[英语作文]关于南京大屠杀的英文演讲稿关于南京大屠杀的英文演讲稿The 20th century was marked with the first two world wars in human history.They both broke out in the first half of the century.On September 18,1931,Japan created the so-called"September 18 Incident" as a pretext to occupy three provinces in Northeast China,thus igniting the fire of a world war.On July 7,1937,the Japanese Army concocted the "Lugouqiao(Macro Polo Bridge)Incident" on the outskirts of Beijing,signaling the beginning of an all-out invasion of China.From Auguest 13 to November 12 of that year,the Japanese troops attacked and took over Shanghai.Soon after,the Japanese troops marched to Nanjing from three directions and besieged the city.At that time Nanjing was the captial of China.On December 13,1937,Nanjing was under the occupation of the Japanese Army.With the approach of the Japanese troops,the captial Nanjing was threatened with a catastrophe.Citizens of Nanjing as well as foreign residents were leaving in a hurry.However,more than 20 Westerners decided to stay behind regardless of their embassies' advice to evacuate.Based on the experience of establishing a Refugee Zone by a French Catholic Father Rao after the fall of Shanghai,they decided to set up an international rescue organization called "The International Committee for Nanjing Safety Zone" in the hope that there would be a sheltering place for the people who did not manage to evacuate when the war broke out.The Zone was located in the northwest part ofNanjing,covering an area of 3.86 square kilometers.It had highways on four sides.Inside the zone were the embassies of the United States,Italy,Japan and the Netherlands as well as some Western church agencies.During that particular period,25 refugee camps were set up in that zone.At the maximum,they accommodated as many as 250,000 refugeeOn December 13, 1937,Nanjing was sacked.In the following six weeks,the Japanese Army committed extremely horrible crimes,murdering innocent people.In Nanjing more than 300,000 innocent citizens and unarmed soldiers were slaughtered.The ancient capital Nanjing suffered an unprecedented catastrophe and was turned into a living hell. At the time,westerners who stayed behind in Nanjing were all men and women of experience and learning from Britain,USA,Germany and other countries in Europe.They were in China as professors,pastors,medicaldoctors,journalists,diplomats and businessmen.Although of differentnationalities and occupations,they shared the same ideals - to upholdjustice,humanity and righteousness.They cherished peace and life.However,after the hall of Nanjing,they witenessed a hell on earth.Nanjing Massacre was first publicized by western journalists.Reports on the Massacre printed in the major newspapers and magazines in the western countries shocked the world.After World War 2,those westerners staying in Nanjing during that period were also present at the Far East International Military Tribunal as the eyewitenesses of the Massacre. Historical lessons can never be forgotten.Nanjing Massacre is not only the misfortune of the Chinese people but also of the world.It was an unscrupulous trampling of human civilization.On August 12, 1985, the People's Government of Nanjing Municipality had the Memorial to the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre erected on the site of the Jiangdongmen,one of the places where the Japanese troops slaughtered the Chinese civilians in mass.Since then,numerous people from China as well as a great number of overseas friends have come to visit and express their grievances as well as teir wishes of opposing aggressive wars and safeguarding world peace.Peace and development is the common theme of the human beings.People in Nanjing,having had much sufferings from wars,cherish even more peace andlife,and they are dedicating themselves to the construction of a New Nanjing.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

"南京大屠杀"的英语演讲稿the20thcenturywasmarkedwiththefirsttwoworldwarsinhu manhistory.theybothbrokeoutinthefirsthalfofthecentury.onseptember18,1931,japancreatedtheso-called”septem ber18incident”asapretexttooccupythreeprovincesinnorthe astchina,thusignitingthefireofaworldwar.onjuly7,1937,th ejapanesearmyconcoctedthe“lugouqiao(macropolobridge)in cident”ontheoutskirtsofbeijing,signalingthebeginningof anall-outinvasionofchina.fromauguest13tonovember12oftha tyear,thejapanesetroopsattackedandtookovershanghai.soon after,thejapanesetroopsmarchedtonanjingfromthreedirecti onsandbesiegedthecity.atthattimenanjingwasthecaptialofc hina.ondecember13,1937,nanjingwasundertheoccupationofthe japanesearmy.withtheapproachofthejapanesetroops,thecapt ialnanjingwasthreatenedwithacatastrophe.citizensofnanji ngaswellasforeignresidentswereleavinginahurry.however,m orethan20westernersdecidedtostaybehindregardlessoftheir embassies’advicetoevacuate.basedontheexperienceofestab lishingarefugeezonebyafrenchcatholicfatherraoafterthefallofshanghai,theydecidedtosetupaninternationalrescueorg anizationcalled“theinternationalcommitteefornanjingsaf etyzone”inthehopethattherewouldbeashelteringplaceforth epeoplewhodidnotmanagetoevacuatewhenthewarbrokeout.thez onewaslocatedinthenorthwestpartofnanjing,coveringanarea of3.86squarekilometers.ithadhighwaysonfoursides.insidet hezoneweretheembassiesoftheunitedstates,italy,japanandt henetherlandsaswellassomewesternchurchagencies.duringth atparticularperiod,25refugeecampsweresetupinthatzone.at themaximum,theyaccommodatedasmanyas250,000refugeeondece mber13,1937,nanjingwassacked.inthefollowingsixweeks,the japanesearmycommittedextremelyhorriblecrimes,murderingi nnocentpeople.innanjingmorethan300,000innocentcitizensa ndunarmedsoldierswereslaughtered.theancientcapitalnanji ngsufferedanunprecedentedcatastropheandwasturnedintoali vinghell.atthetime,westernerswhostayedbehindinnanjingwe reallmenandwomenofexperienceandlearningfrombritain,usa, germanyandothercountriesineurope.theywereinchinaasprofe ssors,pastors,medicaldoctors,journalists,diplomatsandbu