeling, search, recommendation, and reasoning capabilities.。

3 Knowledge Representation and Ontologies Logic, Ontologies and Semantic Web Languages

3 Knowledge Representation and Ontologies Logic, Ontologies and Semantic Web Languages

3Knowledge Representation and OntologiesLogic,Ontologies and Semantic Web LanguagesStephan Grimm1,Pascal Hitzler2,Andreas Abecker11FZI Research Center for Information Technologies,University of Karlsruhe,Germany {grimm,abecker}@fzi.de2Institute AIFB,University of Karlsruhe,Germanyhitzler@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.deSummary.In Artificial Intelligence,knowledge representation studies the formalisation of knowl-edge and its processing within machines.Techniques of automated reasoning allow a computer sys-tem to draw conclusions from knowledge represented in a machine-interpretable form.Recently, ontologies have evolved in computer science as computational artefacts to provide computer systems with a conceptual yet computational model of a particular domain of interest.In this way,computer systems can base decisions on reasoning about domain knowledge,similar to humans.This chapter gives an overview on basic knowledge representation aspects and on ontologies as used within com-puter systems.After introducing ontologies in terms of their appearance,usage and classification,it addresses concrete ontology languages that are particularly important in the context of the Semantic Web.The most recent and predominant ontology languages and formalisms are presented in relation to each other and a selection of them is discussed in more detail.3.1Knowledge RepresentationAs a branch of symbolic Artificial Intelligence,knowledge representation and reasoning aims at designing computer systems that reason about a machine-interpretable representa-tion of the world,similar to human reasoning.Knowledge-based systems have a computa-tional model of some domain of interest in which symbols serve as surrogates for real world domain artefacts,such as physical objects,events,relationships,etc.[45].The domain of interest can cover any part of the real world or any hypothetical system about which one desires to represent knowledge for computational purposes.A knowledge-based system maintains a knowledge base which stores the symbols of the computational model in form of statements about the domain,and it performs reasoning by manipulating these symbols.Applications can base their decisions on domain-relevant questions posed to a knowledge base.3.1.1A Motivating ScenarioTo illustrate principles of knowledge representation in this chapter,we introduce an exam-ple scenario taken from a B2B travelling use case.In this scenario,companies frequently38Stephan Grimm,Pascal Hitzler,Andreas Abeckerbook business trips for their employees,sending them to international meetings and con-ference events.Such a scenario is a relevant use case for Semantic Web Services,since companies desire to automate the online booking process,while they still want to bene-fit from the high competition among various travel agencies and no-frills airlines that sell tickets via the internet.Automation is achieved by computational agents deciding about whether an online offer of some travel agencyfits a request for a business trip or not,based on the knowledge they have about the offer and the request.Knowledge represented in this domain of“business trips”is aboutflights,trains,booking,companies and their employees, cities that are source or destination for a trip,etc.Knowledge-based systems use a computational representation of such knowledge in form of statements about the domain of interest.Examples of such statements in the busi-ness trips domain are“companies book trips for their employees”,“flights and train rides are special kinds of trips”or“employees are persons employed at some company”.This knowledge can be used to answer questions about the domain of interest.From the given statements,and by means of automated deduction,a knowledge-based system can,for ex-ample,derive that“a person on aflight booked by a company is an employee”or“the company that booked aflight for a person is this person’s employer”.In this way,a knowledge-based computational agent can reason about business trips, similar to the way a human would.It could,for example,tell apart offers for business trips from offers for vacations,or decide whether the destination city for a requestedflight is close to the geographical region specified in an offer,or conclude that a participant of a businessflight is an employee of the company that booked theflight.3.1.2Forms of Representing KnowledgeIf we look at current Semantic Web technologies and use cases,knowledge representation appears in different forms,the most prevalent of which are based on semantic networks, rules and logic.Semantic network structures can be found in RDF graph representations [30]or Topic Maps[41],whereas a formalisation of business knowledge often comes in form of rules with some“if-then”reading,e.g.in business rules or logic programming formalisms.Logic is used to realise a precise semantic interpretation for both of the other forms.By providing formal semantics for knowledge representation languages,logic-based formalisms lay the basis for automated deduction.We will investigate these three forms of knowledge representation in the following.Semantic NetworksOriginally,semantic networks stem from the“existential graphs”introduced by Charles Peirce in1896to express logical sentences as graphical node-and-link diagrams[43].Later on,similar notations have been introduced,such as conceptual graphs[45],all differing slightly in syntax and semantics.Despite these differences,all the semantic network for-malisms concentrate on expressing the taxonomic structure of categories of objects and the relations between them.We use a general notion of a semantic network,abstracting from the different concrete notations proposed.A semantic network is a graph whose nodes represent concepts and whose arcs rep-resent relations between these concepts.They provide a structural representation of state-ments about a domain of interest.In the business trips domain,typical concepts would be3Knowledge Representation and Ontologies39“Company”,“Employee”or“Flight”,while typical relations would be“books”,“isEm-ployedAt”or“participatesIn”.Figure3.1shows an example of a semantic network for the business trips domain.Fig.3.1.A Semantic Network for Business TripsSemantic networks provide a means to abstract from natural language,representing the knowledge that is captured in text in a form more suitable for computation.The knowledge expressed in the network from Figure3.1coincides with the content of the following natural language text.“Employees of companies are persons,while both persons and companies are le-gal panies book trips for their employees.These trips can beflights or train rides which start and end in cities of Europe or the panies them-selves have locations which can be cities.The company UbiqBiz books theflight FL4711from London to New York for Mister X.”Typically,concepts are chosen to represent the meaning of nouns in such a text,while relations are mapped to verb phrases.The fragment Company books−−−−−→Trip is read as “companies book trips”,expressed as a binary two However, this is not mandatory;the relation books−−−−−→could also be“lifted”to a concept Booking with relations hasActor−−−−−−−−→pointing to Company,−−−−−−−−→,hasParticipant−−−−−−−−−−−−→and hasObjectEmployee and Trip,respectively.In this way,its ternary character wouldthe original network where the information about an employee’s involvement in booking is implicit.In principle,the concepts and relations in a semantic network are generic and could stand for anything relevant in the domain of interest.However,some particular relations for some standard knowledge representation and reasoning cases have evolved.40Stephan Grimm,Pascal Hitzler,Andreas AbeckerThe semantic network in Figure3.1illustrates the distinction between general concepts, like Employee,and individual concepts,like MisterX.While the latter represent con-crete individuals or objects in the domain of interest,the former serve as classes to group together such individuals that have certain properties in common,as e.g.all employees.The particular relation which links individuals to their classes is that of instantiation,denoted by isA−−−−→.Thus,MisterX is called an instance of the concept employee.The lower part of the network is concerned with knowledge about individuals,reflecting a particular situation of the employee MisterX participating in a certainflight,while the upper part is concerned with knowledge about general concepts,reflecting various possible situations.The most prominent type of relation in semantic networks,however,is that of subsump-tion,which we denote by kindOf−−−−−−→.A subsumption link connects two general concepts and expresses specialisation or generalisation,respectively.In the network in Figure3.1,a flight is said to be a special kind of trip,i.e.Trip subsumes Flight.This means that any flight is also a trip,however,there might be other trips which are notflights,such as train rides.Subsumption is associated with the notion of inheritance in that a specialised concept inherits all the properties from its more general parent concepts.For example,from the net-work one can read that a company can be located in a European city,since locatedAt−−−−−−−−→points from Company to Location while EUCity is a kind of City which is itself a kind of Location.The concept EUCity inherits the property of being a potential location for a company from the concept Location.Other particular relations that can be found in semantic network notations are,for ex-ample,partOf−−−−−−→to denote part-whole relationships,etc.Semantic networks are closely related to another form of knowledge representation called frame systems.In fact,frame systems and semantic networks can be identical in their expressiveness but use different representation metaphors[43].While the semantic network metaphor is that of a graph with concept nodes linked by relation arcs,the frame metaphor draws concepts as boxes,i.e.frames,and relations as slots inside frames that can befilled by other frames.Thus,in the frame metaphor the graph turns into nested boxes.The semantic network form of knowledge representation is especially suitable for cap-turing the taxonomic structure of categories for domain objects and for expressing general statements about the domain of interest.Inheritance and other relations between such cate-gories can be represented in and derived from subsumption hierarchies.On the other hand, the representation of concrete individuals or even data values,like numbers or strings,does notfit well the idea of semantic networks.RulesAnother natural form of expressing knowledge in some domain of interest are rules that re-flect the notion of consequence.Rules come in the form of IF-THEN-constructs and allow to express various kinds of complex statements.Rules can be found in logic programming systems,like the language Prolog[31],in deductive databases[34]or in business rules systems.The following is an example of rules expressing knowledge in the business trips do-main,specified in their intuitive if-then-reading.3Knowledge Representation and Ontologies41(1)IF something is aflight THEN it is also a trip(2)IF some person participates in a trip booked by some companyTHEN this person is an employee of this company(3)FACT the person MisterX participates in aflight booked by the company UbiqBiz(4)IF a trip’s source and destination cities are close to each otherTHEN the trip is by trainThe IF-part is also called the body of a rule,while the THEN-part is also called its head.Typically,rule-based knowledge representation systems operate on facts,which are often formalised as a special kind of rule with an empty body.They start from a given set of facts,like rule(3)above,and then apply rules in order to derive new facts,thus“drawing conclusions”.However,the intuitive reading with natural language phrases is not suitable for compu-tation,and therefore such phrases are formalised to predicates and variables over objects of the domain of interest.A formalisation of the above rules in the typical style of rule languages looks as follows.