外壳 前插入式安装 材质 Makrolon 9415 易燃等级 UL 94 VO
防护等级 符合 IEC 529 面板 IP65 外壳 IP20 端子 IP00
DIN 40 050
安全测试 符合 EN 61 010-1 VDE 0411-1 过电压等级 III 污染级别 2 工作电压范围 300VAC 保护等级 I CE 认证 符合 电磁兼容 和 低电压设备
程序器功能组态 电源故障响应
程序继续运行 切换至 w 自动搜寻 缺省设置 自动搜寻 如果搜寻不成功切换到内部 设定点 w 当电源恢复时继续运行程序 需要实时 时钟 程序结束时响应 暂停 复位 需要 开始 信号 继续下一段程序 下一段程序和复位 需要 开始 信号
2 个可调节输出用于单脉冲事件 计时 单位为分钟 小时 日 月 年
到控制器端子附加误差0.5K / 10K 端子温度变化
外部 CJ 补偿选择 0~100
Pt 100 热电阻符合 DIN IEC 751
温差输入 2 Pt 100
输入电阻 50 量程范围 -999~9999 可选小数点 4~20 mA 输入回路监控 当输入电流 触发 输出可组态 电压输入
通过 di1 或 di2 公用输入通道运行/停止 和复位 程序器可以选择通过面板按钮或通讯 端口操作 运行/停止 复位 预置 最多 2 路数字量输出被分配至 OUT4 和 OUT5 带 B 端子选项 各控制输入用于运行/停止 di4 和复 位 di5 通过光耦输出 do1~do4 或继电器输出 OUT4 OUT5 完成 4 路数字量输出
报警组态 传感器监控 传感器监控和输入信号报警 启动或改变设定点时可选报警抑制
(2) 新增加8个相关术语 删除5个GBZ/T224术语 保留5个原标准术语 更名1个术语
(3)调整8种化学物质的中文或英文名称、8种物质的CAS 号,增加2种物质的CAS号; (4)增加16种物质的致敏标识、4种物质的皮肤标识和14 种物质的致癌标识,调整7种物质的致癌标识; (5)将一氧化氮接触限值并入二氧化氮的接触限值; (6)化学有害因素限值由原来的339种调整为358种;粉 尘由原料的47种调整为49种,新增了酚醛树脂粉尘和过氯 酸铵粉尘 (7)、明确列出制定职业接触限值时依据的不良健康效应;
1 、标准背景
我国工作场所化学有害因素职业接触限值最早起步于 1950年,国家组织专家翻译了原苏联国家标准《工厂设 计卫生条例(1327-47)》,1956年原国家建委与卫生 部发布《工业企业设计暂行卫生标准(标准101-56)》, 在标准的附件中规定了85种物质(编号53个)的最高容 许浓度(MAC)。1962年,原国家卫生部、基建委及全 国总工会对标准101-56进行了修订,联合颁布《工业企 业设计卫生标准》(GBJ 1-62)。
• 1979年,卫生部等8部委共同发布《工业企业设计卫生标 准》(TJ 36-79),车间空气中有害物质最高容许浓度 达到120项。2002年,为配合《职业病防治法》的实施, 卫生部修订了工作场所有害因素职业接触限值(GBZ22002),并采纳了国际公认的时间加权容许浓度和短时 间接触浓度概念。2007年再次对其进行了修订,按照职 业性有害因素的性质分别形成化学因素(GBZ 2.1-2007 )和物理因素(GBZ 2.2-2007)职业接触限值两个部分 ,包括360余种化学和物理因素的职业接触限值。
以时间为权数规定的8 h工作日、40 h工作周的平均容许接触浓度。 短时间接触容许浓度PC-STEL
企业常用英文及缩写(七 企业常用英文及缩写 七) 83, S/W software 软件 84, H/W hardware 硬件 85, PAS Part Approval Sheet 零件承认书 86, PMP Process Management Plan 制程管制计划 87, KPI Key Performance Indicator 重点绩效指标 88, GR&R Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility 治具重复性 及重现性验证 89, Cpk 制程能力指标 90, FAI First Article Inspection 首件检查表 91, QA Quality Assurance质量保证 质量保证 92, QRA Quality & Reliability Assurance质量与可靠性保证 质量与可靠性保证 93, MQA Manufacturing Quality Assurance制造质量保证 制造质量保证 94, DQA Design Quality Assurance设计质量保证 设计质量保证 95, QC Quality Control质量控制 质量控制
企业常用英文及缩写(一 企业常用英文及缩写 一) 1, HQ Head Quarter 总公司 (如台北总公司 如台北总公司) 如台北总公司 2, Chairmen主席 如宋董 主席(如宋董 主席 如宋董) 3, President 总裁 4, Vice President 副总裁 (如吴副总称 如吴副总称:VP) 如吴副总称 5, HR Human Resource 人力资源部 6, FIN Finance 财务 7, Sales 销售 8, R&D Research & Developing 研发部 9, QA 质量保证 QA DQA CS 10,MIS Management Information Systems资迅管理系统 资迅管理系统 11, ITS information technology system 计算机部 12,QRA quality reliability assurance 13,MFG manufacturing 制造部
Tube clamp with slide half-shellsand abrasion protection sleeve带滑动瓦形件和摩擦护套的管夹Tube clamp with ball joint sleeve带球节套管的管夹products are used in conjunction with non products, all product liability claims will be所有与非责任由用户自负。
• High-grade formulated polyamide• Temperature range: – 40 °C to +105 °CBTK-R70BTK-R70 + BTR-R70G Strain Relief SH SH + FE SH + DKLKSH + DKL SH + DKLKSH + DKL SH + DKLKSH + TK SH + KE + (GN)GN FE DKL SH TK TK + TR + (GN)SH KE + (GN)PMA-K A T .2 D/E香港总公司:菱泰企业有限公司H.K.Head Office: RANGER ENTERPRISE COMP ANY LIMITED 香港新界大埔汀角路57号太平工业中心第一座8楼A 及B 室 Units A B, 8/F , Block 1, T ai Ping Industrial Center , 57 Ting K ok Road, T ai P o, N .T ., Hong K ong .电话 T el: (852)2420 8928 传真 F ax: (852)2494 9228电邮 E-mail: sales@ranger .com.hk 网址 W ebsite: www .ranger .com.hkPM A A G (Headquarters)Aathalstrasse 90·8610 Uster ·SwitzerlandT el:+41 1 905 61 11·F ax:+41 1 905 61 22·info@pma.ch ·www .pma.chCABLE PROTECTION电 缆 保 护菱大机电设备(上海)有限公司RANGER ENTERPRISE (SHANGHAI) CO ., LT D .中国上海市外高桥保税区奥纳路188号通用厂房楼第二层No.188, 2/F , Ao Na Road, W ai Gao Qiao F ree Trade Zone, P udong , Shanghai, China. 电话 T el: (021)5868 1698 传真 F ax: (021)5868 1699 邮编 P ostal code: 200131 电邮 E -mail: sales@ 网址 W ebsite: www 。