sinessmen.althoughofdifferentnationalitiesandoccupations,theysharedthesameideals-toupholdjustice,humanityandri ghteousness.theycherishedpeaceandlife.however,aftertheh allofnanjing,theywitenessedahellonearth.nanjingmassacrewasfirstpublicizedbywesternjournalis ts.reportsonthemassacreprintedinthemajornewspapersandma gazinesinthewesterncountriesshockedtheworld.afterworldw ar2,thosewesternersstayinginnanjingduringthatperiodwere alsopresentatthefareastinternationalmilitarytribunalast heeyewitenessesofthemassacre.historicallessonscanneverb eforgotten.nanjingmassacreisnotonlythemisfortuneofthech inesepeoplebutalsooftheworld.itwasanunscrupuloustrampli ngofhumancivilization.onaugust12,1985,thepeople’sgover nmentofnanjingmunicipalityhadthememorialtothevictimsoft henanjingmassacreerectedonthesiteofthejiangdongmen,oneo ftheplaceswherethejapanesetroopsslaughteredthechineseci viliansinmass.sincethen,numerouspeoplefromchinaaswellas agreatnumberofoverseasfriendshavecometovisitandexpresst heirgrievancesaswellasteirwishesofopposingaggressivewar sandsafeguardingworldpeace.peaceanddevelopmentisthecommonthemeofthehumanbeings.peopleinnanjing,havinghadmuchsufferingsfromwars,cheris hevenmorepeaceandlife,andtheyarededicatingthemselvestot heconstructionofanewnanjing.相关内容南京大屠杀纪念日演讲稿20XX有关南京大屠杀的演讲稿南京大屠杀演讲稿资料南京大屠杀演讲稿南京大屠杀纪念日演讲稿纪念南京大屠杀的演讲稿:铭记历史,珍爱和平南京大屠杀77周年纪念日演讲稿20XX年南京大屠杀纪念日讲话稿最新南京大屠杀爱国演讲稿南京大屠杀爱国演讲稿-勿忘国耻,振兴中华。
【优质】精编纪念南京大屠杀的英语作文-实用word文档 (2页)

【优质】精编纪念南京大屠杀的英语作文-实用word文档本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==精编纪念南京大屠杀的英语作文导语:六朝古都曾经血流成河,歌舞升平难掩屈辱岁月。
希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!南京大屠杀的英语作文:Today, December 13, one day people will never forget. Because today is the nanjing massacre victims memorial day. This day is the nanjing people heart forever of pain, and pain in the hearts and minds of Chinese people.On this day in 1937, the Japanese occupation of nanjing. In central China sent to Japan matsui and sixth division division head hisao tani, under the command of the Japanese use collective shot dead, buried alive, knife cut, ghastly means such as fire, after six weeks of bloody massacre, the killing of Chinese civilians and to be in nanjing lu military personnel more than 30, ten thousand. The nanjing massacre is the second world war extremely tyrannical fascist brutality.The classmates, everybody is not by the Japanese brutality shocked? Whether very hate Japanese? I heard, everyone was hate the Japanese. What's the use but rather hate them? Make the compatriots back from the dead? Make people realize the mistakes? They has denied the nanjing massacre is they do!We are now the only can do is to work hard, study hard! After such as, we invented all kinds of weapons, so, the foreigners also dare not to bully us again. I think that science and technology developed, the beasts still use to be afraid of them?Here, I also heavy mourning victims compatriots! You, rest in peace!。
铭记历史勿忘国耻 南京大屠杀中英文演讲稿

铭记历史勿忘国耻南京大屠杀中英文演讲稿Today the English motto is:Remember history and don'tforget national humiliation.(今天为大家带来的英语格言是铭记历史,勿忘国耻。
)1. The Nanjing Massacre can't kill the patriotic will of the Chinese people, as well ascan't kill the patriotic enthusiasm of the Chinese people. History does not regress, tragedy does not reappear. Look at China“Flying” dreams and“Jiaolong”in the sea, for the soaring of China, for remembering the sadness of history, and strive for every patriotic citizen.南京大屠杀,斩不断中华儿女的爱国意志,杀不完炎黄子孙的爱国热情。
2. I have a patriotic heart in my chest. I am willing to give my life for my country. I have a patriotic national condition in my mind. I am willing to fight for my country. On the anniversary of Nanjing Massacre, I will not forget my national humiliation, clench my fist and swear to my motherland. It is our duty to defend our territory and our motherland.胸中装有一颗爱国心,我愿为国奉献生命,脑里存有一份爱国情,我愿为国浴血奋战,南京大屠杀纪念日,不忘国耻,攥紧拳头向祖国宣誓:保卫领土,捍卫祖国,我们责无旁贷!3. The ancient capitals of the Six Dynasties are full of broken limbs, the rolling Yangtze River is full of scarlet blood, and only blood shed floats between heaven and earth. December 13th, 1937, which we can never forget. Work hard to make the tragedy not repeat itself; Pray for peace and keep the war away from us. Nanjing Massacre Memorial Day, love my China and work hard.六朝古都内都是断肢残骸,滚滚长江里尽是猩红的血水,天地间只剩下血雨腥风飘荡。


南京大屠杀博物馆旅游英语作文The Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall: A Solemn Journey through HistoryIn the heart of Nanjing, a city steeped in rich cultural heritage, stands a monument to one of the darkest chapters in human history – the Nanjing Massacre. The Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall serves as a poignant reminder of the atrocities that occurred during this tragic event, and it stands as a beacon of remembrance and a call to action to ensure that such horrors never repeat themselves.As I stepped through the grand entrance of the memorial hall, I was immediately struck by the somber atmosphere that pervaded the air. The architecture, with its stark and austere lines, seemed to reflect the gravity of the events that transpired within these walls. The exhibition halls were designed with a meticulous attention to detail, guiding visitors through a meticulously curated collection of artifacts, documents, and multimedia displays that collectively told the story of the Nanjing Massacre.The first exhibit I encountered was a series of harrowing photographs that depicted the scale and brutality of the atrocities.The images were raw and uncompromising, capturing the anguish and terror etched on the faces of the victims. I found myself unable to avert my gaze, compelled to bear witness to the horrific events that unfolded before me. The captions accompanying the photographs provided a stark historical context, serving as a sobering reminder of the depth and magnitude of the tragedy.As I progressed through the exhibition, the narrative unfolded in a chronological fashion, taking me on a journey through