(1)Trip(?t):−Flight(?t)(2)Employee(?p)∧isEmployedAt(?p,?c):−Trip(?t)∧books(?c,?t)∧Company(?c)∧participatesIn(?p,?t)∧Person(?p)(3)Person(MisterX)∧participatesIn(MisterX,FL4711)∧Flight(FL4711)∧books(UbiqBiz,FL4711)∧Company(UbiqBiz):−(4)TrainRide(?t):−Trip(?t)∧startsFrom(?t,?s)∧endsIn(?t,?d)∧close(?s,?d) In most logic programming systems a rule is read as an inverse implication,starting with the head followed by the body,which is indicated by the symbol:−that resembles a backward arrow.In this formalisation,the intuitive notions from the text,that were concepts and relations in the semantic network case,became predicates linked through variables and constants that identify objects in the domain of interest.Variables start with the symbol? and take as their values the constants that occur in facts such as(3).Rule(1)captures inheritance–or subsumption–between trips andflights by stating that“everything that is aflight is also a trip”.Rule(2)draws conclusions about the status of employment for participants of businessflights.From the facts(3),these two rules are able to derive the implicit fact that“MisterX is an employee of UbiqBiz”.While the rules(1)and(2)express general domain knowledge,rule(4)can be inter-preted as part of some company’s travelling policy,stating that trips between close cities shall be conducted by train.In business rules,for example,rule-based formalisms are used with the motivation to capture complex business knowledge in companies like pricing mod-els or delivery policies.Rule-based knowledge representation systems are especially suitable for reasoning about concrete instance data,i.e.simple facts of the form Employee(MisterX).Com-plex sets of rules can efficiently derive implicit such facts from explicitly given ones.They are problematic if more complex and general statements about the domain shall be derived which do notfit a rule’s head.42Stephan Grimm,Pascal Hitzler,Andreas AbeckerLogicBoth forms,semantic networks as well as rules,have been formalised using logic to give them a precise semantics.Without such a precise formalisation they are vague and ambigu-ous,and thus problematic for computational purposes.From just the graphical representa-tion of the semantic network in Figure3.1,for example,it is not clear whether companies can only bookflights for their own employees or for employees of partner companies as well.Neither is it clear from the fragment Company books−−−−−→Trip whether every com-pany books trips or just some company.Also for rules,despite their much more formal appearance,the exact meaning remains unclear when,for example,forms of negation are introduced that allow for potential conflicts between rules.Depending on the choice of procedural evaluation orflavour of formal semantics,different derivation results are being produced.The most prominent and fundamental logical formalism classically used for knowledge representation is the“first-order predicate calculus”,orfirst-order logic for short,and we choose this formalism to present logic as a form of knowledge representation here.First-order logic allows one to describe the domain of interest as consisting of objects,i.e.things that have individual identity,and to construct logical formulas around these objects formed by predicates,functions,variables and logical connectives[43].We assume that the reader is familiar with the notation offirst-order logic from formalisations of various mathematical disciplines.Similar to semantic networks,most statements in natural language can be expressed in terms of logical sentences about objects of the domain of interest with an appropriate choice of predicate and function symbols.Concepts are mapped to unary,relations to binary predicates.We illustrate the use of logic for knowledge representation by axiomatising parts of the semantic network from Figure3.1more precisely.Subsumption,for example,can be directly expressed by a logical implication,which is illustrated in the translation of the following fragment.Employee kindOf−−−−−−→Person∀x:(Employee(x)→Person(x))Due to the universal quantifier,the variable x in the logical formula ranges over all domain objects and its reading is“everything that is an employee is also a person”.Other parts of the network can be further restricted using logical formulas,as shown in the following example.Company books−−−−−→Trip∀x,y:(books(x,y)→Company(x)∧Trip(y))∀x:∃y:(Trip(x)→Company(y)∧books(y,x)) The graphical representation of the network fragment leaves some details open,while the logical formulas capture the booking relation between companies and trips more precisely. Thefirst formula states that domain and range of the booking relation are companies and trips,respectively,while the second formula makes sure that for every trip there does actu-ally exist a company that booked it.In particular,more complex restrictions that range over larger fragments of a network graph can be formulated in logic,where the intuitive graphical notation lacks expressiv-ity.As an example consider the relations between companies,trips and employees in the following fragment.3Knowledge Representation and Ontologies43 Company books←−−−−−−−−−−−Employee−−−−−→Trip participatesIn←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−employedAt∀x:∃y:(Trip(x)→Employee(y)∧participatesIn(y,x)∧books(employer(y),x)) The logical formula expresses additional knowledge that is not captured in the graph rep-resentation.It states that,for every trip,there must be an employee that participates in this trip while the employer of this participant is the company that booked theflight.Rules can also be formalised with logic.An IF-THEN-rule can be represented as a logical implication with universally quantified variables.For example,a common formali-sation of the ruleIF a trip’s source and destination cities are close to each otherTHEN the trip is by trainis the translation to the logical formula∀x,y,z:(Trip(x)∧startsFrom(x,y)∧endsIn(x,z)∧close(y,z)→TrainRide(x)). However,the typical rule-based systems do not interpret such a formula in the classical sense offirst-order logic but employ different kinds of semantics,which are discussed in Section3.2.Since a precise axiomatisation of domain knowledge is a prerequisite for processing knowledge within computers in a meaningful way,we focus on logic as the dominant form of knowledge representation.Therefore,we investigate different kinds of logics and formal semantics more closely in a subsequent section.In the context of the Semantic Web,two particular logical formalisms have gained momentum,reflecting the semantic network and rules forms of knowledge representation. The graph notations of semantic networks have been formalised through description log-ics,which are fragments offirst-order logic with typical Tarskian model-theoretic seman-tics but restricted to unary and binary predicates to capture the notions of concepts an relations.On the other hand,rules have been formalised through logic programming for-malisms with minimal model semantics,focusing on the derivation of simple facts about individual objects.Both description logics and logic programming can be found as underly-ing formalisms in various knowledge representation languages in the Semantic Web,which are addressed in Section3. about KnowledgeThe way in which we,as humans,process knowledge is by reasoning,i.e.the process of reaching conclusions.Analogously,a computer processes the knowledge stored in a knowledge base by drawing conclusions from it,i.e by deriving new statements that follow from the given ones.The basic operations a knowledge-based system can perform on its knowledge base are typically denoted by tell and ask[43].The tell-operation adds a new statement to the knowledge base,whereas the ask-operation is used to query what is known.The statements that have been added to a knowledge base via the tell-operation constitute the explicit knowledge a system has about the domain of interest.The ability to process explicit knowledge computationally allows a knowledge-based system to reason over a domain of interest by deriving implicit knowledge that follows from what has been told explicitly.44Stephan Grimm,Pascal Hitzler,Andreas AbeckerThis leads to the notion of logical consequence or entailment.A knowledge base KB is said to entail a statementαifα“follows”from the knowledge stored in KB,which is written as KB|=α.A knowledge base entails all the statements that have been added via the tell-operation plus those that are their logical consequences.As an example,consider the following knowledge base with sentences infirst-order logic.KB={Person(MisterX),participates(MisterX,FL4711),Flight(FL4711),books(UbiqBiz,FL4711),∀x,y,z:(Flight(y)∧participates(x,y)∧books(z,y)→employedAt(x,z)),∀x,y:(employedAt(x,y)→Company(x)∧Employee(y)),∀x:(Person(x)→¬Company(x))}The knowledge base KB explicitly states that“MisterX is a person who participates in theflight FL4711booked by UbiqBiz”,that“participants offlights are employed at the company that booked theflight”,that“the employment relation holds between companies and employees”and that“persons are different from companies”.If we ask the question “Is MisterX employed at UbiqBiz?”by sayingask(KB,employedAt(MisterX,UbiqBiz))the answer will be yes.The knowledge base KB entails the fact that“MisterX is