比较实用旳RAID构造是 RAID 0,1,3和5等。
• 奇偶校 验数据 分散在 数据流 中,并 分布在 多种驱 动器上。
• 最常用旳计算机内存储器。 • 随机存取存储器(random access
memory):假如懂得任何一种 存储单元相应行和列,就能直接 存取(访问)它。
• SRAM (Static random access memory,静态 随机存储器): –基本单元使用旳是多种晶体管,一般是 四个或者是六个 –应用示例:高速缓存(cache memory), 处理CPU中高速寄存器存取与存储器存 取之间旳时间差别。
• 允许对 驱动器 旳并行 操作
• 固态硬盘(Solid State Disk、IDE FLASH DISK、 Serial ATA Flash Disk),是由控制单元和存储 单元(FLASH芯片)构成,用固态电子存储芯 片阵列而制成旳硬盘。
• 目前硬盘因为内部旳机械构造,使用时震动轻 易弄坏磁盘,固态硬盘更象闪存式硬盘,体积 小,运营稳定
• 信用卡存储器(Credit card memory)
– 一种专用旳自我控制旳DRAM存储模块
• PCMCIA存储器卡
– 另一种自我控制旳DRAM模块
• VRAM (Video RAM,视频RAM )
– 也称为多口动态随机存取存储器 (MPDRAM,multiport dynamic random access memory)
PMA件的一般市场分析引言概述PMA(Parts Manufacturer Approval)是指适用于民用航空器的零部件制造商批准程序。
一、PMA件的定义和特点1.1 PMA件是指经过FAA(Federal Aviation Administration)批准的替代零部件,具有与原装备件相同或更好的性能。
1.2 PMA件通常由第三方制造商生产,可以提供更多的选择和灵活性。
1.3 PMA件的价格通常比原装备件更具竞争力,可以帮助航空公司降低维护成本。
二、PMA件市场的发展趋势2.1 PMA件市场在过去几年中呈现出快速增长的趋势,主要得益于航空公司对成本控制的需求。
2.2 随着PMA件制造技术的不断提升和认可度的提高,PMA件市场的规模和份额将继续扩大。
2.3 航空公司对PMA件的接受度逐渐提高,越来越多的航空公司开始选择PMA件来降低维护成本。
三、PMA件市场的竞争格局3.1 PMA件市场的竞争主要来自原装备件制造商和其他第三方制造商。
3.2 原装备件制造商通常通过价格战和技术创新来抵御PMA件的竞争。
3.3 第三方制造商则通过提供更具竞争力的价格和更灵活的服务来争夺市场份额。
四、PMA件市场的风险与挑战4.1 PMA件的质量和安全性是市场发展的重要挑战,需要制造商和监管机构共同努力确保产品质量。
4.2 PMA件市场的法规和政策变化可能对市场发展产生影响,制造商需要密切关注相关法规的变化。
4.3 PMA件市场的市场需求和供应链管理也是制造商需要面对的挑战,需要不断优化生产和供应链管理流程。
五、PMA件市场的未来发展趋势5.1 随着PMA件技术的不断发展和市场认可度的提高,PMA件市场的规模和份额将继续增长。
5.2 航空公司对PMA件的接受度将进一步提高,PMA件将在未来的市场竞争中扮演更为重要的角色。
化学品安全技术说明书化学品安全技术说明书第一部分第一部分 化学品及企业标识产品信息产品信息::化学品中文名化学品中文名::丙二醇甲醚醋酸酯(PMA)化学名称或通用名化学名称或通用名::PMA产品用途产品用途::产品推荐及限制用途产品推荐及限制用途::主要用作溶剂和用于合成涂料及交联剂使用。
企业信息企业信息::生产企业名称生产企业名称::江苏三木化工股份有限公司地址地址::江苏省宜兴市官林镇三木路85号 邮编邮编邮编::214258 电子邮件地址电子邮件地址::sanmujsb@电话号码电话号码::+86- 510-81735209 传真号码传真号码传真号码::+86- 510-87233005 企业企业应急电话应急电话应急电话::+86- 510-87234150第二部分第二部分 危险性概述根据中国GHS 的分类的分类危险性类别:易燃液体 类别2 特定目标器官毒性—单次接触3类根据中国GHS 的标签要素的标签要素 象形图:警示词警示词::危险危险危险性说明危险性说明::易燃液体和蒸汽可能引起昏昏欲睡或眩晕防范说明防范说明::远离热源,火星火花,火焰明火,热表面,禁止吸烟。
第三部分第三部分 成分成分//组成信息产品形式:物质 化学品或通用名:丙二醇甲醚醋酸酯 CAS 号:108-65-6 EC 号:203-603-9纯度: ≥99.5%(其余未提及的成分为杂质,且无危害分类)第四部分第四部分 急 救 措 施急救急救::皮肤接触皮肤接触::立即脱去污染的衣着,用大量流动清水冲洗至少15分钟。
Lead In中会反复记录TOC数据,保证TOC 可读得出来。
这种光盘所有机子都可以读了,因为有lead-in 和TOC了。
Care What the FDA Thinks?
Medtronic v. Lohr
What is the device? What Class is it? How was it approved? Does this mean no review at all? What are Plaintiff’s Claims?
Type of Preemption?
What are the types of preemption? Which type is at issue here? Did the court find that plaintiff’s claims
were preempted? Why?
Justice Breyer
Medical Device Law
FDA Regulated Devices From the Beginning
Hubbard Electrometer Cases Magnetic Healing Cases
Original Law Required Proof of Harm Post-Market, not Pre-Market Could Tie the FDA Up in Court for Years
Exemption Requirements
(1) the requirement is more stringent than a requirement under this chapter which would be applicable to the device if an exemption were not in effect under this subsection; or (2) the requirement-(A) is required by compelling local conditions, and (B) compliance with the requirement would not cause the device to be in violation of any applicable requirement under this chapter.