the events that led up to the massacre, the unfolding of the tragedy itself, and the aftermath that followed. The displays included first-hand accounts from survivors, military documents, and personal effects of the victims, all of which contributed to a powerful and emotionally-charged experience.One of the most impactful exhibits was a collection of audio recordings, in which survivors shared their harrowing stories of survival and loss. Their voices, filled with a mix of anguish and resilience, resonated within the confines of the hall, creating a visceral connection between the visitor and the historical events. I found myself pausing to listen intently, my heart heavy with the weight of the stories being recounted.As I navigated through the different sections of the memorial hall, I was struck by the meticulous attention to detail and the carefulcuration of the exhibits. The curators had clearly put in a tremendous amount of effort to ensure that the visitor experience was both informative and emotionally impactful. The layout of the hall, with its winding pathways and dimly lit corridors, added to the sense of solemnity and reverence that permeated the space.One of the most poignant moments of my visit came when I reached the final exhibit – a large, open-air courtyard that served as a memorial to the victims of the Nanjing Massacre. The names of the victims were etched into the walls, a solemn testament to the lives that were lost. The sound of the wind rustling through the trees and the peaceful stillness of the space created a profound sense of contemplation and reflection.As I stood in the courtyard, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness and outrage at the sheer scale of the atrocities that had occurred in this very city. Yet, amidst the overwhelming grief, I also felt a glimmer of hope – a hope that by remembering and bearing witness to these events, we could work towards a future where such horrors would never be repeated.The Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall is not just a museum; it is a sacred space that serves as a reminder of the fragility of human life and the importance of upholding the values of human dignity, compassion, and justice. As I left the memorial hall, I knew that theexperience would stay with me for a long time, and that I would carry the lessons learned within these walls as a guiding light in my own life and in my efforts to contribute to a more just and peaceful world.。
【最新文档】"南京大屠杀"的英语演讲稿-推荐word版 (2页)

【最新文档】"南京大屠杀"的英语演讲稿-推荐word版本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! =="南京大屠杀"的英语演讲稿The 20th century was marked with the first two world wars in human history.They both broke out in the first half of the century.On September 18,1931,Japan created the so-called"September 18 Incident" as a pretext to occupy three provinces in NortheastChina,thus igniting the fire of a world war.On July 7,1937,the Japanese Army concocted the "Lugouqiao(Macro Polo Bridge)Incident" on the outskirts of Beijing,signaling the beginning of an all-out invasion of China.From Auguest 13 to November 12 of that year,the Japanese troops attacked and took over Shanghai.Soon after,the Japanese troops marched to Nanjing from three directions and besieged the city.At that time Nanjing was the captial of China.On December 13,1937,Nanjing was under the occupation of the Japanese Army.With the approach of the Japanese troops,the captial Nanjing was threatened with a catastrophe.Citizens of Nanjing as well as foreign residents were leaving in a hurry.However,more than 20 Westerners decided to stay behind regardless of their embassies' advice to evacuate.Based on the experience of establishing a Refugee Zone by a French Catholic Father Rao after the fall of Shanghai,they decided to set up an international rescue organization called "The International Committee for Nanjing Safety Zone" in the hope that there would be a sheltering place for the people who did not manage to evacuate when the war broke out.The Zone was located in the northwest part of Nanjing,covering an area of 3.86 square kilometers.It had highways on four sides.Inside the zone were the embassies of the United States,Italy,Japan and the Netherlands as well as some Western church agencies.During that particular period,25 refugee camps were set up in that zone.At the maximum,they accommodated as many as 250,000 refugeeOn December 13, 1937,Nanjing was sacked.In the following six weeks,the Japanese Army committed extremely horrible crimes,murdering innocent people.In Nanjing more than 300,000 innocent citizens and unarmed soldiers were slaughtered.The ancient capital Nanjing suffered an unprecedented catastrophe and was turned into a living hell. At the time,westerners。

文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!The Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall is a place of great historical significance. It is a sobering reminder of the atrocities committed during the Nanjing Massacre in 1937. The museum is a solemn and respectful place, dedicated to honoring the memory of the victims and educating visitors about the horrors of war.Visitors to the museum will be confronted with graphic images and personal stories of the victims. It is a powerful and emotional experience that leaves a lasting impact on anyone who walks through its halls. The museum serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable suffering.The exhibits in the museum are carefully curated to provide a comprehensive understanding of the events that took place during the Nanjing Massacre. From historical documents to personal belongings, each item on displaytells a story of loss and survival. It is a stark reminderof the consequences of war and the importance of striving for peace.One cannot help but feel a sense of sadness and outrage when walking through the museum. The sheer scale of the atrocities committed is overwhelming, and it serves as a stark reminder of the dark side of human nature. However, amidst the despair, there is also a message of hope and resilience that shines through in the stories of survival and courage.The Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall is a place that everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime. It is a powerful reminder of the horrors of war and the importance of never forgetting the past. The museum stands as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring hope for a better future.。