employed at UbiqBiz”,i.e.KB|=employedAt(MisterX,UbiqBiz),although it was not“told”so ex-plicitly.This follows from its general knowledge about the domain.A further consequence is that“UbiqBiz is a company”,i.e.KB|=Company(UbiqBiz),which is reflected by a positive answer to the questionask(KB,Company(UbiqBiz)).This follows from the former consequence together with the fact that“employment holds between companies and employees”.Another important notion related to entailment is that of consistency or satisfiability. Intuitively,a knowledge base is consistent or satisfiable if it does not contain contradictory facts.If we would add the fact that“UbiqBiz is a person”to the above knowledge base KB by sayingtell(KB,Person(UbiqBiz)),it would become unsatisfiable because persons are said to be different from companies.We explicitly said that UbiqBiz is a person while at the same time it can be derived that it is a company.In general,an unsatisfiable knowledge base is not very useful,since in logical for-malisms it would entail any arbitrary fact.The ask-operation would always return a posi-tive result independent from its parameters,which is clearly not desirable for a knowledge-based system.The inference procedures implemented in computational reasoners aim at realising the entailment relation between logical statements[43].They derive implicit statements from a given knowledge base or check whether a particular statement is entailed by a knowledge base.3Knowledge Representation and Ontologies45 An inference procedure that only derives entailed statements is called sound.Soundness is a desirable feature of an inference procedure,since an unsound inference procedure would potentially draw wrong conclusions.If an inference procedure is able to derive every statement that is entailed by a knowledge base then it is called pleteness is also a desirable property,since a complex chain of conclusions might break down if only a single statement in it is missing.Hence,for reasoning in knowledge-based systems we desire sound and complete inference procedures.3.2Logic-Based Knowledge-Representation FormalismsFirst-order(predicate)logic is the prevalent and single most important knowledge repre-sentation formalism.Its importance stems from the fact that basically all current symbolic knowledge representation formalisms can be understood in their relation tofirst-order logic. Its roots can be traced back to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle,and modernfirst-order predicate logic was created in the19th century,when the foundations for modern mathematics were laid.First-order logic captures some of the essence of human reasoning by providing a notion of logical consequence as already mentioned.It also provides a notion of universal truth in the sense that a logical statement can be universally valid(and thus called a tautology), meaning that it is a statement which is true regardless of any preconditions.Logical consequence and universal truth can be described in terms of model-theoretic semantics.In essence,a model for a logical theory3describes a state of affairs which makes the theory true.A tautology is a statement for which all possible states of affairs are models.A logical consequence of a theory is a statement which is true in all models of the theory.How to derive logical consequences from a theory–a process called deduction or infer-encing–is obviously central to the study of logic.Deduction allows to access knowledge which is not explicitly given but implicitly represented by a theory.Valid ways of deriv-ing logical consequences from theories also date back to the Greek philosophers,and have been studied since.At the heart of this is what has become known as proof theory.Proof theory describes syntactic rules which act on theories and allow to derive logical consequences without explicit recurrence to models.The notion of universal truth can thus be reduced to syntactic manipulations.This allows to abstract from model theory and enables deduction by symbol manipulation,and thus by automated means.Obviously,with the advent of electronic computing devices in the20th century,the automation of deduction has become an important and influentialfield of study.Thefield of automated reasoning is concerned with the development of efficient algorithms for de-duction.These algorithms are usually required to be sound,and completeness is a desired feature.The fact that sound and complete deduction algorithms exist forfirst-order predicate logic is reflected by the statement thatfirst-order logic is semi-decidable.More precisely,3A logical theory denotes a set of logical formulas,seen as the axioms of some theory to be mod-elled.46Stephan Grimm,Pascal Hitzler,Andreas Abeckersemi-decidability offirst-order logic means that there exist algorithms which,given a the-ory and a query statement,terminate with positive answer infinite time whenever the state-ment is a logical consequence of the theory.Note that for semi-decidability,termination is not required if the statement is not a logical consequence of the theory,and indeed,ter-mination(with the correct negative answer)cannot be guaranteed in general forfirst-order logical theories.For some kinds of theories,however,sound and complete deduction algorithms exist which always terminate.Such theories are called decidable,and they have certain more-or-less obvious advantages,including the following.•Decidability guarantees that the algorithm always comes back with a correct answer infinite time.4Under semi-decidability,an algorithm which runs for a considerable amount of time may still terminate,or may not terminate at all,and thus the user cannot know whether he has waited long enough for an answer.Decidability is particularly important if we want to reason about the question of whether or not a given statement is a logical consequence of a theory.•Experience shows that practically efficient algorithms are often available for decidable theories due to the effective use of heuristics.Often,this is even the case if worst-case complexity is very high.3.2.1Description LogicsDescription logics[3]are essentially decidable fragments offirst-order logic,5and we have just seen why the study of these is important.At the same time,description logics are expressive enough such that they have become a major knowledge representation paradigm, in particular for use within the Semantic Web.We will describe one of the most important and influential description logics,called ALC.Other description logics are best understood as restrictions or extensions of ALC.We introduce the standard description logic notation and give a formal mapping into standard first-order logic syntax.The Description Logic ALCA description logic theory consists of statements about concepts,individuals,and their re-lations.Individuals correspond to constants infirst-order logic,and concepts correspond to unary predicates.In terms of semantic networks,description logic concepts correspond to general concepts in semantic networks,while individuals correspond to individual con-cepts.We deal with conceptsfirst,and will talk about individuals later.Concepts can be named concepts or anonymous(composite)d concepts consist simply of a name,say“human”,which will be mapped to a unary predicate in4It should be noted that there are practical limitations to this due to the fact that computing resources are always limited.A theoretically sound,complete and terminating algorithms may thus run into resource limits and terminate without an answer.5To be precise,there do exist some description logics which are not decidable.And there exist some which are not straightforward fragments offirst-order logics.But for this general introduction,we will not concern ourselves with these.。



本构关系和本构方程Ontology is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of being and existence. It seeks to answer questions about what entities exist and how they relate to each other. Ontological relationships refer to the connections between entities in the world, while ontological equations are mathematical expressions that describe these relationships.本体论是一门哲学分支,涉及存在的本质和本体的性质。



In philosophy, the concept of ontology has been discussed by thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, and Immanuel Kant. These philosophers have grappled with questions about the fundamental structure of reality and the nature of being. Ontological relationships can be understood through different philosophical perspectives, such as realism, idealism, and existentialism.在哲学中,本体论的概念已经被柏拉图、亚里士多德和康德等思想家所讨论。



Ontology理论研究和应用建模——《Ontology研究综述》、w3c Ontology研究组文档以及Jena编程应用总结1 关于Ontology1.1Ontology的定义Ontology最早是一个哲学的范畴,后来随着人工智能的发展,被人工智能界给予了新的定义。




1.2Ontology的建模元语Perez等人用分类法组织了Ontology,归纳出5个基本的建模元语(Modeling Primitives):●类(classes)或概念(concepts)指任何事务,如工作描述、功能、行为、策略和推理过程。


●关系(relations)在领域中概念之间的交互作用,形式上定义为n维笛卡儿积的子集:R:C1×C2×…×C n。






most basic structures of Chomsky’s model,for Nida,kernels are the basic structural elements out of which language builds its elaborate(详尽复杂的) surface structures[用来构成语言复杂表层结构的基本结构成分].Kernels are the level at which the message is transferred into the receptor(受体)language before being transformed into the surface structure in three stages:Literal transfer字面转移--minimal最低度~--literary书面~2)Analysis:generative-transformational grammar(转换生成语法by Chomsky)’s four types of functional classEvent(verb)事件:行动、过程等发生的事Object(noun)实体:具体的人和物Abstract(quantities and qualities,adjective)抽象概念Relational(gender,qualities,prepositions and conjunctions)关系2,Basic factors in translation1)The nature of message:content V.S.form2)The purpose(s)of the author/translatorTypes of purposes identified by Nida:①for information②suggest a behavior③imperative(祈使,命令)purpose3)The audiences(4types):children;new literates;average literate adult;specialists3,Relatedness(相关)of language&culture4,Two basic orientations(方向)in translating1)Formal Equivalence(F-E):focuses on the message itself,in both form and content.•Principles governing F-E:①grammatical units语法单元②consistency in word usage词语用法前后一致,连贯性③meanings in terms of the source context源语语境意义2)D-E(dynamic equivalence):①based on the principle of equivalent effect(•Principles governing it)②aiming at complete naturalness of expression;③unnecessary to understand the source culture.•Economic~can be transferable with cultural~.实际上三种形式均可互相转化。




文章编号:1003-6199(2003)04-071-04基于Ontology 的自然语言理解潘宇斌,陈跃新(国防科技大学计算机科学与工程学院,长沙 410073)摘 要:本文分析传统意义上基于知识的自然语言理解(KB-NLU )和基于Ontolog y 的自然语言理解系统的基本模型,Ontology 是概念化的描述,以及Ontolog y 与语言知识的结合方式的三种类型:世界知识型、词汇语义型、句法语义型。