• 全球產業所面臨的環境問題 • 歐盟電子資訊產品廢棄處理法 WEEE & RoHS • 汽車材料檢驗規範 • 歐美各大廠針對環保性產品之測試規範及要
環境荷爾蒙 Enviroment Hormone
Asbestos (石棉)
無限值 100ppm 無限值 10ppm 0ppm 無限值
Azo Dye
Organic tin cpmpounds
• 達到高度保護的目標
• 減少、再生、再利用廢棄的電子電器設備原則
政 策
• 減少電子電器設備內有害物質的含量
• 保護人體及環境
• 保護人體及環境
• 減少電子電器設備廢棄物所帶來的負面影響
• 生產者
– 對其產品廢棄பைடு நூலகம்擔負某部份特定責任
• 分類回收 • 確保電子電器設備廢棄物能更有效地被回收再利用
5ppm _
無限值 _ _
Requiremen (2nd) MICROSOFT
PMA温控器、PMA控制器、PMA温控表、PMA温度控制器、PMA总线控制器、PMA 电动调节阀、PMA气动阀、PMA固态继电器、PMA模块控制系统、PMA压力控制器、PMA 燃烧器控制器、PMA热流道控制器、PMA温度传感器、PMA马达控制器、PMA压力变送器德国PMA成立于1929年,原属于Philips工业电子部。
PMA致力于高端DIN控制器和客户定制控制系统的设计和开发,产品可以将回路控制功能、PLC逻辑控制功能和HMI 人机界面完美结合在一起。
包括KS40系列工业控制器;KS40-1系列燃烧控制器;TB40系列温度限位与监视器;KS90-1,92-1系列程序控制器,KS98系列多功能控制器;KS800KS816系列多回路温度控制器;KS vario模块化多回路控制系统。
核心产品有PMA控制器、PMA温控表PMA温度控制器、PMA总线控制器、PMA电动调节阀、PMA气动阀、PMA固态继电器、PMA模块控制系统、PMA 压力控制器、PMA燃烧器控制器、PMA热流道控制器、PMA温度传感器、PMA马达控制器、PMA压力变送器。
上海智川工贸有限公司优惠供应PMA温控器、PMA控制器、PMA温控表PMA温度控制器、PMA总线控制器、PMA电动调节阀、PMA气动阀、PMA固态继电器、PMA 模块控制系统、PMA压力控制器、PMA燃烧器控制器、PMA热流道控制器、PMA温度传感器、PMA马达控制器、PMA压力变送器。
lead time的意思
lead time的意思
"Lead time" 是一个商业和供应链管理中常用的术语,它有以下几种常见的含义:
1. 前置时间:指的是从订单下达或需求确定到产品或服务实际交付之间的时间间隔。
2. 生产提前期:在制造行业中,"lead time" 指的是从原材料采购或生产准备开始,到最终产品制造完成并准备好交付给客户的时间。
3. 交付周期:它是从客户下单到产品或服务送达客户手中的整个过程所需的时间。
4. 上市时间:对于新产品发布,"lead time" 可以指从产品设计、开发、测试到最终推向市场的时间。
在供应链管理中,了解和管理"lead time"非常重要。
较长的"lead time"可能导致客户不满、库存增加和供应链效率低下。
因此,企业通常会努力缩短"lead time",以提高客户满意度、降低库存成本和增强供应链的灵活性。
除了上述常见的含义外,"lead time" 在不同的行业和上下文中可能还有其他特定的解释。
供应PMA模块、PMA线性位置传感器、PMA温度控制器、PMA残氧量变送器、PMA 温度变送器
PMA 产品选型表
瑞士 PMA 比玛牌电缆保护软管产品性能一览表(J)(N)NF F16-101PMA9-4330PMA 9-4320PMA 9-4220NF F16-102UL 94DIN/IEC 695ASTM D2863推荐用于:机器制造适用于:船舶和近海航业、室外工程安装、房屋建筑推荐用于:开关柜制造适用于:机器制造、船舶和近海航业推荐用于:机器制造适用于:船舶和近海航业、室外工程安装、汽车制造、房屋建筑F2推荐用于:铁路机车、机器制造、船舶和近海航业、房屋建筑S.N.C.F. Specified适用于:室外工程安装I2F2推荐用于:铁路机车、机器制造S.N.C.F. Specified适用于:船舶和近海航业、室外工程安装推荐用于:机器制造适用于:铁路机车、船舶和近海航业、室外工程安装推荐用于:机器人技术、室外工程安装适用于:机器制造、船舶和近海航业、开关柜制造推荐用于:机器人技术、室外工程安装适用于:机器制造、船舶和近海航业推荐用于:机器制造适用于:铁路机车、船舶和近海航业、室外工程安装、汽车制造、房屋建筑F2推荐用于:铁路机车、机器制造、船舶和近海航业、房屋建筑S.N.C.F. Specified适用于:室外工程安装I2F2推荐用于:铁路机车、机器人技术、船舶和近海航业、室外工程安装S.N.C.F. Specified适用于:机器制造、汽车制造推荐用于:机器人技术适用于:开关柜制造推荐用于:机器制造、汽车制造适用于:铁路机车、室外工程安装、开关柜制造推荐用于:机器制造、汽车制造适用于:铁路机车、室外工程安装、开关柜制造推荐用于:机器制造、机器人技术、室外工程安装适用于:精密电子仪器制造业推荐用于:室外工程安装适用于:机器制造推荐用于:食品化工适用于:机器制造、汽车制造推荐用于:室外工程安装适用于:机器制造、汽车制造* EN=欧洲标准;IEC=国际电工标准;UL=美国标准;CSA=加拿大标准行业;LUL=伦敦地铁局;SNCF=法国全国铁路协会标准;DB=德国铁路局;SSOS=船舶和近海行业;LR=劳氏船级社;DNV=挪威船级社;GL=德国劳氏船级社;BV=法国船舶协会。
PMA 通道布置讲义(英文)_OK
Means of Access (MA)
• SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-6 and
• Technical Provisions for means of access for inspection” (TP)
MSC. 133 (76) and 134 (76) - 1 Jan 2005
2. A free-standing portable ladder (5 m max) may be used for the less frequent inspection.
3. Remaining structures may be inspected where necessary basis using a raft in a cargo tank and hydraulic arm in a cargo hold.
Revised SOLAS Regulation II-1 / 3-6 (Resolution MSC 151(78))
Each space, shall be provided with a permanent means of access to enable overall and close-up survey inspections and thickness measurements.. (Para. 2.1)
SOLAS Regulation II-1 / 3-6
An Overall Survey is a survey intended to report on the overall condition of the hull structure and to determine the extent of additional Close-up Surveys.