南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆英语作文Nestled within the bustling cityscape of Nanjing, stands a place that is both serene and sobering – the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall. This memorial Hall, dedicated to the victims of the Nanjing Massacre during the Second Sino-Japanese War, is a stark reminder of the atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army in 1937. The Nanjing Massacre, also known as the Nanking Massacre, was a campaign of rape, murder, arson, and robbery carried out by the Japanese army against thecivilian population of Nanjing. Estimates of the death toll range from 200,000 to over 300,000 people, with many more injured and traumatized. This brutal act marked one of the most heinous chapters in modern history, and the Memorial Hall stands as a testament to the inhumanity and cruelty that can ensue when war and hatred consume a nation.Upon entering the Memorial Hall, the visitor is immediately confronted with a large sculpture depicting a mother cradling her dead child. This sculpture, titled "The Motherland Calls," is a powerful symbol of the loss and devastation wrought by the massacre. It also serves as areminder of the innocence and helplessness of the victims, many of whom were women, children, and the elderly.Inside the hall, exhibits detail the horrors of the massacre through photographs, artifacts, and personal testimonies. One exhibit features a wall covered with the names of the victims, each name a stark reminder of a life lost. Another exhibit showcases the personal items of the victims – clothes, jewelry, and belongings – a poignant reminder of their humanity and the brutality of their deaths.The Memorial Hall also features a serene garden where visitors can reflect and pay their respects. This garden, with its lush greenery and peaceful atmosphere, offers a stark contrast to the grisly exhibits inside. It serves as a space for healing and remembrance, allowing visitors to pay tribute to the victims and honor their suffering.The Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall is not just a place of mourning and remembrance; it is also a place of education and reflection. It serves as a constant reminder of the consequences of war and the importance of peace. By visiting this Memorial Hall, we are reminded of ourresponsibility to uphold human dignity and respect life in all its forms.The Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit. In the face of such horrific atrocities, the people of Nanjing showed incredible courage and resilience. They refused to be bowed by the brutality of their oppressors and instead chose to rebuild their city and their lives. This spirit of resilience and hope is a powerful reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a light that can shine through.In conclusion, the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall is a place that should be visited by everyone. It is a sobering reminder of the atrocities of the past and a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Byvisiting this place, we are reminded of our shared history and the importance of learning from it. We are also reminded of our responsibility to uphold human dignity and strive for peace in our world.**南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆:历史黑暗篇章的沉痛提醒**在南京繁华的城市景观中,坐落着一个既宁静又令人沉痛的地方——南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆。

"南京大屠杀"的英语演讲稿er in the home. and we will be able to overcome all the evil that is in the world.我想,我们算不上真正的社会工作者。
and with this prize that i have received as a prize of peace, i am going to try to make the home for many people who have no home. because i believe that love begins at home, and if we can create a home for the poor i think that more and more love will spread. and we will be able through this understanding love to bring peace be the good news to the poor. the poor in our own family first, in our country and in the world. to be able to do this, our sisters, our lives have to be wove with prayer. they have to be woven with christ to be able to understand, to be able to share. because to be woven with christ is to be able to understand, to be 1————来源网络整理,仅供供参考able to share. because today there is so much suffering…when i pick up a person from the street, hungry, i give him a plate of rice, a piece of bread, i have satisfied. i have removed that hunger. but a person who is shut out, who feels unwanted, unloved, terrified, the person who has been thrown out from society-that poverty is so full of hurt and so unbearable…and so let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love, and once we begin to love each other naturally we want to do something.我准备以我所获得的诺贝尔和平奖奖金为那些无家可归的人们建立自己的家园。

Early in the morning, when I searched the Internet, I found there were many news about the Nanking Massacre, our country’s flag had low down half, for the purpose of commemorating the people who were killed during that hard time. The massacre is such brutal, about 300 thousand people died, it is shame for our country, the Japanese who did the massacre deny their brutal act all the time. As the time went by, Some Japanese want to clear his criminal with denying it, but we can’t forget the pain, we must remember it all the time, so that we learn the lesson and be strong. For those 300 thousand people, it will unrespect to them if they are forgotten, we must respect history, now we are still fight against the Japanese government.