关键词:KB-NLU;Ontology;世界知识型;词汇语义型;句法语义型中图分类号: T P31 文献标识码:AOntology -Based Natural Language UnderstandPAN Yu -bin,CH EN Yue -xin(College of Computer Science and Engineering,National U niv.of Defense T echnolo gy,Changsha 410073)Abstract:In this paper,w e analy ze the base model in the area of Knowledge -Based Natural Languag e Un -derstand (KB -NLU )and Ontolog y -Based Natural Language Understand.Ontology is a conceptual descrip -tion.In terms of their relationship w ith the natural language,this paper divides the different Ontolog ies into three ty pes,i.e.world know ledge,lexical semantics one and syntax semantics one.Key words:KB-NLU ;Ontology;w orld knowledg e;lexical semantics;sy ntax semantics1 引言自然语言理解把用自然语言描述的一个受限世界(关于该世界的事实和假设),变换为用机器内部的表示法描述的一个世界模型。



I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2013, 09, 67-75Published Online August 2013 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2013.09.08Ontology Development and Query Retrievalusing Protégé ToolVishal JainResearch Scholar, Computer Science and Engineering Department, Lingaya’s University, Faridabad, IndiaE-mail: vishaljain83@Dr. Mayank SinghAssociate Professor, Krishna Engineering College, Ghaziabad, IndiaE-mail: mayanksingh2005@Abstract—This paper highlights the explicit description about concept of ontology which is concerned with the development and methodology involved in building ontology. The concept of ontologies has contributed to the development of Semantic Web where Semantic Web is an extension of the current World Wide Web in which information is given in a well-defined meaning that translates the given unstructured data into knowledgeable representation data thus enabling computers and people to work in cooperation. Thus, we can say that Semantic Web is information in machine understandable form. It is also called as Global Information Mesh (GIM). Semantic Web technology can be used to deal with challenges including traditional search engines and retrieval techniques within given organizations or for e-commerce applications whose initial focus is on professional users. Ontology represents information in a manner so that this information can also be used by machines not only for displaying, but also for automating, integrating, and reusing the same information across various applications which may include Artificial Intelligence, Information Retrieval (IR) and many more. Ontology is defined as a collection of set of concepts, their definitions and the relationships among them represented in a hierarchical manner that is termed as Taxonomy. There are various tools available for developing ontologies like Hozo, DOML, and AltovaSemantic Works etc. We have used protégéwhich is one of the most widely used ontology development editor that defines ontology concepts (classes), properties, taxonomies, various restrictions and class instances. It also supports several ontology representation languages, including OWL. There are various versions of protégéavailable like WebProtege 2.0 beta, Protégé3.4.8, Protégé4.1 etc. In this paper, we have illustrated ontology development using protégé3.1 by giving an example of Computer Science Department of University System. It may be useful for future researchers in making ontology on protégéversion 3.1. Index Terms— Semantic Web, Ontology Development, OWL, Protégé 3.1I.IntroductionWorld Wide Web is the largest database in the Universe which is mostly understandable by human users and not by machines. WWW is human focused web. It discovers documents for the people. It lacks the existence of a semantic structure which maintains interdependency and scalability of its components. It returns results of given query with the help of hyperlinks between resources. It produces large number of results that may or may not satisfy user’s query. It results in the presentation of irrelevant information to the user. In the current web, resources are accessible through hyperlinks to web content spread throughout the world. The content of information is machine readable but not machine understandable. Use of current www does not support the concept of ontologies and users cannot make inferences due to unavailability of complete data. An enormous collection of unstructured data present on web leads to problems in extracting information about a particular domain. Hence information extraction is a logical step to retrieve relevant data and the extracted information. The word Information Retrieval is explicitly defined as process of extracting relevant results in context of given query. It is described as the task of identifying documents on the basis of properties assigned to the documents by various users requesting for retrieval. There are many Information Retrieval techniques for extracting keywords like NLP based extraction techniques. Content-based image retrieval system requires users to adopt new and challenges search strategies based on the visual pictures of images [1]. Multimedia information retrieval provides retrieval capabilities of text images and different dimensions like form, content and structure. When text annotation is nonexistent and incomplete content-based method must be used. Retrieval accuracy can be improved by content-based methods [2].68Ontology Development and Query Retrieval using Protégé ToolThe remaining sections of paper are as follows. Section 2 makes readers aware of Semantic Web including its architecture and its importance as future web technology. In this section, we have also discussed about Ontology and its components. A list of differences is shown on Relational Database and Ontology. Section 3 defines development of ontology on “Computer Science Department” using Protégé tool via Case Study.II.Semantic Web2.1ImportanceThis futuristic concept of Semantic Web is needed to make our present web more precise and effective by increasing the structure and size of current web. Semantic Web (SW) uses Semantic Web documents (SWD’s) that must be combined with Web based Indexing. The idea of Semantic Web (SW) as envisioned by Tim Bermers Lee came into existence in 1996 with the aim to translate given information into machine understandable form.2.2DefinitionSemantic Web is the new-generation Web that tries to represent information such that it can be used by machines not just for display purposes, but for automation, integration, and reuse across applications [3]. The emerging Semantic Web technology has revolutionized the way we use the Web to find and organize information. It is defined as framework of expressing information because we can develop various languages and approaches for increasing IR effectiveness. Semantic Web (SW) uses Semantic Web documents (SWD’s) that are written in SW languages like OWL, DAML+OIL. We can say that Semantic Web documents are means of information exchange in Semantic Web (SW).The Semantic Web (SW) is an extension of current www in which documents are filled by annotations in machine understandable markup language. Semantic Web technology can be used first to address efficiency, productivity and scalability challenges within Enterprises or for e-commerce applications and the initial focus is on professional users [4].Tim Berner Lee (Inventor of Web, HTTP, & HTML) says that Semantic web will be the next generation of Current Web and the next IT revolution [6, 7, and 8]. It is treated as future concept or technology. In the Fig. 1, at the bottom of the architecture we find XML, a language that lets enables us to write structured documents according to predefined guidelines or syntax. XML is particularly suitable for sending documents across the Web [9]. RDF is a basic data model for writing simple statements about Web objects (resources). RDF Model has three components: Resource, Property and Statement. Both XML and RDF follow same syntax in writing properties. Therefore, it is located on top of the XML layer [10]. RDF Schema (rdfs)provides modeling primitives for organizing Web objects into hierarchies. Its key primitives are classes and properties, subclass and sub property relationships, and domain and range restrictions [11]. RDF Schema is based on RDF. RDF Schema is RDF vocabulary description language. It represents relationship between groups of resources. The Logic layer is used in development of ontology and producing a knowledgeable representation document written in either XML or RDF. The Proof layer involves the actual deductive process as well as the representation of proofs in Web languages (from lower levels) and proof validation [12]. Finally, the Trust layer will emerge through the use of digital signatures and other kinds of knowledge, based on recommendations. The Semantic Web is envisioned as a collection of information linked in a way that can be easily processed by machine. This whole vision depends on agreeing upon common standards - something that is used and extended everywhere [13, 14].Fig. 1: “Semantic Web layered Architecture [5]”Berners-lee outlined the architecture of the Semantic Web in the following 3 layers [15]:The metadata layer:It contains the concepts of resource and properties and RDF (Resource Description Framework), most popular data model for the metadata layer.The schema layer: Web ontology languages (OWL) are introduced here to define a hierarchical description of concepts (is-a hierarchy) and properties and RDFS (RDF Schema) is a popular schema layer language. The logical layer: Set of web ontology languages are introduced at this layer to provide a richer set of modeling primitives in which Semantic Web plays a very important role to replace slow, ineffective, inefficient, & non intelligent web processes by fast, effective and inexpensive automatic processes. We can make our web more precise and increase retrieval capacity by adding annotations to documents. TheSemantic Web will allow both humans and machines to find and make use of data in modern ways that previously haven't been possible by www.Both Semantic Web (SW) and World Wide Web (www) are different from each other in various aspects which are described in the form of table as shownTable 1: “Comparison between Web and Semantic Web” [16]The WWW consists primarily of content for humanconsumption. Content links to other content on theWWW via the universal Resource Locator (URL). TheURL relies on surrounding context (if any) to communicate the purpose of the link that it represents; usually the user infers the semantics. Web content typically contains formatting instructions for a nice presentation, again for human consumption [17]. WWW content doesnot have any formal logical constructs. Correspondingly, the Semantic Web consists primarily of statements for application consumption. The statements link together via constructs that can form semantics, the meaning of the link. Thus, link semantics provide a defined meaningful path rather than a user-interpreted one. The statements may also contain logic that allows further interpretation and inference of the statements.2.3OntologyThe term ontology can be defined in many different ways. Genesereth and Nilsson defined Ontology as an explicit specification of a set of objects, concepts, and other entities that are presumed to exist in some area of interest and the relationships that hold them. It enables the Web for software components can be ideally supported through the use of Semantic Web technologies [18]. This helps in understanding the concepts of the domain as well as helps the machine to interpret the definitions of concepts in the domains and also the relations between them. Ontologies can be broadly divided into two main types: lightweight and heavyweight. Lightweight Ontologies involve taxonomy (or class hierarchy) that contains classes, subclasses, attributes and values. Heavy weight Ontologies model domains in a deeper way and include axioms and constraints [19]. Ontology layer consists of hierarchical distribution of important concepts in the domain and describing about the Ontology concepts, relationships and constraints. Fig. 2 displays the Ontology and its Constituents parts.Fig. 2: “Ontology and its components [20]”AdvantagesThere are many advantages of using ontology in the Semantic Web technology. Some of them are as follows [21, 22]:∙Sharing common understanding of the structure of information among people or software agents is one of the more common goals in developing Ontologies [23].