聚甲基丙烯酸乙酯和聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯聚甲基丙烯酸乙酯(Poly(methyl methacrylate),缩写为PMMA)和聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(Poly(methyl acrylate),缩写为PMA)是两种重要的聚合物材料。
缩略语英文全称中文全称ADE Adverse Drug Event 药物不良事件ADR Adverse Drug Reaction 药物不良反应AE Adverse Event 不良事件AI Assistant Investigator 助理研究者BMI Body Mass Index 体质指数CI Co-investigator 合作研究者COI Coordinating Investigator 协调研究者CRA Clinical Research Associate 临床监查员(临床监察员)CRC Clinical Research Coordinator 临床研究协调者CRF Case Report Form 病历报告表CRO Contract Research Organization 合同研究组织CSA Clinical Study Application 临床研究申请CTA Clinical Trial Application 临床试验申请CTX Clinical Trial Exemption 临床试验免责CTP Clinical Trial Protocol 临床试验方案CTR Clinical Trial Report 临床试验报告DSMB Data Safety and monitoring Board 数据安全及监控委员会EDC Electronic Data Capture 电子数据采集系统EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理系统FDA Food and Drug Administration 美国食品与药品管理局FR Final Report 总结报告GCP Good Clinical Practice 药物临床试验质量管理规范GLP Good Laboratory Practice 药物非临床试验质量管理规范GMP Good Manufacturing Practice 药品生产质量管理规范IB Investigator’s Brochure 研究者手册IC Informed Consent 知情同意ICF Informed Consent Form 知情同意书ICH International Conference on Harmonization 国际协调会议IDM Independent Data Monitoring 独立数据监察IDMC Independent Data Monitoring Committee 独立数据监察委员会IEC Independent Ethics Committee 独立伦理委员会IND Investigational New Drug 新药临床研究IRB Institutional Review Board 机构审查委员会IVD In Vitro Diagnostic 体外诊断IVRS Interactive Voice Response System 互动语音应答系统MA Marketing Approval/Authorization 上市许可证MCA Medicines Control Agency 英国药品监督局MHW Ministry of Health and Welfare 日本卫生福利部 NDA New Drug Application 新药申请NEC New Drug Entity 新化学实体NIH National Institutes of Health 国家卫生研究所(美国)PI Principal Investigator 主要研究者PL Product License 产品许可证PMA Pre-market Approval (Application) 上市前许可(申请)PSI Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry 制药业统计学家协会QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制RA Regulatory Authorities 监督管理部门SA Site Assessment 现场评估SAE Serious Adverse Event 严重不良事件SAP Statistical Analysis Plan 统计分析计划药物临床试验网受试者招募SAR Serious Adverse Reaction 严重不良反应SD Source Data/Document 原始数据/文件SD Subject Diary 受试者日记SFDA State Food and Drug Administration 国家食品药品监督管理局SDV Source Data Verification 原始数据核准SEL Subject Enrollment Log 受试者入选表SI Sub-investigator 助理研究者SI Sponsor-Investigator 申办研究者SIC Subject Identification Code 受试者识别代码SOP Standard Operating Procedure 标准操作规程SPL Study Personnel List 研究人员名单SSL Subject Screening Log 受试者筛选表T&R Test and Reference Product 受试和参比试剂UAE Unexpected Adverse Event 预料外不良事件WHO World Health Organization 世界卫生组织WHO-ICDRA WHO International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities WHO国际药品管理当局会议Active Control 阳性对照、活性对照Audit 稽查Audit Report 稽查报告Auditor 稽查员Blank Control 空白对照Blinding/masking 盲法/设盲Case History 病历Clinical study 临床研究Clinical Trial 临床试验Clinical Trial Report 临床试验报告Compliance 依从性Coordinating Committee 协调委员会Cross-over Study 交叉研究Double Blinding 双盲Endpoint Criteria/measurement 终点指标Essential Documentation 必需文件Exclusion Criteria 排除标准Inclusion Criteria 入选标准Information Gathering 信息收集Initial Meeting 启动会议Inspection 检察/视察 copyright Institution Inspection 机构检察Investigational Product 试验药物Investigator 研究者Monitor 监查员(监察员)Monitoring 监查(监察)Monitoring Plan 监查计划(监察计划) Monitoring Report 监查报告(监察报告) Multi-center Trial 多中心试验Non-clinical Study 非临床研究Original Medical Record 原始医疗记录Outcome Assessment 结果评价Patient File 病人档案Patient History 病历Placebo 安慰剂创始人袁旭Placebo Control 安慰剂对照Preclinical Study 临床前研究Protocol 试验方案Protocol Amendments 修正案Randomization 随机Reference Product 参比制剂Sample Size 样本量、样本大小Seriousness 严重性Severity 严重程度Single Blinding 单盲Sponsor 申办者Study Audit 研究稽查Subject 受试者Subject Enrollment 受试者入选Subject Enrollment Log 受试者入选表Subject Identification Code List 受试者识别代码表Subject Recruitment 受试者招募Study Site 研究中心Subject Screening Log 受试者筛选表System Audit 系统稽查Test Product 受试制剂Trial Initial Meeting 试验启动会议Trial Master File 试验总档案Trial Objective 试验目的Triple Blinding 三盲Wash-out 洗脱Wash-out Period 洗脱期introductionQuintiles Transnational Corp. helps improve healthcare worldwide by providing a broad range of professional services, information and partnering solution s to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and healthcare industries. Quintiles helps its customers compress the time it takes to bring a drug from discovery through regulatory approval; accelerate the launch of products to peak sales, build effective sales forces and manage product portfolios more efficiently; and achieve strategic and financial objectives by offering tailored alternatives to traditional fee-for-service product development and commercial services agreements. Headquartered near Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Quintiles was founded in 1982 and hasmore than 16,000 employees and offices in over 50 countries. Quintiles Medical Development (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Quintiles Transnational Corp. Further information, please visit our global websiteJob title:Clinical ProjectManager(临床项目经理)RESPONSIBILITIESManage and co-ordinate efforts of cross-functional project teams to support milestone achievement and to manage study issues and obstacles and ensure consistent use of study tools and training materials and compliance with standard processes, policies and procedures.Develop study management plans, together with team assignments and accountabilities and oversight of database maintenance.Serve as primary project contact with Sponsor to ensure communication is maintained and reporting schedules are adhered to.Collect information on team performance against contract, customer expectations, and project baselines.Lead problem solving and resolution efforts to include management of risk, contingencies and issues.Identify quality issues within the study to implement appropriate corrective action plans. Escalate findings and action plans to appropriate parties.Provide input for the development of proposals for new work and manage project budgets.Provide input to line managers of their project team members' performance relative to project tasks.Prepare and present project information at internal and external meetings. Participate in proposal development and in the bid-defense process with guidance and supervision.Ensure high performance and efficiency of the clinical team through the scheduling of co-monitoring/accompanied site/visits and ongoing mentoring of CRA team. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIESIn depth knowledge of, and skill in applying, applicable clinical research regulatory requirements; i.e., Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) guidelinesGood therapeutic and protocol knowledgeStrong communication and interpersonal skills, including good command of English languageGood problem solving skillsDemonstrated ability to deliver results to the appropriate quality and timeline metricsGood teamwork skillsExcellent customer service skillsGood presentation skillsGood judgmentStrong software and computer skills, including MS Office applicationsAbility to establish and maintain effective working relationships with coworkers, managers and clientsMINIMUM REQUIRED EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCEBachelor's degree in life sciences or related field and 5 years' clinical research experience including 2 years' project management experience and experience in clinical operations; or equivalent combination of education, training and experience. Job title:Clinical Trials AssistantLocation:BeijingResponsibilitiesAssist Clinical Team Lead (CTL) and Clinical Research Associates (CRAs) with accurately updating and maintaining clinical systems that track site compliance and performance within project timelines.Assist the clinical team in the preparation, handling, distribution, filing, and archiving of clinical documentation and reports according to the scope of work and standard operating procedures. Assist with periodic review of study files for accuracy and completeness.Assist CTLs with preparation, handling and distribution of Clinical Trial Supplies and maintenance of tracking information.Assist with the tracking and management