[英语作文]2021精选纪念南京大屠杀的英语作文范文2021精选纪念南京大屠杀的英语作文范文南京大屠杀的英语作文:On December 13, 1937, ambitious, sinister Japanese central commandermatsui and 5 divisions division head hisao tani command the tiger of the Japanese offensive spirit, adopt the star chi of nanjing, the capital of China, their combative, majestic, although the Chinese army fought bravely,solidarity, death, fought, eventually failed because of weapons, the Japanese army occupied nanjing. Everywhere, they looted and burned, nanjing is presented. Punching the japs opponents no rain iron Chinese residents implemented for 6 weeks, terrible holocaust, at least 300000 people werekilled, only sandals gorge a kill 5 at a time. 70000 people. Nanjing corpses, mountains and rivers of blood,. Heinous Japan people killed, and don't evenlet the elderly, children, pregnant women, pregnant women were killed after open abdomen, pull out the fetus, fortress grenades child was killed. Theyalso started killing people game, some people in a very short time will kill 106 people, committed a heinous crime.See the film for the nanjing massacre, I ZhuangHuai fierce and provocation, tears, tears, tears fly for torrential rain. Time flies like an arrow, the sun is like a boat, idle away one's past 70. Nanjing massacre is over 70 years, shame, not snow, students hate, when to destroy? Forgetting the past means betrayal, delays are dangerous, without a strong defense of the country is the lamb to the slaughter. Science and technology and people's unity is the first, I will good good study, day day up, grow up to create advanced weapons and equipment for the motherland, strengthen our comprehensive national strength.参考翻译:1937年12月13日,野心勃勃、阴险狡诈的日本华中司令官松井石根和第5师团师团长谷寿夫指挥虎狼之师的日军进攻人杰地灵、俊采星驰的中国首都南京,他们杀气腾腾,浩浩荡荡,中国军队虽然英勇作战,精诚团结,视死如归,浴血奋战,终因武器落后而失败,日军占领了南京城。
[英语作文]2021精选纪念南京大屠杀的英语作文范文2021精选纪念南京大屠杀的英语作文范文南京大屠杀的英语作文:On December 13, 1937, ambitious, sinister Japanese central commandermatsui and 5 divisions division head hisao tani command the tiger of the Japanese offensive spirit, adopt the star chi of nanjing, the capital of China, their combative, majestic, although the Chinese army fought bravely,solidarity, death, fought, eventually failed because of weapons, the Japanese army occupied nanjing. Everywhere, they looted and burned, nanjing is presented. Punching the japs opponents no rain iron Chinese residents implemented for 6 weeks, terrible holocaust, at least 300000 people werekilled, only sandals gorge a kill 5 at a time. 70000 people. Nanjing corpses, mountains and rivers of blood,. Heinous Japan people killed, and don't evenlet the elderly, children, pregnant women, pregnant women were killed after open abdomen, pull out the fetus, fortress grenades child was killed. Theyalso started killing people game, some people in a very short time will kill 106 people, committed a heinous crime.See the film for the nanjing massacre, I ZhuangHuai fierce and provocation, tears, tears, tears fly for torrential rain. Time flies like an arrow, the sun is like a boat, idle away one's past 70. Nanjing massacre is over 70 years, shame, not snow, students hate, when to destroy? Forgetting the past means betrayal, delays are dangerous, without a strong defense of the country is the lamb to the slaughter. Science and technology and people's unity is the first, I will good good study, day day up, grow up to create advanced weapons and equipment for the motherland, strengthen our comprehensive national strength.参考翻译:1937年12月13日,野心勃勃、阴险狡诈的日本华中司令官松井石根和第5师团师团长谷寿夫指挥虎狼之师的日军进攻人杰地灵、俊采星驰的中国首都南京,他们杀气腾腾,浩浩荡荡,中国军队虽然英勇作战,精诚团结,视死如归,浴血奋战,终因武器落后而失败,日军占领了南京城。

南京大屠杀纪念博物馆游记英语作文600字左右全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Solemn Visit to the Nanjing Massacre Memorial HallAs part of our history class last semester, we took a school trip to the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall. I had learned about the Nanjing Massacre in textbooks, but visiting the memorial site was a profoundly different experience that left me with a deep sense of sorrow and reflection.The memorial grounds are vast, solemn, and beautifully maintained. As we entered through the gates, we were struck by the thousands of survivor names engraved on the walls. Each name represented a life forever altered by the atrocities that occurred in Nanjing in 1937-38.Our guide led us through various exhibitions chronicling the invasion of Nanjing by Japanese imperial forces. Haunting photographs and artifacts displayed the brutal violence inflicted upon soldiers and civilians alike. A particularly chilling exhibit showcased piles of human skulls and bones excavated frommassacre sites around the city. Seeing the physical remains drove home the sheer scale of the slaughter.In the memorial courtyard, we observed a moment of silence before the sculptural centerpiece depicting a mother clutching her dead baby. Her anguished form conveyed the incomprehensible suffering and loss experienced by the people of Nanjing. The symbolism of innocence destroyed brought many of my classmates to tears.Perhaps the most impactful part of our visit was listening to survivor testimonies in the museum theater. Elderly men and women, orphaned as children, recounted first-hand accounts of the crimes they witnessed and endured. Their voices shook with emotion as they described family members murdered before their