∙Ontology enables reusability of domain knowledge in representing concepts and their relationships.∙Making explicit domain assumptions underlying an implementation makes it possible to change these assumptions easily if our knowledge about the domain changes [24].∙Separating the domain knowledge from the operational knowledge is another common use of ontologies. We can describe a task of configuring a product from its components according to a requiredspecification and implement a program that does this configuration independent of the products and components themselves [25].∙Use of ontology enables to analyze domain knowledge on basis of declared terms in a document. ∙Each user has its defined attributes and relationships between other users.∙Ontology is considered as backbone of Software. Since SW translates the given data into machine understandable language using concept of ontologies [26].∙Ontology development is a cooperative process; it allows different peoples to express their views on given domain.∙Ontology language editors helps to build SW.2.4Ontology Languages and EditorsIt is defined as formal language used to encode ontology. Various languages are listed below:∙DAML+OIL: - DAML stands for DARPA Agent Markup Language. DARPA stands for Defense Advanced Research project Agency. OIL stands for Ontology Interchange Language. This language uses Description Logic (DL) to express this language. ∙SWRL: - It stands for Semantic Web Rule Language. It adds rules to OWL+DL.∙OWL: - It stands for Web Ontology Language. It is used to represent relations between entities by using formal semantics and vocabulary.Ontology Editors: - They are applications designed to assist modifications of ontology. Various editors are listed below:∙Protégé: - It is free, open source and knowledge requisition system. It is written in Java and uses Swings to create the complex user interface.∙DOME: - It stands for DERI Ontology Management Environment. It is designed to create effective management of ontologies.∙Onto Lingua: - It is an ontology developed by OnTO Knowledge Project. It implements Ontology construction process.∙Altova SemanticWorks: - It is an RDF document editor and ontology development IDE. It creates and edits RDF documents, RDF Schema and OWL ontologies.Table 2: “Comparison between RDBMS and Ontology”III.Case StudyThe Computer Science Department Ontology describes various terms used in a computer science department. It shows the terms and their inheritance but not the relationships. For example, A Professor inherits from a Teaching which inherits from the Staff which is a generalization of a Person. Similarly Assistant inherits from Non Teaching which in turn inherits from Staff which in turn Person. The Screen Shot of Computer Science Department is shown in Fig. 3.3.1Ontology DevelopmentTool: Protégé is an open-source tool for editing and managing Ontologies. It is the most widely used domain-independent, freely available, platform-independent technology for developing and managing terminologies, Ontologies, and knowledge bases in a broad range of application domains. There are various versions of protégéavailable out of which the frequently used ones are: protégé2000, protégé3.1, protégé3.4 beta, protégé3.4(released recently) and protégé 4.0 beta.Computer Science Department OntologyComputer SciencePersonStaffTeaching (faculty)ProfessorReaderLecturerNon-TeachingAssistantTechnicianStudentPost GraduateGraduatePublicationBooksJournalsIt provides a rich set of knowledge modelingstructures. We have used the protégé version 3.1 to develop my Ontology on Computer Science Department. It provides the facility to support for multi user system, class trees on different tabs are synchronized by default, standard max memory allocation is 100 MB, RDF backend validates frame names, improved handling of sub slots and database backend correctly identifies MSSQL server and optimizes table creation accordingly.Fig. 3:“Computer Science Department Ontology”Fig.3, shows the Ontology on “Computer Science Department with the help of Protégé tool.3.2 Code SnippetsFollowing are different various Code snippet of Computer Science Department Ontology, developed in Protégé 3.1XML Code Snippet <knowledge_basexmlns="/xml" xmlns:xsi="/2001/XMLSchema-instance"xsi:schemaLocation="/xml /xml/schema/protege.xsd"><class><name>:SYSTEM-CLASS</name> <type>:STANDARD-CLASS</type> <own_slot_value><slot_reference>:ROLE</slot_reference> <value value_type="string">Abstract</value> </own_slot_value><superclass>:THING</superclass> </class> <class><name>Staff</name><type>:STANDARD-CLASS</type> <own_slot_value><slot_reference>:ROLE</slot_reference><value value_type="string">Concrete</value> </own_slot_value><superclass>Person</superclass><template_slot>ID</template_slot><template_slot>Sal</template_slot></class><class><name>Teaching</name><type>:STANDARD-CLASS</type><own_slot_value><slot_reference>:ROLE</slot_reference><value value_type="string">Concrete</value> </own_slot_value><superclass>Staff</superclass><template_slot>specialisation</template_slot> </class><class><name>Professor</name><type>:STANDARD-CLASS</type><own_slot_value><slot_reference>:ROLE</slot_reference><value value_type="string">Concrete</value> </own_slot_value><superclass>Teaching</superclass></class><class><name>Lecturer</name><type>:STANDARD-CLASS</type><own_slot_value><slot_reference>:ROLE</slot_reference><value value_type="string">Concrete</value> </own_slot_value><superclass>Teaching</superclass></class><class><name>TeachingAssistant</name><type>:STANDARD-CLASS</type><own_slot_value><slot_reference>:ROLE</slot_reference><value value_type="string">Concrete</value></own_slot_value><superclass>Teaching</superclass></class></knowledge_base>RDF Code Snippet<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [<!ENTITY rdf '/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'><!ENTITY a '/system#'><!ENTITY rdf_ '/rdf'><!ENTITY rdfs '/2000/01/rdf-schema#'> ]><rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="&rdf;"xmlns:rdf_="&rdf_;"xmlns:a="&a;"xmlns:rdfs="&rdfs;"><rdfs:Class rdf:about="&rdf_;Academic"rdfs:label="Academic"><rdfs:subClassOfrdf:resource="&rdf_;Nonteaching"/></rdfs:Class>OWL Code Snippet<?xml version="1.0"?><rdf:RDFxmlns:xsp="http://www.owl-/2005/08/07/xsp.owl#"xmlns:swrlb=/2003/11/swrlb# xmlns:swrl="/2003/11/swrl#"xmlns:protege="/plugins/o wl/protege#"xmlns:rdf="/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"xmlns:xsd="/2001/XMLSchema#"<owl:Ontology rdf:about=""/><owl:Class rdf:ID="UndergraduateStudent"><rdfs:subClassOf><owl:Class rdf:ID="Student"/></rdfs:subClassOf>In this paper, we have described the use of SemanticWeb in Information Retrieval with the help of Ontology. Information Retrieval over collection of those documents offers new challenges and opportunities. The paper shows that Semantic Web (SW) is better than current World Wide Web (www) by defining various differences between them. It gives brief overview on Ontology and its role in Semantic Web (SW).3.3 Class-SubclassFig. 4: ” Ontology on Computer Science Department in Protégé 3.1 (Sub Class)”3.4Query RetrievalFig. 5: “Query retrieval “Staff Salary Greater than 25000”Fig. 5, shows the result of query given to the Ontology based system.IV.ConclusionOntology represents information in a manner so that this information can also be used by machines not only for displaying, but also for automating, integrating, and reusing the same information across various applications. We have developed ontology on Computer Science and Engineering Department using one of famous ontology editor named as Protégé3.1. Protégéis an open-source tool for editing and managing Ontologies. It is the most widely used domain-independent, freely available, platform-independent technology for developing and managing ontologies. This paper will help upcoming researchers to develop an ontology using the protégé 3.1 in the semantic web. This ontology can also be used by any university system to make relevant search on the web. The developed ontology can be extended further to improve the performance of the Internet Technology. AcknowledgementI ,Vishal Jain would like to give my sincere thanks to Prof. M. N. Hoda, Director, Bharati V idyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi for giving me opportunity to do P.hD from Lingaya’s University, Faridabad. References[1]Carlo Meghini_ Fabrizio Sebastiani and UmbertoStraccia, “A Model of Multimedia Information Retrieval”,[2]Henning Muller, Nicolas Michoux, David Bandonand Antoine Geissbuhler, “A Review of Content Based Image Retrieval Systems in Medical Applications - Clinical Benefits and Future Directions”,[3]http://lpt.fri.uni-lj.si/research/15-semantic-web-and-ontologies/6-semantic-web-and-ontologies [4]Harold Boley, Said Tabet and Gerd Wagner,“Design Rationale of RuleML: A Markup Language for Semantic Web Rules, /papers/DesignRationaleRuleML-SWWS01paper20.pdf[5]Gagandeep Singh, Vishal Jain, “InformationRetrieval (IR) through Semantic Web (SW): An Overview”, In Pro ceedings of CONFLUENCE 2012- The Next Generation Information Technology Summit, September 2012, 23-27. [6]Christoph Bussler, Dieter Fensel, AlexanderMaedche, “A Conceptual Architecture forSemantic Web Enabled Web Services”, NSF-EU Workshop on Database and Information Systems Research for Semantic Web and Enterprises, April3 - 5, 2002 Amicalola Falls and State Park,Georgia[7]P. 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IEEE Intelligent Systems, Jan/Feb 1999.[24]Time Berners-Lee, The Semantic Web Revisited,IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2006[25]Lina Tankelevičienė, Ontology and OntologyEngineering: Analysis of Concepts, Classifications and Potential Use in E-Learning Context, Technical Report MII-SED-08-01, February 2008.[26]Daniel L. Rubin, Natalya F. Noy and Mark A.Musen, “Protégé: A Tool for Managing and Using Terminology in Radiology Applications”, Journal of Digital Imaging. 2007 Nov; 20(Suppl 1)34-46 Authors’ ProfilesVishal Jain has completed hisM.Tech (CSE) from USIT, GuruGobind Singh IndraprasthaUniversity, Delhi and doing PhDfrom Computer Science andEngineering Department,Lingaya’s University, Faridabad. Presently he is working as Assistant Professor in Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management, (BVICAM), New Delhi. His research area includes Web Technology, Semantic Web and Information Retrieval. He is also associated with CSI, ISTE.Dr. Mayank Singh has completedhis M. E in software engineeringfrom Thapar University and PhDfrom Uttarakhand TechnicalUniversity. His Research areaincludes Software Engineering,Software Testing, Wireless SensorNetworks and Data Mining. Presently He is working as Associate Professor in Krishna Engineering College, Ghaziabad. He is associated with CSI, IE (I), IEEE Computer Society India and ACM.。