of Case Report Forms (CRFs), queries and clinical data flow. Act as a central contact for the clinical team for designated project communications, correspondence and associated documentation.May perform assigned administrative tasks to support team members with clinical trial execution.All responsibilities are essential job functions unless noted as nonessential (N).Required knowledge, skills and abilitiesAwareness of knowledge of applicable clinical research regulatory requirements; i.e., Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) guidelinesKnowledge of applicable protocol requirements as provided in company trainingComputer skills including proficiency in use of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPointStrong written and verbal communication skills including good command of English languageEffective time management and organizational skillsAttention to detail and accuracy in workAbility to establish and maintain effective working relationships with coworkers, managers and clients Minimum required education and experienceSchool diploma/certificate or educational equivalent; or equivalent combination of education, training and experienceJob title:Clinical research AssistantDescriptionQuintiles pioneered the idea of helping pharma companies conduct objective clinical trials to establish not only whether a drug is effective, but who can take it safely. Our customers have relied on us to design and conduct rigorous clinical research for decades, from small studies to multinational mega-trials. However, we continue to develop new ways of interpreting and evaluating data that allow us to create more effective trials and determine outcomes faster.If that is your passion, we have a place for you.Job Responsibilities:- Oversees the progress of a Clinical Trial, ensuring that it is conducted, recorded and reported in accordance with the protocol, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and the applicable Regulatory requirements.- Administer protocol and related study training to assigned site.- Establish regular lines of communication with sites to manage ongoing project expectations and issues.QualificationsRequirements:- Degree in Science, with a major in Pharmacy, Biological / Life Sciences or Nursing from a recognized tertiary institution- Minimum 1 year of clinical monitoring experience in the pharmaceutical / CRO industry.- For Senior Research Associate position, minimum 3 years clinical monitoring experience, preferably with some experience in leading clinical teams in the region- Good knowledge of drug development process, clinical trial monitoring procedures, medical terminology and GCP/ICH guidelines- Excellent organizational and problem solving skills- Strong written and verbal communication skills- Ability to travel when requiredJob title:Senior Clinical Project ManagerDescriptionQuintiles pioneered the idea of helping pharma companies conduct objective clinical trials to establish not only whether a drug is effective, but who can take it safely. Our customers have relied on us to design and conduct rigorous clinical research for decades, from small studies to multinational mega-trials. However, we continue to develop new ways of interpreting and evaluating data that allow us tocreate more effective trials and determine outcomes faster.If that is your passion, we have a place for you.Responsibilities- Manage and co-ordinate efforts of cross-functional project teams to support milestone achievement and to manage study issues and obstacles. Ensure consistent use of study tools and training materials and compliance with standard processes, policies and procedures. Implement continuous improvement activities for assigned projects.- Develop study management plans, together with team assignments and accountabilities and oversight of database maintenance.- Serve as primary project contact with Sponsor to ensure communication is maintained and continuously improved and reporting schedules are adhered to.- Report on team performance against contract, customer expectations, and project baselines to management.- Lead problem solving and resolution efforts to include management of risk, contingencies and issues. Develop proactive contingency plans to mitigate clinical risk.- Identify quality issues within the study through regular review of site communications, monitoring visit reports, data flow information and quality assurance audit findings to implement appropriate corrective action plans. Escalate findings and action plans to appropriate parties.- Collaborate with other functional groups within the company where necessary to support milestone achievement and to manage study issues and obstacles.- Provide input for the development of proposals for new work and project budgets.- Provide input to line managers of their project team members performance relative to project tasks. Recommend team members further professional development. Support staff development. Mentor less experienced CPMs.- Ensure high performance and efficiency of the clinical team through the scheduling of co-monitoring/accompanied site visits and ongoing mentoring of CRA team.- Prepare and present project information at internal and external meetings.- Participate in proposal development. May lead bid defense presentations in partnership with Business Development and Senior Clinical Project Management staff.- Define project workloads and assignments. Develop and oversee maintenance of internal databases and project plansQualifications- Bachelors degree in life sciences or related field and 7 years clinical research experience including 4 years project management experience and experience in clinical operations; or equivalent combination of education, training and experience.- In depth knowledge of, and skill in applying, applicable clinical research regulatory requirements; i.e., Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) guidelines- In depth therapeutic and protocol knowledge- Strong communication and interpersonal skills, including good command of English language- Strong organizational and problem solving skills- Demonstrated ability to deliver results to the appropriate quality and timeline metrics- Good team leadership skills- Effective mentoring and training skills- Excellent customer service skills- Effective presentation skills- Ability to manage competing priorities- Strong software and computer skills, including MS Office applications- Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with coworkers, managers and clients.Job title:Manager, Clinical Operations (China - Beijing)DescriptionQuintiles pioneered the idea of helping pharma companies conduct objective clinical trials to establish not only whether a drug is effective, but who can take it safely. Our customers have relied on us to design and conduct rigorous clinical research for decades, from small studies to multinational mega-trials. However, we continue to develop new ways of interpreting and evaluating data that allow us to create more effective trials and determine outcomes faster.If that is your passion, we have a place for you.Job Responsibilities:- Responsible to lead and manage the project team on regional or global studies- Responsible for designing and overseeing the implementation of project specific procedures to ensure that the study goals are met- Participate in clinical operations quality or process initiatives.Qualifications- Degree in Science, with a major in Pharmacy, Biological / Life Sciences or Nursing from a recognized tertiary institution- At least 7 years of experience working on clinical trials with 3 years experience in a leadership capacity.