eyes and the struggle to survive in the burnt ruins of the city. Hearing these stories from those who lived through the nightmare made the Nanjing Massacre feel not just like a historical fact, but a profound human tragedy.I left the memorial profoundly shaken, yet grateful for the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of this dark chapter of history. The courage and resilience of the Nanjing survivors serves as a powerful reminder of our shared responsibility topursue peace and prevent such atrocities from ever happening again.Though decades have passed, the scars inflicted upon Nanjing remain visible, preserved as a testament to the millions who suffered and perished. This solemn site stands as evidence of humanity's potential for immense cruelty, while also honoring the resiliency of the human spirit. The Nanjing Massacre Memorial is a sobering lesson about the destructive consequences of war, hatred, and oppression that no society should ever forget.篇2A Haunting Visit to the Nanjing Massacre Memorial HallAs our school bus approached the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, an eerie silence fell over our class. We had learned about the brutal atrocities committed by the Japanese military in our history lessons, but nothing could have prepared us for the sobering experience of visiting this hallowed ground. With a heavy heart, I stepped through the gates, bracing myself for the grim realities that awaited.The first exhibit we encountered was a harrowing display of skeletal remains and personal belongings recovered from themass graves scattered throughout Nanjing. Tattered shoes, rusted buttons, and shattered porcelain – each item a poignant reminder of the innocent lives lost. I felt a lump forming in my throat as I read the stories behind these artifacts, tales of unimaginable suffering etched into the walls.As we moved deeper into the museum, the weight of the past seemed to press down upon us. Graphic photographs and disturbing eyewitness accounts chronicled the brutal killings, rapes, and torture inflicted upon the civilian population. I found myself averting my eyes, unable to fully comprehend the depths of human cruelty depicted in those images.One particularly haunting exhibit featured a life-sized diorama of the infamous "Massacre Canyon," where countless bodies were unceremoniously discarded like refuse. The attention to detail was both chilling and commendable, conveying the sheer magnitude of the tragedy in a way that words alone could not. I couldn't help but wonder about the individual stories behind each lifeless figure, the dreams and aspirations that were so violently extinguished.Throughout our tour, our guide shared personal anecdotes and historical insights, reminding us of the importance of remembrance and reconciliation. Despite the heaviness of thesubject matter, there was a glimmer of hope in their words – a belief that by confronting the darkest chapters of our past, we can forge a brighter future built upon mutual understanding and respect.As we exited the museum, the weight of what we had witnessed settled upon us like a thick fog. The once lively chatter of our classmates had been replaced by a somber silence, each of us grappling with the gravity of the Nanjing Massacre in our own way.For me, this visit was a powerful reminder of the fragility of human life and the importance of standing firm against hatred and violence in all its forms. Though the scars of history can never be fully erased, we must endeavor to learn from the mistakes of the past, lest we repeat them in the future.As I boarded the bus for our return journey, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of gratitude for the freedoms and privileges we enjoy today – privileges that were so cruelly denied to the victims of Nanjing. Their stories, etched into the walls of that solemn museum, will forever serve as a poignant reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of hope in the face of unimaginable darkness.篇3A Solemn Visit to the Memorial Hall of the Nanjing MassacreOver winter break, my family and I had the solemn experience of visiting the Memorial Hall of the Nanjing Massacre in Nanjing, China. The memorial commemorates one of the worst atrocities committed during World War II - the massacre of over 300,000 Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers by the invading Japanese army in late 1937 and early 1938. Walking through the exhibits was profoundly disturbing yet critically important in understanding this dark chapter of history.The first thing that struck me was the sheer scale of the memorial complex. Covering over 80 acres, the grounds include numerous exhibits, sculptures, and buildings documenting different aspects of the massacre. The main exhibition hall contains over 1,000 artifacts and photographs along with survivors' testimonies recounting the horrors they witnessed. Other buildings recreate horrific scenes like the Pit of Ten Thousand Corpses and a former prisoner-of-war camp for captured Chinese soldiers.Perhaps the most impactful part was walking through the Massacre Ruins Exhibition Hall. Here, the remains of burned-outbuildings and personal belongings left by victims have been preserved just as they were found after the killings. Seeing the rows of skulls, carbonized corpses, and shattered