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A Framework for Representing Ontology Mappingsunder Probabilities and InconsistencyAndrea Cal`ı1,Thomas Lukasiewicz2,3,Livia Predoiu4,and Heiner Stuckenschmidt4 1Facolt`a di Scienze e Tecnologie Informatiche,Libera Universit`a di Bolzano,Italycali@inf.unibz.it2Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica,Sapienza Universit`a di Roma,Italylukasiewicz@dis.uniroma1.it3Institut f¨u r Informationssysteme,Technische Universit¨a t Wien,Austrialukasiewicz@kr.tuwien.ac.at4Computer Science Institute,University of Mannheim,Germany{heiner,livia}@informatik.uni-mannheim.deAbstract.Creating mappings between ontologies is a common way of approach-ing the semantic heterogeneity problem on the semantic web.Tofit into the land-scape of semantic web languages,a suitable,logic-based representation formal-ism for mappings is needed.We argue that such a formalism has to be able to dealwith uncertainty and inconsistencies in automatically created mappings.We ana-lyze the requirements for such a mapping language and present a formalism thatcombines tightly integrated description logic programs with independent choicelogic for representing probabilistic information.We define the language,showthat it can be used to resolve inconsistencies and merge mappings from differentmatchers based on the level of confidence assigned to different rules.We alsoanalyze the computational aspects of consistency checking and query processingin tightly integrated probabilistic description logic programs.1IntroductionThe problem of aligning heterogeneous ontologies via semantic mappings has been identified as one of the major challenges of semantic web technologies.In order to ad-dress this problem,a number of languages for representing semantic relations between elements in different ontologies as a basis for reasoning and query answering across multiple ontologies have been proposed[22].In the presence of real world ontologies, it is unrealistic to assume that mappings between ontologies are created manually by domain experts,since existing ontologies,e.g.,in the area of medicine contain thou-sands of concepts and hundreds of relations.Recently,a number of heuristic methods for matching elements from different ontologies have been proposed that support the creation of mappings between different languages by suggesting candidate mappings (e.g.,[8]).These methods rely on linguistic and structural criteria.Evaluation stud-ies have shown that existing methods often trade off precision and recall.The resulting mapping either contains a fair amount of errors or only covers a small part of the ontolo-gies involved[7,9].To leverage the weaknesses of the individual methods,it is common practice to combine the results of a number of matching components or even the results of different matching systems to achieve a better coverage of the problem[8].This means that automatically created mappings often contain uncertain hypothesis and errors that need to be dealt with,as briefly summarized as follows:–mapping hypotheses are often oversimplifying,since most matchers only support very simple semantic relations(mostly equivalence between individual elements);–there may be conflicts between different hypotheses for semantic relations from different matching components and often even from the same matcher;–semantic relations are only given with a degree of confidence in their correctness.If we want to use the resulting mapping,we have tofind a way to deal with these uncertainties and errors in a suitable way.We argue that the most suitable way of dealing with uncertainties in mappings is to provide means to explicitly represent uncertainties in the target language that encodes the mappings.In this paper,we address the problem of designing a mapping representation language that is capable of representing the kinds of uncertainty mentioned above.We propose an approach to such a language,which is based on an integration of rules and ontologies under probabilistic uncertainty.There is a large body of work on integrating rules and ontologies,which is a promis-ing way of representing mappings between ontologies.One type of integration is to build rules on top of ontologies,that is,for rule-based systems that use vocabulary from ontology knowledge bases.Another form of integration is to build ontologies on top of rules,where ontological definitions are supplemented by rules or imported from rules. Both types of integration have been realized in recent hybrid integrations of rules and ontologies,called description logic programs(or dl-programs),which have the form KB=(L,P),where L is a description logic knowledge base and P is afinite set of rules involving either queries to L in a loose coupling[6]or concepts and roles from L as unary resp.binary predicates in a tight coupling[17](see especially[6,19,17]for more detailed overviews on the different approaches to description logic programs).Other works explore formalisms for uncertainty reasoning in the Semantic Web(an important recent forum for approaches to uncertainty in the Semantic Web is the annual Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web(URSW);there also exists a W3C Incubator Group on Uncertainty Reasoning for the World Wide Web).There are especially probabilistic extensions of description logics[13],web ontology languages [3,4],and description logic programs[16](to encode ambiguous information,such as “John is a student with the probability0.7and a teacher with the probability0.3”,which crucially differs from vague/fuzzy information,such as“John is tall with degree of truth 0.7”).In particular,[16]extends the loosely coupled description logic programs of[6] by probabilistic uncertainty as in Poole’s independent choice logic(ICL)[21].The ICL is a powerful representation and reasoning formalism for single-and also multi-agent systems,which combines logic and probability,and which can represent a number of important uncertainty formalisms,in particular,influence diagrams,Bayesian networks, Markov decision processes,normal form games,and Pearl’s causal models[11].In this paper,we propose a language for representing and reasoning with uncertain and possibly inconsistent mappings,where the tight coupling between ontology and rule languages(namely,the tightly integrated disjunctive description logic programs of[17]) is combined with probabilistic uncertainty(as in the ICL).The resulting language has the following useful features,which will be explained in more detail later:–The semantics is based on a tight integration of the rule and the ontology language.This enables us to have description logic concepts and roles in both rule bodies and rule heads.This is necessary if we want to use rules to combine ontologies.–The rule language is quite expressive.In particular,we can have disjunctions in rule heads and non-monotonic negations in rule bodies.This gives a rich basis for refi-ning and rewriting automatically created mappings for resolving inconsistencies.2–The integration with probability theory provides us with a sound formal framework for representing and reasoning with confidence values.In particular,we can inter-pret the confidence values as error probabilities and use standard techniques for combining them.We can also resolve inconsistencies by using trust probabilities.–In[2],we show that consistency checking and query processing in the new rule lan-guage are decidable putable,and can be reduced to their classical counter-parts in tightly integrated disjunctive description logic programs.We also analyze the complexity of consistency checking and query processing in special cases.–In[2],we show that there are tractable subsets of the language that are of practical relevance.In particular,we show that when ontologies are represented in DL-Lite, reasoning in the language can be done in polynomial time in the data complexity.The rest of this paper is organized as follows.In Section2,we analyze the require-ments of an ontology mapping language.Section3briefly reviews description logics as a basis for representing ontologies to be connected by mappings.In Section4,we de-scribe tightly integrated description logic programs as a basis for representing mappings between ontologies as logical rules and explain how the rule language supports the re-finement and repair of oversimplifying or inconsistent mappings.Section5presents a probabilistic extension thereof and shows that it can be used to represent and combine confidence values of different matchers in terms of error probabilities,and to resolve inconsistencies via trust probabilities.We conclude with a summary and an outlook.In[2],we address the computational aspects of reasoning in the new rule lan-guage.In particular,we identify a tractable subset of the language.Note that detailed proofs of all technical results in this paper are also given in[2].2Representation RequirementsThe problem of ontology matching can be defined as follows[8].Ontologies are the-ories encoded in a certain language L.In this work,we assume that ontologies are encoded in OWL DL or OWL Lite.For each ontology O in language L,there is a func-tion Q(O)that defines matchable elements of the ontology.Given two ontologies O and O ,the task of matching is now to determine correspondences between the matchable elements in the two ontologies.Correspondences are5-tuples(id,e,e ,r,n)such that –id is a unique identifier for referring to the correspondence;–e∈Q(O)and e ∈Q (O )are matchable elements from the two ontologies;–r∈R is a semantic relation(in this work,we consider the case,where the semantic relation can be interpreted as an implication);–n is a degree of confidence in the correctness of the correspondence.From this general description of automatically generated correspondences between ontologies,we can derive a number of requirements for a formal language for repre-senting the results of multiple matchers as well as the contained uncertainties:–Tight integration of mapping and ontology language:The semantics of the language used to represent the correspondences between elements in different ontologies has to be tightly integrated with the semantics of the ontology language used(in this case OWL).This is important if we want to use the correspondences to reason across differ-ent ontologies in a semantically coherent way.In particular,this means that the inter-pretation of the mapped elements depend on the definitions in the ontologies.3–Support for mappings refinement:The language should be expressive enough to allow the user to refine oversimplifying correspondences suggested by the matching system. This is important to be able to provide a precise account of the true semantic relation between elements in the mapped ontologies.In particular,this requires the ability to not describe correspondences that include several elements from the two ontologies.