- Advanced knowledge and ability to apply GCP/ICH and applicable regulatory guidelines- Strong leadership skills- Excellent organizational and problem solving skills- Effective time management skills and ability to manage competing priorities- Strong written and verbal communication skills- Able to travel when required临床实验助理Job Responsibilities:1、Assist Clinical Team Lead (CTL) and Clinical Research Associates (CRAs) with accurately updating and maintainingclinical systems that track site compliance and performance within project timelines.2、Assist the clinical team in the preparation, handling, distribution, filing, and archiving of clinical documentation and reports according to the scope of work and standard operating procedures. Assist with periodic review of study files for accuracy and completeness.3、Assist CTLs with preparation, handling and distribution of Clinical Trial Supplies and maintenance of tracking information.Assist with the tracking and management of Case Report Forms (CRFs), queries and clinical data flow.4、Act as a central contact for the clinical team for designated project communications, correspondence and associated documentation.5、Provide administrative support to team members with clinical trial execution. Requirements:1、Awareness of knowledge of applicable clinical research regulatory requirements;i.e.,Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) guidelines.2、Knowledge of applicable protocol requirements as provided in company training. Computer skills including proficiency in use of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.3、Strong written and verbal communication skills including good command of English language4、Attention to detail and accuracy in work.5、Diploma or bachelor degree;or equivalent combination of education, training and experienceCRASkills• Strong computer and internet skills including knowledge of MS-Office products such as Excel,Word• Strong regulatory knowledge including GCP• Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills• Sound problem solving skills• Ability to successfully work in a (‘virtual’) team environment• Sound presentation skills• Consultative skills• Client focused approach to work with the ability to interact professionally within a clientorganization• Ability to prioritize multiple tasks and achieve project timelines• Able to take initiative and work independently• Sense of urgency in completing assigned tasks• Able to travel a minimum of 65% on average• Holds a driving license where required• Effective time management in order to meet daily metrics or team objectives• Shows commitment to and performs consistently high quality workEducation• Educated to degree level (biological science, pharmacy or other health-related discipline preferred), equivalent nursing qualification or other equivalent experienceLanguage Skills• Competent in written and oral English.Minimum Work Experience• Previous work experience (e.g. CR Assistant, nursing, laboratory, data management) would beadvisable药品安全经理岗位职责:1、建立药物安全工作的SOP体系1)建立与药物安全有关的不良事件收集、员工和研究者培训、严重不良事件报告、定期不良事件更新报告、临床方案和报告审阅、说明书审阅、文档管理等相关SOP体系;2)进行年度SOP回顾,必要时进行更新2、管理和培训1)对药物安全专员进行工作指导、检查、培训、辅导和业务管理;2)根据需要对公司相关部门员工、研究者和CRO公司CRA进行相关SOP培训,并记录培训结果;3)与公司相关部门协调建立建全不良事件收集渠道;4)制定ACN药物安全工作的发展规划和年度计划;3、审阅临床研究方案、ICF/CRF、定期安全更新报告、临床报告和说明书1)了解国内外药品临床开发的进展及相关资料;2)参与临床试验方案的讨论,并给出有关药物安全性方面的意见和建议;3)审阅临床试验方案(包括PMS)、ICF和CRF,给出合理的意见和建议,并签字确认;4)审阅并签发药物安全专员准备的定期安全更新报告5)审阅临床试验报告和说明书的安全性内容或信息,并给出合理的意见或修改建议;4、临床试验过程中不良事件收集和严重不良事件报告1)根据CRA(CRO公司)提供的严重不良事件报告表准备英文报告,并在规定时限内向API PV报告;2)对严重不良事件进行跟踪,并及时向API PV报告;3)对于ACN发起的临床研究,DSO应将方案中有关药品安全性的内容以英文报告给API PV, 在取得临床研究报告后,将报告中药物安全性部部分的内容以英文报告给API PV.4)对于由研究者发起并得到ACN支持的研究,督促研究者及时向DSO报告研究过程中的不良事件,DSO在规定的时间内向API PV提交AE报告;5)在临床试验过程中向SFDA, 试验基地及伦理委员会报告SUSAR Case; 6)与临床开发部门和CRO公司进行良好的沟通以取得支持;5、其他1)协助注册人员准备多中心临床试验的风险控制计划;2)与API PV部门进行有效的沟通与交流;3)接受API PV或监理管机构的审计4)定期接受有关药物安全的培训,了解有关药物安全的最新动态和知识;5)完成部门经理交办的其他任务工作要求:知识技能■药理学、或临床医学相关专业学士以上学位;■与临床有关的高等知识(病理生理学、诊断、内科学、临床药理学等);■优秀的领导和沟通协调能力■计划能力,分析和解决问题能力;■良好的计算机、人际关系技能;■能够清晰、简洁、有效地通过电话和书面进行沟通;■英语口语和书写流利;工作经验■ 5年及以上药物安全相关工作经验和管理经验;■跨国制药公司工作经历;■对药品安全有关法规和指南有正确的理解;■与药品警戒领域的专家能够进行良好的沟通和联络;。
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LeadershipI have read and understood the rules on cheating, plagiarism and appropriate referencing as outlined in my handbook and I declare that the work contained in this assignment is my own, unless otherwise acknowledged.No substantial part of the work submitted here has also been submitted by me in other assessments for any other assessed course, and I acknowledge that if this has been done an appropriate reduction in the mark I might otherwise have received will be made Signed: JUE XIANGMODULE TITLE: LeadershipMODULE CODE: UKFM ES959-10 01MODULE DATE: 16th – 20th February 2015NAME:JUE XIANGNUMBER:1005302Table of ContentsQUESTION A (3)LAEDERSHIP REQUIREMENTS (3)QUESTION B (3)THE WAYS TO MEET LEADERSHIP REQUIREMENTS (3)WHAT FOLLOWERS COULD LEANR FROM LEADERS (7)EXAMPLE OF LEADERSHIP THAT HAS DEVELOPED (7)QUESTION C (8)AREAS NEED TO DEVELOP AS A LEADER (8)EXAMPLE OF LEADERSHIP THAT HAS ADDRESSED (9)SELF-DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LEADERSHIP (10)REFERENCE (11)QUESTION ALAEDERSHIP REQUIREMENTSBased on the idea of transformational leadership (Burns, 1978), I tried to transfer the basic theory into four actions as being an effective leader, which are shown as below. In short, I believe that “motivating” and “encouraging” are more effective than “do as I say”.Creating VisionFirst step, the followers need a compelling vision to follow you. So I believe that a good leader should have a strong ability of creating an inspiring vision of the future based on a “balcony view” of the organisation.Motivating FollowersNext step, I believe that a good leader should understand the way to motivate and inspire the followers in order to deliver the vision.Managing FollowersThird step, I believe that the ability to manage the team is important. A good leader should understand the need of the team and give proper leadership style to lead the team achieving the same goal.Building Team RelationshipFinal step presents the interpersonal skills. I believe that a good leader should build trust and show respect to the team, and understand individual development requirements to achieve self-actualisation.QUESTION BTHE WAYS TO MEET LEADERSHIP REQUIREMENTSCreating VisionAn organisation should understand the current role in the business and then focus on the future goals. So a mission statement should be created before a vision statement. Firstly, it is important to understand the capabilities of the organisation. Leaders should clearly identify the core competency and unique selling point of the organisation. This is a method that makes the organisation become outstanding fromother competitors. Then, the mission statement created should be short, clear and powerful.To create an inspiring vision, it is important to understand the business environment where the organisation is currently in. This can be achieved through applying PESTLE and SWOT analysis together. These tools can help reveal the current business situation. PESTLE analysis focuses on generating a “big picture” that helps understand the overview of the organisation in the marketplace and make strategic plans. SWOT analysis focuses on internal business in terms of strengths and weaknesses, and external business environment in terms of opportunities and threats. Then, it is important to find and understand people values. Leaders should identify what the values of customers and stakeholders are such as teamwork, integrity, and honesty in order to achieve the mission. Leaders can work together with other team members to discuss the organisation’s values. Finally, combining the mission and values develops a vision statement that is concise, broad and inspiring. (Mind Tools®, 2015)According to Green et al (2010), there is a certain process to develop a vision statement. For a small group, each person individually write down their own vision statement on a piece of paper. After keeping slience for 2-5 minnutes, the paper is passed to the next person. Then the person need to underline the key words and phrases they like most. All the paper would be passed repeatly until everyone’s is reviewed. After that, a nominal group is responsible for putting all the common words and phrases together on a flipchart, and finally crafting and polishing to a single vision statement.Motivating FollowersLeaders could use the expectancy theory introduced by Vroom (1994) to motivate