personal effects like shoes and toys is overwhelmingly haunting. It was difficult to fathom the cruelty and inhumanity that created such a gruesome scene.Throughout the exhibits, I was struck by the incredible courage of the survivors in sharing their traumatic stories for the sake of remembrance and education. The level of detail and research that went into compiling evidence and documentation of the atrocities is staggering. Film archives, diaries, records of military tribunals, and even the preserved remains of victims all come together to ensure this event is never forgotten or denied.While the content is undeniably heavy and somber, I'm grateful to have experienced this memorial. It provided a visceral, first-hand look at one of the worst instances of human cruelty and the catastrophic toll of unchecked militarism and nationalism. Just as the Holocaust and other World War II atrocities must be commemorated, the Nanjing Massacre stands as a stark reminder of the capacity for evil when ideologies of racial superiority and dehumanization take hold.As difficult as it was, this visit strengthened my convictions about promoting peace, human rights, and the shared dignity of all people regardless of race or nationality. We must study these tragedies not to dwell on the past, but to ensure they never happen again by vigilantly upholding our values of equality, compassion, and respect for all human life. Only through such diligence can we create a world where incomprehensible events like the Nanjing Massacre are permanently confined to the history books.。
2019-201X精选纪念南京大屠杀的英语作文范文-范文word版 (2页)

2019-201X精选纪念南京大屠杀的英语作文范文-范文word版本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==201X精选纪念南京大屠杀的英语作文范文导语:浴火重生,才是骄傲的凤凰;卧薪尝胆,成就一代的霸主;经历坎坷,塑造伟大的民族;历史屈辱,警醒世代的华人;不忘国耻,捍卫祖国的强大。
希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!南京大屠杀的英语作文:On December 13, 1937, ambitious, sinister Japanese central commander matsui and 5 divisions division head hisao tani command the tiger of the Japanese offensive spirit, adopt the star chi of nanjing, the capital of China, their combative, majestic, although the Chinese army fought bravely, solidarity, death, fought, eventually failed because of weapons, the Japanese army occupied nanjing. Everywhere, they looted and burned, nanjing is presented. Punching the japs opponents no rain iron Chinese residents implemented for 6 weeks, terrible holocaust, at least 300000 people were killed, only sandals gorge a kill 5 at a time. 70000 people. Nanjing corpses, mountainsand rivers of blood,. Heinous Japan people killed, and don't even let the elderly, children, pregnant women, pregnant women were killedafter open abdomen, pull out the fetus, fortress grenades child was killed. They also started killing people game, some people in a very short time will kill 106 people, committed a heinous crime.See the film for the nanjing massacre, I ZhuangHuai fierce and provocation, tears, tears, tears fly for torrential rain. Time flies like an arrow, the sun is like a boat, idle away one's past 70. Nanjing massacre is over 70 years, shame, not snow, students hate, when to destroy? Forgetting the past means betrayal, delays are dangerous, without a strong defense of the country is the lamb to the slaughter. Science and technology and people's unity is the first, I will good good study, day day up, grow up to create advanced weapons and equipment for the motherland, strengthen our comprehensivenational strength.。

Don’t rob the painful memories---reproduction of Nanjing Massacre After the July 7 Incident of 1937,Japan launched a large scale war to invade china roundly. In July 17th, the national government military committee chairman Jiang Jieshi in Mount Lu said in a statement: " If war breaks out, it is not the years, young and old, no matter who, all fulfill war responsibility. " All the people across the country set off a wave of anti-Japanese.In the same year on August 13,to November 12, in Shanghai and the surrounding areas spread the battles of Shanghai. Early in the battle, the Japanese can not tap Shanghai , but they adjust the battle , on Nov. 5, they landed between Hangzhou bay and Jinshanwei , Chinese armies were attacked front and rear, the war has plunged, On November 8th Jiang zhongzheng ordered all fronts retreat; On November 12, Shanghai fell into enemy's hands, the battles of Shanghai was over.During the battle of Shanghai for three months engaged in fierce battle, the Japanese also loss greatly. On December 1,the Japanese staff headquarters released occupied Nanjing command. Since command issued, guilt disappeared, the soldiers became gangsters, they made sneak attacks to rob grain and livestock to food everywhere. The “in situ collection” command, make the junior officers mad, not only plundered food, but also violent the Chinese women... They use force to solve thefight.On December 4,the Japanese approximated Nanjing peripheral areas.On December 13, 1937, the Japanese army moved in Nanjing, in the central front army commander Iwane Matsui and 6th division division head GuShouFu under the command of the fascists, they made the mass of extremely cruel killing to the unarmed Nanjing people for six weeks .During the Japanese army entered Nanjing for a month, 20000 cases of rape, gang rape events happened in the city , whatever girl or