–Support for repairing inconsistencies:Inconsistent mappings are a major problem for the combined use of ontologies because they can cause inconsistencies in the mapped ontologies.These inconsistencies can make logical reasoning impossible,since every-thing can be derived from an inconsistent ontology.The mapping language should be able to represent and reason about inconsistent mappings in an approximate fashion.–Representation and combination of confidence:The confidence values provided by matching systems is an important indicator for the uncertainty that has to be taken into account.The mapping representation language should be able to use these confidence values when reasoning with mappings.In particular,it should be able to represent the confidence in a mapping rule and to combine confidence values on a sound formal basis.–Decidability and efficiency of instance reasoning:An important use of ontology map-pings is the exchange of data across different ontologies.In particular,we normally want to be able to ask queries using the vocabulary of one ontology and receive answers that do not only consist of instances of this ontology but also of ontologies connected through ontology mappings.To support this,query answering in the combined formal-ism consisting of ontology language and mapping language has to be decidable and there should be efficient algorithms for answering queries at least for relevant cases.Throughout the paper,we use real data form the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative1to illustrate the different aspects of mapping representation.In particular,we use examples from the benchmark and the conference data set.The benchmark dataset consists offive OWL ontologies(tests101and301to304)describing scientific pub-lications and related information.The conference dataset consists of about10OWL ontologies describing concepts related to conference organization and management. In both cases,we give examples of mappings that have been created by the partici-pants of the2006evaluation campaign.In particular,we use mappings created by state of the art ontology matching systems like falcon,hmatch,and coma++.3Description LogicsIn this section,we recall the expressive description logics SHIF(D)and SHOIN(D), which stand behind the web ontology languages OWL Lite and OWL DL[14],respec-tively.Intuitively,description logics model a domain of interest in terms of concepts and roles,which represent classes of individuals and binary relations between classes of in-dividuals,respectively.A description logic knowledge base encodes especially subset relationships between concepts,subset relationships between roles,the membership of individuals to concepts,and the membership of pairs of individuals to roles.3.1Syntax.Wefirst describe the syntax of SHOIN(D).We assume a set of ele-mentary datatypes and a set of data values.A datatype is either an elementary datatype or a set of data values(datatype oneOf).A datatype theory D=(∆D,·D)consists of a datatype domain∆D and a mapping·D that assigns to each elementary datatype a 1/2006/4subset of∆D and to each data value an element of∆D.The mapping·D is extended to all datatypes by{v1,...}D={v D1,...}.Let A,R A,R D,and I be pairwise disjoint (denumerable)sets of atomic concepts,abstract roles,datatype roles,and individuals,respectively.We denote by R−A the set of inverses R−of all R∈R A.A role is any element of R A∪R−A ∪R D.Concepts are inductively defined as fol-lows.Everyφ∈A is a concept,and if o1,...,o n∈I,then{o1,...,o n}is a concept(oneOf).Ifφ,φ1,andφ2are concepts and if R∈R A∪R−A ,then also(φ1 φ2),(φ1 φ2),and¬φare concepts(conjunction,disjunction,and negation,respectively), as well as∃R.φ,∀R.φ, nR,and nR(exists,value,atleast,and atmost restriction,respectively)for an integer n 0.If D is a datatype and U∈R D,then∃U.D,∀U.D,nU,and nU are concepts(datatype exists,value,atleast,and atmost restriction, respectively)for an integer n 0.We write and⊥to abbreviate the conceptsφ ¬φandφ ¬φ,respectively,and we eliminate parentheses as usual.An axiom has one of the following forms:(1)φ ψ(concept inclusion axiom),whereφandψare concepts;(2)R S(role inclusion axiom),where either R,S∈R A∪R−A or R,S∈R D;(3)Trans(R)(transitivity axiom),where R∈R A;(4)φ(a)(con-cept membership axiom),whereφis a concept and a∈I;(5)R(a,b)(resp.,U(a,v)) (role membership axiom),where R∈R A(resp.,U∈R D)and a,b∈I(resp.,a∈I and v is a data value);and(6)a=b(resp.,a=b)(equality(resp.,inequality)axiom),where a,b∈I.A(description logic)knowledge base L is afinite set of axioms.For decid-ability,number restrictions in L are restricted to simple abstract roles[15].The syntax of SHIF(D)is as the above syntax of SHOIN(D),but without the oneOf constructor and with the atleast and atmost constructors limited to0and1.3.2Semantics.An interpretation I=(∆I,·I)relative to a datatype theory D=(∆D,·D)consists of a nonempty(abstract)domain∆I disjoint from∆D,and a mapping·I that assigns to each atomic conceptφ∈A a subset of∆I,to each individual o∈I an element of∆I,to each abstract role R∈R A a subset of∆I×∆I,and to each datatype role U∈R D a subset of∆I×∆D.We extend·I to all concepts and roles,and we de-fine the satisfaction of an axiom F in an interpretation I=(∆I,·I),denoted I|=F, as usual[14].We say I satisfies the axiom F,or I is a model of F,iff I|=F.We say I satisfies a knowledge base L,or I is a model of L,denoted I|=L,iff I|=F for all F∈L.We say L is satisfiable iff L has a model.An axiom F is a logical conse-quence of L,denoted L|=F,iff every model of L satisfies F.4Description Logic ProgramsIn this section,we recall the novel approach to description logic programs(or dl-pro-grams)KB=(L,P)from[17],where KB consists of a description logic knowledge base L and a disjunctive logic program P.Their semantics is defined in a modular way as in[6],but it allows for a much tighter integration of L and P.Note that we do not assume any structural separation between the vocabularies of L and P.The main idea behind their semantics is to interpret P relative to Herbrand interpretations that are compatible with L,while L is interpreted relative to general interpretations over afirst-order domain.Thus,we modularly combine the standard semantics of logic programs and of description logics,which allows for building on the standard techniques and results of both areas.As another advantage,the novel dl-programs are decidable,even when their components of logic programs and description logic knowledge bases are5both very expressive.See especially[17]for further details on the new approach to dl-programs and for a detailed comparison to related works.4.1Syntax.We assume afirst-order vocabularyΦwithfinite nonempty sets of constant and predicate symbols,but no function symbols.We useΦc to denote the set of all con-stant symbols inΦ.We also assume pairwise disjoint(denumerable)sets A,R A,R D, and I of atomic concepts,abstract roles,datatype roles,and individuals,respectively, as in Section3.We assume that(i)Φc is a subset of I,and that(ii)Φand A(resp., R A∪R D)may have unary(resp.,binary)predicate symbols in common.Let X be a set of variables.A term is either a variable from X or a constant symbol fromΦ.An atom is of the form p(t1,...,t n),where p is a predicate symbol of arity n 0fromΦ,and t1,...,t n are terms.A literal l is an atom p or a default-negated atom not p.A disjunctive rule(or simply rule)r is an expression of the formα1∨···∨αk←β1,...,βn,notβn+1,...,notβn+m,(1) whereα1,...,αk,β1,...,βn+m are atoms and k,m,n 0.We callα1∨···∨αk the head of r,while the conjunctionβ1,...,βn,notβn+1,...,notβn+m is its body.We define H(r)={α1,...,αk}and B(r)=B+(r)∪B−(r),where B+(r)={β1,...,βn} and B−(r)={βn+1,...,βn+m}.A disjunctive program P is afinite set of disjunctive rules of the form(1).We say P is positive iff m=0for all disjunctive rules(1)in P. We say P is a normal program iff k 1for all disjunctive rules(1)in P.A disjunctive description logic program(or disjunctive dl-program)KB=(L,P) consists of a description logic knowledge base L and a disjunctive program P.We say KB is positive iff P is positive.It is a normal dl-program iff P is a normal program.4.2Semantics.We now define the answer set semantics of disjunctive dl-programs as a generalization of the answer set semantics of ordinary disjunctive logic programs. In the sequel,let KB=(L,P)be a disjunctive dl-program.A ground instance of a rule r∈P is obtained from r by replacing every variable that occurs in r by a constant symbol fromΦc.We denote by ground(P)the set of all ground instances of rules in P.The Herbrand base relative toΦ,denoted HBΦ,is the set of all ground atoms constructed with constant and predicate symbols fromΦ.We use DLΦto denote the set of all ground atoms in HBΦthat are constructed from atomic concepts in A,abstract roles in R A,and concrete roles in R D.An interpretation I is any subset of HBΦ.Informally,every such I represents the Herbrand interpretation in which all a∈I(resp.,a∈HBΦ−I)are true(resp.,false). We say an interpretation I is a model of a description logic knowledge base L,de-noted I|=L,iff L∪I∪{¬a|a∈HBΦ−I}is satisfiable.We say I is a model of a ground atom a∈HBΦ,or I satisfies a,denoted I|=a,iff a∈I.We say I is a model of a ground rule r,denoted I|=r,iff I|=αfor someα∈H(r)whenever I|=B(r), that is,I|=βfor allβ∈B+(r)and I|=βfor allβ∈B−(r).We say I is a model of a set of rules P iff I|=r