and inspire followers based on their beliefs. Followers usually work hard to achieve good results and finally get a reward as they expected. As a leader, understanding the relationship between expectation and outcome to motivate followers is important. Leaders should promote the belief that hard working would result in high work performance. High performance of work would bring a high level of outcome so-called reward. Leaders should ensure the reward is attractive to the followers as they expected.According to Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene theory (1987), there are some factors for job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Removing dissatisfaction factors has no effect on improving the work performance but only creating peace environment. Therefore,leaders should eliminate job dissatisfaction meanwhile creating satisfaction. Eliminating the dissatisfaction factors can be achieved through improving organization policies, providing supportive supervision, offering competitive wages. Enhancing the satisfaction factors can be achieved through identifying individual’s contribution, giving training and development schemes for employees, providing relevant responsibility and opportunities for members to achieve work, and offering the work that matches individual’s capabilities and knowledge.Leaders can use charisma and appealing to influence followers based on the theory of transformational leadership (Burns, 1978). Based on an emotional behavior, leaders demonstrate the goals and vision to followers and provide roles to them in order to deliver the vision. Additionally, leaders should establish trust between them built on a moral and ethical basis.Managing FollowersAs a leader, it is important to identify which leadership approach is the most appropriate to apply to cope with different behaviors from followers. According to the theory of Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership (Hersey, 1986), leaders should have ability to change the leadership style based on different level of maturity of followers. For those followers who have neither willingness nor ability to work, leaders should tell them what to do and how to do. For those followers who have willingness but no ability to work, leaders should show the direction and provide information. For those followers who have no willingness but ability to work, leaders should concentrate more on relationship but less direction, and work together to share responsibilities. For those followers who have both willingness and ability to work, leaders provide most responsibilities and give extra support but less involvement of the work.According to the good practice of Management By Wander Around (Peters & Waterman, 2004), leaders should know what is happening right now in the team. Therefore, firstly, leaders should create relax working environment within the team. Then, leaders should proactively listen to the ideas and thoughts from followers rather than keep talking and ask for feedback. The followers would usually believe what leaders say. So it is important to give more chances for them to discuss. Giving response and answers should be honest and in a professional way in order to build trust. It is important to share company information refer to goals, values and vision. Leaders should ensure the followers understand their role and responsibility. A good leader should also make equal “wandering around” to everyone by spending equal time on individuals regardless their job positions. In another word, it is vital to equallytreat every member in a team with regard to gender, nationality, personal background, working ability and behavior.According to Action Centered Leadership model develop by Adair (1979), a good leader should address Team, Task and Individual to optimum balance. Otherwise, if there is too much effort and attention on achieving the Task, the Team and Individual would certainly get stressful. Leaders should ensure to make them interdependency. Otherwise, if one Individual in the team showed less motivation and failed to deliver work on time, it would have negative impact on the Team progress, and finally, the Task would miss the deadline.Building Team RelationshipThere are two primary approaches that a good leader should understand to build team relationship which are team roles and team lifecycle. According to Belbin Team Roles theory (Belbin, 2000), leaders should identify the strengths and weaknesses of nine roles in order to build working relationship and trust, and develop team’s high performance and personal effectiveness. However, roles can vary grealtly in their behaviors. Usually, if an induvidual is doing well in one role, she might perform weakly in another. Therefore, a good leader should realise that complementary combination within a team could be more effective rather than a group of perople with similar behaviors working agaist each other. Apart from team roles, leaders should also have the ability to observe and recognise the Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing stages based on a Tuckman’s team development model (Tuckman, 1965).According to Leadership Process Model (Pierce & Dunham, 1990), leaders should understand how the actions would influence the daily work performance of followers and finally affect the results of the goals. So leaders should regularly give good and useful feedback to the team and help the team improve the outcome, and drive the team to work in the right direction. Good leaders should be able to control emotions as every action would result in an reaction which could influence the outcome. Every word and action should be authentic and deliver with intergrity when leading the team. This is a way to build the relationship based on mutual trust and respect. Sometimes, leaders should show their empathy to team members in order to discover others’ feelings regardless of own concerns.Accroding to the concept of individual consideration developed from transfomational leadership (Burns, 1978), leaders act as mentors and pay attention on the needs and concerns of the followers. Understanding and supporting their individual career development can help build more effective team towards the goal. Eventually, thefollowers can fulfil the needs of self-actulisation.In order to reduce and avoid the conflict and bad relationship in the team, leaders should understand the way to influence others when disagreement happened. Firstly, it is necessary to identify the difference between constructive and destructive conflicts. Then, leaders should explore the problems rather than argue against it. Leaders should perform in the way of listening others and trying to understand their explanations, working collaboratively and productively and sharing the knowledge and thinking. It would have negative impact to force pressure on others’ opinions such as quickly “saying no”, debating and attacking others, and even ridiculing their views. Additionally, leaders should utilise the principle of persuasion (Cialdini, 2007) to influnce others in an effective way.WHAT FOLLOWERS COULD LEANR FROM LEADERSIf I am a good leader who carefully listen to the followers and give them opportunities to express their feelings and opinions, the followers would learn to have the courage to speak up. They would point out the mistakes that I made. Conversely, the followers would positively support and help me if the progress is right. If I am a good leader who has awareness of understanding the needs of people, the followers would learn how to be aware of colleagues’ needs. So the followers could learn to collaborate with each other and build strong team, and do creative work under a relax and supportive working environment. Finally, a good outcome can be achieved.According to Kelly’s Followership Matrix (Kelley, 1992), the followers could learn as being an “exemplary” and never becoming a “sheep”. As a leader, I would do everything as an example to show them. Then, they would actively engage in the work and learn to have independent critical thinking skills to think things