woman, can escape by luck. Many women were raped and then were gunned down again, destroyed resin and ruin. Meanwhile, they burned the house they met, from ZhongHuaMen to within bridge, from taiping road to new street and Confucius temple area in prosperous areas, the fire heaven, a few days of life. There were about a third of the building and property in the whole city . Countless residential, shops, organs, warehouses were looted. "Cast of Nanjing,desolation everywhere". International Military Tribunal of the Far EastAfter the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the executioner of the command of Nanjing massacre Iwane Matsui was hanged by the international military tribunal for the far east , GuShouFu was extradite to the Chinese government to put to death.During Nanjing massacre ,about 50000 troops into the city, perform military discipline to maintain the gendarme only 17 of the Japanese in addition to individually or in a small way to Nanjing residents arbitrary slaughter anytime and anywhere, but also for the Chinese, especially lifted the armed police or military personnel several large-scale "mass murder". Mass murder killing method included gun shooting, collective buried alive, extremely cruel means.During the Chinese nation experienced the blood of tragedy,at the same time, China's cultural treasures have also been big plunder. According to the check, after the Japanese invaders occupied Nanjing , sent agents 330 , 367 troops, 830hard labor, from March 1938 , spent a month of time, to move away books literature more than ten trucks a day, a total of 880000 copies of books to the literature were robbed, more than Japan's largest library Tokyo's ueno empire library which collected of 850000 books. The Nanjing massacre miserably away through the ages the world!According to the buried resin record: charity buried resin 185000, Japanese troops buried resin, destroyed resin 150000, puppet government and individual buried resin 40000. Will the three aspects of digital additive, the Japanese aggression against China Nanjing massacre killednumber of more than 370000.The Japan's performance can be seen, the Japanese in no corresponding strength when they are taken a deceptive means to study and improve myself, once feel that their own strength enough to challenge any one of their ambitions object will throw down their camouflage, exposing the true bestiality, so for us, maintain the vigilance to Japan and combat readiness, keep in mind set them to our imaginary enemy. Keep in mind they are our enemies, and keep in mind these people deliberately plan to overthrow the history of bestiality.In order to commemorate the shocked the world massacre, 1985, Nanjing people in the Japanese mass murder Chinese site one of the site of jiangdong door set up a Japanese invaders killed the Nanjing massacre memorial hall, and in the exhibition hall displayed a lot of material, literature, diagrams, pictures and object, this paper reveals the atrocities after the Japanese invading army occupied Nanjing they killed, and burned, and obscene and plunder . In addition, still in other killing field such as the swallow rocky, straw sandals gorge, zhongshan wharf, such as HanZhongMen sites and victims compatriots and the large grave of number corpses bones of the place such as the door, Set up 15 monument.Recently Japan want to rob Diaoyu islands which belongs to China , Ibelieve that history can prove everything, their comments only deceive themselves, the world people's eyes are discerning, this is not about the facts, Diaoyu islands belongs to China, it is not changed. They just have a dream.。

China is a beautiful and magical place. Has the fertile land, roaring Yellow River, Yangtze river pentium. And the industrious and brave people, good at creating, brave in exploitation. I feel proud for I am a Chinese, I deeply love my motherland.But, you know? This beautiful countries once experienced how many former atrocious events, from 1937 to 1945, the Chinese Anti-Japanese War, the defeat in the battle in nanjing, the capital of the republic of China of the fall of Nanking on December 13, 1937, Japanese troops in nanjing and the region near the months of mass murder. The Japanese war crimes including robbery, rape, to a large number of civilians and prisoners of war to slaughter, etc. As the number of the scale of the slaughter, and not the world common recognition of Numbers, but it is generally believed the death toll at more than 300000. This is the famous nanjing massacre in history. More than 30 people it is such a huge astronomical figures? , a small Japanese population are less than 100 million dare to invade us China, to massacre of our China, it is conceivable that we Chinese was so poor, how far behind.Can be seen from the "nanjing massacre" also some Chinese situation at that time, also let us see the "delays are dangerous" cruel fact. Let us remember: do not forget national humiliation,the revitalization of the Chinese! War is cruel, ruthless, terror. So, we should cherish the happy life of today, more want to learn is our happy life today hard-won, is many generations of people with the blood.。

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营部 武玉振
”日军十六师团司令官中岛今朝 ——观影片《南京大屠杀》有感吾看到此条新闻后十分高兴地说:“很好,很好,支那人不管多少,统统都要杀掉,对妇女儿童也不能留情。
直到今天,日本军国主义毒瘤仍在作祟! 前世不忘,后誓之师。