for every r∈ground(P).We say I is a model of a disjunctive dl-program KB=(L,P),denoted I|=KB,iff I is a model of both L and P.We now define the answer set semantics of disjunctive dl-programs by general-izing the ordinary answer set semantics of disjunctive logic programs.We generalize the definition via the FLP-reduct[10](which coincides with the answer set seman-tics defined via the Gelfond-Lifschitz reduct[12]).Given a dl-program KB=(L,P), the FLP-reduct of KB relative to an interpretation I⊆HBΦ,denoted KB I,is the dl-program(L,P I),where P I is the set of all r∈ground(P)such that I|=B(r).An6interpretation I⊆HBΦis an answer set of KB iff I is a minimal model of KB I.A dl-program KB is consistent(resp.,inconsistent)iff it has an(resp.,no)answer set.Wefinally define the notions of cautious(resp.,brave)reasoning from disjunctive dl-programs under the answer set semantics as follows.A ground atom a∈HBΦis a cautious(resp.,brave)consequence of a disjunctive dl-program KB under the answer set semantics iff every(resp.,some)answer set of KB satisfies a.4.3Semantic Properties.We now summarize some important semantic properties of disjunctive dl-programs under the above answer set semantics.In the ordinary case,ev-ery answer set of a disjunctive program P is also a minimal model of P,and the con-verse holds when P is positive.This result holds also for disjunctive dl-programs.The following theorem shows that the answer set semantics of disjunctive dl-pro-grams faithfully extends its ordinary counterpart.That is,the answer set semantics of a disjunctive dl-program with empty description logic knowledge base coincides with the ordinary answer set semantics of its disjunctive program.Theorem4.1(see[17]).Let KB=(L,P)be a disjunctive dl-program with L=∅.Then, the set of all answer sets of KB coincides with the set of all ordinary answer sets of P.The next theorem shows that the answer set semantics of disjunctive dl-programs also faithfully extends(from the perspective of answer set programming)thefirst-order semantics of description logic knowledge bases.That is,α∈HBΦis true in all answer sets of a positive disjunctive dl-program KB=(L,P)iffαis true in allfirst-order mod-els of L∪ground(P).In particular,α∈HBΦis true in all answer sets of KB=(L,∅) iffαis true in allfirst-order models of L.Note that the theorem holds also whenαis a ground formula constructed from HBΦusing the operators∧and∨.Theorem4.2(see[17]).Let KB=(L,P)be a positive disjunctive dl-program,and letαbe a ground atom from HBΦ.Then,αis true in all answer sets of KB iffαis true in allfirst-order models of L∪ground(P).4.4Representing Mappings.Tightly integrated disjunctive dl-programs KB=(L,P) provide a natural way for representing mappings between heterogeneous ontologies as follows.The description logic knowledge base L is the union of two independent de-scription logic knowledge bases L1and L2with signatures A1,R A1,R D1,I1and A2,R A2,R D2,I2,respectively,such that A1∩A2=∅,R A1∩R A2=∅,R D1∩R D2=∅,and I1∩I2=∅.Note that this can easily be achieved for any pair of ontolo-gies by a suitable renaming.A mapping between between elements e and e from L1 and L2,respectively,is then represented by a simple rule e (−→x)←e(−→x)in P,where e∈A1∪R A1∪R D1,e ∈A2∪R A2∪R D2,and−→x is a suitable variable vector.Note that the fact that we demand that the signatures of L1and L2are disjoint guarantees that the rule base that represents mappings between different ontologies is stratified as long as there are no cyclic mapping relations.Taking some examples from the conference data set of the OAEI challenge2006, wefind e.g.the following mappings that were created by automatic matching systems2:NegativeReview(X)←Review(X);NeutralReview(X)←Review(X);PositiveReview(X)←Review(X).2Results of the hmatch system for mapping the SIGKDD on the EKAW Ontology7Another example of created mapping relations are the following3:EarlyRegisteredParticipant(X)←participant(X);LateRegisteredParticipant(X)←participant(X).Both of these sets of correspondences are examples of mappings that introduce incon-sistency in the target ontology.The reason is that the three concepts NegativeReview, NeutralReview,and PositiveReview,as well as the two concepts EarlyRegistered-Participant and LateregisteredParticipant are defined to be disjoint in the corre-sponding ing the rules as shown above will make an instance of the concept Review(resp.,participant)a member of disjoint classes.In[18],we have presented a method for detecting such inconsistent mappings.There are different ap-proaches for resolving this inconsistency.The most straightforward one is to drop map-pings until no inconsistency is present any more.Peng and Xu[20]have proposed a more suitable method for dealing with inconsistencies in terms of a relaxation of the mappings.In particular,they propose to replace a number of conflicting mappings by a single mapping that includes a disjunction of the conflicting concepts.In thefirst example above,we would replace the three rules by the following one: NegativeReview(X)∨NeutralReview(X)∨PositiveReview(X)←Review(X). This new mapping rule can be represented in our framework and resolves the inconsis-tency.In this particular case,it also correctly captures the meaning of the concepts.In principle,the second example can be solved using the same approach.In this case,however,the actual semantics of the concepts can be captured more accurately by refining the rules and making use of the full expressiveness of the mapping language. In particular,we can resolve the inconsistency by extending the body of the mapping rules with additional requirements:EarlyRegisteredParticipant(X)←participant(X)∧RegisterdbeforeDeadline(X); LateRegisteredParticipant(X)←participant(X)∧not RegisteredbeforeDeadline(X). This refinement of the mapping rules resolves the inconsistency and also provides a more correct mapping.A drawback of this approach is the fact that it requires manual post-processing of mappings.In the next section,we present a probabilistic extension of tightly integrated disjunctive dl-programs that allows us to directly use confidence estimations of matching engines to resolve inconsistencies and to combine the results of different matchers.5Probabilistic Description Logic ProgramsIn this section,we present a tightly integrated approach to probabilistic disjunctive de-scription logic programs(or simply probabilistic dl-programs)under the answer set semantics.Differently from[16](in addition to being a tightly integrated approach), the probabilistic dl-programs here also allow for disjunctions in rule heads.Similarly to the probabilistic dl-programs in[16],they are defined as a combination of dl-programs with Poole’s ICL[21],but using the tightly integrated disjunctive dl-programs of[17] (see Section4),rather than the loosely integrated dl-programs of[6].Poole’s ICL is 3Results of the hmatch system for mapping the CRS on the EKAW Ontology8based on ordinary acyclic logic programs P under different “choices”,where every choice along with P produces a first-order model,and one then obtains a probability distribution over the set of all first-order models by placing a probability distribution over the different choices.We use the tightly integrated disjunctive dl-programs un-der the answer set semantics of [17],instead of ordinary acyclic logic programs under their canonical semantics (which coincides with their answer set semantics).We first introduce the syntax of probabilistic dl-programs and then their answer set semantics.5.1Syntax.We now define the syntax of probabilistic dl-programs and probabilistic queries to them.We first introduce choice spaces and probabilities on choice spaces.A choice space C is a set of pairwise disjoint and nonempty sets A ⊆HB Φ−DL Φ.Any A ∈C is an alternative of C and any element a ∈A an atomic choice of C .Intu-itively,every alternative A ∈C represents a random variable and every atomic choice a ∈A one of its possible values.A total choice of C is a set B ⊆HB Φsuch that |B ∩A |=1for all A ∈C (and thus |B |=|C |).Intuitively,every total choice B of C represents an assignment of values to all the random variables.A probability µon a choice space C is a probability function on the set of all total choices of C .Intu-itively,every probability µis a probability distribution over the set of all variable as-signments.Since C and all its alternatives are finite,µcan be defined by (i)a mapping µ: C →[0,1]such that a ∈A µ(a )=1for all A ∈C ,and (ii)µ(B )=Πb ∈B µ(b )for all total choices B of C .Intuitively,(i)defines a probability over the values of each random variable of C ,and (ii)assumes independence between the random variables.A probabilistic dl-program KB =(L,P,C,µ)consists of a disjunctive dl-program (L,P ),a choice spaceC such that no atomic choice in C coincides with the head of any rule in ground (P ),and a probability µon C .Intuitively,since the total choices of C select subsets of P ,and µis a probability distribution on the total choices of C ,every probabilistic dl-program is the compact representation of a probability distribu-tion on a finite set of disjunctive dl-programs.Observe here that P is fully general and not necessarily stratified or acyclic.We say KB is normal iff P is normal.A proba-bilistic query to KB has the form ∃(c 1(x )∨···∨c n (x ))[r,s ],where x ,r,s is a tuple of variables,n 1,and each c i (x )is a conjunction of atoms constructed from pred-icate and constant symbols in Φand variables in x .Note that the above probabilistic queries can also be easily extended to conditional expressions as in [16].5.2Semantics.We now define an answer set semantics of probabilistic dl-programs,and we introduce the notions of consistency,consequence,tight consequence,and cor-rect and tight answers for probabilistic queries to probabilistic dl-programs.Given a probabilistic dl-program KB =(L,P,C,µ),a probabilistic interpretation Pr is a probability function on the set of all I ⊆HB Φ.We say Pr is an answer set of KB iff (i)every interpretation I ⊆HB Φwith Pr (I )>0is an answer set of (L,P ∪{p ←|p ∈B })for some total choice B of C ,and (ii)Pr ( p ∈B p )= I ⊆HB Φ,B ⊆I Pr (I )=µ(B )for every total choice B of C .Informally,Pr is an answer set of KB =(L,P,C,µ)iff (i)every interpretation I ⊆HB Φof positive probability under Pr is an answer set of the dl-program (L,P )under some total choice B of C ,and (ii)Pr coincides with µon the total choices B of C .We say KB is consistent iff it has an answer set Pr .We define the notions of consequence and tight consequence as follows.Given a probabilistic query ∃(q (x ))[r,s ],the probability of q (x )in a probabilistic interpretation Pr under a variable assignment σ,denoted Pr σ(q (x ))is defined as the sum of all Pr (I )such that I ⊆HB Φand I |=σq (x ).We say (q (x ))[l,u ](where l,u ∈[0,1])is a9。