creatively. These types of followers are the one transformational leaders need to work with.EXAMPLE OF LEADERSHIP THAT HAS DEVELOPEDI was a leader of a car design group and responsible for organising weekly meetings and establishing project plan by stage. Fisrt of all, I set clear goals of the plan and ensured every member understanding their specific role. Regarding to external relationship, I worked closely with the team leaders from powertrain and buisness groups to form effective relationship. I made critical decision based on collecting opinions from others. For internal relationship, I shared and coached team members the techincal skills of managing with complex computational problems. I activelyfostered cooperation and trust to form a strong team to deliver the goals.When I had a disagreement with the follower, I tried to open a dialogue rather than debating and arguing the issue. As I understood that disagreement usually comes from people who have different angles, different objectives and person values treating the problems, I would tend to explore the problems perform in the way of listening others and trying to understand their explanations, working collaboratively and productively and sharing the knowledge and thinking. My persuasion skills is based on using experts perspectives. I would asked for help from techniques and supervisors, and then explained the problems to the followers.QUESTION CAREAS NEED TO DEVELOP AS A LEADERThe areas where I believe to develop are motivation, influence and coaching.1.MotivationWhen forming a group, dependency is the dominant character. It is hard to explore the personal skills to match project objectives and it takes time to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the followers. (Balzac, 2013) As a leader, I would develop the skills of providing the team building activities to relax the team members away from stress and warm-up the whole team for motivation. I would also ensure people eliminating the barriers from each other, and developing and building intimated relationship. In the later stage, it is important to identify their strengths and working styles because evey member is different. During brainstorm stage, I would use both mind and body together to encourage the people to thinking pro-actively, and open their creative and initiative minds to creatively making decisions and resolving problems.Another important approach to motivate people is to use inspirational quotations and poems. The examples and role models derived from quotations can help motivate the team and help build confidence and belief. This is an effective method for me to develop to inspire and motivate people in an imaginary and visualized way.2.InfluenceAs a leader, it is important to have the ability of mapping the influnce as a visual model regarding the key stakeholders and their relationship. Therefore,I have to develop the skills of leading the team to gain the support andresources to achieve the goal of project based on identifying the key influencers.Apart from uncovering the relationship that the stakeholders have, I also need to learn the power of persuasion. Accroding to the Persuasion Tools Model derived from Reynolds (2013), my plan is to develop myself in terms of influencing and persuasion skills and to become a professional negotiator.Currently, I’m in the way of performing as “logic”, which I have a high level of influencing skills but lack of intuition. Therefore, my aim is to become “emotion”. In another word, I would use my emotion effectively and try to develop a good understanding of others feelings and emotions.3.CoachingAs a leader regarding to coaching, I have to develop the skills of offering the followers high-performance coaching programs to match their career development and achieve self-actulisation. The most primary issue is to understand the long-term ambitions or plans of the followers. I should treat the follower as an individual and be respectful their goals. At every stage, I would provide the “stretch goals” that are challenging for them but they are likely to achieve.According to Gallwey’s formual of “performance = potential – emotional interference”, as a leader, I should develop the ability of identifying their potential capability and understanding their emotional interference such as fear and worry. Therefore, it is important to help them enhance the work performance through having conversation regarding their possible skills and eliminating the bad effect of emotional interference.EXAMPLE OF LEADERSHIP THAT HAS ADDRESSEDIn the past team-work projects, I was afraid of being a leader and usually had no ideas about what to do. Now, I become proactive and positive in recent projects. For example, one week ago, I had a mini-project working with other 5 memebers to deliver a 15 mins presentation. I actively added members through facebook and created a forum to share information and ideas. Then, I arranged the first meeting brought my pre-work to share with others. During the meeting, I asked for theirthoughts and feedback regarding to my work. Then I set the proejct goals and allocated everyone’s work based on their agreements. After the meeting, I created a meeting munite shared on the forum including important issues, work allocation and time for the next meeting. As this project ran for only one week, my group did not have a “leader”. However, I think that I should be active and do as an example in being a “leader” style in order to motivate others to be involved in the project.SELF-DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LEADERSHIPHere, I create a self-development plan for leadership which is aligned with my view of being a good leader, which shown in Table 1 including specific goals, activities and timeline.Goal Activties Timeline Do as an example to inspired andmotivate the followersModule excercise Next month Understand and support the followers;Receive feedback and give honestrespondUnderstand and utilise the influenceskills; Form constructive conflict andresolve the problemsModule excercise This yearBuild and develop professional transformational leadership style Business managementprogram through graduatescheme1 –2 yearUse both emotion and logic influencingskills to identify the relationshipbetween stakeholders; Identify thestrengths of followers and providepersonal coaching programsReal projects in the work 3 – 5 yearBecome a senior manager; Understandbusiness tools and analyse businessenvironment; Help the company setlong-term vision, mission and strategyReal projects in the work 5 – 7 year Table 1 Leadership development planWord Count: 2866Leadership JUE XIANG 1005302 11 REFERENCEAdair, J. (1979). Action Centred Leadership. Surrey: Gower Publishing.Balzac, S. R. (2013). Organization Psychology for Managers . New York : Springer . Belbin, R. M. (2000). Beyond The Team. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper and Row.Cialdini, R. B. (2007). Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. New York: Harper Business.Green, G., Haines, A., & Halebsky, S. (2010). Building Our Future - A Guide to Community Vsioning. University of Wisconsin-Extension.Hersey, P. (1986). The Situational Leader. New Jersey: Prentice Hall & IBD.Herzberg, F. (1987). One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? Harvard Business Review , 6-16.Kelley, R. E. (1992). Power of Followership. New York: Doubleday Business.Peters, T., & Waterman, R. H. (2004). In Search Of Excellence: Lessons From America's Best-Run Companies. London: Profile Books.Pierce, J. L., & Dunham, R. B. (1990). Managing. Glenview: Scott Foresman & Company.Reynolds, A., & Thompson, I. (2013). The Purchasing Models Handbook: A Guide to the Most Popular Business Models Used in Purchasing. Stamford: Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply.Tuckman, B. W. (1965). Developmental Sequence In Small Groups. Psychological Bulletin , 63.Vroom, V. H. (1994). Work and Motivation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.What Is Leadership . (2015). Retrieved March 7, 2015 from MindTools: /pages/article/newLDR_41.htm。